The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 20, 1872, Image 3

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KnKSSBUliO, 7'.!.,
l riJ'!' September 20, l&72m
v-l miUllM THE RiCHT !
, f IVmx ruts and other friend
A U V ' .... I .. ill 1... held at
i.f tlit
LT K H 1 cailM Will U- ntiu
Th'ire-lav Afternoon next, Sept. 25th,
, And a nliHr ""tin will b hfld at
c V I KOI -I iTOA'N,
5 l- ..,.1 , cCfU
TV. 'av Afternoon next, September Join. .
' Tlloii
It MILTON Sl'KKlt, our tal-
. i . ,r (inirrefcsinan
and other able
eiui r-"f ni u.hb-esw ti...w
leers I ruin
Let all auemi.
liar"1 MIUHl- i.r Home.
TWt fail t. he registered,
n... l..i. Wheat crop is largo.
.-Indiana County Fair -thi week.
'ns..nahle advice I.ny m Jour win-
"-flU tV.umel donning season is with u
once ag.u-
of the potatoes
in this vicinity
i .n Mountain lIoue
closed for '
Vim oil I'Uiiebuay lasi.
muhv Coliick, of .lohtibtown.
is the
j,,--:,. j.i 'vior ol a six niouins oiu can
i weiy!i 4H iounds.
The "latest importation" didn't write
-( ,o AJlix'iiii hst week, the assertion of the
j ihr. U'ti Voire to the contrary notwith-
Tbc llollulaysburg Standard says that
the i ii e of the liadical whanghHdle was
J,e,i;4 in the land, the day that Darker was
; At Spriu e (.'reek, on Saturday morning
la 4, the 1'aeitie F.xpres west struck a man
nnnt-d Swnrtz, from Newport, and killed
him histantlv.
Ten dollar cah will be paid for the
gold watch-key lost on the Carrolltowu
read some three weeks ago. Impure at
this office.
Hon. P.. F. Myers, of Bedford, has
been unanimously re-nominated for Con
gress by the Deiiiiicr.itSRnd Liberal of the
kixteeuth district.
, Tbe new hanking house of Collins,
Johnston V Co., Colonnade ICow, makes it-
iiself kiMwn to our reader in the present
I iue of the Free man.
i James Murphy, a Pa. It. It. employer,
jumped from a niovingtraiii near Oallitzin,
I on Saturday la-t, and falling upon his side,
! sustained very painful in juric.
Robert Jones, recently killed by the
pkikn of a boiler in Cincinnati, as no
ticed clehere, is s:dd to havo resided in
thisV"Ut' twenty year ago."
V.iles Smith, employed at the Cambria
IronWoiks. .Iuluistown,"wa severely burn
ed by an explosion of hot metal, on Satur
day i earning last. S iay8 the Herald.
' .... i a x i I .
i iie J.ailu s l-airai nmore is jit-
gn ssiug finely ami will be continued next I
5 wcek.i And that isalsiutalli-f S.ltero's" J
I letter e can can lind lmnn for this week. 1
v A woman named Kessinger was struck j
by a frieubt tiain whilst walking on the j
"iwitchbatk' atSaxton, Huntingdon coun
ty, on Tueslay week, and killed outright.
Mrs. Sclders, of P.lacklick township,
kwt two children by si ailet feer last week,
and a daughter of Mr. McCafferty, of
Cambria township, died from the KUine
diease on Friday last.
See card of Prof. Weisenbach, music
i te! her mid musical instrument agent, to
J " ;nd elsewhere in this week's paper.
: l'e tnes among us with the highest tcsti-
i Kii b as to his proticicuy.
fr typographical friend. Tom Myers,
Ffcutary. lias our thank for an invitation
; to ittCini the Old Portage railroad reunion
at Suunuitville, on AVedncday, Cct. id.
'; V.'e will bw on hand, if possible.
j Geo. Humphreys, late assistant post-
master at this place, is an aspirant for
medical honor. George isa worthy young
' man, and has the ability to make an excel
. fciit M. I). Success attend him.
Xext Wednesday and Thursday will
1 jjjla days at St. Augustine, for then it is
; that, lie big horse fair and grand picnic is
i focoaie oil, and a jolly gixd time may be
: expected. If you can't go yourself, send a
; substitute.
David Smith's right arm wan eanght
K'twecn two car burners on the M. C. It.
I?., Blair county, yesterday week, while he
was engaged in coupling, and so badly
crashed that it had to be taken off below
r tlse shoulder.
A. car inspector named 'Gcttys had
I" thlcgs badly mashed by freight care at
; AU ,.)B;i, on Sat in day night last. One of
ti e limbs has since taen amputated, and
I H i feared that the other will have to un
tie: .; a similar operation.
. Landis, Kwp, of Ilollidaysburg,
was, on Thursday week, unanimously
chosen to represent the twentieth senatori
al district in the constitutional convention.
'tJut', will trive a irood account of him
self in that lxaioraUe position.
W regret to learn that our friend and
patron, Mr. Michael Walls, of Ilollidays
burg, had the inisfoitune to lose his sta
ble and all its, contents by lire on Tuesday
morning week. Mischievous boys are sup
posed to have did the business.
T J- Ti-out. an old citizen of Altoona,
Ml.e attellllitillir to nrevrnt. li.r frimi
on, j
the '.
' V
ig oil. near that city, on Monday
was knocked down and tramnVH
by the horse and run over by the wag
; id now lies in a very critical condit ion.
-'djii Hex ami llrigham Young (not
-loinion prophet, remember,) came
oenig .suil'oeated in a lime kiln near
I union, Huntingdon county, into
I they had descended for the purpose
img the stone, on Tuesday of last
i-8 Mary Foster, of Hungtingdon,
3d on a pieeo of bark while playing
kme called "drop the handkerchief,"
ichneir Grove, on Saturday last,
filing, fractured one of her limbs near
i'K'- Twice before the same leg met
t like misfortune.
Jr- H. II. ThomnsoiL lettr knnn-n
T'" has returned once more to the
fa! roof and to the duties of assistant
f ilter, riee Mr. (leorge Humphreys,
f'ed. We welcome the "Doc" back
K the maibv, anl as for the females
liey can talk for themselves.
V"n't forget the blessing of the bells
Vrolltown next Sunday. Among such
hearted people as there abide all
F s will meet a hearty welcome and the
T1 treatment. A sumptuous dinner in
fluent of the chuivh is one of the
Mr T nheKl Ut' Try and thcre
Iti T i,c(:ann has j'hiced us under
at . anoll,er i"nl supply of ex-
Talves. otherwise known as oys-
"ao,,e a,wi1liu.le of household, hv
i .1 iani!'le JusUce 10 th delicacies,
I I n -Ti Cy nV ring that the
i Dr. AV. AV. Jamison, of Loretto, was
'liy some mishap thrown fn'iii'his buggy,
near lim it's Mill, Allegheny township, on'
Thursday of last week, and very severely,
aial, it was thought for a time, sciiously
: bruised anil rut, .hut w e are pleased to Irani
that he is coming- around all right and will
soon he himself again.
