ZUZUSZ'JZ, PA., Fiiiiy M?rfihi, - - April 9, 1S75. Yo"-.c. city frxpericr----i ar, -:a-Lsj-J'.y s-ever-. sa .w s'.orta f! the- '-"a fcoj oa We-lae-i-y ClriTAT? wa. r.ot l-.i:--l Coa.-iet-r- t si! 1 do uh!e 3 her Denr-cratrc ra- jo tv of lis- ii-T'-n .rom a:i . l&.n-t til OJ. t .ere f-!--:'.:v7j! frrrv. tova sr. " "t:-L'p o-f --were L -; I. :, ilcate that th I-s ttaa HI') r.re n tv next year. Ohio n-l Cc.-r:r'.t;v.. to tlv? ftn of -;:cr-s !ZAT.iZrr f -r r.-s rvr la Bri5i::ort thv ;'.! Ji-iT-.'im ar l in Cirtati thr hU-A Jl'.-,ns n. A Loth th-- n:t'r.r tr. v-.r: -si-r-i It-Hv-r:V-rr 'j ' thick it car l-f - if-: Nor it ; r:-v ' 1 that thf I'o:? : ccrjij'tj thi- c -';nrj -Len it cor '.fit-5-! that ! '.annvt I-.-nc-'-r rrr:"n in Wr.r. T1.:j ia! :. t!- -., I of t'..e n.' :.iif- !.-air:Z f r cannot h it fijcliue t the o.-Lfoa tap:-'! !'v the l'itt'.jr'i P-M tfjs we cjM itir. J a -ctfrr r-I yrr-i K: tj it jut the CafjiiiLtS I'an I. Lit t:.rr t! I'fjKr. It noi.! 1 be af to t. howerer. tiiit Le Lvtr p-t- Hi arj The Tr.-trrof tfi? L"i.:tl jjt-it-cs. I rn -ii Y.. . .r. ;T. L rortr-.-I s.!i 3 sr.1 -r,- v, r- xlrtr fr m ofhcr. II ! ?.? .! I tijv y .: .n .;r;- n'l lesrM rtrr. :.t 1 h r!f:23 1 JTrK Ho -:.t ti-i fo.-i in N--t V -rk. r-.-i f.r i- of j-rr;j.: Hf-ik;n.-r ' .ji.ty n. i'.y ! !.! ioa : i Ir. I..'r.-v. -." A L-r J :."J y-r Lf e. 1. a z: I - a!-.'.-' a zl. '.- '. M i chance to 1.1 -- 4 1 I term j- . -. ':i-'t-t'M: and f-vr V. h-;:;i.:.Z !' r- "it :'.::' I if. Co!i- r, .-i M .:. !jy h-.-t. The Ie"io- .1)1 I I.J-.-:-! i j . i 11 r; : . re--;-I- c tc 1 Ii.',-fr ,;i ( I -ri v.-ral ; iverii r. 1 y i in-Jor.t;. of ::"vi t 1, '.-.') 01 r tho KIic::l Mi i Temj-er-ii.-t-e cm il l:.'...-. c.u ei a ia ;jo ty n j' nt ' a'i-.t h the L 4'.!-tnrc,a:.d iaii.c I two m--Tars of ('lirrii, rti jki.io the del-iratiou -tai.d -.- Ifc.-n y:ra. to o-. Itt i.r.-l in the Ij'.xt. ia-tea' of thy." KsdicaU and I e:r.c:r1 a? it d ia the lat Ho :--.-of II-.;. e.'.i.tti vc The coa lUiori thr ;'ho j. th- r-'tite I-tt?-n t'.eIerao.i i I.i'orJ Ih-j. ;! !i-:,!;5 --err)- to Ua" e 1 tor-' ' to u:tv'; v.-i ti rr i- o"il :a -e f?.;t jro'.-l faith. This c-i.'.ot of ae'.i-n '..-- ri t"..o .' .ti'-.i! or-:rIzttirri linviTrj1 pre cisely th? sir;;'; c jmraon obje-t in view, and t!:e "pl-.-ndid f-ftlt a'.-hieved, i an exa-npi which ia iy h- profitablv irjiitAtt-l y otiier .State, and will Ikj ml- the .v-,rt co'!iie!s prevad. f'ol. McChire. in hi I'iiila k-ljihia 7V r -k'f.i of the- re-':it. -v3: "It is the di alii-kt.ell of the third-term . retail-,'., n. or it U t he dnth-kii'-fl of I !-: hi: .-ani-ra, and it rmy he Tnr. Vv'ss' i ig'.n corri.r.dent of t!jc Phil-oM, hia P.- a et up the fol lowi'j'T el .i:a ia Urhalf of .Si.'uon Cam eron : He wa on .f the t-t-t mi w!i ro'npre Ll.d"l th C .rtct I'nijrti'ji of the ie ler.:'.i. Hi 'fit '2'.''ify T-ri'y'z&( ti.e f.wrt that ue;!ii r t"', tneii r.-r n;:j'tv days men w..s'd fc i::j ;? t- e..n;isii ijie preinaey f t!ie Oovtriiuient. WLen fJnenl ( mr'ni be--.irn StCief.iiv of War Le uj' d uru Mr. Lh,c .hi ne-Cps-ity of providiii f r a hi'Z c.vrcj.."t:;rr. Inte.-sl of cahiriff f -r one li-jnfj,ed tli ns-!.-!, Le pnir..i V.t put a ni:ihua of me j U'idtrr ai il. It 1 scarct-iy necessary at thi dav day to 'U.-:u5 Cameron'- f -resiht of Hie ra-t-rriitu le of the relx.-llion. He a 'opted thf ro-c colored prophecies of Wihiam II. .S;ward, who regarded it o:ne-vhat in the liht of a bi row at a Ihonuy brook fair, andcorifstantly pre dicted its en I within ninc t v dav. The -et-in view nw claime! for Cam eron i manifestly an afterthought tnd ha no foundation whatever urKn which to rest. HeWime Secretary of War in 1 S j I , and wa banished, from oflico and sent into olitieal exile at St. lVU-rsburzh by President Lincoln in H2. I:fore ha retire-1 from thf De partment, he made a viit to .St. Loui in reference to the pro'evution of the war in the southwest, an t either going or returning met General .Sherman at Louisville. In a conversation witii that officer he a-ked him how many trop; lie thought would Ik? require-1 siicce-f,illy to resist an-l put low:i t!? reLvl south and eat of Kentucky, r-heruitn replirl that in hi judgment it would take at least two hundred and fifty thou sand men. Cameron re turned to Wa-hington, and in view of Sherman's conversation with him ex j)iesed hi iK-'icfthat he v.rn insane. This interview between Cameron and Sherman wa publihel all over the North, to the great injury of Sherman, and. a will be well recollected, it wa a subject of serious lh-cusIon by the proer authorities at Washington w he titer Le ought not at once to h? re moved from hi? military command. IJut it was not done, and the neqncl proved t!at he was correct. Cameron never dreamel of iirszing upon Mr. Lincoln the nicessity of pruvidiog for a long campaign and for putting a mil lion of men nu ler arm, but, on the contrary, regarded General Sherman a a Ct suljj. ct fr a lunatic asylum brcame Le nad exprcjsc-d the opinion to him thnt at least one-fuurlh of that Miuler would be li-pded to conquer the retell ion in the .Southwest alone. K'uvliil an'i the Speakership. It L as r!J aisire that time? charge xrA :an cLar.ce with tLera. sr-l it truth ''S-5 tevtr more r-orBpieiey ;! ! aerate-1 than in tU y-l'A'j vxpil tt-dsv It nine-ttatas cf tLe Len- era tic pars ia thhs .State- ia re fe recce to th Sker-shiy of the c-ext C',:j crc. It is oc!y a little more thaa to veil s'ace the Cor -rre then ;n u !:-ctC'-1 itf2f as-i shoc-ck-! the. cior: St.. aai pro.