JUL 1 C2 TJ1 Sfi ITBL 3X5V - THE C&MBH1& FREEMiiU lensburg, Pa., Fill DA i , - - - J'J. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Here, There, ami the Other Place, "jpioraimia" came too late for a bear in r llti? is-ue. .11. L. Oatnian keeps the best flour in town or-ontofit. M. I. O. Btaiids for Mighty Iow (in prk) O.itman. For the let teas for the last money, go to Huvis & Humphreys. Tiib.ii -co of all kimU at oltl prices, at M. I,, natulan's. No advance in prices. The C.itholie. Fair, Johnstown, which rlossil on Saturday night last, netted over gt.ooo. - " . - Mrs. John WVbb, of Frospect borough, Flipped and fell on the ice and broke one of her arms. Hoots and shoes, fifty rents per pair lower than elsewhere in Ebenslmrg, at Al". 1j. Oa' man's. A sporting man in rtlair county baa wa tered $.',000 that he can drive ten miles in forty minutes. The new Catholic, church in Altoona will be dedicated in a fw weeks, possibly on F.aster Sunday. An engine r on the mountain division bad the fingers on one of his hands badly fro- ton on Monday night. . Mrs. Mary Lamb, a yer aged resident of 'this county, died at her home near South Fork on Friday uight last. Ilutifinedon comity pail S1..ni.r0 for scalps last year, and yet th ; editors down there are still on the war-;atli. Another large invoice ot snow Wednes day right. Snow use in complaining, how- i ver, it "the high winds do drift it. From now until April Jst you can buy latest s'yler of has and eajtsat cost, to make rotm for sprit g styles, at M. L. Oaf man's. The twelfth child of a family in I'nioii township, Huntingdon county, came in the shape of a thirteen pound boy baby t'other da . The Pennsylvania State Dental Society will congregate in annual session at Cresson some time in July next. Look out for teeth pulling. The subject matter of a letter received from Hon. John llannopi, one of our repre sentatives at Harrisburg,will receive atten tion next week. Tlie grandfather of Mr Peter L. Lin ton, w boe death we record elsewhere, was ii tt-rred itt the old Union graveyard, Jobtis limii, in the year 1H1H. John Cox, the defaulting tax collector of Cambria 1 orongb, has turned tip in Mc Keesport. His delinquencies will foct up n t:i- or tin renliouts. The second installment of "Liberty vs. l'atrones" reached us yesterday at noon, ;md of course lies over, if not under the rules, nt b ast under absolute necessity. The mercury went down Wednesday mornirg to see how cold it was at seventeen degrees below 7.rro. and lias only succeeded iii petting partially hack since th"i. The very best tens in the market sold by M. L. Oatman at lower prices thafl you have been paying for common term hereto lore. Samples of any kind free of chargn. Argument Court was in session here fri tii Tuesday morning until Wednesday noon, Tnewlay evening inclusive, but .just hat w as done we did not have time to as certain. One of the reserved rietits of our color- j rd 1 rethren is about to be stricken down by j ti bill just introduced into the legislature I gaitmt carrying concealed- weapons, rr.zo s j iiiclttdt-tl. f: A lad named John Haber'e'n, residing f in I.afrobe, tiad one of his legs taken oft by i n freight, train the other day. Hewrsinthe 4 act of crossing the track when the train came J 1. 1 on him. i The Williams House and a private r.-si- , dence adjoining, at Philiiisbnrg.rentre conn- ty, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday ev.'iiinp cif butt week. Loss $10,1)00; insu- g ranee S:?,silO. v A not her Anrani.ns has Wen stricken 5; ili'T.n. This time is was a falling limb from i : tree M. at did it, ami be is .seriously injured. 1 His other name is Berkey and he iivea over J in Soni-rs-t county. 1 We are sorry to learn of thedeath of the -nly son, aged alout two-and-a-half vears. 't our ti K-ncls James B. and Kate J. Bow-J liiiin, of Altoona, which s;id InTeavement oc fL it iiii1 a few days ago. i 'll:e mow and blow yesterday settled f Ibe in.h for our liranch ro.id. and closed for " a week or so is likely to tie tlie story tlie fu- lure will have to tell. The evening train did t i t attempt the trip. A lad named Marshall accidenta'dy fell thnmgh an opening in the Cambria liorongh i bridge, one day last week, and striking on I the ice liet-.eath, was in jure.) to sitcli an ejr- lent interna'ty and externally that i- is fear- d he cannot survive. ' 1 he AltMina JZn-or indulges in mispla i red regrets, if our information be not at J fault, when it expresses sorrow at. the Firi I oils illness of P, 11. Shields, K-q., of Loretto, this county. If is Mr. Shields, we believe, 3 who is lying dangerously ill. A yonrg man named Isanc Whitesides I bad one of his ankle? so shockingly mashed, cn SUiturday last, in f; ulieh townxtiip, Clearl ) field county, by being caught on a log slide, t that lie died iji less than twenty. four hours fafter. His age was 2 years. J Out tins out, if you can't remember it V.thf-rwise. The best bargains ever offered iin Ebensbnrg, in all kinds of goods, can lw bail from now until April 1st at M. L Oat ' man's, to make room for new goods. Terms, ash at tlie time goods are liought. i A Mati n: r.t of the financial condition of the Borough of Snmmitville, this county, "I given over the signatures of John K. Storm, j Burgess, and Wm. M Connell, Clerk, shows i Hie aliiaticn. Feb. 1st, to w 12,5."iti, the du- r i'i" . ne ami nnes i.i.i, aim ine expenses s.-:l i From the bleak and dreary Xorthlaml, where the Frost King holds his reiirn. come I mr ii-.inng masts 01 winter, swopping .1.. . I .,,' ., . . . . - ' rushthev r'.ii...: ' 11 in inoj- j -tan. -y, inn ami plain; and, as 1 2 madly onward, to the right and left deploy fo. don't forfrrt vmir imdiIi n l.n t i,a 1 enp cash More of Myers & Lloyd. J The Kbensburg Silver Cornet Band, I Vl'.'f- K,,'b r, Boh Thompson and all, besides i Will Connell as the irrepressible Irishman, "J;n todrrolltown this (Friday) evening, 011 ' " riainmeni nein. uur menus out j jflftat way. may depend upon hearing some- j luiiig in me musical line, vocal and instru mental, well worth listening to. A temperance mootim? will 1m o the Congregational church this (Friday) vening, commencing at7'.j o-look. It will I f lie addressed by Col. (ten. p. McFarland "'iter 01 tne .temperance 1 inrtimtor, liar- j risbnrg, and the friends of the cause in '.ids I vicinity are respectfully solicited to turn out in fuil force on the occasion. j Many mills of various kirV.s all over the country have been forced to stop work 0,1 , account of the hard times, but our Mills , town street he of cheap cash store fame is determined not to ston the sain of drv ! goods or groceries so I0112 as oeoole n dis- Eposvd to deal where they know that they .u wi 11111 vaine tor their money. rs. It. K. Jones, of the East Ward, de- 1 li.tV ? ""W, ''Wnff ! xv,,ir, ,l':'i."ght approaches heaven so ner entire Mock of winter goods at a great "ear as nleighir.z with girl a rosy lanirh ruiiction iu prices. Ladies w-isl Ic'iase riblwrs, millinery fzooilsaod otboi nr. I Iti' Va in i.n t:.. .i" " , r-r " , may nejieiKi on getting ex- s-. e..umary oargains by calling at ouce. kxi" wm oe soui tor easii on'y. ur, Kev. r. M illti. f.n-in.-lv na.i.-.. r the . . v'iuiimii mill p ilmore, this county, but at. prcutand for I (several years past Bishop of Krie, has been ' sented by Mr. Jacob Boofz with anew v , inn c IllirClieS 111 . II IIKlnirn o...l (iri'se m.l - i ""V nun new 1, ', r f 'I1 "'"t "ewcathedral uow ) - I g ereeti.,1 tl.pr. - nr editorial brother, Hon. P. Grey leelt of the Bsller.ii.tu W.ttchmnn. has re l: . n,", ,,or"neiit of the Cei.trecouuty i n Zr l 7 V0,e of 41 o 0, for the , mn of State Senator,, W Hon. W. A. , 'rntVW g0,l" nP WjChr-r. Clearfield : .rooer t 'tb tu Centre shot wheu .tropcr tlmconi'.