ir3 iwet a.. cr - GiZZ iE iSJR 0La. r i TBI UMBRI& rrsr lit) LUtM 1. John Vorter. A Sequel to the Tragic Story. Xeirf f ittl I'olitieal Hems. T- In to the unmanly and black- ' Knotc-Xothlng Movement in Ohio. ! enuml personal attack wade by the - ... ..i. .f, the I tvht raustoW the ban fraxcisco bas- ; -A gentleman at loow . . v. . . . .. . i l- . I ;e iK.MH.iMi' .u ii nwc-.o !..........-. , - ,...,-,..- i. dr. ; amines tootu mat wcisus This Uinsr the Hist week ol Lome, Voice and Jjeho oi last. f " - cailrvaiiril j ()iiif with a professed abw.M . . " 1 iinS - and a hair. A gentleman at Cookesville, Miss., lias seven pounus EDEHSa'JRG, PA., Fi May Mining:, - - Sept. 10, 1875.' Democratic County t'onventicn. Tlie peinnerarh' voters of tivi several V-vIs, P-.r.vighs and T' iliij)" f Cnui Lri.i County ar requested in meet nf. their iu,;.al pla. es of holding t h g.nei m1 ele.tinns, O.t Saturday, Stjtt. ISth, .S'7.f ill 2 o' lock, p. a., ami elect two delegates t,t represent tin-in in tlii; (Viiiiiv Ci-iiv.-ii-ti.m, 1 te held in Mie Court II. i" Kb-, mi I Mimtltiif, September 20th, a' 1 o'. I.m k, v. M., to nominate a County Ticket. -, - . , v . The polls " ' '"' kept open until if. clock, J. i., on Saturday. '. I.akk, Chairman Pi-hi. Co. Coin. ' Tiik election in California last week resulted in acomi'l'.'tt' and ov. rvviu Im Democratic victory. The plurali ty for Irwin. tiro Democratic candidate . for (invt-nmr, will be between fwe,dy vivl th-'rt h'fi'-i-xl. l'?h branches d'the LcM-dure is Democratic. The i '.mgro i.mal delegation w!l ftati-1 three Democrat aii-i ne llopub'.iean Immh a Pcm -r::tie '.rain of itr. Sim-.. H;-2 tho I lonmerats have only crried the election frir in t!i. it Staff,' n:ni. !v, in 1'T for (lovcrnor rnd in I for .lu-hro ! thf SHi ri:io t'ott; t. Tlictv is no i-x-IMvs'nli-nt living no-v, .tit, tlu-ro (' 1 v oiio aft i-r t!:c 4!i of M-tifli. in thf jhisoii of I'. S. Jraiit io i'lf.l, ol'fo:ir-f, thr.t (5'":.tli ilot-s not ovt'itakf hi in tl--' UK-an-ti:n-. Tiik ri-iioniin :tioit of Mr. (Jfir'ian ly tlif Ciiifinnati I)finof.-:;ti Iris t!,n.wn what tlif N. V. Wr'l -a!N that iniM a'ltl Tiio'IrratL' slict-t, the h'i,-"'rrr, into snc-li a rap- that it "holts"' the r.oiiiination and fall upon Pfinocrntic vo!lts to scratch his namo at the polls. Tho IU-puiiiit'aii papers, of coih-m, avail thoiiislvcs of ilio oj. port unity to st-t in a will "So !'opc-r " cry, and. i l-iinoi- for a soctarian war in politics. Tho IlcpuMican papers have short memories. It is harely a week since in tho llepulilican County Convention at Cincinnati a resolution c. nsming tho ";.-;.:han hill" an 1 (h niandi:ii; its repeal was introilueeil nnl tallied, and it is a matti r of record that inthe Ile puhliiaii State of .Minnesota an net almo-t word for woid identical with the (Johan liill was passed some y oil's since with hardly a flissLMilin vote. We may add that in practice t:io Minnesota law has never evoked unf ivorahle criticism even from the most zealous of partisans in polities or in religion. That wtral and exemplaryliiian jthe editor of the Johnstown TriUmte, in his issues of Thursday and Iriday of 1 i-t wef-k, came promptly to the res cue of his in!il;c'il friend and associate, John I'orter. This was both natural soid expected, and is in harmony with thf eternal titness of things. A fellow leolmr makes a man wondrous kind, and birds of the same political feather trill flock toLcethor. Tho apostle of temperance (!) who presides over the Triltiitw talks incoherently about "a Kino; p:tpr and so full of whisky' etc. Well, if ou-ilit to know bravely how it is himself, lor ho has often boon there. The last time but tn-n that he ' was in this place, and it w as Si'inlmj . too, he was taken for a w a!kinr dist'U ! lory. Well knowing that lie could not p-t on his accustomed html on that ; iav in the "ancient village,'' ami lieing a mar. of singular enterprise and re- sources, lie brought his own jwj along with hon. He docs not come often, . but w in never he puts in an appearance, i the small boys on the corners, if they know it, are prepared for him and al- ways give him an out rocep-: tion. They solemnly aver that they can g( t more genuine fun out of him than they used to gi-t out of Pan Itice. ! or any other r!nir,t who ever convulsed a circus crowd with side-splitting laughter. Of the Trihu m-'s merry Andrew, their constant song is, ''Tom, ; come again." i A few weeks ago. as we mentioned 1 at the time. Col. (i. Wiley Wells, who : ii a llepublicati candidate? for Congress in one of the .Mississippi di.-triots, charged in a public speech that Adel beit Ames, the carpet-bag (Jovcruor of that State, was the instigator of the bloody riot at Vieksbnrg last fall, and that ho (Amos) had remarked just Indole that event, in the presence of living witnesses, that the "fIootl f ttvrifi-irt' or lliirt'j Diijrni'A vsmiil lini'jUlhc 11 -j'tihl iron jxirlij.'"1 Ames did not answer, or in any way notiea this damaging accusation, and Col. Wells has now published a card in which ho says : "To the end that this controversy, unsought by me, may bu speedily settled, I now state that whenever Governor Amos denies the charge made by mo, over his own signature, it will then be understood that the obligation of secrecy is re moved from the gentlemen who were present at the interview referred to, jttid I shall then feel called upon and be ale to establish in substance the statements which I have made." A rues : must now answer this specific declara tion. The radical press of t' e north ' asserted that the Vickburg riot was the work of "relal democrats" thirst ing for negro blood, but Col. Wi lls' allegation, if unanswered, will disclose the fact that the guilt be longs to A me. Precisely the same infamous game has Ik-oii played often Ik-fore by earw-t bag politicians in the south, for the