piiliREtlilitl. ;: EBEXSBUBG, PA., (.'?', - - - - August V, 1872. (LOCAL AMD PERSONAL. aTFrT A T. N TirE.-In a few duvs frorfi Ti1s it- JF NCI l. Esq., of Ebensburg, will art forth on a tour f hroiiirtinut this county, J, tdp purpose of collecting mnncvsdue the y;min f'T subscriptions, advertising, find 'b rk. tfii solicit Ipit nfw subscriber. Wp tried t'vvuinn through the rru'dinm of -..li tens, and ir Ims tailed to bring the rarer ncaer: end wo nro obliged perforce to IJU.rt to this other met ho d to come Into pos- rr cur fnt.". ii r irtiM nil tt i i ins. w ill tnke this ns sufficient not ice to 1V'H,'V t'1 "come 1nwn wlthTthe stamps."' rmw m t1 Mr. Null will lie receipted thrnugn ,-(.liiiiins of tl'P Fiectntn. All persons In -i-irs f.r "tie or more years' puhsrrlption will r'xicr-ti-il f "iiv the collection fees, ercept L i ckcs where psvtnout for fine year In vL, Is mn.Ie. Ho ho ready to "dock up" hut v .n owe : and If anv of our friends wish ,,t .h In the nurchn" of n power rre, thev u (n,i our agent readv to take down their nm-" l,'1 guarantee thorn b foil return for be iii'ii-y I" cnu we l'"" n them. o-l Mi'mw a nonr ffomo. i.i.'.ier dollar" :i dfiv nt Cresson. 4.,,in. rs-t is huililinir h rolline mill. It'. u want to jro trout-fishing, go before ieX Fri'iav. Lt is :n on dit that ft ncv 1i;tnk ia to le .gt'-,;-v'''' in Hr'i p1:i sliortK V , rv'iit meetin" will he h'M near "Wil li Of -..Ti)iT'.-n. ;tiu' S-ptemher ch. -!,,. ni'iirwl element of Ilolllt'.iysburg .V.i-'ir.'i ."A Ci l tin- Mountain House, tliis i i h a full complement of sura ,.,.',.v i-nilllV tietct is tn'tce.lof In dv-.ty" Vy the Altoona Radical, " 1 ir rft'rod from tlie JtertJ'r.i (;.t-. .1 nr. H. F. Myers Is now Bole Tirii-'or. wi.Tortn. pntned Mrs. S"ymiin. wlMiT.--'-'"'' 1 T otrnlie, committed suicide l.r kn-.-iiik.' I'1-' I' rMrxv. !iirsf ix loiiLriiiir to.T-'rm'ali Mntzor, of Pr.iT'k-'''"''' tnwnsliiji, Blair county, wrs !o!r'' Ih- W-.1nos,1v. T.V' H"l!!i'n v1p.rr; P'"ristrr, ch enn sn-I'" 'iTiv'liitiir ovpti Orflnt Ixdievos in xj.i'! in tiit ii"iglijrhooil. -i.'i )iii II. M'H'T. foruiTlv of rTnr-iprrdon fntr'v. w.is kii'i-d lv the lTte Indian in few M'-xi( ii on the 11th .Tune. A lihi' k snnke five ftet nt '-ropt under !Tri :iM in a house in TOiw kliok townnhip jao'li'-r il.iv. It wn -arri-(l mt n eorpse. -f. rmiyile of y'sitors nt liedfonl Rprini9 ep- r-li'v-d of 1.0'W In -nsh ftnd jewelry r jmne epterpris-inphurcrlnr tbo other nljiht. Inilinna conntv i reported to e overrun r jMpum-ls, while n lnrir reward eon hi not Hoover the presence of more than a dozen i Cambria. A colored 1bo 1 all cliih played a frame 1th the Amateurs of .lohnstown, h that ace, Inst Morday, and defeated them by a ore of 37 to ."W. .Tack IMiev cjuiuht n cntfli-h sixteen ches lout: in the ro!n-ni.iiit,'h a diort (Vs. .nre lx low town hist Monday. lint it fell ink Into the water. Court will jnect here three weeks from Xt Mnlay. when the application of loore. the convicted murderer, for a new ial will bo aruu'-d. .ThecoHMiiPli'r ation of "T. Jt. V." will be ublilu"l at soon ns he furnish'. 'is with his nme. His article is unobjectionable, but re nviki- l'O distiiu tions. fn to i:U.-st accounts, the Town Council ituVtvt snrn cil.'d in r-pairinj' that oumpin TOIVt "t' I l:'.!r.:-v.'s. They all profess Jo lie itronc tr-tiii' i riin-e men, too. Tli l'liiln ii-lphia Smiil'ip pmrn has said that If Ion is the m-ist immnral co-in-rr f' ' !i in th" State, arid concerning this jer''"!' '.:is "nothing to retract. " '"1. I.'i' oli Zink. a iinn ti esteeied r-;tl- fn.or' Alt "iii'( tlied lat Thursd'iv. TTis i inrrai tiie tollowuig Sunilay is said to have Jen the hirtrt-st ever se-n in that city. Kdwavil Nickels, of T")inepnl townshin r., .i i ?.i i ' ' ei mi i mi i-ini!ii, wiin inf R.tl ot a ather strap aid a ratter of a arn ittcd suicide Inst Saturd.lv. Whisk 'uwdav week. Death ensued in eitrht hours A saw-niill and a chair and cabinet u-fc ry. the property of Work cfc Custer, at Iai'i!i. I ndiana county, with their contents, Ttf ilcst roved by fire on Friday night last! Loi i.vcr .r,ooo. -V.:c..e's store, at the foot of Plane m, rs l urirlariously entered and rolibed of a on I i'Tablequantitv of merchandise a short Inn- n.'o. One Mike Smith was arrested li'-M for the crime. -f The Pittsburgh (larctte savs : "T. P. WiHtmi, of this paper, like Walt. Whitman, ill 'invite his soul to loaf for the next, four 'Trks in the mountains m ar Fbensburg." ft will make him welco-n". "-Anthony Long, of Wilmoro, has been ;ip"inted s.-alcr of weights and measures t Ciunbria county for the ensuing three ors. It will be 1on lx fore the office finds i'rn capable or more deserving occupant. -AlwHit that .lohnstown meilical fund. . Morrt-U has been seen, and has assured ie workinitinen that their action shall re live his support. Tho doctor will now robably proceed to put up the price of pills. (1. Nelson Smith has arrived in Shreve rrt, Louisiana, and writes to the Sunday law-a to Kay, among other things, that PTery where in his travels lie found the j e -Id enthusiastic over the nomination of Ireeley and Brown." In another column will lie found the a,M of Dr. Wcrtz t Bro., dentists, .Tohus rii. This lirm p.re said to make the very M' f artificial teeth, and personsin need of lftfc'liwork uf lhat descrition are invited to aake a note thereof, and act accordingly. --W don't know it is ourself, as We don't ireulate much ahotit town, but we have ierd it intimaieil that where our liorough lals reside are the places where the streets nl alleys receive the most attention at the expense of the taxpayers. In a tie lee in .Tnhnstown the other day, John Downey was the recipient of an assault .nd battery ami a pistol wound. Patrick, Michael :u,.l lMv.nrd Stanton have been ar rested and held to hail on the charge of being the partu s who did t he damage. A In.y named Horning, twelve years of ag, attempted to jump from a moving train ot cars, , A!to,u, last Tuesday, and Mrf'.-,n,n"''1 1avis rie,la like exiriment w u ...idayshurg on Mondav. The results were as usual lnith are now' in bed. -tAii alarm of fire called out all the ci i. rs and hose carriages in Altoona last -iair.Uy night, but a unanimous vote of the E'Hrnen declared that it was not advisable r:n imt into the country alxuit two miles w i-l'iirf water on a burning log heap. ti,r '" sts ot L'r,',to springs have our -" ,"r a beautifully printed invitation wart.