The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 05, 1875, Image 2

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MIL bfiKHUma I Human.
FiKay Moinlsg, - - March 5,
. "Til ft whirligig if tirnV' often works
? :i;-;ojing wetahMs. In Andrew
J.lii!3'n appointed Ai'S. ruddock, of
Nebraska, G overnor of Wyoming Ter
ritory. Last month, ia the Nebraska
Legislature, tx-Gov. Paddock was
tlect.fl V. S. SYmdor over John M.
TLttVer, vhov.ntd f-ir t'.iu UKpeich
inent of Prcardetit Johnson." Now
President Grant has appointed cx-Sen.
Thuvcr Governor of Wyoming Terri-Vr.-v.
a i -c -a c
We were sornevt'iHt premature lst
tvtck in r.r.nomicir.g that the local option
Law h.-l been repealed in the House, .1
statement to effect in several of
1 in- exchanges having led 113 astray.
We fsn now say, however, to a cer
tainty that so 1"ir as the House is con-crn-ed
the in.T rtrf-rred to has been
wiped from the sttttdte books, thefin:il
vote on t!i:it 1 pies t ion 011 Tuesday last
blinding 124 in favor and 54 against
tat repeal d that measure. What
the Senate, will L in the pre.nises
i-till lemains to ho on.
T:ie rt.nM::l 1 Jeetion in New Ilr.inp- .
s!ore will t ike place next Tuesday, j
A (lovernor, Lecisl t? me and mcmbots j
f f Congress will bv chosen. For some (
years past politieal parties in the Gran- 1
ite .State have been pretty nearly j
oqtirdly divided. An was to have been :
expoctcfl, tfr: C'.ttiv:is3 in tliat cold ami j
frigid re;;;m fias been a remarkably" .
ij-iiet on-j, ftltlioug'a the I't mocratie ,
press in the iitate very confidently pre- ,
tlicts :i victory for its candidates. We
r. ill see Iiow well or how ill founded '
it its judgment a3 to the result. j
Foster's suindlingLegi-dativo Hand ,
Hook resolution, ha vine been reported
from the committee on printing, has
p issej the llou-e, and, so f::r as tlie .
pufdisfied prjrv.".!:ngs ?how, v. ithcut a
single word of prjtest. Foster in
foiiuf d us in his lc'Ler tli it "tlie mcm-j
beru are all vrry avximi? to have th.em i
(the Hat;. I Hook) for their coiiititu- J
ci.tV we assume that the Senate will 1
endorse the fraud. When the young ;
ison of the b'velish statesman. Oxen-j
iftiern, was about to make a jottm'-v
through Lurope to learn the ways of,
men, his father said to him, ' Go forth,
my son, and see with how little wis
dom the world is governed."' It that ',
youth was now contemplating a tour i
of observation through this politically (
debaitehed Republic, his iilu-trious (
parent might appropriately say to him, i
'Go, my son, in your travels to liar- i
ii-burg, Pennsylvania, and see by
what "ways that are d.nk and tricks (
that itra vain the Legislature of that .
State cm plunder the tna-ury of tLe ,
pop!,?.-' j
.... -a aw x ;
A m nokitt ui roF.T on the Vicks-
b.'.irg troubles hris been prepared by
l?epre?..'nt:itives Si eer of tiiis Sfato
and O'Hr.en of Maiylaul, wlio draw:
a strong picture of i lie corruptions and
:ipress' cf the ci.loied oi'IieiaN. '
nod say, among other tilings, that the
whites p i.v about 9 'j per cent, of the I
taxes, and that t:e? negroes chiefly ,- 1
r'ss, collect and disburse tlirin : :do, ;
th it the? debt of t!ie city, wlifcli was
tl3,UtrO in Hfd, is now, .is t'.r can ,
Ik- cseertaineil. ?l ,-lOO.tiOt) ; that Peter'
Crosby, the sheriff and tax collector, !
w as tiie jvi'.itie.d and personal frien I
of tfie corrupt ollieials, and by his i
power in summoidiig juries their con-j
vitrtion was rendered practically iai- i
pvssibl. The conflict of IVcetuber ;
t!i, resulting m the killing f two :
whites and twenty-four colsred per- j
sons, vvas solely and wholly caused by
the armed attempt of thn negroes of;
Warren county to invade Vick' b irgi; :
th;tt there is not and has not been any 1
organized re'tstance at Vicksburg on
tii3 part of the whites to l.ivrful nu-;
thoiity, but on the contrary the white !
people, owning nearly all tlie property 1
and pa yinsf nearly fill the txes, are 1 desirous of pre:'ivii:g peace
cn 1 g o 1 order. Their iaterets, so
ci il nnd bti i:.tss, give strength te this
desire, and the patience they have ex- J
Iii bi ted under accumulated wrongs and :
outrages, such as citizens of a northern
city would not to'erate f r a day, is .
the marvel of our civi'i.ati n. j
The Civil Hights bill as It p.od !
the Hons?, which we published two
weeks ago. passed tlie Senate on S.d- ;
unby last by a vote of ?.$ yeas to -2i'
n-iys five Ucpu' IL'.'in S n-'t n s vo'.i' g
in the negative with the lPTvcrals. i
The etf'O't of Its pa-;saze will 1 c to iii- j
Ci'oaee the dis irg i ii. it'oji of tVe radi-
cal party in the Northern States and i
t j insure it3 certain defe it in eve ry :
Southern St.'te i;i the Union. liver'
since the close of the tvir tii-3 rudiehls '.
in Congress have been Intent only on
legislation that would secure a solid !
negro Tote in their favor. While the
passage of the bill mny retain the vast 1
bulk of the colored vote, it will split j
the Hepnblicin party in ths North 1
into fragments, and will prove to be
the last straw placed on th-i camel's
back. ' 1
What ia known na the infamous
Force bill passed tlie House, Hl'ter a
bitter str.iggle, bv a vote of Fi yens i
to 114 imva, 011 the same day the Civil
Ilfgbts bill passed the Senate thirty-three
Republicans voting in the
negative, lhat part oi tua i; 1 1 an-;
thorizing t!;e President to suspend the'
writ of hobrait corptti was unioiidctl
so as to limit its operation to Louisi- j
ana, Ark.vaaaa, Mississippi, and Ala-'
lann. This bill, asls well understood, '
Is intended to place the elections in ;
the South under the nbsoluts control .
pf Grant, nnd thus enablo him to carry
fut bis third-term project, which is
hw an open secret. It is not lc!ieve l
tbat the b.11 can the Senate.
Tik bills for the ndirissiou of Col-j
orado fiinl New Mexico into the Union !
" fctatc"' which passed the Ici
: passed by the Senate at U.C close ,
Sta.U-3 Senate,
IJut m tins tney are.
counting their chickcua before they
. . 1. . 1 1 !,..,...,. i,..t. f 1.
