m mm freeliml l E BEN SB UEQ, 7M., Friday JLufftist 26, 1S72. i NOTICE. THE LABOR REFORM VAhTY of Cambria County will aend Lh legate to a Conference . i. held In Jobustowii, on Snftnduy, itt. di, i at Mo-clock, a. i. said Df legates to meet .ir'nomaa Davis" Hotel, M arket street, (nearly ?;,,,.ltc new Market HouseJ and from thet.ce JivA-d to Miners' Hall, to trammel buolnewor ijrtnoe concerning the State campaign. Mt if deemed adlible, to place in uoutiua- J A3 McFADDEN, State Executive. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. -Work A read. Tle Democratic Exec utive Committee of this county met at the effiee of Johx H. RnEY, Esq., onlastTuea--.y The object and purpose of the meet jj"wal to organize th party for the cur rent political campai&n. Mr- Nathaniel IfoiiNE, Johnstown, Chairman of Raid Com rilttee, was present, ami Jacob Zimmer man q-, f Johnstown, acted as Becre tarv Whatever else was done we are per JjjjtVcd to say that Mx. Hornk was author ial to invite Charles It. Bcckalew, A. f i;.teMr, being Uie first week of thcen- fcuini: ." l- ""r --- r kOIlH uS, a-S lie Will uu, u flu.i aiii'ii me iatinKuUhed gentleman named will be here tt.n eivo lull ami ample notice. One . 'ii .1.. nn.-.n i... ... cnvStw? ami Viat- ? u i i t l witt annouiwethc fact of their certain -t rew mv m-xt crk, and will then give the j kV1 I'u,Jic ,iotice of tlie fuct i a m Tlirnl,,"jet'r 90 In the shade. Tri'u'-fUn'ng is past for this year. .Tlie JMair county Democratic convention ye'Jl meet on the 3d September. .The fattest woman iu Johnstown weighs tw hundred and seventy-six pounds. fTlie Huntingdon Labor Reformers will E0iiiite a county ticket on the 21st. t'l. arfield county will hold anagricultu-rtf-Cair commencing on the 30th September. 'Parties wishing to buy a bill of candies at lowest wholesale prices should call at 8. 1 McCamt', Eliensburg. Charles Hawkius and Thomas Parfett ra a foot-race in Johnstown last Saturday for 9 10 a side. The latter won. --Cyrus CaseWer was thrown from a buggy licar Somerset last Friday and so seriously injured that he died shortly afterward. Cholera infantum is playing havoc with the children of Altoona. Kleveii deaths on Friday last and scveu on Saturday are re- t!!l!jhn Dipple, at Lewistown, attempted to cross the railroad track in front of an approaching lcomotive, the other day, and was killed. -blames Null, Esq., will start on a collect ing and cauvassing tour for the Verttan next week, and we hoje his trip will not prove K..3 and void. A black l-ar was seen by a couple of ItoVb a half mile west of town last Sunday. Tha population in that direction are up in ana axsiiit it. Mrs. James Mclntyre, of Newry, Blair rouatv. last Wednestlay gave birth to trip lets. AU doing well mother, triplets, Mac aud the Intyrr tauiily. To thieves recently broke into the Presbyterian church at McConnelsburg, county, and stole a bible, the which tly trn.leil otf for whisky. Johnstown continues to complain of Ysadals who destroy shrubbery, tear up the sod, ami otherwise injure the ground and graves in the Union graveyard. If vou want to get peaches by the box. callatS. P. McCanu's, Kbensburg, and leave your orders. He will furnit.h theui at lowest cash prices. In large or small quantities. "If the mountain won't come to Mahom et, Mahomet will haveo go to the moun tsitt," albeit, his name is not Mahomet, but -Null, and he'll be around there shortly. When the 1st of September comes, call cap. P. McCann for oysters, clams, lobsters, uii Oysters and clams will be received daily Vy fx press, and of the best quality. Fresh t-.t at the proper season. iLont, one day last week, either on High er julian streets, a lady's black silk m art". 3 rliKler, presuming it has fallen into hon est hands, will confer a great favor by leav-i-:f it at this office. -J-.-onard Smith, 75 years old, aud Helen IiWrts, 72, lxth colored, were married in l aiiipsburg recently. This does not look as though the once numerous Smith family is going to be allowed to entirely die out. A. Shoemaker, Esq., and wife, who had been alsent for several weeks on an ex tended tour westward, returned, home last Saturday night. They tok in California, bait Lake City, and many other points of interest, iu their trip. A tall given at the Hnlbert House, Johnstown, hurt Friday evening, Vas broken Up by a party of rowdies. A tight ensued, heads aud glassware were siuasUed, aud the affair wound up with a hearing before the Burgess next morning. It is pretty hard to have to work as hard as wo do, l-g as hard as we do, and then re ceive hardly any response from those who we us more or less hard-earucd money. All winch argues extreme hard-heartedness on J -Ut of delinquents. -Mr. H. C. Kaylor has taken the agency f the sale iu this county of Krider & Bro.'s 1 sillily Record, a very neat and beautiful tign lor enclosing photographs preparatory hff rawing the same. For family groups it is Jusi ihe thing. Friee $1.50. -A lively game of "draw poker" was in Valgel in by a Udy of this place ou Wednes day, and a loon companion of her husband, hose potations are deep and not "long be tween drinks," held the losing cards. The game was won with one hand. A correspondent sends us word that it was "a scrub nine of w hite fellows," and not the Amateurs, that played the Phoenix (colored) club a game, of base ball in Johns town lately, and that the correct score was 44 to 4 in favor of the Phoenix. Mrs. Ellen Hart, of Alleghany town slfp, Blair county, who for two years had v ie red from some malignant ailment of the "Cle joint, submitted to amputation of the i -ad part last week, and is now rapidly wring her wonted health. T.,TUe Republican county convention of iitiiij;don met on Tuesday, and nomi Tted A. L. Guss for Congress over S. S. bla;r by a vote of 43 to 3'J. Mr. Wharton withdrew from the canvass. The Mifflin eiiveiition will be held ou the lath. On Thursday morning last, the steam f iw-uiill of our friend and subscriber Gen. 1 I. Bell, at Bell's Mills, Blair county, waa ktstroyed by fire. It is supposed to have W-ii the work of incendiaries. Loss about vS.Soo, upon which there is no insurance, j The Hollidaysburg Standard "hits the nail square on the head" when it says that 'the Johnstown Voice is very much in favor of Saui Henry 's re-election to the Legislature. Notwithstanding which, Cambria Democrats tu w hom we have conversed declare that ey don't propose to' make fools of them- S'ws a second time. 4 Sheriff Bonacker brought three prison s to iail Wednesday night. Two of them charged with attempted rape, and the '4her with larceny, and all three hail from J'nuntowu. A man from Alleghany town- "'P was immured in the same edifice lues charged with, stoning a house in the Ward of this borough. -The law firms of Shoemaker & Berry !St:hler & Scanlan hay been dissolved. 