base purpose of inflaming the northern mind nnd contributing to radical success at the elections, It is now well tir.der-Pt-vl and will not win in the future. What a first class scoundrel this Ames must lx? who is always ventilating his j-relended admiration ami love for the migro by whose votes he Las crawled juto jiower? a I-n-oi! i vd of people from all sec- tleman connected with this tMiper, we donment of their own financial policy du- . Wiis'if the countv has Ken in attend- ; have onlv to express the hope" that the vh,g the last twelve years, ami attended FA I.CATION OF OV K K $3, 000, - 000 DISCOVERED. -V novel f-ntrtf given at ( aje M.,v ), ' i i x vbaplaiu ..f ir- ',.,. ' ".. A complete .T...,:.,.M.".''' ance, which has a Honied a good op-; ,yena in human snape ; , -issue and ,nb- SANFKAXClso, September 4 -The 77 piirtun-.ty for asceitaiiuug Democratic . that blackmailing sheet ami ilis races .urd for 1 n0lher cven moie iiylK,ciU- tetin pnWWied an editorial this evening i sentimenfitt reference to the election Jus honorable calling, as w"U as Uiose . t( o tcause its whole aim is , w,ich, after refbrriuu to the course of the i .. .. ti.., i ..i ji.. t.wv.i miIiihf iiiil and , i ; ..r ..,.:.... . i.i tin l?;ink of (.aliforma lv the ( atnbn.l conn-rees in juhu wmiinun- "j - . jan;ei'Hiuiiu mn, ... ... j..ii-i ...c. .., V,-, i ... .i . . . i ;.. l.:. ;r.,,,.,,o -rnL- - . : i. ..r ..r;. f u -.ikI ii.;mir:ii i?..tirvi kvh ? W lion tlie oanK 1 ",Kr as .x.i.iiuii i uuiy. . .,,o:i ...!.,P institiitoiis. i ,.n.l..fl last week, we tliouirlit it our dnty l-Jric Coiivesition. '1 he expression 01 ngnt it otu on na..... ." ' , V.!v-r" r Vi. 14 JiT ... t ' 3 fur s i,osm1.1 donositors ;,,i;,,,i!.. noninst. that unparalleled the dav of tlie" election. ue kisuuiu , , " - ' , : , j;f,., ..r ,,t insiitiilioti. We e...:.1AD Tl) 1,-a Iita f. mnlA lite lllC ,,TVA ball clubs, the "Diamond Gaiters" and on the tloor, .11, iiii;nii.u i........ ' . .... oitti'ivo has been deep, ontspoUen ami nlmse irom sucn a sum ce i ...s"-;-..1-i...i....l.-.,;n It could not bo other- praise. Xo Democrat can suffer in his the "Lace-'1M Slock iitK. An enormous black snake, mpastiring neventerii feet, wa killed in Washiuytou county, on the farm of Wm. Congle, le- pu- , centiy to and It..,...., K..1j a,,r otliHi-s i.f inrcrior jle ' ins SO mailV facts as we belieT- ; Ciee, llavu been and are now- traversing the ed would best serve tliat purjiosc, and no , ... r .. . i t- VI' s A disease similar to the old epizootic has broken out anions the cattle near Avon, V V P.wtr have rtien t itlun two weeks. Twelve died on Sunday. Sister Mary Assissinm, Sister Superior tine I!ealir, at (1 M. M ',, of St. Joseph.' Hospital, in Paierson, New convict d .f !i.-l,.(.t :,(ir; .lersej-, nted im tlie uti. cue was uciovcci ui.eiiiii;s(.in,Mi.. atliud in . li.l..,,;,,,. j ' 1 ";'r . tea .r the Mipeii.., us d by il.e I-:ii:iH-:-,,,.a.""v: tti.ed in d.iinty Jrf.a'.( "', ' 4 had leeii biouj?,t f, ,'",', "'i Ne fnan. ' ;. Tl.eie wasLre;.t tx,- , . ' ville n Mih:v i-i , the scnt-r.te :.f tl t. f Sclmvlkii; i-iniitv. t i ii. . i . ....... I l -nin rm.iiTQTmn fv iin t-iiiiiiiiii d.-iuiuio k iv I o i A r.. luu ..m iu i n iiioi a t c ilh wise, j on a lonei n.i. - "-i""-"---" -v. : r. , : ,.i . ...... . . .,,,. .r the ute obs( ui ilv by the Democratic nartv of of a venal traitor to his parly a crea- nv appear .o m muc. i-"". K i "nt bv all denominations oitscilill tut, l'cin i t v i . i ..., to spread alatm upon the most tm founued . President, and that this mismanagement . m-,,,...,.,,...!, V V on sm,dav. this in 1 SOS and elected to the ture who during the last twelxe tais, ciicukus, lodges, and all was, in short, without the knowledge of the -At Mama J. J on .". ricgislatui-e. A few days after he took in every county m which he has con, ilC(.etsSO, ies of thc ultl Kothing ; diatom. ! ft f.ln "ft, T, and 1.S IlV, I 1,5 Uivv.t that entei prising and corrupt ducted a Democratic Jiajter, has made O1,alli7.;lljoil ,ave Leen revived, under the j For these statements we were sound .y wile the M;ui.m.,.cd 1uan. Weeks tx.lithi in Ilobcrt W. Mackcy, lioatd himself so odious to his party by his , auspices f some of the chiefs who were ; abused. A vicious press nndertcMk to mar- , ' . eiai ii : ' 1 ' - .... . . : . .... i-ni.t;i ii ,r!aco of Ib-oublican politics, treachery, that for its own hour r and . conspicuous in that movement twenty , shal all me ""PVf''r;,";- A .esident of Washington Pa., is niw if 'se rrkIKTrilinOl Ltl (IIS, ' x ----- ...v i ' t iiiii iiiiuu iu v' . j .1 ....d ..,,:,, 1 ... : to tin .ind iv;is elected State Tieasurer, c f i- nt lenst. as one of his oluiulerinsr card and disown him latioii was eonccrmd, sent by the Democrats of Ulair county of whi h he iMackey) was the origi- as a delegate to the State convention ? i only the. corner stmie of a crusade of j We pn In 18GD he was : " "i ! r. " 7 ;.rif o,i;:woh other day and slaved throughout the per- uvu'i.-iiv.iii 'c'i'i- " ii-vu . aiiiii.uoiiioi.uuu.. , r.ii'itinipp while his wife ami sister-in law against a pa. , icular religious sect ; but that contrive some way themselves. : Oh mance w l,,a He ornrveri tutiitii.r ine nssauus oi en-. - -y nator, and through whose peculiar ' nt H.arrisburg to nominate a candidate personal manipulations it passed the fur Governor, and was under a solemn ir.nsn IVu-tiT stood bv him and did niedsre to. vote for General George . his bi.hlhi-r as the ollicial record of Cass, of nttsourgn. n ncn uie con- that session will prove. I hero were lo.'n'nf men -nonoli in the Senate to s!.r:inglo and kill it, and for that reason nothing more was thought or said about "it. In October, KsC Porter was reelected, and in three years af terwards l.o was openlv engaged with vention met. a friend of Asa Packer, who knew the mercenary character of : doomed pady a, r T ? .. 