tt .r liit Clllsi FBEE63AN. t3u?3C!JRG, PA., FrUay Mcminn - - Aug. 20, 1875. Jjfit'vrttitc Stale Convention. At ! IIHM:!i; Cioin.-iH'-e, h -1 I ill Harrisluir.', March -ftli. ls,.1. tin) i'mI in.v it. s resolution was ;i.h;te.l : ! Hi I. the liixt lletiv.eritie. Stnte j f '-.iivi-ni ion, tor tl.e 'iiriMi- of imiii inut my ' 'ntnl:'!i!tes io- J . r . i it n i Ptrf. Ti -casn? ei-, j i nel 1 i:i lb-- ; .ii l'.niK. mi V.'piisesliAV, tho s,!i .1 ty nf St!-rt.Mni:!i, is;.",, at noun. j The i'uiivi 'ion will consist of the usual t turii)-r !' deleea'es, viz: hie delegat.! fur; r:v !i iM-'in1 t of the Senate and House of lt"prt sei.tat i vt-?. i !i i!.;, Chairman. ' The Senatorial Delegate. Is ;i-!.!itiiii t.j the hl'IIKS IP.tiCtU CiSfcW We are frequently- asked by promi nent Democrats from the northern section of the county whether there is any truth in the rumor that the Senatorial conferees from this countv inteml violating the instructions received from the county committee, is of tiio iicin ii-ntic Rtnfe when it appointed thcin, to vote for John II. Fiske, h;q., as me delegate from this senatorial district (Cambria and IHair counties) to the State con vention, which will meet at Erie on the 8th of September. We cannot give, strange ns it may appear to all true Democrats, either an ntlirmative or : !ie-itive answer to the question, tut will proceed to slate the tacts connect ed with the m.itter and to make such . . i -. no i-o i1i.mi l ; . s- comments on mem lion to commit wilful and dcliix-vale political suicide. Their political repu tation, a thing which is dear to most men, is in their own keeping, and thi y can either preserve it untarnished m the future, as it has been in the past, or thev can mar and destroy it forever. Let them wisely make their choice. two insolvent here as bciu.g , Sarv for the information of the unter- The malignant industry with which tie; attempt is inatlo to provoke sectarian ani mosities in Pennsylvania haw not met with a corresponding reward. Tl:e inieiiigent citizens of the stale manifest, a complete indifference to the clamors that are raised by bigots w hose chief stock of religion con sists in hatred of that of their neighbor, and by bate partisans who are constantly on the alert to make political capital by appeals to ignorance and credulity. Know ,'olhingii-ni was knocked in the head twen ty years ago, and not even Katie King could establish communications with its Thrillitt'j bitue. A FATHER nF.SCl'F.S HIS CHILD FItoM TITF CIXKHtS OF AN ALI.KiAl Oli. Tho IIand,boro (Miss.) Dc ,n.rrat says : Last fcrtui day, about sundow n, four miles east of this place, on Bilnxt Bay, occurred a scene calculated to pond al'milef horror through every huini heart, and to make even the b'lictl trtiuble with fear. Two l.tth, gills, daiitfLtrrsof Mr. Elan K. Black wcll, living en the Back Bay of Ddoxi, while butt. ing in the bay immediately in fiont of his dwelling, were attacked by n f normoufi alligator. The eldest, a girl of atoni seven ye ar of age, wa- holding the -tr? e ml fi'ttiical lienti. a iiorriEi: KILLS T A O CIIlLOii. Mirs suiciou. Vl :;nfl 5 tO I v the late m- A correspondent" of the Chicago Inirr Ociui', f:o;n Kan Clair, Wi.-iconsin, August V. savs: "Friday nioriiiiig i;ist the il: of Austin Diake.'hving one nii'.e from tins city, commit :eJ suicide and il. murdered btr lvo children niHlr-r ti e t'-'dowing cir- cumst.ii:ef.s : uiM ihf brti'id hei feet, leaving the of witiei used tvr that puipoe silting by the t-idc oi ih bid. hh then lay down at.rl coruunrueed to luuse her baby, four iBonths old. While nursing she fell asleep, and m the ruorring yonntfest, an infant n( two yeam, in her awoke only to find her baby drowned, be hands, arrt wax finu tll enjoy 1 11 a her hatti, when middenly her little -ister wri nnatchd frrn her and born swiftlj from the shore. Terrified b yond rneamire, and unable to render any a-'sitance to her rmfortnnate sister, tho elder irl uttered a scream, which was quickly caught by the ear of tho father, who happened accidentally to nmonir I'.v c'.iitediiu s of tlie sinking r,v( Democracy of tlte county fniui u.imevs il.e b.nkit!" linn of U. i Vh 11 the Democratic county convcu- V Mi oii A: Co it Towanda, wliidt ; tion met last fscptcmber, one of its last 'hundred and fifty thousand votes placed OiTtln. fnw U niif . ilown . wta vm Hip U Ption OI Will. 1. inm Uismai gnosr. v nar. ik ho passi,,g within thirty yards of the spot clamor the more 11 excusably wickd and . i'a . , , v.:. T)f: w here Jiis daughters were bathing. P.ealiz- havii'if falitn into the pail of water. ihis alh-cied b'ei to nuch a deyr" tbit he v!e terniintd to take iitr ovrn life nd ttie life f f her remaining three chikiien. Tie Fiiday following she eni,itd two of her children, orie a-ed three and tlie other five, to go with her, and urged the rhijd, ageil about four, to go and look foi iloweis. Two tinally consented, and they went di rectly to Low's Creek, and stc.od ujon the is put down j acts was the election ofWm. B. Don- - more .' ncker, Wm. Iiinton and J. (Jibbs Has- ! mill oq "Senatorial conferees." Jt was cowardly is tlie fact that the penpe 01 i..t-.,.i- f,m the toue of voice that i bank. She told them to look at the wat.-r Lie cbihiifu vrre m cnie peril, the common school in a constitutional w ""J"'" : . 1 v hi th - in olvent list. How there are vi'l no doubt be made ap parent in due time. The Lulii.irittl AJwate says : "The miners in Luzerne county are chad 'ri'ij ni'.h the. democrats aid 1 e -piiblio;;; for a f.'w paltry county i.'.iei M w!,i'-ii. it thov Lrct. three or four Ml uood r:s;:ie:.