The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 17, 1875, Image 2

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Yi'vh) Mornini:, - - Sept. 17, 1875.
tf frh'tyllill County.
Of Uradfor'l County.
Democratic County Convention.
The I'inivrot ir rnti-rs of th! si'vi-ral
VanU, llomttghs ami Township of Cam
bria Cinl art! rrtjm-Hleil in imn-l at llicir
usual pliw -i4' holding tin- gi-ncral elurlions,
On Situ rilo y, Sept. JSth, lS7Tt,
at 2 oVInt'k, r. M., awl fcl.f-r. two di-h-gaics
to rr pr-iw-iif tln-in in the County Conven
tion,' t lie held in !he Court House, in- Kb
eiishurg, on
Monday, September 2(th9 ;
nt 1 o'clink, r. M., to Humiliate a Comity
Tii k.:t.
The polls wiH 1 kept open mitiT 7nVhk,
V. M., on S.ituril.iy. .1. IS. l..tKr:,
Chairman I--m. Co. Com.
Pet-shiny ami Piolett
That tire Democratic State Conven
tion which met fit Krie on tVetfiresdar
of last week reflected the earnest and
sincere wishes of the friends of honesty
ami reform in tlie government of this
fctate is now an acoeptetl (act. That
it did its work faithfully- and well is
manifested ly thejthtindersof applause
with which the nomination of Cyki s
Ij. Prksiiino for Governor and the
selection of Victor K. Pmi.F.'rr for
State Treasurer has lieen received by
the peopj.k from the shores of Lak
Krie to the banks of the Delaware.
Since the nomination for (ovei nor, in
1SII, of tl at stein and incorruptible,
(ierninn Democrat, Frank K. Siil'NK,
no other nomination lias creatctl a
moro enthusiastic response than that
of Cyrus L. Persuing. What can we
sav to the people, of Cambria county
about his admitted ability and ap- ,
proved integrity, in addition to what
we have so often and so earnestly said
heretofore? A needs no plat form on
which tostaivt, for the plain and simple
reason that he is a firimj and njica.
iittj platform in himself. His private
as well as his public record is before
the jK-opIe of the State without a spot
or blemish, and cannot be successfully
assailed. Of his triumphant election
we do not permit ourself for one mo
ment to doubt, for in A.s pure and un
tarnished name the people of Penn
sylvania will march to a great and
glorious victory on the second day of ,
iSovember next.
When Cyrus Ij. Pershing is invested
by the taxpayers of this State with the
executive government of their ailairs,
he will lie the same unrelenting ami
avenging foe to the thieves and plun
derers of our own swindled common
wealth that Samuel J. Tilok.n, the
very incarnation of hoiiestgovernment, !
!. I
now is t the Jhuuocrnttv and J;nwb- ,
liran thieves of the State of New York, i
I lldcn and 1 ershn g were both cast in .
the same mould, ami as 1 ilden now iu ,
Xew York is heroically fiirhtinfr the
battle of reform, so will Pershinir
j .r
Hconrge the plunderers of the people of
Pennsylvania and inaugurate a new!
and better era in her public affairs. j
Victor K. Pioi.ktt, the nominee for
State Treasurer, is an able, pure and i
honoreil citizen of Bradford county. !
"When we say that he is the complete j
AutiHde of the present corrupt Ke-
publican State Treasurer, Itolicrt V. '
lacke', and that he has alwaj-s lieen '
the sworn foe of the rotten and de- j
bauched political faction in this State 1
of which Simon Cameron is the head ;
and front, we pay him the highest '
compliment that words can possibly j
bestow upon him. When fie assumes
control of the money of the jieople, 1
honrst men will be put on guard and '
treasury thieves will be sent to the I
Democrats of Cambria county 1 such .
is the ticket, honestly, fearlessly and !
without any corrupt outside influence '
or dictation, which the Erie Conven
tion has presented to the consideration
of the Democracy of the State for their
supK)rt. Let the verdict at the bal
lot boxes in Cambria county be the
decision of the friends and neighliois
of Cyrus L. Pershihg. As glorious
jjemocratic iamona county answers
in favor of sustaining an honest, jure .
and bold man, so will the people of the
entire State respond. j
Tun Philadelphia IJrenin'j Jlullefin
ably reviews the currency resolutions
or the Erie platform. W hile the Jlul-
Ittin vehemently denounces the plat-
form, the large majority of the Repub
lican newspaicrs of the State are trying
to crawl on it. Some of them have
commenced already. Put having dis-
posed of the Democratic platform on
the curiency, the JIarrisburg J'ofriot
very jertinantly asks the Jlulfetin to
have the goodness to give its renders,
an analysis of the financial plank of the
platform adopted at Lancaster. That i
plank is very short. It is iu the fol
lowing words: "Free tanking, a safe
and uniform national currency adjust
ed to the growing wants of the j
country." Is that a declaration for
hard moiie, greenbacks or nationnl '
bank notes ? Does it mean contraction
or inflation ? If it is not a mere jar-
g n of words, what does it mean ?
The Jhilb-tin has shown great alacrity
iu explaining the Democratic platform,
but though more than four months
hare elapsed since the Lancaster con
vention it has not yet defined the
meaning of its own.
To glorious Victor-K. will Pershing
Piolett the Democratic hosts of Penn
sylvania on the 2d day of NovwnN'r
az: x ion ncKt n jet jzesi ids: ase: jm: roJ -
The Platform atul the Men.
The Pittsburgh Post knows what it i
is talking about when it declares that
the action of the Kric convention has
pleased the people of the entire State
to a, 'much fuller degree even than the
inos. hoieful expected. That diller
j ences of opinion, continues the"W,
, would exist as to matters of policy was
) to be expected among men who are
i intelligently seeking for what is right.
Rut there were no vital differences ot
: opinion presented forthe considerat.on
!oi the Convention, and the result or its
labors fully answer the public expec-
tation. !
The platform of principles enuneia-
tea cover the entire grot m, am. ma.- ;
lenges the severest scrutiny and cnti-.
cism. A redress or grievances, a
restoration of honest and economical
government, a complete purging of
the State Treasury and government of
the corruptions that have so long fes
tered there, and relief from financial
evils, are things which the jieople ini-
1 jieratively demand, and what they are
bound to have.
The idle clamor of a few Ilingsters
alxmt the currency will avail nothing.
