The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 22, 1873, Image 2

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thl cimbbil mm.
The J.ast I 'Hay race.
One of JIann's llesolutiott.
I.'-Moi YTnmiiKr
1 tlUU'J ilAUi Hill,-,,
Ans. 2-2. 1873.
....... t . , 1 1 i in i.i I : l , i -
, -w,. nre not in the mitist en a hot campaign, j l no namt: o. ..n.wu j. ia
as tlicie is no r.-:isoii for ntta. kiiip pri- s.vnonj,nous with everything that 13
rate l.arnctei or re-ianing )oiincai scanuai
suppressing ine iium wueii lis puoucaiioii
or FM-t:
- -1 . f...i.ln1.ii-l or..l t'.wvui'A in i f J
rossm. so there, is no excuse Kr , ' '- 1
ww- nlHi ... . S I . 1 7. S7 1 '
J JO 111 f-" e vttlf w;t.j t ri l .
lie is the head
The Dubuque IferalJ of last Tuesday
morning publishes a long account of what
it characterizes as the most horiible crime
that has come to light in northern Iowa m
A Wonderful dock.
time lasts j X 1 ff
SSt'.i Tl,(,tr.
'.' In l're,i. v.,,:.;- - ' -
j dared it should stand as long as t
Jlailey narneu auuvi.ri j more Li v i; Ayku " "v
. - c ....... 1.1 di clio- died SIX 1 JL-' J W 4 !..'
niter jus him "r"" MV NCiSTnNF a ,
veais ao. aged cigiuy , -- s A .,,. .
J . - . . . . . ,iniA...;Hni Semi r. .r ( . . i - . hf
i several children, wuo-mxm i.c.-i .....i. fllcc,s; i ,-r,fr;, , '
Democratic Conntij
AssKMia v:
ii i-s.-r.-v sir. v V LAN. ' l.T.
....-ii. a . v - -
HERMAN n.vrMl'.U, iieniaugh lioro'.
TK FA siJin::
A. 1. CRISTK, Minister Township.
T:DV.'A1:D (II-AFS, i:i.fns.urg.
rooR norsc kum-ctoii:
ANSEl.M VKAKLA.N1, flust Twp.
V.. II. SISsJKU, .lohustow.i.
II. I'.. rilElDIIOKK, t?iiiem:iiij:-1i Iloroiili.
HENRY TtH'PKR, A.iaius Tp.
The "Atlclition, Division nnl Si
lence" Convention, pays the Clfai-'iehl
Tlepualiran, forgot to mention the
Credit Mobilier finnd, by which .1 ring
of rascals robbed the Treasury of forty-four
millions of dollar. The wick
edest fraud of all passed in uieiice is
indeefl ominous of rniit.
in ni acil, ami no pretext for attributing it . fi0nt of the infamous King that : vtais. It says rumors
to partisanship or IHstingnisl.o.l j for yonrs lUi(li?, .,lted sway last week, but they we
iiil.I'u' in.n, n pres-ntativps nn.l senrttors in n- 1 4 . nature that it decline
...tigress, ilne ial the erVentery to stand over the aflairs ot that mis- ; ,at ( ;vel, autlicntics
np u. an.l Ui-ir o.n"'-,-' governeu and l.iunuere.l rity, ami ; , reporter to the scene, who instituted during the pa
ai.-l v.n.l- r;ake to .l. i. iut as j which, if Hot broken wpr::.l destroyed, : personal investigation into the facts. ; ble character.
tli.- fat . f a o.-c. nt p-ojil.-, aii.l inst.-ad ot
a h.-t ouThnrst of indignant .Viomm latimi,
11,. r.- has l . en a. sort ot si. K-a.-tho-
roin 1 lie low-nung
itics have been d
stoma.'h tiiiiiing away
V...p..."ii."aTi .!.,.. ouents of the govern
ni n' tl. '.t shonl.l keep our insons more than
' in)' were j.i-ti. e .lone h-gis'.ation hn:; been
l-oii'-lit an.l sold. at;d erp -.ratinns have in
' tl eniot il. li'oeiate and unblushing manner
' l"i: -!it seats in the senate for their retained
ait..i'ii.-ys ihf legislature has become a mar
ket place, a od the llls an arena for violent-
or 1 ril ery and we settle down to our lower
standard's of morality, our debasing tenden-
eles an.l foiisiau. 1 itcii ... .ihii. muun i.cnc i
roverned and ilundered ritv, and
which, if not broken upr::d de&troyel,
will soon jilunge her into hopeless
l:;nknijitcy. To him i I'hilndelphia
indebted for the atrocious registry law,
which disfranchises her honest citizens
r.nd enables him and his co-laborers in
. 1 y 1 -ImirttS f 11 I ill' I Mil IllilUi ii... - " - ' J J ! ..
A Sharaokin, Pa., corresponded 01 me carry out 1 00 - - ; . m . e
i o,. ...,..Vov f , tn hand i Pldladelnhia Pre t.iv.s : Kail Keiter. a incy occuue mat .r'-iisrIn ,:::'ti
M.V - - " - m . t i.. Ilflr.i.k I IP II I1 K Wl I - A ...
e .... .. ' . C.vniin l.ii,,..,- r,1 llf. I ATfi Sl.lf I II - T aSSe I lie 11 lu.iv.o - .. ia , ... , .. .
wnc 01 ou sii.M-Kiiii: i. , i-wi .v- ..... ...... ..v . . - -
clincd to publish them, liery, wliieh is situated within a few miles
enticated. until it sent a 1 ot this norocgn, nas exniom u .1 ciucn.
t l:o past week, of a most lemarka-
IIo liad been thiee years
Hie result it now publishes: I cons', ucting it the hrst two years at in-
U ndrcw, the capital of Jackson coun- j tervals of time, and the last year he woi kcu
ty'twentv-live miles south of this city, is : at it day and night, scarcely taking time
a 'private orphan asylum, established in i enough to cat and sleep. He became al
1SU4, for the reception and care of orphans most a
oiid ' destitute children not over twelve! monomaniac
.1- I passes into their hands the father s will - - - ';t;
es I shall be respected; and, as Hambing never . lt v- Ki.Kv
C. I w ill be much more than it is now. it is : 1 .,,,,,,. .i n '-s-.". ;
a- I quite likely that the old waou and it load llfr:;;-J- '' .".
vill either ou'.live time or meet the fate of ,.., f,,',
tlie "wonderful one-horse shay.
eirs oittl I'oftiual licit:?.