-nd a hop at that place on Saturday n:i!T n,'xt- If they think our presence o add to the pleasure of the occasion we u- E' hy all means if a carriage is sent -And now comet h the report that the "rable A. A. Barker is not going to get Republican nomination for Congress in 'listrict. Which won't make a "biff of "ib rai.ce" to Sjiear, however, for his nomi ion and election in any event is lieyoud W-stion. traiifcru iitiurr "fViencri'irrr ttr .via,- ask lrjy it -s that tlle pavement in :it of i. i,. Johnston's stable and there 's not graded so as to make a continu es tiHit-walk from the deiot into town. ar" usually referred to the Town Coun--S tor particulars. JA Mitliin cfuinty man, while traveling a Tti".i":l'" r"a1 a ''w davs ago, met a female and her cub in the road. He was el'.'."',1' ',, tried the novel experiment hk'-'iv at t,p ol ,,is voi( C for help, MSs"i ' I'Jin,her and cub, the story iilan,,-! run"K '"fids will see advertised Mile hv I ' ,'"hn,,n several Ur-ful articles for 9 n ivi i 8" W" 1av"t the livery stable iisid,.r'". tl"'y wlil nn'1 worthy of their pl. ;iH,.,i , "l1- i-. Davis will be 1 sell n.. .!.W ,h:! of the machines 1 l them tx at fair prices. iuu5uui . .j v u.aao unuu Rliuri ly. Bome of our best citizens will corapos the membership, the iustritmenta will be of the costliest, and no "misunderstanding" will Ik; allowed to interfere with the success of this project. At least we are so afssured and we are further assured that the comple' ment of instruments has already been or dered. The steam saw-mill of Mr. A. A. Barker si couple of miles south of Ebensburg was totally destroyed by fire last Mondav mom- ifig. The fire is supposed some to lutt-o communicated from Sparks allowed to re- I mainftntfer of near the furnace the night 1 before,- while others are of the opinion that ! 11 was me worK 01 an incendiary. The loss 1 is estimated at about tfo.OOO, with 82,200 ! 4 u o u i aut wr. On Wecfnesday sifternoon, a' soYi (tf Richard J. JTibliott, aged about 15 years, fell from a scaffolding projecting from'an exten sion being boilt to L & S. W. Davis' livery strtble, in the Kast Ward,- and was badly injured. l!e fell a distance of twelve feci turning a complete somersault in his descent' and struck full on a nail, which entered his bowels to the depth of about two inches. It is thought he will not recover.- A brilliant and beautiful display of the phenomenon popularly known as Northern Lights was witnessed here Saturday night commencing about 8 o'clock, and lasting two hours. It first appeared iu the north, but soon exhibited to the east and northwest. and frfnn the liorlz.m to the zenith.- The prevailing colors were pale fed and green, though many other shades were discernible. It was a most gorgeous spectacle. Vallie Lutt ringer, of our town, has taken the contract for covering the tower of the Carrolltown church w ith tin. It is a job to try a man's nerves, this thing of working more than a hundred feet in the air, with nothing for material support excepting a rickety platform of two or three Ixiards but Vallie is "equal to the occasion," and is, be sides, a first-class tinman, which will guar antee a first-class piece of work. The County Commissioners have lately erected a new pavement in front of the jail property. It consists of two narrow planks laid parallel the length of the lot, find is ubont as poor an excuse for a pavement as canoe conceived. We entirely agree with i the Real Estate Oat'tte thfit f: county able to erect a 7.F,0OO jail ought to be able to con struct a pavement th.it prisoners will not be i ashamed of when goilig iiito or corning out of that institution. Col. John Woods, landlord of Exchange Hotel, Altoona, fired thirty-nine guns lust Friday one gun for each one hundred of the then reported LiU-ral majority in North Carolina. Tilings jKilitual have lieeoirte somewhat "mixed" since th:f d;fte, and, in case the official vote ciphers up all right, Capt. Sam. Cris?e,landlord of the St. Charles' Hotel, iu the same city, threatens to h:ive the Colonel fined for circulating false re ports cannon reports, of course. We learn in time for only a portion of our edition, that the horses attached to the Carrolltown hack ran oft" in that place, on Thursday afternoon, while the driver was taking off a trunk, and the only remaining passenger, a lady whose name" we did not hear, was thrown out and had two or three rilis broken anil tine arm dislocated. The tiew and elegant ha. k was comph'tclv de ! moralized, Imt the horses, we beli'-ve", suf ; f.-reil little or no injury. This is indeed an unfortunate lieg"nning for the new firm, w ho had thing in t"t-top trim. ' Tom I.,. Mi-Namara, r'pres"ntipg Jacob i Heigel it Co., dry goods; Capt. M. M' Don- u .1, representing oung, Smith, Field & Co., notions ; A. .1. Spigelmire, representing flillespie, Zollcr & Co., groceries: and Isa- dore H. Sultzli.K h, representing Ililbronner j A: liro., clothing, u'.I ot Philadelphia, paid us pop visits "h"s week. Among our most esteemed friends these hold high rank, and if our recommendation of themselves and the houses for which they solicit patronage was as notour as we could wish, they wou'd cer t i ly hive the l st "trade" iii the city of B otherly I,ovo. So mote it be. A tbororgh examination of the pupils of Prof. Chapman's Normal School, princi pally oompo-el of young men and ladies who ire preparirg themselves for the feai h er's profession, will 1? held at Union School House, iu this Imrough, on Thursday aud Friday of next w-el-. A u u 1 5t h and llith. ! Our word fur it th tnmiU will nivd o ttix. w,l ' ' i ..f 1 . I. . . immi Murine cist aiiini.iv. nisky. . " . ,, V- V . -A little child nanvd Tb.hrbaker, of -'"; td vell-dire, te.l trannngot Mr. Chajv rt Newton. Westmoreland countv n .set ,na" ,h.;v l,!lve 'rainly had abundant op- hnn.it.g kerosene lamp nnon itself last l,ortlllllt th. m,elv,,s n, all the ne- ..i..,. .T-....L- r.. : cessary branches. The pnMic is respectfully viiiii 'i i ii."i"i ii i?., inr uimer iue pron- pnMic is respectfully invited to attend the examination. Teachers' Kxamisatioss. The exam ination of teachers for Cambria county, in the autumn of lf'72, will be held as follows: Ebensburg Normal bchool, Aug. 15th and Kith. Johnstown, in Union School House, Tues day, Aug. 27th. 5lillville, Thursday, Aug. 20th. Conemaugh Borough, Aug. .'50th. Cambria Borough. Aug. :lst. Blackliok, at Belsano, Tuesday, Sept. 3d. Cambria Twp., at Myers' School House, Sept. 4th. Coopersdale, Sept. .ith. East Conemaugh and Franklin, in Frank lin, Sept. 6th. Taylor, at Headri-ks, Sept. 7th. Carrolltown, Carroll and Susquehanna, in Carrolltown, Sept. 10th. Chest, at (tlosscr's, Sept. 11th. Ctallitzin, at Oallitzin, Sept. 1.1th. Washington and Summit, at Cresson, Seirt. 