The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 10, 1875, Image 3

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CUonsburg, Pa.,
,. i r. - - si:rr. 10, isrr,.
kell (iocds at- Cost
!'(! OA H If 5
Kin. r.E (;ivi:x by him, j
Tlirre.and the Other Place.
V-i'-,,-! '' w:,s a nIorioiiH AVie in
I, ,...rv ! Pennsylvania Democracy.
-;.-ft ii'iin'y proposes to p!:iy fair
I, ' l I. im 1 1 I -" h ofthc present month.
v l in I';ttsburj l;ist Saturday
i, , . , i"p.. A glut in thf market,
-: township, as learn from
j, , i ,;, :r, has produced a Ik.".. 1 of oats
..:., n in l. I""ff-
1 1 i ...!:.! are in .attendance at. Court
t! an arc usually attracted to our
,.. :. Il ncl1MOtl'.
.1. I.ij V . marble iiinntlfac-
. , . '.i vn, 'l is mailt- an assignment
; his creditors.
t . I .! Spe. lit, ot S-irncetown,
. ntv. w-m drowned in his
,1,1 i. e I lie lit ll'T il l V.
. ; . .i I ;tvit:t-r, i t" St. AugitHthi, will
,: ir m mill ami an i nc m.ii iiinc-
,.t. ;ir i i ! i- s;i c on Mobil, ly, N jit.
1, S . a! i rt ieitien t.
i i . .1. tt- i in ' In nils of Wil more are to
j j.j. in: ,.: .";iIU!t!:T I next weeK,
(..;''! : : f' of tliis place urn to
I 'l l 1,. M',.r ! Ill ill flu- fcr-tiviiies.
..Mi; ...,! tiiniil W'm. Davis, Ksq.,
i-: Wiinl, was net iii.'illy thrown
.,. , ; v ,.i . day li'sr.wet U anl some
, !: :,,! al-:it the he id ami f.iee.
-1 i i ii wi n- slio'-kinly lacerated
t r--:f.s explosion of a blast of
a', i :! a al mine at I ! m t.ila'e Cleaj
,' !V. i II Wednesday of lat Week.
-'I'ii- 1' i : i t" A Hi inn a a: ill the J miior
. i , ,. ef pi-toe are ! :.lli tl for a
. i I,- ,.r 'mil mi Saturday next
.. i:,.': ttf the hitter oran'. it ion.
A ii n' Mr. Flunk Kay, livittj; near
... r c, utre comity, aji-.l rive years.
i i i',!i-il a few days acuity fa II
: - a t nt !iiJ soap-f-iiils, that lie
.' ; h Miller, a veteran ciluea'or,
! ! a. mi Triilav last, in Ilie 70th :
! . Ii .-f. Miller niatle t;l,i!i!i-t n
r t'i i'iy a:rl fiiiiilameiita!!y, for I
! ; !'i - v year-.-.
r i:. 1. t r. a well known reimtalile !
' i
: .Mm -'.-r towrshlp, li.-d on We.l-j
e.-at i it, after a l"iii ail severe ;
Tl.e iliM-e;iseil was u liaelit.liir, '
1 1 'v yea:. j
I'at 1 in, K-q., of ratih'tnville,
! ' U! 'v, yesterday pnn'haseil Hie. i
:t 'j-erty in this plaee for the
-- i ", w iih th presM'neil iiitentiun
. :'i tht? liailkiny liiisiness.
- u ut t il." :i plant (j'lite aHuiutant j
eaiixetl the tlealli ef a I'itts-
' '! rei Mm t'.ay la-t. It may he
: - i'. that the thiltl'iok of the
: :i:a tlnti't suit you, ate some of
. ' ,1 i i.iiiitv lias a la- hall -'nl '
ii;' t' whinn are sons of an ohl
i ' : i-util Kelt leu, agf.-il about t ,
a 1 t!i- seeoml nine are granilsons of ,
vt ! , aaii'ie i it icn, who aets as uni- ;
!!. .!ah. j
I !i i I;1-rt Co., hankers, .
:i. I'a. . set-in to have an eye to the j
ii 'in - s ur' f h'mjrs when they atlvertist;
' ' i.i - through the meiliinii tif the
' N" mult-i-li.ilh? hanking house .
. " ml any ' here. j
1 ' o- ' ria t i nai ils of this place, to the
t".-i!y ' ilil, left home Wtu iiesla y
: i' I ! m ii !i iiiioon to nttt ml tJie re- .
l'i.';h K.-ej nieitt, ami wk vetitnri-
il' a im re eretl i hie or let ter he ha veil
: ' n ' iit-t In- in atteiitlaiieti on that.
- V M' 'i.-.l that the IYnnsyl vani.l
i I! i: tli:!'ih.n , will he hhiwn in j
' y tiays, ami the Kot khill
1 ' i! ' i'ii:anv. at ().hisoni:i, in the '
! .'v. hav-- etii;:i f.nimlrytiien for
: -, that that imltistry will also i
; ' C "lis ,-r,. nti. " I
'" ' : a fi-al ni'ner nairntl Swim,
'' - i '. o-vi'.;-, on the Ki ii; ami I'itts- ;
i.i i .i i, -;im- liinli tntlirii!siiii one
-' Th. y weij;hel resectivi;ly
an. I ihree-tpiarters, ami i k
- 1 i.i .lii!intown Tribune f.n-et ionsly
1 " - '.if hole family is gel ting on
' I! 'p, an aih pftil sf.n .f Mrs.
' ' 'if, ii n ih lv-.r'nih, wa thrown
' '' ---'it train m ar N'e ptirt, Kerry j
' '' Siml-iv last, ami siistaineil a!
fi.ii t.i re of the skull, whieh canseil
1 ' after. He had heen l,nt two ;
r.'iul when he met with his '
" ' vf t r six Sisters nf St. Joseph '
.i I
,:' ' i' r lenisi; in this phn-e a few tlays j
' l'vr;se of establishing a conrent '
' Newcastle, fiawreiiet; county, '
A" I ' ;i !li'-y will meet with proper :
'-' 'm t t. "e helieve tho new com- !
un-ler the charge of Sister !
.1. -.
i i,
- '1 i arvest home picnic for the
" "' s". AiiMstint! church wiil make
I1 i1. Ii;iiijt for one day, and that
iv''":'!av, Sfpt.'JMh. All that goes to
s i' !i v.n event enjoyable, int lil'ling
' m a-, h t,,r a:(j ai a running home
w ill he provi letl for the ocra- I
'' '' 1' in a i l t.ike a slice of the fun. j
"" ''Iiiis'icvh Tri'mup gives currency j
;' r "mi that the stock holders of the j
1 --dinner resort will commence this i
' ' r '" li large, magtiitieent, itntl well ,
- 1 r, k stimture, to take the place
' i' '' - n wooden hotel building. This
n I - ! , current near the close of the
f it several years past, but .th hopa
'"'I'- it may lx- rorrect. There is
' r location jM State for Mimmpr
' '!.- t
i ' ii j iy the Ixaities of nature, ami
" 'in- iiewhjtel is a'. I that is required
A" '"'', I'-.U e the favorite.