H'l't ( .
ndrtnev mid crush out the fair ex- "mhr 1i,e cIullco1 1 10 lMtl"t a a j at mght. He occupied a small wooden t .cachtr al Lanosbons I 'a, was ciush- , . ,,,
IHI8.1CJ aim CUlsli out 111 .ur cx , m w wanlcilj was 1eY. j. M. j shaty where he worked, slept, a.d cooked , t( dcatll the other day, by a t .ee. which ' TW -V.. 1 ! !li A ithout j j.,m..,ir, a German, who came to this : ,lis f.Kd. W hatever sleepinr; and cooking , f, acru ll5s bodv while hJ was asleep in 1 !k' ' 1' 'T"''"' ' "
is engine of fraud, both Mann and c,mntry about eighteen years ago. At the . jie did. however, was but little. It istho't j UC 'Vl.ootls. ' Hn'es" -oiV""S
s corrupt ffang would soon disap- ! legislative session of l!72 Schueller ob- , j,e W(Hikl have nearly starved but for the iTijah cwtnn resides in iliihiiiol'V.iM. ' 1!'!.-' f :! ' ;'
Mr from nublie view and their OCCH- ! taincd an appropriation of three hundred , kindly interest which his neighbors took ! pmintv. ),;.'. and is 110 vears old. It is not ? m .J , ".;:. t-
b;,lot-box stuiling, and other kindred years f age, to give them a Christian ! on tpe siVct- The clock was in his mind
frauds to maintain their political as- home until they are of age. It has been (i,m j11j ids' waking hours ami in hisdrcams
Sunbui-j- boasts a natural curio-ity in
the shajK? of a chicken w ith its wings put
011 wrong side up.
T.-IT. r.r.-hnell. a Mctho-
York, lt..sto.i.-rt,i.'.,i,.,'a
sent nux?; :'
1 ......
si.rt- .nr.- or f ver :u,l i
' HO.Ml: I'UVSIf j AV (T'i'-f
ind best family V. , f ''
lorcv.-rv kmw 11 is,. ::i"-
i.v thousuTi i- -.-.!.,, 1 ;, , ' ; i.
iumilire. v. ... . 'I I
i 1
ii-li.T. lii-na
pear from public view and their OCCU- j taincd an appropnauon 01 uiree 1.1 nuieu , kil1y,v ,terest which hns ncigi.bor-, tooK , conntVf ,lilf alld is no years old
with complacent eaiuiuess as ii to the natu- patioil ivouhl be gone. As often as H, hi.,h at)d cnioved the unlim- i " ..V1"'' llod him in his labors.
itcd confidence ot the entire community. : mevini. i.-. an enoit lias been made in me i.egis
How tar Mian v,- iei nouomess o, . 0H,- ne ro-idlfV tbla nlmnv. I . ," . f.. Ids viifn died n-,d it
is ntt. r . eat ness to all sere . .un'iu ' - "
. ' . .' '.' ! ' . 1 1 1 11. . ! .l.rtt- i.v- nl'rov llmf 1. :
e. ranted that m the i lous law, ue nas a ) oeaivu 011 1 lie scene, i seems 10,.. ..... r-.n V ' iii,,i.icli two eoin 11.01. eiekknives
mnrshallcd his forces, issued his or- 1 commence.! a 1 Its : doing their courting for the thi.d time ;
Hon. William M. Mereuith died
in Philadelphia last .Sunday, aged "iT
years. At the time of his death he
Mas President of the Constitutional
Convention. He was a member of the
Keform Convention which framed the
Constitution of 1S3 and in March.
1349, became Secretary of the Treas
ury under President Taylor, but re
signed his olfice in l-sol) when Vice
President Fillmore succeeded to the
Presidency. During the war he was
.Attorney General under the adminis
tration of Governor Curtin. As a
lawyer he stood in the very foremost
rank of the profession as a citizen
his character was pure and without
n.-reei'tion. till
of shame, carry u
1. ,i.-ss ot m.reionrv f'ettir..' nassion we
tnnv nut r-rtnsrienee out f)i court entire! v. and , . -, i .. w ' tinn of little girls UllUtr lHS Charge. 1 lie
saeViAcH everything to the main chance.- ! "ers 10 llK' lun?' anu' ,a a1,ef"1: i victim, so far as known, wa a little
Shall we su.j.'at that? r are we to have ' law remains unchanged and the in fa- irl twtive or fourteen years of age, who
sitting at our hearths as household godsall j mv Js perpetuated. In Ids present of- i frid been driven to the asylum bv the 1111
vhames and . Times t" J;' .f .m- ! fiee of District Attorney, he has been happy domestic relations of her" parenis.
SV whS S 5isby, mV- rraAJr" j repeatedlv charged with dereliction of FoV a cause not aligned by Schueller she
v,...'-i 1.,,, ,,fi,HWr;1,,l lnst. o,.e f,- i.. oi,c was turned out of the institution and taken
public. brawn. Haunted in tl.e iaeeS of de- , ; f Phifarlelphiu publidv nsscrt-
tent wives and mother", and of pured.v.igh- , , ' . .
ters and sisters ; a shame, foiil-froti'ed. siek- ed that U'.V ter lllS (Mailll S) admuiist ra-
enii'ir, beastlv. The sensual sot, of brilliant tion of oflicethe la w fiainst crnmblincr
inT-iiect out Vl'.e assu. i; .. 110 ...-....i.-.i , l.-,tf. tl,., l.rwd.-
At the late liadical State Convcn-
lie lias al- i ;,, inm a11,l his cltck. They tk him food 1 M -, , f Ka n ,,,,.1 tnrrMi.iiirfP fmtv
i i i .... .. - ,
vaids of Kentucky lean for the lot on
a pr.sciurTioN of the marvel
The clock, which was made wnn
- ' commenced a systematic course of seduc
frame is of thec-ot hie st vie of architecture. ! and the parson and the lawyer hopo they'll
i which Ihe Cincinnati post.iflice now stands.
io ' -V happy couple in Iowa, having been
twice married and twice divorced, arc now
luxury ni tn-rj t,tt
now t ew t i f y i. ii i,-,.
pr-r i.ottl.. nr. cci t.
W rireenwich -tj . t
hal its, who s-i lately set hiniselt and para- 1
nioar en public exhibition in this city and 1
at I-ong branch betw en him and the pr.-s- i
ideney c.f the United States aro but two :
liv.-s. and one of them of frailest tenure. 1 '
the l.a-ion drunken that it sees this large;
disgra. e paraded under its very eyes, and '
takes into its nostrils the stem h of ihe of- j
tense, and makes no sign of nausea? Has
dead and lauied decency no resurrection ? ;
Who and where is the cltar thinking states-
man no, not Ftatfsinnn. common man ,
everyday man hard-fisted, rough and ready, i
but iionest way down, true to wile and fain- j
ily and his own manhood, who will roll
away the stone from th" septih hn of public '
virri'ie? The time calls out for him. The
'0.intry waits his coming. A nation bowed j
down with the shame brought on it by ils j
rusted cr vn nf s, with its fa.-e in the dust, !
jur.ys in its anguish for some convulsion j
i ha! shall r.-nd ihe h.-aeiis and purify the
air. !
