J5 &EL !ES2 53" ?k..r5sJ' 2ZH! IQlHIIHS J3l HS. jS.2i?- fiffSti:- a 01 i:i:n old jiam. Pennsylvania ware nmm. 8 n ivr- At the List meeting of the Pioneer Socie ty Mr. J. S. Tibbetts read the following nkeU.Ii j'.iv'tPg l!io incidents in the life of a Miciiiyan ni.ui Lo, although in per fee I health, has kept his bed for nearly twenty ye in : Mr. Samuel Dunn emigrated from the State or New Yrk to Michigan in lb!, HH'.l Rttth'd ill tht township of Plymouth, "Wayne county, tliire milt s west of the vil i.x'e of l'lvmoulli, where he resided until his death, wliieli oecmrcu in the month of j May, 1S73. He was born m the year lTO'J, and was therefore SI years of age at tb time of his d"ath. lie served in the war f 1SJC, was honorably diteharired, and a pension w as planted him by the Cieiierai iJovernment about a year before his death, not a cent of which, however, did he or any of his family receive. Nothing very unusual in his life occurred during the lir.-t twenty years of his lesi deJioe here. He was a man of intemper ate habit?, ami nearly every week would go to tho village, and have a i-prce. At Mich times he was very noisy, hut not qur.i reisumo. The v.i.ier of tiiis bkelcii has frequently heaid him call out at the de.sd of niylit fr s me one to "C'.'ine and Mock t!io wheel" while he was ascending steep hill on his way home, t .'si going out -Mr. Dunn wuld he lMiid standing midway up tii J hi!!, .Min, ing and treading like a balky horse, calliir; out loudly for home one to '"come r.lid block the wheel." After making two or three attempts to as cnd Urn hiit he would 1j k down to the foot of it and take another start. Alter two or three attempts of this kind he would finally reach the top, when he would want to bit "two-and six that lie could yell louder and jump higher than any other man in the connuuiihy." lie had in Ida woods a very largo hollow tree, and here he was in the habit of going when ho had his ij.iccs, to hold what h3 called his 'catup me ting."' At such times the woods would ltsoui'd with his devo tions, which were characterized more by zeal than foi pieiy. After an unusual wakening in this hcl- J low tree one day, lie went to tho house, took down the bottle from the Mielf, took a 'horn," and then made a m Lmhii vov that ho would ne.er touch another drop i f ardent spirits w hile he ii c-il, or utter an other oalh. And ho rergioiisly kept hs vow, for he immediately went to bed ami lay there for nineteen years and nine mouths. Dating all this long time ho was never known to have hi.j clothes on or to walk a step. At first, for a number of years ho was very taciturn, and would not converge with any one, and whenever persons ap proached his bed he would tarn his head away from them. Dm irg the latter period of his life he would converse with ineru lers of the family sufficiently to make his wants known, which were few and easily supplied. lie seemingly enjoyed the best of health during all this time, never took any medi cine but once, and then only some simplo remedy. His appetite was good, and he ate two hearty meals a day, breakfast and dinner, but no supper. Ho preferred hearty food, and relished pork, potatoes mid greens, baked beans and meat. He drank tea and coffee regularly, but noth ing stronger. He slept soundly from ten to twelve hours out of tho