The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 05, 1873, Image 1

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    cPlKE, Editor and Publisher.
Terms, S2 per yeer. In advance.
"o..,;,- annroral or rejection,
y(jje lonstifiitional Con vent ion.
f order of the Serretary of
V'll,,",:,."i.n of Hn Act of the tin.
".'." -..ii.iv. eimiieu
Au Act to
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tjppi.l'!f 't" 'I15 Commonwealth of
vjnia, grateful to Almighty God for
of i-ivil ami religious liberty,
invoking His guidance, do or
this Constitution.
.... gi'i.t-ral, gr-at and essential prin
V ,', i'y ai"l frc'e Rovernment may
'- and unalterably established,
;rl;ut ;
. v 1. All men are born equally free
'c;ri:,l''nt, and have certain inherent
vU:U'' rights, among which are
ul'riiit.ying and defending life and
- (,j ru -(jtiiring, possessing and pro
.',,r, rt and reputation, and of pur
tilrir happiness.
2 SI) jx.wer is inherent in the peo
,il all t'r-e governments are founded
:r r. -Thori-y and instituted for their
s.:'rty and happiness. For the ad
E,.nt "f these ends they have at all
an iv,:'..riialile and indefeasible right
- ni'i nu or abolish their government
ir.uiiier as they may tninK proper.
3. All iik'ii have a natural and inde
r riiit n worship Almighty God ac
to lie- dictates of their own con
, no nititi can of right lie. compelled
rii, t-rt-i t or support any place of wor
r to maintain any ministry against
:.m i;t : no huiiian authority can, in
itt wbatrvt-r, control or interfere with
jhr nt' eeiiseieuce, and no preference
jj.-w-1 if given by law to any religious
fl.rliiv.i-v.iM'i nuxies or worsnip.
4. NniTv,,ii who acunowledges the
in li'il aii'l a future btate of rewards
uirhwu's liall, on account of hia re
scnf.Tiiriits, be disqualified to hold
!:itr or place of trust or profit under
J ,i. Il'i rii. ins shall be froe and equal;
p.nver. civil or military, bhall at any
re-re tn prevent the free exercise of
,' of .- r. :1V a go.
'i. inal liv iurv shall lit? as hereto-
1 t!ie ritrht thereof remain inviolate.
'. The printing press shall lie free to
:)ii who may undertake to exam
iimceedings of the IjCgislature or
h of government, and no law shall
nude to restrain the risrht thereof.
f communication of thoughts and
J s is one of the invaluable rights of
I 'l every citizen mav freelv sneak.
I and print on any subject, hing re-
ile tor the abuse ot that liberty. No shall be had in any prosecution
it publication of papers relating to the
4 cotiduct of olliecrs or men in ptib'.ic
illy, or to any otner matter proper for
!C investigation or information where
t. that such publication was not na
'.y or negligently made shall be estah-
S'u the satisfaction of the iurv : and in
nments forlilwls the jury shall have
i it to determine the law and the facto,
Stie direction of the court, ab in other
i s. The people shall Insecure in their
hinist-s, papers antl possessions,
.) t, reasonable searches and seizures,
i warrant to search any place or to
I y person or thinan, shall issue with-e-
r;l ng them as nearly as may be, nor
t" pmbable cause, pupported by oath
inati.n, subscriled to by the affiant,
i In all criminal prosecutions the
barh a right to be heard by himself
S: mitisel, to demand the nature and
tie accusation against him, to meet
".i-sses face to face, to have c.ompnl-
,,,"ii fur obtaining witnesses in his
ijn.l in prosecutions by imlU-tnient or
i '.t mil a speedy public trial by an im
t 1 .'rv et the vicinage; he cannot le
4' ill t.. kiive evidence against himself.
V.K1- ib-iirived of his life. liWrtv. or
'in',. -ss by the judgment of his
h law of the land.
I" No person shall for any indicta--be
proceeded against criminally,
'ia'inii. except in cases arising in
"t naval forces, or in the militia,
a tual service, in time of war or
avr. or by leave of the court, for
,! "f n.isdrmeanor in officp. No
.l for the oame offense lie twice
lan'.v of life or limb! nor shall
r I'r perty be taken or applied to pnh-
' .nour antlioritv of law, and with-
itniiensation b'ing first made or
' .VI courts shall lx open ; and
" lr an injury done hira in his
1. person, or reputation, ohall
"''V due course of law, and
t aoiee administered without, sale,
' df!y. Suits may le brought
fommonwealth in such manner,
":irt . . 1 : . . , . , -r
- . ou in suencasesas me ijeg
T by law ilireet
No powflr 0f suspending laws
fr.-Ued unless by the Legic-lature
J -Y., 'essive bail shall not be re
.n pteessive fines imposed, nor
;"hinents inflicted.
1 A'i pi i-ioners shall be bailable bv
.."ir-tiro, unless for capital offences,
" prnnf jR evident or presumption
J' ,h' privilege of the writ of
P.'is shall not be suspended, un-
ttl ease Of retiellinii nr !nr;ictnn
U "r,,v ,naV reijuire it.
,; ' ronjj presumption of fraud,
u',0'"' imied in prison after deliv
. .';ls estate for the benefit of his
"Viaw" ,uanner as sual1 le Pr
i;rr ,! IosT ACTO law, nor any
..'' 'he obligation nf con t r-wto
sc'r'iT'" W-any Prant of siwoial
,. -...Miuuues, snail lie passed.
-..'".; l"'rH"" shall l? attainted of
' '": by the Legislature
rW,'! o :':t:"'ler shall work corrup
'iiT 'f If' ."Xrer,t during the life of
.h;' ti'''1"11"'' "f ''state to the Com
''r iv ti ',f '" h persons as
tinr.. "w lives shall descend
;m 'ral death, and if
1 '"'. billed by casualty,
'-u toil'uiiure by reason
, i"- e-.ti,.,, v ....
'man,,... : "v a right in a
IT- - 'J
assemble together for
"I L'oo.l
win, th,. , to aPl'l.v t thos.
f Briv,..!'"wri ,,f Rovernment for
othe- Voper pur
- .:' 'lll''ss or remonstranofl.
of ti. v'tizensKi leap
t'uk(0r,",linRr'.vM.all. in time
V? v a!!'! tw co'hsent of
"'tbp,;,.:. ' " 1U biriCt 8UIJ
:0WlV 1,UVT.