A new building for the new banking
firm of Collins, Johnston & Co. is about to
Ik; erected adjacent to Mr. ZaUni's store.
I lousiness at the r.ew banking house has
i commeinccd very auspiciously, and with
such. in affable, eapalle and popular gen
tleman as Mr. Zalnn for cashier, its future
success cannot be doubted.
Kbensburg's silver eoniet band was
out for the third time on "Wednesday night
and very agreeably surprised all who heaid
them by the great progress they have made
in the short space of alout one month.
Iietter material for a band than our boy
or a better teacher of instrumental music
of that kind than Prof, liiaddoek, are not
to be scared up anywhere.
Mr. M. J-. Oatinau, accompanied bv
Ins wife and their
1113 wiie anu mcir nine "well spruit' ol
pleasure ha twtaken himself to ohif. (.u
ii.nminn-, ms never
. uwu m j niwm tui v t y x 1111 IV tCli I
ock, has full authority to sell dry goods,
' groceries Hour, etc., iust as cheap for the
ready cash as if the proprietor himself
were present superintending the operation.
Our assertion about the Carrolltowu
chime of tails, which, by the way, arrived
at the ttion here on Wednesday night,
has brought out a communication in this
week's jfemoerut from several citizens of
Cambria City, in which they claim the
Iwmiir imw 1'reelv awarded bv us. of ha iinr
. ' - . - r-
I precedence in that particular. Sorry to
I have put them to so much trouble, but
j "all is well that ends well."
I Our friend and patron, Mr. Thomas
! Dougherty, of Keytesville. Chariton county,
j Mo., has forwarded us a complimentary
; ticket to the Chariton County Fair, signed
' Thos. Dougherty, Secretary. Of course we
can t go, but (or ins kimiiy remembrance
we are none the less thankful to our friend
Tom, who, by the way, assures us that
Missouri is good for ru,M)0 majority for
Horace Ureeley, which is about a much as
any reasonable man could expect in one
Mr. David Jones, carpenter, while en
gaged on Friday last in excavating a well
on hi premise in the East ard, by some
mishap lost bis footing and fell back w aid
from the top of the ladder leading to the lot
tom of the well, and although he descended
j ui his fall to the depth of aliout eighteen
j feet, strange as it may seem, he escajed '
i without fatal injuries. He was of course
j severely bruised, but no bones were broken
j and he is now in a fair way of speedy re- j
covery. ,;
' We have received a lengthy communi- '
cation from Callitzin, signed "Fair Plaj-," :
on the subject of Mr. lluckalew's course in
the Senate last winter on the bill in refer
ence to the ventilation of mines, but do not ,
publish it this week, simply because we
are of the opinion that the writer is inerror,
as we believe we can show if we can pro
cure a complete report of Mr. Biickalew's ';
late speech at Pottsville, a portion of which ,
refers to the same subject about which our
corresjxnident writes. j
The Johnstown Democrat of last week
contains a very elaborate, but none the '
less deserved commendation of the artistic ;
skill of Mr. James Wilkinson, marble man-
ufacturer of Loretto, who has no superior
and few equals in his line of business. i
j Many of the cemeteries of this county con- j
tain monuments of his skill and mechani- j
cal genius, and all of them are master-pieces '
of which Mr. Wilkinson may well feel J
proud. Work done by Mr. W. is well
t done, and that to at fair prices.
) Two weeks ago we said that Carroll- :
i town was alxmt to receive the liit chime '.
of bells ever brought to Cambria county ; i
i last week, on what we deemed reliable an- ,
! thoiity. we reiterated that assertion in the '
I face of the Johnstown Democrat denial '
of the claim; and this week we come down
fioiu our high horse and admit that the !
Democrat was right and we were wrong ;
that Cambria City is justly entitled to the
honor, and that we Lav nothing more to '
say on the subject. There now ! j
A stranger giving the name of John ;
Curry and representing himself as a sailor j
by occupation and a native of New York,
was struck by the Smthern Express west j
on the Pa. It. It., about a mile east of Min-
eral Point, this county, at an early hour on i
Friday morning last, and was fatally injured, j
He w as taken to Johnstown and his wounds j
attended to, but he died soon after. He
was aged alxmt twenty-six years, and was ;
destitute of money. Mr. JohtiBloch, poor i
house director, took charge of the remains j
and had them decently interred. j
Shik kisc. Scicide at CSallitzin. Ax
(ui Man Fot si) Lkai with Hia Tiikoat
I'l'T. The citizens of Callitzin, as w e learn
from our venerable friend, Sam'l ( -raig, Ksq.,
wer horrified on Saturday evening last by
the dincovvry that an old nuu named Wm.
Cole, who for the p:it ten r twelve vcara
ha been living by himself in a small nut
comfortable cabin at that place, had commit
ted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor,
severing the windpitie and jugular vein, and
no doubt causing death almost immediately
and apparently without a struggle. The
unfortunate man, who was a laborer by oc
cupation, had not been seen since the pre
vious Thursday evening, at which time he
was slightly under th influence of lbpior,
and some of his neighbors becoming alarmed
at his unusual absence from work, and pro
bably supposing that sickness or some other
mishap had belallen him, a party of them
r paired to his cabin on Saturday evening
for the purpose of solving the mystery. The
door of the cabin was found to le toltcd and
barred, but entrance was readily effected
through one of the windows, and there lying
upon the floor face downwards were discov
ered the lifeless remains of the man they
were seeking. Turning him over, the ghast
ly spectacle that presented itself maj well be
imagined, and whatever else might have been
neiiled to complete the horrible picture was
readily supplied by a bloody razor found
within a few inches of the body. The de
ceased was between &Ty and fiO years of age,
and originally eame from Chester county,
where he is supposed to have relatives now
residing. Little is known of him, as he was
always very reticent in regard to himself,
but all who knew him bear witness to the
fact that he was a quiet, inoffensive, hard
working man, bin only weakness being a
fondness for liquor, which was no doubt he
primary cause of his tragic death. An in
quest was held by John Itradley, Esq., and
the facts above given by our informant, Mr.
Craig, who was a member of the jury, were
then and there elicited. The remains were
decently interred on land belonging to the
deceased and near the scene of the shocking
A Confidence Game Will Tvxrr.n.
