ImLc Tahoc r7Ji7 1'hi'osopliy. (some twelve or fourteen persoos have been ! drowned in Lake Tallin; within the past t-n i year; none of the bodies ha ve ever been re- j covered. Sue rstition, ever read y to weave a FM"itiin'iit from nat lire's laws, asserted that ' there was .1 doubtful mystery iu the uon-n -r every of tlie drowned ;that, in fa t. a mon- . Her liail its abode in this fresh-v ;Wer sen, and that the Ixxlies passed into its apa- ions maw. The trus cxjibuai of this; inytlery never has been given. The non-tip- ; p.-arance of tin; bodies is due to t lure i a ises. ; Tho rt:t is, the gr at pi-rity of tin- atr n;;l its ( r.s (jii nt lack oi bitoyr.ney. IWvn- ; j'!g is vcrv ea.--y in ii for this reason, though '. ha vi' not, vl'oie swimming in it, foinnl any , jihh'p tha. i ordinary ilntnelty in susl timing i invelf. TJii- : i onii ami main i is due ; to the preat coldness of the water. I'vi n at ihis, the wain si siasoii, tlip surface w ater ; i s as cohl us tin: drinker desires it to he, hut il is a i m t hi cerapaivd w i t h its t mpera t ure , : t the di l'!h of 10o or "Jon t'i:i t. It is as cold i there a the nret ic lu-a t o an iceberg. Win n :i sinks in the kike to the i! nth re- ; j ESTA2LISH23 ussam i&&B l TRIUBIPB OF THE TRL ,i RORlCllAUiLlBl-E IMillilli lieilll'Ol., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, -OF 4 44-? i nireil it is froen stiff. our?", preserves it, so tl AND H'OIi 1Y and di;au:i: tx r3 J- The pro. rss, ot i ::if tl.- -is V. l:i h ! originates from decay in other water is pre- . vented, ami dlsti-ns'on in ' k.-.l. The body is thus h pt in a state of "renter t eeilie ; e;ra ity than the vat r in whieh it is -ns- : pendeil, ami tlierehy pie ei ii ii fi-'.m ri-.ii!jt ' i to the surface. The thir l ei'se lies in t':.' '. preat i:-es: n re of lie- rmre wali-rmi anything vhieii is fiiiili to a preMt depth in it. Corks J'ia. ed on ih-ep si :!-nvis ;n-e press, d d v!i in ; Jt veefc to l.alt tr.eir size; :i n t one of tie i rhlist n-si.h nfs of t!ie lake I'Nj.if.-.-r. t'...- ', I- liif that, ! the time a maiTs i.i ov lias ; l.-eii suspended for a week at a depth of about Unit feet (it is not likely that it ever ; l i'aehes the e:iveri:o'.is and almost fath. nih s j bottom (if the lake) .he i oinpleSs'.on ; f the -svafer l;as r. ;:.: ed its si"" to thai of a j ilild's. Doubtless tile idea of Jlnei . '11 lit .', ! nispeiisiou iii sit. h a ''world of wno-r" is ' 3ior a jdeasant one to cnntem pkde, but to be pressed int..) a solid mass, and sm) in a liipdil eoilin of i. e t'-inj.. raTure, is quite j as pleasant as interment ami mon'.iK rti in ; the prouml. Tliis semis to Ito the era of Ina:pe. tln' ji, may nc mmmt'ii vnciiier tiie lori'.-in"; IS a llOax. or nil ei.i:1ll:li inn IV. .in ..o... mld-bepluJosinher. IN.w a phih s.pln r j HOUSE-Fl"RMHI.K HOOIkS GEMii.iLLY. l oulil ci't.tnve in ui;c ttioilerate t'aia' r.t;-1,! ! to comjnise to many ridiculous stattim. uts is the mystery. Tin; lirst htatoini'tit tlint somp twelve or fimtccn persons lieen ihin mil in Lake Tahot; bodits have m.t been lecoveri d, may or may not be true. The j 'true ixplaiai::'n" is the curious part, j I'iist, -the sn at jitirity of the water ami j its consequent lack ot lusoj aney." This J owever the author i f this vondi rful pltil- ( soplm-rd di.srjuisit ion rout railiefs, himself, f Kt'comI, the orent rchlness i f the vater, j Mid the '"IVeiziii"; stiff, of the bodies a lew 1. mulled feet down." The idea tlmt there e uil.l be any such coldness in that water, r that any such effect could take jilace, is contrary to the sim lest faet in the mo- 't la nMnr-Tiir?iW.: Lu.'-' .l - ..."' Ii AH . S IlIlU- - -nKl" n&DWAY'S BEADY "OELiE? Cl'ItES THE WORST PAl.N.S In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR niter rcaJmethis :u!vi'i-t!scr:i!!it i-t d ai.y oe SOKFKR WITH 1.1N. EADWAFS KiADY KKI.IKF IS A CURE FOI? EVtltV I'AIN. It wa3 th- f.r.-t miii ! Tho Only l'lUn llemedy that iiwuuitly stops Uie roost ncnicsiii.): jaiu?. ullavs Jrirttinm-.i'.tiop.s, end cures C'oic'Uiti. of ti':o I.nnirh, Stomach, tiowela, or ctlicr ulauili or ormolu-, Ly "'''FUOil OXK TO TWENTY MINUTES, n critter how Ti.ilor.t it exrrnoiatine tl.e the J'.HKUMATiU. rU'il-riilJ.-n, li.tirm. Crippled, Auivou Itcuraltic, or prostrated wilu Jieaau tuay t.utr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF V. ILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF TIIF. KIUNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF Tilt ULADDEH INFLAMMATION K Til K HOVELS. CONT.KS'I TON OF TIE LUXCS EOnZ TilHOAT, IlKFii-FLT EREA'I HIN.i. I-Ai.l'i i'ATioN )! 'Hit. illiAIlT I-YSTERIC'S, C'UUL'I', 1IPH FifKltrA. CAiAlUvH.lNFLUEXZA. IICADACIIE, TOOTH AC UK. NKLKAI.CTA, KHEC.MATISM. COLT) CHILLS, AfiLK CUiLI.S. The aTlic-ilioii if th'J IJcnnv It flief to tlir part cr f nrts wd. re the piu r uilllcuitj- tiia wi:; aJlorU usa an l coi.ifnrt. Twenty drops in hr.lf .1 t'irrWor of u-atr wl!l In a fW womi-nti fire CliAMl'S, M'AsMS. Si Vli KI'OMACII. nEAl'.TKlT.N, SICK IIKAM.VHE, IMA'.KUKA, Ji SKNTKiiY, ('(IU.', WiiD li aIIK i;.,Vi.Lf, liti.lall INTEiiNAL FAINS. Traveler-. fIk.iiI.I a!wav carry a lnt1?e of Ta.IwnN Reody ICelipf Willi tiicm. A few drops i:i w..ur v 1:1 j.revttit McKn.