The Democracy do not depart from
ancient faith that gold and silver are
i the constitutional basis of the currency.
To reach this without bankrupting the
masses is the aim of the party. The
w isdom ot this course is made a noarent :
l.v ttii.K-inir thf roeult. nf tht -rnel ;
fallacy of forced resumption. It is
yet more than four 3-ears until the
time fixed by the act of last winter,
and what is the result? Already the
current-" is locked up, business is
prostrated, manufactures is nearly at a
standstill, and the condition of things
18 growing worse every tlay, and unless ; port, 1J. M. Spcor moved to adjourn tor one
this unwise and wicked act is repealed, j hour, the object being to allow the coin
will continue to grow worse until the ! mittee time to complete its labors. Pend
f 1 1 '. ! .1 n . iiu' a vote on this motion, it was auuouu
final crash comes with the attempt to 3 iUtform wa ,.eady ful. Rtlop:
enrol cc it. j ti(1 anj tlle convention therefore decided
The prcscntcurrency system, with all ! by a vte of 137 against 101 uot to adjourn,
of its evils and detects, is the work or i
the Radical leaders. The Democracy
propose to take hold of it and work
out relief by a process that will not
crush the masses, and render it next to
impossible for the laboring man to gain
a subsistence for himself ami family
The government shall not discredit its
own currency that is in the hands of,
the people. The ieopIe have faith in
it and the Democracy say that the ;
government, tK, shall have faith in it. !
When the faith shall become mutual, '
then we shall have attained resumption
without having done violence to the
interest of any one.
How is this mutuality of faith to lie
brought about ? There are two plans
proposed. The first is by the Radical
leaders, which proposes to still further
the current--, and compel
specie resumption when there is no
specie with which to resume. When
people cannot get currency with which
to pay their debts it is worse than
nonsense to talk about forcing them to
. - . . . 1
niptcy WOllld lm the result.
On the other hand the Democracy
arc opposed to all attempts to force a '
1 ' . . 1 I
resumption of specie payments, as not 1
only unwise but absolutely wicked. !
There is another and a better way to
reach a s.ecie liasis, and that is by
stiniulatinir and nromotincr the indus-
v & r ---------
tries of the country, pruning gradually
away the evils of our present currency
system and building up material pros
perity, by which means the legal tender
currency can be gradually but most
certainly brought to a par with gold.
In this way we will reach the specie
basis with the wealth of the country
still distributed with a fair degree of
c'ialit among the masses. 15y the
Radical process, present distresses will
be increased ten-fold, and when, aftei
years of suffering and deprivation, the
specie basis is reached, the few will
have all the property, whilethemillions
will be left penniless and bankrupt.
Now as between these two proposi
tions it is not hard for intelligent men
' to choose, and we feel assured that they
I will choose the one that leads to the
j desired object through constantly in
. creasing prosperity.
I Of the candidates nominated at Erie,
it can truthfully lie said that their hon
esty is above suspicion, and that they
j are the enemies of the Ring that has so
, fearfully debauched public sentiment
: in this State. Already the Ring or
gans controlled by such Ringsters as
i Errett and Mackey have begun their
jackal attacks upon them, but it will
only add to theii strength. The peo-
ti( of t.llii Rlolfl hm-A ....4-
11TV them ill O-nlil A wn rifi I mi ,L ot on in mi-1 uiiuioio-oiio r' iii;imct, .i
pn llicm III gOIU. AOSOUIte Pailk- oc.r,jc vcrmiu nt us enunciated l.y TIiouihs
, ' " . 1'OMcoHedc.iHtid paid into I h treasury, d nol m
Hie prolyl estimate Upon the Slanders any manner, directly or indirectly, to employ
or the aiKistles of Addition. Division
andSilei.ce. Hot It the Erie platform
, n,,l nominations will lie triumphantly
! ratified.
Apropos of the Know Xothinr cru-
sade iu Ohio and the atteiflpt of the ! 'l""' to ,be "'""ts of trade, leaving- the restor
IJ.,l.i:., .1 L: :ati.)n of icRal tenders to par in old to be
!-.. v.. ! ir.niirin iiieio to sur tip a
religious strife iu order to secure 1,
, T. . . . . 8tV,re llie
, election of the radical ticket, the Cath
ode L nlutiihian, edited by lit. Rev. Dr.
Rosencranz, Bishop of the Columbus
diocese, makes the following n-enerous '
proiMisition to the blatant Republican '
1 . . v iKpuuiium ,
njiHK i.'iin ut iiiui otate
'We will give a Imndsomo picture to
every man in the Diocese of Columbus
who will make it apiear any priests
in the diocese ever asked him to vote for
any particular party.
"Also, to any one who ever heard a po
litical hio-nuite in a Catholic church.
Also, to any one who can prove any
bargain between the Catholic authorities
and the Democratic party, or any part v.
- ' i i . . . .. .. . -,, J
n.isi, to any one who win una a news-
pajier attack on the Catholic Church with
out misrepresentation in it.
"Also, to any one who will find a non
Catholic community in which a large knowl
edge of Catholic is sought in
Catholic bnks. We have no pictures ou
hand, and do not expect to need any."
Col. Xoyesin a public card says: "The
statements contained in various papers,
purporting to give an account of an attack
made on Senator Wallace, nt Ki-in. bv Mair.
or Hridgens of Lock Haven, are entireiv !
hio nrect" -
Cambria's Favorite Son Itonore
by the Democracy.
nnt mm Ota lemo-rll
ti, rt.m,..vnti State Convention
1 bled on Wednesday, September 8tbf at Erie.
.The attendance was unusually large, and
notwithstanding tne various ihvbhsm icu
rcscnted by the numerous candidates Tor
the positions to be filled, eveijthing was
o makeuch ,,
inaoisaijd pegent totiie people of the
$tate such a platform as could be willingly
KltOKll llll
and cheerfully upheld by the Democracy of
Pennsylvania, and all citizens' 'who favor
nte it iu iu
The Convention was duly cailea to oraer
at 12 o'clock, noon, by John Miller, Esq.,.
Chainnau of the State Central Committee,
and the Convention declared ready for
business. James Ellis, of Schuylkill coun
ty, and lion. John D. Stiles, of Lehigh
county, were placed in nomination for tem
porary chauniau. The vote was close Mr.