twenty-four. Never hut once did he express a wish to have his clothes on and go out. One day tho .family were all absent except a liltlo grandson. He expressed a wish to this little boy that he might have his clothes on and go down to the hollow tree where lie nt l.t ins last itevotions; but the little i at a new and Lower Seal, fellow could not liud his pants, and so an I opportunity was lost of testing his ability j to walk. ! His memory was remarkable, aud his ( intellect remained unimpaired to the last. Jle manifested some interest in passim;! events, and would occasionally ask infoi" j niatioii respecting thetn. Hearing the : clatter of a mowing machine one dav he j was very anxious to know what it was. i lie liau never iiearu a word about such a machine, so he got his daughter-in-law to put him in a chair and wheel him to the door so that he could see it work. His food was carried to him, placed on a stand near his bed, and then he was loft to j hi m self, as he would never partake of his f od while any one was present. After a i thort time the food would be gone, and i he would be found snugly in bed. He never missed two meals a day until just I before he died, and he could not bo per- i suaded to eat a th'ad. His daughter-in- I law took the sole care of him during the I last sixteen years of his life, .havin;Aiim, washing hmi, and preparing his food for l.im a rare instance, it-deed, of filial af fection and devotion. No disease attacked him to terminate his mortal career. He simply lived on, the lamp of life growing dimmer and dim mer, until finally it went out altogether, lie was not viry much emaciated, hut re tained to the l;tt his usual bodily propor tions, which were always very sparo. He was twice mariied, ami Miivived his Lt.it consort some twelve or fifteen years. History, j r ibably dots not furnish a piralltl instance of one whose early life was so active, so full of stilling, exciting scenes, and whose after life was such an ulU-1 void aud blank. ....... --- -- - - - m mm m & 4m TllU rcr. coshussiox. !i873. FAIili and WINTER! 1874. A I'l-fTE TASTORAL. OF a sid New Jersey, and Maryland. I mm b nisi ifeiniM&n b b p S.TU fi i h h h n i m a t' (3 a & ' u m ti a i h ty , i n & si i t y ti s Kyai n ? & i na m s ! Nil LSI A I IVt N Lb tOO 1 1 I i I Ait THE tMME$T$E 8T00K I COXTxVIXBO IX COMXED STOCKS OF All DEPARTMENTS fJ. iA JL.ij LARGER DISCOUNT C03IP11ISINC3: ran FOR AT STILL annin: It was a peace commissioner, AllU in gai u was suoer uruu; His hair was long and white, aud lie Economized his gab. In short, "he was a reticent Aud inoffensive slab. His fctyle was philanthropic, And he bore a carpet-bag, Iu which he stored his tracts and soap, And other peaceful swag, Which Indians patronize when war Aud cattle-stealiug lag. Long they sat in solemn council, The agent and the red, Mildly talking liabby virtue, Till the sachem shook his heat'., As with doubt and dim suspicion; Theu he grunted low and said Not w ith el'Hpience of nature, Not in metaphoric sty e, But in simple frontier lingo, Mingled slang and grammar rils "Xa-ree-trow-zis; want some whisky; Injun empty; drink a pile." Then that meek and lowly Quaker Remonstrated with a tear; Spoke of fire-water and ruiu With eloquence severe; Said, quite feelingly, that whisky Was a foe most insincere. Spake once nioro the child of nature, Keeping down his growing bile: "Has iny brother brought tobacco? Is there powder in his pile?" But the honest agent answered, With an unsuspecting smile: "Had my variegated brother Ever studied Mr. Trask, lie would nevsr, I am certain, Sicli a foolish question ask. Read these pamphlets; they will teach you Iu the light of truth to bask. 