And the United States senate what is its
duty ? Has it any self-r..p-ct left?
The foregoing fcathing article is
taken from a late number of the New
York Triltinc. Although no man's
name is mentioned, its allusions are
pum'oiently pointed to indicate the ob-
to live with some very respectable people
in the country, near Andrew, to whom she
related her story. The people she lived
with expressed indignation, and made con
siderable talk against SchneHer in Andrew,
r.ut the citizens generally maintained that
If has sixteen sides and is surmounted by be steady customers lor many years lo
a "-lobe, on the top of which is attached a come.
small gilded cross, i n mo iroiu oi me
clock there are four dial plates ; one show s
the day of the week, another shows the
day of the month, another the minutes and
fractions of a minute, and the ether the
o ,,o.i iC bis hieh morality was innocent
tion he was appointed chairman to re- :, a thing, and no attention was j.aid
port a platform. In a convention j to it. Delia is now living w ith her parents
which had been packed bv. Simon in Dcs Moines. This was about four years
Cameron and llobert W. Mackev, it ago
1I1C jji'KIKI men ii.eiiiioiieii
hour of the dav, These dials are carved
in a most uni.p'.e manner, having einblcin
' alio figures upon them and around theni of
almost every imaginable description.
Above the dial plates is a semi-circle gal-k-ry.exl
ending around about half the width
of the frame-work of the clock. Immedi
ately in front, in the center of this scmi-
l'cter Kessicr, the mule-steaier, who
was imprisoned in Jefferson City, Missou
ii. has been hanged by a mob, ami the
Miciiff who had him in charge has been
mortally and two others very seiiously
Last week a pig was born on Henry
Ihendle's farm, near C.icencastle, that was
double until it reached the neck, wheie
the two bodies formed a junction and ter
minated with one bead. It lived but a
short time after seeing the light.
It ira'.ispiics. savs a Washington dis-
circu'.ar gallery, is the carved woouen tig- ' patch to the St. Louis ItrpTi'lir.n,. that ti.e
tire of
crrt sAtiofP..
At the ends of the gallery, or. cither side,
there is a small door, opening into the body
11" o c ninlnntii! t" i-. rnioV t 1 i t 4ln-k rt ss
V;:.,r ' ' ii T i n 4. ease with great paiticulai ity, similar m
nous U llliam L. Mann should be put c!,;ll.aclev. The horrible and final denou
forward to denounce "corrtiDtion.'' ment rnme about three weeks ago: One
champion "honest economv and polit- of the girls, named bertha ?,ellis, lift ecu j or the clocc, as you stand lacing .r. is ari
veai"S ol ago, went -tot lie matron ami sum . e;i.i. vi iv u'-i, i-.. .v .'....w
she w anted to leave the asylum, but re- j side, is a chicken cock. Twice a day, that
filled to ass itrn any reason. u ocing ; is. mi i.ei in nie ..iivauuiu i -.-nig in ,
AVnll orknf ln.-nio;!r.trr.. ,n ,
Bh t.'t?h; f ; f . ....
A (rrMphie History ..r' . It '.' '
venture iii"! lijeov. rv - .
with Mr.rt:n-.' i:-.cift.-i. t j .
cic. periN. - r.ovu . ''
NK.vrilTHF'tj, L:V::-l'. p.-,'..";
irr. e.: -i -l itei '" ' .'
flnrlH rej'ort !nl ..:-.i.T- :x: .... "
i;ivs, ;5 in iu ia- A. s'
fii-t. a.'!"i A'.cnts -.vriTc i. -..'.'
serirti.n and eir-idurv. o, ,.. '
111 biish.-I s. 'Si Ba !.,., . ; , V -',
iSLKil AI-.E lliF UH'
.Itiet vea.iy. Ironi an : .
V.i;..ii. Tios i-1 1, i e i-.
who see it. anl ji ur,. ; , ; . ,. . '
hir. Thoiik'ti i i
t lie ni l, in or l. r t i : ,i :. ; .. . sm.ics. tyi- iir.e- .
' thai lit w loch ;:r I !,
1 f . r t'i cri ot:l. 'i t t !,
elusive t- irit .i-v. r ,
i Ai'i'i.V at oik.- io s' .
' ' .' n il i 1 1 s. e., 1 i :.
lislier. Vw" Siihso!:! St..
I'rince Uismaiick's recent interview
Viith a correspondent, of the Ho7, rt
a late crisis in his politics now pa?t,
in which he gave free toi.gue to some
remarkable expressions that would go
to show him almost as much a disci
ple of the French philosopher Cointe
as a servant of the German Emperor
AVilliara, is repudiated bv the North
German Gazette, w hieh, like most Con- j jeot of it wrath. His name is Mat
iincntai journals, .say what it is told
to say. Prince Hismark alone i coio.
petent to deny the fidelity of his re
porter, which he has not done, and
will not do, though any other man is
quite as competent as the Prince to
impeach his discretion. Meanwhile,
fays the H77, we shall look under
the bed for those Jesuits to whom the
North German (Jazrlle charitably at
tributes the reported interview.
ical purity in all official administra
tions," and with sublime impudence
insist ''that none but good men secure
party appointments or nominations."
How- well he did his work will be seen
from the follow ing, which is the tenth
in the scries of resolutions :
That we heartily denounce corruption
wherever found, and are nineerely d.-sirous
for honest economy and political purity in administrations. To secure this
is the duty of every citizen, and to this end
every good man should feel bound, not only
to participate in politics, but to labor active
ly to see. that, none but good men secure
party appointments or nominations.
This was enough to make even the
II. Cuivkxter. a Radical Uni- immaculate Robert YV. Mac-key blush,
closely pressed and threatened with pun- j a sweet chime of bells begin to play, the
ishment if she did not Rive her reason, she i small door on the right hand side opens,
finally confessed that it was on account of and the small woculen figures, .dinirably
Mr. Sclnu-l'.er's conduct towards the girls. ' carved, of the twelve Apost'es, appear nd
She then related the particulars of how lie 1 walk out slowly and gravely in procession,
had seduced several of the little girls, and ! Peter in the lead. Advancing a'ong the
had made various attempts upon her, but ' gallery until they get opposite the figure
ot Jesus, e.icn in turn, except .nu'as, slow
ly turns round and bows his head to the
Master, then recovers his former position :
as l'cter d .os this the cockcrows. They
e.ii.tinr.e to advance to the other side of
;or on i lie
nitf in si it. t e ins. . : .
