The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 03, 1873, Image 1

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    5SW-i. ...irfV- , TL'
I McFlKE, Editor and Publisher.
Terms, S2 per year, In advance
,i i'
rtXMK vn.
l -
F ' ,r , ) Ell TIS EMEXTS.
i I LA h week guaranteed. Ke-
-nwnifntai home, day orevemng;
,,'n'r. il- full instructions and valu
ilr'1 r N M-iit free by mail. Ad
"... rot urn stamp. M. YOUKS
ieh-st.. N. Y.
! t- lir
4 i '
-r ll!utrnteil Trice List.
1 Vl
1 -
' lam". ?ni io ;i. I muoie
;... Simrle Guns 3 to fciO. IU
; j: !cr. to to 25. ristols, 1
'.. i. fishing Tackle.. Large
r,. , .r- lulis. Army Guns, Ue
' , traded for. Goods sent
a (.,' x.imitie before paying for
Jjiin.iHlHil I liriilinur History of
.,!!( i; H ail. his utitfmely death,
vr. ( the i lew from a floating
,.. . . lli-i'iry of all the Expedi-
., .. u . i hi from Earliest Times,
i ttnl. U-i'nM Wanted. Address
.::,! I l!i m iK Ci Oll'AN Y, 1'IUI.A.
k. -j
i -
I'vi-b N ':jpir is more certain to
. : nil u re evil consciences.
ti;i:n.c TAiiT.nrs
i. t .i !.i ot the Kesri ra
- I:. i '. ('olds, Croup, IJip
. i t's Hoarseness, liryncsp
n. 'V i. i ; . ..r itronvbial Tubes,
-. - ; !. l.uri!r.
!; cii, however taker.,
;. promptly and freely
. . , r: .' eirculation of blood,
'p. w.:y..: !i-e attack, anl will, in
i . o .- '.l- liealthy action to the
AGBVAT SEASATIOX! As eats Wanted. Cash SaU
ary or Commissi on allowed. St rictly honor.
able. Address, F.A. Ells & Co., Charlotte.Mich.
EMPLOIMEAT FOB ALL! One Ajyent in 4 wei-ks
made a profit of tl.80, selling Bryant's L.i-rr,nr,L-of
n a tulSnna; 70 in one week on
1 he, j cw Hituelcceijer's Manual, by Miss needi
er and Mrs. Stowe. Any live man or woman
can have an aKeucy. J. B. FOKD & CO New
l ork, Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco.
Wide Awake Agents Wanted for
By Prof. E. II. fJosse. It includes Suhmarine
JJivtnti. IM-can To)xvrnphu, Arctic lMcttverie,
1 hriUutaAtlri titurcx, Whale Fisheries, and every
thinjroi interest inandabout theOcKAN. Fully
illustrated. Bound in superior styles. Subject
new. Stllinu raiitllu. Kurtra tcrtn. Quaker
City Pl-blhshixo IIolse, Philadelphia, Pa.
The (ireate?t Die(verv of the Afre for the re
lief and cure of Klipanint fm, chronic and arnte,
Sprain!), Brnlspg, 1'nin in ( hest , Itark, or Limbs,
Miff Joints, M rains, t.lanilulnr Nnellines. Intltin.
niation, .Ncuralxia, Itnnions. Catarrh,' Ac. Will
nit (rrease or stain the most delicate fabric,
which makes it a luxury in every family. Try
it and be convinced of its rreat merit. Price,
25 cents per bottle. WEL'BEN IIOVT, Propri
etor, 203 Greenwich St., New York.
AGENTS WANTED for a complete history of
our National Capital. Its origin, growth, ex
cellencies, abuses, beauties, and personages,
arc all portrayed in that jfranhi3 style which
has placed the author, Geo. Alf. Tijwnbexd,
amoiifr the foremost newspapet correspondents
of the time. It rives bold, startling, truthful
in.Mde views of 'ashinxton life and Congress
ional and Lobbying Jobbery. Books ready for
delivery. Aldross.
JAMES BETTS & CO., Hartford. Conn.
i." nro nut nnohlv
substituted. If they
: I nr
; i y '
i n.-ii
r iirutrirists, tend at one
i fih. who wili forward
bun't be leeeiTed br Iml-
; .' l.v.lritt'uist s. l'rlee ri cts. per box.
M-.7.f.' .;. 1-j I'latt-st., N. York, Si.le Ai cut for Lf. States.
t:ars In the Territories.
