The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 04, 1874, Image 3

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    I mm mmm.
Ebensburg Pa;,
, y, - - - SllI'T. t, 1ST4.
v.. Joui.k,
.. , !i! ! ' I Virinin
I ,., , ssci.l Joi.
, ii m Pittsburgh who isnuthor
.... n-oiive pay lor ml vert ise
; . . .' in t ' Mini l Kheem an.
'. i . i -v fi ii iir rut ..
ltll a belt.iiwr lin.l frrt... !..... .. 7 : r I
nn,l two t.r three other crai.pers tquall- i.t '"hfo ' ,Ko. V llnday morning
pr.iiuiiu-nt. .TiKli-e I.lov.T Kiifi-f.l.Ml i.. i. ' . ' ' "" ciocK, airame build-
icsiing uis entire crnp ot oats, conipriniiii-j , ii
. it-rs man rive, nozen "shocks, earl. Of
i which trai fully as thick as a common RiJied
Move pi po, ami did the whole work Within
Ji period jif live hours on Tuesday last.
j I ii our advertising columns vc print a
notice of an extensive sale of horses Car-
; l uics, l.i'ge-i..-, and li ve ry stable equipments
S"li'i:il!y, to he held in Klieiisl.ur" on Tliurs
.luv, loth inst., ,y L. & S. W. ifavis. t
Mil. will positively com.- off as advertised
i uiiii i.trrr-ou.s desirous of
-A '
litre. "nl fhcv J'facc.
;-, ! llfW llX-k -IIJ.
; '.: ' our telegraph oper.'t-
1 ::nk 1
to le starteil iii Johns-
r vinegar (onsult M. J.,
tah'.t! lime for invest-
rabies was
, .:'". ti-il with
t -u i::ifloti.
, ..r our town thnt our town
, u :i!..lay morning hint.
., - :i ,1 M'M-n stahles were des
,;t !.. . U I la veil on Tin si'.av .
i. I r n I : : 1 1 :l borough with a
!..: w :iti r-w orks forthwith.
j.'. n ',.'.,',, i:idii :il. refuso
, n St-cretary of Intiiiiiil
M. Iim-Min, of Cumbria lor-
investinrr in ii;
.-... ... pioperjy to I present.
' M- r,"'V'i"M,,lv,'1,i.f imlianaconn
t.y, n S,uid Democrat and j. radical friend
"t ll't' hiKKMAN, was in town on Wednes
U .Mr. M.pur. liased some timr since the
Jl.irtma,, lerK property; West Ward, into
w inch he designs moving aliont the 1st of
etolcr, and Imuhs a good, honest, law-ahid-ino
ciiizen, he deserves to he heartily wel
comed to our midst.
It will hiinjrr nM addition j,'fi' to the
hearts of many friends of the late Hev. John
J..iriis in this county mid elsewhere to learn
that Iim was stricken down hv apoplexy in
one of the streets of II ti r 1 i ii t Iowa, w hile
solicilin-i means to erect another house of
his order ( rsr-ueilictiiic) in that Stare, and
that his death was instantaneous, though
Wit ti-n- .. ... i
K KM-aioii immediate t in the rear of Mrs.
ii'irley s resilience in ih u- w i
; discovered to be mi tire. The alarm was
' F v..' 7aTnf,I.veis, night watchman
i tor tKe I, at the depot, and the Daunt
) less tire engine was soon on the ground. It
was discoytml to be impossibly to save the
burning building from destruction, and the
; ennrts of the firemen were therefore direct
ed toward preventing the spread of the de
; yoiii ing element. - The adjacent bitj'Mingf,
including the residences of .John 1 ci Ion
I--sl., Mrs. ;nrley, and Sir. C. T. lrobertsi
! wr; m imminent flanger for sitime, the ro,.f
and weatherloardiiig of the former lieing
: freipiently in flames, bill through the lieren
- lean efforts of the firemen the conflagration
was confined tothe building i which it- Orig
inated. This was own-.l bv Capt. K 1:.
Ibuinegan, of St. Augustine,' ami was occu
pied as a furniture manufactory and ware
house by Mr. Abraham Hit. hue. The loss
j of the form-r was probably S.VK), and of the
, latter about the like sum. located as the
buihling was in the heart of town, with
houses adjoining it in eVery direction save
otle, it wan a v5ry narrow escape from an
' exceedingly disastrous conflagration. To I
tlic fact that no breath of air W as stirring at i
the time, assisted bv the other fart that we
are now in the possession .of a first-class en
Calif orn ia Correspondence.
ANr MCKDF.RF.I) I ! IoWA. A dispatch to
the Chicago Journal, from Ies Moines, la.,
dated Aug .1th, gives the following par
ticulars concerning thrt murder at that place
of a lady from Clearfield, Pa.: . ,
T)KS MlllVTd T A d . M A
August a we'll' dreWl. handsome and affsble !!"'Vni Vn1 la;k'n,r- 'i l.,.!'re VTt u "
youinr woman came to this city nntl applied on y'11 ndred acres. '1 he thresher'
tor rooms ot a merchant over his stoto tor the
-rVllIlOUllOOIllCMlt K.
purpose of earrj infr on the business of dre??- j I'.neM'' .,5flh' at .V'0'?''!?' V"', !,h
inakrr. Arter sntisfyimr hlmseir of her (fflod f,:," ifrht '"'"'"'"' b'islirls-ln sev,
fnith Hi il i ;rr.,u i. iA i .i - . . J liey were put buck hv iH-jiitwi.o,....
1 .i-i "-r inv rooms, nun . .in,. kj. i .1-'1'.'.'" . . '
;, conducting- herself ol. ni. !? - " "TTu." . . "T'""1
trious maun r. Tula i f,'," mf i 'J v ,H".' w,hK t. ''V" ,,'l't '
iroiny to her break- ! 1'' ?KtT alfk tthe T bt'r"rc
i-iiu iii once went ro work
in a very decent and Indn
inornitiff she was liot seen iroin
ias,, nii'l about noon the merchant below
inoiiirru lie wouM look uftt-r hor. I'pon op.rl
insr the door leading to the Ftnirn'HV la dis
covered tfi-ctt pools of blood, which indicated
murder; The officers wercsiminioncd, and the
c-M-pseor the victim wna round at the head of
the stairs, u hi-neesiie had evidently been dmii
Ked from below, v. here the wa9 kilb-d. The
coroner summoned u jury, and an examination
was made of let t crs and papers about the room,
from which her name. was ascertained to be
Mrs. Kllen Ittirrct t, of ' leni liehh Pa. he passed
hers. If he'e as Mrs. ISutl.-r. or Illinois. The
plau--itie v-lue to the riiurder is that she was
pur-iied by her hutbaoti. and murdered at first
sirlit. The city is in a (Treat ehite of excite
ment, and if the murderer wn found he would
certainly receive sum inary punishment.
The corpse wa tound ut the head of a back
stairwny. The head and face were covered
with blood, and both armsnud limbs were out
stretched, cm the It It h.inr! ivfre lour valuable
Chrssey Ptatios, Merced Co., Cat.. 1
A li if u st 111. lsU -
Pkar Freemak-The threshers have come
and (rone, and now 1 khow somethintr about
threshing-. I told vou before about plowing;
I i . -. i in- i hi 1-5 1 j i-1 c 11 ill e
es Iny, Amr. lit h, at V o'clock, and finished
""? me iHiti, at s (icncK, thresiiiuir ten
en days.
nt in jret-
on one
to our plaeC. -Tht-y threshed nearly IwmIvc
ii u nd rod bu:-.eld nor d:iv. Mud emiirf im.- i
J A C O B R. K i: I Ii ,
Pirb.lect to the decision of the Democrat IcCoun- i
ly convention.
j Vesreni:lhori.ed by Mr. N iTn AMrt.nonNF.
of .Tohnstown. t Hlinoiliice his n-me :is urn- of
i tho t candidates for Asinblv from this
i county under the provision" of the new con
stitution.' Of course Mr. ltmtNic submit M
i t-'a!ini the ' convention and will, like a!) irood
S'.ritnal seus
e lihdi-rstand
i.ev. .lonii I. urns
111,1 well provided for in pine, isattributable the preservation of thou- , f.'lf,?- fl'Jf ,m'1 VV I! f'''."!?!'!''"
I j iml.f.f .i..ii.. e . . Vet I loth paiters, which indicated t hat, hearing- a
IthiMl .'.1 to 'r. V"'th of property. 1 he knock at the door, she had hastily one t see
I l.i.if the 7r rn th s mind" J'"r.o'd blinding was not insured. Mr. I'eil- who it was, and on opening the door her niur
IIS, II. S. P... leci l.liv .1... : lull's loss ill to brown iin.l l'nr,.ll,. deler sfrin k her wilti invinimuiil i.ri
v. 1
-k .
, Sc
; an
k A.
fr ni
was "
nt -'f
e pan
u al
y tlx
st tlie
"or tbe
iftcM ill
a mure
cd Tot
d I V the heat of the
i! ii i
1 i- t' the Itetoiblican State
,., t'cc for 'am' r a county, is
i;-.; .11 .lollll-towil.
,M son d' t'. I.. Kcttinger,
.- -ii lowed some colici nt rated
; . ;i il il cd soon after.
