A Soiillicrn Legislature. Early in the Srii.g, S. R. Ffai.k. F.?q.. ' Lock IlVn, mud a vi.-it to the Sauli. d on his return published in the Iyvk Us ed Drmwraf and i. teresting account of his iperience and impressions in a. series of lit ers, which have been exteoiivly copied. We 2ve below his description of the Sou'h Carolina LiMt-'ature, (lie ignorant and brutal c lempi.ts f which it is cimpi''il btdiig t-uGi-cienl t'j explain the f.ise with whiih a Pcm Fylvania gng are enabled to rob the people of some o.r their most variable railroads: THE LZG1JLATUU." Our first cmitfcily was the Irgis'Alure, rt, as the colored "n; miiifen" pronounce it the "legisUtur." A ll.c door v ened and I got the first peep, it locked like -mairres fac tory cuilcd hair ljing about in great prc fusion tut on close inspection it proved to be an immense ant hill i f r.eroee, all ibe republicaus in the house being colored bu.i seventeen i e , tht-re weie ovt-r eighty ne gro mea.bers. A.iil to thce t weiitythree democrats fwbitt) a;jd uu have the ase'e- gate of the house. -- The senate has a Jess proportion of white men, the chief among whom in liev. Whitte more, who was xpellcd frmi C ogress for el!irg cadelships. The senator from the principal district iu the state is a double dyed black man, who was for twenty years lojt b'aik at otio of the hotels. The speaker of tiie senate, or lieutenant governor, is a negro; the speaker of the hi use is a white loan of Jewish extraction, to in that body. Eun p. Afia and Africa are represented. Tne gov ernor is a white man Iroio Oiiio ; the secre tary of state is a ntgm; the attorney gentra! a white man from Massachusetts : the e ate treasurer a white man from the same htate. and the comptroller a white man from ith Carolina. I bad the pleasure of meeting imt of thete eut!emtn, and did not hear one of them a mplain if hard times. It seems they have bought out Aladdin." aud can uow serve the people on very sma!! a! aries without losing money. The sceues in the house beggar description. The ward robe of negroes is not as gaudy as you would Upcct, but occasiocally a figure struts be fore you iu a fit ry vest and spangled bosom. This reminds you of a story they tell of Sen ator Crews, who, before the war, was "a slave drier," or. as we would call bim. "a drovr," and was accu-tomed to bring in lots for sale at Chaileston every mouth. He i now a radical member of the sruate. Recently a committee uas nppoiuted to visit the State Insaue Asylum and report upon its condi tion. The committee consisted of about a dozen. Crews was the only white man, and was chairman. Upon entering tbt grounds of the asylum at the head of his sooty dele gation he was met by an inmate named Har ris or Ha-risou, who had, when iu his right mind, been a prominent citizen i f Charles ton and often bought slaves of Crows, and who. ignorant of the great change ol alfa:rs. accosted the senator as fdlows : "Whv, Crews, bow :'ye do, glad to see you ?" Then stepp'mg back, and scanning the colored com mittee, continued, "WVl. this is the likeliest lot of niggers I ever knew you to biiog. Well, dressed; all got whiie shirts on. Why, how can you afford it ? liu.-ir;e-8 must be good." About then there was a general ex hibition cf ivory, fc I lowed by loud guffaws. This time Crews was sold, and be looked as if he would much rathvr be oo some other cru'se. One day while we were seated in the bouse a colored member drew his chair up to Sdas I' , a blunt boy of a d. z n years, who was seated behind me, and picking up a primed bid which was lying upon ins deck, said, "Boss, read dis bill to me, won't 301? Silas' red hair kindled, and he gri.til re plied, "No. I wou't do it. If you cau't read you have no business here." iNcic was rjcueuieui wune me bigamist, Boweii, in the latter part of his five hour speech was charging Gjv. Scott with sunilry tin erencies. Ciis of order! order! rang from all parts of tlie hall ; bauds instinctively reached under coat skirts where each member carried a six shjoter, but at length the tragic yrelded to be comic, ami the crisis p9ed. During this scene I was convulsed by the excited speech of one sable Cicero. Springing to his f-t as if be hsd collided with a darning needle in his chair, be cries out, "Mr. Speaka, Mr. Speaka, I rise to a pint of order," Speaker The gen- tieiiisn from Las the floor. Will the eutit-man ttte his point of order? IJe begins "Mr. Speak, my pint of order ant di? : Is we, is we, is w-we met yher to li. cu:s Governor Scott's private characta, or is we yher to leguslate for de state of South Carolina!" Speaker That is no point of order. The gentleman will state his point of order or yield the floor. "Mr. Speaka, (vo ciferously), does dat geutleman, (meauit.g Mr. Uowen), de very man dat Got. Scott locked up in Castle Pickney for ho ken de poor colordtd folks' cotton, mean to insult dis bouse dat am met yber for de purposu of sittiu on de best interests of da state and le vauting (eejihant-'mp) its resources." Here the speaker's gaval falls, and the gent'eman subsides, to be followed by a dozen others in the same ludicrous style. At times the speaker re'axes the rules and then there is a general smoke, etc. O'J one cf these occa sions ic loikiug over my shoulder I discov ered my dignified traveling companion Col. M . in a most obsequious attitude hold ing a lighted match to a colored gentlemau's cigar. You would have supposed I was