-. .Hon. "A. A. Barker, of this place, left home last night r route for Florida, where ie proposes to rusucate lor a nine in n.a of recruiting his health, which has been iin j paired by bis arduous laliors and close p ! plication to business. He intends to take Washington, Kichmond, Charleston ana Savannah on the route, and will remain a day or two in each of those places. "We wish him a pleasant journey. Iter. Father Staub, Catholic priest at Alpsville, Allegheny county, had one of his feet so idiockingly mangled by the wheels of one or two passengers cars on the Oonnells Tille railroad, a few days ago, that, the foot had to le ampntatedi He was attempting to get on the train at the time. Father Staub was raised in Johustow'hj and is well known to many of our readers, vvlui will be very sorry to learn or hi great misfortune. Mr. Lem. lavis, who for some time past has been enjoying the dietetic alv.n- tagesof a certain medical institution in Dan ville, N. Y., returned home a few days ago looking decidedly better for the "course of sprouts" through which he had been put. He report Mr. Thomas J. Lloyd, another neeker after health at the same fountain lieadt, as leing much improved physically, and as likely to greet his friends ere many days. It is said that forty girls will run after a snob with a gold-headed cane, where one will shy up to a fellow with wound horse sense. All which may or may not be "kir- ricf, without, tffectinir in the least tlie I prj(.'e pf ma.le-un wearins annarel at Star Clothing Hall, 100 Clinton street, Johns- j town, where ocoole with even colt sense j know enough to know that they can buy the I very liest of clotliing and save money In the operation all t lie time. I j;xn,tzi ltorongh trotsont the following I nnrnr, gentlemen for the several otli.-es to lie filled at the'elecl ion on . Tuesday next: ISnrgess J. M. Christy and ll.ivid Mills; Coniicilmen las. Mct'loskey, Thos. ltrad ley, Michael Ilracken, J.- II." tiilson, Fred. ElirenfVKl ami (reo. tJutwalf; Oonp table Oeo. flutwalf, Charles Selhitz ami 1 F. Carney; Jmlge of Flection John Caliigan atid fien. Harvey ; Inspectors James' Ean ai.il J.J. Farrisli; Assessor F. J. Parrish and TVS. Fleming; Auditor M. F. Kelly and T. S. Fleming. Several egregious errors crept into the report of the IJ-eeeipts and Exp"nditures of the county, as well as the PKr House state ment, all which are fairly chargeable to the oversight of the proof corrector, as we care fully noted every error by comparing the proof with the original copy. One of these errors makes the abatement to taxpayers SU,H3H., instead of l.K3rt.8(i; another makes amount paid Mrs. Byrne for chick ens .? l: !.."(, inste.n1 of c?3.2.; and t till anoth er gives. 8 head of Miuep itiMead of 2tf. A few more slight, errors inightbe referred to, but next Week we will correct all, the re port this week having been worked oft be fore the errors were discovered. V. A. Forrester, Ksq., a former citizen of this county, but now a resident, of Cali fornia, where he is not only the proprietor of a town' which he ha nam:d in honor of little Cambria, but is largely interested in quick-diver mines, has sent us a ten dollar note of the First National Gold Hank of San Francisco, which is payable in "yellow boys" ami is ouite a curiosity in! its way. If we had such money in this country, and we onsiu to nave it, a .toiiar bill would Ko i somewhat further than it now does in the I purchase of read 3--ma le clothing- at tlfu re nowned eniponuui ofS. J. lies & Bro.,241 and 24-1 Main street, Johnstown, allteit it is an admitted fact that on the present mone tary basis the linn named cannot bo excelled f jr low prices. Miss I,aura Mullen made information before Justice Strayer, of Johnstown, on Saturday last, against .Nimrd McKlcar, a married man residing ii that place, fc.rtidul tery, and Mi Klrar gave bait for his appear ance to answer, and then retaliated by ap pealing Im fore Justice Fisher ami making a statement umb r oath to the ettVet that Lau ra Mu!l!-i had leen guilty of fornication, Jha her find Mrs. .las. V Bnrtnett, also liv ing in Johnstown, bad entered into a conspira cy for certain unlawful purposes .and that the latter kept a bawdy house and was guiltv of adultery with a man whose name the prose cutor iave, but which does not, appear in print for certain alleged obvious leasons. What makes this complicated case stir, more complicated is the fact, that James V. Burt liett, the husband of the accused last named, is in jail here awaiting trial at the April terfii of the Histiii-f Court on three distinct charge., namely, assault and battery with intent to kill his wife, surety of the peace. and .arcetiy, the latter indictriienr. being ! based on tho alleged stealing of a revolver fruiu a man named C. Von Alt. A Littlf. Waif. In Millville borough, yesterday, died a little boy, aged about a year. There is a history connected with this t hild. for lie was a waif who came into the. family thai, adopted him, and the story may be worth relating-. Several months ago "a married lady residing in M illvllle tKk atrip to Altoona. In thesamecar another woman, having in her possession an infant, was a passenger, and when near tlie Mountain City the latter lady requested the former to bold the babe for a few moments, until sh. would pass to the next car ami return, as she wished to speak to her husband. If. is to be presumed that the woman waa the mother of the little one, but at any rate she fai'.ed to come back, and taking pity on the abandoned waif the Millville lady brought it home with her, ami until its demise lastevening treated it as licr own child. Who the heartless parents of this waif may be will remain a mystery here, as it is not likely any inquiries will lie se, on foot by those who abandoned it. li may have been the offspring of shame : or it mav b I that poverty drove the mother to dispose of 1 ue iniaair, ami sue irt it with a lady whom instinct told her would rais it well. Poor little waif!, It is as well, pel haps, that it has liecn removed to a better world. Johns town Tribune, Feb. (5. PrriLisii Vm-R Statements. There are some provisions in the law of 1S74 which demand the immediate and careful consid- 1 eration of ail corporate or district authori- lies' KUcl1 eouncilmen in ttoroughs, school ir"f'or, supervisors, and county comniis- j,w.- r ii ,.....: . f'w'li.. 11 ,rll AIICUIIUII llj ACl VI April, 1874, in Pamphlet laws, page 68: Section . Thceorporatcauthoritfesorevrrv Silch inuiiiein.ilitv or .lierrini .h.,ll n..-n I.'. j tho month or January, prepare and putlish in j I at least two newsrmpers of said municipality, j or of tbe county in which the same is situated. ' 1 if so many be printed therein, a statement f showing indetaii the actual indeb tedness. the umouiit ol lloatinBrdcbt thereof, the valuation ot the laxnt0- property therein, the as h is of the corporation, with the character and naturv thereof, and the date ami maturity of the re spective forms ff luuded debt thereof, and a ncirlei-t or failure so to 'o shall be a misde meanor punishable by a flue not exceeding one thousand dollars. Th first section of thrt act enumerates st;ine of the corporations to which the pro visions of the act are applicable, as follows: "Any city, county, borough, township, nciiooi uisrriet, or other municipal ty or 111 comorat...! ,l;.t,5 c . wen 1 ib i - iii 1 V , " , , .".Ca'1"' . Tt observed, also, that tbe mere neglect t comply with this law is iii.iue ,i misiiemeauor Slf.ic.iiini; with a Oiri.. Of all the Joys voubhsated to i.. n-'- ... . est eirl. a feelino- flirH.,',, a ' V.7l V "11111 I II ac - lIMIIIlir smiling, smacking, joliy. ioknor ia..H.. I jovial, poser poking, dear little duck of agiri' : Pile up your wealth a mountain high, you sneering, sttifflng churl ! I'll laugh as I Bo by with my iineling- tiells and mrl f I.a I brightest, dearest, sweetest girl, the triin I mest, gayest, neatest eit-L th fiiniiient. 