. . 1.. thiistrth '. Co to
i II- ''ir for the ciioicest
: .-ii. ! iii fmnhiia county.
should t.-ml to lire cjt
;.' cuthtisiMsin in the re.
A'tootia lireni' ii on the lfh.
1 i- . i in son ti Miimeu'ia and
1 1. u ill i u 1 1ms from .MiiMuiji n
,i t l-'arc forth" inn- il trip.
withdrew his reply to
in rib ! to i: elude " P.. K. ;."
failed to return it in time
i. sum bv an amateur is
;t.milile as positively to
o!i;i Saturday afternoon
t ii
n il v. w-Mie. all-, porter and
together with h-monade
mild oiib-r at thu Moiin-
i ntr.-iidance at Court iiext
iiiiilieil with artistieally-com-
upon applii at ion at the
:isc bar.
j tioin the de-estof wells to
. i.ite of topers is as dry as
i' writing. ().' for another
i i -.-ile.
' l.eapest and best stock of
a: ! ;i ps in tow ii at M. f..
-!-. store. l-'iom CO cents
.' .' - '.'ant.
. .'. i i-i, of .lohtistow n, ti In
. : 1. ong Uram h, w as at the
v . - lh" other day, but
e;ii.: iv.
W. SI, a- ra. l".-u.. a
.W -el,
a V i
i . , V ' 1
, il. . ' l C
1',. v. a- IT yea ts
,.n ll -l lle. t.
, veil. Tie- tie.!
. , ei e Tl,e tli.lliK'
wd irr of
- t lr.laV
, - v. ( '. l.'wiiig
, '.1.
v. .1-..- -,!.n . a
r will i in ier ;i
f' 1 il t'.l i 1 OWII-
ir ;l
If" no',
r si iti;i
Voll f-lioilld
,- i !.." T r M ine time inside
e 1. 1. : ii-.. or tn.'ivl.e t.c
in N.-vi ml or. 17 r.
i t til.- !..-u r. l of a gttii at
,.;-', at i l'. on Saturday
ilia 'or named Williams
!. at t he wrist.
n i f Court convenes
trial list is !arg
a full a'-o busy two-
'-it. M prom:-iig.
" i -iaan, 11. M . Jones,
1 pai tmeiit at Wash-l.:-
week shaking bauds
i - troops of friei is.
i i 'i ii'iitla tit f i iim .1
' -t oiniw bete on our
The limb r w ill be suit
i' a ii ii it :it Miis fiico.
1 hi t. .Judges I.lovil and
j. ennveiieil here last Kri
- ih-ss transacted was the
. to retail whiskey.
tic i I'urcli ami bt'Coln
i'i. tin- surest way to se
.1 -t tire in the future is
.1 iislmrg lxjroiieli water
"ti' a blast in Conomnngli
l.iv ttirgot to get out
: i i.l, 1: g ot an !. Me
I'll ritllc.ll ill llerll oil
ccasei i , will be commemorated (, the Cath
olic church, St. Augustine, of which the la
mented was at one time the much beloved
pastor, on Thur.!:;y next, Sept. loth, ,lM,
that KeV. J':llhfr McKniue, priest incharge
is desirous that all the clergy of the diocese
w ho can conveniently do io will be in at
tendance on that occasion.
The public schools this lairoujih w ill
open for a term of seven months under tint
management of the following ellii ient. corp -1
of teachers, all whom except, the Principal
were i hose n at the examination on Wednes
day last : Principal, A. S. M. Anderson, at
S7"i per month; K l.ool .o A. .1. Ashe,
;."i'l Her IllOllth ! No. :l Miss l I Lrool; )..! ii W .
S :o per i.i .uth; No. 4, Mrs. d.iue Clark,
;.i..l.J' , ; No. o, Miss A Use Uoyd, Sd .;j.t' ,.
j On Saturday night week a horse myste
riously disappeared from the livery stable
of John Wcakloi., at Chest Springs, but w as
found next .lay in the vicinity of Carroil
town lic iring evV.cticr sof hard riding, where
it was evidently i-ch:tugcd for another ittii
mal belonging n John I'.emler, Uhicli disap
i p-arcd the same night, and had not, if we
arc correctly infoiiued, been heard from up
to latest accounts.
The ladies' fair at I.oretto moves on
' apace w ith decided sin ce.'. s, ami is said to b
one of the most agreeable veusations libit
i ancient village has ever experienced. Mrs.
I Margaret. I,o y gave a grand supper last
, evening in aid of this worthy enterprise, and
I Miss KUa Pl'off proposes to do t he same thing
j tc-nioirow (Saturday) evening, when many
of tier friemls from all sections will nodoubt
aid in demolishing the good things,
i A Summit orresp imb-nt sends us the
: foTliiAing particulars respecting the eroc- !
! tion of a temporary lock-up in that village: '
' "Location on north side of road 1h1 of old
I P. P. It.; one p:ec.- of scantling 6x8-10 feet
long; crooked log; knot of cord-wood; hole
i in the ground; broken barn-door, and two or
; three mammoth lueilil'-rs, Only oicuiant
i i p to d.'tt", llntii John 1 . Owscr, w ho is int j
; a i am) i. late lor the Iegislat lire this fall."
i 1 x l'lott, at one time a resident of this :
; dace, now of SiMiimit villi, was thrown from
! a sulky on Friday last ami ilra-.'ged a con-
. siderable distance in consequence of one of :
his feet liecoming fastened in the spokes of
' the wheel, but strange to say lie received 1
only a f.-w slight bruise", though the vehicle, j
: which belongs to li. .las. Humphries, was 1
. badly damaged. The effort to cut a cow tip ,
I into iiilves by limbing over ln-r at break-
I neck speeil is what led to the disaster. ;
; The Pi'tsbii-gli l ' mi rri'il says: "A 1
croup of loni teen raised representatives of,
the Miller ng and death of our Savior on the '
j cross, has been purellrtsed in 1h- city of I
I Muniili, by Pro. Lawrence o'lbmnell, of j
Sr. Pinncis' College, Loretto, fainliria i-inin- ;
tv. This is the second sot, or group, in the i
I'nited Sta'es, and are well worthy f a vis- !
1 it from our artists and sculptors. Th- pie- 1
t -ires nr.' life size, were secured ;lt a heavy i
est, and will be elegantly framed in this !
City.'' " !
i We wen glad to take ley the'l a day
, or t w o ago our kitid 1 1 n-nd and patron true,
i Mr. John Mellon, until recently a much re-
sp :-ted i-i fieii of Carrol township, urn a
j resident of Prince W il liam county, i i gini.i.
cn .s ioss in uaiuae-e to nniisn nin iiirmioia
i is estimated at alnntt ii, which is fully
j covered by insurance. j
I Yesterday forenoon tlie stable on i1:e ;
premises of Mr. Thomas Iiavis, in tlie ex- j
t rcme West Ward, was also burned down, !
, wun two tons ot tiav, a.coopie ozen cliick
I ens. etc. This is supposed to have la-etl. ilie
i woik tif thoughtless Is.ys who were
1 plaVlng aliout the building with matchesi
The loss is not heavy.. The firemen, asin ll,v
; other case, were pfhinptly onband. and ren
dered good service in preventing the Spread
of the fiani'.
uerer srrueK her with a blunt instrument on
the eye, instantly killiii'r tter. lie was then
oblig-ed to draif her up stairs, as the passage
too iiiirrriv to allow the door -tielose after
him without removiuir the body, or leave the1
door open wi;h ihe body therein. The skull
was fiightfuliy crushed with five other .blows.
A dispatch frottl the scene of the tragedy
tSresfa-d teen hundred er dav t-y uninter
rupted ruuninif. They thresh a suck a tnlnUte,
and that Is two bushel and a weir, or 135 lbs.
a he mflt-hmery consists of an ene-lne. a thresh
er, a separator, a pint form wM(.-on. nnd a der
rick. They hoist the unthrsbed finer up Hh a
platform by the aid of immense forks operated
bv sU-Pni porter. From this platform it is fid
into thethreshrT The power that hoists ihn
wheat is called the "crab." and consists of two
reversible pulley cylinder, eronnd which the
ropes wind an unwind ht the plcasurx of the
man who stands at the lever and transfers the
power from one cylinder to another. These
forks ta'.e up a small wag-on load or a large
sled load .d straw nt one pull, and both forks
work all ttto time. It takes fit'Teen men f t-
icnri t:,is machine - onr engineer. -ne crab"
tender, two 'ork tendeia. three plulfDrtn pitch- j
crs, two feeders, one sack sewer, one sack cfr- ;
rier,' one to haul away the straw, two tr In; it! '
w ater, ami one to boss the job. It rtvpiii es s-x
hor. s to haul watemndone to haul tlie straw,
and three cooks are kept busy prcpariuir grub i
tor the opera tors. The next thing in order now i
is to convey this wheat five iiHles to the station :
Ir we haul four tons a d;tj It will re.piiro liTty
days. IVf will cotemeirt e haulinif iinmediate-
u. o iieu i is woi in hi out ti per bosliei now,
but the prii-e will iloubtlesv tro up. We intend
to store ours inn v. nreliouse an.l run the risit
of eai thriuike-, c'lmets. and "si. h bke."
we nave j rn-i slu-ep on our taech now, tmt
Democrats, submit and abide by the decision.