suddenly seized by cramp in the stomach. Tbuk Stout op the Bull Ti p. Under the above captiou the Cincinnati correspon dent of the St. Paul Dispatch contains the sntjiued statement, which we may consider ourselves as called upon to copy, from a due regard to "the truth of history." "Everybody is familiar with the story of the bull pup sent to President Grant, which he refused to accept because the ex press charges were not paid. The 6equel of the story is, I believe, new, aud at alt events I will give it at venture as related here by a 'man who knows.' Soon after Grant had refused the pup, he learned that it was a valuable animal, and greatly re gretted he had Dot paid the charger ('4 50 ) He accordingly sent one of the Dents down to the express office the mxt day to secure the pup. Judge of his. horror whrn he learned that a colored man had paid the charges and taken the pup home. D-ut was directed to hunt up the colored 'man and brother,' and see what he would take for the pup. Ha finally succeeded in find ing him, and the price was set at $93 After a good deal of haggling the price was reduced to $45, and this Grant paid. The pup t now said to be worth 2200. but Grant has never forgiven himsslf fr hla ,a,buess whereby he tqaaodered thiitj.fiT, dollars and a half. This is an o'er imo tale, and shows the calibre of our model President." The question at a country tea-party turn ing on the impropriety of mixing up cakes with a pinch of sauff ic the fingers, a lad remaiked that he bad seen his mother do it. and never drop a bit of scuff. "Why, rry ion," said the Jsdy, how can yru lie so?" Well, mother," he replied, "may le jr n did drop a littlu." - 1ST OF BETA ILEUS of Foreign I nnrl DnniMtie Merchandise In the (Jounty of Cambria, as ahpraised for the fear : Cr.ASS. - UC'tr. CLASS. T.IC'FR, if- li Lew U Shank... 7 SOU Charles Hclsel. 50 Allegheny Tnurnithip. 13 William J. Buck 10 50 Bliuy.lick T'ncnthip. 14 G. B. "Wike 7 50 CnrroUtttwn Biinnigh. II Andrew Hao?.. 7 50 14 J. F. Maucher.. 7 50 II .John Winner.. 7 50 14 A. Walters 7 W U John Buck 7 50 14 Simon Scbroth. 7 50 14 J.W.Sbarbaugh 7 53 13 A.A.BarkerfcSu.12 50 Camlrria Borttugh. 1. John Bran 10 50 14 John Kintz 7 50 Siit.ich.lO 50,14 Iluu'abUockroil 7 50 11 lMn'l M'Donuld 7 0i Cnopt i&lale Borough. !t Joliti 1). Adams 10 00 Ctneuiaii(jh Borough. 14 Mleh'i Toohey.. 7 50 14 Mrs. L. Aaron.. 7 50 14 John Stormcr.. 7 50 14 Jacob Widman. 7 50 14 Auk- LtUmyer. 7 501 Clearfield Tourntiiip. 14 K. R. Dunegan. 7 50M4 Alice Wharton. 7 50 Croylc Totrnship. 13 P.M.& J.Brown.10 50 14 J. T. Plummer. 7 50 14 S. S. Paul ... 7 50! " J. D- Weutroth. 7 50 J. C. Stineman.. 7 50" C7tt Springs Borough. ! " ? M? 59 wm. W. Saupp. i lj .itiin rni sp 50." Jacob Waguer.. Oiest 7VtrriMiip. 14 Win. S. Dickey. 7 50114 Thomas Ott Cairoll Tou-nxhtp. 14 John Soissinjf... 7 50114 Nich. Lambour. 50 50 Knst Conemavgh Borouuh. P.F. Shaffer 10 5014 Bracken & Ejran 7 50 J.S. Buchanan. 10 501" I. A. Berkej pile 7 0 Ebcn&urg Bttrnvuh. S. Fields 7 50 13 M. L. Oatman.-.IO 50 C. T. Huberts... 7 50i " Myers Llojd.l't 50 l,'moii&Murray 7 50, " Zuliiu & Son 10 50 13 14 S. P. Mct'nnu. 7 50 " U.K. Jmvis Jc (-O.IU oU 7 50, " V. S. Jiarker 10 50 7 50' " J. P. Thompson. 10 00 7 50 12 E.liohertsA Sonlti 00 7 .r'0 " ieo. Iluntlev. ..13 ( 7 50, " A.A.BarkeriS'nl3 CO 7 50 1 li. O. t (wens S. II. Davis K. J. Mills It. J. I.loyd V laitlrintrer. Jucob Thomas.. Frauhliii littrnvgh. S. C. Bole 4 Co. 7 50(14 Peter Kubritz... 7 50 K. Custer 7 50E13 I, W. Coulter. .10 50 I U tiuUitzin Tiiu nxliip. 14 MarsaretCnin.. 7 50 14 l:ivid Mills 7 50 " Patrick Smith.. 7 50 " John J. Troxell 7 50 " Jus. C. Murray. 7 50, " C. I). Bradley... 7 50 " Mnth. J)ifiiHUi.. 7 5, " Marjr't Whalen. 7 5tl " A. .1. linker 7 50 13 Thos. Bradley. .10 00 " F.J. Christy 7 50i Juhmtown Bomugh. 1 Wood, Morrcll ! i Co 200 50 9 T G Stewart &. 11 Math Mooney.. 44 Andrirw Moses. 44 t Jsca r ( i ru It . . . . " Jai-ot. Wild " A J Swartz 50 50 t 50 50 Co 25 50 11 Geis ic Foster. 15 50 - i n:is ii cuppt i-t 44 Wm Caldwell.. 44 WHLrfM-erirood 44 A PteiuVr 44 T W Yol.i-.... ' John .Vuller... 44 John Seiinable 44 Ix wis Phillips. 44 J Bloi h 4 Wm Berlin 44 J O A Benshoff. " J Hank in 4 A Montirumery 44 M - A Nathan. 44 1. Cohen 44 K Sehnltz 44 L, Luekhardt.. " LJ Kin 44 B-W Harshbt r- Rer " Chas J Yost 44 W W l ike " M P Menirher. . 44 HG.M Cuiloujfh 44 C ETibbott 4 M.iryL Keemle 44 John M Beoso. 44 Cuth'ne Morris 44 Davis A Lewi?. 44 Chas Oswald... 44 Itieh'd Bennett 44 A D Brink or... 44 JUM Culloujfh V Co 44 I J Hubert.... 44 J Cunningham 44 John Han nan. 44 F Bonier 44 Jos Koontz.. . . 44 C Hochstein... 44 Chns Sainuel... 44 G Shaffer 44 F Krebbs 44 Foekler A Co.. 44 I) C M irris.... " James Quinn.. 44 J Thomas A Co 44 Albert Keeke.. 44 Dibert A Bloch ' 50 50 f0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ' 50 ' 50 ' M 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 r so 50 50 50 ' 50 50 ' 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .rx) 50 50 50 511 50 50 50 50 50 ;"!) rj 50 1 t- ll.TV Itl W " J Swank & Co. 13 On " .Ta ob Fend 13 " John Intait .. 13 00j Coppoek ... 13 00 " Bentoni Wavnel.3 oo 13 (Jriffln & Tittle 10 50 " Win ITpdeffraff 10 5u " fleis A: Keulh.. 10 50 " C. Bent ley 10 50 " J:is J Murphy. Ill 5 " John T Kinney 10 50 ' John Thomas.. 10 50 " M HM aver 10 50 " Jno.I Murphy. 10 5U1 -. , -i- g razer 10 so " 1 Dit-i t& Son 10 50 " S J Hess & Pro 10 5U " TA.O Callajrhc r 10 50 " M I,'.ronbersr. 