Jt 1 u IS3 'i' EBCNSBURC, PA., Morning, - - Pee. 19, IS 73. George Jf. JViliUntts. The general feeling throughout the coun- A Terrible Tragedy. One of the most shocking tragedies ever try Mucoilio.'.eatln.f Chief Justice Chaso ! 'J of thc Kiriibau r;un;,v. Oc-u Fkudekic West, father of tho , wLose uAm9 stanjs h;ts been that Grant would commit one of t rrie fAmijy consisted of George U. Kim- hia chronic blunders m the selection of his bail, his wife ami his stepdaughter, tne EUCCCSSOK. f rcaTi.cft by the 1 J) read ft:l Death. TATAL KIDB BENEATH A PI.EK PING-CAR OF A NIGHT KXFKESS. 2t'ews and Jo!itical Hews. of President Urau died in Washing City on lart Monday night, lie had , 1" -j.nr.rl asra of f8 vcart. IIs remains were taken to Ft. Louis for . - A rArfcR containing serious charges .r-iinst George TI. Willittms, who has boe.i :.k .ruinated by Grant as Chief Justice, has V en sent to the U. 8. Senate from Oregon, where Williams resides. It is now thought iie will be rejected. im w A BtLX, repealing the Bank nipt Law passed the lower House of Congress last Tuesday. It provides that cases now iu 7 K.c4.-ss of adjudication shall not be afleet- Their worst fears have been i rtaugnui -i -m. '"wul" . t . 1 I hov eru-.f!..il refill L niir hrini'ilAvc 111 acnouuer.i oi me m." ; . .1 : a lilvUcM-ni't'i .iiiiiL uouse on uiv corner at the head of this nr- f ial( alli Common street:.. Chailestown. It seems that Mr. Kimball arose at his ns was his I tide. Grant had a trlorious opiKutunity 1 ! v i-. .w.,.wi Mn.l he de- ! ibsualhour in the nion:i:.g, and. i . . . , ,t, ! custom, pi oeeedtd up Hairs about six o-; ciarcti on reverai occasions uu. - . cock to arouse the Loardcrs. Up to this j trier that he would do so, nu uu l"u i time no noise haa been heard in the house, nomination of George IT. Williams, who has no capacity as a statesman and but little reputation as a lawyer, is the humil iating reiult. Tho people asked for bread and our "yecond Washington" has given them a stone. He has distinguished hira stlf in this appointment quite as much as he did in the selection of his first Cabinet, ami persons who must hae been passing ! while the terrible deeds were being com- ! inittcd, neither saw nor heard anything j to attract their attention. At thc time he j called the board irs one of them remarked that he thought he would lay njwhilc long- : er, to which Mr. Kimball replied, "ion hul better come down now." THK MBUDEKER TAKE8 HIS OWN I.IKK. A horrible and somewhat singular death 4w:Lirred iu this city yesterday morning. ! A young man named John Dana, who re t muted himself as recently from Lower : - . i . i tr , I... of : Canada, was discovered at -Aicin.s'i:, oy the biakenian on ine t. joscpu arm iv;;;i sas City passenger train, concealed be neath a sleeping ear. lie had been riding beneath the car from St. Joseph, having held himself upon the trucks and rested his feet down upon the brake beam. The brakeman advised him to get out of his dangerous position, but it appears that lie failed to take his advice. IIo held on to his uncomfortable position and reached Harlem, opposite Kansas City, in the mid dle of the night. He was notified that he would not bo permitted to ride longer in the truck of the sleeping car, which was to be switched off the Kansas City train A Cinchirati cook was lately seriously injured by tho explosion of a turkey. A lady of Lofkport died last week of eating four quart of oysters f-r a ."jluJ wager. Pittsburgh claims the youngest coun cilman in the United Slates, lie has joot turned twenty-one. Asher Shawv, of Luzerne county, re cently robbed his father of v3JJ and rau away with a fast female. Senator Stunner refuses to act on any of the Senate Committees because he is put o:i the tail ei.d of them. David Story, a saloon keeper on tho outskirts of Hazelton. Pa., was muideifd on Saturday night. Light sespected per sons have been arrested. An engraver in Springfield, Mass., has cut tho Lord's Prayer into a piece of cop per less than one-fourth the size -of a silver threo-cent piece, and there is room in the circle for flfteeu or twenty words more. There is a woman in Iowa who, al though possessed of the usual organ of Eui-f. Tho u )- . Captain Surmonf, on behalf of him self and othero'dicers c f the Viile da Havre, iiu! giiHiitly denies the imputation of cow md;re made against them in relation t the loss of livcs'nt thc time of the disaster to that vessel. All the facts show that Captain Surinor.t acted in a brave, seif-sac-riticing manner on the occasion, and the other oftrets performed their duty iu the best possible manner. There may have been a confused or wrong order given by the ofacer iu charge at the time of the col lision, but beyond that point no charges of a criminal character can w ith truth be brt.iii.-ht against those having charge of the Viile tin Havre, at ltast not from the fncts so far made public . - .. w - : . f A lunuiv nameo .uooie, coi.msiuik oi . . husband, w ifeaud child, passed through l-nmre nl..ri.',u. ,'tn'i Little Pock, Ark., ou Thursday last, en P"' '''f";1" route for Texas. When about seven miles . ' TtK- yri-.,t r.-o-. O.-iki, M.rrvi:'!'.) , pu!.li. ;iti rl, l-iu' anil Hiiii n-i. f(i)(. oeraiic C.-.tmi-.-i, Itfii'j-ratjv I-'i.--. Tin' H'i'ri-t r.r n "'eai:.r-t n ii'iJIiii'-iiir. l: ;, Ien,oT;it..j ;,;u ; fill To i't- t ei'oilfij p:irM ', , auoi t 1 1. - .r t ' tf' tots Vr- f ". ;.i,." M'.ney foi l u . w .', ' , diiio bum NVw V,,, ', i tory. e.htr:;!,; (,.' ,, Ol.-'.tl. Worn !l'r'. I 1 V.r ME V l l tie open s.-tret if i ana prese-nt triumph -Uty a f. :ntc r h,,n,vi.,. 