I!rte l:itorv of that vast reurion
' !'illli Ml 1.1 t H 1 ':!! Ill 1 1 J III..
, 1 n li. liitiints. Nat ural Curiosi-
:it;iin VI 1 1 tine 'nii ra villus of t ho I
Pcr-pl" and Curiosities of the i
- Ufa: - iire'K llirijr from 15 toBS j
iiim v. i- x nd a ;in aiii book
' Address, si a 1 1 nif e t pi--
a.Ulpm.i, Pa.
imMcrful cleanser, Ptrenpthener and
: 1 .ii: mlar Ob.-ti uvtiojis kuown to
k'lallt a.l niil oil to ronstitntions "worn
I i.i.timiated by the warm weather of I
. s.ii.i. nt r. when the blood is not in j
ii'.itinn. ivinotu,'iitly Katheriinr i:n- .
!! s. k r i-hiM.aaii(l iiuocriect :icl !o:i
fuv. miaiK mill is manifested by
..' i '.' i liiotches. Boils, l'ustules, i
n nl l.miioiil f rom overwork, and
ir.. Htui inertia take the place I
..:)'' ' th system iwcds a i'unic '
lip .i i'i h.-ip tii itai i orcts to re-
vri ower.
r I riiiuenl I v 1 he .iivmnd
pi-rlortu tiieir f uiieti'uis;
!'. ilrirans are itinctive,
'. "-tomach and intestines
in iiilious d'iaiiKeineiit.
' . i -.ta the sm Til A1KKIC.X
i v mi ited t it uil t hoe dif
' . .il.- tiio VI1IATC1) UI.OI1D,
li t i.ivimi i'owkks, ami us--:.
ii !i..s from iMHAiiitu AM
fr'-ili i.ikrn. Jurubeba is pro
. '. n ntcrs the most efficient
1 l I hi nisTiii F.NT known
' ' nn-dical plants.
1- Piatt. St., N. Y.,
! .rl In' L nited States,
-liie. Semi for Circular.
't i)i i if world for nva-
The oldest and most reliable institntion for
obtaining a Mercantile Education. For circu
lars write to
P. DL'Ff & SONS. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Timor; II TIIK A IK !' Forty years' ad
venture in the clouds. Complete history of
Balloons, and how to make and manage tliem.
Full of Thrilling Interest ami Hairbreadth Es
capes. Life of Author. The most interesting
and ercilitifi volume ever issued. Profusely il
DENT I Agents should send one dollar for out
Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Chicago.
AWKSTS WAXTIIO for the new book,
by his comrade ami friend, D. W. C. Pjsteus,
Brevet Lieut. Col. and Surgeon, I'. S. A from
facts dictated by himself. The onlv TRt'E and
ai-1'ii:nti; life of America's greatest H C XT
Kit, TUAPPEK, SCOLT and GUIDE tver pub
lished. It contains full and eompli te descrip
tions of the Indian Tribes of the FA It WEST,
as seen by Kit Carson, who lived iimomr them
nil his life. It givesn full ami reliable account
of 'lie MoTkm Sand the M )i )Oi ' W A It. Asa
work of II 1ST U Y, it is invaluable. A grand
"l :orlunny for u units to make money. Our
illustrated circulars sent free to all applicants.
Write tin 1 secure territory at nice.
Dl'STIN, OILMAN & Co., Hartford, Conn.
u uiimi nm
I1 i l'sst INroi'to'jo
per ccc
it Gold Bonds,
Coupons payable Felirnnry and Ans-tist in
o!J. in Sew York or Unit iinore. I'r
Sil- lit till prr rent., inl ncrrnel inter-
fnt in currency: secured by Ft'r.sf Marti tan; ex
ecuted to Inruien' Loan ! l riil '.
f Alow Vorlt, covering Coin panj-'s Line, its
Franchises, Equipments, Ileal and I'ersonal
Estate, at the rate of I3,oio per mile on the
Koad, extending from tinrlnnnll to '
b-ttxhur. the terminus of Chesapeake and
Ohio Koad, I Itt miles.
Governments, State, City, Riiilrotid, or any
other marketable securities, taken in exchange
fit liijfiiest market rates. Millioul -aiiiinis
Mion. and K.. .V F- ISoikIs f i.rwui (led lrc
ofrlinreto purehawr. Painlilrt4 Mh
nixl lull inloruiatiou will be furnished on
application to
3'2 South SI., It A LTinoltE.