1 'ior shall ia time of peace
lie quartered in any house without the con
Bent of the owner, nor in time of war but in
a manner to lie prescribed by law.
Sec. 24. The Legislature shall not grant
any title of nobility or hereditary distinc
tion, nor create any office the appointmeut
of which shall befora longer term than dur
ing good behavior.
Skc. 25. Emigration from the State shall
not le prohibited.
Sec. 20. To guard against transgressions
of the high powers which we have dele
gated, we declare that every thing in this ar
ticle is excepted out of the general powers
ot government, and ithall forever remaiu in
violate. AKTICLE II.
Skcttont 1. The legislative power of this
Commonwealth shall be vested in a General
Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate
ami a House of Representatives.
Sec. 2. Members of the General Assem
bly shall be chosen at the general election
every second year. Their term of service
shall legin on the first day of December next
after their election. "Whenever a vacancy
shall occur in either House, the presiding
officer thereof shall issue a writ of election
to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the
Sec. 3. Senators shall le elected for the
term of four years and Representatives for
the term of two years.
bEC. 4. The General Assembly shall meet
at twelve o'clock noon, ou the first Tiutfcdav
of January every second year, and at other
times when convened by the Governor, but
shall hold no adjourned annual session after
the year one thousand eight hundred and
seventy-eight. In case of a vacancy in the
office of United States Senator from this
Commonwealth, in a recess between ses
sions, the Governor shall convene the two
houses by proclamation on notice not ex
ceeding sixty day to fill the same.
Sec. 5. Senators shall lie at least twenty-
five years of age., and Representatives twenty-cue
years of "age. Thev shall have been
citizens ami inhabitants of the State four
years, and inhabitants of their respective
districts one vear next before their election
(unless absent on the public business of the
Lnited States or of this State), and shall re
side in their respective districts during their
terms ot service.
Sko. 6. No Senator or Eepreeentati ve
sha'd, during the time for which he shall
have been elected, be appointed to any civil
office under this Commonwealth, and no
memlier of Congress or other person holding
any office (except of attomey-at-law or in
the militia) under the United States or this
Commonwealth shall le a member of either
house during his continuance in office.
Sec. 7. No person hereafter convicted of
embezzlement, of public moneys, bribery,
perjury or other infamous crime, shall bo
eligible to the General Assembly, or capa
ble of holding any office of trust or profit in
this Commonwealth.
Sec. S. The memliers of the General As
sembly shall receive such salary and mile
age for regular antl special sessions as shall
be fixed by law, and no other compensation
whatever, whether for service, upon commit
tee or otherwise. No meiuix-r of either
house shal., during the term for which he
may have been elected, receive any increase
of salary, or mileage, under any law passed
during such term.
Sec. !. The Senate shall, at the beginning
aud close of each regular session and at
such other times as may be necessary, elect
one of its members president pro tempore,
who shall perform the duties of the Lieuten
ant Governor, in any case of absence or disa
bility of that officer, and whenever the said
office of Lieutenant Governor shall be va
cant. The House of Representatives shall
elect one of its members ao Speaker. Each
house shall choose its other officers, and
shall judge of I he election aud qualifications
of its memliers.
Sec. 10. A majority of each House ohall
constitute a quorum, but a smaller number
may adjourn from day today, and compel
.he attendance of absent memliers.
Sec. 11. Each house shall have power to
determine the rules of its proceedings and
punish its memliers or other persons for con
tempt or disorderly behavior in its presence,
to enforce obedience to its process, to pro
tect its members agtil nst violence, or oilers
of bribes or private solicitation, and with
the concurrence of two-thirds, to expel a
member, but not a second time for the same
cause, and shall have all other powers neces
sary for the legislature of a free State, A
memlier expelled for corruption shall not
thereafter be eligible to either house, and
punishment for contempt or disorderly be
havior shall not bar an indictment for the
same offense.
Sec. 12. Each house shall keep a journal
of its proceedings, and from time, to time
publish the same, except such parts as re
quire secrecy, antl the yeas and nays of the
memliers on any question shall, at the detiire
of any two of them, be entered on the journal.
Sec. 13. The sessions of each house and of
committees of the whole shall be open, un-
. less when the business is such as ought to
' be kept secret.
Sec. 14. Neither house shall, wituoui me
consent of the other, adjourn for more than
three days, nor to any other place than that
in which the two houses shall lie sitting.
Sec. 13. The membe'-s of the Geueral As
sembly shall in all cases, except treason,
felony, violation af their oath of office, and
breach or surety of the pea?e, be privileged
from arrest during their attendance at the
sessions of their respective houses, and in
going to and returning from the same ; and
for any speech or debate in either house
they shall not le questioned in any other
Sec. It). The State shall be divided into
fifty Senatorial districts of compact and con
tiguous territory, as nearly equal in popula
tion as mav be, and each district shall be en
titled t elect one Senator. Each county
containing one or more ratios of population
shall be entitled to one Senator for each ra
tio, and to an additional Senator for a sur
plus of population exceeding three-fifths of
a ratio ; but no county shall form a separate
district unless it shall contain four-fil ths of
a ratio, except where the adjoining counties
are each entitled to one or more Senators,
when such county may be assigned a Sena
tor ou less than four-fifths, and exceeding
one-half of a ratio, and do county fchall be
divided unless entitled totsyo onuore Sena
tors. No cjty or county shall le entitled to
separate representation exceeding one-sixth
of the whole nuuiberof Senators. No ward,
borough, or fowushipshall bedivided in the
formation of a district. The Senatorial ra
tio shall be ascertained by dividing the
v hole population of the State by the num
ber fiflT.
Sec. 17. The members of the House of
Representatives ball be apportioned among
the several counties, on a ratio obtained by
dividing the population of the Stat as as
certained by the most recent United States
j census by two hundred. Every county con
taining less than rive ratios shall have one
representative for every full ratio, and an
additional representative when the surplus
exceeds half a ratio; but each county shall
have at least one representative. Every
county containing five ratios or more shall
have one representative for every full ratio.