. , .1 1 .r ti '
tltcieii a -era. au, "ll " "
gress, Rinl last o ember t,o!.. ado ,
ave the Democratic candidate .a ma-,
jortty of 2.1C3. ;
! . 1
: all 'a w i. n . -v fini..Miiii.i,ri,iiiiaKi. - . . i . i
. ...... . - ; time. ho longer speculate as 10 wneui- sumption. Mr. KurUiyvas bwn 111
; tP.em were adopted, in wnica 11 wm , ,., r,rnt desires a third elec- ' erford, Irelard, and was therefore a
: re necessary for the House to concur. 1 . p,,,-?.!,,.,,,., That ho blooded Irish giant, and a large one,
I Already we lmve too -many f what 1 ,.,.,,.,., . f,' . irinVcd hp ! h,S nrrn.y eight feet in his stockings.
I , .1 ,J f 1 SiKiinto be a candidate fn- rcelec- ! ,4. So-;ie monlils a.,.n llfow2
...... ..s. , ,ti, n j3 nov-seen as clearly as any comparatively Td hoalih, I.e wt-i
noi 10 nave uasei. 1 f lamui i ol :oct ;n"the noon lav mn by Pcmo- lmuK lie had weired more when
!xrfi, however, seeing that the political J . rjnl. !;.-.,,, a M,i hv nn : heal:h was better. ..Ho had been in
1 K-ejvtre is about to demit from them,- t,, L r s..;-
fivedtheetwomtauiisthiMiLhCon-, v""- T KirV it eZl I L,,"Shr ',c, by lalljer aud-uiotber.
? , 'l.V f:.Lv;.(r th.,r I,pv will thereby 1'!a.ine! "hoJS remarkable fund of tnct xvho ,tin live at the house on Chester st rcet.
1,.; .v.. j, . ant, gfircw((;iCSS 1S steactiiy Uireciea the c.ant tiave!l tiure voars with lar- !
I c.m ru .- I ii'l'U :l the L' lilteil ' . . . . ; ! :......'
. ' - - - . ' in.fn TI10 knntfv iirnlil.m ol lnnKinjr a mun as one 01 uic jrrcai iiv::;c curiosities
It is a L'rir-3 outrage and in every;". : 0
as pert nnir.t that Co
t tin init that Colorado with a;', V . .im i
p;p nat ton, R.ccorning to uie census 1
oflS70, of only 39,604, should exer- '.
cise the same nurncricfd strength in j
the Senate as Pennsylvania with a j
population of three milliona and a half,
and that New Mexico with 111,303,
should oflset imperiil New York with t
iAmot fovr and a half millions. 15olh J
these Tcrritoiies combined have only j
popnlation enough to elect one mem- 1
ber of Congress unoer the present
ratio of representation. This,' of it
self, ought to have prevented the pas
sage of the bills to admit these two
Territories f.s States. Put, iiiceiien
dct.t i;f this, who wil' sr.v that the
character of the population of New (
Mexico is such as to make it c'csirable j s!ie s'wnild forin one of the States j
oi the 11:1011 ; (icncral lir.zen, a com-
-. ... . p ,1 1
IH'tent pi-go, in speaking of tlie pro-1
' . . J . w , .. - e, , 1
position to admit ner as a State, savs: 1
4 lake away the army, its hangers-on
and the transient miners, and the re
oi tnese nr
taken until .July, 1S7(5, and they can
not therefore t ke part in the next
Presidential election.
A criminal pro'iccntion which was
lately tried lefore Mr. Justice PJrett,
:.t the assiz...s- held at Chester, England,
met with a very different determina
tion from most cases of a similar char
acter. Mary Lancaster, the wife of a !
laboring man named John Lancaster, I
was c.u victed of the nianslaughtei of!
her husband. The deceased had long j
led the prisoner a wretched life, and j
or.e dn v came home drunk, kicked '
over the meat which she was preptr-
ing ftr dinner and cruelly be;.t I;er.
The abused wife, i:i her aiiger, sei.ied
a shai c::ed steel, threw it at hiin.and !
ti:if.)i tun ate I y eauaed his death. Judge
Hre-tt evMent'y believes, with Sh.ikec-!
I0Hre, that
' lie ,vho l.ivs his hand tiptn a wniran,
Kri pt in the war of kindness, :.s a ..e.var.l it crliis il it try .loe;i;l a v'dlian."
When Maty Lancaster was calked be
fore the Court to receive the judgment
ol the law f r the ollense of which she
bred bee n found guilty, Mr.
Brett, instead of passing sentence, ad-eire-sed
her as fj'ilowii :
I be'ievi that if I thought it i iglif to act
according to your own feelimfs I honid say
. . . , ..ii O' uijuu ioc t.nuab oi iinv oiei lean
ni unnig American population could ; ,, . ,. ... , , ,. ,. ,
. 1 1 . . lleiubiic until Le s.hall final v be'
sit in the sha le or a goou s-.zo-ti appie , , . 1T , . - .
, 3 i cnokeel o.T. lie has openlv shown his
t:ee. !..,....',,- (
The vote on the constitution or each j Ci,imrt ,or .,ino1 .can party,
i i rw-t -1 ' r.c: iv 1 1 1 rti"ir I i
. i . .i to i nu ii iu:ni in in hi i nr i - t i
nothing about this unhaonv huib.v.ul of
i.ime than your luiM.and was I have sH- '
doui hc.od of. ihe deposit ions show that, ;
i i..n;enl of i-asnon, took up a formidable j
wei.p.,:i and threw it at him I U-Iieve, i
w n-ooit the intention of st. iking him. It j
bd strike him. and ";, imini diately ran j
fa assistance, aid -did all you could to save !
hiia. All Ihe real rijiht iu this ease was on I
All Ihe real rig tit iu this case. waon !
yon r sale a1 1 the iea! wrong on 30,11- has- ;
hard's; ard Ceil f.abld lhat I should pun.
i-li. ...i. 1 v ih bj no ;-.! I.v to it. I will '
1:01 eve. 1 ma.;e -is. is p.. igment complete. I ;
i.i m.f siijiv 11 10 ne saei by anybody tiiat
you are a convicted felon !or a convict ion l
is not c nipli te until a sentence is passed,
aid I to 1 1:0 sentence at all
( l."iid cliffMinu, which for some time the
ef'.ici.ds of the t'e.uit vr.inly endeavored to
su pies ) I shall merely ask jou to enter
into your ow n recognizances to come up ror
judo-iiieut if caUcd'rfpon, andnohody io the
w 01 In w ill ever call 11 pen you (Jod f-nbld
il.'-y ever should. (C heei ing eluring which
the pi issuer left the dek.)