-'Mi or pai'is fjoni cl.:in;-ii tjf uat.'r. Il is Leittr tkau French Eiaiiily or li'Uttrs a.-, a stimuUu.t. FETFI1 A13 A(JIT. FEVER A.l AijL'E circl for My c-i.ts. Thire U not ruiui'ilia! acnt in ties worM t!.:.t will cir Fcv. r a iJ Auf. anj ail Malarious. Kilious, Hcml. t. Tv !i I.!. Yellow, cliir I :.:!.'.! l.v ll.iim'AV'.i J'lLLS) !o q'.'U-ic at KADWAY'a I.EADi' l;iiLIi.F. T CARL A X J ), i II O M A S WFIoLESALF. PF.ALER IN A VCl Y tcucliir t -.n .. ..'i i .. u . ....v, oi i in: ii. s in 1 1 ,. I to US IVliiii (Jrr..., 1:. " UilliUJiilijO WLUI'Mi) Ii AHU lot John low ,es, 7 east of that ilace. i.mnn ...r, ..... i n.n iinnr i , . -. i WUUU ANU WILLUW WAtlt, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CASH CUSTOMERS! at tiic :i;rsti sj; HOl'SE-FllllMSIilAG STOIIE. T!ie untlersined respectrnlly irn'orms the ' cUizens or ibensburg and the iul lic yencr ) ally that lie has made a great reduction in ; prices to CAbll DUVEKS. My stock will i coustrt. in i!ai t.of Cookina. Parlor and Ural- , in iHoves, of the most poj.u'ar kinds ; Win- i Plj ; vare of every description, of my own man- ! XlUJ i uTaeture ; liardirare of all kind, bi:ch a i Locks. Sciews. Iutt Iliues, Table Ilinrres. j Shutter Hiiics, Ikilts, Iron and Nails, Win- ! (low Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, I FEED AND PrlOVISION, ' CarYin? Knives and Fork?, Meat Cutters j j Apple Paters Ten and Pocket Knives in 1323 Eleventh iunuo, ; great variety, Seitsors. Shears, Razors ami : strops axis, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring j Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altcona. ; ".laihines. Angers, Ohissels, Planes, (ajxii- pnsses, n.jtiares, files, Kasp, Anvils, tses, All sneh "ooiIh SpWc-a. Uiu-he. Vo d I renciies, i.ip, 1 anel and Cross-i, ut haws, 1 Chains i f all kinds. Shovels, Spades. .Scythes I iu... iiiulii, iv.iueji, torus, oietn l.eiir Child yrn in f e ii M' in- II iUT. SUGAR CHilEB MEATS. v,l : i,'ox, rroin, 1 hh i Vdlow Wiire.61.oe lilaekiiig ..i-d Station ery will heboid iiom in., ii it I -ic: to it's piuted priee li-ts. ni l all! in my line t i iuhiiJeietii.i , l..i ; i . :n..i e . Lit C'l.n.-ui .e.i 1 ots bu::h enrreet nricts To dealers 1 iicsnt ti i ml vaiituce ul saving Mum .-ill l:eit.'l .10. e ckw,, usi .-.teei. Mr.oe ; fIt;, hn from t. i5i c-nal eit-es ani 1.0 .'rav- .. . .1 . .. . ft eights in. 11 ngi eharjre. ii tlicv are not ro.iif.l to r..i l.'fulirs m:iv re?. e m-.'Jc. . : 1 . - 1 . 1 i .inn eigni, m e;ii,.,. , . wood. n, t : V'.OV. IOO Will' 1, jilny near the h .u-e t :ilter hr.elvlelien iev jt, ; i.iother mki d tie, m. :,, 1 horn St 1 1 around f. r I. lit Coulu let Im ; i iai:ul m i y h.ud. j as s.-iit to the viil ,.e ! the frail? i nr.! i 1 11 ri ii I out a':d went i., I !ii n. Every n;:.i . 1 1... ...1 " . . j ......... , ,i:,l 1 ); 1 should lind the,!.. ' liess for miles ai.-i;-,.!, . i dilieieiit 1 it et io;i. ! Pea is were 1 i.!e;t:.j j dlell might he'-. , ' il. -Mr. fli;.rle Jo;;, 1 imuiitahi had d; ( i hi. h e.-.-.i j d 1 , ?' :, einaiii to i-i,.,,,; ;Ji( ,., ill the (!.., wri::-; .... ! hand, ciiC'.ii!' J li'lt , lo;- she .-.i ,. i i i.r . bail in ;'iu d, :t t ul 1 11 fX PWCJ .m lljfi' ' I'lity conU per Lof.:e. Sold I y DiuicU. HEATING, PAIiLOH and COOKIE-1 liMy' HEALTH !BEfiUTY ! ! 1 .;, WNyiS - ,-"ifl ' "tiiS'& i STROxo and rt'RB r.irri r.Loon-ixrr.EA I TliY. fOITER Si SIIKET-IROA J IIOM i'TLY ATTKM)KD TO. JOHNSTOWN, PA. 1 ri firms fa i b f i 9 MVi ' w i 1 .. ! UNA jj!T i it. Iw .5 X U 1 FOR THE SEASON. A'T PRESS GOODS. iion of Avaie.i and eohi paitieks of vater. I Nos. 278, -80 and 282 "Washington St. there could he no freezing Vielow of deep i .:?er in a lake, unless it vote fcrst frozen nt the surface. Th.o fi-ee;:inji on at the hottoni i'f shallow nii!i:in; streams, is anotltertliinir. 1'esiiles, it is a pure assump tion; lor nothing whatever is known. ;ie--oiili.ijr to the pnair.l.Ie of the author, evn-i-ernitie; the drowned persons. Thud, '-the oreat p'ssm of the p.r. e '.valer." This is iliametrieaily opposite to the elaiin that wii:fj to the i-itiity of the water hoiiies ivouhl '"easily sink." The m 'essure, in thatv.ater. eoidd not ho materially differ ent from the .ress-nie in any fresh water lake. The paper closes with the profound opinion of "'one of the oldest residents of 1 he lake" d. mhtless a queer tih that the I hody of a, man at two hundred feet depth j would he eompivj-setl to the si.e of a child. Altogether it is a very childish production, ' vvhich is now e;oini the li'imds of the pa- ! 1 'is. rit(s!jnrjlt j'o. t. MAl.roltM.VTloN. A XnVKI. C!'. TN V,sh'inoto.n. The H'ashiet -vnf. 7, rn. !, say s : At six o"el ek Friday evi-nin elul.l was Ooin 111 South a.-li iiii;t m i v iiteh present most inteiolm fcauir.-; i slndv for the l.rot'i S..I011 'i'l... lieinl nod 1 1 1111k are will foi.ind and in j j eii'ei t apportion, ;inil the face is unu-ii- ! Ii v weil leclopeii iti nil i(s features, j i'rom Ihe lilit sliouhh r piojeets : stump about one-ihiid the natutaf lenirlli of the liunerus, hut the end of whu h the lleh :ind skin 1 i.