The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 20, 1874, Image 2

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    mriDPIS CrCr4y ' TuK "Fed in the Stale Senate;
I , tti K Si I 1 F fl i r fiJ & fl ' Providing for districting the State into Ju- !
Fvid., Morning, - Ff binary 2o, 1374.
The Horoitfh Ejection.
j ilicial district, as required by the new
Constitution, fixes the number of distiictn !
W onders of Wedlock.
The philosophy of domestic history in-
al forty, and will icquire t' e election of volves many a problem in real life that
i r. 11 i i r - t would ut' ttuuicu a.- ;iUrtmrtimT w
i Jfteen addit .onal judge, i Jus utstnen f t .caWe .Q fiction 3K(, the p-uli.riy
j which at present embraces the counties r.. ; ,reujs ((f social and legal institutr
Tit fight oi lbs;cil ritci:nu for
il:irif o Hon. A. A.!i?r "Unnp
V. litre tlie n'oodbiat iuinplb.''
feu ins oi social ana lecai himiuhiuiii m
Cambria, P-Iair and Huntingdon, remains tj,e United States fcem notably favorable I
ur.ehangeel a Jesuit which was
about by the unanimous request of the
brought : to the development of such cu ief.
of the ! Thus, a jury in Tortland, Me., has recent
ly disagreed, and thereby necessitated a
The election for borough officers in this !
members of the bar of eacti oi tne tnreo , tri;l m a case ()f anegcci rnistakcu
cou:itie, that Hie preseni arrangement identity, the parties to which are a gentle-
? with. ; man who flaims another Dersoii'S wile as on last Tuesday was the mt Cere j couv-i;ccd tIiat the pcoplo of " fi""'y ud ;
and b-.ttcr contest of the kind within the! ,. -,i . 1 , Vc 1 . "C"aiUly denies that the ever saw the:
tne, wuoum .c-.u 1"""'" , c!a,mai,t before, Airs. Waite, wife ot a
opiuion, will heartily approve this action highly respectable citizen of that name, I
of the Committee of the Senate. Judge is the lady in question, and the claimant!
Dean haa nhowii himself to bo an affable, ' "f,, er marital lleKi:ince, who is from an- j
upright and impartial judge, and these ; 01, ' arl ;Pd and was deserted bv her. and
rccrllcclion of the "oldest iishabitar.t.''
On the Saturday evening previous, the ind
icate held a meeting in the C'ouit House
and nominated a full ticket which was said
tiy certain dusBatiMicu members if t.i.ii par
ly to represent the personal and
interests of Hon. A. A. Baiker. vho for
ViTiictl tl,ltc reflu'K,tes constitute the i-afe admin- ! brings letters and witnesses in proof tlicve- J
' ",a ! istrator of justice. A change in the dis- 1 of. 'si e. on the contrary is sustained by i
! trict would hare brought with it a nevrand , ncr nu.uar.a, cniiusrn. out imumu ana c-
years has exercised a controlling inihieiice , . . & ". , ; quaintances, in utterly denying all knowl-
me, the affair, of the borough. This tic- i u B"""f1u J'10-11" penmen, ; of . and a,th. di,asreerneilt ;
, , . ! the ioplo if neittier county wished to, Gf the iUIT shows, the cvidenc on both '
r vmk iit;iii(ti i ii ii i : . rr u aiiiu ji iw i ili i - . ...
UvHim, Eq., a young lawyer and a gentle
man of unimpeachable iutegrity, for the
I hazaid. When the census of 1SS0 is taken ' sides is so strong as to bailie the avercgo of
j Cambi ia county will contain a population of , human sagacity to decide the aEtounding j
fyrty thousand, (she only lacks about two
riTice of Uurgcss. J j " j,t vet more surprising are the anoma- :
t, , .., .. -,r ... , thousand of that number now,) when the , io;ls esiA complications in a case in San :
that the radical cauldion was about to boil. 1
On that evening the democrats, who are in
a minority of about tifty votes in the two
lvards, he'd a meeting and nominated a
ticket comprising tLe names of those only
whom they knew could be elected. The
aiiti-Darker republicans eubsequently pro
cured the consent of one of their number,
llr. D. II. Kiukead, to stand as an inde
pendent candidate for Burgess against Mr.
tn be entitle!, under the Constitution, to Bernardino, California, of which the fol-
bo a separate judicial dUtiict and to elect i lowing are the chief facts: In 1S72, an Eng- j
, T . , . , , ,r, . - named Oades came thither from ,
her own President Judge. I hat one of , . . . ,- . , i , r., i
her own citizens will be found fully com
petent and worthy to fill the responsible
positii.u to his own credit and the satisfac
tion of the people does not admit of a:iy
reasonable doubt.
