The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 24, 1874, Image 3

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ebotvebr, Pa.,
. IT. 21. 1S74'. - - - M
. There, . " -
$f- ..,,. ,-,vs. The best thing to
T ?Mii-i-liis and extra flr.eliams
!"1 -7'-.' "ootl thinpr-s it Oiiunairs.
le fr'jit'nieii rearh h-re, homeward
i,r rvi.'i ..77
I ir.
Thomas iI-ronjjli,
(hod vorjf BUiUieuly
!" .''c.ti,Ii was the sof-na nf a free
,,v;v hum weri the worst re-
II!Ps& Brother have just rcoeivt-d a full
and most ilfpant tuck of Ppriujr ml Sum
mer wearing apparel at tlniir rpnowuetl Oak j
Ua'.l Clothing Store, .Tt.luif-town. Je.ssrs. i
Hess ar? alwitys up to the times, always ei.- :
t!!rpr:sir.j;, liberal ?tul atlentive, and always
deserve and should receive the patronage of !
1 " . 5 .xrom uieiii-.aiwayR. depended on
Jinun ato ruin i-v iivimjau o j:i m t rr w ,
the old mnt emau :"' " 7 . ,lrllT"t
who struck the Indiana mnty tnaa over mKomX
the li:ic,i with h;s cane ll 1her dav, sim- i the varieties imw in use; tind to unv one vt i-tii-
QUisnEn, The peculiar merits of the "Vic
tor" sewing mat bins, of which Mr. M. L.
Brown is the local agent io this place, r
to some extent port raved in the following
extract from one of -the pamphlets issued by
. Local CorrespoiHlcnce.
Boi-tei Fork, April 25, 1074.
MR. EniTOH-At last the "Riir' worms have
been Hroue;i, and I m Wnppy to see the letter j
in jiwsni..RStr huI fioia - in Hie 1-hek-
mv 111111 ' (lets niirii : 1 v . . . .... . . . .. -- - -
me propr.etors. it is a machtne thx.t may nn,l w(-ll writt.-n nrti.-ir- ..,, c I m
for any kind of sewing. on Stumtierhi!!. 1 1 evMcnceF intelTcct i i!:t tii-
for that reason narhis. the i.'.l ,,lj,-.. i, 1 ne V irTORfcEWlXO MACHINE, wltb
,i''t...ii '.. ... : improvements, is tap sunniest, most tlumhl.
11 V ix.oti.r- tli.i , !...! l.-.'.l. 1 t. -ll i ' tn llilnili'icd i i-Mrtl.'. 1 n ... !.... r. I
j.'Oi.t!eiiiMii's dop, which was snnrtinr -.t eomhinin? ni! the huest - iiuprovcnieiitA
his h. !, niav con-'ratn'-ite 1 on f i,- 1 Hn,i. "lvtIllU,,s;- without Hie compilation of
, , ' . M"ISUI 1)11 h.U- . springs, c.vsr-whc s. or ileiioitu imr tronl.U'-
! Oi.'s Xew Mui'-hliif
1 Dili 11 I ivtn
tnpiiciition which the dogrewived. jVois
M r. Linns V. MrDnrm, nn Ebensbur?
Visited th - S'S'nes of his ervrlv vrmtti
the early part of this week. Mr. McD! hails
at jimsent from Front Boyal, Va., where he J"rV to the intschine.
pn?c'8 tiif, wln-n I think of its coming- from
Siimmei hill. Uut. sir. it didn't omo trointhat
i little sett lenient. Thi-v ilijln't M't-ak for :hom-
sttvi-s. but like !L-i! im:ii. bi-ii u- n (raid, 8 ml
urtlirteil with stHintneriiiM. they ot the uss to
, spcr.K i'ir them, ul tutv itiy ;ii of tlilot:r- !
e.ueil kinil .f fititli.-ient int'liicnce in their lit- j
t le town (-') ciilleil , t hey went ti lit I le piece in- .
! ti the country and borrowed two. i si" two, hb !
the t,r!.-ie is siRlici try tlie firm. It its hu iiiie j
' tiriii and t imv Mr-ko riirht ihe .-Iioiidler
In our improvements, we h.vo rendered . !'lp rer sIiu!Jcm). yet in the .nnjruat'e of our
Victok" is offered with
11 v.
; -ueu in)vei:i.'Ui positive, nnti, ai tlif; same
j time liuht and fsy ; so as to obtain the highest i
speeu wnn ntrie or no noise, nod without in- I
By the powers that burn, I'll j
dentist of this
ti ,J",ii.-in. surjreon
... ;) vi'j..! Lmetto oil Friday, May lr-t,
Jain cut day only. Luk out for
is now eiiaed as a ub-contr actor on the
ftiianaiuioiUi alley, R. 1?. Linus is one
ot the most deserving young men that our
town has ever produced, and wo hope that
I'.uiic riT'i'r,ct:i:T ever continue to BUlih:
propitiously upon hun.
! In a portion of our edition last week we
announced that Klitdia Dixon had bei-n
- I
We'uaves-i simplified its const ruction that
! liF.fin.ATB IT. without encountering the usual
i dilHeulties and diseoumif emenTs so frequently
I ooinphtineii of by bi-fjiiuiera in the use of :Sev-
iny: .A.'aenines.
tfhf idea oi Having a ini ic miiai ceil- i
I be f:irrid our, Klciisburg will j
ni iiecovial oi nerseii. coining
I yxtuonx ouicr points or. merit exclusively
pertanini to the " ictor, these are jiroiu
iuent and without a rival:
1. The t it is a Shuttle Machine of the first
class, hav in? all the latest improvements, in-
' rt''
ii r.i
sf:!'. r' i.'.v.f-Tli in this latitude,
a witter is th- result. When
;. H.i:rv White denies thai he dr:-w
rnit in t'uB Louisville lottery or
found multy in the District Court at Johns
town for out racing the little rirl Heck
some time during dune. A motion tvi- n. i eluding their patent dropaml intercbaiiireablc
nww trial was immediately made bv his . , v. . . ' . j ,
comisel ivht. l. ,.i:,. ...iii l , - 1 hut it has the best constructed shuttle
(ouiisei whHh motion will 1,., heard at- a ! and the most perfect lower tension m e.vist
speeial term of Court, commenced May i ence. and defies all competition in theie par
'..."th. In the meantime Dixon will remain I ticulars.
in jail her?, where he is now confined 3- q ,11,t " ,,as ,1, onl-v rni'jht, frlf-aiviurj
Mr. II. A. Shoemaker.
1 reus lire r of the Lbt-nsbiirLr Minim? nnd !! i. .!u-.t
Manufacturing Company, has resigned said thread of any f i.e or finish
i . ... . 1 1 . . i . r . . . . i i.. . .. -...... 1 . xi.., ........ .
. n J . t l .."Hill I .1 n II T i-II II I I 1U .'UIV.H I III , II V
le.iiry and i .. hi,.!, ibc ihi,.-..... ,1.1,1 e...t f.,i.ri .
illustrious N. Ci
K for 'em ?"
They deny my charter. That's very natural, j
Tt n:is been customary frotn time immemorial
for the Hocused to p'lead "not 11 nil ty." Very I
f"'w politicians acknowledge their errors; J
therefore 1 say it is very imlurul for the It. 1
VV's, t'nrouifh 1 heir counsel, to say. "We didn't j
do so and so." Let's look ut the truth of the 1
mutter. South Fork w:.s for a letiz time under j
the impression that she did not have un equal I
show with f'jmruerhill in reR-urd to school mat- j
ters. nnd when, in t he cml rse of human eve tits,
it became necessary for her to cover her con- I
uection w i 1 h So nunerhill. set up a school of
her own, un.l l y that (iii-ans reeelvif h.-r ritrht- :
fid share of ednea ! ioita I ji-i-i!i'-e.-. she suf- ;
1 westci swell a cool e to -u niinei h:il H-jr pro; - ;
' iisition was lust by iu-!i;rua!it and power! .il Oi - ,
) position, simply for the 1-01011 that Summer- ;
j hill had not bled the people of South Fork 1
j su!lieieiitly to pay for their own school house. !
j When ihe reteints aniountcd to a sunicient
t sum to build their house, t hey reluctantly eon-
o I
CO i
ll- ,j
.hid anrthing invested in the enter- I h TV VT J',,'",,,-v- "as reMKneu sam
1 -,r i ' J)OM,''1 'or ll'e jmrjiose oi ionkiug more
!iir sd
-ynti MeNsll, a freight brakeman, 23
"4 nnd unmarried, w: run o er by a
,Wof ars i' 'ho 1'iTtsbnrph yard, "on
' -r i.i'.n.iiie last, and died soon after.
