The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 13, 1872, Image 3

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?:i;hvsnrno, pa.,
Vt'ii !'. September J3, JS7'.
IfftP" 1 ilait jl hikI nenr Homo
-Iiecr-killing time has once more put in
an pearance.
.-.sis. rents per husliel is the price of ap
. Vfl in Uciks county.
1 -iTlie new bank in this place has la-en
t)T cd I'm- business.
V! lie Altooiia lock-up is saiil to he the
flji' hole in tne rtaic.
'riMie fresh oysters in any shape you
u'lnl tl"' in M'Cann's eating saloon.
"1-Simmer tourists are homeward houiul,
av.J as a consequence, t 'reason anil other
nsi:-i w bcino; very perceptibly thinned
tUl(vstis in the fchell are among the
p.iwiiiable luxuries now to be had at
yCnnn's confectionary and grocery es
tai'Bshuiciit. The I'oiest City Circus and Museum,
or . 1"'
rtioii tlicivoi, passeu inrougu mis
phu voter
uhiv afternoon, it was u shabby
ionkii"'' aiViLiv.
cfitv t'ora. daughter of Mr. It. 11.
r-ivis, i 1" this place, died on Sunday last,
after a In id' illness, aged about live and
a half .
vi1(. next President of tne Lmted
Ht.ite-- 'll;fiwi-c Horace (Ireeley, is to
uVlivfi ii u.-i.'l address at the Indiana
Ceiutl- V.ii' Thursday.
., .':! it man named Sharp died at
jfkl1lV .k. tlii- unity, on Wednesday last.
t'u - li.v. ... ' ;c:ich d the patriarchal age of
i';c iii:i dy, hostler at the Blair
J, 8, flu- j-Jitce. hung up his vest in the
ef;u f ' ilavs itgo. aliil now he mourns
tl s df .i siler watch which said vest
c'i!,! Aii 'l- Stolen of course.
.'5u't Mr. peer as good a man as he
v;)s tin . m us ago'.'"' That's the conun
f.1i:.S!iii li many Republicans propose to
ri.aiii.ii to my. j;.arKcr wnen ne cans
:;! sfeking whom he may devour.
Bain, i-i'oi.s. watrons and several farm-
J;srr jiiij !.-n:ci t:. aie wlntt an ; ccidcntal lire
v ij !-d out of existence tin the farm of Ieo.
J'ri "a ;id i n. 1m K art bans township, Clear-Ik-Id
count y. one night last week.
H e .Johnstown Voice has it from an
JTcilO'urg gclitlenmii that Michael Moore,
tite mnuleier. refuses to cat anything, his
intention doubtless being to satarve him
self to dt-ath. All which U news in this
h calif y.
Two of Johnstown's fast fcniinines,
Clark by name, were on Monday night
last consigned to Castle Hoimcker, in this
place, w it -:; they aiv to remain for a term
of thirty Mays. Fast fcmhiiiu-.s fast for a
brief length of i-t ieil.
i j man n.-riird I-antz fell from
a j ear t.c- in Unity township. Westinoiv
laud county. oi;e day last week and broke
one of li!s U-c alove tlie hue-omul lvceivetl
wvere ititcniwd injuries, ftm the elleets
of 'which he has sh:-e littl.
A little" son of Mr. Ceo. Station, of
Johnstown, put ihw of his hands in a
nauige cutter which was on exhibition in
front of a luudware ston in that place, on
SatwrJav l;st. and now be mourns the lss
of one la.ei ai.d the painful injury of all
tliC others.
A I iikt.ii;c and Lilieral mass ineet
ii'g cu ik' i'ublic Sijiiiiiv. .Jolinstown, is
a.'i;i uf)cei .i' iK'xt 'JlaiiMlay night. ).
I. 1'crrin, of New York, and II. V.,
of LaMon, and ab'e shakers, aiv to
1 tbo o! of the occasion. It should
be a ni dister gathering.
Mr Jiliii rt'.v. of ('Waiiiold towiv
fhip, who bad ahvaly Wt for the current
TohniKJ f tl? J'rtciifin. drnpjH.fl inyestor
tlay and insi.ttl on paying for another year
Mnne four rnontlis in advan-e, and of course
w let Iwve bis own way about it.
AH YiOoer to Mich iatroMs-
Mr. S. P. M'Cnmi Iias the thanks of
onr hoischold fora delicious ami bountiful
tieut of excellent oysters, served at bis ivs-tan:-;.at
a feweveningsoj;0- Lovers of tlie
li (jis bialves and other delicacies will
fi i -i that the inner man could crave at
3I( : j:i"s popular es4ablishment.
Wiliiam Wertz, a gay young sjMrt of
Oay.poi-t. 1tviuptel to got on a dinkey
engiije while i.i motion, on Monday last,
hut mis-d his footing und fell with one
fcKit on the track. 1 wo toes Amputated
and the piosjtct of 1 Mi g the balance of
the foot, is the way the tiling stands at
kites! advices.
Following are the names of the teach
er selected to take charge of the Cambria
tow&hip schools, which are to open about
. the iU-ghiuing of next month : Misses
XTaflJUi T.vans, Jennie W. Kvans, Malinda
Beyuon, flam lymii, Allie. Uoyd. Annie
M. DjivLs, Mary VL Hughes, Itaehel Evans,
and Mr. John Kvans.
Mr. John Karnes, of this city, saystbe
Johnstown Jkmocrat, met with a serious
accident, on last Monday. He is a work
man in the Foundry of the Cambria Iron
Company, and by some cause a large quan
tity of melted metal was spilled on his
back, burning him terribly. He was tak
en to his residence and medical aid pro
cured. Westmorland county against the world
'f Thiiicidcs. This time it is (Jeorge Fry,
Poor lbnix farmer, Hcmpiield township.
Friday l-t he put powder and ball in a
pistol, and tin n put the pistol to his head
and pulled the trigger. Death must have
occurred instantly, but the body was not
found ; until nexi morning. Temporary
Tlie fast line cast on Tuesday morning
last ran oV the trick at Middletown, in
consequen.v of a switch having been turned
for the wcsicin bound train, and coming in
contact: with the engine house, several of
the cars were badly wrecked and thirteen
' persona more or less injured, none of them,
Lowever, dangerously. The engineer had
ever- i ils broken.
- -0! u!l ye who thirsteth after knowl
,ri who desireth that your children
Wiui.:.j;ii(iiiif, 'in l.lw..,t;.,..' i i .....
J 'in,W'IH J J U
yirhat beninion A: Murray have a full
-amplete stock of all the latest and
ti'piovcd school looks, which they
-lij ls just as i-henn :i tliov rvin li i.I
ain 8 ie. Kvt rything else in the line of
j ' stationery, drugs, notions, jewelry,
et-, .il da the same principle.
- n.e Johnstown Uf)rocrtf$ntorj about
sJiiine of bells in Cambria Citv does
iiiue with the stories of several gen
ii from that vicinity whom we have
'fl'od. All airee in saviiifr tli:it ?f
t-i 1
agree m saving
A i t City has a chime of bells, they
pus far failed to hear them, or even
! them. Therefore it behooveth us
rale our asseit ion that Carrolltown
l will have, the first chime of bells
eu-priiuidit to Cambria count v.
f.."7"ln"tu''r death caused by an explosion
V ' ';i "'1 this timo in our own county.
V I "ihTer of Mr. Michael Bradley,
i'i Washington bnvnship, aged
fifteen years, atUinoted to till a
Hi, ,
X: r
1, ':
" carbon oil lamp on Monday evening
-I 'lie nil 'iii.l ..i. .1. u.i,iii
r f .