M.vKix.i It ' Fat.'' Those ,f our
readers who receive and persue that
interesting publication,
, The rV-j
the truth of the :
t -'re l'..'cird, will admit
f dl v. ing comments of a cote mporr.ry
upiai the manner of its publication: .
"The printer makes a line out of Mlovd'
a:.d 'Lont' in reading the yeas and nays, ;
ae.d t'.e:eiv takes up a whole column with j
what fhe-uld not eon-unie more thfln one-
third the spac. (See pag -i'j n. Again, ,
a brass t:b ciert'-s a blank of one "inch '
which slionld not he over one-thiid. (See !
page 447, any many otheis). The number I
in question has three of awns of yeas and j
nays w nien an be put in one column
This kind of work is a fmar.cia! gain of Go !
per cent, to the operator without any other I
improvement whatever, and will just de- i
pkde the s ate treasury unnecessarily to :
that amount. As a taxpayer of this com- j
monwesdi h, we aic opposed to this m'sltsix :
percent, slice. The publisher orthe llicord
ha no more right to charge the taxpayers J
f ;a whole column of matter. whe:iheon!v
gues ooe-Tiinn, man a i.trmcr has to char.
ai-e ;
.'nr a bnliel f eraiu when lie only meas
iiiw out a ban oiislu I. '
People who came to the conclusion a
few mou.hs ago lhat Grant hael abandoned
his Third Tenn project, are beginning .to
change their opinions. Leading Republic
cans in Washington are beginning to freely
admit that tln-re is no doubt he will l a
candidate in 1S7 I. He h :s the party under
his heel and lh leaders dire not oppose
his schemes. There are naturally enough ;
mn like Huiler, Chandler and Cai pen ter, i
who have been repudiated by tiieir constit
uents, anxious to help Giant along in the
submisjiion .f the government as the only
chance that now oilers tl jvi for place antl
Miwor. t make tho schema a formidable
and elangcrous one.
nollung atiout this unhappy hu,b.v.ul of : i.ut.lic in ii Conores3 Vy ho has h-df the ' Sl!',vr i,s ", fallowed the s? ream some
yo-.ns. ,s far as I cm ce, you were a; i ..,:.. ?,ic.:p,. i - distance, then struekieross. the country to a
res:.ectah'e. haul-wo, king, well behnved i u'!';"" nt to justify Imn Ul be ing j . t ca:t of ,,j0 UtU. M ,!l8 (jhev
wife, and I feel bound to say a greater , thoro knows what IS meant by this Ar- ;(lnr.e rivrr was a party of two hundred
even ..nine very msi uiy you were togel her, : bility of approving or condemning this ' l,:,ss 1,1 ,1,c f,,ut of ,,,e h"is' '.'' s,n,r!t
-'" "' ,L ' '" " maue ins .j,:,., t..... ,,.,'., r . -.i t into the mountains, aim :. ner plowing i r.cir
home com fort a; e and lonml:.- him 5,n.,r.v. 1 1,111 ' 1111 -11 Uiamlcsto 18 adroitly but I , ;,. ,.f I
It was only when lie had diivenyo,, todeV- j heavily laid upon Congress. 1 "he re- I lau'ey's peak. In" fifteen days from the
pe iatiuii by ill-t i c alieg you that you, in a , snonsibiiity cannot be shirked. What. ! date of their entrv into the hills, they erect-
The Third Term in Congress.
.-Tl'l ...1. .T..1.T 1.Tvit!r tho r.rdltL
,. , ' of WMhincton City,
iljtcUi t'ly reJ tIu slgns of the
....... . 1 . . . 1 ... ... - . . .
... fi , r-, i
without sending the I.cimblican party
. .
to the crave lor. with him
1 uat ne,
inteIuls to have an.l to hold the chief .
in ihe Government at i
cast for our year8aftcr March 4 , 1877,1
. lmvin.lul the holdino- of that ,
, ! if the having
' sit, his coinran.':; . i:u own acts areitai v
placing bcvori'i the dcubt of men whom
common se-"o t rehes to believe that
motives l'e T oil-1 decisive ami per
sistent actio'' He has been piteously
ini.loreel i.y lee.ding men of the le
tiublican p.-vl v' to disavow these dan
gerous asph
tullenly rr.
scheme, like
naut,'hr.s g:,
other, from
I o:i,, but he has remained i
, ., ., ., . . , :
re vn-.Ie the third-term j
; '.U rd car :f Jugger-;
o'.'cr ti.em one after the
r. I.) Chandler. The
people have placed their seal of con
demnation on Grant's unsurpAtions in
Louisiana, and, being rebuked f.r re
versing tlie Louisiana election of 1S72,
he has responded by sending Sheridan
to New Orleans to reveuse the election
of 1874. To relax his hold upon the
nower has once laid his
luimi is u tiling h iiitu 00 ;i 1 i:k.-ii 1 1 itnj
: it-. ; w,i i.n t
can teach him to :o. With bull-dog
. .. . , , , , . . 0
throat of Lotnsiana, as he aims to hold
men who have evinced a desire to make
the P.cpublican parly something else
than an appendage to Grant. A ml yet
in the pretended interests of that party
be eltmands that Congrces shall make
him military elictatoi over the whole
country, with a enceirJIv imiIievl lit
cense to revolutionize the entire South
to the end that the Republican party
may be perpetuated in power. ' He has
not only seat Sheridan to New Orleans
for the purpose of smothering the voice
of the people ef Louisiana as it is ut
tered at the poll?,, but he has placed
him in command of a military district
which includes the State of Arkansas.
Two weeks ago he asked Congress to
take the reojionsibiiii v foi rrivin? Sher
idan work to do in A rkansas an. in j
other Southern States; and his Third- j
Term rpokesmen in the House of Kep- I
l ese-ntatives are now urging Congress '
to take the responsibility, as it is asked f
Le tlo. More lLan this, he has very j
plainly intimated that unless Congress j
takes strong and decided action to the i
contrary he will at an early day set ;
Shvridau :.t work in his third-term !
campaign. The pretext that there is j
need tor fresh military interference at ,
the South is altogethe r too thin. The j
Pre i lcnl's A rkansas message is public j
notification that the third-term cam-'
paign is burly opened. Every IIc-
Kansas message and the b:!l liroposed
in accordance with it.
does the Republican m-vjoritv in Con- !
c,.eS3 lrr,ose to tlo iboiit it"?
to I n po e to (to about It f
e-o Leo at. Martuag since 185?. It
has iast been diseovere.I that ih li.fln-.-.
has just been discovered that the Indiana
mariiage law of 1S52 (under which ali mat- j
rimouial contracts h.ave been made since-
that d:e) is ur.conr-1 i'.ut ioual, null ant) i
voni, ami, con-ee.Mentl v, all lnarriaes un- '
ier Hen law ar:j illegal
1 he dire-very was ina.lebv T. J. Tm-?-
ler a ad O. N. E!.lv, clerks employed in
the Seeietary of State's ore-e. Article
four of the constitution, on ihe legislative
branch of tin govern nea',, pfwuh's lhat
all laws shall begin : -Bc it enacted hy
the (S.meial Assembly of the Stale of Iu
li ii:.i," etc. Inr some of tl-.c limited vol
umes T the statutes this enacting clause
has been inseited, hut in the enrolled copy
of the 1 iw in the archive of the Secretary
of State's opiee the enacting clause has
been omitted in violation of the constitu
tion, and hence the illegality of thehn.
