T!. H :i3 35 WlIV- Is O.NK K.B MlSlCAL AND 4 A ''rn Kit XoT '---Professor UVIinhlz, j whose discoveries in the sound-world, 1 are only comparable to the diseovel -les"! of Newton in the world of light,. has put forth "an ingjnious the ory soine- r what "to this eiicct : lie discovered witliin the ear, and soaked in a sensa-1 five fluid, rows and rows of microscopic "'nerves several hundred In ' number ;'" each one of which, like the string of a , ..: f,..4., t.o l. . ari I-...1 r I some note; therefore, we were to infer that,' jut as a note sung outside aj iii.-mri will set nn in the correal cndinT I wire a svmpittlieti-i virration, so 'any sonnd or sounds in the outer "World 1 1 1 i represented hy :i nerve-wire or nerves in the ear rouhl W heart I by tho ear anl, as a consequfnef, I'snppoc,'' any aloentv, or delict in these internal nerve-wire, would prevent us from ' hearing the sound as others better constituted would hear it. The text direct fjtiestion oi a musical oai' now j bfconies one of inherited tendency and 1 special training. The nmsical car is the car that haslearr.ed by constantly nsing the same interval? to recognize 41... 1... ... .1 tr.nr.o lf tllO 1! ill ll . : v i fin u tcr-tones as exceptions and subtle I or not to be taken account of in the! general construction of melody and j "ry tAUMKUS AND OT1IEIJS, jf yon in harnionv. ' Now, one octave, and our -E; ttxl to J.mld a house or lrn. r othr- .... .i . . . .n ,. l wi-t-irnpi-i-o your rP. it V. to H I' NTI.I'.V diMion f tlie octave into tones and ! rr xah.. i;lass. vain is. iiaiidwakl. senii tones, is not artificial, but natural, j Mnry gavo.i i.y buying for caeh. founded as much upon certain laws of; AltPP'XTEns, GO TO HUXTLKY'H li'dlt-vibration as our notation (if 1 SO j nn.l hnvyour TOOLS ami Bt'lLDlNG m7iv) of colors is founded Upon the j "AUUWAHB. Pay cash nd save -Hi per c. nt. law's of light-vibration. Cut although j LOCKSMITHS, HUNTLEY will sell the selection of eight notes Willi llieirj semi-tone, the natural and scientific j scale, seeing that the ear i capable of! healing impartially vast numbers ot olher vibrathdis of sound which pro duce vast numbers of intervals and quarter-notes, etc., what we have to do in training that musical ear is just to harp on the notes which compose the musical scale in various keys, and on these only ; in this way the ear gets ; gradually weaned from sympathy with j what is out of tune ceases to be dog like or savage-like, jind becomes the cultured organ for recognizing the natural order and progression of those ' "JT-UNTLEY will'sell you WALL TA measure.1 and relatcl vibrations which hLte, we call musical sounu. yn course a tendency like this can be inherited just as much as any other, and in al most all case3 can be improved and cultivated. Mi r.F.s ami Houses. Mules on an averagv; are more valuable than horses, are more easily raised, are not .so stdj- iect to disease, are not liktly to run awaj- ia wngoning an i iiiougiiing, aim are longer lived, will do more work and require les feed and attention ; they j are stronger, will draw heavier loads !!"' ,u .f "r'!:.' .T'V'T: i i - ii in et;i i'it-i-j,(ifir Hi' horses for general farm use. Mules come in earlier, being ready for light .work when three years old. Tin y will thai do enough work on the farm to p.iy for their feed, and after having attained the age of four years they are ready for any kind of service. . I5ut the horse (colt1) must be kept until he is four years old before he is worked at all, anil when he is four he must he a first rate colt to bring as much as the mule will at two yens old. Rut assume the animals are both, required for farm work, see what a ditl'erence there is in favor of the mule. The working life of the hiule can he safely estimated at thirty years, and that of the horse at ten years. So while a mule is working its life ont, three Lorses will be required to do equal service. 