". ii-nr. .I.e. Tli
; ted States Senator from Wisconsin,
I who was elected President pro (fin of
the Senate just previous to the close
j ot the ls-'t session. lie is a married
! man, but. from newspaper accounts,
t s.-e;:is to have contracted more than r.
i Platonic love for anotht r woman, and
i has been xloyiiiny around with her rt
i New York, Long Branch, and other
The only tvo members of Congress
from this State, both of whom are
Radicals, who have returned the back
pay steal into the Treasury, are John
Scott, one of the Senators, and ash-
and if Simon Cameron had been there,
as he was not, but was away down in
Maine with Grant. Rabc-oek, 1 oumr
'jen even ' would have hern peno
tinled with a deep and profound sense
of his own "political purity," mid the
members of the convention, filled with
burning ardor for their chief would, :
have been astonished at their own !
public place.-.. When Thaddeus Ste- moderation, an.l wouhl have L.llen
ens, a moil competent judge, was in ' down and worshipped at the footstool and on more than one occa- ' f this radical Gamaliel. In view of
had been so far unsuccessful. The matron
promised to inquire into the matter, but
the warden was that .lay absent. On his
return the matron called upon him and
asked for her pay. as she. proposed to
leave. On asking her reason she frankly
told him what she had heard, lie was
dumb for a moment, but finally iceover
ing, confessed all. and promised if she
would stay to take caie of the child:en he
would himself leave, by her adice he
the gallerv and enter the small d-
left. As Judas (who is in the rear
his right hai-d shi. Ming his face. ;
left band clasping the bag winch is sup
posed to contain the thirty pieces of silver,
comes ni full view of the cock, the cock
d his
went at once to
u.-ua. sun:
an inter-
crows again.
a simple an an;
view with Rev. Mr. Klintwood, a minister i '.his procession can be maoe to come out
at that place, ami President of the asylum and pass around the gallery at any time
directory, and to him confessed all. This tiesiscd. On pedestals, at the exiicme cor
gentleman was ImrriiLdat the icvclatii.iis, j i;e:s of the front of the clock. a;c carved
w-.'-oon L-laaics oi
sion found hinis.-if r.tteily powerless
to secure the attendance of his political
friend. s in the Iloii-e when a test vote
was to be taken, he said that a Con-
ington Townscnd, who represents the j in these latter days was a
Chester district. T. ho. Test, without a
single exception, have all made sure
of their liootv. It is a dark nnd dis
graceful record, and one that is not
pleasant to contemplate. Democrats
and Radicals, all are passengers on the
same piratical craft. hen, there.
the past history of rrdie.alism, mid
looking straight in the face of the
present, the peopl? me asked to con
fide in these hollow lip professions of
honesty and economy. If they do
they will once more find that "they
havo been made to the ear, only to lie
broken to the hope."
and demanded that Schueller should at
once resign and leave. This he did. ami j
Rev. Mr. Rembold, of Hcllevne. one of the f
directory, took charge of the institution. ;
Schueller left Andrew at four o'clock on '
Monday morning a week ago, in company i
with his daughter, direct for New York,
and thence to Kurope, -and he is probably .
on the ocean at this time. Ti e victims of
Schueller. as far as can be ascertained at ;
present, are six little girl-, ranging from i
eigftt to fourteen years of age. j
Schueller is a man of tine personal ap- !
pearance, of scarcely medium height, ;
In the rear arc two eb. li.-ks of ihe
' man who had a wile- at Home and a
i worer--n in Washington or a wife at
nu'.ngtcn r.nd a woman at heme.
Vithough Malt Carp-enter, as he is j
called, is not a Christian statesman," j -0.,.., -. -1- . n- r-
... ' , , . , ,, ' .' I.tsiNo to I.xi'T.ain. Two more f on-
like Jlariau. Poineroy, and (. olfax. lie ' ,r,essmen have boon altemi.tin.. a defense
ian style, upon which are carved hicn
glyi'liic .-haractcrs io represent the ancient j
period of the world's history. The clock '
will run 1 hirty-t wo hours w it hout winding.
Mr. Retter. who is a native of Fnchurg. in
I'i'.dcn, is very of his workmanship.
lie can scarcely bear to be av.-ny from it j
lung enough to eat his meals. He has
been offered ten thousand .l -lla:s f .r i: l.y
a party from New York, bu! he K-fuscd it. .
Mr. Keiter say s lie has often heard of .
the cclcbratcel clock in Stras'.org. I'loni'.n-
natentee of t oe. new cigar-lox w hicli it is
proposed to force upon the trade is a brother-in-law
of the commissioner of
revenue, Iionirlass. Y hieh tends st ill fur
ther to show that ours is not so much a
government of law as r.f brother-in-law. i ;
The balloon of Professors Wise and ?!? Aa i ED..Vw,,Ky
1 lli.l' l "'.I, II. . ill. J .iiw 1 , ' vii ur
Atlantic in sixty hours, will be ncarly
.. .. ... i- .r. i . .1 .. .. . .r . 1. . .
reauy 101 1:1101 1 1011 in 1 :.e . 1. se- -i 1 in- j 1 is- ' ; C tl'f p - W '-. -
ent week, anil the start will be made be- Uj Ktl I hUtfor I'i.-'i: tin it; a
iweeil I ue ise ami 10111 01 .--cpie-.i: uei . n e
(.IIIU.IIS.IV .1 HI. II l i.lll 11- III. lititUllip Mil"
be made perhaps in iui.l-oce.ui.
A few days ag on the firm of Vin.
Seidel, in rireenwich tenviiship. Ilerk co..
a crow vent ured near a stream of water
where he was caught and killed by a Map
ping turtle. The cries of the crow were
heard by a number of laborers in the field,
who hastencel lo the spot and observed the
unusual occurence.
A special dispatch from Tioval Spring",
Linn county, Kansas. 5a;, s a horrible mur
der was perpetrated near that place on
Sunday night last. A man n noed Keller
killed his wife, her sit.f r. and t wochil.'ren,
j.i.ed ih.-ir Ixi'iies uj on the floor, eovcicd
them wuli straw, and tneii set !.,c lo Lie
heap. He w as ai resit d next day anel there
was strong talk . f lynching him.
Peeenl'y, in ( "al i Corn ia. Pike county,
Ohio. Reuben C. Rogers and Mrs. Caroline
Littlejohn w ere united in marriage, lie is
S2 years of age, and his bride il their
unit eel age?, theicf'.ie, are one bundled
ar.d f. 'ity-t !:rec years. He was out in the
war of b-l'J. :md draws a pension from the
government f.r his 'Ihe bride is
his thiid wife and he ia her fouith hus
band.. A horrible murder was c.nnmited io
Harrisbnrg l ist Sunday nigld. at PJ o'clock,
at the corner of Sh ut and South streets.