Aurtralia and pin chased a farm iu Temes
; eal township ; representing that he had ex-
perisneed bitter domestic bereavement and j
pecuniary lots in the land whence lie came,
: and exhibiting great despondency of spirit
1 in consequence. In January of the fol
i lowing vear he wooed and won a highly re-
j spectacle wilow of San Ilernardiuo named j
Tmt .la.l.inir t'atn r..l f,.tiir cnrfrmnn ! Toieland, but not without giving her the
. , ,, ... . . , ' tragic history of his past errors. About
Evans, and also obtained the consent of ! , , . , J six yeais before lie bad been a tlinlty
other dissatisfied repuLliuto have their ah.ngtou correspondent of the C kicago f h Wellington county, New Zeal-
... .. .. . ! 1 ii.ncs : ' and. on the frontiers of the seditious Ma-
names suomiticakior tue omces leit vacant n,,.,,.,,, v , ,. nmnnu.i p ! ori county. Dui ing his absence from home
on u;e uemocraiic iiccl. n nui inun ur
seen that while the fight was fteiisibiy
and principally between two radicals, Kin
kead aud Ilvans, the former being the more
active and bitter partisan of the two, it was
really a contest between the Barker and j
anti-Barker wing of the republican paitr,
thu latter being aided and abetted as a gen- ,
President's new
ftiur haiiiliom liavs, wirii gold-trimmeil
li:ri!e.-s, maiU; its wcdiil appearance on tlie
av.M.ue this :ift-riiooii. Very w i le and very
w lose reins controlled thoni, ami tlie team
surpasses anything of tlie kind ever seen
here. A1miu tin only thing that evercamo ,
up to it in style was l:iuhu Iletnbold's t uri'
our with guld-triimned harness, also, which
wan heie tour or rive years ago. Tlie horses
of the President's foiir-i n-liand are a'.l snpe-
r;rr mill it in ;n?l tlie ten ri ran mt ivprttiH
wal i-ule by the democrats as a matter of ; t.trf at a three niiuuteh' g.-iit. Two of Hie
political expediency. j horses, the leaders, have done Wtter than
Ti .. . T, , this on the nrivate half-mile traek south of
The opP'ton to Barker s j ,,ie Vrcitld;.,a-H on ths white
was led by lion. Samuel Henry, the pres- j House lot, m more than one occasion, and
ent radical member of Assembly, Thoinas 1 h e, at least, the President held the rib
Davis, late chairman of tho radical county . rr',' ! l,.f ,.1,..,1
oramittee, J. Alex. Moore, Sam'l W. Da- 1 lot of ground containing nearly fifteen thou- c:ed together what ittla worldly substance
.;a nl nti,.r t,linrnr,,l fl,,n., t i ul . 1 sand t q r.are feet, and w h ich front s t he ei r.Ie ; as k'ft to him, and emigrated to L ahfor
vi, anu other leauing arm miiiicutiai le- i ... .' ... . ,, . . . i n,, h. tt,... ,,r i .. ,,, :
' ! at the intersection of Pand Thirteenth streets nia, and now oia tne stoiy oi ins ca. ami-
publicans. The struggle was intensely ex-! aili Vermont and Rhode Island avenues. ; ties to her whom he besought to be his
one day, on a short journey of business,
while his wife and children were alone in
the house, a band of savage Maoris devas
tated the place, and left the buildings in i
smoking ruins. Upon his return he found j
only heaps of smouldering embers and j
ashes in the place where the homestead !
had stood ; and the chaired human frag
ments in the dreadful wreck left him no '
hope but that his whole family had been
butchered by tho pitiless destroyers. It
seemed, indeed, barely possible at fiist that
somo of the victims had been carried off
captive ; but weeks, months, and even
yearsof pitiful waiting and inquiring never
sustained the possibility.
At last the inconsolable bad galb
and extends ltvt feet along the latter, and
1 .' fret along the former avenue. The price i
paid wan per fquare foot, amounting
to On this lot the President pi o- ;
poses to erect a tine residence. I
citing and r3ged violently all day along
both lines of the contending factions, the
vld u-iir horse of radicalism in northern j
Cambria fighting valiantly until tho close
of the polls. In the west ward Kinkead's
tnajoiity was 70 and in the cast wa;d Evans
led his competitor votes, thus electing
the anti-Bat ker candidate by 21 majority.
While we have no words of triumph or
exultation to utter over Mr. Barker's dis
comfiture, we have no sympathy for him,
for the obvious reason that Le was done for
In the house of his friends and by the very
men whose efforts against tho democratic
party for years part he has aided and abet
ted in the most prominent aud efficient
manner, lie and theu can settle their
grievances of last Tuesday between them- ! ul' a man was loui,.t with two t.ui- j own union, lor it na.t oeen entereu into 111
, : let-holes in it. Some clothing and triukcts i perfect good faith on both sides, and wa
second wife. Thus Mrs. Foreland knew
what Oades had suffered before she gave
him her kand in wedlock, and needed no
fuither information from him, when, in a
vear after the marriage or only a few
9-tsm mpelfS M?o the first M rs. OadfK aiwl tlit-po
Cine I'MSTANTIAI. l'vnF.xc K. Annie ! children arrived at tho farm in search of
Tope was living with a family named -f her husband and pnreut ! The woman
Sides, near Jonesboro, 111., every member ' and the little ones had been made prisou-
of which was supposed to be. rqaul to the ! ers, icstead of killed by the Maoris ; the j
commission of murder. One night women s t human remains found in tlie smoking rums
voices were heard in loud altercation, and i were thoso of savages who were slain by
two pistol-shots were fired, followed by a ; each other in a tight for the spoils ; and j
piercing shriek, .alter which Annie lope , atter a captivity ot years, tne hapless .Mrs.
was seen no more in the vicinity of Jones- j Oades and her children had finally been
boro. Some months passed away, during ' released, and followed their natuial pro
whicli tho most uncomplimentary rumors '. lector to California.
were circulated relative to the connection j Upon hearing the piteous tale from the
of the Sides family with her disappearance, j poor wanderers, Oades and his second wife
A search was made for the murdered girl 8 : were of one niiiiil about what to do in the
remains, and was so far successful I hat the ' matter. They would not relinquish their
What effect tho result of that day's battle
radical part- in this borough, we leave
each man from his own standpoint to draw
his own conclusion. After us the dduo.
wiio were arrested and lodged in jail.