"Give honor to whom honor is due, is
a principle which, if carried out, would
prove fatal to much of the hutr.bng prevalent
now-a-days. The oldest and most substan
tial Clothing Store in this city, remarks the
Johnstown iJeinocrut, is Mr. Mnrphy'8, on
Clinton street. He keeps the best clothing
and Fells at the lowest prices.
The "tnake-iip" of our paper last week
was in itself sufiVient t-videnee of our physi
cal inability to attend to our owu business ;
lint if any further proofs were needed they
could Im? found in iitimlrerless typographical
errors, not the least annoying of which was
the locating of the coming Indiana county
fair in the city of Altoona instead of the
liorongh of Indiana.
The residence of Mr. Norman Penro.1,
of Adams township, this county, took fire
last Montlay aliout noon from a stove-pipe
passing through the roof and was with all its
contents soon burned to the ground. Mr.
Kenrod was attending Court here a a juror
alttl his wife was away from home gathering
elder-berries when the fire occurred, the only
memlters of the family present leing the
three children, ihe eldest of whom is only
about thirteen years.
Ik-sides the burning of Col. Win. K.
Piper's livery stable, in (Saysport, at an
early hour on Thursday morning Sept. 2d,
of which mention was made by ns last week,
a large barn belonging to Capt. Daniel K.
Kamey, located on the outskirts of Holli
daysburg, was also destroyed alout half
past nine o'clock the night previous. Both
tires were the work of incendiaries, and the
total loss ftMits up from .?.", .VM) to .?fi,000, half
of which falls on Col. Kiper, who, however,
is fully insured.
"Johnny, run out and tell Mary to come
away from the gab.? ami stop talking to that
num-skiiU Jones; why he hasn't sense
enough to come in when it rains." "That's
so, mother, but then it's not much difference
whether it rains on those clothes or not, as
they couldn't look much meaner. If he
hail bought them from S. J. Hess Hro.,
".'41 ami ?4: Main stre.-t, Johnstown, they
might be worth getting out of the rain with,
as the clothing they sell i not. only the
cheapest but the U-st in the county."
We acknowledge tint receipt of an invita
tion to attend a grand picnic to be held in
Lloyd's grove, immediately west of Klx-ns-l
urg, on to-morrow (Saturday), by (he ma
chinists in the employ of Ihe Ia. IC. It. Co. ,
at Altoona. The picnit; promises to Im the
largest nntl most enjoyable of the kind that
has ever lieen held in Cumin ia county, trie
nnmberof At tendinis, as we learned while in
Altoona the other day, lx-ing estimated at
not less than eleven hundred. A grand gala
day w ill the coming morrow he in and aliout
I' he tisbiirg.
We web-rune bai-k to Khenslmrg our
very excellent and ninth esteemed friend,
Mr. James 1. Murphy, who for a couple of
y.-ars past has lx-en in the employ of Messrs.
Collins' brothers, the well known railroad
r-on tractors. Mr. Murphy comes amongst
us, we believe, for the purpose of taking
charge of the banking house of Collins,
John stin & Co., ami that he will perform the
duties p'-rtaining tothat position intelligent
ly, faithfully ami honestly is as certain as
that night follows day. If the world was
made npeitf irely of such men peculation and
immorality would have no one to do them
No less than three persons residing at or
in the vicinity of Derry, Westmoreland
county, have met with violent deaths on Hit;
railroad since our bust Issue. One of these,
a man named I".. J.Smith, aged about. ."i0
years, was found in an insensible condition
between Kenn ami (irajwville stations, on
Saturday evening last, amf died in half an
hour after ln-ing removed to ft reensbnrg.
How he met with I he injuries which caused
his death is unknown. The other two vic
tims were a man ami wife named Serena,
who were struck ami instantly killed by the
Johnstown Accommodation, on Monday
evening, while walking on the track near
The Ieniocratie delegate eh-clioti in this
county will take place tomorrow week, ami
we trust that the Democrat!" in every elec
tion district will see to it that good ami re
liable men are setii to represent them in the
convention. I f that is done, a ticket will be
nominated which will receive the united
support of Ihe party; but if it is mt done,
dissatisfaction am! trouble will he the result.
I,e Saturday afternoon, then, of next week
summon the Democracy 1o the delegate
elect iocs, ami Irt none but trite DwmtcrfU be
ut mi guard. Traitors must be driven to the
rear ami the men who tight the ball les of the
party consistently ami earnestly must he
brought to the front.
We looked in on Mr. Godfrey Wolf, of
Altoona, the other day, arid found him en
cwiii passed on both sides liy a stock of cloth
ing the most complete, varied and extensive
we ever looked upon--enough indeed to
cloth a regment or two from top to toe with
entire satisfaction to all concerned. We
have known Mr. Wolf long and intimately,
ami can say for him that he hasal ways been
looked upon as an honest, lilieral dealer,
and one who never fails to do full justice to
those who favor him with their patronage.
Kemcmhcr that his store is next door to the
Ktst-ofriec Altoona, anil that his goods are
the liest and his prices the lowest.
Four of the finest, largest and most
luscious plums we have ever looked upon
were presented to us the other day by our
merchant friend next door, Mr. M. L.. Oat
man, who, however, is not prepared to
furnish all his customers with fruit of the
same description, inasmuch as it took an
eutire tree in the rear of his store to produce
al-out one tbzen of this quality; still he is
ready and willing to give everybody a real
genuine "sugar plum" in the shape of unsur
passable bargains in all kindsof dress goods,
dry goods, groceries, notions, and dear
knows what all. If you don't lsdieve that
a visit to his store would be fruitful of good
results, even one trial, we are sure, will
serve to convince you of the fact.
On Saturday morning last, altout two
o'clock, three tramps 1 man led a freight tiain
at Deny, and after riding some distance
they were ordered off by one of the brake
men, but they begged that he would let them
remain on until the train .von Id stop. Tho
brakeuiau refused and secured a large piece
of timber from one of the .cars, ami while
standing on top of the cars was in tho act of
striking Ihe tramps, who, upon this discov
ery, made a jump from the car while going
at high speed, ami one of the tramps was
considerably cut alKiut the head and face
and a severe gash cut in his right hand,
while the other one received a seve e scalp
wound and his spine was very seriously in
jured. The third, a boy, escaped without
any injury.
