II .if. imhii Hi inmiiiiiii yauuuai I irmiTnii i1 etc ie sra T.irBL-iar - - jsJ azz-Tsorms-j- AX INUrfcT OK THK 81Xtl CONFF.DKU ATE INVASION OF 1'ESSVLVAS1A. An ex-Conftdeiiite solder is writing a Fcries of interesting; reminescvnces J-lie V.ta ,t. vtnwnlft fill- the eW Ullt.Ul! 7 1.7 Tl.ii t .11. .win" 1 .OSSt-3 interest to I'enn.jlvani-.u.s to j s ly lU transfer to otfr columns- I lie bait. o of 7 i " .... u. .,..'.. had ben fought and won. I ll1iui.in"i.-'.'v ... A l. Wl'JJ tilt' 1!I1CL ;illll Oil IliC Joe looker The", after I bad expressed my gratifl ' cation at meeting ii lady who fearlessly expressed her true sentiments, and assured I her that the raw recruits who were hasten ' in" to their army would only be in their own way, and no sort of impediment to us, we launched out into a discussion of ! the merits of the controversy. I advocating suilieient ' the riht of the South to withdraw from the L nion, and she advancing arguments against anv such "'dtt-tructivo and revolu- Vlat" had Ltcn bi nshed out of Ic's oath and the entire army of northern ii- I . . . I., 1 ..1.1. ,..!.-.,,- ,v - : Ti 1 1 ici 1 1 ir 1 1 Y- 1 1 1 1 ; . IIumich nu .iv..l., forced matches through the beautiful val ley of iigmia for a second d;uh into Ma i viand ai.d l'ennsvlvaiiia. About, suimown one evening, l iuiiik. is. was the fust of July, 1SC13, our batallion, tionary theory." . Agreeing finally to disagree on tins suD ject,he said suddenly, as an expression of soiiow again settled upon her features : 'I was iiraiVni;- your troops just iiow and i said they had disturbed nothing about the ! premises; I fo.got one of your soldiers I did the most heartless thing this morning I ever heard oi. t-.oi hui wini-nc one being so utterly devoid of feeling." i immediately iniagtneu someming the ua ningion .A.uiie.y, .na.tneu u .llUuX an(l tremblingly inquired what thioulK. .ambers burgand wen .. toe. mp , . tho a few miles on the ot her s ' duI1 alld saill, l have an aquarium ri-ovo of trees. Just be to uut Uu.'le and my fish are very particular .? 1 a very f;tn"V t'tl.li'-o be i.tt I know them all by aaiue and they ide, the ganleu and Il'lillrtV"'Vh u d ' know nic. Whenever 1 go out to feed Kpoke the inmates , o y ; the j f Jsk refinement, and I determined to tiy and in i in n ft.nYrt f.i - ' anolil 111 HiV nimiiiiiib uivc so iii.iuv in.iviui fee tt.en, i m " ' -' ' . 1 1 ,..;., .le ' kittens. Well, sir, some soldier must have mate oi tie nn. . i , ( (.lin;bt.d ()V01. tllC feilce aml fetabbed with a l 'vu'hnr0.! '1 nvlfadcd and soiled artil- 1 stick or bayonet my most beautiful fish, leiy uniibim, I .-allied ont, as so,,,, as I .for I found him dead. Wasn't it horri conld leave camp, and approae!,iiiS the : ble ' low -te discovered a lady leaning thtue- ! It was impossible to suppress a smile at on wat chin" intently the troops as they this, and, ltt she might think me rude, I marched pa.-t 1 was considerably elated explained that, having marched over a scc bv -cein" her respond p -liu lv to the eour- i tion of Virginia that had been devastated teous sanitations f the oUice.s, and ad- by the Federal forces, and knowing of in-vantin- with a boldness that surprises me i numerable instances of terocious cruelty now. lh.necl n.v cap and said, 'Madam. ' tuwar.ls Southern women and children, may I trouble you lor a glass of walei ! sbe must pardon me if the story of her T!... ,,i,.:i!, 'nml thoioiudiH- ladv-like : tin fortunate iib struck mc as being su- Jiianner in which she said, Certainly, sir, ; walk in," lnadc me feel just a little mean i about the strategem I was using, but. re- ; YOOD, 3I0KEELL & CO. WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Jlslcil Dealers in I it ii art) w a uk, quei:nsvare. bcots and siiof.s. hats and caps. i hon and nails; CARTETS AND OIL CLOTHS, UEADY-MADE CLOTHING, GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN AIsD WILLOW WARE. PROVISIONS and FEEDALL KINDS, Together with all manner of Western Produce, eucu a FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CAliBON OIL, &c, Ac. - 22?" Wholesale and retail orders solicited and pronipt.lv filled on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms WOOD. 51 OKI? ELL & CO. a? DEALER IS J'.ecling lli.it in war. as in love, all things are fair, and the lady herself bein deci dedly fair, 1 concluded to put a bold face on the matter, and found myself drawn into quite a spirited conversation as we were advancing towards the h-m.