-.;e so ;is to i:ie il the :ippear-tiia-e of a skilt'nily pei fn nie.i and suei ess ialiy htahd amj.iitat ion. The left arm, especially the forearm, i-s longer than usual. out well to the wrist. At that I point deformity ;jo;;.m apjiears. Thevri-t I i t. ds inv. aid. i.t.d, insiead of a iiatal. the j aim is split into two d aiid mis Hiapcn lir.eers of i.jn.d l. nulh. which ! S.ave tlie aj'j.e;-lance o the e!;r.v of ;i -rah, : ml this similarity is ineie;isii! when the j.icmLir is in motion, m iiio linger., in rtea.l f Lciiilli; in upon the j.ah.t with tlie natural moement of an infant, sim ply open a:ti close upon . aeh oil er like la ws l'i "iti the .'e 1 ioki iOm0 J i diiu );f, Jrh.; "!ct;7 A very spit ited ami interesting lliwipjr Match wits held 011 t!ie rarin of C. II. l?ostwiek, Fsq.. near Co'iijibellspoi t, in tliis county, on tlie l.'.tli i-ist. There was a large tittendanee of specta tors, una more than ordinary interest mani i'cstt il in the friendly i-on-.petilion. An Brrcc nient harl tieen entered into, l.etwien the li-.u-ties representing the different inacl.ines, that only Coiniiinn Machines (such ns are ordinarily offered for Palo, nnd not made for spec ial oei-a-sions) should he nlloweii to enter the contest, each machine should mow nil eijiial jiiiiount of frrass, and one tenm and driver should be used for nil, iu order that the trial mijtlit be a fair one, ami the merits of the machines alone lay claim to public favor. The ".Ktna" Mower, made by the -Ktna Manufacturing Co. of Salein, Ohio, for which I'eter H. Mean appeared as ovenr, proved to leave the liirhte?t .li-.iujrl.l, and this, with its siu.plieity of construction and i beauty of design, combine.! with its ow. rful I cutting qualities, made it the favorite of the i diiy. j Captain A. T. Kinjr, oT Charlestown. was clio 1 sen as a eommittce to note 1 1. e draught of each j machine, as indicated ly a dynamometer, which ; was fou nd to be as follows : '".Ktna."" Tranirht,l.V) lbs. '"MrCKEVK," ' "," '"KAl'KIJiUlH,'" " J7' " "WRI,I." ''rHAvrn's,' " ii'-."( "Wood." " " J3tv I-or ratr.phlet, eotitainin- full descriptien of the " MOWER AID REAPER ! Hitli KIrTV IteasoiiH Why it is Superior, OIIGE HUNTLEY, Aftfiil for ("niiil.riH imtty, it ESEr3sunc, fa. It W ERWIH fi ri 'BBBRHBBf! 11. n , uii vv iii vA uu, mtmm&m 172 a 174 Federal St. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. NEW BP. AW FEED, Ladies' Suits, frcm $2.50 to 310. CO TVlrV!':lro"Vm-p ','?Mtsi'li,.s,',vin,?M;,c,'h! . 'la't iii.bes .lesirinir to purchase thould tak Hcrnanis, from 10 to 50, from 121 to f 0 Real Wash Poplins 121 to 20 Suitings, frcm .121 to 25 50 Different Styles of DRESS GOODS! Most Remarkable Earc;ins. re.f'Att.;r s i mimm goods, A the km- tl. incMiie the inwud mil I :.liit lv.idiv'iv f..-.-Mi.l ;s:mI uml m,,,v h,uhKu --ud'iucii,,;,-! ifi and Iler? Wear, II" f - i I Ml Ml t'l lilt- 1 il I l:l I ilf i w - - r -w m m vvnoiesaie ana Ketaii. j ii 11 is a tumiiiiii ;-pot about a Ii:i 31 ;in I iseli m uiameli rat the l.a-e, a'.d in; abend an inch outv.aid and ilown aid lo a point 1'i iLaps a l.iu the M.e d" ,(. Lai-o. ( lul f-'et f..rm the extremities of these misshapen limbs. The left ankle turns : narply o.nwaid. and ti e toot U tamed e l:.k.. lino .-. .11 .ir rat ion. nameij : IsiUltt nf K Hi. Il i n;f. . ?.tt1 ttnnfmi'tit. 'ii ji.H-ltn l.i '' the If".f7; IU in in it, t'rtrilfin front A'mVc, (7; Xmi-I.i:tlii!it ii In u t nut nf tir-lrr. Weelaim that the Imniovi-.l i:iliiii(- po.s. s-seS ait these roi!is. and tbat it is TliVl VERY DCST FAMILY lACIIINE 71 ln IDM KI.!), Ami we r.' Heir an examination of it. Asrent? want! d iu every nwoity, lo whom we wili'uive t lie nio-t liberal tni'i. KATUN J!K )'l"H l'l:S l! iinil A V H., I'lTTPIirirT.H. I'A. pKiJ.-Mll.j , J I 'MO ! M t yCl iTh -SpJ,Vks J-- OK hT. JOSEl'H" . rv will beprepiin d lonc -J'.tIS l.osoi-.son tiiel'lAAO fijhfeiiijiiM M l:l.Ui)Ki. or CA iti- firfs4e. M'.l M;iiAN at any :r,Sf' Kor Unas annh Jj i to I iie SiiKiriim.. .is- i t.-r M. IIi.iiTKX;, or t' Jtev. It. C. Cnr.l?iY, i i a i-.'i n : oi i ;-: n t e. r.beusburjr, April 1, ISl tf. Lack noon tlie under si.l 'I he toes kiv ajM; ;mt puce. 1-eiit and twi.-tid iut id' si; tl.e 1-1 1 to. it. is more stian-velv eouioit..! than the riht. If t".;sts inward, and is over so that the hall is upward. There are hut two toes on this f.x.1, eoriespoiul iiig to the claw on (he ami. hut shoi ter, and having the appearance of : imi! n:ishapcti t'os. 'i :o:J is a most remarl aide ea-e, and will 1-e 4 iiiiiell i.ltcrest to the inedie il profes--iin v lane it ha? already attracted consid ers hie -.lUeuiiou, CARRIAGE MANfFACTORY! s a Til v i.ii st is s: Near Union School House, Ebcnsburg. "T'llt" u.-eH!i- r desires toe. ill the attention j ol tlx- -iti.ens ot Cambria luid aiijoin injr ! . .'.ill. i.-.- ... i iii.1 llllll no Has DOW in Slle-cs- lul operai ;n in l.iM-nsi.urj: a lio tori he man- ! Ii tact u re a let I epair ot" CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, i slrlSr tt..iis. SI-IIim, i .tin! ul.' nilcr it.M-i io.'e.i nf IT nrh in t!:nt Hue. ' Kmpiovinjf none but skillful workmen end umiix only the best materials. I feci eon Ud.-nt 1 c an jrive entire satisfaction in work, stj les und priees. , i:!ii(tiriit work doiieat short notii-e. Itpair- ! ina- of all kin.l itt. ii.l.