The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 16, 1873, Image 3

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    .J..JJli -"J 'i"4
1 '
,o' :thcr
l( i.u i.s to: Iiinc cvci v cvtn-
. JL i-li'S
1-1 .1 1 tl.C M.
( VI .11.1.'
I 1
"in." in t;, ) f, but uns
old ilii.- v. nk.
itiu ;'t's -o
,;ii t- c:n mence.
uu i i.clier rode on (he
lit-in 31 il.lin to Iluuting
s :ico.
was noticed loi
rs' i relation to
Hi.!''ri'.-c ivraiw-o"" fifty dollars
f- ', '-ni.i'' i-! bciwicn M. J. Nag., of
; iim! K. 1'- Mvi;, of Altoona
ycai-oli' i-iiiHi oi in. .r.iur
fia Citv. fell from a table and
. of iib lejjs, Triilaj evening
V' . '",,11'ci Kk"v!i inonnnient lias been '
J,.,, wi'l l-e placed in rubitiou in ;
Yj'.'.U- y,, iu the j
I ll A II " " -
.tr J 1 k. nn cnjlojee of the
vk u h milled irni any. in the Al-
' i -I : . t -
. . . lii i'itui'u in i.acK.ui(r ina leir
r. '. ...
The County Commissioners met in
Johnstown last Monday, tV.rthc id.r;ose of i
Icimh;.' a Mutable ImiUlin in winch to hoM
the sessions of the Di.-drict Court, l'arke's
era lloui-e was selictcd and a lcatso exe- j
cuted at an annual i cut of ifO'X). rjlii: lease
runs for one year, to be renewed at the o- '
tion of t lie ( oiiimiKsioueis. Oliices are to i
be furnished and Idled up by Mr. 1'ark.ei
for the the Clerk of the Court. !
The New Sheet Music Programme,
containing a variety of "new Sonj;s, Chorus
es, and Instrumental Pieces, was gotten up
by Ilenliain liros.. Music l'ublishcrs, liuii
anai.olis, Ind. It was i-rcsenu-d to each
patron of the All-;haiiiaiis concert at the
Court House in t Ins place on Monday even
ing last, and is a splendid advertising me
dium, as every copy finds its way to the
piano, organ, and the music-loving people
wherever the troupe api ears.
Thos. C. Kyler, while on his way from
Mokhannon to I'h.lipsbur;j,diseovereil three
young bears playing on a rock. Ho nt
once proceeded to capture the cubs. His
dog treed them and h ascended the tree,
anil reached the ground with one just in
time to be confronted by the uhi bear,
which immediately showed light- Mr. Ky
lcr used his revolver, and the old bear left
the field, when he killed two of the cubs
and captured the other alive.
r'liday. May iJOth, is the flay set apart
for decorating the giaves of the soldiers
v ho laid down their lives for the country
in her need, and will be observed with the
ceremonies which the custom of the past
Local Correspondence.
IIoLMDATsisi KG, May 12, 1873.
Friknd Mac. I presume you are aware
that for some time past au cftoit was being
nuide to secure a chime of bt lis for !?t.
Mary's (Catholic) church, in this place, the
necessary funds to be raised by subscrij
t ions to he paid to a committee of young
ladies, two for Hollidaysburg, two for
Caysport, and a like number for Cnrbers
town and the Ore lSanks, appointed for the
purpose f soliciting contributions to that
object. The chime was intended to consist
of three bells, in addition to the noble one
already in the tower, but when th Wells
leached here it wis found that there w-ie
four instead of three uf them. The bkss
ing of these bells iras the next thing in
order, and yesterday having been appointed
by the llight llev. Uishop for the consum
mation of that ceremony it was indeed a
great day in the history of St. Mary's
chujch. First (low) Mas was celebrated
by Father Walsh, our beloved pastor, at
7 o'clock, a. in., second (low) Mass by
Uishop Doinenecr nt i1, and third (high) at the usual hour by Father Martin,
the zealous and revered assistant pastor of
the church. At the conclusion of High
Mass a powerful sermon waspi cached from
the gispel of the day by the Rright Kev.
Bishop, aficr which 1 'at her Walsh an
nounced the success of the several com
miltees and named the two ladies who had
collecteil the largest amount of monv as
nonsors for the larircKt bell : those who
lew years nave esiaoitKiieu as nrrnniiaie i -,,l'r, to.I i ho sprnm lnnr-.-t amount
formerly of Johnstown, to the occasion. Ceneral IUirnsnle, Com- emi ,,., rr u, i,-ii ,,PXt sio fi,l
ii!i'iit in the rolling mill at
a few riay ago, which
in u total less ot sight.
jj.'(f' , came out of one the Cam-.nt.-v:i!''"s
coal mines, on Friday
.. -
3 KB-
-.1 -
; l
-i ."
.3 '
e V-
. i..n -i.'one ano twt ribs lro-
roal did the damage.
:a Triliuno is right about
mandcr-in-Chief of tho (4rand Army of!
the Kepublic, issued an older that in
making arrangements tho dill'erent l'irvts
take t he proj or steps to uecure the co-op-eratioii
of the clergy.
Still another murder in "Westmoreland
county, if present suiniiscs prove correct.
On Sunday last the dead body of a man
named David Tcdrow wns found i.ear the
pie who plant in the moon will feel good
over the fact that their plans were not
overshadowed. Let us all hope for "more
light" on this subject.
How much does man know. The most
learned man in the world cannot tell why
the needle points north. We do know that
as far north as 82 degrees 10 minutes it
still .iuts north, but no vv.e knows why.
.Nor can the wisest tell what keeps us alive
whether it is the heart, or the lungs, or
the stomach. Poor iiruuiant creatures !
Utopia, May 7, lT.X
Dear Freeman Von will jiidf-e hy the
tenor of Miss Liphtfoot.'n note, sent with my
last epiylle, that it behooves n;e to act more
eantii.usly in the future. Still 1 am liet.-r-mineil
tr let slip no opportunity- for h iiefit
ing my fellow K ings, :ui.l especially tl.o fair
sex, or amusing the readers of the'VYo men
lx th of which 1 am of course doing w.tii a
HlliillHH or fi1rfiiiT-rt T .1 : t l . -
J, 1 , ' tB .., , ( ' i---...'...., i Mint luri.iiti ..
dm laiKCsOpeia lioiibe will make a which, took me from home the other day.
plendid Court room. Tlie acconstic ar- On the war 1 overtook a hale old farmer
rangeinents are unexceptionable, and Mr. ; whom I judged to Ihj not more than sixty
iieiHon's ioovus adioiniuir would make jury : year of age. As we were toth eoiuc in the
iiHjins three or four in number. The
Cominissioiiers couldn't have done abetter
thing than rent the Opera Houne. It is a
picture of beauty, to say nothing of its con
venience! " l'o Yang.
l.ig plate uf glass in Cham
!.o:it, T-"), b:it it is really iron biiilge over Jacob's creek, on the line
f as a
: ' !
. ken
! r.,
t f
:ur. having eloped one
i. ith .' 1 n Kt iter, an nn
. . t'otibh gi :iss widower,
in g the '.icat nmnunt :f
rcii fioatrd to i::ail:ct this
;. Tic. we :ue pl2.sed to
i (1 urishes liiio a gren
T.--n.-i:r.f rr.ys 11 r.t mow
.. inch tell at Cailit zin on
:.: g. Csi. r:.ii Ti dd will
;.iL to ihat : t, ry Lefore
from a lathe in the C. I.
op. Johnstown, on Satur
l h't-iij. Waiki'is on the
il his bkiill. He is now
i-ic.-v e: r.
i .-.ii.'l i;ifl!i(.(l for ejecting
. from your pieinioeM
. . 1 '. if it is desirable to
: ,t j.eems ntccssnry,
t. ,. ..a-to him.
. ..ti. mine Harrier, rS
! :. . :ii er.-et county, was
".. ' v i iines iu succession
. . t t'r.ll -.culling in in
f.;tal in a fe?r dajs
brtwecn Westmoi olaud ami Fayette conn- I
ties, and there, is every reason to believe
ihat he was foully dealt with. A man
named Kendall was last i.cen in his com
pany, and as it is strongly suspected that he
murdered Tcdrow vthile both of them were
intoxicated, a warrant has been issued for
his an est. The face of the dead man was
shockiugiy lacerated by birds.
The Sabbath school convention held in
Johnstown on Tuesday and. Wednesday
was not only will attended, 1 '.:t was replctw
with interest to the friends of the cause.
