The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 13, 1874, Image 2

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    13 23ff"2"!.
ESSMSBURC, PA., Marlins, - Fcbrairy 13, I S7 i.
The Mexican war veterans tve in a fiir
way i'f securing pensions he prone com
inittae of Coii"ess hivin.4 re ! I'ti to per
fect a bill for Hi t pi -p e.
Sx.xATort r)i'TT has intr 1 :i
National Uiik ie4rainig bill, which pro
hibits national ban'.s from p:iY!-ig or 1 e-c-ivhig
interest on deposits, a id requires
tber.i tv keep sevent y-fiv'e per c-ont. f
. their deposits at home. It is deemed to
if move what is supposed to be o:;o of the
liiux s of the panic.
-fa g . r-
Tiiti H.irri -barg I'jri.,: ot Tuesday l as
the annexed word of coiun.f ndtti imi for a
gentleman whose limine im"-si's a f.iniil
iir ring fur Cambria county icaiu'is.
We olwerve-with. pleasure lliat Ihe Hon. ;
Oiurleti Albrilif, nicmber at le.rgc from
I'cnnsj i va.iia, is tiikii.K aa active part in the
debate on t!ii rcdiu tion of army "XpeiTiii- ,
t u r-K. In opposing any n-iluc.Si.ii i.f thu :
;!rmy or of its wasteful expedit are, i!k
former military i-xiirricmc of Mr. A !tirii;tit '
In Fishing Crek is great s.-r:r-.i: in liiai. j
We also Irani that Mr. Albright will sup- ;
jxirt t'le measure bfore congress which .
contemplates thn equalization of bounties.
An h received his bounty from the piiiple ,
of Dank township. Carbon timnly, while
i omuia-mling a regiment ami drawing the ;
pay of colonel, t h iv actum of Mr. Albright '
is much theui'Te (liMiittii
T. K. Sr.AKic.KT, if Ct.iontow:!, "..,
I -a been Appointed by Prosideut Giant as
Purveyor CJer.tfral of C'oluiadj Ttiiitory.
Searight was a Democrat us long as ha
Fhom time to time, charges of A most
damaging cbaiaeter have been made'
i yiginst the reputation rr an honorable
The Ack? Election L,aie.
Vllnutn'g l&lucated Ltog.
man Professor A. L. Guss; Superintend
, cut of the Casstille Orphan School. No
! !esi a eHmj than the debauching of the
;iL;e of Ac female i-eholars under hi ciki
! trol Let n lahl to his account, and s
f persistently '-.un this charge been returned
; to that at las the legislature has felt iiIf
c.i'h-d on In iii-l,r mi invest Lo.ltioll into the
jtiuth or falsity of the indictment. The;
: c iiitittce Uj v. kmn is cntnisted this dc'.i- j
; ta:-k isf ci'nij'osod 'f tlie folic wing t
; ntabcis : ilars. Ai-ileison, Waifel, Ilu- ;
' tan. f.i:ins. and C'balfanr, of the Senate, j
slieN of Philadelphia, Doty, of Juniata,
and KrowM. of Huntinilon, a::d Surveyor
(Jencral? frnth rtpjarfd on behalf of the
trat:d Army of the Hcpublic. Messrs.
IVtri!.e:i, Woods and Lytic, of Hunting
don, acted a attorneys fur Mr. Guss.
1e fallowing tobtimoiiT, recording to
the Huntingdon Journtt1, vns adduced :
Miss Kat? M. Handcuff was calh-d to the
stand ami qualified. She is an intelligent
young lady, uiui-tceii years nf aw, of prepo
M'Ssingappearauce, and of remarkable tneni
ory. li;- proceeded to relate that (die had
Wen emiii' four years at t'assvilie, that at
four dilfr-reiit timet--, rrmnienoinj; whnn nhe
was net worn thirteen and fourteen year? of
up-, A. I.. !?! raulf improprr adances
t.. livr, one of vrhirh was very much like a
lapjumirr t'l' i-ir.'nmstanrns. The ti'wti
nior.y was dimply horrifying. Shu Htated
that flu: ha.l !een eotntielled . hy fi-ar to make
an afiidavit of ths falsity of on' of lln-he
ehargi-s. hV.i; garo othiT most damain
TrKtimony. f.lic was Mioject t-i a most riid
rroriH-exami nation, t-ovi-ri ng a period of three
and this is his rcvaid for quarters of an h-mr, whieh only lesultetl in
strfiijthenirp: every jiomr related ncioiv.
In iifif a siiiilr instance iid she fail to eon
firm h.-r siatement in chief. The Iruth of
her statement impressed itself upon every
body. Bhe is a s tiool teacher and or.e of
Die most ri'spj-ctahle yonnj; wnmu i:i Iilair
county. After a very q:tvst:.malle effort to
1: row -Wat the wi'ness ;n.l f.iiliio', Mr I-tle (
i:llrui from tli rase, a rmtrs. wliii h. if !
jng. Uit tlicn oni was ai;iT, r .n.on . T::irsnei! tv Lis io:!t arii"s. Mouhl havmlotie ;
the'n iuflu'te credit. Miss Handcuff was
corroborated matcri'ii!y hy her mother. J j
Thi. ii indeed most testimony, i
and, if it be leliable, fully cotifirms the '
new corifctitutioii, being emnjosed of twen- J
; ty siiv sect ions ot unusual lcngtli. I
! Keel Ion 1 prf'v'uios for the registration of
; v.tvr by as!esRors in June of every year,
f It inquires the assessor to visit each dwell- !
j irg house located in his district and make
careful inquiry if any person vthosc name '
is on his li'Jt has died or removed from the ;
riL-trict, and if so to erase the same from !
the list, or whether any qualified Toter 10- j
sides llit iein who&e name is not on the '
list, ami if so to add the sanste thereto ; :
n:;d ?Icsis. ("ilivcr. Heniy, Young, Joiics, j ""d in all cares where a itame is added to i
'" , - i . ..r "t,n it .ulu Tii theiittbvi person t.ha'1 forthwitli be as- !