: iu,:
; ler
; em.;
I cat-.
I " '
. , - ...v mill l& VAri"Oliii
T'l;a matter of course. The un
" 11 iil was terribly burned so bad,
f: V'ut tl,w l'nys'eiaii who attended
,l""rity for saying that nearly her
I ,'-v theetteetsof the shocking
J 'l-iieand sh lived only a few houin
.'iM..g the fatal injuries. A little
'. who was near by at th time, had
Local Correspondence.
I "NVh.mouk, Scpr. in, 1S72.
Ttonr Ffftnitn Since we last addressed
uii many changes have occurred. The se:i
sons liave " rolled their ample rounds," old
Mother Karth has yielded bountifully, the
stores have been garnerefl for future use, and
the shortened days, and lengthened nights
and mellow light of the huntsman's moon,
admonish us that the time of the "sere and
yellow leal " is at hand. Even now the
first faint touches of nature's pencilings, the
harbingers of Autumn gorgeous hues, are
seen upon the mountain tops. Here we
might moralize, but we presume, Mr. Editor,
that you prefer facts to fancies, and we will
proceed to chronicle some of the items
pertaining to our locality.
A camp meeting is in jirogress about a
mile from Wilinore. in a delightful grove on
the land of Mr. (i. W. ltorabaujih, and
under the auspice or the United Hrethern
Church. A uunilicrot ministers and a iarge
concourse of persons, including many from
a distance, are in attendance. We are in
formed that there has lwen some eloquent
preaching, but your correspondent had no
opportunity to judge of its merits, a the
command, io ye not out to hear tlieni,"
had some influeec over him.
We are glad to inform you that a great
desideratum here is about to lie supplied
namely, a good school. The property of the
late Austin Thompson, Esq., has !cen pur
chased by responsible parties, ami it is, I
am informed, the design to establish a first
class school therein a school in which the
young will be instructed intellectually and
morally, and lx- titled to till, w ithout the aiil
of either thorn or willow, the position in
life that their Creator designed for them.
That our schools have degenerated is a fact
that none of our citizens will deny. There
may be several causes for this. "One per
haps is the absence of co-operation of parents
with tin- teacher, another the inability of
teachers to govern. We once knew an old
laily who newr forgave her father for not
giving her sulhcieiit "eddieatiou " to enable
her to tea h school, "for," said she, stamj)
ing her foot and shaking her tist, "I have
the very natur to teach, for I could give it
to them" (the children ): and judging from
sundry bandaged heads and striped backs
that have come under our oliservution, vu
have concluded that some teachers of the
present day posses the old lady's "natur."
in an eminent degree, but w het lit r their other
qualifications are in proportion we are not
utile to say.
A Fair will open here on the ltith inst.
under the direction of the Catholic congre
gation. A hirgn temporary building has
ln-eii erected for the purpose. Ample pre
parations are being made Rev. Father tru-1-laher
is untiring in his lalxirs to promote its
success, and the ladies of the congregation,
to their honor lie it said, are active, as they
ever are in all good works, and. we trust
success wi'il crow n their efforts.
We have had the pleasure of taking by
the hand our old friend. Major Thomas A.
Magnire, a former resident of this county,
who has Im-cii stopping a few days in our
village. The Major is a geutleiiuiu and a
genial companion, but, from a slight inkling
we gathered from his conversation, we fear
that he, too, lias lxiwed at the shrine of
Republicanism. More anon. Siii.on.
SCMMI.KIMI.1. TVI, Sept. 10,"1K72.
Ihur Fretmun People hereaway, or many
of them at least, are preparing for the Cath
olic Ladies Fair, which will commence on
Monday next, I. V. Carpenters are at
present engaged in erecting a wigwam L'i'ix'io
feet, in which it isdesigned to hold the Fair,
tuitc a number of valuable articles will
disposed of by chance, including one gold
watch, one bilver watch, a large picture of
Itiahop Donictiec, one of the IJlcssed Virgin,
iiiwi one representing the Ascon.sion of Christ.
Also. ;i nice doll lev by, for which "Erionach"
is going heavily, several album, bibles, etc.,
a bt of jewelry, a splendid set of butter
knives, (the gift of M ia. Jos. Miller,) a lot of
di'dicH, nd nn assortment of ar
ticles which I cannot enumerate. A gold
headed cane is ti be voted to the most popu
lar railroader. .1 u elegant child's bureau, or
a child elegant Imreau take your choice
i t be awarded to W t iuist amiable little
girl in Wilinore. For this prize two of tliw
nicest children to In; found anywhere are
competitors. The Fair is to coutinueseverul
days, and everything will lie ilmw to make
the occasion as jji'uturauif as possible. A
portion of the building will be. et apart for
those who desire to enjoy terpsichorettn
amusemeets. A cordial invitation in extend
ed to all w ho desire to amuse themselves and
aid a worthy object. When the Fair is over
I w ill give a. list of articles drawn and voted
for and the name .?f the persons winning
the Kime. Hoping to see respectable delega
tions from the lieighlmriiig -'itics, tow us and
rural districts in attendance on the occasion,
I will dismiss this subject for the present.
Camp meeting is at present Wing held in
the vicinity of Wilmore. Quite & large del
egation from yourtown was in attendance on
Sunday, as well as a large nuuilier of people
from other plains. The meeting is said to
be large and very spirited. It will continue
until Thursday next.
Sam. Henry was in town on Sunday button-holing
spurioua democrat. Notwith
standing his pains, the Hun. Samuel will ex
perience a large falling off from the vote he
polled here last fall.
Ed. James prints the most amusing paper
in the county. In last week's issue of the
lhn-tiltl lie favored us with an anti-Greeley
communication purporting to have been writ
ten by a. dissatisfied "llemoerat" of this place,
when everybody knows there in not a. deiuol
crat in Suinmerhill township opposed to
tireelcy who possesses sufficient intelligence
to distinguish between the English and Choc
tow languages, so far as com sit ion is con
cerned. Rut Ed. will persist in making fun
for us, even if he has to make a jackanape of
himself in doing so. fcjol.TKJco.
Al.TOOVA, Sept. 11, 1872.
Fr'fnd ikPike A newspaper is to one's
heart what a summer day is to the health.
Hut coming down from the mountain, clear,
fresh and bright as the first burst of dawning
day, the Fremiti n is to me what fresh water
is to the lunched lips. Well, having said
this much of your excellent paper, 1 know
you won't throw this sheet aw ay, Wcanse I
hear that an editor is the most self-opinioued
of men, and likes to hear his handiwork
landed. I don't know whether thin be true
or not of editors, but it is true ad preaching
concerning politician.
Politicians 1 That brings another item to
the surface
To say that things a re looking bright that
the goose is at the proi-r latitude, ami that
Specr "hasa sure thing" is a true and plain
statement of the outlook here. Hon. R. M.
Specr and Hon. Wm. Hartley addressed the
largest political gathering I oversaw in Al
toona. on Monday night lost. 1 need not say
that the addresses were grand but I will.
I need notsav that votes were made, but that
there were it is folly to deny. Rut enough of
Klitic8. They look to me something like a
blind man on a foggy morning, without a
guide, in the Allegheny mouutains, or what
I imagine would be the appearance of such
a man in such a plight.
The slaughter house and stable of Anthony
Shontz, near the lower shops, was burned by
fire last night. Ross about $1,000 ; no insu
rance. Origin of tire unknown.
New sewer in First Ward.
Weather highly unpleasant.
liemooratie County Committee good.
Capt. Crozier and Jas. Claybaugh, two vet
eran Democrats from Second Ward, this city.