An individual giving the name of Ray,
claiming to be a farmer and drover and al
leging that he lived a short distance north
of this place, recently dawned upon the
farmern of Hummerhill township and for
two long weeks boarded around, free gratis
for nothing, under the plea that he was
buying cattle, which plea to all appearance!
he made good by contracting for the delivery
at a certain place on a certain day of about
eighty head of beeves, for all which he had
ottered very liberal price in cash, then and
thereto be paid. In due course of events
the day of delivery caine, the cattle came,
and the farmers came, but Itay didn't come
and the promised greenbacks didn't come,
and the result was that the farmers felt as
they turned their faces homeward that thev
and not the cattle hail been sold aye badly
sold. The sharper had had his two weeks'
Warding for nothing, beside. some harrowed
money, and that was no doubt all he sought
to accomplislj by his little confidence game.
ani'e. In company with Sheriff lhui.K ker,
ami at Hie ypevial solicitation of Michael
Moore, now under sentence of death, we on
Monday hist visited the uiit'ortuuate man in
his cell, and for a halt' hour or more listened
to what he claimed to be a truthful account
ot his movements on the i'4th, 2.1th and L'ttth
of last January, on which days it was shown
on his trial that lie was in Philadelphia and
afterwards at Osceola. Clearlield county.
His story in brief is that he was at work in
Smith's coal bank at No. 3 on the day liist
named, as could have Weu proven by Chas.
Wool ford, Andrew Gillespie, Thomas Me
Creery, Robert Mt Kim, John Myers, and
others. Lad his lawyers (of whom he -orn-plained
very bitter!, and, as all know who
heard their earnest" appeals in his Itehalf,
very unjustly,) seen fit to summon them as
witnesses; that he load--d a car of coal on
.that day, and then went home to Mineral
Point. On the 2."5th, as his story goes, he J
went to Johnstown, where he "bought a I
tarrel of dour and three sacks of coru from i
Mr. liaukln, oil Washington street, which i
Hour and corn was manifested to him at the j
Viaduct, a day or two after ; that next day '
he went to 1'ortagu Station on noon train, I
and took dinner at Peter M Cion u's along
with that gentleman and Wui. Flynn, who
loardcd with McGough ; that w hile waiting 1
dinner Mr. Flynn commenced writing, and !
while doing so asked McGough what dav of !
the month it was, and McGough replied that
it was 1 lirr -Jiith of January, and he (Moore) !
then remarked that that was his birth-day ; :
had some talk with McGough about buying
"ul"i Milieu i weni io see alter dinner, but
said I could not get my money until April,
aw 1 had it deposited as security for mv
wife's appearance to answer a suit at law"
told McGough to calculate the time from
that date to tit h of April, w hich ho did ou
one of the iMtards ou the side of tin house.
This, and much else of like imiKirt whi.-h
would neither Ixuefit the prisoner or interest 1
our readers, was the burthen of his story, !
his entire purpose taing, as he vainly hoped', j
t explain away some of the mot couvine- I
ing evidence which led to his conviction,
and to induce us and our readers to talieve
that he is innocent of the crime which he 1
i will ere long Im called upon to expiate. J
God grant that he may be U-tter prepared j
; w hen that time comes than he now seems to
, o.r me ignominious Ueath which awaits
him !
The condemned man w,ih afterwards, with
his own consent, visited by two gentlemen
! represent inn the Johnstown Tribune and the
K'ho, to whom, in addition to the story told
ns, he made the following statement regard
j ing the fatal trunk check and other matters
; of less importance : n the llith of February
: 1 received a letter from Philadelphia, with
i out signature, telliuc me to look out r..r a.
trunk which had leen sent to Altoona for '
, me. A strange inan,;i think from Somerset, j
icau me leiier lor me in Joliuatown. iyXi
not recognize the handwriting. Ou tha Sun
day following went to church at Wilmore,
i and whih on my way there I found the trunk
, check lying in the snow uear the head of the
path leading from my house to Mineral
. Point. licked up the check and noticed
that it had a greon mould on it. lut it in
my pocket and thought no more altout it
until John Harris came into Hagau'a house
and said he wanted me to go to Johnstown
with him. Asked him what he wanted.
H- wouldn't tell me then, but did tell me
i outside of the house that he wauted me on a
charge of murder for killing the woman
, found near Mineral Point.
Moore then went on to tell when and where
he first met Annie E. Ilorle, how loug it was
since they were married and tho length of
. : .i ii i . , .... i
nine iney uvea logerner ; aeniea tnat the
: photograph found in the trunk was her like-
tiess, or that the letters ptirortiug to lo from
I her were written by the said Annie E. Boyle,
, detailed other matters connected with their
j married life and final parting, etc., all
I which we have not the necessary space, even
J if we had the inclination, to give in extenso.
Boy Shot andFatam.y 1s.i rnEfu One
of those s:id occurrences which occasionally
loom up as a terrible warning against the
careless handling of loaded firearms, and es
Iecially against ermittiug children to have
such dangerous weaous in thir possession,
hapicnel near Lilly's Station, this county,
on Sunday morning last. It sooms that four
lads varying in age from alout eight to eleven
years left the village on tho morning stated
for the purpose of hunting chestnuts, one of
the elder loys taking with him an old mus
ket heavily charged with powder and small
stones. Some time after reaching the woods
the lsys seated themselves ou tho grass, when
the lad with the musket commenced atnusiug
himself by pounding the but end of the wea
!on on the ground, the barrel at the time ex
tending through under his arm and pointing
in the direction of one of the younger lads, a
lwy named Thomas Davey son we believe of
Mr. lie rnard Lavey. As a natural result of
the pounding process, the gun was eventu
ally discharged, the contents for the most
part taking effect in one side of the face and
neck of young Davey, lacerating him in a
most shocking manner and intJictiug injuries
which tho attending physician deems fatal,
if indeed death has not ensued ere this. As
may well lie conceived, the other lad, were
greatly frightened, but they had presence of
mind enough to attempt to convey the in
jured I my home. They only succeeded, bow
ever, eit her through fear or inability, in car
rying him to the old Portage railroad em
bankinent, where they left him, and where
he shortly after attracted by motions the at
tention of a couple of gentlemen returning
from church, who carried him to his houi,
whore. h was lying at last accounts, as w
have intimated, In a precarious condition.
Fatal Fall fhom a Tree. On Sunday
afternoon lat a bov named Devin aithH
( aliout thirteen years, son of Mr. Thomas
j Icvine, of Loretto, and nephew of our
I townsman, Mr. II. O. levine, climbed up a
I willow tree in front of the post-office build-
ing in that place for the purpose of at temp t
j ing the capture of a squirrel which he had
i seen ascending tho tree, and in doing so
( ventured out too far Ujioii one of the upper
: limbs, and the result waa tha.t the limb
and young Devine came to the ground, and,
alighting upon his head and shoulders, sus
tained injuries which culminated in his
death on the following morning. When
picked up by the bystanders he was fouud
to be insensible, with blood issuing from
his mout h ami nose, ai.d in this condition he
was conveyed to his home, where he lingered
without recovering consciousness until an
early hour on Monday morning, as already
statcd. There seems to tie a strange fatality
attending Mr. Deviuu's family, one of his
older sons having met with a violent death
last May a year in consequence of the run
ning away of a team he was driving, ns
noticed by us at. the time. Another son had
an arm brokun and one of the daughters, wc
believe, is afflicted with deafness. Air.