-e, up an avenue of niagnilleent cedars. the laughingly apologized for not unit ing n.e into her parlor, snyintr that, appre hending the destruction of the. houe she had piled up the furnitiue in the center of the various rooms preparatory to a gener al conflagration. "What," sani 1, "did you suppose we were going to be ravage enough to burn you out of your house and home-.'" "t)h," she replied, 4-e lieatd all sorts of horrible things about you reb els, and when we knew you were coming, Ave supposed of course we should be ruined, j and determined to have the melancholy I pleasure of burning our own house and tho : beautiful barn that you see over there. Oh ! it would almost have hided mc to burn 1 our beautiful barn, of which we arc all so j proud, but I would lrive done it, with my i own hands too, lather than have seen it destroyed by the enemy ; but pray be seat- I ed, sir, I have been quite remiss in keeping j you waiting so long for a glasj; of water."' ; I stated myself in a pretty rustic chair , on the lose-emboweied porch, and the lady soon returned with a dulicately-ehaaed gob- j let lilltd to the brim with crystal ice-water, j Surely t lie old gods them.-tives never j quali'cd nr. re delicious nectar than that glass coiuainett, aim l i rieu 10 say as mueii premely ludicrous. "Oh,' she said, '"I have read of these things, but have never credited the ac counts. How can men so far forget them ; si Ives as to act like such bai barians ? lint I let me show ou my aquarium." ! We walktd out into the beautiful and i carefully tended garden, and passing bc i neath a graceful vine-coveitd arbor or j Minimer-hon.-e, came upon tho most ex j tensive and exquisite aquarium I had ever ; seen. The water was as clear as crystal, 1 and there were all sorts of artitieial co ! veils for the pretty gold and other rare .' Ilsh that flashed and gamboled about as if : their lives were one long ccstacy. At one . end of this aquarium, the very picture of j a soldier, stood at lest a lino looking ,' young Confederate infantryman, With his : bright Minnie musket by his side. Look i ing at the lady inquiringly, she said in a ' whisper, "Oh, when I srw my jnjor dead j lish 1 wrote a note detailing the circum ' stances to Oen. Leo, whose headquarters are near, and he sent me. that soldier to ! stand guard over mv tisli." This was too absurd, and I laughed heartily as we turned away. She saiil it was very kind of Gen. Lee, and went far to convince her that all she had heard of his noble qualities was true. When about to take my departure, my hostess said : "Let me make a prediction : you are satisfied your army will be victori ous : well, before the fourth of II, is month Yirk.-biu g w ill be taken and Lee's army will be defeated. Jn your ret l cat, 1 fear your soldiers may be reckless and re vengeful, and that thev will set lire to our DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES G EN EH ALLY KEPT IN A COUNTRY STOKE. WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCE TASKS IN F.XCHANG,: KOR COOPS. Store on South Side of Main Street, i. m r i. :.. ..i and to express mv protoiiud appreciation . . , ' , , . , . '. . . . . , j burn our oivn hu-e and barn, ot her kiuuness in waiting on a private sol- . , . ,- llNT ,, , , . u ; i i . 4.r I thaiu:cd htr for her cuurtesv, smiled at iher. ",o thaiiKs at all. said she ; 1 1 , ,. .. , , , .. , , f . , . I her prtinction, anil promised, it near at waited on ou because I saw vou ;; it ! , 1 . , ' 1 ..' . , , - , , i-' r i l i the cutical moment, to see that lie was j.rtnitc; had you L.een an olncer l siiouul j nUu.(l to enjoy the mournful pleasure have ordered my servant to bring the j : craxviX so c;u.i:estlv. water." 1 his was said with so muel, can- n v(U.tion was woll(lcvfnliv verified. ...1 .... ,,...nll. tli'it I HI1IV 1.IHV I ' Yicksburg fell on the 4th, and we were in t full retreat from Gettysburg on the 4th. I made it convenient not to pass by that i bullae. X. 15. The lady was Mrs. McClurc, w ife I of the wealthy and distinguished Congress- man, and if I am not mistaken. Gen. Ini : linden, subsequently, in one of his raids, destroyed her en'. ire pmptity. he must have gloried in her misfortune, foraphiek , i !, more earnest, or more j-nt riotic womau S did nut breath north of the l'otoinac. isti-::ts-;i5JXC"J- EOGK, DRUG ani YAEIETY STORE. HAVINii recently enlarur.il our stoek wen re now re,iureil to sell it t a jiieut redm-tion from former price.-!. ti,r sunk consiMs of liruus, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hull's nml Allen's Hair lie torat ives. I'ills.llintiiient-, Plaster. Liniineiit, I'ain Kill-U-rs, Citvitte Mu-nesia, I'.-'S. .lamaiea tJinyi-r. I'ure Fluvorinif Kxtnu-t, Ksscnces. Lemon Syrup. Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, tUiuliai b, l'ute Slices, &e. Cigars and Tobaccos, lilrtnk Itooks, I)e-(ls, Notes iiml Ifnruis: Cup; Host. Coinmercial ami all kinds of Note Paper Knve!opes, I'ees, Perieiis, Arnolii's Writing Fluid, P.litek and Iteil Ink, "Pocket iir.d Pass Itooks. M:ijii7.ir-p.i. News;.;:)--!-?. Novell. Histo ric. Hililes. Uelijii'-ius, Pru er and Toy Uooks, Penk iii e.-, PI;k , ,Ve. We haveiellcf to ourstiel; n lor of FINIS JKWKI.KV, to which we w;iuld;ii vite t he at tciiti.'iiot the I.adies. PJtoriKJUAPH ALUl'MS af. lower prices thnri cvrr oft'ci i-d in tins place. 