re? Jambria JTrccmmu JUNE 1, 1872 j LOCAL AND PERSONAL. I sgr nixt yillmpant and near 116me. 1 vtocra has n foundling. ll'l be Washington tow nship coal miners are 4H..ri!iini'i show made $'2,173 . clear at i. I!'. "1 hrcj 's building a new houe on in ('!' Ct. . i;,,i erts' rew dwelling house is going tt i! or lie of a niile a minute. iljiiv pi; tx is talked of lor Johnstown, di'.i n F. C mil-ell as editor. i' t'li d iruk is to he cons tuced from ' ,. .... r i u I,, li.illi.zin. ui. . -v-,in fithers s;ty they mean to con- ,.,i-oiks thTs st.tiue. Uut I m.m of West Indiana, le'l lLto a li.r IT ,''.-! Fii'hiv, "'' gut 1,,irt a,,d wet- -"r-!r."h. id the lioliidiiTfcl.urp STANDARD, ... ,iL-'r fi t ccinet in I nnia. to til T he property is a very r . ... i i.. i. Al'iu- M him: ire. -e h: !l if ut";,a t-heu.-borg, and there. "I ,1, i,-u')n mid Allodia aie talking of ' jl.V :i ' i:i MuuiiUinceis for a scries of itn - ,r.'. Pi-' rv. 1:1 n sense, will come the liut.ils of John llatinnn. far :i in " I-,, hei:o-e. Make a i.ote ot l to miss i'.UlcJ ilemutderer, will be Court i ext. week A full res i,t 'i ' U:i 1. ri , '.if iei !,: ortfi t-i li e t -i:ui-i-y c;icueu hi uie case lll ,. ',: uin t- i- our next issue. ,nuA M .r-hall fell liom the upper ,.iV -ul'e, in Indiana, one day ,1 s i WCi! niangtr, wa ii juictl , .,!, a;: tx'ci.t that he mar dirt j ., t. i qi.ired the nccouij li.-h-l;i v a::il do not understand the ocr 1 h."; eetm'y. :" iuUr:i v tn -? irenl ' :tM T!il cf Lf mi A i'j. ma, inn i red not p to 1 Lev keep none but I' -He. : about this matter is that ibou incut, to-tnoirow will see Hie .i i j i i re can luke Tour phototraph in illifr Ht-.i'itl or loul. Loll ul Ills gallery k !4: h-? tc'.intn pictures. !il"d Giindtll. whose parents re deii Ki! A i oi'na, fcustair.ed i-eveie injuries i jiwi ; : L' IV a tieilit train ut l.linbeth ai.ic i n S.-iiuday. He w as going down en on tir-hiii;; exclusion. 3 : i p.nty who stole our ru off the porti of i i.r ridence this is nn advertisement, ni: lit K. HI its, Ebetihbutg will please ::iri l e same immediately, as we hav none rp-. it, etc. 1 he thief i known, -fj'hi uh it ruined Thursday, and though ,d was deep in the street, yet tJeorga Hunt was on liai d Decotatiun Day, and has a on haml erer since. His s;;etiilty is mie, but he will sell you a stove if you d one -Col Joha Woods, of the Exchange Hotel, .oona, had one hundred j;uns fnel, between hours ol T mid Ij o'clock yesteiday morns .in hunor of the nomination of Chaile II ckalew lor Govtruor. C5ood lor the Colo- The mills tf God grind Flowly, but thy iod exceeding small. Atxl the price ol Hour up And the place in town nt which u Cun Y i : v a dollar's worth ol groceries Icr ehi i ; ! etr.ts is Ed. ililis' estabiifihuieut, ll i,l the D'i iinoi.d. .An ol,', c. t ..en of Wilmore, mined Rora t ii.inl tieid at the tal)le ol his sou i Jackr"ii t 'inri.-l.irt last Saturday. Thecause I hitiicj'b it unkt own. but marks discov red C.'i :. l )dy lend to ti'.e belli t that the ;itii ' ii l ie peduced it. T' e Fji cannibals nt liamum's museum t'i tn v.. in the pure Georgia dialect, that eyl ktil loihiiig in Cambria county sn e.l tbe Ioily i, tin t-pring styles at "al'ie irkei s store. And V il ie"s ftore i only 3 stt 8 iicro?9 the utrtet from this tfri.