Bankers. Stock and Note Brokers, and Fiscal
Agents of the Company: dealers in Govern
ments ami Kailwuy Securities in all the mar
kets of the 17. S. ; or to liauks uul Hunkers
throuuhout the country.
'jt i hill.
''" 'inn.
to tin: best Lard Oil.
"c mi i hi ml ofjfachiiic
f OI.F.XA ; and if yon
''i H tit nunc, nend for a
in ii t; fist to
;--tnri;Ki'.S AM) I1EAIEHS,
7;f J'cun Attcmte,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
V I o.
,; ''"'I' s have been reporting in
:' 1 "'' of tins count v that our
. .M.tiiirinar Woolen Goods. Ac,
. , !; ' ' y really tire we deem
it own proieciion and for
' 'tie rutiiic to publish the
s- "l- riticr.s.
-?3.."0 per pair.
and cts. per yard.
o cts. r yard.
" cts. ji.-r yard.
' ' "V 2m cts. ,er lb.
7 i- ti
?1 "N F.S X- SONS,
'I tiss,,, rfcf Woolen Factory.
TRUSTEE'S SALE. l!y virtue of
au order of the Orphans' Court of Cam
bria, there wili be exposed to Public Sale, on
the premises in Bhicklick townhip, on I Itl
IAV. I lie lOlli tiny of October next, at
2 o'clock. I. by public vendue or outcry,
the following described real -state, of which
Abraham C. Makin, Lite of said township, died
seized, to wit: All that certain PIECE or PAK
CEL OF LANT) situated in tiie Township of
Blaeklick, in the County of Cambria, State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and desciiLcd as fol
lows: Hetrinninur at a hemlock, on the tract
of which this is a part, and of the tract Georg-o
Slaiight: thence south 2!i. degrees, west b0
perches, to a hemlock ; thence norlh 1(57 perch
es to u post; thence north 2X degrees, cast IV)
perches, to a fallen beech; thence south 17
perches to the place of bcu-inuin; containing
150 ACRES, and the usual allowance of six per
cent, for roads, about 35 Acres being cleared,
having thereon erected a two-story PLANK
HOUSE and a small LOG HA UN.
Terms of S.ti-r:. The costs incident to parti
tion and sale to be paid on eon Urination of sale,
two-thirds of the balance of the purchase mon
ey to be paid to the heirs and legal reprcsenta
tiresor the said deceased or the parties entitled
thereto, in one year thereafter, with interest,
and the remaining third to remain a lien on tho
premises until the death of Elizabeth Y llson,
late Elizabeth Makin, widow of said deceased,
the interest whereof to be pai annually and
punctually to her during her lifetime, and at
(,.., ii.u tuiil renmininir third to be paid
to the heirs and legal representatives aforesaid
or tho persona then legally entitled to the same
the purchaser to enter into recognizance in
tho Orphans' Court, with 6UiTicicnt surety, to
be approved of bv said Court, for the payment
of tho balauceof the purchase money afore
said W. B. BONACKEll, Trustee.
Sept. 12, 1873.-4 1.
We will give
I i . .' '" pursued in your
fare ' (mn, ,. for those
"i ,;, ,.isl,re time.
111 y do us well us men.
l;i,;-'on M., Bunton. Mum.
i 'I IHTli i v ",.
'''Vs. , l l- ' M
I - ! ... , """NsBI IKi, T'A.
' ; "early nppt,sn. r.lair's
. . " ' tor.iKt.. ust Ward,
' 1 he II.. Ic. 11 l.-tf.l
and ins cnitoMO
HAVING control of the magnificent OIL
CM HOMO, YO SEMITE we "re able to
oiler a combination of literary and artmlo
work of genuine worth, and at prices unprece-
l! Thfa tine copy of a piece of Nature's .grandest
work is not presented in tho usual limited styio
-its dimensions, HxM, making a P ic t "r
very desirable size, in itself AN O UN AM EN 1
T TH B K O.M irrace.l by its presence.
But w copies of this beautiful chrorao win
be allowed to go to the retail stores, and tnoao
will be sold at their
Actual Retail Trice, 56.00,
while, if ordered in connection with our uiaga
juc, both will be furnished for
As a premium the picture maybe obtained
by seixlsmr us I Htiuirn(f ion fur thi- Maijazinc
a' H.OOouTt, or !.v suum'I i I i rijr for t he magazine
two ears in udvuuce. al tl.UO pel aiiuuui.