No U tter men. Ry-the-by, the Captain has
the prettiest little child in this neck o' tim
Wr ; at least so it looks to me. He calls her
May, and her face- is as full of sunshine as
that balmy month of Spring.
The water wo drink is impregnated with
compound extract of saw-logs, from the
Point which I fail to see.
"Anti-Fraud" he's a good fejlow, "Anti"
is. I know him well. I wrote him an Irish
letter once. Rut he's too hard on the lire,
or on the ru-iovs editor of the Vice. Give
"Anti" my lovo.
I will make my first visit khort bo that you
will feel like asking me to call again. "'.Let
us shake hands across the bloody chasm."
Yours, lovingly, "Pax,
Liuealdcsccndent ef Mercury and Penelope.
An Indiana County Ewi-kmext, and
What Ca m i: of It. We find the following
in one of our exchanges without any credit,
but presume it was copied from a Chicago
i Dr. R. N. Thomas, hitherto a respectable
! citizen of Marion, Indiana county, Pa., is
the husband of a kind wife and the father of
six lovely children. He owns houses aud
lands. In the same town lived a Mr. and
Mrs. Nurl". Mrs. Minnie Nuff was, until two
mouths ago, a true w ife and a fond mother
to a 1k)v and a girl. Rut one day it was the
old story of Adam Wing tempted by Eve,
and, as is generally the case, the poor man
soon fell. After "that they met quite fre
quently. They eloped a few weeks ago,
came to Chicago, and stopped at Prince's
hotel. Here they spent a honeymoon of two
days only, and then they went to a hashery
on Madison street. Here they were -two
loving doves, basking in the sunshine of joy
and unhallowed bliss, undisturWd only by
the weekly demands for money by an im
pecunious Warding house keeper.
On last Thursday afternoon a man called
at the office of Dr. Thomas, at the place
aWve mentioned. A handkerchief which
ho held in his hand was pressed firmly
against his face. Evidently he was suffer
ing great pain. In answer to the Wdl a ser
vant opened the door.
(Jent (with a groan) "Is the. doctor at
home V"
Servant gal "Faith, an' I dunno, sir ;
I'll ax the mistress."
tin her return she was accompanied by a
lady, who said she was the doctor's wife.
He was not at home, but she expected him
every moment. Would the gentleman wait ?
Yes. They sat down in the parlor. The
gentleman was handsome ; his black mous
tache was an object of admiration. Madam,
the doctor's wife, flirted a little bit, and the
gent in waiting was not backward in discov
ering as much. Just then the doctor came.
Yes his name was Thomas, and he was from
"Many thanks for the information," said
the polite individual, who only a moment
Ik-fore was making a desperate onslaught
toward M rs. Thomas. "1 am glad to know
it. I have been looking for you. My name
is Simonti. I am a detective from police
The doctor trembled, and with a shriek
the lady swooned ujmiu the floor. After she.
had Wen revived the officer read the warrant
for their arrest on the charge of adultery,
The guilty couple were taken Wfore Justice
Rayton, who, however, dismissed the case on
the promise of Thomas and Minnie that
they would at once return to Pennsylvania
ami lead a Wtter life.
Following is the Presentment made by the
tiraud Jury previous to their discharge las,
week :
To the. Jl'jiviruhte (he Judye of the Court of
Quarter Srsxious of the I'vot-v Cumbria
Couiittj, I'iniisylrunia :
The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania inquiring in and for the
County of Cambria, at September Sessions,
1S7"J, respectfully report : That they have
acted on all the hills of indictment present
ed to them by the IMstrict Attorney, which
were few in numWr, and show a good ten
dency to the morals of the county.
In the pursuance of their duties, they have
visited the county prison and the-almshouse.
The county prison, so far as the building is
concerned they tind complete, hut the in
side arrangements are anything else in their
opinion. The basement of the building is
wet and damp ; stagnant water to the depth
of several inches i.s now To W found there
in many places, which should he drained oil".
The furnaces or heaters placed in said build
ing, for the purpose of heating the same, as
they are now constructed, do not appear suf
ficient and do not answer the purposes for
w hich they are intended ; therefore, for the
promotion of the health ami comfort of the
Sheritf aud his family, as w ell as the unfor
tunate prisoners confined in sai l building,
they would suggest that immediate steps be
taken to remedy the said evils. The range
for cooking and talking erected in the build
ing i.s not of much account, and should there
fore W t.1en out and Rome other arrange
ment placed in its stead. The registers
placed iu the wall in many of the cells are
entirely loose some of them now lying on
the tloer which is unsafe, and therefore
should W fastened with Wits through the
wall. There is neither rack or pin in any of
the cells for the prisoners confined therein
to hang a particle of clothing on, which is
rather unpleasant. AVe think this defect
should W remedied. There is no arrange
ment w hatever whereby any of the prison
ers iu any of the cells can give to the sheriff
or jailor an alarm iu case of sickness, fire,
etc., ami would therefore suggest that a cord
or w ire be attached from each cell to the bell
in the Sheriffs apartment.
They visited the almshouse, now under the
supervision of Mr. Isadore Lilly as steward
and Mrs. Lilly as matron, and found every
thing in excellent condition and the inmates
uf the institution well cared for.
The Honorable Court, the listrict Attor
dey, the Sheriff, and Steward of the Alms
l louse, will please accept the thanks of the
Grand Inquest for the courtesy extended to
them dining the Sessions.
All which is respectfully submitted.
Gk. . K. Zahm, Foreman.
SeptemWr 4, 172.
Money to be Jlade, ami Jlotr.
The Pittsburgh "Peoples Monthly," a
lwntifil lti-jKiH illuxtrateil paper for the
home, absolutely ijirrx away to iwh HiiliKeri
ber far more than its subscription price : an
attractive chromo in the rhii-t (if varnished,
mounted ready for framing, 2' cents more),
or two choice home engravings, 24x.'l0, or a
trial of the paper for three months for twenty-five
cents, which is Icm than eot. What
could" W fairer? Tis a pure, bright, and
very popular paper, liked by all who see it,
n ni i-prKall v riniiroveil liv the nress. and as
the only illustrated paper of any size ami j
pretensions in the West, it should W in every j
west r it family. Its "Household" and "Uoys .
and Girls" departments are valuable fea
tures. Only one dollar and a half for a year.
(food Urn Aentx on biy commission, wanted in
every locality. Address "Peoples Monthly,"
Pittsburgh, Pa,
Patrick Keenan, miner, was found dead
on the railroad, a short distance westof I'enn
station, earlj- on Tuesday morning of last
week. He was last seen alive that night
about ten o'clock. Several trains passed
over him, mangling him terribly, and scatter
ing his remains over a distance of aWut
fifty feet. He was a single man, hut had a
mother residiug at Penn. Coroner ltierer I
held an inquest, the jury rendering a verdict j
that deceased came to his death by being
run over by one or more trains eastward, and
no other evidence could W elicited except
what we have stated.
The l'ittsburgh "Peoples Monthly" for
SeptemWr has reached us, full as usual of
most excellent Atone reading and illustrations;
The "Housefiold" ami "Uoys and Girls" de
partments are interesting and valuable fea
tures ami as twice the cost of the paper i.s
actually yiven aicay to the subscriWr iu chro
mes, or engravings. Those wishing a pure,
bright, and universally popular family paper
should send 81.50 for a year's subscription.
Sent three months on tral for only twenty
five cents.
ItoWrtCrusan, a well known and highly
respected citizen of Loyalhanna township,
Westmorland county, died suddeutly on
Saturday week. He had beep to Saltsburg
for some merchandise, with a wagon ami I
team, and on his return, when near White's
lock, was observed to turow up ins nanus,
fall backwards and instantly expire. De
ceased seemed hearty enough a few minutes
Wfore he died. I leart disease, it is presumed,
was the cause of his sudden taking away.