-e. 1 iu.e nt las', makes all things evn, we I told, ll has also heU 8tir;es:ed to ns t fine waits for no mm. Ail wh.cli has thh g to to with the fact that Cham. IloL 1 a -' I a li me-pi;ces cheaper than anybody iu iml li i county, Lut we mention it anyhow. I ii .-atuuliiy last, n man named George ulI i timmitted suicide at Alioona by sevor g tl i- i.i tti ies of his aims, lit w as a ribi er.t,i : Ne Jersey. On Sund..y, at ihetame ,i, i.i, known man died of delirium ire neui At llollidaysburg, oil Monday, Roman fetfl; i.' i.:.,:-ed himself . A lr.i:ne stable on the farm of Mr. David !eel, r ear Lutrobe, was struck by lightning n f e '.i sii:y week, and totally consuimd. 'rj ni. Ileii's th-ee chilcren, who were in lei ...t..e nt tl.e lime, escaped ui.liarmed, and 'o l ui;cs aiiti caUes wer takeu out insaiety. it a i the chickens were killed. A cii'.; man named William Alloway, s id i i: nt ,.air Furnace, w is severely injured, itiiiiirty last, while at work at Uaker's e ' 4i k hv a por'ion of the Lank caving in it in. Under the -ki'.lful care of Dr G E. i'fl ;i,an, of this ciy, say t the Altoona TriB 't young Alloway is in a lair way to recover. --Shoii.d not !ouie Hrraugemeut he made for e coneci trillion at rittsburgh of all ihe edi rs aiid their wives, etc.. ,!. 9 routes to Etie Ihe approaching exclusion lead itiroiifjn ihm. I)V All slmtild meet there and proceed to lie in a body a id the rittsburgh editors cmu ke an arrangement to that ell'ect. if they U only attend to the matter. -Some half dizcn naniei is All that our otr Press list contains up to present wiilinf, (fil e ngreate amount, although very lib tRl i nngiderii g the number of subscribers, "il'. scarcely snflice to buy one of the cog fcf$V V here is your patriotism , gent lefner? -en.- l.eur (rem jouduting Court, after which eti l commence the publication of the list itbtut fail provioitig, of course, you send in our. i.ames. No stamps wanted until the rjuirite number bave been heard Imtn. Lr. 11 nry Conrad, brother ol Mrs. Josiah hlisty.ot Galii zin, died ol consumption at Ir. Chitsty 's residence about 2 o'clock yesterd ay morning, atred some forty vers. Weknew he Doctor as man and boy for more than three lecades, and fully appteciated his generou narir natnte, hs well as I. ib high nrofesiona) j tuiumenti. He practiced the medical art for i everai yeais in the Dioad Top region, Hun ingdon county. His death hH9 entailed deep crrow upon his no widowed wife and several MliftV-s (hildren May lie rest in peace! , -ri I e Ititikna Mes-sender sms: A heavy !'1 im passed over Cook port ana vicinity on,.!,y luct. IJail, in large lumps, covered lc p t,a to the depth of an inch. The storm "M i. n ;iaiiied by the most vivid lightning od r ir-f.n-reing tluinder. Mr. Andrew Buter "of . a:. 1 Mr. Lorenzo Cook, were at work Bajj:;: rails, and when the storm came up -4 filter under a tree. They bad beeii cap H .,ort time wien tl,c (ree wa3 flTuc ''f"'';,''nS. killing Mr. Cook instantly and ?''' " j iring Mr. Huterbaugh. f e de igned noticing totnewh it at length '"""ii'icatioii in last week's Stand tun "on ft ri.tureof llollidaysburg," but so much '.as ciowded upon our time and sp-co that sr(; f)Ued to give it the go by. Nothing 4 h could say, however, would add to the ot the article iu question: hence, we only :5t- on rp."fr.t r,.. i,irA tlif t r, a wi-;rAKn '4 :''.v fiireboJing? may i ir'orioin future ma ''t -h-ir-. The pro;.er never be realized, hut