15ut these ate not the only items. The saving of feed is at least one-fourth, or not less than 047 bushels of corn and 427 tons of hay. This amount, added to the original savins: in purchase of animals,, shows an ad vftit:irp in favor of the use of the mule over the horse of over $1,000 during! the ordinary life of the animal. The ; mule is less ilainty aoout lood, nn ground grain and dry feed being just the thing for him. There are still other advantages in favor of the mule too numerous to mention. Ljrihanyc. To Dry Apples, Peaks ami Other Fruits. Have a frame made in the following manner: I wo strips oi ooaro leet feet lomr. 2 or 2 inches wide two strips 3 feet long, Ik inches wide, the wnole ot an inch thick; nail the long strips across the ends of the short ones, and it makes - i n i ...t.:.i. I a iriinie . OT .i leet, wuicil is :i uouc- nient size for all purposes. Oi) one of ! the long strips, iailsare driven 3 inches apart, extending from one end to the ! of her After the aiuv .'S are pared. I it .,.,,(r,l n,l .i : i, r.ine.op.-s, t'ciis, ren;ii, .irnolils w ritinir they arequaitered aurl eoied, anl with.! Fi.ll(.. ai-iek an.i iu-i ink. Pocket and Pass needle 'and twine, or Stout thread, I !? ,,,ks- Mnazir.es, Newspapers, Novels. Histo .... , . i rios. Ilibl.-s, Uelurious, Prayer and Toy Itooks, strunj; - into iviij;iii """is ("""bu "'I 1. ;,.. ncrollefnmf tlicond'' reach twice aci os tne 1 1 ame , incenos, of the twine are then tied together and J the string hnnr on the nails across the frame. The apples will soon dry s- that the string ean l tbtuLled on the nails j and fresh ones put on, or the whole of j them removed ami others put in their place. As fast as the apples Iiecome j sufficiently dry they can le taken from . the strings and the same strings ust d j to drv more on. n laijiv sp-.ies are used todiv, thev can be cut in smaller : i . .1 . : pietteS. rears aim quinces turn oi uer ; fruit that Can Ik? Strilll'X may be dried ! . ... i . . i ... ... . 4 i. . . ' in IRIS way. in pu::i:im. "i.ituvi 111c frames can be set out of doors against ! the side of the building, or any other' ftiipport, and Jit night, or on cloudy j a id stormy davs, thev can be brought ; into the house and set against the sicie of the room near the stove or lire-place, j A boy in the suburbs tried to ascer tain the other day the soundness of the proverb, "Birds of a feather flock to gether " He p ticked the old rooster j,tri,iici. i down to a single tad feather, and it - i if ... I- r ..11 l.nf t.-.i.t .ii-.. 1 l.ol . "'""TT 'p..,; r 1 un.Lr the bavn. llau is another oU bavv felllilahctl. EDENSBURC -AND- HOOSE-FOBHISir : is.the flaceto bl v ; r i ; IKONS', NAILS, GLASS, OILS, TAINTS, &C. aJM 'GEO. HUNTLEYj PropV. : . - . .......r.. n-n itrvrr f?ve .1 AKjIT P' .." e twit MOVTN(r AND llf-Af- JUNK made. PRICES OHtAlU kedccei. t v c it it rofHjf.i. V.111..U r . 1. v. -n..- . -piAItMER.S GO TO HUNTLEY'S and JlC l u.v tl:f itrsT CORN KODDKU AM) I'KA v "t'l '1' I'l.lt ever sil.t in this county. . Tln'ir fust iiii'tc tiiiin siivi;l iii one yc;ir by cut- tin your fie 1 1 ith it. amYtis. GOt7) IITXTLKV'S .md f.vaiiiiiie the u-at;jit. litth- tMIOPI'lNO yi ! f.I. i vcr Intrtiucf d. It chops from 10 tnli l.iwln: :f rvc. fiirn nr of.'.s IK'i" hour. DL'V ON K-IT COSTS ON LV f:. IIP takmki, go to nuxTTd'sand luiy vour HARVEST TOOLS, whi. h ht-sHU ( iiiia vvm vom cash th "c 1"M H-where tu Ebe...,.. than tliey can yon Horsrt Shoes, Horse Nails, Car- rmyf Itolss. H:ir Iron, Niil UoU, Cast Stctl, c, VERY LOW FOJt CASH, TPTOI'SEKEEI'EUS, GO TO IIl'XT L., LEY'S ami linv vnnr Sfo-esanil Tin ware. l'AY CASH AND SAVE MONEY. TT3T-0 US EK EErERS, GO TO HUNT LEY'S ami save 2." per cent. ly jmy inir c.i?-li for Tio!e Knives, Forks, ipoonf. A:e. "5-Ol'SEKEErERS, GO TO HUXT LEY'S an.l bay the RLAXCH A R! ch v Kthe ? m'?21f-l rx-tt in the world. Sold for Cash turcr's prices. $ t n III IN I Lr. i r OK (JLU I in.? v-"t' WRINGERS. He solid them at great ly retluoed prices for tho ready cash. tht; liaiii:i u-jih'iut extra charge. LARGE LOT OF POCKET AND PEN K N I VES very ch-.