10 50' " Ch's Unverzayt lo M " V Louther 10 50 " (i WnirnercVSon 10 50 : " W .1 Ko 4; Co. 10 50 II I.Ff.itenlwrg-er Moore & Co " Hob't Sajrerson " ( has Murr " Hay Brothers. " John Jordan.. " A Krnuss " David Creed... " Georjre Heiser. " J W Stevenson " WniM-Pherson " Georjre Kinir.. " Bott A- K reiser " Christ Kimple. " A (iearUardt... " Biindie, Kuu- 50 50' 50' 51) 1 5!i' 50. .mi ; 5U 50' 50 50 50 i 50 kcl & Co 7 50 " Adam Pfarr... 7 50 1 " () J Thomas... 7 50 1 ' A Burjrraff 7 V " Kmil Vouiiir... 7 Mi " N & C A Home 7 50 j " A S Wutrsiarr.. 7 5oi JiU'kson Township. 14 Samuel Stiles.. 7 50;14 Da'id Simmons 11 George Wt-hn.. 7 501 Lorcttn Borough. 00 14 F X Haid 7 50, 13 Shields & Son.. If T O'Friel 7 50, " A J Christy M-iry Kestder.. 7 50 44 Wm Litziner. M Luttriner. 7 50i 44 John Bradley.. UTillritt Tinrimtih. 10 50 10 50 10 50 10 50 13 G W Stutztnan 10 50fl4 II W Given P MLormott.. 7 50: 14 Win W Junes.. 14 14 7 50 7 50 7 "xl 7 50 7 50 7 5J Itielilnnrl U'mrjiWd'P. Bernard Nccss. 7 50 14 Geo Burkcv... John Mattern.. 7 50 " Ilenrv Shatter. Isaac B Horner 7 50 44 lien Conrad. .. . John Fper 7. VI! 14 Wm MTonnell 14 44 Marg t Gillan. 7 50; 44 Jas A Malier.. 44 Christ Reich.. 7 50 Suiufucliahtia Toicrifftip. 14 P W Ilclfrlcb. 7 50S14 Peter Gannan Vanhingtrm Tvp. 13 .Vartin A Co... 10 50 14 K .Vclntosh... Win Prinprle... 10 51; 44 Jane Sweeny. 14 Johnl J'lirrisb. 7 ."SO, 4' G .1 I:ivia 7 50 7 50 7 .V) 7 50 7 00 7 50 Wui Gi-iflltb. . K .VcGougu. . Wm Flinn Jas Conrad... 7 50 1 44 JIIDyiertACo 7 501 44 Jane Lealiv . 7 50 44 M B.VcIjiuMi- 7 50 liu 7 .V)' 7 50 7 50 7 50 10 0 7 50 7 50 7 50 Otho Styucr... IFffmore Ttitmtinh. 13 V M Wolesla- tl4 John Soli rot li.. Kle & Son... 10 50 44 Paul Settlo- 44 E r Evan 10 50 moyer 14 Jno JcColgtui. 7 .Vl Taylor Township. 13 Wood, Morrcll & Co White Township. " 13 Gates & Son... 10 5014 A 11 KiskeACo " Walters A Son 10 503 Woodvalc Borough. 14 John B Clarke V oler Township. 14 Jacob Ream... 7 5O3I4 Jercuiu Ilciplo 44 W Levingston. 7 5l BREWERIES. Florlan Bonsrele, Loretto Borough.... George Guenreiran. Cambria lloroiorh 15 50 ir 5J J a. Mcmmor, Junustuwa Uoroiiirh.. 15 50 15 fl 15 5G 15 50 15 :n 15 50 15 50 . 15 50 Henry Hansman, .Max nennacn, 44 Joseph Kft, Conemaugh Township Lambert A Kress, Conemaugh liorough. G.fJ. Schwaderer, Washington Twp Henry Blum, Carrolltown Borough Julius Steich, 44 " BILLIARD TABLES AND TEN-PIN ALLEYS. G. W. Mullin, Washington Township 2 Billiard Tables 15 50 1 Ten-Pin Alley 8 00 AV. S. McLnin, Johnstown Borough 4 Billiard Tables... 60 50 Av Appeal will be held at the Treasurer's Office, Ebensburg, on Monday, the 3l day of June next. GEORGE GUR LEV, April 7, 1873.-6t. Mereant de Appraiser. THE WORLD CIMLLEKGED TO PRODUCE ITS EQUAI,! rp AYLOK & CO.. of Altoona, are fast gaining an enviable reputation as philan thropists by introducing among the ladies the AMERICAN CHAMPION WASHER I the only Washing Machine in the market that will do its work perfectly on all kinds of cloth ing without the aid of a rubbing toard. It washest without rubbing, rolling or press ing the clothes in any way, and hence without any wearing of the fabric. It will wHsh anything, lrom the finest lace to the heaviest bed-quilt. It will do the same work in a shorter timcand with less labor than any other Machine made. Any person desiring a Washing Machine can have a Champion Washer -takcu to their rei denee and testil, when, if not satisfactory, it wiil be taken away without cost to them. CONVINCING TESTIMONV. Messrs. Tatuir & Co.Geits: Your Ameri can Champion Washer has been in use at my hotel long enough to convince us that it isali, it claims to be. It save two-thirds of the labor and time and does the work as well as it can be done by hand. We would not be without it for double Its cost. IHENRV FOSTER, Ebensbnrg, March 20, '72. Cambria House. tF Manufactured and sold by Tatlor&Co. No. HOC Twelfth fctrcer. Altoona. and for sale by V. LUTTR1NGER, March 23, 1872.-3m. Main St., Ebensburjr. GW. EASLY, Attorney at Law, Office, No. 108 Frttiklin street, Johns town. Pa , two doors North of Fraxer's Drujt Store. Will attend promptly to all manner of legal businss that may be entru3ted to him. yiLLIAM KITTELL, Attorney4 b-xPf kITi' w:Ebehsburg, Ia. Office in Col Ofid. Row, Centre street. IJanO.-tf. 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as ow of the most eflfectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing' the sys tem and purifying the blood. . It has Nl&1)'J& 8tood test f Qi years, with a con stantly growing imp utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and sypliilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, manv of which are publicly known, of Hcrof'ula, and all scrofulous diseases, UlcefS, Irruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Iiniples, Pustules Sores. St. Anthony's Fire, Kose or Lrysipe Isvs, Tetter, Salt IJheum, cattl Head, Itinprworm, and internal Ul cerations of tlie Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debility, and lidicorrlicea, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous txrisons. Jt is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring", liy renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED JB Y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Anal itieal Chemist. SOLD BY ALL DRVG'SISTS EVERYWHERE. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair, Jt soon restores faded or gray Jiair to its original color, icith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin t hair is thickened, falliner hair checked. and baldness often, though not always, cured by it3 use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth- of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co.,' Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWEIil MASS. . NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUR-No SU GAR of lead-no litharge- No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear as crystal, It will not soil the finest fabric perfectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFFICIENT, desideratnms LONG sought FOR AND FOUND AT LAST 1 It restores and prevents the Hair from be coming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy appearance, removes Dandruff, is cool aud refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and re stores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headache, cures all humors, cu taneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A DRESSING FOR TH E HAIR IT IS THE BEST ARTICLE IN THE MARKET. Uk. G. SMITH, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Pre pared only by PROCTOR BROTHERS, Glou cester, a sb. The genuine Is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Drug gist for XATCRWS HAIR RESTVItATlVE. und take no other. C"Send two three cent stamps to Procter B bothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contains is worth j0u to any person. terror sale by LEMMON & MURRAY, Drug gists, &.C., Ebensburg. Pa. Uune 3, 71.-lyJ piCKERSELL, LYONS & CO., Manufacturers aud Dealers in LOOKING GLASSES Fine antel and Pier Looking Glasses and Pic ture Frames a specialty. 3-18. 141 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pav. 3m. Pittsburgh, Pa., -Dealer In Iron and Wood Working Ma ehfnerjr and Mnnfsrtnrfr' Nupplies; has constantly 011 hand a complete stock of Smith's Sash and Door Machinery. J udon Gov ernors, Taps and Dies, Emery Wheers, Belting, Packing, &c Woodwokth's Planeks a special ty. Send for Circulars and Prices. 8-9.-3m.l 'if f BADVAY'S ready "reuef CCEKS THK WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR kftr rJine this advertisement need any on SCrFEB WITH PAtN. KADWAT-S r.EAPTRELI.Erls A CURB FOB v. tk. Hi,! InH f TH Only ifeittedy thx iMtMtlT stop, too mot excnieUUrtt pM. Tt luflLn.tk)am. and cure CotireiUoni, whether of the Ludcb. Stomach, How4-, ' " iud or organs, by ISflrKoSt oirz to twenty viwtbs. bo mtrtter how Tlolent or exeraciatln-f the pin the RHEUMATIC. Bed-ridden, Inflrm, Crippled, ISexroua. Jiiuralgie. or pirated with dlseaae may auffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL ATTORD INSTANT KASE. lXTLAilMATIOV (IT THK KIDNEYS. - "MM1SKLAMMAT10N OK THK DLADDEQ rVFtAUiLAilON OK THE BOWELS. CONGESTION Or THK LTJNGa S0R THROAT llKICCLTj r''A-jnj' jj BT3TXEICS. CBUCP. txIWtTENZA. HSADACHK. TOOTHACUI HKVMJLTISU. CtLVpS Iffii&lM to the P, 6r paru wir tlie pala or Jifflculty eiia will afford MTweIii)droti In half a tumbler of water wttl tn a few 'eSBAMPS. SMSOUR STOMACH. 11 F 4 RTBCRV SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, StsKNTERY; COLIC. WLNli lit Hfi BOWlvLS. and all INTERNAL. PAINS. TraTcJera should alwaya eairr nottle of Salwty'i Ttratiy Relief with them. A few drop in water will prevent aicknea or pain from change of water. It la Ce.ter than French Brandy or Bitten aa a itlmuiaiit. FETZR AND AGUE. FEVER AND AG UK cured for fiftv cent. Thert hi aot a reruedial aeeut in this world that will cure fever and A rue, and all other Malarious, bilious. Scarlet, Ty phoid, Yellow, and other i'evera (aided by RADWAV'3 PILLS) so quick a RADWAY'S READX KELLSF. Fifty cent per bottle. Bold by DiHf gists. HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! BTRONO AND TCRE RICH BLOOD INCKEA SB Or FLISH AND WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION bECLKED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADS THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES ; 6 QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGE4 1 HE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN FLUENCE Or THIS TRULY WONUEKTUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh ana weignt is seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLV ENT corrmunicats through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices or the svatern the vigor of life, fur It repairs the wastes of the body with Dew and sound material. Scrofula, Svphllis, Censuniptlon, Glandular diaeaae. Ulcers ta the Throat, M truth. Tamers. Nodes to tns Glands and other parts of the system, Sura Eyes, Strumous Diaehargra front the Cars, and Die worst forms of Skia dtseasea. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head. King Worm, Sail Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots. Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers In thw Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Nigbt S wests. Loss of (Sperm, and all wastes of the fife Princi ple, are within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using It for either of these forms of disease its potent power to cure them. If ths patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that Is continually progressing, suc ceeds in arresting these wsstes. and repairs tns sarr.a with Dsw material made from healthy blood aud this Uis SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure. Not only does the SsasarAaii.i.iaii Rbsoltbht excel all known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous, Constitutional, aud Skin diseases ; but It la the oaiy Botiuve cur cr la-iaiicj- a: xliaddcr Complaints, Urinary, and Womb disesses, (JraveL Diabetes. Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Brigbt's Dts eaae. Albuminuria, and in all cates where there are brick dust deposits, or ths wster Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances lixe the white of an egr, or threads like white siik. or there is a morbid, dark, billons appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the ;na!l of the Back and along the Loins. Price, $1.00, WORMS. The. only known act sura Remedy fjr U'ormt 111, 2'ap, e(c. Tumor or 12 Years Growlli Cured by Radwaj't Rcnolvent. BevsatT, Mass.. Jalv It, I8. Ta. Rivvtr : t ssvs a.d Ovarian Tflaor la ihv'cvarU ana kovtll. all ths Doctors said 44 ll:r was n. klp for II." Iinal "try thing tSat was rKooimmdwl ; tat athiaf balssd ws. I a y.ar Kaaolvant, anl thongat I would try It : bat had as raith la it, swan I had auCarsd fr twslv. jaara. I took ix bttlM W th Raaolvent, and one sos sf Radway's Pit Im, aad two Wt tls of yonr Ravlr K.licf ; and tbora is sot a atga of tasaor ta ba ms or fvlt, and I feal sotlav, smarter, and sappier thaa I Save for twalvs years. Ths worst tumor waa in the left aid of the bswala, ovir the groin. I writs tbla te joe ior tks Saosfit of stasia. IT s caa subluh it if voa ehooos. Hannah r. kwapp. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet rnm. purge, regulate, purify, e'esnse. an ' strengthen. Ksd wsy's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, Livsr. Bowels, Kidnevs, BlsiUler. Nervous Diseases, Headache, Cnnetipsliou. Costiveness. Indigestion. Dysje ska, TVilionaneaa. Bilious Fever, Inflsniniation of the Bovre.a. Piles,and all Peraiigementsi.rths Internal Vis cera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegeta ble. .containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious tlrugs. far Observe the fallowing symptoms resulting froni Disorders of the Digestive Orgsns: CoQttipstisa, lowaid Pilas, Fsllnaoi of ths Blood la the Haad, Aridity of tSa Stocnarh, Nansas. Hvar-.bom, Uluat of Food, FaltBMa or Waigiit ia the fttomacb, rMir Ernrtationa. Sinking or riuttaring st lha Pit of tbs Stomach, Pwimming of ths Haad. Hurried and fh A-ult Brostbiag, Hollaring at Ibt Haart. Choking or Suffocating Saaaatioa, whas in a Lvir.g Poalurs, IHmnoii of Maiw. 1:.U ar Waba baforo tbs S sbt, raor and Doll raia la th Has.1, DiAV-isney of Pri irauon, Yilloantu of tke Skin end Evca, Pain o tna S'da. Cbaai, UirU, sad anoxias Flaahaa of Jirat, Burning in tba Floah. 1 Tew doses of R ADWAT3 PILLB w!!t free the svs te.u froms'l the s'.ove-rs'i,ed dianrtiers. Price, ai cents nrr hoi. SOLD BY PP.UOGISTS. READ -FALSE AND TRUE." Send one rrtter fampto PMWAY A CO.. No. 87 Usiden Lsne, New Vox a. Iufiima:,on worth thousands will be aext v.u. AEI I IRJ1 m OLD STAND GOOD GOODS & GREAT BARGAINS FOK THE HEADY CASH I HAVING become proprietors of the STORK UOO and STOCK OF GOODS recently be lonirintf to H. A. Slioeniaker Si o., aad baviug purcliused an additional STOCK OF NEW GOODS IfT URJCAT VARIETX; we are now prepared to supply all the old cus tomers of the late firm, and as many new ones as will patronize us, with Goods of all kinds at PRICES FULLY AS LOW as any other merchant in or out of Cambria county. It is our intention to keep our Store constantly sto-Ken witn a tun and well selected t-uiifiantiy siovKen wirn a mil anu wen selected assortment of DRY HOODS, DKESS GOODS, FANCY HOODS. NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOF.S, If ATS. CAPS, CLOTHING, CAKPETS. FURNJ- a: F If ATS. TUHn. OIL CLOTHS. OIIERVSWAHE. Rk(' CKKIEct, FLOI'K, BACON, FISH, SALT, TO BACCO, CIO A US. and all other articles, Inrtra or small, that can be found In any store of like oharacter in the county ; and as we intend to SELL EXCLISIVELY lor CASH OK COl'STRY PHUUVCE, and make no bad debts, we feel sure that our stock and our prices will not only secure but retain for us a liberal share of patronagre. EARLY VISITS FROM ONE AND ALL are respectfully solicited, and If we fail to ren der entire satisfaction, both as repards the qual ity of our (foods and the prices asked for them, it will certainly be no fault of the new firm at the old stand of Shoemaker Jc Co., Higrb street. Don't forgret to call and we'll not forget to irlVw you full value for your money. MYERS & LLOYD. Ebensburgr, Jan. 28, 137L-tf . Cad &5 vsr O H if) TUSIC! MUSIC!! The "Sisters -L- or St. Joseph" will be prepared to give Lessons on the PIANO MELODEON or CABI NET ORGAN at any time after Easter. f"For terms apply to the SiiDerloress. Sis ter M. Hoktensk, or to Rev. R. C. Christt, ""njes moaerate. Ebensbury, A prll 1. 1871 tf. gClEO. M. KKADE, AUornevatLaw, V Ebensburg, Pa. Office in new building recently erected on Centre atreet. two doors from High street. .g-an!