It was an unintentional oversight on onr
part last week, but we trust it is not too late
yet to congratulate the people of Indiana
Itorough on the acquisition of a worthy and
intelligent citizen in the person of Prof. T.
J. Chapman, who removed with his family
to that pretty and prosperous town only a
few days ago, where the Professor occupies
a prominent position in the State Normal i
Scuool. We wish him and his the best of
A Horrible Tragedy. Another terri
ble fatality occurred on the railroad west of
this place last evening, the recital of the
details of which is enough to make the blood
run cold. An aged man and his wife were
walking down the north track of the Penn
sylvania Railroad, about half a mile east of
Derry, when a freight train going in the
The Sportiho Season and the Game
Law. As the sporting season is about to
commence, we append an abstract of the
game laws of the State, omitting such parts
as relate to processes of law, duties of mag
istrates in enforcing the law, etc.:
The iHwful elk or deer-killina- season is from
i September 1 to December 1, ami for ihe sale of
to the south track to get out of the way.
Just at-that instant the Johnstown Accom
modation east, came along, and as the curve
I is verv ulinrt ilte engineer did not obterv
lucK, and hope they will find that their lines them until too late. The pilot of the engine
same direction whistled, and they stepped I Peer's meat from September 1 to Jnnuaryl ;
out irom me nisr or ueceinner 10 tne 1st oi j
February a person selling doer's meat may tie j
acquitt-ed or tne penalties ll he prov?s Unit the
deer whs killed out of theiStnteor within the
deer-killinjr season.. The running of deer by
nojrs is irotiiriteil, except in tn? counties or
have indeed been cast in pleasant places.
If there is an election district in the
county in which the candidates and not the
delegates should be voted for at the primary
election on Saturday of nest week, that dis
trict is to be found within the limits of onr
own borough. ' With no less than two as?
piranta for each Of the three most important
offices residing in the West Ward alone, it
strikes us that an attempt to elect delegates
to suit all these aspirants would only make
"confusion worse confounded," ami that the
only safe way out of the difficulty is to select
two worthy men for delegates and then let
the Democrats say by their ballots w ho these
delegates shall support in the convention.
This is certainly an honest and fair method
of expressing the preferences of our people,
and the candidate who is not willing to
stand on his own merits and abide the re
sult is not deserving of consideration. For
onr own part, we cheerfully accept ami
earnestly urge tho adoption of this plan in
With wards, and especially in the west ward,
of this borough. What say the other candi
dates? and what say tho Democrats themselves?
struck them, and both were thrown against
the embankment at the side of the road.
from whence they rolled down into the
ditch. The train was immediately stopped,
but when some of the horrified passengers
reached the spot they found the ohl couple
without a breath of life, and lying withiu
a short distance of each other.
Tlieir death must have been Instaneous
as it did not require more than a minute or
two to back down to the spot where the
tragedy occurred, and their hearts had then
ceased to beat. The bodies were at once
placed on the rear car and taken down to
Derry, when a most harrowing scene oc
curred. A son of the dead couple, who is
aged about eighteen years, happened to
catch sight of his mother, ami upon finding
that the. lamp of her life had gone out. for
ever he gave way to the most bitter lamen
tation. When he had calmed down some
what, he asked for his father, and when the
terrible dual fate was unfolded to him he
siood paralyzed with grief. Even the spec
tators were melted to tears at the saddening
sight, anil few could remain to witness his
i;oiiy. The victims of this awful accident
were named Serrina, and they had been up
the road last, evening for the purpose of pro
curing some corn and hops, a small sack
containing these articles being in possession
of the husband when he was killed. In the
twinkling of an eye without one moment
to think of i in pending death they were
u.i o,l fV...... u--fl. vm.Al.,. 1.-.:-
The fact that, we have not. got out among ; ,,;,, went flirth frot' f,,e ,.Uv,.v tf.n,merit
containing them. They leave nine children
to mourn their fate, and 'it may well be
lw-lieved they are inconsolable. It. was in
deed terrible. Johuxtoirn Tribune, Hh.
the people as much as we should have done
will iMissibly count against us in the contest
for County Treasurer, as too many in these
days seem prone to pledge their support to
the candidate who is either the first to "button-hole"
them or the most persistent in the
matter of interviewing them afier they are
"button-holed." And yet we do not believe
that any man situated as we are could do
much In-tter. Our business is such as to de
mand our almost constant supervision, ami
even t he illness of a few days disarranges it
more than any one but onrself is aware of ;
ami as to the employing of some or.e to take
onr place well t hat is easier said than done,
pecuniarily as well asolherwise. These are
Tniits which we ask our Democratic friends
to consider, and if they think that some other
applicant is more deserving than we are, our
Inqw! is thai they will not arrive at that con
clusion simply liecanse we did not call upon
them personally and solicit their support.
We are willing and anxious t Ve nominated.
improbable as such a thing may -seem, but i
are none the less prepared to Accept a defeat i
honestly ad ministered, especially if it comes !
withtini any reflections as to what might..1
have been the result if we ha.l been more
persistent in intruding onrself upon public
attention. I
Doivos in CofRT. From the assembling i
of Conn at 11 o'ch;ck, A. M., tin Monday
last, up until the latest hour previous to j
going to press on Thursday evening, onr re- ,
port below covers all the business transacted
in the Court of Quarter Sessions, w hich is .
still sitting. Thomas H. Greevy, Kif., of ;
the firm of Tierney & Oreevy, Altoona, ami '
Jas. F. Milliken, Esq., District Attorney of I
Itlair county, were on Monday admitted to j
the practice of the law in the several courts i
of this county. j
Com'th vs. Thomas C Myers. In thiscuse tho 1
jury hi lust sessions ("omul l he riVrcndu nt utility '
oi nirirraviitoii ns-aniilt ami Imttery. hut sentence j
whs ileleri-ed until t h- present sessions. son- i
fenced to pny n tine of fl'l and costs of proseeti- j
lion, nnrt to enter into recoirnizmice n the sum j
of f.'iOt) to keep tlie pi-Hoe towards sll (rootl eiti- :
7.1-ns. Mini esie, -Lilly towards t.'liarlea ami James
J hnsioti. for the term of one year.