Every city containing a population eqnal to
a ratio shall eject separately its proiortioii
of the representatives allotted to the county
in which it is located. Every city entitled
to tuorc than, tour reprcseuUUiA ca, aud evory
county having over one hundred thousand
inhabitants, shall be divided into districts
of compact ami contiguous territory, each
district to elect its proportion of representa
tives according to its population, but no dis
trict shall elect more thau four representa
tives. Sec. 18. The General Assembly at its first
session after the adoption of this constitu
tion, and immediately after each United
States decennial census, shall apportion the
State into Senatorial and Representative
districts agreeably to the provisions of the
two next preceding sections.
Section 1. No law shall be passed except
by bill, and no bill shall be so altered or
ameuded on its passage through either house
as to change its original purpose.
Sec. 2. No bill shall be considred un!e-ts,
referred to a committee, returned therefrom
aud printed for the use of the members.
Sec. 3. No bill, except general appropria
tion bills, shall be passed, containing more
thau one subject, which shall be clearly ex
pressed in its title.
Sec. 4. Every bill shall lie read at length
ou three different days in each house; all
amendments made thereto shall be printed
for the use of the. members before the final
vote is taken on the bill, and no bill shall
become a law unless ou its final passage the
vote be taken by yeas and nays, the names
of the persons voting for and against the
same be entered on the journal, and a ma
jority of the members elected to each house
be recorded thereou as voting in its favor.
Sec. 5. No amendment to bills by one
house shall be concurred in by the other,
except by a vote of a majority of the mem
bers elected thereto taken by yeas and nays,
and the names of those voting for and against
recorded upon the journal thereof ; aud re
ports of committees of conference shall be
adopted in either hotise only by the vote of
a majority of the members elected thereto,
taken by yeas and nays, and the names of
those voting recorded upon the journal.
Sec. 0. No law shall be revived, amended,
or the provisions thereof extended or con
ferred by reference to its title only, but so
much thereof as is revived, amended, ex
tended, or conferred, shall be re-enactud aud
published at length.
Sec. 7. The General Assembly shall not
pass any local or special law;
Authorizing the creation, extension or im
pairing of liens;
Regulating the affairs of counties, cities,
townships, wards, boroughs, or school dis
tricts; Changing the names of persons or places;
Changing the venue in civil or criminal
Authorizing the laying out, opening, al
tering, or maintaining roads, highways,
streets, or alleys;
Relating to ferries or bridges, or Incorpo
rating ferry or bridge companies, except for
the erection of bridges crossing streams
which form boundaries between this aud any
other State;
Vacatiug roads, town plats, streets or al
leys; Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or pub
lic grounds not of the State;
Authorizing the adoption of or legitima
tion of children;
Locating or changing county Beats, erecU
ing new counties, or changing county lines;
Incorporating cities, towns, or villages, or
changing their charters;
Eor the opening and conducting of elec
tions, or fixing or changing the place of
Granting divorces;
Erecting new townships or boroughs,
changing township lines, borough limits, or
school districts;
Creating offices, or prescribing the powers
and duties of officers m counties, cities, bor
oughs, tow.iships, election or school districts;
Changing the law of descent or succession;
Regulating the practice or jurisdiction of,
or changiug the rules of evidence iu any
judicial proceeding or inquiry before courts,
aldermen, justices of the jieace, sheriffs,
commissioners, arbitrators, auditors, mas
ters in chancery, or other tribunals, or pro
viding or changing methods for the collec
tion of debt, or the enforcing of jtrtlgments,
or prescribing the effect of judicial bales of
real estate ;
Regulating the fees, or extending the
jtowers and duties of tvldermen, justices of
the peace, magistrates, or constables;
Regulating the management of public
schools, the building or repairing of school
houues, and the raising or money for such
purposes ;
Fixing the rate of interest;
Affecting the estates of minors or persons
under disability, except after due notice to
all parties iu interest, to be recited iu the
special enactment ;
Remitting fines, penalties and forfeitures,
or refunding moneys legally paid into the
Exempting property from taxation;
Regulatiug labor, trade, mining, or manu
facturing; Creating corporations, or amending, re
newing, or extending the charters thereof;
Granting to any corporation, association,
or individual any special or exclusive privi
lege or immunity or to any corporation, as
sociation or individual the right to lay down
a railroad track. Nor shall the General As
sembly indirectly enact such special or local
law by the partial repeal of a general law,
but laws repealiug local or special acts may
be passed. Nor shall any law be passed
granting powers or privileges in any case
where the granting of such powers antl priv
ileges shall have been provided for by gen
eral law, nor where the courts have juris
diction to grant the same or give the relief
asked for,
Sec. 8. No local or special bill shall be
passed unless notice of the intention to ap
ply therefor shall have been published iu the
locality where the matter or the thing to le
affected may be situated, which notice shall
be at least thirty days prior to the introduc
tion into the Geueral Assembly of such bill,
and in the manner to be provided by law ;
the evidence of such notice having been pub
lished, shall be exhibited in the General
Assembly liefore such act shall le passed.
Sec. 9. The presiding officer of each house
shall, in the presence of the house over which
he presides, sigu all bills and joint resolu
tions passed by the General Assembly, after
their titles have been publicly read immedi
ately lefore signirg, aud the fact of signing
shall be entered on the journal.
Sec. 10. The Geueral Assembly shall pre
scribe .by law the number, duties and com
pensation of the officers and employees of
each house, and no paynent shall be made
from the State Treasury, or be iu any way
authorized to any person, except to an act
ing officer or employee elected or appointed
in pursuance of law.
Sec. 11. No bill shall be passed giving any
extra compensation to any public officer,
servant, employee, agent or contractor, af
ter services shall have been rendered or con
tract made, nor providing for the payment
of auy claim against the Commonwealth,
without previous authority of law.
Sec 12. All stationery, priuting, paper,
and fuel used in the legislative and other
departments of government shall be furnish
ed aud the priuting, binding, aad dis
tributing of the laws, journals, department
reports, antl all other printing and binding,
and the repairing ami furnishing the
a rooms used for the meetings of the Geu
erl A6M.mbly and its committees, shall be
performed under contract, to be given to the j
lowest responsible bidder below such maxi- I
mum price and under such regulations as J
shall be prescribed by law ; no member or
officer of any department of the government i
shall be in any way interested in such con- '
tracts, and all such contracts shall be sub
ject to the approval of the Governor, Audi
tor General and State Treasurer.