Devine, who is a hard-working, inoffensive
mechanic, has, in common with his bereaved
family, the sympathies of all feeling hearts.
Always Pure and High Toned.9
This is the volunteer endorsement of the
Cltrirtian Advocate on the "Peoples Month
ly" of Pittsburgh, adding "it will do good
w uerever cireniatea. v e nojie It will raji
idly take the place of the trashy Eastern na-
. rwr , .
I?ra. Ainu universally popular illustrated
paper for the home is same size and apjiear
ance of Harper's Weekly ; is bright and at
tractive with reading and illustrations for
the family, and is liked wherever introduc
ed. Its "Household" and "Boys and Girls"
departments full of value and interest. Only
One Dollar and a Half a year, or trial for
three months for Twenty-Five Cents, which
is lent than cost. Iietter still double the price
of the paper given away in Chromes and En
gravings. Lire agent wanted in every lotxtlitt.
Address, "People's Monthly," Pittsburg, Pa.
A Sweet Thought. "Oh! for a thous
and tounges!" as the boy said when he
crawled into a sugar hogshead ; and "Oh ;
for a thousand dollars !" or more to buy all
the heart could crave, is what any one might
say who visjt the elegant chick, watch,
jewelry, fancy goods, book, stationery and
general variety store of C, T. Huberts, for
surely there is all there of these several
classes of goods that niau could desire or
woman envy. And what's more of it, Cham,
sells as cheap as any man in the businobe.
The leaves are loosening from the trees,
and gently to the ground "are falli
I-ople wise who Imrgains seek at Huntley's
store are calling ; tor th re Ihey rind at low
est rates, Moves and pipes, and also grates,
Usides groceries fresh, the verv best, and
hardware, Too, and all The rest of things that
Huntley keeps in great array ai:d sells to all
wjho call that way at prices which none can
e it excel for cheapness, no matter where
they dwell.
Thk.Ue is great diversity of opinion among
voters on the subject of politics, but there is
none whatever among those who have had
an opportunity to test the :ulmiralle quali
ties of the excellent Hour kept for sale bv E.
J. Mills, at his flour and feed depot. High !
street, near the Diamond. All unite in ex- !
pressing their entire satisfaction with the
quality of Mills' rl.ur. feed, groi'i-ries. etc.
as well as with prices charged for the same.
See that lady? Yes. Well, mark her ;
she has bought a bill from Barker Vallie
S. of course we mean, whose stock is fine as
e'er was seen, and prices low as now prevail
on mountain top or in verdant vale. Is she
hajpy? Well, 1 ween, she feels as if she
ne'er had seen a lictter chance for bargains
rare or goods that w ill at all compare with
those w hi h Vallie's shelves doth Itcar none
cheaper, better, anywhere.
It A LEY for the ritrht. rallv in vour miirht.
rally day and night, rally just for spite, rally i
for the fight against high prices at Myers I
& Lloyd's cheap cash store, where summer:
goKU are now lieiiij sold at wonderful low 1
prh-es in order to close out the stock and j
make room for a splendi d invoice of fall and I
winter go wis of all kinds which are shortly
to be purchased, irally soon rally oftvu. " !
WmRT mid wn1 tiioiitrh rou journey nlonr.
bearing a burden no other mav Fhnro, lift up
your heart you list to this onu am Join In
the chorus, 'tis "Never Despair '"never rtett-
1 T. I VA wi i.V i V. ,,,,ur. yinlrT !
... ...... v-.i.av. .'tii'i lit till t.- Ill lt nilHHIH j
for irivinir etish bir$rsiliis r that verv kind ; and I
that Is his mood, for never a frown, butalwnvs !
a smile, each new coiner greet i. at his cheap ;
ensh store. Johnttuwn, corner Main and Flank- '
II n it reel t. ,
Pi.ATKn Oi T.-Tdiir summer clothinsr is of
course by this time played out. soiled, worn, out
of shape and out or enson, mid snvhow you
need a new suit, as Tall is now with us. All
which leds us to saytthnt S. .1. Hess & Co.. fink
Hull. 241 Main street, Johnstown, are the very
men to accomodate yon with any and ail arti
cles In the wny of wearlnir apparel, fit to adorn
a prince or bedeck a pendant. Prices very low
and sat iaf action guaranteed.;
I.m is made of smallest frairments shade
and sunshine, work and pbiv-so we may, with
jrreatest profit, learn a little every day. An
other thlnr thHt mar bo dona with' T i f! t
sod entire satisfaction by our masculine fi lends i
i- the purchase or rcHilrmadecloililtifr from that t of cheap clothiers. Jas. .1. Murphv. Star :
Hall. 109 Clinton street. Johnstown. Murphv I
has a stnek tlialtno ricHler cuii excel ami prices
that uone can undersell. i
Tnsehllly atmosphere now preTnll!ii)r nmire I
ua that the "winter of our discontent" wil! I
soon be upon us with all Its rifrors. and as it I
will ere Ion bo in order to don heavier cloth- I
Inir, it may not be a miss to remind our renders
that Harry Mayer, Johnstown's popular votinuH
clothier. Is the man smonjr men to cons'ult in j
such einerireiieies. His present lartrp and ele- I
nt stock Is belnar fold cheaper than ever.
More In Opera House. j
BRADLEY. Died, near Summit ville. Cam- I
bria county, on Tuesday. Sept. 10th, from the
effects of injuries received bv the explowion of
a lamp, Mahv, oldest daughter of Michael and i
unoijeT nraaiey, aired 14 years.
She budded with us. like Spring's early flower.
But soon was transplanted to happier bowers:
And there, through a Missful eternitj's hours.
She will bloom In perennial beautv. M.
JOHN A. ULAIK, Assignee of Jacob I.itheh.
n the Court of I 'ouuuon Pleus of Cambria
County.-Sept. 10. 187;, First Account of John
A. Blair, Assignee of Jacoh ia.'TBKn. filed.
And now, Kept. 11. 172, the Prot honotary is
directed to give notice of l he fllinjr of said "ac
count, as required by the Act of Assembly.
J. K. HITS, Prothouotnrv.
Prothonotnry's Office, Kbeushuiff. fcept. hi. l't72.
nat i?risTitA-r4it-N mi i u k.
Letters of Ailminit ration on the Ksiitle of
vrillism Cole, late of Gullitzin town-h'p. rtee'il,
haviuir been irraiiteri to the unilerriffrne.l I'T the
Itev Inter of Camtirin. county, notice is h"rel.v
riven to all persons hucliiir dnim HtrnniM xui.1
estate to present them properly nut hontic.ited
for settlement, and those indeliiert to the sittne
are requested to make puvinftit without "1elay.
SAMUKL CitAlCi, AdmlniMnttor.