-rl-tr c! the e-V r cn.t ry by fretting the k piv swindle, "an i tvtrr one WH -re-ir-t:r?cr Lit a univer? short of L .-n-e:,i iadigr-itlon it ecco taterd from Mix to Orr--.-'."- TLe Hacr.! frty kvl in v- lor.rr so cor;si-ir-d'y :T;zare-i !-' the c-r of 5 i'jn o..j !a tLo .r.l n ffcrt-ct waj, that f-ve.'j this Ltt ar.i rr:ot f r.rrarit tvijiton the r:r i:e rf:Aurv d-1 n .t -a.:i forth -;thr from it ka.iir cr its r res a? vijzororj ani greneral len-un.-i-at:on a, it -3'.-rri:ilv i-;5rv'ei. TLj ia o-; j to th f-'.t that Grant L:ia ;jif ,'a.'4 tcaLie1! to j.Ovket oe i.!irj-dre-1 tho -saiid ticllar ::r,-lrthe extra r ay clause. The Iiintrrkc f rt's ;n this .Stt-r. cH a in ever 7 other tiXiXa, alroo-et a unit in o; to-iti to it. although a. ascr:r.j ths-t f-t-i-ti.-,n i: wc.:M' r..-e?arilj t c--jilcl U tr:V;e rr.fr.v o: it own u 1-1- The I'frao.ra .tate Coaventia o that vear. -"hi.h t at V.'ilke-srre, piT-str I a rcSvIiitl n 'eno-ac;:.g it ia n.a...v ar-1 ar. I ;ii ...rnint ,eriji5, a-iho-jjh .S-ra .e! J. Car.ia'.l. vrLo then Chairman of the Sut? Cvmtalt te. vainly atterxj-tel to orrn'ze the cr.-r.veii '.ion in a way that f.uM rr. tent -r. v deci a.'j-I o't,-kcn re LuVe of hi:iiKlf sr. 1 LI; I'e:r.:erat:c o:nth:s ihate a La 1 TOVri : r ;t.. i irar-i for that p-:rj.?e or.-; of the mo-it bril iiaat an I f.roraiir:z yo-:r.z state rr.rrn in the I'eraocrat:-: ranks. Hon. K, Iii fn ?j.'e-r, hore -r.ly iitical sin the i-e'-j.'t?r.ee of the -.alary craV -csinst wi.i .-h h; vote is re.-orlcl. for '-;-:rTr of thi t convention. A f:er . . 1 . r s rh this. Tth;-.h tloa of eve: v o fresh in the recIIe-- e. the Iii2'tih-r rccta- -!e i - r'eriel to-dav of the Irno- cr.itL- 'it thro'j j'uoi;t the .State, with a f.--v honoraL!s ex.e,.;i s,t. Leii.. en- J ia l-iter.nz the f ret-n-,'.n of till .J .1. P. i.f.fC-py st. -. te r.'i a n , .- .1 m -1. t . tiiO 5-p;-aker"s chair of the next r.iti iil II of Iltp-re-e;t '-. Their xce. allot, of f."u ' ?.r: j lirj h-r to ycrs rro aw.:r.e th? -hapc to--lay of a; j-.-t rluirkey i-m to the ma waosi tirry rightly chart r.1 with Laving .V--..-U.-1 iu ro . i.ig the tr aurv ' v',tii uti whrhcl h'n'.s." The terv oryan of the party that a! way c;im to 1-e the 1'eiii.i.itlc fs.ger-brr-ls at j-ohtic;!.! cross-? oa-i j cifvrrou in the Lunjiiiathig -rk and at the same time in proclaiming their own shame. They daira that Uai. Iaii OM'ht t- Le e !.-. ted sker lecaue at the la-t fcss:-ri lie exhibited irrertl s' W-t an I p-itliamentary skill in ob-s'r-i-.ilr.g ti;? pa-'tge of the Civil K:ht and Y-, ce hli. Wt io no Ui!d:-re-;mate !jI- pi'.tck p.ud gool er- ice . t dirt '.-'.ion. but are weai enough to rerr-emh-r tliat when the alary grab w?.3 the petion of th day in Congress. th?y wore exerei.-'d with eq'al vigor ia its favor. Above all. wc cannot forgot that the Demo cratic p.r,rty wa then and "ti!l contin ue, to re opposel to tl e bold and fchanvdess roi-ery. Wc kno'v full well th it our voice is powt-i !es, but we will at leaot frescrve our consis tency, while the men who r.m the Democratic machine are shoutinz ho ssnnas to Ilin if.ll and stultifving them s he an-l the:r iartv by advocating the election of one of the chief su:- a porters of the extra pay iniquity to th - Sp. nhio's ch'Jr by a Democratic HoUscof Itertitntti ve. When that happen, as it seem likely to do. Dem ocratic denunciation of a Congre-sion-nl fraud ought forever aftercea.se. Gov. II artranft ha at last leen constraincl to isstie a proclamation coiniuanding all lawk- a.crnll3ee ii. the coal region to disperse, thourli he has beer, beseiged with apjal fr troof. A yfar go on the f3ist tlis pitcli announcing a di.stt!rbr.r.ce at : .Su - pieharma Dejjt lie Lastily ordered a divi-ion of soldiers to that place un- ; tier command of Gen. Q borne. Thi military force remainetl at Susquehan na D.pot unler arm for eleven days, ; though there was not the slig!itet Hs jsition todisturbthe jacer.nd thouz'i the citizens of the town indignantly protested against the employment of j the mditia. Thi Hde miiitarv ex- eJItion cost the treasury $10,000. Koitunately at thi time the caution of the Kilitician prevail over the in-stiin-t of the soldier, t-le the entire con I reeion would be filled with our gall.tnt militia. It wa no doubt Lard for the brave who are iu command of militia companies and regiments to Ioe s ith a good opportunity for dis tinction in a campsizn aztinst the miners. Hut the exigencies of the i political situation cannot be disregard- ed, and Governor Hartranft i there fore inexorable by every importunity. j Were he not a candidate for re-election the Susquehanna Depot campaign might be repeated on a much grander scale without regard to the expense. General Osborne, General .Sigtried aud the rest have our sympathy, but they mty as wtll make up their mind that the war is over. The Governor will order out "nary a troop."' So says the Harrisburg Patriot. T. .i- T.'