Tlie Hndersiirn.-d will be a c.uidi late before
I tlie fount. Convention for the or?iee of I'ro
j thonolnrv if Cambria enmity. sntiji.-t to t hv
us uris of the ltemiMTji? ie party, and hopes to
tie noiitcd worthv the supi'ort 'l his purtj- j
IrieniN for that position. A. J. Chuisj v.
Jjorctto, Juno 9, IS7I. j
-. c(MMisinNr;rt.
At th solicitation of innn friend, I Jiereby
Biinniince myself as a candidate for the oflieo
of County Commissi.-!! r. iil-j'--t to the deci
sion of the couiint; Democratic Count v ( o-i- ,
yentioe. J.;kh.
Chest Sprinffs, Aiif. 17. Is74.
o the Chicago Trihtinr, dated tlu 'JVtlt, gives they do not t i louir li u. V sold the stubble j
FjtKI'.IXIM VS. Si.AVKKV. We believe
that it is clearly .the right of the physician
to set forth his advantages and facilities for
the practice of his profession as if. is that of
s n v ot her professional or business man. ,m-ff.-lent
from past success in the relief of suf
fering humanity that our scientific exantin-.
iMions, t'llctfficjil,' ii'ioroscopic, and other
wise, together w if u our new remedies, new
discoveries, and new modes of treatment
will la more extensively adopted the more
wildly their licncficial effects are made
known, we feel warranted in presenting the
facts to th' pttblio.
As physicians, we chlim the tight to em
ploy whatever means wo liclicVe necessary
to -, w ithout regard to this or that system
of practice, and we freely accord the same
right to every other practitioner, without
slavish deference to any.
Wi "believe that the aflicted also ha" ve the
right to be fret. That ftiey have a rifilit to
obtain their professional advice and medi
cines wherever they please.
When a patient ajrpliostoa physician, his
grand object is t-i lie rami; and ('', rfbove jtll
others, shottM la: frrc to act for himself in
tin; selection of his physician, uutrammclcd
by the dictates of foar or favor.
We have made the most ample prepara
tion for the prompt treatment id' every kind
nf disease, whether Acute or Chronic, Med
ical or Surgical, and shall endearer to ren
tier the fullest satisfaction in every oaKe,
both as regards attention to patients and
moderation in charges.
For the Iwnefit of those living at a distance
lalwiring under Chronic A flections, and nn
alile to attend in person, we. would say: by
setuling a vial of tirinn for examination,- tiie
necessary medicine can la sent th-m l.y ex
press. I.. ()i.imiii'R, M. 1.,
T. L. H.isiii-F., M. r.,
J. W. tI..siti v., M. I.
Address DliS. Oi.nsHCK.
No. lirunt stmt, Pitta'iurijh, J'a.
) the following additional particulars u to' the
victim : j
i Theie -Is as yet no clue to the murderer of 1
, M-s-. Llltm Itaru tt, -ti.iK Mrs. Itutler. The Cor- !
oner's invrsliuatioii continued t hroi ijrhou t to-
'day, but wi!ht;ut derelopHur anvthiar new.
: Dispatches hu been received from Clcurd-dd. '
i I'a.. by which it is nscei t.iineil that flte had a '
I hush uid bvinir tlierf. Kccent lettt-'rs from her !
! hiist.Mnd rounil in her possession indicate that j
; there existed the warmest effect inn between ,
th. in, Ihi'iif-h it is- vi l lain that she became .le- ;
bairclied and c-orrrtnted. and thus dvsertett U I
husband and chih: ciht years old. She was :
tlnelj eilucatcd. and in her dress ufi.1 CiaMiier ,
ilis)layetl ciillurr and intelligence. 'fliN i tlie
sitth mysterious murder in file .'asl iliree years
in this city. Ul tthieh there has hecfi no tlis
covery of ihe perpetrators of the crime, and !
the palters are advocating the orjfulii.a t ion of j
a Vijr ilmitre Committee to clean out till t lie j
rookeries whieii so infest t he city, and to n hich ,
the origin of so much crime is traced. i
i llEt rtON of tk 12.7rn Pkoim-t. T. V. As .
I niinoiiiiced in c.. t urdMj '-' Mirn, the Cnmmit
I tee of A i rittnreineiit . for the I'einiion of the
; One 1 1 u ml red a ml T wenty-li 1 1 h Kefiment. I'a. '
1 Vols., met in the Coimc'il Chamlier at s o'clock
I Sat unlay eveniiiir. Alii-. J'.l. 1S".4. The meet in; :
; ts eiiihUslatfe anil w-ll attended. A coin
mil fee cm I eunitui was, tin uiolion, apiointed,
1 the following named ircntlcmen coustitutiiifr
! '1. .Tiieoli lliL'ius. Maj. .T.J. InWfence Quart.
. IM.i't. W. ? Itaib v: C.iitains f. M. Hell. j. W. :
(birdncr, W. II. Simpson. II. 15. ilutf. S. A. An- ,
( ilrews Win. li'tlraw. t. p. Ilostutter. .las. Sehnl
j lt-r : Iieiitcnants J. SehtdlenberiT, lienrve '
: c. K. Hnwk.w-iirth. Tluw. MeCnnijiit.'
I K !t. littnttan. .1 Ii. Hicks. S. A. Kephnr' : 'v; :
1 fHnts .1. K. Allimler. .James U users. Win. Nufs
; kt-r: ,rj"ir:ils II. P. Irvin -. Win. Sjirinifi-r. chus. ;
I Kutler: Privates F. I. TitTiiev. A. W. llrftuill:ia. i
; H. C. Zink. S. A. Met (.in:ii. J . .1. Hamor. Thud. ;
; Jnm-3, Stephen Arkcn. It. W. Jones. A. F. Orr.
; 1 is the reiuest of the committee thai those '
I members of the rejrimcnt who are not residents I
j of 'lieeity turorm theseeret.iry, by mail, w het It- i
- r or uo": they wi!i be prc'sent.Po that arr.ins.-e- j
1 1 1 i . t s can In' mrtile f i if the ;'f f'om tiiodatior. of
all who tlo atfclfJ. The reunion takes place on j
Thursilay, Sed. 17th. the twell'th anniversary I
i of lie battle, of Antietem, t'nd tlerefore the ;
i time H l.rU'f in which to liomplcte the details
or Wic in rmiireirients. Let every memtier of i
to a sheep man, w ho n III pristin e his Mock here
until the lain conn s, mi alt-out the tirTt .,f ii...
cemncr. Biieep owners clip twice a year h
anil arc
' o "'rs cuj. i wice a year here, i w i i imvneas to serve t h
ml arc now taKi. ofT t he so, i.iul crop of wool, h, m or his aidl t v
I,,., man clfps one hundred s'ie. p per day. ,,v , L, the 'roac
Ue havf 1, -tb.Mi.lHiieeor fruit l!e.e . his se. LV-es m t , aTe ;,s ',
:on apples, t faclies, penrs, nu buis, ct
we-.lher Is still dry. but it does not inlorc
I l ull, us tlii-ic iin; bt avy Hews at nikrht..
I have not slept in b'-d, if I umv eTeejit R
wai-on bed. lor three months. For the Inst
elht nis- hi s n: r only bed has been a waif . m bed,
MS iiilini ileil. and I didn't catch cold either.
The mosf u itocs bothered me some mid dreams
of lioitin b.ifhered m "somer."
Tbeylohiisfown '4 !!, nut says that I wrote to
an uitiiir iiriHi' eiiieii of that pl.icethat 1 was
opposed to I lie elect ioh of U rnr-ry men to the
Legislature. This is a iu.. l e.vl met from mv
l.-lt--r. Wlia 'li'iit't he int.lish thr Irtti r in fiill't
Itut as lie is post tnas'er now I will say no liiort
almiit it, except l lint there was. us t ecl,f r
Would say, iiofiifio imirierol in that letter. It
was only a xpii ihnt of ilirinr coiiiiiMiiiion w ith
il s)iirlt. Of course il wiis.
I am still tt e-jti,en of I'eiinsylrniiia and umv
iro back f!i, m the h-i'i'.h iif tji tile (Ji inil to volt:.
Out if I do I wori't lake a hit n. as I am a tec
t t I abstinence man now. 'I here is notion
here to drink but pure water, nor can liijtior
be of tained nln less distance t lian fifteen Hides.
I feel all the bettor foritsu' fT nee. s'o far lis
Ihe pominnt ons are e inei-rned. however. I in
tend to stick tolhelickel like a iiml Ih-iiio-ei-
it - Harry ""lilte would s:;y, nil fur t!u u" 't
of imj m if.'
I must close this letter instnrlter. as I am not
so -rood at writinj- as I u-cd to ho, ihoiiti 1 am
still sp entlitl on cm-n ti-tli ient.
Witn many wishes for your health and pros
perity, I remain.
Truly yours. Koit Itov.
1. S. If j on find any money frlu sro'ind
loose nut thei-o it must be mine, us I have lost
ad I hud 'nc least I hrtve none now. K. It.
'VI t" you
At tlie solicitation of a tmttrbrr of frients.
the suhserlher ofters hiin-ell n n candidate for
ConiU t'.immisMiinier. mid ha imr no iloiibt of
his ennaeity. mi l certainly none n to bis wi.
liniriiess. to jM-rfoi hi tlie duties of saitl office
honestly arid faithfully, be hopes to meet wi'h
the favorable consideration of llu-Mpt'iont-hins-I
leniocrat it C -iiiil y 'on vent ion, t.o n liich alone
his claims ere submitted.