'T. Shoemaker & Sechler haw entered Uj Hitnership, with their office, ia Mr. "umker's residence ; Mr. Berry, who is wm y ,t'"" llumK lor the benefit of his health, will oa, ni9 return take- possession of the "ij -e lately occupied by Sechler & Scanlan ; ".'l Mr. Scaulau as heretofore hangs out his JJle tu CarrollUtwu, See their several r Mt'i.t'HEt Milton ppeer, and other leilii'K iemocrats and Liberal Rertubli ,aa. to address the jople of Cambria Prof. Bfttddoek is agent for the sale of the pubrlcfltiOTtS Of Henry S. Goodspeed & Co., t Park Row, Jicw York, and dnring the ensuing month will call on our citizens to solicit buyers. His catalogue comprises all the standard and late works, Bibles and prayer books, etc., and engravings aud pho tograph albums come within his scope. We commend the Professor to our readers as a man who can be "tied" to. At Portage, .this county, last Monday, Samuel Barnes attempted to jump on a pass ing freight train, but missed his footing and fell on the track. The car-wheels passed over one of his legs, and Po dreadfully mau gled It that amputation became necessary. The unfortunate man survived the operation only a couple of hours. He was about 20 years old, and a resident of Bedford county. His remains were interred at Wilinors on Wednesday. William Christy, aged 10 years, a son of Josiah M. Christy, of GaHitKitl, cattle to his death at Cresson last Thursday evening try the cars running over him. He had gone to Cressou from Oallitzin that evening, and was endeavoring to get aboard a freight train to return home, when he missed his footing and fell on the track. The car-wheels ran over his legs and a part of his bodv,"&nd so severely injured him that he died shortly afterward. Charley Albright, Radical nominee for Congrcftsman-at-largej threatens to come to Kbenslmrg some time during the campaign and make a political speech. Charley used to live here, and his memory is kept fragrant amongst us bv remembrance of his counec tion with Council City. Kansas, in 1854. A great many of hi old neighbors would like to hear his dulcet tones again but would I hear them ou the subject ot "paper towns iu preference to politics. Randall Morton, who taught school in Ebensburg for two or three years prior to 1840, w as iu town on a brief visit Tuesday. He waa warmly welcomed by many of his old pupils yet living here, all of them now middle-aged men, and some of them parents of children grown to man's estate. Mri Morton is a nephew of Hon. Marcus Morton, of Massachusetts, who ran for Governor of that State altout twenty-live times, and was elected oTice by ae majority, lie is nuwj, living iu the lieighlorhood of Pittsburg; Cjbensburg s new brass band has been fully organized. It is composed of the fol lowing named members : R. Litzingcr, A. Y. Joues, John O. Evans, E. V. Barker, J. I.. Stotlgh, G. W. Jones, George Robinson, Jerry Fagan, D. 11. Kiukcad, and Erasmus Smith. The horns, which cost $3.10, arrived last week, and on Monday evening of this week the band took its first lesson. Prof. Braddock, of Johnstown, is tutor. The Pro fessor is leader of Braddock's Johnstown Baud, and tinder his efficient tutorship we expect the boys to make rapid progress iu the acquirement of the science of music. The Ebeusburg Fish Association isn't a bad institution, after all. Catfish were first introduced into the Coneiuangh here three years ago, and now that species of fish are uot only abundant in this immediate neigh borhood, but have been caught nearly so low down as Wilmore. Three live grass pike were put into the same run, at the same poiut, two years ago, sit a cost of S8.33J each, and already the small fry are said to be abundant. Not sat U tied with what it has already done, the Association projoses in troducing liass and suufish, and an expedi tion to catch and convey the same hither will go hence inside a week from date. Kleckner's& Co.'acircus, menagerie and museum, w hich exhibited here last Monday, was as good as yes, we will say better than the geucral run of such institutions. Aud yet a liumlier of individuals from the rural districts strenuouslyinsist that theway three card monte was played in the side-shows de tracted somewhat from the full enjoyment of the occasion. One man from Black lick, well known to many of our readers, was mulct in the sum of S30, another lost S10, and sever al others from various localities contributed in smaller sums toward jwiying the expenses of the peripatetic gamblers. We have no consolation to offer the victims other than that contained in the axiom, "A fool and his money are soon parted." Sf.riovs Shhtin Affray at St. Ar oustine. From a young man who was pre sent aud witnessed the occurrence, we learn the following particulars of a shooting atVray which took place at St. Augustine on Mon day last, and w hich it is now feared will re sult in the death of the victim : Altout three o'clock in the afternoon of the day indicated, Bernard J. McFeely entered the Itar-roomof Barnacle's hotel in an intoxicated condition, aud with that hragg.ulttcio peculiar todrunk en men, threatened to rid the room of its in mates, some half dozen persons. The pro prietor of the hotei remonstrated with Mc Feely, but without effect until some one pro mised to treat, which was done, and for a brief time order was restored. It was only for a brief time, however, for McFeely soon re in-wed his threats, and the result was that Barnacle took hold of him and ejected him from the house. McFeely lost no time in returning, however, when Barnacle again ejected him, after which he passed liehind the bar, ami, taking a gun from under the counter, pointed it at McFeely and told him that lie would shoot him if he came back. Not heeding the threat, McFeely once more entered the room, when Barnacle pulled the trigger and the ball sped on its course, strik ing him in the thigh, fracturing the bone and lodging under the skin iu the back part of his leg. The wounded man sank to the floor and for a time all wascoinuiotion. Barnacle himself seut for a physician, and ere long oman appeareu on tne scene, and after a careful examination determined that the un fortunate man's life could only be saved, if saved at all, by the amputation of the leg close to his body. This operation was ac complished forthwith, but our informant says that McFeely's condition gives but little promise of a favorable result. So far as we know, Barnacle has not lieen arrested, nor do we know what action, if any, the author ities proose to take in the matter. A Former