THE CjMBRlA FREEM&H. EBENSBUnC, PA., Friday ;Morninpc, September 13, 1872. Esnocratic Ecpuilican hiizil licbt. l for phesidfxt: itoilvce gkeeley, Of jVir l"rfr. roB vies fkksipknt: 15. GliATZ IfllOWX, Of Missouri. Democratic State Ticket. FOK GOVERNOR : CHAP. It. UUCKALEW, uf Columbia County. FOB SCPHCMK Jl'liOE: JAMES TllONPSON, or Erie County. rOR ACD1TOK Uk.NEK.AL: WILLIAM II A KT LEY, or Birord County. FOB CO.tG HESSM KI JIT I.ARliK: ItlCnAKD VAI'X, or Philadelphia. JAMES H. HOPKINS, or Pittstmrrb. HEMR1CK B. YVKIUHT, or Luzerne County. Delegates tn Constitutional Contention : 1. (JeomoE W. Woodwakd. FliilaJclphla. 2. .Ikiieniah S. HxaCK, York. 3. William Hioi.kk, Clonrflclil. 4. ' J. Hakii, Somerset. 5. William U. :mith, Allegheny. 6. V. R. Gowks, Philadelphia. John H. t'tuvHti i, PhlltnU-lphls. K. S. II. UfcTNOLKH, Lancaster. 9, Jamkh, Schuylkill. 10. S. C. T. loi)D, Yi'iuinfro. 11. (J. M. Pirus, Philadelphia. V-i. K. A. Lambehton, Dauphin. J.I. A. A. Pen man, Greene. W. WILLIAM M. C'OUBETT, ClurlOD, PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOU8. SENATORIAL. Etiqar Cowan, of yVestniorelarid County. tifcOKOK W. Skimmer, or Franklin County. KVtRESENTATIVB. Selden Marvin, of Erie. Joh s. Mi li. eh, ofiHuntlnfrdon. a. Ukoss Fkv, or Philadelphia. Iit. 1. Thomas J. Ilarfrer. 2. Stephen Anderson. 3. John Moffat. 4. (ienivii K. liurrcl. 5. (Not uvi-eed upon.) 6. Isaiah It. llmipt. 7. Kamuel A. Dyer. H. Jeriye 11. Haw ley. 9. H. H. Swair. 10. U. It i lev. 11. John ivunkle. 12. F. W. ti ouster. DM. 13. I). IOwenberar. 14. J. M'Knlifht. 15. Heurv W'clkli. hi. llcnrV J. Stabler. 17. It. W. Christy. IS. 'William K. Loyan. I'.. Rnsselns llrowu. i-.1i. 1". M. Itot.insou. 'L'l. J. K. Wilson. P. II. Stevenson. t. John (i. Hard. iUl. Geo. W. Alilicr. Democratic County Ticket. OM(trc-lU MILTON SPEElt, Huntlnardon. lHleoatc ti Cmii'titutioiKtl CnnvctitUm GEORGE ArCTIKXItACH, or Clinton; JOHN ii. HALL, of Elk. 4sffJiiM JOHN ILVXXAX, Johnstown. linj. and Ucc. J AS. M. SINGER. Jack son Twp. Coiiimliu'btncr ANTHONY. ANNA, Chest Twp. i. :r. Director JOHN liLOCH, Johestown. Auditor PETEIt DOCU HElt l'Y. SuaiuiitvMe. THE CAMERON RING COLONIZING. Allress of Hon. Sam'l J. HantUUl. Democratic State Com. Rooms, Phil adelphia, September 4, Much care a Mil industry 1ms been taken to impress tlie voters of the state with the belief than an uiM:sn;ilai!il excessive majority will be given against the democratic and liberal republi can slate ticket, at the October election, in the c'ty of Philadelphia. This boast in made upon contemplated fraud?, made i-os-sible under the infamous anil partisan reg istry law. The objects of theso statements are to encourage the radicals of the state, and to arouse, a revival from their present depressed and hopeless condition, and se cure what they now Lick, energy and en thusiasm, during the canvass. Our friends in this and other states need have no apprehension as to Philadelphia. It is true, schemes of fraud are being ar range J, and will be attempted on the day of election, but they will fail of execution. Vigilance has already been and will contin ue to bo exercised to expose and prevent their consummation. The result in Philadeljihia, with the aid of thousands of high-minded republicans, will bo a surprise to our friends and to our opponents. I am without fear in this re spect. One plan of fraud commenced I will mention, with the view of exposure and overthrow. It has come to my knowledge, and is susceptible of proof, that largo num bers of colored men generally young have been brought into the state from the neighborliods of Harrisonburg, Virginia, and Charlestown, West Virginia, to vote at the election in October and November. TLo former equad were ticketed to Ilarris burg, and the lat Ler to Chambersburg, in this state. Numbers, in like manner, have been located in Erie, Clarion and other counties. More are expected. 1 now call upon the democrats in every election distriot in the state to form "Vigi lance Committees" to Match and prevent the. success of the? e attempted cheats, and meet all kindred eflbrts. Under the con st itujion, these colored people not having been residents for ono year. are. debarred from the privilege of the elective franchise, and in every instance such as are unknown in the communities where they seek to vote should bo fully questioned and made to prove their right to vote, before allowing the deposit of their ballot. I call upon the democrats for vigorous organization, and I invoke special vigilance in the northern, southern and western border counties of the commonwealth. Victory in October is certain. I make this declaration with full .ippreciat ion of its import, and tho weight which should attach i such a statement, when emanating from one in whom high confidence has been placod. I state it from conviction, and it is made after careful review and fullknowl edgo of tho condition and tendency of the public mind throughout the fctate. The contest i simple. It is an issue be- honesty and corruption, in the future ad ministration of the state. The people will make overwhelming ' choice in favor of future good government, ! with a majority beyond the reach of all ballot-box polluters. Samuel J. Randall, Chairman. j The J.onf A yon y Over at J,at. ! The Radical Congressional conferees j 1 from this district having been unable either i j at Altoona or I.ewistown to unite