The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 17, 1874, Image 2

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i15 J2i n: 1.
Ik Us.ioi.ii iHlhiiail.:
f c" r.. tr-. 1 - -
Friday MomiiV, - - Apiil Vi, 1ST4.
org, (u
jf n
I.V th
pro. i'
ems v. :.-,
24 vea-i to 50 nav
..- 5
coin ; ;i
lay k.r-t, the hill
Dry .' iuc-il ioa in
e I Ly a vote of
So? ,!. '
WnKN the pre-ee-nt unfair mol ir.icj-.-i-ten.s
legislative spiifc'iime-tit was bc
fv;re the Senate last Thursdr.v wot k'
on its finr!, Hon. William A.
Wr.llf.iv oOlred a substitute for t!;e
bill, which, while it would give the I o-
DoiCH the SM-iqUcIiUMHt.
.or.a e :
Hid Mi l
a working niaj.
nt v
, Correspondence Ohc.-ri i Vide y L'tdop.. Eni'ions On (lie westerns-lope
cf ti e Allegheny mountains in Cambiia,
futility, the west branch f ti e Susque
hanna ii--; s- Almost w i'.Liu a stone's throw
JIis3 L'tirrolVs Metnm-ial.
hemlock brings up tho rear at from 12 to !
1-1 cents. I see bv a ilariisburg paper!
that a mammoth raft passed down the liv- . amost bf.mahkabi.f. cask who planned
cr this, containing Do pine' trees
from which the owner exj-cted to realize
.?KV00. The owner of that was stuf-
Img tlie reporter, itco mils ever pass
yens itul I'altti-cai Jtvtits.
This year, as for several years past.'Miss
Anna Ella Carroll comes before Congress
. Col. Wilt iam
of tha Allegheny
dir. 1 .i i
i ue.s.ay
.. . i .
;i i -s i os i ; i i : c e
liiHt. II,! W
'kiu li s, President
Valley i'.ail Eo-,1
in Pittsburgh on
as a very promi-
pi'sb g
woi:M do t ul-stan-
imraili; 1 in-tice to both no-
iitlc.l pr.rtks. Of course Mr. Whl-Ir.c-v's
s-;hstiti;t was V','.vl m'cwti by
the H:!:er.l r.j.-jority, Senator M'C!t:re
votii!. with the I'tinoi.r- t-, nl the
infamy v.-a s cnsi::;:inatc.i. Tho
th.c ot' ll,e ,iti,d, l'lm f river, another ' rrfdowu the Susquehanna Unit would bring ! with her cls.itns for compensation for'ser- i
that amount. Ail tue raits, however, uci . vices renuorcu daring the civil war. tor a I
spnng but bits forth and tahes its Ion '
t iiliu'iis ay to the gulf of Mexico.
is t be head of lb
eoneiii-.uiiili, which
rient fitizon.
resi.fcl r.r.d o. ;;!;. !oi:cv of the bus
oom.n unity ut hoioe and i:bio:.d.
uu at.ivo. euti-
, crijovod t!:o
is now b
j.a; will
s:at i'.- .-
the H
wro i:i
- ... i i
3 f 1 I" L ' i . :i :.i i. vl j
:.t. Iv, i.i'ti. t p: esc:
r its act;
and cut!
I i;rv. vT;-
ts '.he couu-'.cri of
dressed a
Sn-vr. CI;
State i.
th" I:
.-(.rd of be t'l
fun? !;ave a!-
t?-r tj i;r. A U'.lrew .m-O-
r!;i::n of t'u' Dv-mt.eralto
i't.-c, le'iHstlao; hi.a jiot
tj call the M-.'lo (.V.nventi..n before
tlie i'.y v pa.-1
week i:i i:vpte:;) .'
for hitii to do i.
an itlj.'i- ii;(.-i,ti''''
i Auiru-t
or. T!.eI(ro
of the c'o::ir.i
roe tri:;u tu-j u
the i) !
tins (?ubj,vt ; an t tho :
tL.ii the better, r.-J it i-es-ery
cousidri jti i.u of
GOV. 1 1 A H7;'A S'l'T Sf lit
iivel's; 1 ?t;
er t hlnir
i to cail
ii; Ue - nd
tiincnl of
l'e( i le of
o:iv-r he d--.cj
ueuir.nd'.-l by
ixlitictil fo:c-
tv if C'auihria, and who by hii vote
in f.ivor of '.his t Hiic-r.l outrage will
.-ib I in the.' dioiV::nv'hise!iH -at f wn? Iiun
If.d thousand lscmot-ratic voters ia
t!is- Stale. We have i:o doubt we will
be shle Li-foro c;r piio.r .'ot-.s to nrefs
; 1:1 1: i ,n r:-f it t el ss; f V-v tho 1
it w,i; t-is-:i remain to bt seen whether
vi ;v. H;.!t!u-:t't wiil sanction thUrnon--tro!.ity,
er v. Lit her he will r.sseit his
;..,iitic:d niM-.hood a:id us no honest,
eyeeutive, wiii;-h we believe him to be,
s nd the traud br;e-k to the Sctiato with
jes the A'legheuy and Hows o:i to tlie
e.l.ioai.d M:sr,-,sippi. They rise on either
tide s'f the tii rut dividing t idgc or water
frhed wliit'i separates tiecs wateis of tlie
Atlantic ft ota tha u" the Mississipr-i val
ley. Dashing swilMy down the sl'.'jV, 'n:id
mor-t-y roek and through shady hemicclc
grovtf, the Sy.pu liaun.i, swoik n by its
mai.y tributaries, bteouies navigable for
rails (in time of id-li water), at Clirny :
'1'iee er Canoe Landing, Ittv.een three ami
four bundled miles above tide (.Port De- '
uofith i
not Lumber City in safety; ut least ; while this claim was laughed at on general
principles, because Miss car roll was a wo- !
man. Afterwaids it was frowned upon as i
disrespectful in in essence to some of our
great captains. Cut it gathered strength '
and consistency all the while, until i'. at j
last obtained the suffrages of many Con- '
grcssnian and the fa vol able report of a j
ten l ei- cent, of them arc stove upon the
n eks and have to l3 galheud and rafted
up nraiu. From Lumber City to Clear
lield town the river is quiet and easy to
naitrate. At the latter place a moiuitain
pilot and two extra handsale taken aboaid
and the raft enters the Alleghenies.
"Now, bos, take olf vour coals auil for
eight or ten hours pull like good fellows."
K -.chefoit& sailed from I lbourao
on Saturday. Th -y are expected next at
San Francisco.
George Klocfc froze to death in Penn
sylvania, last week. He was aSc-ut two
months behind time. Tt'iston Post.
't i . : i ... , f ... . . , j ' I revs . 1 v: ti It..,.. 1
married lat T hursday in Carlisle to lienry I hvehlloc d by Sywu.- J t
K. C.ooditmn. M. IV. of Phihi.lelr.hij. ! lies.
If the 1:,. rt .,.;,s
mere don't make in ,
except...!,,., l,.,-.vevrr.