14th. Trfiretto and Allegheny, at Ioretto, Sept. 17th. Clearfield and Chest Springs, at Trexior's Sept. lsth. Minister, at (Jlass's, S"pt. 20th. Jackson, at Fairview, Sejit. 21st. Wilmoro and Summerhill, at Wilmore, Set. 23d. Crovle and South Fork, tt Summerhill, Sept. 24th. Adams, at Moses K ring's, Sept. 25th. Kichland, at Blongh's, Sept. 20th. Yoder, at Stutzuiau's, Sept. 27th. Conemaugh, at Singer's, Sept. 2Sth. White, at Fallen Timber, October 2d. IRREGULAR EXAMINATIONS will lie held in Ebensburg on the 5th, 12th and lyth days of Octolier, and on the 2d and Kith days of November. No other examina tions w ill lie held, and these will lie conduct ed iu strict compliance with the law. (See School Laws, page 152 to 154.) Applicants will please bring materials with them. Ex aminations in the Theory of Teaching will lie from the 31 and 4th chapters of Wicker sham's "School Economy." ltemember, a failure in one branch is a failure in all. Ex aminations will commence promptly at 10 o'clock, A. M., except in Ebenf burg, Johns town and Millville, where they will com mence at 9 o'clock, A. M. T. J. Chapman, Co. Sup't. A Worthy Enterprise. By referring to our advertising columns, says the Somer set Democrat, it will le seen that we devote considerable space to the publicity ot an en terprise known as the Wellsburg Coal, Iron and Fire-Clay Company's Gift Enterprise. This has been gotten up for the benefit of the sufferers by the disastrous fire that almost totally destroyed our town on the 9th of May last. It is not intended as a letter , as every ticket or stock holder has a right to say in what manner the prizes shall lie disposed of. There will be a irrize to every five shares, and two hundrc-d thousand shares in all, each worth two dollars. If the Company can sell all these shares, they expect U be able to give to our sufferers alxmt one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. There will le numerous cash prizes rang ing from two dollars up to ten thousand, lie-' sides one grand prize of the whole tract of land, containing over seven hundred acres. This is an enterprise which we doubt not will meet with the approval of all persons who1 sympathize with the truly needy citizens of our distressed town. The chance of drawing a prize is certainly better than is generally offered by this kind of an enterprise, there being one to every five shares sold, ami some person will be the lucky drawer of an independent fortune. Mr. M. 1. Meagher is agent for Cambria county, ami jwrsons desiring shares should address him at Johnstown. A prisoner escaped from the Greenstmrg jail last Monday night. COMMUNICATIONS. OUR COMMON SCHOOLS. TIIE 8IXTH THING. The sixth want in the system is the want of efficient directors. A tew districts in the State are favored with vigilant directors, and the effects can be seen in improved schools and school houses. But the great majority of districts in the State lack good directors. In nlany districts there" is oppo sition, not only outside, but among the direc tors themselves. Very often- trre boards stand three to three on almost every jffestiori that comes before therrT. In srrch cases there can be no decision. This condition of things suggests a' change in the ltfw. I endorse trre suggestions of County Superintendent T". f . Chapman ori this question, so far as to re ducing the number to three, Svnne people object to this, an not suitable for large dis tricts. But counties are larger than districts, and three Commissioners transact the busi ness of each county. Three directors manage the poor house. Three men generally super intend the affairs of a railroad. Indeed, three men always transact the business of every school board. A President, a Vice President and a Secretary attend to all the official business. The law authorises the Secret?Yy to lie paid for his trouble, and it woiild be poor district indeed that could not furnish two men who would act as Pres ident and Vice President for the benefit of the district, without pay. I am opposed to paying directors, unless there is some way fita ftd to raise more money without taxation. There are leaks enough now. Teachers' wages are as low as the condition1 of affairs will possibly allow, and any more leaks would be unjustifiable. G?he Secretary is now paid for making out the duplicates and keeping the minutes of the board, and men enough can ln found willing to act as Presw dent and Vice President in each district. But the number should lie at once reduced to three. Then they corrkl not Well differ in regard to any public measure.