Chvis, auii i:i-vnoiil, ot t lie House. i ins i . j
' ...... . . . ciM.-u. and he Hssessir Khali in all cases
v :ininiltee ne:u us muiai se.-siu-i i i.u..i- ; j,v(.e, t:im ,y nnuny up0ii what grounds
ingdon, on Tdanday. Tb.e part of the peiv j tile person bo assessed claims to be a voter;
was retire .eniei iv .ifssis. v uuuci- i - jn' v .tv. t , , , v j,
sliall le m.iti', us also v. retiier lie ue
Tlie new- election law, hich recently I
.1 4 1... M.t Cl.. .. r i
i.,i:,tt,.i. and of the .n,,. nl- ; P.r.ilroad who have not heard of tbeeduca
tnost sss vulnuiinon. a. document as the .' ?d dt'g at Scarsdale depot.. H.s name is
Knapp. lie is me projwii ui jur. vciij;u
T'llman, the fetation manter. Kiiapp is a
fhapherd dog, about two feet high, and is
covered with a dark-brown shaggy coat if
Kews and J'olitical items.
inhabitant ok PCAR8- 1 1 nrce men we re rrozen to oeaiu aurins
liAl.T. tlie late com 8peu near reirowa.
A Massachusetts Mavor, whose salary
Thcif are few travelers on the Harlem 1 is but ninety dollars a year, has 'delivered :
an inaugural address twelve , columns ;
long- - . ' ' !
William Good, of ConestogA township,
Lancaster county, slaughtered A hog a j
few day ago w hich weighed, when diess- j
ed, 1,009 pound. j
A prominent physician of Chambers- ;
lmrc was detected, in company with oth
ers, in a ccmeterv
digginjr p
A New
a piece of lace five yards longworth !1,X a
fine hair, lie was born in the i-eotch High
lauds nearly 4 years ago. In his infancy
Knapp was imported at considerable trou
ble bv a gentleman of Searsdale, who, be
ing suddenly called to Europe shortly af
terward, rave him to Mr. Ullman. No
ticing genius and intelligence in Knapp; j yard, which a man could crowd into his
Mr. LHr.iau negan to train nun. ow
Knapp can perform many wonderful feats.
He has been taught to assist his master in
the ieiforniance of his duties around the ' and ran away with a miss of fifteen, the
nt. Knapp has learned to tell by tle : daughter of the tollkceper, neat Abington,
FALLi and. WINTRtji
- vl n
teryof that place in theact of j . J pT Amj T ry
watch-fob or tKcket-book
Mr. Oney Car aged about fifty rears.
eclipsed a number of more youthful swains
could hold otrice
lie! raying thu Demoeraey of Fayet i e coun
ty I:t:-t fr.'.l into tLo hando of the Kadlca!.
Wo think with tho Clearfield I?spub!ii-iT
that the Senate had bwtierbc looking after
Tom,"' became he wns a far worse
"rcltl" during the war than CaM (.''.ish-
fameion, w ho has carried liim in his pock
et for twenty year ilt wa a hi'd :-iy
in om pari'- uiit.rTi'.g f-emi-aniiiiM repoits
10 t! - ''of brgo ('ii'ef. L;k? Vt';j:i
tlier, Jebo and Mcncav, Scat i;-1.: Ins his
iv wain, too. Cameron will no u uiut -ce
that his Fjiawn is confirmed.
Thk latest iii.stance of letten.chtnctit a::u
if form comes to u f;oni Harrisburg. Tho
ther day, Mr. Aliisrn submittid a rosohi
lion to tho i loas.B of Ileprcsentatives ju o
viding that tho sum ft $rM bo appropria
ted fr the painting of a putrait of Gov.
Haitranft. tho fame to be hung up for
public inspection in the Capitol. Hut. by
tlie decisive vote of 43 nay to 14 ayes, the
icohition was not agreed to, and a panel
in the tiiibevnatoria! chamber will there
fine remain unadorned to fr as this spe
cial propped woik f art is concerned.
i tniiivu oi a naturalized citizen, and also to
i make a note of persons intending to be
i for tho next ensuing election.
' Section 2 requires the county commis
; sioneis to add the names on the new as
j sessments to tiie tax duplicate, of the ois
l ti iet in which tlio voter lives.
Section 4 provides for the nppointment
j of overseers of election on the petititio;i of
five or more citizens of any election district
j Ketting forth that such an appointment is
j a reasonable piecaution to secure fairness
! at the election.
j The .p'dges of common pleas shall fill
vacancies in the election boards ten days
! before the cltction. Whenever there sliall
; hf. a vacancy in an election board on the
i morning of an election, said vacancy shall
i be filled in conformity with existing laws.
J fraction P. At the opening of the polls
i at all elections, it shall be the duty of the
judges of election for their respective dis
! tricts t designate one of inspeefois, whose
duty it shall bo to have in custody the reg
! istry or voters, and to ma!:e tlie entries
j therein required by law, and it shall be tlie
! duty ft the other of said inspectors to io
: ceivc and number tlie ballots presented at
mid election.
Section ! provides that all ballots shall
l e nnir.bcicd anl any voter may write his
name on ins Fallot and liave tho same at
tesUil hy a citizens of the district.
i clock when a train is due ; and at night
1 when the bauds point to the pioper hour j
i Knapp takes a lantern in his mouth and j
' stands on the platfoim with the light guid- j
, ing the engineer to the stoppirg place.