A lawyer bought s1,':
Webs'er, l.w;,, f'..v
1, 7lti ; eres m w yn
nevutt y;-jt,(HK) f
.'.- -'v.,;. . ;
looncv .. ;!
" 'lie -J"p
, . aat v,
I.:. -fcaisl.
chance for ,,r'i TJ"'-
.-; s t., .
For u.ilesupin miles no human habitation, t-iderable parties in both Houses, and even
n- that Mits Cariull may some day obtain the
Only "the liver, with barren mountains ii
sin" on either t-iele tho haunts of deer,
bears and rattlesnakes. For tixty miles , tainly an extraordinary one.
or more the river is rapid and rocky. and assumes to prove that she orizinat'ed
The .IVnnsj Ivania isunday School As
sociations will hold its next annual meet
injr in Scranton. Juno Gth, ICth and 1Kb.
It is said that if a lamp chimney is I
boiled in Indian nienl and vinesrar for an !
. . . .r i i " ii "
committee. It is now by no menu impos- I UOUI ,'1. J" l. V v "ever eracK. i
sible that it may vet be recognized by con- I ,.-A ntl wl e Kvansv, le, In-;..., H..MV..S, ...i s., ! diana, have each nine eloldi en of their own. 1
and yet tliere are only twelve cbiluien in
p. .
compensation the asks.
Her claim is cer-
She asserts
it might interest some of the renders of Abutment Kifrle is the most shallow part ! and s-uggested totho Government the plan
...s. s iu it.u.i now nits uuye pines are of the river in tuo mountains, ana it a rate
transported e!o. n the rou:i l;ett i iver in tho ' ,vtr it. witbont lumr.inr th hntfom
she is uooa lor IjOCk iiaven. .moni; tue
tliri e huudreil miles to Marietta.
o jkcj.s harly m September, the men go into camp ' many dangerous or difficult passages are
lioile. . "i ii;e wos-tts ana teit the lotty pines, and . Yhi; lireak,"
hew them equare, in readiness for tht-ii
liansit to the river on the tiibt snow. I
spent my lirst winter in the pines at Wolf
Spi -i:ig Camp, on what was known to the
natives as ihe "Haunted itiiiee." in the
oiS veto,
ft",:.' to d o as a fair
r.iid there-l'V, his
'; lla-iic-fd fr'u-T.ds in the Leiri: lature that
; :U,h':i'gh they are in a rm-jority, Dem
! oorati have yet tome political rights
; left which, on every principle of hou
i or tv and justic. otihl and must be
nte last week
to th
liraintioi! the
in. I ires uma i
is al-
ne tJ's-5 of t!is follow irer
tho new iudiei-jd apnortionr.u i t bill
to hold theii otllees until tiuir iuiecci- j
son are elected in November next. I
John II. Orvi. the ll:-t name. I on th? j
liat, i-3 a Deaioc-rut, and w hen .-.npoint- j
tvl repro-'CJitc-l Centre county, in the ;
Aseeinbly. Hi.s appoint oic-nt .was at j
once confirmed by the ce-nate, whore- '
upon he resigned his seat as "ineniber I
of the House. A ppoin inc-i.t.- in sever- I
t.1 oilier dbtrie's.3 ar vet to be made.
AthlHional. Z.-iv Jutl ;. Centre. Oiio:- l ! elearficld : John If. Orris; Daepl i i
and Lel'iinnii : Ib'b't M. Ilviidei -n ; Cc!- i
iinibi;'.. Montour, Snoivati ;ind Wyoming : i
Thos. J. Imjhani ; butler and Lawienco : j
Charles M" Candless.
I'.isu'-jnt Jn,1::ct. : ?.!.
Eiomall ; Noi tbaniptmi : Y. S Kiii'pnt
rieU; Ad nis: D.wid itl-; iiereer: V te.
Maiwel"; Ai rr. strong : John V. Painter.
sS- -Ks-
The bih nppiopriatin.o; one million
dollars to the Centennial Ex!-'.'iition
in Philadelphia, which had passed the j
Senate of thi-j State, h..H finally re- j
ceived tlie sanction of the Houpe. Jt !
is a liii demand on tire treasury of j
the State, and just takes thut amount j
of money out of the pockets of the tux- I
payers. It may be riaht, or it may j
be wrong, to tints appropriate the nion- j
ey of the people for a merely e.rpsrC- j
"-out puipose, urn, we presume: Ule
patriotism of our citizens will be able
to withstand if not endorse the move-
upproprir.tion of three mil-
ment. The
tons ot dollai-3 by Congress for the
Fame project has not asyet b.een ef
fected, though it do-ibtle33 will Vie. It
looks to u as if there was a corruj-l
rin'i in this whole affair, but we will
await further developments before we
form a definite anil intelligent conclu
sion about feo Important a (piestion.
Tus Cassville school for the educa
tion of soldiers' orphan children has
been abandoned by order of Governor
llartrauft and Superintendent Wkhcr
Bham. Tho chih.lien were granic-d a
two-weekis' fu: lough i.i ooh-r that ti.ev
migiit vLit their friend-? and uake
ehoiee c f some othi-r of the State
svhoob ia which to complete their ed
iK"a1in. We have s-ea several of
th.?m on our streets during the present
weeic As n somewhat singular eoi
t-oue co in reeei.t lnveaM.-'ntio
rcsic led. That he ilo so
nn;t he pmg aguiaat hope.
In ottVring iiis .substitute for the
cprvmander of Senator lUitan, Mr.
Wallace sail! :
I'e had bad the honor of seeing two leg--til.-it
ive aj poi tionment bills carried over his
hu.oh b,tt the prc-ent one tchpsed all its
p: i drcessoi s in j'lii tisau itnfaii r.esa. Ac
c r t J it c to the bill it wouid t:kc but 1A,7('3
J'ul-.iiean vters to elect a ses.ator while
it would require l.t;:)! democratic voters
to do ; he tunic tli The bill would give
th? Hepublieatis thirty-three of the tifty
n:. uibt-fK and a n:a j.:rity 'f forty-eight on
joint ballot, 'i l.e principle f minority rep
; ci-er.iatiou is i-eeognized in districts which
aie Pcsij ciatie. out entirely ignored in La. irg a Republican majority, f.u
zerne r.i.d r?c'iuy '.kilh'f w.l'iei'ocrat ic coiin
ih's, aro so r.i : aeg..d ar to lttn-n a Pej.ub-li-.-an
in eae!, while ir. A 1 -eghef iv and e her
i.oj ill 1 e.'..! o T.-.i-. ii s bVmiiciiits are given
no chance w hit ever of 1 e; rose -it at n.
Mr. Wallace leminde-d Mr. K.itxo, who
is ctiHini.-ioning the l-iil, that ahhough ho
was r.r. ;.!: vt ; litirain a-.d was foiiTfyirg
his pro ty acpuuM J. f.-at, gerrymanders weiv
.n?a:'p hi d s..:t lt-rctcd. As an ilius i foiled to Coi.m cticit, where
the I :.i.a ials car i led .'.evuti- n of twe-nt
on.: ls(. j ,;i ( . s t;j .'Jo olav in the face .f one
of the most outi .!ge ". a ppoi tionment...