-.l to at rates, j iHiu-i.siiiii u Mi..i in coiuieetioii with Man nlactorv. ( all and tee speciiuens of work. Juno 5.:, 1s72.-tt. 1. M. CH L'TIi. Presidential Campaign CAI f, CAI'KS A TOUCHES. Send for Ti.i.rsTrt tkti CiKCi bMftind I'nn'i: Iasi CUS'NIMIIAM V HlLb, M ANL"l'ATlTIJi:HS, '. ! OutrfhSIr t, j'lfth.iitrt.niiA. June A. l?T-.-m. stkoxg and rt'CK r.ien r.Loor ixctieass OF M.r.-Ml A;MI . I I I.L4K WvlN J liAUTIi'Ci. COiii'i-KXiOA' toJtCLKKi DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILUAN RESOLVENT KAS MADE TUTS MOST AST lXIs li TN : rnHf-; SO tirjl'K. S' liAflli AltE 'ii;F. IIiAMjIKS TltK lSO!Y CNIiKIOiOFS. fMitl! Ill1: J Kl.l'E.Ni:E OK Tiiii 1'Kl'i.V V. U.NlUii'l L Mi-DICIXK, THAT Cvcry Day an Incrc3Si3 In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT CLOCD FUR1F1EF3. T.vcry drop of the S.VKSAl'ARILMAN P.ESOI.V TNT i-'.n.inunicTit.-s tluoui. t!.e I'.i. .,!. Sw.-f-:it, triti.', ai.d utlior :n. l J'j'.cts "f Vl.? system tin- viir of iu'. . f. ir it repaiis tl.e wrist, a i f tl.e It t'.y niiii r.t w s ui J inat'jriai. S-cn.fuJ;i, Sviiliili.i, Id'nin iiii.ui. i!:.ntiil:ir .iiienvB, fleers In li.o Thn.:it, b.-itli. Tumors. N'wkm in t-.e Criiind anil other pana of the pj-su-m, Kvi-- strumous Dintliari;. s from the iiurs, and liie worst form nf Rkin Uiseasiv, Einptiir.s, Fever S.ri'J, SeuM I!e:v.1, Iting Worm, S:ilt niieum, Kr'ii!.-., A. ne, Ul.-u-k Hpi.iM, Worm iu tlm FtcAfi. fun"nn, Cancen in t!.a A. r.n.b, and all wcnkei.lnR mi.l . ail. fill l:-H-li:ii(ii'S. Ni' t Sweaid, J,ors f.f Siierm, anU all w.istw of Hit" life J.rlnri j'lc, brc witliin the curntive ranpo of thi woiiU-r of M.mI-.-a l'hrmistr-, ami a fjv l;i) a usi will prove to any Krsnn ur-iiis it for citlipr cf these foiti.s of tiisease it j..'t:it pow(-r to euro them. If the prtti.Mit, daily ixvoniing ronce.l tir the varies and dccomiKition tliat is coi.tinuallv j.rrf-n.', ;:c. c--ds in arri-sting the?c wa'ea, nn.l rriirsi tl.e s.iii i- with Hew material ru:u!o from l't-althy o!o.l Mid thU tLe !i A r.S A H A I1 LL I A r will and d.5 sc are. Not only dors Ihe Saiu. ir.i mlluk KEit.vsyr excl r.!l known rim'.li:il a.-m in i.'.t. cme of Chrotnc. Scr'.-f-i-l.di'., Const national, and tiin disiasca ; Lul it lb lie uuly t.naitive cure tor ZLirtney & $lartclcr Complaints, ITrinary. and Womb discus. CI ravel, Dialn ies. Dropsy, bt'ij.j.aue of Wuti-r, Inroi.tli.vTice of L'riT.e. lrihi'fl 14 rruw, Alhuniinnr.a and in ail c:'i whi re I here are brirk-in-.t ilejiosits, or tftc w:iler is (hick, cloudy, mixed with yihstam-.'S like the white of an i jcf , or tlir.ia.i like wliile n'.k. or there is a morbid, !-irk. I.illous aj..arar:.e, and white bone-dust denosiu, and when there is a prii I.urn'me sensation when water, and pain in the S:n-iil of the Hark nui aluli.j the l.o;iiS. l'licc, 1.00. WORMS. The only known aaj sure Remedy f )r it onus Jut, 7il , tic. Tumor of 12 Years' GSrorlli Curctl Iy Itatlivaj "s RcMolwiit. Em.r. M. J.ily 11, l.-f,. T. Tt.'.Tr.T: T have hvi Ovarisn Tjmor h. tl..v-rie, ne1 bowflv All the lrt.trs e&i.i thre wtm ikj I.kIi. It." I tr'a.i evry thine th vai rwo..rienlrJ ; l-..t n.sliii.. lu-li..l ire. I raw your Rrfs.lrent, ajM th.msht I wrtmlj Irr it ; but l..l no fah in it, I hfel tnlfered f-r twelve x-t-nrt. I l.M.k fix iKilttc. of the K-olvenl, on. 1t ( lti.iway- I'itl., rnnd two b- t t! of your ll-.l y Itel lf ; mitt thcra n.'.l .ifn c.f tutiw.r t. Im p.n or ftt, axel 1 f-vl Wttrr, tn.nrtrr, nt:d hn. j-ier I have f.r twelve year.. Tl.e wrtt in tiie left ...le ..I the invwel,, over the evin. I write tide to yon fur the beuclit of olheim. Yva can iabluh it if )ua rheo. itANNAtl r. KSAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PHRFSG7 PUBOATIVE PILLS, rerfertly t-ite!em, e'c;iitly coated with nweet pnr.i, 'nrs rrirnlate, i.iirify, e;ettTie, eti ' n'r-'nirthrn. liad wav's ril!s, for the -nre of all .!:.order i f the Ptomaeh, Liver. Bowels, Kidney, lila.iiur. Xervouj DiM'swa. He-tdache, I'onrtii.atio.i. t'.wl'.vt n. . IndiceMion. 3vsT.? -pii, TiiliouMies?. lti'ious Feve-, Infarnniiviiori of the ftoweli. l'ile!,siid all Herant'i-mentsof !.c Iu' V:s r"ra. Warranted to eft'eet a i-o-itiveiMire. Purely V peta ble, ennr-iinine no niereii-r, mlaeral-, or lii-h-tvrM.'.i? ,imp, SF Ohserve the f.llowti.K vii. Mil. reu.tin fi-o:u Di.M.nleni cf I lie Din-tiv-ff Orrr.iw: Cr.ti;.::i:n, InwarJ File,. Fullr-e,,,f r.e P'nr in tSe TT-, Aci'i.y of th Stonrtfc-h, Naus. li.-r:l "ru, Phiut ..f FooO, F.i!ln or W;,rM ir. tiie -tn.nnch. S.;i.t Knu rlejn,. Shikiri; nt the I'.I f Ihe fto.T.rh. S..O--mi ir 'f the lla.l, liurril snj, ltra:hiec. Kh:lterier at tl. Heirt. he;r or .Siifi.M-atip Ne,,Mi.n3 wh.-n ia a I..r:-j l'iinr-rs -f Vi.ion, D..C? ..r We!. before the, tev.r ami I.i H l .i.r in the Hra.l, llrfl.Tien.-y nf Per.imtion. V-lln-wi ev of thp S'. n Rnd Kvev in tiie Side, i.'hu&t,, ati-i .uaiij. tluhof tie!. buraiaK in the Kleh. . w doses nf FtADWAVS T . 