the gif .int h I arrV inten . ,i,.fon no rl tion ;.irV lPB . tli "s " , . i'u y iiiai"" p CWBBU FREEMAH. rhpnsbure, ra., "7 OCT. 3. IS 73. k0CALAND P PERSONAL. ikkTkkat Ar.AiN ! As sung lanse by tne uauicai wuu Ina candidate Tor Gt'1.1- -( 4, wen .i.iML' I'' ,s rv queer never usl lo Jo . '. i.nviiif.' "s Ult " r r .t IS Vf'i , . 1,-11 I '' iW r tunics and goes lltVf r treat again. .,.,s I.oi al Option hot, , Tom his skull, it . i I used to hen ;t 101 X'" ull ; u I. (Mi .vu ri Ufa ' hr buv! it i'rr and fast, 4 'i'mr'S iKit all in vain, ulu ii . lection day is past ), H ii . ; us freely take liis beer U-r freely sen , ti,m .lav II be here, . .1. . . 11 ,.-yinl imii liiirneiii ,i time will thun devote l,;,..:m.s out at Kane ii now, lys, liowe'er you vote '.;"lr , r' I relit again. --- j . Other Place. "ve:r.l ""r0 c",ta houses are now 1 oil the C.'ressou Springs pro- . A .. 1 1 1 T" , ' yti ' omiiy i;m luuucu liioom, i. : .. ..!.. ..-.! l iV. Kiituu tiiciig irtirUoauaiLcq t'. ies ami a freight car were ,.zeu m a witt'K at sou man j-t. ftiitiiT of horses and carts, en jmiii's station, passed through 'ia wterd;iy morning. iivrk occurred at Dornick ,a ' i;iy evening last, and three U wcic .-lightly hurt. , m-ylvauia Kail ixoad Company, , will t-atlier the financial :, .at M'lioiis inconvenience. ,o ti:irtz and loe Shoemaker shot :i:-f bhek and gray Mjuirrels, in a hunt i" this vicinity, on Tues- e (vk-l'iatrd Olena oil, the best in : ,1 f,.i lul'iii ating purjoses, can le at ;ew-e Huntley's in largo or ::.::i!ili( s. 'u, ( .mi. who w as recently injured ,.-.,vy I'iici- 'f timber falling upon ;!.( ! . I. Works, Johnstown, died ii.i'..iy last. , l ii : innaii KxpresR west, ran Into ,,f lioi-cs licl.tiiginjj to Mr. Jcremi- .1 1 . . .. Af . 1 1 v. m i..iu"i'. nil .uuiiuiiv iasi, ana 4 X 1 V ' d I'tnigl't at panic prices will rr.RY .''' iWes and counters of $ A' i li a; htore. Prepare 4' i (i i hi a; fctore. Prepare to r v. ;iiti i ui ;.lies. i-e !i,-itii'ii, a brakeman on the ,1 luaiuli railroad, fell on the track urn over and instantly killed by . a fi tluys ago. vn;ty linn- year old youth iu Con t'luiiKhip. this county, by the M.iwn, has taken to himself a .. txtreine age of nineteen. ; llarr, who was so terribly in ollidajsburg last week, and .t arm was subsequently ainpu "w in a fair way to recover, y last would liavo done honor in i of caloric to the hottest month ar. r-mce men, However, warm no become exceedingly ripular. M. Dahniui has the largest and rtinoiit f bixts and shoes that rotted out in this bailiwick, and tu so cheap that nobfxly can afford a re footed. nr.iber ol railroad liands created a t in Gicensburg on Vedne.sday Some pistols were fired, bricks uul windows smashed, but no one iiislv injiirei. iliuisday aiternoon last a young mil Heat'.y attempted to jump on friight train at the Lewistown 1K is li'iw iu the Milllintowu alms .inns one foot. ii iHil has voted ngainst water 1 '. l.uil.ling of which was left to 1 :nnf the peotde. Having learned !.'; whisky, they seem disposed it g'es to do w ithout water. Uiac (Jordoii, tho Kejmblican i Jir.lge of the Supreme Court, ;!,c uiouldiiig trade before lie iw, ami is saui to nave worked at in a foundry at Martiusburg, ''' A laiullords iu Altoona have re-''.c-tMin their tenement houses :.! with the late reduction in ii in the la. H. It. shops in All honor to such philauthro- i! Ulair, formerly Kuperintend lia'itiiiinre division of the North i'. railroad, is to have charge of f tiiviMdu of the Pennsylvania v-io V. Wilkins will fill the .'.i"ii. i li.ibody does nothing to nobody -' ;i:al tliea tells nobxly nothing '' stand?, to reason that yo printer little or nothing to write i ii .it'fc what's the matter with ''rnitnieiit this week. ' tcaslnirg Democrat says that f I .at robe, shot a hawk on cli measured four feet seven ti;tn tip, at a distance of fif- How much it would meas iivr distance the paper don't iliii house of Mrs. John 'Mipnolu township, Westmore '" "as entered through one of T : 'lows, during tho absence of ':'v days ago, anl a bureau '-'! and robbed of if ;5 in grocn- ;" ilnv.ley is scattering blessings i' "f heating stoves in all direc- "W. (iiMiinro kcpiiK tliA most. It A bic of a scrimmage occurred in this, place on Saturday evening last,' the result of bad whisky, and the aggressive party is" now under $200 bail to appear at court and answer the charge of assault and battery. Geo. C. K. Zabm, Esq., of this place, who was prostrated by a severe attack of cholera morbus in Philadelphia last week" reached home in a somewhat improved conditiou on Wednesday morning, and is now, bis many friends will be glad to learn, rapidly recovering his wonted health. A car load of nails which were made in the incredible short space of three hours, at Duncannon, Pa., reached Altoona a few days ago. The iron was rolled, cut into nail plates, made into nails, annealed, kee- Kru Amu jjui, uu luo cars Dciween the hours of 6 and 9 o'clock, a. m. says the Radical. A.. J. Africa, a car inspector at Hunt ingdon, was, on "Wednesday afternoon week, knocked down by a freight car under which he itas at work, one whee: of which passed over his right arm, "breaking and otherwise severely injuring it," as a local paper tells us. He was also badly cut on the forehead. The Dauntless Fire Company, having resolved to feel the pulse of our people on the lecture business, propose to secure the services of one at least of the many emi nent orators now in the lecture field. It will be a shame to our town if this lauda ble enterprise does hot meet with proper encouragement. The Catholic Fair at Wiimdre' is said to be meeting with unbounded success, the candidates of both paities in particular vieing with each other in dispensing their loose change on behalf of the enterprise, being evidently impressed with the idea that the longest pole will knock the larg est persimmons. -Our old friend, John B. Iloss; Esq.. of Blacklick township, has our thanks for several specimens of the finest apples we have eaten this year. Mr. R. is now culti vating the choicest varieties of this fruit, and hopes in a few years to supply the market with apples that have never been equalled in this vicinity. -1 he school house at Manor station, Westmoreland -county, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night of last week, to gether with all the furniture and a Sunday school library and cabinet organ belonging to the Methodist congregation at that place. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Don t visit Johnstown, fair or no fair, without looking in on James J. Murphy, S. J. Hess & Bro., aud J. T. Coppock. The two former deal in clothing and the latter in staple and fancy dress goods; and either or all of theni will give you full val ue for your money, and more too, just now, as they are all selling at panic prices. I he roof of a small lrame house in the eat end of town, owned and occupied by Wm. Adam Jones, caught fire from a de fective Hue, on Friday evening last, but the prompt arrival of the Hook and Ladder Company and the liberal application of water by the bucketful saved the building from destruction. Loss slight insured. A tract of land located in North Wood bury township, Blair county, says the Al toona Tribune, was recently discovered to bo vacant. The tract comprises about six acres and has a valuable bank barn and a good orchard thereon. A vein of iron ore is thought to underlie the tract. A disci ple of Ulackstone in that city claims the right of discovery in tne case. -John Hammer, oi conemaugii town ship, Somerset county, claims to have cra dled five acres of wheat, made eleven rod of fence, split sixty rails, and then went home and saddled his horse and rode to Davidsville and back, after which he cut a half cord of wood all between daylight and daik of one day recently. Hammer is for hire, either by the month or year. The question of the right of lion. James Potts to exercise the duties of Pres ident Judge of the District Court of Cam bria county, will be argued before the Su preme Court at Pittsburgh on next Tues day. The Attorney General, Hon. Samuel E. Dimmick, will represent tho Common wealth, and Hon. John Scott and Hon. Henry D. Fo6ter will appear for Judge Potts. Mr. B. Kelly, as will be seen by notice of dissolution elsewhere, is now sole pro prietor of the Loretto Marble Works, and is abundantly able to till promptly and in a sujierior stylo of workmanship, all orders for tombstones, monuments, etc. lie don t fear comparisons in cither work or prices, and is determined to merit, as he hoie8 to receive, a continuance and increase of patronage. Mr. L. D. Woodruff, junior editor of the Johnstown Democrat, was nominated for Cleik of the District Court by acclama tion on Saturday last. Some people there away accept the situation others don't. The "donters" are talking about trotting out Mr. Samuel Masters in opposition to Woodruff, and hope thereby to become masters of the situation. Which would be rough ou Woodruff. Posters have been printed by us this week for a public sale of live stock, farm ing utensils, grain, etc., by Mr. Wm. 1'. Buck, of Can oil townshijs on Saturday, Oct. 18th, and also for a similar sale of live stock, farming implements household goods, and a farm of 314 acres, partially covered with pine lumber, owned by Mr. Peter Mulvehill, of Pine township, In diana county, October 28th. A lad in the West ward was discover ed in the act of lighting a quantity of paper under the end of a board pile the other day, doubtloss intending to have a little conflagration all to himself. Of course his fun was prematurely nipped in the bud, and it is to be hoped that by wise counsel, if by no stronger admonition, he has been led to see and henceforth avoid such reprehensible amusement. The late panic may bring down the price of goods even in Ebensburg, but the man that can bring them down lower than M. L. Oatman hath not an abiding place in this community. Cause why, he buys for cash and sells for cash, and therefore can do better for his customers than those who do business on the played out credit system. Oatman is still the 15 per cent. saver to all who deal with him. Eli Hann, recently arrested and incar- ;.. ti.n KomAi-fut iail on suspicion of s and other useful house- j having murdered another roan named J. Marshall Mitchell, wnose liieiesa i.j found near Brook tunnel, p. & C. It. on the 2Gth of August last, with the right arm crushed and the skull fractured, was, on Friday last, discharged on a writ of habea corpus, the commonwealth having no evidence to warrant his further detcn- U A lad named Free accidentally fell into a well in West Huntingdon, a few days ago, but fortunately landed oa ome in the well before he reached me water, which impeded bis further progress and saved him from a watery grave. A the alarm, and young Free was soon freed from bis unpleasant position, aud is now free to say that he is Td bo wen im lvnrxt wells in that place An intoxieated woman named Nancy Bover was refused admittance to the house if Mr. V.iHiPiiKAhr. at East Conemaugn, on Sunday last, whereuion she picked up a stone aim uurieu it ai inr. xj., was in tho act of closing the door ; but in stead of bitting him, the missile struck on the head his throe-year old son, whom be bad in bis arms, aud fractured his fcituu, It is feared that tho child cannot recover. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the offender, but whether or not that has been effected, we have failed, to learn. that sells ran be lound everything at in the honest :-:iiia county lawyer named anrsted at his home in In ; V, M-day iahti after lne jetcc. '"''i on hii 1 Ua.r. s track for about a lie is charged with forsr- " l iis iii the name of a widow r,?' 'kad for several years. r ";ving doleful ilittv, sung to ''"'''hi I inle Ned," now makes ..'p ll, v"ed patrons of grass ' !'t'U Hill! lin till M'inlro o1 , 1 "1' n iuai.Ii ilUU Mil llV ilia ,r-ll..t 1 . - - j uiv iiimivi, clllli LIIO '"'re cro.met'11 lw nlavpd th; """Hillg tK( J.e ; UuJ faU 'oV.lre linn 111 Wiuttorn Pi,n. 1 vnwiU & V4.t. "'III' I' "UlllTS, iT?-Ir " MiU is tmt receiving a IS in ? dry groceries, noUofu? in a full fledged tountry store, and don't care who know. ft. Mr. M. i.'a old hand at the business; and having, bought his stock at panic prices, he proposes to make things hump as sood its he gets them ready .-vnvupuu bib. . lie ye there to see. it will no doubt interest many of our Catholic readers to learn that Messrs. Lem mon & Murray have recently received a T iUU,c oi prayer Dooka; or all styles: sizes and prices, direct from: Dublin; Ire land, wcere they seem to understand to penecnon the art of printing books in the clearest and most legible manner. Some of these prayer books were printed from' the largest type we have ever seen used on book work, and are just what prayerful people with defective optics will be glad to secure. The same firm have a splendid array of beautiful jewelry, warranted gold, and other goods in the drug, book and notion line in great variety, all which are offered at the very cheapest rates and guar anteed of the very best quality. Not being aware of having received any courtesies from Mr. Thomas which one gentleman might not accord to another without thought of placing the recipient under special obligations, we can't see exactly where the Voice's charge of ingrat itude comes in, even if it were possible to base such a charge upon the strictures which have appeared in these columns rel ative to that gentleman's recent political course an eminently proper subject for newspaper comment, considering his for mer position in the Democratic party. Yet admitting, for argument sake, that we have been tfuilty of ingratitude, we feel sure that Mr. Thomas can find it in his heart to forgive us, since he has thrown the mantle of Charity over a paper which indulged nn more than one occasion in the loWest black guardism at his expense, and that too with out any cause or provocation whatever. John J. urtnger, a colored man from Schenectady, N. Y., who was stealing a ride between two exm-esscara. was innt&nt. ly killed in a wreck near Bolivar, West moreland county on Sunday morning last, and George Miller, assistant depot master at Pittsburgh, was severely cut about the bead at the same time. The wreck was caused by one freight train running into several cars which had become detached from another freight train immediately in front, the Southern Express in turn run ning into the second freight Tho engi neer and fireman of the passensrer train jumped to the ground before the crash came, and thus saved themselves from se rious injury, if not from instant death. As it was, both were slightly hurti The trains were moving slowly at the time; the Express having been previously flagged ; otherwise the result would, doubtless, have been much more disastrous. Prof. John A. Light, who made a bal loon ascension from the fair erounds at Indiana, Wednesday afternoon, landed in Blacklick township, this countv. rear Thos. Duncan's mill, shortly before 4 o'clock, having made the distance, about sixteen miles, in less than half an hour. His balloon, in descending, caught fast In the topmost branches of a couple of trees. some forty feet from the ground, and it was only by the most vociferous yelling on the part of the Professor that the atten tion of some men in the vicinity was at tracted to his perilous position, from which be was finally rescued, after a good deal of effort, by the aid of a long rope. The bal loon was considerably damaged by coming iu contact with the trees, but the intrepid aeronaut fortanately escaped without a scratch. The highest attitude attained by the air ship was i,900 feet. Mr. Light re turned to Indiana the same evening. Our old friend and former partner in the publication of the Johnstown Echo, O. Nelson Smith, Esq., a gentleman well and favorably known to nearly all the read ers of the Freeman, has, wo are pleased to note, struck a prolific streak of good luck in the shape of a rich and inexhaust ible deposit of copper ore. recently discov ered on land owned by him in Texas. Half a ton of the ore was sent to Wbeatley & Harvey's copper works, at Phconixville, Pa., and uiou being smelted, yielded fifty per cent, of copper ; but as that was only surface ore, Mr. Smith feels confident that his mine will "pan out" on an average not less thau seventy per cent, of pure copper. We hope his fondea expectations will be realized, and when he has amassed a fortune from his newly found placer, and is looking around for somebody upou whom to bestow a rich legacy, wo trust that he'll not forget his old "para" in poorer days. Mr. Smith is now at his home in Philadel phia, but will ere long return to Texa to commence operations. mm Barkers ix Council. A meetinir of Bankers, to the number of eighteen or twenty, representing a large majority of the banking houses in Cambria, Blair, Clearfield, Centre, Huntingdon, Juniata and Mifflin counties, waa held at the Ward House, in Tyrone, on Tuesday last, for the purpose of taking action, as we learn from the Altoona Irtbttne, relative to the present stringency of monetary affairs, caused by the recent heavy failures in the large cities, and devising means to prevent the currency from being