AVuat induced the '-lings" at th pab-'ii-:hei
e-f I his paper on ihe put of the ';; c
rnun v,c roe at a lo-s t.. hr.ow. but in ic j ly
tlifif-io, ;u-d in older tl.:t the.e may he no
mist ake as to the position of the F.rno v.
imply to say that if the
Countv t
el ilo
VoTf-r, we havu
next Ct u.oe: at h
a atos i.on. a..'.v.el Henry as its
tor Assetiddy. this pq r-r w;;l nt p. -it him ;
bat should the (.".invention nominate some
Mhcr gentleman, this paper will oppose
Henry or any other eison nominated by
tlie opposition. Que thino is cci tain, nho-
oi t wid he the l artv
We sl-.all n..t,
binan, row one way
like the
ujJ look
ever we piotcss to
we shall vote for.
cross-e", c it oars:
Hip ol l?er.
And now, we havo been interi-cga-ted,
will the gentlemen who does up the
heave Piticlfs in the I'.efmu". give one or
two of Ids pecliai snoits and then answer
us ca: dally (if it is possible f -r him to b
Cdiid.d ) t hi-, intei roir-itorv: I)h von not
mutst ol a huge tract ol pn.e and hemlock.
Cur tamp at Wolf Spiing was a one-story
log stiuciuie, with two rooms, one used as
an auel the other as a bleeping apart
ment. We had breakfast, and wcie in the
woe-da each morning at daylight. Our crew
consisted of eight men two to fell the
pines ai.d trim and measure them, four to
'score in," and two hewcis following.
With the first snow the hoises and sleds
arrived at camp- roads wen '-t wain nc-d" to
the. timbe-r.anii lafts snaked to the river and
piled on skids. When the day's work was
done, we hied to camp, cat a heaity sup
per of buckwheat cakes and fat poik, and
sat Hewn at ound the lire to enjoy ourselves.
'lhcu good-natured Aaron Thompson
j would get down his violin, sit in a corner
; w ith hih head thrown back, his tongue cui
j ling out at the corner of his moulh and
the tohacco juice streaming in rivulets
'down his ch:n, working his bow with
unction, and delighting our eais with the
! familiar air cf the "Ark ansa w Traveler,"
i or '-.Natchez under the Hid." The '-Haua-j
ted lhdge"' is .o called from the fact that
j a ghoft, in the shac of a headless hoite
j. man, rode around the lonely timber roads
; at all bonis of the night, mounted on a
j shite lioite. How he had lost his head or
jwhy he rode around on his milk white
steed without one, 1 never could learn, but
there was a headless ghost, that's eeitain,
for the old man Cieslley, a most reliable
anthotity, hr,d seen him frequently; but
i the ghoit without the head had always
! in en .ouud by tiiis brave oid man. In
con;. cc! ion with this phantom a ridiculous
I eiieun-s:a;:ee occurnd. It is custoiuary
i in Clem lie-Id and most other sparsely sc-L-:
tied Counties foi the ne-ihboi s to help'each
j other, a id in the fail of the year husking
; bees lolling i'lo.ics, wood chopping.-:, etc.,
! b-ilow each o' hi quick, succession.
When Ihe woi 1; is done a big supper is
; rovided for the men. Tlie gnls liclck in
oi the evening, and either a dance or a
I ' lullows and continues until
; a. o; meg.
j In the fall of u0, the rrld mnn Crest ley
; gave rolling frolic and qu.liing, and ad
I ihe neigh boi hood, male and female, weie
nvei.tinn ni.rn- ' lnvileo.
'; to liie
', "losii.iu" hi
i About 10 o c
. tliere1, and a cohection was taken un. and
.ld man Ciestley dispatched with a ju$ to !
i tha rive: for a gallon of "tanglefoot."' It i
j was live miles to the tavern, and about the I
j time we supposed the "old man" was on
; his retuin trij., a pair of us slipped out un- I
! observed, and started down thiough the
pine tiats to meet him one of the party i
Lemg mounted on an oid gray mure that
Side Pocket," "Big
Ninety Foot Cap,"
Alosnannon tans, -i.'eei e reeii raus,
"Big Tinker," "Little Tinker," "Catfish,"
"Ham's Horn," ami "Buttermilk Falls."
When the latter j oint is passed, the tough
est of our mountain journey is accomplish-
for opening the Mississippi and breaking
the re le I power m the Soiuiiwest, which
was finally adopted and carried out. She
claims to have made out a detailed plan of
the campaign in which our armies ascend
ed the Tennessee river to the decided po
sition w hich they occupied on the Memphis
and Charleston Railroad. She claims
farther to havo written an important series
of papers on tue Rebellion, for which the
v ar uepai tinent promised tier a comjien
the family.
A Philadeli hia youth "was leccntlyi
married to a girl who had rt fused -him j
eighteen times. He wishes now he hadn't j
asked her but seventeen.
The J.cwK'.own, Pa., Gazette says an
experiment of a big gun is to be made at
the Logan steel works a cannon eighteen
feet long, to weigh foitv tons.
There is a rooster in Quincy, III., with
j A fe w days n -i ri .
hoaid that a citiz.-:, ,,f
been bad! v in hi, v ,
house toobtaiu pa;:;.-..'
man lying on tl.o ;..i;.
.in q ntl f . 1 . l-
"I "tteo o.ili.v tt -.' 1 i
"What's the rnauer-,;.;, 'C
or inn tiown st airs ; "
replitd his wife, " but laV-' VVr
bouse bis way, und I t ! " '
war, and there he i ' " L ;
The Raleigh AVr.n rsv; .,
Moantain lnnralvn i - "' '
.. ....... , j
conversions to it 1
seven illicit w h-,:
the count i v t-(
- r. e
ed, and tho pnot and extra hands are laid satiou which she has not received. The I
oil and sent ashore. (latter claim is net so fcrious. end will
of the claim in the most positive snd un
qualilied terms. His statement is worth
giving in his own words ;
Pnn.ADri.rniA, June 24, 1S70.
On or about the 30th of November, 1801,
Miss Carroll, as stated in her memorial,
called on me, as Assistant Secretary of
War, and suggested the idea of abandon
ing 11 e exj edition which was then prepar- some cages on board bar
ing to descend Ihe Mississippi river, and to I on Sundae, fell into the
The clearing was roiled and icadv
i i
; sundown, anil alter sun per Aaron
bow and ;he dancing began,
iek Ihe whisky ran out iT was
I At nianv of the places mentioned above, !
. it wouni appear u mc uiimiiiaieu impos- sustain
' sible to guide a raft through ; but for the
' clever mountain pilot, familiar with the
! l i.ei from his boyhood, the task is an easy
i one, and wo dat-h through the swift cut
; rent, amid the ugly rocks, and around the
sharp bends, as easily ns a carriage glides
1 along a smooth highway. From the foot
! of the "Falls"' to the "Island" (Lock
j Haven) tha work is easy when the water is
high not much to do except to steer clear
! of the islands. Ctlwetn "Buttermilk"
' and (,tucen Run dam, the Sinne-mahoning
and Kittle Creek pay tribute to the Sus
j quehanua, and down these streams rafts
' are also run and swell the throng bound eas t
! ward. Lock Haven is the first timber irir.