-an for cash at IIFN ri.EY'S. rgTHE IIf.st PILVER-PLATEIVWA RE in th; market at t'."i per cent, less than city retail prites. Sold for cash at . u.i ii t - n,EV s. P St,i DEALER IN- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES " HARDWARE, QUEf NSWA.RE, . n.TU'iPMGO'i'MHOO, AND ALL OTHER GOODS USUALLY KEPT IN A CO UN IKY STORE. WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCU TAKKN M tXCHANGK fUH GOOPS. Store on South Side of Main Street, I!i,isIrg', Psi. AS W B ALL KXOW, BI T THK 3FS. 11 C5 3 Cheap Gash Store Are not over, but rather under, those of any other dealer in .' .y HTAEU2ED I : Ery Gdg'X Dress Geoils, Eats ani Caps, Boots, Shoes, Kotions, CIIOCEIUES, FLOM, FEED, (.RAIN, &L In fill Neck o Timber.' SA complete anil eleirant assortment of now jrivls now in store will positively bo sold a the closest margin, t ountry produee at the blithest market prices taken in cxehanste forsroods. Pull satisfaction ituaranteed to all buyers. Store on High street, nea Centre street. E. J. MILLS. F.bensbnrar, Jan. Id, ls7l.-tf. 1111 1ST isiuu ! T?nn7 TiT)nfinn!lT7"ADTPnnvcrrnDF UUU.LV, iJilUU UiiU I ilillUl 1 UlUilJJl. UAVINfJ reci'iirly nlarited on r stock wo are now prepared tos.-il at n front reduction troin former prices. Our stork consists of Urnxs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Loon--, Hall s ami All. mi's Hair Uetorat i ves. Pills. lintineiits. Plaster, t.iniincrits. Pain Kill- lcr., titrate Mitirnosia, l.ss. .laniaiea fiinu-er. p,.p M;,vinif Extracts. lWines. Umn. Sx rup.So.nhinitSyriip, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, rurt opo'cs. Oie. Cigars and Tobaccos, Rlank fti;oks, Jiee'ds, No'e-t and Ronds: Can. I'ost. Comtuorcial and all kinds of Nolo 1'aoer IPt'iiknlvir '- V. o s,ii"i. t ipes. ! '' "!,vp added to onrstock a lot of FTNR Jt;UEi.itY. to which we would mvir tci piK li of the l.Hiiies. tn;,It J.Wr .XWt.u prices ti(!j",)l'r "n'1 Ci'lLVMlM'xl"'er M:'iuuvr re" Jul W, li!8. Main Street, Khonslinry. LOOK WELL TO VOIP, UM-ERSLUBNGS. JQHN D. THOPAS, 1 ?! jiikI f?ili; 3Iakcr fj 'H Eimd'i-si)r'icd respectfully Informs his nil t morons uu.-toincrs ai.d the pubiicirenfrally th.it l.o is prepared to inantifactii re Rti J'l'S anil sices of H.iy iiesi.w finest I rcncli calf-sk oil Ki7.o or qua llty, friun the -skin boots to fiie coarsest i'KHY BEST M VN..KH. on the ,,r(n8, jn lho VKI snorot notice, and at as nu.icrato prices as i;i. e wort c?l n IIP ooijllllcl ftlH'whi-i-f - I'hosi- vbo have worn Boots and Shoes made n i:y et laliiiJlinient need no assurance as to ttiv superior quality of uiy work. Others can easily be cmi iuccd of the fact if they wiilouly irive mo a trial. Tri- and be convinced. J Repiiii imr of Boots and Sihm-s attended to protui t!y and in a woi kmanlikc manner. 'J h.mkf'jl for pt favors I feci oiiildent that my work and m c: s will ciimmc'iil me to a con iiiuancc andiucreaso of tio- m:ie, 1I1N U. THOYAS. A Ti I CO A L ! ! The subscril ier prepared to furnish. In laeg-e or siu-tll qnantitie all .pinlitie-j ol ANTHRACITE and JUll 3Ii.Mll I OA I., at lowest iii.n ket rates. Coal delivered pi mnp: ly and frteof cbarkcfur bnflui! at any p, Orders :, t at the iy attention. - y point m i.iwiii bin jr rr vicinity IheZAUM Sj-oiiR will receive cur ly intention. DANIEL It. ZAHM. ' T iALLITZIX LAKE, Attorney 0 . AT fjAW EllOIlH,inr2:, Pa.' )ai(0 wilU 1 Ri'3ti.r a-wl Recorder, in ('ourt lloutse. 1 K?A1 3TtP 0 STORE ji? w if is & fill WHOLESALE AND RET.L. OF, JL. JL . J. 4. A -"AH ' ' AND Sheet-Iron WAI AND DEALERS IN HEATING FAELOR asl COOSIKG AND IIOUSE-FL'RXISIIlMC (iOOlSS CENER-ILLY. .Tobl)ini in T!XifOPPER&SIIEBT-IBOX PKOMPTLT ATTF.M)ED TO. loj 9.7s 5s0an!l 9X2 Washmirfni! M.. ; v-, - ,-) ' -JOHNSTOWN. PA. V. I. M'Clellanu John Hans-a. M'CLELIjAXD & CO., Manufacturer efanil Icalcr in Fancy micl Xlsiin FUENITUEE'I MO' CIIAJUS. Ve keep constantly on hand In ereat variety a full line ol clcgam PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, IN STY L cS AND AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CUSTGMESS Having the must skillful workmen In the city, we are prepared to till ali orders for IN PIECES OR SriTS, t, XIIOJLltS JJoIoav . Hither F-astern or Western Mannfaoturers,. Wareroom, No. 81 FRANKLIN Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, jtlHSniOWX, HA. . : Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. W.UI Fnmitnre sent 'or and delivered In the city free of eharee. t3-13,"74.