1 ami attached to the out-going St. Louis i .i ...i i . , a .i i .. ii .. j : Hp n.ttemi)tcil to distHiifapfe liimsen ' HHaaniLvv.uH ow.. v,a... llFu..., ru -1Tvu - , Js - alirl i Knefch. has not snoken for hvo years country. If he could not bo persuaded by to the tloor ot tlie parlor tney discovered . j.om u " . j'nAn' Btrta ,lf iirlin,1K infatuation she into the stream - - -m r t ii i ! at. r a . ; ii.triMitii'iin rii iiii.nm. tiiin i imu:g lu iivi cu vfwi u i . mr. tvimoa:! stauuiug ue snimg-ioom . , Tl,cf oa ia,7r an nall, that, she never would sneak i his wife were recovered on bunday. Ln......l ,,f ..F -T.;.I. Ko dfimhni' iit.nnm I nil IT K C'llOlI l IV vcv.nuv uaiii:. t . mw . in his nitrht dress and with a terrible cash he was crawling across the tracK the train his true friends to confer the high honor on either Benjamin Pw. Curtis, of Boston, or Wm. M. Erarts, of New York, either td by the repeal, ang that tlie law. so far j cf wuora wouu have btea eminently ac- is those cases ate concerned, slionid ue j ceptaljje to tjie country, he ought not to .ontinued uutil they are formally disposed hayo insultC(1 it by tl)e election of such a of. It also reduces the fees of tho officers man ag -iniams- A President, however, under the law fifty per ceuU j ho could appoint a. T. Ackennan Attor- Mia a in r a- ney Qenerai w as fully capable of making Professor Louis Aga?iz died in Bop- rh:ef Tllstice out of tho most ebjectibn- e aKliv n-.nti 'tl At this writintr we have no iu his night dress and with a terrible gash j he was crawling across the tracK the train , iu his throat, from which the blood was i backed suddenly, and the heavy wheels of ! streaming, while in his hand he held an ; the sleeping car caught Ins left leg, running ; I open razor. Mr. Kimball, ou seeing his i ovei it just below the hip. i i if,i To.- il.pm with tb m . ! The brakeman who stood near him says . mintinpiir lie ,Jli' IlOm tlie City, coming. IU omeum wv. ( j-cac-o had swollen, they were advised to deviaco from the main road and make a crossing at a point some distance above, w hich is in an unfrequented place. They reached a point indicated, where the entire family were murdered and their bodies thrown The bodies of Moore and An as:, I'.-. t , a rente to the orar.ua'.Jn V !ty to the prim ir.l.x ot i..'.."," u---principle nevi-f to n. f, piled Jbroufriio'i: o ;r Nn'tiAVJ inquest was held next day which failed to elicit the slightest clue to the perpetrators of this horrid butchery. The child's body zor to keep back, and, not caiing to at- i the poor fellow fell back, and uttered no j tempt to disarm him, they ran speedily j cry while the heavy iron flanges of the icar out into thc street to summon the police. ! wheels ciusiied and mangled tne iiugm more, and has so far kept her word. Salt Lake witnessed a horrible specta rln mi Katii.-.lav the downfall of a French tight-rope walker, who was attempting to has not y-t been found cross irom tlie top oi a tneaire iu ;i pinuiu building ou the opposite bide of the street. He received injuries that are presumed to ton, ou SaniJjy last, aged 67 years. was a native of Switzerland, and in his j own country held a high rank a6 a Profe- ) For of Natural History. He caine to the j i"r;i-r.rl fit:it in and in 1847 accent- ! ed the Professorship of Zoology aud Geol ogy in Uarvaid University. As a natural ist he w as without a rival in this country, or perhaps iu the world. As his loss to fclenco ennnot easily be repaired, his death will bo deplored throughout the United States as a national calamity. Hon. Samukl Nelson, ex-Judge of the news that the Senate has acted on the nomination, but thc presumption is strong that it will be confirmed. The subjoined article from the Utica Oiscrrer will show our readers out of what kind of mateiial Grant can manufacture a successor to John Marshal, P.oger B. Taney, and Salmon P. Chase : George H. Williams, of w York, Iowa, Oregon, Washington, and elsewhere, is Grant's appointee for the oflice of Chief Jus tice of tlie Supreme Court of the United States. If any theorist or doctrinaire among all our readers is inclined to take issue with by an poll Iu a short time officers Green, Webb and Pearson were found, and the five quickly returned to the house. On entering the i sitting-room a horrible sight met their '. gaze. Upon the lloor, in a pool of blood, j lay the unfo.tunate man. Ho was not dead, for as officer Pearson stepped up to , him he attempted to get up, at the same time exclaiming, "D n you, get out of ' here, or I w ill cut you too !" He then fell i back, w eak from the loss of blood. Officers j Pearson aud Webb attempted to staunch j the flow of blood, but cither one of the He was taken up and at once conveyed to West Kansas City, where, through the kindness and attention of the Nugent brotheis, his last hours were n.ade as com fortable as possible under the circum stances. The left thigh was mangled and crushed in a most horrible manner ; the muscles and tlcsh were crushed out of the skin in a largo raw mass, lie said he did not feel much pain ; he was evidently so benumbed with cold that feeling was im possible, lie vomited some little before his death, but he died comparatively easy. tliipe cuts would have moved fatal, and in ; He was a pale, delicately-built man, ot fii-n i-ii.inf.w nCttr t),t ofnVrM- .irrivd h i about twent v-eieht or thirty. He had evi be fatal. The La Crosse (Wis.) Democrat says that a curiosity, in tho form of an Indian woman eighty-five yens old and thirty-six inches high, is on exhibition in that oity. She belongs to the Chippewa tribe, and lives about fifteen miles from Ashland, Lake Supei ior. The Bender family, charged with a number of murders in Kansas, w ere arrest ed in Biningsville, Spartanburg count-, S. C, a few days ago. The father and moth er are in custody, and the son and daugh ter, living iu North Carolina, are being sought after. The family name is Webb. At Cai bondale, 111., on Saturday, John was dead. i THK MOTH Kit AKD DAUGHTER SLAIN. ! DOVClty. 11 On enterinir the sittinrr-room the officers ! necessaries of life. In his pocket was dently been buil'ering from the pangs of , M. Brush, an old and esteemed army tele- and was in want of the common t- rn. T'; . AioA ! in people of our State who lately, cupieme vuunv. - , ovel vvieimiIig majority, decided to preserve ; suddenly, of apoplexy, at his residence in j the elective judiciary, let him look at Wil- i Cooperstown, New York, on last Saturday, j hams and hold his pepce For this is the F , T t -v i . I ripe fruit of the appointive system under, in tho Sod year of his nge. Judge rselbon , the olie.m;tn poWer and the evil influences ! was appointed ono of the Justices of the I cf gross partisanship. It will stand as a inonuuieiuai warning 10 me empire iiuii; henceforth and forever. i The new Chief Justice links to the legaU acquirements of a rural attorney the judi- j cia! attributes of an average justice of the j peace, and the blind but changeable preju- dices of a cross-roads politician. Cirenm- i stances have conspired heretofore to pive ; and to litt ! Supreme Court by President Tyler, iu 1844, aud discharged tho duties of that po sition until December, 1S72, when he re signed on account of his great ge and f.'