Oallitzin, Sept. 20, 1872.-61.
coLLixsrioiiNsfox & Yu,
"TILL receive money on fleposit. .liKootmt
it oollftct notes, and nttemi to all the
uuiium. usually o'ine iit iiittiKers. GEO. C. IC. ZAHM. Cashh r. j
Music Teacher,
AND 8. I. 3c, n. W. SMITH'S (Boston)
America n OI? Ow-ArS"
('mkrls lfne. Ektnulinrfc. Ii.
Patrick Scott, 1
vs. I
MAitTliwiH,,mil""i Fleas of Cambria
alVtn I County,
Mart Scott. J
And now, to wit: Sopt. 9. J87S, on motion of
John P. Linton, Esq., C. V. Iiasly appointed
Couitniesiouer to tnke te-timotir.
J. K. HUE, Priicionofiri.
Notice Is hereby sri ren thut I will attn.l tn
the duties of said appoint inent. at the oflice of
John P. Linton, Ep, in the bO'-ouirh of Jotius
town.O'i Friday, t!io 11th Jay of October nxt, at
1 o'elojk P. s., when and where all persoiis In
terested may uttend if t hey see pioper.
W. EASLV, Cotuuiissioner,
Johnstown, Sept. IS, S71.-4t.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Cambria county, there will he exposed to
Public Sule, at the late residence of Honiinick
MeUride, deceaned. on S ATI Kill V. October ."ith,
1S72, at ' o'clock, p. m.. tho follow in described
Heal Estate of which Domiuick MeUride died
seized, to wil ;
A. riECE or 1'AIZCEL.of LAX1
situate in the township of Carroll, in the coun
ty atoresatd. adjoining lands of II. Ifoppel. Jas.
. l.uckett, and othors. containing .trrn,
more or lee. about 0 Acres cleared and hnrintr
thereon ereet-etl a ono-aud-half story Loy IIodis
ani a Lnir btabl.
Terms or S ai.k. Oue-thirtl to be paid oncon
flrtnation of the sale aud the balance In two
equal annual payments, with interest, to he se
cured hy the moi ts"nire and judgment bonds of
tne purchaser. J. A. KEXNKDV, Adm r.
Sept. ail, l72.-3t.
l"Also, at same time and plnec. will he pohl
Horses, Cattle, She-p, Hogs, Wheat, Oats, Coin,
Karmiuf Implements. Ac.
liei'iir' Saless.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Cewi. Kriton. is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Cambria county, ami to mo directed, there will
be exposed to Public Sale, nf the Court Houee
in Krienst.unr, on Tuesday, the lotU day of Octo
ber axt, at f o'clock, p. M., tuo followiuif Iteal
Ef late, to wit :
All the riht, title and interest of Michael
Doyle, of. iu and to a lot of croiiiid nitunte in
the village of Gallltzin, Cambria county, front-J
lnir on a street and extenuuiif nacs to a street,
adjoining- lot of C. I). Bradley on the north and
a street on the south, having- thereon erected a
twolstory plank house, now in theloccupancy
of Michael Doyle." Taken In execution aud to
be sold at the suit of John E. Storm.
Ai-So, all the ritrht. title and interest of Jos.
Renzel, of. In and to a lot of ir round situate in
(Jarroll towusnip, Cainbriu county, fronting on
tho Ebetikburjf and Carrolltowu road, an joining
land of Andrew 8tritt matter aud Elizabeth
Wenkland, having thereon creeled a one-and-a-half
story plank house, now iu theoccupancv
of Joseph Denzel. Taken iu eiccutioo and to
be sold at the suit of Albiu Os.val.l.
Also, all the ri-ht. title and iKtere:! of S. F.
George and Lihbie (ieorife, of, iu and to two hits
of ground silutito in Cuesr prinrs born", Cam
bria county, froiitniir on Columbia strest aud
extcndlnif bsek to a street, uajoiniuif lots of
Silas A. MeGoucli and Ellen McGmiti, htiving:
thereon erected a two story plank house nnh a
frame burn, now in the occupancy of Harrison
Miller. Taken inSeieoution and to be sold at
tne suit of Simon Wcakland.
W. . HON ACKER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebcusbuijf, Sept. 17, 1SS.
Pennsjlvania Military Academy,
At Chester, Dt lawnre County, l'a. (For H, si
Uent Cnuet nnly.l The eleventh timiind session
commence Vt'tnlnesdav. Sept. 4. Tlioronyh in
siruetion tn Civil Kinrineei nnr. the Mat denial i-
i V.'4' .Jkral SeieneeF. '1 he CIhssk-s anl
English is inipaite.1 l,v We.-t Point jrrMduntcs
t and other competent professors, circular
! may beobtHim-ii of
Coi THFJl. TIVATT. Prist. P. M. A.
On Phl!n. Halt. Central K. H.. K.-nnet t Square.
( hesterCo., otrcr.-ill t he iinlnct no ms thiit
........ . .. 1........ :
"mijjIi Kiijrlish Kiueati.n,t Ul ei'scIIMl ear.
ex trim except for int,ti uction in Wax. Music.
" noun- ot coiiiieerioii won tlior-
t:l '' . .. .. .."? "'"""n uia-uiK
r.!Tern leaeliers. iriMrtun t.w .,) i. v.
Kntfliiml schools, have lecn em.o, il for m v
eral years. Inquire of EVAN T. SWAYNE.
Afd.IE W. SV AVXE, Principals.
B it i r. s -r w x ( r.j7 i km aY.TT o i ..
I.K4.E 'riiorouh iiiHtructiou. Ucultlifiil
foul beautiful locution, line of the iuwt care
full' comlucted and lest sustuiiied iustiiuiioiis
In the SlHtc. For terms, etc., addrct Itev.
JtlHN H. UKAKELKV.l'li, 1).
D V E II T I S I N 0
for TO ir lueli nrr Month.
we will incoit hii ailvertiseinent in I iiii-
4'litM Pnprw In Penn. last s-iit on Mpp!i(-:i-tlon
to JF.O I. ltoni:i.I. .V .. Ad-vertfKiiiK-
Aj(riiu, 41 1'nrlt How. . V,
AlM-nls Wtmleit l .ir our Cam n.uyn i,,ol. Srll t
Siiflit. rj 1IM) per rent, profit. Xmr islliciwiv.
Send at once for lesTiiiveCireu:Hrsunr Price
Lists of our Fine Steel F.nirrn i intfs of nil the
('Hinlhiates. CHinpiii-j-ii ItiouTiiphics.Chnrtrt. I'l o-toirrah-,
lat)fes. Pins, FIsrs, and cxerythiiuf
siiiu-d ti the times. Ten liolhn ihtiLiv eaiiv
uinde. Full sauiplirspeiit firi:t. Add.-i-ss Moom:
"oonsfKKD, 37 Park li...v. New York.
Agents Wa.ntko for 'IHiulierlin"s Grrul
4Miiinistit ItooU, The
A Xtivtlty iii Political aul 1'npular Literature.