- Taniel Mclaughlin, Attorn Jr at-Lsiw, Johnstown, Pa. Office In the old "Change building-, (up-staira.) corner of Clin ton and Locust streets. Will attend to all bus- iness connected with his profession TOHN l. LINTON. AttornrvalLaw. Johnstown, Pa. Office in building- south west corner of Main and Franklin streets, sec nd story. Entrance on Franklin street. Eh t-a2 pr2 . Vinegar Hitter arc not a vtla Fancy Drink, snade of Poor Rum, Whiskev, Proof Spirits and "Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called - Tonics," 44 Appetisers," ' Restorers." etc., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-wiving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying ofT all poisonous matter and restoring the blood ton healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain ia their results, safe and reliable in all forma of disease . No Person can take these) tilttarf sccord rng to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital or&ans wasted beyond ths point of repair. Dys-pepsiaYor Indig-eat Iori Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Cliest, Dix siness. Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mauth, bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the l.uns. Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the ofisptings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits than a lenrthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, m young or 61, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. For Inflammatory and Clironle Rliert nalism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, liiliom. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Biood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, svli'clt is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. They- aire at Uentls Psirarat Ire well aa Tonic, possessing also the peculiir merit of acting as a powerful a-ent in relieving Congestion ar Inflam mation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and ia Bilioiw Diseases. For Sklsa Diseases, Eruptions', Tetter. Salt Rhenmy Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car huneles. Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery Srpelas, I tell. Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short lima by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince tha most incredulous of their curative effects'. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yoa find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it ob structed and sluggislr in tlie veins : cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim Vinccak Bit ties the roost wonderful luvigurant that ever sustaiucd the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and oilier WWnN, larkingf itt the system of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in' Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance 111 life, will be subiect to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose of Walker's Vinbcab Bittkbs once or twice a week, as a Preventive. Dillons, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas. Red, Colorado, Braios, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably to during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being dogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a poweiful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. Walkiu's Vinigar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King's KvM, 'White Swellings, TJ'cers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores. Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Walkks's Vinegar Bittbrs have shown their great curative powers iu tlie most obstiuate and intract able esses. Dr. Walker's California Tlncgar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Biood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, aud a permanent cure is effected. Ths properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces- Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and- bowe'.s, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, ate Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout ths system- Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to ail remedial agents, fur the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc fortify the body against dtaeaee br puri fying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great mvig orant. Directions. Take of the Bitters on gome to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glaasfulL Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, muttoa chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. It, H. McDOXALD A. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts.. New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. I.DCXSDIIRG lllf Ml 111 If HAVING lecently enlarged our stock we are now prepared to sell at a great reduction from former prices. Our stock con sists of Drags, Med icines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's. Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plasters, Liniments Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Essences, Lemon Svrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, Pure Spices, tc. ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap, Post. Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books. Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, Bibles, Religious.Prajer and Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, tic. 13?" We have added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. rUOTOGRA.ni ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered in this place. Paper and Cigars sold either wholesale or re tail. . LEMMON & MURRAY. July 30, 1868. Main Street, Ebensburg. LORETTO MARBLE WORKS. PRICES REDUCED! And Work Warranted I t. MONUMENTS, Tomb Stonks, Bn REATT nnrl TlRi.cTnpa before deciding upon purchasing or orderlnrr work elsewhere. JAMES WILKINSON. Loretto. April 22. lBTl.