;; oh ri lit fa n tit in . now Tiir. r.isKA? k may be avoided yal- VAl.Li: l.NFOKMATIOX. Ail i mme-i.t 1 hyisieiaii of Philadelphia wiito lo a 1 -a per of that city on the above bubjeet, as fclows: The three principal oases of this disas trous malath, elnle-.a infantum, may le c ted a. liiM. ind.reetly, the heightened t mpeiatuiv of the atmosj-hcrc. which pre ihspo; i s the general system to congestion aid iiiiiainnial -ry action ; secondly, undue taxation of Hum litest ie function, tlirough i.iiudicioii.s feeding; and thirdly, and, per h .iis i.io.-t ol 'all lmj.oitant, the intiuenee u;.oii tlie system of such water as is gener aflv j.roieUl in large cities for drinking purposes. That the latter is one of the es-M-ntial causes of this disease may he in ferred from tlie fact that cholera infantum is so peculiarly incident to cities as to he almost entirely unknown in the country, where people are provided with pure water from excavated veils or running springs. "Whatever dilleient theories may le de duced from the repeated chemical analysis of our own city water, and admitting even its purity, in so far as these chemical tests can detei mine, it is, nevertheless, certain that the gnat supply lotpuhed by all large communities necessitates, tor the purpose, the appropriation of large streams that become the receptacles, in their long jour ney to their ultimate reservoirs, of a great dral of tilth and noxious animal and vege table matter; and it cannot be doubted, when the subtle character of malarious at-ino.-phere is eousideu d. that water, also, may acquire a charactei i-t ie condition sotne h:it akin to that malaria from these man ifold decompositions fully as capable of in ducing morbid action in the human econo my, tnough it may not be possible through chemical tests to jilt-cover the offending pcculiai it y. Not, however, to go into lengthy details of reasoning upon causes more or less ol heme, I will pass on to what is most impor tant to those, who have little children, namely, recount the general management, in reference to cholera infantum, which, under plentiful observation, has been fol lowed by the happiest results. First of alk it is essential to kt'p the child cool. This may lu st be accomplished by means of fre quent and protracted balkinj in water cwl tr than the atmosphere. If the tempera ture of the atmosphere is very high say about from to 1M degrees Fahrenheit, or if it is close and oppressive the bathing should be repeated a number of times in ) the course of the dav, the water for this 1 t.urnose beinir rcgulate-el to about (m or 70 I degrees. Sometimes, insteauol immersing tlie child in the water, it may suffice to sponge it copiously. Thus treated, the child will feel cool and Comfortable br several hours, after which the process may he repeated, there being no cause for apprehension whatever thai Ihe little one vu!l be weakened thereby (as is sometimes erroneously supposed.) even if kept in the water fir half an hour at a t ime. 'I In- object of this bathing is to sub stitute a surrounding medium, the temper ature cf which may be regulated at will, for the atmo.-phere hose temperature is not so readily modilled. Who has not exjri i ncd the refreshingelV.-ct of a bath, when the weather is very waaii, in water of a lower temperature than that of the air at the time prevailing? Is it not manifest that the same reficshin advantage will accrue to the little child ietiV '1 1 e most important article of food is milk, accompanied after the tenth month of the infant ' age, w it li a small quant ny of crush d v. at ci -cracker, soaked, in the milk, in the form of "pap.' Great care should be tal-.cn not to fin-rfced babies during the warm s-jason ; as the function of digestion at that time is just as much averse to being overworked as are the- functions f the nuuclcs. livery one knows what a feeling -f languor and disinclination for exercise heat produces in this feeling the stomach participates with due proportion. The milk that is ran possibly u.-cl should be as fresh as it lie had. If a cow couM be milked every time tlie laly lieeels fettlinij. it woi'.lilte all tlie better. At all events tiie milk should be -fre.-lily drawn from the udder at leu.st twice :i day, and to facilitate its preservation should be inunediately boiled and then cooled, ami kept on ice in closely-cove:-ed vessels. It should be remembered that milk, as contained in the cow's udder, is a licinj. Altai secretion, and has be en calletl liquid l'esh: but the moment it becomes separa ted from the living body, into an extrane ous vessel, it assumes a diilerentcharneteT, which thouoh not as apparent as is the case with the coagulation ef blood when drawn from the veins, nevertheless modifies it to Konic extent asfoewl for thej'oung, and cer tainly hastens to decum posit ion. It is for Jiio purpose of Maying tliis jtoccss to some exient that the milk should be Vnlec1. aii the water, , too, that is ivcn to . infants ; for ilnnk should first be lx.i'ed, and, when i c-ooieu anei sett u ti, cart-iuuy poured on irom the toj, bottled and kept mi ice. The ro-t-ess of boiling jnu ilies iftd distills the wa ter, and destroys the vitality, to a great ex t nt at hast, of the parasites it may have contained. Jhtt to do still more towards neutralising