A G k Apnic History of the Republican and i iem
ocratie Parties; n racy sketch of the so-culleil
l,lbcral Republican Party; an itmidc nYirof the
Cincinnati Convention. The minor ticket-; or
iae siotrs of the enmpniirn. The finest Jllus-
t I'll led Hook Published. A Book wanted bv
every A merican citizen. To secure territory at
u. To secure territory n't
t. rxio.N pi busiiim;
once. Hondo I foronttlt
CO., Chicajro.1 ll.,,Phih
Political Goods
of nil kfnrfa.
TORCHES. ISA DG I'l. l'Xiniil.MS,ic.
JOSKPH It. I'l UilV.
3'2 i rl 3 1 Maldu I.nw.
Established JS4:. y. TURK.
1 - a w . n . w . - si"
A SUHE Cl'UE for thisdistrcssinir complaint
Is now made known In a Treatise (of x oct.ivo
paireri) on Foreljrn and Native lierhal l't-epnrn-tions.
puldished hy Dr. O. PnKt.Ps Bhow.n. The
prescription was diseoveriMl hy him in such a
rrovldentiul manner tint he csoinot eoufeien
iously refuse to make it known. Hisit has cured
everybody who has used it for Kit-, never htiv
inir failed in a single -ate. Th intrredicnts may
he opened friun itnv ilruva-ist. A copy sent
free to all applicants hy mail. Address Iir. O. Drown. 21 Oraud it., JersevCitr, X. J.
Contain the latest improved instructions for
mixltiir Ilrandie. Whiskeys, ntiius. Gins, llit
tTrt, V ancy Cotdials, Vruit Syrups, nay Ituni.
Ac.. Ac. No one enaed in the Liipmr Busi
ness can afford to do without thorn. Asiv for
them and examine them nt the book- tot cs. Ii. -It
vered hv inail.oti rn-eipt of ' A sen k.vii. n
St Mll.l em. N.W.cor.3diuidCallo"whill Sts. jFliil
adelphla. I'a. 1 ndex and sample shectssent free.
TVotlilna; like 11 in medicine. A linpirr to
the palate, a painless evactiant. a iroi t lo -X intti
Innt te the circulation, a perspiratory prt-pa ra
tion, an anti-bilious medicine, a t-tonutclitc, a
diuretic and an admiral le ircnetai aiteratit -.
Such are the acknowledged and dHtly proven
properties of Takiiant's EFrtitvESiKNT Ski.t-
ZhH APEKir.itT.
T the cheapest and best article in tht market for
Blncln; ( loihcs. The uenuine has both Harlow V
and W lltbertrer's name on the label. and is put
up at Wiltberjrer's llrujf Store, No. rr.J N'orfh
SwondSt Philadelphia. D.S. Wl LTMEKU Elt,
Proprietor. For sale b3 Drtitfyistsnnd G rocers.
For any case of Mind,
UleediiiK', ltchfnjc of
Clcerated Tiles t liat)r
May' I'itrlieiHctlu fails
tocure. It Is prepared
ormcMly i , ui,. the
Stild by all JruKK-sts.
Piles, and nothiuar else.
Price. $1.00.
AiKXTS Wnntrtl.-Atfents make more inon
ey at work for us than anything else. Husi
ness lijrht and permanent. Particulars free.
O. Stinsox A Co., frte Aft iuM(.heis, Port
land, Maine.
rmroR'N ti k..
E. .1. Mills. V. S.
llarker, li.
Itarkrr. li. R. Thomas. E. Roberts A- Son.
Michael J . Urawley. 11. A. M ( ov. p. (i. y, i- I
liams. J. P., and A. A. H.trker A Son. j
t. i ouiiiTi caiiaii, i.aruiMiec oi 1 auuock
a lid Hobert Ad anis. la the. Cott o i .Viiifti. n
PUanof Camhria Count u. A"-. 74. Srftrmhtr Term.
1&71. C. V.-Attachment Exit rmix.
And now. 4th of September, 172. .1 udirmcnt
against ;arnishee. William Cnllmi, anumrit
adinjtted by him to be due and owing in his an
swer tiled. Same day, Gko. W. Oatman, Vj..
is appointed Auditor to distribute the fund
aiuony the attaching creditors entitled to the
same, and make report thereof to the Court at
the Argument Court. Bv the CoritT.
iTII.l, ATTEND TO THE DI TIKS of the above
appointment, at my office in Eoensluit ir. Pa.,
on Thuntrtau. M tlr r 3.1. 1S72. at i o'clock, p. m..
when and where all parties interested must at
tend or be debarred from eotninir in on tsaid
l"U c OEO- OATMAN, Auditor,
hbctisburfr, Sept. Vi, l.H;2.-:n.
, A FARM contuinlitir AH Acre, more or
less, or wnien l Acrcsaru clear,
situated in Monster twp.. Cam
bria county, within two miles or
Cresson anil about the same dis
tance from Iirelto. wbl he sold
very cheap and ou asv terms. A
comfortable Dwelling House und!a if nod Stable
are a mono: the improvements. Thore is also an ;
eiceli.ut orchard ou the premises and a never- t
faiiinjf aprintc convenient to the house. Any j
person wishing to purchase can call on meat i
Tuunel Hill, Gallltzin, or aidrt-ss i
July lS.-tf. Gallitzln, Cambria Co.. Pa.
r',HE first and partial account of H.Kinkead. '
i Es., Assiirnee of John J. Glass, having I
ra'en niea in tne uinri or ininimm 1 leas of
Caoibria county the 16th July, 172:
On tho 11th September, 1872. the Court order
and direct that the Prothonotary shall ive no- :
tice of the tllinjr of this account, dut imr the e-
riKi ot inree coiiscctinvn we;ks. in the t atn
bria Herald" and the "Cambria Freeman," an4
that tho same shall beallowed on the lath Octo
ber, 1S72, unless cause be shown wltv such ac
count should not be allowed. liy tlie Court.
From the Record.
Sept. hl.-3t. J. K. HITE, l'rotlionntaru.
4 FA RM or SIX TV ACRES, located in lilack- !
j V lieu township, Camtirla Co.,
adjoining lands of Isaac Wts-siu-cr.
Rich'd Morrau, and oth
ers, about 4t) Acres of which arr
clcaretl. with a larire two stort
1 LANK HOOK, LO(i IJARN, Ac, thereon
erected the balance well tiuibercd. Will he
sold ut a hursain. For further part icuhiia iu
liiiro on the pruaiises. or address
Sept. 13.-3in. EucubburK I'. O.
9 UIR.SJ -KNTtepB, j
Principal Office 101 W. Fifth St.. Cincinnati O
TO l',R IU.-THI Jill Ell IN
aniii si:.m-Axi Ai.
Cssterrise I
To bo ilmwn Moti"1T. Oct. Itli. IsTJ.