('nm'ih vs. James Johnston ami Cha. Johns- j
ton. Thos. f. Myers, prosecutor. At lust ses- '
sions Ihe ilclenilants were fotin.t ffnilly of as
sault and battery, but, as In the case attove re- I
ported, sentence was deferred until September
sessions. Sentenced to pny a fine of f and costs j
and enter into r.-cnf ni..mee in the su.u of .VH)
to keep th-! pence towards all jroud citizens of
I'eni'sy I van'a. nml especially towards Thos. C. ;
Mvi-rs. for th-- term of one year. ,
fourth vs. James untl t'hus. Juhaston. Win.
Union, prosecutor. At June sessions the do- I
fendaiits wcr" con vletttt of nira ra vatt-d as:u It i
and buttery, but sentene s were deterred until '
September nessions. Sentenced In pav a tine of
fill and e 'Stsend enter into reconrni.nm:e in the '
sum of .V0 to keep the peace towards all irood ,
citizens, ami cxpeeinlly toward Win. Linton, for '
the te m of one year. I
Coi'th vs. John Mcfluey. charged with kecp
Imr a tipt'limr ho-ise. Jury Hud defendant iruil- I
ty ami Court sentences him lo pay a tiae of $10 i
and costs of suit. j
Com'th vs. Wcllinjrton Cameron and Wesley j
Cameron. Indictment, pursuing-wild deer wild I
riotrs- Settled tv defendants payinv costs and i The foil
10 attorney 's fee-. which tl
How They Were Cauuhj. From the
Red ford Inquirer we get Ihe following par
ticulars in relation to a little transaction in
counterfeit money. Some parties residing
at Friend's Cove, that county, who were not
over scrupulous as to how they could make
money, addressed a letter to a New York
"shover," whose name was known to them.
He sent them, as samples, a live-dollar bill
ami some fractional currency, which they
passed read il v , and finding the stuff so good,
they raised S-WMI to purchase S.VMIO w orth of
it the rate at which the New Yorker pro
posed to sell. The transfer was to take place
at Cumberland, Md., on a certain day.
Several of the Cove boys were on hand sit
Ihe appointed hour, but a "inuin" sort of
individual handed one of them a note, in
which it was .stated that the detectives were
on the watch, ami a meeting at Centreville,
Ib-dford county, at midnight, would be nec
essary in order to make the transfer secure.
Two of the Cove hoys appeared at Centreville
at the "witching honr," aud mtreting "their
man," proceeded to an adjacent wood to
finish the, dark 1 ransactjon.
A stump of fallow caudle was lighted, and
the 94(M) passed to the iler, who, in turn,
counted over a package of bills ami placed
them in a cigar liox. Just then the light
went out ; but the Cove boys were assured
if was all right, and Ihe parties seperated.
Not lieiisg entirely satisfied at. the way in
which the leader had ai ted, Ihe wouhl-le
purchasers of the spurious concluded to
strike a light ami examine the Imx. It had
lieen "stuffed" but pot with the "queer."
There was not a singl-t note in if all having
disappeared through a false bottom, before
the Imx left the hands of the dealer. The
best of th"selr" was, that the samples sent
out, by means of which tin- greenhorns were
"drawn on," were all genuine ; ami the
money counted at midnight was probably
genuine. The N;v Yorker was yimply a
"sharper." and the Cove lxiys have conclu
ded that "shoving the queer" is not hii
easy way to raise the wind after all.
Modern Women. It is a sail commen
tary upon oitr Itoasted civilization that the
women of our times have degenerated in
health ami physique until they are literally
a race of invalids pale, nervous, feeble ami
back-achy, with only here anil there a few
noble except ions in t he persons of the robust,
buxom. ladies characteristic of the sex in
d.ays gone by. I5y a very large expel jen.-e,
covering a period i,f years, and-embracing
the treatment of many thousands of cascs
of those ailments peculiar to Women, Dr.
I'iert-e, of the World's Dispensary, Kulfalo,
N. Y., has perfected, by the combination of
certain vegetable extracts, a natural speci
fic, which he does not extol as a cure-all,
but one which admirably ("ulli's a singleness
of purjuise, la-ing a most, positive ami relia
ble remedy for those weaknesses ami com
plaints that afflict, the women of the present
day. This natural specific, compound is
called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Com'th vs. James Rose. Indictment, sntiorn-
hi!T a wit ne. Continued upon appliv-ation of
Commonwealth until next tessions.
Com'th vs. Charles Indictment,
fornication Rnd bnstnniy; Mairdalemi Shar
biniifh. prosecutrix. Defendant pleads iroilty
and submits. Sentenced to my a tine of il and
cost, and to pay t'H) for lyln-in expenses and
tl per week lor Ihe support of the child lor Ihe
term of seven years
Com'th vt. Michael McOonlirle. Indictment,
rape; Annie Snyder, prosecutrix. Jury Hud
defendant not iruilty.
Com'th vs. John Croue. Indictment, asa nit
Slid battery; Matthias Denny, prosecutor. Ju
ry find defendant (ruilly. Sentenced to pay a
fine of tl ami costs of smf.
O m 'llj vs. .loh MeOuey. Innlctmont, Sell-
mir liquor without license; Jos. Itainsey, pros-
Uelenlentiant pleads irutlty.
eeiitoi. Ili-fen iemliitif, nicads iriitlrv. :m.i suit.
mits. Sentenced to pav n line of iiim a ml costs t It'll of a family physician.
this wonderful medicine has worked
cures as if by magic, and with a certainty
never before attained by any medicines:
Weak back, nervous and general debility,
falling ami other displaecme.nts of internal
organs, resulting from debility ami lack of
strength in natural supports, internal fever,
congestion, inflammation ami ulceration and
very many other chronic, diseases incident
to women, not procr to mention here, in
which, as well as in the cases that, have
lieen enumerated, the Favorite Piescri
tion effects cures the marvel of the
world. It will not do harm in any
state or condition of the system, and by
adopting its use the invalid lady may
avoid that severest of or' -aIs the consnlr-
Favorite Pre-
of suit, and in default thereof to utiderifo im
prisonmcnt in tho county jail for a term of
three months.
Com'th vs. Mary Mcfiiuey. Indictment, soil- j
inir litjuor without license: Joepn Itams'-y,
proseeti tor. Jury find defendant guilty. Sen- '
tence same as
Com'th vs. John McGuey. Indictment, sell- I
Ina litjuor to minors; Joseph Kamsey, proseen-
tor. Grand Jury return not a true bill, and i
prosecutor to pay all costs except the four dol- j
ihi-s in ineciiiiniy.
Com'th vs. Evan Michaels. Indictment,, as
sault aiidlhattery ; Mary A nn Roberts, prosecu
trix. Jury nii't neiendunt ruilty.