Sec. 13. No law shall extend the term of
any public officer, or increase or diminish
his salary or emoluments after his election
or appointment.
Sec. 14. All bills for raising revenue shall
originate iu the House of Representatives,
but the Senate may propose amendments as
iu other bills.
Sec. 15. The general appropriation bill
shall embrace nothing but appropriations
for the ordinary expenses of the executive,
legislative and judicial departments of the
Commonwealth, interest on the public debt,
and for public schools ; all other appropria
tions shall be made by separate bills, each
embracing but one subject.
Sec. 10. No money shall be paid out of
the Treasury except upon appropriations
made by law aud on warrant drawn by the
proper officer in pursuance thereof.
Sec. 17. No appropriations shall be made
to any charitable or educational institution
not under absolute control of the Common
wealth, other than normal schools establish
ed by law for the professional training of
teachers for the public schools of the State,
except by a vote of two-thirds of all the
fnemliers elected to each house.
Sec. 18. No appropriations except for pen
sions ot gratuities for military services shall
be made for charitable, educational or be
nevolent purposes, to any person or com mil.
nity, nor to any denominational or sectarian
institution, corporation or association.
Sec. 19. The General Assembly may make
appropriations of money to institutions
wherein the widows of soldiers are support
ed or assisted or the orphans of soldiers are
maintained and educated ; but such appro
priation shall be applied exclusively to the
support of such widows and orphans.
Sec. 20. The Geueral Assembly shall not
delegate to any special commission, private
corporation or association, any power to
make, supervise or interfere with any mu
nicipal improvement, money, property or
effect, whether held in trust or otherwise,
or to levy taxes or perforin any municipal
function whatever.
Sec. 21. No act of the General Assembly
shall limit the amount to be recovered for
injuries resulting in death, or for injuries
to persons or propel ty, and in case of death
from such injuries, the right of action shall
survive, and the General Assembly shall
prescribe for whose benefit such actions shall
be prosecuted ; no act shall prescribe any
limitations of time within which suits may
be brought against corporations for injuries
to persons or property, or for other causes
diftereut from those fixed by geueral laws
regulating actions against natural persons,
ana such acts now existing are avoided.
Sec. 22. No act of the General Assembly
shall authorize the iu vestment of trust funds
by executors, administrators, guardians, or
other trustees, in the lionds or stock of any
private corporation, and such acts now ex
isting are avoided, saving investments here
tofore made.
Sec. 23. The power to change the venue
in civil and criminal cases shall be vested
in the courts, to bo exorcised iu such man
ner as shall be provided by law.
Sec. 24, No obligation or liability of any
railroad or other corporation, held or owned
by the Commonwealth, shall ever lie ex
changed, transferred, remitted, postponed,
or in any way diminished by the General
Assembly, nor shall such liability or obi ig li
gation be released, except by paj-uieut
thereof into the State Treasury.
Sec. 2r. When the General Assembly
shall be convened in special session, there
shall bo no legislation upon subjects other
than those designated in the proclamation
of the Governor, calling such session.
Sec. 20. Every order, resolution, or vote,
to which the concurrence of both houses
may be necessary (except on the question
of adjournment) shall be presented to the
Governor, and before it shall take effect be
approved by him, or being disapproved,
shall be repassed by two-thirds of loth
houses, according to the rulesaud limitations
prescrilet in case of a bill.
Sec. 27. No State office shall be continued
or created for the inspection or measuring of
any merchandise, manufacture or commo
dity, but any county or municipality may
appoint such officers when authorized bylaw.
Sec. 28. No law changing the location of
the capital of the State shall be valid until
the same shall have lwen submitted to the
qualified electors of the Commonwealth, at a
general election, aud ratified aud approved
by them.
Sec. 29. A meinler of the Geueral As
sembly who shall solicit, demand, or receive,
or consent to receive, directly or iudirectly,
for himself or for another, from any com pa.
ny, corporation, or person, auy monny, of
fice, appointment, employment, testimonial,
reward, thing of value or enjoyment, or of
personal advantage or promise thereof, for
hjs vote or official influence, or for withhold
ing the same, or with atk understanding, ex
pressed or implied, that his vote or official
action shall be iu any way influenced there
by, or who shall solicit or demand auy such
money or other advantage, matter, or thing
aforesaid for another, as the consideration
of his vote or official influence, or for with
holding the same, or shall give or withold
his vote or influence in consideration of the
payment or promise of such money, advan
tage, matter, or thing to another, shall be
held guilty of bribery within the meaning of
this Constitution, antl shall incur the disa
bilities provided thereby for said offense,
and such additional punishment as is or
shall be provided by law.
Sec. 30. Any person who shall, directly
or indirectly, offer, give, or promise any
money or thing of value, testimonial, privi
lege, or personal ad vantage, to an execu
tive or judicial officer or member of the Geiir
eral Assembly, to intlueuce him in the per
formance of any of his public or official
duties, shall be guilty of brilery, and be
punished in such manner as shall be provi
ded bv lav.
Sec. 31. The qffense of corrupt solicitation
of members of the General Assembly or of
public officers of the State, or of any muni
cipal division thereof, aud any occupation
or practice of solicitation of such members
or officers, to influence their official action,
shall be defiue4 by law, and shall be puu
ished by fine and imprisonment.
SEC. 32- Any person may lie compelled to
testify in any lawful investigation or judi
cial proceeding, against any person who
may le charged with having committed the
offense of briliery or corrupt solicitation, or
practices of solicitation, and shall not be jer-liiitt-ed
to withhold his testimony upon the
ground that it may criminate himselj'or sub
ject him to public infamy ; but such testi
mony shall not afterwards le used against
him iu any judicial proceeding, except for
jierjury in giving such testimony, and any
person convicted of either of the offenses
aforesaid, shall, as part of the punishment
therefor, be disqualified from holding any
office or position of honor, trust or profit iu
this commonwealth.
Ski.'. 33- A member who has a personal
pr private interest iu any measure or bill
proposed or ponding before the General Asr
sembly shall disclose the fact to the house
of which ho is a member aud shall uo(. vote
Section- 1. The Executive Department of
this Commonwealth shall consist of a Gov
ernor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of
the Commonwealth, Attorney General, Au
ditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of
Internal Affairs, and a Superintendent of
Public Iustructiou.