Ono Crand Capital Prize cf
$ai4 ooo i ;i.i:
Five Prizes $1,000i
Five Prizes $500 f
I en Prizes $100 i hJ$
Tiro "iimfc'i, rin t,i,;r ,i,,,t '.J.itrlf.l (.t u it ;
Sf'trrOf'ito.f. ri Hartirt; k'il)i(!.:ll.
Ttro llvrrrx nn.f Jltiv)ie,,i ilh ,S i.'n-r-...
lint f-m. wvfffi nuH.
Tr-n; itosc wood PIsiioh worth f.VMlrarh.
'leu Kniuiiy . iny Mmliiiu. t on n t no each.
1500 Unlit ami Silver l.rrrr lluutlr.u M,trr.,,
-ifr friit -!(l fi. (."Jifl ii
f.adles" Oold 1 . ttne and ienfs C.old Vet
tlisins. Sollfl and I oiihlc-Pliited Sliver Table
and Tensivoons, Phot off rapii Albums, Jrnelrv,
Ac, Ac, Ac.
Wi:lt tiiLsr 51f I. in.'hR:. - - ZUlr.i Lisl ei to r.n,ono.
AUF.XT U .M i:i) to Sell Tickets, lo
wlimii l.llirrnl I'rrmlnnitulll le;jloii. Tickfth t : Six TH la:
Tickets 3i; 'I'wrMV-rivF. Ticar-rs 4i.
Circulars containing- a full list of prizes, a de
scription of the mniiner of drnwirff. snd other
information in reference to the l;i-l ril:ni.n,
will lx'crit to any one ordering them. All let
tors must be addressed to
nrrii'i:, I.. 1. S I " r. Itox si.
101 It'. :!h St.. Cim lN.n i. (.
i r j y yy rw r
: ( I It I 1 f U 7 A
! v - v- V JV. J i A I 1 j. J s
Store on South Side of Main Street,
i:bcnjbiii g, Vn.
Mannluetu i-o r
Deulcr In
Kl.Mi.l 1)K-
llO ami Il Ilntoji sitreel,
J OllXSTO M"A", I'A.
Mnreaus, Cane Chairs.
Hetlsl eails, W....d Scat Chairs,
Withstands, Kitchen Furniture,
Sidi-hoHids. Hfl Ioiin-ct;,
Chamber Sets, Matlressi-M,
I'sirlor Sei, Ti'te-u-Tctes., Extension Tables,
Hook Casi-s, liiniiitf T'ibh s,
I.OItllkie, (
Ac, A.C., c, Ac, A-c, Ac.. Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac
made to order in excellent St; e and at low
prices. t abinet and hnirtua Iters' materials oi
till kinns for stile. Furniture delivered at imj
point in .lohuntovi n or at Ktiilroad Station free
of extra chsirjro. WM. p. PAT'i'O.N.
Johnstown, tict. IX 1870.-tf.
j SA.iii'LK stki:i:t,
i Near Union School House. Ebensburg.
THE snbscrllw r desires to cnll the attention
. d' the citizens of Cambria and itdj.iitutitr
counties to the fact that he bus now in success
ful operation in EticiisliurtraShoprorthciuHii
; u fact u re Hiid repair of
Sprint; Heiw. Slclgltn,
i And all ittlter frrn'i"ii . tl ,rk iu that liar.
Employlntr none btit skill (it I workmen anil
I usinir only the best niateiials. I feci eonOdeu;
! I can jrivc entire satisfaction in work, styles
j and prices.
I'latforin work done nt short notlec. itcpair-
injror till kind attended tout rcasoinihlu ralt.
I A llhieksmith Shop in einiiH-lion M itli Man-
uiaciory. t 1 1 n1 we specimens of work.
It. -'.-If. I). M. cue IE.
PERSON8 irolnir to Europe, or those ending
f o r t h 1 r . .
friends tn the O.I - "1
Cuuntrtl oiufht to their ticket
from M. P. Mea
o n Bit, Ajrent for
the c e I e h r a ed sTSTSPf'
.ntlnl Line Satii:
... r,,rHnirrn tn ami irom t.uropc. linn Line
Is remarkahic for com Tort, speed and safety
Drafts for il and upwHi-ds sold at the lowest
current rntes. For further particular i-all at
MlAfiiiEK's boos. Stohk, IS8 rrar-klin street,
Johnstown. Pa. IJune , l72.-tf.l
I k u a sun c;
LIA VING introduced new inai hinery into our
oolcu F.ictory, we are now prepared to
manufacture on short notice. 'I,( )THS. CASSI
NEI'S. REANKETS, KI.AXXEW of all styles
S I"! ICK 1 NO V A UN S. Ac, A o.
Wool taken in exchange for rools or
worked on shares. Market price paid for wool.
T. M. JuXt:s d- 'uN'.
Eliensbtiri,. Feb. 2. 1S72.-H.
& Di:i.MAKLNci.
-LI I. The Httent inn nf thu lnHiivi
,f Khens-
biir(f and vicinit v is directed to the fact that
MRS. U. E. JONES has just received an invoice
ot new and fashionable Millinery Goods, at her
rooms, in the East Ward, Ehetisl.tirtr. Wedding
Honncts. Hats. etc.. a specialty. HressmakitiK
done. The patronage of the public is rescct
fuilv solicited. fjunebly.J
pOAM COAL.'.' The subscriber is
now prepared to furnish, in larjre or small
ouaniitixs, nil finalities of A N Til RACITK and
1.1 1 bJM J.N'Oi'S COAL, at lowest market rules.
Coal deli vcrifl prompt !y a nil f tee ot charge for
hauling m any jioint in Et-iisl.urir or vii-iniiy.
i irdcrs bdt;t the Zahm Nr. ufc will rcctyvediie
alttiition. DANlEi. il. riM.
: SI I
I m UUUllUilUi.U
S M -
w fi. P O
r-H O
: i Q
Ho r-1
rso ran Ukr tlies Itlttri-a cn.t.l-
in- ft uirccu.Mis. and ,m url. .1
l.icir Iwmim re .t dclrorKtt ly pisni ..r ..lltr
fi.c.ii.. and llie vital orii a;,,eJ bcrond llie pumt
ot itMir.
Iyspepsta or Iixllerst ion. ttrs.l-.rlio.Pon
in the SlionUi. r-.. l". nV;h, I ilim.-? ,.f ili l ,rn". I )i
jincH, Kru.'T ci.n-4 il Oir Slntcli, T,,Ni .
in the Mimili. batons Auack. !'.i!it.iini .m il,
He.tit. lurl.iiiuii.iti..ii nf the l.ini-j. Pain in lie
tt the Ki.1ncs .:iiil .1 luimiicd ilier p.iintiil tiii.uii,
art the iilT--i in;; ot lyve;i4. In theve 4 f iij'-.i
it Ins m rqiia!, and one Ivntie wi"1 j'roxe leiirr ju ir
aiilr of it nirrn-. A lcii(;tliv a.iverli.'icturiit.