-tf. LOGAN'S MARBLE WORKS ! 151 Franklin Street. Johnntewa; JOHN W. LOGAN, - Proprietor MOy.ENTS, HEAD and TOMB STONES. JtVtS01"111 A-ND CABINET 8 LA BS. AJN J. ELS. &c manufactured of the very best Ital ian and American Marbles. Perfect sattsfao tiooln work, design and price guaranteed. Ely-Orders respectfully solicited and prompt ly executed. Johnstown, Not. 11, 'TL-tf. 1872. SPRING. 1872. I ani now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS to cash rvKAr.n or m SSEET-IBD3 k MM Ml. ' KITHKE at WHOLESALE Oil li ETAIL. My stock consists in part of every T.sriety of Tin, SlieCt-Jron, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, EN AM F.I. I. ED AND PLAIN SAUCE PANS. BOILERS. Uc , COAL SHOVELS. MINE LAMPS, OIL CANS. HOUSKFURNISI.ING HARD WARE OF EVKJtY KIND. Spest'i Anti-Dust HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKISG SIOVES. NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES. Ar.dny Cooking .Stove desirotl I will Ct when ordered at manufacturer' pricea. Odd Stove Platea and Grates. &c., for re pair, on hand for the Stoves I sell ; ntherr will be ordered when wanted. Particular attention given to Spouting, Valleys and - Conductors, all of which will be made out of Leht mate rials and put un by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys WHOLESALE OI RKTAIL. I would call particular attenti-.n to the Light House Purncr, with 01a 0ne, for piviro mote lieht than any other in Hue. Also, the Paragon Bnrnor, for Crude Oil. TUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all size constantly on hand. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron at lowest 'possible rates. Wholesale Merchants' Lists now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person Hoping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa trouage I have already received, and will endeavor to please all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAY. JohuRtown. llarch 7. 18C7. YJfOOD, MORRELL & CO., WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 01Y WM MILLI1KBY GOODS HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE. B( OTS AND SHOES.- HATS AND CAPS. IRON AND NAILJ CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with all manner of Western lrodnr, such a FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CARBON OIL. &c, 4e. tW Wholesale and retail orders solicited e 1 1 . . ana nrompiiy nuea on tne et.onesi nonce ana most reasonable term. wood, morrell &. co. JDlimVI FUSNITURE MM WM. P. PATTON, Manufacturer mid Dealer in ALL, KINDS or CABINET FURNITURE Sos. ISO mid 133 linton Street, JUUXSTOirx, PA. Bureau4!, IledstKlf. Waslista ntls, Sidebnarrls, Chamber fots. Parlor Sets, WartlmtwR, Book Cames, Cane Chairs. Wood St'iit Chui rs, Kiteht-n Furniture, Bod Lo u litres. Mattresses, Tote-a-Tetes, K.x tension Tables, Dining Tables, lxu nj?et. lupimards, &c, &c, Ac, c &c. Sec, ic, &c 4-c, Ac, c. BTIRT DESCRIPTIO OF SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in excellent st e and at low prices. Cabinet and hairmakcrs' materials of all kinds for sale. Furniture delivered at anv point in Johnstown or at Kail road Station free of extra chargre. WM. f. PATTON. Johnstown, Oct. 13, lS70.-tf. Geis & Foster, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street. Jolinssovru, la. invite the attention of buyers to their large and. leg-ant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting or DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS. FANCY GOODS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ic.' AT EVERT PRICE! TENTISTKY. The undersigned, a M-r graduate of the Balti more College or Dental Sur gery, respect fully offers his PROFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit on the rocKTH Monday of each month, to re main one week. Aog13. SAM'L BELF0RD. D. D. S. Q ATM AN & BUCK, - Physicians snl Hnrareona. , . Cakrolltows, Pa. Office in rear of John Buck's store. Kiirht calls may be made either at the residence of JJr. Oattoan or at John Buck's residence. W. JAMISON. M. T) la a.-." ' ' issssssrias ., t'ta, Tenders his professional services to all citizens to the above place and vicinity who may atany time need Medical aid. laprJa.-tf. T J. LLOYD, succegsor'to R. S. rZ!tY,- Dealer in Druirs, Medicines, Per VjZl tjifrars. Tobacco, Motions, Paints, Ac Hr?t.iaili 8trev3U opposite the -Mansion House, Ebensburg. Pa. LAprtl 17. 1868.1 T LOYD & CO., BakkERS, t-nr-nia n EBENSBURG, P.4. tB.,,ll.Pilvlrr' Government Loans, and ?-8ecUrt,M;Jt,ouSht nd sold. 1 merest al ?rHiln. T.1me PPoei'a. Collections made at SiASi'b,tPolnU ln the United State, and a treneral Banking business transacted. The PliiLosoriiER Caricatu;-, t party of friends were on a train V - ew York with Horace Greeley the o i " i day, wLtn the farmer of Chip;.:-,, a ,tr f Hwlulljr vtctim-zt'd by a neweboy Hv' f titlier did not know bim ur was' wickedly inclined to poke fun at bia " " Horace was terribly dUgusted, hut to l MBtonifhment of bis friends di r;'t ripCut einele oath. The scene is thus doricribej. " l'rerently Ibe train boy carne a(r 1 with a bundle of weekly periodicals jjj 's one cf which were two or thrp ou;r2, S geous CRticatures of the philoac j iltr , one of itiese be tosseJ into Mr. 1 reeUv! lap. The sage took it up tnc-eUriiea:', 5 itnd glanced at the caricatures. TLep. sengers wrrc in a ferment. The man would certainly rip out an oaib Nut !), however. He looked blank!,.. j the picture of himself for a morr.i t V' banded it over lo Mr. Jot.r.fLii vntlioji, comment. The boy came ngain an l the periodical up. On bit very next ro'ind he ei r(i,i bundle c f pam' b'e 8. enti'led the ' Cci L fe of Horace Greeley," a prod iction ' erally illustrated with the most ara?,. '? ing carica'U'rs of the great e;iz?