5&S3 J3JS H?S.naC5JL. Ebensburg, Pa., JVfcy, - 7uy , 1873. TJie Ifj'entetl Aspirants. Lager Beer and Ale. In a discussion in the Constitutional ' . Convention last week, on a resolution The amount of capital invested in toadiouni until September ICth, Judge A Young Bigamist. Demofnttk County Tleket. AssrMPT-v: HKKRY SCAN LAN", Carroll town. fHEKirr: HERMAN BAl'MEK, Conemaugh r.oro'. TKKASCKE: A. D. CRI8TK, Minister Township. commis-MONf.r: EDWARD GLASS, Ebensunrg. FOTR HCt'SE DIRF.CTOK: AX 8 ELM WEAKLAND, ChmtTwp. cokosir: R. II. SINGER, Johnstown. . A't'IiITOK: H. B. FREIDHOFK, Couema.igli IUirough. jcky coaMismoKEK: I1KNRY TOPPER, A.lams Twp. f lv apportioned over the county as the ; estimate wmen wouia be placed upon it ; not at ajj crcditable to his age and one which is now before the Democrats , by persons who have not given the j IH?r;cnce ju public life. He assei ; of Cambria seeking their suffrages a j matter eome consideration. At the re i that jt was not safe to life and he ; fact which may have had something cent meeting of the Brewers' National to remain in the city during July THE MATRIMONIAL ADVENTURES OF A TOUTH OF MARRIES TWO OIKI.8 M) IB blPOWtD MY HIS FATHER A STRANGE BTOKY, BUT TRUE. Within the limits of the Twehty-third Ward there resides a wealthy and aristo cratic family, the direct descendants of a very old ami a very thoroughbred branch or English nobility. As the legitimate fruit of an extensive manufacturing business, the father, who move to reconsider the "resolution i is also au "exhausted dip" in municipal . :. ... t .i n t.f '!:, ,...,.....- - i. 4. i tl.o other il.iv TH thnw m r. tolitics. nas accumuiatea an immense ior- i tlie south the l reisarfr uou taoi, mi.- wuim . , iium nuicu we tiuuti . v'y f . i . . t- . t iut bjuiu , uie lIt-'vu .,,, . ti, -.!. 4-., rr ,. .... - ' able newspaper around him and all of which ; tune, which enables him to live m style and the Commissioner from the centre, and , the following facts : The number of , him &d his friends for recou- splendor. As the creat Loncfellow has . - ... . AA..t, i. ... '.-. l it. . i r . - .. . . . . .,, ... i " .w the Jurv Commissioner uuui we suuiu- ui.ni in iuc united estates wr tuc i eideriug tnat iniii sensmie resolution. Use Bimj; "Into each life some ram must fall. WCfst. Yet, strong and unexceptionable as is the ticket, it cannot be denied that Tt in a subject of eeneral remark that no ticket ever placed in nomiim- ; the manufacture of lager beer and ale ; Woodward nermitted himself to bobe- tion by a party convention was so fair- in the United States far exceeds the traved into an exhibition of ill temper ly apportioned over the county as the ; estimate which would be placed upon it not" at ajj crcditable to his age and ex erted alth flt.V rill 11 irr -Tl nrtr1 to do with the selection of the ticket. Congress, held at Cleveland, Ohio, an AUcrU8t, and concluded as follows. , rr- 1. . l : i t . . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . 1 i u . 1 .l i vuviiil 1 1 T AT,. T . ni ! : tt t. tt, : ,0.1. v,ft.r.r.,..r ;. .--- "What was the nervous sensiKility which ; ti. in rector were mKen i the Sheritf, Coroner and jews ami ftntttcai jicm. i tiliaiT) p(..v..s and ulpt-.r of "... V'e Arr.c.: . J. p. Ser, of L'niontown, Pa., drown- F.retice, ItaK y'-. :c'U ed himself at Kansas City, Wednesday. ferine f;..m c,;,;, I! r ,'; -"Thev put him in a show case, was and hi death w , ,' . r" a U remark of a rural laoy wuo recently artist he was . ., ':r;c.i- 1 and achifri. je iiv ''"i ' 'aturday, de- ( reputation. In-Vii.- 'l'' H" '" mill. lAf, abroad, Le ahrav' Ir. ' N ,; !g from the north, j Schade in reference to the extent and J ij the gentl I Auditor from present condition of the breweries in ! White) to m emau from India.ua (Mr. Harry the attended a citv fuueral. A fire in Niw Castle, last S; stroyed Crawford's planing A plant has been discovered in Mexico American. His sll(i ' U.V which will cure baldness. It will pay to sort for Amti it...,'. " cultivate ll in me i imni PiAif. , .uony .Mm w( r e . i ..:..-. . ....: . f t ... . ' ne-iit4ii ui uie uuine i"iu'n oei imm-.f r s lifiiSP r"n-I :,".V i!h" fiscal vear ending June 30, 1872, tak- i newspapers Why, sir, the whole pack B nto families, whether they be powerful feet. Thomasville, Georgia, was destroyed by of May last in fire on Monday. Loss over if 1oO,(hhi. teeu years of airt. nrl.-.A f 4 1, t l-t fl 7A L'J 1W llMll- 1T1 tll 1.A. in .. . - neighborhoodofWilliamsport, whose aver- May. At that time 1 i age daily capacity is atxmt o, ne is I-, was 3,041, against 2,900 for the pre- expeet they will continue to W t aspirants equally deserving, as has ever ! cetling vear, or l,73o which manuiac- i atrai.i ot an tne newspapers tnoupn. i ....... i T:n ..,.., i .w.r..; !.. .7 j , i t o,.. u ...- I "Whv. sir. I hear continually from the in uet-u ao nr, in i . "..c- a. i,.oo incu umauiao terlor ,hHt the lieWspapers of I'UiUdeli.hia natinr conventions. were iorceu to lore- uire oivr O00 barrels annually. 1 he ' .. the neot.ie noideauf what thN:ni.vt.ii. j : liianciie ana fvertneart have neen nii . iw.M1, all(i nwr. the ai.o-pI nf I am not !," ......:i i, , - Trav. Klanc iim' i lie r i i t l 1:1m. n l 1 ;!.. . . . . . . 