,y p. Tieriiey. Estp, departed our town
.ufaniiiv rt imy nays ajzo, ami may
ir lititnhi-red among the fixed in- 1
- oi Altoona. Good luck attend J
-rxtr i srne ta'.k of getting up an ex- I
.. t .xjiedii ion to discover 11 possible
c:.ri-ahiuits ot our street crohsincs.
..;:,ime ii felt, if not Shiinafelt, at their
H-fl .
;.:;: Fad'.e, at one time n resident of
and well known to manv of our
was Arrested in Altouna th other!
A lifid in S.VKI bail lor alleged viola-
local option law.
P'.i (itu-ks on the liams are attractins
i four amateur '"sliooiiai s" in that di
3, er lather in those directions, and
1 number of those ornithological bptc
l.jvc been bagged.
.. laeitwill be given by the "Anm
'..;:! iueiital Ciioristers" at the Court
;i-inorrow (Saturday) evening, and
:hat it will be well patronized. ' Ad
. 1:5 cenls. Go and hear them.
1. Zahm, the younger, in the hapjiy
f not i.nly 01m if the sweetest but one
! eapesr baliies in Elietmhui p. It is
.Ahalf Price infant, that barinjr been
1 Kn naiiiu of Dau'u amiabld "bctter-
r.t e'life at least in FbensburiT is
. !..r the summer wooing and coo-.'.-.rn.
We saw repairs ci')i:ig on
and have no doubt the gate
; any weight that may be put
urn of George "Wnrfcl, near Fi-ters-
;: jdon county, w as dent roy.-d
, ., ,1 iia eiuiiary lire 011 Moi.dny
'i week. A lot of bay, farm-
! .-! 's. etc., were aluo burned.
( ;;., insurant e.
:e:-ii . (..rrespotidenf this week tells
i -.V j-'v st.-ry sicont a ttnek over there
jbsti I'.nl out a t.cst 1 11 11 of young rats.
jf 011 d r.ot resist the temptation of
- ; a. ..- to his screed," not wiihstand--r...
s te !r.M:'ish his real name.
r.f. S. I- 't'.i-'s, of Huntingdon was
,4 feiu..! gui!tv of libel and sen-
closely to his interests i:t The Fbensburir
Foundry, in which he is interested as a
partner. At a meeting of the K. M. & M.
Co., held on Saturday hicr, ir w a decided
that the Superintendent-, ex-Pln'rilf Myers,
should have the privelegcf filling the vacancy.
The Presbytery of Blairsville, consisting
n !l motions heinjr positive wearina- parts lie-
Injr liiiiilf i-T steel, and making k perfect back
bliicii alike 011 both sides.
"IlorsF.KrrPER" of II fat.tii. The lirer
lieicg the great depuratingor blood cleansing
organ of the system set this great "house
keeper of our health" at work, ami the foul
of LiJ ministers and 31 chimhes, will meet ! corruptions which gender in the blood, and
in the I'i-esuvtcrian church of this place on rot out, as it. were, tne machinery ot life
nex l Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. There ;
will probably be some 60 delegates present-
The organization of the Preshvterv and elec
tion of officers will take place in the after
noon, and the opening sermon will bv deliv
ered at 7:30 p. to. by Lev. W. W. .Voorehead,
of Greensburg. The sessions of I'resbvtery
are all open and the public are cordially in
vited to attend.
And now comes the Curwensville Thnes
with irs little egg story, which runneth thus
ly: Mrs. Moriisy lias a speckled Dotniniipue
lieu which laid twelve eggs in four days and
wanted to set." on the fifth. Mrs. M. '.set,'
her accordingly, and in twelve days after
the fpeikled hen appeared before Mr. M.'s
door clucking to twenty-four speckled chick
ens. The owner lias been offered ST. 10 for
the hen, hut declines to negotiate.
L'iias Kd wards, of I'.lackiick township,
who s-!doiii, if ever, comes to Kbensburg
and departs again without g -lling his hide
full of 'iiu.r-jnice" and then if possible cre
ating a dist 111 ha nee w iili somebody, was ar
lestedon Saturday last for manifesting an
irrer.r.-ssible f esire to squelch one or two of
our citizeiif, ant llourisiiing n revolver in a
very ihreatriiiug manner, and after a hear
ing l .-fore Hiiigess Jvinkead was lined in
tin- Mt m of 1" ai.d c-sts.
A rtise-bush especially valued because
sotited to tl.t; independent school district
V).. if ll.!.- 1... .... ti.. .;.. rt ..i.-Vo tlin t
usinir either cotton, silk or linen 1 most or it. We now Lave a 'school oi our own '
Fize or finish. 1 rw.iii,. ..1, r r.a ii...i.. i
That it runs easily, rapidly and quietly, J hands. Uut. .Vr. Editor, they are "not satisfied
yet, for ve have ci.tirht several of the worms
down iiei e trviuif to eoil-.-ct school t:x I nun !
parties whose pruperfy Impj f-us to V" neur the
li vidinir line, and they'd do it in a minute if th !
tax payei- happened to be a smail mail and j
alone. !
The firm of ' C. 4 TI." pi:'srss a larye amount
of one ariicle which I believe is character -tie j
of the race. No pair of irovci-nuien' mules cer I
posscsscii more check than thee. That rv.ission- :
; ary "vhom they say cjine down to pry for us i
I poor eiuners, first stopped at Sum inerb i !. In- i
i deed. I understand he win mi a special nms'.on j
j to the "It. W." heathen nnd expeefd to lumai.i ;
I there some t.nio. but tl.o Ueclin d til feed t!.
. 1.1 ....... ....1... i. Ii .1 .. 1
ot Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Purgative Pellets w -hcretu-.mi. t.Pin.rx r..,d!r n.,... 1... uh.u.t ti t
. ' dust from l.i fi-et and came down bote, lte i
kind of humor from the ' 'fi'vc them though and prayed eai ne-ly tor
are gradually expelled, from the system.
t or this purpose Dr. Pierce s Golden Medi
cal Discovery with very small daily doses
are pre-etuiiieutly the articles needed.
a to the. common pimple, blob h i hcm ::, m.d I venture u, ruiniik, am) "my
r 1 ,. 1 l:i;uriiiii' 1? I'lum, I know of po i-on; ni u:: ii v
Great eating ulcers kindly ,,,,,, stamU in more nce.l .f the ,,,-apers ,r the
1 hey cure every
worst scrofula
or eruption
heal under their mighty curative influence
Virulent blood poisons that lurk in the sys
tem are by them roblied of their terrors, and
by their persevering and somewhat pro
tracted use the most tainted systems may
be completely renovated and buiit up anew.
Knlargi d glands, tumors aud swellings
dwindle away ami disappear under the in
fluence of these greatTresolvents.
Muigsvii.i.k, Morgan Co., O., )
March 2ith, 1S72 J
1 I'ear ur. 1'iF.nrn :
j When I was l'J or l.'ifyears of age I took
i what is called King's Evil, and by c onstant
I iloforing it would heal in one place and
j break out in another. It also broke out in
i my left ear. I first found vOur name in the
Christian Advocate, and sent ID miles for the
first bottle, which did me more good than
all other medicines I ever used. I am 28
years old ami doctored with live doctors
l--IS J .... . .
t one time noscsscd .1 , ,ri, t.- bo i, i ,, noi one oi mem neipea me so mucli as
for several y.-ais been deceased, wasdusr tin -vo"r l"."t!e .f lioyery I have got well
and can ie.l away from the front yard of Mr. j a,m aUle t0 ao a KOO,;VVi"v
Bobert Boberts' resilience, in this place, on i JOHN A. WIL.
r...i. . ..i . - . - - . 1 . .
of Jl'O and undergo
iijv ::i;p: isonmem. in m county
pr' r.rvml ai';;h was the prosecc.tor,
Le had no connection whatever
- C.-1.'.':': - p .1 iwlal.
t Vf.rr now fitting themselves
r-'.nng clothing from M vers
i.:..i.iiit stock ol superior wear
A nu'ie complete, more va-
-s(-iTed assortment than M.