the injurious ell'ects of the writer, a lew drops ed juire ( oenac brandy should be added to every drink given the infant. Sometimes a few drops of lemon j'.tiee (if a child is a year old or tiver) may be added ; or a little camomile tea, in the proportion of a teaspKnful to a wine';la,ss f il of the water. A very little sugar, also, kIiouM always be added. Of water thus modified the child may dtink withemt let or hindrance, miardinjr only against toe large (piantities at a time. In fact, the water thus given will aid in cool up the blooel from within, and dimin ihin'its tendency towards congest ion, even sis the lotions and bathing exert this etlect from without. If thQse general precautionary measures be regulatly and tersistently atiheredto, I c niidently believe that cholera infantum, instead of continuing to lie the terror ami apprehension of all parents, would become almost extinct, except as among the un happy results eif careless nursing er con genital constitutional debility. Mothers atid others having charge of children should cut this out for future refer ence. Ltc.iit AVithoi t Matcties. Take an oblong phial of the whitest kind, put in a niece of nhost bonis about the size of a iea. onon which I oar some oil heated to tlie i Ixjiling Kiint, tilling the phiababout o:ie third full, and then seal the phial hermeti cally. To use it, remove the cork anel al low the air to c-wter the phial, and then re coik it. The whole empty space in tho bottle will then bee-onie luminous, ami the. light obtained will be equal te that of a lamp. As s'nm as the light grows weak its power can be increaseel by opening the phial at. el allowing a fic-h supply of air to enter. Jn winter it is sometimes necessary to her.t th phial letween the hands to increase the lmidiiye f the oil. Thiw prepared, the phial v. ill stand service for six months. This ceui Irivanee is now used by the watchmen if J'aris in all magazines where explosive or inllammai le materials are stored. It was Henry "Wilson, the present Radi cal Vi'-e Presidential candidate, who, in the fall e f lZ'-'., ta:d in a speech : "The time Las come when the unifotm i f tho State militia thould no longer be elr-giaced by being seen on the baik c f a Catholic IiLh niaii r an infidel Datchrrai." Henry was a Know-lv nothing in L'.iose elavs. i TRIOHPH OF THE JETIU. fj, J&jj! PAMPHLLT CONTAINING f ULL DESCRIPTlQH ynmi tin- 7oirc?.ria (0n" Democrat, Juhl, Lg7 A very spirited and interest ihjr M jwinjf Match walteld on the farm of C. II. Host wick, Esq., near Complnilsport, in this county, on the 15th inst. There was a lmire atteinlanee of specta tors ami inore tliau ordinary interest mani fested in the friendly competition. An oree nunt IimJ lieen cnt-ied into, between the par ties representing' tlie different machines, that only Common Machines (such as are ordinarily offered for sale, and not made for special occa sions) should be allowed to enter the content, each machine should mow an equal amount of jrras, and one team and driver should be used for all. In order that tho trial tnirht be a fair one, nud the merits of the machines alone laj- claim to public favor. Tire VEtnA" Mower, made bv the.KTNA Manufacturing Co. of Salem, Ohio, for which Peter H. Hen appeared as nent, proved to have tlie lightest draught, and this, with its simplicity of construction Hnd beauty of desitrn, combined with its powerful cuttintr qualities, made it the favorite of the day. Captain A. T. Kinsr. or Charlestown. was cho sen as a committee to note the draught of each machine, as indicated by a dynamometer, which was found to be as follows: ".V.tna." rraiiht, l.vi lbs. ' 1 II'C KKVK," . . . . '"T'XCKI SIOK,". . . 'WdlM.ll," "TH A V KIt'S," ... 'MViinli," r. 7 " r..- pri Script ien :rV3v Pan; tiict, eotitafnlng- full of tin? T 111 111 i ill 1 iieaxoas Why it is uucrir, c.u.T. on, oit AtiKi-;, GKOlvG K HUNTLEY, Aent !; aniltrin 4uiit.y, 7-ia.-tf. ESlT. ti S U U RC,PA . fiRBIM ' MllrrCTORY! s i.tu'i.i: sti5i:i:t, Near Union School House. Ebensburfi. THK subscilb- r desires to call tlie attention ol the citi.ejK of :iii)bria and udjoinititr -n-iities to ttiefn-t that he ha now in success ful operation in Ktienst.a a Ishop tor the Inun iifactnre and repair of CARR'AGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, Nprins tlnsoiiH, Slei!, Anil all oilier firrfpf (m of Iferc in that line. Kinployinir none but pkillful workmen anfl itsinif mly tin- best materials, I feel confident I call wive entire satisfaction in work, styles ami prices. riatform work done nt phort notice. Ttepair injr of all kil.-d attended to at ritisonahle rates. A Hl.icksnilT h Shop in connection with Man ufactory. Call and dee specimens of work: June-'i, ls-,2.-tf. 1). M. CHUTE. t. n. c.esrv . T. KOOAKTV. late of Kobert Woods & Co. JAMES CASF.Y. YOG A ll T Y & CO.. a s i : Y IIOI.KSAI.E DEA1.EH3 IS EMIT V t :I 111 llio'llULlill UUU 11 1U it. AND ALL, KINKS OF domi:stic i.iuony, AND IMHORTEUS OF Foreign Wines, Gins, Brandies, &.C.. x. f. l.iboriy xtreft, Dee. P, TiTl. viTTsin iMjii, rA Presidential Campaign CAF.S CAPES & TOUCHES. Send for Il.t.rsTiiATEn Ciaci. i.AK and J'kick List Cunningham t Hill, MANCFACTCRKKS, Xo. tin f 4 liurcli Nir't, VlULAliELl'lllA. June 2:1, lS7.-m.