1 '.. in .7 .- . :.. . .. -n r ' .i . r.. ., . t mo .nr. iieinv, oi i-tiirJf v.. ........ oiRo ry aguiist vu ...,oplt-u v.i..m . .n.. .er t.... i k.-- -' - "V;. C!lt remained on his farm for two w ii;t 1 1- ui cimiu .'i ..iiiiiij'. i o mo - ? ncii lui'j iuiiiii i o . .. I.-... . publican C-oiiveiitutn of oilier States adopted the same cry, it is evident Know Not hing revival was preconce It is the last desperate expedient ........ it-lice oi -hcii is t i i i , ..oi- . .m.i. in. i u -iisis ;,, Zled ruuils to l,t. Hi.,;i,uV'..' 'I hey wete iuntiediiuch .. , to j'l ison. " ' All old I;.;,., ,,,n(() . died at Cai tei ,'.i ,,,. .'"'" ' t-nni;l amiiveis;ii ,,f (,-t"" He was "nt y pi."..,(t ,,r ., once diovea -atiut-e j n.'' was taking a pnid..-. t.i a ,, hung. One .f t,t. ),,,.' ." ' mi io me gioini. i )( .i... t . ...t: i ,wii;ti.ifins of this Wo need not tell the Democracy of count y In Taboring to defeat Ihe very this county how often and how basely part v tliat had confided in and honored he has Wtrayid them in times past, him." In IST-i he jilaved tho sainedis- His treason in 18T2, and at eveiy . , i , c., , Tltni'r interviewed Muco tins partisan scucme nns laaeu i i ie uieciors, some i wnom n.v .- the delegate from Wan, inters w( d (i..llol tiAlls the eom.tiy should know j ways been staunch frirnds-.f the Jinl.ttin him, and by a simple game Ol w men ,iow lliu.llv fase is t!,e ..rcience upon ! and are so now, have perfected their plans, . which it lestsin (Hun, as that is the key and have settled on a basis of action, wneie , to the whole conspiracy. The exposure of r ty every creditor of the bank will be fully j one part of the plot npphes with equal paid. foice to all jiarls,' since they cohere togetli- I We have full confidence both in thc am ; er, aul aiii ntiiely d-Jttilulo of foundation ' ity and in the good faith of lives nen. ii ti ui h or sincei ity. ilh impending de- 1 They will redeem their p'1'"!?0' anrt may l ooia nl.ila ! w s siliseut from the Couii- ' of the coarh m, have : (.icatton orourattitune towam tne naiiK mo, ----- .... , . i r,. . i r i r .1 . ... .i;.. ,.r .ntit,i i.f long and killed him aTter a ten ible combat, ins tu k. of a devising for the protection of e.cditms of . scl.vllcill county commissioners -An old la.h ,,.,.. ,, v.. I 111.11' lllil II years, its; theie Point on the Pe:d ,v.j;s j- v 'l ltascality the 14th about 3 ',':.',. ' i he has often bctn the H illinr victim, he was transformed from a Cass man i nt o a 1 ira w 1 ing ad vocate of A sa Packer feat in the State now:, and the prospect of ultimately mako the bank t longer oven .1 :.. ..... T-- . . ., - i ,1 ...l T , j cvi'i! innv in the I i.i.iii lit xt. Year, the lie- : tlmn tlm mif uhir-h susnended. It wart .. . .. . . . ...ii: ...j: . r ... .. . .1. n .if.,.'- l. .... I . rl 1.,. w. i 1.. ,fom .iiwl nt. the election election since, lias passed inro a pro : i uuiieai.s t iu uni-u, aneiuiou iiom nme mat me jhihuh mm'hiu ii'.n.Fi.i.'i . ' v . ...... - - - ' . . .i... . 1 lisf fd! was consistent in his treason. ; verb who have been convictid f fraudulent transactions were not all demociats; th wasoue republican among them. . .1 . . . ..... . . . 1. ..... . .... I : . . 1 IS not cowmen in any pany, aim i inn i pimnig oei 1 11 s. s;,l(.,, mitigated or heightened by political belief, been seen of ,.t. V!,.n A bicycle race, distance I fty miles, for the direction .f the r a I)? niC4 A . . .1 it... wli 1 1. I.'ib lul-nn lit.t I Ii ..f t ... 1 ... ilLU .11111 lllli V 1... ... '..-... I ..M.. ...nva. ..v.. ...... t 1, Mir..'. .lC'l-J place 111 I-.ngland between 1 Imillet, the French champion, and an amateur named Stanton, of i.ioiidoii. Tho race is described as most exciting, the Kugli.-dimau finally winning by one yaid. A burglar entered tlie house of Jacnt. . .... l...t. ..I ..., .,,..1 1..,,,.!. I.., i. .in, i r . .. 1. l.a l.m.n i hiKKfl lill He is aHvays on tlie mane, and , . 7V,: -.... '"'-'-.'"; ...... "",-'- , Fitt,. i;elK M,ermatrs son-in-law, at St , - .. n t . . j . a. iilliiv h i ui tntil lHU".- IIIV tt'lll III Hi KlfXMIiT. I3 lllVI.I'flC I l -! .. He thus voluntarily placed nimseli prepared, jor a conuieraitvn, to uy- , soIl)H(ls aw n, danKei-, and the Democrats : consent, of the board of directors to relieve outside of tho Democratic party, and port the candidate of either party who j .ue t(, destroy them." lls from any further obligations to kecpse- lon-'- sine; forfeited every claim to its will bleed the most liliorally. And yet j Now, thiaciy is not only false in itself, 1 cietsome facts within our knowledge. , i 1 ,,. r. i ; t o, in fl,; if,I i i.o I Hoi-ir.fl ii-.t. Ai-nn hi n?im mi t I n the M a j el (duo ueitlier narlv can linvmor rlone mir liest to nroteci-h iveib n COM ii' C1" C U III I I s HTl. hii.t . ..ii.iv.ii ........... . i - - - - 4 - , - . is 'shaker than a serpent's tooth," , ever to be held infamous, innudent j j!'" "i?"" wl,,,1"ul "J-'e'" j " rrt of our duty to protect r8t'yeI... ' ...i. a' : if Id llnm,v A w.-ll , the Const itut 1011. Here are thc exact words: ! We arc now authorized by D. O. Mills !.... v v.. i ...i.j ... ..... . - --i s 1:1.1 iiikr si c i I ii is nil. nv in v-n ii.iiini-iiiii. mil. I i 1 1: iii.iii..ii-T ..i ... , of his treason. "Oh ' fur a topgne to enrse tTi' slave Vhos; trnsni), a d.-a.Uy hlifilit, fi.iiii's o'r-r lh- ronnrils of th brave And hlasts tin-in in their hour of might." Would any delegate to a Democratic county convention dare to nominate John Porter as a candidate for a coun ty office, or as a delegate to a State convention? If he did, his name would bo received with one long, con tinued outburst of indignation. When the county committee, on the 14th of June,- instructed the conferees. .Messrs. I'onacker, Linton and llasson to vote for John II. I"ike as Senator- a convicted tiuoi oi nis nono'-ry. ii the corrupt creature of the JWco and JJeho were brewed in a martar he would be a traitor still, and it is meet and proper that he and his brother in pol itical infamy, the editor of the Johns town Trihime, should stand sponsors for a traitor to the Democratic party like John Porter. A s John Randolph i r-.'