S. E. biiuiLs, PuLlisUcr. Ncwburgb, N, Y.
Exemplary Retribution.
Of the provincial newspaper humorists
who have been incited to more or less suc
cessful emulation by the fame of the Dan
bury News, he of tho Peoria (111.) Review
is the most poetic, as the following darkly
dramatic triumph of his agitated muse am
ply attests :
Canto Primus.
Pete was a tip-np baggageman, he ran on
Number Four,
Where the tears and groans of traveling folks
unflinchingly he bore.
He cared not how the women wept, or strong
men raved and swore,
While he mutilated sample cases, desolated
Saratogas, annihilated ordinary lug
gage, immolated carpet-bags, extermi
nated band-lioxes and extinguished
travelers' outfits by the score.
This fine old railway baggageman,
one of the modern time.
Canto Sccundus.
But Thursday afternoon there came a mod
est traveling man,
Who smiled, and watched how ruthlessly
the baggage Pete did slam;
Then as he pointed out his trunk for him to
smash and jam,
He said : "Dear friend, my worldly posses
sions are few and humble ; silver and
gold have I none, but such as I have
are in that trunk. Handle it tender
ly, for it is frail aud I am poor, and if
there's a man traveling who watcheB
and weeps aud prays over his baggage,
then that's the kind of man I am."
Canto Tertius.
Cut Peter seized his shabby trunk with
snorts of wrath and scorn,
And in two seconds both the handles from
the ends had torn,
Aud heedless of the pleadings of the passen
ger forlorn,
Ho banged the trunk down on the platform,
and then threw it over tlie top of the
car and let an omnibus run over it,
and then whacked it a butnper, and
threw it off the end of the bridge and
shot into it iitli bis revolver, and
finally buying it in his arms, took a
tlying leap into the baggage car with
it, aud lit ou it in a corner with his
heels, head and stomach, and mashed
it into more pieces than there are hairs
on a dog's back, and the next second
that baggage-car was just alive with
one interested baggageman and more
crawling, squirming, wriggling, rat
tling, coiling rattlesnakes than you
would believe had ever been liorn.
(Chorus as previously, but with
more feeling.)
Canto Quartus.
In vain the muse essays to tell how Pete, the
smasher, swore,
And yelled, and shrieked, and howled, and
roared, and raved, and tramped, aud
And scratched, and slashed, and sweat, and
scrambled for the door,
Aud turned blue as indigo, and swelled up
to nine times the size of a double
decker Saratoga trmilr, and died in
two minutes after he got out of the car,
while the modest traveler, viewing his
exaggerated remains, smiled, and said:
"He never knew a baggageman so
fond of snakes before."
(Chorus ad lib.)
About twenty years ago a man-of-war,
belonging to Her Uritanic Majesty, was
lying at anchor in the principal harbor of
Antigua, which, as most people know,
forms one of the group called the West
India Islands, and belongs to the British.
It was a hot, sultry day in tho begin
ning of Juno. The heavy fog, which at
that time of year occasionally hangs like a
curtain over everything, had been t'is
persed by the heat of the sun's rays, and,
like a retreating enemy, was rolling slowly
back to the horizon. Not a breath of
wind stirred the water, not a sea-gull
flapped its wings round the ship. The
long pennon dropped lazily from the mast,
as though sharing in the general languor
of nature. The surface of the sea was like
a mirror, only disturbed by an occasional
black fin, that rippled lazily through the
water for a little distance, and disappeared
as its possessor sunk again into the depths
beneath. As the sun, however, rose to
wards tho meridian, a breeze began to
spring up not cool and steady, but coming
now and then in irregular puffs, and hot
as the breath of an oven. Notwitstanding
the suspicious appearance of the weather,
and the rapid fall of the thermometer, a
party of midshipmen asked permission to
take tho pinnace for a few hours' sail, and
obtained it, but on tho condition that they
should not go far from the 6hip. The
party, consisting of six middies .and two
mates, started, accordingly, in great spir
its, notwithstanding the warning growls
of some of tho old tars. Thoughtless and
fearless as English sailori generally are,
they paid little attention to the freshening
wind, and tho fast altering appearance of
the sky. The tido was running out with
great force, and they were soon outside the
mouth of the harbor and slipping down tho
sido of tho island with a fair wind, and
with the full strength of tho ebb. One of
the mates was at the helm, a middy with
the sheets, the rest stretched lazily about
the boat, smoking and talking, when, like
a thunderbolt, a violent squall struck them,
and the light boat capsized in an instant.