Sec. 2. The supreme executive power shall
be vested in the Governor, who shall take
care that the laws be faithfully executed ;
he shall be chosen on the day of the general
election by the qualified electors of the Com
monwealth, at the place where they shall
vote lor Representatives. The returns of
every election for Governor shall be sealed
up and transmitted to the seat of govern
ment directed to the President of the Senate,
M ho shall open and publish them iu the pres
ence of the memliers of both houses of the
General Assembly. The person having the
highest number of votes shall be Governor,
but if two or more be equal and bighost iu
votes, one of them shall be chosen Governor
by the joint vote of the members of lioth
houses. Contested elections shall be deter
mined by a committee, to lie selected from
lioth houses of the General Assembly, aud
formed and regulated in such manner as
shall be directed by law.
Sec. 3. The Governor shall hold his office
during four years from the third Tuesday of
January next ensuing his election, and shall
not be eligible to the office for the next suc
ceeding term.
Sec. 4. A Lieutenant Governor shall be
chosen at the same time, in the same man
ner, for the same term, and subject to the
same provisions as the Governor ; he shall
be president of the Senate, but shall have no
vote unless they lie equally divided.
Sec. 5. No person shall be eligible to the
office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor
except a citizen of the United States, who
shall have attained the age of thirty years,
and have been seven years next preceding
his election an inhabitant, of the State, un
less he shall have been absent on the public
business of the Uuited States or of this State.
Sec. 0. No member of Congress or person
holding anj office under the LTuited fcWaten
or this State shall exercise the office of Gov
ernor or Lieutenant Governor.
Sec. 7. The Governor shall be commander-in-chief
of the army and navy of the Com
monwealth, and of the militia, except when
they shall be called into the actual service
of the United States.
See. 8. He shall nominate, and by and
with the advice aud consent of two-thirds of
all tha memliers of the Senate, appoint a
Secretary of the Commonwealth aud au At
torney General during pleasure, a Superin
tendent of Public Instruction forfour years,
and such other officers of the Commonwealth
as he is or may be authorized by the consti
tution or by law to appoint ; he shall have
power to fill all vacancies that may happen
iu offices to which he may appoint during
the recess of the Senate by granting com
missions which shall expire at the end of
their next session ; he shall have power to
fill any vacancy that may happen during
the recess of the Senate, iu the office of Au
ditor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of
Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction, in a judicial office, or in any
other elective office which he is or may bo
authorized to fill :
If the vacancy shall happen during the
session of the Senate, the Governor shall
nominate to the Seuate, before their final
adjournment, a proper persou to fill said va
cancy. Rut in any such case of vacancy, in any
elective office, a person shall be chosen to
said office at the next general election, un
less the vacancy shall happen within three
calendar months immediately preceding
such election, in which case the election for
said office shall lie held at the second suc
ceeding general election ;
In acting on Executive nominations, the
Senate shall sit with open doors, and iu con
firming or rejecting the nominations of the
Governor, the vote shall be taken by yeas
and nays, aud shall be entered on the journal.
Sec. 9. He shall have power to remit fines
and forfeitures, to grant reprieves, commu
tations of sentence and pardons, except in
cases of impeachment, but no pardon shall
be granted, nor sentence commuted, except
upon the recommendation in writing of the.
Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Com
monwealth, Attorney General and Sjcretary
of Internal Affairs, or any three of them,
after full hearing, upon due public uotice
aud iu open session, aud such recommenda
tion, with the reasons thtsfefor at length,
Bhall be recorded and filed in the office of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Sec. 10. He may require information in
writing from the officers of the Executive
Department, upon any subject relating to
the duties of their respective offices.
Sec. 11. He shall, from time to time, give
to the General Assembly information of the
state of the Commonwealth, and recommend
to their consideration such measures as he
may judge expedient.
Sec. 12. He may, oa extraordinary occa
sions, convene the General Assembly, and
in case of disagreement between the two
houses, with respect to the time of adjourn
ment, adjourn them to such time as he shall
think proper, not exceeding four months.
He shall have powr to convene the Senate
in extraordinary session, by proclamation,
for the transactiou of executive business.
Sec. 13. In case of the death, conviction
on impeachment, failure toqualify, resigna
tion, or othtr disability of the Governor, the
powers, duties, and emoluments of the office
for the remainder of the term, or until the
disaltility be removed, shall devolve upon
the Lieutenant Governor.
Sec, 14, In case of a vacancy in the office
of Lieutenant Governor, or when the Lieu
tenant Governor shall be iuqieached by the
House of Representatives, or shall be un
able to exercise the duties of his office, the
powers, duties, and emoluments thereof for
the remainder of the term, or until the disa
bility lie removed, shall tlevolve upon the
President pro tempore Gf the Senate ; and
the President pro tempore of the Senate
shall in like manner Income Governor if a
vacancy ordisability shall occur iit the office
of Governor; his seat as Senator shall be
come vacant whenever he jhall liecome Gov
ernor, and shall be filled by election as auy
other vacancy in the Senate.
Sec. 15. Every bill w hich shall have pasfc
ed lioth houses shall be presented to the
Governor ; if he approve, he shall sign it ;
but if he shall not approve, he shall return
it with his objections to the house in which
it shall have originated, which house shall
enter the objections at large upon their
journal, antl proceed to reconsider it. If,
after such reconsidepation, two-thirds of all
the memliers elected to that house 6haH
agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent with
the objuctions to the other house, by which,
likewise, it shall be reconsidered, and if ap
proved by two-thirds of all the memliers
elected to that house, it shall lie a law ; but
in such cases the vote of both houses shall
be determined by yeas and nays, and the
names of the members vol ing for and
against the bill shall lie entered on the jour
nal of each ho'iae respectively. If any bill
shall not be returned by the Governor with
in ten days after it shall have lxen pre
sented to hira, the same shall be a law in,
like manner as if he had signed it unless
the General Assembly, by their adjourn
ment, prevent its return, in which case it
shall lie a law, unless he shall file the same,
with bis objections, in the office of the Scc-
Iretary of the Commonwealth, and (rive notice
thereof by public proclamation within thirty
days after such sojournment.