'Powder I have iiotir nor whisky, Nor the brain-destroying leaf; But of moral tracts and stories I have ninny for the chief." Then the Indian, weeping sadly, Said it cost him bitter grief That his moral sense compelled him To extract bin brother's hair; "Which he did with nice precision, And a sadden-sti icken air; And that hopeful peace commission Terminated thou and there. The Cubital. A Mm irio iras JIuile the Itutt of an Entire i'illatje. ST rLDi? Am D "SPTlTTflTTfilVr T1T "DTHH hill AT ES hi una "if i 'rH ti 1 1: :viiTW n i it n nr ArniTTTn nmnnn CO., OF M. II. XATIIANSOX & (Lately occupied by II. Wai.teus, decease!,) 231 and 233 IrlAIN STUEET, J0H2?ST0WK, PA. She was t xi.,T7 1 mght; th the old folks n.,tj; : tliy to go to .,., j Johnny hrilri i himself to I,,- t;,,.; T , the h:- t!lL. ,,: "old nnn " j ; too wIl, j uoor, and a v,a, ! escorted into ti,c- j,: 1 'f ! fOlll(lllt ,ti- I.,,, '. "c ..... :i ;".!.u;. .1 un.ui I meun Rv, !' tt;. c a f She wanted waf ; if hi-. lut to r-x - klion- York fState : if i,;, i matisin wr.s mi,- U ;: over and ,a' not to strain Li v.; satiofi fineii. ai. hat, mid she nibi i.-.i 1 e finally said i Wii iti'T iii1 , r. , ' : Consisting- of sm-li articles hh ULAf'K AND HITE CLOTH SUITS. CASsIMKKE SUITS for men . f ' " i ami boys, line ENU I.I.-H KKHSKY OVERCOATS, in IiIup. brown, olive and lighter colors, mid j lather had pre i ;, full line of HATS, CATS, TIU'NKS VAI ISES, UM llltl.LLAS, ail which will positively be ! Jlc saKl 'AUi be sold at 15 per oiit. lews than prevailing .rices in Johnstown. We also makf to or'ier 1 rom as the I!loo:i v; t he tinest ana inist sryusn ffootis Hiiy an icif oi -iot tun a desired, aim inn i loo ui snon noinr uiici i . 1 t , nn tlip mot rt-Hsoiiable terms. Wk m anitai 1 I'kk ai.i. ol k ow n (IOiih. whi'-h eimt.lcs os to ' 'O 11,111' .1 'W Icr i l ' ' L. r ; o:i ' flHR nndcrsitriipil wmiM rp-.ned fullv inform the citi.ensof Elicnsbum and Northern Cambria JL friTier.i'.ly, tl-.nt thev liavo jut opened al the ubove uuuied lace n iuige, complete auJ cle- I Eiint stock or TALI, AXI) WINTER j CLOTHiMG AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, a; ' i. , , : .:. , ' ! s-II cht-ip'T than any oth?r house in Canibria county. Please irivc us a call when you viit our I town, and juiri from our stork ami prices whether tr -will njt nv von to deal wil h of . uVKK ! COATS mid CUSTOM-MADE WO.:. our lending spoeinlties. and "QUICK SALES AND SMALL ! PROFITS" the basis upon which we do business. COM E AND SEE I CI' Hi ., "t .,' ' , she said slio either. TLi inuv;;-,! seemed to irivo them , DON'T FORGET THE FLACE-231 and 233 MAIN STREET. JOHNSTOWN. ' then i,e wanted ,, k,, - 4, 321 S in PRICES. Sept. 10, lSTo.-Cm. M. H. NATH ANSON & CO. JOHN KENTON"..... ..JOHN S. TITTLE. (Successors to BENTON & WAYKE,) ' seen 15:11 Jones la;. :v she said, and did;.": V. they went on talking h? ; tiou visit which v;t iv: j long to Khk-r Uei tv. I droj'el his hand o;, ! j hand, while hi U-f; :.e sofa and yot ! !;': ? 