' Knapp knows an express train from a mail
' train, and a mail train from a way train. j
! In day tim when an express train ap- ;
! proaches the station and the track is clear
! Knapp shows a white flag, which siguifies
I all is well. j
Not !".ar.y days ago Knapp appeared
; with the wliite lhtg as an express train ;
hove in sight, but seeing two small chil- j
! d;en going down the wagon road ignor- j
j ant of the approach f any train, he saw ;
that the children would reach the crossing j
i simultaneously with the train. Knapp j
' dropped the white llag and seizing the red
'. finer
Luzerne county
John C. Henry. hicf clerk in the
United States Kevenue Office at Lynch
burg, Va., has absconded witli a large
amount of money, said to be one bundled
thousand dollars.
John Hemingray, a middle aged man,
was instantly killed at fiewickley, near
Pittsbuig, on Saturday night, by jumping
from a freight train upon which he bad
taken free passage from the city
rI1HE unTteniis-nfct trrnM rerecfutlr Inform the citizens of T:1 tnl
I X ireneraliv, that if ev Imve jot noened Bt Uie above toinn-r! i-i i Block of iALI.AM) Wl.VTEK
i:r7 :,.
I . i
! ConFlstinjr or s"eh ertl .'ea n BLACK A M HI.i E I- ' T .1 M ITS, C i -j
and l.o8. Hue KNMillSH KI'KSKV OVERCOATS, in t:ue. .i-o n. ohv.
. H g ener.jl rtort -n-nt f C V PAN I'S nil 1 V K-iTS tif nil tcxnsr.-.. .t
full line of HA'IS. (A J j?. I'KL'.N KS. VA I ISES, CMBKEL.LAS. ie. - n !
. lie sold at 18 per rrni. '- thnn prevailing u ice" In JoIi'ifilh n. i
; t bo ttiicst u:il mosi t-ty lisli if onds miy rli le of ctot hnii ilesi i e.i. :u... t t :
The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania ;,,l'l!"""t ;e,-.os. Wk mani fctvir Ai r. oi k ..v. n
, . J . sell cheaper thun anv other house in Cauiliriu emmn. I !.( k:i- n,i, , ,
town, nil n junvre irnrr, o:ir stock man prices wnei ner it w i ;i nor , i f .n ;.,
t'OATs anl ( T'.S'l IIM -M AIJE WOliK our leading sq.eci:. 1 1 ii-. r.;i.l Qi'ii.K
PKt)f ITS'" the tiasis upon which we do biisiiie. OJIK ..U SV.:.i
lias decided that a distiller in a county
where the issuing of license is prohibited
by the local option "law, has no right to
sell the liquor manufactured hy him.
Uenoni Howard, the millionaire match
manufacturer of New York, convicted of
Sept. 19, 1873.-Cni.
havincr counterfeited United States Inter-
ng in his mouth, lie darted toward the I ral I'ovtmue stamps, was on Saturday sen-
crossing, llie engineer saw the red hag fenced to five years imprisonment in tho
and shut off steam before tlie animal reach- I t.enitent iai v.
John Quincy Adams, on Saturday, in
the Massachusetts house of representatives,
made a speech against the Philadelphia
centennial, acd a resolution, instructing
their congressmen to favor it, was tabled
by 76 to :$4.
William IT. MTotter, who killed his
father-in-law, Pobert In:-ley, and Joseph
ed the children. Arrived at the crossing
he stocd there and pi evented the train
from passing until the children were saf
'.y over the track, then ho laid the flag
down ar.d tho train went on.
On another occasion Knapp sratched a
child from in front of a way train just as it
was spopping at the depot. The child's
clothing was torn by the wheels of the j W
chatges made Mr. Addi
i tional witnesses will be examined, ai.d the
j remote particulars touching the n. alter
' wiil bo laid bare. Should it prove true
' that the accused is guilty of the horrible
, outrage hrputed to him, is there punish
i tnent within the province of man to inflict
t'nat oi:ght not to be visited upon him?
j The final report of tb.e committee will be
! ked for with anxiety.
Tut; first. ky-Ci.vr y MfitnKH Thui..
It has been a matter well understood in
this eonimunit v ever since the lieginning
of the tiial of John M. Kesley for the mur
der of Lloyd Clary that the jury enipanell
rd wa of such a character as to preclude
the slightest hope that, justice would be
done ; vet the State's attorney and the At-
M hen it is remembered that it has been ! torney-General. for reasons satisfactory to
cn-.toin.My since tlie time of 'enn dowti to
tt'f lays of Geary to place on enduring
canvas tho lineaments ot Pennsylvania
ovt i noiS and sw ing the same out to pub
lie inspection, one naturally wonders what
sin lias been committed against the Ite
publicau party by llartianft that thigioss
infcult should be put upon him.
Is the House of Representative at Ilar
lisburg, on Monday, Mr. Ciessler intro
duced the following resolution : ' l'JJeolced,
if any member cannot tjHish his speech in
ten minutes, he hhaU be allowed to present
his speech TV.itten Ul ,,)0 jMiher of the
Legislatce Journ.xl for publication there
in." The view taken i f this resolution
was that it was somewhat vague in its pro
visions. For instance : Charley Ihockway
is repotted to have remarked that ho was
unable to understand from the provisions
of the tesolu'Jon whether the jli.Ulnij of
a speech meant the preparing thereof or
the delivering of some sentiments after tlie
same had been fully adjusted in the mit.d
of the orator, while Sam. Josephs insisted
that tho mere act of prr-.Huti.i- a speech to
tho publisher of the Lt'jitlative
would not necessarily insure its insertion
in the columns of that intere.ting sheet.