-i will be spoiled. J hey d;i v of the present year that a prcicnu iiad tntK-li !et fer be using their infill- i 'Democrat oT th'is county conceived .1 . f f.l . t . vi-iru-kil flirt nice to secure ill? nomination oi some the utea liirtt uicv !um pwwcwoi PennHjIvania have by a majority of one hundred and fi"ty thousand votes placed the common school in a constitutional piovision beyond the reach of sectarian iu- Fiom this it is Iiik cliildi.ii were in ome reril. but unable , and e hw pretty it was. Mr. Illack- 1 mpponen sne puinea doth in, ar.u men -..n u.i,n an .i-iivo and uLhletie man. : tluncetl in nerseit. j ne one 11:11 was inreu tluence. If anyone were diiuost.d to make well understood at the time, both 8Cttjeti and can be distuibed only by a the convention and outside of it, that change of tho fundamental law. Why these conferees were appointed for the then bhould the profound calm that pre-sin-'.e purpose of uniting with like ; vail. ; among tho people on this subject be Mil .e puiio ....ri.- ; nomi troubled by the c'n mors of a few bigots and conferees from IUair countv 111 nomi- t,eniajfOKU? WLy should a Unavi,h at. nating a candidate for State Senator, te,Jt j)e 1)ia0 to begin a sectarian crusade timl it was not until about all fools' hy imposing upon ignorance with tho cowardly pretense that religions liberty 1 in danger? This miserable issue is raised with the expectation of making vote for . II 1 . . . Tl 1 ... 1 , n 1 i .1 nA good friend of the miners to beat I In r- ! power of voting for a Senatorial tleie- jiert,nts, wjj discover before they are much ..-!. i ri-.idlv to thpir aiistance. and ar- 1 vears of aire succeeded in clirnt iio' out and rived at the spot iust in time to discover! making hm way to the house, ko thoroughly 1 riv-i1 :it tli sunt ill his little daughter being borne out into the saturated with water and overcome with bay by au alligator. Comprehending the j fcccue at once, and nerved to almost super- j huruau effort by the desperate situation of ; his child, the agonized lather leaped mad trantt with. Jul-e Pershinir, 'f i irate to the State convention, and mat h'el.uvlkill, is the miners' man, if they j he w as just the man for that position, j only knew it.'' Some time in May the chairman of the j " i-4 e j county committee published a call for ; Tiik dMting'iidied Mot iice I'inncy a metting of the committee, at the died in l'hilr.dclphia 011 Thursday ofj ('0uit, on t!ie 14th of June, for; last week ile was the oldest lnwver ; tiie purpose of fixing the time for j in tlii- St:,te. and, with perhapn one j,.,.;,.,, tie next countv convention., exceprion, the United States. fir. r-f.d he wa 1. oldest lawv.T in tlie go w:ts itinety- wnteh lie liii-i his mi in fore in i ir b.s! protest! IO M r His n born in the city in W hen in the vigor of e oi-cnpie I thr verv and also to .thct conferees to meet tlie eon ( from IUair county to elect a older that a crave mistake has been made. The very attempt to causelessly revive the political saturnalia of twenty years age will give just alarm to thousands of voters who still remember them with feelings akin to horror and disgust. Tho of libei a! principles has made some advance within that time. If there is one thing that the intelligent people of Pennsylvania will not tolerate at this time of day it is religious intolerance. In t lie neighboring state of alary land. ly into the wafer in pursuit of tlie would be destroyer of his daughter, which was then some tweuty-five or thirty yards from shoie. Tlie water, for a distance of forty or fifty yards out into the bay from the point where the children were bathing, ranges ju depth from one and a ha!f to-two feet, and then suddenly attains the depth of forty or fifty feet, and both tlie animal (which by this time had discovered the pursuit) and the father seemed to realize that tlie deep water immediately in front of them once reached pursuit and recovery fatiirue that he svn after fainted, and it was with dilheulty that he was brought to. Search was immediately made for 2 Irs. Drake, and she was found with her hrad ami shoulders in tlie water, feet upon the bank, and in her arms was clasped her boy, both death Mrs. Diake was widely known and well educated, having been a school teacher for several veais in hail ClaiiC county. She was an odd woman, some times frenzied, and whi!e in these moods would do many tilings thai a nano person woulei shudder t think of. It is thought, by persons best acquainted wi'.h her, that she was in eaie of these frenzied rueods dur ing Wednesday night, and that shcdciibci .Meiv drowned in tho pail of w.der the Senatorial il:lcjnle to the Slate conecn- .a Catholic gentleman, a de-rctulant of lin. At the meetim; of the committee i. he oi-c:ipii I the very ,. nU)ti,.:i was made and carried, ap- dtion ;.t the J 'Ii I !.o ? 1 1 di it ponding these same September con ft r- hie.i coin 1 ooast or -.nun- i!) us; t.L.s to act also a conletees m selecting dws. ..Ir. linuiey retired from :i.i! lie m.iuv i - I'm: A P.ei.t.iwn A n years nge. .ocrat snvs that a St notorial d ltjate to the State con vention, thus supplying a defeat in the proceedings of the county convention last fall and thereby admitting, what more tli.m tv e;i:y l':e per cvnt. of tlie j was well known, that ap to that ilaj, entire i.iieiii .l icvmu? is believed to j Jue 14A, there were no conferees be absohi'efy stolen every year as the ; from this county to elect a Senatorial reseul of the almost universal cor nip- j delegate. The right, therefore, of tlie ' tion of t!u- t .nbiie::ii oilirials. The I c-onferce.3 to act in the latter capacity; recent revelations in New Vol k of lates from tlitf day on which the com- . fr ail iule'.t i:ii:. .rt di uis and collusion j n.Utee met. lieore that they had no with custom house otue' and the ! ftiitltm-itv wlmtover t. take, nnv ; the selection of the delegate, but only ! Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, is the demo cratic candidate, for governor, and he w il bo elected by an overwhelming majotity, even if an opponent can be found willing to accept the honor of a contest wiih him. In tho Catholic colony of Maryland the glorious principles of religions liberty w ere lirst established on this continent, and the ancestors of Mr. Carroll were among tho foremost in asserting them. The colony became the asylum for tho victims who were driven into exile by other communi ties because of their religious opiidous. Will any one but a bigot pretend that the political and educational institutions of Maryland would be more endangered by would be alike impossible: both, therefore, j injnt child, as 110 uoiso was heard, no redoubled their etl.uts, the one to reaeh the point, the other to prevent it. In this struggle, although sinking to his wai.' t in the soft mud at the bottom at each hound, the father was successful. He succeeded in grasping his child Ly the ami about ten feet from tho deep wuler. The alligator, which all the while held tho child's foot in its mouth, pcicch ing itself overtaken, and 'KOM a Yoi no .Man. l)i water fpilt, anu 110 cms tin ban-.-c- r.iauc. ih:t this is Hi 111 ply conjecture. It is a sad af fuiiv and casts a deep gloom ovtt a huge circle of friends. Mrs. Drake's nnofLcr m law is a s'cji-:iit!ier oex-l.ieu.e. mot-Governor I'end, of Chippewa Falls.'' Tm: Skkt.etox oka Cnno Exr it.vcTMn i i.iT true imi iv ne drowned en uiiil.iiion a farm in Aleii.i. Suit. Pas Wen instituted at VieVsburg against the j-ost master for leeovery nfilm-o or!ts, alleged to have been ovei charged on a letter. 'I-wo Massac huetts imbeciles have m to ej.what iii' le mind they have between iheui to tri-.I. it:v',e a voyage to Lurope in ari open liiiiu boat. Mvntion is mjdeof a two-legr-d biute at Oil City who t ..! hit hg.ty its hi.'.d leg- ami lie-it its brains out, while his chil dren sttKid by and ciied pit"ously. The wife of a drunkard in Jacksonville, III., heiritr cb.-v-r d by 1 im wiih a knife, cull ed upon her son to.ive h;-r life. The boy complied by shooting Ids father dead. f anybody knows where General Di.x i, there is some news that will likely in terest him. A Michigan man has just been arerstrd for stealing two American flags. The fleeing Treasurer, Paikcr, of South Carolina, was first discovered lying in the bottom of a wagon, coveted w ith an old quiit. The capture was made about half a mile from Camden, S. C. Sir.t'-en ("hinrre women were Sold at auction in Calif upia the of fie r day. only Chinese being allowed to bi.l. Eight dol lars was (he highest price, ard one sold for ; sixty-five cents, her nose being out of plumb. ! Intelligence comes front Connecticut' that Kdwin TJootii, the ereat actor, ispio ably fatally injnred. lie was riding, and his fifirse ran away, deme'lishiug Ihe car riage, and dashing -Mr. llooth violently to t lie ground. ; On atmday morning tvi boys, named William and Jeremiah loron, were killed . in a coal mine at O.ik: Iliil. in Allegheny county. They wer cauffht by a fail of slate, r.r.d ihe life was inst an'. ly cnished out of them. Col. Vtdentino r?rikrr. recently ti ird be fore the Assizes at Croydon, and eon v Set ed of indecently aan'ling a young lady in a railway can ing aed sfriteeed to line atid ir.iprisoinuetit, has bfuii disniiss-eJ the ui'.ish Army. . ; Three y- -ting lads, r a vied Davis, Owens end I'ertig. whMo descerd't g tho slo; e at Ji. r!ti;":t mines, neis- oiantott. tiolnr, w?iefn::"J-n:i,v tcai. I'avisa;'d : A brother of une r,!1(? ,, editors has been n .:::;,,,,; j county Deiimci a; s t -t- 1 1; " A n an who w;l f,., tn;el oie in " '. : ', j a ' day, felt his p.:; 4; , chiii.'-iy, and I id '.; , fVet and ha-: !-, nearby in miier ti. 1 Tiately '.he p i:,i: 1 . .., ... 1 ill and gave way -..-;' v. cd. and he was left s;. ' ,' .' cm b;d his shoes. r A hl'll beioi'icr. , - net. 'f ',t aver, e u , ,. , ' ' a cat will Jo. 1. 1.1 . , v . . was st tridiTo in t!,,. j. spied a leooc runrii-:-!,. ,;. Matiouiiic; Inusr f i,-, :, rijoiise soon in.eii- i she caught it, c.i: r ii - ;' .' , hhe pecked it to ' .it :i. the pork in breed. Goldsmith M:i! ! golden pliine, :ii:d lie ( "i i.. 'I V.' 1 i t!ie Oueen n- at tlie Iiochster in.-. lailu, in a race r. brilliant fn icc-: ii. trotted in ?.l V. a:.; as I he tit: ies ir.i .1 , Neiti, Ue vi. ;. ...j, ,4. the contest v as ihrii.. ; . A n.eirlfi.t v ! . -r ,,i childien by its ti-.. L . simp't? remedy for ..-.. , .. anil says he n- vei k.i- .s j- . a sm.iii liatidful of ..,. pint uf water, it; a i i - . , -stand 2 1 hi.ii's, ;t: 1 ; , ". glassful every hour ii'--;; .;' che cked. It i.i:;y I v tlv, :, r one t'oiid lime n .it . to , It is c eieerh I t i.;;i .: cred swiii!':i.g i i ;;, the .Vavy i .-p:lr ? ; -v most bald!.i".iied let ,' ". their are wiu. ?;....; cai lc.-ders 1 t:.;'it t 1 ! r- .; i r. They ce: r;i- )y . ; io to !::-.e the , . ,. l.isr d 1'ar .-.t ;1 the r, voted to btti'.ii ' up -.i .'a. moneyed ai iv. Mr. Martin r.. J. ;i -f itnt r. I d e f;t ! , . , ;" .. , the sloife of a ."ill d.rvr. inches 1: iifh. Owe: taov VV'. K. iio-ers, who, as a surgeoti, stands ut the Lead of the pio.e.ssiou in iho -utii. peifo.uied ;.n ; op-:iati'-ti in ."deniphis rteei.tiy th.uio.sde I veloped or.e of th most lemai ki.bie ra.-ui: j known to the medical fraternity, llo was called in, at a house on Ie sttet, to : extract a stone from the bladder of a young i man about lo yois old. n.inied ..'efnha j Walker. The doctor having successfully i taken out the fctoiie, which is ubont the I fcize of a large guinea egg, composed -f I carlKiuale of lime, left the patient in good A set discovery is heralded in the news- ! spirits, doing wil. bome days after, the pajeis which promises to be of great prac-! nurse, v. hue dressing the wound of the alarmed and confused by the boldness of' tiie as;-.auit, released its hold and Made i!s way rapidly into the deep water in fiontof , it. The father, completely exhausted, ! raised his child out of the water, and per- ! reiving that it still lived, by a desperate ! effort succcded in regaining the f.hore and j depositing the child safely in the aims of i its mother. The little, girl is unhurt with j tho exception' of a couple of bruises 011 its 1 foot, made by the teeth of Ihe monster. i:. 