Sec. 16. The Governor shall have power to
' disHpproveof any Item or itomsof any bill rank
ing appropriations of money. emlracimr Iia
i tiuet itcniA. and the part or purtsof trie bill up-
proved shall be the law, and the item or Items
of appropriation disapproved shall be void, tin
less repassed according to the ruUa und limita
tions prescribed tor the passage of other bills
I over the executive veto.
i Sec. IT. The Chicr Justice of the Supreme
Court shull preside upon the trial of any oon-
j tested election of Governor or Lieutenant Gov
ernor, und shall decide questions rcsrarditnr
the admissibility of evidence, and shall, upon
request of the committee, pi-ouounce his opin
ion upon other questions of lw Involved in
the trial. The Governor sml Lieutenant Gov
ernor shall exerc'ke the dutjes of their respect
ive offices uutil their successors shall be duly
I qnnlilled.
' Skc. 18. The Secretary n! the Commonwealth
shall keep n record of all official acts ami prn
i eeedinjfs of the Governor, and when required
lay the same, with all papers, minutes and
vouchers relating thereto, before either branch
of the General Assembly, and perform such
other duties as may be enjoined uj,n hiin by
! la"v,
: Skc. 19. The Pecretary of Internnl Affairs
si all exercise all the powers and perforin all
the duties of the Purveyor General, subject to
such changes as shall be made by law. Hig de
partment shall embrace a bureau of industrial
, statistics, aud he sha'.l discharge such duties
j relating to corporations, to the charitable In
stitutions, the agricultural, manuructtiririg,
: mining, mineral, timber, and other material or
1 business interests of the State as may be pre
scribed by law. lie shall annually, hikI at such
' other times as may be required by law, muke
j report to the General Assembly. J
I Sec 20. The Superintendent of Public In- 1
struetlon shall exercise all the powers and per- '
form all the duties of the Superintendent of
1 Common Schools, subject to su;h changes as
, shall he made by law. i
Sec. 21,.1'he term of the Secretary of Inter- :
tint A flairs shall be four years, of the Auditor
' General three years, and of the State Treasurer
i two years. These officers shall lie chosen by
the qualified of the State at general
elections. No oerson elected to the ortice of
Auditor General or State Treasurer ohull be
eapable of holding the same ollice for two uou- ,
secutive terms. !
t Skc. 22. The present Great Seal of Peunsyl- .
vnnia shall be the schI or the State.
I All commissions shall be In the name and by
autnorityot the Common wealttiol 1 eimsylvu
' nia, and be sealed with the State seal and sign
ed by the Governor.
Section I. The judicial power of thin Com.
monweallh shall be vested in the Supreme
Court, in oourlH of common pleas, courts of
, oyer and terminer and general jail delivery,
1 court? of quarter sessions of the peiice.orphnns'
courts, magistrates' courts, and in such other
courts as the General Assembly may from time
to time establish.
Sec. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of
seven judges, who shall be elected by the qual
itled electors of the State at large. They shall
hold their offices for the term of twenty-one
years, if they so long behave themselves will,
, but shall not be again eligible. The JuJjf wlu
, commission shall first expire shall be chief Jus
tice, and thereafter each judge whose commis
sion shall first expire shail iu turn be chief jus
tice. Sr.c.3. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
shall extend over the State, and the judges
' thereof shall, by virtue of their offices, be jus
, tices of oyer and terminer and general jaii do
livery in the several counties: they shall have
original jurisdiction in cases of injunction, and
: where a corporation ia t party defendant, of
, habeas corpus, of m amuui s to courts of infe
rior jurisdiction : and of tjro warhaxto ns to
' all officers of the Commonwealth whose juris
, diction extends over the State, but shall not
exercise any other original jurisdiction; they
! shall have uppellwte jurisdiction by appeal,
, CRHTIOKAIU or writ of error in all cases, as is
. now or may hereafter be provided by law.
i Sec. 4. Until otherwise directed by law. the
, courts of common pleas shall continue as at
j present estu nlished. except as herein changed ;
' not more than four counties shall, at any time,
: te included in one judicial district oigauized
for said courts.
I Skc. 5. Whenever a county shall contain forty
I thousand inhabitants it shai! constitute a sopn-
rate judicial district, and shall elimt one judge
learned in the law : and the General Assembly
shall provide for additional judges, as the bus
iness tif the said districts may tequire. Ciiun-
I ties containing a population less than is suffi
cient to constitute separate districts shall be
formed into convenient single districts, or. if
necessary, may be attached to contiguous dis
tricts as the General Assembly may provide.
The office of asooiare judge, not hunted In the
law, is abolished in counties forming separate
districts; but the several associate judges in
. office when this Constitution shall tie adopted
shall serve for their unexpired terms.
Skc. 6. Tn the counties of Philadelphia and
Allegheny, all the jurisdiction and powers now
. vested in the liistriet Courts and Courts of
Common Pleas, subject to such changes as may
be made by this constitution or by law, shall be
in Philadelphia vested in four, and in Alleghe
, ny In two distinct and separate courts of equal
and co-ordinate jurisdiction, composed of t hree
judges each ; the said courts in Philadelphia
shall be designated respectively as theCourt of
t Common Fleas number one, number two. num
ber three and number four, and in Allegheny
as the Court of Common Pleas number one and
number two. but the number of said courts
may be bv law ineieased, from time to time,
and shall be in like manner designated by sue
' cessive u timbers ; the number of judges in any
of said courts, or in any county where the es
i tablishment of an additional court may be mu
j thorized by Jaw. may bo increased from tim
to time: ana whenever such increase shall
amount in the whole to thr;e. such three judg
. es shall compose a distinct and separate court
as aforesaid, which shall be numbered asafore
i said. In Philadelphia nil suits shall be institu-
ted in thsaid Courts of Common peas. with
out designating the number of said Court, and
i tho several courts shall distribute and appor
. tion the business among them in such manner
' as shall h provided by rules of court, and each
' court to which any suit shall be thus assigned
I shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, snn
i jeet to change of venue, as shall he provided
. by law. In Allegheny each court shall have
! exclusive jurisdiction of all proceedings nt law
j and in equity commenced therein, sui-.jeet to
' change of venue as may be provided by law.