upon a j i candidate, turned their faces westwaid again on Friday last and sought the quiet j groves of Crcsson as the scene of their final, ! and, as the result will prove, their fruitless j dclilcrations. At that place, on the 2i3d ballot, A. A. Harkkk received eight votes j and S. S. Rlaiu four votes the three con fereesfrom Cambria, the three I nun Hunt ingdon and two from M ifilin voting for Mr. Barker and the other Mifflin conferee and the three from Blair county voting for Mr. Blair. Thus ended this protracted and bitter contest. We do not for otic moment suppose that either of the eight gentlemen who conferred upon A. A. Barker the empty honor of this nomination entertained the most re mote belief that lie would be elected. Al though the district has always Wen Repub lican until two years ago R. Milton Spker defeated Mr. Morrell by a small majority, there are in our judgment contmllhig rea sons which miwt render the election of A. A. Barker, S. B. Blair, or any other Radical in the district, over R. Miltox Spkkr, an utter and hopeless imiossibiity. It in unnecessary for us now to state them in detail. They are well understood and admitted, and lead to the irresistiblo con clusion at which we have arrived. Against Mr. Barker as a man and a cit izen we have not a woid to say. "We would not attack him personally even if wecouJd. We deprecate all low personal assault upon political candidates, and are always unwilling to resort to that objectionable mode of warfare unless in repelling attacks of the same character made on the candi dates of our own party. So far as R. Mil ton Bpeer is concerned, his entire private and public record are beyond assault. He is not only pure, but beyond all suspicion. Of Mr. Barker we will say, that since he first came to this county, about 1855, he has been an industrious, hard-working man, and in all his business operations an enterprising and useful citizen a man of untiring energy, not only in attending to his own personal affairs, but, with the ex ception of his earnest opposition to Mr. Morrell two years ago, always and on all occasions in promoting the interests of his party, lie is a bitter Radical and has al ways been in full communion with all the heresies of that jolitical church. Although he has amassed a considerable portion of this world's goods, it is but fair to say that in all his business transactions he is regard ed as upright and honest. We have heard some of his enthusi:utic admirers in this place express their belief in his election, but their wish is simply father to their thought. We arc not the least afraid of and do not for a moment anticipate any such result. We regard Mr. Speer as in vincible and his re-election as a foregone conclusion. While there shall be no mean personal strife between us and Mr. Barker, jet, as the accredited candidate and advocate of a lawless and corrupt administration at Wash ington, ho will meet with our stern and uncompromising opposit ion. Charles Albriyht. The man whose name heads this article is one of the three Radical candidates forCon- I "ressman at large. He resided in this place From the Johnstown Democrat, Sept. 11. j ltuckalctv and the District Court, j A well-known disciple of yEsculapius of ; this city, a lew years ago was suflenng Irom severe and dangerous illness, when the i in the vear in which the bill organ- j physician who was attending him w as iziu"- Kansas into a territorial government : passed Congress and was approved by Pies- ident Pierce. At that time he (Albright) was engaged in the practice of the law here, and was also one of the editors of the AUsyhanian, a Republican and Know-No- thing sheet published in this place. Soon after the October election in 1854 lie started Vroof that SchofieUI f- Co. were in the 1'ay of Cameron. KoI. Mnrkey Fnrnitchp Frro Pusko to IuUIIl -Cmnl'i Sujiportirs Hired t Iif Band Jlount jov'H Hur a Komnar.t or the iirant 4. on vent inn. snddenlv solicited to call and sec him. On his arrival at the Wdside of the afflicted member of hi profession he was greeted with the following : "Doctor, it is all up "with me u-oie: unless you give me an i "emetic and start on a new basis I'm a "dead man now)'"' The request was com plied with, an emetic was given, a new basis was started, and, we are happy to Say, till SICK ami mminij; 1u13r11.-1.111 if We have made the charge that the mei who pretended to represent the Democracy 1 000. 'etrs ami j'oi if ictff .'( :.. A Newport (lml.)liy h;i two pci iVc: -ly formed tongues. A gill would have managed two io ie cosily. '1 lie colored population of Pennsyl vania amounts to (5."iu4. The colored Vote in the State cannot be much more than 1'.- ii.;.t. -lions ! i .1 inierent b :-., 01 n ; .is- I'll" Sl;i I. But the i:j.sf for Kansas, from whence he returned to j covered tbcjoes.on ui rooust ana vi- this place, as we well remember, during j Ce'that our District Court is the winter following, and then his career ; n(w in tne same condition as was the ill of swindling commenced. Just when he tl,,ter. The "emetic" has already been finallv left here for Kansas we are unable to j atiminisrereii oy .i. vu i, of Pennsylvania in the Louisville Conven tion, were mercenary scamps who had deserted the good old party, and enlisted, j ! like Swiss hirelings, under the banner of i ! Grant, Cameron, Hartranft fc Co. Here i ; is abundant proof of tho entire truthful- ness of our assertions. Mr. . r isk Con- rad, an honest man, who was led into the i louisville movement without knowing the I'he President has appointed one Poor to be receiver of public moneys at Spring field, Dakotah Territory. He will come out Rich. The second trial of Dr. Schiepie at Carlisle for the alleged Kisoning of Miss Steinecke, closed on Sat 111 day, and resulted in a verdict of not guilty. A man and his four sons recent lv tuiu- 'I'lM Colli,,, . . ' glandular affect i.," ,;"',,f ment ami final;,,,-'i-of the U,1V. U'-ii.itwfc lift. I It is truly a Wl, d.s,o. niHUi-sh,,,,;,! ' n -the greater s,,.,,,,, induration of any .r;i!