Iafru at Their Own Game. AVait two years ago a Missouri Kiver i-learn boat left Fort b.-ntoii with a party of tough and well-to-do miners tin board. There were a!.- among the passengers three or four "brace m:-n," and before ar riving at Sioux City they had geneinlly cleaned out the pockets of the 'J lie boat sturii.ed at Sioux City miners to Wood ! up, and loum!. aiu..iiJT others waiting to feet on Imard, a minNtei iuI-Iooking per- j fconage wiili the longest ami most Solemn ! countenance on him you can well imag- ; i;i. ll.i was dressed is) ii fruit of black. ' v.. re a white stovepipe hat and choker j collar, ornamented itli n blaek neck-handkerchief. Vi'i'!!, he got t iti b.,avd ami the boat start ed down the stream. I' r two days he was unnoticed by the other passengers, but one of the .-port.-, at last thought he saw a eiianee to Tiinkr something out of the sad and mel ancholy individual. The latter weald once or twice a day .-tep up ( the bar, and, with a voice that wis as mild and gentle as, a maiden's, ask for "a glass of soda if yoa please." and the;i l.e would pall a roll of bills from his p.ckct and take a quarter from their interi.tr layers. Tlien he would f-ay to the barkeeper, as if under a thousand oh!ipi:i .ns, 'Thank yon, sir," and walk aft again as it" about to eommit suicide. The thing had gone far enough, and the gambler I Lave spuLcu of at last approached him. Wot;!d ye i? of sevtr.-up, ?:ven-up? Wl at is sYen-up? Pleare tell me, my go id friend." Whv, a game of cards, you W, JUst lay a to p; away the time. Let us game." '.My g-"od concerning card- ; '"Well, cine a' t) d it." And : 1, I do kn.:T nr:y:'ii.".g I laimot play them.' iiir ; we'll show yo.i Low the mild g-'iitleman iri biai h , after soiiie farther protest- at It i i iit! Con-cute 1. j T; ey showed 1 I j it how 'twa-i d nc, h.tkI : tVy played several games. The gentleman , in 1? y.-k was delighted. (.i.tmMers wint to kfo 1 he viil 'iay jioker. the cent ante, j.i-i f-r tl fan of the thing, (.'ciu'ema 1 in Mack say.- he een't piny the. tram, bat they '. explain again, and the poker commen.-es. : The genueuiau in blaek I.ks eve: y time. ' T he:-.-are six men 111 the game, F.ach one ' deals before the. gentleman in blaek, and ' ante has been raised to a dollar. Gmt in 1 Mack deals awkwardly and looks at hid baud. Next man to dealer bets f;e goes ' liro.lTa, C!'-l s are raised to jsl(H). t.Jetit in bl-i ,'k - I: and makes it ll'O be:ter. ; (lamVitTs 1 ok s irprisI, lint will not be Muffed. Thrtbet has reached ..rn')() a tllor.s- ! iind. All diaw out exeept a Piks lVak I11i.n r, who sees nud calls Lim. "What ; liave yoa ?" ' Waal," answers the gent in j l!.ek,''I have!;.: me .ee waal, 1 Lae i fo.ir cues." The gambler-, who have sii-pkiui!ed ?:,ii? 1 time before, 11 w iooke 1 wild, and the light ! begins to dawn in the miner's mind, lie leaned acre-s the table and said in the mo t sarcastic tones he could command : ' "Oh, yoa l eave, heae yer 1 1'ou suneii moiiio.i.s shi filer." The gent g )t up fi-.in tlu table and hand ed one of the gamb.ers his card. 1c real 'T.iil "W.tlker, Xcv O.leans" one of i'..e Hiost s.:ee--ial s'.iavpers in the country. TVIu iiu.k V, Kvofher i;oh! Oil IJoS Ili:..n w;is one of t.e hardest cn'-cs that ever e.vi-tel in flooria or an;--wlicre else. He excelled in only two things in the frcqttcnoy of his sprees an ! tlie nuiu'if." of scmpes thc' led him into. I: ,' had a hrotner whose mine wa Pe.fr, called : hy his friends Tele. 1'cie wns a (nil sp; i- ', men of tlie gmus torn.), standing r.hout fix feet two in his strekinus. Ila was very far from bepijr a Jiiiius Ctoar in p.mt of bravery. 'i.it where there was no danger no man could t-.i k 1 .ndcr, or come to h!o 1 ?.! thunder on a la; tier scale. One d-iy durin.c; R Court week, lob as usual became oVi'im-d-ly tyht, or, in Georgia dialect, '-slightly in-tcrrogat.-.i.'' Gttti.ii rather qunrre'sume, pome r..-:s- ii j-e-e!ih d him witli a beau tiful 1 l i. k .. slrete',it!r l.im o-,:t n t lie floi.r. lVtc he ird of ii, and lir..'1is!aii''inu that the ntleman who had !-en kin 1 enoi:i;h to Kive r..btlie 11 or had left, he started up, and put this? on a feroeioitM eo,:n tenanc?, ev iaimcl : "H'lio s'.ntek my l rotii. r V, ':'" No one answered, for all wcie t i)'.i- j.i'kiTit: f t themselves. "Who sfruck my : ' j: he cried the third time, v .iMvi: ,' hi:n- -If into a rfe t faty. and .'