444i M " 4 4444 $ , looked down at his i. L A r.... ei.,... r t.,. .,.- ' to know if s!ie th-ti -!.t r. :'- 1 Iron, JVttifs, filnss, J'nitf, llorne Shoes, Leather, Shoe 1 indtnrjs. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, i Wagon Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, HUB EOXIXG AND SPUKE TKNONLXG MAHILNES, &c, ITos. 208 and 210 Main Street. Johnstown, Pa, i I Sept. 5.-4IH. 4iKDi:iiS Y MAIL PROMPTLY FILLED. The nsnally quiet- village of K.iw kawlui, on the Jaekson, lansing and Saginaw Railroad, five miles north of Wenona. has lieoii in .1 ilor-idodl v nn. roarious state of late the cause of " which was that some tune since a man ! whom we will call Jones made his ap- 1 pea ranee in Kawkawlin. and in a few ! weeks had proposed to all the young 1 l.v all had ! lieen rejected he being ljlesst-d with a very small amount of common sense. At length, however, the young men of the villatre resolved to iJav a irame Denire to vink e it v:ilthj I noirn tf,at the vholc of their Stock- of nev:lj manu- upon Junes, and according one of their jacturen Men ., loutis1 and JshJ Ltolhinn, quuranteed to be of JieliaUe Ma- number, a leardless vouth of twentv- :VOr-Tl: WE WERE INDUCED TO OPERATE LARGELY, I YIl 1 TT IX' III1 I VV CTlflir IT-lTC"T-T-fITn Tx-T-Iil.. nv 1';;,' ; vlo i-..: ladies in tlie villace and liAUuiuu. VJi: -V. l,M.U.-.lJiUALl liUUH liLM.Mt) &LA6UA. Wanamaker & Brown t . F 1 . T. . T I y T 1 I 1 . - ict tut, x' a.st tunuutc i(f., ana nnutiatHiai Jiak c, is arrtutyed Jor a f Price. PAST YEAR two or twentv-three summers, agreed to dress in female attire and personate ! a woman who was smitten by Jones' j charms. The keeper of the boarding house where Jones boarded ws let into the sex-ret, and the first scene in ; 1 . . l . .. : . 1 1 '. me uiiiiaa ;is liiaiiizuraieti uv tile Pi t - tt53ia THE IMPROVEMENTS IN OUR RUSINESS THE Vl VNY W VYS . rV U V 1X I h keepe? handing Jone MANY vAYb lhtAIMAMAOLsOt Ol R CLSiOMLRb. a note from the yotmg lady, who, he IMPORTANT FACT We hare abundant testimony every day that it j j iinio.-sJ.ie Ji,r any other house to .ell us cheaply, and )o one jic questions the j suj-eriori'y o f our makes o f both Men's aud Joys'1 Cloth iny, u hie THE ASSOETMENT 13 SIX-FOLD LARGS anywhere else, ' ", A lady in Portland, Maine, recent ly halted iu front of a garden and ac costed a man :it work on some trees with: "What are you doing to those t,.r.o- : ; i :,,..f i. i . -l iL3. uiiiui" iiiviii L.i;n;:ini. wuii i7.s y.s .1 Sl'IJCIAL OPPORTUNITY. OUR RE-ARRANGEMENTS REQUIRE THE IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL OF SOME IIUY-' DREDS or THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS' WORTH OF GOODS. A ND WE ARE (OFFERING THE MOST SEA SON A A L E A NJ FASIII(jY- A RLE OVER CO A TS AND SUITS FOR llOTlI MEN I .Y HO YS -1 V I PEREMPTORY SAX.E, ! AND THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE PURCHASES SINCE THE' .N.l,v rhOA. ARE HIGHLY DELIGHTED WFTII THEIR F, R GA INS AND ARE SENDING IN THEIR FRIENDS. MENS OVER CO A TS. Splendid bts of Iilue and Flack. Heaver; Ker seys in Dark Olive, Drown and London Smoke Colors. An u.