.n.r.. -e . i r,i v:. ( ..ii-'.. j.i.n r.i.i., ui viic ouiuinma ; district. L iving some time ago decided I that School Directors could not asses !a tax exceeding ten mills on the dol j lar for school purjKjscs, the case wa ' appealed to the Supreme Court, where ; Judge KlwtlPs opinion was overruled, the Court deciding that the highest rate of tax is fhirf?en mill on the dollar. if f,v Trttth he Knovn. TLe ChimT'er-borrr V-iVey ?prif Is r.z'Lt dW'arlaz th-It tLe suse treas ury cf IV.o-Ivani Is bed-level to be a s:aK ol uii-'ju; sr secrets w II,. idee in ;t tteptr: f-ear ti.e lvLt of 4s y. Corrnpt practice ia relation to it? aaii2c:5C3rSt bare. here aa-I there. Leer, partially .i:-:-!-:-!.. t-tt :r e k:!I of the mtntrArs of tLe trea. crr rlr? Las tLu fir tLart?1 tbe ef f' rt- f.r tLir cls j Itf xp"i'--r1?- IIu t3r Lx wLt-irci it ill over Stato tL3t c:rt.A:ri worthless ev:Vr:r,Cc3 of itl. Lav i-e.n -arr'c-l ai-r.-. arel :j .1-, more more auvtis eata xnyT how ii.::ch rcoiiey in rc-rreiri-ted Ly the j i - . " - ury. This iarr-tiatic-n can not be t&Tel crTmncb 1 oarer. There i an increa--i:-; deaiaii-.i fvr the truth aa 1 the whole trnih. sa-i n' thiii tut the truth will satisfy tit deraar, i. There 25 ao rea a.n vhy the iavesticatloa -h .ulj ie tj.aeL It a q-jeer thirc. ia-'Iee-i, that th i l'-'t- "i can n t oh-tain iaforuia-ti-.-a ia rers-ri to this matter. Are t:ey content to ho I a;He-i iy the of- t ie trTi rr; w the aa.er thit ttIII as i ouhtt'lly coa-; f.-cra the iiUite Treasurer Lea the c-jraraittee. sr ;rir.t- I ! the House of Ke ecnttiv5. tlvraac-J an opportu nity to look into the -;ere; of the treasury? That ar.?irtr l.e that one Lraiicii of the Legislature La no j'jvrtr to or i.r aa iiivet;zt;on ar.u ti.it Le wi.i a-.t tec CTize any com mittee l-it a jvi it committee af-jiate-l Ly the to LoJ-rr. Will the e sui-mit to this ort of a respas from the .Stat Trs-J-er The Lavech ae it before aa J c presume thev hi suhi- Hut if the Treasurer Lke this posi tion an i e do not doubt for & mo-me-.t that U'- will there L? an oth'cer vsho Li the jrjwet to investigate. That oiUcer is the An iltcr er.tral. He cm. :.itit-:Vi an in ,iry whl- h will lay btr to the p-.fio- ail the ecrets of the tr-rc -ury d-partmei.t. We do cot expect tlie pr-rs-nt A'i Iltor General to cuke tL:- ir: pnry. He bus had ti.e r.l: , . . . tv to m it br ti-e Ij-t t.j. o-.ir. out his a vai.tacr-r of it. Hut the er hah-r. a 1 '.5. a v. ho will assun. tt.e-.t'i. is a Icr '-rat. 5 of th-it o lie ".'as chov.Tv t-o his ernh-c-r over the- pr -The i-o;.!e ra-a5f..-st- r-Os.ti -n n- ? cd the! ii,-;h: . , r M. c'.ir-e in thi rc-i-jr-l 5'V v..? U o r elet.-t hirn. Mr. Temple wes thei; I 1- 1.1 :, irj :i -a wishes ia this rt-pe.t. it. or 'i pro;; j j:i -e-1 a r: tire- TLe investigation 1. :. .1 1 io meet their He must do rr. :st cjme. therr-f ore. It coanot he avo rau-t not arol deL The u k-l. It 1 r 1. Mr. Terr.pl? latform. can disrez-j Ier a lilgh repiitatioa in the west rn portion of the State for int'-trritr. He n i-t lc e 1 rd to the-du- V T.;,.J?i ir laid n;on Ins shon'-iers. Like (Jov ern;r 'ih; h.u lie must not know either .ohticnl friend nor foe in this business. He has a great opportunity f r ': tinction and he must not let it slip. No muter whom it hurts. Le musts how u the insid. of trie treasury depart ment. If Democrat ar sharer of the guilt w hit h lie imbedded there, let the people know it. The investi gation is demanded in the interet of reform, and let "us hive it whether it shatters our political idol or those of the opposition, or both. TiiE question of the American Car ' din&Iate ha been generally treated in this country, -ays the Aitoona Tribune, by our journ-iis from an exclusively ' Ameiieari point of view, while as an irn;.ort?.nt ecclesiastical que-tion. the j Italian papers give the Iioman view, i which i rno-t complimentary to the Komm (. alhohc Church of America. and attaches to the honor mnt-Ji more - . . . , . trait imponance man Las oeen be- siowe-t upon it, nere. I l,c Acw 1 ork papers are full of the detail of pre- parations for the f.nsl investiture of the in'elP-r..,!. ,.lt" n -T. , r .,fc zarcthe Church of the .cv orld an importmce hitherto wanting. 1 I fix Lend n Court ' f" ',' il whieb nlv thirty vears , La1 it been itsue-t on "-i tbf V V ll', i i't'. :. r . " " m ' ' " iiiiis, uu;i . ur ,iav.e rnerri toned a I'api.-tical ntc, contains thi notice in it issue of March 13: ! being oje of i-Vefct olrriri:t ie-K-.f the , Itornan CathoLc Cbtisch. riarr.e'r. "Exixv ; kit son of the hvo5 rerart.erjt." Amon-M; thoM ho tx,k ui,P-, w, . , i.i me wi.j i a jesjr firt wa the laro t or K,pon, it is now -well known, i amert.berof ths Prr.an CathoLr i BleZd c'rarrnt a o-7d te'e rarch th. I !..-'. cramem aroi.M t,ie rii.jrcl) the ca'nninr.i'j. In Blesid Ft era men l nobl Mrn.