.iling health. His career upon the bench ulivin marlcprl bv frrent ability, lirrn- ,. " , .i . 4 j ! him places beyond his deserts, Hess, uiscreuou, ami iub pmpose m hiui a00ve the level of the class to which he iustice, and his opinions were always clear . belongs. Hut at each successive stage of When he was in the 1 ,lls progress ne nas neirayeu me niueness i ot his nature and me narrowness oi ins m- telleet. While he was the creature of au j hour, liable at any monmnt to sink into the i insignificance which he graces, his character i called for neither analysis nor criticism ; : but now that he is clothed with the highest I judicial honors of the republic, we must and comprehensive. full vigor of life his name was more than once suggested iu connection with the Democratic nomination for President. Thus one by one are the great and honored Judges of our highest Court rapidly pass ing away, and thc broad mantles of men who were giants in their day are falling on the narrow shoulders of professional poli ticians and judicial pigmies, who are not fit to have unloosed the latchcts of theis fehoes. - The power of the people was sternly manifested at th election in the Ettsf ward of this borough last Tuesday. The political complexion of the ward is Republican-in the proportion of about 6 to 1. A prominent citizen of the ward, who, in a square political contest, can and generally does control its Republican vote; was tar nest ard untiling in his opposition to tho netr Constitatiou. That he had a perfect light to stand on that platform and to in duce others to do so, we do not question, if his reasons were satisfactory to himself, whatever others may have thought of their force or propriety. And yet, notwith standing all the efforts of thc gentlemau referred to, there stood his party friends, fatally bent on the adoption of the new noticed that Mrs. Kimball was still iu bed, apparently a.vleep, but upon investigation, ' she was found to be dead. There were no i marks about her person to show iu what j manner she had been murdered, except a j slight discoloration about tlie throat. i From this it is supposed that she was ' strangled to death. The bod7 lay in a i natural position, with the hands crossed ! upon the breast, and the orderly appear- ! anee of thc bedclothes showed that the j murderer sprang upon her while she was in a sound sleep, and that she died with ' scarcely a struggle. A handkerchief cover- ; ed with blood stains was found by the bed- j side, which had evidently been used to gag ' and prevent her outcry. ) Search was then made for tho daughter, a young woman of about seventeen years, j and ou oj-ening the door to her bed-room, j a very small apartment opening out of the parlor, another horrible siglrt met tho of ficers' gaze. which caused the stoutest heart 1 an eniotv nurse, an e mpty tobacco pouch, and four pastage-slamps. He said he was unmarried, had no friends nearer than Lower Canada, and was endeavoring to reach St. Louis. The city physician at tended him last night, and will see that the corpse receives decent burial. Kan sas City Times, Dc. 10tt. TnE Scarlet Fever A Very Simple Remedy. Kob't Christie, of Potrero, says the San Francisco Chronicle, suggests a remedy for the scarlet fever which he avers has invarably proved successful. It is very simple, and lies within the leach of these whose limited means preclude them from employing the services of a physician. It is this : Take an onion and cut it in half; Ci?t out a portion of tho center, and into the cavity put a spoonful of sail'roti ; put the pieces together, then wrap them up in a cloth, and bake them m an oven until needs look at the man before we bow our heads in shame at the reproach which this I severed from the body. From the appear to ouail. The body of the trill was found the onion is cooked so that the juice will run lreeiy ; squeeze out an tne juice, ana give the patient a teaspoonful. at the same time rubbing the chest and throat with King across the bed with her throat cut from ear to ear, the head being nearly I appointment brings upon the land George H. Williams was horn in Colum bia comity on the 2cA of March. 123. He reeeived a common school education, stud ied law, an i.l removed to Iowa, "Where he commenced practice. He made an immedi ate strike for office, and joined his fortunes to the' party which happened to he iu power in the State at that time the Democracy. In LS17 he was elected Judge of the First Judicial District. The entire voting popu lation of Iowa then about equalled that of Oneida county now, and Williams' Judicial District numbered fewer citizens than our Second Assembly District. Iu he lost his office and cast about for another place. He served as one of the Presidential electors who cast the vote of the State for Franklin Tierce, aud immediately after the inaugura tion of that President ha hastened to Wash ington to claim his reward. After much im portunity he succeeded in getting himself appointed Territorial Judge of Oregon. He held the office five years, and then resigned to enter more actively into polities. On the election of Mr. Lincoln, Williams of course became a Kepuhlicau. Political adventu rers of his class invariably float their "prin ciples" iu the current of patronage. In 1805, in the general scramble for oflice which fol lowed Lincoln's second election, Mr. Wil liams secured the United States Sefator- anee of the bed it is thouirbt that she was croose grease or rancid bacon, it there is awakened before the deed was accomplish- ; any cough or soreness in the