1 . r .. ' III IUII nOWl ! my urnn ail IDT n 1 f,. ,. , KU Irlknl.tmn V, -r i frequently the childrcu by their bead- strong and perverse conduct bring shame and disgrace upon the family, and such is the case of the story of which we write. whole amount ol beer and ale made I tion is doing, and I defy any tnan who reads j A son, a jovial, handsome boy who al ways wautcd his "own way, ana wouia o-o thp rovpttnl iiriy.es. ?-.r ..... I .1.. nniun lMlilniUU.kia n u tl Nathaniel Home was Detore the con- during the year was no less than 8,- i ""-; iT'v STllZ . 1.1.. 11 I ..r. T . 1 -.. T c V c""Mt .' - o b V" " ,u, vciitiou 101 .isM-miuj, mm inc v:uuiii. uo,yn uarreis, against t,iyy,nu uar- ,000 cubic read a notice in the ;ari;. Eastern paper wants to know ' cloe before lcavin-r o i'T robbing I'eters to pay Paul mat'.nn in re? Hid to i,r" '? A- ! mooir-j k.. i 1 .'.cr w-il U ; 'docs not boast a worthier manor a 1 rels for the vear previous. The amount - - , -- j inore steadfast Democrat; yet many of the beer tax in 1S72 was divided No Paper Nkxt Wekk. Love of, Cif the southern delegates conceded the among the following States, thus: fun, if not love of country, prompts . nomiuation to the north, while the del- Ter cent. 3er cent. the printer boys to go HI for a tllg time n,-.rt, r.f Plulmi-.r . 15,1 Sew York ..Tt IK. I Missouri 4..W on the Fourth of July, and hence, in f' Iennsylvauia....l2 CI Wisconsin 3.79 x aiiiui lun ..m Per cent New York 31 IHi accordance iwth a good old custom, j For "sheriff several asnirnnts Asides ! m,;VV;-""?'JS ew Jersey 6.1H Illinois 6.22 Maryland... Michigan... Indiana , ...2.15 ...2.13 ...2.05 DO paper will ue lSSUCU liom lias 01- tu0 ftn,-sfnl one wero nnxtentml 11 flee next week. cf Wuom are men cf fitting qualifica- a tions and undoubted fealtv to the par- T he Itemoera tic Ticket. ty. John l. Thomas is' a life long '. . .. i Democrat who has always labored, in The Democratic countv convention i . , . , . , . . -. '.. . , , .. , i ; sunshine and in storm, in prosperity has met and done its work by luaciDtr i i -.t -t. i T " J 1 , ntul in ndvfrsitv bv nioht nnrl liv ilnv in the field a full ticket, ami although ; for fLe g - ' f- , , , drinking country in the world is in- uvpri 1 triii on1 1 1 in;Arvi t rr I Iuirwhsr4if a i 7 1 . . it. x-' ii. n T,. failel to be recognized by the conven- A comparison instituted between the United States and the North (Jerman Confederation (now Prussia) shows tliat the popular impression in favor of the latter being the greatest beer tion, it is but just to say that the en tire ticket deserves nnd we sincerely hope it will receive the unqualified en mnv lw nr.Ho.1 that no mnn Una frnr COlTect. Ill the N OrtU Uerinan COI1 friends. George Gurlev is an earnest, federation the consumption of beer in enterurisine ronnc Democrat, and has ! 1866 was 21.23 quarts per head, and ever lx-en a consistent supporter of the ' thf lcer tax 8 02 cents Pr hea(1 In . m a r 1 .iXC ; r Vi t t t - j jart3-. Capt. Wm. Linton hasalrealv i l"IS country tne consumption oi oeer "t.T:enVf "1C "VU:d 1cm,0t rr.y?f ! shown the very hiirhest eavacitu in the as 25.47 quarts per head, and the tax discharge of an imiortant public trust, i 21 cets lr head. In 1869 the North and made a gallant show for the nom-1 Germans consumed 4,782,261 barrels . I i ii l i ir ination. His record was faultless, but i Vl wt"r. n "s country aoout o,- ! 0 I !. . i il soo.iuu uarreis were consumea. t e gather from SIr. Schnde's address the surprising fact that the brewing inter est of this country is even greater than that of the distilleries. The capital invested in distilleries is $15,545,116, and the amount of wages paid by them lcr-ear $2,049,810. The annual value of their material is nearly $20,000,000 Cambria county. Let us refer briefly to the several candidates : Henry Scanlan, Esq., of Carroll- TWtn Brno TiAinmnti..! f.. 1 ......... 1.1 . .-. ( v.tt'.v ti t. i 'like the others nameil, he was forceil uic uibi iiauu.. .ir. ocanian was tioru . .i mi x-.u . St. r..i - i- i -i to succumb to the will of the majority, in Cambria township, atHMit five miles rIM ... ,, J . r i i Ihese centlemon will all support the north of Lbeiisbiug, ami is now vrc tit.ket ..fh an earncst aml heny , presume some 55 of ape. Ife is c f Jnfl JJenfopr, whose clev- a plain, practical man, possessing a i n 1 -.i i V i fo. : erness is universally admitted, was also fair education and sound judgment. ' i r i 4 and will make a faithful, honest and ! lfore e convention. Of his itemoc- reliable, representative. He has never c' e Can,8a5: n!"ng "Pj'V'y it .... . -. . so lone as he is "dissrusted ' with a neia an3 oruce except mat oi County , nominat:on that hs wn ma,le in ac- and their products amount to $36,191, Burveyor, wmcu lie has nueU w ith no- cordance with the acccptcil rule8 of , 133. The breweries and malt houses table ability and integrity, and to the the tv Xo matter hlow (1cservin I are valued at $56,796,683 ; the annual entire satisfaction of tlie people. W hat ; he av'be c t jjefordi common I value of materials, $37,180,778, and gave Mr boanlan a peculiar advantage j gt.use tdl him that the lowest can-1 the yearly value of their products over his talented and worthy opponent, , no(. jc nominatetl insteml $67,723,158. The number of hands Mr. IN. Home, is the fact that while 'ff. .... I emnloved in the distilleries amounts the weight of the Democratic vote is i 8() fo yQ trncr pem. to neaVly 5,000, while the breweries north of Lbensburg, that section of the ... ,.. .i...;... i emolov 14 083 Tho forprrrnno- Ktatic. . , ft fc) a is nd stroy gisiation is a mere delusion. n. Ji V n ,l''K j than Davkl Humnlirpys is to be found ! fes are interesting, and show at in the Legislature by a Democrat from , ailvw! and ha won the 5ze ! glance that the liquor interest in th vf cl7r t ,! liis election would have been a fore- ' country is one of great magnitude a " ; gone conclusion. As for ourself, mod- power, ami that the elfort to de Conemaugh borough, has been noun- j r....i.:.i, u or Pra.li.t it l.v i.