The law was passed March o. 1B1
John W. Davis the resent member from
rhi'k -'s "'e Speaker of the House, and
( ii.u lamous .um ljaiie i 'resident of the Sen
ate, and Joseph A. Wright Governor, and
I it was signed by all these gentlemen, as
the constitution requires, without the dis
! covery of the error. This act provides,
j among other things, that no white man
. shall marry a woman with one-eighth of
, negro blood in her veil 8 ; and there arc now
: men serving in the penitentiary for violat-
lug this provision, which U illnn-.l n 1
proper legal process they can be released
immediately, and if the old law ,f ilia i i
f " moil 10 IIIVI'.II. lilr"
niKkng. in view of the fact lhat an illeci.l
PI,;ictment cannot repeal alegal and sound
. 1. . . . . i"
11 w, men uiese meu can be lelease-d, for
the law of 1843 permits a marriage between
a white and one-half negro. A bill is to
be introduced iu the Legislature immedi
ately to legalizo all marriages since 1852.
One of the events of tlie past week in
Congressional circles was the somewhat.
sl ti tling and significant cam so taken by ,
Gcn- Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut. '
During the debate mi what is termed the ,
, r.
i' oree Bill, this distinguished gentleman
took occasion to say thai "he had been all
his life a radical in politics, hut the time
had come when he had seriously to con-
su'er whether he could go on with his rad-
lei.! associales. He did not like to na-.
conpiany with them, but he no! to it
lie cilia not agree to put any further or
greater power iu the hands of the Presi
TllE iniouitou3 Force h'.ll i;.1
hearing in Ihe Senate inior to the final ad- :
j niinmcnt yesterday, 4ih inst., at 12 o'
clock. Thus has a "most foul an.l -i-lrf
conspiracy against personal lilicrtv, with
Grant at its head, failed of its infamous
I he vpsn.-nti. ' with them. Aftei
About the Dead Giant,
JTr. James Murphy, jr., ii giant who has
bren keeping a restaurant at 151 Sontli
Chester stitct, on Feii's Point, in thisciiy,
fur a year or past, died ea;-.y yesterday
morning of a bronchial aflVrtion- or cons
II o
s in
Khed 3ol
country twenty.fcur years, having been
of the world.
Iii !iisirofos'ional career he
vitLiril ovrrv iwir ri line P Mintrtr - fiviM
M!iiliptn ,-ur'- r.n.Hh.. ,i s,.(i,
After terminating his engagement with
Darnum, the giant traveled with a circus,
here he c.ntiacted the bronchial disease
w f,15y, t - When, in
,e 1,ad a fiesh' I'l"?."1-
'-. ic an large men, ari particular!,
""'13 t ...e
anu. nursery ia;rs, was as aartiauio as lie
was great in stature. He had a very
youthful expression of cmntenancc, coal
black hair, and his hands were so large
that one of them conld cover the hend of
an ordinal y man, just as an ordinary hand
would cover an orange, llis feet were not
so large proportionately as the hands, but
W!,H nn !-':n:lT nnc .i n.s Mines
would seem to he a sufficient habitation
f()1. .Hlse old woinnil- of thestoi v book,
who "had so ma:.v children she did not
know what to do. ' "When the u-'dertakcr
came to measure the dead giant for his
cofiin il vas found that the deceased was
full eight feet long. Surely the measure
of r.a;i is correctly known when he is dead.
The coffin will be nearly eiht and a half
feet Ion g. The body was visited by hun
dreds of people yesterday, the giant being
well known 011 fYil's Point, where he wa3
justly cr.iceim d for his amiability, espeeial-
ly by the children . who. after Ihe first
shrinkagp, grncr:l!y likrd to be taken in
his arms and elevated so far above the
beads of their parents as he could conven
iently hold them. Some of the little boys
in the neighboi hood knew h;n; only hy the
name of "The Cii'nt." The body lay in a
small room, about twelve feet square,
agaiuat the south wall, feet towards the
we';t, stretching almost across tlo apart
ment, from side to si do. Candies were
burning at the head and foo ant sids of
the corpse, which was covered with a black
pall, with a large white cross on the breast
and crosses in the corners of the cloth.
The father of the giant, who is sixty-five
years of av, probably older, is a large
man. When at; his bost be stood over six
feet in his stockings, th- ugh lie is now a
little bent. The mother is not a lar-re wo-
roan, being not above the medium size for
j ine s x. c-ne is neai iy ner nuoaiii s atre.
Both the old pe'ople arc in good health,
and seem vigorous for their v fa rs. Ie.clud
- ing the giant, they have had horn to them
1 five sons ai.d three daughters. One son
! on'y is alive. Some of tfi." ehildien were
! undersized. Only one, a son, attained to
j the size of the father, except the giant,
! who exceeded Ihe growth cf the parent by
nearly two feet. The fuucral will take
1 place ori Monday, and Ihe btiri-tl will be in
the cemetery of the Holy Cress. 13aHi
The liliick Wil.
Siorx Citv, row a. Ftb. 7. A
City Jovrnul says : E; ii,- ;
known ti. izen of oiouxl 'i'3', r.i.' of a
recent expedition to tie Black Hills, ar
rived at Yankton to-day. He repor's hav
ing lei';, his companions at the stockade of
the expedition within two miles of Ilaney's
Peak on the Box Eider creek on the tbirtl
Vi:chcr says the expedition was com
posed of twenty-seven men, ono lady ami
her son : There acre six wagons, well
armed, some mounted and snpplieel with
provisions and mining tools. The expedi
tion left he ve October til Ii, struck Xebiaska
creek, about a hundred and twenty miles
mounted Indians: held a peaceable i arlev
nd a stockade eighty feef long ant! built
log cabins from an abuudsnt supply of
tiniber that thev found. The cold weather
g-.catlv impeded their prospect ing. They
sunk twenty-live prospect holes and
0.-.r .r n iv wu-r-vv vrvcs.
From the grass to the bed of the rack
t! i v t'.i.-i..l iiiimr-roos cold and silver benv-
i.," onai tz lodes, and' the specimens Mr.