Ellis, 133; Hon. John D. Stiles, 112.
Committees on Credentials and Coutested
Seats, Organization, and Resolutions were
appointed, committees consisting of one
member from each Senatorial District. -
The Convention adjourned at 2 o'clock
until 4. ..
Upon reassembling, the Committee on
Organization reported Hon. Hendiick' B.
Wright, of Luzerne connty, as permanent
president, with secretaries and vice piesi-
dents from various
ieiiaioiiHi ujsuitio
chair, the president
Uuon assuming the
accepted his position in a lengthy speech,
wheu the Convention again adjourned.'- -.
Pursuant to adjournment the Conven
tion met on Thursday morning. The
journal of Wednesday was read.
After thanks tendered to the people of
Erie for their hospitality, the chair decided
the next business in oioer. 1 lie l omwu.
tee on Resolutions not being ready to re-
a gentleman from cuuioenanu county uav
nig in the meantime nominated William A.
linger for Governor.
A moiwu was made to reconsider the
vote on adjournment, and another to indefi
nitely postpone that, which was supported
by all who wished to continue business.
The vote to indefinitely postpoue was,
yeas 138, nays KW. "
Mr. lhawley, of Crawford, moved to ad-
. ..... . i i. . . 1. . .t
! jouru mil 11 tnree o ciock, oh uib pt'imu
: that it was useless to attempt to force a
: nomination for Governor until the coimuit
! tee were ready to report.
Mr. Snyder, one of the anti-Ohio men on
the platfoini committee, called upon Mr.
I Hughes, its chairman, to present iu re
j port. This was greatly applauded. MV.
i Hughes the chairman, declared that if the
j convention would adjourn until three p. m.
I it would save time and enable the commit
' tee to prepare a report upon which all
could harmonize. The convent urn should
i not be characterized by any faction and
should work for success,
j Tho adjournment was carried by an
I overwhelming majority.
! On icssembling at three p. m. the com
j mittee on resolutions reported the follow
I mK platform :
I. That we herehy doeliire our iinrfiltcring'
. .1... a... ... .1 ... ....1..I...J ... ..
Jeirersoo in his Brst innujruml address. Kjiml
ami exact justice to ail ineo, l' whatsoever
flHte or permiusion, rcliirious or poltticnl; the
support oi the siate jfi.v. i
rights us the moct eonipe
lor our domestic concern.
riimciits 111 nil ineir
tent Mdiuuiistmtion
and tin- surest lull-
iTtttiW -u-
t'miity; ccomomy in the putho expenM-m th .t
labor niav Ik? liirhtl v burdened ; the honest pay
I luent ol our jiMt delts, mid tliesscred pr-8ervn-i
tion of the puolic faith; rieedom ot religion,
j freedom ol the press, freedom of person under
' the protection of thenreut writ of lniletixcrjn,
I and triul ly juries iiiimrtinlly selected.
2. Thin I he widespread depression mt uf
I ferinsr which lTect every business and employ -
uietii that is cxpttble of 0 inr touched by Ictfis
, tion show beyond a doubt the iirnoraiice, m
: t-tticiemy 1111J wickedness of the leaders of the
I party Hint has ruled the state and nation for n
i period of years.nnd wccall for their immediate
! and permanent removal from the places Ibey
j have so lony dishonored and disgraced,
i 3. That the undue multiplication of public
1 ollict-rs utul the inordinate increase of aalarivs
' and emoluments of olliccs are anions the many
I evils which Kadical rule has forced upon lite
i country, and, favorinx' an eeonomiual adminis
I tratioe of the federal and FtateKOVernmeiits so
j thai the people limy be as speedily as posnibie
I relieved from the burden of taxation with
which they are now seriously oppressed, we
: call npon our federal and slate representatives
to strive by all proper means to reduce them
both to tho very lowest practicable number
and amount.
4. That the conduct of the present state
treasurer in the management of the common
wealth's nuances, iu tieKlectiur to appropriate
the moneys in the sinking fund in payment of
the public debt as rapidly as required by law,
his nfiii-itf.ntmttnir lor tlif. iittfr3r ..! i. .l It.
I him on the ieople'a money deposited with
1 the several banks and banking institutions
throughout the tate, and his itisob-nt rclual
to submit the archives of the treasury depart
ment to a lenliy constituteil cominittee of the
House of Hepresentatives ppointei to inves
tigate the Fame, is deserving of the severest
condemnation at the hands of an outraged and
already overtaxed people.
. I'hat the condition of our state treasury
demands tbe most searehinir and thorough 111
vestlKatiou and we call upon the committee
appointed to investigate the state ol the treasu
ry to resolutely pursue the duty which has
been confided to it.
B. That the nomineos of this convention are
hereby pledged to apply all moneys in the
sinking fund, us required by law, in I he.i educ
tion of the public debt, and thereby save the
Interest on the same to the amount so redueed,
and that moneys due the commonwealth from
corporal ions and individuals shall be promptly
public moneys for their own profit or purposes.
. mat m coniracnon ot tne money cur
rency and circulating medium heretofore made
by the Republican party, and the further con
traction proposed by it with a view to force
resumption or specie payment, lias already
broil u lit disaster tothebusinessof tiie country,
and threatens R-eneral bankruptcy. We de
mand that this policy be a band ned, and
fliMt flit volume ikf iiiftncv li mu-la .. ji
' t-roii(riit about ny proun.tinjr the Industries of
th eople, and not by destroyimr them.
8. That the policy already initiated bv the
ltepiiblican party or abolishing le-al tenders
and iriviuir national banks tue power 10 furnish
all the currency, will Increase tint power of an
already dunireroiis monopoly and the enormous
burdens now oppressing the neonle without
compensatinfr advantaire, and that the national
,nL;,";,V0,Me.p",."pl1 pe7nH,w,.,t,,r
retired and lejsal lenders be issued in their
9. That the public interest demands that tho
! government should cease to discredit its own
1 currency, and should make its leiral tenders
receivable for all public dues, except where re
i sped for the obligation of contracts . requires
pit iio-m in coin.
10. The extinction of the present national
banks, and the establishment in their stead of
a system of free banks of discount and deposit,
under such rciru bilious as the states may re
spectively prescribe, and no paper currency,
except such as may be issued directly by and
upon the faith of tho (reneral government, af
fording pructieaily a currency based on the
jjoM and silver and other property of the whole
leopi of the country.