TOf ICI- The partnership heretofore ex
ij istintr between the undersigned was dis
solved bv mutual consent. September 2d, ln,2.
The Sathile and Hnrness business will be con
tinued in the name of H.C. Litziiig-er, by whom
the boks of the late firm will be settled,
tne ovioio u if . c. LITZINGE1L
A. P. YlNUElt.
Lorctto, Sept. , 1?T-V3t."
The advertiser, having been permanent lj
cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a I
simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his I
fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who
desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription j
used, (free of charg-e) with the directions tor j
preparing and using the sutue. which they will
find a sc UK cuke for Oi;su;pti'oii.-4 linia.ltron. j
i hitin, ttc. Parties wishing the prescription will i
plei9e address
ll-lS.-ly. im I'enn St., ViUiamsburgh. X. Y.
Caution. Every genuine box of Dr. Mt- i
LANE'S LIVEIt IMLL8 bears the signature of i
FLEMING BROS., and their private United '
States Stamp. r?"Take no other." The I
market is full of Imitations. i
Pennsylvania Military Academy,
At Cliepter. Dels ware Countv. I'a. (For lt si-
dent Cadets only.) The eleventh annual session
commences Wednesday, Sept. 4. Thorough in
struction in Civil Enirincc rinjr. the Mathemati
cal and Nil m r;il Sciences. The Classics and
KiiKli-h i.s imparted by West l'oint Kri'uates
and other competent professors. Circulars
may be obtained of
Coi.. Til KO. HYATT, Treat. V. M. A.
On l'hi a.i Rait. Central U.K.. Kennett Square,
Ch titer Co., I'a offersjdl the inducements that
constitute a home in connection with a thor
ough English Education. at 140 per school your.
No extras except for inst ruction in Wax, Musie,
Latin, French, Cerniim, Painting and Drawing.
Eastern teachers, -frail u sites of our best New
England s h. o!s. have been employed for pev-e-al
years. Inquire of EVAN T. S WAYNE,
SALL1K W. S W A Y N E, Principal.
l)l)Klti:.TOW. (X. J.) FK.tlAl.i: !.
1) I.l'.O F. Thornutfh instruction. Henlthfiil
and beautiful location. One of the most care
fully conducted and best sustained institutions
in the State. For terms, etc., address Rev.
For &TO ier Iueli ier Month.
we will insert an atH ci tisciiicnt in 120 Flr(
'Ia 1'nppm in Penn. List sent on applica
tion to ;f.o j. iinivKi.L .. t
vertfiiir Agents, 41 lnrk How. Y,
Aircnts wanted for our Camonijrn Goods. Nell at i
Siirht. Pay 100 per eenU profit. Now is the time. (
Send at once for Descriptive Circulars and Price ;
Lists of our Fine Steel Eiiirra vins of all the i
'undidates. Campaign ItioirrHPhies.Charfs, I't:o-
totfraphs, lladires. Pins, Flaps, and everything
suited to t he times. Ten Dollars per day easily
made. Full samples sent for :. Address'-MooUE
i: tJooospiiKl), 37 P;irk How, New York.
Aoe.nts Wanted for Flumibcrlin'a Ureal
Faiiipnlg'ii ISuok, Tiifi
STIM TCI a tis r ""T;
.1 A'ori'Jt; iii I'ulitiral ami I'ojjuhir L. it t rat hit.
A (J kapiiic Ili-tory of the Republican and Hein
ocratic I'.irties: a nicy sketch of the so-called
Liberal 1'epublican Party; an insiilc nVirnf the
Cincinnati Convention. Tho minor tickets or
xiilc jtii.i.-n of the cainpaitrn. The lincst Illus
trated ltook Published. A Ilook wanted by
every A mcrieaii citizen. To secure territory at
once, send S I fornutnt. TTN!ON Pl'llLlSMlNU
CO., ChieKo.lll.,.Philu.,I'a., or Spring held, Mass.
Political Goods
of nil kinds.
EinKvni:Ks, flags, lanterns,
josf.pii n. pvunr.
' mid 31 Maiden I.mii.
Kstalilishcd 1st. KW YORK.
Epilepsy or Fits
A oil it E CUKr, for tuisdisti cssinsr complaint
is now made known in a Tre.itie (of iH octavo
pajres) on Foreign and Native Herbal "repara
tions, published by Dr. O. Hi.ow n. The
pre c.-iption was "discovered by him in such a
providcutial manner Ilia, he cannot conscien
tious! v refuse to make it known, asit has cured
everybody who has used it for FitJ, never hav
ing tailed in a single case. The inyri O'cnta! may
be op ni-d from unv dmiTist. A copy sent
free to all applicants by mail. Address Dr. O.
I'akli's IlKtiw.v, 21 ijiaud M., Jersey City, N. J.
Contain the latest improved instructions for ,
mixing- Brandies. Whiskeys, Ktims, Gins. I ii t -
tecs, aiicy Cordi lis. Fruit Syrups, May Kuni, '.
iiC Ac. No one enxnjred in the Liquor Musi- 1
ness can afford to do without them. As tor
them and examine them at the booki-tores. D -livered
bv inuil.on receipt of ;,by Aschknhai h :
f Mil l E't. N.W.cor.adandCaliowhill Sts. 'I'tnl ,
adelphla.Pa. ludexandsamplesheetsseut free
Nothing like II in medicine. A luqury to I
the palate. a painless evacuaut. a irentle stimu
lant tt t h eiretilalion. a perspiratory prepara
tion, an anti- titliotJH medicine, ptomaehlc. n
diuretic and i.n admirable Keneial alterative.
Such are the acknowledged and dui!v proven
properties of Takkant's Effkhvksce't
T the cheapest mid best article in the market for
lUiu-in? t lot lies. The Kcnuine has both Harlow's
and Will lierrcrs name on the label, and is put
up at WUlbersrei-'s Drily Store, No. SCI North
Second St.. Philadelphia. 1). S. YVTLTUEKG EU.
Proprietor. For sale by DriiRtrisisuud Grocers.
3 For any case of Ulind,
Mlecdinpr, Itclmiif of
Ulcerated PilesthatJr
liiita'tt I'ilelleineilu fails
to cure. It is prepared
expressly to euro the
Sold by ull Druggists.
Piles, and nothing else
"Price, 1.00.
A FA KM or SIX TY ACKES. located in Ulack-
il. lick township, Cambria eo., 4
...i:....,i...r l u ii . i . I i
HUJI'l'IIIIN ... i .... v . (..(lai. .. .o
sinirer, Hich'd Moruran, and oth
ers, about 40 Acres of which arc
cleared, with a larire two story
PLANE HOUSE, LOG MA UN, Sc., thereon
erected the balance well timbered. Will he
sold at a bargain. For further particulars in
quire on the promises, or address
Sept. 13.-3m. Ebensburif P. O.
riTTK first und nnrtixl noeountof II. KlNKEAB
X Esq., Assignee of Jons J. G iASS. havinir j
been tiled in the Court of ( ommon Pleas of
Canibria county the Kith July, 1S72:
On the llth September. 172, the Court order
and direct Unit the Prothonotary shall jrivc no
tice of the filing of this account, during the pe
riod of three consecutive weeks, in tha "Cam
bria Herald" and the "Canibria Freeman," and
that the came shall be allowed on the 15th Octo
ber, 1S72, unless cause be shown why such ac
count stum Id not be allowed. By the Court.
From the Uecord.
Sept. l:t.-ot. J. K. IIITK, Irothonataru.