- iM i;M(J! MUSIC! ! The " SlSTKItS OF tT. JOSEI'lt will t)e prepared tojrive l.i''iiis(in the I'lAN'O MKI.()i)KX orOAItl NET UKtiAN at any time after Easter. t,r" For terms nppl to tho Superioress. Sis ter M. JIohtense, or to Kev. K. Ci Christy: Charges irroderate. Ebensburjr, April 1, 1871 tf. F. P. T1EKNET JAMES F. NULL. JAW and COLLECTION OFFICE t r e: r m : vF&, null, olonmlr Iton , ISIiiSbn; frf tV? Ppeolal attention paid to collocfiojs in" all parts of the United States. 2-18-'7l.-tf. EEOHI.EH. T. R. SCAN LAN, FOensburfr. C'urrolltown. O ECIlLl.lt & SCAN LAN, ATTOliNEYS AT LAW, .3-., . EiiENsneno, Pa. t?. Advice- given in English und German. CV. EASLY, Attohney at Law, OIBec, Xo. lOS Franklin street, Jolms- town, J a . two uoors Noilh f Frazer's Urue Stote. Will attend promptly to all manner ol eghl business that ma) be entrusted to him. ATM AN &, 15UCIC, I haslet an nnl Kiirgpon, CAIIKOLLTHWi,' PA. iiffice in rear of John ltuek's store. Night calls mxy be made either at the residence of lr. Oatman or at Johu Jue.k's residence. Wil. M LLOYD & TO , BAXKEKS, ALTOOXA.-PA. Irafts on the principal cities and Silver nod Gold for Hale. Collections male. Monies re-c-eived on deposit, payable on demAnd without interest or upon titae with interest at fair rates. aniel Mclaughlin, Attorney at-T.atv, .Tohnitown, Pa. fihee in the old Fxchur.ii'e btiildintr, (uji-stairs.) corner of Clin ton and Eocust streets. Will attend to all bus iness connected with Iris profession. T OlIN P. LINTOX, AttrntVat-Luwt ohnstovrn, fa. (Mlice In bnildina- south west corner of Main nnd r ranklin lreets,see cuid story.- Entrance on Franklin street. A"71LLIA.M KITTELL, , AT-I.ew.F.bensbnrgr, f a. uadc Kow, Centre btreet. Attoijnev Office in Colo-jaii.:J0.-tf. r i i mmk ' FOR THE SEASON. mess mm. A. W. IRWIN & 172 & 174 Federal St.2 ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. n Ladies' Suits, from $2.50 to $10.00 Hernanis, from Grenadines, from Real Wash Poplins Suitings, from 10 to 50 12 V to 50 12 to 20 12-1 to " 25 50 Different Styles of DRESS GOODS! IKost Remarkable Bargains. we firmshm; goods, A J Hen and Boys5 Wear, Wholesale and Eetail. THE WOULD "MMEXGED TO PKODITK ITS EQUAL! rpAYLOK ei CO., of Altoona, are fast tfaininer an en iahle reputation as p)iiln tliro.ist3 ty introducing anion the ladies the AMERICAN CHAMPION VASHER I tiie only VfusliinB Machine in the market that will do its work perfectly on all kinds of elolh in;r without the- aid of a rulliitr toard. J t washes without I'utdiinjr, n llaijjr or press ing the clothes in any way, and hence w iihoul any wenriiifr of tho fabric. It will wiisli anythiiig, from the finest laee to the l. a i(t 'icd-qnilt. It will do the same work in n shot ter time and with les labor than any other Machine made. Any person itcsirimr a Washing Machit:e can havea Champion Washer tak. n to their resi dence a nil tested, when, if not satisfactory, it wili be taken away Without cost to tiiem. C ) X V I X CI X O TES'TI :.5 X V, Messrs. Ta vron .S: Co. rvrt'fx; Vinir Ameri can Champion Washer has b'een in use at my hotel biir enouifh m convince 11 that it is all, it cl.iiins lo be. it save two-third of the labor and time and does the work as well as it n be done hv hand. We would not bo without it for double Its cost MU'.XHY FoM'Elt, litieiistinry, Marcii 20, ",-J. Cambria llotiso. I ?'"Mnnnfai-tnred andsold b T.tYMiKiO). Xo. lU'ii Tweltth ttrcct. AINm ii.i. and tor Sale bv V. 1.VTI lil.Vil'.K, March 2!. IST'J.-Hm. Main St.. Kbensbnr. N E W DE AW FEED, "jlIEUE are some points in a Sewinar Machine that ladies desiriinf to purchase tUouid take into e.)ii--irteratlotii namely : Jil!lt!4CS of liiiiiJtinu, Uiixe I if MttlKl'J) tin: nt. Cnp'ictf .if in ilo the Work Tteqn ircJ, l'l'iflmn from yiisr, anil Xmi-Liiiliilit a tn in t out nf Order. VTeehiim that the liMpnui-d I'.llijttic pos sesses all these points, and that it is tiik veiiy iu:sr FASIILY JHACIIINE x w 4 i; r 4 ct lt is i: And we solicit or! exmnination of it. Aicnts wanted in everv count', to whoin we WiJI irtve the most liheral terms. EATON HKOTHEKS. Ii Eifv Ave,, riTrsuuncu, Ia. Lti-.-im". DKXTISTEtY ! at Ri:!it( i;: it.vn:si KB DR. E. D. HOFFMAN, ftra Inateor Dental Sur irery, respectfully inlorins the pntilie that lie h! pefniMfieiit ly located in EliEXSHC KG, where he may he found every day of the week. On. Hoffman, after having had ample prac tice for the space of seven years, docs not hesi tate in affirming that he can (rive perfect satis facl ion in every ease relaiir.tr to the profession. All branches of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry carefully and scicn Cneally performed. Particular attention tivci to fiilinj- decayed teeth. Also, teel h ca tract ed wit lion t pain. For furthe-r information concerning prices, etc., call at his olhcc on Ilijih street, opposite the Canihria House, where may lie examined sam ples of his work, which nctd uiiln oe wfii tn lie ao)jrceiiileit. tnfay 2o.-tf.J THE BI3GEST-SHIP AFLOAT! pF.USOXS iroing- to Enrorpc, or those sending i r i a e i r friends to tlie Old :y.a - (''Uiitru ouvht to t'liy their tickets f rom M. P. M ka- ; u Kit. Ajrent for the cMchi aiMl -:7'7"y- i-ygaagraint HlimiHl Line " ' s-ru'.S-" t NlcanirrH to and from Europe, 'i his Eine is remarkable for comfort, speed and safety llratts for i-1 und upwards sold at the lowest current rates. For further particulars call at Meaohhi's Hook Stoke, ! Frnnkli-i street, Johnstown, Pa. - IJ line lsT.