. i'c. H, u itli the iiiL-nnie Mi isir.jf Irom Hie fflionl rii-t fiin'l. v! Fectrrc n 1'h Hinl -lriMeiit s sti-tu nt -(mi 1111,11 kcIiimiIs t liriniliimi tin- staii-; tut (.i e(i. M .'I ntlu r wet nr xi-vIh stuill evi-r li.ivti utiy iiir i rirlits t, or con trol oi, oi.'j ol die school lunJ or thin Suite." The convention which framed I his Con stitution was Democrat ie in its political niaj-u it-y, and w as picsidod over by Wil liam Mi-dill, nftciward tSovernor of tho Stale. It rHtitied bv mi overwhelming 1 ,00 is, a few nights ago, lured by the hope of capt tiring the celebrated diamonds pre sented to Mrs. Fitch by tlie Khedive. He wasiuct and icpelled by thc intrepid house keeper, Mrs. O'Wiady. Tlie late W. C. Ibdston's salary was $."0,UOO per year. It will come to be un derstood in this country after awhile that ! fl.n Lui : . . 4s ... . a: privately from ?3,000.(100 to 4,0(,((0 of ; -,ooi, a 3 ea. is ..o gLMaince .... e.m . - . . I nr I'linulilr wrvirp. imlilie or l .rival e. (.rant once said of a tlistinguishetl man of . -u d Ihe'oulyoj.position made toil on ' sttpposed personal corruption, so we ' "f thisam! other hb. ial piovisions 1 1 - .. , , , , ' - 7 . came from the very men who t.--day are' say of the debauched tool of thc 1 ar c , c,,im(). , bllIll,MMmon ..Cools," which the bank's resu ices, which amount remains j unpaid. This was the cause or the recent . faiiure. Probably elsewhere this would j have been set down rs a defalcation. We ; are also authorized by the same authority , to say thattheie was an over issue of stock, , which over-issue has now been provided for. The particular use w hich w as made : of this Luge sum of money it is not our dul v to mentson. , hen these uiscoverios were mane me 1 anil J7eho, "lie shines and stinks, and stinks and shines, like a rotten mack oral by moonlight." When nature in one of her freaks fashioned int, she :. .1 .1.. 1, i .1; 1 ...i.. ....... .1 .0" tl.. if IUi IU It 1.ILL, l.l.. .Ill UILHI.'VI v.n.v ' .... - , . , ..? . ,, . -, .,,1 turned in disgust from the comtempla ....r.....ilfi.r. 1 nI.El if 111- l".". .W'llin TA Cllll. I ... , . . r tion of her own work and tlircic a way stitute Portoi s name in place of ... , J Piske's? Not a word of it. There wore several pabst Hates in the commit tee, (some of them for a certain pur th iv mou ld. pose) but not one oi tiiem had the courage to doAr not even the solou "Washin;Tos, the capital of this great nation," remarks the Allegheny Mail, a Republican journal, "has be come tlie paradise of felons. The then sought to defeat by rejecting the Con ' stitntion I ( This fundamental law of the Sf.rfe cnti : only he changed by amendment, proposed ; in the (-Jeiieral Assembly, whirh requires j I hrce fifilis of the members elected tocacli House, or by calling a Constitutional Con vention, which requires a Vote of two thirds of the members elected to eacli House of the Assembly. Without these cotidttinua the t unstitution stands as it is nntil'lSOt. . It is thus seen that the Constitution prescribes, ami that lit alter it would be a and H.tlstou have not panned out well for such high pried fellows. Miss Ada Luck, at t'aitlmge, Ohio, won a cook stove at the Cincinnati fair as "the best and most expeditious cook." In thiity minutes she cokod, and cooked well, pota toes, chicken, jwu ter house steak, tomatoes and corn, and made colTce, tea. pie and bis c.iit, ami set thc table in the neati-t sljlc. At tlie conclusion of a ciien.s peifoim ancc given r.l Jackson, Miss., on Sat in day afternoon, a hot air balloon was sent up. In descending tlie aeronaut jumpd out when some distance above ground, alighted in a mill pond, and was drowned, seeming unable to swim. His name was Wm. Dagle. Miss Peters, aged sixteen, a daughter of John il. Peters, of Pickaway county, Ohio, while out lidim? wiih a i.aitv of SnoHi.oi.A, Pa., August 3ft. Yesterday ; f,iends, 011 Thursday, was thrown fioin the afternoon three young women, residing ; can ia;e under t he he Is of the inn si s, and near the Itig Hriiik Pond, in Sholola luwn- j instmtly killed. Tim horses ran away, ship, started to go berrying. They were dragging the body of thc lady a tbstancc of oUligea to cross tne pona to reacu ti.e : hall a mile. connection of the late President with the institution was at once severed. I'etween $;i,000.000 and 4,1)00,000 of money had gone out of the bank without the knowledge of a single director. Three Young Girls lighting for tltcir JAves. woods, liefore entering the boat they saw something in tlie distance swimming in I . , f j w.... ...x. v. -. - - j.o ni,i 1 hit 1, noil lliilt 111 illici 11 llMlll. ue cl jvoiiieilll.iy 1.1 llic uinmno; nn tii.'g 111 who ohered the coieDiacOd pronpo- -rowtI, ff crime there is si mi. ly appall- poliiical impossibility in the existing state ; the water. Thinking it was a dog, they It I- 1 L-1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 -l 'I I 1 1 . 