-taU..! ..i the piazza of the gr.icery a- if l.e i!i i pot t'er-.r a:iy one. U? felt or. Viured t'.uit no one would take up the matter hut the striker hiai--.-lf; and ns he was not iu the vi. ini-yl.e as i,..t nf,nid,n..t he. He was, howex.-r, .l.. nn.-l to diapjv..i:it ment, for just tvs he veiled o;,t the tni bie question for the fourth lime, a ta!!, broad-shouldered fellow, who was well known as the bully of the county, siepp,. up and said : ' struck your brother U jh "Ah!" sa;,l l'ete, after surveying his brotlier IV.Vs ei-.emy fr severaf secon-.L-. "Well, y.,u struck him a powerful lick." A Stran-e Sight at Sea. In the year 1TS.", the captain of a Green land whaling ve-sel, found himself at niht Puiroutided by icebergs, and "lay to" until nioniinir, expecting every moment to he pround to pieces. In the morninn he looked about and saw a sliip near by. He hailed it, but received no answer. Getting into a boat uith some of his crew, he pushed out for the i!jyte:i'us craft. Coming alongside the vessel, lie saw through the port-hole a man at a taV.'e, as though keeping a log-book, frozen to death, The last date in ihe log book was 1TGJ, showing that the vessel had been drilling f.-r thirteen years among the ice. The snilors were found frozen among the hami:i,,( ks. and others in the cabin. F..r thirteen years this ship had been carrying its harden of corpses a diii'tiug sepulchre r.iaue.cd hy a frozen crew. onnny n., I've, asked his father it he kneir why the ,tiirf, were made The father, thinking ,. .: ,:((, iaJ conct.h(1(i queer notion ns to the sC of tho heavenly bodies: -No, do you?- ..yes it n,.ver rains when the stars shiiw, -3 t!,ov m;..t htivb.eu n,iJe tnplijKp the r-.u-!:..!." l i NEW STORE BuildiDg. JOHNS Having purshascd larjjely for cash, nod tnT uf our g-ooiltibuving- been bouirbt aiaco the Panic, wo are able to offer ; EXTRA BARGAINS! j AND CUR CUSTOMERS SHALL HAVE THE BENEFIT, i We ir ill sell at prices to make the '' money of our patrons go as far its : possible. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN AND ivrti lV. i COME AND SEE THE GOODS AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES ! Goo.ls.lious-lit before the Panic are MARKED Down TO SUIT TUB TIMES. iz A" 1 : rv 12 11 :v AT HALF THE USUAL TRICE. Wholesale Department O.Y SECOXD FLOOR. " GOODS AT MW YORK AND HIIL'A TRICES AT Geis, Foster & duinn's, X.s. 113 and 115 Clinton St., Johnstown. A-; rr a u vim tisembxts. EXTERMiflATORS or i;.e;..rti-e, Ivoarir;. Ants, I.:.l-I!crs. Mot l:s,Ar. J. t lltsuv, t'l i-.iiAN ,'., .N. V.. Sole Aj?eri:. New Ymk DAY-BOOK! A Pir-.torcATic V."r.ii.i.:.T. r.stab!:he.l 18D0. It .oMi:nri '.'ii'; .? i, .r' .. pliUcul nl so:ial. Terms, 2 peryc-ar. To flu'i s, niae copies lor .JS. Sp- inva copiss iro?. AtlOrtss, Iuv-Look, Sew urk t:iy. 1 si k mi 0 u 1 :; .1 r nu 1 1 ; : t o ro it t t a k : K-loO.OOO G I VEX AWAYIi a S(CO,COOfor Only S2.GO. PA GRAND LEGAL GIFT CONCERT S:a Mi t! 3 JuTsnlls 2f:ra C:.::1 a; Icitct 6 URAWIXU ATKIL. 30. 1874. One I'rize ifiwrjiil enl in evorv i:iuk:iire cf 11 1 n K-ts. .ii-''.e l;ck ln, s-J.LO; 5 lor iJ: 11 for' l't. li.it low tit'lvct.-? lett : uml. as our sales are: !.il. ra.tti :i:H-is f'l.aiM or.lcr at oaee. Am eai.).n v arriving too la: e will lie i urnviJ. O,o I.1 i re! 1 iiile A.-ats v.ariitd twivHi....'. Fr lull: rti:el".rs. n . ! ! i i'ss ,S!.-it). .i:i;r.rs, L,paver.-.vo.-,h. Ksn. Wn to I. K. S-.ttth Af'anti Mills. looVlyTSf for r H v.p.. tl 1 V, ll:jU lr40l Willi WDfXirt- aat ex c st ora U' F.nu;, Am w.i.n mi o uer ecien UdUi. icrt. 1 1: n') vk'ii' lirnftlt mid iuOD:y( BUY J. & P. COATS' BLACK THREAD far yoir MACHINE. FITS A XI) J-:r.IL:;SYj fs. i ve' v rev ii. Te" r.o i-t r.. sps. o !o 1'VCSi staee l.i jr. by u:.ig R. II K U.l Kit's II LK. A I.M'csm. frrp .ij p ' I aiMi-.".,.-? J. E. 1.bblke, Iin;j,;;s:. S- l ti.h Avc.nie, New Yo.k. 'Ol'R TF.oTH can be made pare oed white, aiiii n.'r.-'rvdl f. om decay, by 1 'ec uye of " -,ri." I'. reioc. Aiiil. ets J. J. Keam & t'o li: 4 Zi. Y. rl a ivi:i: l ist 1 temp'.itf. in k : nir US. AH porm vri o eon-conlrae-s v.it'.i .ii-wsikiuit. fur tt o i iicr,ii, i .,r -lisoiiK .lis hitild send S" rl. ... t.v.o. p. l.oiTKI I. .V it I'AKK KOIV, .N. 1 .. lor t her t IN Kill Mii:K1iaij k ia.M PH L1M, contain I'm uf'n.W il nr: papers and es timates, x'iYt.-iii the eo.-t of ivc.