-rbitSon i- -. 1 - - - B'Bva.r V V, T-A III IIV II - " we mav have thought we were the man vor we con less mat me winU was taken to the.n, was most tla;rantly i in proper aiul completely out of our sails. Still we j infamous, and should secure the condein- i accept the situation without n murmur j iati"i of ail who were a party to it, and we land shall do battle for the ticket to i l'a tl,e provi.Mon.s of the late act oi vi'ii2.esii v wiiicn salaries uatMl. He is of derninn parentage. a ,i i:r.. .....i for te emergency the one altogether' , , .... " ' . 1 ' lovelv. The convention did not coin- Itesolrrd, That the act of a majority of t ie ability to triform the duties ot ; citU. 5n JUr ;nio, an1 wlun niliet.n ; the members or the la.st Cmjfre.s, involv the olhce with salety and advantage votojJ we .t.c.ivoil instoil(1 Gf forty-four ! "K !li.lt,is J"ow..alho ' back pay steal," t hunsclt and the ple-the n.teg. i- .; h f m.01,Wa in fsl. i & .th7v,.,,od. ,n.to tl.e.r pkets ly T.O ao justice io :ui, ano. me nuinan- e .. .. . . , , """""" ';." wmen mu noi uemng ity not to be oppressive to the poor aud unfortunate. We predict that tlie oflice so uinciently tilled by a Duck, a XT -- n Ivlntr .ilt.l i. 1? . . i . .L ...ll c ii ' l. the Ix'st of our iiumble ability, find an equalH com!etcnt incumbent i T , . . ifi.P,!, i.,lirr ! ln ballotmsrs for Commissioner in Herman liaumer. . . . : . T. . A. D. Criste, the nominee for Trca- i t o of tne stauncliost Democrats m tlie surer, was born in the eastern part of 'o'nty -Messrs. Jos. A . Prmgle and Cambria county, and. with the exceiv ! .Le.WIS fhank' re lwniMl. another tion of a very brief interruption, has 1 JU? chosen. Our knowledge -of these pent his whole life within her borders. 1 Wo PJ'"tleme" . nsVr1 "S that 1'ke John Criste, his father, was one of the ourst:lr! lhc V.,U T' a" j1lrsoI!aI (1,s" earliest settlers of this countv, and of appo"t.mete , their zeal tor the suc- !..-. m.nr 11 ..r.w.itlw. r. . Ol 111C Cllllie llCKCt. jamo iAi.iij t i,i-.t i & v. kVLJiv. & x i 411VI S l I mechanics except the youngest, A. D. Criste, the subject of this notice, who, owing to an injury which unfitted him for manual lalx.r, was compelled to re sort to business pursuits. He is emi nently qualified for the otlice for which he has been nominated, and deserves to be triumphantly elected, as we con fidently hope he will be. Edward Glass, of Ebensburg, tlu candidate for Commissioner, has on two several occasions held the position for which he is now named, and his ' success then is a sure harbinger of his ! success note. While previously occu pying the position it is admitted by all that he watched the interests of" the people with an argtis eye, ami did more to preserve the public buildings from decay than any other occupant of the olhce. Our nominee for Poor House Di rector, Anselm Weakland, was lrn within a few miles of his present resi dence in Chest township. He is a farmer of studious ami industrious habits, and has no political ambition other than to boeoine a faithful guar dian of the public interests. Henry Topper, the choice for Jury Commissioner, is also a native of Cam bria county. He is a gentleman of sterling worth and unflinching integri ty, and possessing Hs he does a thor ough acquaintance with the people of the county, is peculiarly fitted to fill the jury box. For Coroner no better selection, as well in the matter of location as of fit ness, could have been made than that of R. H. Singer. The duties of that oflice require an incumbent to reside at or near Johnstown, and no more suitable person could have been selected th?n Mr. Singer. Lastly, Henry P. FrcidhofT, the gen tleman named for Auditor, is an intel ligent citizen of Conemaugh borough, and, as his name indicates, is of ("Jer man extraction. He is a good penman nd is in every other way qualified for the position of County Auditor. Betaocrat3, these are tlie candidates that hart? -en pTaeefj jn nomination by a convention in which every town ship, borough and ward ws fnllv re presented by fairly elected delegates - an urunniKHi, HUe and trior! The same thing may le said of the unsuccessful aspirants for Poor House Director. We may here speak with pride of the Democrats of Kbensbnrg. The choice of Tcntion. Here pit Rome pentlemen, very re Bjteetahle reporters, whngive fancy nketches of what oeciirs here and what inVaid, Rnd that is served up in the papers without any connection, without any explanation, with out any full exhibition of the questions ; and these convey no idea to the people. Now, why do not th-e paper, that are io de lighted with hurrying this bodj through