Two negroes, named Jones and Williams,
j a in 1:. 1,1 ,.1
i - 1 . 1 H)l. , . Siiii,,
1 1 l iii'.-o i.ufi, vi;r,!
I e-die MiicMur in 11
t ill! n :o".- C( ,11 1 1 in H . A ",
JOHN A. ixi.M.K. -t-n! .-,-
: . i .il
: lay th- ion !-.r
are n sure eure tor io; - - .
: t..-J Ora.-nis S1.0- 'l io : i i. . '
1 thcria. Asi liii.a. '.ii.-if' 1; -;
of the Tlo-.-af, VonilfT' . . : ii:
am. oil I Ureases of the I.
1 ti to ! i ;i -r-s of su !
i IhesH T Id.liTS sIki.k.i 1.. ;i -
ll.-e.l. 'ill". -'ll i'le l!i".
tiill i.o..'- I iie t-eve-i I'v .! . .. -'
a very -!). .11 time. i-.'t.-r..- :
:; .T.--; eil ' o-j-m n.
I U ki 1 ' i Tawi-- -
1 in l-lr. .(..,-. 'ins.. n. - .: -j.'-.m'l
in l.ioilnr -. on r .! 1 . . - .
I the .!. , in .Vi ic I'm;,-.
j tli.-i: ,v return until, ilnn't K !
. tli us. Sold .y tli-11-.' i'
, .1 1 1 N K K.I. Li ii.. .. 1- , ; v..
Sen.l for 1 'ireu itt r. S.
I u oiTking cunn.;:
rect;l!.n-e?llb l
no e t j i in i reij 10 r. 0; : ; . .-T. ,.-
st'-l" pitek-.ur- e! r .-..:. .
fires-, wi'h six i- 1 , r - i r- .
i. t ( ).. 1V1 (01. l:n .. f ..
heavy built and dark complexion, with
glossy black hair, flowing beard, rivaling i ny. but he iie r saw it, and has no ki owl
the raven's wing in hue. and clean shaven I edge e f how it was constructed, neither has
got mto an
.It .-ivaii' i.i as to w h
1 r;rjv--'
! Oil .lliiniir.o.l. I
j ri liO ior1.
Ai-itMii - -i
Ihe better man. Jones d:ew a bowie-knife ' w-.-rk a n;o .
... -t ..-1 1 n-:-i- 1 .1... loans
ami I'li.iois i-i-.i-ioi i:im-s 111 ine-
vet sits in the front pew of the Radi-
fore, th Democratic State Cemvention I ea! synagogue. lie is a man of bid
assembles at Wilkesbarre on Wednes- bant parts, addicted somewhat to the i
day next, it will have to look else- Klijali Pogram style of oratory, and '
where for a Chairman of the State 1 has rendered himself famous, or infa- !
Committee than to the roll of Demo- ! mous, or perhaps both, bv making 1
cratic Congressmen, including Samiul
T. Randall, from the extreme cost, to
William McClellard, from the extreme
west. Let no salary-grabber dare ap
ply, or if he does, let summary justice
be administered.
The Democratic convention of Col
nmbia county recently met at Rlooms
burg and re-norni listed C. R. Hroek-
wav fur AssciiiIjii-. td-r iifi:.-.-. 1
tv 1 ro fiviifintiil fViiis 1l.o 1 li.nwifr'il c .if al
...... ....... V... . -1 ...,v . ...... V4
old Columbia, the home of Charles R.
Ruckalew, who, not being in rnv way
responsible for l'roekwny's legi-lative
sins, we trust had no agent v in 1 " ;
jiolitical resurrection. It is probable
that Pete Ilerdie's money was at the
bottom of this re-nomina' ion , v.''.,!; !i
was not lit to have been If
the Democrats of Columbia and the
puWte speeches in bis own State 111
dc-fen co of the salary grab. In his
ca.-e at lenst there would seem to be
but one step frcm the infamy of the
back pay steal to the still lower depth
of open, unblushing conjugal infideli
ty. And yet this man Carpenter
one of the foremost representatives of
. the "God and morality" party will
f go back to Washington at the next
Lid nllrticf linbl-o nine.
will be condoned bv a Radical
of the back pay swindle, and. as a niatre-
ot course, have not succeeded. Mr. Nib
lack, of Indiana, was convinced that his
constituents would criticise his action, but
lie wanted the money pretty badly, and so
be drew it. He believes a more radical
course than simply restoring the money to
the Treasury is needed, and he is willing,
therefore, to aid in securing a repeal of
the law, so that there my be a general
le.stilntiii-.i. His constituents are not sat
isfied with this explanation, doubtless
thinking that if Mr. Niblack is in earnest
he would give better proof of it by return
ing the money at once and striving for a
repeal of the lasv afterward. The other
Congressman who has explained is Mr. L.
R. Campbell, of Ohio, who says he left a
sick bed to vote against the bill, and that,
although he is badly in need of monev. lie
upper lip. a nose rather approaching the
aiuiiiue, and t-harp, laughing black eyes,
lie is a man of unusual educational ac
ouiroments anel great natural ability.
"What will be the linal result is not known,
but all regret that Schueller has escaped
the clutches of the law.
heespnhad insti net ions in mechanics ef
any kind.
llis purpose is to exhibit it for a few
months in this country, ami then take it
with him to Germany.
but a few min
.'cu arrested and
Feats or a Somnambulist. The queer
freaks of a sleeping man in St. Louis are
thus related by the : "A conductor
of street cars, named Leslie, boards at a
house nearly opposite the offices of the car
company. The house is about tdxty feet
front, three steu tcs high, and Leslie's room
is in the top stoiy Adjoining the bnihl
ing is one of a lower altitude, the roef of
v. liich is about six feet below Leslie's win
dow. Last of this are the car stables. Pe
tsveen eleven and twelve o'clock one night
Leslie was been, in his night dress, cutting:
up all sorts of .pacer pranks on the root of son, who hears lus years well, ami is knossn
his boarding house. lie was here throw- I all over this section as one vi the most cc-
ing a series of flip-flaps, dancing backward I centric men in the State.
stomach. 'sYilllatus lived
utes. The murderer has 1
A type of Rrtdica Republicanism. A
Senator and a hailo. displayed, in imi
tation of princely state, with coach and
four and liveried lackeys, before the ga; e
of the world, holding a lesee at Long
Branch, w hile crawling creatures in human
form endeavor to i'ivet the humiliating
spci-tacle with a hai of respectability.
The deprav ity of" declining .lavs
without its gcniii.,. IYik:'es' brain and
Aspasia's wit.