- They would be more certain to have a quorum' when called together, and the three could appoint a collector and a treasurer just as easily as six. Why should there lie just six? If more than three, why not nine, or twelve, of twenty? The Romans prospered as well under a triumvirate as when the number of rulers was increased. Indeed, three scents to be the general number in any ordinary business matter. These three, however, should do many things that six fail to do. They should decide on text books long liefore the term commences, not afterwards. They shiuld notify merchants and citizens in sotlie way, of their decision, at least two months before the term commences. They should have the school house in proper order and supplied in ample time with kindling and fuel and other sc!mo1 apparatus, and also buckets, liroofrts, keys, locks, etc., so that teachers could commence right the first day. I have seen schools opened one month liefore parents knew what k?d of books Were needed, and two months before thinefs were in proper running ot'deT, Again, directors should always get the duplicate out in ample tiioe, ami pltt it into the collector's hands in time tn collect the tax that is in doubtful pockets. Sofrfe people are in the habit of leaving the district just aliout the time the tax ought to lie paid. Many a dollar could be saved by vigilance in this matter. Tfe money arising from' unseated fands, the State appropriation, and fines and penalties due to the districts, should le carefully col lected. Every little helps, and every help is needed. There is no telling' what an advan tage a vigilant lmard of school directors are to a district. Vigilance Will increase the ways, and lengthen the term too. Then economy can lie practised in niitny Way There is no propriety in purchasing coal enough in one year to last three years, nor in furnishing everybody that wants to hold meetings in the school house with fuel and light. These little things are leaks, and,-: though small, yet, like a small leak in a bucket, they help to lower the contents. It is not. expected that these three men should visit the schools. The Secrctarj' is paid for visiting the schools, and so is the County Superintendent. But an occasional visit, when convenient, could do no harm. If for nothing else, a monthly visit might lie made to look at the condition of the property intrusted to their care. Not the least important duty of school directors is the election of a suitable person for County Superintendent. This duty could be as well performed with three good direc tors as with six worthless ones. There would be a less numlier in convention, and less expense would le incurred for the dis trict to pay, when it does pay their expenses. ItOJJ ltOY. Prepare for the Mammoth Combina tion. Kleckner & Co.'s great mastodon menagerie, gigantic circus, col lossal caravan and museum, together with the Ali Ben AMellah troupe of real Bedouin Arabs, will exhibit in this place on Monday, August 12th. The management announces for the season of 1872 not only the largest, but the most at tractive, novel, original and instructive pub lic amusements ever afforded to this country. The great Ali Ben Alsb Hah of genuine Be douin Arabs, or "Sons of the Desert" (four teen in numlier) acknowledged by the Euro pean and American press as giving the most sterling, rare and wonderful performance of any on earth. Their extraordinary feats of both ground and in mid air, surpass both description and belief. The vast department' of zoology is coin posed of the rare and curious animals of every continent, including ornithos of tropi cal and oriental birds, and embracing the finest collection of trained horses : the small est ponies and the liest performing lions in the world. Araung tl specialties are a heard of elephants, and a drove of camels and dromedaries. A mammoth caravan of eighteen massive cages is a stupendous combination, involv ing an investment of half a million of dol lars, requiring an army of disciplined merlin the service, emphrying a multitude of horses and a train of wagon-dens and cages over a mile long for its transportation through the country. There will be a grand scenic parade on the morning of the exhibition. KiRRECT." A California Jury, fn a late sui cide case, found that "the deceased was an un-mitig-ated fool." Which was about the correct thiiir- A similar verdict would protmbly he re corded against any man who was unsophistica ted enough to presume that any denier in Catn brin county or elsewhere keeps a more varied or more elejranl stock of clocks, watches, jew elry, fancy jroods, books, stationery, tobacco, ciifurs, etc., than 0. T. Roberts, who knows bow to treat his customers in a manner becoming a gentleman of unquestionable integrity. Five of the swo?test words in the Enjrlish lanjruajre bejrin with the letter "h," which is only a breath heart, home, hope, happiness, heaven. The Hve words next nn the sweet list bejrin with the letter "h," which isonly another breath best trartrains bountifully bestowed (at V. S. Barker-. We trust, that you enjov four of the first kind and will endeavor to merit the other, but llarker don't trust he sells for car h exclusively, and that is the reason bargains are bountifully bestowed at his establishment. Fruit CanS. The fruit preserving season is now at its full hitrht, and where to (jet the best cans at the lowest prices is an Important ques tion. Geonre Huntley, at his stove, hardware, tinware, cutlery and grocery depot, keeps for sale ail kinds and sizes of fruit cans in the mar ket. Therefore it behooves all who need cans to select their cans from Huntley's lartre stock of c:ain, for from him they can buy Cans fully as cheap as cans can be boug lit anywhere. Tun Form Seasons, A flve-yenr older at one of our public schools, shortly tmfore vacation, defined the four seasons as pepper, salt, vlneg-ar and mustard. This precocious urchin, it is al most needless to say, comes of a family who buy the four seasons indicated, rs well as all the dry goods, dress sroods, groceries, notions, eto., re quired iu said family at all seasons of the year, from Myers Lloyd, the popular cheap cash dealers orer the way on High street. Let those who would their lives prolong, and from their presence drtve all earthly Ills, just bear tn mind as worldly ways they thronir that there is such a man as E. J. Mills, who keeps a store on the street called Hiirh, and sells to all who have ready cash to pay for the best of flour and feed, chopped corn and rye. and groceries, too. fresh and cheap that's what we say. On Mills then call and at fair prices buy of what be keeps a full supply Caution. Every genuine box of Dr. Mo LACK'S LIVER PILLS bears the signature of FLEMING BROS., and their private United States Stamp. f"Take no other." The market is full of Imitations. A Corporation with a Soui It is a common saying that corporations are with out souls, and that human sympathy and Ihercy have no abiding i dace with th:in. But We think that an inciitfnt ttiat neenrred not. far from here last