-tr. Wooi.,IorreU&Co.5 WASHINGTON STREET, Hear PEKN'A U. R. DEPOT, Tlinjsl)AVii, 1 ;i Wholesale ft nd lletaiJt Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MILLINERY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEEN'S WARE, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, IRON AND NAILS. CARPETS AND OIL-CLOTHS, j READY-MADE CLOTHING, GLASSWARE, YELLOW WARE, ! X UUU1-.I.N A.MJ WILLOW WARE, . iitatttt i ie t v Toirether with all manner of Western Produce, &ucii as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, CARBON OIL, ETC. t""W'holosnlea!nT retail orders solicited ami promptly tilled on the shortest notice and inunt reasonable, terms. JS EXT POOR TO POST-OFFICE. Cooldnp; Stoves, I Jt iii'jf Stoves. TIN r.OPPFR Rl FFT-1R0W WAR? ! I iiV, I'Urrr.n QtonCCI-lnUri WAKtl rr..i. .1 , , . , " Hnvlnsr recently taken possession of the new- lytlttcd up and commode, is bnildlujr on Hbrli Street, two doors east of the Hank and noarlv J opposite the Mountain House, the subscriber is uciH'i- f.reoaren men ever to manufaet ore nil articles in the TIN. COPPER and SH KKT-IRON " nr. iiiiu, mi oi wiucn will lie furnished to buyers at the verv lowest living ori.-..a The subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied asortment of Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves of the most approved designs. ' - " r-SPOi;TINt and ROOFINO made to order and warranted porfcet in innnu facturc and ma terial. REPAlltl.Vti promptly attended to. .nil woi'K none ty me will bo done riirht and j on fair terms, and all STOVES and WARE sold by me can bo depended inw.n as t nniio n-..i cannot be undersold In price. A continuance! anl increase f natron: aae is respectf uly solicl- toil, a;vt no otfurt will be wanting to render en- ' ... . ..;.. r .;. .. 1 1 i4v; 3uti9incinu mi. n VALUE LUTRINGER. Ebenslitnir, Oct. 13. lS7rt.-tf. i.CM'-'X Mountain i Corner Centre and llhjh Sts., EBEKSC'JRC. PA. TfNPER its new management, this well known K) HOTEL solicits a continuance ot nublic oa. tron.ue. A limited number of .1 Sumnioi. Uoardei-H I wiLt. bb rrceived. ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST CLASS. ; April 9, lS7d.-:,'m. L. H. LINTON. Xi: W A D VERT1SE3IEXTS. Th. Only PotTlrri'11 Ilome.Si-Iiool. .x rtifliATN mil.. Lllicott City, Ml. Five r.. i.nrnrnri.mi-nt. Anoly at once. I. V M eil Iieiu-a ... 5 D . j ' "piM.-.n and trofifi.r.ie Ftntlyin;iit. 'S "Rcoutimi T' "Chnrmintr !" "Oh, how k.fvly !"-? "W hat are thev worth ke. Sueh "Texsr.ia- , ticn bvtbosemho see the .ftwelefcant Newt hro- mos prndB-d r ttif K.nropin and Amffiean t Chromolublfshlhif Co. They are nil perfect Oems . of Art d me can resist ipminainra .-"j i when thevsce the Chrome. Canvassers, aijems, and Imfjp'nnrt jrentlemen out of employment, will find this the best openintr ever wlfered to tnike monpT For full tmrtiotilnrs. eond ?nmp i forcon- 789 WashiuUm St., Boston, Mass. - 50 TO $10,000 Has een invested in : .itiho .u- f...- 900 7& PKOFIT. "HOtr to Do It," a IJook on Wall St., Bent free. ' ' TrUBKHXiE It CO., i Bnnkers and Brokers; 2 Wall Street, New York. H1! A WF.FK gMrttit! to Male and Vo ir I I mule A ir"nts, in their own locality,' ofts I I NtlTHlN'O to try it. Particular Free. U I I V. (. VICKEflY" k CO-, Augusta, Me. -pjp The choicest in th world Importers' I tMui prices -Iareeft Oimpnny In America st;i pie nrti.de p! eases evPTyhody Tr:le eont in- unlly inort'iisicj? A (rents wanted ererwhere best InduVetnnts-i-tlon't waste time-send torclrealar to Koa r V e. is, 43 Vesey St., N. Y., V. O. Hox 12b7. 111 PI ACi 13 1 CITIil" ilUUL U Price, l. Sold by Drna-aluts. 300 Ijr.1V AIH IT IT TAILS TO fl'KK. . Dr. C. HOWE, Sknkca Falls, N. Y.