As of.iceis for the current year the follow
ing named genii; men were chosen : Fiesi
dent, A. V. Jones, Kbensbu i g ; V. I'res'ts.
Win. Fringlc, Fortage, Mollis J. Lewis.
Johnstown ; t-ecretary and Assistant, Ji ll.
Caldwell and 1J. II. Singer. Johnstown;
Tieasurer, W. A. Stewai t. J '.bcnsbiirg was
decided on as the place and the tirst Wed
nesday and Thmxlay of May. 1S"(4, as the
time for holding the next convention.
The dead body of an aged Frenchman
named Lawrence 1 lav bower was found in
a field on the farm of Kolt I'd wards, some
three miles north of this place, on Monday
night last. '1 be deceased had been an in
ula te of the county almshouse for about a
on. JSy tins arrangement .Misses Lizzie
Hart and Lizzie Hays, the Hollidaysburg
committee, were awarded the largest bell ;
Miss Henrietta Hartsock and Miss Mary
Mitchell (Garberstown anil Ore Hanks) the
second laigest, and Misses Annie Dorau
and Annie- Kiley (Gaysport) the third in
size, whicli was very little smaller than the
one last named This still left the fourth
bell to be provided for, whereupon Father
Walsh designated four little girls, Agnes
and Annie Ouinn, Mary McGuire and Mag
gie Lrannon to act as sponsors. Follow
ing this was the announcement of a pro
gianime for the afternoon exercises: Sun
day school dispensed with, Vespers at
o'clock, and blessing of tho bells immedi
ately after.
By '2 o'clock in the afternoon the church
began to (ill with people, and long before
Vesper time the edilice was filled almost
beyond its capacity Fei sons of all denom
inations contributed to the making up of
the large assemblage, and I am glad to say
that our dissenting brethren wcro to be
seen on all sides. Vespen were sung by
the ISishop, assisted by Father Walsh and
Martin, of St. Mary's church, and by Fath
er Alleman, of St. Michael's (German)
church. Very Rev. Father Tuijjg, of Al
toona, and Father Farren, of 'lyrone, ar
rived shortly iftcr Vespers began, and par- I
ticipatcd in the subsequent ceremonies.
The bells had been hung on temporary
bearings in the centiu aisle during the
week, and all things being in readiness, the
ceremony of blessing the bells was pro
ceeded with immediately after the conclu
sion of esncrs. J ho exercises were of the
Patent Common wejth of l'elin'a
to 11. 11. Gageby, April it, 1872, Hi
acres and .'( perches in Lichland.
Deed Jos. Geis and wife to Hen
nel Mecs, .lu'.v t, 172, house and
lot in Geistow'n SI ,1)00.00
Ded--Ij. tiiliert and win to John
Cunningham, Sept. 13, 'fiy, hou
ami lot in Johnstown
Deeil John Cunningham and wife
to John T. Kinney, March 27, '73,
lot iu Johnstown
Deed Dan'l Harshberger and wife
to r.ernard ess, March 31,
it acres and XiAi perches in Hich
land township i....
Deeil Klizalieth Perry and others
Joseph Wertnrr, March Ul, 1S7S,
house and lot in Chest Springs
Deed Sheriff of Cambria County
to J. V. Caldwell and S.nn'l Kem
mell, June 7, lh71, In a.-e ami lot
in KN nshiirg
Deed Jas. Myers and wife, tn John
A. Keuuedv, Marc h 1, '73, house
and lot iu Kbensbiirj; .
Deed Isaac K. Chandler ami wife
Jacob L. Mildreu, March 2'.', 1873,
house and lot in Johnsto-.Mi
Deed Heirs of Allen Pose, dee'd,
to Thomas Howe, March 2H, 1SC7,
house and lot in Johnstown
Dtjed Jonathan He'.sel to I win y
Hostedler, Jan. IS, 1M72, 'XI acres
and i:i perches in Kiehland tv. i.
Deed Thos. .1. Howe : wife to
David 1. Hees, March 31, '73, let
in Johnstown
Deed Margaret Alistadtto Aiiam
Anstadt, April 3, 1S73, lot in Vo
der township
Deed Herman Kahlbauin ami wife
to Micl.a.d Hoover, March ti, '73,
house and lot in ("arrolltown
Deed !ro. Ihiiitifv, Assignee of
Geo. J. Poilgers, toThos.J. Lloyd,
Mar. 11, 7.'!. 4 lots in Kbensburg..
Ieed Jifwis Wess and wife to Jos.
Pre, April .r, 1S73, 2t acre
and 43 perches in l.'royle twp
Deed Arabella Welch and oih.
to Frederick I'.Uei'.er, April -'!,
lh.07, lot in Coueinaugh borough..
same direction tor some diutnce, ami as he
seemed to be a "conremil.ln eodger," 1 tM.k
the libertyof asking why he was so early
afoot. "I am going," he replied, 'to put iii
someoi my crop.- i nave raised a laige tain-
"m-:iISTEUS NOTK.'K. Notice is
i - heietiy niven that ilie following .Accounfi
liave liern i:issei unU tiled in the Hciristei "? or-
i:e at r.renslnirtr. ioki will be presented to I he
Orphans" .V;nrt ot I uui'.i i i eou lit v, for eon it i m
jitioii Hil l a!lM ioi-e. on W eitncmliiT, tlie 4tk iiay
r Juuu next, to wit :
The tirst imrl parltal necnunt id Joliti TI. Ken
nedy. Ailiniiiivii'iHi.rul Juhn Keniieny, bie uf '
W'H.-hin;. ton tow nsliip, i:eee:;eit.
The t.i st and n. ct.inu .f Tiiliia I.. Vn. r,
jrunrthnn o! .Iim:.- Voder stud Ti t ins Vo,l r. mi
nor etii Idren of Jn.-ot. T. Voder, lle ot Vod-r
township, deceased. j
The second partial aeconnt of Mieh'l U. Kn
jrer, Mdinin:lralor of t lie ejite d Peter llaer,
lat" nl Jscksoti towrship. dis-eaiicd.
Tile Mceounl of I h rii inn Wearr, Kiiar.itwn
of Snnih IIx-betler. minor ehiM d 1'etcr
HM-liHtetler. Ite of KiehhmJ townftilp. rtee'il.
The account of Jaeoti Singer, puardinn ot W m.
H. Jlorner. lmvid J. llornor. Itenj. K. Horner.
Kiinira ll(rner and Mary !. lioruir, luinor
iliihlren ot Jonas ti. Horner, lateof Coneuiauh
xk jr ad vii:tmi:mi:xt3.
AVOW I VI ! I'T JCCMAI.E(iIll'F:-!.tU:,M
UI.rvl.,Vl t h.V H weekiii:iraite.H. I..-.
ppiM-irth'e empl.yiiienl nt home, dn y . r t-niiiyi
no cu ji t a ! i ;-i;iiii el: full infirm liiin uml miiu
ahle pni ka'e ir ifooUrsent fieehv nnoi. Ac!-ilp-s,
w il ii x eentp ret urn Flump, M. V 1 1 (i
A (V ).. 173 Crecnwich-st.. N. V.
For the e real s. usai-ion
) .iti'.b.M of hygienic literature.
41 Si iaii:s I ; or,
lr. lilt) LKVi IS' rk i'Mii immense mcecso.
Kaves iii'iiiry, worry nnd precious health, nd
rhmt Icm," . It re vll nmi u1'""' '" ' ".'..
Aicnls sre irtimt u mihI tt7ilS' world of
R'.Mtd w it II it. It. ::' not. t.ITt Xddlt al Ulirt
GEO. MAC.T.KA";;. Pubiisln . riiilMde.'i hm.
township, uecriiscd.
The nii-oiint of l lirist inn Weaver, iruarian cf ,
ily five bovsand three girl and mv word ' '''' Ho-hstei ler.a minereliiM el lvnrlWh- ;
for it, sir, vim could not tind a more heaithv 8!1le'' la,c "f ,i:ci,,l:,,I;dl,,r"s'!',i' dP' d'. '
J,...lfi ,.;..,..; i...i.,.,i , . lhL aeetiuntof John Cox, mtiimnidmtor of .
ookiiigsionpinJnnsvlvaina. e thought CWI. lUllriek. iate of Wood vale boroiiRh, !
that when l.od in I!is ooilness Had Idesre! i uerenseo. I
us with thein.thev wohlu Ire oir m;iii sun- ; The account of Fnul McKennn. ndi-inistratoi
rt in our declining vears. We thought:, of Jl"k Mel.anhliii, late of Washiinstrm t.iwn-
i tHi, that thev would siiiooth the last davs of n'l',V"'t''!i i . 1 r
i . . ' . . , . .. . 1 he fnt and tlnal neeount of .Taeoh Trefts,
i "r rhly pilgrimage and care torus when , adminisirntorof J. -.l.uu Treft?.!
oll age ami luhrmity hal rendered us helj- ' town Imrcwgh. deceusod.
les. Put, alas! for the children of this I The tlr-t and final account of f'Mthai ine Cal
! countrv !" The old ireiitlrman seemed to b ! hijfher.Mdmiiinitratrix cf Frank lialhiKi'er, late
str.!gSiing with soti.e internal emotion, but VEl 'LVi!! .n"' t,0:''1,- ,. ,
..r, r i . i i ,1 J he first ami final account of W.inbeth K
after h short pause he contiiumd : -My old- j mer. ndi.iinistratrix of Fitderick Kun.uier.