VI DIKIIt'S XOTM E E. J. Mills, V. S.
Marker, R. It. Thomas, E. Koberts & Son,
Mi, li:ii'l .1. M-.awlov. II. A. M'Coy, M. G. Wil
liams, .!. P. Thompson, and A. A. Barker & Son, i
vs. William Calian, Garnisnee oi a. j. l auuocK
and Hubert Adams. In the L'ovtt of Common
;;. ;s .if ( 'timhriu Couritij. A", if, September Term,
1S7I. C ). Attachment Kxkci'tion. i
A nil III, w. 4th of Senteinber. l.J7i, Judirtnent. i
a km inst Garnishee, William Calian, for amount I
admitted by hiiu to be due and owing in his an- f
swer tiled. Same day, Gko. w . oaimam, Esq..
is appointed Auditor to distribute the fund
amonir the attaching creditors entitleitto the
Krone, and make report thereof to the ourt at
the Argument Court. Bt thkCourt.
T win. attend to the dutifs of the above
appointment, at my ouice in Ebensburr, Pa., '
on Thurmlay, (Klolier 3d, l72, at 2 41'cIocIl, p. m., !
when and where all parties muni ai
teud or be debarred from coining iu on eaid
fund. GKO. W. OATMAN, Attior.
Ebeusburff, Sept. 13, lS7-'.-Jt.
gnv Advertisements!.
SUA (Thffb&h
! w pa sun
Tuesday, October 8th, 1872.
Pursuant to an Act of the General Assem- 1
lily of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, '
entitled "An Act relating to the Klectionsof
this Commonwealth," approved the 2d dav
of July, A. I)., ls.'5-.l, T, WILLIAM It. P.OX
ACKEIt, Hirh Sherift of the County of Cam
bria, in the t'ommon wealth of Pennsylvania,
do hereby make known and give liotiee to .
the klkctokk of county aforesaid, that
a tieiieral KIe;tion w ill W held in the said
county of Cambria, on the SECONIl TUKS
DAY OF GCTOltEH, hkis Tin: 8t iav
of the month, at which time State, Iis- 1
trict and Comity otllcers will lie elected as
follows: i
One jK'rson for Governor of the Common- '
walth of Pennsylvania.
One person for Jndge of the Supreme
Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- '
One person for the office of Auditor Gen
eral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. '
Three jK lsons for Congressmen at Iiirge '
of the Commonwealth of I'ennsyl vania. i
Twenty-eight j:rsons for Delegate at
Large to the Convention of Pennsylvania. I
One person to represent the district com
posed of Mitllin, Ulair, Cambria and Hunt- .
ingdon, in the House of Kepresentatives of j
the United States. '
Two persons to represent tho district com- ,
posed of Cambria, Clearfield, Clinton and
Klk in the Constitutional Convention. j
ne person to represent the county of Cam-
Lria in the House of Representatives of the ;
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. !
One person for Register and Ilecorder of 1
Cambria county. j
One person for the office of County Com- j
missioner of Cambria county. ;
One person for the office of Director of the
Poor of Cambria county.
One jierson for the office of Auditor of
Cambria county. j
I also hereby make known nnd give notice i
that the place of holdimr the aforesaid election
in the several wards, boronjrhs. dis-tricts and :
townships within the county of Cambria are as
follows, to wit :
Tho electors of the district composed of the i
townshipof Allegheny to meet at head 's school
house, in said township. i
The electors of the district composed of the '
tnwnship of Arinms, to meet at the School I
House at Moses Krlnjr'pin said township. ,
The electors f the clisliict composed of the
township of lfcirr, to meet at Scuool House io.
11, in said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of liiackliek. to meet at the house of
Adam Mukiu, dee'd, in the villajre of Melsano.
The electors of the district composl of the
township of Cambria, to meet at the Court
House in the WroiiK" of EbenstmrK-
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Carroll, to meet at the School
House in Carrolhown borough.
The electors of 'he district composed of the
borough of carrolltown to meet ut the School
11. use in said boroiifrh.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Chest, to meet at School lloue Nn.
3, in said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
borough of Chest Springs to meet at tlie house
of Jacob M'airner, in said borounh.
The electoi s of the district composed of the
township of Clearfield, to meet at School House
No. 3. adjoining the village of St. Augustine, in
said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Conemaujrh. to meet at the School
House at Simrer's in said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
horouirh of CoiiennuiKli. to meet as follows:
First Ward, at the house of Peter Maltie, in
said First Ward; Second Ward, at the house of
Henry C. Dishonor, in said Second Ward.
The electors of t he district composed of the
horoiiirn of Cambria, to meet at School House
n. ? in Raid boromrh.
The electors of the district composed of the ;
borouRh of Coopersdnle, to meet at the School ;
llouso in said horoug-h. j
The electors f the district composed of the ,
township of ( 'roy le. to meet lit the School House j
in the villajre of Siiinnierhill, in ssitl township. ;
The 'lcctors of the district composed of the
borooh of East Coneniauyrli. to meet at the j
liouse oT Hanii'l Confer, in said bromrh. ,
The electors or tlie ciistrict composed oT the j
borouuh of Elu'nsluirjf, to meet us follows: - I
1-ist Wurd, at the Court House, in said Ward;.
West Ward, to meet iu Grand Jury Itoom, in i
said Ward. , j
The electors of the district composed of the .
borough of Franklin, to meet at the School I
House in said borouj: h. i
The electors of the district composed of tiie I
township of Gallitzin. lo meet at the School !
House in the town of GalHfie ; i" phI'I township, j
The eleetors of the district composed of tlie I
township of Jackson, to meet at the house of
Henry Kntfer, in said township.
The electors of tlie district composed of tho
horouph of Johnstown, to meet as follows:
First Ward, at Public School Room No. 5, in
said Ward: Second Ward, at the office of Joseph
S. Strnvcr. Esq., on Market street, iu mid Wart);
Third Ward, at houso of John Mrady.on Frank
lin street, in miid Ward: Fourth Ward, at the
house of John Trefts in said ward; Fifth Ward,
at tlie Kernville School House in said Ward;
Sixth Ward, at the Johnstown Pottery In said
Ward. , , ,
'1 he electors of the district composed nf the
horouirh of I-oretto, to meet at tho School
House in said borough.
The elec'ors of the district composed of the
township of Monster, to meet at the warehouse
of Ante. lJurbin, in the village of Munstcr, in
said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
borough of Millville, to meet at the Franklin
House in said boroujrh.
The eleetors of the district com posed of the
borough of Prospect, to meet at the Schoo
House in said boroujrh.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Richland, to meet at the house of
Joseph Geis, iu said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Suimncrhill, to meet at the School
House in the borough of Wilinore.
The electors of the district composed of the
borough of Summit ville, to meet at the School
House in said norougli.
The eleetors of the district composed of the
township of Susquehanna, to meet at the house
of Michael Piatt, in said towuship.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Taylor, to meet nt the School
liouse Tifnr Wm. llraJrk'k'is in Hii township.
The electors of the district composed of the
borough of Woodvale, to meet at School Houso
in said borough.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of Washington, to meet at the School
House nt the Foot of Plane No. 4. in said twp.
The electors of the district composed of the
township of White, to meet at School House
No. 1, in paid township.
The electors or the district composed of the
township of Y odcr, to meet as follows: First
division, t th house of Win. A. Hicks, in said
township; second division, nt Beam's school
house, in saiJ township.
The general election iu nil th Wards, Town
ships. Ilislricts and Boroughs of the county is
to be opened betweeu the hours of six and
seven o'clock in the forenoon, and shall con
tinue without interruption or adjournment
until 7 o'clock in the evening, when ull polls
shall be closed.