' kct, : nd mniivof the Eastern deale-s come up . al'.opt instead too 1 enuesseo river, and
, that far to bliv. We glide around the long ; handed to me the plan of the campaign, as
! boom into the dam and tie up in the crowd, j appended to her memorial, which plan I
It is a tedious task to woik through the i submitted to the Secretary of War, and
i hmuheds of rafts l.-i.ig there, and some- ! ,ts genei r.l ideas were adopted. On my
: times a whole day is consumed in moving leturn lroin the Southwest, l-:eV, I in for m
I from ihe head of the boom to the chute, a j cu -Miss t'arroll, as she states in her me
1 distance of one mile. Around llano's ; mn;d, t hat through the adoption of this
! Hotel, in Lockport, opposite the city, bun- ! f'-:ln ,hc country bad saved millions, aud
; dice's of raftsmen tue collected. The i that it entitled her to tli kind considcra
; straight-haired "inossy-buick," from the , ti,m "f Congress. Thomas A. Scott.
: mountains, in his butternut suit; the C'.1. Scot t repeats this unreserved deela
ph'egmatic Dutchman, fioni Kettle Cieek; ; ration in two or tlire did'erent forma. The
, the vivacious Fienc-hman, from the gieen j Hon. l. F. Wade is equally emphatic. He
1 banks of Ficneh Creek, and troops of red- ! says that President Lincoln and Mr. Stan
: shiited logmen from tlie upper forests of ton both informed him that the credit of
; Clearfield. Hero is also found the ubiqui- ' the Tennessee campaign was due to Miss
. tious showman mounted on a '.hrce-legged Carroll. 'Ihe Hon. O. II.. Browning. Sen
1 stool in front of his den of curiosities, pro- ator from Illinois, gives the same evidence
' claiming to a gaping crowd the merits of with equal distinctness. Chief Justice
: his show '-The Fat Woman ; the Living Evans, of tire Supreme Court, of Texas,
! Skeleton ami Uio ondei fid Happy Fam- j goes further into details, giving the case
: ily 1" That great philanthropist, the pat- ! of the memorialist far more fully and
ent medicine man, is also on hand with strongly than sho presents it herself. The
his panacea for .-.11 the ills that llesb is , venerable Elisha Whittlesey joins in the
i heir to. The tin ee-card moute man plies same representations. Such legal aut hori
; his calling profitably, and, opposite him, ; ties as Revert! y Johnson and Truman
! the man with tho sweat cloth aud rings ; Smith say that the eidence is complete in
.and spikes "Oh, yes, gents; live rings, her favor. Finally, the Military Cominittco
, for fifty cents, and on win a five dollar j of the Senate in the Foity-.'irst Congress,
j bill, if you ring tlie centie spikes !" But 1 after maturely weighing the case, it-ported
j we are through runners our timber is j through their Chairman, Senator Howard,
I booked for Marietta and we stop- not i of Michigan, that Miss Carrollhad estab-
i.i r. ..,
the mountains ef a c.ri-v o. . i ::'
nts.hed us several cuie ; ,,f ' ' '
ter. On the other hai.,1 1.,.U;';!-:
four legs of bis own. If lie can run in rro- b"g", forbad it u -;. i
jiortion and also cov.v comparatively, w hat j or3' in the mountain i! t. c
a political candidate he would make. have been $1 ululo M:s. v ,. "
A law court in Iowa has fined a farmer j 1!ey would have tun.laj ji',' V
$ 20, because ho made his son turn a grind- j strong wind. "" -!
Kt-ne li consecutive hours forgoing hi.Ti6 hii.dl who ip. , , ...
with an old maid from a singing svhooh K'clitoid, t., had own.,!
The hat factory of Charles H. Tenucy. ! '"If eifthte. n jean,
at Methuen. Mr. vs.. was burred on SatuV- 1 'ci's siekuos the t. , wa
dav. Loss s;-0, 1 1 . One hundred and lif-
scarce'A hoM hut the prout she bungs to
her assertions in relation to the
1 . t llOs::.. A 0l 111 t .) !rtl O 1 r O, C f ,hn i'n,,bo
which it is almost etiuallv diffiult to admit i l.v P1's r-ic tnrown out of emj.loynunt
or dt-ny. j
The Hon. Thomas A. Scott. Assistant i
Secretary of War, ccitiiics to the justice i
.Mrs. r. i mi man, ot .vieroniinee, I
Wisc.-.T.sin. shot herself because, w hile rid- I
ing out with her husband, sbt saw a couple ;
of piostiiulc-s wave their handkerchiefs at ;
him. j
Fiieasy lies tho fair head of the hotel
giiliiiTene ll.iute w ho has inherited $10.-'
hOO in gold, for by all the aspiring yclir.g
man of those parts she is persistently ser- ;
enaded. j
Two employes of Robinson's Ci'cus, j
named Hamilton and lark, white loading,
;e at Cincinnati i
liver aud were i
: e -i:
tl row tied.
A merry wife of Dayton, Nt-v., aged
fifty, lias eloped vi h a Lothario of hficen,
aud tho injured husband vows that if he
catches the destroyer of his happiness ba'd
spank him.
An undesci ibed monster iscaid to havo
appeared in Lake Harney, Fla. Twenty
feet of it w as ietu by the passengers on the
steamboat Loll I e Ry, ami it spouted wate-r
like a w hale.
There is a n-ho.-l district in Mai:n
where '.ho 21 pupils are all the teacher's
second cou.-ins, and each is brother, sister,
or cousin of every either pupil. This is
what may be called a family school.
A bit of geography from the Washing
ton J'.-pv.'i'-n). : "Salem A town cm the
me. wnt-re oe wloia o n,
After ihe fun.-ta! tiie
and as soon as f.e.m.l 1
he lay d vn upon it ;o ,
. i . ,
ii. e spot i ,r i p.-. ee i e,s
! home and kindly ticr.'i ,1.
j induce him to stand
walke.l a i-trpsl.., '.
I ly dying from grief.
Sifter Mary l'r. nl :.
j Sister of Cltftrity i-i :hi
j Friday night last a;
i near l'a'.tineue, aged -
Her fami'y name ,v.i,
: She w as act ive in !. ; j
of Charity f m ai ! ,;
i her latei s in Bi ol 0 r
i I.nlialo, anil Kichin. ;
of yeais. She wr.s !:,,, :.v.
j riot ess at did'.-init t:;::.-; ..;
1 Cath- he ho." it r.t ions; .,
I lyland. and :e u-i f... 1,-r
sacrtticmg hie.
A s'a: thug it.r'ii,-.:i ,f p
saiie occurud in Fast i,; -,
day er to since. A L.t:.,.l ,
some of the proi.nnrnt tll, n a,
the village had visiti-d .-ev.-r..'
'1 IT
at I,.
