The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 24, 1874, Image 2

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. iX .ij-u lit T-te. - -
rS.TOJ .
3 '
i .-- f : r --."
iicj.-rtion i
o I'ctmsilcania.
'1 he
I1' J-lt ,
It. 1: . . u & U ; i u
F;Uay Morclr - - Apii! 2!, 1S7-L
r.lly :)-
' acMiti-
1 '-' in:
IV: the uouii
: II- by Governor
n:.l Law Judges
'.v districts erect
i.".tU"'li5 ro
ll ait ran ft
in several
d by the
ft Headers.
The PTe?iden:
vetoed the Fenu
greenback : n 1
currency to tf
He did right.
on V,V-i:ie.-.d:!y !at
i.-ill jm-i v:u-i ag the
oi::.! h i.!-. note
. ,;;! ' u.'.u-i'.
Pk. NFins ii:r.
fd .' nit t-tifiir the
i,i Philadelphia, on
4th, to change the ti
the .State Convention,
Chairman of
Dim -.itteo, baa
Committee i:i
T.j r-:u;:) y, M.iy
iK- far holding
Good for Ne-
Tiis long protracted struggle m
the Massachu.'clt Lc ghd: tine t cUvt
n Senator to lilt the tibexpiied term of
Chatk-s .Sumner, was toriniri-.ted 1 .-...
Fndav by the c
Washbui ne, the
indicia ry :;poii:t!iieitt bill eume before
t be Senate for confirmation. The new
constitution vmovkU-s tlifit nomina
tion ir.riie by t!ie (ovenior nhall be
e-.")!i;:r.ei by a vote of tvo-thrds of
nli the Senators elected. JOveu count
ing McCiuiv, the radicals only num
ber -21 Senators, wliich i one lesd
tli.-ui the rcf.uired tv.-o-t birds.
Jn ti.-.v of t!.-e kittled and
f.vowt-d u t'. rn.inat ion of the
Senators and mi rubers cf the
to the present in famous,
arid p-irtisaii legislative r.jportionment
bill, the l'eniocratic Senstor? resolved
al -stain from voting for the eon
i.ation of llarlranft'.s iiulieial ap-
1 louse
The follow:!!? statement gives the names
and dale of il.t I'liction of the roveird i
fOUJitira of this eoinnionwestUh. and I bo !
toiiitory l'rt'.:a wbii-li formed. The tliree'
first coimtii'.s vi Licl were formed, to wit :
rhiladclnhia, liii ls iml t'lirstor, were cs- '
tabli!iid at the first sctth-ment cfthc Trov- i oi Pennsylvania, and formed the only
::-;ii);d comities of all that territory now !
.o:r.;: i.-vd of sixty-six counties, as foll.iws: !
1. Adams, January l"-, ltO , formed of a :
ji.'irt 't' York. ;
2. Alieglu iiy, B-p!einVfr 21. 17S8, formed ;
of a part of Wt-.itm.nv land : 1 1 . . 1 Washinpinn. '
3. Armstrong, March 12. 1S!0, formed c-t a
I -art of Aileglic-ny, Wr stiiuaalaiul and I,y-ti'iiiiiij!.
4. lioiver, ManJi lt, 1S00, form ml of
oi AUi':ht'uv and V aiiiiifton.
.. I5"dl'uid. March D, 1T71, tVirmctl of a part j
! of
The whole civilised worU wns shcclccd
at tlie tirst annoiuiceniint f t!ie bar bar-
i t ... .
.t!s !iiiiiu:r uiai were commuted upon
Dr. 1' ir-ree's World's DLtpt-ntatri.9
It is unnecessary for us 1o call attention t
to the new advertisement of Pr. H. V. !
TiKucii, proprietor of tl:c c.lebiatcd
"World's UifcjKMi.sai'y," uiiieh Appears in
this issite, for it certainly cannot fail to be
noticed by every leader of the paper. Hut '
the plains of Kansas about ten months ago ' we would commend it to all, as containing !
by the blender family; indeed, it was with ' facts of general interest and worthy of,
tliflieulty that the story of t hoe wholesale careful perusal. The business of Dr.!
assassinations could bt, believed, ytiil the I'lF-rci:. from a small beginning, has grown j
bodies of the oitu dered were found, and I and 1'ourblied steadily until it has attained i
the fiends bad lltd without leaving a trace ! its present colossal pronoi tions. Tlio jop- '
of the path that they had puifued to -s- j idiuity of his medicines is unbounded, and
cape the penahy of the law, and have hitli- i the !einaial for them i-a this and other;
erlo t)cen only too successful in evading , countries increases daily. i
the officers of justice. J The establishment is located in the Cour- i
Jf.s and I'oltticul Items.
. Texail.ana.
tion of beinjj tll(.
bone Stnr State.
I . -
d;ysol.!, and . i,.,' a
dense f,.rest. It , '
thousand in, :,!,:!a,
bundled buildings ,"',' '
!li.--e. t
' a j,a! t
I have telegraphed the incarceration of i tor Block on Erie Street, ami the five-story
eoh: man 1 -ei'.dcr in the city bore, I building, with a front of 75 feet on Jio
s a Suit Lnhe coi i rsjondent, but there Street by SO on the Terrace, '.s occupied
e detailed eiieumstances about his arrest i from basement to roof. Over seventy
C. lierkH. March 11, farmed of a part ; and his personal life and appamm-e that j hands, men, boys and "ills, are en-luyed,
IMiihuli-lj.liia, Chester aiid I.a:i -aster. j ought to be given to tLe public, in the j and this large force is kept busy every
7. J:j:ur, IVhruary t.'f", lifi, funned of a j hoj.e that the cvidenss may accumulate i working-day of the year. Orders for the
The Pennsylvania ai d Paltirnore an
Ohio roads have buried the liaiehtt. Old
rates will b'i icsutued.
Miss Viigie Wc-Ms, of Wapello, Iowa, ;
has pas;, d examination as school teacher, j
She is twelve years old.
Forty-ihice buihlings were destroyed
by fire in Xew Glasgow, Nova Scotia, on
Sunday morning. J.oss I50.('HJ'J. I
San Bernardino county, Cab, boasts of
a mushroom four feet in eiicumfeience, !
fourteen inches high, and weighing twenty '
pounds. j
The Pcranton 7? nut-Uean snvn that a'.
colony of one hundred Catholic families are I and the above
marling pie; arations to move westward : Claiming that lie w:u
iroin mat vicuiny.
Why is Oovernor P.axter like David
fighting the Philistines ? Because he pro
poses to take a Little Hock from the Brookn.
V. Y. Com. Adr.
t!,.- ,.
lor'.y saloons. ' a -.i
'1 he hci.- s (,f M,,... .
... . t iiivnein. I'-. I
suit in Philadel-.hia a .'
io,o.iu. ir. Siijiiu
varioms oKices to the
e t,
r 1
a'a-. i,
s to hi- a t...