Witclicr has bn
rouirht back ore pronounced
ver rieii. ins pany neei M.vaiiiuinn
while in the bills.
Mr. Witcher describes parts of the liiils
they saw as having magnifioe.nt valleys
seemingly limitless, forests of pine, abun
dance of elk, deer and oilier game. The
g' eater portion of the return trip was made
through snow drifts over a trackless c mn
t iy in tl-.e most stoimy and severe weather.
They discovered in coming out of the hills
what has been named Witcher pass, a good
natural wagon road. Tins shortens the
way out of tlie hills by thiitecn days.
Their animals lived on the grass they
found beneath the snow. Another says he
can take loadeel ox teams into Ihe hills
from Sioux Cily in thirty days. Members
left in the hills are in good health and
spirits. Witcher returned for reinforce
ments. He says there is no evidence of
other parties being in the hills. Gordon,
who came with him pa:t of the way, was
delayed by a horse giving out. Nothing
was heaid- or seen of the two disastrous
army expeditions sentout to intercept them.
rr . - T . . 1 I
Dr.ATii or A Mysterious Ch akacteti.
Daniel Schock, 5o years old, was laund
dead in bis 100m in Cincinnati on Friday
evening fast. I irougn naviug 111s nome in
,t.- 1 ..
ute very heartof the city, be was practically
a hermit.. Eight months ago he rented a
little hovel in the rear of a Fifth street store,
into which he moved his scanty effects, and
thus, hidden in a dirty back yard from all
observation, be lived entirely alone, seem
ing to have no amusmcnt or occupation but
smoking his pipe. Promptly on the 2 1st of
each month he paid his rent, took a receipt
and said nething. Iast month tne :ist
vine on Sunday. The landlord did not
t.:n. l.,.'i. n-!.i Iia rtm not. pnmfi
t .lW. 1111.1, l.Hb " "L.l .I." - ' - ...w -. " "
on 1 hiirsday tlie landlord weni ro lnquiro
whflt was the matter, and found the dor
'locked on the inside. Entering, he found
; 1,16 ma" dead on a cot. lie had been dead
' perhaps twenty-four hours. From letters
j lound it appears that ne nas oroiuers anu
sisters living in- lluntingtlon county, 1
1 '"ounssoiy notes, amounting 10 over
5)()' were found in his trunk, and $20 ii
monev. 1 nn interior ol the room was
i wretchedly filthy, antl the body was covered
... : 1 1 . : . . 1 1 : : O t- 1 ..... . l.AA. a
man of wealth years ago, who lost by geiing
nun vermin. lie is naio i. n.i.o wvi. m
secuiatv for others, and becoming morose,
chose this miserable moelo of life. Tho
hovel was so completely lii.idei
fence bad to be broken dawn
iden that a board
to allow the
colliu to be carried out
Vennsi'lvania Jlailroad Hi-port j
In accoidanee with the sncslion . f the
sycial committee of stockholder appoint -
cd at the last meeting of the board of
rectors of tho Pennsylvania- railroad, that
company T'ublisli 111 advance for t lie 1:1 for -
mntion of the st 'ckholdcrs the twenty-
eighlli annual repon, which wm ue p.e-
scnted at the anmt.d meeting of the com-
pany, to be held on Iarch Dili. The ro-
port gives the operations of the main line,
ks blanches and leastU roaus lor liie year
1ST4, and makes a very pratifying exhibit.
The gross earnings of all the lines east and
west of Pittsburgh during tho year weie
$363,933,2 1.25 ; expenses, mcluoaig rent-
43, 779.46 as compared with the figures ef
the year previous.
'The report also gives in detail the opera-
lions of the leased roads, the coal compa
nics and other interests controlled by. the
company.- It is noted that 4he united
railroads and "canals of NfW Jersey show
"very" gratifying results compared with those
of lSi.J, lliey having met every luiinuty
under the lease except $31-,1G1, while in
1873 the net loss under lease was C35,7?9.
70. The report speaks of the general tlc
pression in the business -f the country
during the whole of the past year
The remit as shown upon the traffic of
the lines has been a diminution in the ton
nage ef the main road of 88U.372 tons, being
a decrease of 8 8-10 per cent, as compared
with the trafSc moved in 1573, and a conse
quent reduction in revenue. Largo reduc-
tions have, however, been made m the ex-
! . 1 . . . . - ... I . . (2- - . 1 1:1-. -1 1 - 1 1 1 s . i iv ti . 1 mu ctti nrru v.
; not earnings, ?23,525.7C5.97. The earn-; mond shaft near Wilkesbarrp, jumped on ! niembero. the legislature of x,
i ings of the main line and its Pennsylvania a cog-vshetl in mo'ion, Friday morning, Caio.ina was last week expeihd fif,m
' branches were 22,642,371. 3o ; expenses, ! a,,d was instantly torn to pieces. j Vw,', for having wittlena rmi.hl.-t A-,-.
I incle.ding rentals, f 12,701, 518.20; net earn- J An Ohio man has been snatched frcm . '"3 l'te existence or a bupreine H-,lt.r ;,f
ings raying rentals, ?!, 89G. 924.28 a drunkard's grave eighty-nine times. ?,ieN'"eie', - E,,ni,ar ,S!-U nnl,
i .1. n a. ;,, i,;,.rr ' w: 11. i.n r 111 Aew loik lurinir a recent trial. m-i....
pense ;l manuaunng ana opeiaiing inea'Tcl
lines, thus enabling the boaid to present j i ied to a little girl of tl"'i (t en years, resi
results which they consider very satisfac ; dent of Jasper, Tenn. The ceid snap was
lery. j too much for him.
The report also speaks of the improve-j They build very large residences out
ments made during ihe year, and says that West. An Iowa paper says : "It's only
it is proposed by tlie board that the entire j twenty-one years since the first house was
Moating debt ot the company shall be pa'.d
oft" during 1875, by disposing of sec.iiiiies
that are no longer of value for the purpose
of controlling the roads by which they were
used. A tabular statement relative to the
line west of Pittsburgh show that the net
result after paying all leases, and other rent
als interest, liabilities of every nature,
working expenses, etc , is a surplus profit
of tS44,5138.43 which sum is more than
seven per cent, on the entire capital stock
of the Pennsylvania Company.
The report makes a nice reference to the
controversy going on relative to the Balti
more and Ohio road, and sts that it is
hoped with a thorough understanding of
evta-jthingpertaining to the question pro
per results may be arrived at.
The report concludes by saying that the
board has concluded to adopt, as a general
policy, that no further extension of lines
should be made or obligations be assumed
by the company, either try leae or other
wise, except to complete the several small
branches and extensions now in progress in
Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
A. Terrible Citusl,ophe.
An awful calamity occurred in Xct Yok
on Thursday evening of last week. St.