Com'th vs. Win. J. Davis otiim Jack! Davis,
Walter Davis Elliott Davis. Elias K. Doty and i
Thomas linnlon. Indictment,; Hous
ton Me.Mullen, one of the ftanir, prosecutor. I
Thomas Ifsnlon was not taken and a nolle pm- !
nrrjtti was rntercd r to Ellis R. Doty. Wm. J. .
sen pi ion is
sold by dealers in in.nliciues
IlF.i.r to Mothers Nckstnc. Infants.
It is conceded that mothers who have the
care, anxiety and draught of nursing infants
are weak and neetl the aid of some strength
ening tonic to make tip the nourishment, re
quired for the grow'h of the child. Ale,
porter, ami lager lieer have often been re
commended. Of late, since physicians have
lecome aware that the Port Grape Wine
pi oil need by Alfred Speer, of Passaic. N. J.,
is strictly pun-, they have prescnlied it. in
stead" of ale and orter. This wine is prin
cipally sought by mothers who have nursing
t'lfnta Al tl.u 'tt I tin Itoat. att nrtl ti t
lJ. I...Iri .nillv .n.l ..hmiltoit on.i 1.1. ta-n ! " ...-.., n .
i.Z.,i..L. .t..i..4 Th . .. I medium to lie found. The wine is rich 111
which tliis prosecution rested was breaking- in- body and not intoxicating but gently stimn
- . t. i . i , . i . ! i . : , ..i. ..ii.. i : ....
io untl sicaiuiir koous irum c n. ii- vara ni v.res-
Ce ntro, Clinton, Kavette, Sehuvlkill nd Wy
oming, 'The killing of fa -.tins when In their
spotted coat is positively prohibited. No per
son is allowed lo trap deer, except for consump
tion in hid owu latniiy. Penalty for violation,
Gray, black, or fox squirrel must not be kill
ed between January 1 and September 1. Pen
alty,."). Hrtbbils Chnre:) must not be killed between
February I and October 1, penali v ." ; or hunt
ed with a ferret or ferrets-penalty 10.
Wild duck and iroese must not be killed with
any net d v c , or a srnn other than those hab
itually raised at arm's lentr'ti and tired from
the shoulder; penalty
Wil.1 tin key must not be killed between Jan
uary 1 anil October 1: penalty Vt.
Plover must not be killed between June 1
and Amrusl I; penalty (10.
Woodeot k must not be- killed between Janu
ary 1 and July 4 ; pcniilt3- I0.
m 1 1 or Yirioiiia partridire must not tie kill
ed between January 1 and November 1 ; pen
alty !0.
Pheasnnrs and prairie chickens must not be
kilieil between January 1 and September 1;
penalty l(l.
Rail bird and reed birds must not be killed
except in the months ef September, October
and November; penalty I0.
No person shall at any time kill or have for
sale any night hawk, whippoorwiil, sparrow,
thrush. lark, finch, marten, chimney swallow,
barn swallow, woodpecker, tlieker, robin, ori
ole, red or e.iriliiiul tiinl, cedtu bird, taimer,
cat bird, bluebird, or tiny other insectivorous
bird, under a penalty of five dollars, except the
bird be killed for the purpose of scientific in
vcsiiiruti'Ui,or that it tuny be stuffed ami set up
as a specimen.
Disturbance nf wild pigeons on their nesting
grounds is prohibited ; penalty S.
Snaring or trapping tj iail, partridjre, wood
cock, ra. I or reed birds is prohibited penalty
10; but individuals or associations may jritiher
Virginia partridire slive between December
CO and Felfruary 1 for the purpose of preserv
injr them alive over the winter.
shootinir on Sunday is prohibited ; penalty
lo to 25.
Pollution of Katne waters is prohibited; pen
alty :H).
Who May Vote. For the benefit of vo
ters we here give the requisites that must
be strictly followed under the new constitu
tion to entitle them to vote at the ensuing
election save and except such as it is too late
now to at tend to. VVe earnestly hope that
every Democrat will see that, he has in every
respect entitled himself to vote before it be
too late. Election officers are held to a se
vere penalty if they disregard their duty
in refusing every vote that, does not come
before them legaily qualified as follows :
A foreigner who came to this country under
the ajre of eiirhtcen years is entitled to natu
ralization after a resilience in this country for
five years, ihe last year of which must have
been in tliis State. Such an applicant requires
no first papers."
A foreigner who arrives at theajreof eighteen,
can nt any time after lit; has resided in this
country three years, make his declaration to
become a eit r.en ; in othe-r words, lie can take
out hU "lirst patters." At any time suti-eiiuent
to two years thereafter hit can ret his "second
papers;" that is. be declared a citizen. He
must have resided in this fctaie uiso ut least one
3-en r.
A naturalized citizen, to be entitled to vote,
must have been declared a citizen at least thirty
days prior to the election. All persons who are
entitled to naturalization ehouid sec that it be
done prior to October 1st.
All male citizens bet wet-u the ajres of twenty
one and twenty-two years are entitled to vote
"upon njre," uiihout I'aynient of tuxes.
Those over the are of twenty-two year must
have paid a State or county tax within two
year, winch t. x must have been nss. sseil at
least two months li, Ic re the election, ami paid
Ot least one month prior to the elect ton.
See that your taxes are paid on before the
first day of October. men who voted "on ay:e" last year
f bo ii Id see i hat t hey are assessed a nd pay ta xes.
as their names are frequently omitted on the
leX list.-.
A citizen, to have.the riirbt to vot. must
have a "residence." A resilience in a different
election district, from that in which the voter
Tot ait-i Iy reside! can lie ueiUired only by rcsid
iiur In such new election district u period of at
least sixty days.
A citizen who rctinovcs from one ward or
township to n n u her, arter the first day of
September and before the day of election, for
feits his rijrh t to vote in his oid district, a nd has
not iictjuu'cd a risjht to v. tie in" the new. He,
therclore, bv his own act, disfranchises him
self .
A i.i.EOEt) Rape. On the 17th of June.lSVt,
j wo learn from the Johnstown Trih'ntr of
'i'nesd ty. a daughter of Mr, Mk-linel Shelley. of
Adams township, then ajred about fourteen
years, was violated in her person, and on the
Ith of June last she appeared before tj. Slray
cr and made informal ion atftiinst a peddler,
who stopped at her lather's house iluriiur the
absence ot bo i h her parents, chariri nir him with
tiic commission of the out rave. She did not
know his unin". but the description was so ac
curate a to induct: the suspicion that a man
na ned Philip Dausrherty, of fttroh", was the
truiity party, and the Hiiest of that individual
was secured yesterday by Constable Harris.
He was bronsrhr up to this place, and on heiuir
taken before His Hon tr Judye Haines, this
forenoon, was released until the next term of
the District Court, entering bail in the sum
of .jti0 for his appearance at that time toanswer
the charge oT rape.