Just e D. r.innin.
I'bee.sbuiiT, July l-;i.
PosceQin.- ). snine inn liemi bb right to 1 e
select e1 or reject etl, u I he case may be. for t ho
olliee i f t'oi'iily Coniinissiont r that is posst-ss-cd
by "anv other limn." ttu -utisci iber banns
banner on the outer wall ttud tlt't-!:tr.s his
i w 1 1 hnnes to .serve t lit "il.-ar petii'le to the
roviled. nod iirovidcd
Ii i nit C 'iin t y Con cut ii n
place bis liltuie on the I letuiicrat ic
ticket. Joiix H.HliAl t.u.
Suuimtt, J tine 10. 1S7.
riKHt uorsK iMitr.cTou.
Tim s;m r. nr.
W j L T I A M -Mcl 1 : It M ITT,
is present eil bv his friends to the consideration
of the coin iny I t inner;! tie County t "on yen tion
as a tit person for the office of Poor House I i -rector
of Cambria county. Manv,
g I.. I I - .1
yi: ir a itvr.i: tisi:mi:xts.
acia?'! ti.ixff:!' rtin
OnMnJroo'l, T niiianhno'1, an'l their Mi:to-l Intfr
rrliti ns; I.htp. It l.ans, I'oners Ac.
Aiteiit. are st'Ilinir fr.mi II to "i.l copicn a tlay.
Send tor specimen puii's an i terms to i-j iimiii I
see wl.vil ffl'ii liiy'i-r thnn nuv ii'hfr 1-tn.k. A.l
.irifs N'A' I I i;LIsill.U Cll.. I'hihi-
leiphia; I'a;
wi.U lv Lnowii
as one of the fnosl,
cfiecttial remedies
ever disoovt red for
cleansincj the fvs
teni nnJ ,ttrifvi.ij
the Mooti. It 'has
'f stood the teirt of
-xSV'i4-'? T- years wun s oon
sj)Tlt nantlyprowinsirep
. titatioiKhafedon iti
Intrins'n; virtues, anil ptistained lv its re
narkable urcs. So mild as to l-esafe and
l-enefieial to chihlrvn, and vet FO fearxhinrf
as to effect uallv i-urpe rmt the rreat cor
rujitions of llic Uood, such as the tx rofulous
ami syfihiliiic rontnii.iiiation. Impurities,
or diseases that have lurked in tlie system years, soon yield to this powerful anti
dote, and ilisap-toar. lenoe its trondcrful
euros, many t vrhicYi are puhlicly known,
ef Scrofula, nnd nil prrJfulou?" diseases.
Ulcers, Irruptions and eruptive dis
erdors of the skin. Tumors, HlotcliC9,
lloils I'iiniilcs, PtistuIeM, Sorcs.St.
Anthony's I'i re, ICose or KrIe
las Tetter, Salt Ithcuin, VraUl
Head, I Huff worm, and internal U
cerations of the Uterus, Stomach,
iuitl Iivcr. It also cures ether com
plaints, to ahich it ircmld not seem esjHTi
allr adnpted. such as Uropsy, IjfIei
si;V, I-'its Neuralgia, Heart IMsease,
I'cmale AVeakness, lebllity, and
Ieucorrhoca, nhon they are manifesta
tions of the scrofulous oisons.
It is an excellent restorer of health and
ftrenth in the Spring. Uv renen-inw the
appx'tite ami vior of the digestive organs,
it dissipates the depression and listless lsn
puor of tlie season. K von Mrhere no disonler
uppears, etjie feel U-tter, and live loiir,
for elvansing tliP Uool. ll.e system moves
on with renewed vi-ror and a new lease of
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Masi.7
Vraetical nnd Anatitifal Chrtnitl.
4 "
Ut i
I everj
out tlx
i ist :
: Ie
ititrrnccrs feel lictter.
' i:" of I aM-ti'ssers l.isf
t;i 1 ii', :i ml v
i le'e for even the
e" nl this way M'ur.
s of men's atnl Imi.ts
a' M. I..'s. tin
leirjii se of jettini full
i-y in the shape of oll1-
ri'i'e I', ot eoverinys.
1-oii e will end on the '.'1st
i- no einl lo tlx.' season
li.-:ip lr ejootls nil I C
itm;i!i's low-prii'i. casli-
- "i.Ut. KIO H ell street.
i I' -i.ii'il. of l.oiivar station,
.i" I'ipteil to liorml a p:iss
' ' r.'airsvilie I n'erseet ion
i ie Known tlnit an am -w
one oi the results ot his
I 'i, the CI 8 -pOI'l at flit?
I'l'hiy. Its mother,
. i t to its rcsciie, ami,
:,'i' iii ll'orts, siicco.It'd
i U.s perilous jiosiliott un-
I Smith, a pauper nt tlui
I I msliolise, tlroiM-tl dead
,ieiU. Il.-art disease w:is
,:is :il M .ii t .V"i years of aire.
v.i -re inteirctl in the l'oor
i i:i:.l t hi hi tion of the II ip' -
ii Society will le hehl at
l; ii, :ir .1, on the
si. tut iiinl Ot tolier 1st and
" i ht of pre-1 ii i inns is a
1. I
.'. 1..
here he lests couteiit ill the helief that In
has f(Jiiml a S liaiy a home an.l as pro'. ifica
spot of mot her earth as can he st-nn-tl up any
where in this l.roni land of ours. Mr. Mel
lon is within t ii ve miles hy rail of
YVashini'ton t'ity and seven of Alexandria,
Va., and would ho e:'ad to have some of his
oh! (Vtiihria county neilfhoi s tro there and
keep him company.
Having 1 n kindly solicited to ltfcfimr
a candidate tor a printer's stick and rule at
a Ladies Pair m on to lie inaugurated in Al-tooii.-i.
ai tl h. ing too modest tmle line a pro
position so flattering, we le-rehy annonin e
to our I'rienils far and near, and especially t'.tileil to get a chance to vote
for us at the last elect ion t iiat t he v car. no w
iuli' early nnd htfc, stud as often ns they
have a mind to hetw-en tim s, at 10 cents
p,r ofe, atitl e will take can 1 h it the iiion
( and names, if forwarded tons, will 1j
put where they will do the most good. Ia
tli s ami gentlemen everywhere can solicit
Voffs and collifi-t the stamps, if ilu-y wish to,
a tul we won't charge them a cent.
Wo acknowledge the receipt of a com
plimentary ticket to th" '-Second grand pic
nic of the Altoona Steam Tire Engine and
Hose 'o!iipinv,"tolH held in Lloyd's grove,
a si o t distance west of Kh Misluirg, on Sat
urday. 12th instant. This t'ompanv is oom
p. s'.lof ! ntfr or Alfootia'-i finest, young m n,
ami thev and their lady companions, weteel
sure. ill receive a warm welcome from our
oh. If the oroiier arrangements
: .. -f.
oners'1! tT7'
rro- t
, in
nr ounntitv to supply
depth of l;."i feet,
e ue'.I prot.t-r was lieirun on
fid Iris already attained
1 .1 te, t. t)1H ust, four or five
;' e r .. 'i.
'' I'.'.der. Mi-Langhlin, and
' !' t- rest t,f the .Johnstown
'' -ai-am e on mir streets on
1 I'.i'iueanetl theirselves
' ' ii ! In ii were not called ill
','.i i-e pi rmi'ted to goon
Hi tin- same as usual.
' 1. ' 1 1: t ir if sensoit oneiteil out.
'stlay, hut the stiiirrel
s not seem to have vet ar-
set tion is i-oiieerned.
.i. t 1 ir on 1 ttectetl. Ilie eieir.iiit,
steamer of the (.fi:any ill 1 hi'.itgh.
with tli m. Ah invPrtMon for our Itiunt
less 1-ovs to participate in the ent.-rtaiiinieiit
having In en received, was gratefully ae- (
cepted at a meeting of the fire company last ,
evening. , . !
"We lre sorrv to chronicle the tlestrue- ,
tion l.v Hre of the dwelling house ami nearly
..ti tun .w.r..i-l .!1'..cts therein of our friend
I at.d i-atron, !r. das, )'. MeCance, of het j
'township, which occiirffd nu ftifnd.iy t.nv- ;
nofiii last, diirinjrth" attendance ot Mr. Met. . .
ami a portirni of his family at St. Augustine ,
! church. His wife mid some of ihe Miia.ler ,
'children were at home at the time, hut so
rapi.l was the progress of the dames ami
' so sreat their terror that they f.nmd it im- :
possihle to save eX.-ffW. a few arti- ;
les of wearing apparel. The Hre - eorn
i ,,imiieaed from a defect. flue e dnl j
not ascertain tlieatiioum "i, e.... '- - ' :
itranee. r or i ur
ut, sire mtieOteil lo oui
Mr. .lames Mellon. .
im. n m'r ri rht. then go anean,
is a motto that ought to he printed in loud ,
letters and posted under tl.e eyes of the lot al
etlitorof the .Johnstown 7 . " .