throat. In a ed, and struggled to save her life, but J short time the fever will break out in an without avail."" This completed the horri- j eruption all over the body. All that is ble picture, no attempt being made by the j necessary is to keep the patient warm aud murderer to take the life of any boarder, i protected from draught, and the recovery ; is certain. Mr. Christie says ho has been Baza I si! Found Guilty. The counsel ' employing this remedy for many years, for Marshal Bazaine concluded his address ' aud never knew it to fail when proper care ship from Oregon. His term expired in Constitution, and no power on earth, and 1871, and he put forth a desperate effort for much less hit appeals, could drive them a rei-Icr-tion. hut the feeling against him was 11 ' . :r ctr.inir tVint lol n.lrtv Willi KWflit trnm n-. J .1 -"-"is I -- - - -j - OOSILIOU. UtllCVVU ll.lSJf from their were rijht, and all the arguments of the nere politician foil harmless at their feet. The ward gave a majority of 58 for the Constitution. It is an instructive lesson t those who will attempt to stand between the people and a purpose which they have deliberately formed. The Constitution Adopted. We congratulate the readers of the Free man and the ftiends of the new Constitu tion everywhere on tho decisive victory that was achieved on last Tuesday. It ia j safe to fay that the people of the State, ir- j respective of party, have given an emphatic ! approval to the work of the Constitutional J Convention. It is unnecessary for us to publish this week the estimated majorities for and against the Constitution in the sev eral counties of tho State. It is sufficient . now to say that the aggregate mnjoiity iu favor of that instrument will not, in all : probability, be less thau one hundred and ; to the court at Versailles or. Wednesday' last. He demanded au acquittal and claim- 1 ed the prosecution was a political one. ! i The prosecutor in closing the case said a j 1 terrible example should be made of theac- j : cused as a lesson to the rising generation, i i Then Ilazaine himself introduced a dram ' atic incident. Before the judges withdrew ' to determine their verdict, he said "I j ' have two words in my breast Honor and ' . Country. I have never been wanting to ; wards this proud motto during my forty ! two years of service. I swear before I Christ that I have not betrayed France." After a long deliberation the judges, j headed by the Orleans Prince D'Aumalo, ' j declared Ilazaine guilty of the charges of j ; the capitulation of Metz, and of the army i I in the open field, without doing all that ; was prescribed by honor and duty to avoid a surrender, and unanimously condemned ; ' him to death, ami to be degraded from bis i ; rank previous to his execution. Tlie sen- , tence includes tho payment of costs and ' i his expulsion from the Legion of Honor was taken of the patient after its applica tion. Ono family, in which there were five childrcndown w ith tlie disease recent ly, used this simple remedy upon his tell ing them of it. and every one of thc little ones lCcovercd in a short time. A special telegram from Susquehanna : Depot, under date of the Uth, inst., says : ! Seventy children attending school at Oak j land, a little village near here, had a nar iow escape from suffocation from coal gas I on Tuesday morning. The presence of i the poison in the air was not known to the ! teacher until altout eleven o'clock, when the smaller children begad to drop from their seats to the floor, where the lay un conscious. The teacher then, greatly alarmed, announced the dismissal of the school ; but not over half of tho scholars could get out of their seats, and the re mainder rapidly fell into unconsciousness. As quickly as possible the were dragged into the air and laid on the ground. A few of them revived on getting into the air, but twenty five remained unconscious. power and a Democrat was elected to suc ceed nun. loneaiiiiswoiiniisinej-iesnient Tt, .,mvj ,l,nt n, !,., ii, named him as the successor of Ju Hoar ! t , ,A . sittj Vai mly checred i in the oflice of Attorney-General. 1 here he i ... ,- .. , J, . - disgraced himself br his infamous conneo ''O the verdict was rendered. After , tion with th3 Louisiana outrage. He did ! judgment had been given, all the membei'3 ! not lack the audacity to acknowledge that I l1' the court signed au appeal for mercy, j vrViat Vic mlVit Lis '"innstnirtirm of law" I which Duko D' An male i mmed iatatei v coil- ! was made for the benefit of the Republican veyed in person to President MacMabon. ! mained in the school-room but very little party; hut every respectat.ie republican I L'azame was greatly agitated when he longei nan oi inem ai, least woum nave heard the decision of the court. l,ecn PJls?t au lenei. several arc yet very On Friday President MacMahon cominn- ' sick from the eliVets of the gas. Tho foul ted tlie sentence of death against the Mar- ail" was driven iuto the room by the stove shal two twenty years' seclusion. He is ! I'M'-' having by some means been jammed grapher, while registering his name at the Planters'.! lotel. accidentally spilled some ink on the register. This provoked the anger of the clerk and the proprietor, re sulting in the latter instantly killing Brush. A woman with a baby, on the Lacka wanna and Bloomsburg train on Tuesday, finding that the car she was in had left the track, and fearing a general smash-up, threw the child out of t lie w indow. The child struck upon its head and died soon after. The train was stopped before any damage was done. A dispatch from Sheffield, F.ng., Fays the oity was visited ou Tuesday last by a terrible storm. A huge number of build ings and chimneys were blown down, aud many persons killed. Ono immense chim ney crushed a building and a boiler house in it. Tho boiler exploded, killing and wounding several peiS'jns. The Albany Jourtxvl warns lovers of buckwheat cakes that there is an injurious syrup in the maiket called the "golden drip," made from common starch, sulphu ric acid, etc. Its impure character can be detected by pouring a small quantity into a little strong tea. which