I Skc. 7. For Philadelphia there shall be one
I Prot honotnry's office, and one Prothonotary
; for sll saiil courts, to be aonoi'ited by the
i judges of said courts. and to hold oliico for three
years, subject to removal bv a majority of tiie
said judges; the said Prothonotary shall ap
point such assistants as may be necessary and
authorized hy said courts, and he and his ss-
! sistants Phall receive fixed salaries, to i.e uercr
mined bv law and paid by said county: all rocs
collected in said office, except such as may be
. bv lawMue to the Commonwealth, shall be paid
' by the'Prothonotary Into the iiounty treuniiry.
I Kach court shall have itsseparate docket, which
Shall contain the judgments and liens of all the
' 6aid courts, ns is or may be directed by law.
' Stc.S. The said courts in tl.e counties of Phil
! adclphtaand Allegheny resiwetively sluUl.froiu
time to time, in turn, detail tine or more of
! their judges t hold the courts of Oyer and
I TerminJraml t he courts of Ou ner Sessions of
' the Peace of said counties iu such man nor as
may be directed by law.
! Sec. 1. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas
' learned in the law shall be judges of thociurts
j of Oyer and Terminer. Quarter Sessions of the
j Peace, and General Jail liclivery, arid of tha
! Orphans' Court, und withiu their respective
I di.-tricts shall be justices of the peace as to
j criminal matters.
Sen. 10. The judges of the courts of Common
Pleas, within their respective counties, t-hall
I have power to issue writs of ceutioiu to jus
; tices of Ihe peaceand other inferiorcourts not
of re ord, and tn cause their proceeding to be
brought before them and right and justice to
i be rtouo.I
Sec. II. Exeept as otherwise provided in this
Constitution, justices of the peace tr aldermen
I shill be elected in the several wards, d.sirieif,
I b-rouchs and township at ti c time of the elec
' tion ufciisIuWi", by th i latilied ele;-..r ther"
I of, in such manner af shall tie directed hv law. nnd
sii:il! be commissioned by tiiettjverne, fir a t-rm
of live v.iis. No township, ward, dtsWR-t or b r-
ouu-li elc -t mote two jii-t oes .f the
' penco or aldermen without ri.coe.scii of a tnajor
' itv id the qualified elee'eH with in such t-.n nship,
ward, or borough, .No uti:i shall elected to
I such oftlee ualess he shall have resided within the
townshbi, lx, rough, ward or distil ( I'm- one year
I next preceding his elecii m. In cities enntainuiR
I over hftv th.jiiind inha'atants, nnt niorethnn on j
' a'lderniu'a sL:-'l be elected in each wsrd Or district.
feEC 12. In Philadelphia ti.ere shail f-e esial.lish
; ed. tor each thir'v th..u-iiud inhabitants, one court
I not of record, of poii. ' and civil causes. wiih,jmi.--i
diction not exe-eding one huidred dollars; such
I courts shall be held, by ninai.tru.les w-iese term of
tj,rhc; klitttl Ik five ;-er. and they .I.h!I be t Iceted
(n'gcnciul iV'kvt by th 'inali'.i.-tl relets at l..rgtr ;
and in the election of the said magistrates no vo
ter shall vote for more thau two-thii- Is ot i ho num
ber of persons to b'. elected. lin more limn ene
are to be chosen ; they chad be coit.pensuted only
by fixed salaries, to be paid by said county : anj
s'mll exercf.e sueh jurisdiction, eivii and crimin
al except as herein provide 1. as is now exercised
by aitlM tne:i, stibieet to su -h changes, not
ing an iv crease of ciril jurisdiction or Conferring
politic h! duces, as may be ma e by law. Irt t l.ii.
aiielnhia th office of a'dernmn is abolished.
Skc. 13. All foos. tines and penalties in s.dd courts
shall be paid into the county treasury.
c. 14. in all u es of summary eonvietjen In
this Commonwealth, or of judgment i suit for a,
penalty l-eforea inagistrate.or court not of roc-ord,
eii-her j arty ninv appeal to such court of record as
may be prescribed by law. upon r.llowanee of the
iiprcUitte court or ju Ige thereof.upon cans" shown.
Sec. IV All judges required tote lear;ied ill the
law. except the judges of the Supreme Court,
shall lie elected by the qualified lectors of the r.
speetive d strict over which they are to presido,
and shall hold ilieir ortice" fr the p riod vf too
years, if they shall so long behave themselves well
but f..r any reasonable cause, which shap not be
sufficient ground for :ir.peaehmen', the tiovernor
mny remove any of them on the adiress of two.
tiiirds of eR"h l ouse of the General Assembly.
Sec It',. Whenever two judges of lie Supreinn
Court are to lie chosen f r the term of ser.
vice, each voter shall vo:e for one only, aud when
three are shall vote for no mora
than two : candidates highest iu vote ha'l be d
cl Ted elected.
Set. 17. Should any two or more judges of the
Supreme t ourt, or auy two or more iu ite.. ot thn
Court of Common I'lcu for the same district bo
elected at the time, they shall, as soon after
the c-lection as convenient, cast lot- for priority
if commission nud certify the result to ttje troy
i fiior, who shall issue their commissions m j.C-
cor lance therewith.
Sec. fs. The judge-, of th" Supreme Court and
the judges of the several Courts of Common 1'le ts,
and all other judges reqnir, d to lie lenrnetj irt thi
law. sha'l. at sia'ed times, receive for their ter
vb'es an adequate et maoiisaip n. which shall ba
fixed by law, and paid by the State. They shall
receive no other oonipcnati"n. fees. or peruulsitcs
of office for their services 'rotn any source, n r
hold any other r ftite nf pre fit nn lcr the United,
Sttites. this State, or any other Statu.
Sec. 19. The judges of twt-uiri.Tif Cou-t. tluis
ing their con tin nan e in ofllee, shU reside w i: I. Ul
this Cnuimnnweaph. and the other judges, during
t lieir continuance in office, shall resid wltntn
the districts for which they shall lie respectively
SKC. 2d. The several Courts of Common rio.j,
besides the powers herein conferred, shall have
andext;cise within their respective district ', suli
jiict to hlleh change as may be made by law. such
chancery powers r ar now vested by law in tht
several Courts of Common Plcis of this Common,
wealth, or as may hereafter be conferrod Upoq
them by law.
