mi t; k . r, " " .'..11 -: 77e Lair of Accui.tuU-.liou. Everybody kuowsthat money m:du-. money, but it is not everybody tin. t pay attention to the i;w((. operandi by which tuts is brought about uiul the practical cwnsequenet-ss which fal low. Schoolboys arc taught the rule of compound interest, lut nine out of t..:i of them forget all about it fur tlu rt miinder of their lives. Yet this prin ciple has more to do with the accum ulation of large lbitur.es than anv other cause wii..tjer ; and it has bear ings on tin? iiiereus of wealth and on the ratio and' style of expenditure, both personal and national, of which the practical character cannot be over rated. Wo read in a pnper a A w months ago of the death ol .mi eminent Lon don capitalist, who left the enormous fortune (if tin t o millions sterling. This old irentlciii in was over ninety 3' ears of age at t.'ie time of his deatli, and it is pretty evident that he was a man of ouiet habits and moderate ex- pe.-iditiire, .'el, lug his cap'td aecuniu- Lite ir m year to 3' ear ly its ow i n-.i -lira! forc Xow, it is only when it has 1 e n in operation for aione series of consocut' e years that we wh.it ' the fjtve. of compound inLciv-st is. For the first few 3 ears the ::ugmenti tion is almost imperceptible, lut whe:i o ce the power of inc a se las been developed, it to -s on at a 1 aucuientir j r. ti , until the re- ills are almost ii credible. There can bs in doubt that in the case just mentioned, the wealth ' ilate.t after the 11.1t 11 r.-il hEW STORE Building, 113 and 115 Clinton St., JOHNS ! TOWN. i - 1873. FALL and WINTER! 1874. Harto pnrcfeatod lirtdi fornvk.Md nsT of cor foods baring been bought lco tb Panio, w n.r thk to offer EXTRA BARGAINS! AND CUR CWSTCMFRJ SflAlt HAVE THE BENEFIT. W e will tell at price to make th money of or patrons ff9 as far possible. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Look at tlie Prices. HEAVY BLACK ALPACAS. S AND WATER PROOFS At the Reduced Price. and judge for tourselves . BLACK WATERPROOFS al 75 Ctl GooJ bought bfor th Panic ar MARKED Down j director and manager accompanies the ! artists on a piano harmonium, and the J "V 17 "W T "V f lvrn 1 perfection with which each bird sines n j 1j I Ul JS l4i JJ,.his part and the excellence of the I ononis is prooigious. 1 lie debut ol this lyrico-orni hological company in , Norma was attended by the wealth ' and fashion of Lima. "When the par i oqutt that eang the contralto finished ; tli n liomv 111 till SCollltotI- I . Navy Blue, New Green, New Brown, ' ioon," puch w.-ts the enthusiasm, the finm hit vo ... r, w . . w shoutinr and tlie auulauseat lie:irinr w.. a. v mnxr V n BtAftiP binl sing tlie "L;ista J)iva,"t!iat the' Ax Opera Tkoite of Parrots. An extraordinary public entertain- ' nieiit lias Isecn r-roiluced in Limn.. ! Peru, by an Italian named. Contarini, ' -S tftH iil by dint of reat Datience and ncrse- - . . . verance. an ojera company, made up j till ft V I .1 IT.it S 51 1 if 1 lii rnn nrit c irli. I v. . - ...... .".i..-, niiv H?rforrn two of Bellini's operas, Norma iuul Sonnambitla, on a miniature stage, with lull chorus, and recitative. lli GREAT REDUCTION II I PRICES AT THE IVi:Ar At 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 Cts. ELEGIT MTERPROOFS IV ALL KSW (XLOE8 ! 