it immedi ately turns as black as ink. The ship Arabia, from Calcutta for Boston, litis foundered at sea. No dale is given, but it occurred in latitude 2'J Noith, longitude Go West. Fart of the crew have been landed at Gravesend, England, from the bark Tropic, from Kingston, Jamaica, which vessel rescued them. The remain der of the crew, thirteen iu number, were drowned while bailing. The Albany Jn,nal says : "General W. A. C. Ilyan, who met his death at the massacre in Cuba by the Spanish a short time sir.ee, was engaged to be married to Miss Gcbhard, daughter cf a prominent citizen of Schoharie county, and a very amiable and accomplished voting lady. The nuptials were to have been celebrated on Thanksgiving day." Near Knoxville, Tenn., it is said there is a mule which has been but one time out side of its stable in twenty years, and then it was taken out by the soldiers during the war. and as they could not use the animal, it was immediately replaced. It is said that its hoofs have grown to the length (if j tie rocks by a about 1 indies, turning up at the ends, while its inane reaches to the ground. A fire in Modoc city. Pa., in the cen tre of the Butler oil district, Fiiday morn ing last, destroyed about ne-fourth of the town. F.lsasser, iu w hose store the tire or iginated, was mobbed by a crowd of des perate men with a rope, and escaped hang ing only by his tears and protests of inno cence. There is the greatest excitement iu thc town, and F.lsasscr has hid himself. Marsha! Bazaine was married in the There is to be seen at tlie livery stable of Garvey & Bro., in Baltimore, a singular freak of nature in a Durham bull calf three weeks old, having two front and three hind leers. The fifth leg is as perfectly shaped as the other four, but is shorter, hanging 1 powerless from the calf. The animal is ! double boned in the hind limbs, having ! two well formed thigh and knee joints j upon each side. The front limbs are natu l rally formed. The calf is in a healthy on ! d it ion and full of life. It comes from a farm ! two miles from Hanover, Pa., and reached ! Baltimore among a lot of calves sent there ! for market. It is the intention of the owu I erto raise the animal, if possible. Barnuni : will, no doubt, soon be after the creature. I A horrible story of outrage has become I public in the town of Warren, twelve miles ' from Detroit. A year and a half since a i man giving his name as Charles Louis Al i ton, was employed to teach the Roman i i Catholic school at Warren, and as sexton : i cf the church, although nothing was known of his antecedents. D'.uing this period ' Alton outraged the persons of no less than i eighteen girls of the school, none of w hom '. were over fourteen years of age. It ap pears thc crimes were all committed in the church, which adjoins the school house, and that the fiend succeeded in terrifying j ! his victims to silence for over a year. The j j n f ighboi hood of Warren is peopled by ! ! Hollanders, generally uneducated, and the j ! children are all of that nationality. Altou j has escaped. ! I Udderzook was brought into court at : 1 West Chester, on Saturday morning last, ; i when Judge Butler gave his decision j j against granting a new trial. He said the j j first and fourth reasons had been aban- ' j doned. He did not doaot the propriety of j sending a photograph to the jury to assikt in identification, or the letters submitted ; j as evidence. The evidence agninst the ; ' incompetency of Wilson was inadequate, ; and that against Nichols failed to show ' any prejudice. The District Attorney ! ! moved that judgment be pronounced. Ud- j derzook, in reply to a question whether lie j had anything to say, said, by advice of his j i counsel he would say nothing at this time, j Sentence of death was then pronounced. j The prisoner showed some emotion, while J the Judge was moved to tears. zanon oi war, to rp corraV. ' ' expenditure, to limit a4 w industries from ri,o t otters r.'l"iU deemaUe pap. r tutm,,.; , ! ' from the double Mutilcr'iA ',.'rr ' to repair the wi iei.ren,l fiiw,ui:''i;,! by the fiscal policy of tht U..8"'- i jne amy or liie Woi.it, -. . j march of tlie Democratic h,'i,::j! -1 tbe dissemirjHtinn cf p..:.vl! ,."-.. ; will be fruitful iu pron r;..'.a -' - "' ; is widely read. "' 5li We ask Dciiieerats e f-rrv . scatter-in? the c.' l .--.f br.'.- ' k wtioie liiii. I iiii-itir itiv pvrii. t AY, tne coming :mr .;. ' here or how t an :u:t I.rr i flciently for th. .!! .1 .'.,.. ,'f"t";ia j hi? party, ami their tr:iiii.;.ht''. I ill (H!11 !. L prJCli!'!a i The World now? j Asa VKHICI.KOK NF-TTi.TflEW ... 110 expense, no energy. 1 1. rr.it- - ; its place in the first r ir.i .if tu.'.Jr,;.'.' 1 j nals. Its freli. iibtin. Sunt. vr;. ' '.. '' , D'-ws. comprising the !.: ,.',' I';' ; intcllitrenee, w i.l l o il:s-uv I TkISTWOHIH V OliliAN If (i'Ml- dor, wirUfrteaily devotion to.ri-.-i priVHtc mora!?, with , ;;ti 1 I specbtl themes, ai.d i:n vurv"..' J reaching apprcht nsi'-n ? ti.c ' ests of men ami won:-n iii m.- r v iuhi ket-places. their w.rktK. is a- , Is our irreat edition ( Wt!r..- !0j -. 1 try. 1 1 contains : ' '"" t 1. The Latest Pricks '';.;.-.. -v. the Markets o! the I'm:.-. ; ! Country Pro'luco. G..Miwr.il It.;: kind, and of Money. St k -. New York ami Iiri.p. : 2. The pAnvtits' I'a;e Tirh the Farniess' t'luh of ti.r- Au -r - ' letters from practical f '.rr.. rVt ! discussion or. protlltib!- f..i:r. -i j 8. A Page roll the Family uhcu anJ pure reading. 1 4. O.VE Oil TWO FlKST-I: i.Tt N ti, thfc year, i 5. Allthe Xf.ws in o wsi-f.." ; Contain" 'Tuesday an J Pii'r . ' of the Weekly, one oi nv, v.: dirinir the year, and all th i Woki.ij. rFUi? X:iilv "NVor Price for one copy for y-ur f Sunday edition, beirniniii.-c:., :; same lates per month fur ;o y iur; : . The Vorld Almanscfor ; ( Kcady aUnit J.o. .1-' !.'-; ! One copy, post-paid, j cri.l-. Fr post 1 aid, Jl.oo. Prices, jPosstnofcPa i If Subscribed fur br for? t;ri: WEEKLY" UdKJ.n For one year, each copy s-;:tri:v'. 1 cony S copies 10 copies, and extra top? t c i .: i 20 copies, and extra r ; V , .u fil coiiies, and St im-W. A 1 .;.' The captain of au English vessel, on a 100 copiesanrt Daily t ::. rage to Singapore, noticed recently a ', SEII-A hEKlA 'wuVA.'V) ..i.