1'aiK.T and Ciifars sold either wholesale or re tail. LKMMO.V - M V Kit A V. July 30, I.6S. Main Street, F.lienslniriur. dor my thanks. Taking a sent, she quite charmed ine bj her easy, graceful manner, ami chatted so pleasantly about tho avniy and the situa tion that 1 souii felt (piitc at homo. "Do you know," she said, "I have never been more surprised in my life than by your troops. 1 fancied your army was composed of rude, uneducated, ragged, half-s;aitd men, and it has Leeu a matter of profound wonder to me that our magnificent armies have never been able to march straight on to IJiclunoiid. Ihit I have been watching our troops pass for two davs now, and l Tur. L vw ov ('or xcidkncks. Two mcl am compelled to admit that ail my precon- j ancholy cases of coincidence in the ocenr ccived ideas in regard to the rcbc.1 anny rence of events are reported in the Western are incorrect. A more oideily, gentle- 1 papers, which are sufficiently curious to manly and ierffctly docoroiis set of men 1 ' deserve recording. The first is that of the have never sen ; and they arc under such 1 death on July i'J, at Hillsdale, Mich., of excellent discipline, too ! Why, when our , Key. Charles S. Adams, of the Presbyterian own troops marched by hcie once, they church at that place, and his wife within were very boisterous and unruly, stole j nine hours' time of each other. The for everjthiny they could lay their hands on, . mer was aed seventy-six years, and tho and kept us in a constant state of alarm, .latter seventy-four, both died of chills, The contrast is very striking, and by no ! with which both were attacked about the means conipliiiicutai y to the men or tho ! same time. The coincidence in this in discipline of our army."' J stance is made the more noticable from I explained the. difference of the deport- the fact that, as is said, two years ago, an nient of the two armies, by saying that al- older brother of Mr. Adams, who w as of most every gentleman of the South, capa- ; tin; same age as the latter was at the time ble of bearing arms, was in our a; my, i of his death, died, and that his wife too cliccj iiido Jiotir ntci !. TliA 72tv i Adams on that occasion prayed that ho and ; his wife should thus depart together at the same time a prayer which has most ; strangely been answered. J 1 he other coincidence is reported from i 3 ft- o Eh -3 CL O in X o while tho jrent ftinon of tlie noitii vciy erally employed substitutes. Vcs,"' she replied, "that has been too much the case, but your entry into Penn sylvania will hum; the tint ire country to a pitch of indignation ami enthusiasm which will eventuate in the capture or utter lout of Lee's cut he army." I laughed a little at this, and intimated that perhaps some of us might be so fortu nate as to escape across the Potomac. She answered by inquiring what we really ex- ' pected to gain by invading Pennsylvania, when I said, with an atVectatition f entile KcriousRcss, "Why, we ai'e on our way to ', Washington, and have only ftopped at C'hamberburg for a day or two to get tho army well in hand to make a proper entry.' An expression of sadness overspread the . kuly's countenance, and alter musing a moment, she said : j ''Do you know, sir, as you c.itnc up this tiiiiJi.v Xc Dunn, riSOPltlETOKS OF Hl(EM FOUNDRY AM) STOVE WORKS jioLLiDATsnrna. pa. nAVINti purchased the establishment lately known as laiterprise Foundry, we ure now prepared to uiaiin fact ure IIUIIT CASTINGS of every description. Tho Various Stylos of Stoves man u fact u red at our establishment are in ail respects equal to any in the market. . Steam Engines ami all kind of Machiner, promptly and satisfactorily repaired. J"AII our work is wurranted'to be exactly what it is represented. Amr. 30.-If.l LOOK SHARP AT THIS! 136. THE ONLY CATHOLIC 136. nnnr r iimiinnoi it r. m i il h Iti'.l.boro, Ohio-it will be observed that V I, 1 , 'l K I ',o ,,,.1, , ,f I. ii. ill ir.c f.vi.1. nln...vt , " " VV l'llt 111 ! Ullll the same and conveys an account of the , ('.ath of a young man uamed Moses Patton, i lu.t far from that town. While riding to i IX CAMBRIA COl.NTV. Mr. MHAfi ITF.lt, Wholesnleand Ketail Iea- ler in Stamuhi) ('atmih.k; Wohks ot all kind, I'iiaykk Hooks, llim.iis. JIistoicicai, and 'ONTUOVI:I!SIAI. Wokks, f'KIIIOIHC.U.S. 1'ic 'ii'icrs, f'HAMis, &c. l"A Friinkliii Street, Johnstown, la. W ill s-ll every article at llal timoreor I'hiMelphia prices. A Utx nil i ir.unnL nil. iic 1 1 f.i the .' c. t Irriiu. I.ilmirU x, r Ihiw '; imt in litriif. bits. Hooks bound nml 1'ietiires framed at tho lowest possible prices. All the K.:isTprii Wci'klv riiocrs I'or s:i whonhelwaslJ!mi-a1" i 136- Franklin Street, Johnstown. 