All its crew were immersed, but soon made
thfcir appearance again, swimming like
corks on the surface, and in a short time
were collected like a flock of water-fowl on
the keel of their upturned boat. When
they had shaken the water out of their
eyes, looked about them a little, and
found their numbers undiminished, they
held a consultation on their condition, and
the chances for and against their rescue.
The prospect of affairs was certainly net
inspiriting, and to people possessed of less
buoyant dispositions than themselves would
have appeared hopeless. They were cling
ing to the wreck of a small boat, their
ship was hidden from sight by clouds of
rain for the storm had now come on in all
its fury and the land was invisible for
the same cause. The sea was rising fast,
the wind blowing a perfect hurricane, and,
worse than all, they were drifting with full
force of wind and tido into the Caribbean
Sea; once there, out of the track of vessels,
and far frotn any land, their fate would be
certain. Such being the state of things,
many hopes were expressed that the ship
would send boats in search of them. Com
fortable suggestions, but with too little
foundation. At last tho two eldest de
termined upon a plan, which nothing but
the desperate emergency of the case could
have suggested. It was to attempt to
swim ashore. The land was about three
miles from them; they were both first-rate
swimmers, and, as far as tho distanco was
concerned, might have attempted it on a
calm day without much fear of failure; but
in a heavy sea the case was different, and
both wind and tide, though not dead
against them, combined to sweep them
down under the lee of the island. Above
all, the place swarmed with shaiks. Noth
ing daunted, however, these two brave
fellows stripped to tho skin, and, after a
short good-bye, and a hurt ied exhortation
to the bijj ones to hold the little ones on,
and all o keep up their pluck, they leaped
into the sea.
I cannot describe with what feelings
they left their little boat, which, though a
frail support enough, seemed like au ark
of refuge, when compared to the pitiless
waves, to whose mercy they committed
themselves. They had both resolved to
stick to one another as long as they lasted,
both for mutual encouragement, and as
some sort of protection against the much
dreaded sharks. For nearly an hour they
swam on, sometimes lying on their backs
to rest, sometimes striking out again for
lour life. Up to this time, although much
fatigued, they had seen no sharks; aud
they were encouraged by a glimpse,
through a break in the gale, of the land,
as it rose dark and forbidding above its
white fringe of breakers. But all at once,
without a moment's notice, they were sur
rounded on all sides by black fins. An ex
clamation of despair forced itself from
them at this sight, aud both waited in
agony of suspense for tho moments of pain
which were to end their existence; still
they mechanically swam on, and, to their
surprise, the sharks, although playing all
around them, did not touch them. They
made continual short rushes at them, and,
when the poor fellows closed their eyes in
all the agony of death, passed by them; or,
turning ou their backs, they would open
their monstrous jaws, and close their teeth
with a loud crash within a few inches of
their victim's body. Ono of these men
said afterwards that ho felt at that time
lilco a niontw lit iiio i,wor vf t.i(.
plays with the poor wretch before she
makes her supper off it. Still, however,
they swam on, the thunder roaring, the
lightning flashing above them, struggling
against a heavy sea, terrific wind, and
strong tide, tired and exhausted, with
these horrid monsters swimming around
them. One often reads of nights of terror
that turn a man's hair gray. Many of
these may bo considered peaceful when
compared with the horrors of that five
hour's swim. At last, however, they sue
cccded in nearing the extreme end of the
island; the shaiks one by one left them;
the last, however, made a farewell plunge
at the lad nearest him, and, though he
missed him with his teeth, struck him a
violent blow in the stomach with his strong
tail. The poor fellow called out, and his
companion, who was swimming a few
yards in advance, though thoroughly ex
hausted, returned to his friend's assist
ance; he supported him until he recovered
sufficiently to proceed, and at last they
once more touched the firm ground. They
struggled up to the beach, and lay down
for a few minutes utterly worn out; but
the thought of their comrades clinging to
that upturned boat roused them to fresh
exertions. After staggering on for about
half a mile in tho direction of some houses,
they met a nnmber of negi-oes, who, as our
heroes were entirely naked, attacked them
with stones, and they would in all proba
bility have fallen victims to this niggcr"
sense of decency had not an officer for
tunately passed by at the moment and
recognized them.