1 1. TO SLIT THO TIMES. V i : A" 12 TL; JK' IS IS" S AT HALF THE USUAL Tit ICS. Wholesale Department O.V SZCOXD FLOOR. Jim ANn WHITE FLA2fJfXL. IiAltJiEIt FLANNEL, Heavy Gray Twilled Flannel, lard Wide Country Flannel, Hob Hoy and Elite FlanneU . bird company, aifrig and sought relu scenes. Thij inte a nee for nearly a and Sijnior Contari ize the "artists" by giving them bread soaked in wine. 1 licncc-rii(li iho,.v. v-- ; pressions and approbation were mod ! A. t ? 1 ... Ul I M III N t i 1 HITiT I 1U ll-iTttf.tl .Li..., If money cun l,j invested at light GfiR. Fosf-.P? Rr. Ollinn'o por cut. ind thcintcre-t ivinvcstrd iit 1 w viixa. 1 the same rate, it will double itself in live years. Allow ten years for this to take place, owing to loss of time in reinvesting, and we reach the remmk ablecjuclu iioa ivmirk i Ijle, v,e mean, I to tlnse who hnvj never yet thought ; jib.uit it tlint if a man can lay by a j thou-i.nnd dollars at one and twenty, I and let it accumulate at comr oun.l in- j ti r.-st. it will amount tot ho sum of thirty thousand dollars, if he lives to the age of seventy, t sixty thousand at eighty, and to a hundred and twenty thousand at ninety. This is the secret of the large fortunes of the great bankers and capitalists of Kurope, whose money goes on accumu lating from generation, to generation, and augments with prodigious rapidhy after thirty or fifty years have passed on. '1 he process, however, may l3 re versed. A man wastes or spends a thousand dollars needlessly by the time he is one or two and twenty. What is the effect ? If he lives till he is seventy he will be thirty thousand dollars poorer for it; or, we will say, he will have lost the .hance of being thirty thousand dollars better oil' than he is. We then arrive at the general truth, that the younger a man is the more valuble money is to him. We have seen what a thousand dollars is to a man of twenty-one, viz: the making of a fortune; but a thousand dollars to a inin of fifty would be of eomparativelv Mnal 1 account. Suppose a man begins life with eco nomical habits, and by rigid self-denial accumulates five hnndred pounds bv the time he is twenty-five. That sum will a mount to a competency by the time he desires to be. free from the cares of busi ness, and he can then, and indeed for years before, have the pleasure of lav ing out his money freely and without lear, in gratifying his taste or in doinijr good. b 15ut if he is inclined to gratify his ta-tes when young, to buy, we will say, expensive furniture, or to mingle freely in society, so that he never saves at all until he is five and lortv, what good will five hundred pounds'dohim then ? It is, of course, good in itself, but as the foundation of a competcnev it is utterly ir.adequate. It would only amount to two thousand pounds nt Mxtv-five, and not to a coinjietencv tilj long after three score and ten. The points of the whole matter are therefore this: Every dollar Raved in youth is thirty dollars in old age; every hundred dollars spent in foolery or finery before five and twentv is sim ply three thousand dollars thrown away of provision for the time when work must be a burden. Let our young men in business think of this. They are exposed, on enter ing life, to innumerable temptations to spend. Let such be steadly resist ed. The course in youth is quick sav ing and c-u-efnl economy. JJv and bv a time will come when this will" li"r its legitimate fruits. Then is the time ' lor open lian,le.f freedom in expcndi ture, when the judgment U matured wica tne knowledge of the world is I acquired, and when capital has been I nceumulated