-in n.i ! of the caoony which wm heU over the S.a- i retj Jo.. ti,e iarers cieu Host; and this jrtibhc tc-Mimotiy of his . oeii-i oi tiie real p.tret-nc ot our Saviour in Sot our Saviour in ttiacted rnnch ob- me ij.e-ei acramer.t a i nervation. j . . . . . r . "'in er I yz (I r 1 1 w r.i inf rannr.T U. . . . . ul out With tbe choices, fbvtrerm. Th r If - - - - Jiarqnwor Kiu j.ii,edwith thecotigre- gallon in adding the blessed Saciamcnt. the new Cardinal with def npMon of ' is,er ai"1 w't''e-"s J oath. bere tLe Li robe, hi state CirrbaW Lor-e, ? throrr-dually stands ai ahar had bceu .1 .1 , i-.i .- . - tl erected, on whrcb t -re s,x b-1, ted cannles , tt Vm I ' n ' ArCll'ishoP audaveiVcraeinx. it l infr Pa-ssion tide. ! Met iO-:r y received a Cf.ble telegram and at p.eii bo ,k on ibe Ep.:stle side. TLe 1 t,. . - ir- a - . .. . - , 1 1 . . Ir'im fir;; ;ni P'rni-.l-i r. , .1 . C.ip l'r?i..at 1,1 .--j j-iff'i 1 trf. I:-.- air jr ..... .......... . .. ... .... . -- - - . - - - trndnced him to the audier.ee. saving that fact thit bo b-d l-r.., ti,- .1 . anil, after kneelin-r bef'ie it for a f?w nio- f . . . , .... -. . s .... ....... ....jt ,,T nc. . . j m .t - . . ' ne i.au Kaowrn me mfss uiii'teiitiai men . ; conizeri Cardinal. TL, announcement - Shim I p.l-t t- was also made that Mgr. Uoncetti j Manning, then De ChampA and lastly, to t President but Le c-.ns.dered it a R.eater ; would har from Hi Holiness the Pope the left, Bar toliiii, the four Cardinal -it- . L ,,,5r .V V" ,u "e- ac'1;,a.,:!,tr5CIor th,s the oCIcial declaration, attende-l v ' ne.s Jtandin in a line across the right 7 nl rJ.lVp T,C ; r, . 1. , ,. ' - i , r . i , . . - -rt c. r:.,,i i";,r,L.r'; dentials prven t rather lJ-ehrr. when he ; Count Mareloschi. as quardin nolle. , e,"V.,t r 7 a r ,'i I I , i h-?can:e a preacher, January R, his Th& ctf-.i.l f . iii .i read the formula aloud froru the b-ok. and. .. , . j . - , l V thuaCcor,lf1 e pLin hi right hand upon it, t.k tl . wlsnary parchment, dated May o. " . Lead of tire Church to an America.! . Ltb, in which he was f..lirwed by the or h- i ,,,e:, htf ordi.n.d an elder by B.-hop . . A rchb:s!iop cave nnlxinndcl sati.sfac- ers in the order in which they -twd. The , Aabnry. auc. other Ilr of interest were j tion to the Catholic in this country Cardinal witnesses then withdrew to the 5,',',whlk,n7 ... . . . . u.iLiy, . . ., tr ; Jjoehni was blotSiiht forward, the entire. a.n" I5M6thoo-1 natura!ly revive. 1 1 ",!.7. .V i audience rUing tothei, f-et iu tcker: of re- The Oratory 'Tt-M Cstholle. c!nrcb, ' rS tne Apostolic lu. A short u lu-orrjpv.-n, viMKiriW Trjdy wi'h cr , it Vi i- """" a r.;.;,-i t ... nellr. to which Ha Holiness replied to the "--- ' . 'i X ' Z . - .' I. L IlffT wraiiKin . . ... . . r.i. ir:. l . ii..si.ij, wni. um Mtm. .nr. . maid of .Mrs. Jofies, the w ;...urv"' "e 'I""- Mr- Mr. Galton. i .Torres, is to be led to the , . .... " .11-.1111 a no me nanctnary icr s cook, ureal prep rati wrie UIIIII.ITI1IY IllUminaifl h(I tUlfflll't r.rltiol.llmvlrilTil li tenia rck' ' Rule. :i .''rS51L!TS 15D ' EIETT JUS f.tBEEe ItXETta 15 t'3E Kv-5TH. Tte nriifl rT-TroItt c-f tL New T.:k r,'i. wrtrj crj-der date V-f Marrb J tit it hi bifs?j:s dib- r:"r Lnl f.vr iT or t- in a a;-3 -e-rritT sa tLejerwn Efr-j.;r. The o 0t! L:-h st " rqi:re3 wtip Le iti:.f.ts-t ard ctntj-j rectit f-etsn t' t" an st-tiT jii-ns ; irt -abf ;-k-n t t: 9 ill is suckr.t v htc fr-e fr'-ai the f Gerriirj, e-j dc-".b t: e ofl-'i nits t-f wb-t j.Tw-braetila t-f k'.'l a.- l-e:r, ir.-'-te-d on tLe It -nn !b'-i'C f--i ; rcr4 In c- o-ff-.td that li;?T gttii:. si b--t- I-j lbj l the -r.!y j'jjTtrer. There L fc.t a di kn a --snres. a bricis-fayer. an artijri. a 5-p-kcjr. a cUil or inillt ry oc-, ao aatnctr ir j-ii;xI.rt. a d-:ct'r. or a c'.c. 7 Kiiu PrMai or CaiLolic, is d t ca-ie 'j l-e a Tk::m t o tLe l !ai of tie Grra3 eT'r. of c ur j- ri;-trK tL rrr,kf-rt j3"e. TC'Je rnccli of its rtace t rec;u -f U. jaDi5irc.ms it rj'a tL-? tr3i.-rc-vr -f tW ucw Hren "to yak ilsie7ctfGl!T cf Prince I..rmirck" L criruc. D..jig lie lat rr.;r.'L i""tbt:a-y , nhrtj cUitt-s were er.troeii t f.r lir.j-: : ;.t f r jek:g drt;ctf ji'.f cf Dli-rarck."' F-b?'nai'T is a w-rt n.'t.tb : bst ia it tectj-e-zht dyi tLe c-:iLs l.ae uA citi ur-dor these r.s fr tie r-roa- ee bar; ;;!:- te a u't' cT a"fi;.'c:.a- jttA.cns c-t jca-xis a'vi 013 an j.ro- i.-.asts :rij of 1 n j. c ::,tar.?N 1 rie i . a:.k- f .-rt G ir-iii cr-tiaTva the -o.k cf the -aor;;L 'Lui : Sev-a l.i.L:r as ,1 fffv rri'' arres-! : to.;;;-!x:tii C - a id:.:- arr f rr? was r. --Ary to f-revnt be I- it, t;-e ;ji:r.ary at F-l fa 5rr- ' -'i. cp-n a pr:"t f r bis fns t'rt a fr:i a:'er I:t--jr:z L-'-es rrr-M iv tk ra": -t. :p.:rn-l: of 'rh'r i isnc Trr- i avd Uaaibo. vnU hj'i- rtjttr9 ror-i-in to e-triif mrir c-..r.g. tLirtT--is iunia.?-Ts r--o s.-LI L r;.;eonui- ?-riv-L tL-i. Hrrr Meyer ft ti-.e C'i' ti x Frtri Pr?, iiT-tced tot wen- ;n- ircp.f ;Trrj-tit f'-r "rj's 2 ' ir. T 'r. ." !. ' --rt-.: t.? - !.'.' tt t a-. '. -f s.t K :-f----l:'i t tf pr-n.e V..- r t.' . -.- -. "r. "',- eii"tr ' f t' ' - A" .r. a . tc.:i"rr.c--t to -fi-T-ij -.:.a-i.t. On- n i r, u-i -'- :. : r tb ?"",-r ti ST i'.;:. f I -. a:i.k ' a - rt '::.. - r r :f. : ".,r, . . 1 -rl -- -s of It i. -'.- :-z.i-a- ! - - - T r.4. Ti.i2 .'.-i.i "Trr-o :' :fj;r. .- ii ' i:-r. :s lls- : : - C . w ,. :-. T .,-...-.'--. r f.