-ij?uftl cheap lot of Chinchillas and other Fabzies that make very warm and com fa liable ja rments. Our Garrit Is and Capes are the cheape.i ever offered. MhN S SUI IS 10R DRESS Y EAR. Very much, under reyular ja-ices. Ev, ry one e.rpei-tiny b, bin a Rbo k or Jllue Suit should avail himself ,,f the GREAT JiARGAIN LOTS NOW SPREAD UPON OUR COUNTERS. EVERY DAY SUITS will U: cleared out at aslonishinolu low nrices coasid- l eriny the qualifies and excellent make. PARTICULAR LOTS OK WARM AND LONG COATS for Hasinas and Stent j urj.oss are otercd at excellent Uinaius. PV-" - j- - 't;V- 21 -TT 3 v - A rrintV ink and c'oUcn To' ,.4v,n 1 VftyAO OF PATTERNS IN VA- i that Jones's newly-wedded spou.e was canker wo, ins from ascending -dRiw , SeS vantin!! SihAiVfjRrVG L IENTvv' !his l -as aiordingly l-.iuch dots it cost T inquired t!:eh-alv. THEM FHt).Mt)Ult PIiESEXT STOCK. i arrcstwl on a charge of bigamy, tried, said, was his cousin, and was in love I with him, and was coming up from j enon.t to pass a few days at his house. I o pass over intervening in-! cidents, the lady came, and Jones made love to her, took heron walks through the snow, went visiting with her to all houses m the villatre. final v. while re- I turninir home one evening the hidv C 1 at f" - 7 was inulUM.l by a man, vliose name v-it:4 day made complaint against Smith be- j .fic iote a man wnom lie stiiiiiosvil was a p..rv6- w 1 . '' jrLta.'1 justice, but who wasn't. A mock war- Md rant was issued, Smith was arrested, ""3 purely a vegetable rr.ETAKTTo and on a mock trial he was fined $15 jj plmii'rifmTs wtit-tnown ROOTS, , , , ' HtRBb, M FHUITS, comLuiod wivh ether and COStS. It miiriit be Stated here proptrties, which iu thair l-atu a ara Catharti.-. tl,- . :.. i' i Aperient, Nutri-knis, IMurotic, .l-.ortiveamt 2ti- li.u ncau; cui, pel sou ill IvaWKaW- LIUoub. The whole ia presrnred in t Bufflciant nn w as aware ol tlie game that was be ing played on the unsuspecting Jones, except the victim himself, lie, how ever, thought that everything was correct, and was highly elated at the result of the trial. Jones was next advised to marry the young lady, and ! finally it was arranged that the imp- j I 111.. i t rw.- 1 wins Miouiu ne periormeu. i lie ser vices of one of the ring were procu.el, and in a short time Jones and the young lady were pronounced "man and man.1' About this time Smith appealed-his case, a jury was impaneled for a second trial, and he was acquit ted. Just at the close of the second trial another one of the riiiff, dissruised. of course .entered the room and claimed ih iTlr E ail Ste quantity of spirit from the SIGAU t'AJE to kep tueia in any climate, Tvldcli makca tho tv?iyj? Si AMTATIOM "Aliout twenty-five cents." was the answer. 'What's your name':'" wa -. the lady's next uurtion. "llill," said the man. -Well, I v.ih you Vould c?i:rnd girdle our..' Tlie m:in irave tin evasive answer, and the l tdv went horn1 and tol l her husband, who went into eonvjtldons of laughter. Vhv, what on earth are you laughing at'?" tai I she, and as soon as tlie amused husband caught his breath he told his wife that the man s-he had asked to girdle her trees was no less tlsnn the Rev. Dr. Hill, late President of Har vard College, one of the fremot living mathematicians and pastor of the First Parish Church. Toothache. One of our exchanges gives the following simple application lor toothache: If anv of our readers sutler from toothache or