In a few minutes their story was told,
and prompt measures were adopted to res
cue tho remainder of the party. Boats
were quickly launched under the loo of the
island, aud the two mates, although near
ly dead from exhaustion, persisted in em
barking in them. ' The danger was not yet
over, for the sea was running mountains
high; the gale had little abated, and the
night was coming on fast. Alter a long
and hard pull nothing could be seen of tho
- , , . r . ,i i
! UUSSUig OUCS: It hOU nccome iiuuv uam,
and they were beginning to despair. One
boat had already turned towards the shore
when, by tho light of a vivid flash, they
saw on the crest of a huge black wave the
dismantled boat, with its knot of half
drowned boys. They boom pulled np to it,
and found to their great joy the number
complete. They, too, had begun to de
spair; had feared their two brave comrades
had perished; wero wearied and half suf
focated by the constant seas that were con
tinually breaking over them; and some
were talking of loosing their hold when the
timely relief arrived.
On reaching ths shore tho two brave
mates gave in. Tho reaction which fol
lowed their exertions and exposure was
great and dangerous. One died a victim
to his heroism; the other lived, but his
health was seriously injured, and his pow
ers of mind affected by all that he had gone
through; for months afterwards he would
start up in his bed with a shriek of terror
as ho saw, in all the vivid reality of dream
land, those monstrous sharks glaring at
him, and heard the gnash of their sharp
This wonderful escape can only be ac
counted for by the fact that the spot where
they landed was the site of the slaughter
house for the troops, and that the shaiks
were so sated with the offal thrown into
the sea at that time that even the unusual
delicacy of "white man" could not tompt
them. If, however, only a few drops of
blood had tinged the water, tho case would
have beeu very differently, for sharks, like
beasts of prey, aro roused to fury at the
sight of it, and in the condition of these
two poor fellows, tho slightest scratch
would have been instantly fatal to them.
Great Mes. We always think of great
men as in tho act of performing the deeds
which give them renown, of else iu stately
repose, grand, gloomy and majestic. And
yet this is hardly fair, because even the
most gorgeous and magnificent of human
beings have to bother themselves with the
little things of life which engage the atten
tion of us smaller people. No doubt Moses
suffered and got angry wbeu he bad a se
vere cold in his head, and if a fly bit his
leg while fitting in the desert, why should
wo suppose ho did not jump up and u&o vio
lent language and rub the sore place? And
C;usar isn't it tolerably certain housed to
become furious when ho went up stairs to
get his slipjiers in the dark and found that
Caluphurnia had shoved them back under
the bed so that he had to sweep around
wildly for them with the broom handle?
And when Solomon cracked his crazy bone
is it unreasonable to suppose that lie hopped
around the room and looked mad, and felt
as if he wanted to cry? Imagine George
Washington sitting on the edge of the bed
putting on a clean shirt and grumbliug at
Martha because the buttons were off ; or
St. Augustine with an apron around his
neck having his hair cut; Joan of Arc hold
ing her front hair in her mouth, as women
do, while she fixed up her back hair; or Na
poleon jumping out of bed in a frenzy to
chase a mosquito around the room with a
pillow; or Martin Luther in his night-shirt
trying to put the baby to sleep at 2 o'clock
in the morning ; or Alexander tho Great
w ith tho hiccups ; or Thomas Jefferson
getting suddenly over a fence to avoid a
doe ; or the Duke of Wellington to
bed with the mumps ; or Dauiel Webster
abubing his wifo because she hadn't tucked
the covers in at the foot of the bed ; or
Benjamin Franklin paring his corn with a
raisor ; or Jonathan Edwards at the dinner
table wanting to sneezo just as he gets his
mouthful of beef ; or Noah standing at his
window at night throwing bricks at a cat.
Great men are mortal, aud are subjected
and affected by many of the annoyances
that afflict the common men of humanity.
Hence the French proverb that no man is
great to his valet.
Of course tho Pottsvillo Miners' Jour
nal says this, we don't: "The little girls
are keeping house now, and inviting other
little girls to take lea with them. The tea
consists mostly of warm water served in
miniature wooden dishes, and a slice of
green apple with a worm in it. The little
girls drink the tea and chew the apple
with proper solemnity. Then they say, 'I
shan't !' Tou're just as mean as you can
bet' 'I shall go right home, now!' and
kick each other on the legs, and disperse."