-.r a . ir. j r - . lL- 2-t tsrr.JS cf :r , f-.-ir ? v . Tf-r I :y of tLe Il-o;-s." ai.d -- V-.--J If-y r-;.- i"'-- t. ar: t cl. if - ' ! -t !. Cath'.::c-. LV: r.t. "-VL of the C'a'i. -h 1. -.it ir- Ii :-;tcs A f .r ti.e n--t. th .0 ; e Patham-nt, tl-seirre t:ie w .sLes oIi.:s co-rei-gv u - :t tLe other dav : I am t vi ft- rha: 'hr a;-l in lr h we :;d vir-g:"-r rrjT t--. a-:?.: . and i b: h drt: ...?"t than 'h- t:. cf :h 't:'ir a f ---! s-t a Tr'.-x'; .-. ..f to 1 rt tin '. 1 a:.-i vt ft.v ni, ! tit al r...::h '' 1 i-Z that i . 'Li tr .', -i C-TKr:'-? --ae. -"r. 1 A" fl.irarj n v- - r'--a 'a-..; r -Te'-K fl c-'.e-- ' ': Lsh rh f--l:i of Tl : a-i rm ;f era t';r I Ti .-j:..! tL' a 'Ti rr es:t -r 7 i t-rr-l. at.-. tori ii - r v i -1. : ! f ar 'h-.t ir: Th T'.;.' v ; i -- f.-f "Tt!., iii:.u t"i.::- iS a' n--ir r-.-i-T.s j'r -v -. vv'-;,; ti.. pr-a. r j-r t-rti'--rr cf i-L.''-.;- a t- - Pro-e8!.-'. Ir i r.ot i:rfr!'r.-r. rLr-:"re, that ad (liw irii-j :-re ;.-a i:r-:t t!ir t to tLo-r :!,tr'f- A r; " a tl ) . It -,t in t!.i-e r tri- tV et-ari'.ir n "1 Ch 'r' L l S-are ti'jf- n.-t mean t:.:ir rLe 'ar'f if -! !;e .',: .r L an i -:?rt!i'-.! Lrr vri.L r'- f'h.'e an! ---r. ItT:;". .-r-j-binc r r--?:. ?r-.Ljt g a::V r;iTeTTr-st "i h r hji. Kvery Cl.-:.r' a is cf; y fr-e, 'Lrr S'.l2 -- '"4 '''!ie TirT-.-rn.T a t--. f!.e -i ir rt'.-i-caVs hT rr:: '.-r ar-tv :r ih! rr ex'-r- her d L.-vvei u i rn. i'jf1 r ti.' Les A.c::. au l lL--rr hia'.e : r ra T -tE r-f 7'ikir.j tl t.li'h. The R-r!iari corrs-pI-.ridi-Tit t f tL f.nd u 7t?.t, writiig un der iate tf Mircu IGih. ?rjs: At 10 G'ck-ek this moiriir.'r the f..nr of the i:ew cardiiut! "L'tme ifi II me Maii nir.j. Docbamp-a. 4anii ili and Ilartopid repaired to tLe V.tTic.-in to take the ens- ternary oath ard r.eive the l'T'A i from . the Lands of l::s lb !:rres. The ccrtni -r:y was very yimp'e. Tbey ?re ret-rvc-l in the lb.r. of the Consist.? by trie Canltr.al Vicar Patrizi. Caniinal Vaimiceili Caoni : "l.-t faniml Viit.inrl.-. .T--.I r-sr-n: I?' .rr re, ",:.;," Vi'l, r c,, ' i v,;rrethe carliral bish-t.. vriests, ad deac .n atid by erUr.zi, whose uai Cardinal Pdra, its Korr- tel dntr it was to adinin- entered, to-,fc his seat upon 1 he tui-one. antt, the lonr Cardinals having seated tbem- n-cs on 1 in a line to the left of the j throne and facing acro it, tbts Cardinals- - 'elect were ursLcrcd ititJ the presence. ; Thev advanced iu a line, makbiz three ' genunectins and having reached the fot wf VlC t,;'rc kn,cli u1;" f lowest step, while the Pope place.! tLe red btrnlta upou .r.,.r ,M lliov arfs aa.' cendirr? thedais in turn, placed'thcir hands upon the thouMer of the Pontiff, while he extended his hands to tbeir, giving and ci(!.niomary upon the creation of new car- dinals had been fdioni of much of its srlcn- nor in consequence oi tie caiamiious con- i .... ...,.. ,i,.rmc. ,..;,. r, . I"""' "L'l.V.K.r, i J rm - If? ar ? mmtl that it was triuanti cmp-lete, . , ' 7 the cM.W of the hat with which Le had . , ....... . . . ... .... .. , it d'Coruti. Co lored society of WashingTon, D. C, i deeolv interested in ar. aristocratic wed- . 1 ! n , . li fa L-r. ' I nr ti mi v i . 'I l.. - i - j ...... . .. dfe of .Senator altar by Gen. P.ut- 10ns are making ...-... .,..'. I!l IU.IIUIVI 111,1. !. man..... r f s,.,, t - . .-.t.n.t'i -7 r;r? Will HI" thiT.wn oj-en, in order that be fav.retl rair may hold a reception. effect that altuong.i t.ie ceremonial once SfrAen CTiiitfren. Th alter f.n3re afier :b ;s "r-rth of ti?r.-e aad itsii ali L rtarj a.r" t.ac vf tL :n H. ii-J. tas cataseo a feel.r.2 that the cLC dad tLa: L- a t:iir k.:?e! bj tLe k-d:iapj-er fr Y t be k. I:e-d frc-ca iiur ai caus-. Tt :J ? c :t n-?.r-ar .:j f:-!krw. Ttre ae Bnait:i ;r.i-t-a a rt o -i d of Kt c-r cliden Lar tra f ar-i Vr-e after all L ;.-e Lit be a a!ir. d 'TV.xI. I a s..-re ct il ? i t or,-es Lit cc l-een G-5CJC'vere-i for a fali b fe ting. Jude J. W. WrirLt. f:-froT!r cf led : ai.. bit sw re:c;r - in W &L zXk-z Mrs that in I-"-4 he a i:v-;-r at I gins port, en tie War;u-ij iter. in icd.a'a. At lLat lime there were hut f .sir or me ?t ; V: ,'r.ets t-f iir:jtarjce ia c-oiti:efn In d irt, D-:th tf tLe VVaVa-h. A Ksa ty LLe canve c-f Bromii. living jkU.w, twelve HiiTe of Iv-gaaspor. ss ciearir g a j-Irrce cf Lir:-d, aii-i st ii.i h".s s"::"e sett their f-r-r.v-jira':-M ty to call to d:Q- ; per. Brcu rvattr-;! Lis L-.ui s-iiewlAi lite f r di&Li;. itdtfl ei; iiriati- n it was f.-ud I L it he Lai r.-4 freta the l j. I ii tL afierTi-.i the fU;er a.vJ ci..;htr ai.d r t.e few j-ersr.; in tLe r:gL;.rL'od La:t ed f rT tLe cL?M i'Lo-.t iiCOi Tle text dy all tLe c--Jt.trT a far Ljcar.v port c;iJ -at in the are;T tut Tj ? trace of the child c u'd be f r"d. At ti..a t:.e a larre ; r j-rt: -a of lire ri:ate cf clar.a rx-i-ii f Ir.d:arar-i- bercired t- the Miaiii r.d I'f-ttawattaCiie Ii.Jsar.a. ' Mi, B.'uwa vi-iu i all tie Irjiiti cai.j-s ia the btre :f L;:i.-iv av-d M.eh: g-r. and wer.t ai fr tt-e pre-senl S:ae cf I-a ar.d ilac.-is cv;.ti:j.u:cg the 5ea-ch f r s-.-rce rears. In 1S Jcdze V.ii-ht. asair tLr-?u.b wbat i c'sr W!.i;.clv coun- - ty. Icdiara, i-nx. a nrLzt-:- child :a a stray bar d cf Kicknpoo Ir:d':ars thit from irs a,:e a .'id ariaratsce Le 'hr-.z'-t tr.ifc'jt l-e t;.e iks ir j. He rjclirhcd ii.