The astonishment of tho crowded court-
upon it were identified as the property of: justified by the mutual devotion it had de
Annie Tone, and a strong case was appar- ! velored ; hut the desolate new-comers must
may have on the future prospects of the j ently made out against tli3 sides family, be received into the house as legitimate
memrers or the family, and receive all the
amends that could possibly bo made for
room at a preliminary investigation may their anamolous coudit ion. Not so. though,
decided the good people ot Sin Bernardi
no, wh , on being frankly told of the do
mestic situation, insisted that there mu.'t
be a divorce to accommodate affairs to a
be imagined when, all tho evidence for the
State being in, counsel for the defence
' i ai l :1
The result of the election in Philade!- -'. R
i winise rMiiaius u:m appaieuuv oeen uim-
covered somo weeks previously. Since i civilized form. As r.tit her Oades i:trei-!
j Miss Tope emphatically repudiates the ' ther of tho Mrs. Oades would move in the j
mangled curpse the county is diligently j matter, the public prosecuting attorney j
j starching fr the rightful name to which it ; was constrained to institute legal proceed-
i belonged. I iiigs. And then began the judicial per- ',
j j plexities of tho problem. According to
Amoves of the ladies' crusade ncainst 1 Ulft i-os Angeles hrprea, the husband was
I tho saloons, we are reminded of the power 1 nrst sued vr retaining the woman from
and success of the temperance movement i Australia under bis roof. He proved that
phia ou last Tuesday for Mayor and other
city officer created moro than usual
interest throughout the State, in as
much as it was the first election held in
that ring-iidden inetn polis under tho new
Constitution. As our readers aro aware,
the candidate r f the Reform and Demo
cratic parties for May..r was Don. A. K.
MeCluiv, and his opponent was William
S. Stokley, the present .incumbent of the
office. Although Col. MeClurc is not and
never has been a Democrat, yet as he was
endorsed by tho regular Democratic city
convention as its candidate, in the interest
'f reform and honc.t government, we
hoped to be able to announce his success.
We regret to say, however, that he has been
defeated and that Mr. Stokley has been ic
elected by a tnaioi itv of about ten thous
and Tl;a w.dt . i;.i..i ' nlished in there wavs is done on the nrin- law provides that "no person shall le
1 r . l . j - i 5 i lifi H nrniltv d lun-i tT" xr ma 1.fa ..J
i-ef.iRjil nf n 1,,,.. r t, : -T,e " leiuug one nana kuow uie "7 J "
aoe-js oi tne ouier,
The Oassville Investigation,
Special Correspondence Pittsbura1 Commercial.
IIcktingdox, Pa., Feb. 14, 1S71. .
The ioint Committee of the two llrtuses
of the Legislature, to investigate the Cass
ville scandal, closed its labois liei-e n last
Tuesday night, and returned to llarris
burg I have only time to give you a brief
retuvie of th testimony.
On Monday evening Miss Handcuff was
examined, anil testiiied that Guss drew
her into his office, one evening, when she
was between thirteen and fourteen years
of age, pulled her upon his lap, pressed
her To his bosom, ami offered her other in
dignities. She complained of this to one
of the female employes, and by her assist
ance a letter was sent to her father, who
promptly sent the guardians of the child
U demand her, but she was not yielded
up. A short time afterwards, she was
t iken into a room before a Justice of the
Peace, and frightened into swearing that
her charges was not correct. Again, when
he was approaching sixteen, he lured her
to tho woods, aod, when the coast was
clear, threw her to the ground and endeav
ored to accomplish his vile purpose. Twice,
subsequently, he made similar attempts.
She also stated that one of the girls was
tnciente, and that she was obliged to wear
the witness' clothes, who was a much
larger-sized giil. The boys would twit
this poor creature while reciting iu class,
and charge her with familiarities with
(Juss. She stated that there were con
stant reports of his familiarity with the
Mrs. Handcuff corroborated her daugh
ter's statement in regard to receiving the
letter, etc.
A lady from Altoona, who had been em
ployed at the establishment, stated that
she frequently saw girls from her room
coming out of Gush's room, late at night,
with their slippers in their hands. She
said that reports of familiarity were con
stantly flying around the establishment.
Mr. Owens, who had formerly been a
teacher, gave similar testimony, and stated
that he had frequently seeu Guss with turns
one of the girls on the cars.
Miss Louisa Pope slated that she had
gone to his room to ask permission to go
to visit her uncle, in company with one of
tho girls. Guss said he was busy writing
a sermon. He called her to him and asked
her if she could keep a secret. She, think
ing it was something in reference to the
school, said she could. He then endeav
ored to seduce her. She said she would
cry ouf, and he opened the spring lock and
allowed her to retire. She complained im
mediately. The matron ami others cor
roborated her statement as near as possi
ble. Mrs. Funk stated that he called her into
his room and asked her if fdie could keep
a secret, and when khe told him that t-he
could, lie endeavored to accomplish his
vile purpose.
Within a few weeks he took a Justice
of the Peace to this witness, and endeav
ored to make her swear that the statements
which she had made "were untrue. He in
sisted on hei not to come to the investiga
tion. She was corroborated by other wit
nesses. Dr. Ifaac Guss, formerly physician to
the Fchool, stated that one of the teachers
told him that theie were half a dozen com
plaints by young girls at one time, and
that the"Professor"was constantly charged
with criminality with a number of girls
named by the witness. He also stated that
Guss was frequently seen riding about ihe
country with his arms around the large
girls ; that there was no effort to cenceal
his lecherous motives.
Judge Clarkson stated that there was
frequent rumors of the criminalty of Guss;
that he (Clarkson ) saw him in the cars with
a whole car full of small girls, and selected
the largest one and put her ou his lap, aud
caresd aud fondled her.
George McEldowuey stated that he saw
Guss in tho ironing room with bis arms
about one of tho girls in the corner ; he
taw Guss and one of tho larger girls com
ing out of the stable about eight o'clock
at night, and also went to his office on one
occasion and found Lirn locked iu with one
of the girls.
This is only a portion of the testimony,
softened down to suit publication, but it
ought to be enough. Styi.L'p.