may be in store for Hol- , ic iJi4cr wav iu Ktvm im? ilia il.ieaten is for the wealthy citizens of the i'iti- ti. . .i - .. .. J , . . .. r ' - ine Kiinnriiin inniri nnnnui . V iee contained in the communication l'. Hollida vhuror lm all i )ia Ip. in ,s of .""bounded prosperity within itself, cal"n' 11 "ot for the ap.ithy nni devil-mav-c .y'1'!1,1 ''hch has thus far settled like a r ' upon .the moneved men of that F '. U , p -lne "'oneyea men 01 that n i,tii,,?'J ''Hlo K'nce have assumed and t;, in th 1 ' ros'llin second t o no other inland " 't slwuii As l9' tbere 13 no reason hkh is . ?et afqire that -prosperity s?'l. cm .,.', 7" dvai.tages, properly devel it w ill secure lor it, and we trust 'At ,1 r . ""l 10rIK t '. -Pondencv KTuiaiu unuer me earn ft .;'. ''u"ufey whioh seems to have m it'll ;. 1 , ocvum iu unit thin , )l l "dJ,tb".atn to leavtit liule i-eseittd vilUg. DFJIOCRATIC COCXTY CCXVEXTIOX. IT2.L JtJ'.rOllT OF THE MiOCEEDIXUS. Orent irrmDyln the Con volition A n xrellent Ticket fioiuluated. The Cambria County Democratic Convention assembled at the Court House, In Tbensburjr, nt 1 o'clock, P. m., on Monday, June 2Tth, 18T2, for the purpose of nominating a county ticket to be supported nt the npproachtnp October election and for tbe frunsactloU of other usual business. The Convention was called to order by F. A. Shoemaker. Esq., Chairman of the County Committee, who, la a brief, but eloquent and well-timed, address, counseled harmony and rood will on the part of the dcleg-atcs convened, and expressed the hope that they would sefect and unite on a ticket that would be triumph antly elected. In couetusion, the Chairman thanked the Democracy for the honor they had conferred npon him. The Convention was then regularly organ ized by the election of James Kisq, of Johns town, as permanent Chairman, and John Mo Cohmick, of Summerhill township, and A. J. Khev, of Ebensbunr, as Secretaries. Thee'rcdentinlsof the delegates from the sev eral districts were then presented, every dis trict In the county being: reprebeuted. Follow ing is the LIST OF Adams Tp. Jacob It. Stull, Lewis W. Shank. Allegheny Tp. Win. J. Huck, Jos. Cramer. Blacklick Tp. Johu ll. Hile. I. N. Wissintrer. Cumbria Tp. TIioh. Hoov er, Martin Sunders. Cambria llor. Michael Sweeny, James Kelly. Carroll Tp. Francis A. IJuck, Daniel Durum. Carrolltowii Cor. John liuck. Hen j. Wertner. Chest Tp. Anth'y Anna, Jacob Kirkpatrick. Chest Springs llor. Jos. Wert tier, D. C. Little. Clearfield Tp. Silas Adams. Kichurd Collins. Concmaug-n Tp. -Jereiniuh Wis&iug-er, David J. Horner. Coiiematigrb Bor. 1st Ward. Herman Baumer, John Campbell ; 2d Ward, Michael cjuioo, Con rad Kt-nst. Coopersdale Dor. W. A. Krise, F. Berkeyplle. Croyle Tp. Jas. D. Plummet-, Daniel Parks. Knst Ccmermiiujfh Bor.-TLoiaas I 'fan, J. C. Fbensburjf Bor. East Ward. K. J. Lloyd, A. J. Khey , West Ward, John S. Ithey, William H. Sec hi or. Franklin Bor. Wm. Adams, Law'ce Furlong. ( Tj. C. D. Bradley, Patrick Smith. Jackson Tp. John Hajrer, Jacksou Itag-er. Johnstown Bor. 1st Ward, Autrust Danjres, J. W. Seijfb ; 2d Ward, Adolph Erb, John Uaab; od Ward, Lewis Wehn. James King-; 4th Ward, John A. Stemmer, John Genihart ; 5th "Wnrd, Jno. Hninilton, Antou Sarlouis ; Cth Ward, Wm. Lxihr, Wm. St rouse. Loretto Bor.