I puianee companies alie,- ..
milled suicicie. '
I On Satuidav the
! fl.r . .......... .
i.pfco.,-., "VIP llilr;(.
bey with due
icii of Win.
present ( 2 even or
' c m Oc r a -j, fro '
1 1
noes, t(if(-. the liopui'iiean nisitr-
:y ii; th?'ishtture would oon
ent to ruodify their appcu'tioiimont
':!: r.n l treat the Democracy of the
part oi HuutiiiL'don and Hedford. 1 the muidereis. niul tlmi tf m-ir
8. Bradford, Kehruary '11, 1M0, formed of1 be added to the fact in Lringiii" home the !
a part o! I.uzern.! and I.yco.uing. i ceItailltv of guilt to them all. !
i.ut rvs, one oi uir laree original coan- i .. i .,, u ,.;,,. tA..
n:ndicines me leceived from every Siate
and Territory in the Union, and the f.-.
ign trade forms no small part of the busi
i nc w noie country nom jnnroe to tlie i i mce oi o, ales .st-nt t ! c
mouth of the Ped river is under water, and tlie tllspatch. as a ir-',i
leu iiiousanii jieopit: in inai, oisinct will v-ooiu nave 1lioi:,t t)
S(X)ti be on me vec" of starvation.
It turns out to be true that the French
) W...
i h,.
'.I lid 1.,.
liens. Jarue siupmcnis nave ueen mr, ne steamsl,i,. IAmerique. after her abandon
IU V.IIIH, 1M,IHU t.'t k7t. 1 lltJIUit.N, nitc
Sandwich Islands, Jajan, China, England,
the StiUe. 'i
first to the kst ballot, stood fi
letlier and voted f-r thtir nomiiice
Ju'lge Curtis.
t:-.te a? if they h;id rijrits wliich the
ijority o'i every jirinciple of honesty
lTox. Allex (I. TnrTtTAN-. the av.2
Pcmocrntie Seintor from Ohio, r-d-tl
rested a letter to the nut: trjfi-xtioni-.t
lneetinjr hc-ld in (,'incin-it L- wee!:,
in vrhicli, aiaong: other ercciicit thirds
he snid :
r.t-n i:iir
To thi;
tlvn the
tic:-' wen
cciT'tlc memlr;
; o:--nrni:.'l.
M, ought to re?pect.
f.nd icasotiable propo-d-
fo.scd to accede,
on Friday last, when the nomina-
Iv.-ibfe tti? Senate, tlie Dun-
I'o v.ere therefore
"I took rny p.'d'ion afier 1 a
f-il study, and from a peifect e !i'.
its correctness. I knew fi:i! t
t asy it vouifi be toacquiie tvi-rpoi
tilarity bv iomiaLr the inllalioai-I
!.,i 'J.VV-
iirv pP
s, but i
wilt th
v: i !
V hat
f-re I
ion C:
1 f'-tr.cernt ic r.vly l
: to f;ivj thi opposi
" n::,j.'iity in ti.e
more oujrlit to le itrmsiui
u" Valiaco
io Senate
i.ever have done, aiu1 I l
what I know to be wrong in o;der to i.c
fjuire unmerited raise. re.-!dt-3 I cannot
dire;aid the teachings if that party to
whicli I have ever honestly be'ougi d. ami
w hich inculcated, from tlie very first day
of its existence, the doctrine that iriedeeui
abi'e paper monev is one of the worst cv la
with wliich any country can be cursed."
The radical members of the House
fit JIarrisburg held one o( their usual
caucus meetings a few day ago, unci
among other resolutions ruodestty
adopted the following :
Jiewfrtd, That the UepuV.ican members
cfthc House stand prepared to decide all
questions that come before them on their
merits alone, and will not, therefore, take
caucus action on non-partisan Li'ils which
will co'.nu before them for an unbiased coii
eideration. "We suppose that a legislative ap
portionment bill, The legitimate ob
ject of w hich ought to be to give each
political party in the State its proper
representation in the I.c-gislature, is
one of the "questions" that ought to
Te decided on its i-merit3 alone' Do
the radicals in the who passed j
the foregoing brazenly impu.b.i.t res- :
olution propose to act up to their pro- ;
fesiion ? Not at all ; but they are j
determined to a bill which in all ,
it? provisions, both in ti;e a go-rebate I
and in the detail, is unfair, unjust and j
atrocious, and which will disfranchise i
at leas-t me hundred thousand Demo- J
cr.tic voters in the State. They pro- i
poc to make a desert waste of the
' .1
whet! the toll Mas I:e-
t'i! its dial,
olf; led a substitute f.;r it which would
havefccured this, but his amend-
I !
tne Jiepuij!:cnn3. 1 tint tlie njipor
tionriient bill is unparallebi in its pro-
VlsionS doe- -t cd" il doiilA, td
though Senator Ilntan, its author.
ties of the Province. f
10. Butler, March li. ISO. formed of n nart
of Allegheny. i
11. Cambria. March J0, 1M), formed of a :
part of Huntingdon and H-jin.-rset.
1 . Cami-nai, March IsOO, formed of a '
part of Clinton, Elk, M'Kfrau and I'..tter. J
13. Ciirboa, March 1", li-4.',, formed of a part
of Northampton and Monro". i
H. Centre, Kehrnary V.',, iS(Ki. formed of a i
part of Mif.iin, NorlhamWrUud, I.ycouiiug
and Huntiiigiion. " '
15. Chest-r, ono of th? original emmties !
established at ther5rstse:t!enn.-nul the Trov- ,
3-.;, Clarion, March 11, 1830, forml-d of a t
jiriri of Venango and Anns: r,n:g. '
17 Ch-aifir-1..!, March ';, i;:04, formed of a
1'art of Lyi-oiaing. i
l'i. Clinton, unc C ! . 1 1;30, forineil of a part 1
. f I.vctimii.g and Ccutr--. !