Andrew's chnrc'i stands mi the north siele
of F'uanc street, near Chat ham. .Tnste.U't
of it. on Dnane street, and adjoining it, is
a ta'.l, narrow store, six stories in Jieiirh?',
w hose interior was consumed by fire on the
12th of January, leaving its iron front and
le iek side-w ails standing. St. Andrew's
chinch, aealholio placed woisip, is a
lew, large strnciuro, seating about fifteen
hundred people. Between rnis low-i-ooted
ehuich and the western side-wall of Ike
t nil, dee p store left standing since the fire
of Januaiy 12 in was a space ol seme two
or t hree feet.
Thursday evening the congregation of
the cIiiit'c-Ii assembleel for services and had
gone through I lie prayers and chants, and
Father Carroll, of Sr. Stephen's church,
was in the pulpit, in the midst of a discourse
which rose to an unusual pitch of solemni
ty, as if some mytei iems pi emonition were
operating on tlie minel of the preacher,
lie was speaking of ileal h, r.nd warning
the dense congregation of the feaiful d-n-ger
of postponing preparation for that
event, when, with ib eadful suddenness, his
discourse was iutei repteel by a louJ, stupc
fyi!)T crash, followeel in a second or two by
another. The wild amazement and frantic
terror which ensued eieties description.
Those stupendous crashes came through)
the roof on the cast side ef the building,
bringing down portions of the roof and a
l-.eavy, crushing mass of pH?e bricks upon
Ihe heads of the 1 coi
cople in the gallery on
that side. In the consternation, astonish
ment and horror which seized that crowd
ed congregation, persons in the gallery
leaped over upon the heads of the people iu
the news, and there was a tumultuous
rush towards ihe doors, in which many
were either squeezed and crushed to death
or dreadfully injured. In t he confusion
nobody knew how many ha.! been killed
or how many woundeel in the gallery by
the weight which came down upon their
heads with the falling rouf.
On examination it was found that the
following persons had been killr-d : Mi
chael Mnrrav, aged 35 ; Rose McGlynn,
aged 51 ; Michael McCarty, aged 20 ; Mary
A. Connor, aged 25 ; Catharine McGinness,
arcd 50: Michael Fecny, aged 15, and
twenty-six wounded.
The cause of this horrible aff lir. which
came without warning antl with such ter-
rible swiftness upon that peaceful religious
, , e . 1 . 1 1
assembly, is ajq-are in 11 0111 ine iioove ies
senp' ion of the locality. 1 he long, high,
western wall of the six-story burned build-
ins,' left standing since tlie fire of tlie 12th
of January, had suddenly lallen upon the
low roof of the church, breaking through
and driving down Ihe heavy incumbent
mass upon the beans of the people iu the
gallery directly uudcrneath.
Stahved TO Deatit. A touching inci
elent took place at Bellevne on Frielay e.f
last week, the sad reality of which sets ro
mance completely in the shade.
A man named Dagger, living in that vi
cinity, who had been out of employment
for some time past, antl who has vainly
sought woik until weary of the entleavor,
gravitated into a Lackawanna avenue base
ment, w here be speii. the greater part of
his nights and days, while his wife and
little ones were left tt sit, cold, hungry and
unprovided for, by a neglecteei hearth. On
Friday last one of the chihlren, who was
formerly a bright, interesting girl, but
whose worn, sad face now told a tale of!
. . ? : 1 -. 1 . t
want and misery, worn out with hunger,
wasstiicken down on a bed of sickness.
A charitable neighbor named Mrs. Hale,
hearing f the little one, called and brought
her some'hing to eat, in the shape of an was found in an old abandoned mine tailed at these dimensions niht and d;v with
oyster slew. The child devoured it raven- the Devil's Table. I striking regularity. The beat emitted by
enisly, until at length Mrs. Hale, seeing her An undertaker in Washington town-j so large a body of flame is very g
eat so greedily, took the food away and 1 ship, Berks county, nine years ago made a ! The trees all around at proportional i's
laid the girl down to rest. The famished cofiin for a man who had" formerly resided ' tanea sare budding and the grass ispiowa2
child clamored for more, but discretion die- in that township, hut who now lives in finely. Sufficient light is produced to fil
iated that it would be dangerous for her Reading. The casket occupies a place ' able one to read at atiistance of a mile and
just then to ?;et any more. A few minutes nnder the bed in the gentleman's sleenimr ' a half from the well. The noise as the
later the child, was seized w ith the parox-
ysms of a most acute pain. It was the pain
of death. In less than half an hour after-1
n-nulo 4 I,a l;f,lA .... A',. ..
"' ,,v ,M"ra nuiiriri nn n corpse. ; nameei james jjaiiin isiiemg Tried lor ; are said to be going on lor the pui eu---V
hen the father returned home a sad ?ic- I murder in tlie fust degree, without a jury, this well by parties who are studying tin
ture met his gaze. His little one had died at his own request ; he preferring that the 1 problem of utilizing this jiatuial ti ec'nr
of hunger, and Ids wifs upbraided him bit- ' two judges shall bear the testimony and in their various enterprises. The tools u"0:1
terry on entering ; the scene was a bitter decide the case. While a prisoner has a , in boring it are still in the well, f"J '
one, intleed, to which no words can do am- legal right to be tried by the court alone, ; itbdrasvn a far greater volume of
pie justice. Scranton Republican., 2d. it ia seldom that the right is exercised. ' would probably escape.
ZTeic? cud rolitical Items.
J A man Pn-jviscd to be Ccnder the
j Kansas inu;dcr-r, has been arrested in
; Florence, Arizona.
t 1!ic New Yoik Sun cxprer.se5 tlie cpin-
1 -Jon that whatever the verdict may lie,
j Plymouth Church will continue to
j tu impeller.
The Filtsbrinr Pont says Grant
' qnire Another increase of salary if Congress
j persists in raifcin the tax on whibkey to
ninety cents a eal.'on.
Little Kalph Tilton, about whose pas
teruity a doubt was raised in the state
ments and tee simony in the great scandal
case, is repoited dying.
he wanted to be snatched some more.-
At the funeral of Johii Barnes, who
1 died at Bristol, England, a few days ago,
; aged 100, the eoflin was.-followed by his
! gra' Is n, who is himself a giandfather..
j - In England, recently, a-tiu-of beef,
I wh'ci had been prepared fjr the soldiers
1 in tlie Crimea in 1S38, was recently opened.
and its contents found pe.i fectly sotind and
wholesome. ' '
There is one case on the court callender
in o T7 Yrilr i'ltir" flrtitnwl I
Tweed to recover ?1 1,000, 000 alleged "to
nave been stolen by mm tr jisous con-
j nected with him.