I'pon the second count in the information
that of fornication and bastardy lie was taken
before Justice fc-trayer, and is he desired a hear
ing. I he mitttoi ns continued until Friday
next, when the'eomplainant will be present to
trive in her testimony. Hail in the sum ot "00
was promptly jfivcu for his appearance on that
da v.
The sworn information of the yoitnar lady
sets forth that on the Pith of June. 17. a ped
dler culled nt the house, in the absence of her
parents, they heimj in Johnstown at the tune,
and by brute force- lie oiitrayrol her person.
She says that on their return she did nut m-
i form them of what had happened, but some
time subsequent Iy, when the siirns of presrnau
I cy could not be concenleJ, she made a clean
! breast of the whole matter. A few months
; ao she irave tiri h ton child : nitd still claiming
I thut a rape had been committed, nn investiira
! tioti was set on foot which resulted In suspicion
Httachinjr to Mr. Dauj-ht-ity. ami she made the
! information h.iririmr him with the crime. The
warrant was placed in the handsof Oslicer Har
ris, and Icarninir that a peddler answerinsr the
description irivcti by her was in bat robe, he
went tlown and arrested him.
On the other hind, the accused, who Is said
to he In (rood circumstances and unmarried,
claims that ho nev.-r had the least intimaey
with the jrirl, and feels satisfied that he cm
clesr himself of the suspicion whieh rests upon
him. When t he hi-arinn comes otT. on Friday
next, the preliminary examination of witnesses
wiil likely develop what truth there Is in the
storv tohl hv tho vonnir l-idv. For the sake itf
! honor and manhood we hope he maybe able
to clear him If of Ihe terrible charge which
has been made tig-amst nun.
son last November.
Com'th vs. Walter. Elliott and Wm. J. Davis.
Indictment, larceny ; Abel Lloyd, prosecutor.
On trial.
lating. Druggists generally keep it, and
sell it for a dollar a bottle. Enquirer.
Another Bank Sensation. As Eb
ensbtirg of late ha.s had more than the lion's
share of bank sensations, it is not to lie woo
den d at that our people have lieconte ex
ceedingly sca y about such institutions. In
regard, however, to the latest sensation da
that line, caused by the tlisapjiearance lie
tween two days of the cashier of Collins,
Johnston & Co. 's bank, the uneasiness pro
duced, we are pleased to say, was only of a
temporary character, and as that well
founded institution has promptly met all de
mands, ii is fair to presume that it stands
tiHiu a firm financial basis. To whatextent
it su tiered at the hands of the absconding
cashier wo are not prepareil to say, as the
stockholdersaree-cceedingly reticent on that J
subject; but. that the bank was pinched to
a considerable extent seems to be conceded
by all wlu don't know anything aliout it, j
perhaps. Be that as it may, for the fugitive '
cashier there is more of pity than imligna- 1
tion expressed, tho universal regret being !
that he has blasted his o -rn future prospects j
and brought discredit ttiwm an honest and '
respected name. In his domestic relations
Is Your Life Worth Ten Cents?
Sickness prevails everywhere, anil every
IhhIv complains of disease during their life.
Wheu sii k. the object is to get well. Now
we tay plainly that no person in this world
who is suffering with Dysepsia, Liver Com
plaint and its effects, such as Indigestion,
Cost.i veness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart, De
pressed Spirits, Biliousness, Sec, can take
Green's Amu'ST Flower without getting
relief ar.d cure. If yon doubt this, go to
your Druggists, Lemmon Sc Mnirav, Kbens
burg, or P. M. Woleslagle Sc Son, Wilmore,
and get a sample tottle for 10 cents and try
it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses will
relieve yon.
Messrs. Baxter & Son of this place have
concluded to make way with the entire
stock of goods they have now on hand, no mat
ter what the sacrifice, as they need room for
their fall and winter supplies. Hence it is
that they have resolved to sell all they have
at. less than cost, and Ihey invite every one
who wishes to secure better bargains than
they ever heard of to bring along th cash
lift seemed to Iiveanrl nodonbtuitl live nap- and see what thev can do for them. This is
pily and contentedly with bis wife anil child, no catch-penny announcement.
and that ho should ll.ns desert them so nn
expectedly and so discreditably is only
another evidence of the weakness of poor
human nature and the utter f;ly of seeking
happiness outside of strict integrity anil an
honest and faithful performtnee of Ihe du
ties incumbent upon all of us, no matter what
our positions or callings iu life.
-penny announcement, mil a norm
Jifle promise which f hey pledge their words
to make good. iS-'-'O.-tt. J
Dust thou art anil unfit dust thou shalt
retnrn whenever thou essayist to make
thy way along the highways and byways iu
this viciuity.
Ir. I"lnie.v! 'iitiml Syritin of Ttn
rtn is u uara n t eed to cure I nflam ma! ion of t he
Kidneys and Rladder, painful or suppressed
urination so frequent in oliL aire, pnltirul or'
suppressed menstruation, lacorrhir-a or whites,
p-rnvel, gleet, stricture. Moody discharges,
lb-tsrht's dieense, liriektlu?t deposits, dropsy
pain in tne back or side, sick headache, pim
ples, blotches and eruptions on the face, and all
diseases of a specific or constitutional nature,
retrardless of duration, re or sex. Compound
Svrupof Riichu is a positive nnd radical cure.
For sale by I.kmmon & Muruay, Ebenshurr.
II VMES K .4 I..
RYAN MYERS Married, at the Catholic
church, Tjoretto, on Tuesday lasr. Sept. 7th.
!;", by Rev. K. A. Rush, Mr. J.iskph Rvas, of
I.oretto. and .Miss Kate R. M veils, of Munster
The f air bridf. whom we are sure will make
a most estimable wife, did not fortret to send
to the Fins, km an of line a very laive and delici
ous cocoa-nut cake, and we in turn did not lor
iret to dispose of it in the usual way. Of course
we feel irrateful for the kindly remembrance,
ami for that as well ns because they deserve it,
our eonfrrn t illations n nd irood wishes are here
by extended to the newly wedded, whom we
fondly trust will be abundantly blessed In this
world nml eternally blessed in Ihe world to
come. Mv peace tie with them tbroujrh time
and eternity, nnd may many happy "little
events" come to pns ere life's pilgrimage has
been fully accomplished.