-owi;, nLo hi!il t'.c child and decided ti ?.t it wa cot L;s. iL'h it wasetkientiy a tt-.-ieu r-i.-e. news of tLe kst tee as ta:-.ed, a-nl r.t ienth all L -i-e wa abui-xei atd :v 1 wi.;.-e . an c-xd ti. Laid ..'fa white nan near P;kss Peak. tLe CLever.Tie- that wvs s.-ld i-j hs te-ii taken Horn the Wabvt-h in I.U cLildbJ. He irfrtne-l Coloael Ben;, bad !;vcd f-r i;a'..-y year a-noj 5 tLew I:.d:nri-. of ti-e facts atwjt tLe ic-ss cd ti e Lnii chhd d tie aoa-sri. a-vj a-if.i hi-a o see ti; ! mbite rna-i aud taik witL L;.rr!. Bent d.- s-i ar d i!.'i:.'-e i !.:: 1 1-e u''-it rc .r. x h.-e-.o .. h- 1 -: v the 1 -.e. tv, I..n-:-..t. ih ;: a J r..a..s.r . f ;:, c u:d : I u w :i -:. ; i : , ' 'x !t-re b-.- !--! a - : .-: t .-t-y Ji.t o hv t, J .it l i tl the V ai t .S 1 ir-:. ;y yt :: v at r. ' i--v.d i r 'Af:e: a TA hi -.-h ; e r a; d f."t:i:l;y. ' ; ce -.ri .- I 5 A !;"- f J j5- pt.tu.e ii- in the hj.h?-.-: h i lie --h-t: t-ra'-snav ca . . ' 1. e.. i!..r.i: t;e who d I n.-t b-i-t-.n; to 'ttaTt.iittaTTiie. 11 tised 'a'-iy w.s c-p-nr-d bv t .e t .. tLe i ; . ;.-"de. H .' - wL.le vet a '.v. ;,rd 't.s ad-.-- Jd r;y ..j iio-e. r i it,u ct ve. - f uud ti.-; t. rib !-' c'l.i.iZ- d Lie t-i i; ks--rie r.fu.r t!;e vrl'u sieed .;rj A 'u.a :j madie career .tl. ti e red Ti.e.i a -d be rttur;)td tj Ls w'Swain wta Ir ..:n vi ; hh:i wuL i! e Indians. a i ix La Li J A L N-HZ!; -i-. hrv. U.-.-.V ii, 0 ! : Ih.stVr." 1 !. he i tit -i t it ii d ! 'A I . T - i j.ir.s ? i a C.l in kjiild ?:: 7 went . cd n -..- . st -t. ie i t c :.: ;ortt .r.i a ith;.t Le sh .t Ij i:'W7 the tlr, ;u m. ;.-: :er:c. e s llo i:- 4. : d r.'.A lr.t r !)- w ?.t He s"y tr -r. ;if:cr Le Lr.d t'e-i cl.rf ei, tv- fnerd raided n.tT'y t-- ; i;: ;l r.Lt;tute f -r h:it: that an art.cie as j.rii.Tf-d ".n arsfcr 4''ji.i;5-h---d 1:1 Clear Tie. L and d.ted by the iH'e H. fincl.er a " i-;; th-t s-ije cue -e :t a rt-j-iv to iLe attic'-o- and i-izne-J h is lub.-riy". n.trr,e to ir : r-i t,: rt-,dy Mr. rrw-upe sts a!nd. and the litter t hen utd his ii.rl-i-ei;ce m j revrnt La-i.-lynr r-Jtt::iZ in ;i subtitu;e. N-me mvuihs after this ivr.j ntt-n e?n?e l" Lis he Sund ry m .ra in : he r?. up in the- 1 -f: rerji.j s-trr-e e. .-: j; they br--::e ir. d ;: it was cailv iu tLe Tif.rrdvg : -a ben he cme u fr'airs. one of them d.c w . p-Ut.-l anu t::td at hi :i. the ball -trikinz h-ui on iiie Li: jer. -aL;cIi be Ls never sir.ee been able toci-rie si!rt h:s hand ; that he i:imc iiattly seized bis rhie fr".r behind the rhor. nt-d sb-.t l;s ris-rlla-:.t, w : died'ihe nxt flay, il-r.-yg t!se i::en were n-'t i't nr. it), m. he did not k-i'.w !; jhry were, ar1 b? bed i-r self defence, lie sj-.nt one year i- SigT.iw, 'lichiar:. a:sd fire rext i::ter in Erie county. New York, 'the last ni x; yearsjhe h.s btea iivM-g at Kniji.iium. Cameioc coutity. He deriiestvei having t-er; c-.-nrr-ty. He denies ever l.avinz L-e;i unse!.-d by P-jekaiew, Wa'lac or a;iy ne cbe, to re.ist the draft, ar.d att 1 inritt. Lis a. rot to p.htical ni.ti.ec. 'i his is a!r..irt t lie; t-ub- .stance of Id titernt- VS leu Ills cj.-e r -.; a i r. ;-i ---A ...!.. ,.r-. . i . . . - r"- t;at tl e ki.Lr- was -.-a self deft-tie. Pit's A . wrr h 4 tl r. rrp - r 7 Fatheh Dokhm. A SrtJto by a C'tr $n,'jrt AV-i.'fy Oivt Jlund.ed IV-iri Oi-f. 1 ire leading Aat.ire t-f the services in the Methotlrst cor.fe.erice Tvice in Jersey City on Sunday wa a pernron by the Her. Tather B.ebni, w!io will le one hundred yt-ar..ld i:i May nest. Bishop Janes in- spct. TLe venerable clergyman l,.ked feeble, but Lis utterance was clt ar and Le coemedto be io fall posses-inn of Lis fac ulties. He pleached froru Nalmrn. xvii : "Tle Loid is fr'od, a sironcLoid in the day of trouble." In chisin Lis errnoa Le ; , - a spke of the fact that tLis would probably be the last conference he would attend ori earth, but hoped to meet them all in heaven. He pronounced - the bene- dlctl by request, the confere tree standing. . "."I I e way a Tennessee locomotive engineer ' met Iuk dearb to temper ith M mpailij the jnnment wn.cii nis t xjinardmes deserves. ir. i . . t w'45 enipioyen on ine ...eorzia ana iX. Tennessee Iilroad. and was cautronsly ; ? . ; J v, " vn- tender train just after the recent floods had s subsided. He reacld Sweetwater CrV fire r u h ir It o ?orri -- r-v- l.sl V.-. ' n o replace the one washed away by the swolen waters. It neemeH nm -.,.1 he feared La risk lo tram im ?.;, r.... : gers in cros-sing it ; tv, iinconp.ling the en ; gine firm its tender, and ordering the fue- man to leave his post, mirht l. r.?-.r..r that but one life he dabbed at frill -. 1 r . 1 . I . m.. rr--iu ir i iik ... per nan it. i n. t i ri r merits of breathless siisrnse. then a crash of broken timbers, an explosion, a cloud of beam, arid a wrecked engine. The en gineer was seen no mere : the rnshrng river into w hich lie fell sw ept Ids body far away, leaving only his name, Datid HahWuy, to metaoiize Li geneions but reekle act. .veif!" r.Ji' fHftcU Item. v n I afi.:2e:Tir .:r in n'ti-l'viT-h, iarir. GTi--r- 11 i r.