4 I i tKTO
ItltAl l.iyllC Sewing MtiztAnc Ci.
xi:v vduk.
600 O'J
month, but left thnt institution for the last j ,nost solemn and impref sive character, but
Met gar, residing!
fiii K-i'i i.tly c tr.ght iu the ma- i
1 ic (I to the steam mill of'
;!'r is jait cwner, a::
aim ffactniril the was
! Hutchinson, new of the Al
"did" Lbcnsl-iuL' on Satur-
.; 'i it't'ii.e i tho "ic.t-hottest"'
i .. '.: exilcnce. n'nl to i i'iid's pro-
n:iich i f il.e citilit is due for its
.' -xc'llence.
: v. repoited that the T'ennsylvaaia
.,1 company will bui';d the new rail
on, J loiiicr, Ir.ii ai.a county, to liurn
Chaif.rld county, the cming sum-
. ..k'l'g cnui.t-f t ion with the Tyrone
11 . ;.:!uM bianch.
s ' ii .ii'aiil. an r.grd n::m. w?r, run
-,r ;. the i bilii. Kxpiess wliiio o:i hi'3
; to .ioi reli vil'e from Cambria
H tl.i,. county, Saturday evening last.
, i !.e of hi'i legs fj shckii:g!v man-
!; . ; i ;.: to ! unr elated. j
-J : i i. !: wlcdge the rccoij t of a beau- j
't; '. ' i ' '. sa':g in connection with th.ei
-jt :" 1 l.M l.cil in s-t. Maiy's church, !
'i : v-: ui ir. Sunlay last, but the late !
f vi . !. it ;;i:.e to I. and n.ust be!
rtp. ';-e I ..r withholding, its publication !
. x. ffrt ';. !
-t !;.: ileal .V;-'..V-v;fl thinks that j
'ir ; .1 . -1 o i:..'uoad from Homer to1
n i 'if to ronncct at the latter j
A " ii t 1 'yrone and Clearfield branch, j
I t be a very -close connection," as !
I ii:...- !V :,i to Clearlielu is j
I . ' y-o,e Uli :cs.
-J ..I 1" ' --!. v frame planing mill, !
ty of y.e s:.s. licyer, (Juyer &
''. ?.t Tyrone, was totally ties-;
i t :r on lut-sclay night lar.t, 111
1 ri.imatcd at jf.!'j,000, with
' 11 n:;i lance. The origin of the
If - in d- uM.
''i-t, 1"m.. a well known and
'i ' t i.'cn 1 1" 1 lemlock, tit is county,
i'!::y Iwi't and was intertbd in the
Hi '."rv .11 Summit vilh' on S1111-
leaves a wife, but no family.
' "! f rtune. it is said, will be
1 itnMe tiurnosei3.
time at a Lite hour on the night of the Gth,
since when his whereabouts l-emained un- ;
known up to the his b idy was found,
as above stated. The leu-flins wcro hro't 1
to this j lace 011 Tuesday morning and an I
incpiest (resulting, we believe, iu a verdict j
of death from nntf.ial cv.-.scs) held, after j
which thev were taken to the poor-house
cemetery f-r interment. I
This from the Hollidaysburg Stf.rMutrt? :
An Altoona policeman brought to tho jail j
in this place, an Friday iast, two boys, j
hailing originally from Cambria county. !
but latteily f rum' Alto ipa. They had left 1
their home some weeks as;r, and main- !
taim d thentselvcb by theft by appealing 1
to the sympatliicK of charitable people. I
4-?j.ui..! ti... il.,., ii'i 1 44 1 if en a :i I. .r '
violation?! of law, but always allowed to go
fire. The other day one f thini took a
j uire, contaitMiig a small amount of mon
ey, from a little girl, who gave the alarm,
upon which the young scoundrels were ar
itsted. Tkrur father was noi'ilic-d f their
incarceration, but iefus d to interfere, al
leging thst they are itiCori igible.
A lit) !r gii 1 naincl Margaret I leckrr.a::,
l'i'.T yeais .".g", was b.utallj- outraged
in Vedt-r towusliip, near Johnstown, on
Saturday last, by roire liend in human
shape, the villain having induced her to
lea-.! her companion, another little gill
with whom she was engaged in gathering
wood, anil 0 with him into the woods on
the j lea. of seeing several young goats
which he alleged were browsing a short
dtance sway. A young 1rs.11 named
Kiisha Dickson has been arrested on sus
picion of committing the outrage, and
after a partial hearing was loeked-uo for a
further heating yesterday, when it wes
thought the little girl would have sufficient
ly recovered to appear and testify.
During the absence from home of tho
Kev. J. Y. Kdie, on Tued.:y jiijht last,
some erratic individual entered his domi
cil, and unknown to the family, who vveie
up-5tair at the time, repaired to Mr. Elbe's
study, where he proceeded to make him
self at home by stretching his body cor
porate at full length upon a luxurious
lounge and giving himself up to the per
feet enjoyment oi its downy solincus.
want of ability as well as want of time pre
vent me from giving a detailed account of
the ceremony. iMitiiec it to cay that the
entire formula was gone through with in a
very edify ing manner, occupying about one
and a half hours from firit to last, and at
its conclusion the Itight Kev. ilishop as
cendad the .altar and delivered Lhe most
eloquent dncuurse on the ceremonies and
customs f the Catholic Church it has ever ;
been iny good fortune to listen to. llo
also congratulated our beloved pastor on
his fidelity to the faith and his great love
fr his people, and then complimented the
congregation 011 the fact that have
always proven true to their Church and
their pastor, and likewise congratulated
them 011 being the first English-spc aking
congregation in Pennsylvania thai has pna
sessed itself of a chime of bells. He lis
tened to throughout with marked attention,
nnd it was evident that his discouise had
delighted all and instructed many wh'o
he. ud it. The sermon was followed by the
Benediction of the Blessed ISaci anient,
Very l(ev. J. Tuigg officiating, after which
Father Walsh, in a feeling manner, thank
ed the public, without regard to race or
cieed, for the liberal contributions whicli
hr.d been made towards tho purchase of
the magnificent bells which were hence
forth to peal out in sweet symphony from
the tower of tt. Mary's church. Thus
ended the exercises of the day, but I can
not leave the subject without awarding
j great praise to the choir for the pleasing
! manner in which they performed their im
j poi tant part.
I Preparations are in progress for freseo
: ing the church, and it is the intention to
i ryake St. Mary's, to quote the words of the
I Bishop, a shining jewel bfore many
month have come and gone.
By the way, two converts, a lady and
gentleman, weie received into tho C hurch
to-day. Yours, &c., C C.
TiJK ITMiMEN's LlIJKAUY. Following
will be found a condensed catalogue of
bouksr--jnliutd in the Dauntless Fire Co.'s
new library, the lei-cj lion of" which was !
noted it few week ago : j
Appleton's Kncyclopedia ; I-i!e of Nnpo- '
leoii: I.ancroft's American 1 1 istories : Indi- ,
riii "Wars. Wars of the devolution. War of
112 and Mexi -an War; Annals of I'biladfl' I
phia and Pennsylvania; Dife of Bismark ; j
Miss Mnhlbaeh's Works; 11 nines' Kuglaud; j
est son, at the time whei lie would lie of
i most use tome, conceived a disgust for coun
try life. He sail there was nor enough ex
citement in our juiet illage for him. He
I saitl be wsntiil to e4 the world see some 1
1 life, as he himself expressed it. His mother ;
ami 1 represented to him the dahgerous j
J snares that were laid for the young and in- i
experienced, and begged hiiu with tears in ',
our eves not to bring down our grav hairs in !
sorrow to the irrave. 15nt all our entreaties '
were iu Vaiti. He even v.ent so far as to
hniLrh at our fears in regard to his future i
well-being." '
j The obi man's words stung me to the qui U, '
' for h-; had portrayed in most faithful terms ,
my own transgressions when I tirst h.i.l the !
i misfortune to spurn the ail vice of my good -!
father and mother, 1 asked him if ho hxul
heard .anything Concerning the 1mv after he
j ha4l left home. "Yes," he replied ; "abort
! two years after leaving as he wrote a letter ;
. informing us that he had man ied a very line '
I young lady a perfect beauty, as ho termed ;
i her. We siiritiircd what kind of a iif he .
and his beauty would lead ; and it termina- j
ted as we expected, for in less than one year 1
after their marriage he availed hinikelf of ;
that law which is the banc of society, and
I the two were divorced. What became of,
j bini afterwards I know not. Perhaps he was '
80X0 I killed in the war; or h may still be drag- ?