Saturday fully establish- j es iue lacttrrat so tar as the Pennsylvania railroad company is concerned, we have at h;ast one corporation that has a soul, or at least that some of its officers are possessed of the biggest kind of a soul. A young man named Parrish.abrakemeu on a freight train, was killed near Portage station on last Sat urday forenoon, the account of whose death will be found in another column. His father and mother were at the time temporarily employed at Rock ton, some twelve or four teen miles beyond Clearfield. The sad news was soon telegraphed to them and the diJ patch forwarded by baud from Clearfield. But by the time they received it anj reached Clearfield, the afternoon train hat left, and there was no way by which the- could reach Tyrone forty-one miles before -Monday morning, except by hirmj' a carriage and traveling over rough roa?s all night. At the suggestion of friend Ivowever they con cluded to wait till niorrriug, and retired to rest at the Leonard House, in Clearfield. In the meantime the facts came to the knowledge of r. J. Reilly, Superintendent of Transportation here, who at once commu nicated wiih Mr. Wilkins, the Superintend dent of the Tyrone and Clearfield road, a locomotive was quickly fired up and sent with a special car attached, to bring the 9tricken parents to Tyrone in time for the western liouvd train on Sunday morning. This service was performed with the utmost alacrity by Latham as engineer", Irwin ais conductor, and Hunter as baggage-master, and thus tho parents of the unfortunate young lllan were enabled to reach the re mains of their darling boy before thvy were committed to mother earth, free of expense.- Had such favor leen extended to the rela tives of some officer ot' the company it would scarcely have elicited the slightest notice, Unless it would be tosuggestthe remark that such honors are aloncr reserved for officials. Such remarks may apply to the other rail road companies,- :ind to corporations gene rally ; but with such men as Mr. Reilly, and his colleagues in the present management, the common saying that "corporations have no souls," will not apply to the Pennsyl vania railroad company. Young Mr. Par rish was only a brakerrnn on a freight train one Of the hitmblest positions in the ser vice yet no time was lost or expense spared in paying all ptojmt resect to Ms remain. Altoona Sun, Aug. 1st. Dr. Carpenter's Compouno' Medica ted Inhalations. It seems to stand to reason that tho-e medicines which are ap-' plied directly to the root of disease should be the most successful. In fact, as there is no way of making sweet waters when the source is impure, so there is no quicker w ay of purifying tinwholesorae streams than by cleansing the springs. It is in this manner that we account for the numerous cures which have attended Dr. Carpenter's Sy'stern of treating all kinds of pulmonary, skin and other diseases. At his Institute, 13T Mul berry street, Newark, N. J., he administers daily to a large iiUiiiImt of patients the Cfmi pound Medicated Inhalation, This being iuhaled.by the patierit,Iisdistributed through out the entire system, and thus applied to the seat of the various disorders which man is heir to. The numlier of ptiple and the variety of diseases which he has cured would, if stated, seem incredible. Those who haveJlM-en restored are to tie found in nearly every street in this city. Numliers (if them have given testimonials of the wonder ful effre.toy of the Inhalations in curing dis ease. Their' names are a guarantee of the correctness of their statements. Seirari Mvrning Iii.ster.- 'We IMe It." This is f hf ntri versa I t-efdict upon the Itomtfftie St-'wing: Machine. It lucks no R-ooM qualrtv of a first-class machine, dolni? all jsorts of work, and nver rettinsr out of or der. Its range of capacity is wonderful. "Stitch! stitch! stit h ! In poverty, hunger and dirt. Sewing at once, with a double thread, A shroud as well as as a shirt." ITow much bcttwr to buy a ""Domeotic " Sew ini Machine.arid be lifted above such drudgery? R. W. Steaduiiin & Co., (ieneral Agents, No. 20 Sixth street, Pittsburgh. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, hva simple remedy, is anxious to make known to hitt fellow sufferers the means of eure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescript ion used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing unci using the same, which they will find a st' he ct'UE for Vivitnmitiin,A.thnui.Urfn ehitis. ,l-r. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rut. EDWARD A.WILSON. ll-lS.-ly. 1.4 Fenn St., Williarnsbiirgh. N. Y. OBITCAKY. BON ACKER. Died, In this place, on Wednes day lust, of cholera infantum. Hurry Edmund, infant son of W. B. and Lizzie ilonacker, aged 6 months. LLOYD. In this place, yesterday (Thursdns-) mornii.ir, Mrs. Catharine Lloyd, relict of the late Stephen Lloyd, aged about 85 years. BUCK. In Carroil township, on "the 5th Inst., George Buck, a.xetl nearly 70 years. The de ceased was a deaf mute. JO lir. A IIOl'T TIIISI-There is con i.N sidcrable money due me that I find it im possible to do without, and this is to notify all persons indebted that if they do not call "and pay upon or hrfnre the Wth fiiti of thin month, they will rind their accounts In the hands of T. W. Dick, Esq., for collection with eots. V. LU'lTiilNQER. Ebensburg, Aujr. 9, 1S72. BY virtue of n writ of Ff. FVi., Issued Out of the Court or Common Pleas and to me di rected, there- will be expimecl to 1'iil.H.