The Pennsvl
vlvRuia Ihulroad Company
nake a i eduction of 25 per
(inQ nfTl.-f.l ffl IT1!.U-P H 1 I'Ct mi inn lt T-fl'
cent, on pine and 35 per cent. or. hemlock
laiiibei Irciglit, l.oi.i llie e. i.;.i iie.a lumber
region eastward.
Daniel Jlarlin, of Scnttleboro, A!a.,
seventv-six years, was rccentlv mar
erected in Burlington, and now it contains
20,120 inhabitants."
All of those injured by the d;ast r at
St. Andrew's church, iu I" w Vol k, em
Thursday night, are reported to be doing
well except Patrick Laviile, who was fatally
injured iu the spine.
A wondei fui exhibition lias been open
ed at Brussels. It is a collection of about
100 landscapes of great merit painted by a
by named Fritz Kerehoveof Binges, who
ilied an idiot ;;t eleven years of age.
-Tlie Texas Jjegiol.ituie propilscs to
make it a pemd o.Tence f .r a person to walk
on aiailroad. If Legislat ui es go on in this
j manner theie wiil soon be uo way in which
a man can legally make a fool tf himself.
An Omaha w man lifted a barrel e.f
Hour from the ground into a wagon on a
Tuesdav. cave birth to twins on the il.iv
following and on Saturday of the same
week split wood enough to last over Suiis
day. '
A lady of East an, Talbot ci'inty, it is
raid, basin l tr possession a va'enliue which
was sent to her gramlnuit her in 177G, and
its it Will be just a hundred years old at the
right time, ii. is pi (posed to exhibit it at
the centennial next year.
The huntiag for Indians' skulls and
thigh bones tm t lie Plains is reported tohe.
a very profs rablo business. The skulls are t
... . ... t . i .-- r ,i. . 1 . i . ., - , -I
.-'win. i'fi 'j-. ii'itt trie iniii OI
me icu man imiiios r-iiixe-lianuies that are
i km i.t,nw,-i i.i.i.u-.i.iiiuies lua l are j "
qual to ivory in apptai ance. j Pafiiek O'll.or, or the bl.iin?
Th.ere is"a young KU) hi nabuque who 1 I'TS'-atmc, desires the pastge of a hi.l
,-l.istles so sweetly that people come from I ""l1"'' A "'te cf nor i ss th-m 2a in..
ag distances to "hear her. She has been : nl'"e tiuwi 1CH) on any person wh s!i..ll
equal to ivory m nj-peaiaisee
ofVeree' $"100 a week and expenses to travel
and pe:form in pubbc, bat her parents are
well off and re fuse their consent.
It is simply absurd total's about a wo-
j man be ing qualified te fi'I every position in
life that a man fills, l or instance, what
woman could lounge aroui-.d the stove in a
! country grocery store, and lie about the
number of tishes she caught last summer?
Senator riye, of Nevada, used to be
famous for his jovial spirits. He was a
fellow of infinite jest, and was wont to set
the Senate in a roar, and now be ha been
found wandering in the street of Richmond
in attire of the. night, helpless and dazed.
Perhaps one oeijiht not to mention uich
things, says the (.'o'ri'-rJourn-t', hut it's
haid to keep from thinking h w different
tiie history of this country might have been
if Flvsses S. Grant, Benjamin F. Butler,
and Henry Waul Beeeher had been born
nr .11 ,t.. i
vri an me no. i en .ia:ncu in connection
with the Beecner case, Jlrs. Moulton was
tlie only one who seemed animated by a
downright spirit ef honesty, and wh.? gave
I the pastor really brave counsel ; and upon
1 her, ihereiore, is liKCly to fall the fury of
Mrs. Timothy Gibson, an Itish woman
about fifty years of age, was found frozen
j toeleath in the street at Springfield, Mass.,
! on Sunday morning. She was out with
j her husband on Saturday niht, nartiallv
intoxicated, and wandered away from him
! and lost her jvay.
Ihe Dominion Parhamutit is consider- I be remembered, says the Pittsairg i'i
ing a bill which imposes a fine of $2,000 j pufch, that a few weeks ago two meu weri
upon any railroad company that employs a j observed to break through the ice wli.l
man who is found intoxicated when on attempting to cross the Allegheny river bo
unty. The principle has Iwmmi tried on the ; low the Suspension bridge who have never
Grand Tiunk Railway, and has been found j been beaid of since. It is possiole ttia
to work admirably. j body found is one of these.
The Legislature lias passed and Gov.
Hartranft has approved an act imposing
if 10,000 hiie and twenty-five years' imnris-
onment upon any person or persons who
j may conceal, or know of the concealment
j of, an abducted child, with special ex post
' facto reference to the Charlie Ross case.
j iei... .K- :-... I .1 .
i urn 1111- oem 01 1 ue snnury appropi 1-
anon bin giving .1'i.irJU tor .viiss ltansom s
portrait ri ijren. I nomas at Uluckamanga,
and $20,000 for Carpenter's emancipation
. picture, was readied t riday, the House re-
! fused to consieler either
Hiester Clymer,
j of this State, is credited wilk defeating the
. appropriations.
An Indianapolis mother, whose daugh
ter was soon to marry, told that female
that she might select from a lot of furni
ture stored in the garret such articles as
she desired for housekeeping. The old
family cradle was found in the centre of
the pile, and set aside in accordance with
this nermission '
In order that Grant may keen a r.aid
I 1"IT1 XT ir 1 III) Xtlltll Vln wi In . 1 - . ..I
pay $8,000,000 in the form of increased tax
Oil RUO-ar : 4.fr00.000on tr.han.nn '.r.,1 4l
1 000,000 em othor manufactui-es of articles
ot necessity from cotton, wool, leather, iron
and steel. Is radical administration worth
the price of il ?
A I- renc'.i traveler arrived in Paris the
other day from the Cape of Good Hoite
1 . ..: ; . . 1 , - - . . 1 t
bringing with him a diamond larger and
more beautiful than the celebrated Re-
gent's diamond. It is of the purest water,
: and is worth more than 1400-000. It
1 apartment ready for occupying whenever
! the angel of death visits him.