7.7.S vrV. free the ?vs-t.,-i.i from all the a'-ove-tiaine.! .... rjera. l'rice, i tciei .erl...x. SOIJ 11Y lr.rii(iISTS. Hl'.AD "FAI.SK AMI THL'E." PtiJ oi Vfrr ptaiupto RAI'WAY A CO., No. 87 Mai.len La-te. Kcw York. Information worth thousaiida w ill be sent you. j blioe Lasts, I't tjs. U ax I'ri.stles. Clothes ! Wringers. (Jiiin Stone;, Patent JTolasses i G te. nn! Measures, Lnml er Sticks, Horpe ! f ! Aaiis, (jtins. I'... vi Iv.-rs. Tist .l.s. Car'riuges. Vow- tier. ( 1,( 3.1, A;c , (Mil Stove Plates ! nnci mv t'i-iii. arc of tl.e Lett ounlltr- at.fl ' l.:rciie;'.u-l, ami .Hi' f.i rates Sltiil Fire Hlieks. Well anil Cisti-rr, ' ni v m-if-ea as n oiiera tf a i-i T ra tPs. I'.r'ioi:.-' ' VVCie lltvi r awiiv i: the lieatt- I Iio;ise v. lit. ,r...l the Tatr of retnil ilc.-.lers iin'l oihem in ; F.ever l.een. e I About .? ,,( . :. ) ; Sol!, V.lliie li-j .iT ii i-r ,,, ; Ci'.tile, ll:e eiei 1 l Alieona, .Iu!;- 2!. 1 .-'':).-tf. i InnMlod i'.-i t her u-,.;, , , V.itll lcuves. Tie V r.i'.l l.e.'tu to cry v:;e!i ' le.y Iijoersoll. 'lie 1. 1 i ojm-ii lielil ami soon t i t ,i y f tlie tp.otliri- in !-.- lid f: ""a-i" i iie uiieKti. c!t anil ijisterii : niv prices' as n.onerii te a" en t r.ncs. iioiuuo . .. . . . I'nnijiR and! ; Iirnes:n tivd Saltterij ' a npr-t'l.t Lnsiness, anj j n,m;..!y and j '' nearer 1 ! Ware of all kin.l ; IfWr-M and Willow Ware ! Mtiff.ietorly fiilii p ! onler?, 1 L";.e to meri! ; mile- l::.ii n zrt at variety ; Carbon Oi! ami Oi! Lam t.s be T'tr nnee ot retml ilc.-.lers nn-i o; iiem n, Oil.'Lar.l'Oit. Lsiiaecl Oil, Liibricftir." i C:,r?5,,.r5: t'.nnty and else!.ere. 0,.!ei to (lit T. fi.. ...... t - . . " ; st e..-t l 'i' I v solit.-ite-l no mt lsfaei on ruiiia litte' Oil icosm Tar,t,,a,rHare. I aints, arnish- ! c.,;fc5 T!l.M AS CAUL AM). e. i urpeiitiiie. A conn . tve FASYSiLY GROCERIES, s ieli as Tea, CuiTee, Sttgars, Molasses. Syr ups. Spices, Drie.l Peaches. Dried Apples Fijili, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pear lianey: Soaps, Candles: TOUACCO and yOOl), JIOHHKLL A CO. W ASli I N r.TON ST I( EF.T, lo...h I-.ri:.v:es, all kinds and bkes ; p.ed ; and Manilla Hopes, and many 1 thei I artirles nt the lowest rotes for 'CASH, j Ihtii-e Sjioitdriy made, pain'ed and put ; tip ;.t low rates for taih. A liberal di.-c-.unt ! to country dealers Luyinp Tin rare j wbolesale. CEO. Ii CNTLEY j Kbensbitrff. Feb. 28. 18o7.-lf. ! Tilii" M OIiLD rHLIJ(;iil) j TO PRODrCE ITS EQT'ALi I fPAYLOIJ & CO.. of Allooi.H, are fimi ; t Knitting Hn enviable reputation a nbiltfti . tliropists Ij.v li:t i odu.-inif iujioiij! the iai'ies t iiu j AMERICAN CHAMPION WASHER I ' ciuAbS; Paint, wintcwh. it,.XKh. iiurse. ! Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown. Pa., , Dusting, Vr.rnis, Stove. Clotl.cs and i 1 II iu'csu'e and Jitlcu Dealt? s in mm m mm m m he mil t l! ri! 1 in ni. 3ISS,I.I.i:;iY GiOOHS I HAUnWAUK. j QUCLNSWARK. I BCOTS AND SKOFS. i II ATS AND CAPS. i ANl S.ULt j CARPKTS AND OIL f. T1IS, I'.LADV-.VADi: CLn'i llLNG. 1 GLASS YY A I'. ".. VI LI.oW W'ARK. WOODKN AND WILLOW WAKE, in ami e tti Jii?.'' iiii : ; lnu:'.,'i:'.,1 t hat l'..r a in ... . ? it down ami t t'un-; ..1. i tli .t to l-.iT heart, ai:. v., . h'.iji" before she bee;in, time a!! t he hunter-? h i t : : .'iii-eh and they, t . !i .. ; j the f hi'dren. and uvbldd the eyes of jjrertt si.:'. never kitov.-ii tears .-ii.r.- One of tin men t""k t!:. lap. and asked her if '... ii-j.lied, lauliiiij : " Ves ; I put 011 .Tohn.; -my feet Pat, ami tl.e '. I'.o'.vn o;i n;e." "Wbett f nind City skin. a. el would in 1 ,t ; tiie e'.i'.ise of an -..(her Wl Topether with !1 niaimi'i of We.-tfin Prn.ltiee i not leave the tree that ; u'h an FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT," j f,-r '"fttiii-ntrth-: CAP. !)N OIL, io, ic. U. V. Ke-i-ter. ' !'" J!i9 o.k perfectly 011 all kin, Is of clotb- ! PnOV OlONS and FEED. ALL KINDS ' 1 , inr without the nid of a rul.binir oarii. ' ' L L ,x " " u 1 moi no; s d.ti: I It wiis'k will. out 1-ui.t.injr, rollinpr or press- in;,' the elothe in jmv whj-, and tienee without ' j Buy wetirinx of the fuhrie. It will ttnytliinjr, from the finest lace to the he;u iest '..eii-ijuilt. j ! If will !o the same work in a shorter time end : rr i t h less i., i.i.r t hn nny ot ii. r ilMchine muiie. ' . Any liesn-ii if a Wnhiiijr .Jnc hine can j ; hiitea Champion Wn?her tab. 11 to ll.iir rci clenee and tested, when, ir not satisfactory. It will be t;ike:i :iivay without, cost to thein. COXVIXCIXO TKSTIMOXV. Messrs. Taylor A Cu. Ornif : Your A meri- ' enn '!iit.:p:oii Washer has been in use at mv ' hotel long- enough to convince ism t lint it is ail, 1 it el.-iiii.!. to be. It have two-thirds of the labor now . .... .low ux. MIL" . ' I IV H I II I'll S H (Oil f ; done br hand. We would not !. without it for ! double its cost. THKXUV Fns'i'Kll. Enensbiirfr, Mureh 2tl, Ii. Cambria House. rf.Vnnuirtet.ired find sold tvTAYLon A t'o. Xo. lies Twelfth Street, Alto. iih. and for eaie hy V. r.t"TTHIN(;K!t. March 2:1. I72.-m. Main St.. r.l.eied.arir. Tliev s.r. icr lee n t GKO. C. K.ZA1JM, k.