neuralgic af factions anting from teeth in anv r 1 .a " vi uaai , mev mav exnertence a re lief, instantaneous and permanent, bv ! saturating a small bit of clean cotton 1 or wool with a strong solution of am- ! liionia, and apply it immediately to : the atrected tooth. The pleasant "con- , trust instantaneously produced some times causes a lit of laughter, although i n moment before extreme sutl'ering and anguish prevailctl. Having the ; remedy for over one yenr with entire 1 success, its efficacy is vouched for. 1 PLACE PANTS. lie never had a belter assortment to select from. JACKETS AND RANTS FOR THE LADS are piled up In, the h ten or, ds, and will bear examination by (he Ladies, who know the true values and ( ; ;.' i.s ij'fd to stand Die hard wear the boys require. F0 YS' O VERCOA TS, of all sizes, styles, qualities, colors and prices. W: hie re-arranyed the pays" Goods on our First Floor to better aeeommo-d-'te the ladies and other buyers, and can generally serve our friends icithout a.L.ty. PREPARED TO SU2MIT TO HEAVY REDUCTIONS from ACTUAL VALUES Ii-..:. .,..1 i: , .....i, lc jmnue. u suppiy themselves from our counters NOW, while have an ENORMOUS STOCK of the BEST CLOTHING that was ever offered in this or any other city, w hich WE FEEL COMPELLED TO CLOSE OL'T Winn THE NEXT 30 DAYS. we v.umiviu hum rtir.vuini lei Cu.Ll pile- j on for a term of years. Jones was ' frantic; he cried, he yelled, he kissed ; her, and swore eternal fidelity. As the officer was starting from the court room with his prisoner, however, one of the persons present flew at the wo- i man, tore off her bonnet, cloak and j dress, and as they fell to the floor, and j loud cries of "a man," "a man," went ! up from those assembled there, Jones saw how badly he had been sold. Roar after roar of laughter went up from that ' court-room," and as Jones saw the cruel joke that had been per petrated upon him, his wrath knew no bounds, and his coat-tails suddenly flew out of the door preceded by a man j who will never know any more peace j in Kawkaw lin. Pay City (Mich.) Tri- ; uune. oTie of tbe moft tesiinVile Tonics and Cathar tic ia tbe wurld. Xiicy are intended strict as a omestic ionics only to be tiaed as a medicine, and always according' to directions. " They ar tho sheet-anchor of the tt-.V.9 and Ao. blUtated. They act upon a difeaee.i liver, and stimulate to such a degree, that a healthy acton is at onoe brought alxmt. Ab a remedy to which Women art-- eepe.aUy snbjoct, ilia siirpersdin CTery other stia.aiant. Ada Spriuj; ana s ti tu laer Ionic, they have no equal, lliey ara a mild and pentlo 1-urjrative aa veil as Toaic. They I nrify the Blood. They areapplondid Appetizer. 1 cey make the weak fctrong. Th'y puriiv and In vigorate. They cure Ujosia. Consuvation. aud Headache. They act a a specific in all specif a of disorders which undermine the bodily strength and cronk down the "tI spirits. . Depot, 53 Park Pkoe, New York, f, OBSSTOWM FURSITURE mm. WM. P. PATTON. (For.xEE.i-Y Wood & Misx.) STATlOilSST S FOilT&BtE am ligines. The Best & ?.Iost Complete Assertment iu the Market. The2 nn'HT.cii h vo 'aT r-.Rinlri5r!?t the rery nisrhest standard cf ci.i.a -2. "e niaue tLo manufaotura of Krim"?s, Pct:..