! i i store uever was and never
.'t sale at snch low jirices in
Uednesilay night last. The impressions of I
a pair of feminine gaiters in ihe wet clav '
showed very plainly that the thief wore fe- I
niale toggery, and her identity is very strong- j
ly t.uspec.eti. o amount of monev would
havt? bought the rose-bush, which was hi-h-ly
prizf-.d for i ts associations.
Seme of the sporting fraternity here
away have turned thir attention to angling
lor cat-fish, and large hauls and largo fish
arc said to have rewarded their efforts, al
beit tha "woman's crusadu" has not yet
reached Griffith? dam ."WhoOevonred my
cheese?" is a question that was propounded
immediately after one of these fishing ex
cursions, and although we could answer it,
we prefer to let ihe reader.'f.e for himself,
fiariug that the cat. without the rish might
get out of the baj if we pursued the subject
furt her.
Shooting at mark out of back windows
Cot'OHS a?;d Colds. There are few per
sons who are aware of tho impoitance of at
tending to a cough or a cold at its first ap
pearance. The thousands whodie annually
of consumption, were fiist attacked with a
light" cough or c old, which thev thought
would soon "War" itself olT, and" therefore
'"s1"1 n proper remedies Hiitil
they became incurable.
Every day that a cough, cold or ,,v l,,c
disease is neglected, makes the chances i.-r
I cure more uncertain. We would recommend
I .ill suffering from auy disease of the Lungs
! whatever, to use ibis-ox's Compound
, Sykv or T. R. It never falls in curing the
! worat cases f coughs, colds, hoarpi-ness. sore
', throat, catarrh ami asthma. It is an infal-
j Hide i-enietiy tor I looping Cough. Iieingpre- j l( brief letti:r 1 1 was sorry it wasn't a Innujono
j scribed by some of the leadng physicians in I irom the "-idd war horsi'," ' i;ob ICoy, ' and
I rualeons than Ihe people of Sii in mei-b i 1 1
I I u referent-..- to their scandalous remarks i
j shunt Jell. Davis, secession, rebels, etc.. I have
, iinl"t i say. This much will, though, j
l i n-1 I believe I state but he truth when I do say
; tiiat the war record ol Sc.ulh Fork will com- I
I pare favorably with that of any oilier locality I
' in Cambria county, ami should the time ever
j nrrivn when ihecoiinliy shall airaiu need the !
services of her sons. Sou t It Fork will not tie i
found in the rear unless, perhaps, they should I
be detailed as rear truurd to prevent the Stun
merhill K. W.'s from crawlicir back honi".
Mr. Lditor. I thiuk the utilise of those chaps
called rebels evidences bad taste, to say noth
ing of imrrutitude. on part of at lenst tue mem
ber of the firm of C ,V U-. for by his own state
ment he is to-day Indebted lo one retiel for
Ihe loan of a pair of pants, borrowed iiuriii
the war when be was in ureal distress.
I hope we shall hear a Irani from C. i II. It
Is becoming interesting. Let him throw an
other shell, but next time tell In in to put in a
(food fuse. "Lay on. Maclutf. and d tinned bo
he who Hist cries holJ, en uh !" 11. IS. K.
Voiitaob. April'H, 1ST.
Dtiii rnr.EM an In lookiuif over your col
umns 1 notice that your locals have been very
delinquent for the past two weeks. Instance,
t wo weeks ajro nut one contnouror uppeurcis
Local"' from the Summit but then the i
ext ra Urft of that effort would (fo far toward
miikiii up for the delinquencies of you r ot h er !
correspondents. Indeed, the tone of "Local's" ;
aceoiiiit of the strike ot the "educators" at the j
public school at Lilly woufd seem to indicate j
.nrcir-x in some viial part. In fact, one would I
lie led to the conclusion thct the writer was
cn(fiifnd in the same honorable callinif. mul in
the siime district, and was jwrroirii( over his
misfortune in not firikinrj successfully, were
it not for the farf t hat he is from tho Summit
oftho A llcg-henies. And yet I am puzzled
to know wh3' a denizen of the Summit should
take siicii a deep and philanthropic interest in
Ihe affairs of Washington township. 1 pre
".ime, however, 1 hat he has vm hnl him.rlr u
to u uoni'litiioii that from hi ; liUjh p rti he
can. like ;o. !. look down witii contenint up
i.n all nniier him. i., i,e s:u,hi ..,relul
lest in furt her imitation of li.... -.,-u inlciliijtii I
bird, he does not twist his head off m hi- elfin
al lookinc after other people's business.
1 was . leased to see in w cck's h I'.kkm a n
In j CO i
O I jj
a j i
S if S 4
P y now ON
i orsa 'A UAMfi
4 - - '
o J
I 3
tc-v' . .-iV- j ' . -T
Nature's Great Reined 7
1 t nri.'.rntiy
rutty 9 r' to
: i: t ilTi.ii
c i:j ''...icii fur
"'f4Jlf tl t.
r r f-
Hrj-. rrvrr fan
-.. ..i.U Ow.i lJU.UV
the Kar.ct rate, arid Guarantee every
as-ticle cr rz'mi r. mcr.ey.
i: :i l- c v riUl, ptr ,,t t J1?M. I fe, obtJ-in-'f
ly il...:.., ,,r1,r;tr in T1 - di -l .1;,..:. of il.c W. -s
hut by iii-. ivif y
t -f -w ..,t k.-ui.!.-:iii) u.-ua t,UM. . ti
In en- r! J.-.i.'.-.:' c -.1 v -; t. n i
2. i;H hcai:i .r . el's ;l.c "1
o: r t.c itir.-., r sh': r.t: it: 1
3 1 I rt'H! rT- K I fc-.SK H 1."- 1 1: t i, :. r:itr-rC-ly
curd' aW ..t.t.irs, fim tl.r Cv':in:.-ii i imiik ur
i- t i-: ;- .n t-j ic .ccr;k: c.i4 of Scii-a. I !.: an is
CI -.uvus go... J ,e Lrv-I... cd !ntrti th who hav
fc.:r the iicnciu ia! e'l rcrs t;f Pink "i ki 1 ,v CVi-iual
m t::e .-.i (i.oascs r.i;!:ig trcm I mi tki . 1 1"5 k-p
ti:e bi.o.
4. it j;r .oiiivs iht ditxiii er.ius and ttstjtcs
Ail who liivt kn-wn or tHrJ Dr. Q C. ",.
h-ir: rcn;-."!ics rrty.tirc iv r f-rrnc- tVm its, hut tho
r.niis ol" t.-.oiLsi:v.!s cisrcJ ly them cn W? ivea u
cny c.ic ho 1 ;!!-., cur .t rt?:nct.i . It. 1. i'.
W iihitrt Great .-r, ttn iHsp. '.'.j at. &
H ui S ;..n l)Kot s hxve iit'srrl'ceit o;i:i!:c i. i
-it I y all ltniists ai:J it kcrpt.n, .iiJ at
T- w n m iwwww a rm, ;, frC-
-T. . w. WsZCC,
pvi-sp'i'dtjvi scf CnK;sr:AS Si.V,1:il.
W C--, 111,-
Ri1 9 i
HAND-Y to ths Ferries and the Prix-
, cipal Hctsls and R. R. Depots.
J , t LVe"t or relnse.
; i-'is, Jatnes Eagan, whom
l ine ago as having had one
i .1 iiv dctuoralixed by a circn
: l- r.l.eiisburg .tanufacturing
'. 'villi a worse misfortune
I' -r.. this time having two
1 lii'iu hit light hand by a sim-
is lively sport, no doubt, for he marksmen,
whatever might be thooglit of if. in case
the Northern and Souihern Statcsand being
prepared under the immediate sup-arrisiou
of" M crt-liil n a te flf lb lVtiimv!rnni.j Tuli.-'i1
somelHidy shoiilil accidentally get within ' Colle'.-e. the proprietors bee leave m inforiii
rant" of Ihe biun.terbuss. btill It is in- i aH that u no onack" nremtrafion. but
r . .... . 1.. .
made sli-ictly in accordance with the ad
vanced principles and theory of medicine. -
!' Ma'd t-y, who p'.eril guilty to j.
. 11 ty of the peai ' preft rred by
r Mar. h C'oc.rt, anil was seu-
. . 'ays in the county jail, was
" vile on Tues.Iay hist,
, i Se; -, id" Altoonn, -nering
'--all i. is go-it behavior for the
'ir rr :
"'' e'lnT
a .v v nn
'ST 1.1
il'.ilgeii in bv two young men we wot of in
t List place anil will bo probably until the
sights 011 rf gun are properly arranged,
unless in the. meantime the "shootists" find
out, when they are out of pocket aV apiece,
thai tiiere is an ordinance out which requires
hooting lo be done outside the bmough lim
its. So look out.