11. Thai with this declaration of principle of
policy wcarraiirn the leadersof the Republican
parly tor their extravagant expenditures and
profligate waste of the people's innnev, for
their corruption, for their peculation, for their
contempt or constitutional obligations, fr
their extortionate increase of the salaries of
our public officers, for their oppressive, unjust
and defective system of taxation, finance and
currency, for their continuance of i.
j and corrupt men in olHce; and, further, trener
, al mismanagement of both the state and fed. r
i al H-ovcrnmeiils; and we cordially invite lih
, era! Republicans and all other men. without
reward to past party aniliation, to co-operate
with us in expellinor them from now.-r and
p.,uri" smh an sdministration of our pubiio
oHice s ehBi H. iori,cJ, fu purer and better
uujs, iuo ni.-iuuiit;
. It was moved to adopt the reeolulious
as a. whole without debats;
Mr. Sowden, of Ijehigtt,- got the floor,
but as siHn as it was apparent that hepro
josed offering au aineuJment to the cur
rency pl.-oik his voice was drowned t an
uproar. The previous question was de-
mauuca, uus uuu v ic a njvu,
No gag,' etche was allowed to proceed '
with his remarks. He spoke decidedly In
fvr Of hard money, and -aid it was good
old democratic doetrhie, ,Jf the con ven- !
tion tiHk a decisive atand on the currency j
question it should favor gold and silver. !
He thought the resolution should be non- '
committal, aud amendment to ;
that effect. .
Mr. Hughes, of Schnylkifl, chairman of;
the comnTittee on rrsotutioiis, defended '
the platform as reported, and thought him j
. f 1 I .J-.nli o
worse- 1 II HI I 7w r- ill I in tii wjiv nuiocnwu . -, i " - - - -
curacy based exclusively an.pjd "d sil- he has always made thewlJ9. have chetf
ii " 1 L , nt nn.ltlim fool r.,H of their i.idrment. JndffO
ver. lie sate? legal lenoxsrs are noi rrrereiy
promises to pay any nrore than gold ctir
rency. A legal tender is of itself money. .It
redeems itself every time it istendered and
received in payment of debt. He moved
that Mr. bowden's amendment be tabbed.
' The veas and nays were called on Mr.1
Hughes' motion, which was carried, and ;
Mr. !Sowden'8 amendment was lost. i
Mr. Sowden took the tlior against it, j
amidst ctmsWerable confusion, StifF fanved t
U strike out section seven, eight, nine I
and ten, . substituting the financial resotu1-
tion of last year of the Pennsylvania demo- '
f m - a . - . f , r '
cratic platform which called for earljpecie
resumption, but under the call or "tpies
tion," no attention was paid to Mr. Nw
den's motiou and the resolutions were
adopted as originally read.
The con veil tion then proceeded to the
nomination of a candidate for Governor,
and out of the confusion the following
names were obtained : I Ion. Wm. Higler,
Hon. J. P. Barr, Hon. Henry P. lioss,
Hon. D. M. Fox, Col. Amos C. Noyes,
Victor E. Piolett, II. S. Mott, Cob R. M.
Gibson, nominated by Robert Liddell ;
Hon. A. il." Coffroth, John D. Stiles, Hupli
M. North, Samuel fc. Drajier, George H.
Stwing, Judge C. Ij. Pershing, . Robert E..
Monaghan, A. C. IJoynton, James B. Knox,
W. P. Jenks and L. Z. Mitchell.
In presenting' 1?:e rcsnlt of the scvei-al
ballots tiad for Governor, which we do in
tabular form as follows, it is proper to say
that the withdrawal of ex Gov. , Bigler's
name, which was done while the tenth bal
lot was Iieing taken, turned the tide in favor
of Mr. Pershing and secured his nomina
tion ou the next ballot, as will be seen be
low :
1t -M 31 4fli i
TeritliiniE. . M 16 1 IS
Kn-r , IS 2f -26 2
Warier . . . ai 45
7iy cr SI 54 34 82
Harr ..... 4S 4! 4H 40
Pmlett...- 11 13 13 17
Monaarlnin 13 14 12 13
flfltfi7tnthtthimh imi '
2S 25 80 45 n 1 4ft
XI 36 45 4T 4 63 P4
Morton.. .
Stili-n. ..
Hrelier.. .
t 'oil ruth .
Mott ...
tl-ibson.:. ,
Knox . ..
2 ft 4 3
M 20 2 -M
17 17 7 .
14 . . . .
5 8
ft 5
2 6
4 4
4 1
5 ..
a ..
1 ..
7 S
3 17
2 ..
0 4
G 3
Judge Pershing was after the announce
ment of the result of the eleventh ballot
declared the nominee for Governor amid
the wildest enthusiasm, and, tin motion of
George Ross, brother of Judge Ross, one
of the candidates, his nomination was mado
The following is the complete vote by
ballots for State Treasurer :
Victor K. Piolett
tlraujfc Xolile...... . 82
W. II. Plat-ford 42
.1. .1. Yomnr 30
it. Metinire 19
Joseph .N FieriKd 14
John Hanrork 14
William Willig 13
A. N. Hen tun 13
.1. i. l;?!..... 8 '
Willisnn Ahrnnis 7
Jlsrtin Powell 7
H. B. Ktnbrick ft
If. K. Sloan 6
AV. it. Dougherty 6
V. B. Kell.-r 4
Jatn.ts J. Wnrentn 3
Mi. Piolett, having received more than
the necessary number of votes, was de
clared the choice of the convention for State
A dispatch was then read from tho chair
man of the Ohio State Central Committee
in which thanks were tendered the Demo
crats of Pennsylvania for their platform
and promising 50,000 Democratic majority
for Gov. Allen. Gicat enthusiasm follow
ed the reading of this dispatch.
After selecting a State Central Commit
tee, of which John Porter is the memlier
for this district, the convention, at 2:40 a.
m. Friday, adjourned tine tlie-.