-! r-;d SiwMnisa fcocialty. V,re haru ti:e lurosi an.i in st compete works of tb9 kind in tKe country, wilU Eacuiacry specially alaptM to t?s wcrk. We kfcep rontantly in ';l1e l?.rs- ncr,T-rs of Erurines, which we f urnuit at te -y lowest- prioes and on the shortest notice. Ve build K:i?inea ppecially ajaptd to Min-'. Saw Mill. Gfirt MilU, Tanneries, Cotton Cium, Threshers end allcla&eai cf maiiuf-Uiturin. Vo are now building tue ccVnra'e-1 T.ana Ctron lar Saw Mi:l, the boo& u.nd la fl coa-plete saw mill evT inver.te 1. We mate the rriantifs'-ttire of Pve- til; o-Jtata a S"peifil feature of our bua;ri?-5, tnl citu iurrusu onxnvlite on th htirlet no'.ice. Our aim in all crc is to iumish Ihe b.', rj diiuery in the market, and wuri a"Hjlutfly ua Ciunleil for hfcHut y of dein, ecoiio-ny and siren -th. Send for Circular and I'rice List. UTICA STEAM EHCIME CO. TTICA, ar. y. rotted OUt bout !;i-.-;- lampblack, r-di.-.. .', had an idta that it .il commenced to ho. .U ! when she dicovoi- i . the Ism p. !:e r . , the light down a hair u, iUtjk l.iiill. Il t'.iol. pret hold of her t::ir -i-i pretended to want t away all the tinu. A"'; he I'jwcre.l iiis v ".: . said he didn't see w:;-.: : each other. She 1 ! . and admitted lu r v that he coul'.l n..!.i men who were ir right away, and Li " and gave her a hi; 2 over and looked ou. ;' make sure that it wa . to snow, and coining 1 the light down a little sat down and wanted didn't want to rest hi: her head on his sin ; ; Ah, me ! AVe !.. , and who of us car i old clock strtn-k mile from honi . ': !. fast asleoji. the . . ing, and 1 1.- .' country :.,.,': ., .. , h hurrv. WrU -;. : this but .-- 1 v. ;v the oth-r d;-v . : i.h.'t.'s.-j heard ..:.:.i v , : i:. spell; ttg :. tliadoV," a.-, I'.'i: ). .. the W ind. i-.v ft 1 . I : '. was pit king t;p ci.i: " Sue Sai.iidi:. e- :.. find the lar' rt .- : or I'll break eve: -Dai 1, ! 1 tii INTlN'i A I ''!' rite 1 Cleveland . tt. jOnly 50 Cents per Bottle. It promotes the GROWTH, PRESER - VES tlie COL.OII, anil Increases the ; Vigor and OEAVTVoftbe IIA1R, Ot-fb Tktutt Tiaeb aoo Ltos's 1v athatrov roa THP Haih was firstplaocd In the market br iTofuwor jt. Thomas Lyon, a graduate of l'rineeun Colleee The name is deriTed from the Greek -Kathko " lipnifjinff to cleanse, purify, murenatr. or mtcrt The favor it has received, and the popularity it hai obtained, is unprecedented and Incredible. It in TVe,GBOWTH and B- the Hair. It is a delightful oressinK. It eradicates daud-uff It rnT0t3i th f l"r tTOm turn? y- It keeps the head cool, and pivea tbe hair a rich. aoft. clossv at peatance. It is tLe samk in Qcxnttty and QCALrit Sih k "",i7er UAKTE fOTCEl AOO. Dd is In ami Heeler ai.i. Kixus or ABINET FURNITUEE v stage toftj U j On 4 nflAlTD 9 ril3 HKa B NH ffil K , :Ii6 Corner of Sixth Street lOU MAPJvET TO MINOR, PHILADELPHIA. Bureaus, Hedatpads. Wahstanlg, Sideboards. Chimbpr Sets, Pnrlor Sets, Vfardrntis, Took Cases, Lounges, c.,c.,c., c, Ac, Ac. One fha!r. Wood Sent Chairs. Kitchen Furniture, litd Loiun.es, Wattrcsses, Toto-a-Tetes. ExtPiision Tables, le.uinjr TAi,ls, C upboards. . Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac VBRT DB9CK1PTIOB Or SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE Dr1c;.t0ord,r.1n "cMat '. nd at low Si kta,i.VbliiP"1 h"rmjke"' mat-rials of J,? 1""1'- ri""iiturniellT.red at rut or extra charse. W.p PATTON Johnstowa, Oct. 13. lBTO.