Xews and J'olitical Items.
under the auspices of tho Catholic Church. ! kll was llls lawtul wife, and tho suit was
An idea of what has been quietly and Unob-' ' au:mrtumd- A suit was then brought
trusively achieved in this direction may be j against Mm lor unlawfully living with
formed from the fact that it maintains" S-M J wife number two. He was acquitted un
total abstinence societies, w ith a member- j tler the law, which declares that, "the mart-hip
of over 27.00:, representing all North j ;iage of a peison having a husband or w ife
Ameiiea. t In calling public attention to ; 1'viriff is void, unless such former wife or
these facts, the Inter-Ocean says : Wc cer- ! husband, living was absent and not known
taiuly must give our Catholic fellow-clti- ! to sut1' person to bd living for five years
zens credit, not only for their religious du- i immediately preceding such subsequent
votion. but the amount of good they are j marriage in which case the subsequent
doing through the agency of organizations j maniage is void only from the time its
as various as tho exigencies that give them j "Uity is adjudged by a proper tribunal."
biith. Since sd much of what is accom- I 1Ie ws then prosecuted for bigamy, but
tu Known portion oi tne ; , . hiR .,.,. if r.ft im e. 1 wife has been absent for fivo successive
Democratic party, led by Richard Vaux ' observation. We als3 notico that the years without being known to such per- !
and other men of his peculiar political Catholic. Tctal Abstinence Unio.i, which i son as heing living." So he again escaped.
views, to support Col. MeCUire The ti l- i htlu a short time ago its third annual ses- iour.n su.t was brought todis
umi.l. i.f tl. rin,r tiM-rt . n,.mf . i, ' sion in New York, has passed resolutions f B'lvs the second marriage. That failed
umph of the ring ticket was therefore me- f r a d celebl.;tion and le in 1S7fi ; because not brought by ono of the inter
citable, and I hiladelphia is again placed i honor of the centennial of American ia- esttd parties. They were appealed to. but
refused to take net ton.
urder Ihe control of tho same untrcru- : dependence, and for tho futther co'.nmem-
At a public meet-
I ulcus and desperate men w ho for years 1 oration of the day by the erection iu Fair- j ,ng i the now fairly 1 1 antic citizens, it
have ruled and plundered her. mt,i" k 'f .a C'J ntain, from i proposed to petition the Legislature to .
on ihe hundredth anniversary of the na
lion s birth
Conc.ressm as Dawks is treading on
dangerous ground. He is telling the truth j ' "
w ith risky plainness. The most devoted 1 TiiTi organized movement of the women
of the household organs at Wahh.. ton i '";' -''"'. a'u! the inaueuration of
" & 7 - m Finn) , v-s n in n f m -.llCLIZ-lmwliHa -
. IT- IT , . IO HUM III .nil... nv.iutoi.ii.-, ,w
m .auiiai iiepuoiiean, warns unn oi Ins
Cvmpel the saloon-keepers to stop selling
whit-ky, is discussed by the Chicago 7 rt- i
bunt under the head of "The Female !
Crusaders." The Tribune asks if it is '
proper to pray at saloons, "why not invade j
the pawnbrokers' sln-ps, the 'fences, the !
Peter Funk stores, the gambling-rooms, j
tne nouses ot iii-rame, and all other estab
peril, and chidis him iu this genile, pat- I
ionizing way : "It seems unfortunate that '
a gentleman holding the high and impor-
taut position occupied by Mr. Dawes csn
r.'re1' take the floor to explain the Cnn
cial condition of the Treasury without an- j
jouncing propositions which, unexplained,
feed to v ealcen public confidence in the ;
jiaity that he assumes t lead. He i
d.mb;less a laborious studious, p:instak
i.ig man. He. would save at the spigot
while w:isti:ig .it the bung. His viioii i
appeai-s t.") contracted to embrace th.o vast
f spanse of this country and comprehend ;
the extensive ramifications of the Govern-
ment in its principal wo; kings." ;
II. BrcaEtt S.vo;rr., United States Dis
trict Attorney for the Western District of
this State, died at Liberty on Mond.y
morning last, lid was ccmparati' fly a
your.? man, was born, a we renicinber his
:i.-dory, at or near Alt -xaiiiu in, in Hun
tingdon ooiiiity. anl at. the tiir.e of Ids
first av'vi:ittneiit. about three years ii-i
ton aleadirg member
He had been roappoii
a fww months Although roi:eh:it ; P!!t. owei another a dollar and doesn't j-ay
eccentric in his li3l)its, lie was esteemed it on deciar.d. th
marriage. iut Uades, who was present.
immediately aroso to address the meeting, i
and told them that that was no go, for by '
the twentieth section of the fourth article j
of the Constitution of California it is ex
pressly provided that "no divorce shall bo ,
granted by the Legislature." As Oades
produced the book itself, this argument
was unanswerable. It was then proposed i
that the Legislature thould be petitioned
to call a constitutional convection for tho
purpose of annulling one or the other of
Oades' marriages ; but Oades produced Iho I
Constitution of the United States and read
! ii.. i i i . - ... ... (
lishmenU which make a living bv previ'i- i ltm" ul lue "16C aiticie, which
upon the community? Why not also iu- i clsly provides that "No State within the sphere of their operations ' ' pass any law impairing the ob-
legislatures, bomdsof trade, railroad cor- 'Silt'u contracts, "and marriages," !
n.ii-itio-.'.s. nn.l eitv vii tr- wii.-o. ;- he said '-was well settled to be a contract, i
t , ' j ... " m Liiia
thing going to top ., The oiioiator or ! UM 'l)Pciore no earthly power could de- !
rather the reviver of the old custom, i'l)r. Jrivo Iiwn of his vested right in Ids two
IMo Lewis, ot Most on. Having set this i ,'-i'-
bail ia motion, it is repoited that he is ! And thus the case stands at present
now m-ranizino- similar iai.l nfr-.inwf i. ne of tho most remarkable examples of
use of tobacco. Is it too much to"anticipate leRal a,,d hocial contradiction ever known '
that, after ho has besieged the tobacco i 111 a civilized country. j
stores with troops of praying and singing i '
women, the unfortunate householder who '; If Congress had employed as much !