-; Loretto Marble Works. PRICES REDUCED! MONTMENTS. TOMI5STOXKS.1 lU.REAU and TABLE TOl'S: also. Desigm for Scotch (rfjriite Monuments. We desire to invite the at- tPHMl'll of lli ... JaJ to our Ij.m utlful ft-wflll? lor Monument? anu To'iibsronep. Made of the vtrv bet Italian and American Marbles, and which Will bo furnisheil at ns low ratrs ns similar work ran be obtaine.l in Pliihuielphia or elsewhere. Perfect satisfaction RiiaranteeU. ami work shipped to anv point at our rirlc. All or.Ier.s from a .listanee will be promptly atteaileu to. Iteiiiomber that our ile sins ar.a ..nr work rill compare favorably with anv in tho State. WILKINSON' &. KELLY. Loretto, Mareli 13, liT4.-tf. JAMES F. MIL LIKEN, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, lioLi.mAYsnrKG, pa. OPHCIAL ATTENTION riven to the collec O tiori ot claims in Ulair. t.'aml.ria, 1 1 mil iii(f Uen. He'lfor:!, t 'entre ami t.'leartiei'J counties. Parties wirliinjr to purchase, rent, sell or ex change real estate will funl it greatly to their ud vantage to call on or address me. t t v.rreppotnJence in cither Enjrli4i ortler man feolic-ile.l. ISent, 30, l&T3.-tf. ( u A I, ! CO A L yiZriie stilscriler is Prepare to furnish, in larpe or .insll iVl T l M V N U 5 V "o'a' l'a't 1 wXt 'in' I r ke t" pi'm (oe. del, vertd promptly and free of ".h" r?r b iulin.Tatanypf.ini in F.bensbiirr or vicinity Orders left at the Zahm Stouk will receive ear Jy attention. DANIEL H. ZMIM ESeiiHburtf, Sept. 1, l?T;l.-tf. ' IU.INKKYA DHESS MAKING". The attention of the Liidios nf Khens bnrr and vicinity is directed to the fact that MKS. It. E. JONES has just received an Invoice or new an I fashionable Millinery Goods, at her ro.ms in the East Ward. Eliensbursr. Weddinjr ll'.nnets. Huts, etc., a pcciultv. LressmakitiK promptly and neatly done. The putronaire of me ladies ib respectfully solicited. d-l.'TL KVx xnai,saddleasd in .h L'NP,SSIIOT-FrAMiiRiArrxTy, Wostvv Tr i -'v "pM-,s,,n School House, v est v :irJ, Ebenstmrif. M i rrwn r ti-.V Proprietoi j. ti.vUIlm and i"!(V',tx.. mde , K.l' naired and all other work ,m, ny Hne , in the best manner, on the shortest Tiotice end he most reaouable rates. ll-ll-tf " VM- M- I-I-OYI) ec CO I rafts on he principal cities and Silver nr. Gol 1 for Mle. fo.!-.-. ions made. Monte- re ceived on deposit, payable on demand with,".; interest, or .m time will, interest at fcirr r-.te JAMES J. OAT.MAN, M. I)., . " EBENSBfRU, Vx. 'JfTiee on tnh street, nearlv opposite Blair's Hotel. Besi.j..IK.c in Town Hall. Julian street, where night ca.ls should be made. i 4.-tf.l M. J. BUCK, M. D., I'brnlcinii nn.l Knrwnn. , ... ('.4RROU.TOW.K. Pa. oiiTm? '"k""" f Jo!" "nek'a store. Ni-ht . r be mude lhe residence of John i,U K- t-i l- f April 4. lS73.-tf.l T. A. SHOF.MAKKrt V U. u. VROII.F.R. gHOEMAKER & SECHLER, A ltoruers.at-L.atw, 113 and 115 Clint on St., TOWN. QUINN Look iit the Prices- HEAVY BLACK ALPACAS, NEW LY OPENED, At 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 Cts. ELEGAHT WATERPROOFS ! IN ALL NEW COLOKS! Navy Blue, New Green, New Brown, GOLD MIXFB A GBE5 MIXED TVATKRPItOOFS At the Reduced Price. BLACK WATERPROOFS at 75 Cts. j JlKIi AXJ WHITE FLANNEL, j Ol'EJiA EL ANN EL, liAlillEl FLANNEL, Heavy fSray Twilled Flannel, Yartl Wide Country Flannel, Hob Hoy antl lilue Flannels . !FELT SKIRTS from 75c. to $2. BALMORAL SKIRTS VERY CHEAP. W Ladies', Misses and Children's WOOLEN IIOSK : AT LOWEST PIMCES. AT Geis, Foster. & CLuinn's, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton St.. Johnstown. W. D. M'C'lf.lland John Han nan. M'CLELLAND & CO., Manafartarers of and Dpalers la Fancy :uil llrin FUSNITURE! We keep constantly on haml in great variety a full lino of elegant PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, IN SYLES AND AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL CUSTOMERS. Having the most skillful workmen in the city, we are prepared to till all orders for GRGS m E9BD FUBSOTORE ! IX PIE( 1 OR 6CIT9, IIICKW 13o1oav Either Eastern or Western Manufacturers. Wareroom, No. SI FRANKLIN Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE, JOIIX.VKIWX, f.4. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. 4J-A11 Furniture sent "or and delivered in the lty lice uribuig. THE HOLIDAYS M OVER! AS WE ALL KNOW, BIT TIIK At 11. -I. 3IILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE, Are not over, but rather under, those of any other ticaier m D&T E0Q3S, SUSS G93DS, Btf 5, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Notions. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, dC, Iu I Ills ".ffk o' Tiiiibr.'' Jtf complete and elegant assortments of new iroo'ls now in store will positively be sold at the Uosest margin. Country produce at the highest ) ...... i" . wjtonaiiitp ior (TOO.IS. run yatistiiflion miarantee.l to all buyers. Store uu High street, near Centre street. K. J. MILLS. Ebensburir , Jau. 1. 1874.-tf. t'ie OesC Jil in th,xvrli for n- chincry. It tvill not eliill. It trill not (tint. It is equal to the'Jtest Lard Oil. If yo n It a ve a n y h ind of Ma eh ine rt, ask for OLENA ; and if you cannot buy it at home, scnl for a circular ft ml price list to PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, OIL MAMFAl'TLHERS AND DEALERS No. 3(iO Fenn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. G. W. YEA G Ell & CO., Mhalfsals and Kitnil Mann facta rer of TIN, CCiTEIl AM) SHEET-IRON WARE, AND DEAI-EltS IN Mlki Parlor and Cooiii Stoves, No. 1402 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Isn. ROOFING and SPOUTING made to order and warranted perfect iu manufacture and material. Orders r8pectfully solicited and promptly Si i 2h ,7i h." Pl'te attention accorded t all, whether t t.ey purchase or not. Altoona, Sept. 5, lS7;t.-tt. CRAWEOUD HOUSE, EBKXSBl'no. f A. John Fltzharris. - Proprietor. n A VINO leased and refurnished the above well known and popular hotel, the propri etor is now amply prepared to accom mixta te all who may iavur him with their patroiiat-e The best that the market affords will Ik? served a the Table at all seasons, Ihw Bar will be kept constantly supplied with the choicest liquors and the comiuodion j stable wilt be under the charge of a careful and attentive liotitler. No CE';"'1 wi" s',ur'l to render guests comfort able and well pleased in every particular, and by properattention to business and a moderate scale of prices the proprietor hopes to win his way to publ c favor. (May 2, is.73.-tf 1 COLLINS, JOHNSTON & CO., W and 'e.?!?''? moncy " deposit, discount sept..0.tf. JAS n Z A H M, Cashier. jLOYIJ&CU., Uankkrs, CF-GolJ. Silver. GoS5;Rfl' other Securities bou.adS Yut"rtat lowed m Tnno Deposits. CollBetion. moi J. all -ecesstble poi.rtl In the Vnlt& Zti O. ,; E W solomon i:a r. BV EUGENE E. HALL A bard, close man was Solomon Iiay; Nothing of value he gave away; He h on nled ami saved And be pinched and shaved; And the wore be had the inure he craved. The hard-earned dollars he toiled to gain Brought him little but care aud pain; For little he spent, And all that be lent He made it bring him twenty per cent. This was the life of Solomon Kay; The years went by, and his hair grew gray; His cheeks grew thiu, Aud his heart withiu Grew bard as the dollars he worked to win. But be died one day, as all men must, i'or life is Meeting, and man but dust; And the heirs were gay That laid him away; This was the end of Solomon liay. Thev quarre'ied now, who had little cared For Solomon ltay while his life was snared; His lands were so'.d, And his hard earned gold All went to the lawyers, I aiu told. Yet men will pinch, and cheat, aud save. Hot carry thtir treasures beyond the grave. All their gold, some day, "Will melt away Like the selfish saviugs of Solomon Ray. Willi Is to Soil. Any hotly wi-i!;i:i to sitomiiatc in re.tl . 1.,... o !.. ; V V....T. ,. . CC"1. LO . V. tti .,!, lull. ll.l. j It is situated letwoen two churches that have clocks ; nnd that's the reason Jlr. Johnson wants to sell it. U:ic of thoe is iuvariahiy a second or two behind the oilier; consequently when Johnson stops out until one o'clock, as lie often doc-, M;s. J. says to him, as eaeh of the chx-ks suike odo "There! A nice time for a married man to COillC home two o'clock !" T.1I.1K.11. like the mv t.!.l n .i t lint he U Jolilion, .lc Hie od p.il lli.it lie l, thought he illicit sis well May o:it until two, inasmuch as lie ijot the blame for it. So l.e ui.i. muni m iit a - stayed, and Jlr. Jolinson she shiyod too Kl,e tnve,I nr. nntil he ,r. I., ,,,..1 ...... I.. I.;,.. listen as the clocks struck four. T!;en she threatened to goto her mother or get her ma to conic atid live with her, as it was im- ... ,. , i , possible to live all alone in the house, lois kind of frightened the old fellow ; so he came in next night before twelve o'clock. and :ls those clocks commenced a duet a twelve and jingled out twenty-four strokes, he linked at his wife with a smile, as if to sav .w rve got von She began to cry, and sail he s;:iycd out; until all hours !! I T!iu ii is tl, ii .fohnson illll 1L 1- 111. II tlOIUL-Oll is grieve property is grieved and wishes to dispo.