- SOIJM Disabled bv wound, rapture, Iniury or disease of anv kled. however slight, are entitled to tension, anil most of those already pensioned to increase of pension. JUN EII-L. k HIRCH, of Wnshinflfton, l (J., (ore of wh)in was for years an Examiner and C'iiicf of Division in the Pension flffine.) beini? at the scat or Oovernmenr, have the very best facili tie' for prosef ut!nt these as well as other Oovern ment claim. Information freely iriven npon ad-lrt-s Iiik them, enclosing stump. The beet of re Itirences given If desired. MOST EXT8AE0MABY Terms of AdTCrtisln!r are offered Tor Newspaper in the Mate of PENNSYLVANIA! Send for list of papers and schedule or rates. Adlress , ta ?. fodl i Co., AdTsriiais? Apts "0. 41 PA RK ROW, KW lOKK. Refer to Editor of this Papeu. Cast Steel Plow PGints. 1 FARMERS, one and all, are hereby Informed that money, time act labor can be saved by usint tlast S!eol l'low Shares, of whii'U unly ono has in mrinv caties proved ufflclent for a whole season's plowing, and in somo soils, by belntj twice sharpened, one share has lasted two seasons. Thev scour tiri'ht ami make the plow sconr and rnn easier, and are so strong and tonsh that they will not break. When worn dull, they can !e elmrpened and tempered by any aool blacksmitJU withuiit disturbimr Die fittinic part. All rc-tular sacs kept on hand and lit any 1'itts- bnrsh now. Anv Any special size or kind male to order. RETAIL PRiCEG of .POSITS. 7iM) ilh Heno-fiit'r-. ciiilrr. viil: No. 3. ritrht and left 1.::5 tl.50 $ 80 No. 4 left and 5 rizht 1.45 1.60 l.oo No. 7 lell and 8 ri-'lit 185 1.25 No. H. 3 23. '?4 and West Va. llillsi.le 1.75 1.60 Fvery share ha my trade mark and the words "I'nst Stel'" ens, the'peon. Order one d these at once and try It now. and von will buy no more cast points hereafter. Til" process of makir.z this Steel Is patented, and this quality is made at no jther Steel Works , but mv own. ' i'ast Sieel Axle Boxes and Waxon .skeins also I m.ulo ni!.!er patent, bavins; from lour to si t time? i tjie strength .rid only half the welirht of those I made of cast Iron. .T. I i 1 1 W P TIj, I Puii'iestie Wav and Oarrlson Aliev Pitt.-imrah, la. I I'ittsbx:rnli Plouali Works. June 4, l?)75.-3in. The nion is the I.ITF. Rin! if it is impure the whole sys tem w ll he diseased. Yon can not pnrifv a strem while the spniiit is corrupt: neither can ynu impart aiod l.t nlth to the human Ixxly while the blood is c-nn-ve viler t he seeds ot disease t; all pans of it. There fore PCR1FV the l-if,l)tl). and nature will heal the tl;?e!ie. No remedy has ever been discovered which lias effected so great a number of perma nent cures as LI&DSEY'S 07? It Is rapidly acquiring a national reputation lor the cure of Bern ftt lit us -Affect I o n s, Ca n erro-us Formations, Krijsipelas, lioils, J'imptes, Ulcers, Sore Unes, Seatd I Tea ft f Tetter, Salt . lilieum, Mercurial mid all Shin Diseases. The remedy Is a Vesretablo Compound, and can not harm the most tender in tint. Ladies who suf fer trom the debilita'ieit diseases known as Fu ji . j.k N.MiT.AlTVTS will lind speedy relief by uslni? this remc.lv. Beware of coiinie felts. The g-enn-ine has onf name R. K. SKLLEKS & CO., Pitts burgh, on the bottom of each bottle. For sale bv all 1 'ruit..- 1st s and Country Healers, and bv A. A. liAitafcR i Son, A'cnis. Kbens burr, Pa. Sept. 10, lS75.-3tu. ZM&TO YOUNG MEN. JukI l'u)tlifherl, in a Sealed E:nt hi)"'- Trice 6 cts. A 'rrlnre nn tlio Satnrf. Trealnieiil and Radical 'nre of Senlnal Weakness, or Sper matorrhrca. induced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, lmpoteney,"Ncrvous Debility, and Im pediments to Marriaire jr"nerally ; ('onsumpt ion. Epilepsy, ami Fits: Mental and Physical Inca pacity, ke. Bv ROBERT J. CL'LV ER W ELL, M. T , author of the "(Jrccn Book," lc. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly p: oves from his own experience that the awful consequences ol Self-Abuse may bo etiectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous suriiieal operations, bonifies instru ments, rlnes. or cordials: pointing out a mode of , cure Ml onerr n-oiiin n.i. i,it".i, .inrnn.