(, ,! of any tumors ' "r . ' oil ; tuu-iK.arv for si iced v. full, nml say, but believe it was in the early part ol j " ,,,v.,rv is to "start on , new The particular date 13 j ." start on a new the spring of 1855. not at all important for our present pur- We cannot help but ln-beve that if there pose, for ! vigorous recovery 1 basis. I We cannot help se, which is to expose and hold up Iks- ;as "no authority of law " to elect George 1 . . , . ! T. Swnk, L.sq., clerk of the District re the honest voters of the State the ways Com lha(. there was e(juaiiy none to eloct that are dark and the tricks that were not vain of this iolitical demagogue and shys ter. We therefore make and are pit-pared to prove by the most indubitable evidence the judges of tlie sani court. 1 lie same process by which the clerk was elected was used to elect the judges. Tho Supremo Court, in its decision on this case, left no room for doubt as to wliat its opinion is, the following specific charges and allega- i an(j (n;it opjn;,,n js clearlv that none of the moiis against the aforesaid ( Al bright, now a candidate on the Radical ticket for the high and responsible position of Congressman at large from this State : Firtt, That immediately before he left Ebensburg for the territory of Kansas, he was paid, at his own urgent request, by several of the most respectable citizens of this town, divers sums of money, to be in- oilicers of that court were chosen according to law. Now, we ask what is the use of criticis ing the action of the Supremo Court? We cannot change that opinion, nor can we overcome its effects 00 tlie District Court by producing all the learned opinions of all the legal gentlemen in tlie country. In con firmation of this we merely state the act that the operations of the court are stopped, and will remain in that position until new vested by the said Albright in the purchase ! officers are elected or apiointed according 10 law 1 v e uiuiK mm can anu uiy uc diameter and purjoses of those who were , bled oil" a barge at Wheeling, W. V.. but engineering the concern, soon discovered the true purjiose of his disreputable com- j panious. On tlie first day of the Con veil- : tion he endeavored to get a chance to ex- jsjse the machinations of Scholield and his I gang of hired rowdies, but Al. had the ear : of the President of the Convention. Ieing ' fully in the confidence of Blanton Duncan, i and Mr. Conrad was refused the right to j speak. He persisted in his endeavor for : some time, but was finally rapied down by he managed to hold the boys up until they could be rescued, w hen he fell back and w as drowned. Pope Pius IX. has written to a promi nent prelate in New York, stating that ho cannot visit the United States, much as he desires to do so, bceanse of his many trou bles ai.d solicitude for the Church. W eston, Coiui., has a man whose legs are ln-nt backward at the fences, who has but one eve and hardlv any nose. 'I he the President and yelled down by the cries j only redeeming feature to this moustnity A. of Scholield and his tranir. Being denied the right to tell his story in the presence of the Convention, ho resorted to the only method that was left, and published the following letter in the Louisville Ledger : To the true Demorrnry of the United States : Kepresciiting the seventeenth ilistrii-t of Pennsylvania in tho convention assembled in this city under tin: call of Jflantoii Dun can, I made several attempts to-day in th Convention to be hoard. This was denied me, and in the most discourteous manner, by the President, who himself occupied at least two hours in a foolish gasconade aliout Dickens' Dolly Yarden. My object was to ex Hse the treason of tlie Cameron-Hartranft thieves of my own State. The Pennsylvania is the fact that he can scratch any pail of his back with cither foot. A young man at Connclton, Ind., has been allowed a divorce becaiiM his wife didn't "pan out" to be so much of a woman as she seemed to be before marriage. That court evidently appreciates plump ness without artificial aids. John M. Clarke, of Omaha, has pul lished a card stating that in the days when the Kuow-Nothiiig bubble was at its big gest lie was present at a Know-Not hing lodge in Washington at which Henry Wilson was also present, indorsing its principles and participating in its orgies. In !. Oeneral .John A. Igau, now and from the verv t , istencc use our utiu,, vent its further h:civ:,,. to remove it as v ,,, .' . , r oiuniatcly t..v tl.,, class of iti--..-.w...- .1 favors us with fI0 ,,.., peculiar sfrtc of the l., nig a cure, it at all to ! In the urine of M.r, .f,,, " 1 is a peculiar .M,l,sf;Ul( ,. which essentially (-l13 case irom all others anv er.