'vet e ii; i'lrc 1 A s.ew : thirty-two i: a l'orti;'i:e i's: .1:1 1 i. .' ! .1 P 'v"" ; i l:'f'd e LfM' y killed and Teiug f.i- ent of ruts-eai "las-e.s. : . h:a hc t'o i i: ". ei.te; I y t.-'U".':, on wiii.b vc 1 v be T-l.ived. and wi ir'i the Iii.!,i:i:i voice. elaborate mie-ic ero is said t el osriv He cal's it the '-cr poph . ;e." '.V!,rn ti e war wa t'oin who ('1'jeeted In crr-f nl.aek disloyal cuss. Now when mociacy declare in fav-ir they are ca'h. d rag money c:iJ cals ate a hr-'d set of fell-ms to A o;;.:g woman at the St.iif House, limn., w no was :;-C(i t r i.ct wau tiful black 1 air, awoke, one niornivg last r. cek, t" fii'd her locks lvinc en tlte floor r on w r. t !.e f grec tlie t:i;;n c.;' -.t a Ohio Ie- 1 1- '- Kadi- lease. d prints is peiff fly f. dy cheeks-, ai -i i exceedingly t i . : ; i:;d 1 yr! to e i- ii-- r ag-. Mi. ' for t In? exiiibii i -n b::t as .f:e;i il ':. - Tl.e N'e-.v V. w 1: ie'i ioirc of ; ; t he tn v ii:fi: f th.'t the sore 1! V I; suit in much s. ces. It ad ;s 1.: sell to -,'et th- and fr.i : her. ! h.;? t to se .1! .) Toe o the election of tho democratic candidate ; lci" '"'i"'onco in a i mocnamcai opera- J"UIIK ..., ' """'"'"' fS po uuuing 1 ocsne a pair 01 s.-,sso,s. rue ran risen for fr,iveiiiir thin would th elertinti of I "-""is. 11 cousisis in tlie ComiilliaUHil oi a ' worn n, nmtu sou j;.u i- itr. ivocigers on I lit toe ll'gnc ana cut llicmo'l in a litol snni rates," but that in of his sn. plus as s pottnr.ity.'' i It" stea' -vr raid on tie- western whisky rinpr, fur- id ;,,,. id...! rf t'.rt r,fi . .1 im . r i aie eiuieavoriiig to revive a sectarian cru- is., s ,n.e idea of t, e mafjuilude of; to meet tlie lllair county conferees to 8ade in tb,8 te thoughtfully study the the 100. .ones which at last fall on an I pl;iCt. jn nomination a candidate for! early history of the colony of Maryland, overburdened peeiple, in the form of &dd d taiat!o?i. Jt nit SfiiPMAN. assiotk.( rf the well l ariAiieg hoiis of 1 Innc.-in, i .v i.rui ti .': ('.. of New York, which ie-;i;!y -a-'p.-ndod, bus made a state ! M.'.it of Its'3 and .insets, n ; r.l! vs: Liabiiities, $ ,HT2.1 5 ; j --eir., 1 IJ.T f'J.tll. The creditors; will r.( rive between V.O Htnl 40 per; cent., on th ir cluinM, which is a tntich j bv-iter tl,:jviii;r .1 ny Cooke & Co. j iihli! to make. Nevertheless it is ! one of the most; sh.-iiiieJes's swindles' that h.i been pcrp trided in tiiese days '. of fancy nn l fi anduh nt b:-i:;iiig. . . i ! ... ol ii I C.ntho fir-t it 1 1 1 1 f A Coil.) t.hiirt.' iid.inh --- ! o ief id . , wnin i nc principles on wnicn n vi as iouiiiiei! - . , , . r . 1 thoy w ill have more enlarged views of their , ('. ,!,!! Tt A'u,'-i fcr hen once aj- ; duty as citizens. Thev will bogin to com- I1'1 ,f ,s claimed it needs no renewal, care ; prebend that the work of Mining up sec- "r ajtentir.ii. and the machinery thereafter tanan hate in a free community like this is ' ' "'"s.Ie.s .... Li..- one of ll.o ..Nt f fdnrs in whi.-!. f nUi.,nn ! ol k l.tCUXhn I'oft, having watched the .-.- 11 . . - (Jovornor Ilai tranft endanger the same in- s 'a.icc ar y nuennai io supersede stitutions in Pennsylvania? Let those who i t,,e of u,ls for lubncatiiitf purinmes in are endeavoring to revive a sectarian cru- 1 'n5,ie ff' of " k,,lds- I he new ma- . iciici BO tilin u llit.l.lllllfT. Kb IS i hoiiei j substance composed of metallic alloys, first .State Senator. Thecommittee havinr ! and when thev become thoiouddv imbncl ; "ln-1" " I- " " conipresse.i thus clothed the conferees with this additional power, adopted a motion instructing them to support John II. ' Fisko, Ksi., as the Senatorial dolojr.ite. : 'I'll is motion to instruct for I'iskc had i l'tminoii.1 tail to it, however, called a jn'ori.nj, in tho following words:' ' Provided they (the Conferees j"?(thcn appointed) were not already committed to some other gentleman." This pro- ' viso stands solitary ami alone and i without :i parallel. Its counterpart j was never before heard of in :i com-J mittee meeting, or in any other meeting in tiiis or an- other comity in the United States. And vet, without one thing can employ himself. They will acknow ledge at the same time that nothing could be more dishonest and base than this e o';rt to ir.ako a sectarian-issue over a subject that has been solemnly settled by tho pro visions of the organic law of the conimou wealt h. llurrisb u rg I'a 'riot. progress of tho invention with interest, a Ktiown Juslorical met c. col.nt'.y of Maryland t't:d.Iisii perfect I'cli- I't w, It is that 1!.. w.-.s I he j;i tis fiwdo;n in tin? new world however, four nadet have ever rend l!u- eejobratt stvtute pn ic'. iMiiiitg this great and ih C'dimabie rigiit n w enjoyed by the wlude Americ:t:i people. It was cn- jietel in lO-'il, onlv fourteen ve:i is after the pilg ntnl is prcnensive langu-ige: o per wih'iin thi province profcinn to he .'.'iv in .,'si, Christ aholl be in any vtj troi'Ui I. tno't-sfed or discoante vfinct d for i is or tier religion, or in tie fixe exercise, thereof." The follo.ving ii one of the innu merable dark w;;ys by which the hard earned taxes of the people of a large citv are literally stolen trorn their Thr editor of the. Clarion J), rmoe rat, Ibm. 1. IL after copying from the Ilarrislii rg Patriot the stateineat from the, Treasury books showing that William I. Mann was l aid ao.lMJT.CS. in i :-si7 and word of discussion, it was permitted to lb08, for examining the accounts of foreign Stand with the motion to instruct. We insurance agencies in this fstatc, adds the have said heretofore that it was a di rect insult to the conferees, for the reason th.'it it. assumed !!ot ..". fhr w e presume, . . . r ,; d M-irvlfind i com!mtt l ,not' 1111,1 'f'"e they thcrn- i selves were appointed, iiiey nail possi ! bly Relecteel their man and given him I their pledges. That it was also a gross insult to John