I A man named William Walton, who
j had rutne on from Harrisburg for tint pur
j pose of seeking employment at the Cambria
Iron Works, and who, according to his ow n
: ftorv, w;s interviewed and sought to be
i turned from his purpose by f.ouie of the stri- ;
I kers. was struck on the forehead with a '
I I...-. .... ei.,..- ...,.1 1. ..I1.- ;. .;. ol..,,,t ;
tl.nt -t... slw.,,1.1..'. .""" ............. w..v .......
' , .. ' , . ' t o clock on eilnesdav night last, while sit
r abs-ntinc himself i ... . ..... ... .. ',, ., .
- a -"s ' ..--.,. ... ... . .... .... .........
Hotel. Hi. injuries are not considered fatal, i
The Company has offered Sl.OUO reward for !
the arrest of the cowatdly perpetrator. I
on M-iwH-.ijr niuht last, as we learn from
, . tne i-airooe ,ii.iwun-, 1 an., i. ?--iF;ev a mi- i
"; imttirp or paper employed at the ".shaft," was insta:..0
-. evening, we learnc.l mat , Ui!lt.(l ,y t r:.i 11 in Soxmau's Cut, a very
;.,s, of Cambria township, plKrt .pjstauce east of Latrol.e. It is sup
. 11 t.ot ilfliicerotislv. in in red bv I a i 1. ....... t..,.,:,.rr ivn,
71 . .- in iseii iifr iii.iim iumij. , . ui, i-i'.'i.. .......
one track to avoid a passing freight train,
got imim-diatli-y in front of ihe East Line
East. Death must have been instantaneous,
as one of his arms was broken in three places,
his neck broken, and skull crushed.
aired between fifty and sixty years.
gentlemen who found hiin are also miners
and slate that tho body was warm when first
Price 50 cents tier bottle,
Sold by all Drugstores and Dealers thro '-
out the United States.
J r.rssKi.& Landis, Prop'rs, Phihid'a.
P. S. S:e that the signature of Uussk' L
j st Landis, Prop's, is on each wrapper.
in this p!n"o told his
: !'.
la n b is lc r Ii e ma asked
Mr;': I 11 -ci kly respond
ays 1b.11 ants are I he most
its in 'he the world; and
vi-ig ami then falling upon
1 1 -1 . t occurred in the East, j
' injured wan is uow lying at I
r.a'bry, Esr;.." that's the J
sv it Voice pats it left for!
'O'Uy last, and will In-absent
yi. What's up? Waif and j
."''''i interesting in those!
r i"or sneaketh truly the !
ei " ).' p li jiort-in view just
- ll. s 'lip.
' 1 r wmnrn folks desire to get
:'i i.e. tin- crusading business we
'" 1'T the rain a w hil-. The
i. i uer to w hiskey will come
in course of time, and if
p U.e weaker element It
s"!.e effect m the strong
'J peri up-iit, Indies.
f i a man, mined William
' , v as discovered on last
th Folk, by .L Doran, cn
ylvania railroad. It is
i!-f dead man, on Saturday
"l i ' l li in 1 1 s o coal mines out on
ra!,;-.. vd, and was run over
!. a. S., saystLe Johnstown
I Lorttto, April TO, 1874-
i Mh. Ehitor The newspapers for some time
1 past have beu pn blisii i n- most astivnishm
I ireak-i in ornithology, ea-jriloify, calfoloify and
j iien-ierprise," tml I think D'w lias oecuri eil id"
late in this "neck o" limber"' which will over
! shallow them all. An Irish lady rp&tdfmr near
j the heaflwalers of Clcarrield, in the vicinity of
1 this place. 1 e-entl.v procured a pair of peculiar
i ducks called eider duck", which she values very
j hiyhly on account of the line, soft, elastic down
j t In y prod uce, and for that reason determined
I to have them multiply ns rapidly as possible.
She therefore placed thirteen of the ejr3 to bo
ha 1 cbed. but what was and is her surprise, al ter
wfiitinif the usual time of mcubalion and cx-
1 I o'o' '"'nf course a tine brood of
1 young- ducus, to discover on' i.....
! yoimir rnls and one uu which had proiiuccil
', noihiinf. Tncie is no way of Hccotiutiutr for
! sin ii n fr-ak of lint ore -.xcept by tin fact that
j I he place where tho mother ouck did the hatch-
iiu; was infesled with rats, mul sue seeing so
j many of them about her, I heir presence had
I th" same effect on her incubations that Jacob's
He was I willew rod had on the iph-ks or I .a Dan. j ut.
iA I all noillf 11 inevnreiiiMv iiihii imi i-iiis nun pnr-
U ........ ...... .. p.. to d .1 n. . 1. . .... ..lo it ....... 1...
i.i.n .1 iiu i . o. t.... ..... ... v 1 ... , 1 t .i.t.j . 1 vj
that in course of time they will resolve them
selves into that species of bird called ornithor
iiynthers. a fowl possessing four IcjfS anil hav
iinr tlie beak of a duck. The above can be
vouched for by a man of veracity in Lore! to,
who is the husband of tile Irish lady in ques
tion. A Si Eicaiaust.
ti list that the readers of the 1- it.-.L v v n
continue to lie regiucd with ell'usioiis from ti 19
pen, and also that his brightest hopes, in his
visit iu ihe tlolden State.inuyl 'je fully realized.
Our bijf town bus been peaceable and pros
perous since I wrote you last. Several dwell
ings -are under contract, and will be built du
1 inj- the summer. The new ofJli-u of Dr. Dicka-
i on, which is just receiving the finishing touch
es ot the painter. .i i'. j. iiawuer. is loveiy 10
liehold. lis front is done up in mhtrrlic style,
and is another "feather in the cup' of Uailroad
street. 1 understand the Ioctor lias purchased
a lot on I'oitaKC sired, and will imn.cdiutcl y
besrin the erection of u private resilience.
I learn from the newspapers, as well as from
tin." sweet smiles of inani. that tiiere is already
i u itc a nu tuber ol" Candida 1 es for sonic of t be
offices oT honor, pro'it and trust, to be tilled by
the dear voters at the full election. Don't you
think it"i a little early ? In view of the pros
pect of a locjf and vigorous campaign, I hay e
iskcn the precaution to procure three bottles
of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment," which liui-m.-ut
can't be boat lor siren;; ihcuiuir the wrist,
elbow aud shoulder and candidates, you know,
are often very truinu on those joints. I won Id
advise all my friends to get sonic. It is for
sale by all drur)f ists, and by I. i. Wolcslnale
i Son, Wilmorc.
Speaking of candidates, I nin reminded that
I have beard several cil i.ens, boin here nud
elsewhere, men! ion. tuvorably, the name of
mine host" of Ihe Washington House, Plane
No. 2. J. S. Kiel,, in connection with the
Democratic Ion for Assembly. I'os-ses-sn.a
u '"io. ...h..,; ,,f intellect and lirst class
hu-mess quaiincations. aim i. i.,. i,,. tl.
sive travel, avuiuired a vuii kuowleiijfe of men
aud thiuu'S, ami bemif socialij' u man that will
T II F. W A I K .
If earth has no home fo.- hor child.
Where, oh ; where will you Hud one for me?
Uy people I'm shuune-.l as lT wild -
Little children in fear from uie flee.
I'm welcomed by none to come in.
Hut, instead. I am hated by nil ;
They call me the dauichter of sin.
And they blame uot the cause of my fall.
It was not thus always with me.
For I once had kind friends and a home;
From sorrow and pain 1 was t i ce
Never thinking- that thus I would roam.
I never will oense to reifrrt
The kind friends and ihe home left behind.
And never, while livinjf. forget
The fair fame aud Ihe love that was mine.
Instead of the fame once so bright.
And I bat love. 11 here w as not hiny more pure.)
liy fame more rc-enibles the niht.
And tor lov e. Jeers and insults entire.
IT earth has no homo for her child.
111! where then for a home will 1 (fo ?
V." i il 'I be oh ! ihe I hmis h t m kes tne wild
Can it be that my home i3 bt-lo-.v '
Ihit, no ! although far I have pone,
;mcthiii!f ti.-lis me to look up above ;
Thai there is a merciful tiNiS
Who rewards tiia repentant with love.
And T to that will e'er priv !