-itfi; voy pceuliar white light, such as he had not 1 For one year, t-mi previously seeirduung his tweuty-sixyears (f mat itiine life. At- a distance of about; 5 copies.'. twice the shijis length ahead, and coming 10 copies, and eitra (..-vy t" 'ut from the southeast, there appeared as it ' 'i'i'.UM. were miikv white waves of light- ; they ad- : Cash in advanc-. -ti ! I'.-t-. 't vaticed wi'ih great rapidity every moment, 1 fer, bank draft, or re'-'i-t-r-a .-tt , i .i i 4i ty mail will t e at 1 . -.t - ! r. and seemed a though they would devour ; Adiiiions toe'.'i-. i.t u:r.v ; c 1:. the ship. J Iiese waves roiled over the in the year, at tn vessel at intervals of two seconds, losing then. selves at about twice the ship's length away in the north west. After a short time thej' came in an easterly direction, dimin ishing gradually in size, till towards 11:30 r. m., they disappeatcd. I he hght re- 'Til!'. w.'ir.LP. scmbled liakes of -now when driven over when in Chalices 01 cm! i.sts jr. t person rt-cci i ir.-r c'...u a subset p t .or.. t a.ti. t . !"'. which copy 1;h.s prt We have no tnivi-.:':.- 'v it-S. po.-H-is, etc .s. i:l :rt.-. ever desired. A.t.in :t;: 'Tii r. v . ... . 3 I me lut'kh uv a strong wiiui, nr j winter a soi t of w hite mist is blown along I the gulf stream over the sea. A shudder j ing feeling was experienced at the sight, and the intense light made the eves ache. PPSTAO E PAID one year to the D:;i!y. ly. paid for at above : .: we wiil prepay tbe pos'r :ei;r. lawyer iu the Senate declared last winter that this "construction" was not only atro cious but absurd. Let us review very brief ly that Louisiana business. On tlie 4th of December, E. H. Durel, a Federal .Judge, issued an order commanding tho Federal Marshal to take possession of the State House at New Orleans and garriwu the same with Federal troops. He then is sued another order, setting forth by name tlie persons who, by his pleasure, should constitute the Legislature. Every white man in the list was a Federal office-holder, and several of them had not been candidates before the people. These men took their seats under the guard of Federal bayonets, 1 and proceeded to impeach Gov. Warmofh I and to instal P. T. S. Vinchback, a State Senator whose term had expired, iu the Kx ' ecutive chair. The next day. 1 ec. 0, Geo- I H. Williams. telegraphed from Washington 1 that thc Government approved this action and recognized none hut. tho usurpers. 'Wil liams then proceeded to prepare an "opin- ! bm, 111 which h;s irnorance ot law was to bear the eflects of degradation from his rank, but will bo spared any humiliating ceremony. The result of this commuta tion of Bazaine's punishment will be his enforced residence in a placo designated by tlie governniert, where he will be under the immediate and couslant surveillance of the police during tlie entire period of his seclusion intents and mimc-eK. a. nrisoiier. stlthonoh I . K X' 7 1 -j "rt- he will at 110 time be lodged in jail, or le- ctl t.M.l 111 li lo l..il. l...l.:o 'xt "...v-i.. ,1 111 u ' t uauj uau.ia 04 v.iooorti j against the back of the chimney, prevent ing draught. Death of a Lady who Danced with Washington. Mrs. Frances M. Burling died in MUford. Pa., recently, aged fiti yeais. Her maiden name was Hurst. She was a belle in ISew York society nearlv He will therefore be, to all ! eighty years ago. On one occasion, at a public reception in that city, she was Gen. Washington's partner iu a dance. She was on terms of intimate acquaintance movements. He is to be spared the hu-j-with Lafavette, Aaron Burr, Alexander fj'ty thousand. Wo have heard of but four counties iu the Slate in which the j poorly concealed by a Hood of passionate in people have given majorities against thc new Constitution. vective and partisan claptrap. i And this George H. Williams is the man who is to wear the robes of Marshal. Tauoy It will be a day long to be remembered and Chase ! In the language of a Western in the history of our noble old Pommo... eonfem orary, "it lattgne-me inuiguauou, 1 p. n miliation of any ceremony in his degrada tion from his rank in tlie army, but he has ceased to he a marshal of France or even an oiiicer in her army, and likewise loses his position in the legion of honor, and all tho other orders with which he had been decorated. wealth, and it will form a new departure in the future advancement and material progress of the State. No true friend of honesty and reform in tho government of the State will ever regret that he cast his ballot iu favor of tho new Constitution. The majority iu its favor in Philadelphia is especially gratifying. The force and power of the corrupt rings which have ruled and cursed that city for years were shattered aud utterly broken, and a major ity of 27,000 in ratification of the good work was the verdict of au honest vcte. The upright men of all parties in that city moved in solid phalanx strong, deter mined and irresistible and the infamous and corrupt Philadelphia King melted away before tlie thundering voice of the people ns a mist in the glare of the morning sun light. It was a noble work, achieved ou n bright and glorious day, and its healing aud beneficial results will be felt aud ac knowledged by future generations.' All honor to the virtue, independence and pa triotism of the people. Their right to govern U not yet a failure, but by the vote i 1 and we have nothing more to say. Senator Mitchell in Mohe Trouble. Senator Mitchell's change of name is making more trouble for him in Oregon, as appears from the following paragraph "nnm j.cir9 01 November 4tn "Tho H.pple-Mdc.hell medley has finally KnrviveS her parents, got into Court, to the annoyance and per- I 17 Vark Kow is ail a, j cuit Court of the State, for tlie county of i l'oik, now in session, there is a suit of i foreclosure pending wherein J. II. Mitchell i and J. N. Dolph are plaintiffs and Ezra I Scovill, Harlow Harry, et ah, are defend i ants. And now come the defendants and A physician was summoned, who succeed cd, after long and