to such an extent that e on if there is no more saving, there j need be no further nivioti- m.XLi . . t and Manufacturers' Review. .Now. 113 and 115 Clinton St.. Johnstown. FELT SKIRTS from 75c. to $2. BALMORAL SKIRTS VERY CHEAP. LADIZa", MI3SB8 AID ChILDBI.' WOOLEN IIOSJE AT LOWEST PRICES. AT Gfeis, Foster & Qmnn'e, Nos. 1J3 and 115 Clinton St., Jobnotowo. eraieu, in omer not to spoil the play, j It apj ears that the bird artists have j now become accustomed to the" ao- plausc. The correctness and propri ety with which they give certain parts j oi.uie opera are womleilid. The pri- mo tenore possesses all the graces of ! the school of Mario, and the ln.lio , r T : Lima have named the prima donna ! PoUi A- M 111. TO CASH BUYERS titrtter. heoause -AT THH IMIE l niTSM'llTl lf c f 1 1 t fit I I. I .i L. . I hi... niiwrj'S IUQ cmz.-iiss l,U.-iiilunr:iiil t h- pn I. lie , n-r-:.,t.lr '.''s OHEAT Kr.DUCJ ION ins lint-. e.)tisibtiii!f of MOWING anJ REAPING MACHINES AND GTHER FAKHh'CG IMPLEMENTS ! fOOKl.M,, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Aro a modern stnvcfirAre DOllsll. fur l,rt I tl... ., I! 1. ,...;.. .. .1 ' , anj oth. r in existence. Ui thnii nny other polish I h'.TK ,tl;illi,,nt livery sheen with less thnn used e.iuucu mien other polishes are nor duct when used. LI trouble, of r.vi f. " .1.. ... . . jihs no nisno-ree'i hio on nh .. mm c? evs? nmmv. Of niV OWn innnilf'U-t:n-n. HARDYARE, ALL KIND ll t,'"" nB ';t-hs. screws, Dult Hinjres, Shutter wJ n t'"' 1 ""V.Tuble Knives mi.! Forks l irrinp Knives and Forks Pocket Knives, Ta ble mid ItrA Spoons. Meat Cutters, Apple Prer. Suiss..rs. shears, !Uzorsniil Strops. ilnmmers i JJ i., 'tcl".ls- IJ"r'Jf Mi-li"'.A1jfiirs. his mIs, 1 lunes, ( on.pus-es. Sipiarcs, Files. Hasps Anvi.s. is.;s,-W r. nches. liip. Vnnel and Cross- ut Saws, f hains or all kinds. Shovels. Spu.lf sho , V, n"th- 1akrs- K'" ks- l-ih-UelM er nn! I w " ?,x lSrM' Clothes Wash ers and W i-iinrer. Patent Churns H.nl Pat Hit Maehines (generally, f: rind-Stones, Patent Mo hts. s (.rttes nnd .Measures. Lumber Sticks Cast Steel Iwlles, Shot Nuns. Revolvers, I'istols. Car- Na ls''iM sVaf'r,,r,lpa' I:0fUl' Hor!S Shot-s W- l .r o- "vo Plates. Ci rates and Fire Urick., v ' ' 1 ' 1 " ll Hi JS. AC, A A Fortlnk-Tki.i.ek's Almanac. To dream of a millstone al ut j our lit-ck is a sign of what you may expect if you marry an extravagant w oman. It is very lucky to dream that vou pay for a thing' twice over, since after- t oi . . warusyou win probably take care to have our bills receipted. For a person in embarrassed circum stances to dream he is arrested is very fortunate, for it is a warning to him on no account to accept a bill. To dream of a fire is a sign that it Aroaneatatwlelra.dyj.r.n.n be ned even in ' ?U alQ W,SC -VOU T"'ni ste tft all the CPC i VX;"rtlfirylr?""t 'he ! lights in your house are nut out hot. "inm lie fir ictpovin- : ... ? The i'dusdnted ,,,t the roiiowh,. .. ri two ilngiUS. g, : . upon to -ttastxvcui"'.',.' ' ' ' friend just decea-e ' ' will duly fcxevuted1 1, ?'y ly puzzled, on ci.iii'.,;:,','? of property with 't.'.- u.., positions, to j .j . (M ' a deficit of a executors ;i.r..- il,. , ,. ' f liie' LiaU a!wa . to be peculiar' v . tr;ctly honor:, Uc. :,. j quite iuc:. ;t l.. Jt- i , larger air.ouiu H..,., ; They searched e;iivfi v.-. i.uin.-,niu,a, ! :(.'- j ; finding and cluet t;!v r; , lieyond a scrap ..!' ,.1' the iuenioianuuru ',' out of Till.' As t! 1 ed with the aiiH.