4i.. . . . . - . ' ' : i..ifuiesi, iraiiKest, fairest, roundest, ripest, squirmiest, squarest, liest of girls, with tlrooping lashes halt concealing, love pro I voking, amorous lashes just the girl for a chap like me to court, and love, and marry lliarry i you see, witti rosy cheeks, cln the sweetest and the lxst of gi you see, with rosy cheeks, clusterm curls 1 jrla. , A Picture of Memory"and Father Mat thew's "Apostrophe to Whisky," the latter of which was reproduced from memory by an ohl and valued friend, will appear ou the hrst page of our uext Issue. Roll or Hoxok. The gentlemen named below have paid in f nil since our last, .ssne v - I Cambria, Caurornia -I'. A. orresier, m u. 47. Vol. II. . m Cnrrolltown illiam A. is.tc;, jonn swm, Kbensburg1 John A. Kennedy. The part ies hereafter named have paid not less than- three months of the present year, the figures after each name indicating the nnmlier to which payment has been made i . Seotbiale, Ta.-Vr. A. Todd, No . 21. fMnnemahoninjr, Pa. I J. M'-Cijrthy, No.o2. Louisvi le, Kv.-P. MdTatuany, o. IS. Kent, . S. bittle, No. 13. tisllowav. III. John Karnes. No. Talnhomer, IowaS. A. Weaklund, No 4t. Hi ush Creek, t'nl. Ilsn. Melirn. N". 3S ienhile, O.-Rer, .lurries O'lUnnell, No. 29 Kane, Pa. James McDade. No. 81. llennison, O. James Campbell. No. S-l. .Innesville, Wis. Kury tassidy. No. 1. Nokesville. Va.-Johu Mellon, No. is. Keailng. Pa. Dr. J. Ii. Hratlieir, No. 21. - Jrey t:ity, N. J. .Twines Smith, No. 26. Butler. Pil. Jauies Convcry. No. 14. New CumhrK Ks J. A. Stiffl -r. No. PottsvtSte, Pa. Hon. C I.. Pershing, No. Philwlelphia T. I,. MeNmra. No. Hur ry Jacobs. No. :W Miss Kte O Uonnell, No. 29- B'airsVille, ra. John ll H.trs. No. 2. Hillsdale. Ph. Austin McBcvttt. No. 3. Spruce Creek, Pa. J imes Cut ten. No. St). .Armnjrll, Pa. J'in Shiiman, No. 18. South Fork I). W. Luke, No. iT. Bennington, Pa. A. Basal, No. 20; GrifTilh Bonner, No. S). . . . . Nolo. Pa. Michael Downey. No. 32. , IJovdsvllle. Pa. Saiii'l Kuhr., No. 40; Louis NeWliouser, Ko. I'i. Cresson Thomas Lilly, No. 23. Sumniit-Jas. McOarrity; a! n- M- H"n ry. No. 54J Michael Sl.tttery. No. 10. Loretto -Thos. Bishop it. P. J. S.tnd-rs 30, . Ansm in 11, Peter Boley li. Wm. I.itzinirer 1.'.. .!. Null 30, Jcoli Sherry 14, leo, I,. M:-4ntre J". John V. Will 20, F.J. Little 20, Huifh McMul len 31, J. A. Fox ait. , St. A'tiriistlne M. I. Will 15. D. A. Chirk 31, Jus. P. McCunee 31, Corn-.-lius M-rrtsS4. Uennis MoCaoley 21, Mrs. itachel Ad.nns21. M. L. t'ni-1 PI. I,. J. Bearer 12. J. J. Burns 37, Jacob Nugrle ifi. John S:ej)hens 43. Chest Springs M. L. Leavy 39, Juines Hawks 21, Josi ph Cramef 21. Johnstown Lcnis Shank 21, Christ. SnyCer 14. fleiny Brown 17. N. .1. Fi'eiJliolI 37. t'iinibr"ia-B. Met:at" 2S. ConematiKh John It. Clark 31, Mr. U. Buck lev 22. John IIty '0. John S. Snyder 12. l'ort.-nre J. C. .Martin 22, S. MeKenzie 13, Jaa. C. Pin k 15. , Wilmore James Burk 40. Peter Kltnire 1!). Summerhill Louis Kinx 12, Jacob Stifflor 14. Hemlock Frank Movers 41, Jus. A. Mailer). tinllitzin Jos. tiutn-ald a!. Jsmes Itiley. . Michael Bracken 3-J. Henry farlund 2i. Ueorjre Harvey 23. J. N. Wise 22. M. McMorris 14. Altoona John Fiunajran 25. Murster 1 O I) onnell 31, M. Campbell 34. Cnrrolltown L. Schroth S5, Hon. John Bunk 25, I.. Coonsinan 12. Jos. A. 4 ray 32, II nry Mel lon 1, Andrew Eokenroiie :7, A. Yt 13. Jos. It'-arcr32. Thos. 1C. But-key 42, Wm. C. Severin 42. Sehnstian Luther 25, Francis Flick 21, Archy Farrelian. . , St. Iiwrenee -Jficoh Kthlor 37. P. J. Thomas 33, Charles lthody :.!. Joseph Hipsc h 41. NU-k'own N. Liinihoor 19. (Jeo. P. Crooks 10. Cherry Tree S.i'iiuol Breth IS. Bethel James II. White 23. I-.liensburir Joseph Eli 14, A. S. lirtthbono 15, Lawrence Murphv24. John McHlnhev 13, Jas. A Murray 40, Wm. Cnrnev l:. David O ILirn 19, Jo. A. Skellv 12, Martin Sanders 31. Uiehiii 1 L. 1 ivis IS J.ih'n McBride20. Mrs. K. McUonuld 12, William Davis 20, James Driskel 10. A White Hand. A Story of XoW. Oblige. By KUa Farina-.i. Boston : 1. Lti throp & Co. 31-.r)0. It is a novel, hut no one can complain of novels if modeled after this pattern, a genuine, well-planned, for cibly written atid stirring product oi a wute. V 2.1. - 1 .. III. aw,,Ue yonng woman with a soul full of life .t ,t- f artixtio brain and a skillful hand. For many a girl, it will correct false standards of feeling, ami warn many a warm heart of the danger thai lies in "just a friendship." It will teach woman to be loyal to woman a very need ful bsson and under every circumstance to be wholly and carefully true to her con science, 'in this book the author has em bodied more power than in any previous ef fort. Her chief heroine, Millicent Cballis, finely illustrates tho obligations of the f;v- , vored to use their special powers for the j profit of the, less favored. She paints her 1 characters to the life. Vigor a:ul grace are ! blemh-fl in her style, and the gentle a.Too- a'ike ' tiona and the vigorous purpose are ministered unto by the Imkk. J lie young author honors herself in writing it ; it is a j creditable outcome of her past ; it is pro- phetie of a cheering futnre; and if tlie re- ; cognition awaiting it accords with its merits ( it will have a wide reading and no doubtful popularity. We invite attention to a New Praise Cir cular, entitled, "Historic Hymns." It con tains 12! choice and popular hymns old and new with many melodies attached , and re sponsive exerc ses. Prepared by Itev.W. F. Crafts. Music arranged under the supervi sion of Dr. E. Tonrgee.for Praise Meetings, Concerts, Conventions, Social (J itherings and Congregational Singing. Handsomely printed on gK)d paper. If is the latest and is aaid to bo the liest collection of the kind in tho market. Price in limp cloth binding !" cents caeh, 810.00 per hutid red. 1 11 strong paper covers 10 cents each fir 7.00 per hun dred. Messrs. I). IjOthrap it Co., Boston, send sample copies, postage paid, on receipt of price. sa Pov't Hack, Hac k, Cortur, Cor;;n. Cough is a symptom by which various dis eased conditions of the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs manifest themselves. But whether it arisesfroin the irritation produced I 111 the throat, ami larynx by taking cold, from an attack of bronchitis, from inciflient consumption, or from various other causes, nothing will ailay itmore sp -edily or eure it more p'Ttnantly than Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery. It does not matter whether it le a recent attack, or a limrring t ough, the Discovery is in either rase cqnally well adapted for its relief and permanent cura. In fac it. will cure a cough in one half the time necessary to cure it with any other medicine, and it does do it, not by drying it up, but by removing -the cause, subduing the irritation, and healing the af fected parts. Xo time should be lost in cotnmm-ing the use of a proper medicine for the relief of a cough, for tiuless this course is pursued, serioiisand dangerous disease of tho lungs Is liable, to result. Gulden Medical Discovery is sold by all dealers iu medicines. Oitr readers have not failed to notice the interesting and useful hints contained in the articles which have appeared in our paper from Drs. Oldshue, Vi'Z Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Being personally acquaint- 1 " ' " A."" Y" -'"""- mem us ge uriucn. ami we Jn,I2 weI1 posted in their profession. If of our readers have failed to read the eonsucuti ve notices that, have appeared, we -i i.t !... 