-e of Lis A Blunder. Another fatal Munder by a drutr-eierk is reported A man who had a di-eu.-.-i in about family matters with lis wife, aud . ., l t . .1 . . i . ir.me out second U-s-t, threatened to commit suicide, and went out to a dreg store and , ' 7 asked lor tvventy-hvc cents worth ol strvch- 'ri, ;,, ,l,... i . l. : , "1 r nine, ihe ignorant drug-eierk, mtead of putting up poison, gave him some harmless drug in mistake, blunderingly labelled it "stiychiiine." The man took it home, gulped it down in the presence of bi iie, and then threw hinis.-!i' .... the lounge to die. Ilir. t iiV, Instead of running fr a physician end a stomach-pump, waited until she thought lie was dead, and then commenced to ride his pockets for his loose change. He Was on his feet in an instant, : n I instead of dying he made it very lively for his better half for about ten minutes; and then he threatened to get a shot-gun and slanjt the drug-clerk; and his wile said if he didn't! she would. And now discord and such things dwell in that house, all on account of a blundering drug-clerk. Method of llinbulniiiig. The r.runetti method, by which Mizzin's body was recently embalmeil, is said to be even more effective in the preservation of the ' dead tlian that of the ancient Egyptians. It eonsLstsofsever.il distinct prM'eses: First, the circulatory system is cleansed thoroughly by washing w itli old water till it issues quite clear from the body. This may occupy 'zrt oossil.le. This t:fcel,nr f - .... hour. - Ether is then -...j-ted. to attract , .... - tlie latty ina.ters. bus ocui.i.s froiii two to ten h , .rs. A stron- soluti.-n of tannin i-. . . . , then nijeeted. 1 his oeeuides, for thorou"h imhihiuon, from two to ten hours. The hody is then dri.-d in a current of warm ait passed over heated chloride of calcium. This may occupy from two to five hour.. Ihe bly is then perfectly preserved, and t: .1 . i i. , - resisLs decay ; and the Italians exhibit spect- ictis winch are as hard as stone, and retain perfectly every detail of form and feature. Shaving in Spain. An Trish grmiiemtin, traveling in Spain, Went bill. 1 bril-b ... ,r-.t 1 - ...an of f,,,m, with sc; plawd his customer in the chair and eoiu m.eneeil operations by sj.itting on tlie soap and rubbing it over tho reiitleiiian"s face. Ulood and "o.uids," was the iliijant remark r the Irishman ; "is that the way you .have of tl a gentleman : at me same time preparing in his wrath to overturn the wig minister. "It is the way we shave a gentleman, Senor." "Then how do you shave a p oi man?" "We spit in his face, and rub the oap over that," was the Spaniard's reply. "Oh, then, If I remember nothing else but tlie -ne thing, it'll be the Spanish barber's Jtx.tjii lion.'" And so saying, the Hibernian rose, paid the demand, and made tracks lot his mother heath. .... A .trict father strove to i,pw rpon his children the importance of thinking twice . before speaking once. His eldest son, William, was ono day walking past his father's stable, when the hostler called him in and told him to run home quickly and teli l'.i.s father to come to the stable immediately. as one of his horses was dying. He went home, and seeing his father, said, very flowlv: "Father. I think once." About five minutes afterward he added; "Father, I think twice ; one of your horses is dying." Now that boy wished to be smart ; and his father made him smart very rapidly, half-an-hour later, on discovering that his horse was dead. He tanned the rear part of William's pantaloons so vigorously with a shingle that the hoy has since been taking hi ;neais "ui an ...,,,,, :.:., eittt po-iii.m. ... ... GREAT REDUCTION LN PRICES TO CASH BUYERS AT THE- jlensiiirE Hon-FiiniisMii2 STORE. r"PHE undt-rsig-ned respectfully Informs the L citizens r'Ebensburjf Hnd tlie public tf-ener-allythat heTTiis made a r FAT KEDUCTIOM IN PKICES TO CASH BUYEltS on aJl goods in bis line, consistinfr of MOWING and REAPING MACHINES AND OTHER FARMING IMPiEMENTS ; COOKING, PARLOR AND BEATING STOVES ' of the most popular desifrns and of all styles, prices and qualities: i mm or eves? wasmi of my own manufacture; HARDWARE, ALL KIND ! such as Looks. Screws. Hutt Illntres. Shutlci tlmires, Juoie Minjres. units, iron ami is mis. Window Glass, Putts-. Tnble Knives and Forks, CarTinjr Knives aud Forks, Pocket Knives, Ta ble and Tea Hpoons. Meal Cutter?, A pple Parers, Scissors, Shears, Itiizors nut Strops. Hummers, Axes, Hatchets. Itorin- Muchines.A