-.tMH( :; tt.ict. icital'.j th- a-i kh'i-i If C'r-r '--d m."t tAied iLe F.'-rre blTI Gra.' t c-.Vj fcaie taka care of C-.-r.-E-Ec:icct. TLe rj-a-rts fr-T! the rr.::.:-e dl-trhr" irtl'tre trre ill be r rice5tU'. for tiili-ti-y i'-.t'-rei.;i'--n. A trf-xTT r.L ?he Ird-a- f : r tVe fr fffci'''; i!;t Lljck 1 1 ills ;U be ac-c-. rr " -.r-c-i withii tL:Tty c;.. M-rrav ard Mer the ir irderer . f of :I:e Ge.iaar. te.ir VLl. at P;-?rh. j:sh, L.'.t t-eec ier.te-cei to I tar . ed. TLe ."e trc-1 in Ge-'-ir-a c--trzht j; a hc-aty Lure n fr; m a dcrr.-.-lhed L a.d oars it a d.siirc f tj-n n;-;"c. Av:.'J terror Lis L ers ad "j u, t'.e Cer.tea;Ai l j the ar.:i .nr rcr-.e:. th t t1 e f;.5i ;tra!Lst win h .-Id arj irj:t.r.ri;l. xl co cti rs. x-ve w fr s-'.i e re c:eei.h-c'i. .-- --e "h'-t Mr. '. -ica.. is hke. It c ner e"1iI Spir-ei's. A LJiisvit' lrrs-nari !; '-fd C-f Ii!':;Li.i.f Py4i; a. f ? "':.. f..; l.;ti. i:.r fi'ul'y I .j-ire-i 1-er bnsh .-! tl - the irj:tLit:..:s ce'en.r:les. In an elect::-! ri rt Ar-sj.'-. on M 'hr. tio ti:cj at-d f;:.t roe t-esh-. O e !je--djed, an i :w. a:e n t7-rted t-- ii re. The t lis.ir.z Te-tj -k -sse c:i".e 1-? r. r bora a bhr -"cd c-'r::t : i f r the -"C-ad li cf ir,r y:-r L; i-dar-g:er, La.s h-cerj i:dv ned ly the 'j'ver r.or. ; t t rr atcv. it the n's'trr P-r sr- rr.r-, tlirvl be-wen ttr .f d-"lrs f"! slver c -i the Ur: iicd rrtites iir. ..ree j: 1-? c:.i t- li u .:: t.e 1 er-.i r:.o:.'rt. The E-zh-h fa h. lies a-e r- a -'JS.5Cip-t!t'l t CJilL!.? Jlrillf.aJ MT-;5i to maln'iD h:5 : c t .;t -:: rt slr'i' rt l er. The f .-.ke cf -V.nV.s Le.I- ths wi:b ?..-. r.'t:?! I. d.i. ai d iu a i-w-d ij, 1 Ih "ftr; c z of Kr.Lx.'id wsii ?-rvi.-.t h'-n a jrr'.T-iiirry s'l.ire-' ar.a a te At fir.c;-!-.i!:, Ar..;re-r Thr-r r crder ---i" llert..a-j .--iill:;:j ru i L- Tt .-d ! f ...ric-i.ijf-r i't-r. h.-ir5 ;-re-r sinter; .-rd t-j te j - r T-.:e-! iy. .1 .-V A ' '-f-t : . " ' r -"' v d e V"-k e '. z it : :. - v ..llv : . a. 1 1 -:r.': . t .n . ; - - -i : i"-.c:.d-.-i ;. . - : to t :,e 1 . t - A 5 TrC o" ! V. 'v. ar.-l k;-j 'c- ... a- -le-.er-.d lj i.a- ha i l ? :! P i f.t-b..li.-rs in t c-:T.cial ten.-.. d -1 th jd - c- d- r . . -. r r 6- I- the a f.e -,t T.r ha - fi-;- Kiih,'! ry r---r l-tr f th ICa-iii I-i-hit .v a dfteci- ' hi Lai be:: t.v.Vi-i - L:-rr f.-rt year as tLe father .-f the mt::de.u- Dei. Ur fannr' v. e Vnjt riii tii--: o-i --oi ba i-' -e.'i .."I "u-."" : f r: ;t- " r"i r f- ver ia ?Iex'c . T t. V. i ras Viltcr Phcl; -. a;,d s..'"e rt !ci : : a"d Co:.;:( --::cn. L- atver, La-e it r taken '.he t. sp. T. t'-tv ecolcsl v.-;lci r..c at r.c-r.iit hrt irlvr.fd iu P-vri. P ulru a'-n-. I: i-r-iir...ied thrtt the z -re.-rirr.t"? has a:r--.? he rt-a d- le-At" w'- . ".r bern .-tt.v &:;r ii:.i-tti tLe a: s-i'.-cc tl e an -st f lb A cent'err a.r ;r. has ai c'rtL--ti ii. ' p: .0 - h".":'.r . Tt; X.; 't r;e--?-.:;- i t . -i-a i.-.e It la Crt-.(I-Tit.;!,-I b t.ier.eral I-rael P 1 . . t-r! t;;'" occ.-.r-.i:! , f l,o.r rr:s.r liatei;ar,t i.: Piir-aa'sc-a-.md. a:i eaelc. j-l-te. ! jctii -rlc -n The c" ic3 ev-1-ta'i-: v e-J "cot.'nni Iv Crecati---.; of r". tort. i-c-Triar;ca.-'e - rerr.a:.a. La a -:1 -wa f ;: d -tr I-d a t-f Piime-Tr.u- a ;:r,.a' : -f f -r"rra5 Ch.rri. c .ver. ;,z aa anaof z.rjj.,-j C J --.f. ... . ie s norr.? i.r"a mK."-? i.t-'e to deoy the cliartre thai iT; iine i a Catfr "T e. It says t-o ba l-"n a P-!.v.--r: or fr twenty vear . a 'id ' c--:in-rnt :!-; there i. rch a dLTir.r-e 1-twten ( -ho:i-cism ar d iV--byterran a will take the stir rrr r-f tb TTip7 v -r -:r.r. rhete is a yorvg f ',l..w in Portland wh--e f'lt.jre dor end nr-sn the re.pt f the I5roTklrn tra'. !-.:-.-e tbe c;-3 be l.-.-ea Las promiaed to marry binr if iieevier t p-i o'l-iisneed i-inopf.. ; otherwise jtt,. r!arc-s that her calderce ia maa will 1 dejtr-.yed and !.he wil". never we-1. '.oiowi -.-r.ir. i l.ext i 't'-n. i v.. s?ys an o'd lady o:i h; - -:i-ro: Lu:g m that city, was K-l vc-ars old lit October. But the o!d lady is ki'ding Iier seif smoking a pips?. ?he b.as l-c-n at it n-w fr the last b;df centnry. ad be thinkhe can't tsnd it mar:v years 1 rrer. The reply of Pev. Dr. Xewma-i to Mr. Gladstone's vatican-s-n was published on Tuesday last. Dr. Xewman q-,ti.t aithr ities to prn-e the P..j is nt vi fallible in the subject matter in which conscience is r.f snpreme ntbority, there for dod lck Wtween conscience aad the Popie is Ln pwsib!. bhn Ttonrke of Dauby. Vt.. elo with a giil only twelve years ohh Her f-thei caib.t them iist after the Marnage. and tbe three iaiVed the matter over calndy. Tlie upshot was a tr;r.rtite c iv enant that the bride should go home and live f-vrr year, when tlse husband may go aud ret Ler. Miss Hester F. Bowman, rf M.'.lrille, N. .1.. aged twenty-one years, left her hoTie on the 1 tilth t-f last month and has not been heard fro-n since. She wore when leaving, a y-how a"d black ri'iort y plain brown delaine die. bla-k t-.-'v.