1 he A. . iieraid reiterates the state
Democrats of the third Philadelphia ' : ll0r "ders mid her public men. ( an
district will persist in keep-in. r Rrock- "'r- in Vii 'v ' Uu' present state ol af-
vray and his counterpart, Sam Josephs,
in the Legislature, it is high time to
cease all further Democratic denuncU
o , i 1 - i -I 1 .uei, ue mie-iieis 01 ii't-p c.meioi ei it until
Senate and if .ee President Yv ilson j 1:e Iias bc(MI pl,own VJX SOne other '
is unable to take his seat, will preside , has a belter claim to it than he has, assur
over the ileliberations of that once ing Ins friends that he shall art finally so
atio-iist and dignified bodv. Such is as to jirescive his honesty and integrity.
the rapid and fearful decline of public ,
virtue in this progrcr-sive and demor- '
abed country. What will be its end? 1
Rome was one a republic, but site fell ,
through the vices and corruptions of
I'ili-fbvrrjh Vazette.
To ttte Citizens of Pennsylvania.
Your attention is specially invited to the
fact that the National Hanks are now pre
pared to receive subscriptions to the Capi
tal Stock of the Centennial Hoard of Fi-
fairs, hope to escape a like fate?
, t. 1 1 .
an.l lorsvar.i. ami gesi icuiaiuig 111 ine
i.i4'jxyi.ikl. v n n o v. 11. th.n wnlk-
ed down to the eaves of the. roof, where he
seated himself, w ith his leg dangling; over
the street. Jumping up, he marched along
the edge e.f the roof to the western para
pet wall, whicli is only a brick thick, up
which he walked to the chimney, which he
mounted an.l passed round it. Coming
down from this perilous perch he walked
over the roof, stopping by the way to go
through the manual of arms, till he reached
the eastern parapet, from which he jumped
down on the roof of the low building.
Here he indulged in a little tight-rope
The Old Dunn's Wag on.
A correspondent of the Now York .'' ji,
writing from Hamburg, Pa., tells the fol
losving story:
Here in this quiet little village of' Ham
burg stands a great, heavy farm wagon,
loaded with lumber, under an old dilapi
dated shed; and this same wagon, with its ! ment that the names of sixty-one custom
lli.l . 1- .1 .. .... .
loan, nas oeen standing ine-ie t-ixty-one house ntacuiK whoso Mimuct should have
years this summer. j ,ecu investigated, have been sent to Wash-
John Hailey, the man who owns the ington and says there is a disposition to
wagon, is now about ninetj-eight years ; sacrifice lesser olhVials, to save the n ag
of age, and has lived here nearly ail his ' nates. Statements made by men in high
life. He is a quiet and unassuming per- ! nosition at the Custom House have tended
to throw all the blame upon inspectors of
wharves. This has been done to save them
selves and for nothing else.
The Treasurer of the tinted States
has made the following ruling, which it
will be well for administ to take no
tice of: In order that admiuisti ators may
collect inteiest in the name of the dece
dent, they must send, with posvtr ef attor
ney authorising an attorney to receipt for
and receive the interest, a certified Copy of
the letters of administration. The letter
-iSv.-,- --
1-1 i - i , . i T - i T - ,;-
i. l.ii !-,-.;,. 1 1
i r ' ' -n 1 t :. r -
: i m . it- 1 ni.s. . -.'-.I '"
- ... -.1.. .... 1.
; - .' , . i - ee
ssf PSSSAij: t,i--t
f !-.
id.u i '
This morning I Was shosvn the creat
f.Mir-viicrimi -n i i.mi t y Mandiug inulcr the '
shed. My guide was an old and reliable j
citizen of the place. The shed stands
very near the house, and is situated about '
the centre of the tow n. Inside of the shed '
stooel the wagon, loaded with pine boards, j
just as it had been left in lspj. The si'dit ;
was anything but inviting. Cobwebs and :
tlust hung heavy lrom the hoard sides and
I 1 1. r.iost 'it. f I "1
i in.'vt r ot o itt ii
M ft in M. .Hi; r.
It fs Rpt t laliv n.!;i; ! !
down" ;.lil Oeli'llT.iO i
Spring Sinn.i.i i .
a.-l is-e rcu ial i"ii. i -pu
t i I les t rom si iii-ii - e
of the seerel is-. : "
Tumors, Erupi i -us. I
m-- .01). ,-.. -e.
Win-it ni-tr; an 1 I .in:
UlllllCS5. I)l til.!tii .1
of I'li'-r.-v and vi; r. '
to buil l it up aii'l i ;
j: ii in their r.-.-u i"-r ;t.-.
In tilt hent nf tni!i:. r
pi. t ii .1. i not prop, i
t he t'tet i if niel I r;..
pro.iu.-in-; sveHkiies
ami a ptc.ii-'..s:ti"!i '
Dr. Welfs EXT 11 At 7 i i
i rri'p.irpil direct'iy o '! -I'l.AAT.
and i. pin: 1 1 : . ' -
ticu :t ies : it w-fd . It .-i;. 1 ':
si rt nat tieti the iiri-i.o'i'
r V
' nntien Tim fi.Tiilj! ,'f.fili-yil fiv-im Ititj
! source are to be employed in the erection ; rpeMce, walking along the wire of the fire
! of the buildings for the International Ex- ! nl!!JrJm h 'vcstiuR himself of his
hibition, and the expenses connected with ' 'ori w in in squeer posiiim an., inrow.
ation of the radicals for sending men
to Harrisbnrg who wear the same
"Ring" uniform as these two recreant
Democrats and are owned mid con
trolled bv the same master.
says the
Aijout three years a,ro,
Ttat.i I. rv. i" .t ...
x neo.ii"ii j os' euai ring.!; monev
grubs called the syndicate, undertook
to loan to the United States the sum
of one hundred and thirl v million .f
dollars, for the purpose of paving oil
niHturiug loans. Instead of paying
the money when they received the
lionds of the government, the Secreta
ry received their checks as money, anil
not only paid them their commission
for the negotiation of the loan, but ac
tually paid them throe months inter
est le fore they had paid in one solita
ry dollar of the. money. Nov.- Mr.
Richardson, Mr. Routw ell's successor,
has improved upon Mr. R.'s vicl .tion
of the law of Congress, and has allowed
the syndicate five months inferi ; t on
fifty million-) w hich were not, paid into
the Treasury. This is part and par-
cei oi mat magnificent svste ni of fin:
i in: terms of the following United i , S!) ' ' ,t ,rt.i...ot.- i.u,-.i n.t ! i"P it down on the roof, the crowd mean
Stt te Senators expire on the 4th of . the Kevstone State will be represented bv h,ie bo.n,S J'i breathless siispense at the
March. IS";.', : Eugene Casserlv. Dem- ; the name of every citizen alive to patriotic m w,',,,h 1 ie lwoV fellow wa. He
eerat, 'California ; William Ibick- commemoration 'of the one hund.edil. ' then jumped bacw on the roof, resumed
i t if ilK birth-tliv of ih .e.i;,. Tim ct,o,c ,.r bis shirt, threw a first rate summersault,
i-'-'i.:m Renr.lihe -m ..oor. t..,t . o.rin-eia oi ine nation. 1 lie shaies ol , P - .. '
'ri 0 1. ti , i ts,, . T, ' . stock ate offered (or
..0,10.10 , co., , -,:u, ,,cia- scribers will receive
ware; AtKjali tiiioert, nepublican, engraved Certificate
Florida ; Dmiiel D. Pratt, Republican.' framing and preservation
Indiana; Hannibal Hamlin. RepubH- ; memorial.