- Sralf. at the Court 11 nie in Ebensburg, on Saturday, the Slst day or Angnst, inst., at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title, and Interest of Lawrence Stieh, of, In and to a lot of ground situate in Carrolltown bor ough. Cambria county, fronting on Main street on the east and cxten'linjj back to heirs of John Camnhsll, dee'd, on the Iwest, adjoin ing lot of Sim n Schroth on the north and lot of John Keu iedy on the South, having thereon erected a two story frame house and a frame stable, now in the occupancy of Lawrence Stieh. Taken in execution aud to be sold at the suit of Albin Oswald. W. H. BONACKER.heritT. Sheriffs Office, Ebensburg', Aug. 8, 1S72. Widows' Appraisements. TOTICE is hereby given that the following X Appraisements of Real and Personal Pro perty of decedents, selected and set apart for the Widows of intestates under the Act of As sembly of 11th April, lsol. have been ttled in tho Register's Office, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for approval on Wednesday, the 4th day of September next, to wit : Inventory and Appraisement of the personnl property of Evan Roberts, deceased, elected to to be retained by bis widow, Lucinia H. Rob erts. 300.0OI Inventory and Appraisement of the personal pr iperty of William Orr, late of tho Borough of Johnstown, deceased, elected to be retained by his widow,- Harriet Orr, Z71.75. Inventory mid Appraisement of the personal property late of Peter Alihaugh, deceased, re tained by his widow, i0.97. Appraisement of certain personal property set apart for the use of Eleanor Powell, widow of David Powell. Jr., late of Blacklick township, deceased, .T00.00. Appraisement of the personal property and real estate of William Riley, late of Prospect borough, deceased, set apart for Susan Riley, widow of said deceased, ;K).00. - iKO. IK. OATStAXi C'erk. Clerk's Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 3, 18724t. IX the DISTRICT COURT of the TNITF.D STATES. In the, matter of Albert O. Fry, Ihtnkrupt ; Ao. 143tt in Jianhrujitcy. WissTeiiN District of Pennstivanh, ss: At Ebensburg. the 19th July, A. D. 1S72 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The under signed hereby gives notice of his appoiutment as Assignee of Alliert G. Fry, of Ebensburg, in the County of Cumbria and State of Pennsylva nia, withfusald District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his creditors' petition by the District Court of said District. GEO. C. K. ZAIIM, Assignee. Ebensburg, Aug. 3, 1K72.-3U IX th niSTHICT COCBT of the CN1TEB STATES. ii the matter of FYy, UucrrA Co., liankrupis : A'o. 1437 in Bankruptcy. Wfstkrs District or Pennsylvania, ps : At Ebensburg, the 19th July, A.. D, 1S72 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Fry, Duerr & Co.of Ebensburg, in the County of Cambria and State of Penn sylvania, within said District, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their creditors' peti tion by the District Court of said District. GEO. C. K. ZAHM, Assignee. Ebensburff, Autf. 3, 1872.-3t. DR. CARPENTER, 136 MULBERRY STREET, NEWARK. N. J., Is now treating succefully Consumption, Crcnchitis, and all diseases or Throat and Lunffs,with his C0MrSE MEDICATED INHALATION'S. CONCE.N TKATLD JOvO, AND COIUH SYBC1. During- tPe past ten years Dr. Carpenter has treated and cured thousands of cases of above named diseases; and has now in bis possession JT t1 i8,fWe? flLom a11 P"rfsl of the coun try. The Inhalation' is breathed direct I v into the lun-s, soothing and healinir over BlMntianied surfaces, entering- nrto the blood, it imparts vi tality a.s it permeates fo every part of the svs- h.c sensation is not unpleasant, and the tlrst inhalation often jrives very decided reKef particularly when there is much difficult' of brcathmjr. Under the influence of my reme dies, the coujrh soon irrows easier, the nurht sweats cease, the hectic flush vanishes, and with improving digestion the patient rapidly trains " LS. " "eiin imukhiii wirnin r.ia rrr The Concpntrtsl Food rapidlv builds iin the most detiilltatorl notli.nt muaniln... .1 '. sen food ail ready to he assimilated ami nftrde ..ii.. k "mi. ihjii, I ii'il 1 v 11 y uiumi. Thu (Ynh Sjrnp is to tie taken nf nitrht fcrrf. leyiate the coiurh and enabfe the paiftnt t oh tain sleep. Fiilt directions aecmnpauy each bx of my remedies which enn.ixtH nf One Inhaler; One I?ottle of Altprntife Inhalant i On Bottle ofsoothimr Febrifuee Inhalant " One Bottle Anti-II.Tmorrhairir Inhalent ; Bottle tonceutrateU Food ; On Botfle Contra Jsj rup. Price of Hox containing medicines to last one month. 111); two months, 1S; rhree monhs -,Ti. Sent to any address C. O. r. Pamphlets " con taining: larye list of patients cirred sent free Letters of inquiry must contain one dollar to insure answer. Address. A. IJ. CARPENTER. M. D., Newark, N. J. Dr. Carpenter's CAT A Ttlilf ffK.VKDr wilr ive immediate relief, and will effect perma nent- euro in irom one to three months, rfiee ?J.r.' K toU'st one-month, 5"i two months, is. ; rnree months, 10: o l'." 1" " i,s forms stfc'cc3?f -slty treated. Sertd for list of patients cured. A. 11. cakpfvtSr, m. d., Newark, X. J. August 9, l7:2.-ly. Itesister's Notice. ""OTirE is hereby iriven thnt the following JlT Accounts bavu been parsed ami filed in the Kesrister'S Office at Kbensburir. and will bo r.-- eented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria coun ty, for confirmation and allowance, on IVednes- uay me 4tn aay ot eytoniner ftext, to wit : becond Account of Stephen fifutzman, c'- mtnistrator, Ac, of Lewis Cobau'h, late of tho liorontrb of Johnstown, deceased. First and 1 1 ia! Account of Shi-hIi riniinciipr and Michael Maloy, Executors of Thoinns O i -lau-her, late of ijrefjo borouurh, dee-ased. Final Account of .ohn M. Kiuf. Administra tor of John H. Fromald, late of Johns-town, Cumhrra County, deeensed. Final Accoir-i of John Ricket, Executor of the last Writ efnd Testament of D. M. Cooper, hue of CHliton county. Iowa, d. -ceased. Account of J'-st ph I loir we, Otiardian of minor heirs ot 1'eter Scanluu, tat of Cambria town ship, deceased.