-tf .1 I DENTISTRY ca-rie.1 on branches by Or. WEfiTZ & MHO., at their DENTAL. KOOMS, No. is Washincrton street. Johns town, Pa., in John L. Eaab's build in if. They innkc the verv best and cheapest AliTlFIC 1. 4 h 'VUKTll in Johnstown. HcHutituland COM pi.ktk skts nt from 10toH5. Teeth EXTftACTKD and kili.fd free of cluirtre, cveept for materiuis used. Notiot- the follow ing certifiente : This i to certify tnat I.theun dorsirned, have i,ix(t to the altive Dr. Weutz & IIro. a room in my residence on Washington street for a term of sii years. , JohxE. Uaab. Johnstown, June 11, 1872. JulJW.-3in LORETTO ftfAnBirWQRRS. PRICES REDUCED! And Work tVarrnnfeil 1 rVflONUMENTs, Tomb Stocks, III ItF.AIT nnd Tmt.KTniK. Tifi.l. the finest Italian Marble and in st vie -ISii.' of workmanship not surpassed bv jiff tiny ir.'annfarurer. Give me a call r before deeidintf upon jiurehasinif or ordering work elsewhere. JAMES WILKINSON. Loretto, April 22, 1871.-tf. LOfllX'S MARBLE WORKS! 1SI l'mnkltn Klrcet, Jolinstown. JOII r. - I'ropi ie lor, tfc O X I "ME NTS, HEAD AND TOM n STONES, COUNTER a.mi CAItI.NET SEAliS, AN 1 EL. e., manufuetured of the very best Ital ian and American Marbles. Perfect satisfac tion in work, design and price guaranteed. i-r Orders respectfully solicited and prompt ly executed. LJ ihnstown, Xov. 11, '71.-tf.j 1ILL!NEUY & DKESSMAKING. - The attention of the Ladies of Ebens V,",r? ancl vjeinity is directed to the fact that MU. 11. E. JUNES has Just received an invoice of new and fashionable Millinery Goods, at her rooms, in the East Ward, Ebensburjr, Weddiuif lionnets, Ilabs, etc.; a epecialty. Dressmaking done. The patrouaife of the public is respect fully solicited. ljncl:!v. 3 &-GL JL.rSF in all its nftl.ll ooooocoooooooo'-O.'Cooeie.ooc oooocouoooootiooo fKHioocooooeoouccocGOooeoouocoeooooooouooo oooo . 0000 oooo vHEN YOU WANT- oooo ooooooocooooooooooooooeoooooooooooooooooo o ooopoo ooooooo ue ooooocoo oc oooooooooooo oo 0000000000 . ooJoooootj ojoooooooo IDILC1 l 000000004(0 0000001 lOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lOOO OOOO C'OOOe OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO Luscious Ice Cream, 00 OO " 00 OOO KXX OOOOOOOOPOOOOOO lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooc ,ooooeeoooaooooooooooo iooooooooooo 10 OOOOO OOtXIO 00000 CHOICE CONFECTIONS, 00 Oiooo OOOOO OOoOOOOOOOOOOOilOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOeiOOilOoOO Oooaoobeie'OtioociciciuoooeKXKXioooooooooooooooo 00 . 00 00 Foreign FRUITS, NUTS, tkc, oo 00 01 bco66ooo'(noooooooeoooooaoooooooooooooofoo o;oi 16000' yoobooooob'obobexiooticjooooooooo oooo oooo , oooo FUME FRESH GSDCESIESL 0000 oooo 0ooo inoooorioiioi lonoooooooorii idooooooooooi io OO! H.IOOIMM K)tKX)00(H)OOOOOOOOOOOCKHJOOOOOOtlOOO oo.kkk Xo'acco, t Igars, ' OlOOOOOOO ' OOOOOOOOO 001 iooonoooooooooK)0KM)ooeKov;ooiV)ooooonoo 01 loooiiooooo-joooooooboooooooonooouoooxieioo 00 00 o" And Other Seasonable Luxuries, 00 00 000000000000000001 moonoonoon 0000000000000 ooooooooooo(K)ocooo60oonoooGeoeooooooooo30 ih ... . 00 1 . 00 00 1 in li Hill 00 00 o ' 00 loooebooOoooboooooooodOoooobooaootwciooo 00 ioixtioooooooooooooooooooco" lOoixKioononoo GEO. C.K.ZAIlMj DKALEH3 IK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES GENER ALLY KEPT IN A COUNTRY STORE. WOOL AND COI'NTIJY PKODUCE TAKES IS IXCHAGr KOR GCOIiS. Store on South Side cf Main Street, i:bexiJtJt gr, Ia. KMOX'AlTTnd' enla kgement. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES. TIN, COPPER Si SHEET-IRON WARE flavin recently tuUen riopsession of the nev- . ly titled up :tn eommodious i'Uildin on H'urh street, two doors e:i:t r the ll.tnk und in any ojijiojiitcf the Mountain House, the subscriber is better refmred tliHti ewr to mmuifitettirc nil iirlii h s In the TI.l tiri'KU und SIlKKT-l HON I WAiir, line, all of whi. h will be furniblied to . biiy'rsat the very lowest livinyr in iees. J'he Siibseiiber also froioses to keej) a full i and varied iissortmcnt of Cock:::rj Farlor and Heating Stoves o! the most approved design. f-5-cr MTTIXG and KnOFIXG made to order and wnvi ;nted perfec-t in mamifaet ore and ma terial, b l-.l'AI ItlXU promptly attended to. All work clone bv me will be clone riht nnd on fair terms, and "all STOVES nmi WAKK soi l by me c an be depended upon as to quality and e-anttot be undersold in prii-e. A continuance and increase of patromurc is respectfully solici ted, and no effort will be wanting to render en tire sjjiisiHction to all. VATXIE LUTUINOER. Kbensbtirg-, Oct. 13, ls7D.-tf. mmii mmm imforium. VM. P. PATTON, 3ranuractnrer n ncl Dealer In ALL KINDS OF CABINET FURNITURE Xom. no and 153 I inton.Nireet, JUIIXSTOWX, rA. Hu renins, lled-itead?, Washstanris, Sidetioards, Chamber Sets, farlor Tanirote., Hook Cases, Eon litres. Cane Chairs, Wood Seat Chairs, Kitchen Kumiture, Ited Eoiititfes, Mattresses, 1ete-u-Tetes, Extension Tables, jiiniinr Tables, Cnpboards. , A;e., &c., &c., &c., &c. &e., &e., ic, &c., &o., &c EVKItY IIESCHIFTIOJ OF SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to orHc-r in excellent st e and at lowl prtci s. t aliiuet and bairtnakers materials of all kinns for sale. Furniture delivered at. any point in Johnstown or at lfailroad Station tree of .extra ehurve. WM. f . f ATTON. Johnstown, Oct. 13, ISTO.