That in mercy He'll look upon me; I
With hope I will look Tor that d.-.y j
Which from earth and Us cares sets tne free. 1
t -v t 1: ?n 1 1 : n t of s 1 ; t r l k m : x t
with I'. It. Mnvr.i: one of the Supervi-
OI S'.ai;:i.-i l;".: ton af flip. d
1 'ittl'rt:i Cinci!-, , t
I , The Cme eionweftOh r.f IVnr" vV.irln to
! - (Joiti-n SiiAva'cl Nn hi-las Sm a v. lleir
' ami b"ifl l.i.rvs -:na;tveii ei t'liKrsi : an
Smav. i.i;e of s,uaiiuorhiil towcthin, tlti iiM,
; (.'ir. '.ei:
Vt.11 an ! ev-ry of you art! hereby i! tn bo ant
. apte-nr bef.ire !: j mlrs of oar't Indians' Curt,
j to be held nr Ebenburg. bi auJ lur said eouutv,
, on th.- K.i:-r jIdmhv ur Jrsc, then ai.'d
' tln-re t" U'c p or rpfu.-e to take the real csiate of
! 1 t'iir.s ian fmay, dee:si. at the appraised
! viiluarl.ei piu it,..n ii bv an In.-pu-t du'v awanle.t
1 by the aid Cmirt. an i "n i urned bv the ShTiff of
. f.n i i-onn'y im til Is h ,!v el Ainr'ii.'t. A. I. ls;a,
1 or s!i w imiiv:- v. !,y the s:i:ne should not bo s-.l.i. To
, w.i : A, - Tne Homk.stkap." situate la
. Numnierliill ti.wash.p. ndioininif l.iii-s of 'ather
j Ine ('nun. Patr.ek ;lI.( 'oriuie ami .las. McOouuh.
con-a i-:i rut- 1-un ire J and four htc!. mor?" or
j less. ai.. .11, f en' v-fice aen f of hicli are cleared,
Lav.nir th.-i-.n erec-teJ a two and-o ie haif -urv
1 bai t fr.Miic and p.-irt plank hr.ue, two frame bank
I barns nn-l mit tnea--". valued and appra ise.l Ht the
I fii-Ti o! fin- I housani. thre-! hundred and btly-sls
debars (A 3.18). A!o. a trru-t of timtier land "situ-
kU; in s:iid;iiwnship. nujiiuiin landnef .Martin h.
'o.. 'I bus. alet 'olinell. and olher. runlenmiriinn
hiimlre-i an.1 thirly acres, valued and appraised at
n 01 narii.uiMt.11 j owr.f nin. inr .lit- vcar l ui: ' " um m uve iiiinnreu aua itnriy-lwo Uoiinrs
P. It. Mora.:. Ir. aco't with Washin.-on Twp., Iri. ("'," An,.' h,reiu fad not
J'o auiouut ..1 Iniphraie i-y , --3 i vitnrFt!ie 1 onora ble Joht rr.AT. President
" balatn-e .in- Towash p' at l iV- "" i ' ''Ji" "' "r .-aid 'ourl at Lbensburg, tho bih cUy
l I e. uf .l ireil. .V . I I. 1K7-J.
I cash roc-ived!::. 5uiai ws.ta ,, J-i51t singer, cierk o.c.
i 'n A t ri. c. y.
J5y amotint of work as per books..
'" Tuxt-s rtt'd tj Cuiuuiis-ioni-'is.
" Ejcnueri lions
' Order to I'. Douihne (eala.e)
:-.'o. VI. .1 .iiu Kei: v. .
s. I Ik.s. iioii'aiioo.
" " 6, J..!m Kelly. . .
" " I'eier Ur .ivn u
G. Win. r-ieticus-h.
" " I'iiiiip Warie r..
' S. Pef r Hr.,nn
6. Nicleilas Lirh..
1. Mrs. A. Murphv
" JA '. i:e'..-.o
li T.i'.s. DonaLoe.
" liecc'pt, I". 1!. Skvllv.
H. Waiters' Docket,
il. ii. Mar. .11 ...
'.I. li. Ma:- in
1U. 0
1.4 I
1ft 1
0. si
1. V)
F!ilan du
r. V,
HERMAN' vr.Ii. Shiril
j Of PouMe tlie S;rcr.c:h of any otbr
I I have r'ent!y pcrfc-'le-l a new met hoi afpaek
I Ins inv l'o.j.-li. er Lyo. a 1 i a in now packing it on'v
; In Iiails. tie- ee.-u ...i v. he.-h will' napoiufv. and
. lines net ii'iure Hi.. Soap. It packed In' hox-a
i c-.iila.ninif J4 and 4s one lb. Halls, aud la no other
i way. lure. tii"is in I.iiifUsh and Herman for ruak-
init hard :inl si.ft suapwnh this Potash uccitnpauy
1 l-aeli p-l.-k-12-e. n. I . titit( -,
4-17.-JH1. Ci to S4 WasMnrton M., . Y.
- .'-1'ji.i. .1 .
1 An iitcr?. do ceriifv that 1
1. With '
XT. J lr 1 1 . i
J A .,; ks 1 x i.s . ' And;
Jl)S. LYNCH, )
O ''ii -
with lb.
rvis .rs of
EIL PLANK, M. D-. respectfully ;
offers his professional services to U10 j
citizens of Kbensburg and vicinity. Olii-o a 1- I
I joining roeidunee sn-l Imiue.liately in the far of j
i Hon. K. J. I.lovd's iirtiir smro. Nisrnt c '.l.s c.:u '
be made at the r sidenco of .Mrs. iiuua. or. Craw- j
ford a:r-'eL, thtusbiirg. t-C-i.-lf.J .
l.L Lii.tOLCV, Clio of the Sun
v tewusrup:
Mich'l Uinntvi-, !u ae.": ".Va -hir.t.-i T-.-u
Die 1
1 o ainoum of Duplicate . ffl C'C
liy Work on Koi-Ip. as per a??'t . i03-"
1. . 'ii r 1 .1 Luap ... ij'l.
JiEWAKE ! All pcraon are hero-
ft by cautioned against interfering in any j
way with all and singular the I Pais -l.oi-1 Fur- '
r.i.ure of Itiehard K. Jones, of t Township, j
which I have puivhaRcil and letv in his posses- .
slcn during tny pleasure. JAM! JOM'..-. !
Cambria Twp., April 17, 1?74. Ct-C-:.
110 nays' wurk at pfr day
lie-clpt. tijo. 7.1. iioaic tepi.
Crlcr N i. 13, J. II. ICcmoL'r..
James JNiM.n ".7.1
" J.IIU.'S ,vlI1 i..o
'- " 4. Jaints N., u:i .. -.L-i
i. ii. llM-lk V .. Lj.'Si
Johneoiu Sc.iulau,
J. .MeU.i.MijU .) . . . 4-2 .5.)
!". do. ll.7'.
1 i'- A 1 LN'i S w :n;od in town and euun'rvto
s li TI-:a. i.i- ,-t npclttli ordors. fer the iarije't
Tea Corrpany iu Auierica. Importers' pr.res'and
l;i iiiL-i tii..-..,v ;,, Af-oiits. Send I. rCircaiar. Aii-
i ro-f. n.'.'p.i i;r wklls, 3 im si., n. y
I-. . i. 'x 12s;.
1 i.r 1 '; i.i i t'nii'i;. Ilrnry Ward He.-cher. p
..'r. eft let. fT.'-t h last. iy ; '-f'arl ir s wislilr tosr t
"biers fjr T-a. s i.viiid write h;m for a e.reular."
'.' Xru-1".-'. P. .-i.'. ; ,J,ir-.,.fs,.j.i. 3 1. sr:
"AM 'Ciraeees" siieni-j write Kob'i Uclii fur c'.r
cn la r-.
7 '"- S-v'i'-. of Sep. C'lth, ?v5:
thorou i h. v rid. b:t:. "'
T.-h't Wl!e is
( tis.:;
TOUCH NOT. llavincr bought J
from Chaki.ks A., of i
t'b'Rrtieb! iuwushi. the fallowiiiar described Br-ticlt-s
1 hereby warn all pcrs-ms aif-.iiust nivd
dliiifr with th? said property: 1 cook stove. 1 pur
lor sieve, 1 sot chairs. 1 clock, 1 washing machine,
2 beds and bedding, 1 barrel eknrn. 1 moat stand.
Clearfield Twp., Arrll 20, lS74.-:tt.