- '1 he First Account of Oeor.re J. Rndjrors, Ex ecutor of the last tvirfan-t Testament of John ltodsrers, sr., hite of ihe i;oroush of Eheiisburir, deceased. Third rtid Fi-iaf oMnt of F. T). Storm, Ad ministrator of ). T, Storm, lute of Wurhinirtc-n township, deeeftr'd-. . Account of t. H. EltK Trustee of the Estate of Hannah Hoech, Iwle of Johnstown, dee'd Account of Mary Ffeslop, Administratrix cunt irtmicni annexo of Joseph Heslop, late of Concmftus?h boroiurb, Cambria countv. dee'd F'irst ami Partial Account of John A. Kenne dy, Administrator of f)oYm"nick rcbride, late of Curroll township, decease d. . (iKO. IF. OATMAX, fraitrr. Register's Oflicc, Ebensburjr, Auk-3, 1K72 -4t ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TY viitueof a pluriux order of the Orphans' Jl Court of Cambria countv. -j. a iue V'al'llllU? a county, yvv to public A-k- A use in thcSfTal- mere will tie exposed sab-, ut the Court House Borollifh of Khpushllrir r day. the 2d day of September next. at 1 o'clock. P. M., ttie following dcf-ci itied rea' estate, of which Petek Ragek died seized, to wit : A PIECE or PARCEL of LAND situate in ttje to-i-nshin of Jrtckson. countv of Ca'rthria,- adjoining land- of Geo". Weh-n, Sum! Aibaugh, and other, containing 1US Aoreti, more or less, about SO Acres of which are clear, having thereon erected a one-and-a-half rt.iry LOG HOUSE. Also, a P Jeco or Parcel of Lsrd s:tuato in the township and county aforesaid, a Ijoining the land tfltove described and hint's f tht? CTitnliria Iron Co., containing 54 Acres, more or les. about 3t) Acres of which are clear, havimr ther'eon t-rtclcd a one-anil-a-lialf story HOCSE. LOG HiVRNand FRAME STABLE. rSThe above described lands w. f be sild i.S one piece, or in fot to suit purchasers. TkhmsofSam?. One-hnlf the purchase mor ey t be paid ori Ciftftrrftnlion of thesffle, anU the balance in one year thereafter, with inter est, to be secured by the mortg-ago aud judg ment bond of the purchaser. MICH A F.I, II. It A (i Fit. Administrator. Jackson Twp., Aug. fr, lS7J.--r. LOOK AT THIS! The Farmer'3 Favcrltd mm tmt Fanning MILL, A:rr tiie KEYSTONE CIDER l!LL! FOR SALE BY Ebensburg, Pa. SUBP03XA FOR PERPETUATING TESTIMONY. CAMBRIA COTTXTT, SS. j The Commomrrnlth of Pfitnxiilravin : -i t..S- f To Jacob Moses, Daniel Cams, (surviv ' ' fnsr hnsbaud of Margaret Cams, former ly Margaret. Moses,) Cuthsrine Moses and Jacob Moses, (children and heirs at law of Adam Moses,)' Abraham Mnse. arrd Daniel Sills, (sur viving husband of Mary Srlls, formerly Sarah Moses,) John Moses, Rev. Oeorge f'ickes, (sur viving husband of Sarah Kickes, formerly Sa rah Moses,-) their heirs and representatives, ftnd all others concerned in the premises Orertinei: We command and firmly c-n.toin you, that, laying !oside alt- business whatsoever, you be and appear before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the said county, to bo held at Ebensburg on the j"rrt Mtnday of Srptcmlier nej-t. to show cause, if anv you have, why the witnesses in behalf of Robert L. Johnston, in his complaint airuinst you, before our said Court exhibited, shothid not be examined and their testimony reduced to writing and tiled of record in our Said Court, in order to perpetuate the same, agreeably to the Constitution of our Gov ernment anil the Act of Assembly in such cae madf and provided ; and hereof fail not at your peril. V. itix ss the IlnnnrnMa Jons TIkan, Presid't Ju.lgeof our said Court, at Ebensburg, the loth day of June, in the year ot our Lord one thous and elg-ht hundred and seventy-two. ... f. K. HITE, Prothonotary. Attest TT. B. BoN'AcfcEK. Sheriff. 8-9.-4t. OUBPCENA IN DIVORCE. CAMBRIA COUNTY, S3. The Commonwealth of Pennsvi.tania j j . To the Sheriff of Camhria Co., tirrettna: l8. r You are hereby .comoiauded that ' ' you summon W. W. II. FkbeWan to be and appear at our Coort of Comiii'on Pleas; to be bolrten for sid eouhfy at Ebensburg. on the .flrst -1ondnj of September vevt, to answer a cer tain Libel in "Divorce filed against him in said Court.by Mart M. Freeman, by her next friend Isaac Reklin ; and this you are not to omit at your peril. Witness the Honorable John Bun, Presid't Judge of our said Court, at Ebensburg, the 10th day of June, in the year of our Lord one thous-' and eight hundred add seventy-two. J. K. HITE, Prothonotary. Attest W. B. Bon ackeu. Sheriff. 8-9.-4t, SET DOWN FOR TRIAL at a Court of Com- mon Pleas, to bo held at Ebensburg, com mencing on Monday, Vic d day of September next. rmsT week. Somerville vs. Martr.. - Brown vs. Mack. . Cooper A Co. ..vs. Wenfli-L Miles et al vs. Paddock & Adams. Dardrne, for use, vs. Apple. Bracken. .... vs. Bracken Douglass .. ...........vs. Fitr.pa trifle. Cooper vs. Mctiulre. Jones vs. Pow'l. Wolf ...vs. Prosser. Adams .vs. Vaughn. Davis vs. Bennett. .T. K. HITE. Prothonotarr. Prothonotary'e Office, Ebensburg, Aug. 5, 18'.- ALL HAIL ! THE EXCELSIOR ! ! ! kiECKKSR & CO.'S titti nun u-pr.o FIRST VISIT TO PENNSYLVANIA 6? tiiS i.ahOest coNsoi.inATrn CirSiis, Iksra SI Usaawri. hi: hizA Will F.xhiltll nt ON MONDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1873, FOll OXJs 1A Y OXIjY. Aftf.knoov Estertais m f.nt at 2 o'clock. KVKMNO l'FHKOKMANCE at o'clock. Doors open one hour previous. AOMISSIOX ." I'KNTS. riilldrrn Ten T-s of A?p. anil Yonngpr, 25 Cent. A Free Outside CXHiUiTiOT will be given at the ground nt 1 o'clock, p. tn., liefore the opening of the doors for the after noon performance. MISS H. COLON. will, make a grand ascension upon a single wire, Sib feet long, from the ground to the top of the center pole of the pavillion, w ind and weal her permitting. THE MST TOUR OF TiiESFEXiliBiTKfiS on the American continent, and they are given under FOUR MONS'IER TEXTS, " iiiainmot h water proof P;i villions, t-apatde of seal ing o.eoo spectators, with scats so ari nnged as to gi e all an opportunity of witnessing the exhibit ion PBKSKTIV ALL for CE PKICK f t ADSLS'-iOX. Tbf most complete traveling exhibition in America. This irigant ic establishment, orgnn i.trd tor 1S72, requires I'M men and 1-jO hrsis for its transportatioii. A Jlcniiiflvent Street Proecssitni of Oriental splendor will tie given on morning of tiny of exhibition, at 11 o'cloek precisely, led by the Etrvptian Car of Alexandria. containing Pror. Tn.s. Swan s SILVER CORNET BAN D. TVi fr7,r7i1!'' "1 rt" are under the able direction of Ir.IIAlMlY IirCi. The great and only Mdlle. A hki.i K IVixtus bleap. Lady Oymnast and Ceiling Walker, Tra peze Performer and Antipodist. besides her in compariihle Comic Hat Spinning. Tire featsif this. fhe most beautiful lady in America. must te seen to Ik- appreciated. Language fails to con vey anything like a just idea of her great merit. Mdlle. CoriOsA, the world-famed premiere Equestrienne. hose bold and graceful feats of equitation it is impossible to rival. Mons. D'Atai l, the Man of Steel, with the Iron Jaw, lifts a -hi-gallon cask filled with lipi;d, besides a man holding two 50-pound weights, with his teeth alone. Mdllo. AyoFt.A. the female Sampson nnd the AVonderful A rtilerlst, who will I old a cannon (n six-pounder) upon her shoulders rfnd Uis tharnc it before the niidfence. ,.M,",lT- AfmiRi.T.w Macaiitf.