So the resolution was not agreed to, though
another resolution was subsequently passed
limiting the speeches of members on any
subject to ten minutes.
Thk election to be held for Mayor in Al
toona next Tuesday will possess much in
terest fur the careful observer oT passing
events. One year ago the people of that
city voted on the '-local option" question,
and. by tlie large majority of over 90') de
tided adversely to the sale within the city
limits of all manner of intoxicating liquors.
This result was looked on ns one of the
in it signal triumphs achieved by tlie pro
h l)itio,,ists i,i the State, and was widely
ptoted as an indication of the rapid advance
of the principles characterizing tho ttm
j.erance idea. I'.ut those conversant with
the facts in tho case aver t'.,:..t, despite thu
Vote refi-ired to, no diminution in the co:i
unnption of alcoholic d.rinl-s is percept i-bl-
in the Altona of to-day over the AIkki
naof a year ago, and tho le-ouls of the
CiiAiter Sessions of Dlaii cout.ty, clooucnt
as they are with nieniui auda of coutraba ml
w hNkr-selong cases, would seem to cor
roborate the assertion. Prominent amongst
tho advocates of local option was and is
Mr. Kiuoli, the piesent Mayor of that ciiy.
In season and out of season he has distin
guished himself, A a public officer no Uss
than as a citizen, bv his untiring hostility
fi that cnejjty which is p; pula; !y supposed
lo have tha power to stcfli away men's
biii.j. He sees in iubrsuating Iiijuors
notbuig but ,-ui eyi!. aiul :;gr.ii:st kJI :!.'
h; a ntvei -ciuiiug criisade. Tliis
i-lr. lliih ii a caudate fur re-eh'!io;i to
tl.e .d.iyoialty. ILs oppo-ici.t j-Mi, l)n
i.tlemsu who
f sumptuary Ijvs,
c: cr.iy thereof. J
none out me irienos ot the Recused, per-
; ststently relused to remove the cne from
, toe county. We ventuie to assert that
nowhere in the annals of American crim
, inal trials ean a precedent be found in
; which such a verdict has heeu returned in
: a oa"e in which not a shadow of legal do-
ftfnee was pretended to be set up. either
! bv tlie prisoner or bis friends; for, even
j admitting all they attempted to prove by
I their manifestly pei jiired witnesses. Kime
atid Peterman, it forms no atom of jnstifi
! cation for the murder; but that both Kimo
and Peterman perjured themselves on the
: stand, no ne in this community, whether
! iti or out of that jury-box, could or d'd
! doubt for an instant. So palpable was the
I perjury of these men that the eontifel for
the defence. Colonel Marshall, who is evi
I dently an honorable gentleman, would not
allude to them, and disdained to base any
i argument upon their testimony. But
; the climax was capped when the jury re
turned their veulict on Saturday night.
; when, even before the Clerk could record
! the verdict, the prisoner was seized bv bis
fiiend- and admirers and hurried from the
court-room amid shouts of exultation and
; rejoicing that would better have graced
i the triumphs of a hero than tho escapo of
a criminal from the deserved fetters of tho
: law. A crowd numbering between two
. and three hundred persons accompanied
him through the streets to the dwelling of
. Ids father, making the welkin ring with
their shout of exultation. Thus ended
the "farce"' of a trial which succeeded the
bloody tragedy that took place in this of
fie? on October 27, 1873. The anotheosis
; of murder is complete, and Allegheny
j County irremediably disgraced in the esti
i mation of all decent people. Cumlerland
! AYic.
locomotive, to narrowly bad it escaped
! death.
- Knapp consults the clock everyday for
j the arrival of tho mail trains. A few mo
; ments before the mail is due Knapp stations
i himself at the mail rack and when the bag
lieir right to J Is thrown from the car be carries it to the
ission on the f Post Office, arid if it contains any letters
lor his master he takes them back to him.
When freight trains begin to switch cars
at the depot Knapp always takes a red and trots up or down the track, as the
case may be. and fiags any train that
heaves in sight. Knapp always keeps his
position faithfully until called in by sig
nals, jut as any other flagman is. Engin
eers ail know Knapp. and faithfully act
upon his signals. After the departure of
freight trains Knapp ofteu walks down
the track and carefully examines the
switches to seo that the hrakenien have left
tion of the public. The ret u ins shall be sent j them all right. Satisfied that no blunders
to the prcthouotary, and at twelve o'clock i have been made, he walks back to the de
pot, and if the clock shows him that he has
a few leisure moments he signifies to his
master a desire for a pipe. Mr. Ulimati
has taught him to smoke, and he always
keeps Knapp's I'ile ready for lighting
when he calis for it. The pipe being light
ed the animal sits on a chair and smokes
with as much appaicut ease and comfort
as his master.
Mr. Ullman is a good musician. He has
a piano in the ladies room of the depot,
and often oei forms on it. Knaoo has been
tofore been made by officers appointed and i taught to sing or whine the tunes w hich
not chosen by the people to perform the j Mr. Ullman plays. The dog often perches
duty, as in ail others, one person judge I himself on a chair besides his master with
and two persons as inspectors, in eon form- ; hj9 fore feet on the piano frame, and aceu-
wlrj killed his employer, Abia-
oters whoso names uo not appear
; the registry Iit may prove the-.