...m M'uno Cb-.rh.c S!' "erest at the rate
!...' o....',.,,'.,;..w. v it'.,:. will be pai
... . -o, .W..-S.U iiu.-i . ..s , i in. i. mii.iu- , ( piittiinial si,.l- f,v.n,
. . , , r, , va uaic vi j'tllllivill III , - , ... . ,
ton. Democrat. Marvland: aehariah ; January. 1. 1S7C, manual exercises the w hile in the most per
Subsonbers who are not near a National , tci
Bank can remit a check or postofiice order I .' etnrv.ed by the course he had come
to the undersigned. j climbing the bare wall at the east end of
Fnm. Fi'.ai.f.y Treasurer i ,ho "utl.lie liuil'ling without any apparent
f04 Walnut street, Philadelphia
will be filed in the of nee of the Register of i y,"VF Al-'- Kl '
mil w
i.l answer if any timo
sh to sell er ,-i.s-
rooi oi tne oat snc.i, and the despoiling ! the Trea-surv.
nana oi time naa wrought rum upon the ' the administrator should wi
entire surromiaings. 1 he wheels had : . i,
wat d and the iron , tires had fallen down, -A bit of "romance, a Vermont paper
:ml ns tli.iv- i roin i..t t., Il...- : 1 1
"-j 1 1 . ,ul; leui.tiu now. says, crops out at Miatishurv. m that State
The heavy siKikes of the wheels slick in
the ground fully six inches, and it is
thought they will rot in a very short time
and thus throw the entire iiiass to the
in the marriage of Nathaniel Olin, an old
man of seventy years, to a woman who.
years ago, bad been the bride of his youth)
but from whom he had been divorced! Dur-
lmr ilm l.i. ,r tufi-i-Wm., 1... : 1 . vi
T. . ., . . ...j, n.i. .""Ii lull 1 .in i 'ii.i ,, Hltll I Olllll.
I turned to the gentleman with me, and and had two other w ives by one of who,,
askcu bin, the facts concerning such a re- he had a large number of children. Hut
mark-able curiosity. He replied: I am ! tbo rn.f t...,.i i... . ,
" ,. .111. ,,1.1.- c. IUI.1 11, IlilltT I IP K I'll
KV t l.l.lll.KII l i'.IM-.
It sIlO.ll'l bo fre. Ij t.'e
IIOIMI.-.'.I liV Iliee.M Mi . :
! I'l' ItlKlKii. Ti IM' mi .
in i lie n hole nii"-e "I i:
JOHN e.. K S I. i.
Sole A licl't
Price One Polittr per 11"
i- I
.flO each, and sub- :"'" 'V "l l"-- i ."--.-... ..t, ..... ....u was aixmt j tender feeling toward him throu-h all these
a handsomely steel t ,.,15C: evoiuiions were con- J. u oi age wiie.i liailey made his i long years, and remained single and lova! -
of Stock, suitable for , tl,mCl1 YT1" ,,ut aprarene latigue or vow i rememDer quite well when lie was and on a visit of Olin to hi. ..1.1 b.i,., ',.-.
as a national thought ot danger lor some tune. He then j 'A the old house there (pointing to j week the two met, the old flame revived
: '.' . .. c, ,.rV.!f i.l,. V X ..?t ..,i., .V ' ' . .i ;" :U' '":": r"l-,u-,aU-V'' ,or 1 i the happy panacea of marriage was
of six per cent, per V"" " " V 1 ? V V " ""'V l" the satUf.ictory denouement.
d on all payment of ?w" ' " V V : , .. L V 1 ,,,,,'1u,n- " "l 'aS,W,e 1,aU no ""'roads and A new witness i.i the Ticl.lK.rne ease
,i,i r.c ..o . nunure.i it-ei m n- hi. i;oiug inrougti ine ; "-i" nuu man ones went to lare-e c t e ! ..i c.:.,fi . n. it- .,
' -e -' - I', i.iiilil-l.l. All 111- lY.tS I IIP
Chandler. Republican, Michigan; AI-j
cxar.d:r Ramsey, Republican, Mir.-j
.a; Albert Ames, Republican,
-sippi ; Carl Sehurz. Republican,
- TP. ...... . - 'l.r. .
..ii, i ii. on. is . i o u on, i iei m ii-
by horse and wagon. Most of our build
ing material was bought at Philadelphia
and carted to this place bv horse and
wagon. Kailey was young man then,
but a hard-working-, indejoiident, self-
lioan. Nebraska ; William M. Stuart,
Kepni.'.ican. Nevada; John P. Stock-
j ciifhculty. ami making a cean le-aj oi sev- : wmeii person, ins house was nearly tin-
erai icet. through nis wiiuio-.v mto ins ucd- ; o-neu, ami me last load or lumber had been
I room. A rumber of the officers of the car j brought from the sea coast.
ton. Democrat, New Jersey; Peuber
P. Pent on. Reptb!i,-an, New York
Alh-n ii. Tlasnatin. Deuiocrr.t Ohio
John Scott, Republican, Pennsylva
nia: William Spracrne. Ropuhli.nn
,,v-,,. . ' :
A terrible accident occurred on Satur- company went into his room immediately. " liailey w as not married, but was looking
nay night near l.emonr, on the C hicago where they found Leslie lying e-n Ins hod , wn u longing eyes
lUt JLs jSir i.
The hest iU in i'" '' ' "r
c!i iiierif.
It trill not eii ''..
It trill not tiii.'i.
It is? ronal to I'1'-' '.'
If iio u i a re eii : ' ''
17 , ash- for OL.'Y A: '
cannot hat; it at ' "
circttlar and ;; ' 'ii '
Tirrm n
l ; and Alton Railroad
to a bright ar.d l.biwht.K-r
n incoming treight evidently fast asleep, though with staring, ; woman whom he had visited or courted
real Sir Roger's riding teacher and dailv
companion when Sir Iloger, then a vcun
man, was stationed with his regiment at
Cahir F,arracks, Ireland, and feels sure he '
can ted whether the claimant is what he
llt-fif fitld S 111 1 m Uio n.v. i T,.t r.
t-. . . w jii, inline i t.oill. V leiSS- I Ur2 -j-j,
ley, and he is a well-known veterinary sur- ! Kstaie .'
geon ot Springfield, and is vouched for as
a man ot high character and intelligence
Oil II I IP I I'll P I'i's V)
I Hill r 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1
Ol li .11 .1.11 I .1. I i n "'
unb i-Is.'" ' ;.