Fur Fem.ilo t'inil:iitt , in ;'ui ; h o .1,
marrit-il or 511. -4!.-, at llie l.iu of w.mi.ivli.N 1. in- tl.
t'irn tt" hie. llirse Tonic Hitter cliUy &u tlct:i.ii-il .1 1
intlticiice tliut ji nt.irl.Nl improvement ii soon iice;
tihle. l'nr Iiiflammstorr siiifl C'hmiilr Itbfn
mnlisiit and tnit. Kili.Mis, Kmiikul ai.'l
iiittrni Keverr;. ljiee of the" l!i..wi, l.iver. Kiinev4
and Pladder. these llMtrr h:.-e ii' r-jti-il. Sih;Ii Oi .
else are canned b Viti. ned IILmmI, h.cli is peer!!y
pr.N"hiccl bv derancement fl" the I)i,-stve llrinfi
Tliry nrt n (rattle Pri;atiie ms writ
1 Tonlr, Hssessin also the ecnhar merit i jtiin
a a (Mm-i-rttil aent in relieving C.nt;cstioii or
n.itio ..I the l.iver ami Visceral, and in R.lh'it-i
1 israr.
For Skin niw, Frntiion. Tetter. Salt
Khenm, P.ioithes, Si. Pimplev Pnstn es. lioii. Cat
bnncles, kin -T..riii-. Sca'ul-1 lead. Sore K.rv-Mix-la.
Iti h, Siiins, 1 i.-.',,Hi ( tl,e SVin.
otid Uisra--e i.f the SVin, -f whatever n.iie or ntnre,
are 'ilt-r.illv hi lip and tariu-,1 out tf the Eysietu i.i a
h.rt time lv the use i.f these Hitters
Urnlrful Tlionaandx pro.iaim Vininm I'it
tfki the ino-t ioiulcrtul lnvij;ratit ever sustained
the sinking sv.-lrm.
J WAI.KKK. ProoV. H.H.nrDOXM.IltCO.,
UruxKists and Gen. Ats.. Sin lrjnuu. Cat..
and cor. ot H'.i hiiH;:on auti t , New York.
172 & 174 Federal St.
tars- jjtL nf: jzsl. 'jss
j A1
i W. WM I.
Ladies' Suits, from $2.50 to $!0.00
Hernanis, from 10 to 50
Grenadines, from - 12 to 50
Real Wash Poplins 12 i to 20
Suitings, from 12 to 25
50 Different Styles cf
Iilost ReruarkaMs Barraius.
1!ch and Boys' Wear,
Wholesale and Eetail.
Tne M;oit i7n f hTllexg eii
rP.YL()R ct CO.. of Altoona, nr fast
jralninir hii enviable reputation ns philan
thropists by iiitroducitiK anuniK' the hid ics tho
the only Washing Machine in the maiket that
will do Its work perfectly on all kinds of cloth
ing without the aid or a ro titling tioard.
It washes without ruliiiiux, r . i 1 1 1 i tr or presn
injr the clothes in any way, and hence without
any weat injf of the fabric.
It will wash anything, from the fluit lace to
the heaviest beti-quilt.
It vvill iu the si, tuo work in n shorter timeand
with less lahor than ony other .Machine made.
Any p. i son lcsiriuir a Washinjr Machine can
haven Champion Washcr'ttikt. li to their n-si-b
lie and tested, when, if not sntisretorv, it
will lie taken away without cost to thetu.
Messrs. Taylor & Co. Urut; Vour Ameri
can Champion Washer has be. n in u- at mv
hoti-l lonjj cm.iich to con viuce us thai it is all,
it claims to he. It save two-thirds of tho lahor
and time and does the work as well as it cm, I
done hy hand. Wo would n..t he n Ith. m t it for
double its cost. IHKNUV Fosteh.
Ebensburjf. March 20, "... Cumbria Ho use.
C1! Ma " "fact u red and sold bv Ta Yi.on A-Co.
HOG twelfth street, AltiHina. and forslo
V. I.l-ri ltlNOEU.
March Zi. lS-12.-T,m.
Main M., Klieusburir.
DR. KH. HOFFMAN, jrtnduateor Hcntal Si
frery, npcci f uil.v informs the,? tli
he has permanently located in EHENSIU'lti;,
where lie mav he found evt-rv dav of the week.
Ila. IIofi'Van, after ha vina had ample prac
tice for the space of seven years, docs not hesi
tate in atltroiiiijf that be can (five perfect satis
faction in every case relai ing to tho profession.
All lirandn-sof Mechanical anC StirjrioMl l)en
t.stry carefully and scicn'.itica'.lv pirformed.
rart:cu!nr uttetition kiwu ti t)iltiir d.-cuvcd
teerh. Also, teeth extracted without pain. For
further information coiici-rniiiir prices, etc.,
call at his odice ou Hiih street, t.pposite tho
Cambria Il-use, where may bee.auiined satu
plcs of his work, tr.iii ;ititf ttft'v l,r rr,i I., he
ai inrciateit. Imay i"i.-tf.J
UN I IS Til Y. Tim undcrsigucJ, :t
Jk-V graduate
. . C . 1 . 1 1 ..
oi me i ..mi- -osiii-..
more Coi'ee
ol Dental 8ur
trery, respect
fully offers ht-
ervices to the
citizeiis ol t'li-
enslitir: and vlc'tiity. hich place Le will visit
on the KOt'sni Momv of each tuuiiih, lo te
matti one week.
Aus: 13. SAVI. BKLFOUD D. D. S.
1 -jKNTlSTiiY CH.rie.!
in nil its
t into., at their IiF.NTAL UdDMS,
- lil.liieiies ov lilt. K V
.no. ix. nsiitiipron si reel, Johtitiili'1
town Ha., iu John 1 . lUab's btiild-sTrftV'r
tnf. 1 hey t.i:t W . i!- Vci v l.ct and
.htnrst 1 irril-I, r.t L 'l KKTI in Johnstown.
Retiuufiilani, t'OMpi.RTKSKTKat from lotoI.V
lceth KXTH.vtTKD and llU.lii fri-e of charire,
except tor materials uscM. Notice tho follow
ing certificate: This is to ccrtir v that I, tho un
ilersurncd, linx c ; !.. to the ahove Dr. Wehtz
A lino, a ro.un in toy resid nee on Washitigtou
street for a term of ijt years.
John L. Raah
.lolinstown. June 14, ls;2. jul.2H.-Sui-l
B J. LLOVJ), siu-cf.r hi li. S.
- Dcnx, Dealer in Iiruirs, Medicines. Per
fumeries, C i ith i , Toli-ci. Not mils. ,-o
; Store on Maui strtn-t. .
l i'Ot-itc the '.!. ity.-a
.April li, lc(j':. i
House, Ebciicbui, 1'u.