persistent eff orts, in rc-' city of Mexico, June lSoo, when he viving all of them. One little girl was ; was united to Senortta Dona Josefa P.ena three hours insensible. If they had re- i Azcarate. The civil marriage was per formed by the Intendent of the city, alter which the Archbishop pronounced a bless ing on the happy couple. Maximilian and Carlotta acting as padrinot. The biide was a lady of great w ealth and beauty, though she was said to be tho daughter of a brigand. An interesting and perhaps bitter con troversy is in prospect between the officers of the Ville du Ilavie and the Loch Earn iu regard to the cowardice and incompe tency which is alleged by the latter against the former. Captain Surmont has pub lished in Paris a card of iudignrnt denial in reply to the statements of the English captain. The official investigation winch is to be instituted will probably clear up the question. The Irish emigrants in America have forwarded to Ireland during the past twenty-one years sums of money aggregating more than was raifed in Ireland by tax for the relief of the poor by l,'J."iO,Ono sterling; and yet thc Irish aristoeiats and squireens are continually crying out against their legal liability to support the poor. Tlie charity of the Irish-American emigrants should put their nobility to tho blush, if it is capable of blushing The fact of the amount of the remittances is published in English official returns, prepared for thc use of Parliament. The New York Herald Fays : Salary stealing is of a piece w ith the other corrup tions in which Hepublican rule has been so fertile, and tho Hepublican party has not rejected the thieves, even wheu caught and known. It accepts them all, and must accept as it own the odium of their acts. Of this the composition of tho committee in the House is crowning evidence. De-m- nerntic tor.L- , i u aiuiy men, and so THE SUN. JLVI1.V 18 Pittsburgh Pc Hamilton, and many of the great men aud women of that day. Her personal reminiscences of the early days of thc 10- i public were very interesting, she retaining a lecollection of the piquant smail talk as well as the notable incidents of the time. Burling slip was named aftfr her husband, ', who was a prominent, resident of New : I Yoi k half n eontnrv aro. and who owned '. much of the property in the vicinity of the slip. lie removed to Milford many years ' ago with his wife and daughter, where he ', died. The daughter, Mrs. Day, a widow, j Mrs. E. Cahi.l, of: plexity of law vers and judges. In the Cir- ! Mr. ,a v. M'rS. Burlinir left a Lirjre amount ! . - . j - - rr of property. Besides her daughter, an uu married brother, aged 'JO, survives her. Taking Turns in Bed. A case of the most abject poverty which, in a measures, serves to show tlie extremes in which The proposal to increase the national taxes $42,000,000, says the Pittsburg Fori, Is exciling a debate in Congress that is likely to show the working of the Radi cal financiers in anything but an enviable light. Mr. Dawes, the Chairman of the Ways and Means Cwmmittee, was foiccd to admit that in the present condition of ! Jltta!!' if. w:i imiinciiihTA tit to ltti1 1 . . n c i tiniates for the present fiscal year that au 1 theu" "'!oa 111 altt;net 011 &e ground ; increase of taxation to the extent of forty i tl'at .re )i-as been a u"sjlutler of parties : or fifty millions will make up for the de- ' I,:1 111,1 a- il'Cy make the point, in .short, ficieucy and intimates that the necessary I Vt-ifc , , Mre 18,101 any fnich a man as J 1L i incieaoe of taxation will be greater. Dawes 1'iuhf1!' anrl ihky therefore decline to : .1. n,..t .. ,.,;ii;., , .-i n .. 1 Oeleild 111 a suit brouirht bv this 'nivth- , ionics mat wnii: o.oooob oi Ulnars I ..... . ., - . I l.;i.. i i4i ... ( !, . '.. V -""JI of extra salaries might be turned into the ' i'somige. 1 ne argument or tne , uuue. ...g auuui i..e ' ui mcveytowu, died on Wednesday I Treasury by those who are now drawing 1 will come up before Judge Bou- .; with bare heads and feet, m search of cold afternoon last, from tho eflects of a large I them. "We ner knew before that Mr. j ha'n' at t Monday, and in the j victuals. Ou invest.gat ion he found that , dose of arsomc which she took 011 the Sat- Dawes was -ivea to humor. The idea of' "ni tho attorney for the defendants these children had 1 brother and sister unlay previous during mental depression. I Badical officials covering iu their extra sal- ! " , 111 ""f ;ty Vroeavine transcripts of the in bed with no clothes to put on. She did not make the fact known Vor some . n 1 linheaiTl-ot ntiniK..un,l . , r . 1 hen tin fn- n.ii ma .l.i1U..l uiul iitfii il:tv. :mrt flm. ...... 3 i i- irie5 is o-vcessivelv funnv I ' ito, aim iaicic.ii piu- v........ -. uwuoifii meatcai aid una- nusuitim ic seems w-a. t. WEEKLY, SEMi-WEEKY, and DAILY. THK VVEKKLY St"X is too widely known to reipiire any extended rcc jmmeduticni: but the reasons which have alreaoy given it fifty thou sand subscribers, and which will, we hope, jrivc it iuuuy thousands more, are briefly as follows: II is a first-rate newspaper. All thc news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always presented iu a clear, intelligible. an-1 interesti:tir iiiftnner. It is a lirst-i'fite family paper, rull of enter t.Tininjr and instructive reading- of every kind, but coutuiiiiiifr imthinf that can olleud the most delicate and scrupulous taste. Jt is a first-rate story paper. The best tales and roniaiices of current literature are care fully selected and legibly printed in its panes. It is a lirst-rute agricultural paper. The most fresh and instructive articles on agricul tural topics regularly appear in this depart ment. It is an Independent political paper, belonir it) to no party and wearing- no collar. It tights for principle, and lor the election of the best men to oflice. It especially devotes its energies to thc exposure of the irreat corrup i;onsinai now weuKeo ana oinr try, and threaten to umteJinine stitutious altogether. It Iras and asks no favors from tlieir sunn it i t ports the lathious lor the Iad:es and the 1 iiiti nsiwni com: -uv i .