1!." Cohu:,l)ia, March 23, ISIS, formed of a
part of Norlh'aiiiSerlaint. J
'() Cr:ntf,,i:l M . K T uim f,,r,,..l . r .,
part of AlirL;heny. i iianu was entirely gone, and half of the nrst Medical v ollegcs oi rue land. i no
21. Cumberland, January 27, 1750 formed ! httle finger of the left hand was also jrone, I diplomas are lo bo seen hanging in his
of a part ot Laucastur. 1 and added that lie could not have commit- private o.nce. A. urge number oi cases
formed of a ted so many iuurdeis ; that lie w as jdiysi- are constant ly nnder treatment. In tins
i would satisfy any leader of human char
! acter that he was catiable of doin; his full
i shas-e t tne Kcia.erwoik in the way that ; eiinany. and many other foreign cnun-
the Pender family did it. He is not a do- j tries. '1 he Doctor's books and par-ip hlets
' moralized being he never had a coitccp- j have been issued in (Jciman and Spanish,
tion of morality he knows natuie's wants, , and lie is now prepaiiutr to aend agents to
i and has thought of nothing higher hence South America, Hie trade in that part of
! to human brutes of that older the Kansas j the world having become so large as to de
! series of minders was a possible and likely ! mand this step. As evidence of the maar
! thing. In these particulars, then, the pris- j nitndc of the business, we would state
i oner answers, physiealiv, mentally, and that tlie sum expended for postage alone
morally to the Bender of Kansas. j for the quarter ending 2Iarch iat, ls74,
I he presence of such a person in a thin- foots up .2.(iSi.iO.
ly occupied country where he was appi e-' Th establishment is complete in every
bended, w as at once against him. lie ! part, and the nut pei feet system prevails
coa'd not tell where he came from, and ' in each department. A walk through it
when inhumed that he v.aa apprehended would fairly astonish almost any one. In
on the charge of murder, and that lie was i the dispensary department three thorough-
l.ient by her officers and crew, was picked
up ami safely towed to port by the Spray. !
An Clanger thinks that there is
too much lawyer in our politics, and that is
a nnti in we have gradually given up to the
lawyer nearly every placeof honor ai-d trust.
James Snyder, aged eighty-four, and
Mary lles'.op, aged sixty-seven, were le
cently married in Turner, Ohio. The wed
ding was at the icsidcuc of the bride's
People who purchased oil well shares
ten yrais ago will now look tip their paper.
An Indiana man, who had abandoned his
chum, has found that he is entitled to a
dividend of 4,Jt)0.
The champion young mother, eleven
wire of nee. of Otptn. b:ic lrtut 1,
supposed to be the notorious Bench r, he i ly-educated l In sicians of large experience 1 seven weeks and one dav old It demrtH
!....- 1 . : 1 ..... 1 1.1 . . I .. It..... ..I.,. 1 . : . ! r 1 I . . ... . . . . ...
1 1
family might ha , out. even os it w t.
tlie dead traveler's riit:-',,-
highly esteemed in (;,e;.-
A netrro named l!d v
victtd in Speiiou-c rp.,.
since, of rape u:i a u
sentenced t . txvcntv v ,.'
prison. Vt'hile the S;I,.,.-i
bringing the piisonin- u
'I hursday night. b;o:,(, f
took Shitldsuut of then- "
l, ;..... i . , " '
""ti to uic ei -j.vs ooani
where the b,nly was 1
A little child in (
saved its fooli.-h -f.,;; ,.
Disgusted with his p.,
fecins to Jiave ind g..,,
Meicd:th of Cusseta j ,,
relied ,hot-gun a:id put t
uictit. ii-? cilia! inn
t i.'i .
ev up hi hands and drew attention to i assist the Doctor, who himself has re- ! this life, after a brief but severe ;ilnn of knocked m i
r.,. t... n. iini. f,, ..r i : . . : i i I .: r l.,otf ,.r n.., i ..... . t "1 " 1
V- - HUH lilt- t.ltit tllllt 1 t'i lilS ll"Ilt VtriVVtl HOICtJ 1 I I'UJ ttv tvww l , M yji llltj
T , 11, .!; Mfir, Ii .1 ITti;
..-us. ii as pj fiiij'tiy v.en uunn i ly ji.irt (t iini'usur.
LJ. Dci.iffarp, September 2G, 1780. forml
i ot a part of Chester.
i 24. KIk, April is;, 1641 formed of a part of
: Jt -lVt -i-miii. C.-ai-ti-ld and M'iCeau.
! lirie, March 1'-', lstit), lorined of a part
; of A'.i.'Kaeiiy.
. 20. Fayette, September 20, 1783. formed of
i a parr V.'estun inland.
t.;7. I'otfst, April 11, 1P-S3, formed from a
pari of JesVerson.
' 2S. r'rai.U!i,i Keiitemlier Q ITs'i f,-v, 1
4 , . . . .... w
cal'v iucapablo of much bad work. Here
tne 1'iench axiom was clear: "He that
excuses accuses himself," and to that he is
d to have remarked.
Lender had not
" thinks (iitl'erent iy. As the Pittsburgh
; says, "Ijegislative tllstricts are
; made in the shape of semi-circles, elou
, lie triangles, and in every other con
! ceivable shape, for the imrpoie of dis-
I franchising Democratic voters." 1 he
! whole bill is n tialpabie and shame-
! less violation of the new constitution, j
j V'c trust the Democratic Senators j
I will not recede from Cue bold and j
'i manly stand they have assumed, but ;
i that they will fight it out on the line .
they have adopted if it takes them all :
I the balance e f the session. These ap- ;
j prtioninerit outrages by radical Leg- ',
i islatures in tlii.s S'tate, which have i
i been consummated every f?i;en vears
i since the radio: Is came into power, !
i and which is now attempted to be re- i
pea ted. must be arrested. -If the judi- ;
! cial business iti tome of the counties ;
; is obstructed, it isj.lainlv the fault of;
the Pteptihliean majority in tlie Legis- !
' lattire and upon thcrn let the responsi-
I bilitv rest
his arrest in Sevier county,
o Sail Pete County, wheie '
Benjamin F. Butler, who during
the war held a command under Grant
when the bttorwns nut-tiitins; tt c-np
ture Richmond, and whose military
Democratic party and thc-n ask that i operations and utter failures prompted
I from a part of .. i-t1; bvrhind.
( 20. Kuiton, April it., V6M formo.i a
i l-art ol I Jed ford.
i So. Greene, Fohruary P, 170G, rr'm0li froai
a jiart of Washington. "
j 31. Huntingdon. Septomber20, 17S7, form
. ed from a part ot Bedford.
! . In, liana, March M, lc'e3, formed from
; a jiart of We.-tmort-hou! and l.yroudug.
, 53. Jeli'-rson, March 'i'j, is!'i, formed from
: a part of Locuming.
at, Jnnia'ta, March 2, 1S3I, formed from a
part of Mini in.
; 3.V Bancasrer, May 10, 1720, formed from
j a pari of Chester.
, So. Lawrence. rar-h 2.-,, 1S30, formed from
i a part of Beaver anil Mercer.
! o7. Lebanon, l'ei.rnary 1813, formed
j from a part of Dauphin i;d Lancaster.
33. Lehigh. Mairh , 1S12, loruitd from a
i part of Northampton.
' 30. Luzr-rne, September 25. KM. for:r:,Ml
from a parr of Northumberland.
4J. Lyc-oming. Apt 11 13. 17'Jo, formed from
1 a part of NorthiimW r'.and.
' 41. M'lC'tan, March 20, lr04. formed from
a part of Lycoming.
42. Mercer, Mar. h 12, 1800, formed from a
I part of A I'.egheny.
1 43. M :iMin, S-.mtemher 10, 17S0, formed from
; ft part of Cumberland and Northumberland,
j 41. Monroe. Anril l. jc.V, formed ..
part of N orthamplon and I'ike.