-S no esu'e ana le'.u- orders'ited - . .in.i :.roni;.tlv h!!ed en the shortest notice and '-.. . montei ahle terms - C.hi.u with 1 wo t ,. ,.. WOOD. MOKRELL A CO. 1 1"nia aocll,u ,,f a !'1V 'k V1 j e-iy a remote dale oi Q K O It G E V. Y E A G K II , j i:,,aiy c:, .... I ii-enrred in this town on Nr. Wholesale aul K.U I),. Irr In j 1:t? in tl,e birth ,.f .1 IVmale , i two ilistiiiel and oei fi c 1 . J' HEATING AND COOK STOVES j I way lane, r-die tiail-iai T'TIT US. OF EYE BY DESCRIl'TJON. llM.'li t Ll L. . I L 1 thy children, neither oi' ! the least deviation fi ! me least neviation lio:u ill iiUili i!2tLMitjh 8 Mi : mattnhy of I.i. i, ; the .'.Aid I DEAI.EItS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HABDWARF, QUEENSWARE, HATS. WPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES GENER ALLY KELT IN A COUNTRY STORE. WOOL AND COTNTPvY PL'OlHJCr: TASKS IN txrilANGi: FOR Ul'Ol'S. uaitcrs ot a:i ii'.iir, am! r OF HIS 0'X2i 21 A N V FA CT U R E, j that 1 i ioi ',vry and m ! i'rom wliiih of ; he tv m : GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING I iu,c-1 is noiuiii hi iite Mriietitre o; faees to ittil ieatc a snpejioi f.n over tlie other. V. ci v i:ij - Virginia Street, near Caroline Street, TnTin li" . . . . i a... -., of two fine hiih. s. At tl: and all other wmk in lii.e The ordv dealer in the c;t- linvinr-- t!.e ri';ht to sell le iei,..wi:e.i -A i EY ?1J KA F" COOK ? rt)YE. :!:e most nerftct eumrdete ;iiil!..ctory Stove ever ' to the j Stock Ijimexsk. - Pi:: r.s Low. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ; Store on South Side cf Street, j V, iSi v. . f? . t' 1 . r ... 1-.-. ,K. ''' "n ' i ' mnvm mmm mm. W5J. P. PATTOW, ranilaeturer nml Uoilti- X11 A!. I. KINDS Ob' CABINET FURNITUEE i Aon. 11(1 a. id 15 linio-t Hi reel. JullXSTOlVX, VA. 5 H A irsC ireently enlarged our stoek 00. of tin f;u-. .- wheic the tiM! : of the e;ti- lidvis i.'.;u-e. the : i. eommer.i es.wi'.li -iijlii um'ni.. the elii . k f the eeiul f.. -. -. 1'Voevi ls throiigh all its l e j ;,: until it terminates at the h t c. tlie i.ue on the rijiltl Pule . : the f;ce on the left si-h- o!i. I sjiiiee on ihe Lack of th heii-i : j ene:-' .iii hiiicnt ,f the !:.-. .-, I Lnt it i-;, as veil as the 1 . : j Li ail, ei'Ven il with li t: . i ., . I i-eeix the el.dd is :v 1 . j ;ii: . -urate ilrawin has i.. .:i ; . i child. 'ami i.-in ih. h.:;; . . The mother nf the ehlM i .: lias l, en Lenelitcil 1-v u,e : s sUlil. I'l .'at i- the frit :tt .nil .1 been )ei milted t .-. e ; . lias lee!i iut. in si. i. ,r ' interesting additi m 'A -n-;''v v i'.li wlu 'i :i:e ni; rious are ahoaily fm :.i-in u 1 F. P. TlEKNEY jivvv v-t-. r AW and COLLECTION OFFICE Hv Pmai.i, ExriiMimiiis Cr-fvr. 3'ive i-ents eHeli moiiiin.; ;t ui, ic iiiile. Thirty-liei'irnts 1 km-week is not inn.-li vet it wjnild lmy eotlee or smjar fra whole family JIS.'JO a car, and this nmoimt in- ( Aesti iJ in a bank, a theeml of tlie vcar. and 1 the interest lhereon at six ,er cent, eoni juted iinmiiilly, Avould in twelve years ;. mount to more than fj'.'t'J enough to lmy a good fann iu the West. Five eents before breakfast ami dinner ami supT'r ; you hardly miss it ; yet. it is liteen eents. a day 'LOo per eek, ol.OO u year ; enough to buy a small library of ok.s. Invest Ihis as before, ami in twen ty; years youhave over :::.:(), Quite enough to buy a go.l J,.,,,, iltu 'leii eci.t.s, csu-h morning not hardly worth a acid thought yet with it you can buy a i-aoer of pins or spfKi of thread. rV-venty eents a we. k it would buy sever al yards ot muslin$:57..-,) a year dim is it this amount an.i youhave -i,31in twen ty yorirti ,1;i:,c a snug little foilune. MV11 roiit 1 hof l.wo.l r . x . 1 IERNEY NULL, (oloiiii.i.Io Row, I.lonsJira, Ia. ail o'.;;,,t,ri,:,.1 "'t,,.nti,'n ''"''I to eoll-,.(ioiis in " vi 1L Lmteil States. -'-Ks-l.-tf.! O g a- j 0P94 r3 b; cm, cz nf j VIM AN & LAKE, at t.av, , ?T"r'1T,.me nttenllon friven to claims of all ,,n!5'J"u,rl!l oounty, n.U tlirourliout the I niteil States ami Canaila. (.Feb. lO.-ly. T. A. SHOI.MAKEH, V. M. II. SiXIILEa. QHOEMAKtft 6c SECHLER, IMt r,BF.xsm;Ro,CAMBniACo., v. tr.i WOOLEN FACTORY! HAYIXt; introilueeii new maeliinerv into our oolen Fa etory, we arc now prepared to fEO. A. BERRY, ATTOR KEY-AT- LAW. t'ST'Offiee in rooms reeentlv oeenpi-eil t.j- W. H. Seehler, tri., in Thomnp llovd'8 nev btnl.l Insr, Centre btreet, Ktensbursr, l'a. lAu. Id. 1 L. PERSHIIC, Atlorntif-at-lAHi rOfnec nn Franklin Ftreet, (up stairs- over Itenton'8 Hardware Store, Johnstown, l'a. ,0 EO. M. KKADE, Attorney-atlAiw, EliensV.urs, Pa. Office in new buildina I recently erected on Centre direct, two doors Irom High street . laug.2T. .0... .-oj.i.- ii.iiiv nuns a nay h ,..,,.,1,1 j man aunt ure on snorr noti.-e. 1 ia ) 1 US, CASS1 buv a book for the children '$;- i, ' , . ! I-:'rs- lir.AN'KKi'S, FLANNELS of alUtj-lcs vi-k-enough to pay for a year's 'J. VMo!,! Veaichan for or Hon to a good l.-ewsiianer : lWJ.jf) IK V(1 1 worked on sliurefi. Market price inirl forwool. with it you could buy a no.l 1 ... T- -V JOXKS A aoss. ir, pleasantly while away the evening honrs. i sburg. 1 ct,. 21, lb.2.