I vote notwithstanding that omission
! day of eWiioii,
i icvrtOu 11 provides for challenging, al
j though the name of the challenged party
may appear in Ihe regintry.
i Section ia requires that the v;-te as soon
' as counted, shall be publicly and fully de
jokiied from the window to the citizens
I present, and a brief statement show ing the
j votes received by each candidate sliall be
inadu itiid signed by the election officers
as soon as the vote is counted, and tlie
j same shall bo immediately pitted up on
I the door of the election house for inforina-
(II! the second day following any election,
the prothonotary of the court of common
pleas shall present the said returns to the
said court, and thoy slwill be made part of
the record of said court.
This legalizes the election this :
Section 15. That at the election to be
held on the third 'I uesday of February
next, and at the elect io. annually thereaf
ter, there shall be elected in each election
tlistrict in the state, as wtll as in those
wherein the registration of voters hashere
' ham Lynn, were hanired in Maryland on
! Fiiday last, the former at Cambridge and
the latter at Westminister. j
The oldest place of public worship in ;
Pennsylvania is in Montgomery county. ;
near Manayunk. Tb.e old edifice, which j
btill stands in its original simplicity, was I
elected in 1095, as appears from a date on !
at abler, ai d was founded by tLe eaily
r i lends from ales.
Mr. Montgomery Rlair has written a
letter in which he declares that the char
ges on which Fitz John Potter were con
victed were iut only not proved by the tes
timony, but that new testimony, chiefly
from rebel sources, shows that the had
no foundation whatever in fact.
Mrs. f'atherino Waller-Waitc. who is
being tried for bigamy, at Portland, Me.,
denies ever having seen Waller, who claims
to be her husband ; asserts she never knew
the children who claim her as a mother,
ami maintains the most profound compo.
sure in the face of overwhelming evidence.
7Ir. and Mrs. Wetland were found on
Monday morning in their room in Phila
delphia, sitting alongside of a stove, both
appareutl y dead. A doctor was called,
who fouud the room filled with gas from
the stove. He succeeded in re snscitaing
Mr. Weiland, but li if wifo was beyond re-
it y with the election law of the common
wealth, to conduct the elections for one
yer, and also an assessor, who shall per
form the duties incident tot-lections, as re
quired by the provisions of this acr.
Section 19 provides a penalty of $100 for
any assessor tailing to perform his duties,
which aie set foith at length in tb.e sct.
rately turns 11. e sheets of n:us:c with Ins
tongue. Knapp can waltz ; dance a schot
tische or a polka as well as any one can on
four legs.
Of late some of the mischievous brake
men have thrown snow balls at Knapp just
as tho trains started, or have made ugly
faces or btamped their feet at him. He
anv election, visit a polling place many
election district at which he is not entitled
to vote, anti snau use anv intimidation or
What Mtpu cF.r Cohm.k Dm. The
comma (,) that little dot, which is a very
insignificant thing to the eye. sometimes
plays an important part in language.
Thoiifeh the rules for its relatives, are
somewhat obscure, nevertheless its func
tion in some cases is very clear and of con
siderable moment, as has been discovered
in a law of congress passed in 172. In
the Uriff bill which went into effect that
year there was la-ga addition to tho free
list, and among the articles added were
"fruit plant, tropical and semi-tropical,"
designed to encourage their importation
and cultivation. But in the processor en
grossing or transcribing the bill to be of
ficially prin'rd, a comma was interpolated
between fruit jtml plants, whereby all
fruits weie put on the free list. The cus
tom, officers, if they "minded their p's
ami q's," did not mind the comma sinH
Also, any person who shall, on the .lay of j seemingly took no notice of these insults.
but on Monday one of the brakemen went
into the depot to get a drink of water.
When be started out. KnniiTi stood in tha
vio.ciK-e ior hip purpose oi preventing any ' ,lu0r and would not allow him to move.
onicor ot election from performing the rtu- j 1
ties requited of him by law, or ior the pur
pose of preventing any qualified voter of
such district exercising bis right to vote,
or from exercising his right to challenge
any person offering to vote, such persons
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, shall le pun
ished by a tine not exceeding one thousand
dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding
two yeais, or both, at the discret ion of the
eouit. Any cleik, overseer, or election of
ficer who shall disclose how any elector
shall have voted, unless required to do so
as a witness in judicial proceedings, shall
be guilty of a misdenicatior, and upon con
viction thereof shall be punished by a fine
not exceeding one thoueind dollars, or by
imprisonment not exceeding two years, or
both, at the discretion of tho court.
Seeti nis CO and 21 provide penalties for
issuing and obtaining fraudulent natural
ization papers, and for issuing them blank,
with a seal of any prolhonotary or clerk
Such are the main points of the new
election law of the commonwealth, which
applies to all special and city, ward, bor
ough and township elections, as well as to
the general elections.
A ten year old son of Mr. J. A. Pen
ney, lesidingat Thompson Centre, com
mitted suicide on Friday of last week, by
shooting himself with his father's revol
ver. The boy had been attending school,
as also was an older boy about sixteen
yea: of age, who was in the habit of whip
ping him. In a scufilo on the day named,
young Penney cut the boy in the back with
a knife, causing the blood to flow freely,
and some of the boys told him that lie
would be hanged for it. This alarmed
him and he got leave of absence nml ttai t.
f (l home,
lie mads a movement as though about to
administer a kick, and Knapp opened bis
mouth and uttered a growl, which con
vinced the brakeman that such a proceed
ing would be dangerous. Knapp kept his
prisoner in the room until the train had so fr that the brakeman couldn't
catch it, and then releasing him, Knapp
walked away as unconcernedly as though
nothing unusual had occurred.
Since that time the brakemen have been
exceedingly civil to Knapp, but he treats
them with lofty indifference. A". 1". Fun.
A correspondent furnishes the following
additional incident to tho Sun: I have
read the story of Ullnian's educated doc.