New England coast, where they formeilv
cultivated witchcraft, but of late it has
been exclusively employed iii'raUing the
r tlm P'r-eviat
card, dates.
w lien
m;d go to the
Ilinry for A-
while writing ai tieies f;
favor of the F-ena-ei at i.
tlie d-iy. ot election .e-lied r
oolls and volt f-r y'.-'uel
The two foreo'oii: z parafri-av.'-iS are
t -dee a from the L'cho and l,i of last
erk and are meant ns the answer of
tlie eddj-r e-f th::t paper to an nitic'e
-i t U'J r K i. K . . is., t;; V,
it is mint is hi i-T--n i:. t
i.i re vi
the oes -.o-..inr Prof A I, Co,-
we. may te-ciatk that onday last week
he. was s-erena led Ivy the Ilr.ntind .m
brnss band, to .vhi.-li eeonphrnent he
r.nd one of lii coiintl eloquently re
ppotids'd. Adie!;:or or not the music
was farni died on the original ArtTiius
AVarl pl.m the papers fail to infoint i
us. It would nem to indicate, how-
ever, that ia Huntingdon :t least there
s to the .-pje-.-tion of his !
- n ii i a -,v s-a at
;a confs-ie-n md a vo;.b...nee, ai:,i if
cumulative evidence of the utter and
frho.rnel'-is insincerity of its editor as
the conductor of a IV nr. .-ratio paper
in tun county wus necc-sn rv, he !
KiiTiwhea it himself. When he
S, - I'K.lllTl rt .... .. 1. ...
. ..s so io .,,s7 oji paiagrapn, v.'i.-C
l I ... 1 I . r ,. . . . . i
i ci-.'i.'ijtu to uia- oi me guesis at tlie Irohe.
j lit aching a lonely pait of tho road, we
halted to await the arrival of the "old
man." The old gray was placed directly
in the. middle of the road, and tho rider
I wraj ped'up so as to losemble as much as
I pocMble a htatiless horseman, i'retty soon
I vse heaid a voice in the distance singing
j gaily, and in a few minutes up came the
j "old man," cheerful enough, aud turning
i a sharp bend in the timbei road, came sutl-
denly un the "old grey." He stood for a
moment transfixed, theii giving a jell of
tenor, .hopped the jug and dew back tow
! aid the iier screaming "murder" at every
haa a ih i.t-u steps. We seized tl
retinned to the !
the party had not mis:
here. i'u hard woi k we our rait
through the crowd, and gliding rapidly j
through the island chute, the longest and ,
safest on the river, proceed on our journey !
downward. Wo pass Jersey Shore, ai
Klcepy-looking village on the left bank of i
the liver, and reach Wiiliamspoi t dam. j
with its five miles of booms, that pay a !
dividend each year that amounts to double !
the cost of construction. P,.,t, little square j
timber is sold at Wiliiamspoit the mills :
ni.uiufactui ing most of their lumber from '
saw-logs. We pass the chute through j
breakers as high as a house. The raft I
dives to the bottom, rises again, and we
dart under the wire bridge, shaking our
selves like wet dogs. Five miles below
Wiliiamspoi t, we come to Canon Hole Is- i
i lands anil the Devil's Race G round, tin ongh
I which we pass swiftly and enter Muncy
I Dam, crossing over to the left bank of the
river again to make tho chute. At the ;
end of the sixth or seventh day we arrive j
i at Northumberland, where the north !
j branch joins its twin sister the west. At !
i Shamokin Dam. onnosito Stmlnirv. wr !
le jug ami . take another pilot aboard, single out ami
listied her ciaim.
The case thus supported is one e.f the
most remarkable ones which has ever come
before the National Legislature. The de
cision is of importance to more than the
memorialist. If it is in her favor, tho
country will, of course, give her ungrud"
ingly the compensation she deserves, al
though others have already been munifi
cently paid in money and glory for the
woik she claims to have done. Xnc York
Trio" ne.
'' t i i
-d IJ.lli
lanty. The balance of j tplsh through the chute, with The old raft
usscd us, so we. hid the-1 .straining, cracking and snapping as though
sa vs,
Xi'imrl Henry as
are uo
. :.o.
guilt or ir.a-'cenc.'.
O.v Friday last, Mr. Welsh, member
of the from Franklin,
odered a rtsiIuti,n to discharge the
committee on vice and immoralitv
Iroui the further consideration of tiu-
bot to repeal the bn-.J opti-jn law. The j
vote on Mr. Welsh's resolution U pub- i
li.-lied heloiv. Th.e names of tho mem- j
ber3 voting in the irmutice re pre-
neat t-ioc in favor o f tlie re?:rnl of the
law, while the vote in the veyo'i .-'' ia- I
die-ttis Cue opposition to its rep-:.l '
It will be seen that .-at of v. is hundred
members only rirf-three voted oil the '
resolution. Where were the rermdn- !
ing thirty re.., ? We cre iiol how!
tho qtierticn of repeal i-i settled, but '
only wonder that o-i a ep.osf,. ,n of so :
tnuch importance only s-.'.r.", ttn m- !
b-;-s out of on-' far dt'd should be '
lound n their seat. It sinv lv
1. ' V
t. .
that ri em be
re-i)oc-tfor tl.
ies. Mr.
ed, as he
s e
d the
e proper elite t
lfcary ivnj t!
has al-.v.ays e-.,e.
oe ci.e't ot
given lelo
the IocmI o
e have
r e of tl
Ihore, j
w to proent the repeal
vr di
seisioa. The followi;
the pi
i-J the
:as Meiv
ter, Helges. I.'eniy. Hi
Loucks MeCu'.lo.-.-h
kin. Finer. Ih.
S uiih ( Us), "s-uvi'ei
.Miei, neisii, .h e orniie-.;. i-'j.nif;
NAYS MesMS Allen dhoohh
tran.! ga:
PUI'C!-, Shi
S.Jeekel. 1
.reu A!!LM-.t.
1. !.!. la. v.l
A tneniri'i,
de !. IhiTIfi
-ty, ('loss. Fo. tioibau
Laoes. ,, , ,!.. , . , .....
inn. Liith'. I..
oi jsee, :,ryi..,,t
.Moi-jran -chiivCii i, -
lhi, O'Br'cn. nhVol.'p!
:l !U f-
ere. ig.
. OI.. ' -"'o. ...ii, l!lill;i
i -nx ,, 1 immnyoii ( t- ayet te
' as, Won all and Vour.j-
mes I Sus-. i:eh:!-:-
.'FCii ary, .M'Cti e,
MM-gau i f.a i tere i.
ic-itt-o, .i vo-, ;,iv--r.
Potter, R-rre'v.
i--Jiuuic ivr sit-prwjjiy, tttW paper
(Echo a. I Voice) will ?vj port h-ia "
he offers a held, direct aud uniKirdon
rd. le insult to the Deniocrtr-v of the
county. The next I emoi-ratfe count v
convention would tcom to nominate
Mr. Henry, ami that gentleman being,
apart from his politic, as we have til
way conceded, an honorable, high
minded man, would also teurn to ac
cept a nomination at the hands of a
moeratic county convention. Mr.
eiu v knows thai n 'd tnl i,nt.- n..,.