usrurs. Chis sels. Planes, Compasses, Square;, Files. Hasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Kip, Panel and Cross Cut Saws, Chains of all kinds. Shovels. Spades, i Scythes and Snaths. Hakes. Forks. Sleirh-liolls, i Shoe Lasts, Pejirs, Wax, Jlristies, Clothes Wash ' ers antl Wring-era, Patent Churns and Patent ! Machines ircncntlly, Grind-Stones. Patent Mo- lasses (intesand Measures. Lumber Sticks. Cast tridxs. Powder, Caps,' Lead, Horse Shoes and Steel Hitles. Shot Guns, Hevcdvers, Pistols. Car- isans, ua Move i-iates, urates anu t ire uncus. ails, tld Mtove flates. Grates ant 'ell and Cistern Pumps, &c, ic.; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind, in great variety : WOOD and WILLOW WARE beyond description ; CAE BON OIL and OIL LAMES, Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil. Ilosin, Tar. Paints. Varnishes, Turpentine. Al cohol, ic. ; Silver-Plated Ware, Glassware, &r. lsi mil A' Grocci'ics, such as Teas. Coffee, Sugars. Syrups Molasses, ' Spices. Kricd Peaches. Dried Apples, Hominy, Fj6bf Crac.kers KiCe, Pearl Barley. &c. rp0l)a(.(.0 I11 CiflVS. , . . . . . , , L Paint, arnish.W hitewash. Sornt. Horse, Shoe. . Stove, Dusting, Clothes and Tooth '.rushes, all ' Kin.isana sizes: isea-t orns. Mani.ia nopes. ana many other articles, at the Ittuttt rate for cah ni:lde, VHiotes and put up R9 theap"a possible, ""' cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buyintr Tin ware liv wholesale, (iKoltUE HL'.NTLEY. ' Kbfnsburg, July 5. HT3.-tf. "' IV! EXT DOO 11 TO POST-OFFICE Coolcillgf HtovCS, I I'loiltillJ" S$t:ovo . TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE Ha vinp-recently taken possession of the new . y "ttca panl commodious huiidmo- on Hijrh ,1. tt.a !...,!.- .....1 ...... -1.. i opposite the Mountain Mouse, the subscriber is i Hotter prepared than ever to manufacture nil articles in the TIN. t'OPPEIt and HEET-IKON . WAKE line, all of wliieh will be furnished to buyers at the very lowest living prices. The subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied assoitment of Cookinjr, Parlor and Heatiug Stoves ; of the mobt approved desi"ns. . t.SPOl"TING and KOOFING made to o.rdcr anJ warranted perfect in manufacture and ma- ferial. HEP A I Iti N I l romi.tl v attended to. All work done by me will be done ris-ht and ! on fair terms, ami all STO ES and W Alt B sold j by me can be depended upon as to quality and t cannot be t.nder:.old in price. A cntlnuunce , increase of i.atronauo -re.pe. tfully oiici-. ied, and no effort '"" be wanting to render en- 1 lira satisfaction io ail. , VALUE Ll THING EK. piisturo-. Oct. 13. laM.-tf. 0. 0. K. ZAHM: DKAI.EK IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, flT TIP HOOT MlfUH' ! t.l 1 fl, U 1 0, OliUkjd, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES OENER i ALLY KEPT IN A COUNTRY STORE. j WOOL AND COUNTRY PHODUCE TAKEN IN tXCBANOK FOR GOODS. ! I Store on South Side of Main Street, i Illeilblll g, Ia. ! "' . .-.T-.. j -1 1- X 5 Al INUI.JJ Or ' book, mm variety store. 1 TTA IXO recent ly enlarjred our stock we a ra , x now preuare.i n.ui iniu !,!""" ''';'T.I'ns. our st.uk consjs I I'ruir-, Medicines, I'erfntnerr, Kancv S . I-eon s. Hall's nn.l Allen- linir i!....'.. i . t'ii net ion ists of Ssoaps, ! 'Jlll"t,Vl'".! 'lster. bini.nei.ts. Fain Kili- rati ves. ! vuraiB .wutrnesia, r-ss. Jamaica tiinrer, ; I'ure Klavoriiia- Kxtraets, Kssenees. Umnn P: Cigars and TobQCCOS, Blank Looks, lieeds. Notes and Bonds : Cap. .n, "ttX!"' !f'l""L Black and I.e.! Ink. "Pocket atid I'ass I Books, Magazines. Newspaper. Novels, Histo- j ries. Bibles, lielijrious, prayer and Toy Books, ''ViVe- ' "V. ... J hv r.Lit , to which we wouldinvite the at- ..-ii.i. hi ... i ue i.i.mes. J'lIOToGltAI'll ALBUMS at; lower prices than cvrr ottered in this place. Paper and Cigars sol 1 either wholesale or re- liiu. A. !:..! .Miirv M 'KKAV July 30, 13C3. Main Street. Eliensburiir. LOOK WELL TO VOIR UNDERSTANDINGS. JOHN D. THOIVSAS, Bootand Shoo Maker ' THK undersigned respectfully infor LX? ms his nu. 1 irenern Hit nrena red Trt nn n I ;..-r w. it. n it a..!. SHOES of any desired size or quality, from the ...... ni. r 1 1 inn cuu-sKin noois to the coarsest broa-ans, in the vf.icv bhst Manx En, on the shortest notice, and at as moderate prices as "? 