taken out of the country. With said objects in view the following preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted : "Whekeas, The action of the city banks in refusing to pay out to country banks cur rency for any part of the balances they owe them, is calculated to draw the currency from the country and to disturb the whole business of the country ; and, Whekeas, The several banks represent ed at this meeting are desirous of avoiding everything that will tend to destroy confi dence ; therefore, Resolved, That they will do business so tar as practicable as usual with their cus tomers, and will not draw upon each other for currency for the present, and that they will extend to the business community all the aid in their power so that the financial difficulties existing elsewhere may embar rass the general business as little as possible, and to that end they ask the business men of their respective counties to aid in carry- inc out such measures as snail tend to pre vent the currency from being carried out of the country. A Thkilliuo Huict. Messrs. Aaron Dougherty and Andy Green are two backwoodsmen who have achieved no Unen viable reputation as Nimrods. They have spent much of their time in the primeval forests, and the number of bear, deer and smaller game killed by them is beyond com pute. They tell some thrilling anecdotes of experience in the rough wilds or the country where they have roamed anecdotes which, if embodied in book form, would make a narrative interesting as the story of Daniel Boone's campaigning in Kentucky in the days of long agone. From amongst the mass of recollections as detailed to the writer hereof by the two gentlemen named, we put on record this sketch : , A number of years ago, in midwinter, while trailing through the woods in Clear field towaahlp', Cambria county, for "signs," Messrs. Dougherty and Green struck the track of a bear. , It was the largest track of an animal that vpecies they had ever seen. So, like, thoroughbreds, as they are, and without wasting only the quantity of time necessary to see that their guns and knives were ready for immediate service, they hurried in pursuit of the monster. From indications, easily discernible by a true backwoodsman,. it. was speedily discov ered that the track was not more than an hour old, and so the utmost caution was ob served in following the trail. This was in the forenoon. Several deer were seen ttpd permitted to go unharmed during the hours which succeeded, and the presence of foxes and rabbits went unheeded ; for, though an unwieldly brute, the bear is a fast traveler, and the two hunters well knew that the report of a gun would cause It to take to the mountains, where pursuit would be unavail ing. The trail was a most eccentric one. It led Messrs. Dougherty and Green from the place where it started, across the Laurel run ; then here, and there, atd everywhere, but always going further away from the place of beginning. At about the hour of five o'clock, when the sun was fast disappearing beyond the mountain top, Mr. Dougherty by a peculiar whistle notified Mr. Green that he had treed the game. It had taken refuge in a log cabin. Both parties silently cocked their guns and unloosed their knives, and took cover behind a treo, to await a favorable oportunity to fire. In about five minutes, smoke began to emerge th; chimney of the log cabin. Mr; Dougherty and Mr: Green agreed in saying that it was a most remarkable occur rence that thejr or either of them had ever before heard of a bear occupying a house with a chimney to it, and that chimney belching out smoke. A closer reconnoissance was had, and it was ascertained that the inmate of the cabin was a man. He was club-footed, each of his feet cloiwdy resembling an exaggerated let ter O. He had been prospecting around that day, and Messrs. Dougherty and Green had been following the imprints made in the 'snow by his feet. Altoona Tribune. Mountain Cake. To the yolks of six KK'. well lea ten. add two cups of white su gar, three-quarters cup butter, one cup sweet milk, three-and-a-half cups flour, having in it one measure of Banner Baking Powder. Whites of two eggs, beaten stiff. Bake in jelly cake paus. When cold spread each layer with an icing made with the whites of four eggs, beaten stiff, one pound of powder ed sugar aud one table-spoouful extract of lemon. Each can of the Banner Baking Towder contains a small measure; to be used even full, according to printed directions: If you cannot obtain this very valuable article from your grocer, send twenty-five cents by mail, addressed to Banner Baking Powder, P. O. Lock Box 317, Pittsburgh, Pa., and you will receive, postage paid, a quarter pound package, together with a list of fifty valuable llecipes. We would call the attention of our lead ers to the advertisement of Horace Waters & Son, headed, "Waters' Concerto Parlor Organs." and for a description of them we can't do better than copy the following : The Waters Concerto Tarlor Or C'ass. We are glad to chronicle any new thing, or any improvement niton an old one. that tends to )opularize music by rendering its study either easier or more attractive. Lately our attention has been called to a new patented stop added to the Waters ICeed Organ, called the Concerto Stop. It is so voiced as to have a tone like a lull, neb alto voice : it is especially "human" in its tone. It is powerful as well as sweet, and when we heard it we were in doubt whether we liked it best in Solo, or with Full Organ. We re gard this as a valuable addition to the Reed Organ. Rural Xew Yorker. I'l'cpared to supply tho eontraetirs, housekeen- "-is, iu that line, tlmn lU-n- x . "'II Hot)). ln,.i J l' do so Tl i. " and si n deserving the hey keep an lin- ' at tit ii,u.