, . , - , s. ... . , .. , s. 1
did and never icid mix.
Iti reply to his interrogatorv con
toined ia the R.-conl paragra'i b in
which l.e impudently asks the editor
ei tots paper whether, after hvino
wntten articles in favor of the PeinoT
crutic candidr.te.-5. lie did not go to the
P"Ils inl "ev?c fvr Sair.'tel jfr,n-y?"
we rojdy emphatically, and without
f.-ar of sncc:-ssfid e-ontradiction, that
'-too- did, though we are free to
admit that we would rather vote for
er-mucl Jlenrv r.
for the editoi-'of
j's a l 'etnoeraf-
l 1 e e i i ne pc-oi ,i tt .
tb.r.t. the hiiteiVu:
one ot those poldh;
'. le i vviri 4. in and
A mi h-aves : he- j e
1 , hi t ! rl. ,pe x
Was going south i
oj O - v B-l
i.i 5rov:uiii-' fori I-., c,.,
chaagsi of ne wsp:1j e"r.s between' pub
b.dieis ,nd the free tiT.iist:-,issi.,n ()f
newsi.jsncr-j l.v tn-.ii fo cui, s,.,;i,.,,
i-g wit!iin"t!.e liinits of the countv
c: news nr. pe rs nrc in int. . I
passed tho lower I Totise of Con-ress
n Monday ho t bv a voio of
o -II n-ivst. V...-". i. fi,,. s; ,." .i
. s . j: v . e ; ia to no
jus'ije to ncw-'nt-
per puhoshers, ;s the House 1ms bwr
drrfive tho
ang.efoca" behind a stam;.. and. enter
! ing th.e Louse, jj:ue-e! in the festivities.
Every now and then a weary dancer, with
the piespuatiou rolling down his cheeks
j and his throat as dry as a powder maga-
zine, would open the door, and shading Lis
I eyes with Lis Land, gaze anxiously across
the cleaiing in the duection of the liter,
; anu wonder "why m the h the old
I didn t
she would go to pieces every minute. We
"musk rat it' down the light hand shore,
past Selinsgrove, Liverpool and McKee's
Half Falls : we nass Grid's Notch, nniiiiiin
' close along the shore, and then dart across
the river again through "The La.y Man's
Gap," butncni two largo islands, and en
ter Green's Dam, 15 miles above Harris-
111311 t l'(f If tll I 1 flOPIli .All 1 0 -kfi I 1iA
come wnh that whisk v." I iv. I .-o ...... .... L . . ... ., '.
iI o.r-:i... -P... ; i ; i.. -.i li , . " 111 ",,c go inrouga ins nam, as me river
, Lout midnight with the Lcness i i,i,vo ,i,;. ...a?.. j iv.'.a.i.,
of tha fsrnt,. a..v.s..c i.i ... i'""" """"". vt-'-v
i.oiifiie, wnen the remarked uneasily,
"It's queer the oid man don't come. Darn
bin pie-t tires; the fellers will be all llittin' if
jhty don't get some whisky purty soon."
To allay her une-ashless, I intimated that
probably the old gent had encountered the
headicss phantom down in the j.iue flats
and ya having a pleasant chat with him.
"Oh," she replied animatedly, "Pap ain't
afeerd of ghosts; he'd scatter a dozen of
them. He met that feller without the
bend twice, aud I tell you he made that
ghost scratch giavth" What confidence
some childrea have in tho invincibility of
their fathers. The old man at that time
was lying iu a room down at the river, with
two inen guarding his bedside. The joke
m tne mean time leaked out. and win,.,
rough. e paddle our "sleds m to
shore! a cable thrown out is caught by
friendly hands ; a hitch is taken around a
snubbing post, the smoke tlics, and tho
Shamokin pilot cries, "Hold her hard" i
(he don't buy the ropes). The up river
pilot sings out, "Let her lender." Final- j
ly she is brought, up standing and safely
secured for the night. We have a shanty 1
for our regular-crew and eat and sleep on
the raft. In the grey of the morning the )
Shamokin man knocks at our shanty dooi : i
"Now, boys, day's bieaking." We tumble j
out of our straw couches, untie our cable.
dash swiftly through the dam, and pursue
out- way to market. At Coxtown, live
miles above Harrisburg, our Shamokin
pilot recioves his $125 fee and is conveyed
An HvTiiitimtprNo SnTTi.t-it in Nk
r.UASKA. '1 he Lo;tt'l (Nebraska) i.Vy.".;-,
prints the record of an enterprising settler:
Mr. M. S. Endlong settled on the edge of
Franklin county, Nebraska, bordering on
Kearney county, in March, 1S72. When
ho ar.ived on his" homestead, with his two
sons, he had two span of horses but only
eleven dollars in money. At the beginning
of 17 I he had 100 acres of land under cub
tivation ; an orchard containing 500 voting
apple trees, 100 pear trees, and 100 chtrrv
trees. and a vineyard of 500 grape vines.
Mr. Biullong is now about to plant 200 ap
ple trees, 200 peach trees, and 500 addition
al grape vines.
The homestead is in Southern Nebraska,
and on the level prairie ; and no man who
has the spirit of Mr. Budlong need fear to
settle where there are no trees to shade
his roof-tree from the sun. If he plants
as Mr. Budlong has done, in fivo years his
orchard w ill be coming into bearing ; and,
if he has made a windbreak of "cotton
wood, he will have amplo fuel for his
Certainly, eleven dollars in cash is not
adequate f r the needs of tlie ordinary set
tler, though there are numerous instances
in Nebraska of men starting in this way
upon nothing, as it were, and in a few
years working themselves into positions of
comfort. Such men are brave anil enter
prising ; but a capital of i5v;0, at least, is
a good thing upon which to start. The
larger the capital given skill,, enterprise,
courage and industry, without which mon
ey is ot little moment and the quicker
and the greater the gain. There is abun
dant room and ample scope iu Nebraska
for men like Mr. Budloti"
-While some men were reraii ir,? an old
well at Dexter Village, Canada, on Satur- :
day, the cu (J gave way, letting the earth j
fall ami burying three men, two brothers;
named Black aud a man named WilUaius. 1
All were killed.
Pennsylvania's breadth isone hundred i
and seventy six miles; length, two hundred
and eighty miles. It contains twentv-eight i
millions three bundled and sixty-two" tlnnis- 1
and and eight hundred a ad eighty-one J
acres of land. ,
The champion fotgiver lives in Terra !
Haute, huh He has taken his wife h ick '
after live elopements with as many differ- I
ent men. But he has confidentially sug- j
gested to a fiierd that the thing is becoiu- j
ing slightly stale. 1
A Jersey cow belonging to Geo. War.- !
ger, of North Coventry, Chester countv. !
gave birili to a calf the other day that bad j
no nostrils, and only ouo eye, which
mealed in the middle f its head, i I
I weie well treated. At-,,
, upon Mr. Simp- ....
keeper, who ,1,:, iv
j though cpparently n,
I tion. After piaymg t.