- 1. J. Kellv, C. F. O Donnell. Millville Bor. Put'k Itoders, James O Cal lav'han. Minister Tp.Aujf. Dnrblti, Geo. M'Cullou(rh. Prospect Bor. Hutrh M'Monijrle, Dan'l Call. Hichland Tp. Wm. Cole, George Orris. Suminerliill Twp. Bernard Connolly, John M-Corniick. Summit ville Bor. Jas. A. Maher, Wm. Shar blllllf Ii. StiMiuchanna Tp. Jos. Bearer, S. Brothers. Taylor Tp. Jus. B. Clurk. Thos. Mi-Govern. Washington Tp.Jns. Farren. John Bradley. White Tp. Joseph Cramer, !iavid Hollis. Wilmore Bor. K. 1). Kvaus, Thomas Kinnev. Woodvale Bor. Dan'l Bert hold. Ch's Raylo'r. Voder Tp. Yost llochstcin, Wm. B. Osborn. There being- a tie vote between Brown (who hnd deputized J. C. Waikiushaw) and Da vid Humphreys, In the East Conemaugh dis trict, a motion was made that both be exclud ed, which was defeated. It was then moved that the contestants 'draw cuts," the geutlo i man drawing the longest "cut" to be the mnu, which motion prevailed. Mr. Waikiushaw, be inr successful, was admitted. The selection of n couuty ticket being next In order, John Hannnn, of Johnstown, R. H. Brow n, of Cresson. Nathaniel Home and Cyrus L. Pershing, of Johnstown, were named for ASSEMBLY, the several ballots resulting as follows: 3. 4. 5. 6. T. 8. . 10.11.12. Hannan... -'7 Si) Z9 30 31 31 Xi : ; 44 lirown.... 35 "A 37 3 3T 37 37 35 36 36 40 33 Home IS V, 13 14 15 14 14 14 14 14 (Wn.) Pershing.. 4 3 2 (withdrawn.) The name of .Mr. Pershing was withdrawn after the third ballot, and that of Mr. Home after the 10th. On the 11th ballot there was a li.-crcpancy in the tally ol t he clerk, one hav ing 10 for Mr. Brown, the other 39. and the Con vention pioceeded tothe 12th ballot, w hich re sulted in tbe selection of Mr. llannaa. as indi ent ed above. He w as thereupon declared the choice of the Convention. The names of A. D. Cri.-,tc, Jas. Griffin, Geo. W. Oatinan, Albert Brindle, Casper W. Easly and James M. Singer were then presented for the office of nKOlSTP.R AND RKCOKDKR, and the bnllotings resulted as given below : 1st. 2d. 3d. 7th. Pill. fViste ... Griffin... Ontnian. Brindle. Fuslv . ., 23 5 28 35 8t) (withdrawn.) 10 9(withd'n) 6 (withdrawn.) 13 17 11 (w'n) 28 28 35 43 it 13 6 9 11 6 7 7 12 11 6 00 4 VI 6 14 24 binder . The names of Messrs. Griffin, Brindle. Oat man and Easly were withdrawn, as above sta ted, and on the Pth ballot, James M. Singer, of Jackson township, having received a majority of the votes east, was declared the nominee for Register and Recorder. For the office of COCSTY COMMISSIONER the following names were announced : Antho ny Anna, Silas A. McGough, Joseph Criste, H. C. Devine, Joseph W. Priugle. Thomas M'Con nell, John B, Ross, James W. Condon and Ed ward Glass. The balloting resulted thus: 1st. 11 13 3 4 IS 4 4 4 . 4 2d. 23 13 5 4 3d. 4 th. 5th. 35 3 M 15 11 15 3 (wilhdr n.) 1 1 (w'n.) Anna . . . MoUough i-Ut. . . I Devtnn .'. I Primrle M 'Council . Boss Condon Glass 11 (withdrawn.) i- li a 3 -i S (w'n.) (withdrawn.) 