136. visit his intended bride he was struck by lightning, which instantly killed him and his horse. The coincidence in this case is found in the fact, as reported, that two years ago, a brother of the young man was thrown from his horse and 'killed, while on FRANK W. HAY 3 Jr 11 vi ill c t vi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -OF -AND Sheet-Iron WARES, Thp.Sh-kctHiu." c bavs : "A ..,.,..' V- South Side, audi :r"H: tne ariival of an aunt .xlf,- history of whose l.4ltt' .. ' tn r. thing in fiction. SU' in 1- o.r .. l , . ""IT; 5. . her lifetime, he,,!., ,,w t; age. ne married Knight, aseafaiiii' l'St si iU taiivh-. and daughter; man led, and i . sixteen years A lr.;i:,. AJsI DEALEU IN and k . he, !..;. V' 1 ' ' Jlj. ill .- - . imai voyage to (...;,, , him. his i.-. l . - tl0 "o i J;, .:.. V.'. . . 's A. : ! , ' U,"I,'! Kuizht StrUl.'L'ierl ., r & j her children, hoi.-.; ..... ,i , .' i time of her n.isf ..t-'-, '.'.".. exhausted the l:it , ,,.''.'. c liv her hiisl.:.n.l i . .1 ... !. !' 1" ti ........ ..i., i t healtu under th JCillO, IlllSIOl I lllll.' Uhll pOVCrty l jn 1 HIT STORES, AND ria3 been before the American public OVER THIRTY years. It has never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, and Las justly beeu styled tho panacea-for all ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Burns. Sveliiiirrs, Sprains, Bruises, &c, kc, for Jim i.n.l Cea6t. No family bhould lioarr'-ii- i'-v In Chemical a;i J ."""cilical Science. without tlu3 UrdrnfT.t. Tl.o money re funded nnlyS the Linimcr.t i 4 as renre Fented. Do pnre and get the genuine MEXICAN MUSTANG LI NT . SENT. Sold 1 v all rrucrists aiid Conr.trv Storef;, at -.. f)iV. sir. 1 $1 oo p-r ToUle. Koti TTTIC DOISE-I'IRMSIIKC liOODS tENEHALLV. .Tolliiir iv TL, COPPER &SIIEEMROX rilOMI'TLV ATTK.IK1 TO. " v-' .v 'X, r- STEM! ENGINE Nos. 27S.280 and 2S2 Washington Si., JOHNSTOWN, PA. 1T EXT D00K TO POST-OFFICE. Ooolcinjj- Stoves, TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON VARE ITrtvini" recently tnUcn ioss ssion if them.'w l.v fitted up and eominoilioiis Imiloiiifr .,i Iliuh i tr''t, two (liimii oust of the Iiank and nenrly ; opposite the Mountain House, the snls-i iber is belter prepare.! Uian over to mntiit!:i-t itn Mil articles in the TI X, ' Iff M :it and .-NM:T-1 i:N M'AUK line, allot which will l.e furni.-lied to lmyers.it the very lowest living prices. The subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves of the most approved desijjns. fer-prorTIXf and KOOKiN( madetexu der and warranled perfect in iii.uiul.u lui e and niu teiial. ItKf'AlltlN't; proinntly intended to. All ivi rk doiif by nc will he done riirht and on fair terms, and ail ST VKS and WAltK sold by rue can 1 e depended upon as to ijualit'- and cannot be undersold in price. A continuance and increase of patronage is respectfully soliei te I. and no effort will tie wanting- to render en tire satisfaction to all. V.A TXTE LL'TKIXG EK. Ebensbursr, Oct, 13. ls".l.-tf. rp iruniujii. WM. P. PATTON, Manufacturer ami Dealer In CABINET FURNITUEE JUIIXSTOWX, PA. Bureaus, It. 'dsteitds, Washstaiids, Sideboards. Chamber Sets, 1'arlor Sets, Wardroln-s, Hook Cases, Lounges Cnne Cliair.a. Wood Seat Chairs, Kitchen Furniture, lied Lounges, Mattresses, Tete-a-Tetes, Extension Tiilde-, ltitimsr Tables, c upnoartis. ie., ic, Ac, &c &c, &c, &o., &e., &c, &c, &c eveiiv DI-'.SCUirTIO OK SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE ninde to order in excellent st; e and at low prices. C ibinet and haimiakers' materials of all kinos for gull. Kurnit ure delivered at anv itn .iai ion i roe I't.lot In Jtiliiiiumi ui nt, li or extra charg-e. Johnstown. Oct. 1:5, 170. V M. i 1'ATTOX. -tf. y iVt I eveu.nj- I was t.UHii.;- at ti.e I.K.kin- s OOLEN F 4 f! T O T? VI f o r t heir ,a,,ous rce.mcr.ts, am, tlui.King now ill- n Woelon Factory, we are now prepared ,o b v heir T kets -expressiblv sad it was tliat thev :ne inc. i- in:. m, I ail ure 0:1 short notice. CM )TltS. c.vi. 1 r.. ... "V,,..19 ii A. -J-.- tably marcliinj- to tluir lcutl, ;tl,ut lew, if . KLAXXK1.S of alUiyu-s j chm, A,,t ui? XL.WMl " J . ,1 '.. Vt ir Wool taken 111 escUarifre lor poods or , h,.i Z-i- lmmp5 in Hie Sou! 11 . lliv.i n,,.. -. , I ...... ,..1 1 : ;.i 1 , 1 .. " -- -" , HUM, " n.iu oil Siiui cc. ..1.. 1 1 f.. 1. (" - "Ui. . KlranilTH tn'nnil frnm Vorolie 'I Sir, of the army you mu.t meet before vou . J'JXKS SUSS, i is remarkab" unX?.Mlina i ' r..n.iMiiirs, ri'u,.i,i.N.-u. I nrnlls lor i tro mucli further 'J "Yes," I SiiJ. "'e expect oil to meet Hooker's army, but that we hail met Unit so often before, anil so recently at C'han celloisville, that wo did Hot bland much in fc.tr of it." "How terribly you will be disappointed," 5be replied, ami then, with iucreasin earncbtuess, continued : "Xot only Hooker's army, but the thou sands of recruits who arc even now hast ening to his suppoit. I tell you, sir, the north is just becoming fairly aiou.cii. and every man lioith of the l'otor.iae will insli to tho rc.