1 -w.l- ,1...... ... i V" r ll.: w .V: TJ; tite or two to read may prove a grea1; bless ing, when what is written is the resnlt. of study and mature experiment. Few men are so well prepared from experience and proper mode of testing the nature of diseases in the way indicated as the Doctors Oldshuo. Strasge rot True. It is natural for people suffering with Consumption. Coughs, I Severe Colds, or any other disease of the i TkmA . wl r ,.n.- ...... 'V r.. ... . 1 .. . ?..v. ,,K, e.o.u .3 to day buying an article that thej know lias curej their n-iehhor. friend, or relative, vet I cured their neighbor, friend, or relative, yet tney nave no taitii in it until it is too late. If you will go to your Druggists and get a bottle of Boscheb's Ggkmax Svrup, your iuimdiate cure is as certain as you live. It has lately tioen iiittflueet into th is conn- 1 try from Gnrmanv, anil Druggists and peo ple every where are elated over its success. Von can get a sample bottle for 10 ceuts and try it. llegnlar size bottle 75 cents. Iem moti & Mm ray, Ebensburg, or P. M. Wole slagle & Son, Wilmore. Fret, of Ch a oe. Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry aud Horehound combines all the medicinal virtuesof those articles which long experience liat proved to possess the most efficient ifualitiea for all diseases of ; the throat ami Lnnja. Conghs and Colds ! are speedily relieved by It and in Croup it i acts like magic. Call at K. J. Lloyd's Drug w - v,v"", -wihi nnAiniuc iKn-neiTriM iwrfc, or R regular size for $1 ; or at P. M. Woie- siagie w ron s store, Wilmc Wiimore. J. It. Mor ris, 113 North 2d St., Phila. 3-13.-1 y. 1 For one dollar yon can buy ten p-mmls of the very Itest brown sngar at th store of Davis & Ilnmphreys, nearly opposite Col lins, JoUnstou t Co.'s ban it. Communications. Eridenecs oT f1lel n Scientific TrogrMts In ,ir own Little Cambria P r A R M k. Ec it'o B - The f a ci 1 1 1 ie a ffordd the (..... unonitinn of this B-reat Republic in the cultivation of standard literature, and its prac- ; ! nnnlirmtion to the reouirements of a prf- ' ssive nRO, are so numerous mm, i mni - t .-em toimrentsor guardians no ditti cult tnatter to select a school or Collea-e in which fin nrti-anced eluctlon may tie had for ihnir oWil.iren or wrls. But to OtfA'rfu! par- ents orc-tmi-dians the first sort paramount ques- tion In sneh n cse is, in wlirtt eoiicHi ioniti in- stitution ere vottths traineu nrsi in nn m wsy that lead's to eternnl life, and acquire rtlso n sound classical and scientific education to en sbte them to enter with dtstin .-tioti the Theo loirtcal St minaiy or g-raitmte for the liar or Senate. The nn?w(;r to the abova question inav be brietiy g-iven : On the summit of one of the mountain ranges of the rar-fained Alleirhenies. In Western Penn svlvania, isiituated a pretty little borMiwti fit I led I,oretto, which was founded bv that irreat and irnrl missiotl iry. Hev. Prince ?l!it zin. styled "The Apistl:-ot the A HcThenies.' Quite convenient to the town, on a arjitlo ae elivitv, stands the Monastery anuCoil.re or St. Francis, which, through the bh-ssi.nr of Heaven, the persevering ze.il and assiduous labor of the booJ traneiscan nruiii, rc i .uir m,.,n,,r(.ili of that sincere tuety for stinir memorials of that sincere pietj -i.i,.i. ti, ivn,i,i: Church has been, is now. ano ever will t.e ohareotcrlno.l. The lute ex umination at St. Franeia'-Colleare affords eyf nn(.e of the progressive advaneCTtent or its students in a work to which are devoted t he ability and unremitting attention ot the Rev. President an J a lame Faculty of Professors. Entering now on the second session of the t erm, iirnmotion iu the several classes willheiitor- fier and this being the best test of the devel- I opment ot the latent powers oi ine joung mind, St. Francis' College desvrves from an en lightened public that meed of praise to which it is indubitably entitled. The advnntag s of a purely Catholic nnd nn extensive secular education .are d'tiricratrt which good Catholic pn rents are e -er solicitous to procure for their f-hftdren. The acquire ment of such blessings will be nn impregnable fortress to defend its possessor ay iin-;t malevo lent but ineffe; uill assaults of the enr-inies of his salvation, whilst nt the Mine time it will be come, as it were, the barque on which, wafti d by the gales of proserity, heenn Hoar triumph nntly into the port of social independence. Those to whom worldly ambition alone gives nn impetus in educational progress will tlnd themselves pursuing an i'iim fntvits that lures it followers uloii the path of danger and de struction. , From non-religious schools and colleges throughout this wide continent a-id the world over, the false light emitted through the hazy atmosphere of tcmpu-nl aggrandizement is re flected on the anxious countenances ofnll who aim at the acquisition of wi-nlth and position. But they should remember that the narrow ten ementthe final resting place ol nil mortality terminates the fleering enjoyment which mis guided worldlings find or seem to find iu the acquisition of tlie gilded baubles that glisten under the smiles of tickle Fortune. Another delusion to which men whose colle giate career hns been devoted to studies only calculated to promote what they suppose to lie Iheir worldly ii.terests. I.-t thit honor and dis tinction follow as n consequence in the wake of intellectual greatness and to them I won id re conimejd the truth contained in this couplet; "Honor nt fame from nn condition ris3 ; Act well your part, there all the honor lies.- Now, Mr Bdilor, to give your many renders a proof of the invit luable benefits conferred on the rising generation by a sound Catholic education. I can confidently point to an admir able educational instituti n, handsomely loca ted on one of tne picturesque mountain ranges of the Allcghenies I mean St. Francis" College. Lorntto, Here, way from the bustle aud tur moil inscpcrable from city life, tlie good Fran ciscan Brothers have devoted themselves to the training of 3011th. The mild yet effective government adopted by the Brothers in the de velopment of the latent energies of thnuc en trusted to their care must command the admi ration of nil who desire to see reulized the max im, Mtscer utile cum dulci. Veritas. Ctopia, Jan. 30, 1875. En. Fhf.rmaw A few leaves from in j-dairy ! may not prove uninterest In to many of your ! readers. From earliest childhood it h is been my ardent wish to visit !outh America : to my younir iinnjfination it appeared to be n land of wonders, where all were h.ippv and death hud no dominion a vcrilablr Tempo, in fact, where cooliiuf shades, perennial fountains, and jjentle zephyrs, frauifht with the aromatic frau-rance of countless Mowers, nssuasred every Id, nn.1 made life's journey a constant sunshine. 1 tcu have I reveled in theenchanted regions of fan cy. Mauoa, with all its splondor. Lake lona ma. the sand. fit which wi'i-e of mire v, il I. nil's srarklinir with stores the color of rol l and siu ver, and cnicrnlds, rubies and pearls, in -reat abundance, have many times been the sui i.-i t of my waKirift dreams. NVIien scarci S.v twelve years old. I was on the road, havtnir two hickory shirts, an old straw hat and a few coppers in my pocket, bound for Kl Dorado ; tint beiujr, as Young A meriea would fay, lirni'i'it back by my paternal relative and Itiven a K'"li sound bpa-ikinj-, I thought n i more or a longtime of the lau3 of perpetual Spring. "Still hop? whlspprcl promiiiM jdnarrs. And ha le tiie lovely s:en.;s at disatiee h ill !" Lans-uaire. with nil its resources is in:td -qu-ite to describe t.ie marvi-lous scjiuvr which here meet the eye ou every side. Von feel as if some Fairy Queen h.d to-iolied you -ith li;r tnacic wand, so li;:riiiiiiif i the Ix-antirul pan orama. Mountains upon mountains t up in noble g' andeii!