does not believe in Lewis's theory, that a scientific skill in thn nrr3i-"n.m..,f C
piece of bran bread and three beans are . "Reconstruction Policy" at the close, as
sullie.ioi.t daily sustenance, will find his the War Department did ia the beinnin
property besieged in a similar manner ? . of the war, in at rai ging for the manufac
V. he.o will the ciuaade end ?" ; inre of what was called sr,rf.f.iii,M l,iml.
A Crazy Bot Climbs a Tjiek. A boy
named AUebaugh, living on Decker's run,
a few miles from Cochranton, suddenly ex
hibited symptoms of derangement on Mon
day morning of lat-t wek, but his family
saw no immediate cau?e for alarm. He
seemed impressed with the idea that some
body wai ted to kill him ; and laboring
under that foarful apprehension he rushed
out of the house about 0 o'clock a. ni. and
made for the woods. His grandfather and
another man followed as scum as thej'
could, but the boy ran like a deer. They
saw him climbing a stout poplar tree but
were too late to stop him. He ascendetl the
tree to the bight ef sonic seventy feet and
there sat in the upper fork. Tho day was
bitterly cold aiul tlie poor youth was thin
ly clad and without a coat. T he two men
climbed the tree, but as they got near him
the boy crawled out on a frail limb and
threateneel to jump to the ground if they
came closor. The two men elescendrd. as
they feareel that the boy would thus des
troy himself. As their last resort to keep
him from freezing, they got his coat and
sent it up the tree and left it as near the
boy as they elared go. The boy came
elown far enough to get his coat ami then
climbed back to his elangerous position.
As a last effort to save him for to re
main as he was much longer was eleah
from freezing or falling they concluded
to cut down the tree, guying it with stout
ropes to prevent its earning down with a
crash. Two gooel axemen went to work
and soon the began to waver aiul set
tle in the elireetion they wished it to fall.
But in spite of the guys it swung to one
sido and lodged against an eiak. The in
sane boy sprang into the oak with the agil
ity of a squirrel and was soon in its top
most branches.
All entreaMes and promises of protection
wero unavailing to get him elown. The
night was coming on anel the cold increas
ing. It was thought that possibly a play
mate in the neighborhood, of whom he
was very fontl, could coax him down, ami
this boy was brought to the scene with
dishes of fooel. All now left except two
men, who cencealed themselves in the
brush to seize the poor boy if he should
come d.iwn from his peich. The strata
gem succeeded. The boy was secured ad
taken to his family. His feet, hands and
face wero badly frozen during his terrible
exposure of fifteen hours, but it is thought
that no serious consequences will ensue
from that. It was a thrilling day to the
neighborhood and will be long remember
ed among the annals of Docker" run.
Venango Spectator.
r; CndUion Powder for the use of tho
of.h.fJ.fl' j!'' ' TLe pr.ssi.Mi which the colored people ?7 h'ne; doubt the Union would
m oi tnei. learf'ehi bar. ,. ' - . . .- , i have been restored Ion"- arm y-rrh inn
., : have lor c'-tt into courts is noticed bv ; iun ajo, t,xcnannt.
ir.tcd by the I resident tJie Ml,ntKlinxery (AlO State Journal. If! " j
lar and uoesn t pay j Chailes l inter, a negro, raped an old I
creditor forthwith ; Germaa woman named Seanle near St i
by tho.o wh knew him well as a gntle- j brings unit ; and the cest amounts to great- j Charles, Mo.. Saturday evening last. He
man of decided ability. The press of the . ly iu.; a than the debt. So, too, if ene calls wjs arrested on Monday, and after con-
cifv of Pittsburgh uii.uir.nously concur in another a liar, there isasmt for defamation, ; fesstng the cnm a desperate attempt was
as an ab.o and ef- and one or ihe other has the cost 4 to pay. ; made t- lynch hint by th citizens, but
the statement that ho was
ficie-ii legal oftijer of ths genoi :t
Wn noticed in ono of our exchanges this
week the statement of Dea. John Hexlg
kins, of South Jeffeison, Me., whoso son
was cured of incipient consumption by the
use if J,h no)S x Anodyne Liniment. Wc
refer to this at this time as tending to cor
roborate the statement wo made last week
in relation to this Liniment as applied to
ocin- , Law, to ihcsii iinj.V people, is a new lux- j the off.ceis finally, succeeded in lodgin
him in '1 il.
A man in CantoD, Bradford county, '
bought eleven coffins at sheriff's sale re-
eenlly. He is now looking around for an
order to furnish a gravc-vaid.
At Rmledge, O., last Friday night,
N. M. Wood poisyfied three f his child
ren, and then shot himself. His wile had
deserteel him.
Daniel O'Mara and Patiick Irving,
convicted at Montrose for tho murder e.f
O'Mara's mother and siater, have been
sentenced te be hangeel.
A wealthy Buffalo lady of sixty has
just marrieel her own w idowed son-in-law,
anel the chihlren of two families are now
puzzled to settle their relationship.
A merchant and his family, of Phila
delphia, formerly rich, influential, socia
ble, and respect eel, were last week turned
into tho street for non-payment of their
Cardinal Tarquini. one of the prelates
raised to the elignity of cardinal at a con
sistory held at the Vatican by the Pope on
the 2(1 of December last, died in Home on
Friday night.
Neil McBride, a miner, was murdered
at Beaver Meadows, Pa., last Saturelay
evening. It is supposed the murderer is a
man abont twenty years old, named Neil
Paul, who escaped.
Santa Anna, w ho has been in banish
ment at Nassau for some years, is on his
way back t- Mexico. He returns under
the amnesty proclamation ef President
Lerdo, and has firmly resolved not to med
dle again in Mexican politics.
Mahanoy, Sehuylkill county, was vis
ited by a serious fire mi Friday night last.
Mr. Daniel Weintz, Mr. David Dress, Mr.
Joseph Davis, Mr. William Williams and
Mrs. Beiden all suflereel severely. Mr.
Weintz's lots was about $4,000.
Mrs. Locke, who recently eliedat Iras
burg, Vt., aged ninety-two, was the mother
of fourteen chihlren, grandmother of fifty
eight, great-grandtnother of eighty, ai.el
great-gieat-grandmother ef three ; but
they all called her "granny" for short.