M.lil TV W !Hi I
township. Hie.i'i in c" i f.i
B, i.. i.i i. .... i.. ..ii 'I it ti :-s
traiu collided with the south bound ex- wide open eyes
press passenger train, almost entirely was awakened
wrecking the latter, and killing eleven unable to give
persons outright and fearfully injuring antics, beinf
After some ddticnlty he j but three tinic. and had obtained what he ' coV
Should M'r. Wliahcv. the English member i tiersoi-.Ml t-.roP'.rt . t ' v-
of Parliament who is now in New Yort- i lark Hay or Hrou ii d
.ii t -.i . ii ,
m.,,k r i..,. 2 . tv;!!- i, , ' . -me- t uu iy-.Miu oiuers, many oi ivimni, it .uiyining unusual
ii- ri, .'lossuioWj i is saiu, will die. Tlie cai-s took fire ar.d tention was called
i .epiioncaii, jctinc-see; arise
I'lanagan, Republican,
I ., Republican. Vermont
Arthur I. Roreman, Republican. West
ectinc funds and testimony, really wnnt Vtrtr"nr ? ' , ' :
no,,, nis snipor, o.u was .....ngut was snuic.eiu encouragement that it settled whether or not l.i di "t : i ' f S ' ",, o a
any reason for his strange an was right. Hut there was a rival in Roger Tichborne, let him take Mr Crow- l H - H,v.y-
evidently unconscous that . lio ease. Another younir man's r.fn.t; l...... ... t , ' . . ! , . v.iow- - , ,,,!rr,nVs. ni""
had occurred. His at- j drifted to the same 'spot, and '7 3"t" 'T" TlVl , . IV':':::
to his blackened hands occasions lover No. 2 had been I.r "J:" .luw ' ol .T:: s i.!'--
Hi" ni.A . La 1 , i . . i ) IfllSbN artft' ll"n o
I'll i TlKlllV lf tll-fl it.Tlll-iwl n-nrn iltv lr.iitnl ' anil Vf Kur 1 rri v-r, ; 1'Or.pivrd n nl nntm in nm-T l
1 1 C fl . w . WtlllP 111 I ifI-i UPm av-'kfu ij-l.-w c iltnir tliii rrr.Ji . tin a -s 1 . . . w. T "V- - ij).JL
trom the locomotives. Although Lemont tion. Altogether it is one of the most ex- building a house. Likewise No lioth ' T iive fiu'Va ;,i ""'"-""i- atiumiic
is only twenty miles south of f'hicam,. the t raordmi.-r-' of anmnimlmlisr.i on re- ' proceeded in the wo. t- ...;i ' 7' - ' ! OI..V ,u. . .lrn .sll?,w iiml saturated
. - - c-. - - ' - - - - - - . . i iv i. niii i;i.-iti ill ii na i i-.i i.t i i i I....1 1
.tilt -K t -..v . ..nil v. ...lit ii.uiiiil ililll lie.
day, and the man supposed to have cried.
toiy. A number
w and saturated
een placed under
ITJL mCil heSf SU1 W ' w ...... --l - ; 1 Sw noon, and ,uac. m Win employes say that ; I-ver No. 1 had a wnand the o ,V; i 2, :
..,s.r.-, , u;,. rn,.Vil0nCll liics--- i -' i paiii.o siuei i.tippeuci to as- ue nas on several loinier occasions utco , i.i.iee uie uoanis ivem to lie hid -vis it 1 , , r i- .-. ... .i-u ,
of Grant "hieh e.dU forth sueli ; " surgeons had been sent for to caught while on similar sleep walking ex- j Philadelphia, liailey proceeded thither, ! nan had t?- a I
magniloquent praise in the resolutions An intimation comes from Vash-! S?c L' iintT ihlf -U "'f T"T' b,,t T l" ' wanted and ret "amaSe rnviS 1 , was tluvwn
of Radical convention,. Toplainneo- inzton that the President has deter- Xc X a s of gynmait.c VL"? "ic I ,.,. Mr. Wenk and ken'int"
pie It loks very much like an nn'au- ! mined to appoint Associate Justice ' When he saw the result of Lis carelessness " his love in the abnce pre vimTs to t? v W,,e'? Le had
thorized robberv of the rmhli . ' o k:c t....:,l.. he tied, and ha-, not since he,, ir, mi trr (i.0i..,K-uim,i. ! n i....;. lwer ''. wl' lirt? lous to tlie discovery of the danrorous
- I ' lir 1 ' ill. M l I f 111 I Mr 1 I I I- t ! Iisii l( f-MI II III
I' leiisi Is. Iitrire 1 1
din jr. ri..!ies--r"i-'- "I
1 oinrhti"v. -.'I s o .1- i
farm I niplei'ieiit- '
no: li re lneiUi'.ni -
i'' l ei ins w 01 be '.I '
! an.l a reas'-'irtbie co 1 ''
. TH Kf.K.S V A
Cinria Tsvp.. Alia-' - .
There will W -or
for tin Kt'uI,liI - '
....... I.l. 'IK !Mt " '
I t a - D 3 "vcritf-s ihe Supreme Court, made vacant by
vi uu; aumini-iTration. the dcath of yr Chase.
lew ct Ins kind wore Keverelv dealt: with it cow nnm :ir,nn a timo rni: y much iron-
might have a good effect upon the othe r6, ; ble in Chicago, is now in jail in that city for j tomaryT unharnessed hi.; horse, put them i tri-il66 Mnewt mandfd ! an
and possibly result fewer accidents. , baling old iron. j away, and as he left 11"" ?" oVehe dioTerj- o" lZn "
his waro.i ,,.1.1 " : "I. llD 1 " r'1: -A,cer au examination on the
a - - v. oilCil. 111 si- I 1 I 1 I (TH lln tnif . 1 - m
" . i - as i r-ina in ifi l t x v x -vi.ii -
, . , " s V TT ai I L. II 1 Ol
ic town
' 11 ) in. -it
' ... .!)
.f Til I T 4 1 1 I 11' - . j
I'.nil liinr. U.w.m -"
w-ili then :ii"l U"'"- - , ,.r.
open o: the 1-1 of ""l" ,
He or.ler .X the I.eAi - ,,v
Au-f- l. -'tt-
I fe
fc St.
. I
i '
3 1