GOOBER HAM. Pled in Snt-ouchanna town
ship, on Friday, Aitir. 21, ls".5. Mr. Thomas
Goodeiiiiam, oneof the oldest and best citizens
of Cambria county, aired about tt! years,
E STRAY. Came to the premises
of the subscriber, 2 miles south of Lilly's
Station, on or about the -EM of August last, a
PARK sorkki, MAHR. with white face, and hav
imr a, small hell attached to her n.ok. Tne own
er is requested locome forward, prove proper
ty, pav charges and take her sway; otherwise
she will be disposed of according to law.
Washington Twp. Sept. 10, 175.-31.
Geis, Foster & QuimVs,
Nos 113 and 115 Clinton St., Johnstown.
Jl'ST OrKXIZn.X lame nssort
mpmit of PLAIN and HAUHLD FLAN
NELS, in nil colors, at extraordinary low
ll'A TEi:ri!OOF8.Van, Hat red,
and Striped, in all shades, at vkuy low
A T, J", U'OOTj black and colored CASII
MEUES, and black and colored SILKS.
Itlftck 3 fofi airs, Afpacas, and Col
ored JfrfsH Cltuxls, in great variety, and
at extraordinary low ligtues for cash.
Ilea r Stock of Calicos, Muslins and
Ginghams on our con titers, and more arriv
ing daily.
( Xotlou Department is ful'y
supplied with everything needed for jter
soual or family use.
Ladies' yeck- Wear, Cottars, City's
and Silk Ties in endless vaiiety.
Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton St.,
Johnstown, Pa.
.Trtra Cftnras in r.ll colors; Itoncy
o:tib and Jiailroail Gmcas.
Goltf and Silver Perforated Vtrtl
A fit-rat Assnrtnrnt of PATTERN
ROOKS for winking on canvas and cloth ;
also, Patterns for crocheting lace and tidies.
If'a.r, Heads and a large vat iety of Fan
cy f.Joods.
A Full Assortment of Berlin Zephyr,
fiist quality; Gerinantown, Cashmere and
Ialmtual Yarns. Also, Morgan's celebra
ted Stocking Yarn, in all colors, at our
standard low prices
fl'e make if n specialty to procure
all good in our line, not in ttork, in the
shortest pofiihl-c timr, by parties Uttin,g
their order.
Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton St.,
Johnstown, Pa.
L,etter from California.
Cressey Station, Merced Co., Ca!., I
August 31, is; a. I
Pbar Freeman-Life has been so monoton
ous anil news so very scarce ilnrinjr harvest,
that I have omitted writing; but now -I take
my pen m hand to let you know that I am well,
aiitl I hope these few lines may find you enjoy- ,
itijr the same blessed state of heuith." ,
For nearly two .years 1 have been brnRitinir
about the currency of California all jrold and
silver, or their equivalent. I said "l imes can't
tret hard here in California." Rut, alas! I was
mistaken. Gobi banks can be broken too, when
depositors are all so foolish as to expect a bank
to pay out millions of dollars in a day.
The irroat i .0O),'m0 Rank of California sus
pended two days nfc i, and the news will reach i
you, i suppose, several days lelore this comes
to hand. They paid out two millions coin in a
day anil a l-aif, am) then the coin rat-out, and ,
Uiey closed their doors and will wind up the
concern. They have assets enouirh to cover all
liabilities -perhaps. There was also a run on
the National Cold Bank and Trust Company,
but they paid out as lotijf as specie or coin last- .
etl, and "then offered depositors ample security ;
in property. They had a larjre amount of irold
Htidsilxcrin bars, but this was not available,
and hence they closed for a few days. The
banks are all solvent and a foolish panic did .
the whoio mischief ami injury.
Money stocks are down and the sale of wheat
and wool, etc., will be resliieted lor some time i
tor wun I of money.
Our wheat, a well ns that of all our neiuh- ;
burs, is t lirrlied and hauled to the railroad. ;
There was about. a half crop, but it would ha e :
paid pretty well only tor tho joittc. Matters
are just now a little uncertain, tint in a month y
or so all will be riirht. Kmrlfsh capital will
now in ami lie exchanged lor our win at, wbl -f
the people across the water must have. In
fact, t lit re is any quantity ttf imltl and siler
in this State, if it were only coined. It is the
coin that is scarce just now. The trade dollar
procsoiit to China iitid Japan ami flu; irold and
ot Uer silver coin (roes east to New Yoi k, or lo
London, or Liverpool, or Paris, anil the mint
keeps coining ubout as fast as it (roes away.
Many of our wealthy men keep T hi i r .trol l and
silver in bars, which will not circulate niiion-r
the people, which I Ihink is a mi-rake. I know
that the times were hard in the States, bin we
had not felt them until this crash came like a
thunder clap upon the people of this State.
An earll quake could nut have created irn-ater
constcrrmt ion, for no one suspected anything
wronir or anticipated the crash. F.vcn shrewd
businessmen weretukei by sm ju-ise. lliipimr
that you nml I may live to see gcud times ajruiii
uud to enjoy them, I remain
Yours, truly, Iton Kov.
Of the i.atkst ptvi.ks nnd, for Men
and Hii' J, will be sold without reserve, at
ftpposife the 1'ost Ojfice,
.1 0 1 1 7S STOWN, rM .
AIsn.HATS and CAPS, ttttrother with a larice
assortment of SHIK1S. PKAAVKK. Ovcmlls,
.larkets. Hews, Ties, Oollnxs, Culls, Handker
chiefs. tt, Kc.
Having determined to quit the business, will sell
Clot Mine, and all other irtw.'ls in ihe ftore. I HKA !
IK AKS 1'AST. lttn"t forseet the place serosa the
Hrect from the Cost office and as 1 am deter
to close out. yon will jeet
.lOHX F. 13 A II N ES.
Johnstown, Aug 20. ISTft. 2in.
CIO 00!
The ltlMl i the l ilt;
anil if it i Impure the whole yys
tem wilt te lUst-asctt. You can-
lint punly a stream hile theV
sprint Is corrupt: m-ithi-r enn yon impart emut
hi-nlth to the Ii il limn tmdy while the bl.tod is enn
vcyiiijr l he s -cits nt tl iseast- tu all parts tif it. There
fore l'T'KIFY the i'LOOIl. and nature will
the disease. Nn remedy has ever been discovered
which has etleetcd so tereat a number of jkhhu
ttrtif cures as
TO TICK. Patience is no longer a,
virtue with me, and therefore all per- ,
I I . ...4 ...n n.... . , r li.u.L' iivinnt !
sons indebted to me by note or book account
are hereby notified to call and settte up before
October 1st, 1S75. All who fail to comply with
this notice in list not complain or be surprised
to find their accounts in the hands of an officer
for immediate collection, s I mtst it u t mux
et. OF.O. IlFNTUiY.
Knensbiir, Sept. 10. 175.-;t.'