II. Fiske is a conclusion not to be doubted. It has no binding 'posterous and is repugnant to fw weeks a"o had metaline applied to one of the huge pulleys in their press-room, and the result, they say, has proved so .successful that they arc having it applied to other portions of the. machinery. It is stated also that two of the elevators in the now posi-oiheo in New Voik are to be fitted with it, and a Dumber of large establish ments, noticeably A. T. Stewart vte t'o., have adopted it. Should the invention ac tually prove to be worth ;.ll that is claifTvd for i the stoiy of factories and other buiid ini;s Lu rning on account of ovei he ;! e'd jour nals and spontaneous conibustion pr daoed by oil will no longer he an everyday a!:air. ILirrislurq I'alrcot. his next visit. (Jn examination this moved to be the bone cf an infant. Since then the physician has extracted several bones, among which are part of both of the thighs, one of the leg, one of each arm, and one hip hone;, arsd another was i:,k.-ti out bel3;i;,!.ig to another pari of iho b -Cy. The nurse stated th.;' she- exri:ct.-.i many more bones, but, not knowing their v;;iu-..-, si.e threw then, a.iay. T::e paiii ::t. i.- do ing very well, anl is expected to soon restored to pood health. This i the lirst case of the kind, we believe, thr,?. s e- c sirred in this pa; t of the coiinlry. lint medical woil-.s leooutd v.litie sevt:al seu-h plieuomena )y,.e taV:en j i:o;. ; nod t f ; same authoiitics ex plain upon a vet y p!:: u : ble thfory how sue!; tl.inevj (.;4.j h.-ippe:;. So'ne lazy, incredul-un doctors, whose vo cation should l ave hern that of third e'.is. scullion, have doubted the won I of Dr. lingers in this matter. Jlut the doctor h:i shown us the bones and "the, and to!. us that his oj e-raiiou was attended i'h t he above results. As far as Dr. !i-oeis" char acter is couceii.ed, Hufiiee it So s,t ;,- is well known throughout, the Sou t hern States as a surgeon whose ahihtv is unon. passed by any ooe t,i this patt oft!.. 3 coun- nambulism Sonic fleeces of wool clipped in .TeiT.-u- I son county. Texa1. this year, writhed as i hLdi fis 1bh! v-t wo ; unds chrht oiir.ces. her bf i'erat '.Va'ut:J..'i i.ri. sec H.- e-, ,.n ;-.:!: , e-.-t :'! I It ( ' 1 ' ' i : :i is 'ger. ';( ;,.: i n : ' pass t ' ; i i:i" "!.::' T :?:ie i - st:i !y-t i: y-r i;: at:d -t i;; t he e. ! :i t went v . wool i i v.. : ) f -- . e ; i ::t t ... !-c.r t went v-f: :.-e;i o n:i:ls - ho tioc, S:", ,'S !, .e - ': : ' fid .?s. fiwd-n, ! f.:o:d and ti e pi.'pei Jy ::.sf i:a::ii"d i a: 1. t' 1 l. ;:!.ei :es ster, M isS., f ?i ! v n hi.'ii field had on Mo,,. 1 without having Sat; i try. and is regarded '-lit iemau who 'fade his in uMiv imvff.v veursaiier: . . , , , T. . Igrims lamied at lMytnottth rock, ! T to1,,L &uhf: U 1 in the f .H.i.ving brief and com: i frC' ,l PI isive langu-.tre: "Xo person nnd bovc it i following significant addendum During the session of the Legislature- of iv?oy, the writer ol lln.s article, tiien a mem- ; Ui.u 1 iiiNi;s r.w. I'attmK i e. ! would under no on sitlei-aiKMi cie ber of the House, offered a resolution ro- , like riiiladelphia in days of jure, is about profession by itupo&liirc. questing the Auditor (General to send in a j to tie visited by boats on wheels, which! - - statement showing what services Wm. 15. brit g to mind the days of tho Oid I'oitage ; A SrnANor: Cai'sk or Di atii. About Mann rendered for this ij-Siyioa, and give ! and Columbia rail: oails, w hen section boats ' one of the i:o-t. .it:gular cases of dcth his itemized bill. The Kadical majoiiiy i were commeni on some of ihe streets of this ' that ever came within our province to meii promptly voted down this resolution. It city. This system of transportation, w hieh tion is that of Milton V. Illair of Ioiiis.i was well understood at the time that it was j originated wiih and was first put into nuc- county, who died last week in California, a oaieiaceu steal, as any lawyer would fiavo ; cessful operation by John Dougherty, of ! of the liicntniglis. .nr. litair is an old mer : hie o! i:.- v. ; i re or fl d :!. J.i,; a few dt'ys top i. j a gefo it.finn loul i -taokcd in c '-rks i . n v inoi r.: i a r'm--o of ! Mr. A ! rx-pi.-id ' of I i. ; !:.-;. o;, . , '. hfe, t h he s:t s ! l.; I al -i" p. ;,.ok over r.'l of J-.;. f . ! Thoe-Pi'ei f ; he e.-: 'ics-...-:-: h-t'.vue:: ;:"''..'' ;:::d :T. ; :.-.. Sev. ti 5n- -the I-. n ; 1 5. of I!:isgr :p-7-.0o- : --a ' j or : n. w t.!.- ( I wef k, wa the ; eept mo'. and f.ttip r fr 7.' years, j one b '..ihes having died in IS'".'?. I It ai peats that Duncan. Sherman Sr an''. !'(: :e:i . a :; v fi. " '.s iu t!-.o d i-api e n e l,' v.-.!i. -t if- .h !;m-: .lohrson.d I ilti'l e;i 'vp . t?:d a t-i . i ehin.'d. :- . !, lC. We,C i.e. , '. i : . ! , w ns s.ii, y ) ir:i:.i's a:: i ih k t ";i'i.: iu.!-: oo o,. Two i"i':s;d. e'.s. '.niucv Ad... -is :ov ' se!t-: ::.'. i "'e. ei . ii v Tan Itni? ri r.d I- i. ope. Ihsch.i'i.tu. i's Line-'!::, iii i. i:i -i-; on--. T;i '. in K "l' i .T-e, t i,e s !. VeS .sOsf. : i i?!C dpe ,. r's !.'": r : s. avj.j-.cfoti. .Te.p-t s. -n. at:d T i"i. in Vii .!!.i i. si; ion to o p her t h...n . '' V'.is;.i:-g'o:r toji-di at l A win irsMii :f iv !ll 1: ' unity. ;.s r. r. i .-n r iiv a h -,.. v I., L.. ) pl.lii'.d of i:.Ve:.-. I-is 1 itrew c. hi and etc 1 . : ' ! .t i-. . n - of ( vp, ( V , ,t re . : gi i trathig -li'- deatfi was a fii-t iP-ath in t!iD U' . ir:ieU. ;c.J 7;-77-7-i :ts. "t n .no.ivci tl hist dly ex- l.!: .1 f .: examined all the books of foreign insur ance agents for ? (K), or loss money. Hut i about, to bo introduced in Man-land. Th "aHr,c ,n iv miyiiAiil, eo K.,- , .... - -; . and in direct conflict with the first and mT: ZZ ' "V " "?';,.. V Sn'V" ! 'n" c' uumne. iauu .eg,,.,,, ... e . . ...v o.iiiiiuiiirii liuriaiiji u iho . i.eieioiore iranspoitici on canal uoiils I substantial part ot the instructing election corruption fund, he was shielded ! through the Chispeakc and Ohio canal to t clause. The question again recurs from exposure. It is well to remember ; tieorgetown and Alexandria, thence re- I Tr-io,. t lr fnAto c-f ...til i , f . . that at the recent. 