4,'i. Montgomery, Sejitetnber 10, 1784, form
ed from a part of Philadelphia.
last his fnigfis,"
Shortly afie
he was taken to
thtji-e was a !til. v hue be was held II.oim
a young man. a stranger, Mshed to see the
piisoiier, and the jailor admitted him, and
tlie visitor and old Bender hail a familiar
talk, and gave evidence of a peisona! ac
quaintance and iuteicstin each other. In
old settled counties thiji might seem a great
freedom to bo permitted, but in the west
ern wilds thcie is no ruie beyond the whim
- disposition of the moment. The stian
ger n ft. and has vince been tracked and
arrested as vonng Bonder, and in thiee
days more will bo lit be. sr-ane calaboose
wuh his fat her.
I ipittAioneil the old man to-ihit- n.t
department are also employed several d;
pensmg and other cieiks to lill nescrii
tions, make records of cases treated, x:c.
The news per advertising is under the
charge of Mr. P. W. Scott, .ho has a
number of aasi.-tants, and evert thing in
this line is conducted very sjstcinaticaliy.
A special featiue of the I'staliliiiiment is
the printing depnitmcnt, which includes
three cylinder and three Oouion presses.
This, as well as all other machinery used,
is furnished with power from a large en
gine on the first lioor. Pour folding-ma-ch
inert are in constant operation, besides
other mechanical apparatus used to facili
tate t he work.
The manufacturing and putting-up de
partments are very extensive, and the same
svstem and older already noticed prevails.
congestion of the lungs
i A systematic gentleman of Holyoke,
1 Mass., was united in wedlock on
j last to a voting lady whom he had been
j training for the position of his wife ever
since he was two years el l.
The statement is published that the
Komati Catholic Orphan Asylum Society of sudden squall caic oi
i.rooKiy,i is .-n the verge of bankruptcy. to the westward. 'II
rasa's life was saved.
and woik, ifon'.y fort
On Fi idny three ,
the ship Zimi, outride
V est Pass, at the tn
river, started for t!ic
'i t-tl-;
1 he liabilities are over $170,000. with no
perceptible means of paynieat.
Two sons of Henry D. Langworthy,
living in Stonington, Ct., were attacked in
their house on Sunday while the parents
were at chinch. One was killed and the
other probably fatally wounded.
A cat at New Bedford, Mass.. which
had doubtless been reading the report of
ihe autopsy of the Siamese Twins at-Philadelphia,
brought forth four kittens the
otherd.iy, all joined together w hh hyphens.
The (iubei naforial contest in Arkan
sas still continues, but the difficulty is to
be se!l!ed l,v llm fVmils Tt ,;.-"tl .....
1 he entire building has been adapted to ' t n. l, i .-,,, ,i i. ..'a.
. , . . i ,,vo ,.,v nwxui, t-iuiii m iii:ui, I r,uu
..... .....1 .In 1 . : . . t. ......... ', but ljiooks holds a well foriiiieil
e k t ,
its present Uke, and the latest improve
inputs, tenuing to lessen Mie amount of
witli the Hio of a Mr. . L. Crane, who ' mauuiii lab.u, have been introluced by the
was in the oilice of the County Clerk, in i enterprising j.ropi ietor. The utmost care
Pike County. Illinois, in lr0-7r I am sat- is exercised in the ineparatiou of medi-
isoeu ui.iL ne answers lo the Mender of cine, piils, Cx.c, and
Kansas. 1 oc prisoner admitted that he : taken to prevent any deviation from cstab-
nau n oroiner-iti-uw Ly the name, of
Schmidt, who died in Pike county at that
j time. Rod that lie had been appointed the
I administrator of bis small estate, where
and when Mr. Crane had occasion to see
i him, and immediately recognized hiin iu
! jail to-day.
Bender admitted to m that he was farm
, ing in Kansas after that, and Mr. E. V
Milhoan, who had been in the em?.l:r of
tisiicii rutes. r-acii uepartment is in charge
of a competent person, while the Doctor
himself pers mally controls and supcrvisus
all the branches.
The counting-room, together with the
shipping depart enf, ore, is on the rir:t
floor, and goods are shippid on the Ter-race-s'ti
of tlie building. Dr. PiK.nci's
jiivate oflices and reception rooms are on
the sttcond iioor. The buildimr throtih-
the government anci supplip'i tne Indians '. out is heated with steam from the boiler,
party to call it j-eare.
The funeral of Dr. Li vingstone, the j
great American explorer, who?e re- I
mains were brought to Fngland from i
tlie south-eastern coast of Africa about
the beginning of week, took place
em oaiuniay lastm London His re
Grant to t?ay in ene of his ollicial re
ports that, at a certain point on the
Ja mea river, Butler was "corl'ed vp
in a botilc"1 by tlie Confederate Gener-
..lontour. May 3, ISoO, formed from a
military capacity, and is regarded as
mains were deposited in Westminster ! the ' the radical paity in the
House. In sneakintr of Butler's career
in Congress and of its damaging ef
fect upon his party and the country,
the Philadelphia Hulletin. a Grant pa
per, recently jnburthened itself in this
w ise :
It i time fir the Republican party to
unload ; and the first man to be thrown
overboard is Benjamin P. Butler. He is
too much for any political organization to
carry with safety : ami unless the party
guts riu of him and his crew of dependents,
the country will be verv ant to set the seal
seem to have been preserved by some j "f its leprobation upon the party. When
iL-iicans won their last great na-
tory they had upon leeoid
Abbey a etistinguished honor and j
only conferred upon Britain's most il- !
lustrous statesmen, generals, philoso-;
pher3, and poets. Living tone wss a-!
Scotchman by birth, and had at j
least one-third of his life in Southern I
Africa in the attempt to discover the J
true sources of the river Nile. j
life bail been a perfect romance of its
hind. He died many months pgn in i
the swamps of the country which he '
loved to visit, and his body would ';
i: . i
peculiar oy toe natives, who
honored and loved him bce.-u-'O he
Was always their hind U:.i gihrioti?
friend. He achieved greatness and
earthly immortality in his ptculi-ir
sphere of action and Ids bono reel name
v ill pass into history as the most dar
ing, enthusiastic and successful ex
plorer who ever undertook to solve
the vexed question about the source
of the Nile. All honor to his mem
ory. ,. b oaa of the few im mortal
names that was not born to die.
- 3 -i
. . .
;ii-As.ts is a. nappy t-tste. m
much as she is o.V.v f or avcl
1 part of Columbia
4i. tSor.himjiton, March 11, 1752, formed
from a part of Hucks.
4S. Northumberland, March 17, 1772, form
ed from parts of Lancaster. Cumherhiml
al, is an Ishmnelite in the radical par- : Berks, Hdford and Northampton,
ty. He is the confidential friend and j or4CunTbe
adviser of Grant, who ridiculed his' 'so. pbiladelnhia. n,if n,.ii,.,.,i.,i
counties etal;jhed at the first settlement of
the Province.