' and can vouch for its truth but. his must
remarkable performances are not even re
ferred to in your article. Standing one
day upon the platform at the depot I no
ticed that a passenger train had stopped,
and that the engineer had temporally left
the engine. At this time the dog Knapp
was standing near, and it was apparent
from his lestlessness that he was not at all
pleasrcd to see tho locomotive thus left
alone. As he was silently contemplating
the scene and wondering in his own mind
what course it would be advisable for him
to pursue under the circumstances, anoth
er t rain came thundering up to the depot
and ran into the rear of the one that had
been left standing without an engineer.
Fortunately the foi ee of the collision was
not great, but the jar was sufilcient to open
the throttle of the driverless locomotive,
which immediately commenced moving oil"
at a rapid rate. Knapp took in the situa
tion at a glance. His time to act had
come, and, like a flash, he sprang for one
of the passing cars, catching the rear
platform of the last one as it rushed by
cove rv.
It wasn't exactly handsome of the
Chicago rector to dismiss a couple be had
half-married lecato.e the lady had been
divorced. He It ft them in a tlilenmia.
Tbo ni;n was married to the woman, but
the 'woman was not married to the man ft
all. Such obstructions in the way of mat
rimony aie exceedingly inconvenient. At
the latest advices the married man and di
vorced woman were searching for a parson
v. ho would pick up the dioppd Ihie&d and
finish tying the knot.
It isn't every msn who is lucky enough
to have the editor ;f a newspaper for a
Tife. Mr. Lew is Walker, of lola, Kansas,
enjoys the sweet boon. Appieciatiug Lis
modesty, she waited for his t injH'uary ab
sence, and then brought him out in her
newspaper, the lola Jrcsfer, as a candi-
; drdc fjr the United States Senate, with a
i most touching editorial setting fvit!i his
i lioiifFty. integrity, genius, learning, incor
j ruptibility and special capacity f?r puhiic
: affairs. How Mr. Lewis Walker took this
j sort of thing when he got home we are not
! We trust that the Rev. Mr. Reynolds
; of Muhlrnburg county, Ky., will now giv '
! mi r.i ai it. ii:r llio .-1 u tt- c ..f llm i-.tai-mil
I I Oi i no i it i'. vi hit; j nirii.iii JT'tV A W
relation are peculiar. He has a young and M t ff m tl JS
beautiful daughter and wanted her to mat- .-3aVV xi VJ
ry a young and rich man. She declined.
The Her. Mr. Reynolds flogged her until
she consented, but upon the evening fixed
for tho nnptials she wrote to a gentleman
in the neighborhood, stating her fotloru
case. She was rescued by tlie neighbors,
and the next day a h-al guardian was aj
pointed for her ; so that o?:e of the occupa
tions ft the Rev. Mr. Reynolds is gone.
A woman named I, rink, while Itoard
ing at a house in Port Jervis. N. Y., gave
birth to a child. When she came to leave
I w
- a :
.7 r..i i:i
The cable bungs a re port of the death the child was kept as security. The i.'.oth
of David 1 riederteh Strauss, who is known I Cr went to get her baby several times, but
chiefly by his "Life of Christ," a work j was not allowed t- have it nntil she paid
published as long ago as 1;5o? and intend- ! board. She finally stated her case to
ed to divest the character of Jesus of ; officer Pnrton, who went and dema-.ded
isnzareth of the attributes of divinity w ilh j the child. After some angrv discussion tho
wnicn n. was invesieu uv me ti:usti;in i,niv,i;n,r t.,i,i Vot.. r i.:rt,r.,i ,i .!.;i.i
of all its clothing, and told the officer to
take it. He wrapped the disputed proper
ty in a shawl and delivered it to the re
joicing mother.
In Harrisburg. on Saturday afternoon,
a colored man named David Davis, fami
liarly known by the name of "lIac k Davy,"
attempted to cross the railroad in front of
an approaching train if cars and was
caught by the cow-catcher and instantly
killed. His right leg was cut off near the
I thigh, and mangled badly at a point near
the knee. His right arm was also crushed
and his face considerably hacked. His in
! testines protruded, and he presented a
A Washington county man threatens
to bring suit against a young farmer who
persists in sitting up with his daughter
Sunday nights till 4 o'clock in the morn
ing. The stern parent claims, first", that
the following day being washday, his gal
ain't of no account; second, that, if they
would only use two chairs, the one they
d use would not cost so much for repairs.
The West Chester Hepvblicun makes
some damaging statements in regard to
the Pennsylvania farm school, based on
information given by a tiustee before the
est Grove farmers' club. Notw iths'atid
.Tolliiiii" in
ri i ue i iisi i vti lion lias a Clear net income most sickening annearancn. His boHv
Iiav ing become wedged in tho cow-catcher
of nearly $$20,000 a year from the sale of
land scrip appropriated to it by the nation
al government, it is running in debt every
year to the amount of $(.0M.
The death of Raron Meyer Anschcl
Rothschild, a member of the firm of Roths
child & Co.. is announced. He was born
in He was deputy lieutenant of
Buckinghamshire and member of parlia
ment for Hyde. The late baron's two
remaining brothers are Baron Lionel N.
Rothschild, late member of parliament for
London, and Sir Anthony Rothschild, the
Austrian consul general at London.
Nearly 2,000 coke ovens in the vicini
ty of (
onnellsville have suspended, t vv i r-t
tothe inability to obtain satisfactory freigh't
rates, on account of the war between The
Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio rail
road companies. If matters are not ad
justed nearly 5,000 men will be thrown out
of employment, occasioning great distress.
A delegation of coke men were in Pitts
burgh on Friday last to interview tho rail
road Authorities upon the subject.