"You shouldn't bo glutinous, Isaac,"
said Mrs. Partington, as, with an anxious
expression, she marked the strong convul
sive effort that young gentleman was mak
ing to bolt the List quarter of a mince pie;
"you shouldn't be so glutinous, dear; you
must be very careful, or you will get some
thing in your elementary canal or sar
cophagus one of these days that will kill
you, Isaac."
The First Man. Teacher "Who was
the first man ?"
Brown (head boy) "Washington ; he
was first in war, first in"
Teacher "Noj no ; Adam was the first
Brown "Oh 1 if you're talking of for
eigners, I s'pose he was."
A low roofed cabin, time-etnbrowned,
Built by the forking road;
A rude enclosure circling round
Fair learning's meek abode.
Within, a "ten-plate" stove gave out,
From many a hickory bough,
Tho genial warmth that frost without
Aud snow made welcome now
To numliers grouping in its reach,
The chubby and the fair,
The frolicsome and slow of speech,
Who formed the "master's" care.
From distant hnmblo home they came,
Stout brothers, sisters dear,
Of varying age, fantastic name,
And raiment quaint and queer.
Stored by a mother's tender hand,
Dy every cloak and shawl
Their satchels huge in pride expand
Around the smoke-stained wall.
Have you forgot the picture? Long,
Long since have passed away
The school-room, and the merry throng
Who gathered there each day.
But tenderly to-night comes back,
Linked with the master's praise,
Remembrance of a figure slight
Our Annie of those days.
A Fobmeh Schoolmate.
Loretto, Pa.
The Danbury New man says that tho
"parts uuknown" is where they don't ad
vertise which must le iu this vicinity-
Of "Fortuno's buffets" James Watson
felt he had borno his full phare. Why,
then, turn his back upon her favors, if at
last he chose to offer them ?
So ' James Watson asked himself, on
finding that the pocket-book he had just
picked up contained a handsome sum of
"But its not mine," he reflected, "and
the owner may be discovered."
"Don't be a fool !" he answered himself,
with the customary rudeness of one get
ting the worst of the argument. "It's not
your business to look after the owner.
Others have not dealt bo justly by you,
that you need put yourself out much ou
account of others."
Bad reasoning, surely, but, if James
Watson yielded to it, it was not without
palliation. The failure of his employer
had lost him his situation, besides a con
siderable arrearage of wages. The bank
in which he had deposited his savings had
broken, and at last the wolf was at the
He had been out all day seeking employ
ment without finding it. At home he had
left an invalid wife and a child crying for
bread. To carry them nothing back but
disappointment, he could not bear to think
of. He had continued his search till Iiojhj
had become hopeless, and was moodily
bending his steps homeward, when his
eye fell on a pocket-book at his feet, which
he eagerly picked up, and which he found,
on inspection, to contain a sum larger than
he had ever before possessed.
Having snubbed his conscience into si
lence, James Watson hastened to seek the
humble home he had a moment before
shrunk from entering.
"Dot any supper for Charley, papa?"
were the first words that greeted him.
"Charley shall have a nice supper to-
and kissing him.
"Look here, Mary !'' he exclaimed, dis
playing his treasure before the astonished
eyes of his wife.
"Where did you get it?" she asked, her
pale face growing paler, and her voice
"Fouud it."
"Then it is not yours, James."
"Oh ! the pretty money," cried the
child, clapping his hands "but, papa, I's
so hungry."
Tho father caught up one of the bank
notes, and was hastening out, when his
wife's thin hand was laid upon his arm.
"Be our wants what they may," she
said, gently but firmly, 'we must not touch
a cent of that money. It is not ours, and
you seo there are papers which may lead
to tho discovery of tho owner."
"A plague on the papers !" he answered;
"we're not bouud to read them and it's
easy putting it out of their power to tell
He was in the act of Hinging them into
the fire, when his wife caught hU aim.
"Listen to me, James." she said, look
ing appealingly into his face. "Trial and
privation lam ready to bear with you to
the end ; to lose faith in your honor I could
not bear ; it would kill me more cruelly
than want."
Conscience had found an abler advocate
this time than in the discussion with him
self. "Put It by, Mary," he said, closing the
pocket-book and handing it to his wife.
"You are right. God help us !"
"Be assured he will, James ; I feci it
now more than ever,"
"But dat nice supper, papa," little Char
ley reminded, "when will it tome ?"
The poor father sunk into a chair and
covered his face.
"Charley shall have supper presently,'
said his mother. "Here, James," she add
ed, "take this it will supply our present
wants, and let u commit to-moiioW to
God's mercy."