51. I'ike, March 26, 1814, formed from a
part of Wayne.
C2. Potter, March 2G, 1804, formed from a
part of Lycoming.
53. Schiiyikill, March 1, 1811, formed from
a part of ISerks ami Northampton.
54. Snyder, March 2, 1S55, formed from a
pait of Union.
Co. .Somerset, April 17, 1795, formed from
a part of Bedford.
So. Sullivan, March 15, 1S47, formed from
a part of Lycoming.
f-7. Susq-iehanna, February 21, 1B10, rorni
eu from a part of Luzerne.
SK. Tioga, March 20, 1804, formed from a
part ot Lyi
50. Union, March 22, 1S13, formed from a
part of Northumberland.
CO. Venango, March 13. 1800, formed from
u I'.in i,i A.lrgtu.iij anil Lyeoinin,'.
r arret!, March 12. 1800. formed frr.
the case may be, with ttco Governors.
At the election in November, IX 72,
Flisha Baxter, F.r publican, was de
clared to be elected and was its sing-,
Mrated. Hi opponent, Joseph Brook
he liel
tional vit
tmct and solemn inomise of two excellent
and necessary reforms. '1 hey were pledged j
to labor eainrsily for the redemption" of i
tin curifiiey a: d too reorganize the civil I
sertice in uuch a manner that the business '
of the nation should be conducted by men j
cho-en because of their special litnesK for j
the work, and not by political hacks se- j
lseted up on a system of favoritism. B'tth i
of .'.... -f.ltdgfi l.are been violated, and the j
most biazeu mid indecent of the advocates '
of such violation is Butler. There may be j
a few infatuated beings who believe that !
the Republican party is strong enough lo '
f-ustaiit iiself even v. hen it h;dl have been :
pioved utterly Ja'nhltss to its tiustand to!
its promises ; but no sensible mau enter- !
tains such an opinion. !
a jiart of Aih-gheuy and Lycoming.
N yn". -March 21, 170G, formed from a
p.Ti tol Nil! ihaiujiton.
03. Wa.-hii gn.ii, March 23, 1781, formed
from a part of Westmoreland.
'4. Westmoreland. February 20,1773. form
ed from a part of Bedford, and in i785 ,,-irt
of the pni-chasu of 1784 was added thereto
t5. "Wyoming. April 4, 184V. formed fiom
a part of Northu mUerlarid nd Luzerne.
00. York, August 10, 1740, formed from a
part of Lancaster.
on the Osage 1 1-"' .01011, assured me that
Ua haa almost tiany seen the prisoner at 1
Bender's ranche for month, and knew him '
to be Bender. Mr. Milhoan was engaged j
iu constructing a road past Bender' sp!ace j
to Hie reservation, and saw 110 ditlerenco
in the Bender thero antl the Bender here
other than fatigue and restlessness. But!
the two women are still at large. Late in :
.the fall a woman cam out of the moun
tains into the, outskirts of Provo. forty
miles south of this. She was almost naked,
and seemed at times mentally deranged. i
She told contradictory stories of hea- past
life, but gave out that The had been dis- j
appointed in love, and had wandered from !
Colorado into the mountains of Utah. Pity
for a woman in distress induced a Mormon
sister to give her a home and clothes, antl :
after a little stay the strange woman left '
again for the mountains. There seems a I
probability that the v. hole blender family
has been in the Watsatch range of nioun- :
tains all winter. They must have had great
difficulty in finding the means of prolong- :
ing life; but the Indians may have aided :
them, and what with the berries and roots !
to be found before winter in the mountaius !
they may have provided for themselves. !
At all events, they never came from Colo- :
ratio to Utah in the winder time. They
must have come before the snow fell, and
the fact that they have been f..und on the '
west m!o of tlie mountains within the last
two weeks shows conclusively that they
have been concealed as above Vtated.
located in the basement, and one of those
very necessary articles, a steam 1 levator,
connects the different stories. The extent
of the business requires the most vigorous
action on the part of the employees, and
steam power and machinery are utilized in
every possible way.
For statements in regard to Dr. Pjkuck's
treatment of cases, his medicines, including
the famous "Catarrh Remedy," "Golden
Medical Discovery," "Favorite Prescrip
tion." tfcc, we refer our readers to the. ad
vei tisemout, w hich contains full and satis-
, position.
j Hon. Alex P. Callow, Mayor of Alle
j gheny city, died on Saturday morning last,
i He was an old printer, ami for a immhor
extreme caution is nc v...-c t,ttm,i., t... -..
cial ohice, Pittsburgh. lie was ngc-J fuity
two years.
A Kennebunk (Me."i mm who assault
ed his wife with intent to kill w as fined vlO.
And yet if lie had failed to marry her after
having promised to do so, she would prob
ably have collected several thousand dol
lars damages.
An old lady hearing Fome one reading
about a Congressman at large, rushed in
the kitchen door, shouting : 'Sarah Jane,
Sarah Jano ! don't leave the clothes out all
uirdit, mind I tell yon, for there's a Con
gressman at huge."
The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania
has ruled that a demand for payment of a
note must be made at a reasonable time of
day ; if at a private, not at an
hour when it may be presumed that the
family is in bed ; and if at a place of buta
nes?, within bus-neis hours.
A destructive fire occurred in Isbpen
ing, Michigan, on Sunday night, destroy
ing an en ire block, 'i'hirty families aie
' "t i! -- i,
e e j
:V:t t
ami. seeing their heiph.M c..(
mediately dispatched the cai.
with six men to icsene them '
r.t.-i; ,!,- 11 iij a::u r.:v
from since.
Recent advici .- sh--.w ,
pi fitshet in Lo:i;sh;i..i jt.
t ion. At -N e w (.:
alinct w I...1K- sol.
p-.-opt 1 ty is eno: iiiou.'''
011 ,y this caiatnirv v '
fitikirg poiitira t
some time t: c f.i.-r-. -'
ly, pei h-jj s, put a ti.t : ; ,
stroke ou the 1:1 , f ...
through tho St::'e.
Near M'errilla:i. Vt
known as the Silver M ,
about 3iHl acres, and r .i
h;irl tpiai tz rock, heir -'
about O-.'SO feet hi.-h. a::'i
si. .11 of about ) Iet i , ;
is evidence of aneieta 1
mound. At the t-p :-! -,:
20 feet, and a drift i;; ;,
of one of them p.-:! .1:
glyphics arc carved i:- ;
Theltroofclyn I'
rest ef t wo men". Ton n .'
Carni'ly, believed to ha
the murder of Pi. f. p;?ti
two vears ag:
t -ei.