-tf. Geis & Foster, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street. Jolinstowii, ln. invite the attention of buyers to their large and t lejrant stock of rj3J3Li:i goods: CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS. DKESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY GOOD?, CARTETS, OIL C LOTHS, Ac.. AT EVEKV PUKE! dHAP prrrnGOOD S GOODS! 535B CHEAP ! THE undersisrned would announce to his ap tronsand the public generally, that he has just received a large ana element stock of 1IOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, " , SLI f 1'ERS, HATS, CArS, ic. , TEAf!, COFTEES, SCGAUS. SYKUES. SI ICES, SOAPS, ic; TOBACCO, CIG A KS. SN CFFS, PERFUMERIES, NOTION'S, kc.-l OII, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, WALL P API'S, WINDOW I1LTNDS, Ac, besides a jreneral varietrof other goods. Call soon and see the bargains I am offerlnc. J AS. A. MAHER, June 1, 1872,-3tn. Summit, Pa. JAMES R. REED & CO., DEALERS IX WATCHES. CLOCKS AID JEWELRY. 5-11. No. OH I inli Avenue, 3m. I ITT8BVRGII, 1 A , FINE WATCHES CAItEFULLY KEPAII1ED ! PIMST NATIONAL SADDLE AND HARNESS snOP OF CAMRTiTA COUNTY High street, (opposite Vnion Sc-hool House.) West Ward, Ebensbnrp-, Pa. M. M. O'NlilLL, Proprietor.- Satitlles and Hume made and re Tiaired and all other work in my line executed in the best manner, ou the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. Ll-li-'.-tf .1 rP W. DICK, Attorney-at Law, Kbt J ensburiir, Ta. Ofiiee In Colonade itow.- '. All manner of legal business attenued to sati. t factorily and coUectiens a specialty. 10-li.tf. It I I I II 11 l.flll 1 11 1 1 I I ;V V U I 1 I V I Hill II I 111 i 1 11 1 . I R- R. BADWAY'S HEADY f&UB CLUES TIIE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after reiwiine this fttsvert icnitfi(t tn-fu any one SUFFER WITH I'.M.V. RADtVArS KEADT REL1KK lo A CURE FOR EVKUV 1'AIN". It was the first and i Tlie Only is.vln I temedy tfcat instantly stops the moat cicmciatiue p'n?. al'.ars ltiftaniniations, and cures Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Uowtia, or cu.tr j;laiido or oraiut, by oaeayiliriition tq twextt Mij,-r;TES. no ii'jctter how Tiolent or excmeiatinK thu ruin thf I'.HEUMATKJ, Bed-ridden, Infirm, C'rijiplrd, Ncivtu ZCcuralt:ic, or prostrated with disease may suder, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. IXTLAililATION r' THE KlONEVo. INFLAMMATION" K THE BEADDE3 IXFLAMilATlON OK TH E UOWELS. C'OXOKSTIoJf OK THE LUXG5 SORE THROAT, JilKFleTLT BKEATHINO. l-ALI'lTATION OK THE HEART. HYSTERICS. CIIO UP, DIPH THEKIA. CATAKKU, 1XFLUEZA. IIEADACIIE, TOOTITACH E. ,T-. t K EUR A LOTA, EIIEUM ATISif. cold ennxs, ac;ue chill. - Tlie applic-ttiou of the Urady Ilelief to tl,c r.sirt or parts where Uie Jiaia or ciiluculty tiiaia wUl aiTurd aso and con:fort. Twenty drops In hnlf a tnttiMcrof vater wi!I In a fow moments cure CRAMPS, SPASM. Sofll froMACH, HEAKTIH RN, SICK HEADACHE, D1ARKHKA, UYSKXTEUY. COLIC, WIND IN TIIE LOWLLfc, un.i all INTERNAL I'AIN'S. . Traveleni Khi.nld always carry a bottle of Tindway 1 Ready ltd ief with tliem. A few drops in water i:i j.reveut bicKnuia or pains from change of water. It u Lc-ter tiiaa French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AMJ AGl'E. FEVER AND AGUE cured for tily cents. Thire Is Hot a remedial aeut ia this world that w id cure Kevtr and Ante, and all otlier Malarious, liiiious. (Scailet. Tv- f hoi'l, 1 ellow, and other h event ia:il (1 1V lll'WAi a ILLS1 so ouiclc as KADWAY'S HEADY KELIEF. i- illy cents per Lottie. blu by Druggists. HEALTH ! BEM1TY ! ! STEONO AND I'T'RE r.TCII BLOOD INCTIEA? OK H.ESfl AND WEI;HTCLKAK SKIN AND UEAU'i'li'UL COill'LEXiO' bU'L'lltll TO ALL. DRm 1 AD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO CJLK K. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES J HE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN ELIENCE OF TUIS TRULY WONDLKFLL UEDICIN'E, THAT ... . Every Day an Ir.creeso In Flesh and Weight i3 Seen and Felt. THE CREAT CLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT comrrunicates through lie Blood. Sweat, Urirr, arul other tluids and .tuice of tiie nvstem the vigur ot life, for it repair the waste? of the body with new and Bur j Material. Scrofula, Syjdiilin, ConKuinptlon. Cn:it. l.i!ai iliea.e. Ulcers in tlie Throat, Mouth. 1 umora. Nodi's ia ti.e Glands and otlier jirts of the system. Sure '.es. Strumous Iiischarges from the Ears, and Hie worst foims of SKin diseases, Eiuptiorifi, Fever S res, Sld 1U1, Ling Worm, Salt Rheum, Errriuelam Acne, hiack Spols. Worms in the -Mesh, i'limors, 'Oncers in tl;8 'oino, and all weakening and paii.f'!l di-iiaiires. N;i:!.t Sweats, Loss of Sperm; and oil wa-!"Hef tlie lite J rii:ei j le, ire within Uie curative ranpe .f this wonder of Mwl ern e'heni!stry, and r. 'cw d:iys' ue will prove to any j'entoii u.