Cambrian Killed. On Thursday, 1st instant, the several Sabbath schools of Auburn and portions of Osage and Wabaunsee counties, Kansas, indulged in a union picnic. From a copy before us of the Topeka, Kansas, Commonwealth, we gather that up to 1 P. M. of the day, everything went merry as a marriage bell with the vast multitude asembled, and the celebration was pronounced the happiest of the season. At that hour, the young men planned for more muscular sports than the swing or the promenade. To that end, a rope waa ex tended between two trees at ahightof seven or eight feet from the ground, ami a series of trapeze performances was attempted. Among the athletes was John H. Harr, who, while attempting a difficult feat, missed his hold and fell. He struck on his forehead, and with such great force that his neck was broken, death ensuing instantly. The de ceased was the second son of M. S. Harr, formerly of Ebensburg, but for a number of years past a resident of Auburn. He was about 23 years old, and an estimable young man. Those who knew him here in other years, and particularly his playmates, will be sorry to hear of this tragic death of young "Nonly." A Good Word. Though we uniformly differ in politics with our townsman, Hon. A. A. Barker, and sometimes venture to express ourself to that effect in these col umns, yet we know him to be an energetic, honest, and useful citizen, and when a good word is said of him a a man, we have no hesitation in giving it currency to the full extent of our circulation. We clip the an nexed extract from a communication from Menno township, MifHin county, to a Lew istown paper : Mr. Barker, candidate for Congress, was here the other day, looking-up his chances. He told us a story about hurtinir his finger, which made a favorable Impression on us. Whilst working; In his saw-mill some years ago, In carrying a slab he stumbled and fell, and threw his hand against the circular saw. which was In motion. His finger went off in a fla-h. He went to the house, (It wag night,) got it tied up. and returned to the mill. Next morning he was the first one on the mill, aud never lost a day. One of his hired men met with a similar accident, but not nearso severe, and lay upsix weeks. He concluded by saying that not one man in a thousand could have done as be did. What a noble man ! He should have the nomi nation ! He told us he was rich, owned a great iiHiioit ; us iuiii us uc was ncn, owneaa great ..inhAT f uw.miiiii nii d.inmj .TiLn. tities of tuff to tb W Indies. kOoaf Correspondence, Carroltowk, Aug. 14 1872 Dear F reema n Sinee my laat, accidents and incidents have been,- like angels' visits, few and far between in this latitude, and yet we Hear n6 one complaining of a lack of va riety on that account. In the meantime the brick-work of the tower of St. Benedict's has been finished by the contracter, Mr. Matt. Addlesberger, to the satisfaction of all interested and to the credit of the gentleman named. It is, in deed, a good job and vindicates the confi dence we ever had in Mr. Addlesberger as a first class mechanic and a reliable contractor. The spire btiihler is nenv putting the timber in place, and ere iriahv days Cttrrolltowncan boast of one of the prettiest towers and spires in Western Pennsylvania. When finished I Bhall have more to sav about It. If otwithsf anding the frequent and drench ing rains during harvest, the majority of our rarmers have secured their crops in eood condition. In a portion Of your edition last week as you assured your readers, you noticed 'the running off of the team and consquent dam age to the fine hack of our mail line. It is but fair to say that no blame attaches to any one in connection with the accident. The lead horse succeeded in working the bridle from his head just as the hack was nearing the convent, and this enabled him to see the flapping of one of the curtains of the hack which, in connection with the fact that the men at work on the new tower made some noise which attracted, or rather litra, tl the horse, caused him to frighten and start to rnn- ,f conrse the driver was powerless to hold him, but manfully clung to the line airaeneu to ttie other horse until it broke. A lady with an infant on her lap was thrown from the hack, as was also the child. The latter escaped unhurt, but the lady had her corlal-ttone fractured. She is improving rapidly. The hack has lx-en reconstructed and made more convenient than ever. E. SuMMEfettlLL Twp., Aug. 13, 1872. I J par Freeman George Hull and Joseph Woleslacle fell from a seaftbldimr at P. M. Woleslagle's mill, in Wilmore. on last Fri day, in consequence of which both were se verely injured, the latter having his left arm broken at the wrist. The cause of the accident tvas the giving w-av of the scaffold ing, which they had erected for the purpose of repairing the building. The distance they fell was twenty feet, ail it was providen tial that they escaped aar safely as they did. We attended the funeral of Father Brown of Johnstown, on Saturday last A Special train conveyed the remains to Cresson, whence they were taken to the Catholic cemetery at the Summit and interred by the side of Father MeCullough an old school mate and friend of deceased. The funeral was a very large one, indeed one of the lar gest I ever witnessed. On the return seven passengers cars were found inadequate to accomodate the multitude and two freight cars were attached, and then the platforms were crowded to their utmost capacity. Bishop Pomenec and several clergy attend ed the funeral. The writer hereof was a warm personal friend of Father Brown from the time we first met until the grave closed over the form of one of the most eloquent, talented, gentlemanly, and warm hearted priests we have ever met. May his soul rest in eternal peace ! A yenng man by the name of Barnes, a brother ofjMr Jeremiah Barnes, of Portage Station, had one of his legs so terribly man gled yesterday evening by slipping, under the wheels of a car on which he attempted to jump while the train was in motion, that the limb had to be amputated. AVe ex pect to have to report like occurrences at this point ere long, if some eight or ten boys do not quit jumping oh and off trains when at full speed. The only wonder is that there are not more accidents resulting from such willful carelessness. Soltero. In Mf.moriam. A Monument Over tmf.Gravkof Father Brown. Yester day at 3 o'clock, says the Johnstown Itftih Voice of Monday last, a large meeting of the congregation of St. John's (Catholic) church, convened in Fritz's Hall for the purpose of perfecting and concentrating a feeling large ly expressed that they should erect a suit able memorial over the