-i.n? j V." ', were out of their s,., k..-' , ' urally conclu.I.d th.V ' must possets ton.u -t;-. ,r. - he designated 1 v !!., v, he was not in bu therefore, oulv intend still, after the n,,,- DON'T FORGET THE PLACE-231 and 233 MAIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN. ; te'eil:1? Sei,t. 19, 1873.-6H1. M. H. NATH ANSON & CO. ter-tator, furniture' 'V.;:.ti. ';' were sold and t!i, in-,,, 1 THE GREAT CAUSE 11 was not "litiU.-me ti:il . t j -till jiwiidenng on tl,.-v m. Illllil II i ISC I ; tei , ll OCCUireU to Just PuliVfhd,ina Srntrd ;in fopc. I'riccUct. that the Writer 'ti..- t, A lecture on the nature, treatment anrl radi- j have meant Soii'e ), , - '. - " .-vii.jii.it iv ii.. ii .pi-i 111:1 ir- ' r i i iiaiiie 01 wiiicil EAGLE CLOTHING STORE OF M. II. N A Til ANSON & CO., (Lately occupied by H. Walters, deceaEedJ 231 and 233 MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, PA. THE undersigned would ref-p-ectrully inform the eitlzen or" El.ensburjf and Northern Qnm.'irla Kenerally, that they hmn just opened at Ihv above duiucU place it l.trt-e, eompitte and e) Kaut stuck of FALL AMI WINTLR Ilted, took flight Consisting of pueh article? a PLAOK ASI) DM'E CLOTH Pl'ITS, CASSIMERE SUITS for men Te amol)' the silf ' Hlll) "J8- tm t.Nbl.lll KKKSEI OVEKCOATS. in Ij.'uc tirnwn, ,.hve nd llnlercvli.rs. nd t S 5 a-eneral ass,,rtraent of COA ?S. PAN I'.S and VESTS of all textures, stvlesi and prices. teBid?s a rrilpteil the J ei form- foil line or HATS. CAP?. TKl'XKS. VAI ISES. UMUUKLLAS. ie - all which will positively t.e OUaiter Of -in Imm- 1 .'u P2 ldf I51pM' rmt. less than prevailing prices in Johnntown. We also mak to order fi om I '" "''-"" "i tii iin kooijs any arncie 01 ciotliuur defire,!. and that too at short notice aud nahad totranonil- on the most reasonable term. Wk m a n ir kacii'h k am oi k own (Jo!t,s. whi'h enables ... sell cheaper than any other house io Cumin ia county. I'lea.e jri ve us a call wlien vou vis-it our town, and jud-e from oiirstnck and uriees whether it will nit on- v,m tn .1.,. I M i: h ovr, r.oAIJV.V.CKT -M"M ADE. )v)itK leading spe,dHltie. and "OUICK SALES AMI SMALL i j . j hi c- uasis u which we tio ii'mPsH. n ) m i : a is K' ESTABLISHES H7EKIT-FIY2 TEAES. FRANK W. HAY nnufhctu rer. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, liiniNi.otix. Impofeney, Nervous Iel. lit y. and ; . ... .1 .., 1 I ,. ... Impediments to Marriavep-enemllv; Coiiump- l'oo.toiv u. tion, Epilepsy, and Kif: Mental and I'hv-iinl ital T. and referr Ineanaeitv. -e. llv Itnu'i' I iff vipur-i i -99 Are the cheapest polish in the marke t, because one box at In cents will cover as much surface as 2o cents- worth ot the old" poshes 6Urrute CE..TOES taken theon,,, competition w n at theln- IH-evcial of the best bxpositionUItheold stove polisl Have iust 1st lire,, limn dianapolis Exp with ' sr i.f ve polishes. L. JL Ruv Cnr.Mns nv i'.m. i, ... " ' , ., , " . Mir name, and the w ri-itiot;, n:s you go to bed. To dream that your noe is red on the tip is an intimation that you had better leave brandy for water. To dream of having a great number of servants madness. To dream of a boar betokens mis- clnet which your vision shows vou i bruin. When a fashionable voting ladv dreams of a filbert, it is a sign that he'r thoughts are running on the colonel. If you dream of clothes, it is a warn ing not to go to law. for, by the rule of contraries, you will be sure ot a non suit. AVhon a vounp- ladv tIro.