? catling tlio Sci iptu; e,
: seemed to faint, and IV.
j was immediately t t'ni,
remained liiseiisi-.e ro
o'ni traditions aj , .r -r . es
ve' ilied. as is sho-A-i bv
a Wnh j i, Cab, fas me:. V i,
post he noticed that :U I
ted a ceitaii depth, it v . : . t 0.
ily. Ho investigated a
aftor digging about u ' o
discovered the month of -it
some painted fea'in--. n. :
of an Indian Late!" -r. o ;
among the .tubae-. . . ':
fid chief had a f..:l::.g oar .
and whenever lie wis t-.
lied to the hill w !.-re the c iv-.-d
iseo vered and lia-..- .V..i j i" a
dians Is lieved th.d he t .el 1
by the Great Sj.ii It.
" When Napolcn the i. i".
iiTrlena, an Fng'i-h ptym-
e-f bis Lea it, deposit it g it . : j
filled with water. Two t.t;-i
it. but the Cllsti tliAtl felt- -.
t y. winie wateliing tt tlir. e,0. :
! did net sleep. In the ::..-
Tttpr- --ere three executions last Fri- !
day Low.'iist'en. Albany, N. V'.. Hunter, ;
colored, at IHrlin.itr.n. S. C, and Bryanr. j
colored, at Pulaski, Tenn. Hanging don't ;
seem to be played out, especially so far as j
the colored brother is concerned. i
A fire at Des Moines, Iowa, last Sun-
day night, destroyed the warehouse of J. j
C. Warner, with about twenty thousand j
bushels of grain, twelve thousand of which j
was wheat. Loss on grain about twelve
thousand dollars: insurance nine thousand. I
The powder hotn which Abraham Lin- I
coin's father wine when he was killed bv
the Indians is in possession of an oh! gen- j
tleman in Beechland, Kentucky. It lias i
carved upon it a snake, a square and com- ;
pass, with th.e legend, "Liberty or Death." 1
There is a boy in Washington countv, '
Ia., wlio sheihs his skin in scales evet-v thre i
months. He is a bedridden invalid, Lav- ! 'he;i the look on
ing injurtd his knee several years ag., : paieut ly nwiug .
while batbinir. His malady appears to be l!aS a' haifmast.
something like scrofula, but is a 1.1177I to i wrtit on board of
ne Heard a tttstut.s; ster
into tho water, at d a o '
ail oecunipj 1. 1! -Ho
sp-raug fiom bi '--i "
rat diagging ti.e j o-rl ..- .
A moment ur- re ar. i -,hj :
been too vast in its an. be.
with t he sovfi eigtity f , .
would have been R.oie i -d
ist of Imperial (. ;; -.;.
A Story ov Tehh:i:;.k I
tain Partletr. of the so-ai.--.
arrivoil at St. Johns. X. I .
gives the fi'-wmg acc-eui
with the Tigirss an i a
disaster to that vee!. as t
cei-. On Friday. ::d n s .
in long. 51 dvg. 1 r mi'- w
22 noitb' on l er :;
: -ii-
: i.
cove; ed her to he bo 1 1
Polar fame. Her ca;
were i n o ck. I w .0
on Thiiiiday, April 2
noon, the vessel was
ten ihle explosion of 1
.".fed grtfit terror arid
old man bee
ri a Republican than
the Echo and Voire
for any ofllce in the
and our reason is
like th.e former, is
mo aware of the facts as
j tuey existed, lie Iheatencd us with dire
I vengeance, and ever thereafter we deemed
j it good policy to steer clear of old man
i ei est ley.
i The Spiir.g breaking up generallv oc
, curs about the middle of March. A few
I warm days ;K -x little rain starts the ice;
, tne water poUls down in torrents from the
, mountain snow-banks, and the river over
I Hows its banks The raftsmen loop hu-e
; cables around their timl...- ,.;is. ..T ,.:.T.
. tl...... r, 1 . . I',is.s Ulie'll
I ii.ii.i setiiirij- to trees on the
1 the river recedes-, w I
banks until
ien the idles nr i.rrt.
w hps i,t.
in doubt
that ma.lo th. track
coming back."
.ten up and rolled in, tlie square stieksVaft
ed side by side and secured by stout hick-
01 y i.isn poies strung across the platforms
and fastened down with bows and pins.
The liver above Lumber City issonanow
crooked and swift, that, a long river raft
cannot he navigated. Shoit creek rafts, or
'pups ' arcs Most constructed, and two of
tin so are coupled together endwise, below
where the river is more roomy. A "pun'"
is fioni 120 to 150 feet long and from 20 to
ss. ,eei in widtn tho most of the
A Cai is-oaxiA Wondkr. The tract of
country known as the Stato If.. Tl ITO . 1 1 d.
ii-Jtore. We arrive opposite Wli te House i ls oue of the most curious ihnt i...
about noon; call for a pilot, who gets e ahfornia can boast of. It is there the im
aboaid and runs us into Marietta where j nic,lse deposits of borax were discovered
our trip ends. The raft is inspected, 1 something like a year ago, and at t hat time
measured and sold, each man receives his j UJ0 whole lower or central part of the basin
pay, spends a nighfcat a ball iu Irishtown, was covered with a white deposit, breaking
buys some candy for the babies, a new ! awy in some places in larre soda reefs in
gown for the "old woman," and a broad- ! others resembling the waves of tho ocean
brimmed hat for himself, mounts the ears. ! a,,d m still others htretohi.i.T r,.-
rides to Ebensburg and walks thence to ln on unbroken level, frotrT which the sun
his home iu the pines, happy enough. "'etlected its rays with a glare almost en
11 cosls 11 i-eiics per cuuic loot to t'l ing 1 ..s,.o. um, one en tho mot
a nino tren from thrt hfrd n-.ittt.-s ..f t, i tures in connection ;n. n.:
. - . sr. .-.s. 1 - 1 1 1 1 s sell Ion w i
river to Marietta to wit, cents for cut- I tlie absence of lain or moisture the div
ting, 2i cents for hauling, and six cents j were even sunny and hot, the uu-hts with
101 railing ana running, vie cut our ran ; "'y " generally warm
the steam facilities had :
11 beer, main
four t.'
the doctors.
Jacob Good. North Corentrv fl-.e,. tohtr tame. Her cai t
county, is the owner of a pair of tailor'
shears, which are about four and a half cen- ;
tunes old. judging from the date on thein
112-!. Christopher Columbus probably
Drought tl.oni over, but this fact the she-o-s
are not shaj-p enough to remember, thou di caIH i drnm comph-n-b
certainly old enough. " I Ciunj nrtnient below. In t -
A fne in Williamsport, Pa., on Sunday
morning last, destroyed 2ffH 1,000 feet of tI,c,.v
Iuudier, a saw mill a nlanin"- mill and head-wind 1
fourteen frame dwellings. ThU !.. u ttti. reached the dek of the it
mated at si"i(.o,(0io. A man is reported to
have perished in one of the mills. The fire
was tin work of an incendiary.