-ine it for oithcr of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. , . If the patk-nt., tLiily beeominir refl'tced by tie wastes and decomposition that is continually Jrorejoine. m;c ceeds iu arrestinic thee wastes, and rc-&irs U.e sante wit!i new material nei'ie from liealthy btood and this the fcARSA PARILLI AX will and .es eeeiire. Jtot only does ilie SAnArABn.Lti Rrs!LVK7rT excel all known remedial a;eit in liiecuteof I'lirordc. Serct'ti lons. Constitutional, and Skia difca&es ; but it is the only t-itive cure o-"" Lulncy A: jg:allcr Compiauit, T'rinary, and Womb liren!es. Gravel, Iiab-ten. DrorSv, Stoppage f Water, Incontinence of Urine. Brilifs Tits cw, Aiouminuna. and in nil cs where theie are brick dust deposits, or the witter is hiek, cioudr, mixed with fuUst-ttic.'S like the whi of an epr, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, liiiious appearance, and whit bone-dust deposits, and when there Is a prii kirij, I urning sensation wlip-i pa-in water, and pain iu Lie innall of the B leic and along tiu Liii.s. Brice, $i.oo. WORMS. The orly tnoura and sure Remedy f r II ut iiiM J ui, 2spe, tic. Tumor of 12 Years Orovitli Cured lj" Kiidivay'a fiiesclvejit. PlviiitT. Mjl.sk., J-ily 1, lsC9. TR. RnwT : T fcave Ovarian Tuiror lit the"o-ari nrA Low. . All the lJcK'tura ul there wm uo t:-lp I -r it.' I tri.il every thin-f tn.it mm re--nirnenH. d ; t u nothii:? L-ti-d nse. I aw your R.lT-nt, aifi t!iout;ht I .ulJ try it ; t ut hti no fn'.tb in it, Iw-au' c I ha. surfertd f -r twelve y-ars. I i-h k six b"Ui-si cf the Is!vent, and one b f Rati way's Fill, mu-i two U t tr of jour IteAHy H"licf ; tnd thre it t.ot a i(rr cf iiiitmi to b et-n or felt, and I f-vl letter, miarlr, mnd har-j i-f than I h-.ve for twelve yran. Th w orst tamor wai in the left itr f th? bowels, over the (TTfin. I write ti'is tn juu for the beutit oJ oiiien,, Voa cjjj pabluh it if ou ctooff. HANNAH P. KNAFP, DR. RADWAY'S FERFEGT PURGATIVE FILLS, perfectly oeai.tly coated -with wect I'urrp, rtr.il.tte, purify, r!r:'iv, an' fsr.Mii.,ilit-n. IIul vny'i Ti-i, for t'r n:f of ::M .ii-rtlcrs t.f ST in.rch, Iiver, Ilm'c'K K'dn-vs, lilinlucr. INcrvtnis FTprt-t-i. Ilati.iolie, ViiM;;.:iTio:i, t'r.-tivci;-?s. ItulIv.-tifTu lvsjie 'fii, Bn.iou-ii"Ps 1?il!nu Ftvcr, Inflan;niur!in -f thi li(iwt-!s. li!',r.nd x lKraia'eiiieitsoft:: Jnterral V'ia reri. Varr;intcti to i-lTt-ct a j-oMtivtrcure. Fi;i "-Iy Vi ecta Lle, nr,tni!iip no merrury, iniacr iN, or tit'tv:'. ri""rs (ii C? Olwn-e th! f!!owiii2r Pvn.itoUiS rtsu.t:;. irem I:S'jrdur3 of the LictivB Oviiiu: fVnstltwui'm, liward Fi!, Fullns of the TMvl n tVe TTsd, AMiiy of tH. Stdtiv'i. Nair-a, Hrrln rn. li-.i?t F"-d, Fulness or Vijf!4t m t-'i Ntoifixt-h. S-r fclr-.:t tnl it-i.e. Sn.kiiitr -r Fiuttt-riny at th Fit f lle fto:rarh. bwiirmL:i -l the H-sd, II irri.vi ard n:tIi- uU iir-i!;inp, FlutUri-c at tte Hvart. Ch..kinr ot SulJ-x-atinir Senvti ns when in a Lyi c I'-ture. Pis.-mwi.-f Vitmn, but or We'm before th Slcht. F- r ard I'ull l'.-iui in th? Hl-s.1, I. !tier.i. y of Fer-virat-.n. Y. li of ih -kin nrd vs. Fain .n tite Side, CLeat, l.ijt-s, hlJ sucucn Flu-het of Jle'i U-min in th- F)eh. A Tew do-iof K A I) WAT'S TILLS r.!'! f: t'ie sv teaj from ail ti.e ''''Ve-l -i'i d !:"r. Iris. Ii:-e, Zj cc:i'3 jeri..,x-. sor.n i-.y n;i::;isT.s. LEAD -FAI.SK ANt 'i FU'E." Pend nm I.;t :--etanipto RA1UVAV A CO., No. 67 Maiden I.ne, New VorK. Information wurtt. thousands v. iU be sc:.t you. No Person can take tticse Cittc-rs accord ing to directions, and remain long iinweil, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, aud the vital organs wasted beyond tlie point of repair. Uylepia or Indigestion. Head.-iche, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, 1 i;htness of the Chest. Diz ziness, Sour Kructations of the Stomach, l!ad Taste in the Mouth, Lilious Attacks, Palpitation of tha Heart, Tiifiamniation of tlie Limits, Pain ia the regions of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guar antee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For FVuinle Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the fin-n' of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soou percep tible. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent aud Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Llood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Piood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are 11 Cientle l'nrgattvc a well as a Tunic, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful aent in relieving Congestion or Inflam mation of the Liver aud Visceral Organs, aud in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters (iratefiil Thousands proclaim Vinegar T.it tbrs the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking svstem. J WALKER, Prop'r. II. Il.-3IcIOXAL,I di CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New Vorlc. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS- T LOYI) & CO., nASKKits, , r- e KllKXsilUIiG, PA. ii.7s oU, Sliver, Government Loans, and other Seeurities. Bought ami sold. Interestial lwel on Tiuio Deposits, Collections madti at all accessible points In the United States, aud a Keuprul Luiikinir lus:ncss transaetci!. eer psssm g 2 O rpill O II A S ,C A 11 L A X J), WnOLF.SALE LEAT.ER IK - GROiERIES QUKEXSWARD WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, FISH SALT. SISiR CURED MEATS. BiCO.V, FLOt'It, FEED AND PROVISIONS, 1323 Eleventh Avenue, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altoona. All such poo33 a Ppices", Bruges. Wood aHi Willow V lire, Shoe Hlacking ui.tl Station ery will be sol'l Itom manufucturcr's printeil price lists, and all other pood J in my line at Philadelphia , Baltimore, Cincinnati and Piits burfih current prices- To dealers 1 present the peculiar advantage of saving ibeni all freight and drayape, tie they are not requited to pay freights Irom the principal citie and no dray age charges are tna-ie. Dealers may resfas puted that my good.'' are of the hor't ijua!it and my prices as mode-rate ai city rates. P.y doin: a fair, Uirit:ht business, and tv promptly and pti!isf!ictfrilT filling all orders, 1 Lope to merit the p:ttre'n:ipe fif retnil dealers and others in Cambria county and elfewheie. Orders re Ffectfu'.lv 6ilio;ted and p-ttisfartion cuar.tnteed in a!! caies. THOMAS OAKLAND. Alroona, July 29, lSli'J.