grave of their dead pastor, Father Brown. The meeting was ealld to order at 3 o'clock In the nfterniMin. and Daniel McLnuirhllrt was ehoon President, nnd Cnpt. P. 0'Conndl Vice President. IT. D. Woodruff and C. W. Easly were elected Secretnris. The purpose of the meeting wan announced In an appropriate manner by D. McLaughlin, Esq., In a few remarks. A motion was made f hnt a committee of three In each district bennpoinred for ihe purpose of soliciting contributions in aid of the proposed memorial. Carried. The Phnlr announced that the committee would b appointed upon the suggestions of thr gentlemen present from the several dis tricts. The following committee was named : Cambria Tlorniiirh N. McAneny, M. Sweeney and John Quietly. MlUville P. Minahan, Jas. Hogan and Tat'k Rodgers. Prospect-Hugh McMoniglc. J. McFall and P. Bovle. Tavlor Township-Martin McDonald, S. Mc Grnth and Thomas McOovcrn. Yoilor Township J. Burns. M". noughcy and J. McCann. Johnstown Hugh Bradley, M. P. Meagher and J. J. Murphy. Conomnnirlt norourh Thos. Matthews, Mich'l Burns and Michael Qninn. Eat Conemnmrh Michael McCabe, Thomas Y.mn and John 1. I'ooney. Woodvsde George Keogh. John B. Clark and PittHok Fardv. Franklin Rorona-h Wm. Adams, John Fur lonir and Dennis Murphy. On mrvtlon. .Ttidtre Ealv was unanimously l-t1 Trnnunr of the Memorial Fund. On motion, a Tlutming- Committee was ap pointed, as follows : Cambria borough John Ryan; Millvllle bor onsrh Pat'k Rodders; Prosnect boronurh Rob ert Dlmond; Johnstown Daniel McLaughlin; Conemaugh borough Judve Easly. Representatives from E. ConemnuTh. Frank lin and Yoder will be selected at a future meet- In. The Treasurer was Instructed to provide a collection book for each member of committee. The eollectin committee was lnstriicl-d to make returns to the Treasurer of amounts col leeted. on Sunday. Sept. 8th. 1872. A motion win made that any contract In re gard to the "tvleor coat of th proposed monu ment be submitted to a meeting of the congre gation. On motion, adjourned. It is earnestly hoped that this movement wiu receive the hearty support of all. Fath er Brown belonged to us all let us remem ber him as he should lie rememttered. Cambria borough offers four hundred dol lars towards the amount. What is worth do ing at all is worth doing well, and it is hoped that the note struck by Cambria City will receive equal responses all over the district. Rev. Peter Brown, deceased. On last Thursday night. Rev. Peter Brown, the priest of St. John's (Catholic) church, Johns town, was gathered to his fathers. The de ceased was one of the ablest and most elo quent divines in the State ; and, more than that, he was the worthy recipient of unbound ed respect and esteem from at. who knew him, By his talents and learning, as well by his beautiful traits of private character, he hail endeared himself to one and all, and his death has cast a gloom over the community which time only can eradicate. At o' clock Saturday morning, solemn High Mass was celebrated in the church, with Bishop Domenec as celebrant, assisted by Fathers Farren, Christy, and Gallagher. After mass, the Bishop delivered an eloquent and im pressive address on the life and character of the deceased, dwelling particularly on his useful life and happy death. The ceremonies were concluded at 94 o'clock, when the fu neral procession, to the number of at least one thousand, proceeded to the railroad sta tion and took a special train to Cresson. Thence, the body was conveyed to Summit, where all that was mortal of Rev. Peter Brown was given back to the earth whence it came. The deceased was born in Done gal, Ireland, and received his education at Maynooth College. He came to this country in 1843. His first field of labor was at Pitts burg ; then at Erie ; then at Buffalo ; then at Providence, R. I ; then at Wilmore ; and lastly at Johnstown. May he rest in peace J Mr. Simon Scltzbach will open a to bacco and cigar store in the room one door . - T-if i-i xt r,.,.l ii went of oster s hotel next Monday. He will get a larjs share of patronage. GO AND 8EK FOtt i0FRSELF! -Andy Fos ter, of the well known ftrm of Geis & Foster, was in New York and Philadelphia recently, and as his experience in the purchase of dry goods of the newest patterns, latent styles and best quality Is well known we expect to see a rush of customers to that establishment when this fsct becomes generally known. Gels Jit Foster have the largest ami best selected stock of dry goods in this city, but the tlrui desire to fall particular attention to the department al lotted to CARPETS ! One portion of their large store Is devoted to the sale of carpets, and as t hey buy an immense stock at a time they are necessarily enabled to buy and sell cheaper than any other srore in town. Visit Geis & Foster's maminotk atore on Clinton street, Johnstown, and examine their roods and prices and we are sure you will pat ronize the firm. niCKET'S FURNITURE WAREHOOMS'. -John Hickey, Undertaker, on Jttlllrt street. Fourth Ward, Altoona. is prepared to supply Aletalic Burial Cases of nil sizes an patterns, and on reasonable terms. . , . Mr. Hickey .teeps constantly ffft hftfld a large stock of new and fashionable furniture, and those who require any thing in his line should give him a call. Every article sent from bis rooms will be warranted "S represented. Hair ad tf raw Maf trusses manufactured to order at less than city prices. Cane aeut chairs rc-cuued and fitted up as good as new. All orders f fata a distance promptly attended to. fjul.13.-tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, lmvinir been permanently cured of thjtt dren.l disease. Consumption, bv a Simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescript if tn used, tireeor charge) with ttie uireciions ior preparing and using the same, which they will flndasUKKcCHKfor Co)iHmitiiHi..Atliiiia,ltrim- chitut, dre. Parties wishing the prescription will please address IIev. EDWARD A. WILbUS, ll-18.