"What, Mary ! your wtdding i ing ? No,
uo !"
"For his sake," she said, pointing to the
child who was climbing his father's kna
to roncw the appeal.
Without answering, James took the ring
and went out. In a short timo he return
ed, and Charley soon sat down to a supper
in which the goodness of his appetite made
amends for the plainness of the fare.
Next morning James Watson took the
pocket-book to place it in trusty hands till
the proprietor could be found. The pa
pers it contained were a scaled packet and
some loose memoranda, which gave no
clue to the owner. Tho gentleman in
whose hands James placed it commended
his honesty, and promised to advertise
cautiously for the losr of tho property.
While James was absent on this errand,
an elderly gentleman called.
"Docs James Watson live here ?" he in
quired. "That is my husband's name," Mary
"Is he at homo ?" asked the gentleman.
"He has gone out on some business,"
said Mary, a little hesitatingly, for she had
a misgiving that the gentleman's visit
might relate to the lost pocket-book, and
that if it still remained in her husband's
possession, he might, in some way, be com
promised. "Sorry," said the old gentleman; "I
wished to sec him particularly. I'm a law
yer, you see," he added abruptly.
Mary was all in a tremble. She was suro
now it was the pocket-book he had coma
"But stay," said the old gentleman,
jumping up, "is that your family Bible?"
And before Mary could answer ho had the
book open, and was closely comparing the
family register with a memorandum he
had taken from his pocket.
"Quite right !" ho muttered to himself.
"Now, then," he resumed "I've a most
unpleasant piece of news to tell, aud may
as well out with it."
Mary trembled still more violently. Pos
sibly James had been found with the pocket-book
in his p issossion, and was charged
with stealing it.
"Your husband had au uncle Edward,"
the stranger continued "a wild dog Ned
was in fact, wo were a pair of wild dogs
together, he and I. Well, he ran away,
and was never heard of till after he had
died a millionaire in a strange land. By
his will, duly forwarded to me, and in
which I am named as executor, the bulk
of his fortune is left to his nephew, your
husband, of whom, it seems, ho had some
how gained intelligence."
Mary was too much agitated fully to
comprehend the old gentleman's statement.
She waited for him to continue.
"Now for the storm !" said he. "By
George, I wish your husband was here I
I'd rather face twenty men than ouo wo
man in such a case."
"I am at a loss to understand you, sir,"
was all Mary could answer.
"You trt7i soon," he returned. "TIte
icilCs lost I Now you may think that
makes but little difference, seeing the con
tents are known, which only proves how
little women know of law. A will has no
effect till it's proved, which it can't very
well be without being produced. 'How
came it lost?' you were going to ask.
Quite a proper question ou cross-examination,
and I take no exception to it. Well,
it was through my owu stupid carelessness.
I dropped my pocket-book somewhere y cs
tcrday "
"And I found one," said James Watson,
who had entered at this point.
"Found one," cried the lawyer "what
was it like 1"
James described it, stating accurately
the amouut of money iu it.
"Confound the money !" interrupted the
other "were there any papei'6?"
"A scaled packet and some memoran
da," James answered. "But you can soon
sec for yourself that everything is right.
I have just placed the pocket-book and its
couteuts in the hands of a reliable pei-son,
to be taken caro of till the owner is dis
covered." "Ilu-za !" cried the old lawyer, tosking
up his hat. "You're an honest fellow, and
deserve your good luck."
When a few words of explanation had
enabled James to comprehend the allusion
to his luck, he blushed a little at the com
pliment to his honesty, which he felt was
more due to Mary than himself, and then
turned pale as he reflected that, but for
her unswerving sense of right, his own
hand would have committed to the flames
the means of raising to affluence, from the
depths of want, those for whom he would
have ierillcd life, and had so nearly per
illed honor.
The pocket-book and contents were
promptly identified. In due time the will
was proved, and James Watson, the hum
ble clerk, is now a man of wealth. Mary
is as good and gentle . as ever. But we
doubt if little Charley's suppers are eaten
j with as' keen a rcliah as when hunger
' sharpened appetite.
Josh Billings says : "When I was a
little boy and wore naked feet, and wm
loafing around loose for strawberries, I was
oftentimes just agoing to step on a stripect;
snaik, but it always cured me of stmwber
rys. If a EtriiKxl snaik got into a 10-akro
lot before I did, I always konsidered tha.1
all the straw berry in A 'JOTigeJ tew
the bnaik."