-tf. U" CRAWFOKD HOUSE. EREXMil ltO, IA. iTA"Tvrit2harrls " Prcprlstor. II well tf.J0850,1"'1 l"'"-n:sl,e,l theat.ore i? I k,lown "'! prP"!nr hotel, tho prom-,. 1 punitive lover have t-easetl. The ap- j nil .nvZ? ffi'S theirtir0 Wcaia'sEcrjisBerBasrr Pitting in Small-Pox. Dr. I. IL Bird uses an ointment made of char coal anil lard to prevent pitting in small-pox. This is applied freely over the surface of the face, neck and hands as soon as the disease is distinguished, i and continued until symptoms of sup i Plication allavs the itchiiiTs. seems to t i! :' ,,",nrke! win is. rved i . . - - -a ' ... 1 - '""n--iiisfa..iis,i he uill .ni..f shorten t'as duration of the complaint, 1 --onsir.ti- supplied With't he i tmi. o-t ii.,( and leaves the patient without a Mem- j lsn ; the eruittion nrotected uv the ointment not even showing tigns of puM ulation. liiors. r the ihleim Iwii i.rciuirr iruf.sts comic il fiv iirm . ' Pl' ''l infvwy Particular. iuhI I.-.' . f . rat,u'",,",n ttisinossan.i a m...u rata ti'1'. . ' l1,' 1 V'"' r:t;-iict-i hypfjto wm his way to publ c favor. (May , iy,6.-ll The best Oil in the world for nia cin nero. It tri If not chill. Jt will not (in in. Jt is equal io the best Lard Oil. If 10 1 f ha re an u kin d of Ma eh ine rt, ask for OLLXI and if iou cannot buy it at honie, send for a ' circular and ricc livt to 1 PAINE, ABLETT & TRIPP, ' OIL MAMKAtTLREitS AM) DEALERS ! No. 30O J'cnn Avenue, j . Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 ILL! NEK Y & DUK?S MAKING. i lien the , 1 : 1 period wr.n: i :. I steps to the ! ..';. '. : j against the dm - v '- j in his pocktt. wL-i'. i.. j as hi eves va;. -j shelves. W!:, n ': - rk :. ! occurs, you nviv k:.-,v-' - r ' the cake. v. Irieh !.e v.-;. still looking f.r ti:.- h ; . notv deprived of t!i:;. :i ' ! vrliistling lie t v :' i slow movement, en-'.1::.-. ' piece of cake in ov.e ble pi.-kle in t!;- ". A; j as tlie l.iootjaek ! ! i jearanoe t!ie ! 1 i -1 1 dor of the room. "- ' : ting the l-ilv t" r'.v.v : 'Jane," at the to;. , f i. -' the imprci'n th-.t -' an impression sj-tv i.'.y cover t he c-onf.;-'- ! stejs on the dif t : liird-eage with hi- i:- ' ' ' '' ; know what you ' ' bootjack, r.nd w!i ' -' -, keep things in tr.." : i' , 1 vise, and si in pi 1 ' ' like Colu;n-'i:i. to 1 :.j " .v , tion lianing on i's he seizes np n il v. ! .' ' solemn vow tli:tt i: : :i ' -y . lie went through tjf re ' i The olfendins: ' i in the-doorway when- '' '' ; to trip over them. ;!::! :" ri j pires, unless you Ikim- ' ! around tlu-m. wh.-u . see their value obstruetiag a p.-i-''- ' mated that one pMre: disposed about :v um size, will .:-vui pjsed per-on or 1 ! from quietly n.:..v'.'-; At tea time tin' does not care :i!'"'i' much like that hi-1"''-" riVi-nO . .. ... . .1 ,.!i a I r -ineatu-ntion of the La.lios of Ebens-! - , .- .... inVr, , the brothers if -'r, - Z'V VdVin; ! for an explanation. - ' ,: . Mo.?r Th"o ;., ,.!ne ,oe-, h . a- '? ' : . utioiuy.j i, ranks horn .,o . . flii l.v polic JLOYD ct CO W-GoM. S.i KitExsni'itn, r.4. ooveiniui'iii I.imiw u i (ll liiir Hr. i,L. C ' "OJl lllUI'Ill J.oailsi. nl o -ta o n "r .t'2i.bOUffht a", s"1!- Interwt !- 11 i.ccihip Z 1",s-lt- Collations ma.l.- at pranks from Ko .. llended luotiier tli few him d'-w he did so that the.-e nranks lie had 1 et u his lii Loj i I-' --.- v-unJ8 uusinei transacted. "If