,iK sooutrageously sarcastic of la t e tlHH h. ,
...H . .z.u ti. trntli In certain etner- .
l-or . -';- in these
Tli rue piv'tH.ti .'- I .
s last week, he charges the. a.tthor
o, o of the pV.ns. "The. Approach of
TiiiuTv-nri: Thot saxk Stmxway Pi
anos. The Messrs. Steinway .S: Sons have
just turned out tlieir thirty-one thousandth
Tim stupendous sifcress of this firm is ow
inif til their great nnil patented inventions in
piano fortes rendering tltem the most per
fect and tliirahle pianos tile world ever saw.
One can tell the Rteinwav from tin ordinary
minion trash as tar a-, it can cc nearo.
Then tht-y outlast ftrtv to pianos of other
ti:nkers: A limetccn-year oltl stifiway,
' f.wn.-tl hy Mrs. l'lrtrence Kramer, of this
city, is, to-day, as good as ever. Moreover
: the prices are not higher than those of offer
J makers the sole agents K leher & ISro., le
, ing determined to sell at Ihe smallest possi-
Me advance. From s? to S 1 ,IM will hny
' a Hue Steinway. No person of sense, rich or
jioor, should waste their money on inferior
t piniU, so long ns the Steinway is within
easy reach. Hundreds of fuTsotts thus bit-
fen' have, after two or three years' use. gldd
; ly trade a sacrifice and exchanged their
' siio-idv pianos for the Steinways. In
tiou, the Messrs. Kiel.... .t I tro. sell thepni
. nlnr liosiou Pianos of llallet t'liinston for
half pri e. An ?S0() piano for $1W, a Stioti
for .:, and so forth. The tireat P.urdctt
' Organ also can he found at K Ichor's, 122
' Vootl street. A sing'.e hearing will cause
the listener to reject all other organs ami
buy the Iturttett. in prefcTeure.- 'The t-est
and cheapest, instruments can lie had only
at H. Kh lier ftn.s., on 'Wood street, Pitts
I burgh, l'H. Ctiroiticlr, Aug. lo.
r-trfinr in a Tpsxki.. Says the llarrMmrg
.Uert io I. n -H-unljy at terisoi.n a-jt, ;" '
oelock. Italpli W al.l.f attn -Ke-ldy" M.-W ill -hims,
or tlnit city, irot on a rielirht traiii nt
Alloona.toiroti Jolftntotrii. ut ni.s i'Ut olT
fietrafnat t he enst entl of the tunnel, il -then
sin it etl to wiilk tliroHHrh the tunnel to (.iilhfsjin.
XV hen ha ss about hulf way through, a Ireiirlit
train coniiiuf east approaeheil at the rate of
iiliout eiulitcen miles tin hour, down uratle.
Tliere i u tlouble t rnck t lirouji-li t he 1 unitel. ami
Itetlilv ciTlItt not tell on wl.ieii one it was eoui
n ih- ' xrier rtinninir ngaiu?t one suit nml then
the other, ami seeimr no means of eseai-e. ami
Ivi in no Htn of whieli was the siife siIr of
the tract to reninln upon, he fay iloirn lift wceii
t!i ties, with his head un.t. ru rail or ontilriiek
a itl Ins feet under a rail of the other, until the
train passc.t over him. Pnrlfes started t look
rr Keddv's remains, when, willi his hnir point-
iii, skyward, ' uartetl out Into tbe light as
fa't as he knew how, ns if tlctc rintucd not to be
in the tunnel with another tram.
ItiiTMTftlCAt. ItRASON. If in your
wish to ri-e. show vour spunk antl
( iirai't mil lion tier n tde I lit-ir "chink
lv ucinif printer's fnk. while oilier men (Ihe
tliou-iht is sa-1) who in I lie paper hud no "air" 1
in rrsrs tt few wen to tin t'ad. The Pforal he 1
who rtfi mil ffad, nit-l ever htrsiness nnin j
lake hecil. ei,'i''cnt ami wealth iho-f men will j
tilcss ho fiii nib'.i stamps to oil the press. Of j
e.icli in an eniifii'iit dt,.Tr!'e are Missr. S. .1. Hess t
& llro.. ol IM ami M-iin str'-it, J oh ti-town. j
v ho keep the public i rnism at ly ml vised oft hci ( i
t he coininiltt-e uiiii e.erv iiienilicr of tlu'r.iri- I ab'lity to furnish the 0"t m ule. Tiea'est and
nit-nt. therefore, enter with spirit and tk-ternii- 1 inot stviisti eloriunx- at wmmi-ri tiny low prices
mill ill into tHe atTnlr. attd thereby secure tor
it that success which it merits.
t'oniradcs: '. a ft or a separation ( f eleven ycnrs!
let in oit -e more felly nri'und the eht rlag ami
haven pleasant unit protal.e rtu-eiiiuf. Unit
9'rikinjf the contrast from the scenes Ihrntih
which we were passinr twelve years hxo!
A'tjoiirnerl to met t a! t!ie cat! of thechftir
mafi. Ily iidcr ot the President, T. K. t'am
bell. . 1'. iia i. m A . , Secretary.
Allotnia jtirrot:
1ST OK CATSKS sit down f..r
trial at the ensuing term of Court, rotu-
uien,:nir on Mon '.a v. Si-pi. 7: h. J-TJ :
11 KST WCl'K.
II-Tfrlch s. I!i-p .V Lloyd
W c lilt vs ulu-rs.
sreoso W-.e:
Tli-t ("oun'y ( ( 'a-T-tr-ria vf. ti'J-'rtel.
Tli. t '.i'i'.r v eft 'I'.intirla vs. Kiiu,-vIt.
rite I 'tiii:t ft,! f '.ti'itir.a v-. .Vet.s.
.iuil'ri.i .s.
iniO-ria v.
.lIl'tTll TS.
I il'il il
.tTiii-i!a v.
Th.! '.ma' v of c
Tli...;,ii:"v f.( I '
I If-t'ni'i'v etl"
1 ii ', una i.(
I t-. ).i1iuv t, I 1
I.iltie i l. iii . .
ic droii'1 .'tc'i's- nmf IniHiiiiti ." t'o-"'" ha1
and in. ike -fouil their protiilsi-s t,a all occasions.
j .ftJXKS 'XIIT. Marricil. on Pitti lay. A aar.
I 91 1, nt the C'ath'tUi eliuo-h. St. A navt !'-. bv I l.o
-T. Thoin.V JMeKtlrue, -Mr: Hkmcy .!om:n iinl
M is A hki.i N K XV I i.l . I'tith of t 'leant Id t"W n.'hlp.
' The'.tion. An FlirnsttitiT rr"r
' recently told a doleful sforv of how a c.mspj
, racy was entered into by two men. b.v which a
' youn-r l-ely residinir in "one of .pe ,!i "'icts'" of
! this county was etimpejisf) tnisitrf va man who
i wii t ts'-.i--!efii to her. A friend from the
I inoiintiiht furnishes ns with the facts of the
: matter, nnd they differ slightly from the tic
j count n'iven in the paper rcferreil to. The lo
i culity is livetl in Sus.ii"h:iiina township, ir the
I lei ni t v of t he fa nioiis "' f :ot'f '! wn." The oinitf
' hitly in tlie nse lo .ed not wiselr. prh;ips not
j very well, but e.ceciliiiir foolisliiy. Her pa
j rents tH'iu'iflif s"fe slum Id m irrj- the younir man
, with whom she had acted very Indiscreetly, but
if rl.o liinl oi it inally cared t-onsideralily for him
: she suddenly el.uiisireil tier mind, no a more fa
vored beau hail appeared in the ineaut ftnf.
nvorythirtj- went nlonv swuini!ni.!.y for two
or three weeks, and the old folks iliilii't liofher
themselves very much, lis Uiijrtown li foils;
seldOin do In ees of this l'nd; ii".f il t hey foiuii'l
that numlrer fwo hil l suddenly cUk..m crt U a
laiV" siz"d mie.. ion-1 -"-ot Hick to nia
eoutit.r. Ttii-n they called on numiier one. and
sua n i.steil that the 'Stjuire was road' end lhat
the ifirl wouhl ha e her wi-thliii. lixm .s r.i trim
bv tlie foil iwina eeninf. Ho was workinir in
u timber job at the time, and professed himself 1
convenient at any moment that mixht be tie- I
tcrmiiieil upon, as he really like. I lherirl. I
The fair frail one, on i he contrary, uidn't 8""
pear very anxious to hasten the e..rmony. j
even if it did seem to be to her interest to ilo 1
inoti v
t here was about it. am' those who are best at
ijuaintetl with Ihe facts think the new-made
liioslixtii! is to he s v in en t Ii iel with, even if he 1
was boo nd Mi honor ami in purpose to luarry i UflT1
licri as he did. J-ioisfoifii Trilnntt. ', llUtl
1 tniU lit.-Pied. In lhi lnc.
In "". Mrs. Mliz. it-Til Ti iimn'T, wifo
-l r.i .1. Tihlitiil, iiiri'.l iiliniu titj years.
or? J v
i, .Mr Hirii
r Kstate of .lihhN M IsEt,, leceasetl.
I'tterS of .Xiliiiitilsiratinn on the estate if .John
Misel, late of farroll township, t'amhrla fiianty,
Ii i'iiiij bopii irr.inle.l to the ftn teritpiied, all p'-r-.'"'
indebteil to n.ild estett; rtrt? reipiested to ln.ikr
J lament for: liwit h, Kl'd those hiivii!r i!tin.i n !
naitinst the paint T ill present tlietn pri'it.rly j,rn-ba.i-d
fur settlement.