-mis r,f , eofiin it betokens that she should in j stantly discontinue tight stays, and always go wa- inly clad in wet weather. rtn, -AND - Incapacity, ic.-lty liOll'T .1. . l l,V EUW ELL, a ui nor or the "lin pn IJ ,k, c. The world-renowned atKlior. In this admira ble lecture, clearly proves f roni his own expe rience that the awful co?iseiieuees of Self Abuse may .; effectually r-mow.d without me 'icines. ml without iliuiti r.iu' m:i-i,l op eration, bougies, instruments, rinirs or cor dials: pointing out a mode or cure at onco cer tain and effectual, by which everv sufferer, no matter what his con ation tn.iv I.e. m:,v cure himseir chcaplv, priv.itel - and i;,,ti. :1il . j Sent under seal, t- an' address, in a ph.i'i ! !eale." envelope, on the receipt ol six cent- of I two pn-tag-e stamps. i Address the i'ubbnhr-rs. j '" 1 '- K LIVE Sc CO.. j 12. Bowery, New lorl: Fost-Ofnce It. 4sr.. I A I.f j lie iouihi llieiv in. : , j folios a volume of 1;,, , I sermons, a fa el w !,-.:, ; light on the tliJlir ;;!-v j j numicated his ;Ut , ! V ccuti.r, they rc.aii,- i ."-. , book-seller who h:,d i. ; ' brary, a;:d ir,4',ii:v i v. !,, :; 1 yet di scd ,f the ..;,, tion. '1 had .r i :-; , , he, 'but, a-; it h-o.; , ; turned on mv L:i: ;' .; to wlium I sent it :: jeeted to pay tin- j i i,-,-. ; therefore, be plad t- -li.-. vou feilCCt-IrOH j Near Union School House. Ebcnsburg.i the book c-nTi 3 I 1 r :c-.i.-' to can the attention cure.r.iK Inn :n- : of thr Citizens of Cambria .,-,1 -,H. i..,. ... -J''"0. U1II..I . counties to the fact t:;iit he has now i!; sul-ecsc b.llik notes to t!,i i .ii opei at ton in K!.;-:!v:,U H liop lor the man AND DRALER IX is a HEAOTG PARLOB as! COOXIKfi I I I 1: ale Harness and SacSc'Jcry Vare or nu Kind, in creat vaiiely: i ' oi your nearest express station, and we I "l '' mere IS noilimg WOOD and WILLOW WARE i "tV-sSr.ria,Vand,V ! that;vi. ;lag a man so much as a beyond description ; j a V"M BS r C'?f ro,T c,,n h 'of all Whole- i reat ontf' ""SS it is shaving off his f7.4J7Rnvorj .ir w . I ?:o?rocers and Dealers in the Poir.-H ,,,,,...l,n ciiu, ,M ij i jim-m. . an, I ICerail raLKWiii ,..,.i .1.. ... -"- Fish Oil. Lard Oil. Linked Oil. Lubricating Oil ,,-i'h,'- fr,J,,n. '- that they ai- e . hei co'hl' Kar- lJ:i"'V'" "is;.. s, Turpentine. Al- I 8f,l,n ,lTttc " the kind in the in.srk, t. conol. Jcc. : Silver-Pl.itcd w-.t-.. ... i ir t . a - ""'"""'' "-iJi Ja KPT. I- f'0.. ,.;n ...1. . -1-1 - - .... J' tinii v a. i'i,..! . - iiu,uc w ucre mere is tin tnn-n - " am. . w 1 m w 1 1 in tiirin f m n t 1:1.11 . .1 . t . 1 ' ----- -i 11 1 ivviv. i"in 1 iiiiaiipiiinia ' r w . . s st., srw Vukk. ' 1 nereis nothing a man will so stout 3 M'.. UiisTfix. rii.li -i 1 1.. .1 Paxburv Notes There is noth There is no position drearier than iifai ture and repair of CARR'AGES, EUGGItS. SULKIES, -I'r'"! .lei-lsi. Ami ol! u:l, r u-,-, ,,i 11 ,,;.- ,,, -..,. Impitivir-.y none but s; !r r ; r 1 1 1 . i : 'Uir:- only the best mateii;,!-. f,- i ,ui fi i. ti t 1 w'd prf.'c'' 'n'"'e satisoiction iu woik, s.yits i '"larroi r:! wo,-!.-done :it short notice. Kcun'r- ' f J'H kind attended to at reason.. .! I , ufacloiy. (i!,-ml.,.,n . , . ' ,;,"n 1 IIOLSE-FLRMSL'I.VG GOODS GEXER.ULT. I- -M. CUV IF.. such as Teas. Coffee, Smrnrs. Svruns Molsse ! p.ces Dr ed Peaches. Dried A pples. Hnwluy' Hsh, tekirs, Kioe, IVarl Darley. Ac. J' j raiut.Varnihh.Whitewash. Scruh, Horse Shoe" "stinjr. Clothes and Tooth usi.es a U kinds and sizes: Hrd-Cords, Manilla (,,' many other articles, at the l..ratr',h HOUSE SPOTJTixVG ?Reil!,n,,t,,,v,,1l! ups cheap a possible. EbenshurJulyvSn''1' " L'NTLE Y. " 1 W ClIAMBEKS . . , A- - A - A . 