1?CTiuli1ie?in Sh.i t t tl ! tli ii.i w1 oil L-ehiukiinrn i I.a T.l.iniki i VUi llll. liiv. to .-lai.1 lf Mill IktU VUIIIC . . I - - s -vv V.VH- i run rjrjw i rn.ii'riiicit uon 11 Uiu L 'H MiltH:, pennon, miii. . .uami nomtnatea liov. j and round through the hays to ISartimoro, Ilaitranft, and made a glowing speech in : will now be transported in .section boats, Lis favor. "J?nds of a feather." etc. taken out of ihe canal o. owe have a- Hollid.iyshurg, now of Mount Union, is ' chant of Louisa county, but has not been j none of v. Idch ar carry out in good faith the instructions of the committee and vote for John II. : Fiske? The Democracy of the count v. i whose organ the committee was, expect j and demand that they ilo nothing else. , Common tumor, which is often a com- j - 1 t; : . . i treasury. Wm. J. Murtagh. editor of: 111011 liar' "Iu'a 10 uiem a very 011 the National Reoold iron t W-ishino-fnnl fcrent purpose, which we will not ;it. ' ii i ia o. snort. It is also well enough to remember that; Maryland, and carried on railroad ti ticks Oov. Ilaitranft, as the anditinir ofiicer of I to Ualtimore. bv which method of trans. the State, had to audit and approve this j portal ion there will bo a great saving of Chicago, and consulted the best medical i nwiiuiio ue-iore ir. .Mann could get bis money. Pottsville Standard. rngageu ,11 uastrtess tor anutnterot years, He has been residing near Morning Sun since retiiiug from business. Last fall ho was attacked with a tit of hiccoughing, which continued for some weeks, with scarcely any intermission, Dccotning wry much alarmed at the long coutirutanco of the spell, Mr. I?, came to JJui lington to consult with a doctor, who, after treating him a while, declared ho could ive him 11 -j rchci. t rotn this citv he proceeded to their creditors ?,S7. 1,. s 1 ii:c amount oi r-.' n 740 doubt r.d. It is i-..t sta- I .Cii -.v!i; !:or the ,e:d estate I itepv tn;n-fer-i reel to defiaud their editors is ine'uded i in th.-' :is.-ets. it is thot.e-t, !H,t. , who died in b rr 1 b:t ii 'l; a P in !-. last.Iune published anadveitii-ementof i f-edit until the deed has lieen done. , ment of where the St the tax sales of that citv. for which he I Itth clarcs, sometimes in a whisper and ' I? h bm?!,,ff u"d 1 . ,...,. . ., ,'' . . Uf ntlinrlimpo liimlh- lint ti,n,r , - ; iei esung uocumcu. 1 wenty-thr pan .luiy mousrinu uouars oy uie " J '" ; and private banking houses bold rict Commissioners. One would j d''egard their instructions and vote ; hundred and eighty-four thousan A Sunken Fund. The official state- State money belonging is tiepobitcd is an m- 1 wen ty-three public over six uid dollars of this Sinking I'und. They are named distance:, time, and rates of freights. Tho arrival of the first section boat in Daltimore should be made meniortblc by a public dem monst ration, to which our Maryland friends should invito tho author of the section t i i i, . aiunoi iiiv.i mere, wno CilU ail 111 llieir power, but could not relievo him. Ily their advice he went to California, accom panied by his sister, thinking that the change ot cnmate w ould help him, remain- boat system of transportation, who is fa- , ing in that Stato to the time of his death, mihaily known as "Agitator'' John Dough- hiccoughing inmost continually, and hav- eity. Phila. Sunday Timi. A Sagacious Hen. Mr. Stirling, the ing but few intervals of rest. The con tinued strain and distress wore Id in to a mere shadow of his former self, and last week his sister telegiaphed to friends and counties that nicu) lltitclcyc. was j District that this steal would hvo i n the conference for a man who to-day V1- - a , : . I T . .. -T-... t . i . , ! ... ... tstisfied even Murttmh. iiut it uil ! st i"(iii:g in me j'cmocrauc "j '", uui inai gentleman sexton ot calvary Utmicli, is tho possessor not. and he has now brought suit against the (,'ommiasioners to recov .. o..,ll I...1..,,..,, ,.f ....,.,.; . rs.o.w. o.,..-...v . o . w . . . ,n iiumwimi . - o ; - i w c , , j.w. ..uikcj report 10 nie com- i cli ickcns t he other clay, which event created Dastaudlt Assapi.t on Woman V dollars, which he claims to be due him ! l)-v opposing and voting against its ' nnssioners of tho Sinking Fund contains , considerable excitement and festivity in a j well known wealthy married man of r'hila- for tlie same work. We won! I not be i canoiuaics ior me mosi, important to.iov '"g uaiiitsamoug me ciepositones; , colony of rats, w hich at once commenced a dctphia, nameil John Ij. Ivates, was before sHiprised if he urots it, thus m-iking ; county otlices, an.l who, it Ins name $07,000 for publishing the tax sales o?j wt're mentioned in a cointy convention AVashinsrton c itv tduiie. If thi is not , (unless il was Republican) as a candi- rohiry. unblushing and wholesale, j date for delegate to a State convention, ' - . . . ' 1 i i . : . i. r v know tiot oy wii:t otlier name it deserves to be designated. --4. party in tins county a man who for '"K"-1- no people mat more of a remarkable hen, and relates the fob; relatives in this and Ionisa ' . . - . I 1 1 ;t 1 1 I .' v .-1 1 I M nil 'i n, I 1 . . 1 1 . iu to .a . v . . . , i ..... ,n . l . I . . .. r i & , i. , .3 j I . . : .- , . or l tour years lias clone what lie could to ! I ..Vi,:; r a i ' I . . : , . , I '"""'K ' ' t , . , . Si-1 waaucau. uuniijion - . . . 'iruvc0(ff im. ii iiii. inn i u fun: imvi ' r.iit iiri nitr nr. nnr a iii-ni-tii ai t - i ' i ffitrov t ie ori'fliiizrttiiin nf t h;it. nnrtv i ... .... u. ti.., I . - ,L , - Hank of Commerce, Krlo, Pa 8 3,8!i 4s j system of plunder, contenting themselves ' a magistrate on Tuesday, charged with a Veuanjio National lV.iuk, Fraukliu, ! with a ciiick and a half for dinner dailj'. ! fiendish assault on Miss remlierton. It A'a - 7,221 .r.O j Tho hen stood this massacre of innocents ; appears that Kates seduced her when she The only living daughter of Daniel O (,'on.iell, Mis. l'llzsimmoii, the widow oft Chi istopher ritzsimmon, of Oiencullen, njjed eiglity-four year.