Lawrence Norton was murdered at a
christening paity which took place at the
house of John Barry in the Highland Dis
trict of Boston, Saturday night. Five men
and two women have been arrested on sus
picion of connection with the homicide.
In New York, on Saturelay, Josse R.
Clark, Jigeel fourteen years, while playing
with a revolver, aimed it at his cousin,
Jesse Wicks, aged fifteen yeais, when the
weapon was accideutlly discharged, shoot
ing Wicks through the foreheatl and in
stantly killing him. Clark was arrested.
A mother in Columbia, Lancaster
county, destroyed the sight of one of her
child's eyes, a few elays ago, in a singular
manner. The latter was spinning a top
for tho little one's amusement, a
shoe-string. Tlie metal tip on the latter
struck th chikl in tho eye, damaging it
A woman in Boston recently fell into
a trench in front of a house, and brok
her leg. By the advice of a lawyer she
sued the owtier of the building for $2, OIK).
He was poor, but agreed to settle for flo'),
from which the doctor was paid his bill.
The lawyer took the rest and the poor wo
man got nothing.
Oil. McClure ran two thousand votes
ahead cf the highest candidate on his This is the respouce to the calum.
nies of the Philadelphia Keening HulUlia
which supports gamblers anel profligates
ef the ring at every muuicpal election
without making a crooked mouth at the
humiliating task.
Reports from the western portions of
Nebraska state the Sioux Indians on
Thursday night burned the town of Reel
Willows, in Republican Valley. They
killed several person?, among them Roy
al Buck, one of the olelest and most re
spccteel citizens of Nebraska. Much ex
citement prevails. The exact truth is not
A Thompson, Conn., clock company
has shipped a curious clock to San Fran
cisco, to be placed in the tower of the
greatest hotel on the continent, where it
will furnish the time for fiOO dials, which
are to be operated by compressed air ear
rieel in pipes all over the building. Tho
building has 500 room", and there is to be
a dial in every room.
Monday morning while several per
sons were engaged catching drift weod on
the river at Wrightsville, they found tho
bodies of two women embedded in a mass
ef ice. The discovery of the bodies ha
created a great sensation in the neighbor
hood. Ne thing has developed to show
who the females were or uneJer w hat cir
cumstances they met their eleath.
N. P. Trist, who died in Alexandria,
Va., at the age of seventy-four, was a na
tive ef Pennsylvania, and, being Chief
Clerk in the Department of State during
the Polk administration, negotiated the
treaty of Guaelaloupe Hielalgo, in which
claims of the United States against Mexico
resulting from the war with that country
were settled. He was Postruakter of Alex
anelria since the war.
In New York railroad companies aro
prtihibitcd bylaw from salting their tracks.
It has been found necessary to close the
public schools, sti as to prevent the chil
dren from being obligeel to walk actors
the salteel traeks, and thus sow the seeels
of diptheria, from which in 1960 the mor
tality was great. The ordinance imposes
a fine of not less than 500, nor more than
$1,000, upon any one salting any part of
the i-treets or avenues.
Mr. John Ilcelle met with a very seri
ous accident at Harri.sbnrg last Friday
morning. Ho was employed at the Lochiel
Iron Works, and while engageel in ren or
ing Iho belting from some machinery, his
coat was caught by it, ami be was carried
to a height of twenty-five feet, from which
he fell, head foremost, upon a pile of iron
rails. His heatl was cut and skull frac
tured, from the centre to below the left
ear, and his leg was broken below the knee.
The pi-sposition of Charles Nordhoff,
made through Hurpers' if n gazing some
uine months ago, to turn Alaska into a
penal colony, is said to bo thought of ser
iously by inembei-3 of Congress, and a
scheme ef some kind will, it is said, be
brought forward to give eftcot to some
such pjlan. We know it is an open question
whether a penal colony is better than pris
on confinement ; much can be said on bo:h
sides. It will be a relief if the most of our
criminal population can be removed to a
place by itself, but we doubt the readiness
of Congress to adopt such a plan.
Aunt Beckey Flenniken, of Wayne
burg, Green county, celebrateel her 8d
birth day recently. Tho following is a
list of those pivsent, with their ages at
tached : Mrs. Nancy Crawford, 84 ; Mr.
Sarah Wilson, 82 ; Miss Rebecca Flenni
ken, 82 ; Mrs. Browning. 8H ; Miss M V
Harvey, 8H ; Mrs. Brooks, sj; ; ?,irs. Lel'nl
ley, ,r, ; Mis. Cleavenger. 74; Mrs. Ing
ram, 70 ; Mrs. Howdtm, C3. Their united
ages, including the fractions of year
amounted to about S.-:, years. A remark
able circumstance in connection with the
supper was that not one of the entire num
ber would take a cup of tci.
Men were at work all day Saturday at
Henry Mu!lir' brewery. Thirty-second
anel Jefferson streets, Philadelphia, en
gaged in removing the debris of the falle-i
building and in extricating from tho ruins
the bodies e.f the mm buried beneath
'f- .L,ctenant Crock, of tho Twonty
third District, with a squad of twelve po
licemen, superintended the arrangements
and preserved order among the. spectators.
U was ascertained on Satuiday night that
ten perhaps eleven, persons were killed,
and seventeen wemnded. Several of them
were not seriously injured, but of ths oth
ers it is feared that three or four 0r thcrn
cannot survive.
1873. FALL, and -WINTER f
4 :
OF M. IT. NATHANS )N k ( o
(Lately occupied by II. Walters, (Jt-eeae,.