And I rriiTHER orvE notice, ns in and by the
l:ith section of the aforesaid Act I am directed.
That all persons excepting Justices of the
Peace who shall hold any office or appoint ment
of profit or trust under the government or the
Cnited States, or of this State, or of any city or
incorporated district, whether a commissioned
otticer or otherwise, a subordinate, or Bent
who is or shall be employed under the Legisla
tive, Judiciary, or Executive Departments of
this State or t he United Stales, ."r of any city
or incorporated district, aud also every mem
ber of Congress, or of the State legislature,
und of the 6clect nnd common councils or any
city, or cominsssioner of any incorporated dis
trict, is by law incapable of holding or exercis
ing nt the snnie time the office or appointment
of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of nnv Election of
this Commonwealth, ami that no Inspector, or
Judge, oranv other officer of any such election,
shall be eligible to any office then to be voted
ror. Also, bv tue4t!i flection oi an aci oi As
sembly entitled "An Act relating to Elections
and for other purposes," approved the 10th day
of April. ls.-i6, it is enacted that the foregoing
l lth Section shall not be so construed as to pre
vent any military oflieer or borough officer
from serving as Judge or Inspector nt any
general or special election held in tho Common
wealth. . .
The general, special, city, incorporated di
trict and township elections, aud all elections
for Electors of President and Vice President of
the United States, shall be held and conducted
by the Inspectors and Judges elected ns afore
said, and by Clerks appointed as hereafter pro
vided. The inspeetorsand judge of the clectionsshall
meet at ihe respective places appointed for
holding the election In the district to which
they respectively In-long before seven o'clock
In the morning, and each of said inspectors
shall appoint one clerk, who shall bo aquaWticd
voter of 6uch district.
In case tho person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for Inspec
tor shall not attend on the day of unv election,
then the person who shall have received the
next highest number of votes for judge at tho
next preceding election shall act as inspector
in his place. And in case the person who shall
have received the highest number of votes for
inspector shall not attend, the person elected
judge shall appoint an insiector in hi place.
And in case the person elected judge shall not
attend, ihen the inspector who shall have re
ceived the highest number or votes shall ap
point a judge in his place, and ir any vacancy
bhall couliuue iu the board for the space of ouj
hour sftcr the lime ti.xed by law for the open
ing of the election, the ipiiiiiricd voters ot the
township, ward or districts, for which such olli
cern have hi-cn elected, present at. tie phut- or
election. shall elect some ot their number to till
I lie vacancy.
In insi' j.iiy clerk appointed under the provi
sions of this act shall neulect to at tend at anv
election during the said year, it thail be the
uuty of the inspector who appointed said clerk,
or the person tilling theofijee of M1; li Inspec
tor, to forthwith appoint a an it aide person as
clerk, qualified as aforesaid, who shall pcrti.i in
the .hi i ics or the ear.
It shall be the d'uty of the several n-,-;or..
respectively, to attend at the place of bidding
every general, special or township election'
during the whoie time said election is kept
open, for I lie purpose of giving it: formal ion t,(
the inspectors and the judge, when called en.
in relation to tlr." right of any person assi-ssi-d
by them to vote at such election, or such other
matters in il lation to the assessment of vol, -is
ns the said inspectors, or cither of them, s-hail
from time to time ret pi ire.
No peron shall be permitted to vote at anv
election, as aforesaid, o! her t h.iu a freeman of
tho axe of twenty-one years or more w ho shall
ha ve Vcsfded iu tin- State at l n-t e-ne year, ami
in the election district where he otrors to vote
at least ten days immediately preceding such
election, and has within two years paid a State
or county tux. which shall been assessed
at least ten days Oetoie the election. Rut a
citizen of the I'uited Slates who has
bcen qualified oter ot this Slate and re
moved therefrom and returned, and who .-hall
have resided in the election district and paid
taxes, as a foresaid, shall be entitled to vole
ul tcr residing in the State six months, vm-i-iltil.
That t he freemen, citizens of the United
States, between twenty-otic mid twenty-iwo
years, who have resided' in an election district
as aforesilid, shall be cntiticd to vole. Millionth
they shall not have paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of io
hiibituuts furnished by Commissioners, unless '
First, he produces a receipt for the payment
within two years of a State or county tax, as- 1
Sessed agreeably to the Const it nt ion, and gi v e
satisfactory evidence, cither on his oath or af
firmation of mm! her. that be has p iid such a
tax. or on failure to proem e a receipt, shall
make oath to the payment thereof. Second, if
he claim tho right to vote by bciiir mi elector
lictwecn the age of twenty-one and twenty-two
y ears, he shall depose on oath or iilhruiation
that he has resided in this Slate at least one
year next la-fore tii application, and make
such proof of residence in the district as is re
quired by this act. ami that he does verily be
lieve from the account giver, him that he is of
the age aforesaid, and such other evidence as
is required by tins act; whereupon the name
of the person thus admitted to vote shall be
inserted in t he a Ipha bet ieal list by the inspec
tors and a not made opposite l hereto ny writ
ing the word "tax," if he shall be admitted to
vote bv reason of having paid tax, or the word
'age.'' it he shall be admitted to vote by reason
ol such age; and the same shall be lulled out
to the clerk, who shall make the like in. toon
the list of voters kept by them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming lo vote is found on the list luriiished
by the commissioners and risse'Sors, or his right
to vote, whether found thereon or not. is ob
jected to by any qualified citizen. It shall be the
duty of the inspectors to examine such person
on oath ns to his iiual iticat ions, and if he dam:
to have resided within the Mate tor one v mr
or more, his outh shall not be sutheiunr proof
thereof, but he shall make proof oy at
otic eompeti-nt witness, who shall be a iu
no. u j
elector, that he has resided ill the Onnicl lor
mere than ten day s m-xt immcJiati ly pi eced- :
ing such election, and shall al hiiiisi ll ;
that his boiialide residence, in pursuance of ins
lawful calling, is in said dirtricl, and he ;
tl il not remove into said distiict for the pt:r- i
pose of voting therein. !
Every person qualil c 1 as nroresaid, and who
shall make uue prool, if r-iiircd, of his ii-.m-deni-c
and pay mclit of taxes as atoresaid, shall
lie admitted to vote in the township, ward or
district iu which he shall reside.
It any person shall prevent or attempt to pre
vent any ofhiccr of any election under tins
Act frm holding such elections, or use or
threaten any violence to any such officer, or
shall intetrupt or improperly interli re. with
him in the execution ol lusduty, or shall bioeii
up the window or avenue to uuj vvtmlow where
tlie same may be holding, or shail ritou.-ty dis
turb tin: peace at such election, or shall use
anv intimidating threats, lorce or violence,
with des-igu to iiifiueiice unduly or overawe
any elector, or to p rcvent hiin from voting, in
to restrain the freedom of choice, sneii person,
on conviction, shall be tine.! iu any sum not
exceeding live hundred dollars, and oe im
prisoned for any term not less than throe nor
more than twelve months: ami it it sii:,il In
shown to the court where the trial of such ol
funce shall be had tlr.u the person s oil'endimr
was not a resident ot the city, ward, district or
townslup where the offence was commit tc..,
and not entitled to vote therein, th'-n. on con
viction, he shall be sentenced to pay a hue ot
not less than one hundred nor more lluiu one
thousand dollars, und be imprisoned not less
than six months nor more than two years.