-i. 1. ., , !f by the remedies whieli fdVor ; this substance. r' Whatever will arnt ni(Kt s, coiitamioating vim ..f . ." ducc most readily il,u tuiii,','. " " quicKiy tne ulcers. r'ii,-u.l - uiiiliv V auuoviirr !! Fr I Ji an pie 0 wa an res "ten?... anl t I. - delegation was composed of all Grant men Grant's chief fugleman in Illinois, intrr of town lots in what was then known as Council City, in Kansas, for the benefit and advantage of the gentlemen who paid him, (Albright) their respective sums of money. Record, That one gentleman of this place, still residing here, paid him ont hvndred i dollar to be so invested in the purchase of town lots in said Council City that Ciias. Albright never returned to this place after he left Kansas, where he oidy remained a short time, but on his return to Pennsyl- accom pi ished, Believing this to be the case, we ask, as a supporter of the interests of Johnstown, is it giKxI jiolicy to force this into a political question ? We think not, because we then array one powerful political party against .us, and if that is done through unwise councils tlie District Court will never be revived. What has the Hon. Charles R. Bcck lew to do with this court ? Not anything now, but a great deal, perhaps, hereafter. Mr. Buckalkw is not an 'enemy of Johns- except myscll, not on ot whom even 111 U-udcd to vote for the nominee of this Con vention. Their transportation to 1 his Con vention was obtained and paid for by the Grant jn-ople. My own and those ot' live others, e:wh representing a district in Penn sylvania, 1 procured in tlie office of the Grant State Central Committee of I'eiinsyl- our or a . c.i:; CiUV '! tr .- '!' f . vania. went to Carbon countv. where he 1 town," Put on tne contrary lie wisiies lor now resides that the gntleman referred ! tLe rf and success of every pail of to, now residing here, addressed to Albright j torials written in behalf of the District after his return from Kansas to this State, two or three letters wishing to know what Ituckalew itul Victory. Charles R. Bcckalew is making a gal lant fight for victory in October. He has made a very thorough canvass of the east ern portion of tho State, and his able and unanswerable sjieeeh at Lancaster, which was published in the Freeman, is a correct index to all his other addresses. He is now in tlie north-western portion of the State and has every where been enthusiastically recived by every Democrat, as well as by thousands ot Lilieral Republicans. On last Saturday night he addressed an immense meeting in Allegheny City, at which speech es were also delivered by Thomas M. Mar shall and Gen. J. K. Mookuead, both heretofore leading Republicans of Alle gheny county. We have no reason to doubt his success in October, but while he is thus fighting the good CghthimKelf, wo call on the Democracy of Cambria and their Liberal Republican ailies to nerve and strengthen the ami of our noble standard bearer. Let there bo instant and thorough organization in each election district in the county. Three active Democrats in each district can accomplish this result. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which if taken at the Hood leads on to fortune." This is true also in political contests. Let there be united and vigorous action in each district of tho county let it be commenced (it onee hy the Democracy themselret in each district and let a complete organization be kept up until the second Tuesday of Octo ber, and then Charles R. Bcckalew, R. Milton Speku, John Hannan and tlie entire county ticket will feel proud of their majority in Cambria. It can he done! Democrats of Cambria, see that it i done ! We publish in another column an excel ent and temperately written articlo from the present week's issue Johnstown Dem ocrat, over the caption of "Buckalew and tho District Court." We heartily endorse the conciliatory tone manifested in the article, and if it is imitated both here and in Johnstown, peace and harmony will yet prevail between the north and the south of the county. had become of his $ 100, and where his prospective town lots had been located that vpto thi day Charles Albright has refused to reply to either of the letters, or to render any account of the aforesaid $ 100. Third, That another prominent citizen of this place invested $ 30 for the same pur pose, and paid that sum to Albright, with like results. Fourth, There are others of our citizens whose knowledge of Albright' financial operation in Council City lots is of the same character. The foregoing allegations are true and are susceptible of the clearest proof. Al bright played the same game with seveial citizens of Johnstown, as was recently ven tilated by the Mountain Echo. Now let Court that contains asjiersions on his vote in the State Senate last winter will fail to do the court any good. It is, we believe, an old custom, and generally found to be a good one, for members of the Senate to vote on a question affecting a particular locality as the Senater from the district in which the people reside whom the legisla tion concerns desires them to. Hon. . A. Wallace, our Senator, contrary to all ex pectations, w;is violently opjRised to the court bill and through his effort it was defeated. If the friends of the court had supposed that Mr. Wallace would use his position as our representative to defeat the bill, 110 doubt the oilier Democratic Senators would have had the measure properly explained to them, and thoy might, jHissibly, have voted differently. As the case stands, Mr. Wallace alone is responsible in the Senate for its defeat, whilst Mr. Bcckalew only acted as an honorable Senator should towards another ; one in a matter which concerned that gen tleman's district alone. 