A ronr-year-old lad of Boston is of an
inquiring turn of mind. A few days ago
no t?i, possessea oy a desire to know
go in
and a
cover, i ue instrument hcpi l.ii.o- - i,.,
mer. Tbo marvelous infaut now wishes
to try another experiment with a larger
bean-pot, but a strict guard is kept over
that utensil.
As the committees of Congress con- men searcn tor ways and means
the engine had to be raised with jacks
befv re the mutilated corpse c uld be ex
tiicatcd. A dispatch from Cunningham, Chailton
county. Mo., says a boiler in the saw mill
of Thomas Dobbins, situated on Grand
i iver exploded on Saturday morning, kill
ing Llis'na Smith, engineer. Richard Wor
thington, ar.d Jesse Thatcher, employe",
and badly wounded Win. Simpson. Smith
was blown about six rods from the mill.
His head, back, arms and legs were blown j
off, his body rent open, and his brains '
scattered over the ground. Woithington
was blown two hundred and fifty feet '
from the mill. Both his arms were torn ,
off. and both legs broken nsar the ankles. '
The other had his skull broken, one of his '
hands cut off by pieces of the boiler, and
was carried fifty feet from the mill. Tlie
cause of (he explosion is unknown. i
The negro Vt'yatt, who was arrested
by Sheriff Alex. II. Irvinon Wednesday of i
last week, for the murder of Mrs. Rvan, j
the wife of a section bo-:s of the Mount
Carbon Rati road, near Catbondale, Jack-
Nos. 278,280 and 22 V,
Wood, iiosTellb1
WAIllS;lON si':.o-
Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johns!:-
Wholesale an t of'. .: :-'
FOREies m mm
Vile famW K - t by aubttVn :
s f; cal mcrrtCOm6OUVa0n!5 ,,un ,iini "P"d then let him down, when !
I . S 2 ;ri1nW.ld Vf -k-J tbem ,f they were going 'to kill :
bllt. at. llm tr.!A t
good-bye. fur it wa ii, p, f;, ! to "' top of the car and dashing wildly
would see him. In the evening inquiry 1 f,r tko locomotive which he soon reached,
was made for hin. i,.n i, .-.: when, seizing the 1 h rot tie in his teeth, he
weiitoM eo. iccting the duties. At length i Soairh wa ii.-to k r ... "," - ' I instantly reversed the engine, stonoed the i
... i . . . . 'iniu it ii:i j.... . , , . - , -,
m the barn, shor through the head with ; lraln. ana mougnr it saiciy hack to
his lather's revolver, where it had pvi,,e.,t i ,1,e depot. Onto hero, however, he would
ly fallen from his hand. It ai.nears tint not re,IC,t tlie emrmcer to take his place.
he had come liome unknown to bis father,
and got his overcoat, as if to go away, but
had left the coat in the kitchen, wheu it
is supi.sed he got the revolver and went
to the barn, where he bad evidently shot
course thev were.
when he said : "Well, then, I don't want
to die with a lie in my mouth. I killed
the woman and took liar money." He
hnd no more than said this when" a man
jumped up and threw a rope around his
neck and swung him up. His body was
still seen hrpnging on Saturday, and no one
was allowed by the mb to touch it.
r.ic.ignir il
...nn ii-o i-vrn iPiim urr i itcnuim tli
c tmma. and demanrhul tint- it- nimntJ L-
toe customs officers haii
to stand on tb.e or.h'r of Prosody and pass
f i u.t fiee. The result has been, that
Ji hot it ;?.oin,s,() have been illegally col
lected bv this interpolated comma, at which
I nele Sam will have to stop and count
more than once, and refund. The ways
and means committee- will report a bill to
exnnnge the comma, and thus rctrand
fri-it back to the list of dutiable articles.
This will prove a most expansive comma.
Gil!. i no, a
to be no fiielid
jti-. her cou-ist'n
re J-Tirv.'o.ej
ft is that the c::il-J2t tc; Ls d .rcrn::::; J uc3:t
Tuesday h itnestcd with m.isotha.t ordir.i.
v ioiiesl, and ihe tVMjit will be aceepteti
I h delibtoate judgnryttt of Altoona en
J h tiierits or d . ,;:yri;. S of ! );; ii
- """g newspaper man in Reading 1
is in great tribulation. Ho is paying u I
tenti..ii to a young U,y in Pottstown "and
uJ to visit, her about five nights in a '
v.eet ; but be has only been down once : therst of the year. The young:
bidy, no' beiog ac-iuaiuted with th'c true
bt.ito of .iiTiiis. n.ails her lover a letter
!ily, Accut-ing hin of cruel neglect, and :
ssvs i.3 foi getting r.nd all that sort '
of leoi.. Hnd t'-ie rewspri?er tn.-.n re nlies :
in b::L.-t
io, s ' 1
aie n
We f;lr
c, i:i-'c :iii
:.T Hot lho
i. x inirning with love and deyo-
i taiugs. P.ut hi
to colliers 1 hat his red nc
Miae;;uence rt thc tree-pass system. : drew 5
it. o new Co:.t:iiit iin is "oing to triii'ots
,! :
Bufialo township, Butler county, Pa.,
defies a. y township in tny county" in the
Ki i. V. ii.'j. , .