! girig out a miserable existence somewhere. '
1 We have had no w.inl trom him since ho anil
bin wife separated." "Well, what about
your other pons'.'" 1 inquired; '"Biirely they
p rot", ted by the sad example of their Ini.iher."
"No indeed, niy friend," he replied with a
deep sijfh. "Would to Coil that such was
the case ! It would be. some cnnsoialiou if
one or two of them would remain at home
am! help us on with the heaviest part of the
vv.ik; but no when spring time comes tlr'y
generally pai k up and rtart on a tour of otv
servatioii, as they call it. Can 1 not say witli
truth that I have brought up children ami :
they despised me making me often wish,
if il was God's holy will, that I might bo rp-
moved from this vale of tears." j
I fain would have continued the con versa- j
tion, but the old farmer was at the end of
his journey, and there was nothing left for '
me to do Nut logo my way, pitying me deso
late condition of tlm poor oid man.
More anon. Koyr.K.
iMle I
01 JiinnMown tiorouir h. ilect-is-.l
Th first and filial iieetmnt ot .1 . T. Petersen.
' executor of ilirntn Fritz, late of sius4peLaunu
i township, deceased.
The final account of Mary aod
i ICHen S. .Vurmy.ciocutoi jKf Kdwnrd Shoeina
: kcr. late of Ll.en.-.iiu iif horoujfli. ilee'd.
The second tt.i.l tinal ae.-ciini of l"has. A una.
K-uurdiHii if Aitcit tlltter. a minor child i f
GOO. 00
Francis lihe-ser, lute of t 'lies' township, itee'd.
'lheseeonda.ul ou: I lal aeon nt ol cLuk. Ah.
nn, v uurdian of A morose. A ujrest ine and J u A.
Ann (4ln-er. niinort hii.lrrn of F 1 kiieis i. lusser,
lat e of Oiel t'wnship, iiei-eaed
The tinal Kceoiml of Jlenrj Itender nnd t). A.
TUih";-. execut.irH tf Ainrru-uf 1W 1h;c of
Carroll townhip. ileci'ased.
Thi'aeeonnt oi James.?. VVitl, admiiiisirntor
of .1 i!'ia A. Will, into of Cambria eoiirly. rtee'il.
The I hird and partial aecoiint of V 1U11011 11.
Seehler. i -I :v i nisi rator .lames M. Kifiel, late 1
of Siiinmii ville Ixiiouyh. TeeHed. I
The lii st aeeou 11 1 of Tho:m Curiam, ndmln- '
istratorof I'm rick Carlmid, laic of. "u--.hiiito:i
townst'ip. (iei-'-nsed.
The flit and partial account 4-.T TI. J. Mil's and
Itees.". Lloyd, administrators id s'e;heii I.ioil, j
late ol i-iNenilmrtr tmroiit,'li. ileeei-." -:l, .
The first nnd fluid account of Prtf r Campbell,
iriuirdii'ti of Maivaret Switzler, a minor child -of
Jacob iteuder, lain of Cn4-r4.ll nw n.-tiip. de- .
ees-cd. .iA.H M.s.lNiKK. liejriM cr. i
Ktiri.ter's tlfiT-ee. 1 ienshu vg. May a, 1ST.J.-4I.
' PKIAL LIST. Canscs sot down for j
" trial at a Court of Common I lea, to I r
hehlnt liiii'ntuii'i-. ffrr t'umliri? cutniT, com- '
uieneii'fr on Joik'i. iJ. A. i. Is;.: j
Jforcan vs. tloiland.
Kri- vs. Tlippa A I. lord.
A. L'ovd .V Co vs. I!e;ti:john' Adai'r.
Itoihi ock I't aiikef . . vs. Callan.
I'ish c vs. A fieri v-nif h.
I-'i-di et.l vs. A l! ri'iin';!i.
l oiiim iiiwcaitU vs. Ue Iki-'ks.
Xrslrrt n rsagti. Xothirjr is nnirecerfain to
lav I h font: da ; ion for f 11 tin e e v ii oii4 rjrne
whirls' va nntti.ic TAiti.r. rs
pre a isiire iire f ir ill diseases 4f 1 no lief nirn
tory IrewTot. Smi' Tlirinit, "olds. Citu; ; , !;,.
ttiei'ta, AslhrrM. Cainrrh, HoarseneFM. prri..s
of the Throat. Windpipe, nr lironchiaf T111.4 ,
nI all Pisi-ascs of I he Lunirs.
In nil enet nf sudden -old. however t'iVn.'
these TA lit. KTS should tie promptly nnd rr. .d
vised. Thev ipia lie the i-irculatton of I loo.?,
mil ijf :i 'o t iM s4-vcriTy of the 111 1 nek. rnd will. n
a very short lime, restore healthy action 10 lhe
litTeeted orsran.
Wll.lV C.IKIIOMC TUII.F.TS fre put iMinnlr
In .(cf lt.rx. Tiike nn sulislitiiti .-. If fl.ev
enn t l-fnind fii j our i-nj.- x. ii-ffif . i.-4
ti llr wt'j4-.f i:t .V.'ir J4. ,'.. who " ill r..r. m l
them tij- return 1'iad. font l DivcJr lij Ii d
tatiop. s.ii.l tv cinijrirint. Prlif-'.jetK. p-r lox.
JOHN C. K Kl.l.iMJi;. IS Plat'-st., N. Vi.r'.:.
Feint lor Cii'-ular. Sole A-cm J,,,- f. ifs
ltth Tl'Ocssml in I'rf. Srte lnrret.r.? ' M(j
:itre I.IA K A(J I.N IS WAN 1 Kl) lor
LIVINGS TONE t i" a us 1 s frigs
over CtK1 pn yes, only 2.5r. I nco'ii pie nnd p-r.--rior
works mv ollei fd. I. rk out foriliem. s-u.l
for ei renin' sand -e proof of 1 he ere atevi snrcii
of th- season. I'ockot CoiTt; :ir 1 m n.niii !u
Tf7::?:eil free. II I ' 1,1 1. It i I i.iMS., Publishers.
Si saiisoia street, I'liiiadepthia.
1 1 a veil & Co
A I Vie
l V.
n'..-;iii!is to support Hon.
1 ;ale Tu-awrer, and and
:i k bear whicli has been the
a township, ( learlield cor.n
i vcais jiust, was Eliot anil
iiiicen-jear-olil boy nameil
1 '.aL .'.loiidav wt-ek. ?ir.
hftwec-n :;.ji and 4U0 pounds,
iu some places via fully
liiil..'f, 4t r it f 4.44 mrt
on iu.s. lav laht and declared he remained untn tno uomesuc ci.icieu
' 'h M. ( 'ampbell, of JohnsLown, ' tbe room for the purpose of locking the
'il dele "ate, selected Thomas ' door, previous to retiring, when he budden
l .i' cras ilepresentativc del-! l.v stalled up from his reclining tMtion,
. . 1 - 4- . . . . 1 ......... 1 . 1 .
and 111 SO ttollirj 01 couise mj;iueiieu mc
girl half out of her wits. her terror
pave vent to a few vociferous screams, and
then hastened as rapidly as possible to
acquaint th family of her startling discov
ery, but in the meantime the intruder lc
took himself to other scenes, and his iden
tity thus far of course- remains a mystery.
,'o doubt the chap was under the inllu
ence of liquor, and perhaps was as much
surprised to find himself in the position he
did as the girl was to discover his presence
in tho house. The moral of the adventure,
however, is that people should lock their
outer doors at night-fall, especially ir the
lower story i not occupied, and we have
no doubt Mr. Edie's family will act on this
itijuuction in the future.
o i.t u
ijf .
tho spout' in Blair
';d opiion prevailed, and
v or there i? beginning to
At least wo read in tin
'''i- .'? that a large body of
" aseet.deu in spiral form
11.1:11, one day last week,
sU of uvemy feet or nwrc.