-tf. Ami this amount, invest ed as before, would 7M. SI. LLOYI) & CO , in l'otty yearsiir.Kluee the desirable amount j ' UAXKEItS. ALTOON'A, pa. I)f $1-V)0. I ""'arts on the prineipiil eit iet nnl Silver nrnl - j "I'l tors-ale. lolieet ions made. Monies re- Isl-la lulbci wsilcli cases aie the latest in loV'''1'"1!: n .yai.i.i demand without v L mieiest or upou time w uu interest ul lair mUs. "rANiKL Mclaughlin. Attorney at-Law, Jol.ustowti, Pa. OfBco In the old Kxchang-e buildinir, up-staira.) corner of Clin ton nnd Icust streets. Will attend to all bu iness conneeted with his profession. Yl J- LLOYD, Fiutossor to It. 8. Ilrss, Dealer In Drups, Mcdieine!. Per fumeries, Oars, Tobacco, Kotions, Paints &c Store on Main street, opposite the "Muns'ioii iuse, I.benburtr, Pa. LApril 37, isiis 1 T7"ILLI AM KIT ELL, Aitohxkv- , at-I.a w, Ebensbm pa. Ofnee in 5olrn- Ko Pel-soil can take tliese Bitters acenrct Jrtf? to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other inc.ins and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. lyipjstii or Iniliestloii. Ilearl.-iche, Pain in the blioulilers, Ccuhs, rightness t)f the Chest. iJii liness, Smir Kructntiotts nf the Siemarh, ltarl Taste in the Month, liilious Attaiks, Palpitation of ihe Heart, Inf.aninia'tion of the Lungs I'ain in 'he Teios of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the ofTiprings of Dyspep'-ia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one buttle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Kor Kei.inlc I'ompliiiiit s, in youncr or old, married or sinsle, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, there Tonic Hitter d. splay so ilecidcd an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. Kor Inflaiiimntory ami Chronic Rhen mnliaui and Gout, bilious, Remittent and Inter. Tnittent Fevers, Diseases of the luod, Liver, Kidney and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated lilood, which i generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. ' l liey itre n Oentle I'urntive as wetl na Pureau?, I.eiNteiidii, W'H!isi'tnils, ' ; Cliiiiniier Sets, , Parlor Sct.-, V:ir.lroties, ' hciiii Dus( I Lotingr, ' &e., &e., &c &c. Ciuie Cha'in. Sesit ( biiirs. Kitchen Kurnituie, P.eil Lou iijres, Miittressen, 1'ete-:i-Tet-s. K tension Ta'.des, Dininir T il lep, I'niibonril. ie., &e., A:o, A:e., &e., &e. KVKKY PE.rnirTtl)? of SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in cc. tlnt 5t;, e ntirl nt low prices. Cabinet and liitirinaUe'i-s' mat. -rials of nil kiiuu: for Kite. Furniture delivered r.t eny point in .lohtistown or nt Kailron.l Station free of extra -hmve. V.i. t; PATTtJ.V. Johnstown, net. 1.1. ISTO.-tf. I . . ! ' !' t '. lit- ii I. we tire now nersrod to e'A at a rre:it rexiut-tion Ircun firmer j r ces Cnr ftock eon :?t ot l)rr.s-, Medicities, rer!';:mer.v. Faney S-Kips, I.e. nV, Ihdi's and A'.'.ea'a 11 or iU-stor-ntive.i. i'iiis, Ointments. Pi -..iters,'s, Pain Killers, Oi r:.te il ij:::?sia, K-s J :t i-aaica tJinuer. Pure Fl.ivomt iliLtrueiA, E-re:-ecs. Lemon Srup, Soothint :-in:i, fc; iced Svrun. I j KLuburb, Pine Si.'ces. ..e. ; j Fd:,u:s An j cigars j xi) mnjixrus. i 2 iffcoirvr I Hooks. Deeds. Notes iiihI Cmios; Cm. i l!.e slri'V t'.-.-v j Post. Coaiineiei.-d and ii kiini! of Note Paper; 1 Two yomi'- hi.ii'-s t: ! Knvrlopcs, I'en?, IVneils, An.uM'd V.' i -i tii.g I 1 s wars, on- ilr.--, -'. .too, tJ.-r. nun t.t.'i lliK, I t kci ana 1 ass ! .ii.. r 111 f-ri '.Vlt, i Ho.fcs, Mitj;az'nei, Newspaper. XoveU, His liil horses, we.,' I tories, Iliths. Kihgious.l'r.iierar.d Toy P'ook., i their way lii.aiie j Penknives, Pipes, &c " j iu tlie city. S- ! Ve have added to our p'ock a lo ,,r -pratiir up 1 .-twi FIXE JKWEI.llY, to which we would invite ! iVh.reil up tin the attention of tlie Ladies. j vigorously app! PIIOTOtiR A I'll A L I5U. MS at lower preei 1 sI,ran- at.,l w-m . thun ever offered in ihU r.i.tee ! ' t, l.'::-m their bra.- i 1hewi:is ot ta;; win.!. M riilers l. ao. il f rv a: d i.-. i ;.t tb :i;.'.i : - - M-.-ll I alter f n:e an. en :. r.-ies e.l t'.e Place 1 a per and Cijrurs sol J 'i:l:er wholesale or re 1. LKili.'OX i LU-PUAV, July lfcllH. Main Street. Kbenshnrj'. i noui illicit tlie lash fr .i.i 1 i'.iii;iu a. i.i inaiii. A oo'.ie ; thinking it a i'er.rful DEKTIeiTllY! AT lintl'CKD XEATTSI a Tonic, jiossessing also the peculiar merit of acting ; f"U. I I.II()V"M A X, jrrnduate of Dental Ultr as a powerful agent in reiieving Congestion or Inflam- i jrery, respect liillv itilt. mis the pubiio tlmt mation of the Liver and visceral Organs, and in bilious be bus perniai.eiltly loentcd in Kit !"Xf:IrTt i I W OOK WELL TO 1 OURllecklh.'la;re.1u.-,tnev1:..! j JL rDi:CtST.lJJI.C5 ! i p. st hhn like a vhirlwhi.L 1 5 Diseases. Kor Skill Disease, Eruption, Tetter, Salt Rheum, lilotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Moils, Car buncles, Rins-wonns. Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, I liscolorations of the SUiti, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dut; up and carried out of the system in a short time bv the use ot tnese ititters v LOGIN'S MARBLE WORKS! 131 I'rn nit tin Kreel, JoXinstown. JOfl IV. I.OCArV, - Proprietor. MOXUMEXTS, HEAD Avr TOM1I STONES, COUNTEit and CAPIXET SIAlit;, AN TEI.S, &e., manufaetured of the very best Ital ian andAmeriean Marbles. Perfeet satisfac tion in work, design and price iruaranteed. Orders retpeetf ally solicited and prompt ly executed. Johnstown, Nov. 11, 'Tl.-tf.J TOIIN P. LINTON, Attorn-y-at-Luul ' Johnstown. Pn. OCRee in htiihiinir south. fvi-. i . -. i i , . . . . .... 