'-;""- 'o u ior nan oaniex, in propor
tion to the number of families in thetown-
sii:p. a correspondent writes as follows :
'.e have two hundred families in the
township, and in the last twenty years we
Have had eleven sets of twins born and
ona set of triplets ; rily all of which are
Jiving aili u, a lf tLc a,.cllts uf
them five on adjoining farms. Below is a
.n';;,n,,.s rf rar6n't .u or
rat - I i ' cXi vvife a the
fat.iei and mother of two sets ; John Mc- and wifcot t wo sets ; Robert FJei...
ing ai.c Iwiftiof two ts ; Wm. Fleming
and wife of cue t ; Philip Walto.-s and
wiitj of one set : i J. T.-v.v nr,i r
1 visits ; set : J. B. Reed and wife ..r ":" "" ?ne
oCafiVrty and wife of one iot of
all living, ;-Jl tltrcc girls. IV t
From here I saw him clambering i redl,c? tlie expenditures of the government
, j.ia ue uiscovercd almost hourly. It
now turns out that an appropriation of
vi,iruior new clothing for tho army j It ts now generally admitted bT honest
i ,nvs'eiiously crejit into the appropriation lk.vsicians, that when once the consumn-
oiii last year. I he money was not need- ! Hon is fairly fastened noon the loners, no
.v.. legitimate purpose, but lms i human
been appropriated by some member of tlie
army ring who had an itching palm. The
00 1,16 1,Ur ,Li8-' is
A man by the name of Isaac Fine bad
the honor, last week, of being called npon
in the courts of Northampton county, says
the Luzerne Union, to plead to twentv
mue true bills of indictment for r...U
... 1 J
Bi t) ts a np ::"
hlADV-M Ai'i
GLASS WAlir. VI I.' cv
Together with nil n
such FbOFK.
Whn'esale i
and iromptl v tii'.e !
niol re.isoiitfie itrir?
o I
1!-! '"'
r. a v
'N. f
and could not be induced to leave the en
gine until a new driver had been placed
in charge. Think what a terrible catas
trophe was probably averted by the won
derful intelligence and coolness of that dog!
Mrs, .7.-.
.tie I). Hendricks, mother of
power can save the Patient from
death. They also say that about fifty per
cent, of thoe who die from this disease
can trace the cause to a neglected couch
i or cold, which might have been cured bv
a small bottle of Liquid Opodeldoc, or
what is the same thing, Johnson Ant
dyne Liniment.
fniiiifnritiirrr si lid
klMS of
tt irr
- - ...
-a it.
;r.v. r.-
Covernor Hendricks, of Indiana, died in ! ;'"taining in all fifty-eight distinct count
Indianopolis on the 30th tilt., at the age of j 1 1,6 ."O'ged notes dated from May, 1871 to
eitrhit- ,-t.c- s:i. l i -i"! . I late in SentcmKi- 1 si-o j . .' .
uiii; " a..-, ..iii in 1 1 uj iitr.ii , iimi amounted in
vnamDersi)iirg, I'a., liur maiden name
being Jane Thompson, and sho was mar
ried to Major John Hendricks in 1814.
i 10m tins union sprang Key. A. 1 . Men
dricks, who died iii 1S0J, Alexander Hcn-
!, 1 hos. A. Hendricks, the present!
. Oovernor of Indiana, and John and James
Hendricks, besides several daughters. In j
i 1S30 heivelf and husband took residence in ;
! Madisop, and afterward in Shelby county, .
; Ind. She is described as a thoroughly cul- ;
i tivated Christian woman, whose death !
; will be widely and sincerely mourned.
crt,iiiij bo many charges ho
iiinov.ti J' tor live years,
nine months and twenty-six days I
,irX-'Laf. Lower Ma.cun- j
Z "-'ci i uat is in tins State. Is the
?.-e lhat stained to Ihe
i i ' " r 1 'wt-nTy-seven vears. She has
. ,. " '', 'as.auva looked
- particular favor by her owner
We has latterly become Wind, but i. n, '
Cut this notice out and bring it with
you. Wo are authorized to refund the
cash to any person or persons who shall
buy and use P,rrsrt' I'urrjaiire Pill and
fail of relief and satisfaction.
-V,W .W vi,l.wuh ( hmmo
w -K.
.t .I't
II Viiil can.
The oldest man in Indiana lives in Mon
roe county. He was born i:i May, lT-o'.l,
and will sown be one humlrod and sixteen
years old.
wis .
'dangeP of i ' , "?W T
confi.v:' ;r . i'pai"tod, si
yard f r t , q,,!,c,c arnd H'e barn
Lie,., 'riflVC'al RLe has re-
apifiiation ,f '0( mother
a n.mie nhivh he tidily
1th Chroiuo.
MaMijnp, ono year, with HoBnted'mo. " m
Maoiiiif, alone; one ver nn,ount" H'romo, J.f
.r" riVV" for "the price
others tnnon.-l r.L. '"""""'rn ami
i . 'l-.ri; K . ..
mi ind jnii(i;iTii-n V iiT.
ILItl.. . . .. .. -
dlvi. s- i W t ni.iwsa.-r.
Sirlcbo.o its.
Chamber .Sets,
I'nrlor Sets.
AVnnl robes, 1 t.-1.
Hook Cases,
Ae., Ac, Ac, Ac. Ae., A " x
KVHRV nusi :::i'rl
made to onler in ev". ! -.
prices. Cabinet atvl -"'
uil '-iaos for .:ih. 1 '' . '
point In John-iown rr -i- ''
of ex trs cti.ii n e. t , t,
J.ilHfcIoWOi, ( 'ci - I "
- ; 1
, -r '
IT rS--
t r-
f A
11 KmnHliii sirtv..
. '-r . . crrl-ur;
TF.I.S. c. iiiniilrt nne
inn iin.l V.-oi
tiou in work, dosi!-''" MI' ;
-' ir.iers rcsr'Ctfi!'
!r tie . ;-'-'-'
; ;s
:i '
it c
t Si fin'.
u 3:
e I
. un
am j:
f tU
4 Kit
' j
p'e c
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: 1
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