-i h . 1 is still raging in ortions
ei.e of tho latest and saddest
i's i a. arcs that, lnu i-i.n-.e t 4.111-
tiie deaths of thre ineui
1 'i ch. .Id two daughters and
.'der of cr goiKi friend, Mr.
"i t'icaiiieid township, (l'or-
y. Ul.iir county.) to whom
; ' a; nt si sy 111 pan ucs are teu
: o'eat Urcuvciiieiit.
' alien, an nanit d John F.
'' lU' k by H,c Johnstown Ac
' 1 in ar Kast Coiieinaugh,
1 vl I..'.-' List. u;,.l t.. I,.,lh, ...
e ,,uly about two hours
''et't. it i Sllpponed that he
" Hi':i j,,. ..... , , ... 1
nito a sound sleep, front
ukeiail by thedc.uh deal- weie beul to his
; 1
V-..S :,
i .;'"'"-i fii!
1 --out a
man jumped from a
hradvvav. a! I'.iint.m'c o-.
"ii Wednesday of last week,
111 llll ie vvl 1. .1 - . 1 :
, , " 41.1-11 I CSI 11 LCI I IU I11S
(-' l'iT. 1 ue name ".McKen
uf ''is uudeishiit was
I ; ?"ulul idu.ut ban to reveal
? !"' a liC micoiiscious
"""T -l f...i" '""o "'' could be
ll -a.- ,. " " V 1
5 "-H.lll
he .luu.iK d from
a mysici v.
A Kicn.Ml'SK'AL TitnAT. We bolicve
that we exjiress the unqualified sentiment of
everv person who had the pleasure of listen
ing to the vocal and instrumental concert
iven at the Court House, 011 Monday even
ing last, by tho Alleghamans, Vocahstsand
Swiss Iiell Itingo.s, when we say that it was
beyond questiou one of the most enjoyable
musical Heats that Kbensburg has ever been
favored with. The singing of Iho quartette
was in all respects unexceptionable, the
! pro.'ramme bcinc one of tho tinest ever pre
sented to an audience, the pertormaiicen on
the Swiss and Silver Stall l.ells were simply
supeih, and Mr. Williams' manipulations
of the guitar and harmonica, both at the
same time, were not only something new in
the musical role, bnt was one of lhe most
pleasing features of the entertainmen.. All
in all, the concert was a complete success, as
well in the mariner in which the several pie
ces were rendered as in the large number of
persons who tilled the Court House to over
flowing on that occasion. The audience
were uelighttrd with the perfornuuices of the
troupe, the troupe were in exstacies over the
immense crowd which greeted them, and
everything was lovely and enjoyment reign
ed supreme. Mr. 1). (1. Wahlron, the gen
tlemanly manager, an old California journ
alist, assured us thai Kbensburg would
henceforth le included in his list of appoint
ments for tiie troupe, a promise which our
people- will he glad to have fulfilled on many
future occasions.
Joh:;ctov.-k, May 1-1. 1ST3.
Pzati Fkf.uman' A young man who was
reared in this place has been charged with
the commission of a brutal outrage on a
littla r-irl onlv nino vuars of arc. I hope-
Here j for tlic sake of the man himself and for the
credit of our town that it is not true. Ha
denies the charge-in toto, but if he is pro
ven guilty he should be hanged without
judge or jury. It is alleged that ho enticed
the little girl into the woods in Voder town
ship on prctenco of seeing some goats, and
then outraged hr person. The hearing in
the case before Hurgess Strayer has been
postponed until the little girl has sufficient
ly recovered to testify.
Although 1 know that tho "Ring" is
sometimes guilty of longing for a horn, yet
I think it is premature to say who will be
the nominee lor Assembly, or for any other
otlice. Let the Democracy act wisely by
making a fair nomination, and no gouging,
because the party has, heretofore, been
greatly injured in that way.
I have it in my heart to wish that you
had as nice an engine and press as the Tri
bune or Voice have. It seems so queer that
you have served so long in the tanks and
have so little to show for it. Alas ! for
teachers and printers ! The lico sources of
all knowledge are moro poorly remunerated
thau any other class of the genus homo.
Organ-grinders can make mora money than
either typos or pedagogues, and yet every
toacher and every printer is expected to
dress as well as a Judge of the Supreme
Court of the United Stales. How is this?
Is the world turning upsido down ?
That eclipse was not worth a button. I
rose at the time appointed to see it, as
everybody said it could bo seen. Hut,
somehow, no allowance was made for
cloudy weather. Oh ! how I wished for a
long pole the one people knockdown per
simmons with jiifat to prod those infamf'.
clouds. Indeed I don't believe there was
ar. cciipso, for hov could the earth's shadow
get through the clouds? That's tho puz
zle ! Moreover, how does any ono know
just when the earth's shadow strikes the
moon, or whether it was moon-struck I
Borrow over that disappointment very
much. A fair view of that eclipso might
have defined the bad weather. liut why
talk ' the moon is eclipsed every day, tho'
it is not on the ecliptic every day. It is
s iid the moon itself is greatly disappointed
ind will take a horn or two when it gets
drv int for spite, a,,d at its local Ptiy-
At any rate, u win moo -
,i 4...l i hi-oiiy h verv vexation, ley-
linee t.n., o
(tihhons' Koine; Fronde's Ireland; I 'a If re y s
History ot New i-.ngland; (. s inks,
Life of Marion; Ablmit's Histories; Life of
i):ckei:s ; Liugard's History of England;
Mrs. Heiiians', Alice ami Phobe Carey's,
Moore's, Hums', Loii-fcl low's. Pope's, W hit
tier's, l'oe's. Hood's. Itiet 1 larte's and Hans
lireilman's Poetical Works; ShaUspea re's,
Tennyson's, Scott's, Irwin's, Ilayard Tay
lor's, J isr:ieli's, 1 Mirv. iii's, loldsiiiith's and
Topper's Works; Hood's Pro. e Essays; Fin
ed. iScones ; The Outcast; IV-autiful Snow;
The. Wagoner of the Alh-gh ud"-". Halite by
Carey; Locke's Essays; A. Idison's Spectator;
Tim Constitution; Con versa? ions or. Clnduii
try; Keyuot: s of American Liberty; Voices
of'Nature; Arthur's 1 1 oiisehold Library; The
Mountain; i'.luir's K hctoric; d:;pa-s Expedi
tion; Hack Iiamonds; Mrs. South worth's,
Mrs. II eney wood's, M is. Slow." 's, Miss Por
ter's, M i.-s M ulock's, Di. kens'. Thackeray's,
I'ooper's, Lever's, Anthony Tn Hop's, Mul
wcr's, Wilkie Co'iins', .lames', Curtis'. Wa-vi-rley,
I'-ret llarte's ainl oilier Novels; t ;.
Elliott 's Works; Cicero () rator and Irai ions;
Oliver Optie's YotiUfr Ani-iic:i Afroa-i. fi'.'.l
S'd; t'lassic Tales; Middhuii irch; Bickiu .iv's
East lnnia i Archipehigo; iy.l'e of l'aul .iones.
Loketto, Jlay T, 1873. j
EiiTOii Camuhia Fkkkman Will you
please pi ve t he folio wi nj; an insert ion in your
paper for the amusement cf school ebiltlren
and others interested in such matteisV It ;
is an interest calculation, which, no doubt,
i w ill appear almost im redibie to most per
sons who may hai'ji :i to see it. One cent at
compouiiil inter-s from tin beginning of the
i I'hristiiiii Era to the l'Jth day of Deccmlr,
j A. 1. at the rati? of f per cent, per an-
; ii ii in, would pr(iliice. in dollars tlit? atonish-
st utcil by tins lollowitig
vs. I'rifKle.
vs. Cale.
ruse.r. MeT.auclilin.
s. WtUiiiiin & Itroivn.
SkfdMl WFKK.
vs. W.ilf .V VclsV.i.3.
t. Klimi.
s. Plus ti. ol.
vs. Ko: lerviiic & Ilinns
. . ..vs. Co-ill 4T3.
. . TS. il 17 he?.
. . . .vs. Chri-ny.
. . . r. K rue (. al.
. . . .vs. Nu ;t4-r.
r. Wilkeim et. a!,-
vs. Weak inml.
U. .Qlepi)i.3otl k Co. .
....vs. Kesnir-r.
vs. L'siuinef.
. Necsou.
rs. Arhle.
....vs. Whurioii.
r, Ilotretl.