-cuc. Vo aio dreadfully in earn est in this war, and if necessary the women themselves w ill fiht. You see this house, mv? It is 111 v home, and I love it: that bam, it is my special pride; well, sir, I COUINS, JOHNSTON & CO., 1 1-1' receive lnnuey on rteposit, discount 1 111. 1 collect notes, 11,1.1 alien. 1 to ail tho litKiness us. tally dom bv llankors. Sept -'Hi f. C. f.i I.e. K . ZA II M, C.i-hier. ! 1A)YD CO., Kaxkkhs, ' i:i:i:.si;r!:n, pa. . Cold. Siiver. C ernmeiit Loans, n,i other Securiiics. bought and sold. Interest al l.ovcd on 'l ime i'eposiw. Collwetioj-.s made at ;;:i an-i'.v iblo points ill the I'nited. Stales, aud a ifeiierul tlmikinir lm-.ine-..s tiansacted. VV.M M. LLOYD ,t CO , PA. would hell them all,'Kive the money to tho f V' r!,VT.1h,? V''',?''''.'"1 ' ''iV Vui m'"'1' HnJ ' 1.1 . i, ii ! 'oil! tor f..ii,,. :ollcel ions made. Monies re- '. ceived en ueposit. p.ij .ilileoa uemand without interest, or r.n time with interest at fair mtes, THE BIGGEST SHIP AFLOAT ! sending his Line I sa f e 1 v. and tltiw:lrilM Kohl Ml thi. lowest current rates, j-or further particulars calf at Mbaghkks Hook Stoke, IRH Franklin street, Johnstown. Pa. Uune:, ls7'.-tf. CKAwroiHTliousai I.HK.SIUIt;, 1A. John Fitzharrls, - Proprietor. KAVIXO leased and rf furnished tho above well known and popular hotel, the propri etor is now amply prepared to ac-conimoilate nil who may favor liim with their patronage. The best that the market affords will be served at the Table at all seasons, ine Har will lie kept constant I3- supplied with the choicest liijuors, and the commodious Stable will be under the charveof a careful and attentive hostler. No effort will tie spared to render jruests comfort able and well pleased in every particular, and by proper attention to business and a moderate seule of prices the proprietor hopes to win his way to publ c favor. (May lS7;i.-tf 1 . ...... .uvii e " l" '" v. ; ecu en en iieposu, ri.ii .line ou ueiimnu wmioiit 1 v " P. I I 1T71V T itiov t'a t? t au4crub Illy lingers to the bono bcloiO : interest, or r.n ti tin; with interest at fair lutes. Having just purchased, Velitted and ref u'r- uie cMHiui siiouiu Miececil 111 this innpii- I M ... tori-T-bellion. V. e will never give up! I wo ."- ".' iiinii nit; rouin Mirreiuieis, jj ui if uuiou iuiu ine viuu ii IexiCO ' miinn. T.s tliis l.uly with Hashing eyes. Hushed le.ua nmvcrmj- lips, the s.uito quiet i pfrsjya;e of a moment before '.' Mer en- I fitusiasro T and 'intense earnestness had: wiitc transfoi-mcd her, and f icali.i il then, tVf.lre first titne,1 that the Northern peo- , jAa'.Hmy Ami AtwAJ y ' .f their i caMtti-t-bitu-lii AU'Aeit, and hence tho war ! must be a protracted oue. ... Z niched this well k nown nml ron,m...li. IHUlv, A ri'OUXKY AT LAW, Lbl "s Hotel, the subscriber is fully pro- JT eu to neeonimorinti. nil wl. M " I ensluinr, 1'a. Odice in front room of T. l . .'i 1 accommodate all who may H Mnjd's new hulldii.jr. "centre street. All I . , 1 P1 ''h tbt lr Ptrnaite, and tf J A I nnerof lesralhusiiiess attcnued tosatisfac- i '."V ? vit,' ,he ""''''" of hisMT ilv. and collections a specially. 110-U.tf.) ' to thi fact "'k ' h"n 151air c,,,1ities "-"" r. A. SHOEMAKER. .. WXI. 11. Stl'HI.KK. CKOEPilAKER & SECHLER Atlortiojii-at-l.nw, 0-li-..l lJREXSllUItC.. L'AMtf tU C'l. rt. tf. Y71LLIAM KITTKLL, AUonu;. ' iit-l.dir. Kbensliiirc. "a. Office in Pol- I ounude Kuw, C'eutr; street. tl-20.-tf. Oa.lit.i.1. Ap.itf UU15' rector. IANIEL MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney. IV at-Lair. Johnstown. Pa. Om.-e n tlle old kxchanjre building, (up-stairs.) corner of Clin ton and Locust triH-ts. W ill attoud to all bus. pess connected with bis prelession. LOOK WELL TO VOIR UM)HSTAM)IM JOHN D. THOMAS, liool and JSlioe Arakoi ""IlEunilersijrned rc spec! fell v informs his nu JL merous customers and the public irenfrallv that ho is prepared to man niacin re lit HITS and SHOES of any desired size or tjuulitv, from the finest French calf-skin Pools to the coarsest brosrans, 111 the v kh v HKST m anneii. on ;t he shortest notice, and at as moderate prices as like work can be obtained anvwheie. '1 hose who have worn Hoots and Shoes made at my establishment need no assurance as to the superior quality of mv work. Oilier can easily be convinced of the Tact if thev wilt on! v ive me a ti ial. Trv and be convinced. ifr Hepairin of is nils an. 1 allocs attended to promptly and in a workmanlike manner. Thankful for past favors I feel confident that my work and prices will commend me to a con tinuance and increase of the same. JOHN" II. TriOMAS. mm mimwmi S l!rIILE strlkt, Near Union School House. Ebensburg. THE subscrlbir desires to call tho attention of the citizens of Cambria nml adjoining counties to the fact that he has now in success ful operation in F.ucnslurf a Shop for the man u fact ure and repair of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, Kriiis: Wagon, SlelliM. -tnd nil other dene ii) it inn of Work in (hat line. Employing none but skillful workmen and usin only the besr materials, I feel confident 1 can Kive entire satisfaction iu work, styles and prices. Plat form work dono nt short notice. Kcpair-inj- d" nil kind attended to at rcasonablo rates. A Blacksmith Snop 111 connection with Man ufactorv. Call and see specimens of work. June;,lS72.