-r ... which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheop.y, privately and ' Sent urn :'nt under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, josf-wii'd, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. A d dress the Publishers. . HAS. J, C. KLINE & CO., 4-16 ly. - 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4i83. KEEP IT IIADY. . The Reliable Family Medicine. DIARRHEA. Dysentery, Cholera. Summer Com plaint, Crumps, tc, quickly cured by the use of . JARiU:M.A' Compoand Syrup ot r.lckherry;Root and Rhubarb. An old, well-tried rcmeily. entirely vegetable. Pleasant to take, quick and certain in ellect; can fje depended on in the most urgent cases: mat bo K'r(,n to the youngest infant as well as to adults. : ft contains j vn r.,fpmir. nTt nPTrTir n CAMniim OR OPIUM. ' H Is a pleasant extract and readily taken by eiiuaren. It nas ouen savca mo wnen pnystclans . had despaired. Keep it In the house am. t use in i una, an we asK ior is a iriai. imn t lei your oeaier put you on won someininjr eise. nuy it Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers thmncrhout this State. Prepared only bv HAN SELL & HRO., 2000 Market St., Philadelphia. July 2, 187o.-3tn. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? ISE Averill Chemical Paint "IUT np In cans of all sifes and colors, ready to - put the brush in and use. Any one can lie his ,WTI rnt?r or niake a business by n din if it, I bo .-ka n.-..t t-,- . . it is the cheapest and best. Try a sample ean. Sold at ONIONS, BALDWIN & CO., No. (13 AVood SStvoet, 5 7. . PlllSiU UIlll, IA. 16m. (L4TFORM Sl'RIN'd WAGONS. ... PLAIN SrltlXU A AIHIXS. FARM W AGON'S IIr.nr.v ai"1 W?ht M'aarons. all kinds of Carts ami heelbarrows, manulactured and for sale cheap at nTTnTTT1v'l.Tt, "nririll'r.T TJ7ilTlTf1 ' lJUlJuESllE WAGON WORKS, ; 3ornerCrair street and Allegheny river, 2 squares a.rTrom, C, COLEMAN k. fON. BLQQD! 1--- am $ j S . b 1 J.. jS, osier . , T. ': - ' ' ;. IIos 113 and 115 Cliaton St., Johnstown. JUST OTT.ATD.-A lanre assnrt - mennt of PLAIN and DARRED FLAN- NELS, in all colors, at extraordinary low prices. . lf'A TK It I'll f) O rS. Plain, Barred, and Striped, in all shades, at very l.ow prices. " ; A T, T, WO O L blacTc ah d colored C AS II MERlS, ami black and colored .SILKS. Hlarh 3Io7ifiirs, Afpacas, tnd CV ovetl Ui'fHM (HihhIs, iu great variety, and at extraordinary low figures for cash. ITrrtvtf .SYocfc of Calicos, Muslins and Ginphams on our counter, and more aiviv iug daily. ;'-..' Our y of Ion Deparftnriit is; fully supplied with everything needed Tor, per sonal or family use. ' .... TsftrTIrs' .Ycr,-- W'rar,Co11nr,CtijI and SiAr Tiv.H in endless vaiiety, GEI3, FOSTER fiQUINN, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton St., ! Johnstown, Pa. t UTTV VOT1T? !TTtr! AT. (OODS WrP . I'cnencc. In:porUrs, !tlnuf.icliirers, 1 iatiia &fdiaavir tt MANUFACTtRERS MAKE & McC-IM FUND. AUD THE PSILHARSQKC ORGAN GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE r a tl' 13 x xr x ii j o :r r i x o . Dealers In Rlstin A On.'s (London). Besson (lndon). Saxe (Paris), Pinion V1ta. and ear own raak of Rotary Valve I? I I . s. The bet and frrliest String for all Instruments constantly on hand. Relnir PCRLTSHERS of SHEET MCSIC, we make this branch a specialty, and always keep a full stock of the latest and best pieces on hand. Our stock of inu.-ie books ot all kinds is complete. PIANOS AND O ROANS SOLO OV THE INSTALLMENT PLAN Ol. 1 I NS'l'RI W ENTS TAKEN IS FXCR ,OR. Clersrymen, Principals of Seminarb-s, Lmters ( Bands. Teachers, and ail wishinij; to purchase Murieal t ioods. will tin I it t' Mii'ir lt)"ere.Jt to couimur.icaie directly witli ud. Caialogues and l'riec Lists furn.sheii l.-ec on application. ui,i,l,iUU,..u, y, j:zj yjxji.X tWUXCCOf i. oiq.i. jjar. canned liuit is iu t so - l-2tf.-ly. 1 Hie Uatest and .Ifosf UJcganl Slides of Vinlov Glass, llit rTil CJrocn I3 tlj-9 All stles--r?ound, Square, Oval and Oblongfor cov ering Wax Works, Statuettes, &c. Send for Price List and Quotations before Purchasing. o,. annoB oat, 53 Ninth Street, late Hand, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 m Manufacturers ot all kinds of C II EV icr; G. AV. YEAGER & CO., -. Wholesale and Retail Xanafart ore r ef TIX, COPPER AXD SHEET-IRON WARE, AND DEALERS IN ' ' ' Heatii, Parlor ani Cooling SIoyos, Xo. 1402 TZlcventh Avenue, Altoona, Isx ROOFING and SPOUTING made to order mid warranted perfect in manufacture and material. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to, and polite attention accorded tt all, whether they purchase or not. Altoona, Sept. 5, lM73.-tf. Parke's Marble Works, 13 I'raaklln Nl reel, JnhnMown. ST RS. OltlVTER .nHC.IIIl. 5 N El M.AHS, MANTELS. &c, inati!i-i1T. ( V Order resnectfullr nolleited ...4 m,. ' . V . TTT . f ....... ... ... , , M hit; ii;ij. yw rM i:asn rates, i ry us. .Ue-t.24.-m. JOHN PARKE. mm mwm works ! 131 Franklin Mrcet, Jidmstoan. an and American Marbles.- Perfect not icr..,. I tlolii-" ,w'lk' ,1'n nd price (?uarautl;cd. 1 ly WXW ' ' 1 i OE0 M- KEAPE, Attorney-at-Laio. I Itictislinrir, I'h. Office on Centre street. three door tr .m Uiira btreev. iaUK.27, 12 Mooe naain j'tttsintrfh at U. ,p H. ,TenMnson9, Joint Fnllcrton P Son, J.U.Taylor. Martin Ue,,l, T..J. Wallace. ,. M. Sichcl ' Co F 1 oerstell t., CVr rter Jtrothers, Dihrorlh lirolhers, T. C .TcnL'in KnojBJZ Orr. Uerzog C Jiacnnan, and ali other Tobacco and Groeeru lactured or the very bcft Italian and jAVrt ?H American Marbles. Entire satisfac-lo!V ' tion iruaranteed in price, desiyn and '!r e.Tecutlon of work. i 1 , .101B w. I.Of;. - Irrloir. RtONUMEXTS. HEAD Avr. Tmili snivr. . ITI i:OITN'l'l-',.R tii i'4lfrv.ri cr i.ov.i-'V: I TEES. &o., manufactured of the verv hoiii tjt,'. . 1 II '. ' ' '-. ' . . ' ... , t . . i inns, 1 Jrtrtx Canvo jn all colors; Jioitcy- twnfr and llailroaa Cmir Gold ami Silver rcrf orated Card), woman in the room exct ptii Hoard. w hom be appears pailieuhu;:. 1 t A Great Aormrut of PATTERN formal, and is iinreasonal.lvcrotT? I'.OUlv!s lor woi kmpon canvas anu ciem , Uinz "one ' is n'jt.fxlv cj.n k-.t. also, Patterns for crocheting lacatid tidies, j to discover. TfV lifti.l un.f a laro-H vaiietvof Fan- i If you see an oi l ff.m.ln - liaimoiai l am?. Also, .tiorgau ccicuirt- ; nreaKinir rue Tiiren-1 ted Stocking Yarn, in all colors, at our Uliscourse. 6Uiui.ii a low pnecs, honey bub U'e make it a. specialty to prosurt j which are soon ovcrwhilnicl ,V8: j l all vends in our lira, not in stock, in the pom le ranee of fluid, t! e aiv i" iV- tlioetrjl ponnifjle tittCy by jartie Itntinj their oruer. . GEI5, FOSTER &L QUINN, Nos. 113 and 115 Clintcrr St., i - Johnstown, fa. and healers la all kinds of BUSK ' OF THE CET.EDRATF.D PITTSDUnCH, PA. I TiU TOB ACCO. Also, the celebrated raw l 6-25.-3m. AN & GO "5 "- 3 'y?'. CD Eh : . , f" cL O in i&- F-H 5rT Eh 2 CRAWFORD HOUSE, K.ltKNHI R, John Fitzharrls, - Proprietor. Hy, Rnwdand rt furnlslioxl the above well known and popular hotel, the propri etor is now amn v nmiunvi ThJV. . .i'r .,.n.V"r f,i,n wi,h ,hHr Pftronnro. j 1 he best that the mrL,.i -ir-,in . at the Table at all seasons, the liar will be kept , ti f i weic;t P. constantly supplied with the choicest liquora. ' " farmer knowing the we'-' ' r..,., . .'onimouions Stable will be under the fi-od and that of hi lock. I'V 1 . chnrpeof fl careful and attentive hostler No i . , 111 . ;..lr f' etfrrrt will be ppared to render n-uests comfort- ' these rules, call iruesS eltw. p able and well pleased In every particulnr. and wl.ther bo hn food enoUSTU K by pruiKT attention to inKinr.s. on. 1 o ......1 , wiituicr lie nas lOOti t( Ht-J..f fijccs the proprietor hopes to win Lis , Stock. " " j j I'tii'i v, iuor. (.MrtJ" ,.!, r fie. The patronage of taiV-Lidics its reaocci fully noliwu-d. VM.'Tl.l " " Tirr. Iioim-host. moments m M1 LTh KYi& nKESS MAKING ! life are when she is making;; 1FVSV : g Prments; the sa.lde.t Ij ; of new and rshb.r.M Jm mT-'11 1 , husband comes home late at , 01 new anu fashionable Millinery Goods, at her 11 . r r.nntSid riM.nis in the East Ward. Ebenburir. Vcddinir Veils to her from tlie flOflt ' Uotinets. Hats. etc.. a si.coirtltr iirD.r.,i-,. " li . . . .. 1 Lule. fcCRK JMGftSOI 3lA8RlACr , icnl ba-htMr is reponVlr,, - V j lowing tlircctions how t0 m lie;i i - j j . . I . uissgretf Uiii ttiii,!, ' 1 . - V ArwH1 1 1 -r i.l ,.r 1. JC Bia.v be &s3urel Uiat t.. v i'.. r :oVrT , I I M.itrirr.u.ia! - If you see a sih r.t p:i;r s , starve lolline can b -ec.1,. -v ! window, without scc i.. '", a C- f have i companion, thc. bio. fcim j If you see a lady drep a : t I a gentleman hy th,. s;.u f,r", I tellins her to pick it up, VtUr: : -hesitate in ronntug yolir V, ."v, , iC..;. J . M'-ii'-tii..; thegentlenan twt i,ty van Up,'; ., of the. lady., who, puLuils j, ;'; , . over a stile with diiiicu'.ty ,rsr hef 'way'lhrongh a inud-iV 'i,..