17UI. 4.1 CilAMuua r.. Untero.x. ll-14.-3me.om. 0. C. K. Z&RM, IlK.iI.ER IN Stores! Stoves! rAT GREATLY Reduced Prices ! HE T'rER.SIONED WILLSEU. FUOM THIS DATE AT REDUCED RATES FOR USB A C LYU T trL . No. n AS FOLLOWS: it Ironsides, S " $40.00 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, i HITS, WPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES GENER ALLY KEPT IX A COUNTRY STORE. WOOL AND COUN IiY PHODUCE TAKKH IN IXCBA.NOi; rOK BOOKS. Store on South Side of Main Street, CbenMburg, Ia. BOOK, DRUG aii VARIETY STORE TTAVINT, n.nli . . ly deny as the possession of an mn urena. Where there is a will there is a way. A young man who can neither sing nor play, treated his girl's bedroom window late Monday night to a recita tion. The piece selected was that which so vividly calls attention to the boy who stood on the burning deck, which, considering the temperature of this season, is full of comforting pass ages. His fervid oratory and grace ful gestures, a,he stood" there alone, up to his knees in snow, made one of the most precious events in our his tory as a village. A Slawson farmer was negotiating with a workingruan for his labor h represented that $!5 a month and ooanl was sufficient pay. The man demurred. "But, consider," said the farmer, argumentativelv, "the loca tion. There haint a mail died on this farm in ten years. Health is some ihi.u. A bargain was made. JTolliiiBr ix TIN, COPPER &S0EET-!R0. rKOHPTLI 1TTKXDED TO Julie I?7.-tf SOT ON K- 7 , - e- 2 S !0- Nos.278,2SOand 282 WashiDf?ton"S.t JOHNSTOWW. PA. WoojT liorrcll & To Washington 8TRt et. Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., 2 O H O IVhoUsalt and Retail Dealt,, in PAR T.RT? 4 NU UFA ITCH QTmrro uuiiuiiij i i c i - i ii i i n AIU I A. lit h n ' utiu XXAJXA X 111 WHICH WILL BB DISPOSED 07 A W o.nderii l C'AVK.In the rane or mountains in western North Caroli na, known as the "Fox Range," a mo.?t tin 1 i . ..1. . ,uoul!" menomenon exists. Jt is a breathinjr cave." Tn tl. e, ' months a current of air conies from it so strongly that a person onn't -R- tgars and Tobaccos, I f!lu;1 lt nue 111 winter the suction 3Z.OO : PoV. "cr;, "SaU nd ond: Cap. . '? Jll3t Z'- . ine cool air from -lo.oo I r.jir&-S ncii;:,rrl;7,w,,fnri mo.iincai 1,1 lv.e sun,raer is Mt " r iui.i, i. uck nn.l Kod lnl -p.i,,, .. . "K miles, in n ilirpci- I no r...., .1 lVnktiives. Pin,., x-r. . ' " "a loy ilooks. . ' MWAiMl I I I AVINTt r.r,i. , ZG.OO U;;w Pronar.d t'o sc.7 uT,rir.a TeductfJn I w. rr"" former prices. Our sto-L- IJii.l , 1 ! , O.UH ; llruiis. Medicines. Pcrruinr-rv Vr,V... i. ' I . . v 9 ii,ror.rf Aom,-.75.0 : f;. "' "' Aiion fZir 1"," torS vK s,,nSulav phenomenon exists V " 0.0 ! rl'iTr cave." In the k - . . f iypeers Anti-Dust, - OO " " IO.OO 7 ' .oo Duqnesne '5 .50.00 ALSO. A LARGE LOT OF miiT ii. n nflMPrnirn nmr n TJte beat Oil in the world for r.ta chinerif. j will not chill. It will not yum. i equal io t.'ie best Parti Oil. ! If yon have any hind of Machine- ! m, ash for OLENA ; and if you cannot buu it at h circular and price list to W I TIT Tirnm n rrmr-nn HJb. M)jjii r h n rr 00 were foimd, ';. l't-r had state d, i:, i tentions of il: - out." "Dr. Kllerl.ydi,, : . runrv. s27. ib- -the Society of I'; :, :. ; for bcihg a v-rv . and all his habi'- ). , os-iui!:ality. h, : - j found !) i: tilt-m tin.