--markets for the men, cspebially the cuttle- r been, the fearless. !ii.!epeu-:-....o-markets, to which it pays parlicular attention, j straightforward advoctc FiiialJv, it Is the cheapest paper published. Tnro t,rA Un-nlnlti r i'i'll IV'--' Onedollarii year will secure it for anv suh-I rlUe afiu L Il.ltlllllt bid u il seriber. It is not necessary to iret up a club 111 i upon the Anal triumph ..! w i.e-i' I order to hav TH C WF.KKLV Sl'N at this j prosperity of t he c.uu: u . 4 this rate- Anyone who sends a single dollar j of UeiuocYatic-Ucpui jih''-1""' will rrct the paper for a year. jt wju continue to be te ., ANehavenoiravelinsaKeuts. Advocate of the l'eoplc f THE YVEEKI.Y S V X.-Eight pnges. fifty- a?:unst all foes whats eM -r. ni rn1'.:, six columns. Only 81.00 a year. No dU- j est and economical ..vrn.i"'-..! count from this rate. I tnatij that theun;Jt t. M- I HE SiKmWEEKLT KT It. Same ! lies, and the discri'iiin u:.'" ',. Ri-. nc I l-.ilr Sun i"- O O a t'.xi.. A . .....;...! ..i i:: t'L" l'-'' - J . ..... . v . . 1 ni 1 n nr 01 1 a -i.-ti. - ,t' - - ' ... ....... ... ... " - Ml .iVU l( I IK' i - t - . I If I-.. 11.411. V SI X. A lanre four-ini.-e , u.ri.i.,.h,ui h- P..rnn.t l!;ni:c:ii . newspaper 01 1 wem -rigm columns. ia; cirouiation over 120,000. All tlie news for : cents. Subscription price SO cents a month. orjiniUH year. 10 clubs ot to or over, a discount of HO per cent. Addrc!, THE SI X." Mew York City. t The publishers of Tnr l''1-" ! ;: I affaitt caliintr the atteiit: -i f ttctr ! patrons and the puul.c t' t he ass.--. I t us of ;THE WEEKLY K ; an e'jriit-rBjre, fifty-six v' -r.v.n : ' and without doubt tie i- '-' '"''.. '.'J ; best weekly political au I ii:et.nyp State. ' The stirring events en'ir-c-r.: 1 mediate future are 01' seen v..-t - ' that tvery citizen wili t" -i; ' -'. .', ; concise and true record of c.rrv:..- : THE CUBAN COMPI.KA'. which for w eeks have i;i!'-."-! -J J j public mind will grow i:; J assembliinr of Congress a:: i ! 1 ' session. V.'e sha.l make 11 a 1 1 ; ! the readers of Thfc 1'osT "tt" ".'J;.. I and reiiatde history of eveiitr-; ! with the latest news up t ' :t:e -J--1--i nrec. .. .- rtinra.ee our conn- ',,-,, .,rm on t'o iin'.IlT1 1 -line republican in-! V0 Tl Tl -E VllW" s no fear of naves, 1 ' 1 LJ'ul 1 ir supporters. I places a new I'hase on Au:;..i;".: re i wrenched by corrupt l!ao:c:il -'I THE PHTSBURGH WEEKL tlj j Is in every sense a u !'; f''J..',ir '74 The Patriot '74 I many oi the poorer classes are placed, was . nave no claim to superior Imnoov i.f b k 1 C. n A If i( I o U O It L. reported by a police officer at the Home ( Bepublicans could have prevented it and AVTI-' T A' 1 V T 1? T frV for Little Wanderers a few days since. : did not, and it is upon tlieir partv the oon- 1"'ljIVlj -- I- AIllIUl The otiicer, in the performance of his du- : ular indignation must fall contains more readinjr matter than any other I ties, had his attention called to two half- i -Mrs." Sarah ha i ;f , 1 '.i.K" 1 yr.LY-!?.'-; ceedings, had last summer iu the Multno mah county court, for tho nnriMiso of ml. Persons who have become thoroughly : judging that the man's name was what he chilled from auy cause, may havo their circulation at once restored by taking into the stomach a teaspoonful of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment mixed in a little cold water, well sweetened. said it was. rare. The features iu this suit are A minister of Lcck Haven shot afcersg Every farmer who owns a p-cot! fneV of horsos, cattle and sheep, and intends to they went home aud changed places with the others, who then donned tho raes and took tlieir turn at begging. The mother was a widow, and she was obliged to leave the children every day for her work-in an other part of the city. By-her labor she it times addicted to drinking, causing her 20 hide ot State News 11 is unsurpassed, lluritiif the session of tho Legislature it wiil prove es pecially ir.tcrestinir on account of its full re ports of the proceeding's of that body : 1 copy, one year 1 copy, during session of ljeg islat'ure 4 copies, tine year, each j, t .. 75 1.75 1.00 cf T-e'-cay La saactioucd a-d icassaic-d. i Cj a deer a Elicit tirn-; ago. keep theni through the winter, should get ! occupied. at once a good stocitot teridan1 Cavalry to live on 1 a week and such morsels of t onatito-i j owjcri. one nonar's worth ; food as the' children picked up fr wi'.l s.avc at least a half ton of hav. earned $3 a week, two of which she gave she must have brooded over it until in au ior inn or uie room sue aim uer tunuitm uoioi lunare moment sIia vihii t i,- temptation. She was a daughter of Thom as Coahran, of Wayne township, about 23 year of age,-and had oidy becu uiarr'ed about a vear. much trouble, and some week an-o wi. 5 threatened to make way with herself un less ho would nil it. it- i: I thought she haVhor;.! in - "r.T1V, 1 ! TTTT7 TiaTTVTlfl mnTnm i . . . 'e.s uui u.u auxij i r t i n 1 1 1 I ' 1 i:if,ni..i n. l"ir. ir et f : : of useful knowle.iirea iiur all the latest IVi'i-' v , . . i. . . 1.. t ..f n 1 . . . 1 .........lilll. '1 I'1 i us various uepai i" , . ... ; . u .. ... i...... .mil ll'sot. uu a i le iu i'.i- - , Litoi-iiti" ni" will receive special careaaJ ,; embrace nctliii'P but t.n' '' ,j lections fitted lor the h-"'1 ' while its r" LA' NVS AND MISC: will contain the latest '"-uu.v clj;t from ail parts of tfie wui wi;ii-l r' raph. Particular r.tt. !1 ,tr; Agriculture and wii as well as every branch o A""" l.o'd econoniv. the scieuct s, turewiiibe Mafk Tho Live aw, t, l"' :;! 1TJ A copy, free for one year, to any persoa'sen'd- tuu x ii vi luurt". which are carefully rep a it ci n t." f j iii. Virginia, as well us "1.1 u,,Ji MrkeLsinall t he t ra,.e n. '' Europe, by tehxrapa. .jP . M I . . . 1 1 ilk TJiliJis: -ii ".' fhe family of five were obliged iS ot day to day. Boi'.on Adccrtiicr. : . . - O - s li:lk't'N ' ...11"' t.T..-.. i :.. ewspapcr ia Central; 7 :,, bs of "' : i hur; j AI1 orders mn ! re."UUm- "HnessiooVlr ! .....Ifitlon. AJ JresS ". " ., . ;;k 4 tUAll Subscrintiona r. .1.11.. i .i-..i or bv evpi application. H tress "' 'FATUIUT." Harri-drT. Pa. IUT." Uarrisburs, Ta.