Ron. Cyrus L. Pershing was born at Youngs- !
ij. remtiiiiK was uui 11 si iuini"v
moreland county, on the 8d tlay
f, 1823, but to all intents and pur-
a native of "little Cambria."
town. West in
of February.
lxises be is
lie practiced law in Johnstown for many
years, ami has devoted his life to his pro
fession. Although a democrat in his con
victions he was not a violent partisan, and
was often called upon to take a place on
the ticket. In 185( he came within a few
votes of defeating Colonel Edie for Congress
is the strong republican district of Hun
tingdon, Blair, Cambria and Somerset, and
in he was renominated for Congress,
but defeated by S. S. Blair, by some 2,000,
.llK.,1, lenincr l.i tieket Tn ISKO lie
was the democratic nominee for Supreme
Judge, but was defeated by JudgeJWilliams
by 8,791 majority. Two years ago the
licophs of Schuykill county, without dis-
ti ft wn gf ri:titv nrvmin-itnrl tiim -Trip Prti.
dent Judge against Judge Ryan, and he
was elected by over 3,000 majority. Since
then he has devoted himself to bis judicial i
duties a"d discharged them most accepta
Victor Emile Piolett isof French extrac-
t oais! watt Iwrll 111 rnv 1 t,nrt fAi-t
tion, and was born m W j'sox, Bradford
county, in 1812. His education, was ob
tained at the ordinary schools of that sec
tion of the state, fifty years ago.. It was
solid and pradtical and fitted him for the
occupation he chose for life that of a far
mer. Being a good speaker and early gain
ing the respect and confidence of the
democrats of Bradford county, he was
elected to the legislature in 184(5, and again
in 1847. During the last cession Johu C.
Knox and himself led the Democrats
against tlie opposition with tearlessnessand
nouiLjr. oi-iii vouLiiiuiug iu tne oemtHjratic
..l:i:... c-. : i i . : - r . . i i ..
party, Mr. Piolett was nominated bv that
organization and the Grangers for Contrress
in 1808, and beaten by Mr. Mercnr by 1,901
:.-...: - T iQPii i. . , i.
.)- ! t. in iktj no t iioiiitnatea ior
i tne same piace, ana against tne same gens
: tleman. This time he ran the majority in
I the district down to 311. In 1872. beimr
for the third time put npon the track, he J Mr. McDowell, who swore that the defond
j failed to secure an election, as in the other i 't had visited his store and trade in.
, cases. The district is one of the strongest j qniries about Mr. Ross during the month
j Republican portions of the State, When the i of the abduction. The case, remarks the
, war oroKe out oetween juexico and
United 8tatcin 184G, Mr. Piolett wag an-
j pointed paymaster, which place he held
till the close of the struggle. He is now
engaged in fain. ing and stock raisin? in
1 his native county. ne ..ccupies a leading
; wMnt;rt i.. ti.A r.m.ror irr,r,,,.t; f,i.i
' State, and is looked upon as one of the sol.
id men of northern'Pennsylvania.
Let us have Ps Pershing Piolett,
plenty aud prosperity.
"Judge rcrshing Interviewed.
' A special dispatch from Pottsvllle to t3i
Phila. Time, bearing date Sept. W, says :.
The news of ihe-nommation of Uiqge
i'erahing lor tTovernor nio noi ieaV w
until about 9 o'clock this morning. It gave
great satisfaction to the jtirige a many
friends, and these are of both parties, as
his able administration of justice in this
county has Commanded the admiration or
all gootl . citizens, and his pleasant social
qnalities make all who come in contact with
him feel tht they are in the society of an .
educated gentleman. Judge Pershing is
one of the? most tvna."dng of men, never
nalrii. nA;A lL 'lii tfl till OIlS
Iiim feel proud of their judgment. Judge i
i ersnuig i e cv ivi-n quite s mimun v
gratulatory dispatches from the . most
prominent men in the Democratic party, j
which Reems to Verify the assertion of The ,
Times' Erie correspondent that there is no
personal antagonism against Mr. Pershing.
At the couit house to-day he was sur
rounded by an admiring crowd anxious to
hear what the gentleman whom they be
lieved would be onr next Governor had to
say. The nomination seems to have been
unexpv-cted by htm, and be says he had no
rfesire for it, aud only the earnest solicita-i-
. - . f e j. i j i.; i : . I . S n
lion ot menus iiniueeii nun w peiiini ma
nitma to go before the convention. Ibit
that lieing mumnated, he will, if elected,,
cheerfully undertake the duties of t he office,
and perftirm them impartially and to the
best of his ability. Ire "believes that the
great need .of the present is to secure for
l the people an honest ami economical govT
i eminent, and to awaken so deep an hrtcresf
j in public affairs among the ' whole mass Of
) the people and such a jealons a'ppreemtfi'ii
j of the reciprocal lights and dirties of the
j governing and the governed, nd thatsnrch
i an ut ter disregard of these rights and du--;'
ties as has characterized the administration
'of public afTWtrs during, the past fifteeir
I vears may in the future be impossible.
That i thorough reorganization of all
branches of government is necessary so that
no more ersim shall have public employ;
ment t ban is necessary to perform the work.
On the subject of the finances Mi. Pershing
was reticent, not desiring to express any
opinion upon a subject which had so little
to d with tbe oflioe for which he has been
nominated. He said that political plat
forms meant very liftle at this day. That
in the United States every year, for many
years, an average of seventy-two platforms
had been adopted, and. jet but little, if
anything, bad been accomplished by them.
That he supjssed many Republicans would
sland on t he Democratic platform and vote
the Republican ticket, and tir-e vsr. The
judge has not j-ct received any official no
tification of his nomination. If the ople
of Pennsylvania should elect Judge Persh
ing they will certainly have reformer for
1 Governor who, in the administration of
j lHiblic affairs, w in" know neither friend tior
for, snn will never be influenced by either
fear or favor. He came to this county in
the interest of refmm, and in the few years
he has boen here he has unflinchingly per
formed cvery diity of his ollice as judge.
The iMJopIe of Schuylkill comity appieciate
this, and will give him a luge majority.