THOMAS MISKU Atlmiui.-trator.
CJarroll Twfi , Sept. 4. ls.74.-6t,
hern tln! is :s:iO miles lunz. nii.i its
entire land ir.Miit tari,el!
IY!iifs: I.itmlH lo Act hi I Setflcr. '
for I nit I lt.i.-!s or I olnnit-t.
Special BARGAIFS for IS74. 1
loJ..ltll itcrrs l.avp 1eiii t?i,l 1 already. The .
liinil" arc v-7 tin;hryr,1, inak'r h (n-i l. 'ni'l
'arm. Slrnii'j; suits ef i-real pru'iileiiiif p'-irer.
f".n si ly reached by rail or water. il .X.n.t t.. ;
Kiilriin'l rme-' tfireusli the a rani. Mifhiunn i-
rn"ol the.'.-.isl on, tilt il ami must prosp-eri.iis State-. ,
in the XX cf. l!s r'ei'iN a r iii-.;i'iI if s tmmi
cli'l .stHif.'in N . 1. Xioli'lieii!' in l raierjairiat imi. j
J'eae" and iruseril v are in its h irders. I.aieN frmii j
? I to 'i per ert. 1 Hit' sulhi'ieiit. Iiitrrfst 7
per reel. V . A. If t)XV lt. I.antl i oniiirr.
1. H. I. I'IKKIT'. Uranil liapi.i?, .Mich.
Src'j Land Iopartnirnt; I
Urew it K I "o
" I I-
I aim ri. i J i -on 'eii panv
i:ii-i,s v s.!Tiii -ki r
Ill-Ilkl!l ii. iJ
DTn.iin -11 :il
I'ini's . i . . .
t inlialii-r
I T,:irv
al lai'inT ....
Hn:rh-i! .
I 'r.ivcrs
Ilnr.-rm"-i -i eiitor. ..
sliarliiiti h
ilui-U'-jitu's i'eill.ii-.
I!ri.eki! .'- Hawks . . . .
Hiiri 1
1 arr-ii.
KeiT I I. III.
. 'ir.i-iiii-r.
ll:m r
H I..T.
.r-. fhri-ty ft. al.
.vs. Fisher, c.i rn i-..t
r. I'etiiss. ,-t. a',
vs. Ail-it,
vi. R ir'T
.IS. i- l!-tt:er
v.j. i nn- p i-.o ' 1
ts. tta'lHuhor
vs. I.h.y.1.
v. Ht un a Kail Enn lCti
re. "VI t lecr.
vs. IfurU."? ieentor
i. l't-nu'a Hail bead Co
v. MerV
v. i hrisir
r. cirifliYi
v. M.i Ik In.
K. 11UK, I'r-.H.'.nn'nrT
l'rn"lMno'ry Ofr'i-i. Klwiisbtirst. Atitr. in. Is74
mm Yimwmmi
:t rt iiflereil lirr
tiate ef
i -i ."papers
Torins of A'lT-cr.'i nir i
Pi the ;
i:Assrri:ii?:v i.v.
Send fT li.'t of piiicr. and fcheiluk ef rate.
0. 11 r.tKK KOIT, WW VOKk.
TJi:rt:u to r.iiiTutt of this i.ieb.
H4 kMfit
lis: p-r .lay
i "?.) H T-V (i:0. S
per day at liome. T
ri x sro, jt
nil free. Aihlrc"
o.. l"rti.nid, ."lc.
'fiTTTlT T1 CI A T TH !rX11 WF.F.K im-ir-inteed t.. IMnlo ard F.- j
PUBLIC SALili i$77HSnwF'
The undersigned will exposu to Public Sale,
iii ji-i'ii-siiii"ur9
; but when tl party of the other part a p- 7 II Jjl ri O r 1 V nrrtT I fl IHT ' -c in firmll t"w nsh'p. t n mhria ctmnty
arni prompt I v on I inn I ho ohl fiillc-. notililii't i I 91 1 1 W V I I 1 V I V I 4 f I iii f A ! mic limmiiii'l ni-imn. AnHiwSi
Hi I anV nonsense, so they ordered the cere- i I H 1 1 M .1 I I Fl I 1 I I I HI lilt1 Iter. Francis A. Muck, and others, cental
my ,o proceed. This ,,, the fordns- ' liiwJIiUItItil.l t I Ua ll J I ert-. more or less, about so acr-s of nl
U hv ihe artesian well ' Micro was " fl.ipI1(.
t . .. .- .... . , ..- nru iiiiieliti-il to our ruuniui ,
1 1
Wb apT,n" n rnTt frnm To'"n A - r.lair,
t;su withtlrawiiiS Itif name from the can
visV'for Assembly. This act of self-sarri-ficin"
devotion to political harinony will
mccfits just reward in the ro.listant. t uture,
if the Democracy aro true to theiiiseH'es and
to the piotl caus for wiiicu inii- cont-rMiuii
has been made : -...-
F.nKSsBfRO, Pep. 1, IS. 4. j
To the fieinorrttru of Cambria Count a : j
ll.ivfnsrc .netudeit to nd fre from the canvass ;
as a '-aiididate Tor Afssemblv, I desire to thank
htv frlcrids who have ernstly advocated my ;
nmnl-uxtimi. Hopin for the success of the i
7.V..,J;ii..nirtv. I hereby withdraw my name ,
as a candidate from the comlnir ewtT n-
-...1 JOHN A. UI.AIK.
TO1 TH P r.(iri.K OK TIIK I .NtTTn t-TATK!
ranu'ementi are stmidily pri-.B-ressi nu- I
( t-iiiciiuiiil celebration and liiterualiona
hibition. The principal bnildimr are in course
of erection, 'ihe I'rt'sident -f the I'niied
Statts. as rcti'icsied by ( 'on-jri t M at the last
Ression has extended u eortjiiil invitation to all
other nations to join in this work, ami a lat'xc
it ii in her of these hafealre.idy siKiiiticd theirm
lent ion to accept that invitation, i:hibitimi
Fpace is Peiiiif appbetl for from litis mi, 1 !nriin ,
contntr'es, and every manifestation on thesub- j
jct seems to indicate eminent success lor our
Centennial display. Hut, to curry out this mi- j
dcrlakimr on a scale due to the trloriotis event
to be coiiimemot afetl, rt'ldil iouai fund-twill Uu :
needed, for, while Connrcss has ohceifuilyi
thrown around this patriotic work the national
presti-re. arrd pnurfiTtly promoted it by appro- (
prlate laws, it Old not rornisli the weeessnry :
capital: that part was h-rt to you,- aul not j
doiibtin-r that, inspired by the memories of the
pst and the blcssinifsof the present, you will i
eheerfiill.v ierforiTt jti nrtt? to the end that it
may be eon euient for you to do so, we have
nilo'pfeil a plan f or raisi nr revenue which will
) lie lirrruirnt Hetore jou oy a uurcau itchii-u mi :
I that purpose, and aetimr under the ircuefnl
! ilireciion .r the Htm. XVifhum Itfsrler, a mem- ;
j ber ol this board, and who is eoroincfidcd tt I
I your respectful consideration" iii the perfor-
I uumeo ot his arduous duties. In addition to '
the use of this plan any person can nuliscnbe
oi more snares oi inn eniennoti siuun i
mm extensive iifUY mmiw
I oca fed at
Cbcnsbursr and
pari of
i'i"on, coni--ls:iiii In
for one oi more
at flu each, tiv remitlinir pavinenr ier i nc same
In in st-otflMe drafts or check to Frederick Fra
ley treasurer. No. f4 XValnut street, Fhil.idel
nhia, for which certiticates will he promptly
returned. -John XVielsh.
I'resideiTt Centennial Hoard ol Hoanoe.
ship of (inn of the Jioeins,
Autumn, on a
was written Thy
! oiiinion has no
Ar:' ii the i l, it. ii.;., i. ti. .vi. list. uroiliiction. ro
Ynv.V. or CitAHoK. Dr. Morri' Syrup of
T ir Wild t herrf anil itorentTtnin cooioinc.-i
1,lri .. . . .-T .li.-?.. Articles
all the moniein.! vni" - '" , -which
lotip ex pericnoe
1 the most ,nHti 8 for all diseases of I
e I the Throat and Luiig-. Coughs and Cold a
- are speedily relieved hy it ami in Croup it j
f .f, 1 ke mLle. Call at U. J. I.loyd Drn !