- . ll rew one of them inJo the phil )-o; l.tr: lnp with a fLp, and, to make n?s-irare doubly sure, popped one into th-i bar.j ef each tncmlicr of the party The 5 -; picture on Ihe ou'er page of ll-.is itjJ'j;. I ticn i? a view of ihf luty p&Uiare't b.irj j helped over the White IIousj wali l.v r.:.t. r... I. i : I'niiiiui, iiiiu iiis.uc a scene rejircsrii'.. ing him on the nag 'Protection," rmr,. for the White IIou?e ajralrist Victor.,' Woodhull on hr eieed 4,Free I-iOve." The fiend of a train-boy dropped tLij bombshell into tlie party and cheerily cs. tinued his nund. The r.hilo?pher gazod at this I.ihoa pnmphlit lon and Padly, as if syrroi:: that humanity could hare reached -uciu depth of degradation, tnrned onre rj looked solemnly at (he door through vj -j the fiendish trainboy had disappearei.v la j ing Ihe pamphlet aside, filently tUT. again to bit? newspaper. A general murmur of relief ran Brnrj' ti e passengers. A quiet calm settled upui them. "I guep it's nil a lis about b'u sxvearinj o much,'' fhd one. 44It would seem so," saii another. GroGBiPiiiCAL Tczzle We fad i, following j uzz'e from the pen of Mrs. Ei ward Ashley Walker, in cte of our txehaDj; e : I was awakened one morning by a Chine r f-Tajicrt, aud as the air was a country J ; South America, I wrapped myself in cr ; cloat made of part of the Chiuet-e eis; V, ; and lired w ith a c.pe in the southern p.". .' of the United States, and busied myseii . a town on the Schuylkill, tintrl aa ila:: east of Labrador called me to breakfast. A group of islands in the Gulf of Mei::: burned brightly on the hearth, and auutar group ljirg west of Africa greeted me wi a cheti lul song. Soon a lake of North America broug!,; : breakfast, which consisted of an A if country, ar.d a liver of British America r seasoned with a laka in the we.terD r of North America, end a Suth Amer:. city. To thee were added a gr .up of lands in the Pacific, and a plcntii'a.' po.-iLt of an inland iu the Atlantic. As I am naturally foud of another r.vp t islands in thepjcific.l chatted w'.t'uac;'' in Ohio, and after t had tatiffic-d u,y appe tite, which was at first a towu in the ern part of New Ilacnptdiite, I ate a ia:: group of islands east of India with her. A she was f-uffeiiug w ith a headache, I l a'l f: her head w ith a city on the Riiine, I st'T4 ped sudden'y. on discovering tint the N'.iri Arrerican lake was a Chinese ci'.y ! I assured him that he never wuu'.a I'Lt1. a city in the western part cf Mii:(.un ut'e-f he nieuJel hi- ways, although my dp tion toward hirn was a group cf it'a:. -the Pacific; rut should his Cocdr.ct rr. Fatisfactory he- mijiht look forward i:h a: Af:icn c;i e to obtaiuiLg a town K'--tucky in due tiaic. I then wtnt out and et j .yed a N -!" '' ' land cape, aftrr a lake Briii.-h A;::-1 aud after I returned, ficdii-g that V.e it. dren weie making a New Yotk lak;-, I them all to bed, after wishing a g. ur-4' of a Scottish cape upon thtm. AlOTDRB "SLFfPlXQ BeaCTV.'" A T7 " rrmaikable case tf lethargy occuirtJ i Winterport, Maine, a few days si ice. daughter of Howes Mayo went iototie jv: ou Tuesday. May 7, to bring it a litt'ec!.: which had unawares got cut of the L' While Miss Mayo was stooping ivt; '-: child he became suddenly dizzy, s: d c -p'ained of it to hvr mother, who put : Led. The girl fell iuto a prof ui.d " a'most immediately, and her mother, u; -try'Dg1to awakeo her in season for sur; was surprised to find her effjtts unava -'.i: After the family had eaten supper liny aii tried to awaken the girl, tut still vvi:h avail. The family becoai'ng seriously 3 j: ed, tba neighbors were called in, Cut tr could not suggest any method ty wi the fair sleeper could be aroused. A phy : cian was also summoned, and he ca! ei three other medical men, who amor.;; c: methotls. sat the girl in a chair, and p c'' water fiom a few feet above upon her VJ and shoulders, but even this failed, and : still sleeping girl was put again to N Except when she was disturbed, her brt-i-ing was slow and regular and her healthy. At 2 o'clock on the follow Sunday afternoon she turned over in i' bed and awaking, called to her mother. tA ing if supper wasn't ready yet, and f.u'-' said that rhe was real hungry. She t-f; got up and ate a hearty meal, aDd h.w in excellent health ever since. The of excited great interest in the town, and recovery of the sleeper was a theme .-f wonderment. Bangor Comn ercial. Horace G keelet heard that thev a& . 8000 pounds of butter from IG co?. ,;, Danbury. He bought a lot of co? once, and is going to have theragrouiiJi1'' and churned. t4You see," said lit". can buy live beef for 8 cents a pounJ. D' butter is worth 40. If it costs 2 cei V pound for Jabor, I shall clear 300 p r ef' The man who says lhat it is not 15 . liar and a horse thief!" Tiirt hare a man in Lock Haven name is Gaudam. His woulJ be -name for a church deacon. For in:" the preacher would say 4Gaudm. T. pass the plate." Sounds like cu.' don't it. If we were that fellow we have our Gaudam name changed tf , ; thing more revereotiaL--JP:''''t! ' J man a