-' r. If you see a la lv wl C accoraolishments aft , "." ,.r r ' .... Y'Tltl.-lr t.. .1 .-v.ij jivriiLieiiiau in 1I1IC, IM1 tiill nave ll! llH,fn'.r; other the one is !ier l;!i,!n'.i tot" ii you s-e a gentlem r-,;ti courteous, ot..l;mi.-r , - - '.relaxing into smile.?, ta'7 I things, and toying with t 1 t cy Gotxls. , checking and thwarti'sg ea-'j '" T- A VvW Assortment of Berlin Zephyr, "llTering in opinion U-f.ilo tlt C v r . ... . , . . i. 1 I n i- r . ... . ..1 .......11..... lirst quaiixv r.CcrinanTown, vasunirie mm '.'ie.-.i,c'iii,iii rumctp ,t , . .v. i i ii . . : . 1 ' - the thread t.f eac!i eV . T e, yet tiding kij:.l - ' I nibbles floating on v'::l ) reins man and wile; it is linjx.Kv'j Ix; mistaken. The rules above qih tel are ', down as infallible in internrtv- a A - 1 r r they mar lie resorted to tri'hr jtlence; they are upmi lauei'i-in; j,.- It I ; pies, and deducetl IVuii: tvfrv.;sr .-' Waste I'aper. Few lionstk are aware of the many rises to v- -' waste pajter may le put. ji stove has Ik-cii blackened, it re T" kept looking very well f..r a 1 c;--?i by rubbing it with paper ew-n l -ing. Rubbing with i.-iw is"t. t-eaK.ettle. Citfr.r.--lH)t :,n.i t.-a-t.!.' V ' 1- - 1 '- "--.-I ami clean, than the old wsv of - ing them in sikI-j. 1 1 :i ! .1 .her v-; per is also the be&t way ef i knives and tinware after r , Ja : tins svps wetuii": ii:e KiiiV Li:. A ! If a little flour K- hcl l on tlio..-.. ? ill- I rubbing tinware and so .i;s t : ;i E shine like new silvi r. For mirrors, windows, lamp cl:i:r.i;vvi : J, pci islKttr than tlry cht!i. Yt-.- i and pickles keep iniic!i b f-r ,f l- mould if a piece ot wri ii whk n uj me ci'.n, is i.ii'.t t'U i..t i : Taper is much better to j.tit ;:: carpet than straw. It is w:.n.r '. 4. 1 t rao r ncr, ana makes less noi-e t.m 11 . 'T -ie- aiKS over il. I wo lliu-un-v- . paper placed between other cfVt"IJ are as warm as a puilt. TfitscfV ' ary to step on a chair, alwav L'"ij paper on it, and thus save JLtpV or woodwork foundation. Stw Timothy Early. St ;,e: must be repeated often or i'.- vr p will be tried. This is one. " advise every one who ra I tlil-i it and sows winter grain U try timothr in SeptemltT, and m iis to, suit. 1 sowed about eigiit q timothyon the vhcat. near Ud--' JJJ and where the wheat was lanrtJi lodged b.idly the growth iss;a" now will have a better dunce. I'Vf the wheat was thin the timitbrlu' ' beaded out, is as tall a t he wlicstfj in a lew jdaces actually Iik'j'- p seems reas'.uiable to suppo-e t!is' 'Ji roots will stand the coinii g wisitc ' k ter, and the succeeding cu p more remunerative, than lnter?rpr( The catch ol clover is g o 1. 1 i--- .i owing to drv weather. AiK'thrr i ! in favor of earlv sow ing of ti;n ''".T'r I this that w hen timothv and cv-h:- sown in April tr May. as is u-:u case, and the catc h of clover i -" V the timothy is nearly fniotht. T" and lost, while if sown in ij'. JL the roots get such a stroiur li"l'!r maintain itself; then, when t'rc'- fails, from any cause, the ficM 'f1 half bare the second year. !-' i Country Gentleman. ' I "Wit at A Farm Fit Pip. A 1 made an exieriment. lletenk"' fc, that weierhetl alait one lii"!'rkt; pounds, put it in a pen, an 1 a'P become weaned, weighed a b and found that thive pouno Ir ".p of fodder and rrrain vas f.H could make the sheep eat. Te u had verificil a rule well known to much despised "lKok farnur?. arrived at bv many and cart-R"1 imnnlii lli K.r.O tliree pOl""il1? T r- . . r- t oflr i" gooti iooti per nay ior i.u dretl weight of livestock i-8 " allowance. For illustration. weighing one hundred poiintl1''., three pounds of food per ihi.v. steer weitjhing one thousand 1,. needs thirty pounds. These m approximately correct. Ifi"? TV . 1.4 1... i:4 r..il ano s-' Boincniiai iv quant' n-.-.-- lST.-tfl - .'im 1 nrow mm riiir. oinc vi -.' ed sizes. 4.4