-, until their lot ty Ti'-a -appe I with everhisti.iir s-iotv-pieroe t'ic ve y c oil Is ; mnjrtie ri ers Mow through n country the Muest in the world, for thouai;dr. of mile?; vast forests iibiiundinir i a all the jrra i 1 fl iwer inir an I irinint icvejt-etai ion of tropica' climates, ami where the keen riiiif of the woo 1 nan's axe has never yet bcin heard; iiumcu-e plains on which countless herds of wil t h us 'sand orittle roam in their piirtinc freedom; birds whose b-nlijnt pi. nna-ie dcl:(rhts the eye and whose sweet somrs raish the soul by their oxo,ni'--!'te harmony. Flowers of the most beautiful hue nnd dchVate textures are sptv'ol almost tliro-.ur'iout the whole country. Wid any o.io h'-surprised at the jrreat and good Columbus believing himself near the Garden or Rden when ho arriveil at the mouth of Orlnoii? Truly t his is n plvasant country, although Some parts it are under I he i Uiiioi-ii il line, whore vim would ex-p ct the vertical rays of the sun to render tlie heat almost unbe-irable, yet the easterly wind, which blows cfintir.u. illy i-i mod ifies the heat that no inconvenience is felt, f r mi It. Here you can go from the torrid to the fi iuid zone sinn few hours, for nt the base of many fit the peaks which are constant lyeover ed with snow the banana and pine-apple are cultivated. How wonderful God is in nil His work ! The principal birds of South America are the rhea, or American ostrich, th coid ir, the Mack vulture, toucan, parrot, etc. The Con dor is styled the king of vultures, nnd is the lai gest terrestrial bird we have nnv acounr of. Its wings from tip to tip monsiire.'when full grown, twenty feet. This bird isnot found any instance from the Andes, but there It seems t.- take peculiar d 1 i ht in son iug far up in the blue firmament. They are very p nvertu! birds; two of thein v. Ill attack a cow or deer and very orten worry it to death. But my c indie is burnt an 1 I must st -ip. 11, j VER. o X ocul Correspon ?le:ice. WasnisoTotc Twp.. Feb. 10, Jr.n FHK'.M AN-The weather has been vx cee diujrly col 1 Tor the past few days, probably owing to the fai'T that th? grounl hog saw his shadow Tuesday last. There is an abundance of ice nnd snow, affording excellent hauling, find an unusual large supply of logs nre being delivered to the respective saw mi:is in this vicinity. All the young folks and s iino of the old ones are enj ivina- tlicinsclro Ki,-iirhimr j when the weather Is mild enough to permit. Another rejruit has boeu added to the inulti ! tudinoiis nrnty of benedicts. This time it is my young friend Francis tally, of this town ! siiip.aml .Miss Isabel Fianna-jan, formerly of St. Augustine, ffcia countv. who were united In tho nuptial bonds yesterday by Rev. H, Mcllugh. nt the Cat holle church, Wilru u-e. As Frank is a generous, liberal hearte I chap, he and his fair younf bride are certainly deserving of the we wishes of the cnminunit v. May theirs be a lif of s.inshine and pleasure, nnd may little Lillys spring up occasionally to cheer then on their piigrimnge through life. While we haveveasoii ro rej iice nt the nbove notice, we are also called to rotiec-l on the cer t duty or deat'i, which had for its last victim Mr. Th onias I' a -r'-n. sou of Mr. John Farren, of Sumuierhlll township, who died on Sunday evening last after a lingering illness. gi;d about 20 ye.irs. His remains were yesterday consign ed to their last resting place in the Catholic cemetery nt Wilmore. 'i'hedeceated wasa mor al and upright as well ns a promising- youth, just entering manhood, and his enrly demise will te mourned by bis sorrowing parents and many friends. M i.v he rest in peace. I w as fortunate enough a few eveningssinee to be present at an old-fashioned sj.el.injr tn.-liool at School House No. 2. and was pleasud.es were nil present, to sej the rapid pro rress t he pupils of that school are unking in orthography which is a credit alike to the school and teacher. Miss Jennie A.Stewart. Mr. John Sanders, of No. 3, this township, who bad Ms teg fractured a short time since, Is fast recovering and will soon tie utile to re sume his regular employment. Next Tuesday being "election day for local officers, it shonl 1 bo theduty of every citizen to endeavor to secure the most competent men for tha several positions. It is rumored that a large nnd substantial overhead bridge is to be erected at Portage by the t'a. K. U. Co. across thuir tracks, there be ing a deep cut a short distance from the sfntlon, and abandon the crossing now in use.. It will b" ii doeid.id acquisition to I'ortag e if it 1 done. More Men. QuiNcr If yon want to purccaso 1 AMjlRh B- M. Adverts LHilW ui.ni la anoihoj- coiunan. II VMFNFA I KENNEDY PONNELLTTHarried. en the 'h itist , at Nnptinl Miw, In St. .M iry's ehuTCh,-i Freepiirt, br Ker. Father Nolan. Mr. PoRtek J. ' K UN EOT, eneinecr West Penn It: K., and M.'s ' Ansik E. ItoaaBLLV, of Freeiort. I We heartily congratulate onr ccrli.il friend Port, 1 by the way is as w hole-son led n nun as ever rra3p-n a rrirmii.; on nis iroou i,.nnmt in m-cunuiK j Hie Cfiniu-tciiuiiBir.p iitr lliu oi bu iiir mi i its. i,,jas feiicltat his yoiuiar bride undoubtedly is ; and also his amiable "fcetter hnlt" on the aequi- ! nch a kind and generous husbanl as the J j in V i.i....ir pition nf stich bappy bridca-room will he snre to prove himself, j May pece una plenty ne ever ttioirs. ana may their trip down the ti nrl; of ttmo bo as pleasant as ! 3. The first and part! il acrtnnt of J.'-wls A. 4Tra tt is posiblc for mortals to expect.. M:y their rn- ! ver. exeeut r of I,iHw :k CraTer, lai uf Carroll- : pine, never leave the rail or meet a wrong switch, i j May their firoii-'ifj 'f never tie smashd nor thefr f ' pilitt collided. May their trim, with all the family ; ir'-iirni, ie s-iie!r r nin -r'-t to lis nappy uesuna- i I tion tieynnu this tnnmtane sphere; ana may ai ; score of'liUle rmtturrr, and a fu 1 eomplemont of j the opposite persuasion. 7a-e the family circle. ; and make jrlnd the hearts 'of our worthy friends, j j Ami, while we are in this mood, we wilt Til up a ! tui nprr an l quan to the loni? lite and success of our yottn? frit-n js, who hare. just entered the wed- aeii sate nnaer the tuost atlpicHiu circums a acts. So mote it bo. OltlTt Alt V. LINTON -Died, on Sa'.nrday last, at the Moun tain House In this place, of which his father, ex Sherifl Linton, an i hiThself were the proprietors, 1'ktcr Ij. LiTtTon. In thw 3oth year of liis aao. The deeeas'-d pttfr-red from an internal disease which batlid the liest and most experienced midl cal skill, lie was a man of fine physical tvirm, devoted to all tnnnlv ami invitroratiuV exercises. and has het-h stricken down in the very prime and v?.'r of his life. Possessing a generous nature and a cheerrnl opposition, ho ha l hosts or warm an 1 enthusiastic friends Me wps a kind husband and father, ami leaves a widow and thre ehiion-n to lament hie untimely death. Peace to his ashes. A SSIflXKK'S XOTICK.-Xoticcis hereby given, that Florence AVille- hrand. of Allegheny township. Cnmhria county, j Pennsylvania, by deed of voluntary nss:gr:t.U'Ct hns assigned nil t h'! estate, ra' nn-f jiers.jnal, of the said Florene Wiilebrand. to H. Klnkead. of i K.tiensbnrg. In sai l county, in trust, for t he benefit j of the creditors of the said Floreuen vTiilobrand. All persons, theridore. Indebted to the said Flor ence W illebrand will make payment to the rtid Assignee nnd those having claims or detuanda will make known the si me without itelav. 11. KINKtAD. Aaktgnee. Fbetisl hrg. Feb. 12, lST5.-8t UDITOR'S. XOTIOK ! Having been nnrifitnted Auditor by the Court of Common Plea of Cambria county to report distribution of tho money in the hsndsof the Sher iff arising from the sale of the real estate of Robert Campbell, in th" cte of Lloyd tc '"6. vs. K.iTimp b?ll nnd Wiilism Noel. No." 24. Pee. Term. 1S74. Fi. Fc. notice is hereby given to ail parties In terested, that I will attend to thn duties of atid ap pointment, nt my office in F.benslmrg, on Fitmr, .vl aic 11. 