- follow i . . U that immediatel v r body !hall l c:iri k-. t V ' ed Mti.-tMim in .Vller-g t'i'Ti' In.- dw-fcted rence. Tyrrell, r.nd Wa;- t A A t . I 111:11 ir.e ccu-e 01 mv m j well uniieistotHl. Itv':;. I my heart to Mr. YY.. I lungs to Mr. R.. an. . j F., in order lhnt th. v j them from tleconip-..-iti. I Hare that if these g.-nt!,-i faithfully to execute ;: I wishes in this re.?pe-t. 1 I it SilOuld be bv l)V in : and torment them nut;; t! j ply." Tiiis threat did !; the above-named j it:.-. tliat they unln-it-it in ' 1 . thoir several leiracie: 1 rAUKVINO Sl'iiVKv THK LlCHTKM ''. A recently married ; ! which end of a st.: c j We reall v wish wv kin -v. 1- ' I'll . . ' uimmt-nts. l'a hi Ki 11- ll'ure flavorlM Kxt.acrs, Estc ,cc icmon u. Ieiuoli.N!iiny A Joke. iyrVi.h...Z'.r.i. v.. j tenilon of -the We wo'"vite the at- I I-Per.d CiKald..,, ' j, , ro. ! J uly 30, 1SCS. iUin SiTcc ."i- iS A.l:. - " IVfyrolatc- were usvJ po,.)Ie imiIti;iL-.l t.n the fav of te -!ii th." li..g, wJi., take a joke u'Kiut ;ui !;a:d as he wouM a Mow in t!i Cii.f, rul tin's t.j Lis school cla-is to .show what wretche.1 j..m -ver-ii.iw of fact ncwyj.apcT p.pk' are to pMi.-li, anJ then went infj a C0ini.;ta;iu:i to show t:,at the uso of slate cannot have s?asiMy afllvts.1 the increase of ihe world's jM.j,ul:ui .n. Ijo-ause, lirt, iat-x uro only usl ;ls a cuvwin f ,r human httW tations hi a very small Iranion ..ftl, ..hKV. surface; se.-oi.dly. Iso i tl.e emmtri whore slat.?- i,re l,at tt -...all ,W,i.,n of the pupjlation use then rli ikb ,r i.. u i tile-, HJ.inglc-, tar and vlt lso prevail- ' iHiwaV.' iiiti: and ti'irdlv. Ii?-ui:? t!.. r-.t;.. . e -1 I twinl. 1 . .1 work ilono liv m AT COST FOR CASH ! ,k IIU.NTLKV. ..t,,..1!C, ov. ai, lsT3.-f. ! X ext dooutoFost-off ick ; LOOK WELL TO VOIR IMHSI4BLW llf,lT L, WMH D.TH0MA8. ' " TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE I 'ri.Jr;w'..) info,h,n,,. Street, two rirwirm .f . I... i .. ,,? ?n H lineat l-V.w... .... ;",,t,'? "r lllty, from the teilallv in torn . iriolf.. ti.A i ...... 11 ;k .inn near v , ,riii.,. iwxtie to the coarw-Ht ' 1 alu' nuiiuir exna- rj!t Ji!i.-?i,.A,L!.,.f,,!:e' th '.'"ribiT is : J" vert best MANNta. onhii Nation from ouite r-ool t ... ' ' v. 1 c ni miles, in a direct line from ti ,.i. of the cave At times a most unpleas ant odor is emitted upon the current from dead carcasses of animals sucked in and killed by the violence. The loss of cattle and stock in that section in winter is accounted for in this way: They range too near the mouth of the cave, and the current carries them in. At times, when thp iliQn,m f... I j . ' iiV 111.111 Ul- j flaJ.a',"n to exhalation begins, the air I '-s tnled with various hairs of animals; i "ot unfrequently bones and whole car- MII MXERI GOODS, HARDVYAKK, QUEKSSWARR. B OTS AND SI!OE8 Ii ATS AM) CAPS CARPETS AND m lA?L0THS IIKAI1V ! vl. A Kh- w V'A R K PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS oar bos r oil.. f02r' FISU' 8ALT SS'- SMS WOOD. MORRELL A CO. A Stovo vi- .5.. OIL SttlTAfTfRERS AND ULiLERS ! 0a" VA 'w h'1'". - "fit n a 1 VJlil niti.ii s-.H.ul.i 1:.', Ao. 06O renn Avenue, takinjJ IloM f,fa s.nu Pittsburgh, Pa. , is to be moved show!.! J still watches of the r. ; carefully exarniiu.; ! 1 .... K"OH lamp. i ue t 1 CRAAVFOKI) "HOUSE, ft??i,S!!?"Ja'-!f.rcF.ror.. JUS er la WM. P. PATTOM M.,rttt,r.r cl Ioa AI.I. KIRD8 Or CABINET FURNITURE well known ami n .'