1 rendered homeless, and twent-y-fivo bsi-
.. . ..... , t .. , . . I . ,
...t,., .,., ,,,osC points. 1 ne uess plaCfia burned
j t i-u.i.. il; v inetjv, juiucnan 1." wen ULUItfr- i
Ktood. anil. n sfntM nlmvi. il.ajx- o .-
tensivciy sold throtiIiuut America and in
" ""I r... ;1,S(,C8.: ? e,vM. utterly
- - - - !' r- "V. Itilllt'll
4irrt.. t- 1.1. t - . - . .
out T b, ; ' f u., ,t,. UlaMli j,, the doorway and was badlv
out doubt, one of the largest and mor.t com- t u 1.,, ,!, ,ri,na. : ,i;.i ..:
.a.. iA.,et,ai-:..ii . t r- , ,., luiuu mi uituitticii t. mi
Plele OI Its kllltl that, can l ,o r.,m.I 1 , J
of the'most despcr.itc Ii igh ra
throats who iiave cvi-i i:;fs:rd -.'
and who fiom the st-.uthaa.ehtc:.-ed
responsible far Pan i :n-."s ::.
rumored that Catniody Lnr.i.i-.:-:
fession. implicatii!g Finnia :'isit:
The fin d saving of t!: V.-.t
ship "Ameiique" furnishes tiir.u.-!-.
veie criticism on the sea-nan-! ,: 4
it y of the French oih.eis a:.,i
There vyas but one eompnrrtii- ru ;
condition, tho otheis i-.::- d
vessel was discovered, ly t!.
rolling in the trough of ti e s.t . v.
iu tow and brought safely m ., ::.
wlio thus abaud-Hi a ves.-t i tl
The loss will not fall
( short of 1)0.000; insurance SO.OOt).
hue Dr. J. P. Barnum, a chemist 1 critically imperiled, despite stv
of Louisville, was making cther'on M"on- i ment.
: Miss Xeliy Walwoilh. t'-
demohshing tha building. Barnum was
wncie. 1 tie woetors energy and enter
prise have been rewarb.d with a wonder
ful, almost unlimited, degree of fcuccess.
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser.
The DnoMKn Pnirs. Tho unfriendly
fate which pursues the French transient ir
l ; ,.e . - t . . i
loss ; " W f C 1, Itt I! I -P-ted to yet prevail, though
tn ,, . ,,,, n"'S I UUitCC
conij..iii. j ne new steamer Amer-
The only vote for inflation in the Sen
ate of the United Stales north of tlie Poto
mac and c.nst of Indiana, svas cast bySeua
tor Cameron, of Pennsylvania. Th'o only
member of the. House in the New Englaiid
delegation who voted for the bill was Gen.
B. F. Butler.
The volcanic disturbances in North
Hi worth, is t ravelling a'
with her unr ie. Rev. Fat:,
worth, and. the letters
mother nie puhiishe
louiiis reach us 01 accessions to the
si..;i.. n .. , . ...
IOUP. w iu 1 ft Yo... V,.,l, 11 . (a. : t : - ' "on-u ic sain to
all,: .71." ",c l,- ! have eh.
'"I'oioi .it in est, on tne 14th. and nn tl.o
Travious to March 2i, 1P12. this countr ws
ealle.J Ontario, hut its imam was changed to
i..-ii,ifoi- l 0,1 l:i;it tly.
:iuc;;s county v,.s one of th three orifnn!
counties established at I he ti si seuienient ,.f
tlie l'l-ovince ol t'eniiFvIx hioh, ilie other nn,
heuitf I lulaJeliiiiia aaj Checker. See Votes of
ttio Asseiublv. Vol. 1.
whose politic-. are unknovtn to
Baxter liad
the co::-
1 be-
claimed that hp. and
boen b?cn elected.
1. --. .. r . .. 1
to luc Kyuu 11 101 renre'tS. iU.i.1
troversy btcn fiercely wacre
tween the contendiiig factions ro:
teen months. About ten th v.-
jiroeivS, oy s-imj poomuir : n'Ah-uier.t,
j"roenred a wiit of oiisc- fivm the
.Supremo CVirt' B ixtr, nvi
forcibly too'.c porwt-'sjion t.f the execu
tive olVtee in tho S.a-te Hous?. Bax
ter to;k up his headquarters in, moth
er buihling. Pioth .f tlieso ja ! .,',:.
have appealed to th.? Preddcnt for
military fiid, but Grant has v.-i s -! v de
clined to ir.te:ferc. it: the disgraceful
qu.irrel, ir.eivly directing Coi. Bose.
commanding tlie United S'tates tiu,-.3
tt Little Ib-.c!?, to pre.c-rve tho per.c.
between the couu udlrig p.t. ilcs r.n l
tlteir adiit-.i s. "o h:X i,0 ,b,iibt
that this w'dl l,i do:i. an 1 then loth
Baxter and Brooks vi 1 discover how
supromc-ly ridiculous, if not iuflmouj,
they lvave made the nici ves. '
I. S. A c.iUlsion lictWicn the fbree-s
of Baxter aj Br.oks took place in
tho streets of L'eti0 iock o:, Tnesdiv
Two or three were wounded, but it "is
ftill thought tlie e'imcn'.t v ;V::i i.j,
CT.bly ar!pjlgil. ' ;
Tiie publishers of c-!iool book? are
making a vigorous ctfirt to prevent
th.e passage of the bill n:,w before the
Legislature, which provides for a uni
form system in their selection. The
present abuse is to flagrant and lias
met with such unanimous opposition
of tlie people, that a
as the- proposed law
plate, is imperatively i.omand-
In rt't'orrinrr to this ininortant.
picsti,,,! the riakulelphi:; Public lie
cord :,y4 :
:.t the huiuls
change, such
cor. ten;
Git ant's Lrci:. The New York Tribute.
speaking of fortune's freaks in relation to
Grant, says : j
From ihc time lie conic out of the tan-vard i
at Galena, ho ha never been able to meet ;
a piece of bad luck. He freuuently trifled i
with his good fortune during th war, but i
lie ver knew how to estrauge it. After cessa-
torn of hostilities, he continued to stiff-r the i
sami iinuinuitv from the conspu nonces of
Ian, is. II- ,.,... 1 .,,;, .,.
,,.! ... ....... OUUIU
..nvi 11-,t Otq r-t.-
1T.AX Cur.riVATiox ix NV.imAsxA. If
was at one time supposed that lhix. would
only thrive on the seashore; and hence Hol
land bad what may be regarded as a great
monopoly in the growth of flax, ami the
manufactuie of linens. But the plant
flourishes in Nebraska ;and the soil is too 1 ic'.i
for even this exhausting crop easily to affect
it. The cultivation of the crop is "therefore
yearly increasingat- present with a view to
the oil expressed from the seed, though (as
there is now no linen manufactuie worthv
of the name in the State,) it may be ultf
niately to provide fibre for the mills, ( or- 1
tairdy the people of Nebraska may look to
tins conclusion ;
j same day, when halfway to Havre, struck
upon me island til Ouessant and sank.