-tf. Q i: 0 11 G E Y . YE A G E li , Wliolctalc and Retail Iralcr In HEATING AND COOK STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TI3. COPPER ASB SHIEMSQ3 WARE OF HIS OAN MANUFACTURE, A.id GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING ebJ all other work in nis lini. Virginia Street, near Caroline Street, ALTCOM, IM, The only dealer in !.e c:fv h;ivii-2 tho rilit to frt;ll the rHi,..wiied " J AI.'LKY SHEA K" COOK S I OVF.. :he ,,;ost perfect complete and s:ui.-f.'.cury Slovr- t-er M.tr idn'.'d to the public Stock Immknse. - Timcls Loav. satisfaction nua ran teed. T()UD, ilOIiKELL eV CO., W A S II I N O T ON ST R PET, Near Ta. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale aud ihlail Dealers in mm m mm m goods II. Mil) WARE. QUEENSWWRK, ECOTS AND SlUir.S. HATS AND CATS. IKON AND NAILS CARPETS AND Oil. CLO'I HS, RKADV-MADi: CL TI!ING. glass ware. yrli.ow ware. woddln and willow war::, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, To'-ether " 'th all rmmierof 'vVet(-rn Produce, such as flour, bacon, fish, salt,! OA R PON OIL, &c , 5c. j ZSf Wholesale and ret.iil order? pr.licited an.l : romptly filled on the shortest uotice and most reasouable ii'inn WOOD. MORRELL i CO. rs-, ilj i, ;-i !V 'ij n ? AV1NG trcctitiy enlarped out stock a -C, we nre row prepared to sell at n preat re.lu'jtioti ItT.ni former prce- Our ttot k con-?t-? i1 Prills, J!ei!ic;nc., rcrft:picrv. Fancy Snaps, Leon's, Hall's an 1 Allen's il.or licstor Htives. Fills, Ointments, Phters. Liniments, Fain Killers, Ci'rnte M.-tgiie.-ia, ErS Jamaica tiii. per. i'ure Fl.ivorin Extracts, E-sonees, Lonii-n Syrup. Sootiik pr Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, I'nie Spices, ,c. ; CIGARS A XI) TO HA CTUS, Blank Books, Deeds, Note? and For. els; Cap, Fot. Ceiuimeic'ul rnd all kind of Note I .spet; Envelopes, Fens, Ft-r.cil.-, Arncl.l's Writing Fluid, Flack and Red Ink, lckct and Fuss Books, Magazines, N c wspa pe-i s. Xuveli, His tories, Utbles. Religious. l'ruyer and Toy Rooks, Fenkiiives, Fipes, &'c 5f Wp have added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of ilie La.iie. FHOTOtJR AFH ALBUMS at lo wer prices than ever ofTe-t e.l in this place. Fape-r aud Cigars fold either whoVa'e or re tail LEMMOX k MURRAY, July 3d, lcC8. Main Street, Euetisburg. OO K V El.L TO YO U 11 IWCLKMAAiilAG.S ! BOOTS AND SHOES For Mtn'i and Ilo j ' Wear. The undersigned respectfully informs his nu meroua customers and the public geuerally thai he is prepared to manufacture BOO I S and SHOES ef any desired size or quality, from the finest French calfskin boots to the coarsest brogan. in thcrmr bfst manner, on the short est notice, and at s modeiate prices aa like work can be obtained anywiiere. . Those who have worn Boots and Shoes made at my establishment need no assurance as to the superior quality of my work. Others can easily be convinced of the fact if they wiilonly give me a trial. Try and be convinced. t2T"Re, airing of Boots and Shoes attended to promptly and ia a workmanlike manner. Thankful fur past favors I teel confident that my work and j.rices will commend uie to a con tinuance and increase of the same. JOHN D. THOMAS. D ENriSTIiT. 'I'Le undereigned, a erau nate of the B.!ti- more Coi'ese of Dental Sar gery, respect fully offers his PROFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb- ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit on the foi-rth MoxDAi- of each month to re mam one wee-k. ' Aug 13. SAM'L CELFORD D. D. S. OGEO. W OATMAN j. CALLITZ1.V LAKE. ATM AN efc LAKE, ATTOItXKYS AT LAW, r-T.. .. KHKNSHI UO, FA- kiiidin ,,on,on Siveii to claims of all IV., J . ",,,,'" county, nd throtihout the I nited states and Canadas. ic.-l.' A SlMIM.K IiKMKIiy k,!; p, John L. Davis "f tho '., ; 1 It'll of Phi riii'in, ' . . in .'t iiuiiiIkt of yt ats, t,, ., ah-oholii- solutions of ( ,,t oilier iin i;u;itioiis with . r edit, niitl as a lat ics,., t v. .', the jdaii f cleansing jj,,. v, ami carljoiiate f j,t ,fc,i t'i. efi'ectua!, M after a i i -ivt,., , of Muue months the haii i , thinite-r and jK-rhaps w,,u; i '"' aiiK'areel altogether. 1 1. ,., elnii!" arises from lis,.;w. , though idiysit ian-s ilo imt i" this ioint, atal the ht.ov. 1, ,; of sulphur is i'reqiieiiMy ;t:tiT:.' happy results in such diaJV to try it in my oni i ac. ef one ounce llower of i;; quart ef water was iu i !,-. liquiil was poured eH'. af'.-r t' hael be'en rei:atedly ayitati-d i! ' vals ef a few hours, a;iu tl. ,, uratt d w ith this every in vuh ' In a few weeks evei v ti :,i . hael elisapjieaied. the; hair U. , , plossy, and now, after a d:-. ,; 7 the treatment for eihfci ii !t.,,. . no itidieation ot" the "return . I do not prete-nd to (-:;.'