6th. 1 75, at o'clock, r. M., when unl where they must prrs-nt their e'aims, or bo de barred from coming in tion said fund. ll'WI. W. OATMAN, Auditor. Fbensbury. Feb. 12, 1875. -St. A1 UHITOIt'S NO TICK ! Havincc bean appointed Auditor bv the ('ourt of Common Pleas of Cambria county to rei-ort distribution of t he money in the hands bt theSlier iff. arising fr;ra the sale of tho defendant's real fstnte, in the case of John Westner for use of Kdwar I Farab.-iugh vs. Peter t atnpbell. No 4, Imeenilier Term. 1S74. notice Is hereby given to all parties interested, that 1 will attend "to tho duties of said apimintment at my office wit h the Kccordir of Cambria c.mnty.Jn Kbensburg. on FitiOAV.the 24tii day of FkmVcaky npxt, at 10 o'clock a. m.. when an-i where they may present theirclaims. or be debarred from couling in npon said fnnd. J. O. LAKK. Eliensburg, Feb. 12, 1S75.-3'. IT fAXXOT BBBXPLOBED. TliE FAMILY s SUARI Va rden Oxnai'dn 2-i2. irrr-ttiT'tr3ii. p. 6t. 1 IIV. R 1 F T3sTlKsZ-I? y vi rlue of sundry writs of 1n7. Krpon", Pin. Venrl. f.rpnn.. A I IVnd. ft'.rpnn.. icrf Fftrios and Fi. 'l.. i -iied out of the Co irt of Co onion Plea of CjiuiVkIi county and to tne directed. thrro w-.l' be cia-wd to Putilie S,.le. nt the I t'otnt House in Fhensbiirg. on Mumiay. tub 1 11 davov.Mahoh next, at 1 o'cio-k, p. 31 ., the fid'owing K.-ai Estate, to wit: At.r, the rislit, tiile and interns'. ofCharles "Me. Oough. if. in and to a piece or parcel of land sirn ate in White township. Cambria count v, ai!jo:ning lan is of Michaol Slwc han. T he inns ilt. An ly Hnrg.ion, nn I others. Containing 40 acres, more or l.ss. alKiut 12 acres of whieh are cleared, having thereon oreeieda one-and-a-ha If 'story plank housq not ocenpiod. Taken in execution and to he sold at tho suit of William Little. Aly; all tit right, title nnd interest of Charles Johnston, of. in and to a piece or parcel of land situa e in Washington township. Cambria eountv, adjoining lands ot James Penniston. M. til. Adams, dee'd. and others, continuing 40 acres more or less, alxmt 'JO aeres oT which arc cleared ; now in the tn?s -ssion ofCharlea .lolunton. Taken in execution nnd to bo siH at the Suit of Lloyd ftt Co., endorsees of Is.iac Cf.iwferj. -. ail the right, tii le and interest of Francis T'n.rer nf In iin.l In nnn.lt.ir . . f I ateln the' borough of tari-illtown, C.nnbria conn- 1 ty. bounded on tho east bv Hiirh :rL bit I Im I root, bit t he north iy an alley, on the west bv tne estate ol John Campbell, dee'd. and on the south bv Iiarhara. Kastinan. having thereon creeled aone-and a-hall i story plank house, not now occupied. Taken in ! execution and to be sold at the suit of John A. J Kennedy. i Aim: all the right, tille and "interest of Caiba- rine Whelan. of. in nnd to a piece or parcel of land situate in Washington township. Cambria ' county, adjoining lauds oi Thomas Powers. Joseph I Itol. Thomas Metrough. nnd others, containing i4o acres, more or loss, about 40 acres of which arc cleared, having therenu creeled a two story plank house and log him. nul now occupied, and a ona-nnd-a-half story plank lio-.i-j an 1 log barn, now in the occupancy of Catharine Whelan. Ta4cen In execution and to be sold at the suit oT Julia A. McMahon, endorsee ol Patrick McMahon. .- hrr, all th" right, 'itl and Interest of Michael Rarniele, of, in and to a lot of ground situate in the village of St. Augustine, Clearlield township, Cambria eonnty. Pa, adjoining lots of Josepa Myers.Jamjs :eKe.i7.i -.an I oihers, havl lg there on erected a two story house (known ns tho Wash ington Hotel) and f'r.inie stable, n-jw in the oc cupancy of ll.irry Marlett. Taken in exeu;ion and to lc sold at tin suit of Fmsteino & HroLher. A1. ll tha right titlo and interest of William rum. of. In an ltoa piece or parcel or land situ ito in Summerhiil township. Cambria conn; v. adjoin ing lands of Daniel Coleman. Daniel' Straver, Peter Kurlnett, an ' o'.hers, containing luo acres, more or less, about .",0 acres elearej, having lhiT-'o:i erected a fine s'.ory log house and log sta ble, now in the occupancy of tho Widow Crttm. Taken In exocn'ion nnd to be sold at the suit of O. J. Krana and W. H. Scclilcr. Admr's of K. D. Kvans. dee'd. Al: all the right title nnd inter jat of David H. Ilurkey, owner and confractir. to wit: All that rerta:n twos'ory plank house, weather-boarded, having a front at 32 feet and a depth of VO feet, located on a lot or piece of groun I sitnae in the bor ingh of ClAllitzin. county of Cambria, which said lot or ground is hounded on the norih by an alley, on the east by Jackson atrcet. on the west by Main sireet, and on the south bv let of Mlchal Hracken. Taken in execution anJ to be sold at the suit of Michael Hracken. Al: nil ties right, title and interest. oT Ambrose Lantry, or. in nnd to a piece or parcel of land situ.vte In Uarr township. Cambria connrv, adjoin ing lands of Frank Peters, John F.ghc Frederick anil OuorgJ Snyder, anJ others, con inning uO acres, more or les. Ah.mt 20 acr-'S of which ar cleared, having thereon erected a onc-and a half story plank house, frame stable nnd water aaw mill, now in the occupancy of Ainbroei Lanlrv. Taken In execution an 1 to"b3 80I at the suit of A. Walters. .-a-, all the right, title and interest of J. F.. Holmes, or. in and to a piece or parcel ol land stinato in llarr township, Cambria eonnty Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: "lieain ning at a hemlock on high water id Ark of uain ...j.m.,. inr:m.nroi; iinej oi gr.-niir, iinrin 0 m, ucjrrees, west 14 perciivs.io a post; tneneu j ( porches, to a chestnut; thence sail by land of ; grantor.son' h 3'3 degrees.Jwes: 12 tierehes, io a post ! on bank of creek : thence north ft4 degrees, east a 1 pewhes. to a corner of saw mill; theuce along higli 1 j wa'ermarkto place of beginning havi!i I hereon : , erected a Water saw mill t-K(jilier wi.h the land ' I covered by the dam at hlgu water mark, ns I he ! ; dam is at present erected : aiso the ground covered 1 j by the timbers used in tho construction of the ! darn and schu'e. .4fs.-. all the r:ght, title ami j interest of J. K. Holmes, of, in ami to a piece or I parcel of lnnd situ its in ilarr township. vinlna i comity. P.. adjoining lands of A. KirkpaLnt-k, I liindcr Stromr, and others, rontaininv ti ';res. more or less, aiKuit on aero cle ired, h viu thera I on erecloi: a ona story plank hun.se. traine stable. and water sawmill now in the occupancy of .1. K. ; Holmes Tak-jn in execution and to bo sold at au.tof llernard Mcdee. ! Tkums or Salb. One-third of the purchase j money to be paid when the properly is knocked j dovrn, and the remaining two-thirds at the eonftr- Imation of the Peed. HERMAN BATJMF.R. Sheriff. Sherill'' 0"Ucj, JoUjsiowii, I'cO. 10, lsij. 1 is hereby piven that the following nrnnH Aeconntimve tiecn -nsse1 fml tiled '.it th Keiris-er's tllliee st F.hottsbunr. in nd for the County of smbriM. nd will to pres.-ntel to the trphsns" Court of sni.1 ominlv, for c-fi-nrma'ion ntd l!owsn-. on WtliSKsnAt, the 3l tA v or M akcii, A. 1). H75vt wit : 1. The eon 1 secount of Tams C. y.nrrar. pnerdisn of John D. tfConncll. jr.. a minor child f John D. f i'Ji ftne'.I, late of the Ciiitcl States Army, deccnvl. 2. The second and final accoim? of .T.teob KiMor, - . , . . i : I . , ... . . exoentor of Matthias Deitrich, lat of Chest ten n:ur'i .visiiiiiaa j'enricii, lair in udcsi . (1ecf.ed. nip. oecfseil. town boreuarh. deeeas.Hl. ' 4. The first and final jieeonn of Fran-Is M'ln. adminis'rator of Bernard Mollcn, late of Sum- merniu rownsmp. ncrcnu'ii 5. The final aeeoant of Ilcniimin Berhoif. iruir- dian of Kdward Iiidy. a minor chilJ tf l'nj L"idr. late of Jacks-ut township. decannl. 