1 hercforc, let no duccd a bill into the Legislature of that State to sell all negroes found there to the highest bidder ! General John thinks the Democrats very inconsistent in preferring Greeley to Grant. Berks county farmers rejMul a singu lar llilin C11 Ql,wtifv .taltl. Woliin a vauia, at Philadelphia, comer of Eighth and ' few weeks a number have gone blind, some '"R'S l,'ns scieutincau y priM- Walnut streets, over a well km wn tailoring : in one eye, but most of them in both eyes. I a ""M'-cre cure elicited, a-, I establishment. ; (),,e fanner La tu-i-lw l. nrl mw. i-i. t i't --Iv ! ' lier 1,i4Vf "One. . . ... . . ' ! h (ir tti l,, ,.r 1 r ; tance laboring under cJni C X anil unable to attend in pe!, ?u . say. by sending a vial of .,r;i ; nation, the necessary niciIiriM..- them bv express. L. Ol.n-i;;- T. L. OuMiVt.y J. V. 'i.Ii-urt. Address Dhs. Oldsih k. street, Pittsburgh. Pa. h ar tlii tr-iTivtu.rlaltt, T V . 1 nn 1 , ' ...mi .... ,.,.t i,i m a ami others partially so. One call at fVlr L :f",?i' Vf .t,,P three days old, never out of the stable, lost uiiniv.MliUilirrvi 1 "IIII7lll(lia. JIlHl I if H Vl I lit order was obeyed by the State Treasurer of t ' i , . . , , ,. . Pennsylvania, Bob Mackey, who is well i T, Arringf on, colored, died at n now ii :in iint'fti i -i nw run u ciiiiii.nt j ---- - -' i .--v air.- band of music that accompanied us was furnished and paid for bv Ilif kiiii.- (irant 1 " . Jinn our nine oanner inar was car- week. She was born in Petersburg. Vir ginia, in 175(i, and was a grown woman hen the IJcvolutionary war broke out. rie.l by t-reorg Mountjoy is tlie same that Slie was llfi yeans old. and was able to walk designated the seats in the Radical Conven- , about up to the last two days of her exis tion of the .rth of June, of the IViinsylvniiia : fence. delegation, that nominated V. S. Graut ; ".,t..i. ci . r r and which was presided over by Thoums ! oJZ "rwr- . a fanner of Settle, the r,.i .d" N..r.i. 4-M.i5,..? tl " ! ! Ossawottoniie township, Kansas, m a sup- Charles Albright, who is making Radi- j Democrat, or any other honest man, who cal speeches throughout the State, come to ! wishes to have a court in Johnstown, be F.beiisburg and explain to his old friends j cajoled into voting against the honest , ., ,. . Bcckalew on that account, because the iJ ,u J bhat t C f ,d Ml thVl assertion that he is unfriendly to our inter money, and on his failure to do so, then let ; ests . t f is wit,K,ut anv fou,lda. him and his p.htical supj-orters forever : fJ ...i,-... hereafter hold their peace. , ' fwlillR of tho State has not -4 m j entirely departed, Mr. Bcckalew Mill most We suppose that most of our readers i assuredly le elected our next Governor have heard of the old story about tho "Dutch hating taken Holland.'''' Last Mon day the Radicals "took Maine" at the State election by a majority of 15,000. What Democrat ever doubted or even asserted that any other result would be accomplished in that radical-ridden State? At the last whether he receives a large or small major ity in Cambria county, and it will be the sheerest folly to have tho friends of tlie court arrayed against the chief officer of the State without any cause. As soon as the friends of the District Court make a Ioitical question out of this purely local one then it falls, never be resurrected. On the other hand, those who light it thro' Presidential election Grant had a maiori- ' the lying dodge of party fealty, or for any I ll A .. 1 A ty in Maine of 28,030. Now the Grant other transparent deceptive excuse, will candidate for Governor has 15,000 or 13,000 ; if y r the vote8 of th'e 'freernou of iutie less than Grant had four years ago. Tho ! friends of Horace Greeley always admit ted that Maine would go for the Radicals, but by only one-half the majority given to Grant in 1S68. The result of Monday's election has proved that this calculation was correct. There are just tiro of the tr New Eng land States in which will receive a majority AVw Hampshire and Connecti cut. "As Maine goes," was formerly the cry, "so goes the Union," but we say now as Pennsylvania goes next October so goes the Union; and, further, wo express our honest and deliberate judgmeut when we say that the vote of the people of this State will be overwhelmingly for Bcckalew in October and for Grkeley in November; and then the fate of U. H. Grant is sealed and settled, as by common consent it will be. Tho diameter of Hartranft is so bad that his own organs insinuate that he ought not to be believed on his oath, when he confessed on the witness-stand to receiving $7,000 to shut his eyes in the Evans fraud. The people may sometimes elect a scoun drel without knowing it. They will never ; re-elect a detected scoundrel. We publish nndcr our editorial head a circular issued by Samcel J. Randall, Chairman of the Democratic State Com mittee, and invite the special attention of our readers to its contents. Mr. Randall says it is susceptible of proof that the friends of Hartranft and Grant have sent two squads of young negmes from Harrisonburg, in the Shenandoah valley, Old Virginia, and from