'work can be obtained aiivwhere. those who have vrorn Boots und Shoes made at my establishment need no assurance as to the superior quality of mv work. Oilier can easily be convinced ..r the Tact if they w ill only tfiyeme ;a trial. Try and be convinced. - Kepairinir of It .ots a:n. rshoes attended r Promptly and in a workmanlike manner. i tmnktul for past favors I feel confident that my work and prices will com men. 1 me to a con tintiance and increase of the same. JOHN L. THOMAS EBENSEITEn WflflTIM If AHTllPY i St7rtZ . , k . w lOteresrer. nni-tir-n l.n,-.. . - -i ...... ...... .V V I. . l II lit I l U the northern part of this county that our rates for manufaeluring Woolen Good'. &e are niu'.h higher than they really are wo deem it necessary for our own protection and for the information of the public to publish the following- LIST OF rRICE9. j p"kJs S3. .K) per pair. ..30 and M.1. cts. per yard. .10 cts. per yard. fiO .-fit rtr ,-;-.'! j Cassi meres'" i Satinetts Carding and Spinning 20 cts. per lb. Carding 7 . T. M. '.TON ES & SONS, July 18. 1373-tf. Ebenstuirg Woolen Factory. J. GALLITZIN LAKE, -A-t t r n o ,v-at-La v, Ebensbury, Cambria Co., Fa. ' Ct' ' IADE, Attorvey-al-Law, Kbennburg, Pa. Office 09 Centre street, tore 6or Uom H'gh ttfU tug'.37,'7.j ESTABLISHED iren-FlVE TEARS. FRANK W. HAY iMiirmf iictiii'Oi, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, OF -AXD- Sheet-Iron WARES AND DEALER IN HEATING PARLOR ail COOKING AND- HOUSE-rcRMSHlNG GOODS GENERALLY. Jobliinjr in 1 strttcg'.e hard to keep t c i. ..i '.. TIX, f OPPER & SHEET-mOX ; i i; ' ; things as they are. It i ! f. PKOMPTLI -.TTKNDED TO ! for ssach small mer ie as arc - ! them, that they f..rg.-t t . a:..n1;..r. j O'.ld moments, on .). ::.t el't!..--c v Nos. 278,280 and 2S2 Washin;ton., denied. JOHNSTOWN. PA. Wood, Morrcll & Co., i r ' I tno: WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., i.car.nnen timt st i -t-txz j scientionlj' and did vvi.;.t vc : ,-: Wholesale and Ritcil Dealer in j cared but little wh-et -t- fiEifil ii DOMESTIC DRY EOOSS I -fp- I one who would isolate in.:.-.; tv.i JI 1 1. I.I XII III GOODS. HARDWARE, QUEKNSWARE. BC UTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. IRON AND NAILS CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN" AND WILLOW WARE. PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL'KINDS, Together with nil mannerof Western Produce l Aim r.,-.x- Tt.., r . , licil rLOLU. L.1U, r 111, oAL I r . CARP.ON OIL, ic, Ac. ! Itrn' c ,,f "mc ' - Uf- Wbo'esale and retail orders solicited 1f--''"e the world a- a and : rompilv fille't on the shortest notice and ! Some acci lent inav raic him nnost reasonable terms WOOD. MORRELL 4 CO. WM. P. PATTON, Ma n u fa c t u re r anil Denier In CABINET FURNITURE JOHXSTOWX, FA. Bureaus, Bedsteads, w.. -i.iaals, Sideboanls, Cha ml.er Sets, I'arlor Sets, VViirilrnlx'?, Book Cases, Cane nii. ood Seat Chairs, Kitchen Furniture, Bed Lounjfes, Mattress),, Teto-a-Tctec, Kxtonsion Tables, Iiininfr Tables, L.o'1 Hires, t iipooarus. made to order in excellent st e and at prices, vaiuiii t aim tiairmakers' materials h i t nn. ri,ro.u rr,,ii.,.i..i!, ... point 111 Johnstown or at Bailroad Station oi ex tra i tiarge. M. PAITON. Johnstown. Oct. 13. lS70.-t. -it -Brf c c.,&c., &c., Jte., ic., &e.. icic, ic.,ic.,tc. i y a -r .utro oi iisex,-e EVRitv descriptio? of j it what we are tho. : SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE I Ur l tu all':vts wi'-at " tn o t H ti! : Parke's Marble Vorks, 139 Krnnkliit Street, Jolin1own. MONTMUNTS. HI'AD and TOMB SI'i 1 N KS. CO I "NT Kit and C.VIU- 6 VsTTV N l.T SLABS, MANTKI.S, &c. uianu-feiii'1 factnred of the verv best I'alian aiiili.s i'l Amcricaii Marbles. K.n t i re ssi t isfae- ( ' tion guaranteed in price, design and 'rJ execution of work. vA-f JH. tiV Orders respectf ullv solicited vr and promptly lilied ut Ihe very low- ?;l : est cash rates. Try us. Oct. 21. -1.1. JOHN PAIiKE. mm MiROLi; works j 15t I'rackliii Street, Johnslonii. 9 jniiv IV. - Iriprlotir. RSOXl'MKN'TS. Hl'Al) and To.M U STONKS, t ( H. XTI.lt AM' IAII1.M.T SLABS. AND Tlil.S. .Vc, manu faet ured of the very best Ital ian and American Marbles. Perfect satisfac tion in work, desiyrn and tiricc u-iihi'miii.....i " Orders res.K-ctfullys.lieitedaiid 1. roinnt l,'.v. ! ..I I I .line.... .. V . .. i . . .- ,JT ' """.-wv.ii, .t.-n. tti elnt.r.t., .;es that :t . rP W. DICK. Attokney at-Lavv, lbi grown to U a neee-i:y. -- ensburir. Pa. Office in front room of T. Complete wiiho.it one. .V',,r,'"v J. Lloyds new buildii.. Centre f-treet. All! ' , ,, ..... ,. :usv.