! ! 1 Pair of Mitsid Itm C
strli.ih, t r;ctaliie, and safe fur faiuily us-;
1 Sorrel Carriage Eorsc,
stylish and zi: ;
1 I'tiii lin.v "Iniot-i,
puiiable for all uses i
4 Very Fiae Saddle and Harness Horses,
raitnlde fur Sadille er Harness;
J, fiend first ias
2 Six-Seitsi Etoiss-Iop Caniagss ;
2 Koor-Scateil Kiterislon-Toft t urrln-rr-ii
I large Cermarrtown Carriage,
' 1 Half -Top Carriage,
1 Light and 1 Heavy Spring Wagon
HKl'.irF'S .SAI.KS lir virtue of j
pnr.tlry writs if Fi. Fn. ami Al. FL A'".,
lusit-tl out tif t lc 'niirt nf t Vmi im m l'lfii "t t nm- i
bi-in count v to me .tirc.-tt-il. tlc-re m ill be vx-
iMiicl to I'litilic f:b. at thr t'ntlrt Htniw in KlKn- I
l.tirir. on S ti i;n ay. the Sth iviv cu-- SiirTKMitKit I
nt-x:. tin liillowiiiar rtl csiitie. to it : j
All. ilie riiiht title nn l interoM of John Y. I i, I. in hih! to n jiicet or jmreol of liiml ?itn-
, anoin
riii i.i.ti -
ntiilnin- lfi"!
hfoli Hre
! clt'Hro I. Imviii'I th-rcoa erertoif a two story jilunk
i Iioiish nn.t Intf hiirn. not noir orciii -ic l. l a Men in
I exccitt ion ami to be ?olil at tho suit of Iloyil li.
an I other!.
.A i nn. a l th- riiiM. title nrnt interr of 1. Mr
(lousfii. of. In Hint to a itee or jrireel nt bm I ir n -
) illf in iiT-ni nu mi i "i n.-'i 1 ..........................
ltiiuiK lan i.t til uiiiiin m-,ii. .ii"i niauj.
other", containing ,n Hrr mure or It.?, anoiu
irrit of tlik h are clcar.-il. 1 .ik.n in iecutioii
anJ to be ivlil at the init of Ilnvil t'a.
If KI1M AN ItAt'MKII. Sheriff.
Sheriff'.' Oliee,- Kbensburtf. AH;;. IT, 1T4.
TiTHd fm
jiox. i:i)WAKi Mcvimnsox.
Ctcr's of 'ii'.-tr of .'( .irwiif.Tf irrjt, I, s.
Tlii Ai t rti TKan1 imi'Aut i.M.VnliiinP m'vrS
the KL'I.I. KKI-illlfi t'll till"- "I luTfHSt.' jl r-.iln-y I
Vet" Hint it repeal, ui tu 1 1. m. ivil
itiitbts. Mini KinMiifinl iMit-Minii.-.- im-luilitiif th j
ml or lti.' rentinf lAirnl 'IVri'ters ' htiO -nin
inti-rot mi ILiinl. and tbe vnri u r...intlina
uiiii Ctintriietinjr acts sincu; I'ri?.tient i.isant k
iio-iiiift'S Mini Meuniriiiiiliim. Interviei. Let
ters. I'rtwjliiinnt ions, anil Ac t t in in A labium.
Arkiinsiis. Iu:isiiinianl Texas; u i'renie I 'uirt
Iii'ijiSi'ntu ; Illinois niul ii-.nsiii llnilnwil
I.iiw: t'tiilitutttuitil .m'-n(!mnl-. ma nii;t
penilinir. io States iiuil Nut ion: -Hift-ls-l'av"
Statistics: Twbles of,i(ria!i.iii,
T.leetions. CurrenC.r I ifstrilmt ion ly .-iaf ia an.l
SOt-Titui!. 'te. Iuvnltml'U' tor eaitipa'irn.
(Until. VJ.."tl. post -p- il. A'f iress
11,1 ' "r (if,l. I KS. llAWSO-t,
H 4t l T. O. r.ux r. Washihotux. P. C.
RKC, I ST K K'S NOT I CE. Notice
i lii-n-l piren tliu followlre Ae.
etnoita b'lT-e leeu rn-seil and tll.'if tn the Ri-irirtef-'f
'llitii-eai I-;., iis'iurt. Hint -Kill bu n-f-eiili-. ! t hu
ltltiiii' iVittrt of ...mlirlif. Mtanly. lnr ftitiftnn
I ti ii an.l al'.t'WaUL.'. on W F.rnPH4 V, SttPT. i H;
. A. 1. 1-Tf:
1. 'ir ftil tin-'' i-"iiiit of W iliiatn Mar.ri.?
! .n,.i .I.!r ! . He: I!-. c..urirt of Patrick H.-iiran,
iitie ..j t'k ji rrlt ti V ii-it !. lo.ii-'ii1.
I i. 1'irs; iij I i-arti.ii :i '.mit ol Hiir Fnnk. ft
' e-ii-i.r of Jii I ii 1-iiii:. latf f .tackstm tetru-ilitp,
i :T. I" r.-t iiti I a'("".fn of Pets r O.irmaii. b1-min-
im ir l .lelin P. Oartnan, late of Su-quc-
1 1 rt mi i, tonuhii. tii-tt--a."!il.
j 4. nn I jiirtlal nifnnnt of" Aarn P-r"r,,ne;
, exe.-ii-t.r i t rphraiui t'raiu, late Pf Wl'mnre tor
' t,t: rh. iteee-i si. .
j fi. Kti nn-1 tin:tt mcetmr.t of rii7abfh Npliir-
rity. B'tiii'ii str.nrlT oi joim tiif arrur, lair ci
u in Ti; i : viili borii'i-h. ib 'eii'i-.l.
a. Neeon. I artniii.t ot Harriet irr nnA "T. IT.
I.-t-wis. a iii: nistnitnr0 uf Villlum t Irr, lat ot
.l.t;l-t.T-.. n t-r.r..ui h. i!e.-ta ?!.
T. Tlimi m-fi-iiiil ol W. I.- Is, trnsten for tho
sib of r.:il i -: nt of .tHine" H. Miichell. late ot
.lohnstt.t; it'.'h. .Ii-et-.i-ieil.
a. A.-,-.nin o! I '. H. Kllis exefntor of KbTaleth
I!.i llriin. lr.t. ot .f..lins'o u ImrtjUirh. tler.-nseit.
ft. first mil virti-tl at unnt f ,lai-.h It. tStoll;
.iiliiiluis r:tor ol Klii lteain, late o! Adam to n
sli't. tieei-are'l.
.T "il IS M. SIXC.F.K. "Hrai-tpf.
Hi;'--'!'!-'; fl:!i'T, i:ieii!ury, Auii. 10. Kl.
Is -nn: counr or common
I'l.KAS o- Cambria Coi-mv, I"r?N-
i.'mi. y- ;,.-f.
SimiiTions I; I jeefment.
8VI v am. of .uareh I erm. 1K74.
S.lll Kl. IjKIIIV. f
F. P. B tfvv.
Aetionot Kjeettufnt brut1 i lit by r'.alntifl Bnatnst
I it !.ii.liiiil to recover jmissIou tif atraet el larnl
sitimre in .I.itV.-t.iii to nsli ji. t 'nmhria eoiiiit y. I'a.,
ml ;..inini bul ls ol Hitvel K' :iu i li. .'u.iiil ri
Ir..u Co.. l!inls recntlv owiieil by William Wil
son. Ian Is t-f Joseph Fni'ik"? lit-lre. and o' hers, mu
tn ihi time bciiitre! anl umetv aeres, more tr
Ami imit. Aimut 4 Il. 1T4. in motion of Sliot
maker t. Si t hli-r, lis,-".. Altiriny f.,r PlauUif.
Ihel'tiri rrant n Piile ip'n 1 ii'tertilant to apiear
aii'l iba.l In the iilmve stii-J case on or betoru the
Jir.-t Jni- ! ln-t m!i r ii' It. Ily the Court.
1-iMra -t lr.iii tho l'eeord of rU C-onrt.
) l s f 'rt ilie l t!u bmrth tiav ot Auntie', A. II.
' 1 174. .1. K. HITK. Pro!UuiK.tarr.
A true e. v. ,
Hus -Vtiit, Plienil. (L. . l8-l.-t.J
tel 1
IMlOI.STr.IUNU Ilavitiff looa-
H-rmatinitly in tlii i1m-, (.it ibe
--.,,. st. on of II M. I luro.t tlie un,rHiirne.i
i'LKNim town rnori:nTY
Vti SAI.K. A vcrj- clipant nml om-
mobons rifi'l-n'i I" l.!'D:nrtr inrmM -iu it
I s il'i m rens-mxlile tenns. The Honeis Urii-V and
1 eontniits f r" 8 f''t Thills arr t Iflfmmt !i-
lious. besi If a trot) eell.-tr tllvkle.1 lctot-i ap-n t
I muivbC. The Iit is lit fowl ant is well '!
with all kiii-1' of fruits nn I Khrii'tery. I.-ir-r- Sin
: hie. I,. Hoii ani three Ilnil.iinrs use 1 as law
' ottiees. Thi? ir,-,erty ie rfe'iraMe (or a I a rue f itn i
i Tv. or with verr little lmirovein.nt wnnM make n
Itrst eliiss litnei or sirnrnier mwAriiin teni.-.
tx.-. - k;i 1 V I -V A.
' -'li t-e.-iletl in slailL'Ilt- , meun-rr ui .n fr TbrW.
i .. .. - j ...... A r.,Mn linn tii.i it 1. ..... -
" mi mu irreiH insnie turtv- 11 . ...