1 ' 1 1) - 1 1 1 1 v 1 : 1 1 -1 1 t I ir '. ..... . . . . . " .... . .r . : r - . .,' . . . . ......... l ... ... . .1 If Fiske had died the insult w hich the conferees hurled at the Democracy of the county by electing Porter would , of crime at Washington inrr. With a tionulation of about 1 15 - Jinlies, if any serious opposition should : paid no furiher alteutioii to it, but started 000, onc-thinl of whom arc black, the have lost none of its crossness ; for in no p ssiblc contingency will the honest ' Democrats of Cambria over bestow . ofHco upon, or consent to be represent-! ed in a State convention by, : fjaerilla who, like Porter, has so often and so basely deceived them. And vet this j is the man who has hen commissioned i re astounding. When persons in the employ. of the government, who were glad to get olTice for the pa3', and who have received no inheritance, become .suddenly rich as a rule, there is good ground for suspicion that such wealth has not been honestly acquired, and be made by either side. Of course no law J on their way across the Mnd, which is ?n conflict with this instrument could stand, j about two miles wide. After rowing for no matter how passed, or by whichever several hutidied yards the girl who was ! party tliat happened to be tenipoiarily in I thc ascendant. J At the Democrat Convention of last piloting the boat saw that what they t'nxt thought to be a dog swimming in the water Last I-Viday Mr. and Mrs. .Tame Pen jaiuin, f Lansmgbu! g, uud-ji took to ad minister ,eoiporal punishment to their danrhtcr-in-l:yv, but Mrs. James, jr., knocked her mother-in-law out of lime and very nearly into eternity with a i oiiing-piu, and chased her father-in-law behind a water-butt. While a lion-tamer in a cirrus at Des i June the following plank was made a part '.I-... i.r .' oi uij piauoi m : Tliincrtith.VTc favor the complete separa tion of I'liiucl) nn.l Htme, reliifioii tielcji.-n -leiic; nn.1 iitMluti I ret il. .m ot opinion, equal ami i-vaet j'rstice to all religion societies. nU was a buck, wlncli was coming directly j Moines was performing and putting his toward theui. Having a clumsy pair of j head inside the animal's extended Jaws, oars, it was some time before the boat . the hi ute closed them w ith a snap. Theie was great commotion im- a snort time 1.11.11. Ill 1 nil I u Hllli.uil li i '.iLilimiv.-i ' i - i.u.uif.'n ai nuri ..-n?.e .11 1 111- oy our own con ie roes to represent the ; rni.,ntlV. Asa result of the corrun- ' .V:!:L'! ! Doinocracy ofth.s district in a State ; Uo!, 1IlfilI0:icc of SUll(1entIv acquired, "it X .if ."' convention and help to no.mnate can- , in rottcn pain rnnleters, counterfeit- linage cokl n-t be more explicit, ! ilnlates for (rovernor and State I ions-' . i., . ? . ,1 i, . ... jtositive or aulhoritaiive than this is. Still could be turned, and then the deer had reached to within a few yards of them. The gills became greatly terrified, for the deer was Cast gaining upon them, and from the way it snorted and plunged, they were satisfied it meant mischief. While the one rowed with all Iter might the other among the show nit n and spectators but the 11. an was released from his K.-nl with only a badly cut face. At a lintel in Newton, Ct., a black and tan dog has adopted a brood of chick ens and with them occupies a basket. -.1.1 ! 11 .... l'"'ii: .won..., ...i.,..., ...ii v..u ,he elamo, continued which had been got- ! throat., and other criminals, have no ten lip forpaitisan uses, by tn.di.ig iliLi , dread of the law, because they know cians who have betrayed every trust and urer. Shade of Andrew Jackson! If the Democratic pa ity in this county is to lie I. eld together, it can onl on on know cc an hav to..:.. i n t...: . it t n.,.:,. .n .ili.,lu,.H.....i1..i., ,u.,.n,)oils nmonir the characters who have heads in s.iaine over Jie humiliating . ,MO n..i., n.,. r.,.t ti.... it.,..- .... .1,1. ..f T.-..: ! .1.............., .i.v., vu.i vui'iit.toLiiv m: ijilt two paddled, thus somewhat increasing barking at every one approaching. Ue their speed ; but the deer was slowly gain- j Beps into the basket, and moving the ing on them, and knowing they could not ' chickens aside w ilh his paws secuies room reach the shore liefore being overtaken, to lie down, when the small bills of down they ceased rowing to prepare lor the in-, j nestle rlose to him and all are hni.pv ..-..lil ...l.. ii-i....i ...i .. . . . . . ... made for so vet al 11.1 has Ik-cii li-eoei.-il. peiished in ti e m-i-vh ,,, ; ... some of the ; j-j, v-1. , sula -iIk.uihIs. Private ii'lv: t f Minn., represent tin so:r.e hi tig unpa 1 it had lasted s-vt- i .in,, seiion eilects tl,:,: ti,,-. ; ten feet deep 01. tl1(. . , ;, places, and in ml, i i ; ,. . mined To ail e.jii;:! ! 1 sustained i:jai -.. a. , one fonrdi of t h-iii-;.t ; lfaihoaii travel ivji-n:; :-. : ing the storm, aiiii'li. ..... eru liouud traias -.u-ic 1. aded. A new- style of pvti'. T patented by a Can i I i i as "made in two j : : r v , consisting of on.- j.i .-. . a . jeveial piucis m . broad hooj s. I: f CH'ased ciieini f. ;-. ; st i aight c ii'ii'.. i i ,. s' i . . . itig a lrg uutr.bei i:-. i -: ' hold of a v ss. i t'.ev,. t . ; -r cent, in s; a.. . i , con-trnet io.i j-. -.'. '. usually rakes j i i :', its (In: abil ty i . 1 i timr will be tlie ol :.: . its HM-fulnCSs."" ' )n Tuesil iv af'e: : -i : ler and her dai'u' ;. ' if New Yoi k. wen' r " . i ' away Mcach. T'i. .! i j youn the safety ; -.; i t he outgoing e 1 1 , i ! . i ' I her daughter's .r . v. ' , and she too v s t . : ' Tog.I;pr they sir:.-. ' .: ' but in vain. A i'".i, 1 : f ' ly i iishcd i:it o 1 1 e mi: t. ! were i cached s... :i u i slim e, n hen it w . i" . . ! a.;ai iit!y h'ad. l.i : t I to 1 esvseit iteil !!!. - j spent iu the i:d j The w ay in w h: h. banki-ig busine.-s on i illustrated by one of , ; he was cng.iei .1 ut il.e j He had la ken a pa: t been deposited w ilh I. I a huge timber tract i:i ' 1'e l ad eiectiil -x; t i " as prepai itig ail t he . furnishing San ; He had bui'.t wagon i. his t in. 1-r rev ion. lie v , ttamwav at.d a i.ii'w.-o. g. !d w i mid buy ami 1 the v - : t Prar.- ' I i l ..- l I.,,., ,n.i .. ...... I.. .....I ....:... : " J v.ii... iw.t... .... nesue nose io nun ami an arc nannv. n i ..... . . v bo done by conlerrinir its honors 1, ,..: " A V... fill then nockets with stole., , 1M. 