TJlMnfiK LKTTIXT3. S.v.Ip.,1 r.,-J
" posaiswill be reeeiveil at llu l.ommis-
'. Chris.. IJ.ibJno.
'" " 0. Jl. A. XcPike....
" " 7, Jatcts N .jii
Receipt. P.M. & J. Prowu
' Order, .1. Noou
No. . M. Hrailev .
" Receipt, Johnston Scanlan.
' Inl'tsi., N0011N. liioTu"a.OrJtr
Halanoe due Bradley
I 1G T)e Olfffst Establishment. l(i
1 v a n r fai rriiCR op
At l..w prices. STUllK S1IADKS Mal(aii l ,t-
'Jl: ,,ir: .Kr,Ur RKPAINTKD and
1 i. I -1 .a r. b to look equal to n r. Plain Shai-ps
j ol '.he Nl-.V. l"S'l'ri;'s,wi:h fViiof fo d, fitch, hau
1 witn u.Tf. ii .iU,.i;,iiu-uin-i,i flmirr. Lcftlu
I ''' :i.s of elegant design, ijai and
II iil nif ( miii.Ts, I.'p.'inN-f, 1 n Conn, ,b.
I IG Norlli Si xlli SI.
i April 17, ls74.-S:n.
Fliilatlf IpfiiH.
.Y3 :
Wc. the en Ior:-n'd An Iltors, do certify that
iiicaumi; 5A ClliTft.: RMi et.ieet .-.1 a t 1
.1. P. ir.i-;ii.!.
J A M US N.x..
M. Lrailo
A (ir. i:
L'Ultlll Willi
A tt liters.
sinners' ollieo in F.bcnsburjt until V2 o'clock.
no 10 tie lo, 1.1 r. iv.woui.i tie just uic man lor Mav ,,,,, ,.7I f,,r .r,T. .- r;,: ,v
a popular cauuiiiaie. aim a iiseiui mci.ieer 01 ; , !llSt ,; at ,he cf j u. .Mt-ilon.
uie i.t-xisiaiuic. lies. :es. ins u.nicuo "";: rhest townsiiip. A specimen plan oi said i'.ri.iif.
and Hue physique would not fail to i command j be s-jen at the Coiiunissiiiners' office. The Com
:t r
' 1'. ;
; ' -i. !ri-Mi,l ,.f r. Q. philander j
!:" ""' s 'be localizing for the J
intimate that we have no '
''" ''i the word "manin" (a j
' 11. stead of" an "i," we ad- :
!-" ' I'nabridged" language of;
s. n, what. Danivl says i
written nuirttn" is Web- I
V,' an A 1 toon a grncr. j
' n 1 (Inesday morning last, i
j-4 r',' "'" some time past, but 1
,.s', r', 1 ''" sday night in better j
' ;';". and slej.t soundly until !
morning, when ho '
-t and tossing and final- i
1 ami di.-d on the floor !
"i d rea. h him.
name or Tofts, rtlll-
Henry Puck, of Carroll township, died on
Friday last aged 71' veitrs ami 18 days. Mr.
I'.uck was ltorn in Northampton county on
the "!Uh of March, 1M1, and when four
years of age he removed with his parents to
Westmoreland county, where hi? afterwards
was apprenticed to the trade of blacksmith.
He removed thei ce to this county and was
married to Agnes, daughter of Thomas
Uynio, in the year 1S:M, and has resided in
fxrr.ill townshiii ever since. He wan the
father of nine children never had a law
suit, and although living within srven miles
of a rail road, never saw a locomotive in his j
life. H- was an upright, honest man, and l
was much respected by all w ho Know mm.
Mav ho rest in peace.
Mrs. Fanny Wilson, a colored woman,
aged about l7" years, died in Carrollfow n on
Tuesday last. She was brought to the
neighborhood of Kbensburg from Virginia
i i.e. .tli.. ivas ouite VOUU2 by Mr. .Jacob
I Turner, who died hero alwuit r.i no years ago.
j She has been a confirmed invalid for more
i than "0 ream. Her remains were brought
to this place yesterday evening and were
! to-dav interred in the Catholic cemetery, rf
I which Church she was a pious andexempla
; ry member. in pace.
' CrKiors 1'ki'ak ok a Bikd. One night
j last week, a bird lit on the outside sill of
: til- window if a lady's bed chamber, and
i tlfll nv-j 1 IV itli its bill on the Hnss. So distinct
i was the rap, the ladv, half frightened, arose ; p;s publishers challenge a
nd went to thfl wiuuovv. i"s . any siumar punneai um, en
A I'iieasast Chicken. There is noth
ing new under the mn, if the assertion of
the wise man of Israel is to be taken literal
ly. Nevertheless there are some Ihings in
this world that appear strange and new
enough, anil Thaddeus Hanks is just now the
possessor of a curiosity which has awakened
considerable interest. Mr. Hanks informs
ns that he went to 'Sunny Mount" one day
inteiuling to get some chickens. While
walking around, accompanied by the little
ones of the farm, he was told that there wan
i a pheasant chicken on the place. Sure
enough, in a few niomentstne Children point
ed out to him a bird which bore a striking
resemblance both to the chicken and the
pheasant. It wasahout Ihe size of the latter
and in many respects looked and Acted like
a pheasant. A tew davs after Mr. Hanks
JOS. I.YNi'H. ) J
Manhood: How Lost, How Res-ore..:
Just published, a! . r
especl auioiuf the Solons of thai bodvr.
us hurt some (food, fresh candidate for the j
Letrislature this year, and wu'll "see -!am"und j
if o i-OUO better. " i
I noticed in your issue of last week, that you
give the Johnstown 'iiiiimt ns uutnorily lor
tho fact H. McC'oltrau, Msg., of Wimore, is
a candidate for Prnthonotury. and add that the
authority is rather questionable. Now, the
"J'nhitnr, "niuj be nfilielcd in that way. but it
didn't lie about that, tor because 1 i-.card the
'.siuire himself say that he was a candidate.
Harney posse ises first rate qualilicaiious for
lilt: odicc. and is entitled to it bccai.s i of his
l niicand consistent adherence to D-'imicraiio
principles, and should be nominated, liul as
1 am not runninif ihe Democratic party o; this
county, and as the parti' is not much likely to
run me, I shall not atllict it with any diciaiiou.
Yours, truly, Hlhulu.
, io.i'' ' lovirai il's -elfin rnliil
, .. i-lr nicheine) of S i-t:i:m ATop.iut.r t or
Soruiual A e:d-iHSS Itivohuilary Seminal !v.ii-i.
iiiiii ant l-liysical Incapacity
lnipetlimenis iMarriag-. etc. :olsy. Cnsi si-.
tkiv. l-Tu.itrtjV and Fun indued bv sel'i-iu.iul-ffence
or sexual exlravairjiir'c: Piles, etc.
TJ.Prlco in sealed envelop!-, onlv'six cents.
The csteliraied an hor. in il,a u,i'i, x-...-..
win oner at i uoiic aie, ni ineir resi- ; cieariy tiemoustrates Irom a tturtv vears" stioee-V-deuce
In .Vunster Township, on SATl'HDAY. i ful pract ice. thai tho alarniinif 'cc-asciu -nec-! of
missioners reserve the right to reject nnv or all
bids. A. ANNA. " '
W. D. j't T.LI-LAND. -Com'rs. !
V.. GLASS. i
IL Kt.vNtiiT, Clerk. -24. 2t.
-Yo.. 11. l'J. 4;i i 11 irest St.,
A Temporanco House,
ox mi: r.vnorKAx ilax.
l!i.v:s 40 and 71 cents per DmV. niARUE
ry moder.-.te The be,-: meats ,",d tck etablesl ,
the market. 1, KS I' Ii hi ! is in t he 'it v '
-Ji!l"6m 1!" T" 1 1JIITT, Proprietor.
IDUULTC SAL!-. The sul.c1il.0r3!
Milt 2i' 1S74. the following personal projieriy t
wit: llorsfs. ( nnsati'l Hotr: one 4 iiors.' power i
seu-aouse mav be radical v cured -irn e,.iit tie.
dangerous use of internal nio iir-nit' or (i.ea:i-.!i.
Threshing Machine, one small Cider Mill and ! cation oi' i h knife; pu n. ing out n ino le of
Chept Springs, April 20, 1374.