If any person not by law qualified shall fraud
ulently vote at any election of this common
wealth, or, being oihcrwi.-e qualihcd. shuil vote
out ol his proper district, or if any person
knowing tlie want of such qualifications shall
aid or procure such person to vote, the pcrso-i
olleiidiug shall, on conviction, be titled i:i:;ny
sutn not exceeding two hundred dollars, and
be imprisoned in any term nut exceeding tluec
If any person shall vote at more than one
election district, or otherwise I radii lent i vole
more than once on the same day, or shall
fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector
two tickets together with the intent illegally
to vote, or shail procure another to do so. he
or they so offending shall, on conviction, be
linec in any sum not less tnan fit ty nor more
than live hundred dollars, and be iir.prisoocd
lor a term not less than three nor more than
twelve months.
If any person not qualified to vote in this
commonwealth iigreeatdy lo iaw texeept tne
sous of qualified cltizensj shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of influenc
ing the citizens qualified to vote, he shall, on
conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not ex
ceeding otic hundred dollars lor every such
ollcnsc, and be imprisoned lor any term not
exceeding three months.
An Act regulating the mode of voting at all
the elections in the several counties of this
eoniinonwea Uii. approved March :i0. lstiii :
Skctiox 1. lie it i-natted hy the S. n.tb cn-f
llime of Itrpresentaliem nf tlie L'oinmoiiireaiili
of I'ennxylvani't in t'rcnrrtd Afeinlily met, ami it
is ltcrct)i eimclcd ; f.'if authority of tin Mine-,
That the qualified voters of the several counties
of this commonwealth, at the general, town-f-hip,
borough or special elections, are hereby
hereafter authorized and required to vote l-y
tickets printed or written, or partly printed
and party writ ten. severally classified us follow:
One ticket shall em brace the tinme of all
judges of courts voted for, and be la'iclle.l
ouiside "Judiciary" ; mic ticket shall embrace
the mimes of till State offerers voted tor. ami
lie lu helled "State"; one ticket shall embrace
the name of all county nine-era voted for und
be lubclled "Coui.ty" ; out t cketsh;ll embrace
the naunv or all township olficers vole.i for aud
lie labelled "Township" ; one ticket shall em
brace the names of all borough officers voted
for, and be labelled "Horough" ; und each class
shall be deposited in sepcrale ballot-boxes.
"Section 1. The right of citizens of tne Uni
ted States to vote shall not be denied or abtig-c-d
by the United States, or by any State, on
account of race, color, or previous condition
of servitude."
GKfcSS or MA HUH 31, IS". I).
"Section 1, lie it enaeted hy the. Senate cud
House of ficpicuciitatines of the X'nitfd State of
America in 'oiiijrcs armbled. That all citizens
of the United States who are or shall be other
wise entitled to vote at any election by the
people, in any slate, territory, district, county,
city, parish, township, school district, munici
pality, or other territorial sub-division, shuil
be entitled and allowed to vote at all siuh
elections, without distinction of race, color,
or prev ious condition of servitude, nny cntisti-
lUtlOIl . Ill W. CliSloni, llSllfie-in liniiiniliniui "
under its authority,
stMte or territory, or by or
to tin- eonlrarv notwithstanding
"Slf. C. And lie is further enacted, Tbnt If by
or under the authority of the constitution or
laws of any sti'te. or ihe laws of any territory,
anv net is or shall be required to be done as a
prerequisite or qualification for voting, ami
by such constitution or law persons or bltieer
are or shall be charged with the performance
of duties in furnishing to citizens an opportunity-
to perform sucii prerequisite or to be
come qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of
every person and otticer to give all citizei.s of
or the I tilted States the same ami equal oppor- ;
Utility to perform such prerequisite ami to i
become qualified to vole, without distinction j
of race, or previous condition of servitude;
and if any such person or officer shall refuse or
knowingly omit to give lull clfcct to tins see- i
tion, he shuil, for every scch ofTence. Jtorleit j
aud pay the sum of five hundred dollars to tlie j
person aggrieved thereby, to be recovered by ;
nn action on the disc, with full costs and such
allowance for counsel fees as the court shall
deem just, nnd shall also, for cv cry such offense,
te deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shuil.
on conviction t hereof ,Jbe fined not les? than live
hundred dollars or be imprisoned not less tlutn
one month aud not more than one year, or
both, at the discretion of the court.
I-EaiSl-ATUKB OF APItll. , A. I. 1S7'.
Sec. 10. That so much of every Act or Assem
blv a provides that onlv with Irecmcti arc cii-
. - . . ' . i I j ...I ,rs or its 1
claiming to vote at any general or h-- nil cue
tiou of this coininonwealth, be ami the sa'.ii
is hereby reiM.-aled , and that heretit 'er all tiit-
I it leu to voie. oi ut- I eg isici co f - , ,
.... . ,
men. w it Until OiSl lllCIIOil.'"
i it liont tfllKt inellIl-OI coi'i . ........
rolled s
or ApVili , . ent.Hcd "An Act further
IV .. tiie Act relating lo the Ulcc
t"i Ins of Vl H tJommoiiwe-lth," and when other
wise qualified under tho C-tisting laws, be enti
tled to voronf all general au l special election
In this summon wealth.
At tbc sainc timo aud places, alio, an election
will b held for delegates to the convention to
amend the Constitution of ihe State, in con
formity with the .let. entitled "An Act to prv
viit tor oaliing a eon vent ion to urn end the Con
st it ut ion," R-iin,vcd April II, K.Z. A lrf.
scrilied by snivi act. tae following rule a.ia reg
ulations shall apply to said election, and the ro
t urns of the sauif :
h'irxt. At the general election to tie held the
second Tuesday of Kfobcr next, there shall he
eh-olid by the qualified eleetors of this Com
monwealth, delegates to a convention to rrvisp
nnd f.nieiid t he Const it u t ion ol this state : the
said convention shall consist of ouHi-.mdrcd and
thirt v-throo members, to bceiected iu the man
ner following: Twenty-eight members thercr'
shail l. elected in t he State at larire. as follows:
I'.n h voter of the State shall vote for not more
than fourteen candidates, and the t went v-cij. ht
highest i-i oi.isluili tie declared elected: tiiliet v -nine
delegates shail Oe appointed to and elci
from the dilTeient Senatorial district of ti -state,
three de,:,tls to be elected Tor ei.. i
. eiiau.r tiieiefroni ; and in choosing all district
delegates, eaih voter shall he cut it led to vo'i
more than two or the n. embers to he
ctiosen troin his disM -jet, and the thr-e candi
dates hijhest i vote slmll . declared elected,
..A'",-.,.'r tin- ii,,;v l Alle-rheuv, formi:;g
the i weuty-third Senatorial District, where no
voter shall vote for more than si candidates,
und t,..- nine highest in vote sua II be elected,
ne 1 a- the . oei,ies ,.f Lu.t,,,-. Monroe and
like, forming the Ihiileeuth Senatorial Me
tric!, where no voter shall vote for luore than
tour candidates, and the six hUhr-l in he elected, and six additional deb-jr-o,.
shall be chosen from the city of Philadelphia,
1 y a vi to nt la nre in said in theirel. 1;
lionno voter shall vote for more than time
candidal:', and the six highest in vole shall l,e
declared ch- t .1.
StTitnd. The Judges and Inspectors for each
election district shuil pro vide two suitable hox-
for each poll, one iu which -o deposit the tick
ets voted for I k-lcrat-s ut largo, and the other
in which to deposit i he tioJ.ets voted for lis-fri.-t
Delemites: wlech boxes shall l.e Inl-elled
respectively, " at lai-ire" and "list t ier
leegiite:'" and in each liistiict In the citv of
Philadelphia un additional box shall bo provi-t-ed
for each noil, in vvhii ii tn deposit Ihe tickets
voted (or "City Delegates;" and said las! men
tioned boxes must each tie labt Ilcd "Citv Dele
gates." J hn, I. The said election shail be held and con
ducted by the proper election ollictrs of the
several election district of the Common wealth,
and shall lie governed and regulated in all re
spects l-y the general election laws or the Com
inouweulth. So tar as the same sha.l lieapplu ii
hlo thereto, and not.ineonsisteiit with the uco-
isioiis ol said act.