6. The first and final account of W. J. Livk. ex ecutor of M. J. Lckenrode, late of Allegheny township. d ?cens-d. 7. The first and final ncnit of .T.din I;. Bavis. exeemor of I'benerer Bans, late of Fbeusi.urg borough, deeeasod. 8. The iircl and final aiwwnt of John Ib-n'on administrator of Joseph I.srimer, lte ol Johns town boron :h, dneonsd. 9. The first and final accnont of .ob ShiMs. guardian ol Tlaniel Si nil. a minor child of Daniel Stall, late of Adams township, decease 1. 10. The first and final arroiini ,r H. KuikoadaTid fleo. C. K. Zahm. ex-pn ors ot Bavi.t Powell vim wits guardian of Benjamin John Boca lav!g, a minor chMd of Mary Powell. 11. The thlr-l and'final acconnt of Charles nm. fuardinnof Augustine tllass'tr. a Honor ciiibt or 'rancis tJlasser. lateof Client townsh p. deci-ascil, 12. The first an I final account ot lli-nr S. lin:nm! administrator of Peter J. Bumni, late ol Barr township, deceased. 1 '.. The firt and final sw.tint of John II. Ton 11. ncm'tiistrstor of Mieh-i-l Mct.'artv, late wf Clearfield township, deceased. 1'. The fourth and final account ot James Yost and Augustine Yost adm!nlg-rnors of Jacob Yost, la'e of Carroll township, deceased. IS. The first account of Kllen O. Callnn and .Totin K. Si-inlan, execniors of William Callan, late of '.Vasliington township. dcccas.d. 13. The gecond and firal aewunt of Frnneia Fiirk. gu-ir-liaa of Mary ("arrnll. (now Inttrtnur- tnarrfe l with Cnaries Binder.) a luimr child (f I Janica Crrroll. flerrned JAMF.S M. SINGKK, ltcrittr. I Rog'stcr'ti 'cc( Khcnshurgr. Feb. 1. ls75. WIDvOWS' ArrUAISKMlExTR. j Notice is heieby piven thnt the fol- lowing nnn-ed Mpprisetneiits of "isonal pro- t perty of decedcLts. s"lcted and st spm t for j the widows of intesta'es, und-r the Aet of As somblv of the 14th day of April, A. I. ls.il. hive ; been hied i-4 the Keirister's Olhce nt Etiensl.t'iif ; and will be presented to the Orphan"' Com? J of Cumbri t .niintv. forconfirmat ion and allow- j a'lf-e, on Wro.tr.suAr, the tl PAY or Miucn, I A. I. Id. to wit : 1 1. Inventory and appraisement of certain crson- j a I property nppraisd nnd s.'t apart for Nanev J. trerlurt; wnlow of John P. W. Oerlnrt. late ot Kicniand tr,wnbi?. deceased aT.I.S. 2. Inven,ory and appraisement of certain person, al property apprais -d and pt apart fi rMrt K.t lor, maiden sis'er of Peter K a vlor. la'.e of'MUn ster township, ileccasffl 4s.;. :t. ! li Hituy :u l r j 1 raiF n-rni of ct r'n in person al property appraised nnd set apart for Margaret Mullen, widow of iterrmrl Mullen, late of j-uui-merhill townsliip. deceased CS7.77. 4. Inventory and appraisement "f certain pr--nl property appraised and set ptrt tor E';ra beth Wissimrer. widow ot Haniel W iss.nger, late of Adams tnwnsh p. deceased JJ9S.4H. 6. Inventory and appraisement of cerlain per sonal property nppnised and aet apart, for Klia both S.iies, widow of Sainn 1 Stiles, lute or Jack Son township, deceased "300.00. 8. Inventory and appraisement of certain per sonal properly a ppraia d and t apart for Klita beth A. Will, widow or Augustine 1). Will, late of Allegheny township, deceased 0.' o. J AJ1M M. MXtlKR, ltegtster. Kegtstcr's Office, KliensbUrg. 1'a., Feb. 1, lr&. SIIEIIIFF'S SALE. 15y virtue of a writ of 'en1. E.'pou.. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria ciuntveti 1 to .- directed, there will be exuos-d to I'ui.ll.r Pale, on the premises in 'oni'inaugii towns! i;. I on jtirnsnvY. t.ie z.ifh r.w f its'ii-.Aiiv next, at 1 o'clock, P. m., the foilowiiig Itettl F.s tat. to wit : A i.t. the right. titl an i interest or .L.s.-ph tjo'I, of. in an-i to a piereor parcel of land si'uaie In Cn emmgh towa-h:p. Cambria eonniy. Pa., frnntina on Cn-linn i lley an t adjoining lan Is of Heirs of Jos-pli 11. 'Slop. der:'d. nn I John nhon. contain ing O.vk A c il K. moreor ies uaving i iiereou ereeti'd ft two story Frame Huil. ling (need Tor a Hrewery), v iult. cellars, fixture?, an 1 aiiperf eanccs com plete, now In the occupancy of Joseph Kost. .4y. apiece or pir-cl of lan Isituate in Conemangh township, i iintirla e.iiin'y. Pa . fronting on t uhon alley and adjoining lands of H.irs of Joseph H,-. b.p, dee'd. and Jonat lutn fVricks, eonta iuiuir aliout Onk-asi-a-iiai f Ai p. is. more or less, "having thereon erected a Frame Salble. .4f-, a peice or parcel of lan 1 situate prtr in Conemiugh tows. ; siop and part in oneiniil-j-h lmp-nigh. Cambria i county. Pa.. rnruiing-J-14 feci along Townsh'p Koafl I and back 3iH Tect. a loining lamls oi John Citslma I on two aider anl Thomas Valtor on the other, j Tnkin in ex"eu.ion and to be sol I at the fait o j John f lets, now lor use of Joseph H a-l. ltHMS p ai.e. t n third ot the purchase mon"y to he paid wle-n th" proper,- is kiockcl Oown. an 1 the remaining twi-thir lsbn coulirma tion of the Weed. HKTIM AX n.M'Ml.R. Sheriff. flierin" tifT.ee. F.t-ciiFl'Urg, Jan -7, l-7i. TRIAL LTST. List of Causes set dotvn'sfor trial nt. flip iiiit, term rtf t .ourt. coTinnvncmg on M.viicH next : the nitsr M.jstiAT r Flt;.-.T irr K. vs. Poucr. Adm r. vs. Mellonigle's Hx'ri. vs. WatciT 4 Sua. vs. llradicy. vs. rum's" Fx'r. vs. Lloyd. vs. Hrowu. 8EOIM) WKFK. .i rs. Alleg'nyM mi.'n Co:il S. Lumber Co. F.I wards Warren NcH- leWu!lin ... eialtfcic Zuck llavia Christy Cooper & Co... . .vs. . .vs. . .vs. . -VS. ..vs. . .vs. . v s. . .vs. . vs. . .vs. Pis;. 'hr.stv ct. ai. Walters. Hicbarilset. nl. Penna. Uail Koa l Co. .hueiatc. Collins. M acorn her. Van Orroor. "l''1 Iron - cnn i Vtnghan ?Ic rarity. ralligan W ol l Hums llensh .fr Hr,touib-ui:rh Oailagher , Ooruily aughn St Lynch ?ln,-hv " KiidufL Niger eu al. . .V8. tlali.-iher. vs. vs. vs. vs. Hroinnbaujth. .i a cn oa. ON -id: lttirk. Hark. . .V K Mr('()IlAX rrVI,imn:in- rroihonotary's O.'ltce, Kbcnstiur, Feb. 1. 1ST5 T TC K XSK VotIcE. -I Vtitioii for Tavern anrl K:itinj House License haVc been fi c'l In the olllce of tin Clerk of the Court of 4n irtcr Sesions ot i-nmbrla cmutv bv th.' following namr-d persins, and will be present ed to the Court of Quarter Sessions of said coun ty, at March Sessions. 1S7A. ta v hi; x l.trrTssw. Harr Township Nicholas l.iuhor. Croylo Tiwnli;p Michael Ottcs. IVtcr lr wn. tarrnlltown llorouti -K Iward L. Hinder, D0111 inifk l"g,T. Ches: Township -Anlhonv Annn. Cl.'t Springs H trough I ohn tYousc. F.bcnsbu -g ilor.). West Ward -John A. Dlair, Henry Foster. Cf.iilitzin Township-Anthonv ?.Ic"u. AVashing-on Township M iehael I'.ra Hcv. Hen ry marii, wnrgaret Itellv. Peter Urown. lnke 1. Duroon, John P. Parrish. John . Oillispie. R.VTISfi ll.ll'SK I.ICirSK. I Washington Tp. . S-aH,lt. jr.. Wm. Flinn. II.'MC X IL' 1 A N, I H-rk Q. S. j rrothonrry Odice, Ebensbnrg, Feb. 3, ia75 ' I II AY CATTLE. Came .into the j enclosure of llio snl)orilT, in Carroll j township, some time during the latter part of No- I vemiierlast. one Hili. j.nl one Stekr, both of! which will be two years old u -xt Spring, are of a yellowish red color, and have white spois on each of th-ir foreheads and white un !er their N Hies. 1 The Steer has also white feet and one leg white,' tip to the kn.tcjuint, while the liull ha a white i SMit between the shoulders. The owner i retni-sf- 1 ed to come forward, prove property, pay chnigrs ! nn l take them away ; raiiii.g in whf.-li, they will be Bold as tbe law directs. SEBASTIAN LUTHER. .' Carroll Twp., Jatr. OT. lS75.-t. ! A DMIXISTHATOirS XOTICI-:. Kstate of Ci.emf.nt Fresh. lecl. Iefters of Administration on the ri'aieof said ty, bavins been Issued to tlv under jnH, notire decedent, in'.s of t ,'nm'oria township. 'ainbriaeoun- is liereOv gir.