T'HK underpinned would respectfully Inform the eltizensof F.tntt,.;,,
g-enerslly. that fhey have Jint opened at the above named (.'lace n in.-
ranl stock ot FA 1.1. AMI v 1 N -
Consisting of such articles a BLACK AND BLT'K CLOTH SI" ITS. ( As-; n , e
and t.ovs. 3ne KN'iil. 1SH K KltSKY OVERCOATS, i'l h:u-. Ir'.n n. ,n.- "".' 'v
u jrenrriil nss-.rfrieat of COATS. J. NTS and V K TS .f uii text i;iv. -i
full line of H ATS, CA PS. TIU'N Ks. VA I I SEP. I'M BltfwI.LA -. Ac- ;i ;i ,
be sold at 15 per cent. !. than prevailing prices in J'.h'-t(,irn. Wc,
t he tin cH anil most sty lih iroods an v art icle of e lot iiinsr uViircil. , n i t i, ,t
on the most!.le ierreif. We M A "L" r Af iTK a all oi ii . a n tji,,
sell cheaper than any other houe in Cumbria county. PU as. tin- .is a
town, ntid jndjre f rorn our ftook and price whet her i t w :i t , x -. -., :
COATS and Cl'STOM-M AIK WdltK on r IcrvJ i nir specin I : i.-. nnl-i'l p
PROFITS" the basis upon which we do business. COM K A N ii Er. :
Sept. 10, lS73.-Cm. M. H. NATMANSCNi;
Tl e iron-clad monitor Diccator. it is
feared, has lwn lost, with all on iKiard.
No tidings of her have been received lately.
A train on theLehigli anel Susquehanna
Railroad, between one anel two o'clejck
Monday morning, ran into a land slide
near Slate Dam Station. The cugino
jumped the track and eighteen cars weie
piled upon each other, smashing freight
e.f all descriptions, which was strewn along
the road and hurled into thes river. Not
or. of the train hands as far as could be
aseertaineel, escapee! injury. The body of
engineer Daniel Shannon was founel under
the engine considerably Lurneel. Otto
Shannon, fireman, and Frank Ryan, brake
man, weie badly scalded and burned.
Three others are reported killeel. The
stove in the caboso set fire to the
and nine car were burned.
A singular anel so far unexplained
cae of sueldeti illness and the eleath of an
entire family in tho North Division of Chi
cago came to light en Satuielay. A neigh
bor, ou going to the house of David Thomp
son, to see Mrs. Thempson. who was leceut
ly confined, founel the eloors fastened, and
suspecting rorr.t thing wrong, procured help
and forced his way intt the house, where
the' founel Mrs. Thompson lying insensi
ble, two of her four children dead, and the
o.her two in an apparent dying condition.
The woman was in a state of insensibility.
A third child elied Sunday, and the nurse.
Mrs. Behrens, who was at first suspected
of having some connection with the affair,
is now very ill with symptoms similar to
those in the other cases. The physicians
are unable to determine the caue of the
eleaths, but there seems to be a genei-al
impression that they were caused by gas
from a coal stove. The nurse, when
found, was apparently partly sturefied,
and is now in a very precarious condition.
-v; jy a a vim TisEMJoy i s
- AT
'HE und-rijri:
citizens el l.t e:
i!v that H-e Tr.i-i n
lN'PKK ES Tu r.
his liiiP. e-ons'slir-?
of the nu.t
j prie" a-:-' ; n
ro:; Tnz.EjrNBriT of ths
On March 31st, next.
60,000 TICKETS-12,000 GIFTS.
I ot my -wn t:i.o: :f
(itch as Locks. crc--i
ll:n)fes. 'li't ic J!;:..-. -Window
eii.i.f. l'ir'-v.
Cnrinsr Knivsat !
b!e and Tea tj-xr.s. M i
Sedssor-. Shears.
Axe.-. Hnti hets. Ii-.i.i
F'.js. Plnnes. ( (.n. p:-.--'
Anvils. Vises. Vr w
( lit Saw . Chains of -Scythes
and .-'nntl .. ?;
- Shoe f.Mf. Peirs, W;i
ers nml Wiiniier-. 1 :
. Machine K t'ii. r 11 v. .
lises On rrs i- r..1 Mcas:
Steel ItiM.-s. Sinn Oii'V
tride-s. I'nwiler. ' hp-
' Nilii. Old Stove I':-.!.
Well and Cistern i' :r:
Harness and
i cr all kind, i a -
I Fish Oil. Lar.i Oi'. 1 .- .' '. '
Kosin. Tar. Paints. V-.o ' -1
i cohol. 4e-. ; Si rcr-l'lat'-'i v ' ' e- "
inch as Teas. I'..t"ef, f?iiirsv. -.
Spicts. llried Pruches. In A:.
Pish. Cracker", Kice, l'eai i
r w i . . r - . . k . . t x . 1 i
, a - v - .... v
Ia'nt.VarnihAVhttewa!. S -r:-,
Stvc. Iinstir.Br. Clot he? an-: .
kinds and sizes; Jj.-d-Cnr . Mi-
man v artu-l-s. Ht t 'i : . '
j made, puintod nr,d put up s .--.::
I rOR e".-li. I'- A ii! -rr: 5 -I
country dralers lmyi:'- 1 - '
LIST ( -F Gil
ONE lil(AM) CAH (ilf'T
ONE liKAMl ('. H O 1 P T
10 CASH (WETS. HO.OCk) each..
30 CASH OUTS, .-.'!.) each .
60 I'.VSII O I K l, 1.'J ea ch . .
so CASH ; I i TS.
ilo cash t; i
s-jr. CASH (' I I TS,
ll.iOA-H OIKT-.
Totl, V2.0n.ltii ft ft,
0 I each .
i .1 c;;ch..
Si eaoh..
'-si c-aoh..
PM each . .
i-0 e.vh .
60. oo)
2'.,i 00
1 .too
4f.i no
Ehenbur. July ir. P
nUTvTf.VJfa VK'ISl! :l."
aSQIUnii ILilliiiUiij;.
ivfi. r. rri
3rtinu faeturer n:id
A LI. K ii -
I w
all Cash, amount inir to ,l."fx,X0
4The e'e.neert and distnbutinn of srlfis wiil p,,
itirri i ciiii tuir.juifiMOiiii luhe i-hi r. ..ii ttic iln 4
noir .re l. whet her all t he tickets are s .lJ cr not,
and tho r.',.iu irilis alt paid in proix.riion to thd
Whole Tickets. ') : Halves. f2r. : Tenths, ereaeh
eiiupo.i. 5 : Eleven Whole Tickets fur ?&o.t. Send
for circular.