The Ci.ocn that Fowki'asts the Tem
pest. Justice ImsaseenrJcd her tin 0110 and
where she was least looked for. In the
mountains of $chuyrkill, where disoider
and lawlessness have so long reioned, the
people in a fortunate hour called Cyrus L.
i Pershing from his distant home to hold the
scales of justice before themv He came a
j stranger, and with the single puiose of
j discharging his responsible duty with lidel
; ity. In this epidemic of official peculation
( it was deemed safe for tbe ComiiHsshiiem
; of Schuylkill county to poeket illegitimate
j profits iu the construction of a new county
j building. They reasoned that it was done
1 elsewhere ; that nearly every city bad its
I confederated band of plunderers, and that
j they escaped the toils of retribution-. They
pointed to I hiladclphia, where millSum 1
j are stolen ns if in ojeii day, an ! justice
sleeps over the public wrongs, and why not i
plunder in Schuylkill, w here law was often- j
powerless and jtn-tice as often mocked?
j They stole but a few thousand dollars
j not more than would satisfy an average
; Council committee in a small job. But
; seven thousand dollars all told were filched
j from the public treasury, and they felt
sain. ti ere iney nt wemciatic com
missioners, in a Democratic county, with
Democratic juries, a Democratic District
Attorney and a Democratic Judge? And
with such political power to aid them, who
could call them to justice ? But they were
brought before a court in which Judge
Pershing presided, and there justice was
blind to social position, to political inllu-
ence aim to olticial honors. To the utter
consternation of the plunderers they were
-. .
I . . .
! a
j jtCK '.'
oilier-men who come into the
iendlcss and penniless, and the
brave, just Judge quickened the inteirritv
of officers of the court and of tho jury by
the sterling impartial manner in which he
discharged his own duty and denned the
duties of others. The evidence was con
clusive, for the truth was protected by the
honest "administration of the law, and con
viction followed. Yesterday the closing
scene in this impressive lesson was enacted.
The commissioners of the county stood tip
before the honest judire and heard the
jmigiiietil Ol I lie law. I lie I0IOI1S cell for
two. Jef' a fine of $1,000 each and the
' restitution of the stolen money were the
! t"18 of ''e sentence, and those who were
I omccreif the county but a day before were
j stripped of their authority, of their nlim-
I der a.nd of tl,eir citizenship, and tamed I
luc Mjmpiu 01 justice to ineir prison
homes. It is a cloud no bigger than a
man's hand iu a great Commonwealth like
ours ; but it is a healthy land-mark that
will be noted by the people as they hear
aear sUbelm g ZXiSZZ
: - J W''o
will be other courts and other arraigned
officials and other convicts to teach" tbe
lesson that the way of the transgressor is
hard. Honor to Judite Pershinir f,,r thia
noble example of the omniiioteiice of ius-
r- mfc
nee wueu laiiuiui oincers are charged with
her sovereignty I Phila. Timet.
In the Westei-velt trial in Philadelphia
on Monday the cross-examination of Mrs.
Westervelt was concluded, and the direr
i examination of Westervelt himself lxnn,
1 I r ; : , . "
ins evidence was lmnortant. nnlv a a ...,..
i roborating the testimonv of hi ;r ti,. i
he was at homo Julv ft. 1874 tho ,i
! which Mrs. Peers testified to havinir seen
, 1 . : ... : .. i , , , . . . .
i mui m nruiKivn street car wit li n oliil.l
I resemoung unarlie lioss and that he hd
1 never been in Germantown iu his life
thus flatly contradict'intr thn priH.n
Timet, increases in interest
! conclusion.
Judge Lowrio. of tho Crawford b,.fi;..i
' a'nfCT l,a maae ore
attachment should bo i
i district, has made an order of court t hat uo
aitacuinent snouicl bo issued against any
witness who baa not boen nald t i.a m;u.
and one day's fees in that capacity. This
rule should be adopted all over the country,
for it. is all wrong to comjiel eople to at
tend court on other iKople's business and
pay their own epeu;:s.
Acm-j 1ui rolitival It emu.
--1Iike Scully aColambrts pedestrian, on , l raw lord Cxiunty system .V'
Ksitnrrlatr erMMuleted
atarrlar cotiipletcd the tsk of walking livo resolved ti abandon it
oral thousand miles in one thousand hours.
r A yotmg- giri in Chicago h'aa - been ;
craved by religion excitement, atuf ii-siBta ;
in teai iug off her clothes and rftnning about
the itticef naked. " , - f
Dr. DbilfngCr, according to the 7on-'
dou Tiniest, is merely an eminent divine
who is straining at a gnat after having ,
swallowed a camel. '
It is said an unusual amount of conn-
forfeit fiftv cent notes are in Circulation, '
and business men should keep an eye upon
t.hnsK who attemr.t to pass fhefn,
A German named Fideiick Judd, re
siding in New York, attempted fo murder
his wife last Satuiday night,- and killed
himself. The woman will recover.
. T , r.. Jtz
X c "ldJ e' ,f tJ TA vl
i " Plttf-buigll of SCHllct fever, IwO lyi
wtlh'rf five minutes of each other. . All -thiee
were buried in one CTiflin on Sunday, j
-An enthusiastic delegate at Erio gave
the keynote for tbe Pennsylvania campaign
when he exclaimed, after the nomination
of Judge Pershing.'He is phttfn-m enough.'
Hezekiah Leard," who died recently in
Augusta, was the fattest man in Maine, j
and reqnired a coffin thirty inches broad, 1
twenty inches deep, and six feet two inches ;
long. '' ? ' " .' ' : j
The court of Washington county has
fined several of the township auditors $30 ,
each for not publishing a rejort of the fi
nancial condition ortheir several towusuips,
as icqnired bj- law. ' "
--The Pittsburgh Tclrffrnpfi says that in
punishing the thieving eommts.ioners of
Schuylkill county 'Judge Pershing only
lid his duty." " Granted.-1 And'because
the democracy are sin e be will do his duty
they are ittnning him for Governor.
Gen. Joseph K. Johnston is saii to
have accepted the thrice-offered appoint
ment from the Khedive to become Cm-rnaiider-HKChief
of ' the Ksyptain army.
He rs to have, supreme command with a sl
sn y'of $25,(H)0 a year and the som of Jf 100,
000 for the purchase of an outfit.