the months of July and August, give to the peo ple of Pennsylvania some intelligible ac count of our proceedings ? They have not done it, and because tli?y have not done it, 1 moved the other day, after we had panned our resolution of adjournment, that the Sec retary rhould prepare and publish in every newspaper of the State a list of the amend ments to which we had agreed. And a howl arose against inehcre from gentlemen, as if I had proposed to cut oft" nomeUxly's head. It was voted down with that sort of vengeance with which my propositions are generally voted down in this house." If Judge "Woodward supposes that the people would have endorsed an adjournment of the Convention from June 27th until the third Tuesday of October, which he himself advocated, without a rigorous protest against a proceeding so entirely unnecessary, he sadH' misconceives popular sentiment. While the people are perfectly willing to accord theconvention full and ample time to perfect its work, and to perfect it well, they will not quietly submit to any protracted or unnecessary delay. They exjK-ct, and they have a perfect right to expect, that tlie new constitu tion will be submitted to them for their ratification or rejection not later than at the October election. It is impor tant that this should be done, if for no other reason, in order that the next Legislature may be subjected to the stringent provisions contained in it against the insufferable evil of special legislation. I f Judge Woodward ra:l ly believes that the high state of the mercury during July and August will incapacitate him for the erfbrmanee of his duties, he has only to make that fact known to the convention, throw himself upon its indulgence and the necessary J'urfough will be allowed. If there are any other members who dread the effects of the raging of the dog star, the same immunity will be granted them. have it, by his mischief-making proclivi ties kept the old man in a perpetual state of "hot water." The lad was a heart-crusher among the girls. At last, becoming an in tolerable nuisance at home, he was packed off to a celebrated military academy not many miles from the city, to be educated and to be out of the way. After being ab sent about three years, a few months ago the boy retai ned, full fledged and educated, to his home. He was then nineteen years of age, with a dashing devil-may-care air about him, which captivated the "dear girls more than ever. He soon made the acquaintance of a buxom, good-natured and pretty little factory-girl, who worked John A. back pay, an if this is not Snofford ? received hr . K. J. HefTren, who killed D. E. Hal- ! Kelly. Titn'sville. la ,"ed ttKU Etead, at Salem, Indiana, on June 20, was At noon ThurFv s. hanged at Salem by a vigilance committee . Eatt Cocalico townsLu, 'iam;l! on Saturday night. j was committed to t i i,''n r1 Friday evening a stroke of lightning tion of a blood v fifed i"r ?! damaged the Ilefonned German church at probability terminate f . ' Titusville and seriously injured the pjistor, . of his wrath. On" TI tr" Kev. J. r uendiincr. i Vvm. 'uht v..t .7. ..i;mc ...,-,, v. .....-, :'"'. i "'er ai u-oi. wjuuij .i.i.o iu uv.t uicuHimv , wrre mown couple in Pennsylvania. The husband one hundred and eight, the old lady one died and six, and both are orphans A young man has been arrest bound over for trial in Memphis, Tenn., on the charge of dejositing a postal card containing obscene allusions to the Post office. -Jesse Grant, father of the President, died Sunday night at his home, Covington 'l tKn V. v.Mnv , Vll ir ItlOWIliT .f .v, j-, asdone l,id Mrr,"cr?r.t"n ,, T1'' !' ie hun- , the least provocation . Ins bedy. the point f ,L :ed and , meut entering Mow J u g'ng at a ,:,. side and einci shoulder. An accident orClIITf,j tunnel at midn'ght ..n sr."J four men Inst their livts if not fatally inj.ind. WlJ, "." thousand feet from tl.e r-.J les were nci e:s- ed shall be p.omp.ly anJ unconditionally repealed. The foregoing is one of tlie resolu tions adopted by the Radical State Convention of Iowa, which met at Des Moines last week. It is the counter part of resolutions on the same subject which had len previously passed by that party at its State conventions held in Ohio and Maine. The downright i hypocrisy which is apparent m a rad ical convention squarely denouncing a majority of the members of the last Congress for passing the back pay fUff'fll till 1 f tKo C m a f I rv fk fn. ! n v 4-. a large maionty of them ! ffr.v ,,.,i ... 1.. ;,. . . , .i-ii wi.v. .'WHI 111 OIIIICIIIII.ILIOU Ol for Assembly, Sheriff and Treasurer (;rantt the chirf cook an1 lK,ttle wash was defeatef I, and yet we have heard or iu the Usgrat.eful swindle, is as of not a single Democrat in Lbensburg t, wnf na it :.., who will not give the ticket his uncli- j 1)(.rs lf cnntrrOKf, nrA tjn i' f vide I and unqualified support. The talk alout the "Kbensburg King" had lo h.xxi pon ko miu h by tlie rad ical journals and radical politicians that many honest Democrats believed such a thing existed. If it did exist, the liar of public opinion for voting for a bill giving them extra pay and donl linur the salary of the President, shall Grant, whose signature made it a law, lie esteemed guiltless ami the one al together lovely ? If there is any dif- ml 4 k : t .. I u,n.n.i..; uu ,t to ne oroKcn ference in the degree of their rapacity, find niworl ? nf fhia 4vn .1 I . . ' . . . . r 1 . t - " ' " wriJ-.ii V-OO. A W J The notorious William J. Orens, who was tried some time ago for the murder of Colonel Riddle, has been nominated as the Radical candidate for Assembly in the Fourth (Phila delphia) district. The Democrats of the Third district, in the same city, intend once more to disgrace them selves by nominating the bland and t .1 .1 ... - - veto, whir-h i:.l,rorcnnn;v,l.i.ft,tim cuiici-uM? Samuel Josephs. (Jan any 1 7 -"V .w 111 i. u o t UI.1JU LW till, - . . . j vote of one-th:rd 6f the members of ! V,ier .ll-v 1,1 th,s "gnous Union" pro- plainly indicate that the Democratic People of Cambria county have firm ness and intelligence enough to make their own nominations. Of course the whole "Ring" story is false as we r rk r rro.nrv r - !l 1 1 l il t is undoubtedlv too tro for tl. i he (h,ef 'U'ner m. th,s Rrab Same (rant declared in advance to one of its memliers that he would not sign a bill increasing his own salary two fold, unless it contained the extra pay clause for the liencfit of Congress." (Jrant .-.-1 I t 1 t . C aI fort of comA ,wAr,l0 r,.i k .::..i i 'M.nsioie lor it ior tne reason i. r""A if i i T " B i tnat h0 couI1 havt' prevented it by his idea m regard to it could only be con- f i r .... lenounce Congress for ceived by a dishonest orcrazv radical. The "Ring" bubble, however, has lost ! Con-res To Vl fc n.i -.f .-i i - congress. lo d : w : 'lr,r . Z ! the simile and condone Grant's com be stJteu to deceive tie honev f7 " C?nt? manry of Cambria county. Of one 1K'rmit the Priuc5ral offcmev to thing all can rest assured the De-1 'rF5'!. a 4 . . mocracy of Cambria, having iu a fair l.Cat reeal the ?ct the open convention nominate.! a ticket to rir not seriously n.sturr, t-f it Tl.o I 1 .. J "Ul ecoiiu asning- it u. i ne ton." Groi.t'., -.i a Hon. MiniAEi. C. Trovt, of Sharon, Mercer county, fell dead in the wash room of the Mansion House at Maitch Chunk, Da., on Wednesday evening of last week. Accompanied In a niece, he had been participating in the sum mer excursion of the Pennsylvania Ed itorial Association, and had just re turned witli the party from a trip around the Switchback, and was in the act of making his toilet, when he was stricken by heart disease, and sinking to the floor, expired almost immedi ately. The remains were taken in charge by the officers of the Associa tion, and after being projerly pre pared and enclosed in a magnificent burial casket, were forwarded on the following morning to his bereaved friends. Several years ago, Mr. Trout represented the Mercer district in Con gress, and at the Reading convention last year he was strongly urged for the Democratic nomination for Governor of this State. He stood high ir. the confidence of his party, and as a citi zen mx'nUiinod pure and uusullio.l reputation. His age was about GO years. Lisbuin, York comity, is the first woman ( immediately ht hiii.l 1 ' "T' K' to slide off a load of hay this ytar. She j fire and exploded with 'V-'T' did it on Pntnroay, and broke one of her i tcring the car and irw 'r' V i legs near the hip. ! othy Lynch. Henry KchsV bell and Kentucky. He was far advauctd in yeais in his father s mill, lhe acquaintance and bis Ucmise was merely tlie result ol the tunnel a box of rr;-,. , rapidly ripened into love upon her part, 1 general debility. ploders. which the n- ' n nrl fb bti rrllrrc -rMitb Impimrt tnii.torl i VIrs. l''biiil r"-llsm5l-trpr. rirrl i n r- l.tfnr ..r. - . r,'1". ... V. -I- . . , . . .V x- ' . ' : ..viv ii.oiig inio tliu wiui tne same sensational iceuug aiso. lie did not dare to conduct the intimacy open ly, for fear of incurring the displeasure of his family, and so the courtship wm car ried on in secret. A proposal of marriage was accepted, and a clandestine wedlock arranged. The same was consummated. The young people the foolish lass of eighteen Sum mers, and the foolhardy lad of nineteen Winters kept the (secret faithfully. Hy some persuasion the young husband be came possessed of his wife's marriage lines aud destroyed them, lie soon grew weary of his jouthful bride ; and being too cow ardly to acknowledge her to the world as such, he began to neglect her. lie went with another W . 1 r. Dennis McFaddcn. (!:,,ri . Kir-gsby. engineer.' Km-v scnou. but it is t xi r'ed be r, McFadden cannot (i.e. At Baltimore, on Saturday, James West, colored, convicted of the murder of Anna Gibson, and Levan Palmer, colored, convicted of felonious assault upon a white girl, were sentenced to be hanged. On Sunday eveninc last two sisters named Hannah and Ann Williams, resid- rr,.- t - " ingin Phanixville. Chester countv, were' , , r,nirlous se f ( Fimnltaneously stneken with paralysis, and . -e" V " Q; died within n f.vv 1, ..r...Vl. ! 1S,K. S all Wll'l l:a( t.-u.l An earthquake Sunday moming spread ; tri'V"! can,'ot fail " 1,p a-snredv disaster throughout the north of Italy. 