'fl.ev evuablc battle. the .leer, sno, ting . B ookbn h t have am-ll.ei q. certiial. : -. ''. ' those who fin hi ils battle, and not ! ! IV . ,' 7 dc.iouuec the soallJd Ceghan bill as an 2'" ,C,wt' 7 a Rw i M'' . ". 'f" , and" a ... , ' This V J , . , . . , , ... i lice nas .K.-COIUC a hu;ckci ;tiu i ;i e iiciu.. , :....,,:.... , . , , , . lect oi tne mni, n uniiiicu ior a iiioiiieiiu i Sarah Williams a l-oor tin honest voiin , ... . . men who betray and stab d. Wei u- lUnn tUnt it tn c!w.,t,. "'ventio, to destroy the schools and to . ' ., i,H 1 . f ! , 5 why Mr. lialstone i,i u -t . and feel that on th? nuestion we 1 .V. "V ."I " " r r M ' ..Msi.a.iHy. i.ct us see what this ; . . sn. . si , . . b" , . ve ; " V. . r' ' : , hand when his de, . s,. , ., ... rn ii ci one aim innsuc innocence. niic is inonsier oi miqniiy is. , , . i .. - . , .-.--, "..vj...... ' I nionev thev Ind i! 1. 1 il i; ho the united voiceof the Democracy . , r S . t.i , ,,r. t . . r t i ,! culs brought down their raised paddles t.-ue w wouldnt forswear all sf.i-ts of ! 3 1 . . . ... . ... 3 not safe, and oronnetv isatthe mcrcv At the last session of the Legislature of H .. , r . . . ' ""m'1" " OI d tliat they will endorse all that we; ,ifn itr.nn,;,v, ',,... a , I Ohio the following act was oasied. which . n . ri. .i . .V.. . . . . u,,wVr l"r 'M00? Now Uugg sues hei i . ' C said. The gallant Democrats of j n V"" ::e " ' , '"."" V ' ' " had l.en introduced hy Mr. tieghan : i water' t,,e hKh... ra.seu ..e,r on.y again, this time before Judge Nclsmi. ,!lT ,AT T " ---- . . . . .IllllltPII ll.l lilt: I.IIVrl II III i T 1 i- 1 I 1"(,.rfft .1' An not to two re 1itorly cf roisclnr n mftt- Ui? ol tc;! ( prisons miprisciiied, or de- t. lined by.iuii htrrfry nf Ihw. f . . . , . ... - . ii- n .eu.m u'OICin-ur!! nromi Sunt I d t'i a I pti.i'ioi I Ai-,n a.n,J.I, . i d... Oi .r ...: . . ; w . - r. l.i . i VU HUM - iiimi, VI HIU lit LV il;i Uv Hdlf ' ou.7 iu tnr. ,-(.rier tmtu, I IIH1 UN Ii I trl I V ll . . . . . . i Jilt tlb. J 17 II 1 VI IM f VdiO LMtIU Y conferees who sent him there and I .-f; , i v i jii'.., .1.7 1 I.H..-J rt.c r.;i.i. iu . n" Very wealthy mleuee jMiot tiiti-:tel liv resson 1 ivuiviir of erhrieor l y renson .f iletenrii.H In anv It is not ditlicult to about twice that number of broken .1 ... iu:.. i t i... l ,.t :. i!.. 1 1 . . ii I mil iiiu ivr. a i n I i. il I on ic - t . i . . . , . . , . 1 , rr, ... . ,. ' divine hoiv they acquired their riches, seekers. Democrats of Cambria! shall f . , t. . this insult be unn buked or this outrage j Those "prominent California P,e- ever be repea.ted ? It is f,,r you to say. puU;cans"i:i Washington are a .strange To be forewarned is to bo forearmed. set.- The next day after the election --- c thej' had their opfnifins telegraphed If a Democrat, long accustomed to ; over the country to the effect that it Democratic rule, low taxes and hard was all right, that the full returns money, observes the Pottsville Stan- j would show that the Iladicals had dard, cried out a numbor of years ago carried the State. On yesterday morn- against his thirty-five or six cents ing they changed their tune and a worth of gold on his paper dollar, it Washington special says that ""the was constructive treason with rampant ; election returns from California are radicalism. Put now, when thc gov- j not a surprise to- the Congressional eminent j. ppoars to be veering around Republican Committee, nnd the ii lends from its political meandering, and is of Senator Sargent sa' that he was righting up under the prospect that ! confident the State would go Deino t ion pennl. ref orreutoi y, or f nnrr instil..' tion. or nny h:ie of rsture. workhouse, jiil or pul, lie- -v I ,t ri hi Iliii Stale, no person in nny such itn-l n u t ion sh:dl he r-.i:i;n-lieil to at tend retl-fons worl.ip or I nef motion of a form which is iiiiiust tin-.iii-rnu-s of his or hiT -on-seienee; itn! b! to the .luty of every di rector, trustee, snj.i riiiienOetil or oilier nerson l.aviiiu- In eliH. je nny sik-Ii institution, to tur nili ample anrt equal fneilitiea io all such per foiis for reeeivinif the ininistrHtions ot the nu tlioi izi il t leir.Viii-ri of llieir own leliiriolis de face they again biought their paddies to bear upon it with the same result. j When the deer again raised from the water it seemed to icalize that this was to j be the death struggle, and itscj-es gleam - ' ed like bails of tire. It made a hinue, and : threw its fore feet over the side of the boat, j near the oar locks. This nearly capsizi-d j the clumsy craft, and threw Maggie Jor dan, the oldest of the three, into the water; ! but as she fell she caught the edge of the j the United States. It is 1.150 feet long -bVn Kiilnl. i be and 200 and 2'i0 feet wide, has 00 feet ! H'rahl, extra, gives ;1 depth of water, and covers nearly six . f disturbance at. I acres; the walls are solid stone woi k, with ticulais of a ii.t ;' a filling i.i of gravel. The whaif is t he day afici .loon, whi. i. terminus of the New Imdou Northern siateil. Itailioail. and is now alwmt c-.mi.leted. ' After hearing tl.e Samuel Turner, employed on a fai-m near Caheiina, Ohio, was detected stealing wheat from a neighbor and selling it at a mill. His disgrace so preyed on his mind j that he took a large dose of arsenic ami boat, and was hauled in by oueof her com nn ii ii ii ir i lion i.ijniriiiiii r i in ,.a na j m . ... . . .............. ,01011 last, axurtiav ntgiit. I tie man was she Telt the animal s breath m her face. I miuiri1ilv lin-itifv ifiTa f.. iu.inf..Htlot.i.r icr.i:.smn. iimler sneh reus- j raised a paddle and stl lick for her life, i children to si.tomi.