-ly. ln I'enn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Mape to Last. An rxchnniro paper tells about a suit of clothes fouud at the foot of a tree, from which the occupant Hppeared to have been eliminated bv a flash of liirhtninir. A suit of clothes that could stand such a pressure as Mint must surely have been bought from o. J. Hess & Uro.,241 Main street, Johnstown, for it is well known that for durability of mnkeund material, as well as for beauty of style and cheapness of price, the clothing of this firm is uiiupproachcu and unapproachable. The picnic's far behiud us, Kate; 'twill take them long to find us, Kate ; there's a world of bliss iu a harmless kiss, and no one near to mind us, Kate." She said she'd rather not engage in such delightful ntiine. us it might muxx the new Dolly V ardeii dress she had just purchased from I. T. Coppock, who. by the way, has lately become sole proprietor of the popular and ele gant dress trtKKls emporium heretofore owned by AldenOifer & Coppock, at rso. -YZ Alain St., Opera House, Johnstown. W A T F ITf IT A VAiilh in TnhnBnvn Hflrl 1 3ft gold piece. A matrpie s'ole the gold piece; a em cauifin miiu uie uie uiugpic , a uo)f Hineu iiit: i it i , nuii h o ti it i it-1 in u i ii i t ove mere served up the dog in the shp.pe of bologna sau sage. The youth said be wouldn't care so much about, it, oiily be was saving that gold piece to buy a suit of ready-made clothing at Mayer's renowned clothing stre. Johnstown, where he knew he could get wearing apparel very cheap, very stylish and very durable. Let those who would their lives prolong, and from their presence drive all earthly ills, just bear in mind as worldly ways they throng that there is such a man as E. J. Mills, who keeps a store on the street called High, and sells to ail who have ready cash to pay for the best of Hour and feed, chopped corn and rye, and groceries, too. tresli and cheap that's what we say. On Mills then call and at fair prices buy of what he keeps a full supply. Caution. Every genuine box of Dr. Mc LANE'S LIVER PILLS bears the signature of FLEMING HH03., and their private United States Stamp. r"Take no other." The market is full of imitations. DISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto fore existing between the undersigned in the practice of the law, has been dissolved by mutual consent. F. A. SHOEMAKER, Aug. 13, 1S72. GEO. A. BERRY. DINaOI.I'TION. The partnership hereto fore existing between the undersigned in the practice of the law, has been dissolved by mutual consent. WM. 11. SKCHLKlt, Aug. la, 1S72. T. R. SCANLAN. F. A. SnOEMAKKIt,... .W.M. H. SECHI.ER. SHOEMAKER & SECHLER, J Attorueyn-at-I.nw, 19-16.1 EBENSBURG, Cambria Co.. Pa. tf. rEO. A. BERRY, v-s AT 1 0 It N EY-AT-LA W. f3Ofllee in room recently occupied by W. H. Sechler. E-o . in Thomas Lloyd's new build ing, Centre Btrcet, liDensDurg, i'a. l.u. m. L. PERSHING, Attortteif-at-Low. t?rOfBce on Franklin street, (up stairs.) over Kenton s Hardware More. Johnstown, fa. IY virtue of sundry writ 8 of Vend. rJ.rpon.and -I Al. Vcinl. Eximhi issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria couuty, and to me directed, there will tie exposed to Public bale. on Monday, 2d day of September next, at S o'ci'k p. it., the lollowing Ileal fc.su ic, io wn : All the riirht. title and interest of Michael Chardon.of. in and to a piece or parcel of laud situate in ( learfleld towushiu. Cambria count y. adjoining lands of -Haines Ryan, Mich'l MI'los- key, and otliers, containing v Acres, more or lef-8. about M Acres oi wmcn are ciearea. nav- inir thereon erected a two story log house and a Iuli- liani-miw in the occupancy of Michael Chardon. Taken in executiou and to be sold at the suit of Adam txtllis. Also, all the right, title and interest of Lucas Moyerand Bridget Mover, or, in and to a cer tain niece or parcel of land situate in Clearfield township. Cambria county, adjoin! ug lands of Matthew Ivory, David Sutton, and others, con taining 68 Acres, more or less, about 25 Acres of whichare cleared, having thereon erected a two story plank house and a frame stable now in the occupancy of Lucas Mover. Taken in exe cution and to be sold at the suit ot Francis Cooper. Aiii, all the rljrlit. title and interest of John S. Luther, of. in and to a piece or parcel of laud situate in Carroll township. Cambria county. adjoining lands of Joseph Houck, Francis Lu ther, and others, containing 150 Acres, more or less, about tn:rty acres oi wnicn are ciearcu, havinir thereon erected a one-and-a-half story nlank house now in the occupancy of Georve Luther, and a two story plank house and frame baru, now in the occupancy ot Jolin St. I.ullier. Taken in execution and to be sold at tbc suit of Davis & Llovd. Also, all the right, title aad interest of Zcph aniah Weak land, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situate iu Susquehanna township. Cam bria county, adjoining lands or inrani rritz, Isaao Weakland and others, containing liO Acres. more or less, about la Acres ot whlcti are clear ed, having ihereon erected a two story plank house, a frame barn, and a small stable, cow in th occiimincv of Zeuhanlah Weakland. Taken in execution and to be sold at tliefcuit of Johns ton Moore Ami. all t rlirht. title and interest of St Clair Pfouts, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situate in Susquehanna township. Cam bria coumy, adjoining lanos of Peter Gariuao, vvm n..-.o.. niri iiihi-nL enntainimr 280 Acres. more or less, about 30 Acres of which are clear ed, having thereon erectea a two sutry iiik house and log burn now in the occupancy tr i m n..ni.in T,.u..n tn execution and to be sold at the suit or John Lockhard, for use of John Martin and Thomas Patterson, Executors of James Graham, deceased, et. al. Also, all the right, title and interest or W m. Lloyd, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land sit uate in Susquehanna township, Cambria coun ty, adjoining lands of heirs of Richard Nagle, dee d, Abuer Lloyd, and others, containing 100 Acres, more or less, about 30 Acres of which are cleared, having thereou erected a one-and-a-half story plank house and log barn now in theoccupaucy of Win. Lloyd, 'la ken in execu tion and to be sold at the suit of Lloyd Houck. Also, all the right, title and interest of Chas. Oswald, of, in and to a certain lot of ground situate in Carrolltown borough, .Cambria coun ty, fronting on Main street on the west and ex tending back to land of Benjamin ertner, ad joining lot of Joseph Zcdner on the north and lot of John Stoltz on the south, having thereon erected a two story plank house-now in the occupancy of Andrew Boslet. Taken in execu tion and to be sold at the suit of . Bearer. Auso. All the right, title, and interest of Cor nelius Crura, of, in, and to a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Summerhtll township, Cambria County, adjoining lands of Joseph on erected a two story log house and log bam, now in the occupancy of Cornelius Cruui. "'aken in execution and to be sold at the suit of Solomon Emigh. BONACKER. Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg. Aug. 10, 1872. -VO JIIKR AIIOI'T Till! There is con 1 siderable money due me that I find it im ofoie do without, and this Is to notify all rrsons Indebted that if they do not call and fhev wll find their accounts in the hands of T. IS nJpL Esa for collection with costs. V . Dick, Esq., ior k.o y LUTTRINGEK. Ebensburg, Aug- 9, 1372. Reading matter on every page. V lt r Mya va w 4 IKY VIEW ACAOEMT. rcrrwvWr Sta fi tfn, Pn.H.Il. (F-r Mate and Female Pupil.) Lung established, thorough, successful; ltca tiou healthful and accessible; comuiui.ltysocial, mural and religious ; building? large and costly; a full corps of able teachers; mountain air, pun water, safe bathing, tine skating; emphaticuli) a hnmt schitid. Whole expense, for Board. Tui tion. Kooin, Fuel and Washing (for 40 weeks); Jws thiin two liruidred duliait. Winter session begins Sept. 3. Send for Circulars. WILSON t TA 1TERSON, Port Royal, Juniata Co., I'a. PrtF.SibENTs of Colleges, Ministers, Successful Business Men, testify to the many advantages of Tuscarora Academy A ADESIA, J I'M ATA CO., I'A. Send for Circulars and Testimonials. D. D. STONE. A.MPh.D. J J.Pattersox, A.M. STEIBENYILLE, 0 FEMALE SEMINARY. This widely-know n School affords thorough Christ iau education, at a cost of litt le more t dan 5a week; ic-fmrth nff fir cli-rytimen. TheBTtl, session (20 weeks) opens Sept. lltli. The address of till former pupils is requested. A grand re union at the close of the next year. Send for Farticulars to Rev. CHARLES c. BF.ATTY, . D.. LL. D-, Sup t, or Hev. A. M. UEID. Ph. D.. Priucipal. BOKOKNTOW-X ('. J.) :n.K ( Ml, I.KGK Thorough instruction. Healthful and beautiful locution. One or die most cure fully conducted and best sustained Institutions in the State. For terms, etc., address Rev. JOHN H.BKAKELEY, Ph.D. JTDGEVILLE MILITARY SCHOOL, Merchnntvllle. X. jr.. Four miles Trtim Philadelphia, (formerly loeated at Princeton. N.J.) Rev. S. N HOWELL, A. M Principal. Fortj'-fourth Annual Term begins Sept. 10th. Bend for C.rcular. 'I'lSfAltOlU Ki:ni.K 8KHIXAHV, JL Arademla, Janiata Co., i'a. M DTJD A L Fire Iiisurauce. The Mutual Plan guarantees to the mutually insured the greatest security for the least pos sible cost. The premium notes are the capital. Ou this no dividends are paid to the stockhold ers, but it ii simply tissessed to pay deficiencies arising after the payment of los-snnd expenses which iu the CULL A1H1A INSUKAJNCK COM PANY, during the total 125 years of its exist ence, have averaged but 6 per centum upon tne premium note, Deing lowxr titan tne rates lai . in the best sol veut stock companies during the same period of time. Iu insuring at stock rates, tin-insured must pronounce to himscli that he pays even- year enouirh 1st. To form an accumulated fuud for emergencies; 2d. To pay iHrge dividends to the capital invested in the Company ; ad. Runs the risk of a ' Chicago tire" cum in it and wiiiinir his Company out ot existence. In a Mutual Company he keeps his own reserve in hand until needed, and pays no dividend to capitalists. The mutually insured. nclng themselves the capitalists, look arter the business, its character and its agents iu all places, thus protecting each other. rvr lusurauces or Au-encies, address J. . FHUKAVFF. Svftf, ColunUrin, Liiiiearter County, Ja. Agents Wanted for C'ttatimberlin's Ureal CaiatMi(n Itook, The STRUGCiLK of'rS; A Xorr.lt u in I'lilitlcal and Popular Literature. A Ghaphic Hitory of the Republican aud iiem ocratic Parties; a racy sketch of the so-called Liberal Kcpumican rarty; an miife ro icot the Cincinnati Convention. The minor tickets or aide ulwws of the campaign. The finest Illus trated Book Published. A Hook wanted by evcry American citizen. To secure territory at once, send 8 1 foroutfif. UNION PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, 111.,,1'hila., I'a., or Springfield, Mass. CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. Agents wanted tor nurOaniwiirn Goods. !ell at Sight. Tay lOO per rent, profit. Now is the time. ?eiid at once for Oeseripilve Circulars and 1 rn-e Lists of our Fiue Steel Engravings ot all the Candidates. Campaign Biographles.Churts, Pho tographs, Badges. I'm, i lags, and everything suited to the times. Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samplcssent for 3. Address Mooke & (jihihskkku, 3i Park Row, New xork. n AID IT V I Thirty new and beautiful de- CiiUA AlUit I sino. Cef Price List of T. C T TP IV t I RICHARDS fc CO.. Manufac D.VL'tjL.O i turcrs, 47 Murray St., N. York ww wm mr ww The t'ttomlwtry or lilvlne Proyldence has never produced a mineral water which com bines in such perfection the qualities of anti bilious touic and cathartic medicine, as thnt of the Seltzer Spa ; and Tarrant's F.FFEKVKSt'hXT Ski.tzek Al'EitlKNT is the artificial equivalent of that great natural remedy. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching of i'leerated Pilcsthat J)r liinu'it lilrl!cinctu fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to euro the Sold by all Druggists. Piles, and nothing else. Price, $1.00. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is the cheapest and best article in the market for Blaeing Clothes. The genuine has both Barlow's and Wlltbergcr's name on the label, and is put up at Wiltberger's Drug Store. No. 2C1 North Second St.. Philadelphia. D. S. WILTBERGEK. Proprietor. For sale by Druggistsand Grocers. KEEP IT HAND Y.-The Itellal.le Family Medicine, tor the prompt cure of Cholera, Diarrtuea. Cholera Inrantum, Dysentery, Cramps, Summer Complaint, 4rc, Jardella's Compound Syrup or Blackberry Root and Rhu barb, an old aud well-tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect; can be depended on in the most urgent cases; may be given to the youngest infant as well as to the aged. It is readily taken by chil dren. Keep it in the house and use in time. Sold bv Druggists. HANSELL & BRO., 2000 Market Street, Philadelphia. Try it. AGENTS Wantetl. Agents makemore mon ey at work for us than anything else. Busi ness light and permanent. Particulars free. G. Stinson & Co., Fine Art Publishers, Port land, Maine. IIST OF OVTJSl: SET DOWN FOR TRIAL at a Court of Com mon Picas, to be held at Ebensburg. com mencing on Monday, the 2d day of aejtteinbcr next. FIRST WEEK. Somerville Brown Cooper & Co. Miles et al Bardine. for use,.. Bracken Donglass Cooper Jones woir Adams Davis .vs. Martx. .vs. Black. ..vs. Wendel. .vs. Paddock & Adams. . .vs. Apple. . .vs. Bracken. ..vs. Fitzpatrick. ..vs. MoGuirc. ..vs. Powell. ..vs. Proaser. .vs. Vaughn. ..vs. Bennett. SECOND WEEK. Margaret Jones vs. Lloyd k Co. Crissman vs. Aaron. Evans etal vs. Davis et al. Brotherline vs. Smith, Bracken ... vs. Ragers. Behe vs. Barberick s Adm rs. llarberick's Adm'rs...vs. Bchc. Zch .. vft. 7.eh Buchanan et al Inslco Barker & Son .. Walts .... . . Millikcn McDermitt Milliken... ...vs. M'Gonigle'sEx s etal ....vs. I'reffley et a I. .....vs. M'Cance & Kline. ....vs. Risbau. ....vs. Cowan etal. ,...vnx Martin etal. ...,v. Cowan et al. vs. Brady. Perham Scw'g M. Co.. vs. Gahegnn & Ogdcn. Wagner vs. nunegan. Hose ......vs. Murphy. Spencer vs. Gillan. McDonald .....vs. Christy Jt Liddy. George .vs. Bthe. Mi tote vs. Gibson Executors. Cochran vs. Dumfee&Co. J. K. HITE, Prothonotnrr. Prothonotary's Ollice, Ebensburg, Aug. 6, 1872. VOTICK.