At Bridgeport, New Jersev, a man
I j T r . . - 1 . .. -
Ono of th.e gentlemen injnn-d jn7
accir'nit at Mingo station, on tii.- I'.ci U "
die lI.iil;o;;d, Mr. Harvey Ma-in. f
for.le. Centre ctmnty, died at Su-iii,,.,!. . :
on Friday evening, and 1. 13 rcni..;...s '
taken east on the Pacific Lxpress I s
ui(i;ir. lie was an axe tnasitj , ;
trale, a siule man, and ajed tbirtj
: years. ""1 f
j The San Francisco Dult;,i sw
the first piece of gold fourd whic-i, ,,v . i
s-.ich a revolution on
l the Pacific c-.a.t . is bet-,ver r 4
still to be seen. Its
and five dollars. It resembles a p tee .
spruce gum just out of the Tumi'li of
Pclnol girl, with similar indenta:i.u n
could easily be identified by anv owe v
judge sustained au objection t tlm ,.v'l;
bility of a witness on the ground
latter was An atheist. 4
A strong-minded woman hi Detr.'t
male the fe-llowing gentle reply to a p.-j-jj.
cian who had called at lier h ine tu C(
Iter hnshand to- gtO the polls and v, lt
'No, sir ; he can't go. lie's wash in.' n.-'
and he's going to iron to-morrniv : and if
t lie wasn't doing anything he couldn't
: I run this 'ere house, I do; and if anvu'-a
Tmrf 'i 11 ub mis s;inij wjni 11
! . If. William S. King, of Mi.r.ic-v.i. C11
, im"-.' .:;)
1m lievp, then let the prosecution pr.-1c-.cj5.
j tI e c.uiiest possible moment Kir-;
; coolest rascal developed m p f .., !u;
! a century. He is m-.reagirravating l.y ft
than lioss 1 ween. Ivlng s:ion:d bo ,c-i?
fro. n soelety for a term of years, if tV-itij
! any way of accomplishing th.U l-.'kieiVie
An important bill in relation tntiUt
lands passed the House of ItepreseiCaavn
at Washington early last week. It jr-s
vides for the sale of lands in lots of f,,r:v
acres in the Territoiies of the Ucited S: e
to any one person or association of pve- ins
ane! in I'ahfornia, Oregon, and W i-ie.i; i
Territory,- it fixes the a-rount at 1-i i ac:,.
It relates oaly to land which is varuMs fjt
Mr. Wiiiinm J. Stoddard,
agent in San Francisco, lias a horse wuh
six peif-ctly formed fe f, but only f ,-r
legs. The two extra feet grow out e.f t!
fetlocks f'f the two fore lgs, ar.d th-.-h
small, are fully developed. The li.;v,
whie-h was raised in Oirgon, is roe yea:s
old, sijlislt, and works in singleaml ilvi'Ve
h u iirss. His extra feet can --e him tu h.
How long w ill a locomotive hist a ",-lV,3
seiviciable? An engine on t' e Kcaa.r
road lias ben em duty si?;ee 1857, and his
run iu that time 475.733 miles, or aa aver
age of r.eaily 17,t:00 mil.-s pr year 1 r
twenty-eight years. ProhabSv tie re is
j vo,'y ,itt,e of the original engine reraaiab?
I except the frame and minor parts. Another
i engine, made in Liuiou, England, in
is still doing dutv.
At a meeting of the miners. le-Ll n
Po'.tsviile o:i Friday, it was agreed ;!,.;
they should demand an increase over l!u
liasis of 1S71 r.f ho:it e:ght per rc-it.
The o;erat"rs offer f:ty per eent. l.fl.T
the basis. Tiiis is a pretty w:d-j eliT-re ic-..
and eloes not indicate a soeedy se'i;lenir;it
of the trouble. In the meaniim-j th m-:n
of the Sehnvikill, Wilkestiari-e, and LihL- i
! rriThin i ,.r--. in i . 1 1 o
invite another to dunk any cit.-xir e; i
liquors. Mr. O'Hair belicvis in stii';; :
at the ro -t of t' e evil, ai d ih 'r.v nod! 1 e
au exeeiient one if p I'a.c r nti
at c xl
be tuned up to m t. e its c f eerac-ut p,.ic
ticuble, which we veiy maeh d uiht.
Geoige W. Plumber's box fie'tnr ia
Philadelphia was b j.-ne 1 -:i M vid iy 111 irn
ing. Boss oTi the building. $50.0 : pr.t'y
insured. The' loss on the stock is4 i."'. ',
which is fully insured. Three thoasatid
girls are thrown out of employment 1 '
this fuo. In the fall of one of the Dili's
all the telegraph wires were can ied el mt,
Shoemaker's paint and plitto glass ware
house, ad.joini.ig, was considerably diai
aged by water.
Pennsylvanii owes a vote of Ihvik tv
the Hon. I leister Clymer, and the nti:i
to Pennsj lvania, says tlie Philadelphii
Pre, for the good work done by hiai ii
the House on Saturday in striking tl 0
irregular appropriations for the two ir reg
ularities in the way of art, known as iii
Ransom picture . of General Ceorge ih
Thomas and Carpenter's "Eoiancip ati.ia
PreK-lamation Scene." It is gratifyiniT tv
know that the culture and taste "of tlis
country has some representation in Ca
gress. -The holy of an unknown man wn
found on the iee at Brown's Island, neir
Steubeevii'e, Ohio, on Sandav. Heisi -
! posed to have bocn frozen to tleatli. Tjv
' body had been seen Kin" there several
days but was mistaken for a log. It wel
I Curious if true? A Grrmrn rr.nad
' Tacl
' lachtman, residing 111 St. Lo-.ns, is iiu
i victim of a singular form of insanity. Ths
; playing el music excites him to frenzr,
! aiul at certain times lie expresses a desi-.e
j to minder the performing musician. Ai
other phae of h'S insanity in his constant
, 1 1 - f . . - . -. .
1 ncuti vuai ne IS upon 1 lie verge OI ileliriaai.
Tachtman was formeily employed as aa
attendant on the philant hropist, Mr. Jnmc?
' Lick, a pait of bis duties being to rub tie
j invalid wit)
it. t i i 1 ..f
I ill. Air. 1 w ,111 llliu IIHUUS. anu to 1 ' "
j vital forces during the process the iai-f.i-
tutie is attributed.
A Buf.ntno Welt.. A burning oil well
is situated about nine miles from Tavci
tnm, Pa., and fifteen miles south of Butler.
st a place called Lartlen's Mill, r.4
! owned by a company. Tlie well was ar
I ned altout twelve wofks sen. A del th f
tvt 1,01 1 .. 1. j - o t, H-.-t
1145 feet had been reached and the "fir.--
sand rock" had been struck. The litht f
tlie burning wpll ran hn turn at a ev
lance i thirteen miles at nighb and d
scene in the vicinity is described as giaml
beyond description. Hundreds of people
flock nightly to see this great
The first thing to strike the visiter on ar
riving is the great mass of fine white flan.o
of intense heat and brightness, the hoH'1wi
rumbling noise heard as the ont-rushir?
pas plunges into the atmosphere antl lig':s
; all around by its impasin? brilliancy. Th
j flame of this natural force is alout feity
1 feet lm .il fiawn r.t mul kci'f
' rushes out and is consumed is wosdeioi".
! and tho sound can be distinctly heart!
' the-distance cf four miles. Necotiati""!
, . . .. , . .i , .1