-I wl.iel. t , riiil.le riili-sini! regulations a the irustei.. .11- , ., ,, e n i , ' r,"",t en io suppoit, wbicli no tlonht lu- reei. rs, inaaatrers or sicei inteadents snail an" tho b,,,w rcU across the deer 8 head ; duced the theft. iiiidve, hut u i sueli rules si. ail he so construed ; the blood started from its nostrils, ami it i The InnU nf th Ponnoof iont ri. ns to prevent the clerirymni. of hhj denomina- Kank back heb.less and seemimdv dead 1 . i ' . , ,U'.e """eut iner lion niun fuiiv ndministeri-.a- the riles of his ' , " ,. ,,"t'ss ana seemingly ueau, ,,,-e Uung protected m places where thc den-m.iio.t.ou to such inmates ; p. of i, led sin-h i but really only stunned. I lie girls then ! current washes them away, bv coverimr startcu ioiv the snore leaving the deer j them with matting. The mats are woven struggling between life and death in the about two feet thick, and sixty feet long water. -. by fifteen wide, of underbrush; and are Reaching the slime, one of the girls ran t,wcd into position, sunk so as to extend to a small loir cabin, an of mil r.. .i . . . , . . . . ... . . , , ,. , , ., " iioin hifotc in "ii wauT niaiK ro neiow low i.isiHiii. in wuicu uven a lamuy uy tne : name of Herger, and told what had ccur- red. Mr. IJerger seized his rifle and went j to the pond, where he found the wounded deer yet struggling in the water, a few rials j from the shoie. He rowed out to it, and iniai-lratioii entail no expense on the public Treasury." j This is the whole of it, and there is not a syllable iu the act to whioh exception ' can be taken. It conforms to thc Hist ar ! tide, of tho t'oiMtil ut ion, which declares : .io i" i son snau up eompeneu to aitend erect, or support any place of worship iiRainst his consent : upd nn prc-ferenee li:ill he .riren The failure Of the Hank of !,y '"w l" ".v.relirio.,s society : nor shall any ihiki iri",n:,; wiih mc ...113 ui conscience ue thc following is ai.o'.i; c law providing ag.u'-st " in Chuloll. V. .1.114 " 1 brought a hot de n Ii li 1 !l -speaking w as goin o-i i . sonic of his fi ieuils wen'. to t ake a di ink. Tho negro inarst-a.'. r appreached them, fc'-' older was not lcai .!. v attempted to take t he " hands. Seveley l' over the head w itli On' Senator Caluwetl. i'. settle the dillicuh.i. v--' some 20 neroi-s. wh-'fi ,r but alxmt tme hutabc.i i" ' r toward him. when sei'' " which was follow t-il i'.v a 1 tho old and stable constitutional party i cratic will soon be at the helm, that same California had nothing todo with the i.erinitted.'' Tl i I 1 f .1 i. in , , , .1 .. . I uie 'i.vic. in: i"wou Ullb IU II, B1IO Democrat is abused for accepting the result. Those who know best the The law juts all persons on an equal ' seizing it by the antlers, cut its throat, and currency as he finds it. until prosperity. ; cause of the political dissension assert, footing, whether Jew or Gentile and treats; then towed the bodv to the shoro Tim which is sure to follow. Democratic that at the Presidential election next (-lllis,.ia.n- dnjiv.minat.ions w ith exact jus- deer was the largest ever killed in the rule, shall enable them to do better fall the vote, will be solid for the nom- ., L VB V'VK" . m? I"',.v,;t"f?c , neigUborhood, weighing 227 pounds. The, Democratic party mustot necess- ; inces of the Kepublican party for Pros- among theunfortu ity take the countiy as it finds it. To idcntnnd Vice President." The faith concealed, and not water mark ; and covered with stones and gravel. On Saturday evening four children got stampede, into a skiff in thc Miami river, at Puller's i Seveley fuel all the mills, on th Marietta Hailroad, for a lido j The ncgnes then d. nu j'1 1 across the river, and, w hen about miihviiv. . He then surrender ! :''-''' the lioat. which had been leaking badly, sunk. One little girl was drowned, and the three otheis were rescued with irent difficulty by a hoy named Header. Thes tuuatc. Th icie is nothing I . , " . " """""T1""" "'i1 rnn?"t '. w-o.-d v. ioei. -,it.. a tiui for jtfk. tin Tuesdav after- i - suose.piemiy resuscitated. - J - ...... . o ., . , ... . . . - , i r T-i .- - . . f rl,l ..,.,,!,.cl.,l , ,. ii, c r.f 4i, : i i...i..i t,. .u.winkiiiil,A imii v .. i noon, donn t. ailighan. an ornhan lad. ae-ed . i.n nueus. oi mown town- i i-oi.... i unv iii.iiili .11 wi uin:i 1111:11 et I .11 IO .1 OUSUCl III ..- .-v ..jiivi ui aui , i . r . . . ' n el..n Xt;I:. , l-.i .1 1 4. 1, . i i n-i 1 , V. lM.ssibilitv of must ruction ' about fourteen years, and ha 1 nrr from R,"P. .Mitttin county, was bitten on the foot ho country to spo ,e payment wouhl mustard seed 1 hoy have reduced in- j 'J Ze indisputable ' Stroudsbnrg, Pa.; met his deaU, bf being a copperhead "snake whilst gathering be worse than folly; it would be a verse proportion to a science. I f the f.a Wn i.,m; i...,.. i." '"V.. .': run over bv the cai-s. Just Wf.. ti. 1 an tomatoes m the garden one dav last week. va-vt . . . ; inij ii iMitiiiviiti iriUiri O IhlVU PLIIVI'll " . w..v - s-k. l.k I. .s.l .., I. 4-i.-. r 1 . , ., .. ' J ft l i A . . . 1 A 4iA . a A 1 I" - tinnu. i ni; iiis.i.uiy aim 1 1 ao 1 1 ions oi loss m oii.uuu or 4ii, ouo votes to Jvaui- ; to turn attention away fr uie lemocratic nartv are in lavor ot calism in California wi t make t ie for which th nal attempt into an element drag down the filth of their own profligacy. When called to account by thc people of Ohio lor the rolibeiies, venality, jobbery, fraudulent contracts, infoinous legislation, Inch have shocked augmented the bur- - X 1 . 1 . the greenhask dollar shall be what it ' oight page to a sixteen page folio.-;; Z7. ol , fTn professes to be, and not continually . ith these changes have come ve j publican party is, the Oeghan law I The tol, aTter which the !;' brained and robl-id l-' '1 ami cut olTa li;i 1 ia ,!;-.' ': The infm iated iv.-l' ton in liis yard, aa.l '' iu the piesence ! 1 Thompson, a prom v '"r J sheV from his Jioise a '-: J ' the scene f the c ?' l!