I)E.4R Freemas-'J hinkinjf it no more liian
i-le-ht that von should hear fi om this locality at
least mice in u t wel veinoiilh. 1 ussunic tlie bri V- !
iitxc ! addressinir you.
our borouifh
wei-k witn an ci
during- two successive evennurs. anil which,
like I he school itself, was liij; hly credila ble lo
the teacher, '.-squ ire 1 lauds, nnd to n li t he ot her
participants. The exhibition opened with an
uddrcss irom the teacher, a very pleasing pro
duction well delivered, alter wlucu the loliow-
njf intorcstinjr pis-jramnie was presented in
i Hrc'ss: Ploiisrlis. Ilarro-.vs, Sleds, and other farm
itic; nlnsils, toifcther with a variety of llo:
unt il 1 it.mti-ue, too tedious to mention. Also.
Hi the same time, the FARM ca which they re
side will be ottered lor sale.
Saie to eoniiiu-iic-e at 10 o'clock, A. M"., when
terms will be made known br
.1 A M Lsi V.U2 LLA N V.
Mnnater Twp., April "I, 17 .-2:.
o! t-verv
Tcdio.'i"cloed during the past j "PUI3LIC SALIi.
ilHlntioii which was continued - for sale at publico
Z. Will ho ofTere'l
mtcrv, at. the Sumniil,
"iivv minpie, ci.Tijt:u nun eiiceitia;, he means of i
wiiieh every sutfjrer. uu matter whai his-o!idittoii I
may lie. may cure hiiuself chteidv, privateiv, iud !
1 a:' u iith!.
Ft-i his lecinr? Bheuid ho In the uf
yoiiih and every man :u the lan 1.
rent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, (i i..'-,i.ii (. on receipi ot tix ci-nls, ci two
I post s!a!iq Also. in:, siixs i : i: k s ;:l.m;.-
, JY FOI; 1'II.KS. rS-ud i'ui-t.r -u ar.
j Adlrtss'.be I'nbli.di.-rs.
I , , CHAS. .1. i:. KMN"".i CO..
i ! i Eonery, .Vevr ork; I'oi-o;!,te :;.. 45sC.
UAVINIJ introduced new machinery iutoour
W oelon Factory, we are now pnnared to
mnniifaelui-H on short notice. CKO'I Hsj t'aSI
NK1S. HhANKHTS. FLANNELS of u'ilet'vlus
ST()(KISi; YARNS, ic. Ac. a-'tile
t-s Wool taken in eichanu for good or
worked on hares. Market price palij ft.r woxd
Ubens burp. Fob, 24, 1872.-tf .
had thisstrange bird brought to his residence tl,Z. t,iJer in which it is given: i lit
on tiiliirihi.y, lst-::. proximo, the Tbilowititf : f" f 'RT'TX f? A T "Tl '
al ana personnl property, to wit: a I'll l y. Or j h 11 i f f " f f I 1 T.' . ..A.
t"" l'state of T. P. O Hakra. dee'd.
Ietters of Administration on tlie ctae of said
dee... lent. .,.,. ,)( , !le tllW nship of Monster. 'a ini.rii
county, b-.-.-n e-ranted to the lmdersiiriied
bv tie- Ui-ir.'ii-r ul said county, all jiersons ueiebt
cd les lid i .-I in e are r-.-pu-sted to tn.ike Itimu'diata
Iisymori!. and tl!oe imvimr claims asfonst t hn
. i'.ie v. iii present ihi'iu i roper I v aut hen, ica' el tor
s ''ttlei.ietii. FK'.NtTS C. i'H P It
-Muaier r-.p.. Ai.r.l Pi. l,74.-et. Adiu'r.
"iii this borough and a day or two afterward
it laid an egg which competent judges pro
nounce a genuine pheasant egg. The ques
tion for the sarauts to decide is. is this bird
a .toss between a pheasant and a common
barn yard fowl? Hollidaysburg Standard.
i .,( i. : .,t.i,,;.rbr t- w tor was. sue ai lem inn iu et-.n n
i - i in us i vauia fc"- , -.
inn - .. l.i.:....:. . . .. i.,.f tb l.itl t.-ionen acaiu. its ii iu
at I).;r-
, .. ,,,s ear in si it ia
' '".i' se.l l, i I..C.1 r i... i- .
, i. i.iiin IV-
v:'!j a l-air of steel knuek
'yi by .olicetnnn Clark,
!",a-;,,g bis eiicape wliilo
'"' k'! ti- the door of t he lotk-
Church's Musical Visitor has a right
to claim that it is the maga.ine for musical
people. Its mechanical appearance, always
.ii tractive, has been greany improveii, ami
omparison with
iher American or
Forcltin. The Visitor contains thirty-two
oaires filled with an entertaining variety of
l out of Hlue"' sonjr by Misst-s Annie Utile, j an
UL'OIMI eontainiiur about IrOl ll LiTS. with
S I Alll.K thereon, located ipiM,siio tlie "Manvion '
llous-.'. in the Horo'jif li oi suiiunnvilie, and well
known as I he r rics prop-u-iy.
ItOl tv
l-aded I outrli
1 will sell at Private S.i!e, tt a lov.- pri
Mortage HAIL W0KES,
Ciiunuirt Cruuse. Annie .Miller ami I..nin.t Lit
tie, which was ndmirably rendered; Dial.ijfue,
'fne Way to Smith's." by Messrs. Crouse and
IIollis, by whom the pans were well sustained;
Dialogue. "I he Irish Servant," by Mca.-rs. lie
(iiiiin and; Dialoifue. "A
Row in Timothy Jones' Shoemaker Shop." by
Messrs. Wanner and Ijiiriisai d M iss Ruiiede ;
Dialogue. Helinda Jane ami Jonathan Scrtqf
jfins," by Messrs. Wuifncr, Ciouse, Koiiis and
Had.!-, ami Missc-s Wanner. Douglass, liutii-Je
and Miller a I it'll larce admirably prt-seiHed;
C'loj Djnce by Messrs. Douglass and Herd,
whic1! was icmarkably well executed, oilier
plays were also introduced, but it would occu
py loo much of your space to recount all ihe
performances. A "lectie" the bcsl stripe; baud
in Cambria, county, consisting- ol .il?.,srs. Mo-
u as Ihe t rics prop rtt. Also, a eomti.r.ab.o : ftf) A -' rc T1 1 -vwi tS t T r il
Kand THO I.OTs, OF I.RlHMJ in said Ho:- ! fc IXCT 03 1X11 QGi ZuViD.V.,
. on which there is a Well ol" excellent Wiitcr '
i variety of Fruit Trees i i lull bearius. I sitaated in White tewnslijp. Cai-i'.ria eonnty. Pa.,
Also, iiuusphol-.l aud kitchen t urniture. cms stin
of Stoves, lk'dstca Is Redding. Tubles. t'hc.iif. t:u
reaus. iic. SSale tocommi-tienst 10 o'clock, a.
v., al which tune terms will be t:;-a Iu known.
1IK.NUV HI ii!ii.J,
M A It Y" D- lltCHLS.
.Shrcmit, April 24. IS74.-2 .
the iarne beintr pari m vviiat is knmrj us Ih.
j ,ti:iu:mia ii mosiiizh tiia ct,
i a 'joining lands of Joseph Fry, Miles IV, -.-:-, Ko" "l
s.;r-.v:tri anil J Hill i.i.a-if' v.
P: ri ies isliinf to purebitso w !l! !; call
on or address J A M KS T. M 1 L.T.I F.N.
If ol Iidav .-bury. Pa.
T. r.. Ar.y l!ir..rin3t!on that will lud to the cou-
v.e'.i.m o auy icrs.n cui.tiiiif liuitu-r n il.e titkAe
baoraimii)!!. mr
5"H E abevs Wei-V:?. bf.'n? aa-aiu o-.x.ra'e.' bv ih
1 an
: th
. ......., o.ier i.'ii.e trail- a tuli sad
- j-" - .T v-e. cm a. c i .iaius m iiiii.-.; bri.-
I'uncfcnrt':!:.-. tji.,c;, i lf;.-.
hereby cntiCobi-il
:n any v. av m :i r
ABOt'T Tilt tract tie l.ooraily (4-17. tir.
Singer Sewing Macliino ! T uiTtok:s ngticf.Z
And Whore to Buy It. . 1 Ins'mi.
A jl r. 1:1 :-
1 v. i i'c :.n : reO S!
vv. ;ii. i 1 v- irtici;- re-ib-r.
I. n y of l!a: r townsbi
.ii mv ideiisur.-.