. . . . vs. '1 re ler.
. . . . v.4. I f ui t.r.
. ... vs. s'tc enr .
. . . .VS. VoiItiKkiil.
...... s. II ipps.
. . ..vs. Powell.
. ..vs. I. lord.
. . ..Tii. A bison.
. . v. b- u-W A Miller.
J. .K. II I'M:, Provii uiotnrr.
Proth intary s 0"!i.-c. Kiensl.nrrf, May Z.
: liates
. Hum phreys
Tref is ..."
tiiirrett's Adin'rs. .
1 M'Ciossiii
j O'Tihria f ri!i Co. .
I'atlersoii A. Co. . . .
I Murphy
Meoiil.?ie'A Kt'rs.
; Xullcr
: Finney .tlHamionn
I M Tn i & '4
I Vi .-lilnil.t.
: K rise
! Doiiuel et. ill....
! M;-C uire
I lilack
Hild'S i; Lh.11 d
t)"l ricl
! Urol iierliue
, H-ilfrick
mg amount repr.
ligiii'es :
If the amount was iu gold, and that gold
maib into solid sphere or, each ont
the si.e of the earth, or K.nuo miles in diam
eter, the numb-.T of such spheres Would ex
ceed PJiViOO billions. To have some idea of
what a hi'.lion is, rttppose you bad a billion
of gold dollars to count.. Well, to count that
sum. dollar by dollar, would require one per
son more thau .i,-17., years, working the en
tire seven days each week and counting 500,-'
000 dollars every day during ti nt time
ii heft I v iri i ii; t h
irir A ppr.t'seuieii i s or 1 er-onal Prej.e: t v of de- !
ce tenri. Fnlocjci mi l set apitri for ;4- Widows j
ol inlctf tit c iiieier t lie Act ,f As-r re 1 .1 - id the I
Hth iImv ol April. A. I . ! Ol. hiii in lc"cii tiled I
in the i;r jj;dci "s ( It'ice at til.ensi.iirir, tvi!! hr !
presnti-d to f tn- I irplniris" Court for approval
on .Teihitsilav, the -f tf: ii.iy cf Jan? next, to vrii;
Inventory and appraisnmerit of jieisonnl pro- !
pertr appraised anrl set apnrt for Harvmct
Stut)-, widow t f Jnro'i Stuby, late of I'ui roi: i
tO'.vi!hip. dceea'4'i?, f.'JOO.C1. j
Inventory nnd appraisement of pcrconal pro- j
pei'y 4,ppraied nnd set apart for Cnthnrine 1
t;a!lM-l4-r. willow of Frank Cuflak-liei-, lute of j
3;r.i me noromr n. ieceaeLl.-
12,000,000 Acres
T! "rccpCif I.snd la STarhrf. fr r khIc by the
Jti f. (HiSiA T I'T. . ITIZ i'.l LI.r.Y.
5 CfiC.CCO .-teres in Central A'cl;rt!n
X" fcr zr r Jn tracts id 41 acres and upvvnrd
on lir i;el ' r; l"ru; s" Cir d.,' if Cp.rfi;f. An
4iii i..c ..f('r; 4-.,4urr(i.
Mu.o o II e a i.t ii ' ci.,
?II!I,AS A K'" Mil AM"2 or (iOl ill WaTM.
lilt: P.HT MAllKr.T IX 'HIKWIST! Tr
freut JltniT';' p-i uiods of V on.ic, ( -ioriiuo.
ti'h anil Ncvniln. l.eicif suppiied i.j tiie furiu-
crs in the Plnite Valley.
r Iia . rts .s.
TttFE HOdPS FIt AI.I.l Millions of A. rs
of choice t.ovcrmnerit bauds npi-n for entry
under the ll.xni -trail I,nw, near this Cii.-nt
Itniiroad. wit h iro.i.l marki-ti and li I he com
liienee. of nu ol.l setlied eon n try.
l'rf' pass- to porohacrs of Kailrond Tamil.
Scciionnl a s, f.l:(.iviinr t he hi iel. al-o new
e.liiionof rr.rriplive HampKIt I n ith Xew.M.ip-i
riaije"? free everywhere. A.ldresi
. F. IS,
Pand Ciein;iJ3ioTier, 1". P. II. !t., I M a i; a . X sffj
gkand cirr conci-ht
Of The Mercantile Library Asscciaticn
t'fte (ifi cf LeaTfDTiirik, Ute
! T pcciin'r.oci' wii b r.n ai t of t he I ,t;inhtlirn
av.fl t Ii -.i .- A n iidcK ot I neori.nrut ion, the 7; -aid
i i.o .it "ci"7 5 mi' lire their !i r?
' i.i .O'd i"4 i f I ni.cnl .I' d io i, i',, i v ,,.
t the follow- 1 "nn ny I h.-;: icro. t -liohUrs. ot S"i:;2.r,.-,i 1 ;-.sH,
si i null, i.eav enwoi t u. en the ii ua
i-f Ji't-.c. I-'' I. r. . i I lie I e-; fill o t' t he 1 o Is.
.T.Ot'S t'AMI ( IH, it.t.Mli; TO ?:;tt"5t5.
' hi enlerpritse is emiors'-d l-v ; he lo.ri-rr.or,
?-c:i-Ury "I State. A lo'iinr of t-ia le, Sii r:n
t end't ol P ii 1.1 ic I n M I i.'cl lOii.Tre.'Kn rei il stole,
ilayii- and Coinnioti CouiKiiof l.r-a ven r url h,
an.l all leadiiiir biifmrss men ef the Slnte, nnij
the certain It" of t ho disi rilm t ion m nil pa i m.u t
r f cif'?. ii adverl ised. i f u :,'r iua inn ti ed.
iii Ki isf ir tri!. a forj i. rir$t.
Mciiioi-.iiiium of ("ash dirts to lie dit-ti ibulej
,'imi -'"' h, I'-TJ :
St Acc.vsTtNF., May 12, 1873.
KniTim Fxi.f.uan Ilavinuaeen my namo
araded in tho ifountain I'oite a a caudiilaie
for th; ollice of Sheriir of thin county, 1 de
iirc to ay to tiie gentlemen of that pivjier
that 1 am not a candidate for that or any
other office ; and, further, I never intimated
to any person by word or deeil that 1 s.
t-.. il. ill-N KUAN.
I:tA.S. . -::i township, on tlioHth
inat., Frcae; iii asi, r.yed Nl years.
AVno ahe Entitled to Pensions. Tho
following provisions of the new jiensiou act
will Lu of sjiccial intorest tj soldiers and
their relatives everywhere :
All persons who have lost a leg ahovo the
knee, and are so diiet'ihl ther-div that they
cannot use an artiticial linih, shall he rated
in the heeond class, and recoivn twenty-four
dollars per month. All persons having lost
the hearing of Imth oars, to receive thirteen
dollars per month. Section tivo provides
that the rate of eighteen dollars p,r mouth
may he proportionately divided for any de
j;ro of U.isAtiliTy cstaidili':it for wfiit.ij the
shcoii'I hection makes no irovis'nn. Tha
new law a'.Ro adds two years to the limita
tions uudoi- which claims may he e.v.u'ou&ii.M.
Another D:-:pa ktckk. Tho sal
ecriher, having failed to dispone of hisentire
Mock of men, is now recdvinir nkvv
lioof.s daily, and will conliiic- to fell to his
old customers, anil all others who may ;ive
him a call, at as i.kvv pkices a herctofire.
lie further respectfully r.rp-.rMs those who
are indebted to the late firm of Zahni Son
to call and settle tiiuir accounts. Any who
fail todo so heTora the first day of Juno neit
will find th:r accounts in other hands for
collection after that, date. '1'ffsa acvuiinta
must br-toned. ;r.o. C. K. Zaiim.
Khensliuri:, May 14, 1 v,7:t.-;it.
HsfJI-riil'l please copy two insertions.