- !. ' the savages ilivu' a unifonr, sound an.l invariable cur-1 vote solid for the Radical ticket next rency, and such they will provide, by fall, what would have . been the result abolishing the national bank cireula- i had the Democrats gained 15,000? tion, by making the greenback a legal - - tender for all debts due-the govern- "The Hibernian-," a Catholic-Irish ment as well as the people, and by . weekly paier published in Pittsbutgh, b-isinsr the circulating medium upon nas changed its name to "The Cath- i briliery, and rascality wl the f-u'Lh of the oovet nment, so that ' "C JocuxaiV and its form from aIl f the country, fearfully ar a : ai r c . . . . . no iyiK a.. ..f a. . t i . . i . . ; . . ......... wi 1 . om the iuiunities ! 11 I" un l,,e ,J- r(-a reached the I 'ark ; , S """" pain, .-so inysi- : ii m ...... i - , . , ey are responsible, by a crimi- ,,ul l,,,ue "r. cuiven, young Callighan, 7 ''j. w,-.e me .my rem- --" ; to convert relici us biuotrv I was "Gliding on the track, ran across r -I. V ao iey applied tl.em mug in town. a.... ... of partisan strife, and to 1 l!,e culveS and instead of stepping to one l. V,e ""f" I'i'jwtl to be a success the hand, i out " - . fI most sacted thiiis into the SKle' wmcl1 ,ie cou,d efls,1y have done, and ' " ""l"ie I"son. In a short tune , on the iieiu, .m . v. im, iiLtiuciiu uoi 1 1 1 1 1 lief i mi - ...... i .. Lin. i 1 1 tl , .'.... . ... I averted the accident, continued hi. .r.e,. the onions became green as ciass. Thn ! wounded. A. .. i. ... . Iiov uill i-i.r..... I c: ..ia;,.,inl rf'1:1"-'" mc ...iji, iioim iLiisiaiiuing me danger J .i.x r- l whistle of the engineer. He had run prob- ,,eny T. Tlelmlmld, the wel'.- dead about Clint " s:i ably fifty feet after crossing the culvert known druggist, was Saturday discharged of Clinton w ie oti;-"; (J' . when he was warned by a flagman nearby i f,om. the Pennsylvania Insane Asylum, on protection, under i ' ' rvf tiia rlnnnmr anrt ...U . .rro.. I & Writ of hnhnammm.t, ho .l.iilnn TlAnnl. c..-nni Lave lieell s.'l't '1 '. . ... v... i-i, ui. M.e 1 1 acK. . . - - , ; .... -. .. ....... , , b . . - carry a lie ujion its very face. Il AIM. o mnro l-iriTtionf- fet.iro n inni i ...i.v i,..,. .x.ii.,111. b I'l i.rin ' j nal well deserving indeed of a wide common schools are in danger-! ! If there was no ot her reason for crushing 1 lie uoy evidently was so frightened that . """Re noioing mat there was no occa- r iitcen niinu" - he was perfectly oblivious to his fate for sjon for his detention in such an instito- pMcm 150 men were n-' he took off his hat, and, increasing' his ti'11' an "tepping down from the bench took a special train. -( . "peed, kept to the track. He had run bnt congratulated him upon his release. Dr. t 7 o'clock. Ahom 1 . I l t "Ml The national association of lumber-j circulation, beingably ed men w ill meet in Chicago on next taining tin arrav of ecclesiastical Tuesday, Sept. 14. It will lie a gath- general news which cannot fail .. ...,.1. Ti.-AMIMf lw. : c. 1 v : t v- n.n.-i i-.n.ii in L.uinwiin-, . ill u oiiiio.iv uic, in ii. ii-? iKKiris. i. i,;iii UI c IlllKT i mill mnnev ruanorui-R who imvn ii ..uintrr ho ttirrnntlMi 5.i t.ntldiiir nn. ' in tlio nnntrr n-itli fliAnV(.Ar.ti..n ! IIia lam.ld it will reaeh fni-fnlt,, .... ir... i DtJYlOCTllt v-'.......i i... .......a avi ..iiiiut.. v..- j ...x.'..Mvij, ., un iii i ai.1 .li.;il J... I . ' ' ."i'.. ..... - . . .u... ui, nniiiii terpnse liiirtlwr ... ...... .. . . .'.-...v... .....7 - a. ...... u...c.u..v. .'..V...I.1..1.1.. Ill iW. n . , . . lil'lll pll-ht a short, distance, however, when l. ' Helmbold's counsel, Clarence Derringer, foreenients came ... ...... i. ..... . .. "1 tlmelr Iko . . . MYinnM9 tf ItrlllfT . K.iil lit ... ' Tim Wl'rt' itod nnd eon- ,,,R Party out oi oxisience, the crime or "J ft) 1 vrtl 1 aiong ior ... - - . : : j,,,r ' C0J , intrcHlucing such an element intoa political B,,me 'Vnce and hurled over an enbank- i Rnst the fylnm , night, but a 1 J. o-, siastical and controvery ht to be 8nfnc;it In ! ment. He had a terrible gash on the head. ' Tn' f D"nn' r'"ol,c. ?T' 1I,,C n,ostt ,"-J.... t fail to grat-j,teadofUe,ning the desperate demaffofrues P"H-ating the skull, which produced . . . . P,.i. L " !0,' a PmtaxtiWh f m- their homes at - . ..; Xo Catholic paper land money changers who have profaned lca,h in Hbout four minutes. Jlour Pye " the rolling null t C.lumtrtiN O., nwn on guard, 111 ) IUi- Ol.tildllOM IU -Ji- j ii Ull Veoiutl J 9 11 I Idl HIT; rAVVj t 11 I I T. I v. IV liiUt " v . -v. w iiviuiuill tlft I iiru rises has made a poor market for. haps of the Hrooklyn fiecicw, presents ! them, and contribute largely to that final lr. The production has lieon j a more attractive appearance in form defeat ta, T-V,cl! ' cvtry '""j0"1;0" ow .1 . .-:i i l . i. . ... .1.' .-. n i i -i . points, and wnl be welcomed bv the coun- Contracts, involving the enormous sum li..nm.rn m...l.l : . ' 1 .1 u. ' ' j .ii.iiii ,ic-ii-i. urvr jtiiiM-ussion : i.iun-io. iuti. of religious matters, nnd grew very angry. ('apt. Andrew . inn i..r criimiinard! vp&ifnta. im i-a t.i. .no. i...i; it-" . , , .. . . - -.- .... ... ... newal of tho discussion, ami the shooting ( L'rcally curtailed, but not sufliciently ; and matter, and to none do we wish 07 1 :,Qf,. Un. i,, , ,' "i.,; . r .'" " , ",nicV and nrty-nme thousand of Dunn by Coulter. The ball, from a re- Jackson ' I " ' -. " ' " -. V. . . ' .-.w.. v.. . . . I ll 1 111 lill, 1 1 . I I . L , S liaVA 91'.A4I.P 1 .- " , . . ... j v...v . .... tokci, eiiineu s Riup, aim It IS OtlltO linb ui and lM.'bj ' ackson Sattuday i'"-1 . to reduce Moc ks on hand, to tho nSi more abundant Success, recniarily,' proserin, i.e Know-Nothing organization, next skson Z tZLZ o.,i, H..... id s of the trade Ar. Y. Sun. r... i.. ' i , ' " " ! ""oie mat. ue is .aa uy injured . :i:o- and otherwise. fessimal base-ball players. Coul ter Las not been ceeu eince the shooing. n.uiOu Clinton u:l side of the load. found on the tra.