-; and black Aspired ved. rilie has dark eyes dark hair ar.d one artificial eye. A q'isck n w travelling in Vew Ting land aims to pr-it by arori'in? the rehgi oa superstition of his dupe. He professes to he a chosen emissary of Gd. commis sioned to crre diseasos by baptism. The least astonishing part of tbe story, consid ering the latitude he is operating in. is that he makes plenty of convei-ts and mortem. During the stallmn show at Par is Ky., on Monday last. Goldsmith's Abtlalhib, while gaing around Hie track, was met bv his fnll brother John Bright, and the shift of the sulky drawn by the latter entered the breast of the former and came out near the top of the shoulder, cansing. death in a few minutes. He was valued at $:0OO. A traveler in Northern New York after ths late snow storm says that while driving to Pnlaski, Oswerro county, be saw a tdn gnlar sight. A farmer had ting a hole in the snow down to his wood-pile, and was at work chopping some wood. So deep was the hole that only the blade of the axe. while it was at the height of its circling sweep, could be seen. At Boardville, on the Monnt Clair Hailroad, about sixteen miles northeast of Patterson, N. J., on the nieht of the 1st iust., the house of John N. J. Monks caught fire and was destroyed. Two chil dren were saved by being thrown from a window, but two others were burned to adies. Mr. Monks was so ten ibiy burned that he died the next dav. X m CrlA-i a Vifj'T li the c''?7Tv-. ' r ,?; ra'T-i-i -ri 1' --ciit, h ei. tf re -j i-.'-I 1-; rr--- fiir y- i'h --i - twe-r-tj-f r;r f the z ! t. uar.-" t" dr-.- i-.- - Cet -"l r--s ". f . ; tLty ; ti i-i' : - r. a :.".t '. 1 - tt:- - -a.! ' j --iird I-A iO. t - Z-. .. i , ' v. 1 1 i - f : t . -t'rtr ire w-.-.J the : . -. ri m Li t--i ror I f let it tb'-:g t tr.--...- .. tl-e e--Z:.i- lir-etir. . ; Tr-r-.t t .- Cs-l't''e - ,- - -i;.ri- ty - ofl r-i- :c t in f d :c -' . 7 h t- .- -a 'gu-a-e; i y ll c a, - - --".". pi;-- I :ti O- .tt. '-r.t. hy tL- : l";..re.i ty L- -" r ii d:.tic ei.-lr :::- .: a: .:li.!r.--. . . - r.ver of S-- c ' rv.d i, e r ...f - i-t I ' iVj ;z -" ' t" t!.t v - .-! rikc "r;; f r -.'"'. The I - I'd -': t .-." a- -.a r: e f--.re r.V,;:.; t s Y-t-k ! T --...-r. A -. a-e C.-j-;! x ..'? P' . -h-;Ul -;'..r--s-:-.t t . ' C h.k of I.'.ieleTiti ,-. " n .J M-is"--.. J . . -Wrs fr--T. the P r . l.-a of it-.- i I..! al.:'-. , of 'Le -tei-.r.e: t; j i. ; : . -: .';S thit -;"" 2 r..-eet t ' -:: t ' 'hhzv.c -J. -C-'.-t -: '.VM. a Vie ih:''g - ;:-lr a -rr r- .c iLi-: hlf the t-ni",h. wi;. w:ke! -: r-.r w;i-jc"1-3 ?t ry of The v. ' . frr. C .r- ! A i 1 :h ! s - r ; b- v. : d. T" : -:- '. a--i .--.. i i--V z i .; -h t 1. af 1 s el i- - .1 ; 'm .: 1. .-::: s 1 1 -I . n. r . - : .ti "bad i . i - - - - --- - sr.r.d pa---:", hf z ' 1 1 -il l. a:s ar.,,. T - . - i Z ! c---...s . 1 h ive it -. i f -. : -; ts. Th;y w 11 , - -; , :tiy thi b-s i i i t i a t-ea:s the i a. -. n. rrnc ; :g : v -1 - ; i "j" l:----i s i . . Z t ..e ; e . ! V Sr. I. ! e-.i l -.1-. t 1. .If ; , ;r.;r:z. v. '.-". . i-l b. d d.iv Ii. a nz- r a-:..- !.'. ' et,"."dt-.!-?. T'; 1 t' - a-; is th -.t '."a, ;y i-ir' the "i iy f -r ai v;;v t I : r -rhe it.r:cd t z:ve'i:;. ' : .'.'cri- c. e.i i e. w-'.'l 1. -ia-iu:ii.-'i m i r-sptrti s r -.rc--i t!ie f i nily. r -:. h ion I. aa 1 f ir chil.!.-- i. i he state c -rria-'1 . f 1 "r " hey ws j hi.-d n eahll.'ti -.: ;- n Pri liy last, by the Tr:a r.: is an eight sprrf.g" B.i a c .1 tcr. 'i ig a: :-arar..-o. bat . r ri n ii-h p. Ps weigLihs i . l-ly is black, whiie the nu: pa ).. d a very dirk green. w:b hh.ie gre-a v:a. The ti: s ys'd a i.-,- ,'.s f -- d Ct f the I.'-:;, r.- f r " silver. 1 Le Ca-.uinal's -,-. 1-rn !.adT:;elv e nhlc -2--- .1 The carritje wi'l l-e d ca-ion .y heavy b' ck L-r-:-morjiited haitics. The vc-hlc th--ird d ilhi-s. It is to b .!ij?rv.! that ' Mr. IN-c".ls ot:i s v. ,f i --lei-ir- ri'iT ..vi the w-f:?--Tiitoa Uclaied f hi-i :ht -to T'l -n a co f-'SsT--.ri ''. .'. ' with Ptccher lad i t h-tt s-rch a case, en-ri if t: c c : false, we must udmtt th.t T: ' .ty gi-l reav.ns f.M se uV: : tint Mr. Triton, ar-d n.-t 1 the person who deserves tl h -f I'ly mouth clmrch. It :s ' . that a sane w.-n aa w.-r."J ' st ter-ent', r..r ls th'-e t it ; ar d if be did. it i- . to perceive liow her hr,.- -.r ; ceptir.g her story as tin': !hh- FxTiiftFi Dr. S.vFT. "A to AmPi-ci." sa'd Mr. Vt- leciial of this extj.a-.:d":'.arv - . Bishops Hnicbes ai d Iurce 1 to the G.ivcrnrvcLit c-f v.! -. value thi missi'-nary cn''1. their dealirsgs w ith the I., i vice w as accepte--. a:.d f ;-.;.". few years ago, when he cl aiy labois, every adiuiidst-r.:". services as a mediator 'f - all th'-se jeai-s be r-evcr rcc-. pensation fi-om the Gove::nv ' all the offers of salary that ! J to him and sustair.irg " own a?i?p.le means, pi-cvi-.-rst he founded a splendid Cath 1 ! " J It fw St. Louis whcie he h.'d sr dating the Last few u-: 1 f !. died about a yt ar or tw- :tr -wctly remember -ahen. 1 convirtced that if he had 1 "' J cf orir recent difficult h--s " , ",1 ndi-ht bare leen kparfd t'; , , Wee.l c -included tliis I: ' V1 bean felt eahgy on the cxl ' l .',j ' of his departed fiiet-d. -:l lTh'..,r niisshmarv's state-rie-i's ab ' posits in the Clack Hillsc- ; , -. . r.n,. n.. i.v, t n e i-1'' the Indians sorifS but ' ! ... T .- .- . o . th r.i , . ;.f rt be rod the eonersa'i rr b and c-"dd not reoolVot t,'-,.S . stns nsed bv hini. - "' !