-.ut i ii iii m - uiiinn, WHOM .is Oil bom Ilarii.-iburg to Johns- oil Mtmdav l;Lsfc antl till fninu.r ri i r - - - - ? v iiiivi aiu i' 11c had abont checks when niTCbtcd. ' In -V-lrK ma. lli,-K t. that "Vaiul Onk of Ebensburg's Needs. The ex perience of the past few months should be sufficient to convince our people that Eb ensburg could be made one of the most popular summer resorts in tne country, aud why it is not that already is owing to the short-sightedness of those in our midst who have capital but do not possess enter prise sufficient to move earnestly in the matter. Nature has been very proline in her gifts to this region, and if our moneyed men understood their own interests and the interests of the community in which they live, another year would not be al lowed to go by without the proper steps being taken for the erection of the most commodious buildings of which any local ity can boast. Ebensburg should have a f 100,000 summer resort at least, and now is the time to inaugurate the movement. We know one gentleman who expresses a willingness to invest S3a,UW in the enter prise, and surely there are enough other live men in the community to make up the Several hundred city visitors fn.rr.fld to remain away from our town this year because accommodations could not bo furnished them, and it is certainly not eood policy to let this occur in the future, if it can be avoided, and we know it can bo if our capitalists wiU to wolk xn eiirDest- Tradr Winds. Tell me, ye winged Winds that round my pathway roar tell, oh! tell ine where, oh! where I'll find the cheapest store? The Winds replied and this they said, I never yet in all my trade have had the luck to suit my mind more fully in goods of every kind than Myers & Lloyd s cheap store complete, whose stock and prices none can beat. Trtft apple which Eve presented to Adam in said to have caused Adam to make such a wry face that the whole garden became dis torted in appearance, but that alleged fact does not prevent E. J. Mills from selling the cheapest and choicest flour, feed and grocer lee ever brought to r.iensburg Til fTTItfcfT- ARt gw mm f rtt fVx-t-,vr Oaa. Is Hazard 4c Caswell's, made on the sea shore, from fresh, selected livers, by Casw km., H az- ard & Co., New Yorlc. It is absolutely pure ttnd ticett. Patients who have once taken it ireferlt to all others. F nysicienq nave aecideu t superior to any of the other oils in market. Provide for proper persoual appearance by purchasing all your Fall and Winter clothing at Wannamaker & Brown's, Oak Hall. Sixth and Market, l'hiladelphta. The prices are exceedingly low this season. IITMEXEAL. PAHRTSn-"HOI.rElt Married, at Wilmore, on Sunday, epi. zoin, lara, in rL- iian noiir mew church, by Rev. B. as Parrish, of Pc of w ilmore. McHuirh. Mr. Thotn- ortaare, and Miss Mollle Holder, DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between the under signed in the Marble manufacturing business was dissoivea oj muiirai nrawni ci-wmii, 15th, 1ST3. The books and accounts are now in the hands of B. Kelly, who will hereafter con duct the business in his own name. a. Kt-.L,Lil, JAMES BKENNAMAN. Loretto, Oct. lt 1878.-4t. XI. JTA.b VERTISEMtlKTS. A WATCH FRF1T worth avrlven irrntl to A 11 A 1111 X IVr.r4 every I've man who will act as ou rag-en t. Business Ijjrht and honorable. 300 made ia S days.- Saleable as Hour. Kvery oody buys it. Can't do without lt Must have it. No ttift Enterprise, no Humbii?. KES.NEUYACO, rittsburg, P. MTTPTTFTl'S'No. e woule only call attention to our wt.i.auour, with which. m ui an can earn per day in frood territory. It bores any diameter, and ordinary well at the rate of 150 feet per day. Farm. Township and' County Hia-hts for sale.'. Descriptive book aent on receiptor Bets, postajre. , Address Al'GEIt CO., St. Louis, Mo. L. C. Hootbe & CO-,Wash-ington, D.C-Gen'l Ag-'u for l'a., V. X Mary'd. CANVASSING BOOKS SENT FREE FOR . , PROF. FOWLER'S GREAT . WORK Jiaakeed, Womaahoml ad their oiaat later, relation ; Love, Its I -an, rower, Ac Agents are selling- from 20 to 30 copies of this work a day, and we send a canvassing- book free to any book ag-ent. Addres8.stating experience, et.. N ational Pcbljshinq Co., Philad'HPa. FOU COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, Wells Carbolic Tablets. PUT UP. ONLY IS BI.UK BOXES. A. TltlEli atul SURE HE MED 1". Bold by Drug-g-ists. -Agfeilts Waiitedi SKKn rOR a" a ft a " DOMESTIC SKWIM MACHINE )., 5 EV TOBft. Teachers, Students,;C'lcrirymen, Postmasters, and wide awake Young- Men, and Meu and Wo men of all classes: You can easily earn a first-class Sewing- Ma chine; or Books sufficient to stock a Library; or some valuable Pictures to beautify your homes : or a nice Stereoscope ; or a g-ood Time Keeper (Clock or Watch): or a Music Box : or a Gold Pen; or a Photographic Album; ora Stand Kerosene Lamp for your Parlor; or a fine Ao cordean ; or Webster' Illustrated Quarto Dic tionary; or Roa-ers World Renowned Statuary Groups; or a Fine Violin; or a lteming-ton Rifle Cane; or a Remington iKiublo Barrel Breach Ioadlng Shot Gun; or a Cabinet Organ worth 140; by simply working up your unoccupied time In a way explained in the circulars of the M. H. P, Co. Perfectly legitimate and respect able; many would say pbilantnrnpic. Address M. H. P. CO., 129 East 28th St., New York. WAXSRr SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend, Mxpon., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas or Cambria coun ty and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Hurlbert House, in Johns town, on Sainnlay. the 19th eay ef Oeteber nexsC, atf o'clock, P. M the following- real es tate, to wit : . ., , AM. the right, title and interest of Samuel Rhodes, of, in and to three lots of ground situ ate in Conemaugh borough, fronting on Ridg-e allev. adjoining lots of John Devlin, rank Devlin. and3Mary Ann Carroll, having thereon erected a one-aud-a-half story plank house, now in the occupancy of Simon Rhodes. Taken "n eVicution anoto be sold at the suit of D. G. Atioall the right, title and interest of J. M. Mlure, of, in and to a lot of ground situate in ConemTugh borough. Cambria county, to wt : Fronting on the Krankstown rDad on the north. adloiniPK lots of Cambria Iron Company on the east and south, and lot of Thomas Swartman onthe west, having- thereon erected a plank houMc! now in the occupancy of Win. M Oiire. H in execution and to be sold at the suit of Johnstown S-J ckeu. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, Sept. 26, 187a. C OAL! COAL.!! The subscriber is now prepared to fur , fem .-rm.u niTUMINOUS COAL, at lowest market rates, rioil delivered promptly and free of chargeifor haTlinff at any point in Ebenfburg or vicinity. Orders left at the Zabm Stoke win receive eat ly attention. TMPOBTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALK CHEAP. Two yokes Oxen, s year old, warranted souna ana neiiny. Truck Wag-on 1 iron axled four-wheeled Wag 4gV C09CZBTO parlor organ arc tk moat tMiatntliul im not (I tyle Knd perfect In tone everraade. THE uoj CEIIID STOP u Oc bet ever piacea ivy Men t'KLTtokM unoSTCHARRI. 1NO AND SOUL STIRRING, IXS IJIITAflO of Ote HUMAN VOICE 18 SIT- PEKIl. RrmtUberaU GREAT OFFER. HORACE WATERS A 80N.4H1 Broadwav, N. Y., a dtpote of mo PIANOS ana uuuans or itrsi-cjnva mailers, in. eluding WATERS', at extremely low prlcee forcaah, or part rark, and bnlaneei small monthly mvnusli. Nw7Oclsr lU-st-claM PI ANON, all modern im provements, for 't7i cask. Otvnn 3-0a tave,?0 l)OVRIilRKBD OKAN!i, 4 STOfs, SI 10 H STOPS, V2i Illus trated Catalogues mailed. A large dis count toMinitleri, Clmrchr S-tndnv-Srhnclt. Tcviverunct Socictia, etc. AGENTS WANTED - I tip fefl MI MAM THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. want reliable and energetic Agents in this Coun ty. The "VICTOR" is a Iock-stitch, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, best finished and moat Derfect Machine offered. An increase of more than 600 per cent, on sales of 172 over 1871. For Terms. Ac., address, VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO, 9-lB.-lm.J 1227 Chestnut SU, Philadelphia, Pa. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. CalTerweirs Celebrated Y.nj on the rariical cure (without medicine) of SPKKMATOKKHiKA.or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal bosses, ISiroTENCV, Mental and Physical Ino.pcity, Impediments to MarriMg-e, &o.; also. Consumption, Ephjepht n.i r its, induced oy seii-inauujence ana sex- u:il extravagance. rr-Priee in a sealed envelope only six cents. The celebrated authors in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarmtntr conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing- out a thode of dire at once Bimnlo. " r- tuai, nv mpnns or which every sufferer, no mat ter whitt his condition mnv be, ma.v cure him self cheaply, prlvatelv and rnrlicnUjt- e9r"This Lecture should be in the hands of evers youth and every man in the land. tent under seal, in a piftin envelope, wi any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Auaress runnsnsrs. It7 Bowery w fork; Post-Office Box 458ft. on, iuu xeet ""-." '.''.vviriT af j iat 4 V - Sept, 26. lS73,-3. CrcMOUi fa. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE I The undersigned, having been appoint ed Commissioner by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to take testimony in the case of Matilda Jones, by her next friend H. Kinkrad. r. Evan . JOJtra, o. i, Sep tember Term, 1873 -Libel in Divorce--hereby notifies all persons interested, that be will at tend to the duties of said appointment, at his office In Ebensburg, on Wednesday, Octo ber 33d, proximo, at c o oiBCK. p. m., wnen and where they may attend if they think pro- JAWt-S U LiU, per. bept. IV, 1BI3.-9C. Commissioner. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters Testamentary to the Kntate of Antho nt Baker, late of Susquehanna township, do ceased, having been granted to the undersign ed by the Keg-ister of Cambria county, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby no tified that payment must be made without de lay, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated lor settlement. FRANCIS J. BAKER, f "ecuiors. Susquehanna Twp., Sept. 10, l72.-6t. OrnciorTHt Protection Mctdai. Fire Insurance Company ofCamhria Co. Ebensburg, Sept. 20, 1873. NOTICE is hereby given to the mem tiers of the Hhnvp niimml Comoany that an assessment of 4 per cent, has been ordered on ail notes now in torce, as per resolution t,i the Board of Directors, passed Sept. Sid, 1873, and payable at their oflice on or before October 25th, 1873. T. W. DICK, bec y. Ebensourg-, Sept. 28, 1S73.-.JT. yv CARD. rfV5 THE INDEPENDENT VOTERS OF CAM X BBI A COUNTY : Disgusted with this day 8 doings in the Democratic County Convention, I hereby offer myself as an Independent Vana date for the offle of SHERIFF, and pledge my self, if elected, to fulfill the duties faithfully and to tho best of my ability. Jane ?, 1873.-8ui BENFORD, Johnstown, Pa. STEAM WM (Fobhkblv Wood A Maws.