The Nashville (Tenn.) F.tnner remnrk
eth Just watt until the State elec
tions out West tike place! The char.uter
of the radical routs then will depend on ,
wnetner tne Kepublicans remain 111 tha
field to be routed and overw helmed
the tidal wave reaches Tennessee well j belor after the watch
there will be slaughter then, niy country' ! tp of the boiler f.r the .ie '
men! Nineteen of ti e c:e v wort :t
Iicad-wmd twei;'
reached the dek of :lo
of the men weie n nk ei
get her some rough pine. 1
rointi.ander w hat they n :
tiiey were f- r jr.
e-f the unfortunate men v
ed by the accitlot.t oti :!
fcioii. The weather
with a stilt' breeze ti. o:
t sweu on. A uun-.l-er -. t t
Remarkable ! Ninety-nine years ago ! wa' "hen the etash
the father of Dr. Mark, who is tha father I 'hem were V lendly s.
of a younir milliner now in Si- l.-.c.-...i,-.
leased eighty acres of land in New
lork c:ty for ninety-nine years. The lease
lias expired. Dr. Mai k is dead, and th . nil.
durable. But one f th" "7. " "ler ls. "i?.0!1. lyLS The property
. .;n .1 ...iim- lomiiiuviijiwi. ssuo s not lor Joeany
For more
jy those who claim
. w ocrii 1111 rum ti...n 1
Columbia, NoitLumberland, Dauphin aud Uie months since the spell was broken
Lancaster comities, to market. There is 1 ""adeuly and without hardly any w-irninc
not ou this broad earth a more hospitable j ram Commenced to fall, and linceiVin. 1 '
1-eoplo than those of the pines of Pennsyl- ""accompanied by'wind, but vet -l tw
vania. The scenes I witnessed among the ! ?Us,n drenching rain. For twooi rthrlip a
lumbei mnn of tl. W. st Po . .,,!. o vivid. 1 16 remained nlas-..if .. 1 "ice ciays
ij impressed 011 my memory, and 1 can ' ""'cl spoilt was seen windin
tion The eoi.siet nat ion w.i
of the engineeis weie 0:1 d
aud both weie killed.
Miss! No LlM
win's n.iKing link" t ;)S &: ('
found, to judge f. 0111 aa ."''"
ish race of human beings .iiu !
a race of monkevs, which S
close my eyes at any time and isee again
valley. It came
. 1
euciueniy a
ig its way thro'
a lgzaL eomsA
. n 1. v
1 '
loiij;ri .
On Friday evening a horrible aee?Hcnt
occurred in the quarry adioinin-j the Allen-
town iron works, by which James Kennedy I sian liVo'; A '' vr'. V-. ' 1 ' v . f
was killed outright and John Scanlan so' Eorneo hss been feimd s Ct'; ' j J
badly injured that it is thought he cannot ' new creatures of wlYck '
recover. Cause, premature explosion of a f have been discoveicd n- I f
sandblast. Kennedy was about fifty years 1 kinds, iu Terra ''l Ftiegi. 5
oi age am. leaves a large family. Scanhiu
is a young married man, with no children.
The barn of .Mr. James Ec u!, iu High.1
land, Chester county, and three horses, two
cows, four calves and two hogs belonging
to Mr. David Wattetson. wptp ho. . .i
II n-ty.s ,
; 'i- t.""it.-rlf
! ,!i
Wbent'l'. r- UK'' thar ? fwt wi5e i iWonC oV , iJ ft " agc of '..m.on T 'he cries and moans
oil the hist "pun is rafied nn an. on..-.. i ,. :.. .i1 .... , . A-....- in;r ii,,;,n , snie mid cours. ! cf the biiinmsr animals aro rlsr,a. ...
oais -nor ro i .. ' o.iimsj uach. iu ine ecu nei at me eiu " iw 7 muu inetn ,0 ,,, , 1 . 1. . 1 .. , ... s.,.,,,
aboao! 7i " U!1 "'I'1 ? a,e l)Ut Spring camp playing that good old tune, were soon filled with w-do -1 h Tr '"'r has
; d st: ',.,; f --" p1":1,,10 C'ty, a j -Nate-hev. uii.L- ihllill." The pine for- i 1'-J from them in fe f , v0m ' ' 1,'c1 i ''Cl' Prions from his Joss, Rtl(1 will
on r.H.i : ."'"W5 Lhe.c,c'v 'hen return i ests of Pennsylvania are bein- raiidlv ex- ! H-road itself out . . . ime' .and r,obill,1' have to be taken to an insane asv-
,1 !....: .'. !u .OI ' river, raft up ! hausted. .nd'twe.dv v.-..- f 7. m now but i t time it w-a, , .: -uu.t"n'' 'uailli,u-.. ...
r""- iiuw hi 1 r r .i- ...,ii
done, and wo will trv to i;
i ;.iih-
-s . ... lojgivc e;:o
gross outrage which was perpetraied
upon fne. pres. of the conn try l,v the
h and t un it down .-ilso- ihi
J river i.-ifi 01 '
c'cd and ready os ,T
tain Iron, i. 0OU to in in.,,1 ' , .. . ""-""'-
on - .c. "-"oie-.eer, but lew
'"mp.ttes t!
1 re c
-r 1: in Ket--
f tl
few pine timber raits will pass down the
Susquehanna. II. C. Vv .
Si' me ij o( i v ;it t
tne J 1VVIOIH v-e-,i,)i).
n , 'i V,';ui ,iir;o 'housand,
.Voiet.i. (Vik leads pme. 10 cents, and
.ToiiNse-,-s Anodyxk Liniment may be
ad.iiiidslered to children with perfect suc
cess, iu cases of croup, whoopirjg-coagli,
intluenza, and almost any of the dise.iacs
to wl Eh they aie liable.
iiamv.ii.D ,1..
1 , , ...s I.-S v ; t 1 1 , .
iioiv lOOle IiraiinM.. -1 ..
hvo years. y s:lso" or
--- I'm
-Muetecn uncus neatly arranged in a
ci lhn atid interred in a New York cemete
ry, came m ar drawing 10,000 life insur
ance money on Saturday. They weie in
tended to represent tlie body of Louisa, of twenty-three: no less a person
than her lover having planned tne fraud.
At present, tho plot being fully discov
ered he ! in great demand at the police
Allltttiea. I !iev
erect on two legs ar.d in o':i
! ure about four feet in h-- c!-'-struct
no hah-.lslions. '.
scarcely associate! V- d'1,
and trees, feed en snake
ants' eggs, a;-d on each e'.fo
not be tamed or teieed .
1. I .. I .1 ... .,mo-'r tl.e - s.
iiuiiieii ano Zt'S-t n a
great goi ilia, of wh-cn o 'O ;(,,
copy. Whe.i i-Ai.tiuei. a ;.
surprise lle.t their
sounds are bke a-enl-' ,'jT";fc-tn:-n
nn a Juiiitan I -o ' H.' ' . . ...
t,.is. ar,d the fern a
e.ty. In tiu. tl.e
men and women.
rtsshow in-
1 U
OPI KFkSTON after P d
vous debility, ate the
One, or two at incst, t .
Ft(i will give iiriredu's' 11
.1 z
t V
f. t.