14 atioinpiire-s. u ulnm A Fiftv-two persons were kilkd. Venire 1 l . . .ijl'"nnri. li.iiui-u-tl riiii.t- t . . . ' . ' -krf . ... , 4" T i- llie damsel lived in I and Verona su ercd s i" hL v. ami TVi.ttr """ " 1,4 hhiudit girl Bridesburg, whither the thrice fend-hardy i aud four villages near Vittoria terribly swaiu hied iiiinsclf too frequently. The girl j it js reported that a master sailm; v..i3 liic u.iiiiiier oi people in uumoieuie, and when they were apprised of the pros pective nuptials between the son of the rich mill owner and their "Mollie," were glad of heart aud buoyant in spirit. The wedding day came, aud was celebrated ; with great eclat. The festivities terminat- j ed with what in the South would be dubbed i a "hoe-down." j This marriage had been conducted with more publicity than the former, and soon aker of the ( iiarlfstow n, Mass., Navy Vaid Ls engaged in repairing the identical Hag al luded to in the song of the "Star Spangled Banner." It waved over Fort Melleurv in 1S14. J j An Alabama lawyer, defending mur derer, spoke for nineteen consecutive hours, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty in seven minutes. Thev probably did it :' llns lf.irtn.nt. tne m.m with n g;i:j ?.i! ;Vf. a T)ist(il. 11. P rnr.tir.i f. , .! . .1 obtain money. Abr.i:i:s Is n,, t 4 x tenn in ine penn:tciiti;i:-y am! committed suicide in j.iii, l;t nhi it i tlir.i..1. . .i . . .... .. ... ...v-....,, an. in iniquity of the three. 11V granted her fifth trial on r.vir grounds. Her first trial run!;".,; agreement ot the jurv, n::d t; it eriiici oi muni reached the ears of the stem parent of the I There arc now livin er in ili. sr-.i Tl. to revenge themselves for the torture they j tirt whirl I rV T' i,-..i i, J i -ourt, winch reversed the rW... lowor f '.,oi f . , twice married youth. The case was inves- the late Jonathan and Hutli Parker of !" t?'"7. and wman tigatcd. AVhen the father was acquainted Nantucket. Mass.. twelve rl.ilrhen tlie J..rne ( ncuit ft.mt. : with the fact that his son was a bigamist, j BCms and seven daughter, whose a, ' lesul,'nK ln nother dissgrecT; v no Donnas, and he deter- , respectively 73, 71, G, 65, (53, 5.50, 54, i " ' .1 tin hj iiiaf iiLrtiii uie iiiLTiiuy j 4 aiKi 4i. l"b,Ll1 h. Jtr . . 1 ' . . 1 ... I Ju his rage knew no bonnds, and he deter mined, in or and pr.de of the family, to disinherit the ( All Atlanta physician advises patients ! ade bv the ,1 Z i ' wilful malefactor. The g.rK the v.ct.ms j who in these cholera times feci -'upside ! "u, tL 1 t U C :nv of the wiles and wooings of the young Lo- j down" to rectify that conditon by stand- 1 l' " ' bnt thario carried their cases before a magis- ; iug ou their heads for a minute at a time )' earned ;..-; f .-... trate, but the proceedings were dropped, ! thrice, a dav. Which is a simple way to ' L " .V , cm,rR : r" most likely by the old man shelling out: heel up" their difficulty "lg of the demuner iM,t yV J some of his lucre. The stripling was turn- J A M.uachusett pa'per having nnv I fL1'!! V"1 src"::,!- ! " ed from his father's home with the brand ! claimed that th oeo,,lr ,.f k. . 7, the Mt,,1"n.f"r a " t::;:!.u A . X. Oil v tLtr 1 . i i I f the family's displeasure upon hir.i, and lie no longer is to be seen in the rural dis tricts of the Twenty-third ward. Whither he has gone uo one knows. Vhila. Sunday Mercury. people oi me .Mate are not prostrate at the feet of (General Butler, the Louisville (VciVr-.riM.J ruinaiks : 4-lf his feet are half as diitv as his hands. . i f .... ?.. u is uicKy ior r.er tnat she isn t. A Islcpt lU.coim. Murder rf a Con tract unanimously di c t'txt ! must be tried u-t .-.Lrniv. has spent about i-:.if w f. ,:- t;rt mockeries of inticr. ju.rl ii...:.. ft ... . . niiii ii wiii r.i I I I'lir w . I -. I V (TI IT . .Int. n . . . 1 . ' - - - !. 1. r.-l.:.i - C ; mjkik 101 iniicr wajfs. 111s successor. 1 :r. Mcvenson, ,0fi0 more. t'J s;.,. ! gets 40 a flay, and is so ractor on the Pennttlrani.t K.tihortdA lim,1.v convinced of his own siijrioT worth i A IM I X I STII A I ( :' ( Vetmorelin.d County .Man Shntnhtered ! hat he won 1 back a little sum of I Letters of -.l;i. i.i- -v .. Mortey the urjrt in Moth Covj Suicide of v-',-v wun.ii uw. nut, ngiuiuiiy ueiong to "e oi ti.wAiu. i.vans. i, One of the Guilty Parties Au Accomplice ' hlm, . ! LTTIh;?hnbr.l!,.,'''!,nly-,1;1 'Vl Confee.-Th people of Spring Mills ' -Mr Avery D. Putnam, wife of the f" ut tn'V& have been anitated for some some time cast 1 T,ctun ot i-oter, who was recently hurts ae are rc.int-t. a tn n ikr iw- by the story of two murdeis and a suicide in their quiet neighborhood. In April last, it will be remembered that we published an account of tlie suicide of one Mr. Young, under circumstances that afforded no sat isfactory explanation. He was a young man, highly respected, with fair prospects and good health. But one day he went into the woods, cut open an artery in his arm, and by holding it open with a ftick, succeeded in putting an end to his life. It in ew i ork, has recovered 5 OOO fn.m n"'t, uml t :. liHinrel ,injv the passenger railway compa.iy owning j X the hue uimhi which her husband was kill- 1 maker & S.-. i,ir m r.:,. n.s. ed, the Supreme Ccurt dtcidinc not to i Evn,,s "YVr"11 grant a new trial. , ivfijR A curious place for a bird s nest is that June 2.1. ls7S. r. chosen by two soni-steis that l.:i.v fn.,n.i ! a dwelling-place on the Derby tConnecti- I A UDITOP,' NOT!''!;' cut) Lai!road in the angle formed by the 1 Xi. h,,, anSnted An-iit-rt: me iresiies oi a bridge and ' ourt or nullum cuintv ti re?"'; upon which the rail "rests i f,'- money in the l.;ti..l-..f Mj J.i.itr tt 1 - j AilninitrHfr.r of tl.e .