-,Jii'-"- mannerof leeal.busir.OKS attended tosatisfac- comlortabte witiioiil u- torily. and c.uiect.iHis a spectajty. J0-U.tf.l T)aniel Mclaughlin, Attor at-7.atr. Johiwtown. Pa. Office in the h-cnanire building. (up-sTairs.1 corner of Clin- and ixxmst stree'ji. Win -ttnd to pII bi BWonnPt(liUi in rtoti.ioa. Little Miseries Life vronld be inLru.!e :f women .. .. ....... u tnc irii-f f. It v .' Trip . taLle, indecl, that a lare r , could lir.d not!:inS to rru, ; ' .uer' lf t: of simple tnnui. It L ,..;. ', '.U many people to have a 1 "''Ul take intea-c dtflilit in pers;ia.':.';'li'; 1 01 invoking pity on their lm;f- r,.. a the truth were to 1 nuV ."f intensely angry with the U-i,IJ? w! Rtidacitv to oitv them t;. ..? w a somewnat vague leclin-r 4,f r They feel that, s.meliow ,.r o,i not exact! v as amS- i 'v't . . it ii) I finvr- tltfiifv t(i pi r it..! .1..:. i. , money to provi ie tcm w ith a'1 i .1 . luxuries; mey mav hae h ,.,!. ... j tiiem, and comfortahlc l,i.;u.i ari,j yf " they feel dissatifietlai) 1 s,.;,.. ll( .." - v "I." mi-mu-:,!!-;;.,! jt. j . may lie good-hearted pe. j ;e ia t;i? they may give money to led the huiir'.' clothe tlie nakcl, their eye- :i: iv the sight of suffering; anl et, ur..4. .' able as it may appear, th-v v :;; t. k-a.' tivc oleasure in making t1 .v ', j their daily lie are sp. i.t t,;!M .'. I unhappy. , Huuiun nature is nutJe :;) ,.f u-v i 1 dc eontradieti n there i- s., 1;1 . i ! ive 1iJ mixed up with - :., . , good in every me e-f u- ; 4 ; rt-as.in to Ik? jijrpriM-d a: t: . I the constitution t.f many , will readily he erteeie 1 t .at t-, Ji:in 4 1.'' I llHA. ilLl I ia'.ui -Ti'jrk I i'i. I i;.i J-ucr people are exceptionally n.-;.m make a p. .int of p.Hitiv- - ,;l ial trials, making out. ;:. :' ' : as large a share of the hi-;.- ,,; ! of their fellows. In I .- w.. ,,,,T ; further, and say that ; wl. ... ;. ! trials talk least aViut t:..-.:i. I.. r lives are one Coiitin-ea! -1 f n' j inquiry made, that the j.;vr,j ' arc SO buily engag.-.l in t!.nr: Ki:?r 1'. f-r l'nblic O; iui.ui. lite iti'l.inee if j T than :-" general: v inr: i " i it. a 'J.noii i rej.iif.uion, it is ,. ought of the impr - i show a degree rf i . and chcri-bc.? npir.i .n Ki sibri pi: It. 1 '.hit: I- a sn-. V' !" r; i Vhr. tL ! A Cvun tn A SirriT t riiii; Tt'Z tl 3 frATii t" an i .f ti b--.r-. ;i '. t A 4.-i ot o ! Atr V-in i J-e am tEE. r ! t ar Pir- jpwHri ? S. A, j and the world. Ii.it it t.s i-.-A lii. re:.: ; ; born a twin." and t-- ! ..pinion we in;ir.t exi-t w'a'd'i iv::-. :. for otu-sclves alone, siia-e n. ..ta- ia is wholly hidepende-it, each d-t others fur the happiness v e re 1 a rejuitatioti has bcn t. !;!.: it and many nndeerv ing'y :: i. 1 genius may moulder aw ay i:; .It toe world im; igimraiit ot it- ti -i it is genius still, w hile the efiY : ' I unworthy to attain, if the j opinion but bears some lir-t i on its liM.m and carri it i; 1 " oecati of sjciety. ct !. j the eoi'.sus wiiose own t';;. ..-;! t f are ins s,,,e coinpantot'is. Public ojiini in is t!;e K.r-r social atmosphere in wl.;. h we signet jihu-ed by a eoiuinuti.t;. ; and a man can no lieue ; life without a current i.t p;;' .: lowing, than a vessel can cf without a wake. S .me :n; i:a sumptinn or eoneeit t tl. i: k t:. liciciU inlluence t. attra t ate every life is Iraugiit wit low vv..iil it is what reput.i: iat rep it tat 1. " 1 ' t 1 although a r - Kb'L his own i; f J fcrim of ; .., t-, . n, n..;Xtsu. ant free Coii-ious of worth, the world ah me sh; his me n. cry r.e leacs '! Mtid of time," or ink- mt Trained II"-r-- Ho?' l-.ave be.-n p.. i countryman in the h: j l.iu".s maikct in a sm. : hos w(.n a we.'r j would carry him on ! one hour. j When Louis XL v ' Iieve the sadt.csj. i t thoi tcachin. bringing it lfore I.uu. fore the pig could h-.p sound of a Ligploe. 1 with a e.iat, pant.ii 'n-. etc., in hort, all th.it t of the time were e':-t introduced it into the i ! Tiie animal bowed, il.me orders in the nv-i getting tired, it l)cca:.' -" King roared v. ith ia.ig. .'--: his courtiers. M.tn is fertile 111 a;--mission of murih-r. - have invented a pi-: ' t:.a: twenty-five ti.m-s a laui.-i e. every time. It is not state- !-.r the person firing it is aimed. Iu citn ir t .e serviceable in s .me - old-fashi.ined reui.u-r 1- cour . . . - c .1 - 1... . ..,.ir.li-r. f ''" count 01 iiif ij--i . t ought to sttify the n. -t m'-1;, ousl old for ' the Wo..I of to the invent-ir. Jar and wi'.e ' itte H. 31 : n J T t h-i i Or prc :a of j 1