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment tu the Market. These Ensrti-cahKTe al-:iy maintain". iheery highest standard of excellent W'b tuaV. tha manufacture nt Enci'-.e, lou"r snt Haw M('l t peeialty. We have tlielnret nnd mo rompitte works of the kind in t.iecouuti j, t.u laauiiinery pscially adapted to the work. We keep poumtantly in piwes Irtvp numbers of nginee, which we 1 nrni n t)u: wry liw.t priera end on the shortest noiic. We build Knsinoa peeinlly adsptel lo Iin.. Saw Mill.., lrir Mills, Tsonenais Cotton Qins, Threshers sad ail classes Of manufacturing. We are now burlilini? the clcbratefl Lane Circn- Saw Mill, the best aud mjt cumpleta sa-cr tniu ever invented. . We mnke the manufacture of Paw Mill ontflra a Special foatura of o-ir buirmss, aud fuiniah complete on the ahorut no ice. Our aim in all raaea is to furnish the hcjf. ni. ehtnery in the market, and work absolutely an equaled for bant y of design, rcon. imy and stretiyuu. fiend for Circular and Prioe I.iit. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. trricA, n. Ti Coal and Timber PROPERTY ATPRIVATI1 SALE! SITUATE AT CRKSOX STATION, PA. R. R, C05fTAt7IJ0 QQQ mA-exes? more or less, underlaid with tho Best Quality of MODNTAIH COAL A portion of the Land well timbered with HEMLOCK, OAK, CHESTNUT, &c. 137 The attention of persons wishing to en gatce In the mining of Coal and manufai ture of Vike is invtu-d to this sale, as the Lands ottered sur'Ktsa. either for speculation or safe ill vestment, auy property to bo fouild in Western Pennsylvania. For further information A3 to the pfnperty and for price, terms, etc., en 11 on or address J NO. E. SCAN LAN, Executor of M. M, Ada., deo'd. Ebfrt.obUrf, Aug-. 23, lfTU.-tf. Loretto Property 4 LOT OF GROUND situate In Loretto bo r- J V ouirh, Cambria couuty mm Pa. known on tho plan of twin tior- ouifh as IOt No. 78 fronting 50 feet on St. Mary's street and ex-fcJ ?f t'K?-, liaek l.Kt f.'PL to ft. .1 n-m-'- epb street having thereon t-rCctcd a n-ood TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, WITH BACK KITCHEN BUILDING ATTACHED, Frame Stable, and other Outbuildings. The House contains seven rooms, besides the kitchen, and Hhs u commodious cellar under it Ull in the best urdrr. Cheap at tl.OtiO one third in cash : ttalnnoc in two equal minimi pny ments.with Interest, flood tit lo. Appiy to tho owner. JOSEPH 0 17TWALD. or to GEO. W OATMAN, ttc-al Estate Ajrent, June 20, 1873,-tf. Eben?biiri?, Pa. T7011 SALE The Undersigned will mm aell on very moderate terms the follow-ina-"described articles: 1 PIANO, nearly new and in excellent order; 1 set PAKLOK FCKNI TU11E. as arood as. new, and 1 EVANS & WAT' SON SAF& Call on or address & Ebehsburf, Sept. 26, 187S.-41. J. GALLITZIN LAKE, Attorney-at-LaWj Ebensburg, Cttmbritt Cot, Ja, GEO. M. READE, AUrrney-at-Law, Ebensburg, Pa. flfilce on Centre street, third door from Hlh street. lauir '- rnoi-HiETons or PIKEMX FOUNDRY AND STOVE WORKS, JlOLLlDAYSltCim. HAVING purchased tho establishment lately known us Enterprise Foundry, we aro uow prei a, ed to manufacture LIGHT CTXCiS if every description. The Various Styles of Stoves manufactured at our establishment are iu all respects equal to auy in the market. Steam Engines and all kind of Macliiner, promptly and satisfactorily repaired. Hf All our work is warranted'to be exactly what it is represented. LAuir. O.-tf.J LOOK SHARP AT THIS! 136. THE ONLY CATHOLIC 136. BOOK PERIODICAL STORE IU CAMBRIA COUSTL MP. MEAGHER, Wholesale and Retail Dea- ler in Stanuaiid Catholic Woiiks ol all kind. Prateii Hooks, IUbi.e, Historical and Controversial Works, Pkriouicaus, Pic TrRRft, Frames, kv,., Ac, 138 Franklin Street, Johnstown. Pa. Will mU every article nt llal timoreor Phlldelphla prices. A liljcral diiiemint nllnicrd tu the lirv. Clergy, Lihraricn, or t hnc fonv ing in laroe tots. Hooks bound and Pictures framed at the lowest possible prices. All the Eastern Weekly Papers for sale. 136. Franklin Street, Johnstown. 136 195 Seventh, Xew York. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CASH BUYERS AT THE Mil HiFiiimli STORE. H'Hff underpinned respectfully fnforms tlm X cftiwns til KlK-rrbiirjr snd the public fi'in r allv thnt l.p hits inane a (illKAT HEIU'CTION IN PRICES TO CASH IfLTEUSon all foods in his line, corisistinjr of MOWING and REAPING MACHINES AND OTHER FARMING IMPLEMENTS ; COOKING, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES of the uObt popular designs nn.l of all styles, pruiti and ou:i!it res : warn tr im mmmm of myon iiuinuravturc ; HARDWARE, ALL KIND ! suoli as Liwlts, Screws, Rult Hinges. Sluitur llintf. f!, Tnblo Iliiures. Holts, lrcii nn.l Ni, Window Glass; Putty. Table Knives ami Forks, CarTinjr Kniv( sand Fork, Porket Knive. Ta ble an. I T.-a Spoons, Meat Cutters, Apple I'hits, Scissors, Shears; Rasorsniid Strops. Ibiinm.-rs, Axes. Ha tends, Korlfla- Ma-hfnes, A izi rs, f'hi sels. Planes, CoinpHKN'S, S.juarcs, Files. ua.-i. Anvils, VisfS. Wrcrn-nt, Rip, Panel and Cross Cut Saws, Chains oT al) kinds fhovi-ls. Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakos. Forks. Sleivh-Hells, Shoe Ijisis, Pegs, Wax, Rristles, Clothes Wnsh ers and Wringers, Patent Churns mid I'nl.-iit Machines glinfy, Grinl-StoiT?s, Patent Mo lasses JteS and Measures. I.uml-r Stiiks,Cast Ft eel RiHes. ShntGuiaK. lu-v-U ers. Pistols. 'ai tri.lges, I'owder; ("Jtps, I-ad, Hnrw S'loes and Nails, Old Stove FlaU'S. G rat es and Fire Hrck, Well mid Cistern Pumps, ic, &c.; Harness and Saddlery Ware of all kind. In great varit lvs WOOD and WILLOW WARE beyond description ; CAJZltOX OIL, anl OIL. KAMI'S, Fish Oil. rrd Oil. Unseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin.Tar. Paints. Varnishes, Turpentine. Al cohol. Ac-; Silver-Plated Ware, Glassware, ic. Xriliiil (fi-ocori!H, uoll as Tea?. Coffee, Sugars, Syrups MolasM-s. Spices. Iricd l-!.-hes, Dri.-il Apples, lloiiiiny. Fish, Crackers, Hice, l'earl ISarley. Ac. Tobacco mid OIjjtsi is. Paint, Varnish.Wliitewasb. Scrub, Horse, Shoe. Stove, Dusting, Clothes and Tooth Hi uslies, all kinds and slfes; Hed-Cords, Manillrt Ho(e, and many other articles, at the bnvct ratrttfurealt. HOUSE SPOUTLXG made, painted and put up as cheap as possible, r-ou C ASH. l'?f A liberal discount made t o country dealers buying Tinware bv wholesale. GEoRGE lll'MXKV. Ebensburg, July i, IS73.