. i . ' ' , ' . 1,1 " ' r c Thi"i. K.rVor h:nl whh thHr Patroi-aP at UioT. MUt '.'""'k? afTor.il. wii ahi ri !i':r. . .u';; way topi i, icr . v;,rro:,nt'I0H"!rf V' I "oman. v.ith I3..J.-TI 1 Parke's Marble Works Ni-iurci ot the vrrv h st Itnliin nn.l ? XZcT'-? Ameruan Marble, Entire satPsf, i,'" J 1' . ' "on Ki.aranteo.1 in nri 'e LIV ' 7iCU. ' execution of work B . ..... ftnrl r. r.. I .. mm. ... - ... Tr- cstVaih "rates. Try , ,t,U Vt ry 4 w : i'i 'k 'i'tJ,fi 1 '''Eu -i siiKKT-iili'v ''fc011 Ka,Ll'e "Man-i anywhere p 'ces M , J3 bot. withering veretation withii CcckillC. Tarlcr TToqt,- Cl I t?- r.V.l'- .-?"' convinced. ... -ub bkuics fM.roniDiv.nl. ' "'" an. Sh.Mi attended of the most ni.Drove.1 rteio-r.. ! ThT..V-?.,"a workmanlike ea t-SPOUTINand HOOFIvrs I mv work a...l fJl.l '".VP1 1 '- confldent that "VYl r:":?"' ' fact ..re a r..1 n a- "unee and increase of t he me to con " . ' uoiit- i r l r n ti f . in the he-t manner, on he J i" TSrT r",0fl at tuv won n-a.,naUe m,;, tKtii"" 'J roar ngr, gurfflino; sound, as a not boil mg. It is unaccounted for bv scien tific men who haVe examined" it, tho' no exploration can take place. It is feared by many tli.it a v.l tion may break forth there some time. ; u.i tmngs nave occurred in places as little unexpected. F!urpu, Ied3tc.vJ. 2 nshstunds, Pideboard. Chamber Sets. Pnrlor Set, nro robes. Look Cnnes, Qan Chairs. W ood Seat C-h.ir.. Kitchen furniture. Bd Lounge., tattref.BeK, Tcto-H-Tetes. hxtennion Tnblc Till. r... . . "-!. --it i juies, - npboarrix iSI??.0., H;,LL FURNITURE Ok. 13. 1870.-tf 1 ? II" An m :.i Mill ij u ii ii h i If vou want to ,l. n k...il. :.. io "cahVnV"? .1 w.vm,. the worid, take five newspars and a, UonVnw'ork'd 1 Prrvr' bmVtif 1'ictvof tape. 'M"VrntruprlP. JAMES F. MIIaIaIKEX, Airorney at Law and Real Est; HOLLID Vstii-i-.- t . Parties wi-'.'..J I . . f""itlcs. a.lvajtao to cull o or a Vh . ss me ' "K-,r ! S-ibilitV COLLLS,JOIINSTON CO "a 1 -. ' 11 w a U 1L" , rc-cive inonev on rieon-i Tl and collect hoi.n ,.nd r,1 r'-t business usually d ine i u Uvnd lu H 'ie HM, C'asliJer rVANIKL Mi r-AiTriiTTTr; Exchanr Luildin. inn-tV. .fflr n the toaand I-ocusti. P oor"('1' ' ttla- f. A. SHOEMAKl-u t ....l,.-.. ....... . v , the lighti t may ; lact. is et renn ly iik. ! be that thcliht.'-t . 1 i iieult to get li..M :' : It is a very di-.tie i carry a half ton -toenails, with :i !!. M.! other i-:, ! a du-t-! . and a broom in the ! the rear and Mvtliiiu' oi your legs. In o-..!ii i 1'est to !ie at t!ie l-va stove. Going bai-!;w:i; way with a t-tove in luires a delicacy of very fvw people po 1 -can only com after -:; tious practice. If ou : have the advantage :' that mut be pain!';ii t A jrent 1 tur?- The position v.u j . "in iace preu v ci-e j slove, and as no ii:e e. : j to see what is ir"''" " v or ex- ' atetl. vcm arc iv ht-u-i i: mid tlioii;ii' ':: t: nothing to 00 ! : : i ahead and tliir.k f ii above you is tluii:;;;--not see. with his ; v ' 'lis eves protrudi; - j lolling in his !.: ; you don't see hii sicht. lint thi'f! i ing Im'Iow is th:;t, ii: ' fallirg, you will !. e. ' I and instantly killed. V of your death will t-er e-1 . the scratched paint. ,v"' :' torn oil-cloth. And n 1 ; senses and with his ho.-.o".-' would m ant to survive , Pauburv Xeu . TI . t a. r ro ' s r.if. u. in? 1 1 v 1 . "i'KMsr,-,,;, ii n !?"e;,n crntr" "'. How rillleh eloth dec- make a pnii i ii 11