. cnmniv iiott if trrr ot cnarup.i
.i.;i. tin trinii i ii- stnriaiittoiiiiiiie.....i--. . - ... -,- -
"" ' "." r 1 lor ; for SI : or at J . w. woie-
rnnw to ' . ' lhl St . lliiU. r:-13.-ly.
ttaior 111?" Tflfrrii.r ,.i, .... v
erf.., ti bii t IPft i I --
TIM II " ' ' ...j -..Ja wrnra
. rr.T Tn thr rhiirtm of f,'.Vnlmrff : The
ontlciisl-fneil. vrfoi? proiurt ie were tiirpt-llv ,
. nilauirerei bv the tiro on Muinlay miTninr last, ;
f-et that tbi'T ou-fht to -ex press tltelr thiinks to
their follow citizn fur the ifotirm exertions .
iranifc-sten tlurinir the three hours hnrd labrr
nort-wi-iry to suhtluc The tlrtinea: nnd esppeially ;
n,,,t,.pe,i,u,.,,n.ofo,n; f---I ,o crT iif.rnr x k CFT Km V 1 riissoT.rnoN.-NoMr.
tinuoti rtrort-saTe.i r. ""l' 1"";,: ' 1-iH.I UUlltbL U Ul Ol.tuiii. ii.iii.iu"' , , Jf c-rrntli.-tt the liirttirrsl:1p fiererot t-
lo the i I" i.l rtliern v unmrii
nn i parts adj.ieef.t that he is prepared todoall
' kin-tot I'Hi !. l'l:KIXtI. sn.-ii as triuunlnnear
i riifs hue-sirs nl otlrer vt-hleles. uphol.leriug
! ,il i- t-hiiirs.'.n in.s. beddl'ist. etc.. ami In tact
I .i -inii all work tu that in lil-l nr'leb'S of fnrnl
' irt; e. velili:l.s. ete.. ia a it'ssl as nt-w In tlu
pari ii uTitr. and rt.-i-t sat islm-liou nuarunteed In
! ivitv ii!rane. 'liarf.s molerate and work mt-
tt e le 1 to promptly. r t-littt.
f'.Sensl'iiri. .Iu',y CI, 1ST 4. -.till.
Alturnry at Law and Real Estate A?cr.(,
HtlM.IIiA'i Sltl'Ktl. PA.
OTF.I'IAT ATTF.NTK'N pircn to Hit- collt
k"1! lion .f rinlm-i lu lllair. 'ambri. Hiinlinr
tttn !t-dfiii-(1. t'etitre nnd Clearfield couiOir-.
1'iii tie? wr-hf-i tn purehase. rent, 811 or r-
bnniTO refit ftfHU viri fin-i ' n-tly to their
Hdvan'niie T tull tn or nd lress int.
lS" ,, -f,...ii.iiir in 'ib'-r I.nli-b orfi-r-m
m .li.-i.. . ts-m.. ira-tl.
Tlieso vohielos are nil In too- onb-r and arc of tho y
best makes Kod-fers, N att-Xin, fook, fcc.
Fbn-ir:rir. Amr.21, lT.-tf.
J N I. t.. SI'ANLAN, Apcnt.
!.I kfo. whom "ye local'; , 77
is.iiit proximity to our offloe forms Ins reader- wf lattenU?!-
"' ' i:i..rnin List intluc etl j Porta. Uailroa.1 Uy. ln ' " . mcrUt
"' tl...kst..saf.Touar- ! of the aforesm.l trail rowl Mr.-W " "
f in .1 tbe W. r n, .b.l- I have hcen ami no tlotitit. wai f -
a very proroisii.ff youth n rn",Ut ,
'v w,
' "-i.t:i i,
' ' :' .
-. ' '
i'eil the 1ok of the ilol
n representetl, hut le-
li:ui,L- l,.,,,rn.l . o . , u J
j l..l,..tV-l l,n."V"
sll'nll-i ..I' 1 ...... 1 ;.. ...
- ' - .1. .1114111 IIVll it isj
. ' rs' ''"initij. proiluectl no ooii
noi.t our people, but on the
"l"T "s ,r"" t1"' vr,-"t ,:ist Fri"
r '' '' liiinie is Frank !., ami
.'"'"'-r (Hi -,.iir.. l.i
!- lirulouuiK! to th full
. .i.TTr., Mrfin stroex, Jolinstown,- me
T",.r',r J lovely pair of ear-rin-r-i iri the
other day, "ve' ' ",r ..ol. Tom.- f-wkfl
T; he went aroun.l to James J. wurpny-j, on
to secure
ful suit
P;Vn7Tho;a;,.IkVo Whorn tbe floral h J 'wfi n
a his mlnaeye when he penne
in ,,ue8tlon. -The Ke,.tlemn of ht nm
who "was well known in old J Lr
roa.l iI-tvs," ami who -was the Pral",iT"
r ...n. TLnm-t. w. .larksoit, b been
tl IIi ir,, . u..- -
P5 i- flnunceto atrana-em in attendance
bfrMourto'c. afhi photograph gallery, on
flt Court l cm" V -,Tamine speelmens or his
W-U. -"-kUl' a" ordew for pictures furnished
BrtiatieskiU. Aljoc u attontlon.
imlhered to his father for roauy yeri., him win "t.b70'in0B and fancy picture
rlasly might have learned without .emerging ! At'"
from" botieath hla own r.aternal roof.
i ...iw.ra ffoYn foe terrible disaster which
for a time toreMieneti ue i--
hai-e one-lwlf the town. N o nain repeat that
we reel irrnteful beyond the power of words to
expresf-v wnd whfle we believe that the t j.f
- ........ , i ,, the nnfsfiomif the
necessity of sumcieut suppl J of tat ,
all eavil or coniro en7. i..v.....,
may never atfain be visited bywieh ,,J(m'-
Ebenshurg, Sept. t, 1874.
Tim Titrmnsrw.. Tne ditTerence fnf hrtman
nature was exemplified at the depot the othrer
cveninir. Two sisters met. Ob. my dear
rtear "ister!" said one. -you've been estifuj
onions!" said the other. And then, after conn
parinlr views with regard to the weather and
the relative cost of each other's bonnets, they
Jcpab-ed to Myers & Lloyd's store. HiRti i street,
rtp. .'LL i . i . nr iham thev were deep In
anil ii ivi . -
the BiysterleB of seleciinir a ton or so apiece of
IiTT .u-oilicint Jrlss (roods that have a place (
on the counters of thnt enterprislnp and ae
eommoostir-r fl'm. -veral case of now se
leetiuos Just rv-coi ed.
Blankets, Robes, Bells, Scc.
-S:ile to eo-STinenee at i ri olt, A
when torms will be made known
Im. fe S. W. DAVIS.
Ebensburir, Sept, 4, lts7.-lt.
Esoi-fP!, eyVinder 12x'it) inches.- Price
rf. H. IilV ljl-l ' ...
Founder, ami Machinists.
loit. AUdross
fieiniH'. . i
tiniied by the rei..nlnf- purtuors uuuer ...e
same name hs heretofore. .p.
WM. Mtilli';il.
.IfiMN McMri.I.KX.
A tiff 5. 1?74
' EO M. ftEAPtf, Affornaj-ot.faw,
1 -T Ebensburtr, P. Office oo Cfnrroreet.
thio) doom from UUrh nUeet.
npiirflcl'l Twp .. AUj-C
f ETTINO. Sealol Troposals tvul
J lie received at the Commissioners f-e-,.
KlM-nsb-tn?. Pa., nntll Movnv. -j'T-21I,'"r
1ST4 at V.! o'clock. M., lor the erection of n rhilid
iTiVor tloirnty OfTlces. Plans and rpeci tVat hms
' can t-J seen al the mmisiners me. i
I i-mmMimr' reserve the rigrht to reject ny or
i all biJ
W'. T. M.-CLELLiAND. ) . .
I A. ANN A. rommissionem.
f Attest J. A. K e"s"!tv. Clerk. ,..
Cjmaiissloaera' OSae, E'icusburs, Au. -3, ls4.
. . . a.-.i-.-fr . i t i r ii . -
Y I ; i; am. .mm i v; ii . ute .oi u -
J-A iiij- n.iniod persons liaif filetl Mtition
for Lie-rise, nnd the snme will t-e pn "n'ed to th
fourt ot Common Pleas at S.ptemlKr Term:
I'hUip Hisrd. I, .ret to M T-'U-ih. P-itlrc nous's.
Patrick l)oWii.. ,liuU'U Twp., Tavern.
J. K. 11ITK. I'rothonotarr.
Prothcnotarr s tliliec, KlKnsbnrit, July 2S, l't.
U. PLANK, M. IV, rescctrully
ort'ers his pr.rfa-ional services to t" e
i lntixens of l.!nslur and Tlclnity. irac in.
ietntni residence ami lmiwctiately in the rear of
I lion K .1. Llovd s Urate siofw. Niirht cl c a
1 "ii i i be m:ile t the resilience of .Mrs. Buim, on i;rw-
li it.) f j f!re(.r Lhcasl-ur-f. , I-4 -l-l
liUCK, m. i..
"fay slclan anrt Sntra-eon.
I ARROI.l.Tllws. I .
tlTiee in rear of John Ituck's store. Mm it
cilf-t rnJv be made the ro.i.lem-e of Jo .
1U .K. K-j. f Al ril . IiWUO
MEIj McI,rHMN. Attarnf
rUl.rr Johnstown. Pa. Office in thcW?
Kxchanve builUna. .op-fa.-rti' corner ni t i-is
ten and Locuj tr".r iV'-1 'Aoa to all buw
uess conacie(i with his pr jteesioa.