-tf. G. C. E. ZAKM, is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, MTS, OPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES tlENER ALLY KEPT IN A COL'XTltY STOKE. WOOL AND COUNTKY PKODUCE TAKKN IH EXCnANUE FOR OOOPS. Store on South Side of Main Street, Ktx-iiKtMirg, Pa. G. YEAGElt & CO., ffbelesale mm4 Betall Saaafactarert ef TIN, COTTER AND SHEET-IRON WARE, AMD DIALERS 19 Heating, Parlor anl Coolii Stoves, So. 1402 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, In- ROOFING and SPOUTING made to order and warranted perfect in manufacture aud material. .... Orders repectrully solicited and promptly attended to, and polite attention accorded le all. whether they purchase or not. Altoona, Sept. 5, 183.-tf." THE BIGGEST SHIP AFLOAT! PERSONS going to Europe, or those sending ror their friends to the Old CnHiifrtf ought to buy their ticket the celebrated SSB4BajbtrMBtaK Natlsaal l.ln "': is'itn 1 trl ol Nteamrn toand from Europe. This Line is remarkable for comfort, speed and safety. Drafts for XI and upwards sold at the low est current rates. For further particulars call at Mbaoher's Book Stork, 136 Franklin street, Johnstown, Pa. June 22, 18T3.-tf. TAKE NOTICE ! All persons are hereby cautioned agilinst Interfering in any way with the 'nnJn'!'1cedrVr?'V,u tyfbouiht by me Irom Pktek Ebig. or t arr I township. Cambria county, and left h,"i dhrlngroyplsure: 1 gray mare, 1 t,km;'r,0 and colt, 6 cows, 8 spring calves, 4 hc i n ogs, 4 sheen 1 two-hor wagon, 1 sled. w'','1',' J 1 h,m.w 1 plow, jfsets harness. I bedstculsand beddbigVl table. chairs, I parlor stove. 1 cu, board, and W yards carpet. amakDa LlilG. Carroll TwpM Sept. 19. 187:l.-3t. WM. M. L!.UYI & VOl " HANKERS. ALTOONA. PA. Dtarts ort the prinUpal cities and Silvi'MiiJ Gold for sale. ll-cnon, made. M,""t;?r eeired on dei-osit, payable on demand t'' iiueleft, or ou time wuli intert'st at lair lates. wsmi limit mmw. WM. P. PATTON, ISlnii u l'nfcl i'i;r and Dculer In a i.i. kikhs or CABINET FURNITURE Rurfnu. RolsteHl, Washstanils, Si.leboartls, Chamlwr Sets, Parlor Sets, Wardrobes, Ttook Cases, 1 url ft- Ac, A;c. &c. Sec, &c, S.c Cane Chairs. Wood Seat "hairs. Kitchen Furniture, 1I1 Lounges, Mattresses, Tele-a-Tetes, Extension Tables, Dining T.tblcs, ., &c, &c, Ac, S. C., &c IVIUY ieschiptio or SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in excellent st;, e and at low prices. Cabinet and hairmakers' materials of all kinus lor salt. Furniture deli vered at any point in Johnstown or at ibiilroad Station free of extra charge. WM. V. PATTON. Johnstown, Oct. 13, l?70.-tr. lzi 5 k: r lTiTuc BOOK, DRUG M VARIETY STORE. HAVING recently enlarged our stock we are now prepared to sell at a great reduction from former prices. Our stock consists of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, raticy Soaps, Ix'on s. Hall s and Alien s Hair Restoratives, Pills. Ointments, Plasters. Liniments, Pain Kill lers. Cffrntr .MHa-n-slH. Es- Janiulea tJu.ger. Pure Klavorlng Kxlraeta, EsseiH-es, Lemon Syrup, SfMHhing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, I'u re Spices, &c. Cigars and Tobaccos. tllank Hooks, Deeds, Notes and Cap, Post, Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes. Pens, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, itlaek and Red Ink, "Pocket and l'a.-t Rooks. Magazines, Newspapers. Novels, Histo ries, Hibles, Religious, Prayer aud Toy Rooks, Penknives, Pipes, &c. XTr We have added toourstocka lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we wuuldliuvite the at tention of the Ijidies. PHOTOORAPH ALBUMS at; lower pricea than evrr offered in this place. Paper and Cigars sold either wnoicai or re lil. LE.MMOX & MURRAY. July 30, 1868. Main Street, Ebensburg. ta LOOK WEIL TO YOUUNBERSTANDINGS. JOHN D. THOMAS. 13oot4iiil Shoe rvrtilfoi TH E undersfirned it spect Tully informs his nu merous customers and the public generally that l:e Is pre(ared to man u Tact ure UO i'1'S and SHOES of any desired size or quality, from tho finest French ca!f-skln boots to the coarscot broiRins, In the vkkv bust manneh, on ;tho shortest notice, nnd at as mo.ierate prices as like work can be obtained anywhere. Those who have worn Boots and Shoes mado at my establishment need no assurance as to the superior quality of my work, others can easily be convinced of the fact if thi y wiilouly give me a trial. Try and be convinced. J Repairing of Boots and Shoes attended to promjitly and in a workmanlike manner. Thankful for pnst favors I feel confident that my work and prices will commend mo to a cou tiuuaucc and iu-rcase of the same. JOHN I. THOMAS. CiilRlAliE JUSl'PJCTOliri SAMI'LC STREET, Near Union School House. Ebensburg. THE subscriber desires to call he attention of the citizens .f i.nibria and adjoining counties to the fact that lie has now in suocesa f ul operation in Eoensourg a Shop for the man ufacture and repair of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, Nprlug nnum, .MelgliN, And all other dccripti'iii of Murk in that line. i loinl'loytng none out fxiimii woramen ana ' ust'wr only the bint materials, 1 feel coulldent I can give entire satisfaction iu work, styles 1 and prices. Platform work done at short notice. Repair ' ing of all kind attended to at reasonable rates. A Blacksmith Shop in connection with Mau Ufactorv. Cull a;iu see Bpeciiuens of work. June J, lS72.-tf. D. M. CHUTE. 'P W. DICK. Attovnky at Law, EM cn.-burg. Pa. Ollice in front room of T. , J. Llojd s. new buiidii'. Centre street. All manner of leirallbusiness attenu.-d ,'lc" I torily. and collections a specialty- 'IO-H.u.1 ! 7ILLIAM KITTKLL, Attorney- , ' if-Law, Ebensburg. Pa. OHiee in il ounado Row, Ceutre street. 1 SO.-tf.