Fortunately all on boatd were saved, with
the single exception of M. Garav, the sec
ond oft'cer.
This makesthe third of these magnificent
ship-; that has perished at sea within four
months. It is hardly possible that the com
pany can bear such a series of calamities,
or that public confidence can be restored
in the seamansh ip of its officers and the
safety of its vessels; f,,r, whatever may be
said in defence of those who are directly
responsible for tho loss of these ships, the
fact that such calamities have succeeded
each other with such rapidity cannot fail
o have .its full weight, and' people who
have occasion to cross il, ..,:u i.
ami settlers in t hrt o....
ought not to forget that llax may bo made !kcIJ 111 future to prefer the vessels of other
a profitable crop. ones.
.s.t a recent meeting of the Farmers'
a i n T
association, in j.anca.sler county, held at
Lincoln (the county seat and capital of the
o: e
e Hue si not
! ( ihr-d f r checkii
been sr. j. C'. e.i to ;
p 'Use. u i:il pupils have
f.erparr.t changes oTtext books in
ioo!s. f, avol .as mettxts. has bn-
a'.mse tit. it is very
1 c should devise some
Taxj-.jyers have
uMiecvssary cx-
fleii beeili clai H.xl
1 at.. or t.ian advanced in their M-aVes bv
clianges in text books which are
to explain on any other theory than the
suj position that piivate u.idJista;idii'.fs
aiu er.iablilicvl between some pubih.heiH
-ad some tch.-i'.'l nii!holiiies for their inn.
...... ... -..,111,11, HI MICJI
'e.-.e. ja oh
C ii!ipa,.;s
can bo destroyed
without siiv-
ia tin e
new evil heiug sauc! ioiied, the lcgUb
will 11 fori., an hnpoitaut j-ublic servi
We l'ae 1 ea.d recently ef seveial se
re e.tscs t:f spinal ,Hse:isr."f il i .! be
' -xnoauiie- j.tnisr.fnt
man forty-live rears ..i,l
j:ie case i t a
wlin 1 1 ?i , 1 urtf
lone a day's work fjrf,.,r years. Tho
barn s.iould first Iw washed, then rubbed
w.c, a o-Mpc., t;J.t Ai,l1y 1he Li..inu,nt
'd, f.nd 1 t:l. i.; wed v.iih thelnrd
aviip ivn , 1 a : 11- 1
.,..,11 , t 11 , 11. .m.. jie :
in ,,.1,1 Wlth ''"hnson and support the i
nqieachment .ami ,H,t cease to be n object
of des re to the I),-mocra!s. V.'ithout the ! qaanh.-ati, , , r ..j... uil)1 ;
hi had his choice ol the imminatio , to the
Presmeucy. After four years of consistent '
demoiistratuui f his unfitness ha was unan- !
rVeVl- r,V!".ina,1-a h' Irty and re- j
elected. Notmng he coul.t h. had any ef- '
feet upon the devotion of his adherents i
He sustained the harpies who plucked ami
luudcrr-d the commerce of New York and
our merchants and bankers subscribed 'mon
ey enough to buy two or three States for
nun. He quarr.Wd with Mr. .Sumner
grossly injured Mr. Motley, affronted the
who.e Stale of Massachusetts by appointing
a Collector whom both Senators and mos't
... .h;,iiimpi,iiiiiv('s protested ac.i 11st
yet .dassacb it setts dares not elect a Sen
except by his permission. He treats J
HOUS.'SOt C-.011!TrPRS J l,ia cn,-.,t..t.... !
deserve, ami thev npvor nl,ipt !
ie tl, u,.;. r.f " . r ' . ' '
th-l'itMi t o' ttppoiuiments 111 i
bet.1 o,. r V If -"ar the ountry remtn-
baiver ,' Kato" an'l tr. Shella-
in- wi h f;rvy liev that he is labor-
'"r. Willi them, h-hii n.if ... ,
. '..itiiuesh ami
or me
in mis nnpiecedental scries of calamities
tho reputation of French seamanship suf
Utrs even more severely than the treasury of
the Atlantic company. It is disaster, com
plete, thorough-going, wil bout anything to
leheve its intensity. V. T Siui
State), a discussion took place on the
probabilities of ; tlax crop for this year,
and ii was stated that some easternVen
tlemen had offered to build an oil mill if
the fanner? wnn'il mii too 0;.,;...,
. ,...(i.(li.
quantity 01 me law material. Tho cm-res- , . . V ocrcrnE at Scuantox. On
pondent who sends this item of informa- , I mo,I"ng tne meu working at the
littu in the interests of farmers moving i i, , n,"'!,acc f the Lackawanna Iron and
west, says that in Ohio, the llax crop used 'M t-nPny, Scranton. were horrified
to be a most profitable one. Haifa bushel ' j-v nc of tle most shocking cases of self
of seed to the acre would produce from 10 ',r"c:';'11 t!,at has ever occulted. Tlie
to 2D bushels, worth $1 50 per bushel. v,ctl,n the suicide was a strange vouno
Taking the yield at 1;) bushels, the seed '.1;ln narT1c Theodore Ma rone, who
I hit . ... ' - '"in.
acre; and allowing , ","K"lfln "i tne turnace were en ioyinir
ses (which inclu.les : sl'"-t irsptfc fiom their labors took ad-
the delivery of the seed to the milp, the ,,I,l:ge ot their temporary absence and
profit to the farmer was ?7 per acre. The l"VCP.- ",to ,h RCetl'ing furnace, which
" . Has at wmto heat. Hiscrie,
was woith ii.j per
JfS jer acre for expe
ill Illeill
t? has ni
P"rsr.i ration.
straw also was worth (5 per ton; and the
yield was half a ton to the acre. Nebraska
is more suitable for flax cultivation tlian
Ohio, and farmers who migrate to this
nromisinrr Rtntp ivlirn ft,o l-i,,.l ; t.;,-.-r?-i
rich and cheap, may w isely keep this sub- ! wav"ig his hand
- - I tenn 1 ....... .. 1
JUCl 111 View. i , " K"jr.
i lowered to h
" " its nreseneo
A. .cw lnrk lournal says that a very
attracted the attention of
men pained
ins companions.
-Jaronc crvratinor
tracterized the earlier stages of the
eruption. They have got used to that tort
of thing, yon know.
A c:am with a gold finger ring on its
snout, the said ring having several initials
engraved n it, was dug up at. New Bed
fjrd, Mass., the other day, in a locality
where it is customary to baptize converts.
The ring piobabiy slipped from the finger
of some immersed sWter.