Charlestown, West Virginia, to Chambersburg and Harris burg, in this State, to vote at the coming election. This is a most startling disclo sure. Is the legally expressed voice of the vhite voters of Pennsylvania to be thus nul lified and set aside by the importation of Southern negroes to carry the October elec tion in favor of Hartranft, Allen, and their master, Simon Cameron? Let the Democracy throughout the State watch this nefarious anil most villainous game and see that it fails of success. The Democratic and Liberal Republican State Conventions of New York met at Syracuse on the 4th Instant and nominated the following strong union ticket : Gover nor, Francis Kernax ; Canal Commis sioner, John F. Hcbbard both Demo crats ; Secretary of State, Chacncey M. Dctuy ; State Prison Inspectator, Exos C. Brooks both Liberal Republicans. A union Electoral ticket was also agreed upon and S. S. Cox, Democrat, wa nominated for Congressman at large. The proceed ings of both conventions were entirely har- Cambria. Happily there is no local issue presented to tho people of the county this fall. Democrats in this part of the county, as well as in any other part, while they are as patriotic as their neighbors and as faithful to all measures that will advance the interests and importance of their town and section of the county, have also sacred duties and obligations to the political par ty of their faith and choice which they w ill not forget. It is the clear and unmis takable duty of every Democrat to vote for Mr. Hcckalkw. He fills the Jefekrson ian idea he is honest and capable. Hun dreds of the wisest and best Republicans in the State say that his opponent, Har tranft, is a member of the most .'infa mously corrupt ring that ever cursed any party, that he shared in the Evans' rob bery, that he gambled in stocks with the State funds, that he was a partner of Ykrkes, who is now in the penitentiary, and that he is the servile tool of Simon Cameron, the most nororiously corrupt man "that ever lived or died." monious and foreshadow a conmletn Dfin. ir i ! .. . ..t ' . " j -...u.-,,,, tween capacity .u.d incapacity, andbetween .succeed by frauds on the ballot-box. November. ' '. tempts' ! A. Dix. m cuml John The Lancaster I'(cofc7Yuf, an old and influential German paper in that county, has dropped the names of Hartranft aud Allen from the head of its columns. In doing so, the Volktfrcund says: "Har trantt and Allen were nominated by Ring' leaders of the same stripe as those who want to rule and command in our county by order of Simon Cameron. For the honest and faithful members of the Republican party it is not a duty to fol low those devils in angel's garments ; moreover, it is their duty to unmask those devils and chase them off. As represent atives of a corrupt 'Ring and of the cor ruption in State offices, Hartranft and Al len have been branded, and all eflbrts of the 'Ring cliaffercr to rescue the unfor tunates from their disgraceful position have been unsuccessful. With every day their cause gains a worse reputation as the eyes of honest Republicans areVipened by a more glaring light. The Volkfreund will not contribute anything towards the election of men whose only hope for suc cess is builded on fraud and swindle, and our friends will not expect from us that we hoist the flag of Hartranft and Allen in our columns any longer." This is a hard blow at the Cameron, "Ring" State ticket, which will not receive more than a thousand or twelve hundred majority in Lancaster county. J'ht'Li. Age. We can state, and reliably too, says tho Lancaster Intelligencer, that Judge Wotxl ward, whose name has been connected with Grant's side show at Louisville, has had nothing whatever to do with it. He, ac companied, by Ids wife on their way to Pennsylvania, chanced to stop at the Gait House, in that city, on Monday, and the friends of Grant thought it a gxxl chance the sum and substance of I i,,f..,wti nt ox insanity, murdered his daugh- to say, had the President allowed me to ' ter Mrs- Wallace, last Friday evening, mid proceed, and I now assure all of my Demo- mortally wounded his own wife and his cratic friends who may . hauccto see this ! son-in-law, Wallace. The latter, while communication that what I have stated here j defending himself, struck Shercer with a are facts, all of which I am prepared to ; club and killed him instantly. rVP'. .v ' F,!?K -'KAL, It is now ascertained that Alfred ITal- S.eventeenth Congressional District of Pen n- 1 erofr. John MMW.!! .,.t llonrv liobi.. H' vani!t- I all died from wounds received at the ex- The George Mountjoy alluded to is the plosion of the boiler of the Northeast Roll-hqnor-dealer of Philadelphia, in front of ; ing Mills at Cecil countv, Md., last Satur whose store the attempt was made to as- j day. Forty hands were engaged at the sassinate detective Brooks by Mara and his ! time in the mills, and over a dozen were associates. "W e at.k eveiy Democrat who I more or less w-oim.lod u.mi latniir has been inclined to look with favor upon j The administration party in New York v.i.a uuuia.iuu mot trinvui iu reau me icsti- names tor Presidential electors at large, mony of Mr. Conrad. It ought to be sum- Frederick Douglass, who was formerly a cicnt to convince the most incredulous that j slave, and Stewart L. Woodford, who was the so-called Straight-out Convention was ; formerly the accomplice of Appleton Oak merely a side-show gotten up and run in ! smith in the slave trade. This is dividing tne interest ol Graut. l.ncaU r Ji.telli- the honors pretty equally, and it is no more scr M' tal or phi loe D: aft al St; do ft II al" ni II st; th co w: lr 2r an if w i; Hf fiel Tl tin hit' so In Cla A Sad Story. The Bktic Plft' An Incident of the Ikti 1)-V- f A dispatch from Provider;! t. oi rMrpt cio ter I'd, says: Guor,e U". J;, of P.ome. New York, vi!i ML.., tilV.V v c liavi ! of this terribly disease. j One of the very uui ,t e,t-t ; was from an adjoining , cured in a few month,,;,! j Several bad cases in thi .in Allegheny city. :i!ul ,.,,; jail the surroundhig ennui,, cured of one or another f, : cieraie uiease by treat ment. 1 If you have scrofula. t .It., 1. ...l.: ... 