Instate of Thos. Ooootrham, dee'd.
The miners g-oed Kxecutorsot the last will
a-id tctnmcut of TiiuM as ittii uu am. lete of j
Sutpieh inna township. Cambria county, de- i
ceased, h ereti V notify all persons indebted lo
the estate of said decedent that payment must ;
le made without delay, jtrd !h-?e having claim-
fijriinst the sa ne wifl prt-oent liiem properly
authenticated for settlement.
JOHN SO.MEKVITd.K. i-xrcutors.
Pitsqnchtoina Twp., St pt. 10, ls75.-3t.
Irjeyer's Poultry Powder.
Warrsnted.irtifiea in ximc.
to cure ehlrken cholera and
al - rp-9. witnasuppiyoiiii.a
ill Powder and a bestowal ef
ordinary attention tociean-
niion ftmi iiii"
oast, pnt ana etrpsneii-it'rniinRtimt.i.ri.ii, nil, ii.i c......
keep Poultry (even In conflntment)for any Icnijtli or
time with both profit and pleasure. Pnt-kspe 25 cts.,
flvefor f 1.0O. your dealer. Sent free upon rc
cetptofprlc AJc.meteii C0.. Ealtlmor
PUBLIC SALE. Will In; oft'ered for
sale at jtublic outcry, at the risidence of the
subscriber, at St. Aiiirustine. Cambria cuinty.
on noinlny. Sfpl. -itM l. the followinjr f
described personal property, towit : 1 Steam 1
Poktahi.k lloii.EK and a iVhttise power K.s
GlXE (cylinder freshly bored out), with birsre
Hki.t, 70 feet lonje and one foot wide; a rootl
Saw Mit.t with a oO-ftwit enrrhurc ami Wi-foot
ways.autl a la tire saw with friction feci; I Par
ker Siiinoi.e fn.i capable of cuilimr shiturb-s
Irom hi to IA inches in lenjrl h ami or any re
quired thickness, and having a new fi-e l -warranted
to cut from Itl.tmo to l.".lK sIhiikK-s p-r
dav. Also. 1 lift aq Saw Kin and Main shakt
of SI feet, with a 10 loot coui-.ter shaft and l-ev-el
(rear ami bc'l inir to operate the same. All in
fine running order. Sale lo o iimnt'iii:" at one
o'clock, P.M.. when terms will tie aim'.uii'-ed.
.1. LlTZINciLU.
Pt. Aiiirustine, Sept. 10. I7-".-i.
It is rapidly acquirimr a national reputation for
the cure ef
Smtfulotis Affections. Canrcntus
Formations, I'rtsip las, Jioils,
Fimdrs, I 'leers. Sore Fin s,
Scald. Head. Tetter. Salt
lili cam ,M ereti rial a nd
fdl Skiu i Uncases.
The remedy is a Vciretahle t 'umponnd. and can
not harm the must tender infant. Lntlies who snf.
fer Irom thp tlebilitatino; diseafes kmmn as Ke
t ai.k t "ov ri.AiSTS will tiiid speedy rtdief by untrue
this retnrdy. Heware nf ittntite. feits. Tie- if-nu-Ine
has our name 1. K. SKLIF.KS X. CO., l'itts
biir4rh. on the Imttinn el each Itotttp.
Fur sale by all Druie ists antl Coimlry Iealers,
and by A. A. l Son, Art-iifi". Kttci.s
bur.', I'a. Sept. 10, ls7j.-im.l
SfiFE Jflfi :pTMEBT!
"Vsitei: Bonds
Fur (lie t'umplcliun of Water Works.
rr ii i: j i n o tv i h
are Issued in sums of
payable in ten years or smutcr at the opt Im id I ha
Uomuteli. nnd Iteartna 6 -r ii-itt. imeri-M,
which is payable si ini-annii.tllv.
the faith and credit of the linrtmitti tteiiiir pletf
ed for the paytneiit nf Iwtth principal ami iiiterest.
4cFnr further iiifitniiatniu call on or atbln
the CKt'l.SS.
Kbensliur?r, June Ji l
The oldest nnd best appointed Institution for
obtair.inK n Ibtsiiicss K Itieal li-n.
For circulars address
8-3.-3meom.l PittsbuiKit. l.t-
.loilN I). IMlil-.KTS.
John Libert & Co.,
Corner Main and Franklin Sts.,
Accounts of Merchant and of Iter ,
business people solicited. 1 rafts ,
negotiable in all parts nf the conn-
try for sale. Money Ijoanert and.
Collections Made,, 'interest at the ,
rate of SLr, VerCent'. per annum al- i
lowed- on Time Eejosits. I
Savin fs Deposits' Hooks is-aed,
and Interest Compounded Scmi
unnually when desired. !
A'Gcneral Banking Business Transacted, i
ASKMiNKK'S X ( )T I C 1 :. N d i . t
is hereby jjiven that Bcrnattl Kcilj. of
A !lcifheiiy township. Cambria county. I't.. I y
di-ed of voluntary assi-rnnrctit, hiicnt-iunnl i
the estate, real atot vronal, of the sa-'l It. i
nartl Kelly to F. J. Parrish. of Callit.m. in saitl
ctiunty, in trust, ftr Ihe benefit of thecrrditom
of tnesnid itt-inard Keli. All ihtsius, lliere
fore, indebted to the said Iternard Kelly will
make payment to the said Assignee, and thot-e
haviiiK claims or demands will make tin- same
known without delay. F. J. I'AKitlSII.
Asiirtcc ol lK-rnarti Kellj .
Callitzin Sept. 3, 1S75.-it.
Kstato of SASIl'Kt. IlF.NRV, dee'd.
Letters or Adiuinlslralion on the cMate of
Samuel Henry, late of Kltciishuiir iMtroiiyh,
Cambria county, havibtf Iwen (rt anted to tho
undi-rsi(rietl. all persons ind.-btcd to said est jt
are r-'iiestitl to make iinnietliato payment,
ami those bavior clabuf airainst the same will
leiesint them properly unlheiuiciiti-d for Wi
lli inent. 'I IIO.MAS DAVIS.
nbensburir. St pt. 3, 1S75. i.
"PpOTlCi:. All lKi-sotis are hereby
notified that 1 have purcb.-ised at Klier
ifl's sale the I ollowimr personal piiiei-ij-, which
I have let t in care of James K. N'ctisoii.of C Icar
lieid township, until I sec- tit to remove toe
same, to wit : One sort-el horse, one lot of rye,
ne lotjof w heat, oue lot f oat, and one shm
Kle machine. THOMAS McEXKl t.
t-t, Augustine, Sept. 3, 1375. -3t