- tfie charming Lion Tamer and Queen of fhe Menage. Mdllo. Carrik CnnoNA, the Female BIomJn, the most brilliant Tight Rope Dancer and As censionist liefore the public. Mr. H tRRT CtinoNA. th reckless nnd vmnp proachable Somersault Rider and tinfjuestion bly the tiest general performer in the country. The Wat.hat.i.a Brotmkrs Max. John and Edward-the Emperors of the Ovnasium. late of Rentz' Cirque la Empereur, Berlin, l'russia. Their first appearance in this country. IThe name of the manv other great artists are omitted for want of space. 1 Lir. pyir. William Kennedy, CLOWN AUD COMIC VOCALIST, the Modern Touchstone and Conversationalist, arid tho moet interesting aud pleasing humorist of the day. Prof, tt'ii. A. nvis. the Lion Kinjr, Histori cal Lecturer, and PupeWntehdeiit of all the Animal? n the Dens and Cages. A large corps of Au.Tileri?s, Ri1ei-s Volfieurs, Acrobats and ;ymnasts will be presentnd in nssoctation with the artistic forces of this Cir cus. Kcnifmbrrt that by attending 1 his Circus, Museum and Menegcrie you get more amuse ment and behold greater wonders all for the Eame mrt-nmt that it ccts to attend a cfrcus only, tnu here see flie finest Menagerie and the greatest Circus in America. Don't fail to witness the (iHAND FREE EMII1RTION one hour before the afternoon pei foi-iiiailcc. reilapfovic Lcvocs om hour previous to the Circus perforrrfanees, w Men wilt commence at 2 and 8 o'clock, p. m. THIS GRLVT mm OF EXlffflfTMS WILL EXIIIlrfT AT Indiana, Saturday, Aiffjust lOih ; Hbtnhurf, Monday, August lUth; Altoona, Tuesday, August i:ith ; llollldaysburg, Wednesday, 14th. REMEMBER THEDAY AND DATE. FRANK RIVERS, General Director. TT i n" v iv ' - X H I. nr. ! V m A. M J M I - " -a?jg5T?7Vi,-i"--li?' H' i t i?t-- iijy or rsTo jTjxjy : CORoiE AND SEE WAT iMtLOATMAN'S HAS IN THE LINE OF GOO MIES' SHOES AM GAIpi Tr S Zt iFT p R O V OiS E I A M E N D M E N T CONSTITUTION PENMSYLVANfA, rnrl" An.r.l.n( lo tUtk Con. MKitllnn oflVtinnjltHni,. lie ttrrrt hijthe Sfuatean.l House of riepre tentative. . K,0,mm,ffM f m General Ambly met. That' the folmw " Amendment of the Consritntion of this CoT, mouwea.th be proposed to the people for tW adopon or rf.Jfvrion r;;rsilllnt ,o ' sionsof the tenfl, article thereof, to wit: AMEN'DJJENT-' ...eof f'le Si,U! P"Ctrn 'f tc'slxth artf of the followmg; "A Sn.te Trehs.Yrr s.nll be cosen by the unalihVd electors of the State, at such times and for such rerm of service as shait be proscribed bylaw." WILLIAM Er.r.IOTT, Speaker or the Hos of Representative JAMES S. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. Approved -The twenty-second day of MaroK, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred rf seventy-two. JN(). w, GF,AUV I repared and certi.Vd for Publieatlon pursil ant to the Tenth A rticle of the Constitution. L.-13.-3m. FRANCIS JORDAN. ni, c Secret.iry of the Commonwealth. Office Secrets ry of the Commonwealth f llarnsburg, Jimeuth. IS72. " ..KiBaiis&Cot HICH STREET, Three Doors West of Centre Street, IlKAt.FliS rx Boots and Ehnei FLOUR, FEED, BACON, FHf, Ccffse, Tea, Syrups and IVToIassea. ALL WHICH THEY PROMTS!; TO ni I SV CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Country Produce taken for GOODS. rT7K I L'. IS MTGHTH K TH.iX TEE S1VOKD! tttit: pathiot 'OK THE ( t.MPAK;M In order to pTi-o within tile reach of all no exposition of the Demoi-mtie Prin" i .l.-s .f. Li. -r:.l Ideas sought to be cstatd" 't o supprters of (i RKKLEY and HhOWN. and to 1 I C.vALEU and the rf her carHidates on that ticket. n campus,, edition of t!,e IVorklr Iriot will i-e rssued, beglnniP JCLY2t, at "t'lio following raies: - '"uu One cop v 10 copies (to one aijdr'es; tii 50 i. .c ft.l r, 17(H) orT-- mt'Z m"st '." cases 'ftemp'm.iMhe LOOK SHARP AT THIS! 13G. THE ONLY CATHOLIC 13G. BOOK & PERIODICAL STORE IV CAMBRIA COCSTV. (VI r-JHER,Wholesalennd Retail Dea- kinrt lr.'?.rT'"A"".CATH,"'H' Works ot all Kind, 1 hawk Books, Biki.es. Hist.ikkil and C.NTHovKrfsiAL Works. pw. ( I1r , p Johnstown, Pa. Wfll sell every article at-pLtl .dtouyd to the lt v. Clerffit, lAla arir, or f.-.sc l,uu V"J Uot.ks brnind and Piei r,g framed at the lowest possible priees. All the Eastern Weekly Papers lor sale. 135 Franklin Street, Johnstown. 135. Y A I A A 1 WJ-fKAHM VOll SALK.-I pnuatf'ft in Miinstof twp., Vtun- tnc-e from J.rel to. w ll r 6uM?5; Miinpnini nn tns ll'l nis, -A et.infortaMe Dwelling' H.uvan.l a good Stable arenmrfng the improreiuents. There isalson.i exeeflent orchard on the pi emi-es and a never failing spring convenient to the house. ny rV.Tn'otT' M,i.'','0 mirt;""se cauci:i .n me at i unncl lull, OallitZi.i, ot a Mr. ss lOIIV i mti -.-r -" i---n. i.ailitzln, Cambria Co. Pa. WOOLEN FACT0EY! JJAVINd introduced new machinery into our oolen h-tctory, we are now prepared to miinutae'Tire on short notice, CIA )TH. C l- i!,Si-,MJ.'ANKKTS- l"LA.N:?t:LS of allstjhs hMX(i YARNS. &c, &c. r5"" Wool taken iu exchange for goods or" worked on oliarcs. Market price paid for wool. '. .V. .OA -I t-o iX I.S's. Ebensburg, Feb. 2'1, lS72.-tf CO A L 1 CO L ! ! The sufrc i!er now pretarof1 to r:irr?fsh. In larsre or small quantities, all Ounli 1 ', i.f ANTHRACITE an 1 BITCMINOUS COAU at lowest market rate-w Coal delivered promptly ami free of charge ft r hauling at anv poinr fn i::eiisburg or vicinitv. tinlers IcM at theZAiiM M'it wftl receive dug attontioii. DANIEL IE ZAIIM. Fb-ii9lurg. y!xy SJ. I7.-tf CV-VITTION All persons me hereby ' notified n'd to give credit to anv bo.lv mi pt mnnt without a w ritten order from n.e. Parties having- claims against me will pleas. present th. tn within sir weeks from date, and those indebted to me will niu. h oblige bv set-, tliog without delay. ;E. ii LASHER. vrro!ltown, Julv 'JO, lsr: :.-4t. Tailor. r.- A. FTIOEMAKEK GEO. A. BERHY1 CHOEMAK'KU Ss UIvKKV, - A TT ORSE V K- A T-I.A W. March II, 18T1. FHKySBCIifl. rA. GKO M. HEAD K, A tUrnryitLar, Ebensbnrr. Ta. Ollicc in new biMiii- recently erertct en Centre dtrctl. lo t!or from lJigh btiecl. IX, Sum ) I I MVC(K)jS,CROCERIiaL 13 5 i JH J a- i