-All persons are hereby notified L that the sole and exclusive right to make, use and vend my PATENT ROTARY PUMP in the County of Cambria and State of Pennsi'l- I vania is owned by WM. II. WORK, of Indiana ' county, and the public are cautioned against ! purchasing the same from any other part v. S. M. SNYDER. August 3, 1872.-3t.-S.tf. STORE, NO. 100 HIGH STREET, EBENSBURG. mi. CAl.PENTE.il, 130 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK. N. J., Is now treating succcf ulty Consumption, Bronchitis, and all diseases of Throat and Lungs, with his VOBiWrSTD "KmriTKA lSHAI.ATI0W.C0am-. TEATr.D FOOb, AM Col uH SlKlIi. During the past ten years Ir. Carp nter has treated and cured thousands of cases of above named diseases, and has now in his possession cfrtitlente of cures from all part of the coun try. The Inhalation is breathed directly into the I hosts stolhii)jf and heaiinir over all Intiaux d surfaces, entering into the blood, it imparts vi tality as it permeates to every part or the sys tem. The ensatiou is not unpleasant, and the first inhalation often gives very decided relief. Particularly when there Is much dirliculty t breathing'. Fnoor the Influence of my rt-ini -dies, the cough soon grows easier, tlie night sw-catsCoase. the hectic tlusli vanishes, and with Improving dijrstinn the patient rapidly gains strength, and hnl'h "gain within his grasp. The Canrrnt rated Food rapidly builds up the most dchili'uted patient .present lug the stom ach food a! I ready to be assimilated and made into good. rich, healthy blood. Th (onch Sjrap is to be taken at nfa-ht to al leviate the cough and enable the pnient tol tidn sleep. tittl f 'r"vtbmt n om-jxti. i iici tutjr of mu rcn editg which nmxixt f One Inhalrr: One Bottle af Alterative Inhalant; One Hot tic rf Soothing Frbrifm-e Inhalant : tine KottleAnti-lla-itiorrliairir luliala it :Cnc BottK. Conrent rated Feat; One Uwttle Otaarli )rrn. Pri-e of Box i ontaining inetiiciiu-s to la-t one month, 10; two months, s; thre months, i. Sent to any address C. i . D. I'amplih-is con taining large list of patients Cm-ed sent free. Letters of inquiry must contain one dollar to insure answer. Address, A. II. CARFEN I KK. M. D., Newark, N. J. Dr. Carpenter's CATAKHlt It KM F.I Y will give immediate relief, and will clTocl a perma nent cure in from one to three months. Price or remedy to last one mouth, 5 ; two months, three nioiiihv. !0. t A NCF.Il in all its Tonus successfully t rented Send for list ot patients cured. A. H. CARPKNTElt. M. D., Newark, N. J. August . ls;2.-ly. "V"01irE is hereby givc-i th.t the following jLI Accounts have been pa-wil and filed in the Register's Otllce at Eli-nsbui g, and will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria iimid l v, for confirmation and allowance, on Wednes day, the 4th day nf Sept-ember nest, to wit : Second Account of fOephcn Mut.m:in. Ad ministrator, &c. of I-wis Coliaugh, lalu of the Borough of Johnstown, deceased. First and H ml A ceo nut of .Sarah Gallagher and Michael Maloy, Executors of Thomas Gal lagher, late of Iuetto borough, doc-used. Final Account f John M. King. Adminifra tor of John B. Fromalu, lute of Johnstown, Cambria county, deceased. Final Account of John Bicket, Executor of the last Will and Testament of D. M. Cooper, tatc of Clinton county, Iowa. d,-ccascd. Account of Joseph Hog ue. Guardian of minor beirsof Peter Scanlan, late of Cambria town ship, deceased. The First Account of George J. llolers. Ex ecutor of the last Will anil Testa mem of John Rodgers, sr., late of the Borough of Ebensburg, dec-easi-d. Third and Final Account of F. D. Storm. Ad ministrator of I). T. Storm, late of Wa.-hiugtt,n township. de-eased. Account of C. B. Ellis, Trustee of the Estate of Hannah Ilocth, Inteof Johnstown, dee'd. Account ft! Mary Ileslop, Administratrix cum trt-tatneuto anntxn of Joseph Heslop, late of Conemaugh borough, Cambria county, t'ee'd. rtrst ami I'artial Aroiunt of John A. Kenne dy, Administrator of Doiuinick Mcllride, late of Carroll township, deceased. tiFAJ. IF. (MJ'.V.4,Y, ItCQirtrr. register's OOice, Ebensburg, Aug. 3. lS72.-4t. Suura:xA fok perpetuating TESTIMONY. CAMBRIA Cor ATI", S.-?. i j The Com mitu wealth nf Pcnntnlrmiia : Jw iTn T......1. Vt.... I k S..1 . i.. ' s iog husluind f Margaret Citrus, former- ly Margaret Moses.) Catharine Moses and Jacob Moees, (children and heirs at law of Adam Moses.) Abraham Mik-s, nnd Daniel Sills, (sur viving husband of Mary Sills, formerly Sarah Moses.) John Moses. Rev. George Fickes. (sur viving husband of Sarah Fickes, formerly Sa rah Moses,) their heirs ami reprcsentat ives, and all others concerned in the premises (Jrcetiim: We command and flruily enjoin you, that, laying aside all business whatsoever, you be and apjcai liefore the Judges of the Court d Common Pleas or the said county, to bo held at Ebensburg on the .first Mn)ilnit of Sejiteinlier tie j-f. to show cause. If any you have, whv the witnesses In behalf of Robert L. Johnston, in his complaint against you, before our said Court exhibited, should not be examined and their testimony reduced towriliiignnd filed of record in our said Court, in order to pcretuate the same, agreeably to the (Constitution of our Gov ernment and l he Act of Assemoly in such case ma; and provided ; and hereof Iail uot at your peril. Witness the Honorable John Dean, Frcst'iPt Judge of our said Court, at Ehenshorg, the 10th day of J une. in the year of our lird one thous and ciglit hundred and seventy-two. J. K. HITE. Prnihonotnry. Attest -W. B. Bo.VACKKit. Sheriff. IS-0.-4L LOOK AT THIS! The Farmer's Favorite onm tmttu Fanning MILL, A1S1 the KEYSTONE CIDER LliU! FOR SALE BY L. afc SI.. . JTJcVA IiS, Ebensburg, Pa Widows' Appraisements. "V"t)TICE is hereby given that the following it Appraisements of Real and I'ersnal Pro perty of decedents, selected and set apart for the Widows of intestates under the Act of As sembly of llth April, ls.51. have liewn tiled in the Register's t Mlice, and will be pr"ent-d to the Orphans' Ouirt. for approval oh Wednesday, the 4th day of September next, to w it ; Inventory aud Appraisement of th personal proerty tf Evan Roberts, deceased, clctel tt to lie retained by his widow, Luciuda H. Rob erts, jno.ooJ Inventory and Appraisement of the personnl property of William Orr, late of the Borough or Johnstown, deceased, elected to be retained by his widow, Harriet Orr, t27L75. Inventory and Appraisement of the personal proterty late of Peter Allbaugh, disc-cased, rc tained bj- his widow, fi(l,!t7. Appraisement of certain pcrsnnnl property set apart for the use of Eleanor Powell, w idow of David Powell, jr., latcof Blacklick township, d ecea sod , IO.tJn. A ppraiseuient of the personal property and real estate of William Kiley, late of Prospect borough, dec-ascd. set apart for Susan Rlcy, widow of said dccessedi M00.00. UFO. IV. OA TMAX. CYlfr. Clerk's OlHce, Ebensburg, Aug. 3, l72.