'u.uhcmn wniie sweiii!:". limning ulcers, tunioi i charges from the ear. n.,M. largement of the glands. 1 hu, yi nccr. "Wr- P. Sen ell. A Stirring Appeal for hit Withdrawal from the Gubernatorial Candidature. Mr. Damon Y. Kilgore has written tlie following earnest letter to Hon. William P. Schell, of Bedford, who was nominated for Governor of Pennsylvania by the Labor element at Williamsport : 605 Walnct Street, Puila., September 7, 1872.) Hon. William P. Schell: than fair, after all, that the negro should be put ahead. Charles Bassett shot bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Harrison Staples, in Lakeville, Mass., ou Saturday, inflicting a dangerous wound. He gave himself up. Bassett alleges his wife, to whom be had been married three years, was parted from him through his mother-in-law's influence, and that, being refused to see her. lie was provoked to commit th? act. On Friday- night a mob attacked the jail at Beardstown, Illinois, for the purpose My Dear Sir : As one who favored vour nomination at the Williamsi.ort Convention, I of lynching Diffenbacher, who was confined li.tic JV'l lilt? JlllllUl-l Ol .1 111,111 ll.lllll-ll Milsted, on the previous night. Failing in their attempt to break into the jail they revenge fully set lire to the town, and burned down a whole block of its best buildings. Less than thirty working days remain before election, and the committee, instead of making any honest efforts for your elec tion, have goue on a wild chase (without tho sagacity of the goose) to chant the ch oiiis of Blanton Duncan's Louisville farce too insignificant to be called a fraud. From all the facts I can gather, I am forced to conclude the Labor Reform party lias been sold out to Hartranft fc Co., and that your name is only used as a blind iu the interest of venality and Grantisni. With undimin ished faith in you as a true, friend to labor and good government, and knowing from your own lips your decided preference for Greeley and Brown, I hope you will not allow your unsullied name to be used either to defeat the truest friend of labor for the Presidency, or to perpetuate the power of public plunderers in the State. Yours, faithfully, Damon Y. Kilgore. to whom you pledged yourself not to with draw from the contest so long as your friends desired you to remain in the field, I now address you. Your nomination was made onlhe 8th of May ?.bout four months sum and not the slightest effort has been made I trouble i niiticipabd. by the State Central Committee toeonvince ! Wm. J. Aiken, the New York police- the jieople of Pennsylvania that you ought man, caught in the act of burglary a week to be the next Governor. or two since, has been tried, committed aud sentenced to twenty years imprison ment. This while Stokes the assassin is enjoying luxurious quarters in the Tombs without any prosvct of immediate trial. Aiken was a ioor rascal wthout friends or money. Stokes has both, and therein lies the difference in the two cases. The Norfolk Virginian comments sad ly on Mr. O' Conor's letter. It says : "He enjoys a largo revenue, an ample fortune, the luxuries of life, and sits under his own vine and fig tree with none to make him afraid. He can afford four more years, or a dozen of Grant's rule, but wc cannot, and in losing sight of this Mr. )' Conor has shown more devotion to abstractions than to the cause of suffering humanity." While on a drunken spree, in June last. Patrick Morrissey, of Buffalo, struck and killed his mother. He was put ou trial, and three weeks after condemned to death. The sentence was carried out on Friday last in the jailyard at Buffalo, in the pre sence of about fifty witnesses. Morrissey seemed vory penitent, had been very quiet while in prison, and handed to a priest a history' of bis life for publication. JJC said his crime was not premeditated. Our national debt, including legap. tender notes or greenbacks, is about 500.000,000. That of Great Britain is $4, 000,(XK,000. It costs us under Grant's administration to manage our debt, a g!xl deal of which mauages itself, $3,143,u48. It costs Great Britain to manage its debt, which is double ours, only 47S,y75. That is to say, it costs us nearly seven times as much to manage a debt as it doe Great Britain to manage twice as much as ours. And yet there is praise for Grant's administration. Nothing Cukes Nobody. When a man is supposed to have Consumption, or that tendency in the constitution which will ultimately develop that disease, nine times out of ten he is given over to die, for the reason that nine out of ten people believe this? Does it render the person safer, or add