Thetimo for tho drnw:n is near nt hanJ. and
prs. r.? intending; to purchase t ickets have no time
lo k j -.
Airent PnhlicjLd.rary. ky.. and Mana.-r Gift Con
cert Pnhlie I.ihrarv Ituildina;. Lt'Uisv.lle. Kv., or
THUS. H. HAYS .V- O.. lUi.-hrn Ajculs.
O'J Hhiiabwat, New York.
Chatnl-er Sets,
Parlor Pt,
Hook Ci'.ses,
ie., Ac., Sec. See,
EVK!. v t
made to order in e '
pri.-eg.- Cahiuet and h.i : '
all kinns for sale. K..' " ' ' " ' '
point iu Johnstown or t i y
of extrs cliaive. " v-
,K; mist own. Or. V. 1"" 1 -'f
-l-pletely 1
:.:v! a p
-, T-'ilfon f'
wet of
dJ was i
scsf large
(hwv- cot
'everal y
?.3 churc
tj so se
1 Wo
fd from
ij even
4 d de;
-eld coun
i fttvere c
- imWic
dealt v,
of the J
the Tril
ritle in r
cot bv an
A hoe
urer, a nil
mta. Tl
tixina. C
Mr. I
prftftit or
iu il ;s v
t week,
ajt-tato !
-3 read
'.. ii...
New York DAY-E00K!i
A TEMOeHAT:c! Weiki.Y. Kstahli.shed 1S50. It!
dpports M'i!'fr Siiprenifirt; political and -Terms.
2 per year. Tocluhs. nine ct-i.te s for s.
Specimen copies tree. Address. Uay-Uook, Xtw ;
or it eil v. I
Sr" j ff A f" a ,sy made bv can-
"l C k. 1 " va-,:"ff t'r this tnaiy- : w,..
tl lit I f Pa I S 8 'ne liOwinltsHHi : "-
J U J JJLJ vol. with Chroino, I
1 -z.21 IscIioh, iu 17 Oil Culnrn.
Iaezine, ono your, wi!h Jloantr.t C5:rorao... $-2.00
,"lKiizi:ie. on; year, I niuonnted Chroino, 1..S)
Miicz!r.?. sKine. nuevenr. l.o"J
lin9 our liubbih? inJ Prcraium i.isti.
'I'wo First-eiiiM i-rrinitirnls for the price
I I CUV. 1
others to s
41 I-
r irsi.riiiKK i-crindirni ror the price -
We solicit Kxreriearcd (anraskiTti and ' ( i v k "t'l'(
son 1 at ohm for term an t pec:men Max- I , 1 k I i ) I l I ' 1
Address ts. K. Mill I'uMisher, i " ,Ui. I'-
ark K..w, N. Y. Citv, or Ncwbursh, X.Y. I f ltt cr'
i w t , 1 sr - r'ir
j sJ ri r iiii:uiii-i
i v 1 1 1 i 5 iTnnp ti av ix.i .,,.
r 4 I (' Ei it! l F; i i t K 1L
: r-
ror uais.3H.-r. i.oar
J. t. llEMtV, CCK RAM St I
4;ii-t Insect (4tv.l'. Itcd-nu.-s.Hoths.Af .
N. Y.. Solo Agents.
Vrite to F. E. Smith i. Co., Athin.i? Mil's Pro,.!.
li-L' Y- aU"' of the (rusted White
Whent, r..r their pampiitel (sent free) r.n I oo.tx
with important extracts from Leipiu, Johnso-
and other scienti-ts. Ecad It and sava vour health
" ' . . I .. V. I .
well know ii ,-i :-. i
ei.r is now mid'. i r'
all who m.iv fn.r
The best thitt Ihe tn:"-K
at the T-ihl- at
constantly sii'P',''l " :
and Ihe cmn.".'i" '
e-imijfe of a cue''"
ffTort will t.e s;'m: -t t"
aPte and will p!.;:. '
1 v proi't-r at 1 1 in '"
fci ie of prices i h" ! r I
way to puhl e lav.-;'-
' A UD1T0K S
XJL ,l,rs;!ic.l A i
lil Orphans- IV.url - I
M ) U M !I
w w s- v- j trj ri
1 j j H J i J I i "2 tlie fund in I lie c..'.'1
i vounxorold ,n 1 . rUu of either ae,, he attend t.nle'
oni4r or old, make tn,,ey ai wcrk tor ui .u at h s ottu c m Er i -
i?mcdsC "ISl""" " than artUan " pn.xiin" wh-n ,:-i
. thing else. I Art. culars Jree. Address " claims, cr ! e a,l ari. '-
! et. Ti.u!i c Co., Portland. Maine-. of a A tun I.
I - m- -r ir w " J i;beu:.arz. Jan- '
i j ji i. i,i,'
t Vi'H
, :,U"
(Va T., - r . . .
,"f ni,,.;; p. i ,-?..V,,."B wor5t an-- ml.!a. instead 1
stamp- for I'ircuSraislirijdeV 5?aJ tWO 5Mrcnt
J- F.Y, Camden, H. J.
.... s.. -s. iirK Incnm
""r "T c:rcular K
Street. New York.
1 -t- siune l oflei-s ?
ir.inrjntw..l Kneli-n..
ALTulSeJ.N, nr. Chimler
ft Jfl
r,0r.fnW,?!! st- l-a.!s to a ft.
S'-' p papiphlt for
to'suit tlx piircii-"'
sniuli of EU-i:''U! -ei2htv
f " hi'1.' :ir
wi! h eomferi sl'i-' ' 1
lei:' i r -hr ..i: t!it
Kch. 6.-2U1.
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Exehane Inilldmif. -i
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9 niovii
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f- will
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-M. C
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