-n that all debts uue to said cst.i e tnust be paid f'orthwi ril h. and nil claims iiit itr-.si, the line fhould be presented duly authenticated for ictiieierut. A TH A RINK FRFSH. Acm'x. If 11 IN W. 5;lAKHAl till, Adin'r. E XECUTOIl'S NOTICL. L-dtcrs tcitamentarv on Ihe M'!e ol John O"- ' donna il, late of amhria township. ambria coua ty, I'enn'a, deceased, have been issued tothe nn d"erlsrnjd. rcsidinit in a-Id to-vuhip, to whom all ' persona Indebted io saiil estate ar! renncsted to make payment, mt those hsvinir claims or da m.inds will make known the rizn- with'int delay, j Janl.-5t. WM. IICO.VX lI.U KxeeMior. A UT I O X . Th i is to caution all , persona against metldlins in any ttt with the fidlnwinc dccribM pricrty. this day Uiuirht bv in ai Nh-rltT saie aud iott wi.h Hts rv RiMMEi.T,.d t'arroll township, onrmif toy pla i stii-e, to wit: 1 nan mare. I cow. 6 sheep, U a ts hiruuss, 1 two-liUi-se wiren and 1 two-bors s!vd. JOStt'H AX.bl.kl I. k. T KGISTKU'S NOTICE ! Notice Ayer's SarGaparilla I Oil Pi nirTKti THE ELCOII. Tito t-ept:tatVin tii e ceKcit incuii inc enj.v ts Ujnt fsl f. ,m its cuies rnaay of v hioh tuc trul: marvellous. l-,ctcr:u ca-jes f Scrofnlotn lis ea-c. he.-e l.ie tyMeir re," ..if it r:;ttl'-atoi v itl e.ornption, liavc leiti 1 tn-.it-l and t nrrl I v it. S-ron,t n, rfert litis ";a.J 1 1 ord. -r , xv hicti were 5 faV.Ttil In I'.i. tn.. .." 1ms cntit.-iniitiaon iii:til thev r rrre pnitifrllv ::ff!i-ting. bare l een m.iii illy e! "ut Mi. h tr:e::t iiuiiiImt in r.lti.t t'oo of tbe eou-iTy, ?h:it the public scarcely need tj t-e inforrfed f.f its virtues or u -cs. Sri.i-idfiiis p.ii,i e t one of the most (1oreiirfi memies ofci-.r ru.-c. f!...i. this iinf eer! : .d nt.', it t-n.mt of tbcorg.-uiif rn nn let-mines Uicci-. t.ii:ti; T"d eivi?-... Uiv atMu-U ei.fcel lii r r ftl.il dW:i scs, v ithoat eK.-iiiT- iviT! of it- prccr.ee. A sr. in, it firi'i: to b.Tf-i .i ieie t..-.n throoutirmt tI. bMy.i i d tlten, on -ure CtnnWe oec.ni.r,T,t idlr deew p I ito one or .nt.er of it bi. Toons foni.s, citl-T on t':e ni-f;:i-c or :uii:.nr ti c vital, la the latter, tuber cles may I f u M.-. 'v depoMlcd m tl:c lungs or cart, or tu-.iors :' .i n:e-.l iu the :r.-r. it !ior. a i!s pt i-f ro e by eruption on tl.c k-n, or f.ml nlrer rtions ou some p.-,i; oi tbe ImmIv. Pcn -e t'-.e,M i MOnnl i: f ' a f tbis STrsaf-nt-ill - rd- Tit-al.lo, - en wIh ti ro active fv ir.pt am s of tbpre appear. V- i3i, -ted with the f-dlev ing ent t. f iairts rcne-ii'-. f.;..l iiin-.crnte ti bcf. an-i, at h-nthj ciiiT, In t',:e ue of tl-.i-w V4 l.'..l IM ; f J.. 3 4: St. A thoitu' i'irc. Jir r t- r,r1prln, Trtlrr. Srttt .u?rt. Srntd limit, I. ilniuurn, frarr .'i . Snrr i.oia, and dher ei tii.'tie.r cr Vi ible forms of .Vnrf,m iiisc.-.e. Also iu tha n ore com-ctded fonisj as f.pc;ifi. 7-.t.f. Hrm t IHsr-tinr. i if, t'.tl'-fnty; Af-j.. rnd the various t'ftmtum .h'titieus ol the iiium u l.ir and m-n-oii stcm. Stftl. ii's or l" bri-e-rf ard .T rro-f nt lisrs-r He urcd oy it. though a longtime is re')tircd fr t-tibduing the- c ohtiiiHte nisdadiei. bv any im 1:"rf. J'.ut long continued nc ol ibis i:iMi.ioe will cr re toe comolaint. I i-Mmrrhan or II hilrn. ferine I 7reVf flows, nnd fV ttne tilli lt, are COlll monly kio relieved and tiliiiumclv ruretl Vv its J 'lril.wug and iuvigoming c,,-t. "j:iiuit I'lrcr tumi for each cnce m-e f.mwl iti otir Abntnac. fht 1 l;el gratis. i,".if iif iow M:d 1nut. vim I caucil by accumulation . of extrncou luMti-rs in the hlbod, vicld jtii k1y to it, ns 1 I "rr j.,iif . i ftf ifif if . I nft xtiou or Itiffat-i-("n(i" of t'ie l ior, tind Jnttnrt ire. when ariir g, ns they oOen do, from the rankling poison in tie Hood." Tins SAKSAl'ATill I. A i a gn at ic Hon-r fur the strength rnd vigor of t!e vstem. Tlioev.lio are l animiii sid ifr. lc,nf-tti-tit, .S7ee,f-n, and troubled with .Vrrrom A -I'lTirNfinna or I'mrn, or nnv of the j ffrrtl.it trmj tomatic of II .ili. . w'ill find imn e.li t ii-lief nnd convincing evidence of it ietoi-ativ4 power upon tried. r r. r a n r.n r. r r. J. C. Al tn A ( O..Lorll, ria I'rartirat anrt Annltjticnl fhr-mi'tt. COLD KT ALL Ui:t"G(;iSTS t VlIRYWin nn. Trills l5l:rJi,, -1 'r IOWA AND NEPHUKA toK sai.k nv the HTiLlM 4 MlSSiini! IllVrRR.R.fO. On Ten tears t'redit and 6 percent. Intrrrat. On' 377'iii Arm in f.in ;i ,t S-iwfieru A" Ttr.wh t . The finest r uin' ry in She world (n con. bine 1 s r m -Inr aud slnrk U-iis'lrs. Tt'e "hi! is n' li apd ea. ly cultivated ; ( limaie war.n : easnrt"s lonir : Tins low, and 1 fl ti i-t, I Inn --. Xo PaMncn"' qu'red n prin-iji.il t PI FI FTH vesr. ?n-l t he r It il.NE-SfiVKXiH KAt H VLAlt IMTL I ID' L.anl iT.CjJorittfj Tickets Sold at Important station on the Chicago. F.nr linarton an 1 thinner Kad ilnnl, and o; Id same rctin de! when iinl is inttitlit. Half fare to families ot pnrrJiaaer". t.i" t.OMT Fil Kit 1 II TS oa li ui" .dud I ;., ! and fann stock. l neafy per cent pr m:nm lr rn!t .v.: ion. large iso tints ii.r Cash within one, to n-l three yi?ars. i'rortiirf trf; p-;' f-iT- Lrod nod npe.,r nirn'il f'.J'O bf fot r the Priwijml h'f i a .fu-. "The J -i-cn II ml destitution In Nebraska lies 'n the lar western region, bev rni l the lands of t he P. & M. I,. K C. ." For circulars that WM -lccriv li'ly thefl lan Is, end the t.rs i.r tale, arptv t r ad.'.ress, I. a N P COM u lis)N Fl.', lC-2j-3in.'5 Tbiriicgt'-n. lors.f..r L nii. or Lincoln, Neb.. f..r Nebraska l. ni'1 0. . il mum, nE.t.r.n jt- DRY GOODSj WOTiOrJS. GROCERIES, MAR DWARF, QUEENSWaRE, BITS. f. IPS, BOOTS, S AND ALL OTHER GOODS USUALLY KEPT IN A COUNTRY STOKE. WOOL AM) COItiJY PL'OiUrCE tints im ncnAMo r:.R cooi- Store en South Side of !:a;n Street l:t'iiiiHi t. la. ciTa w ro 1 . 1 j u ) usK Jolin ritzh-mis, - Prcprlctcr HVIN4 le.irJd and ri furnthi-d the ntiove wt-il kn v. n and poput-'r hotel. I he j i pi 1-t-.-r is now amply pr-psrd to so-eiuntnodctc ell nliii in iv fiiviir liiin with tlir put riti.ir. Til" lest ImhI the market ufTords -a i,l te?i i,d 1 t he Table t n II seasons, t ho Ikir .vil be kept e.ttistant ly snpjuied with ;be cboieett Iliihos, nnd the mimidion Stable will be under C-" ohsrgofif n -aret ul Htid nttenri e hoCT. Ni effoi t will lie spared to ren-lcr iriii" t ct.:nf.rt ablcnnd well ."Mcod in ev ery iiarticui.-ir. nod by proper at ten th in t . business and u modi rat actio tf trie,i tho proprietor hops to v in I is way to putd c favor. (May looL-tf 1 Eagle PLA-YfKG STILL, r. RtTTroxs", m a-ci FACTrr.FP. or Fkui feilk-Miii &tiers SASH-U0CR3. E?.CKETS AND M j'JlD'CS . LUMBER of EVITvY nE(TJrTI0. sHIMi!,t:S ant i"-TS -Cedsr end lxcBt. Scr,dl-S winp and lie Mwiu done to order. I'oiijsEa IIobins.is An A ti, or.ttsox Sts.. 3-18. ALLVOHKNV FJTV. FA. 3m. Parke's Marble Works, 131 I'rnnlilin Ntreel.'IfthiKlewu. A I :)MM-:NTS. IIFAI) atid TlMn , n 1 1 ?T(i.iX'U'.M:l! and C.UH- t A, p MirsLAtl-. MAKTKLS.A-e.. tiinnu-Kiril faeliirifl fl t he very ta-st Italian and i ) 1 .Amorcan Marbles. Fnt ire sa tisfae- f "T V" tn.n mi inirilciii in price, desi u an J 't 1 exii-'tti m if work. I T- i irn-rs rpect! miy soitcre.-i an.) tiro.nptly liiled at tbe vcr luw- est eaIt rate. Try 119. net. -'t.-in. JOHN I'.VKKC. LPiLLgi or Asia. A St'RKt'I'HK tor' t?.i d:rcslr r.-.n:plsint Is now in ! known ma Treatie f..f 4S r.avn p-.ff-) on F'Te irn nn-l i ie ller'.al I'rcpnr: lioiis, pitbllshM hy lr. O. I'i-tt-s hi,'"r. Th pri'S.-ription w;:r iiiseoverc.1 by bun In .u haprevr idntliii tnsniMf that he czi'itet ceiisvsejit h u. y r fuse to niakeil km-wn. as 11 b;i cured ivi-ry. IhvIv who has used V f-'T F.ts. to Vv r hav'tis faib d In J f H-ler.U'. Tt.e inrrt4ien s may b- obtn'r. ed from anv di uiririsl. A c,py ent !r e in a.l - Vli.ni:' bv ninii. A: itcss Int. It. l it' LI S l,ll,t.,i!' Urn nd S.revt, Jers.-y t ity. N. J. G LO. L. TLAHODY' A: UO., THoiMin ntLtns ij SEEDS, GRAffl, FLOUR is., Li, 32Z Lihertij Street i-i3.-m.j PlttsburglT, Fa. T OA illTzTx LA K K. .. t r tin:. v ' at Lav . F.i i.k.iU'i:. F ijo witU Ee-!er aa I RttnrdT, in i.oari uvumj TTTT