-, was present in tho galleries during the late O'Cuntiell dinner, ia Dublin. She received the most flatter ing marks of Attention from Ilia bliliiaDt audience present on that occasion. The above paragraph, which is cir culating quite extensively through the l1-.11 It papers, contains a- paipaoie uiuniier, If Mrs. Fitzsimmon is eighty-four vears of age, fhe was born in 1791 Si 1,120 1)8 could not receive the votes from a The above banks are insolvent and have single election district. If such a man. f been 80 f"' je"- There may be others iu who does not anl onCht not to enjoy i - i i, out, o mat the least, confidence of the party, is named should have bem designated as in foistcd on the Democracy as their rep- i solvent, and the eleven thousand dollars rescntative at Krie, they will resent the i lost through them should have been so insult, not on him, but on those who j slalctl the report. Yenanyo Spectator. gent him there ; for it is ns certain as for a day or two, but yesterday mornixif, I as a sleek rat, grown insolent from living hiyb on the toothsome chicks, skulked along in tho neighboi hood of a chicken j which was trilling carelessly with a crust cf bread, the wrath of the mother was aroused. She flew at the rat, pounced on that the night will succeed the day, that the Democratic party of this When President Grant was presented with the Bibles at the Fairpoint Sunday School Assembly, the reporter informs us county will not tamclr permit treason that he "rose, received the Bibles, bowed. a"ainst its very existence to be re 8mi,ed and sat down." As an illustration warded by political preferment. That ' 'J16 ma,tless e'-wjoenco of silence this - J.x , . , . . i ii i deserve to be regarded as one of the finest fact must be distinctly understood, , efforts of the President's career. Other now and hereafter. e speak plainly men might have been affected to tears and him, caught him by the back and, canying I after pouripg burning fluid over her set tne rouDor to a iuu iui oi water, dropped , hro to her and endeavered to burn her bim into it with a revengeful "cluck." j alive. Tho interference of Feme of the The rat was drowned and Ihe brood has j people in tho house prevented theconsum sinco been free from the raid of tho eur- mation of his design. On Fiiday evening vivitijg rodents. San IVanciico 1'ost. last he whipped her in a brutal niauuerf - and swore that he would disfigure her so A tornado swooped down upon the that she would never bo ablo to go out farm of James Wright, at Favctte. Room ! GreateiTorts have been mad county, Ind., one day last week, demolish- parties to keep the details of the affair from ing his house and killing him. His wife the public. Kates was held in $2,200 bail and six children escaped with one brokeu for his appearance at court, arm and some severe bruises. All tho fur- and clot bine w as blown away, not a Tnn cron reports received at th A orini. aitiele being !eff, Kvei vthintr was ! tural Denaitmont show that tho c...,dirion rely destroyed and but few thincs from 1 of the corn cron is about il rr rent .f house have been found. Of seven feath- i average. The average condition of wheat Vltit ttia vc fi f.kiitw? in1 ....,, 4 j C.l. n-tk..tA ... . ' - fi.i In 17'J3. when Ihe Woodr since our advent to the county, are of; ball pierced its cover, as it reposed in their j ty rods fiom tho house, 'one dooV was : large yield of oats is promised Barley ts away, and some litrht ar- ! nearly tho average. Potatoes am two miles fieirn the house, i well, and there will bo a hi.' en r T. near the house was entirely ' condition of the tobact trco bcung blown down, throughout the country at about 'JO rer w o ro far. ,ili c...4. . t I .. .... t.. . . 'i- - . . m - - .... ... . ... t ... .. . i. v v.v lib. tll'lt V n 11 .11 r t' lei 11 fr i n w -..... the rear or Hie rcoenioii. rre uo not, t, " ' i. .ii'i'minMif, mo m xlci- . runs away, nomc luea ot me loroo of tho factory in the largest tobacco States Was about liiftecn years old, and she claims that. ho has held her in seinisslavery ever since. Itecently she attended a picnic w ith out his permission, and w hen sho returned he charged her w ith infidelity, knocked her down, brat her in a bridal manner, and then tore all her clothes off her person, and t . . . ... . . , 1 r. i . . I 1 . . . . .. ; .. 1 . I r . 1 .1 . ' . t LJoniiell was oorn in 1 1 id, anu was i m-vauw wu ice-i otieoij;!, nu uecause ",,u t,uon miiy i-ms.n ui luo jihhi uooK t nuuve i!,0r..f,.,.,i,i 1 701 nh'7mi vearsohl ' our dutv to our nartv demands if. I while seated on their mothers knee; of single rx....:..i 11 . IT!... nmoeroev nf Pambria n-lin ! tue. t t had been to them in tho j enti j 11 1 111 i-uim-i o c.,.i.,i-u - V . . ; "ddst of ; orhow it once saved ' the dent in the Knzli h collvee at Douai, ; battle we have never censed to fight t,ieir hfo on tll0 ,,aUle licld wlln .-,,.. i ,, in France scenes of the I' reach revolution shock- i 0110, mtnu ana one ucan, on mis ques- ureast pockci ; ana unauy oi me great ; found a full milo .f oil r.,m, bo ref tuned to IreLnnl ' tion and will freuerously sustain us. : consolation in their declining tides were found . , r .. . 1 o..,.,..rTI, mnfnrMi nre eronf lemontheir "ej'; W hen pol,t,cs seemed to be going All orchard ami eoon aiiercouiiiienei uicnuuy vi - - to tho clogs. But none of these things, destroyed, every t . 1? -!. 1 . t.. , netb t ionI iwnnfs lire tiure ntui sno Ipsa - 1. . , . . ' 1 . . J .. J inw imiii" mi uiiLLeii li me ci.ii 11 11 jo. ....w... w 1 1- . mi uouen wo iiiehiinio cnev woui.i i.avn : :imi nvn ni inm fto- vknow when he was married, but from ! been honored witll the confidence of. 