-.U rr s,s daily er the bridge. .ir, -,i. . hnwn i.v ! ,-,,,1 v- was not known that hist before the suicide i lea tra,ns pass lounir wan sent for bv a vonr.rr friend; t'n Ihursdav afternoon a ...).., ..1 n" partus interested named Kcnlcy, and a private interview j ebriate in tlie employ of Robert Hamilton took place, but the object of the confer- j ot Columbia, divested himself of a pocket- ! ,;,TH-' ,8' at 2n ci.-k. r m ence or what was there communicated is book containing seven cents and a dilmi hty lnat pres.-nt tin ird.ii nnl Vnnwn tl n ..nr .,m,J .-.!. l:1tr.,l tl,.,.., ,u...l. 1 j , . from coiiuiii iii on ssiel f-.ni. any connection with Younjj'e last fatal act. ' Susquehanna river and was taken down But soon after his death, Kcnlev, who had 1 lhc stream with the current and drowned ui-en ..m..m. ii.ri, recover, . -.Mr. John ,lcAU sterf who lived a short Rent, fur Dr. l an rtKb ..f C;-. urn. ! j. . . .. ... ' "V " non " , ..j,,!, .mN uisiance irom tne village of I) e there was two other men had participated. The first suit themselves, mean to dec united Democracy of Cambria countv has never leen defeated, and it cannot be defeated note. The nomination of Herman Haumer for Sheriff has had a chilling and most disastrous effect on certain radical wire-pullers in this locality, and has completely disarranged all their sup posed cunningly devised plans for the campaign. It was cruel thus to dis apioint their cherished hoies and drive radi.-il chin clr.M-,1.1 : v m w bx. iTU &r kr 1 n 1 ' 1 1. ti u mcr v r- -v - Democratic breakers. Had BaZr 1 ?.,.,t 1 rcsidont Graut ' Says the Sun.- ton.' (Jrant's Urr numAi . .. r t.iUUUI, l UUnUUl- tionally be fliminished during his term of olhce, and if there were any possi bility that a regaling bill would be presented to him, which there is not his well known respect for the consti tution, to say nothing of his inordinate love of money, would arm him with good and sufficient reasons in his es timation for its veto. The New York Sun mav le nreiu- diced, but it tells a power of truth Ca?sar was am- : All . . failed of success in theconvention t ho' great men have their failings ; wiii.il icauers uereaoouts were pre pared to present to the voters of the county what they conceived to le a duce for popular admiration and ap plause two candidates for legislative honors, who, in all the essential ele ments of political knavery and turpi tude, approach within gunshot of Bill Ovens and Sam Josephs ? The times are sadly out of joint, but in the two instances referred to Philadelphia stands unrivalled and without a peer. The St. Louis Republican has in formation of a secret organization en tirely free from the Granges and the Patrons of Husbandry, known as "The League of Justice." The pri mary object of this League is repre sented to be the repudiation of the railroad bonds issued by various coun ty, town and municipal governments throughout the northwestern states, and the seizure and common division of lands that have been granted away to cortiorations bv the United States ) Congress. It is claimed that the League ! n.Vl' t J T T- -v- . and made a most startling confession of , reports that on the at h tf June there Z iu muiucrs, in wnicn ne and oung and ' a snow-bank at least f...,,- ft .!.." ". V . " 1 y ujr murder was committed last fall, the victim I h. lived 'on l.isi,nZhv-Vn: "5 oen g a contractor on the I'ennsylvania ; never before saw snow upon the "Wound Kadroad, whose name we have not learned. I June fciouna 111 He appeared in the place with about two j Eben Sumner, of Vinton Iowa thousand dollars, and these four young discharged from jail after a Li ml men enticed him into a restaurant kept by sentence for a.temptiug to murder is one of their number, and after making , wife, and the very Ltih Kw i htm stupid with drink, knocked out his to get a double-ed "eJ ifi, kl 1 brains with an axe and took his money, j plunge it into hi," wife' tl.t- klSi Sfl! ify "Dnk hiS in deep Kink ,,er- ",,d the t thinrr ed id ws tn LhI hole in Spring creek. The second murder 1 himself aia nas to klJ1 was committed in March or April last, a j At Des Moii h.Ti-l 1 Will Htteml to the liili'-i el ' -i : mi my otnci'in hlei'.':r Z 111 011 s:tl'l r-.m-! I. hi . . ' . I Elx-nburTr. June -T;. A UDITOK S NdTkK dersipned .ii.l:t r. Orphuns" (Viurt ff CmilTia ir-"." fhp mnnnv ... 1 1... 1. ... '. . I'lI'lV ministt-Mtor of the F--t.'.reef 1.1 s. flec'ii. hs shown I v !ii:n r' i noli lies all per.!. interested if!'' i llie duties of sjo.I ii e.iKiMif-. in Kbcnvhurir. on I-'iiimv. IhnJ o'clock, p. it., w hen hix) l"'"" sent their elaiins. r.r l.e t'jrrf in .n Siiirl fun'l. .Ko. w.m Ebenslurg-. Juno 21 . A DMINIST11ATIIN-Vi Kti!tcnf J.iliv N hM Lctter9 of Aiiir.i!,i-tr:ti' i ' John .cnKHiov, irite f r' C-Minbria county, iteee.teii. l.a'" ed to .it iiii.i..t-.-iri....i Jtv tlie 1. lies, Iowa. satiirrlTr eonntr.ill iwiniiiuL-ihuiii'cIW !K"f l"' - - . r Uie O""- The vie- j Nelson Yard shot and instantly k llXl i. t '" te cf ie.tsi.-n .r tun in thM .instance was a gentleman from I son Jones, who he allepes ,L I o " ' "e pm,,,,., payment. an !. I. -Westmoreland county, whS had previously ' o-it-.-eH l.U !l;f , S t bas "peatetlly a?ainst the same y.zt - TL ! ..Y:ml weiSred Xot as far as Center Hall on his way to the i both in jail. ae now Til 1 1 I Xx it Ii n P .' J IZlikUl IHIHI r Millvi i, 1..V. I...