-All jxqseo:-- .ire
fieaiii-r int-r.'ei imr
I 'want in." Sin; hoisted the window j matter, ori y i no I ttorlc.1 , Musical zlctchr, x- I ran. Wills Allen and Donayun. furnished ihe
nd it flew in ami perched itself upon the Ptr, hnifous rc ieits and all matters
who so dexterously
" and smiles so swect
a! ',h" "post Shop," bus
"' 'ii- bii-gcst handsom-
.at 1,'r.' I.. ... . - .t .
ii.-nsi-.s e
T h"eT 1. ..!!.
. ,j ii i r.'tui on
" -."I'd n"(i f the martin
r. . ' ": H ' "'iveiition and
U.-, yU- of thanks thev
, . : 'e;l" 0f iheinseives
-.a, :.V,r'w pesaioii at
. .. il :!. Inl. a. .. - . r I . . 1
jriantle and roosteil there an uigui-. . general inreri-st to musical peoj.ic. j.esiues
iMorniii the ladv was awakened by its mel- j ,1, (jlti music alone iu each volume of the
odious warbling", after which it darted out i Visitoi: would cost in sheet form between
of the window and flew away. Som. Herald. ) ?,5 am 320, while it is furnished for only
! SI. 50 a year, irith a fnt chromo, alone worth
Fjt.k ok Charge Dr. Morris Syrup of j fie. r;,'e of th wirjazine. The publishers
Tar Wild Cherry and llorebound combines wij send a specimen copy containing over 5l
ail 'the medicinal virtues of those articles j Wl,rth of music free on application. Ad
"whii h lono-exnerieiii-e has pro veil to possess , ,ir0Ss, John CHURCH & Co., Cincinnati, O.
the. most tfiicient oualttics lornn nise;iss.i
T!,r,v.,t in.l Cull" 1.1 ailtl I.OU1S
ara speedilv relieved bv it am! in Croup it
acts like magic.. Call at Ii. J. Lloyd's Drug
Store and obtain a sample Injtt ler'f of charre,
or a regular s're for i-i ; or at P. M. oie
laele & HotiV ST.ore, Wilinore. J. II. M'R
KiP, llif North Cd St., Phila. S lS -ly-
Corr.n Sof.k TnttrvAT, and sim
ilar troubles if allowed to progress will re
sult in serious pulmonary affections, fre
quent! v incurable. "iriVcrW Pin Tree Tar
Cordb'l" renchcH at oneo the seat of the dis
ease and givvs immcdialo relief.
music on iti.s occasion, and it was musie woi'iii ;
listening to. 1 he uletiiclory w-;is pi-i.ii.iu:ic- tl i
! by the teacher, ll was u well coiic'tivei i.n.j :
I weil delivered literary eti'ort, and n-ti -eb d .
i much credit on a (fcntlcman who de.-erves the ;
; piaiidiisol bulb parents and children lor the j
j way he has labored durine the session just !
closed to do hi3 whole duly on hermit ol liie ;
iiuoils under his on re. An admission Ice of nt- 1
' teen cents vvhs charged, and tlief Jnd-i tliusie
: cured liittt linen expended iu the purclia- of
, a sel of outline maps, which are now deemed
tentiiely indispensable in all tvell reij u I a t !
:! rooms. Much credit is due al! who were
1 ie..-L..ct foe the irooil order which prevailed
U. N.
Maukikp. at the Catholic church in this plae,
on Tuesday last, by Rev. Father Cbri'-ty, Mr.
Joseph Rrown and Mi-9'.c Puri'i:!i, both of
Cam in la lownsLip.
CorKTKTM.ts See hre. nalshhor. can vou tcil
me where 1 can bay the E-vv.iiif luac-liine people
talk s i iiic-h abi-i'l?
IVr.ZEN OK j'i'iii.vsn'.'in- Yes. wit h pleasnr". I
presume it is the S iner Sevvai jl a'.-b.n ; that you
liie.-i n.
( '. Y'es. thatt the name of It.
'. or I.. w uit. just down tijere, two rle.ors e?st
: of Za Inn's .'lnvi. i the phitfi. an ! my wor ! fir it
; you will be w.-i! pl-as.-d with your purchase if you
' invest ill mi ; of ii machines, r.lcss.-s. H viLf:r
; & Tatk. tic r:r -ivs. h ivn now on hand all styl-s
-unl sizes ol" ilies" In ii-spensAble macisines. Iroinihe
etieapest to the most vain. ible. an i aro acoomm -tiatinif
fc'enti .'iiieii who will he pleased to -thow v.nt
; tho ina and outs of tut-ir various til iciiines. whether
you desire to leiy or nm. They also keep tluead,
i needles and all the other p tr.i'il.r ;n ilii ol a s . tn
j iruj uiaehiDS. and uroal ail times i.,-opar:d lo at
! ten I to the repairing of machines m a subs lan ;i.d
fta 1 sa'.i'faetory manii r. and at vry uiolerata
.' r ites. Don't forsret. ihe plaee llih "s.r-. .. two
.o. i j eav of Zahiu'n or-. l.!K;n:iuiij I 24. tt.J
l-.S -ell'
ii'-v in it. !
. arisuui fr .'
on wri.r' ol
. A-'iii'i-. ne
il K.r.-' n.-r f.
... iee I iial l.'l
n i- fO t .
' i le ..
ha F
v --. i
Fi :
t ribut ion id t !.' ei
ker, iate Mieni'
. 1 p:-. pern
or M. .-.
in'-i!i.i!i,i'n i .P.!
in ti- I ,-l-v .'.vc-
dts.ies i.f s-.!'i isjiv-iiilWiit. a' !'
burs:, oi Fttin.w. tic m pav
t'.'ii. -l.. i. m .. wii. n r.n J -.vie r-- ai
e-t d in iv ii 'vn l. r be tercver
coiiiir.jr iu on s i '"' b ...
RIh-ii-' err. April 17, ls71.-:i..
St:'pi l.-'ttj r-i.
' rfrf. of T.
". 1' . i:.: i. . . I.
!-..r.-'i of Jl. !:
i-.- -.-...e.. fc r- -r
S I e-k-i till
pH e.-'Ill.
, Apii; in. it
p r: ;
t- - IV ,
. t fr ,1
i-.l. i
Tho r.cci.iirit'; !'.' . ;to
:.-:m:v -V Vi i.r. in'- for t:- r.f F.
:-.' ti'.s -Isy I. e,i ...r, -, ,j ,,, tn.j
K- ii.. K- ) . i f Lhi-.isi.-cr'f f iri-r.l.
- i, a-. : b. ,v, , .:.,..
ens s 'yi.-.akii'a; iliilie,luta
F. 1'. '1 i i.u.s L. i .
l r." s. !7l.-.
v: a v
bb:.virevl f.oiii
n 3 it
AFTI' N. -Mi if:!'S )tl3 .lie l:cM-li
rautioiu'M agauiKt puri -uamc a NuTt
f .r il iriv.-n by ia In Patch K "i 'i'lb'! "tt. c.s
t-vl I :-. i and pN v aide in n no ni iii. t:- '. n r
af;ef. a? I bav ii'.t r :'. vvd vilui- lor e t'.l i..t
eo.l ai i ef'.i-i :i 1 v. io ; .- I ao nil- iin'tr
c in,pe;l. .! to Co . it !.-.w. V. M'S'I
1. .:: '! v '.rP i.', 1-71. .
f O i "I ' 1 ' - li icLv r yen tiint
' plica' io ii will be made r.t lb.- .Iuue.
ii -s ni . 1-71. i -. "ie.n ib.-v Ift-i-uu'.! t r'
t 1 1 I 'a' '.i . i i .ai n: . vt'. i.:n i ho r.-- ----t m.. an,
sn-...-et to i priv.i.-a. s of i l.e Ae ., A,,-e! 0f
c : : -i .:. I ..I. .' : ill .. . r. I I.I It .-i , (.'i.v.;:.;, .ipu 11. 1S71.-4L
Ir.te. f.ri'i ef
r -o-.i ste.t to r i ' 1 a
ti:..-.. i lT claims
! if-oiis indc'ii
Davis "& C:.i
ind rattle witfoitt
.: a 'i its. Hit- .i ii.-
;.e:ive b-ti ;.!.-.
v .i i.rn;- -a i: : '.
.-ti lo t!i
: - r t i ; am
deii j., and
..:! r'.e-.nt
-; !.- il'Mll,
I i I.:, te.
r . .