, .John J. - Geghan, the author of the
Ohio lawy Which secures to every inmate of
a prison or otlrcr institution the right to be
ministered to by a Clei -gyiaan of his own
faith, is not rt Catholiff at all, "id the bill
itself was drawn up by a nu'mber f Demo- ; months, mie rat
crats..and llcpubhtmis. as a comproimse went down to a
measure. . ; 1 . . t
' A WoTTfan in New Orleans" au? her
ditugbteT,' a girl of ?gteen,- havmg been .
severely tmrnt by an explowen of oil while 1
tilling a lamp, have recovered $1,250 dam-
ages In the Supreme tJiitrt'ri-rtTii tI?eSepto
tian Oil Company. This W a tftoely w.ti n
ing to the iutiiiinerable -fiiauirfactifrers of
"non-explosive" oils. l
A deputation' on behalf of the Aiueri-
cad residents of Rome, both Catholic and j
Protestant, visited Cardinal McOskey on
Friday last and presented him, as a
of their esteem, a complete CaifHiial's dress
and a mitre set with precious stones, to- i
get her with au address expressing their !
good willes autl vetieiaiion. i
On Saturday List George Sweigert, aged
seventy years, residing in K;ist Cocalieo :
township, Lancaster ,couuty, entered his
baruyartl, where he was immediately set ;
upon by a beligerent ram, whose attack
was so fierce tha before assistance couhl
reach Mr. Sweigeit be had sustained such
serious internal injuries that he died soon
after wards.
The Jonesboro f East Tenn.) Herald '
aiti Tribune says that iu several localities'
i:i that county the grashopcrs have made
their appearance and are eating the bl.tdes
of corn. It is too late iu the season for :
them to do much d.tiuagc, but they will
probably leave their eggs and next year,
there will be millions ol" them. Sutlieient j
unto the d:iy is the evil thereof.
The Erie corresotidence of the Chica- j
go Tribune vays : Mr. l'iolette isthe leader .
of the Grange movement in this State aud '
will )mi)I a good vote with the country ei
and is as stiong a candidate as could
have been put nv. The nomination of , came to me stem .1 ti-
Pershing for Govrrnoi is concetletl bv all
to be a victory for the lie form party iu
this Slale and as sucb will Htidonbted'y
dra w well.
Tlie great Mississippi outrage has sim
mered down to nothing and proves Gov.
Ames to have been something worse- than
a coward. Ex-Senator Pease aud Senator
Alconi both pronounce tbe whole thing a
htttnbngy and Attorney-Genersl Pierreyont
is tlmVonghly disgusted with Ames' lying,
knavery nd subsenuent skulking, and final
refusal to answer inifiiiries.- This deprives"
Morton of a glorious chance to-lkuvish the
bloody shirt
Gov. Smith of Georgia say tlie vforst
scoundrel in th eomitry, and the men
w ho keep the negroes iu turmoil, arc t Ire
negro preachers- or at least a large majori
ty of them, who, under the cloak of reli
gion, instil into the minds of the colored
men notiousof la-w,- politics civel rights
instu reel ion, and' a host of tither things
which only make them loafers and thieves.
He wants authoiiiy to' arrest for vagrancy
all such disturbers.
George Smith, of Philadelphia, a brake
man in the employ of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, was struck by abridge
between Lancaster and Iranian Place, Fri
day night, resulting in the fracture of his
skull the unfortunate man dying a few
minutes after the accident. Hi's btsTy was
taken to Leaman Place, where an inoaiest
was held and a verdict of accidental death
rendered. The remains were then coiiffibctf
and sent to Philadelphia.
A private telegram has been recelvedr
in Mew York from Toronto, announcing
that a frightful accident had occniredotV
the Grand Trunk Railroad on Tuesday
morning. A train was thrown from the
track and several employes killed. The
whole train was a perfect wreck, aiid to
add to the horror, the cant took fire. Large
numbers of cattle, which were buried un
der the debris were actually roasted alive,
it being impossible to extricate them.
The best argument that can be made
for the election of Judge Pershing to the
Governorship will be found in the -examination
of his othcial acts as the represent
ative of the people. Iu 18G3, while in the
Legislature, he opposed the act of the
Legislature by which Pennsylvania was
put in-the position of repudiating the just
claims of her creditors by paying the in
terest on her State debt incurrency in place
of coin, according to tbe terms of her con
trart. Tlenry A. ITenken, a lad of sixteen
who lately fell heir to some $.50, 000 worth
if projierty in New York, on the death of
his parents and who, having fallen into
oau company, nas become so dissipated
! t,iat he cannot take care of bis nmwi-iv
1 nas Dee" taken charge of by the societv for
' fl. ........: r . . . . ... -
i i'ii-tcih ion crucitv to c In In re n
i c
' of
! "f
court has placed his property in the hands
of a snrrogate for protection. A inrv of
fifteou citizens pronounced the boy an ha-
uikuni urttiiKartl.
The New Orleans Picayune of the 2d
says : "During tho latter part tif last week
a terrible case of wholesale poisoning oc-
curred in the family of Mr. M
I the Parish of Acenion. It aniears that liavn littu tn h fi-om vr
i f - Hr J a . .... -tlf
Mr. Mier administered to four of his child.
len a couple of worm lozenges, or dragees
apiece, such as are prepared and put up,
sugar-coated, by the French man .i fact n rers
of this class tif eicdiciues. Thiee of the
children were almost instantly seized with
convulsions and cramps and died in a few
hours. The fourth child was a little later
in tlie day attacked in tho same manner,
and died in less lhau tweuty-four hours af-terwaids."
The I
j after an exjvi ience
fivnence (1fh ' N.
ndoti it .
strucUil the
- me coui.ty con..r..
some letter :id m,., -.-'k
The fait ness f it is
i found inisKible ui.dVrh "
the-iKmiinein over the en '
Tlie ii i-estsiil,l t. nil.-,lcv tr;
nate the entire ticket f,,",,,, .f i
lous p;trt tf the county. fc -i
Some time ago a cow l i
John Bully, of (,-, y!' '
ciuinfy, Sfrtsyed w.-Tv V
For several d.-ixs -i. . "' '
IIMT .. 1
finiiiikf a,a . tl
was found in the wia,.K .1 ...... 1
twisted around -a snialT.jn.rv ;:!