-tr. 1. M. CIII TE. g T I L L U 1 A X D A T IT! hum mwc 1m) odertarixc. Thankful for past liberal fa vors, tho subscri ber desires to inform the people of Ebcusourfr and vicinity that he isstill carrj in on the bus iness above named in all its b.anches. on Iiinii stret.nearly opposite the Public School House. Substantially made Furniture of all kind sold at lowestifiVures. Collins of any desirable size or tinit-h furnished on short notice, ami funer als attended to promptly and siis!'actorily. UOUEUT EVANS. Ebensbur?, March 21, ls7J.-Uin. Dr.GAUTO'S TAR IlE-TirUirs Cure Eitrii:;:it Coniinsitf ioi. Dr. GARYSA'S TAIt UllJtHliZlZS Cure Catai i l. r. GAKVJLVS TAR Ki:tICI!i:.S Cure Af!inrj. Dr. GAIIYI.VS TAR RK.TJi:iICS Cure Tc:i't Dieiiso. Ir. (i.HVZX'S TAIR IJK"tIi:SSKS CureSkiii Cii'U-os. Br. A5"tVB.'S JZrlAili: licruluto the Fivfr. iiefrulate thc&o;i:tc"!an.lB3ivc,J Jr. ABSVEir'S TACJ RK.TrSili-i Cure all I'e:i:iln "tVr:In-sr". Dr.GAin iTS TAR II'?55:iI E2S Turify the 13!oc". Ir. AItVE'S TAR iZr.JlTA?ZT:i Cure iisc:ises oS'SJit' TZiro:if. Dr.GAtiYI.VS TAR RE-HUSHES Cure Brcssclis'i. Dr. CSARVI.VS TAR REIESJES Cure'So C'"i1,"or"I5ayr-ver" Dr. CS ARX I.VS TAR REMEDIES Care f-isi l);so:iNCS. Dr. ARVIAS TAI2 REIIKIES Cure CorioJ'-jalion. Dr.GAKVIVS TAR REVERSES Cure S;slt R3sti;-ns. Dr.GAIJVt.VS TAR ISE.TIEDIES Cui-e liic'zjpy Eis:;-xe-ii. !)r. GAEVI'S'S TA: RE."tiTE)JES Prevent Cliolern ec VcJlo v Zrr vvr Dr. GAKV3.VS TAR REMEDIES Pn vtnt ?":;!;ir!--s Fevers, Dr. GAR VE.'S TAR iZ.-3-;:i3ES Iiemuvo PiS5 e;i tJio EvrnM. Dr. GAKVI.VS TA55 RE.EDiES Kcmovs Pai in tlie f'.iils or I5:if!c. Dr. GARVirV"; TA5S REMEDIES Are a S"i-cro3' Tense Dr. GAKVli'3 TAR LSE.TIED2ES Restore the Aj'-iOlcIC. Dr.GAKYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause tLe S'ootil to ";ost. Dr.GARYiVS TAR KE.1IEDZES Restore the "4Vr:iIi and Dc!;sIi::i!oI r- 3Avn-S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your Sf eui. Xi. P. liYF- - CO, , SOLE PHOPniETO33. 19,1 Seventh Ave., Atic Vork. STATlQiiA.lr S FQaTABLE team is names. w The Bett & Most Co-npTefe Assortraent Hit ir,'l'!r:ui..'f..l ' est son, just n'.aniei r.. .. . I t . . . , "Ji niiui 1 lime, ;i!l'l t::"n rvf .-. ter her any lon-er. l!,r 0.,' each iu turn declined to luin! ' with 'mother's sc.fji.it.' ..ft., "'' toward piociuin- l.r 1 .1 1. ,.ne l CUlilC on the tosv.i ;c ;k , KllOCKCU Oil lO the '..vc.-t Vj- 1 sujiport, auu was f. .1 M ,. uf 'v.' j okl, broken-hert"l ;. .c,..,15 j more than knit tto. u : ; V ' a i:.. .1 :i l 1 . . -y ' : iciiuiii ciiiiiiien. rn ,,., . ; soelei-titute, slie sold :.ei-f:..' , at a tune, to Keep the w .;f ff. ;. j anil, among other art". .,v band's o'.d secretary to ., t J.' ; acii'iaintaiice. He in .; :t -. ! tl I-,.. .w,i ;...- v' 1 iuiu rk.k.v. ik. m I.. 10 I'll 1 c J r- i doin this, he Io.ukI i iiaul-up insurance on ( ' for ten thousand '..':. ,., , Insiuance Co., of I!.i.t! '; hoi:tbt man ui:d kn .-. tion and dctitiitiou. I,, her to Hartford, ui;d I the l ayiueut. of the Liii I ccrs of the c iiijiH.:iv ii.i i bu.bnud 1 -aid one In ;:..!.,-,! i I vanccd ineiriuuis j ;; l...f ,;e: that they had I..11-; lie.-u present atiou of the ey f-.. Her j;, aceles cliildi 1 .1 . iv i) ; . 111 Hearing 01 uioii.c: . they have been vicing ; since in kind attenti. : 1 r 1 1 jiressiu"; tier t come .cm ami make their In ai-e 1.. 1 L I has sense iiiiniyh. honi-v.-: I professions for what t'.. y , iias resolve! to niainia ; to tlie end of her day.-. ; Kniyltt's licphew is k:i j the Liyhlh ward. a;ul : any one who doubts ii. a 1 1 il l ;;d: l.el I.."; i !.c :i , 11 'e-'uL - lit tut .-iativa. !a the Thes2 Fnsi.-.- h.ire a'.w.iy ma:ntnnxl the very -liijrhest s'ainlarl of csceiier. m. Wo inalf-.- tho ciHnuf':ictTii-' of F.n.jr-.' -,' I .i:.-i -i r.n S.-ir Mills a epecialty. We hari tlieiir.-et and in -' nimi.lr-te works of th kind ir. lac co-.ntry, villi laoouiuvry Epet'lall j- ii'lup- i " J 1 :." " We keep c"-i.-' tr ' y :n ::v:.-n lire riunTS of Er.e-int?, wlii.'h v. .- t uini -1: a ti. . T'v J-iw-' r.rliva aud on the (.l.oi-te a. l.e V.'e i '...i I lan-irtca EDt ci.iily a.I-iit.-.l ; Mi.i S-.rv ?Li:K liri-t Mli'.s, T inn-.nne-, '..'t.-a Oii, Tiirvt!is.:i ani a. I ciaascs of iiiiiuiil .letariii'j. "iV. arti sf.w b-id-Iin tlw v 1. ur.'.'l Line Cirea l.ir Saw ilill, tlie bc&i. iLii'l n.l uiX'lcUi tv mill ev r invented. We muUi theTTmnufaofureof Saw ilill oulfiU a spccril fe.iture 01 o:ir boiiie., liud cm fuir.iA c.-:a; 1-'.' 0:1 th I.ort.