Skc. 21. No dntie shall be imposed by Jaw Upon
the Snpr: me Court or any of the judges thereof,
xcept such as are judicial II T shall any of tho
judges thereof ex-rcise aiy power of appoint
ment, except as herein pi o hied. The Court, of
Nisi Prius is hereby al olished, and no court of
original jurisdiction to be presided ourr by any
on" or more of the ind.os of the Supreme Court
shall be established.
Skc. ?J. In every county wherein the popula
tion shall exceed one hundred and titty thou-,
sand the General Assembly shall, and in any
other county may, tstahlisb a separate Or-,
pktns" Court, to censist of one or more Judges
who shall be learned in the law, which court
shall nercise all the jurisdiction and powers
now vested in, or which may hereafter be con
ferred upon, the Orphans' Courts, and there
upon the jurisdiction of the judges of theCourt
of Common Picas within such county, in Or,
phans' Court proceedings, shall cease aud ills
tannine; in any county in which a separate
Orphans' Court shall be established, the Regis
ter of Wills shall be clerk of such court, and
subject to its direction in all matters pertain
to bisottico; he may appoint assistant clerks,
but only with the consent and approval of said
court. All accounts filed with hiin, as register
or as clerk of the oaid separate Orphans' Court
shall be audited by the court without expense
to parties, except where all parties in interest
in a pending proceeding shall nominate an au
ditor whom the court may, in its discretion,
appoint. In evc-y county Orphans' Courts
shall possess all the powers and jurisdiction of
a Register's Court, and sepurate Resistors'
Courts are herobv abolished.
Sri:. 2;t. The sr.i le of ail process shall be 'The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prose
cutions shall be carried ou in the came and by
the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, and conclude against the peace and
dignity of the same.
Sec. 24. In all cases of felonious homicide,
and in such otht r criminal cases as may be pro
vided for by law, the accused, after conviction
and sentence, may remove the indictment, re
cord, and all proceedings to the Supreme Courf
for review.
Sec -n. Aoy vitrancy happening hy death,
resignation, or otherwise, in any court of re,
cord, shall be tilled oy appointment by the Gov
ernor, to continue till the first Monday of Jan
uary next succeeding the first general elect i'in,
which shall occur three or more months af ?er
the happening of such vacancy.
Sec. 2ti. All laws relating to courts shall ba
general and of uniform operation, and the or,
ganization. jurisdiction and powers of all courts
of the sameelass or grade, s.o fur as regulated
by law. and the force and effect of the process
and judgments of such courts shn II be uniform
and the General Assembly is hereby prohibited
from creating other courts to exercise the
powers vested hy (his Constitution in the Judg.
i s of the Courts of Common l'lt asaud t i prjans"
Skc. 'SI. The parties, by agreement filed, mny,
in any civil case, dispense w ith trial by jurv,
and submit the decision of such case to the
court having jurisdiction thereof, and such
court shall hear and determine the same; and.
the Judgment thereon shall be subject to w rit
of error as in other cases,
impeachment and removal fkom orncE."
Section 1. The House of Representatives
shall have the sole power of Impeachment.
Sec. 2. AU impeachments shall be tried by
the Senate; when sitting for that purpose, the
Senators shall fie upon oath or affirmation; no
person shall be convicted without the concur,
rencc of two-thirds of the members present,
Sec. 3. The Governor an 1 all other civii offlr
oers ehall bo liable to Impeachment forany mis
demeanor in office, but judgment in such cases
shull not extend further than to removal from
office and disqualification to hold any office of
trust or profit under this Commonwealth; tho
person accused, whether convicted or acquit
ted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment,
trial, judgment and puuishuient according to
Skc. 4. All officers shall hold their office on
the condition that I hey behave themselves weil
while in ollice. and shall be removed tin convic,
tion of misbehavior in office or of auy icf
mntis crime.
Appointed officers other than judges r.f the
courts of record and the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, may be removed at tho,
pleasure of the power by which they shall have
iK'en appointed. All oificcrs elected by the
people, except Governor, Lieutenant Gover
nor, members of the General Assembly, and
Judges of the Ooiirtsof re-ord. learned ii, tho
law, shall be removed by tho Governor for rea
sonable cause, after duo notice and full hear,
ing, on the address of two-thirds of the Senate,
oath or OFFICE,
Section 1. Senators and Heproscn tat Ives and
all judicial. State, and county ofh.-ers. shall, lw
fore entering on the duties of t heir respective
offices, take and subscribe the following oath
or nflirmation:
"f do solemnly swear Cor aCirm) that I will
support, oliev and defend the Constitution of
the I'nlfod Statt and the Coi.stimtion of thM
Commonwealth, tind that I will oisclwrge ti.e,
duties of n:v office with fidelity: that I have not
paid or contributed, or promised to pay op
conti unite, cither directly or indirectly, any
money or other valuable thing, to procure piy
nomination or election (or appointmenti, ex
cept for necessary and proper expenses ex
pressly authorized by law j that 1 have no
knowiuglv violated any election law of this
Commonwealth, or procured it to be done by
others in my behalf; that I will not knowingly
receive, directly or iniiireeily, any mor-.oy n
other valuable thtug for the p' fortiiai.e2 pr
non-p -i f-ir mancc of any act or duty port inin V
to toy ottice, other than tuo Compensation al
lowed by law."
The toregoiuir oath shall bo administered by
some person authorized to administer oaths,
and in the case of Stao officers and Jud;r.$;.f
file Supreme Court, shall be tiled iu OHioa
of the Secretary tif Ihe Commonwealth, end iu
the case of other judicial and county officr?.
in the offico of the Prothonotary of ;.uii.-ty-in
which the same is taken; auv i "rsoit rcl,.
l;ig to take said oath or nrHvtiiatio.1 -halt c.irlvit
It is office. ain etiy per-sou who si .)! be cv n
vcc'd of buying sworn or affirm, d falsely,
or if hating violated said oath or til irnjjtion.
Shall be guilty of perjury, and be fm-ei er ois
qtta lifted from holding any office ot tlist c
profit witnin this Commonwealth.
The oat Ii lo the iiit ib rs of Hit S, mr..- aud