An alarming disease i3 prevailing in
some parts of Jefferson Co.. New York,
among the dairy cows. In nppttaiance it
resembles what is known as the lung
plngnc. The Jefferson County Fannets"
Club has appointed a committee of five 1 1
investigate tlie disease and report. The
animals die within three or four ciavs after
the attack.
in Cony, the otb.-M day. a ?Irs. Cow
den was found dead in a miserable hovel,
with her young children nearly naked and
almost starved, huddled around her. An
investigation showed that she bad r'arved
todeath. Her husband, a worthless fellow,
was fully able to provide for his family, but
ho spent all his earnings for liquor.
A school teacher in Do Witt county.
Illinois, has introduced a new method of
punishment into his school. AVlieu one of
the girls misses a woid, tho lad who spells
it has permission to kiss her. Tho Clinton
Public says : "The result is that the girls
are fast forgetting all they evei knew about
spelling, while the boys are improving with
woudei fid lapidity."
A modest young husband iu New York
sent the following messpge over tho wires
to friends in the city tl.e ot her day : "See
ninth chapter of Isaiah, sixth verse." Tho
dusty old Bible was hiuled down in an in
stant, and the above chapter and verso
were bunted out ami found to explain all.
, c.j.y j-rtsi. ConM.h ruig
lady is only about foait.- :;
i her cotnjMisition is adm'.rai,'.
i it posscses a peculiar 1:.; -.
' melancholy history of the fi
the culminating ti age-It i- t
j quiie more than mei" n.
! The Ilar-isbiiig V iV
I the offce of the dej titT f.-C
j Coinmo-.i wealth are a n i-i,:
ments, etc., whoe a",
years. Th lht law pi. -i :
j of Pennsylvanin. as 1 ee -.
j in I'jSJ, tlie date of its eve :::
j the curiosities. Tn-, of" ::a--
captured by the r
ton and a powder lmin is-?,! :
tiooary war are a'-o j :es-:v-
that laeinoiab'e pc i i, :
; threw oil the yoke of ''
1 One of tiie rn,"-t tt
: the wairhl is the nr. :f- ; 1:: : t :
: cidents. Thu in tnea-. b.i::
statistics aie touch !:; i .!."
this count ry. tl 0 U '
human vioh nc i: f-i 1 v ti'
it was I5,ti!N ., -; !
in lOtl ; 17,"74 in 1 '.'
Not only that, but ;'. a -tends
to the n.anr.c;- vi;'- '
met 1 !:eir dea: J ' -. -. .. c
for this u;iif,i M:i!y. rv ' i
ciple that in the ice
there is no such ihi:". a- - s'
exception to oidii .-oy '.
whole tmi verso is -vc; :.
A C ir r 7. k C if i 1 " '
ter crusade a men's r.: '"
Ionia county, and ir i :
similar one is und .'r discus-:''!
Called the "calico nunc: t
signed as a companion P:,,c
ance, a rcciproe.d p'euge
nin form pi ay ing chibs :i::-I V
en to abstain fi :n the u-'nf--a
beverage, or exttava-i","!?
They have dr.iivn u; a 1 ,
strong and d ub. and i ,l'
couji'es. one art by i:if!'s;
part by w.iuh n. T::e " 1
them to abstain fo'::i the
ting liquors as a l,r',!,,-'-"
. t
- j
I .itfK- . 1 ... , ., . . . ' ,,L'
wealthy irRntlm:in nflli it iyi Ime Prided 1 n-no r . ' , . "'""v uul Human aid
... 1. : .1 j.r. .:. v. v . ". u-z . v :r to svc the
vt v 1110 ui, "iiici mj in.ib 1 1 cj 1 mo ; iiiit 11 1 luni;
oeaiit ins Dodr
Dutley, who, to-etho,. , ! c,sc. rc:las .Vs a chihi I" JT. ,1 " ' ,0 , f. i: , er-1
nn tt .1 uorn unio us a Dor is given. ' ,....-........,1 , ....
, ran to see the iiiifoifiii, ! . , . . . - o,t .....-..,-! t.. the head- lU': 3,
Tmtrt i, i- , """7 i rooatnv tho las. esi train m the woihl "n''""'"v- ' . n ;
amid the Iniuid . nnfi . - ' . ... ...... . ... of i,ni.ln to dress m 1' ' i
nn,l fn.t .1 . ' l"c eipiess iraiu an inn tireat ostein ' a,r 11:1 ' ?
s and feet m tho most in- 1 Kail-trnd. which I.f,fr, cheaply, jeuel.y. ?
"addled shovel was ton Stat on) a t 1 1 4o a V a , 1 uvriZ tics, corsets, stays, hoops. j.
mn i'"' rhf,.Ma. ious of; s.inilo,,' JtU! Seventy-X?.t m ,V? a ' J.U
a nnineoi- 1 !' r
which 1,. 1,..' a ' 'T ."-""' " a servico
,RrM,'u past reformation
save the unfortunato
. ty,. . ..,eM ...a i m the lurnace, and he wasdra e1 D
ly shall be miectcd with pe- , as uuick v n i-.,.ct:i.i 1 rn . p
troleum, placed in a metallic coffin, and hook, a charred dur,I 1 1 'K"
then be deported in one of the retorts of I nibble L ' m . r i"'1 u"'"ccoR-
Ihe Manhattan t,.is Cumni,,,. works. Tf tl, f . He CrtuI' 1,ot ,,aVO been 111
. : r . 1 . ."i:ite auov
The Pope's phys'c.ian.
iv i!Ct.. at. ' i : e ao.. ,,r
Br. Viale. late-
C ; ' , , "
The Pontiff is said to 7.
afterwards no one wishes to inter his ashes.
I they are to bo delivered to the Central Park
Commissioners, to be used a3 fertilizing ma-
, terial cn one of the flower beds near tlie
music stnnd.
1' r f V in 1
y. . . . - a avr 1 i I I 1 1 I i f . II S II C
' -as heard by the workuten
who hastencl to his assistance, but the in-
rovb fca r , f ll:e v,ao was mt&
a seco,.d UOt l,ee" theie raore lhail
-M-. at an Average rate of fiftr-ilo.
and a half mi'es per hour. Few of f.ur
American "li-utning-express" trains keen
up a speed of thirty miles an hour.
At a rec nt reception given by the Lieu
tenant Governor of South Carolina, among
the delicacies of the season, some icecream
in a rather liquid condition was passed
around, iinon tasting which one of tho
newly elected State Senators, to whom ice
cream was as great a rarity as his political
office was a novelty, exclaimed. "Gollv.
chile, e:i3 am the eoldest soup I ever ate!"
everv violation b
of each couple signing tlie V
liapidi (.V.V.',.": A','-"
fj-mi n," ami etla'r
.(t 1 ,!l."'"'
1 in using
to know, sav that ti e
had better be obe:vtt
Cnr'i'ry Cofriti-.n '
a tablespoon ful eveiy
the same every other
nights ; the sa:r.e fr
twice as much f'"r a"
cf little Mao r-a:t -
t : o
1 i
: r
1 ne
i J
w imi. rr mwsum