-st no'ic... O'ir aim in nil r,-u-3 is to furnish t"rte.t ma-chin-ry- in the m.irket, and ivurk absolutely un-e.jual.-d forbiu;y of de!!an, o:i. nay aiitiairtinfrib. Sciiil for Circular and 1'rice List. UTJCA STEAPvl ENGINE CO. TTICA, V. Y. HAGAN'S GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chroino. ! if;'? -!- vs. A Tough Snake Stit.y. .5 l)eiirtte P.attU II t,.-, . , ', otsin. A most exciti:; kuui ! few miles from iSumli :. ('.. I since, between a wcll-t i-i'. j f.: I snake described by the cvr.'.-. ! moccasin, perhaps of the Li3-! The gentleman, who is v.ti'. k I and t'or whose accuracv a i l r.r can safely vouch, was iet;.H-i:'. town with wife and child ii::: by two spirited horses, tiLi;: stopped in evident afi'i ii.I.r a: :L: ; monster snake lyinej- an,,.v ; distance, in front of Um i;:. (.'.-. :, : to bis wife, the gen:.fi;..i;i h-'i:: ! and. selecting a p:ect;..i'f.rce V2z a ' and struck tlie snake al,;.,',, JjSi I unfortunately broke nu j less. The snake in.i.-j i him and ian .:.'n ., i,-r; j was about t" .e m.; J made for his V.'.jy.w hi ! in time, the Miakc riw; I lorce against taewiati a la-; alongside In w;ie. la a mumr:.: tleman had his liuy wain in L with the butt end et' it bad a u light with the ni-.it-r. w'i:i h ' its determined c:'.;m t efe-ct a;. .into the bucrv. i:o 1: ! uneasy, and the wife i a.iiV'y j the lines in her hamN were s j laxed, and the tca:n ai.uie a ';:: 1 ' once carried the party a 1Y.::.L- from the scene "f c..i:ii':ct. I.-'t and finding that his eia-a.y ksi and showed no di.-i''-iti"!i t n: tlciuaii nf:in left hi.- ha ' 'v. .v..u ,...'.i ' i,:i-.ifc .-. thi z- rale l-Ji'.. ,i. -t'u: ac. ,-.;- Magnolia IB aim A FEW APrLICATIOX3 MAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. Tt io Purely Vegetable, and its operation Is Been bed felt at once. It does away with the Flushed Appearance caused by lieat. taticue, and Incite ment. Ileal 9 aud removes all Biotciu e an Pimples, dispelling dark and nnsichtiy spota. Drives away Tan, Freckles, and Bunburu. and by ita isrenile but powerful influence mantles the faded cheek with YOUTHFUL EL0CM AND BEAUTY. Sold by all PnirpiBta and Fancy Stores. Depot, U lark flace, New Vork. jranhcod: How Lost, How Restored. .-"S5w T,I.st I"' elishe.l, a new ilitiini of lr. "fl-A1 uivrrwcii h l i-li-nrateil a stout and reliable nc wed the tiiiht. A when within a few f it. ll.c snr.j at him with distended jau.-v, -!k directed blow laid him -mtlie he was soon dispatched, ll-cr live inches in diaiut ti v .'.".J nr a::j long, and although t' " A-'Z sidered as iiifu;.i': i''...;c '-'-r-venom and maliiri ia: tV- f-T' yet this furnisln ::.' -i t!n-v certainly the mo-t v iiak:b?e: this section of a siuke ar..i gaging in a persist. -nr a:;.! c .:' with a man, and h''1 ' ia-"' but acting on tlie (:"'. h.-:o' I.:" fighting to the death. f. J". World. Sir AM, AND Sho'.V. .15" over the country, in t ''v " ,ir - llir :i etk uvneilinn, el I iU1 I the lever of a mo-t riu i i. . " o . ... . I 1. - ..V -A. . . ... .. -rl, t ' We sen.! Kln.nt Thromo. foDntf.I and Hca.ly j -JS-. r..l-f rc (without nVe.licine) of , "k 1VI. .'i ,h0";-uv lor 1-raiuinf, 1 r.c to i-.very Asent. V-.i.V SeKi:M.Toicnii.rA.i -SeininalU'eak- ' . ankfJ',st above u I .. i ai .. AfOlli Vmtol -... "es, invoiuiiniry ,-cniinal l.i.-es, I m potency, " e cannot cope, i i " -!--"' ' .UllOd lOV I Mental ami Phvsi. ,.1 Ine,i,e.,.ie i..,...i: ... n . . v: 11 ine great in. in .i X"p- "i.rlr fiinl en it'- la-l." 1 F. P. TIEKNEV .I AME? M'M, AW and COLLECTION OFFICE OF TIERNEY &, NULL, Coloniiiide Itow, F.briiburi;, P. rSieeiat BlteMtion paid, to collections iu all paru of tlu; Vuitva Stated. l-ls-71.-tf. UKDERCJIiOiJIVD! OR, Lirr. ih:l o w tuk s rnrA cr. HY THOS. W. KNOX, Ji2 I'ntrcH Urlavii. ISO Fine Knsmvinirs. Kelates Ini idents nud Accidents lievond the lasr litol I:ly; Murtlinjr Aiiveni ures in" ail pnrts t I he World: Mines and Mode of Working them; I n.icreurreiits ef tSoeietv; llamV.linsr Hnd its Ilorrors; faverns and their Mvstoiies: The Hark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons mid their ecrets; flown in the liepthsof the Sen: btrnniro s-toriesof tlie Detection of Crime. The hook treats of experience with hriirands; ni"hts in opium dens and itaniMiiur h. lis: life in r rim stories of exiles; adventures amnnir Indians journeys through sewers'and catai oml.s; neei dents in mints; pirates and pirar-: torturesof the inquisition ; wonderful burirl'uries; under world of the RrcHt cities, etc., etc. We want airents for this work, on which we Js-ivecxciusive ten itory. Ajrentscmi mnkeI(i0 a we ek in setlinir this Look. Semi for circulars aud special terms to airer.ts. J. H. HLHR & HVilK, ' .- If art ford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. n ess Mental and Physical Inc:i:icitv, Impeilimenis to Mnrriuire, Arc; also. (Unm'mptiox, Epii ki-iy and rns. induced ly 6elf-iudulaence and 6CX ua! ex tin valance. C ""Price in a sealed envelopo onl v six cents. 