I.ed that in biusl,,,,,, !
tail became knotted a!Wd ,J
fn her efforts to Cet fn-e "
around the sappling. tlnis t - r
moi e secuiely. M,e haJ sUn'-, r -
. r5o'r- AnM' l - i''ilpni,.,? "
ingtoii are contf.uf i, ted J, - tw'r
military wmild chcein.iir , -of
the sfafe to preserve
the right of oit izen win-,,,;. -that
they did not. know tl,
lnsuri-eriiou in if "'"tr
moi if i ue y v vtliTS
a.:l l. . . .
ltlgton but
I hat tLc v wA '"
,-n-l w r V . no-
twirl tti Yie 1ottr.. l al
A few months
t- I .1.. .. " ivt.
a 0 f r t
nc V, 11111 i;li to 1-itiii,oiT
Hgion, resigned his chare a, i
ProteitauU The Pr!.,,;, '-
thirFYeifM. r?...... . "
; li-.s niinti anil asked t i 1
otigmal chtircli. If
e w n tf.,.,:. .
asficiil iosi:iMti i tint h-., u-" j,' -
will be coilipilietl to iit,.l,.r,T0
penance in a Jesuit commuuj,,. '"
treat. ; "
Whilst Mr. Jose,h Tpi-vrnJ
in his back jKvrh 0,.
evening, says the Teru-M K t.
saw two rats c -iiiiiug frotn uinitr,,,
"y. -noticing some'
lt4llll tliAm 1- .1
.... . ,.,,, r,.. ;(..c.
eatii en.L Ti?
hi lit iriui , . :
I laid the ti-aw down, t'.kaiii, .;u,
. pVrd up tlie straw and tiian.-; '
; tiie same way they v-i,t ! m:,. ; ..."
reaching t,e tftMl Mi. Tt-i'j itf-
I both, and n.H.n exatni:isiti,,n (.J
largest and oldest rat to Lavt 1 j.
Kind. Mr, Terrell :ts tlie
very fat,- and is satUSH-d Gi.u ii:t -t" ;
have tn-eu feeding bin; , v m i, I
Tlwre was frightful acrd
nrn-thern urt tif Fiaukli t c.'v i
Motulay eveiiing. A ym nn-.i
girls,- twmif the giiis i i :Trr dnv;'
'Spiiro John A. Pei i. ..f V-y -1
ty, were riding in atwo h i;t-lavi
ile tif which broke. Tl cj ,e-C;
feiently rep:ti cd t Chev ii -, ..
the team w as de.-oeinhiii; a iiii. u
College it biikc a m-A-hh!
ran away and otie f I'i t.-i (
tifteen years old, r.'a-s t'. rMi !
her feet caught in the opting nvi i.'
her ciotiies were t.nn .-ft' l.y ft4
She was dragged for 1. i.f a m!. -
weie liealen out by the h irV i,-f
her body was b.idiy many'd. L
pants of the carriage wi-ie tin';
out and the tiftier 1 tfr.-' oirl t i
ly hurt that she is not able t" be
A terrible disaster occurrt-d
Michigan early on Friibiy m .
Tlie proH.-Uoi- Ivcjiiinox. ou linv
Chicago to Bay City, Midi., v.i'
tif, and towing the m!i ::;
E. Mayes loaded with l niil- r.
taken by a storm l..iit '2 iVi
nio. ui.ig. at Point au Sab'e. 2' Hr
of Cliicag. Cant. W.hkIw :i
at mat time, and cauoil nut iiir
i the prre!lr careened atul Mi: tt
1 minutes after. She had on Nc
! of nineteen men ami Capt. I1
(of Cleveland, a well kii..n
w h was accompanied hv U
granddaughter, making a t-ii! '
two. I lie nrst intim:iiim ?k
hail of 1 he catastrophe iv,i:V
; the diowning. The Mayes c.
no assistance whatever ::i theU
that was going, and the eiitiitn
Koduo-e went down.
Public riamJt rrrs VunW
THE t'OMVfslOS-EHS OK -i l!! Vli
.Cr-f(? TiiiotcU lit thr l'l ill. r"
PoTTS f F.f.E, Sept. . At I''
tif the County Cofiit tliiM i!'-"
CoTtrt room, corridors, AtiH -miC.
were etowded with pcj le fff 1
or the country, aii.tiorts ti set-a''
termination of the ciiniiti;!1 p "
against otir County Ci'tmin''
careless and fraudulent p-'
public funds. The Pivsid J
I- Pershing, calleil on M.w.f !!';"
Couroy, and Yalenlitie iVnt f'-:
vieted Cointnissioueis tn st.i:ni t
Court, I'pon the Is-ncli trert
ftve J mlges of our contt. T!i,.T
crave lirnks, while the Immeine
litelir-1 it, ut lit.--ihlfiS
hear the i-ewai-d which b.I''!"'
the com-icts for their ci iiii"-
.rlrff amiouneed iu Hear. dt;nctt-'"
ttm Court had tfiiatiiinoiisly i.'(
overrule the motion for a nr t'v
it was his painfnl duty t !'
scr.tffiices U.n men who b:ui
and' trusted by the io;le t,f
with 'the'admiurstratioii ef ni.t!-
duties ;: thnt thv pii.Miietliaii'u''
a cllspira!?J to defraud tlK-c"
theCourt it:tei!rled the sftit,"r't,''
pass not only as pimisliuii'"!
but as a' wrfrnrn
nig to .in r"--'.
r-ini f.-r en
. . I 1 u... .1 nil' 1"
t herefore, sentenced earli of
HICU M tlcl TV irii-f.v..
to an imprisonment fn t w o j
county jail, to pay a tine "f
be deprived of t heir oliee .is I w " "
The culpi;:ts elulear-itrJ t"r;'
indifferent appearand Noting t'f
of the sentence, but htitCt
unstcadj- looks betiajC"f,li,-v s" .
unreal was the asMimeJ
tbe baste with which iu7 u
from the suppressed "vl'"v'r'.i(
showed how deeply they f' I;
dation. They were al l,ce
jail by the Shtiifl', iii.twill''1'
tion to susend excciitn'i
pending proceedings wbith t'"'
in nisiiiuie hi tit ."i'i ,
Court tefused to entei'l:"'"
Gminr&l k l ir-t ion was
tl,a ili..n. Colllt. tl'1"''1
...v n i. ax ...... . ." - Il W.
tence w as much severer tl'" ,
ected by the convicts ' .
Trial was had liefoie f"' ' r-
verse, even if tncy w's"
Court to undertake ITjc,J;f Y
quiet had been irstoifil '.j,,,
non need the apjiotutnu-nt
in t he Hoard of Coin mi"'' v
wera Lewis (T. fchei: c j V
Republican, and Mirhael
iua. DemiKsmt. Alt!nPn 1
: . . WtUllV-'l
victeo, tnere tiT ''.
ner, one of thecouvids
of office last Jauuaiy.