I an t!,. The tickets to lie voted for members
at larire or the convention shall hare on the
outside tin- words "Delcgiitesi at large." and mi
the iiisnle the nanu s of tl,., candidates tu- be
; voted tor. not evi-eoding fourteen in riijuiber.
! I ,ilH. i n., tickets l.. be voted ,. district
memliersot the convenliiei shall huxe on the
, outside the words "Histri.-t In lcgatcs." and on
i i'" msidn tho name or names or t he candidute-i
: voted tor. not exceeding the proper iiumU-r
limited as atotes ml ; but any ticket wlii h shall
I contain a irrcflter number of names than the
j number for which the votershali be entitled fo
vote, shall be rejected : an-1 iu ease of the d..l
gao-s 10 iieettosen ar larire in rhiiade
.lima Mia
! words, ". :ty I 'legate.-'
I of the ticket.
' bhall lc on the outsliie
Sixth. In the citv of P'liladelnbin llii mtm
i Indies shall iin-.-t ni th' i-Lsre Mouse, ,.t t .-.
I clock m the Thursday next fol;oiinr IheeLee-
i tiou. nnd make out the returns for cityv of
i ne v oies cast Tiiet ein lor del. liafcs a t large am
rare artit
I'll.V district delegates, to hi: o.e.lll,e:s of tho
convention, the return judges, ol t ie- several
election districts within each countv of thu
stale, excluding Philadelphia, shall im-ft on
I-riday m-xt loliowing tin elt-v.i i,,.., ut 1 lie tonal
place for the meeting oT tho ri n.i u j'ld.joi. of
their -Miinty. mi l make out full and accurate
returns for the county, ol the votes east therf
iu tor members, of the cotiv entn..i, fi4-district
members of tin-same: find the p, . eeninus
ol the return judges of the said cit v of It,ila
delphia. and of t hesevei al countn-si of the Com
monwealth, in the ma king of I iicir ret ut ,.s. shall
b.? tho same as those presenile, for return
judges in Ihe case of an elect ion for i.'ovrrnor
except that returns tinlisniiued to i he Secreta
ry of the Commonwealth, shall be addressed to otfieer alone and not to t he speaker of the
senaie. y. ,lil;.X,
Secretary of the t'omiifmwttVh.
Pursuant to the provlsier.n contained in tha
seventy-sixth of the Act first u'or-esni.l.
tlie judges ot the aforesaid districts shtll re
spectively take charge of (he certificate or re
turn of i he elect Ion in I heir respective districts
and produce them fit a meeting of onejidgo
from each district, at the I'.ntrt If iit iu ),,
,,i Kin it.-inu ,, on ihe third iluv after
t!e o'av of tie- ei.-etjon. being- on FWIDAV. the
llth d iv or , l i litlCK. 1st-. t pi o'clock, a. m.,
and t hi n and there to do and perform the dufes
required by law of said judges. Also, tliat
where a judge. l,v en-It m-sH or unavoidable
i.cctdcnr. is unable to attend such meeting of
judircs, then the certificate or return sha.l be
taken charge of by one of the mspeetors ,,r
clerks or the election of the district, who shall
do nnd pet form the ditties required of said
jude-e unable to attend.
C.ivK.v iNto.n my itANti. at n:v olfice iu llbens
litii't. thisidh day of September, in the year of
our I-ord otu; thotisaii'l eight h.nelrc l und
seventy-one. nod of the independence of Uit
United Staes of America the ninety-sixth
Sept. l:i -4t. W. It. IK t:.CKKH. Sheriff.
nilllii, !ii.
The HueUej-e tirnln nnd SeoiJ Cleaner
Is far suptri'ir to nny other running Mill ever
i mad. having more than twice the screening
su rfaeeof the ordinary mill, while H is neat and
compact, and can be easily handled and lifted
i around by one man. Its capacity Tor cleaning
J is from ."id to 7" biislu-N per hu;r, and runs so
; easily that it can be turned by a hoi ten years
; old.
I A dh d to the above advantages, it is far Wir(T
: er than any other Tanning Mill now made.
! To sustantiate our assert ions, we give ihe fol
i lowing as t he opinions of several reliable gen
'. tfemcn. residents of Seneca conutv, COiio, who
j have given the "Ci.ea.veu'' a tiior'ui jrh trial :
We, the iMidersiiriied. have thorouhlv tested
the Hael.rit (train ami Sicd Cleaner, and believe
if to be superior fo any one iu use for cleaning
II -,, or other small s.jcds. tor market or for
sowing, as it separates every grain of i h.s.-.
I'orhlr or i:te from tl'htat designed for seed,
and all h'.-l . ,f. from Timothy, and a.'I wil l
vine seed from War. no ns to render each par
ticular kind of seed designed for sowing pur
poses pure and cntinly fi ce from liilh mid foreian
N. i. Hayvvako,
Wm. I. a no,
lr. J. 1. O'Connor,
Tiiko. T. Ink.
The undersigned are the reiinJitrly eoustitvted
(ilt.AlX AND Shhll CI.KANKU iu all parts of
(Voibr't Cum it f i. i xc.i-pt the Townships of Car
roll, ("best. Clearfield and Susquehanna, and will
in a short lime call upon the farmers of Ihn
different Townships and demons! ra to to each
farmer, ot Itisoun Inirn, that this "'Cleaner" will
do all that is cliiitncd Tor it.
The "Cleaner" can bo seen and tcsft-d at any
time by culling on us tit our farms, one-and-a-half
miles north-east of rbetishurg.
tr.Vll orders or letters of inquiry will re
ceive prompt attention if addressed to
Aug. S5.-tr. Kbciisburg, Cambria Co., Pu.
ri'lll-uudc-rsigned has the agency for the man
JL ufaetiire and sale in Carroll. mihiiicIiuuiih.
; Vh-Tl 'tH v-'.'y.t0!',' 'r0 ? .Vovl -''k
scrilied CHAIN AMI Sniill l I.KA.NL1I, w tin h
ni i urin ii I'll "noi l not ici-i n.i ar reasoii
ble rate. The Cleaner" will be ex hibi?-d at
Carrolltown, St. N'icttoias nnd St. Augtiotine.
Cotne anJ s:.-e itjin operation.
Carroll Twp., Sept. IX 1HTJ.-4!.
I. J. W AfcV ll, J
FLAGS of All Sixes;
Lantrrns, LfHrciiurs. I!-!--, anti
OnipaI-n dooils or U "inJs.
Buy from Maniifadurers,
John W.PilUu-k&t'o.
Pp. rost;omre. IMTTSUl'KCII, I'a.
Send for Circulars.
laic of Kobcrt Wunls i Co.
1 A iS i; 1 , 1' U U A Ii I 1
m r, v n f I 1
iifii o nt n rr
r.! 'HI- n ii
: i
UUU 111" II J
Wines, Gins, Brandies, &c,
, b 0. S5 I.ibcn, Slrect.
Dec. , l71.-om.
rnrsni iH.u. rA.
Ati i:TS W ii tetl. Agents make more mon
cv nt work for us than anything else, li.isi-M-ss
light and permanent, rarticiiiais lie--,
fi. Pfivsil.v i CO., 1'iat -if i'ii.iis.e , 1 OIT
laud, Maine.
j Patented Feb'y 1st, 1870.
j ( ASeV