-, ,. Ti e '. """I uuiiGinr, IU J xV th b:U,k of California, explo ded with terrifieOV.f r...i. . ,.' tAl"o- , , t-w uutu uuuuinfrs are complete wrecks. Ten or tw.lv, ,J? the property. Since their at the time these respective murders are said to have been committe', neither of these men have been heard from. Since Kenley s confession the other two men have disappeared from the place. Kenlev is recovering, and will probably have to answer for his share in the two crimes that he so freely confessed. ITis statement are abloniade Publ5f .in tail, and we u - 5? glve on,y t,,i3 brf outline which is the substance of V",7 in the neighborhood.-- llacen Penut r.diooi ir.oo u.,,,., ' -- mine arc immaculate. o wuls nun- Tir, l:.; w . " ! .i.i.t. t r i' , pared to present to the voters of the ! v T' Jlar,Doro"Sn " penurious, " oSn, m ivansa. eoraska, l nniuii was a laiaiist ; but lirant i a" jnwuun, ami is matting j headway in Texas, Illinois, Indiana 10. A membership of 2G0.000 on the "buttered side. ma Ifaaical organs have not atteinnte! to be. Veri rharge tbt) "Eoensburg King" or any other "ring" with their nomination lliere is no ring alout then except ' Therk were tweutv-fourdeatlis lrom the ring of the true Democratic metal. ' cholera and cholera morbus in Cincln We must tlcct thenx. 1 uaU ou. Wednesday last. tCt W .1 ..V: ' I" " i lianrl very attractive political programme. I : ""f ,1 "LS11? T .them al In K.. lo nil . j :.. iiuummi. ii-r.mr. la runon. ' " uut umi .i 'n now mm h in or knC n . " , ' I. . i 1 : i : The i namhcml among the tilings that will .J T " "?f.Hia!e 01 religious i Vorilv i.o. k; y. t r.u i wmiiion ne mav he fond retl side " i it wn,k3 , but he is our President at ! Frank Wamvorth, the voung man rare oi yoo.000 a year, and who ' w ho shot and killed his Hither in New Knowsthathe will not wih ir i r , i Ynrt 1 : t. -j . r a . - - - , x - rx vii y iivt mm; biiht. wits on last -tt , ... o " ijent for twenty years to come? And 1 Wednesday evening found guiltv of ' ? '"nnk from perj i "lilies U, WHO,-WOUld ln us to oriose hiai?''v- licait. In the Constitutional Convention, on Saturdav. J. S. Klnofe- lot ' - - - -i .-lLuirripv. une j ty of PXECUTOUS N'OTHJP0; F.stme of ' nu"?'' lr,j t Letters Testmnerit.-ii y "ii i'- " r I. . . 1 . w.ie Kinco, inc iuhng General VonHokelcn. Mandal. ' LWe and 5i Iiaiiie, Ind., has snch a mania for hoi-set that she frequently imagine herself one and will eat grass, stamp, kick, ctc Will iYi.nicki.l.T ? iOIlt- .-i".i. up m the night, har ness her father, team, and dnve nfdes wJ'' i,"nt,1.,.,,e is oveiken and brought back an wi Prof. Stvv.u ..r w..l.'inv-!i :i t 1 liuviny lieen eranteJ t.i l.'.i-ii.i,!' Iteirister of ( '.-mi hri.i i-i.iu.-tv. n sriyeu to ll iiersons in i-1 ' ' ,l ? pavmptit inn.! te m.i If " itin having el.ii'i-.s ayai-i-t the sr 'f!. m. :k. !;'; 1-. JOMH II t K!v'-F-Iletnloek. May IU lsT-v-l- T CTTEHS ( F A-P! fNI-'TBAT!' 1a township, l'am!iii:i n'ui;t. u been b run ted to the un.li-r.:-' ter of Riii l eoiintv. all I r estn er or siu l eoitTuy. an . PStnteare hei-ebv net;lie.i ituM', res;eetivt" ai-coitiif in'i-t ! c' :l flnnvnl I" il tr -. -. splendid speech in favor of swoir.nrr eery member of the Legislature at ! pose of makin lut ciose oi every session cast no vote in which he interested, and had su rupi proposition. Of aeipina Press savs to see tins strong proposition adoptetl 1" luere are men w'o will take am to accomplish their men. are. even nmr.nr, k . nil; dhit!?6 Wil!,eVe" to eneTghK ! 1.' UheCm.UP the,r ttamS aud y j e:' Kls& ise. that indefn rino- i tennl ni.l t fit- .. t. "MI iua- j I " , ouuoon for the flearllel.l Twp.. -.1 I Line I L 1 PUr- ' TTAVlMj iitit:iite g a voyage across ti. i i I 1 .-.n .h-. t.te..f .i-n t that he had i t,C IIe ls novv busily eiuratred i " ! -IU to.vnhip, a.nl .r;i was nersonnllv I preparations for hisean trio. .u.dCvrl; 31. ."V -i Parted no cor. X?WJ?' twentieth of I l,;, u T.. -t """ lu,s experiment will ! I -. l : same pres. in in.-." i" -i tlllS the Phll-i i ed forn-ai.1 .-v WIII be look- i r,c..ttl..i....Mt. VcKr..,r, ! HfiA reat "rest by scien- ! "maima nk xs.:v.t '"Z . . I I'A'IIIH-kln Mi'-V:: ,, basepmirder in" the second degree, Not ' ?VCrtion, ref J"0"'1 to ! vet sentenced. ! all the countrv A men T M kcaj optioiliKts . Oeuriiel.l fw;... Ji: ...... mu, jl II MViili.il. ends, rdes Tiav n -"'ge says the ap- I . TM ttr-TAKl f worst, some ence has "i my 'ean -xtri- . I . m. SV o f:v vns. l..:- h' nrr T ,ot t1, beneath the t t,,e "los-ms fall ,' ouyh. o:hri:, :y..nf. . f . . ....v., su me Cl-O!) will Im Tf irranlf.1 OV tlie n. . . . i ' Black's the wsoins are blown -idaW r. ! ti 11 nndei-nfiir-.l. nil c '" -ii I trees, the cron win 1 T fn nl e , H.vreq.ite.ti..a.a:.e,!...m-Vj fc t t b ii t i I i ti In v w h til f ! f. t Ih m J bet trig to din an Ler. Xar. Mil tod Watt ter for. until wan a.n lick j rb -i! -foi iriSH aft; 3 ibh yrkn. f llti r win of 1 sibl levla po he Ml t'vn k,. i pen t f-Th Mr.; da ttd t ftrnin: ec L -fit 'jaey ti. rw th. l,o in.v, PP. wi ret. rkat L TortU i rSd c; -Ad ' Wiii rlinr; H--l.tr :,5J. Ji snc -Do. ty th; ccerjsf im cr,; at i ir. 1 a-tt '--yl-, th ;'uif ef "-a Wi "nr, ?isbj t - 9 ( t "2 tn ' : n. - I KJ...nt.lli.'. .'ll"-'