-4f. Slioi-illjs rtlo. BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me di rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in Ebensburg, on Katordar, the Slat day of Aagaat, inst at 1 o'clock, p. the following real estate, to wit : All the right, title, and Interest of Lawrence Stich. of. In and to a lot of ground situate in Carrolltown bor ough, Cambria county, fronting on Main street on the east aud extending back to heirs of John Campbell, dee'd, 011 the west, adjoin ing lot of Simon Schroth on the north and lot of John Kennedy on the South, having thereon erected a two story frame bouse and a frame stable, now in the occupancy of Lawrence Sticb. Taken in executiou and to be sold at the suit of Albln Oswald. W. II. IlONACKER. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg. Aug. , IS72. SUBPCENA IN DIVORCE. CAMBRIA COUNTY. S?. Tue Commonwealth or Pennsylvania 1 , . To the Sheriff of Cambria Co, Orertina; L.8- Y'ou are hereby commanded that ' ' you summon W. W. II. Fhekman to bo and appe-ir at our Court of Common Pleasi to be hidden for said county at Ebensburg, on the flrt -1indti of September tie rf, to answer a cer tain Libel in Divorce filed against him in said Cotirt.hr Mary M. Freeman, by her next friend Isaac Berlin ; and this you uro not to omit at your peril. , ,,. vcs.U.. id., iionriiia .in it Dean. Presld t Judge of oursaid Court, at Ebensburg. the 10th dav of June, iu fhe year or our Lord one thous and eight hundred and sev,.,ty-two. J K. HITK. Prothonotary. Attest VT. B. BoNACKKit, riheritf. $-9.-4t. j M. L. OATMAN'S TRlUFslPH OF THE OT. 'OliriKfti.A.b... t&RLE (iUC. .DPAPiH fa r FAMPHLCT CBHTAININC fULL DESCKtPTIOSf Ic-tn the Itarrtiua (fi.f.,) Imorrot, Jrlu. lfiT A very spirited and fntercstttig M-.twing Match washcMou the farm of C. H. ltostwk-k, Ksl rfear Comiibellsport, fn this eotifify, on fhe lT.tb; Inst. There was a huge attendance of specta tors, and more than ordinary interest iiihiiI fested it the friendly competition. An agrees rncnt had been entered fnfo, between fhe par ties representing the different machines that only Common Machines (such as are ordinarily offered for sale, and not made for special occa sions! should be allowed to enter the contest, each machine should mow an -inar afnoost of grass, and one team and driver should be used for al), in order that th trial mirhT be a fair one, and the merits of the mac hines aloue lay claim to pmMic favor. The ".fTSA" Mower, made b7 the .Etna ManufactiH'in Civ. of Salem, Ohio, for w hich Peter H. Bean- nriucari-if u agent, proved fohate the lightest draught, and this, with its simplicity of cottedrnetfon and beauty of design, combine with its powerful cutting qualities, made U the favorite ef tua day. Captain A. T. King, of rhrtrTefown. was eho sen as a Committee to note the draught of eaeht machine, as Indicated by a dynamometer, w hicti was found to be m follows : ".EM A," "BrCKEtE," '. "E.XCICfJilOK' "Woitrn.'' "TH.fK'p," "wKit," ;, Draught,") 3, rrs " 17 175 1 rSTTor Paniphk-t.eonfafnfng fuR desciipHca or the "fflA" MOWER iffl) REAPER, ITith FIFTY Reasons Why it Is Snperior, CALL ON, OR AnonRSS, GEORGE HUNTLEY, R"l for 1'Htnhrla ('vnatf, 7-13,-tf EBENS3URC, PA. HIGH STREET, Three Doors West of Centre Street, IlEALKRS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR, FEED, BACON, FISH, Coffee, Tea, Syrops and Molasses. ALL WHICH THEY PROMISE TO SELL A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEcrT. Country Produce taken for GOODS. CAR R I AR F M AM FACTOR V ! SAuI'Li; STREET. Near Union School House, Ebensburg. THE subscrlh- r desires to call fhe attention of the citizens of Cambria and adjoining counties to the fact that be has now In success ful operation in Ebensburg a Shop for the man ufacture ami repair of CARR'AGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, Kprlnr Wsron, Sleigh", .4. ml all other decriittim f Jforc in that line. Employing none but skillful workmen and osiiof only the best materials. I feel confident I can five entire satisfaction In work, styles and n-ices. Platform work done at short not ice. Repair ing of all kind attended to at reasonable; rates. A Blacksmith Shop in connection with Man ufactory. Call and see specimens of work. Juuci, l872.-tf. D. M. CHUTE. LOOK SHAEP AT THIS! 136. THE ONLY CATHOLIC 136. COOK & PERIODICAL STORE IX CAMBRIA COUNTV. Mr. MEAGHER, Wholesaleand Retail Dca- K-r in StandahD Catholic Work ot all kind. 1'hatkk Books, Bibi.rs, H istokical and Co.nthdvkhsial Wiihks, PKitiomrALts l'io TtHK-, Fmamks, &v.f AC.. Pi Franklin Street, Johnstown. Pa. Will sell every article at-.Bal-tlmoreor Phildelphia prices. A lilieral ilUcfinl allowed to Ihe. Iter. Clerfftl, Libraries, or thoxr hii ":; in f.irof lot.. Books bound Rnd Pictures framed at the lowest possible prices. "All tho Eastern Weekly Papers for sale. 136 Franklin Street, Johnstown. 136. WOOLEN FACTORY! H AVING introduced new machinery Into our Ii oolen Factory, we are now prejntred i tn manufact lire on short nofii-e, t'Ut'f IIS. CASSI N K I'S, BLANKETS, FLANNELS Of allstjles SXOi 'KlVf! V A HNS. A-c. Ac. teW(Ml taken in exchange for goods or worked on shares- Market prh-e paid for wool. T. M. JOSIIS A iONi. Eltcnsburg, Feb. 24, 1572.-tf. VALUABLE FA 11 H KOK HALM a r i nit ....tMiniiiir -I Aeret4. more or less, of which .TO Aon are nraii situatiHl tn .Miinsn-r fij j bria county, wttnin .....,o y. Cresson and about the Mine dis-t-tneo rroui ltretto, will be soldi minnd on eay terms. A comfortable Dwelling House and fl good Stable an-seionk'tlie improvements. There in alsona excellent orchard on the pie niscsand a never railing spring convenient to the house. Any person wishi'-T to purchase can call on me at Tunnel Hill. G illitzln, or aldress , . . . JOHN O'BRIEN, July 13.-tf. Oallitzin, Cambria Co Pa. MliIC! MUSIC!! nip K-r. Jctiwn " The "Sistkks will be preared togtve i.essons on tne i'i ax MELODEON or CABI NET ORGAN at. any time after Easter. C'JfrTor terms apply to the Siinerioress. Sis ter M. Hobtense, or to Rev. rbarges moderate, '-tbciisburg, April 1, li -tf. R. C. Chkistv,