'ncy cnooso i o say, aiki nereatter at liible j wind may be formed from this circnm- ports from Kentucky show a condition .14 rlate; and ficts we hive nven it is ' the r party by having been elected to i "V" oo sayeu , Bianco: jv s,na white oak loK, 31 ,liehes per cent, above average; Virginia three V A ; , f KitJm n , , ll ' offices of ci-eat responsibility. They !n.1,ch e'barrasmei.t by following lus dlus- through at the butt end, and about 20 feet per cent, below, and .Maryland one IZ , evident that Mis. I' t.simmon is oblces ot gltaL rv p m s iu uny im y trioua example and simply using, receiving lng, was taken from the ground where it cent, above. The wool c'i shows a eon- being tiyhty-four years of. are all in the prime of hfo and wo.dd t,ie Bibles, bov g, smiling and sitting 1 was partially imbedded, and moved about skbuablo increase; especia ly "in he Su h i 0 ' ' not therefore lie suspectcl of a llltll- .dowu.VJ. limes. thirty feet. aud West and on the P tc'ti- co iVt o hen liopp-o pi:;ov. I'h:. iueiphia on '1 hi n-;t l ist, v ;iv born, Napoleon Bonaparte was but eleven yea is of atre. Mr. Biuney gradtvi'.ed at Harvaid i l iiivf tKify three years l-c fotcthe death of Washington, and when the battle of Water loo was fought ho was thirty-five years of age. j An ant't treating society has hern or. ganized in Pittsburgh. The members sub- :' sen ihe the following pledge: "I pledge my self not to treat any person or persons nor to accept a tieat of any jdi itimus or malt li'inors, w ine or cider, in any i.ublic pi ice, where the tame is kept for sale and luoncy . paid therefor." : Tho Jersey Shore H-rrdd savs concern- ' I u:K no- jyco,niug county murder; e have i not the remotest idea that M'Cue wiil be ! hung. There will be strong evidence or... 1 dnced to the board of paid ins evidence not c'ven in court that will warrant the board in granting the. application for com mutation of e-utence. i -V hortibie ti a gedy occurred on Tnes- ' day at Troy, twenty-four miles south of Spaita. in Bvndoiph county. Mo., in which a man pnmeil Gaulter killed his cousin I James luigan. diselnrginc both barrels of a s!:of n!U at him and completely liddling his body. Both parties aie very youuir men mon and coal miners. , A speci d to the Chicago Evi-niny Jour nal froin White Hall, Mich., says the body of N. S. ilifmwood was found last Monday on the beach of Lake Michigan, nea, Stonv Creek, by A. Beckwith. It l:ad on all the clothing except boots and shoes, and had letters and notes of his trip, which proved beyond a doubt his identity. A house in Bucks county was recently struck by lightning, and a large mirror iii ! one of the rooms was so thoroughly shat- tercd, that a piece of an inch size could not bo found, the minute particles of glass be ing firmly imbedded in the woodwork on the opiHsite side of the room. A iiiiimiras also struck, but its tone was not injured Pottstown has a sensation. One of 1 married men has eloped w ith a grass widow. a' u na.s atiandom d an important and lucra tive position iu the bargain. That 1 a sen sation. There's nothing strange in tho elopement with tho grass widow, but tho abandonment of "an important and lucra tive position" in. these dull times is a dis play of recklessness which is astonishing. A Knoxvillc, Tenn., dispatch states that L. T. Cepeland, who created sotno notoriety by a falsa statement regarding ex President Johnsou's religous belief iu a telegram to tho Chicago Timts, and who has been identified as the confiderce man w liose exploits were delineated a short time since in the Bait, 10 ore H.i-rttc, was furred ani feathered at half past 11 o'clock .Mem day uijj.Lt. icr . ;s a r.-'n:-: ; u 'i: i.-vv. e c-;t; mueh ::: rnhe,il fr.irernity. We persons be com; tig si. !;. ; af:er being stn-iif by a ! bees, but this is U,a ,'n-; lC'ioj;, in wliic'l the si:; . resulted so seriously to vieiinp The Sf.-.te Fair wili h t--r ho. i:v- the .t u ', -1 lie g'res i:i .'ber iT:h. a ion v.iii T:u-d.iv, "-V. d"---,T . ,: d.n . The b o:.s of e;,; : -. one k Ih f "e ;'.: -th.e f.iir. ai d all t,P - .1 those of lenses : ate tl.aigej the ,-.,.,) 'ict!ii.;nis will Ih- a-- ' '-' mow trig or sew ing n: .. e i; 1:. : itistt nnicnts. Kxt raoi clina; y is i.v.sPr; at Cntul K ipids. M ;:,. purnaeions buds c -ei. ' i ao: her, but this cock a" i. . Kirst. 1-? wicst:, ! v.. pi ,. i' colt, hitting him i;!i r; his nose, and fiua'lv c e; retreat. 1 hen the lie-. ; v led a cow. She toss -- like a plav thing, h it 1 - : ' up smiling ami renews th:- e drawn battle thus f.p-. p the rooster. The s:i!iie . ' 1 the face of any man, ;on! '-i-one w ho iidn feic tl v 1: !i I i'ii ! ' very de moral i.rd co;.dp : There is a little ,';! : 1 Boveily. M;lss., wh-s-? h: i years has been an e 1 :' I" : torn on board slii;i in '' ; Before she was three l ; y ' Ii.'d. Before she was -e t-:.e-e -was wrecked and s.nk. wrapped in a blank. -t ;eel ' ' " ' the sailors paid every a't " ' kejit her alive t;iIi "is..-i ' ' and were 1 ardly less ai ;: ; one's wants tiiaii h-'i" f' , after the wreck thev w. n- ; Knglish v-sscl and ' 'n Theuce they etime toth's r k liUle cne hiis been brou ;!;t ui' ' " Jiaren is. The Tkit. Stouv. Mr- -V:,::j' son, Jr., editor of tl"- '''"' : Inttlli-ifnctr, denies the . father "in eaily life met U,'.,S; appointment from uno-V1'-1'1 says that his father fell in '''"; lady cf gins! f.tmily an-i -i"1 ' ; wli.-b 11 .-f.o.t Lis :l!h eP:,!I- however, objected to ti'' the ei'oimds of Mr. .Tnh-"' lack of moans. l'p":1 ,'1.l;;, sought an interview wiih i '1 -( told her of the cheisi -m ! I-'1 . of t he course he had ".' adding that there w ' ?v tlioiu lint to part am! 1 ' . been to each other. 1 ' i wise, and frankly t.l "; " ' po with him wherever ''" -. that she would not KsiM' '( life and its keeping 'V pride woukl not pi-in.i! 1 V. . standing his love. 1-" ' " returning long eai " " , , was tuanied and the lued"'1 n ::'