to his hope of lengthened life? Not at all. It leaves him without hope, and the man without hojie will, in all likelihood, abandon himself to tlespair. Dr. Keysvr has cured numbers of cases of consump tion. I)b. Keyskr's Lung Cure will dis integrate tuberculous matter and carry it out of the system. It will do more. It will neutralize that principle called tuber cle, in the blood, and hinder its deposition in the lungs, or anywhere else in the hu man system. How fatal to consumptives is that plan which drives disease away from the throat and nose down into the lungs. A man supposes himself to have catarrh. He runs some acrid fluid up one side of his nose and out the other. The nose is healed, but the disease has descend ed lower down, where it is capable of do ing more harm. The true treatment is to cure the blood, and the nose and catarrh will get well without spray or douches. Dr. Keyper's Lung Cure will do it. Dr. Keyser's office, 1(57 Liberty street, Pittsburg. nox. FraxcI8 Kernan, who has been nominated for Governor by the Democrats of New York, is a prominent lawyer of Utica. He was born in Steuben county, New York, January 14, 1816, and was ed ucated at Georgetown College, District of Columbia. He has been reporter of the New York Court of Appeals; has served several terms in tlie State Legislature ; was a memlier of the Constitutional Con vention of 18U7 uudja member of the Thirty eighth Congress. He has for several years to connect the name of so prominent a taken a leading pail in New York politics Pennsylvanian with their movements. The . on the Democratic side. His Republican The Reformer. Pcre Hyacinthe, the Carmelite Friar who created "such a sensa tion in Europe and America in 18('i'J by breaking with the Catholic Church, has closed the "second Reformation" by get ting married. Sensation mongers pro nounced him a second Luther, but his marriage in London, on the 3d inst., closes the Reformation. His quarrel with the Church was caused by a love'a flair. The brido is Emilie Jane Merriman, aged thirty nine years, an American widow, daughter of Amory Buttertield. The lady is known in Paris as one of Pcre Hyacinthe's churcli cony oils. as the gentleman who vi. Sharon Springs, .on WtdntMUr was on his way to a br -ti vr L tucket. Rhode Island, when l.c bride of a day by the Metis di.s.l.:t; in. 'i mug miiii wa snj-piwen tow .f .Tol body was found, ami it was n liav ii:ese columns tliat lier fnncr;!l . place at Sharon Springs vefi:ur initials. "N. A.."' were the w,l . his wife's rings, though it was uf . ent pattern, yet he did not f-J.;r she was bin wife. Being nearly wi. himself, and not in a c .nhtiVi . much alnnit it. he concluded it ica Accordingly a cofbn was" ington. and he started. Saturit -for the home of hin loved one. -there, Saturday evening, niti) ' supposed was the remains of V but, on opening the com"n at the of his wife's parents, they li.c once that it was not tl e;r daughfr scene that followed can be better i; than described. The afflicted i at once returned to Stoningtou. r warded the corpse by express. V. arrived, he found another man for the body be bad supposwi v. wife. In the meantime his f;r: Pawtucket bad heard of the t picked up by the schooner A. !1. i and brought to Newjmrt. aru! Ir graphed to tho undertaker fr a tion, which he gave, and :it :.V time had a photograph taker: a: '!t This convinced them that the i .K had been in this city since F'.-.hv was no other than the wife uf M:. ii - it lie, in company with l is I. n :?:.!-. tr . here this morning, and nt n r iiV: en her. The scene that foil.i.veJ r: tiv cription. As tho husband i-c' iijm th, remains of his beloved lie hr;b l.h fected as were all present. Ti.c Be taken away on the two .A-V- "V"'j: M. u-kford, and will be taki-a at " Rome, New York. She iwii - years of age. and bears a strikii " blance to the woman the lm-l.' supposed was his wile. Mr. 11 w i.:! that the coat found upon her v.i-; there by himself to keep her warn. that a moment after they were w:i-!;. tho Metis, and his exertions t si. were fruitless. It is a a I story, rr the most heart-rending om1 that told of the terrible disaster. fro a of th, inj an. E. of 1 be th Vo' la; Mil WV Al ou ire tai lu fir 31 G; en In: fo ar th, an Jo ao in; Cc tit Lo en cv "fo .P, Fi l'i HI OC fo in la The Farmer's Favor! IO cc th r h LOOK AT THI nrroisisiJ'S Fanning MB LY. i tub KEYSTONE CIDER I FOK SALE IIV e sl ir ai n, a: a; b, The most astonishing cure of chronic di anhoa we ever heard of is that of Wm Clark, Frankford Mills, Waldo Co., Maine the facts are attested by Ezra Treat, Upton Treat and M. A. Men ill, either of whom might be addressed for particulars. Mr Clark was cured by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Hox. Joseph Farewell, Mayor of Rockland, Me., Isaac M. Bragg, Esq., Bangor, and Messrs 1., u.o' t....i,:... Ebensburg, Pa- tl R. R, Davis &C(? HIGH STREET, h h Three Doors Wist of Centre Si PKAI.KHS IN infill III MY COOUS. (ill Boots and Shoes. I FLOUR, FEED, BACON, fJ Coffee, Tea, Syrups aud M15. I ... Tl Abb W HICH THEY PROVISO ' CHEAP AS THE CIIEA1'- Country Produce taken forj r-Ltt'- e a Me., lumber -merchants,' full? emWd rr DICK, Arrowy -a the Sheridan Caralry Condition Pumler, ' , " cc Jv' anu nae gucn the pronin-tors IiIkmIv to : ... .v..r 1....-1 1....... mt 1 I lisc their names iu recommending thcui. ' torily, nd collection m sieciali -