-'I-'44- --
IIai.I.oa there 1 arc you aware that from
Huntley, thtj fair deai;r and siiuaro, you
can hu'y the. hist of hardware, and home
made tiuwaie, and all kinds of whinI ware,
besides every style of gl.vsvvore, and gi-H-er-ics
cheap, fresh and rare, at. prices that will
for cheapness compare with those of any like
dealer here or elsewhe.-e ? I i" you don't
know these, facts, call at Hu.itley's uig
hoUBe-faii.ishing depot, Iliier.sliii.'g, and yo.i
vTiil soon s;o '-how it is yonrseii ;" but if
you do know them and don't act on the
knowledge, we can only aay that you are
standing very much in your, and the
sooner you get. out of it the better for your
A IIiktto Yot-'io Ladiss. "With milei
tfct are rrt and a 4'orui Xbl is nt, if
your conduct's discreet, you can tamplyouag
ien to marry; bnt to add to tha rait, you
should alfravs ha dressed in "foods cheapest
nd hest, and but just have lat us tarry and
invite thn attention of our young Udy friends
ard tae rest of womankind, as wall as man
kind, to thu fact that il. ISossart A Qo., cor
n.rof Main and 1'rankliii sts., Johnstown,
ken just the kind of goods that will suit all
tastes an.l pleas-? ah buyers in tha matter o.'
texture, qualiiy, beauty and price. Go, sea.
"some e..v' mav talk about the big stock
of flour, feed and jt.Veeries they keep ; and
others may try to indues rsoiw to buy hy
declaring they sell very chea". c this
hear iu mind, nowhere will you tiud, t,-'.m'Ii
vou eek o'er and o'er, better Hour and feed,
and other things that you need, thau at E.J.
Mills' cheap store. Try his cboicu teas.
The Right Way. The w.ay to get rich
is to Miend less inoucy tintn yoa earn, a.:d
th" proner wav to no thin is to buy wheio
you cau'hu .-tlie. cheapest, and buy only what
ton need. ' M vers & Lloyd's great mercan
tile mart offers the best inducement iocmku i
pnrcka.-ier- in thi. region. GikhIs very cheaji, j Bnhiect to the dee-sion of I leriiocratie Conn
y 8leet, auu very 4oiiiiutin.. vuuicuiiun. iinvuDuui,
, . . , ... ..,1.. . 1 11 1 e.o o, t .tini u iiiii a:H4M.i-i: i o 1 pel -nnr j tro-
ead the above figures according to the ,,,-.,, E, i... m.......' .
Kngiisli system of notation, the amount is j kaylor, tVidow or William Kay lor, late ot Alie-
e pressed thus: ,."70 .septillion.i 37'2,l'7li s;x- rheny townhlp. ileeraser?. '?".0.f,'..
tillions, ;;..4)0 quintillions, Cll.'-'JO iiuadril- J Inventory and uppraicmcfrt ft pTsonaf pro-
hons, T24.U00 trillions, ;Sti,:,71 billions, 702,- 1 I'"1-' Jn'i9S.'1 -t "VHrf for hee VV.iar
r(1. o.i4 . ... 1 .iru i.., 1 Ji .1 , I tnn. Child of Stum-liu vv hut Ion. lnte of Cleur-
.'i0. n.iihons, 244 thousai-.d, hundred doU ficIl, t.,WIlsiljp, deceased, 3a:i.60.
lars. tine cent at Mnipie lnn-resi, at o jr 1 App-niscnient ,,f , tctil estate elected
cent, lier annum, tor th:; Fame length of tunc, I tn be retained by Hiiy-nbeih Jones, widow
would amount to only ouc do.lar and
teen cents (81.13). y. " CIW.t?r, f
HV tt -Ir.r.4.44 .Ir, 41 1- ..... 1 ..... . 4. ...r. .... I.
lull - ' . 4.uv..auiij I - 4, 1 -,
j 1 deceased, fcKni.OO.
Sl" I JAS. M. RINGr.R. Ueiriter.
Hegrister's Office, Elietisbiir, May Is;.-i.-it.
1 tilt AN l CASH CI I" r.
1 (i It A N 1 ' CASH 111 FT
1 i ha." n C-. sn (iirr ...
f.WA-tii ('Afc'l i 1 1 stt
I li It A i) ASH I ; 1 t r
1 t". hamj Cau (Jirr
1 Cikami C.Asn (iirr
1 firasui i'luli t.i.'i
1 imtnl Cash 1ift
'"'i 1 OraiiJ fni-n (ii't.
1 I 1 f,rc!4(: t ush G'ff
V OTICE TO .lUr.OIvS. Xo Court
will be lield on tl: Fourth Monday oT riay.
Jurors suniuioucd for thnt week i!i therefore
not jilteiul. VV. i!. in J.N Ai'K Kit, SiieriQ'.
Sheriff's JT:ce, Khnsbii ra-. f.lay 7. 1-73.
-I Estaro of Otko Srrtlta, rtee'd.
Let ters Testamentary on the t-slata of Otiio
S'lY.NKit, late of Wiishuur 1011 towusliip, dee'd, '.
hai in been (rranted to the ur.dei if iiel by the I
Keifiiiier of Cumhri county, notice is hereby I
Ifivcn 10 all pc-rsoii" linleht f1 to taid estnti; that
pay tnent must be made ithout ilclaT.and tin fce
haviiiH cimmii nifmMt the t.uie vmi present
luciiu properlv probated fur settlement.
Hemlock, Maj !, l.i.J.-Ct.
Q TA T E M E X i o k .S K TV I . i M K X T
' with the Supervisor.--and ttio Ti 1
Collect or o' e"srroil '1 ovrii-;ii,i iur til
11. llUl'lM.K, Stipei i .
To amount of Uuplieaio
To Oriier on 1 reustiii r
To Cmj
LICENSE NOTICE. Petitions f,
Licf.:i'MS to le jiresented at June Sf
sions, 1.J :
Clearfield Twp. II. Mark tt, C. A. Frncrnnn.
I'm vlo Torn.hil M itdi'l C ; a left, l-'riink K urn.
Crrolltorn Itoniliih Pnul Klnmigrr, An- J
itrrii- II. ff.-ti:, l.M w rencc Sell rot h. j
Chest Ton i p 'fhoiiiw.i lilt. ,e'. CrnoJt.
Chen Springs loruii;!i- A. Mctioiirti. I
Kheusl urjr llorouirh .loti'i I'iizharri. West
V.'si.;: It. .". I.iuto'i ' i:...-i V':.rd. j
Ctiiitidi Tovi.hi;: -II Ic! act r"r::--.i. :-. VT. I..
MucOTiber, :iiciri M-jMorris, Maihrrr ?''..::!, '
M. i. Kei'v.
ho.V.t1 X?ore- Flor;r.n IteiiKle. F. X. II.- .:. j
Siiiriinit t i'le Rorouyh-John C. 15-jij:uil, Win. !
Lintcn. Christian Itejch. j
VVusl-.imrtoii Township Christopher IJooinr. .
W.iinoie ilorinili - ( .t-nrjo Wea' rot h, J use) I:
IIii uer, Vj,leni itie .iliie.
While Towcship- John Vonnkln. j
BATISl'; IliiCli. j
Carrolltown Ilon-iirfSi J uiius Steieh, Henry ,
Ilium. i
i beiulnirir nororirh M i-hsel j
y. ii nnt er Townshi Chri! ina 1 tel. !
YVdmnre Itnrii'-Jiihn Sehrnth. Peter Frniiro, '
ratrick K. K-irby. j
J. K. TIITF. ProCionoturr. i
1 I'rotiionotary's OfTiee, Ebensbur-j, Mnytl. iv.'i.
I r.nrxssi no. j
; John F!t2harrl3f - Propr
. Sio.oen
. 40.C''t
. ::.i.V-i
. s:..u
. l.f.!i
. 15,'AVi
. I2.C-U
. lU.OOO
. 6.UU1
. S.(M
. a.oCT
For bulanee of prizes send for cii cular.
'i r?is e-ovcert is under the supervit-ioii nnd di
rection of the fohowinp
r.iiAKb or UlKFiTiiKS- C.ll. Unrfe?. alrreh'l;
FI. I.. iifivaun. ISaiiUer: H. II. ifusl!. I.-.ini!... ;
II. W . (iillett. Mere! -a r.t ; ti. F. I'i'-cn;t.
ciorcSsl: Jrs. M. Kifchen, Farmer; W. C. ti.
.1.. I,
CUT r.rijf r; I . . I .owe. Cantiaiist: I . . .v.n,..
head. Merchant; .1. I.. V ever. M. II.: J. VV. Ki -lihh.
Lawyer; C. Molicr, ahli"r (.-it. If; ii. T.
Carr. A ri-hiieet.
iFFioentf-- K. II. DirarEr. T'rcm'dent ; II. I..
Nswmam, Vice-Pres. ; Geip. F. I'acscin T, Seir. ;
; a ri. Mm.i.r.s. Treasurer.