1.. t .. f...... . , .--i nirni'r "l nuiii nn.l r ninn on r- n-eif. ,see- nude Low, Ceuuebueel. Uaa.a.-tf. oadetory. Luirauvc uu i iankliu stiett. where be nuiy be found every .lay of the week! nn. iiiiriMAN, atter having lutd inn pie prae tiee for the Rpaco of seven years, does not hesi tate in allirininjr that he can jrive perfect satis faction in every ease relating to the profession. All branches of Mt chanical and Siirtrienl Den tistry enreftillv nml seientitieallv oei-1 nrmwi I'ltrt IC'.lliU- UUlilii.U uil'..;j t-'!lit.,r ,, ...... ..... r. ...... .- . in I .cr HiiiirnioTiiiM r.. .. . . ... - v . .... n u; iur, lie.. I (-11 1 lit l w ,.ni-.. Illn-I. .... .L :. . t-...--., ui.iiM. int? t umi ria House, where may lie examined sam ples of his work, n hidi itt:(t nl)i It rrn t't J; Q!lrrcinted. tma y 2.1.-t f DENTISTUY graduate of the Balti more College of Dental Sur gery, respect fully offers his rR0FKS3!01AL services to th citizens of Kb- ensburg snd vicinity, which plnee lie will rink on the fourth Monday of each month, to re main one week. Anc.13. SAM'L BELFORD D. t. S. I'he undersigned, (niteful Thousand proclaim VrvFr. a Bit- I teerli.!i. rtr:v(vi-ii .7. the sinking system. J WALKER, Prop'r. n. H. JIcTJOXALn Jt CO.. Drupgists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Waihingtou and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS" LOHETTO ARB1TW0RI(S. UWIHtC I J L I If'tni fi Wat Anil Work Warr.uitwl! IHmViII MONUMENTS, T.vm ?toxis, Hr-lf ltEAWnnd Ta Bf.K n"t)l', made of the tinest Itaiiau Marble and in stylo ; or workmanslnp not surpassed by any manufacturer. Give me a call before deciding upon purebnsin2- or ordering work elsewhere. .TAMES WILKINSON. Loretto, April 2, ISTl.-tf. BOOTS AND SHOES Kor Men's ntl IJy' Wear. The undersipned respectfullv informs liis nu nierous customers nn.l the public penertillv that he is prepared to manaiaetuTe BOO 1 S and SIIOK.S of riiv desired siie or rjiniiitr, from the finest French c If-It in hoots to'the coarsest brofran. in the t-bv cist vanxir, on the short OCt .ill f 1 ("O fln.t . I n U n. . I.. ..... . . " . . ' . I v.. -... .v.tini. prices as UKe work can be ont;inei anvwhere. Those who hare worn Boots and S' oes made at my estahlishmrnt need i o assurance as to the superior quality of my work. Others can easily be convinced of the fact il they will onlv give me a trial. Try and be convinced. 1ST Rcrairirts of Boots and Shoes attended to promptly and in a workmanlike manner. Thankful for past favors I leel confident that iny work and prices ill Commend me to a con tinuance and increase ef the smie. JOHN D THOMAS. pursuit, however, expect;: I charge tw o uiar.pleil corpM . 1;'; ! prise, he saw the Heft-toot. -.1 r eonie to a. suti.ten bait, the yn'.;':. laininjr their s-ats with p.-n.'' ease. Hurrying to the sp.-:, 1-i-nougli to lu-ar one of the' ii.i other, " It m-jhi a tight r:n--, the (Jreeley hat," ami 1- !i J :; their animals ami rode rap:d'v ' ': "I ENTlSTItY carried on in all its J- branches by Pn. WEKTZ & ISltO.. nt their TlI'.VTAT. ikiomu x2? X'r. ISrt U-.,okl . ... . - ...... ..j-u.i.i.n rtni'T, .iDiiiis-r? ;-( IIMVI1, ! in John 1 Hfilll.'- hntlrlA'rt injr. They make tho vi cheanesr A rfTi i.iji r . r Vi-1.'-..-.. r .- . n..L i X ii.r.iii in aonnstown. lteautitnland ;omim.ktf. SKTsat from lo tol5 Teeth hthactei) find nia.Kn Uw of eliHrJe except for materia is useu. Notic t he follow: iiiir eertiheate : This is to certify that I, th ' nn- . 1 : u ro'm "i my residence ou Washiti-tuii street lor a term ef tiv yini-si. l a'" Joluistow u, June It, '"Ijui.j Geis & Foster, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street. Jflliihituun, Ia. invite the attention of buyers to their larre und i levant stoek of coxsistino or DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, MI I.LIN Kf V GOODS, FAXl'V GOODS, CAKl'ETS. OIL C LOTUS. &e.. Rf.movixo Cuiixs.-Many p " witii corns, and. the nunilet .i -crease with the height oi" ii"1 !' " loots sIhh-s. Fashtetis . !!:' ' fully eoml.ateil, moiiiriei! or eliav ineonvenienee or pain ir.rli-t'''' V wearer; but corns, the n-Milt ufa v r. fashion, may he retluee.l l y H"' r'" '"' instruments, ami avoid intnax" ami in many eases rt-.n.I. . , : Ladies, who in these iiigti-h" more trouhleil with corns tli and have a nervous iln-a.1 ef -to remove a corn, may eonstriy ' ' , ment in a few minutes that time. Procure a shingle 'J k fiat wixhI, say a ijuarfrr of :l" six inches long and threi inch wide, and a pi-ce of i lt i eut to match tb wk1. glued one or lofh the Hat sides, nnd 'T . use. It will le tnuul that t'"' -' iile will take hold of and '"'',!!','y,' ,!;. ? hard ort ion of the corn. , ; llexible skin surrounding '.','Irl,..-'" wav uiiiler the jrrfMir.' and wi " , s f. It"; however, the tiling shei""' r" tinned loug enough at any cue a sore. 'I' ... ,.f .n ,t 1 U M.t .M . i'l I III o . ..! WTve ;iwvii in Williamspoi t. " itu'axnred sv'ii and one-lnill u' 1 . ami the two uluuis to::;.; In"- AT KVKUV I'lllt i:! ' oniues. 1 SI Fi No? ill t: fi tai or on ro s f vai rfd. A r t T rw :lei aa V the it t r; SOT v am vr ttc p. vn N. AV: Dr A( ii .Vi ro in Ii! In .in tii bn ec d S' In til Ci c.