..: -i -ojteramli ef the tivatiimnt. ! ,; known that snhlitnatcii !, ' or wholly insoluble-, an-l ti.,- ; was ele-stitute? of tatc -.;..i , , , cfl'cct speaks Pr itself. (';!. , whom it has been 1 1 -' ip!in , the same results, and lo;!.:.., result of my exi-erina-nts in t it may be vahtabh- ai:!;. . . ; who have suilereel in th- -mvi-elf. I":, S.wrn ey a Xf.wfh; The Lillv Park.-r. Ca y waTi.-ea. J-.npIanl. was u-, Islaml. The watehmt n bar that nipht were nf in- of a tbi'j, a:nl n a'taciij his netk were able to 1". ;". v. brought to the beach. v.!. . .: . woman and her ehiM. a ! ' ' years old, lyinjr altti t !: . :. remove el her to the Sail- -r I half a mile l:tant, wlu-te ble for a day -r two. ( u j. 'iently to ti ll ::c --i-ny, .-h. she was the wife of Captain i'.' they h'fi Lapland in the lurk i. on the :1 of Ja:nary. Se.vre ' vailed elurinn their voyage, ami the ni-ht of the Pith of IVbruar northi-at wind s.,-ai)ji up, ami; t a fearful height. The win; and the ship l.it her iu.l;i, i. toss, il about like' a l.-x. i;sst:2 a lee shore, striking heailv to.. marine k'tite, which stu-..!:- . mvvt n.-ilhern M.int of ti.e -bark lilled rapidly a-; her 1 . , stove in; all was .-jifaott .t The bar': bn l.e su.hkii'y in on bi.ar.l we:t either ihro-.,:, y or had time to sei:e so:n- ; wreck, l.'-f.-ie il:-.- vessel n i: ., Flf tflicr ret4:on.b-:-s little a;' of the ship, until he w;; It o beiiiij draped n.-horo. M,e 1.. frmlv e!a.--ix'I to hf-r OI deal. ' -. ht ',', f ll S ,r dr;; t hat .t. e-d thetu. ami the n." was worn out when his whim sa, attention f the vvatehi:-.e:i. Tir IIip..Nr. Ladles ...;.. n t value their hu-datiits a- : They iut it: if re .pi.iitlv lean. t:.. P " '1 huba.i'.l for the tn.-t tit 1 of him. Yet the I.u-hamI i ,' I tree f the Iihuk t';.- eonvr -T : eLt;.-e tla- keystotn- call. .1 h : the bread-winner of ihe l",-ii,;' am! pi-try the lH-i:i'ii:i a-nl : I t-f the poMeii chain of life win '. it controller, kr.v-pvcr. i.:.. ). I Ave say, how f.-ail is that !:;. . min-Ii li-pe!:.ts How v: j of the hiisl.and ar.d f,i;L. . '. V. taken av. a v. who !;a'l liil l is ; 1 ... lie is Ski-k, wli.it iK'i.iiiy c-I'Mios ii. . the house '. A'heii iiv is cU-ad. v'...; ne.s. weej.ii if;, n.j;. isy ! Then jk tlie imu'lerous a.assin. lircak-- ;. : tlow starvation.' like a fami-it . howls at the 1 or ! A id. :. . often an association of sacke l !, , ; l)rj'haiiUeeel t.ni often imi:b . anel woe. l'oueler tlt. e thi-iir- : la e, anil enek-avor to twine li ; and jratitu:l-i l.t;in; his :,v... : -. whieh to ik-ek his brow atal en his letuni from toil '. It is a jirecious thought t : : that, theiiigh not i.reM.nt. a ; .-.:' . j.lannhif; and busy haiuls a.e : . . : . -thiiig to contribute to hi- . , .: lleasure; but how different : .'..:.. tions when he lias every v.- - ' .' that his slighte.-t wished at- ; . -: that ho himself is en'y t'. . v seen ! Tv.o CniKirs Xi:i:i! .-. 'i '.. K': . Piusi i lieeiitly i.-i: ,! a v.- . his king.tl'..?n, in on Iff ! ehinory, e .nibiiu.i v i.h i'.- li COllIel lreellU'-e. He v;i- s'.f'W of sui-riine need'.. . t'i -;;:in '- ; togciher el:d not wci-it hiia'a ; marveled how stub very r:. e-ould be pierced with an t .... to se-c that in this ivsjk -t . .- :. still liner anel more i-rlVe-t e- :.'.'. ' r i ' i , . j "e oorer tliat is the v.... v..v: ! bu.sines.s it is to boie the ey : . : ! asked for a hair from the. L -.; - -! It was readily grivon. and ' ! Placed it at once un.k-r the-1- . -" j made a hole in it with the j furnished with a thread, a:..! : . : the sinular needle to the av :.:.. The second curious nee .He i I of Queen Victoria. It wa tr. ; celebrated neeelle faet.ny at K ' j rcjiresentcel the column of I i . tuc; This well-known R. ; .: j adorned with various seene - -j whieh immortalize Trania's !:. - in war. On this diniinutive i '' in the life of Queen Ykt ' I senteel in relief", bu se iiiu-'v small that it requires a inagi..: - -! see them. The Victoria needv. ' ": j can le eje-neil. It contains a ' ' . . I smaller needles whieh are t -j with scenes in relief. !. - - j A Cit.f. Kent Whisky D i n. -- .'', j believe that we hae .ublihd tlf mg lecipe ueiorc, Imt it ti.i "'"' . and may do jjex d to lvi-U'dt: - : V resjxindent of an exchange'. wl'"::''. self 'Onewhohas Refonnci." ",:.' following-: Captain Hall wath ' "y, ' orof the Great Eastern stenin!:'i' fallen into such habits of din..'. ! : his most earnest efforts to reel.;'.::' --: proveel unavailing. At length '. the advice ef an emii:ent phi- rj: v g;ave him a prescriptiem whieh 1 ' laithfullv fe-r several months. At V of that time he had lost all do-nv f-'t although he had many times 1-t , '- live by a most elebasnig aj et;u'- ; v seription, whieh he afterwards 1 '".' and by which so many t!u-r i,-'-r;"r have been asite'el to reforin. is ;i Sulphate of iron, live grains; iu:i.-;'L" '.,., , i'-ii"' grains; jieiijieriiunt vitler, cU-m " y sjdrits el" nutmeg, one elraehni; t""-'1- Whev you see two young l" r :i" In ri-ntre of a lu-w in rlniivl' v.'i v.a , r , . tip your luinel they are i-ng.-iir--' '; be: but when one is at the h a '. a-"1 i at the foot of the jw, on eati i determine that they are u - 1