'lhe n ell linnwn rhiracu rof the Iii reefers of
C:m 'if: rt a a. ile J.H'ioi u .-tsvi i-jf ion nnd the ci.-dtrsc-:nciit
pi rx utefl. i a mrncient iru.-ii iu ite
to kII liscr.t t ieket-hohlers that t ncir n.ltr's-i
will be f nil v p un ri ied r.r.ri jirottcte'!. , II rniT-n-'inrlenee
blnctly confideniisl. cntl miT peisotf
u"ii i"Tii jri;c n'fil imh he known o ij i !.,
dcsii4;.'. ;ckcl3 dra iTing-pri.eb n i!l bu cashed'
on Kifht.
T.n is Jiio tjraniieti. tir';-' nnd be4it cntirj;r:i
ever p.-fsenled to Iho p.o.;---. Oft'einl Inim ,r
t iii.i: nil mbcrs w iii bo sunt I., i.r'.-hii'n of
t ii ke t s im meii lately ufmr tho rtif m i t
For in ".iritis' '4411 and tickets mblrifss.
IlA.Mi-.KKiiH .V l' ., UrnrriU A crnf.i,
J.'i l.ii.inv Stket, New Ycuw,
Tickets Ki:t C. (I. I. ut our expi.ii".
Agenis minted. I.itieral Com misiens pnlJ.
isincr mid
y ear laZ-:
.... il ei
i; is
.0 .'
riv "Work dono by Tr.zabieij ...
Ily i .li
ly SeiTieosaj .Supurvi.-ior
A. Ll'iJiJ, Snir!t it'rf
Th amount of ilupnoaie
To 'nJers
To Cusa
T5y Work done by Tuia Jiea
Uy Casu
liy Services a snipcrvisor
i ; -
IIS Jii-370SJ
4 ..-.S 41
. lljo IAJ -
7G4 41
:ci 4i
UAVlNr. Iwased and r furnNiied the r.bove
vrcil Im.vrii and popular hotel, lhe iiropi i
ctor is now amply pi-fparfd to :iw"iusi:ic.i!uts
: nil whu nicy favor loin wp.h their pal n.ninje.
j The best Ihnt t lie mm Ui-t itTiiril'. will beerve.l
t tl.i- Tul.le nt all seusons. I lie will be kept
eonstn-itiy Mipplied with the choicest lupiois,
and the -oui:.i.. !i. els Stable will l enti.h r tl-.,
cii ii e T a i j i 1 1 and at t ent i vo hurdler. No
i-ITurl w iil t.e sii 'red to render tue-n eoinfotf
u! l" HM.l il plea-,.l iu c ei y p.n t iculi r, and
hr p ro jier u Hen I ion to businc-s" a. id a moi.i-rato
sjaieof pi ;ce tho proprietor hopes t win his
way to putil o lilHT -', ls73.-tfJ
Parse's Marble Works,
ISD :'r.uii.llii Kd-ifof, J.i!n.i!tjna.
iiiiivi'iii'VN Hi iu .,- i -i.vii.
jJl Sl'tiX i S. ( i .CM'I.U r.ti I CAIN- i-A
.N 1. 1' SI. A 11:-. MANTELS. .Vc. ins n u- '--.t: i i
est naiiitn mulpy'..!. M;
In I ire fii ti:i ui-- '
iee, de5i-n mid '(tvi -?
hi AiciRsonns missis f
J l ST VI I'l.ISIU':!:
j'.'.rAct' a?: it r.'tvir.
r.v sahau m. ;u:(ivn"h)n.
With un ! rcKlni'iioii by Our.sTss . Hhu-vt.
-., s id n title Portrait. Sent by mail on it
ceipt oT yi ice. l'rice,
JAS. !!. TKIfiK.
33.-ira.l f3 Fiflh Art u:ie, pi . ;-h.: r. h. f.u
S TKST A MSN I'A!! i . lhe K
T Ki'l
1 J J Si: FM 1 A 11 N" il IN AN. !p I e I 'f V mmter f,v.
ship, i amhria e'.itetv. decenied, h iviite bei'n
Ktatiiid by tliu ltcui.-icr of h-iiil i ou:it im th
iliidci S;ni'.i. all p---S4irt -i indebted to "iid r'iatl
arc rC4 uesteil t n make i.T. niedtti I e p:i "ii n t. ui,
t hose? lift icy: clainf nif Hi'it t he same . iii pi
se;n Ihem rrperlv an t hen t ic.i If ii ti -'-
li:eut. ti t.'.A Nini iAN.
AtiN I-:. Ni'.N.N".
M u lister '1 wp., A pril 1 IS" t. 0t.
K. cut ri.-' 9.
.f , .:.uiii:.-t rstlon
JOS GAUNTNEIt. lYetirnrrr aud Collector, In;.
To amount ol Duplicate J.o 4
C K.
Tly Exonerations 5 02
Uy Orders paid Cisi Ci
Uy Orders and per eentajie o.i
eoileelioiis X S3 - 17 S9
I f.n-UHL.I of tin: very best 1 'aline uml.
j mericau r!urL!e. 1-.
i noil k uarioiie.-u in price, uepi-ii anil 'ir,
! eaeeution of work. t -
I t Orders respect fully soliei'eil 'A-S.
nd rrotnptiy titled nt the very low- -
et i-4fh iv... Try us.
Oct. 4.-m.
Jlt'' rN
T T" , V I i i i . oi i i t. 1 I .c! 1 14 1
1 L oil the llsi.ite of Pl-vtn J- In vm, late of
ll.irr tov ;;-hi(.. I u- ' i ' oily . dee'd. t !ie un
it, i limned hcict-v m it i Ilea n 1 1 pi 'in;s i :ir!el.l.d
to Mini tatK pu :aent f.ui-i t e uimte 's-ii:.-oui
deUv. and the l.avinjr i -Isims iii-;sinst I'm
saeie will present ti Ofi tTnocrly nut m-n i tested
fur set. lllTNUY r. 1 1 1 .' X M ,
Jtarr TiT - Ap' tl 1. ldT4 -6k Adur'r.
rishtnce due Trvaursr, 4c
We, the Auditor.- of Carroll Tnwr-si.ip, do
cert ii y ttiat the above hHiun cet tii.iu-.i4iit ol
the ueeouuts of .ud i'u oin,..
J.j.Tiiini.t. i
S. A. Siii'ivM AKi:a, -Auditors.
Tlii Ao i4.ibiu, )
J. J.Tiiomas, C.oit. .&-10.-Ct,
"The undcriik-ned nffcis r.t privulo ale
her r'A't.M iu uinnierhill town-Mo. about l"
tildes north of Wihnore. Sshl fir..i eoiitams
bid Acres ntid i! Ilowiinee, about '.!) acres being
cleuei. ui. der inml fence a:il wc-l cii A i va ted,
and h v mr inert- on a I.i 1 loin., n url 'fta
ble. Tl.4-i i nlso a smill Oi-eiml'd of rlyiica
fi i-;t on lhe premisi s. J"oc b-il-acf of the i. :: I
i.-. .-ovei-ed w:lii hemlock. chro r.d!?.: Iliuber.
W f.r our ri:'.;.s and istkain ki:
r:Ti-suii'l strums jfns, ji-Ili4-4, -if4.-i-
;. led. Im -low. niMts, fltwjn, et.r. Overt'iO,
i4fi si id ina few hict'iiii-at. S4-ls oimk. Kvery
futnilv wnf.ts it. Sewing Machine and othtr
rt:.!.iit!:e.l ; 4 -UK a.-e Ttii''.:ii this y.-i v pi otlt
ntilu. Cire-P.os free. t !c?ii ld & Ihim-. .i2
V. at.blKtoil Slieo:, il .stou. Jlut. 14-II.-M.J
run count v T::;:A?ui:n::,
uml for 4-iitl::. 'heit. an. r.-iu- i AK(S j (I ATM AN, M. I..
p. , i'eu Ii it ti -X etc.. on or .;!.!. e.s f hysici... Sr
i ' Mil?. it.Hi t.itiiW. i I.ULi;.ii; ui
h l-i. I-7i!.-tf.
M. J
OlSr in
e-'l .nnv
LUCK, 11. !.,
i'!i. Pa.
r.-ar of John feuck's store. .Iijrat
lu.'io a : the re.-.i-T4i- -M J( r-:.
A pi li . Ir'.t. If. i
W'lhin.i e, pit. Chieevn i , tretf . ncr' i o-;
xlotei. b'.-siiiet '-i' on 'r i -Tford t
where ni,f di ciiile snould be made.
. I i.
I I .;r s
Wst W urd.
,4 4 -tr.l
J. t.Ai i.ri'IX I..AnK,
At tr)H'V-u t - I - s "vv
Hot. anbury, Lajtiltnu tt., .