1 he eelel.iated author, in l his admirable e say, clearly demonstrates from a thirty vears' successful practice, that Hie ul.irtninir i-onse-iuenees of i-elt-abus,. may oe radically cured without tliedatuferi.il.- u-eof internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointimr out a mode ol cure at once simple, certain and effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, iio mat ter what his condition may be. mav cure him self cheaply, privately and r.ulivali'ii. frThis Lecture should be in tia hands of every youth and every man iu the land. teut under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pi.-;ii.f, ou receipt of bi. cents, or two postage stamps. Address thp PuMih 'rs. i,Af!- T- ( K LINK A. CO., ' 1'ftwery. cir tork ; Post-Oitice Hox 45sfi. Parke's Marble Yorfes, 139 I'rnuklin Street, Jotinslown. i A roXCMEXTf. IIKA11 nd Tiiwn )l Sli.NKS, COIN TKItamlCAHI- JtZSK NET SLA Its. MANTELS. Arc. maiiii-&)T factured of the very best Italian aud lj$tV 1,1 1 American Marbles. Entire satifao- Iv'fii V X li L tiiin U-ll tt t-'l Tl ......1 ... r. 1 .... .1.... a 7': CAi-cun:Il OI WerK. i. U unl,.,.!, ,.,..,.. .r. .11.. .i:..;....i KSVll . . - - ' ... fvllliu, Ol Jl ICI ll"U . " ' - and promptly lilled at tlie very low- jtJ ?y est -ash rate?. Trv us. f ... Oet.24.-m. JOHX l'AKKE. AGKXTS WAXTKD FOlI THE Gil EAT i: DUS ITJES OF THE V SIT ED XTATE.S. TWO PACKS AMI -ifiO E-'.;A VtXflU PMIXTFIt IX KMSLISH ANU GI.UMAX. WKiTfKN BY, 'U I'M l NKNT AlTTUOIts. lM'UDINO JOHN u. ;or..ll HON. LKON CASK. H.V. AK1, ,-. I A uiV Ikow1.1-1" PH"-"" EY- AI.BEHTIlKISBANE; HOKACE C.llEEI.EY. U. PKUKINS. Kl- , KTC Ihiswork is a complete history of, ill brunch es of industry, procest.es of manufacture, etc.. irUn,i m'.n r . complete encyclopedia of RJIOX I'M KXTS, HEAD ami TOMB STONF L00.L'S MARBLE WORKS ! 1 .11 l'ritirkliii Street, Jotinslown. JOII M . I.MM. - ninrlit..r niiTC mm-liirtl r I'llb't 1'llV, with a cheap Turkey c.n ;. xxrcr neilil'ois tlne :- "-" K-ts wbicb, their in . I:.-r " ami jcover their li'i- " !tli sels,' which is a tluil'y. l-!v,ri' of tlie year, anil ha- i n !l" ' bright "colors, then' s :i-r:''0 money. Lok at ti.e .-:""Jl. tilliiii- the street car- ' s'"'3; ing, auii, for one tli ir i '-' dresseil. as a l.nlv we-.i'il' you will Gud a tl i"' 1 li XM while the head, which li counter, is heaped !:'') braids, and heavy enriii'Jf 1 , i : . .1 .i . it' pearis or glass nunc- hvery class of Amcnc;.!. . y l.o:,;... cl.,,-.,J,1refL'"-'". flitter, ami ill it?. 11. stead n and quiet. -A r'': .mi his- x- I , LS. Ac., inanuiaetiircd of the vt-rv iJ'.l. ii and American M.irhh-s. i't-rti-.-t to.;.r.. l..i, o. M.-....L. i - . ' ' ' rc-- " ' ". . 1 ' "-' Price sriiaranteiHl. l?.Ht"rtU? vall,!,bl-e Work of iutormliiio,, on Tl n..l.lie i f.t'n1'',,,1 ncrwt ever offered to tho ian piii.lie. It is adapted to the wants of the Mer- tioi wno are iiuikin;- lai-sre sales in all parts of tli.. . r -T T,1Tr,,- iiidiii i iuiuiiiii iim witnini e want ftnrs in t. i iMi2d",? Ajfi nt can fail to do well with this book. Our terms aie liberal. We uive io,ifCnts ,,U! "l'lll5ivi' r'-'lt of territory. anoih..r,Ur,n,--;r,!'-; !'ol,, c"i'l" -Kht daV, . X"i i BO",iw'' " week, specimens of Fe.n J. iStnt ,!i''"s on receipt of stain;.. r or circulars and terms to aa-ents address tho publishers. J. It. ItL-UK A; IIVDE, Ilartford, C'yuu., or Chicago, 111, KurircAii. ,-km . . C.IIRoi.i.TOW N. Pa. Office in rear of John Iiuck-S store. Nifht m V"i-y bV ,"ti he iuence of JuHN lit tk, fcsij. f April 4. LsTX-tf-l JAMES J. OAT-MAX, M. I)., lliyilrlMii am! Siirfnon, ,-,. ... , Ehi-N5iu i:o. Pa. Office on Hhrh sf roet, nearly opposite lUnir's Itolel. KcMdeiu eon Craw told M., Wer-t Ward, where nit-lit calls bhyuld be made. U 1.-tf . A Latvian's Gko : frierir tells a TiXKt T 'r:0 ti-ii lit- o litt'p tiuc y"a the famifv." Hie i! e o:'''y,r, 1., 1 Jt.ell'llliV.l!:1'" ill.lL 11. lk I ilil-O . , - f. .o-...: . i.:..,...'f and .. aueciious oi in".--. - ...ci evenings since a r,.a lv and remained until nf'e" ;lf ble the reverend visiter nml tlio litt'c one CI""' 1,1 .Jj. f.illt ovtent in st art'. i .1 "or). ia could not understand "le11"; -t ... -.i . ,vi'.-u' . atUt It WaS Willi y:-'' ' :,,, C mother could keep her , t tie tilt' - time tnev vine .ii - . py.r left it t.he walked up y 11 fr whorii she had formca ' and said : ti,e y What did yon say "' 11 we commenced eaiui.L.- i.t-' Jly little daiim. i fi, gixulness in giving v'y ,', iniht j-row and he st '.. rajia don't say tliat. ,. 'What does your iF - "Papa savs, '(J.xlU niit'"'.' per !"' Loiccll Cctrur. c IX bit u of r 4 K.T Wit lit i V t ft w -if I ar 0 .12. 0 si a, Mf.1 Pi h f res, UC. 1. 1 'i a jo ii If hot P lis is vi r. fchi'i yen vr frt i' II si foil. 01 LOT -n oi on R ,'0f I i tn m l '-a fn fr ."25, or. i ... - ij. li t '' 0 i'isfi ur " s- TT ' .-t-i-- "1 ' -1 n il