9 9 4 3 Anthony received a Anna, of Chest township, having majority of the Convention, waa declared the nominee of the party for the of fice of County Commissioner. At this juncture a motion was made and adopted that a majority of the votes cast would nominate candidates for the remaining offices. The following gentlemen were put in nomi nation for POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR : John Bloch, Nicholas Helfrich, Wm. J. Head rick and Ansclm Weakland, with the result stated below 1st. Bloch 35 Helfrich 5 Headrick 14 Weakiaud 22 2d. 3d. 4th. 35 35 44 5 4 3 14 13 (wifn.) 28 22 28 On the 4th ballot, John Blcteh, of Johnstown, having recived 39 votes, being a m ijorily of the ballots cast, w as declared the nominee for Poor llmise Director. Several named were then ofTercd for the po sition of ' COU.TIT AUDITOR, and on the first ballot Peter Dougherty, Esq., of Siiminitville, having received SI votes, a majority of the vote polled, was declared the candidate for Auditor. Nathaniel Home wat elected Chairman of the County Committee, for the ensuing year. A motion was made and carried, that the Count v Committee as it has heretofore existed be abolished, and Mt the President of this Convention be authorized to appoint eiiht persons, w ho. w ith the Chairman, shall consti tute a Democratic County Executive commit tee, and that the uaid Committee shall exer cise and perform all the ol 11 ties which have usually been pe; formed by the County Com mittee. On motion, H. A. MePike was appointed Delegate to the next State Convention. fooiivd, That John Campbell, P. H. Shields ami E. R. Dunegan are hereby appointed Con ferees irora this county, to meet the other Conferees from this District, to nominate a candidate for Congress. fvsoivd. That lien. Joseph McDonald, Fran cis Bearer and Lawrence Furlong are hereby appointed Couferees, to meet other Conferees from this Senatorial District, to nominal) Delegates to the Constitutional Convention. The follow ing resolution was offered try Jno. S. Khey, Esq., and unanimously adopted : ft-wtvj, ly the Democracy of Cambria coun ty in Convention assembled, That we repose implicit faith anil confidence in the judgment, wisdom and iutriotisin of the Democratic Na tional Convention to be held at Baltimore on the 9th of July that on the question of candi dates for President and Vice-President its ac tion ought to be of binding force from which there can be no appeal that we will accept its decision as the voice of the Democracy of the Uaion. expressed by the only legitimate tribunal constituted for that purpose, and that we will give to its nominees a cordial and earnest support. Oa motion, the Convention adjourned ine LCommuuicatuin.'' OUR COMMON SCHOOLS. THE FERdT THLNG, Afr. Eda.jr 1 intend to write flftv-two- tet ters on the subject of popular education durl ingthe coming year. In these letters I shall enquire into the ! and nmctiri, etr. oif'L.TO'S to the defects, tbe first and s-reat whh Jni ""10' Jone- salaries ?r n "co.,mand ",I,d eeor qualified teach- the ,,a rti"K point-the first thing. Money! How shall it be obtained? Certainly V& !ai"V0n,Vfor tbo People are already heavily taxed. Ve need two or three millions or dollars per year more money than we have tit present. There are ten thousand teachers in the State. In rural districts, who do not receive enough money for teaching to keep themselves In respectable clothing. Tbey need. each, at 8 . hree hundred dollars more per year to afford a decent living. Their salaries are about thirty-five dollars per month for live and one half months, or about (XO per year, whereas they ought each one to get at least, 9500 per an num. Now where are these three uiillioua of money fo come from ? My first proposition is that the General Gov ernment grant tothe inhabitants in the thir teen oiiginal colonies, the amount of one dol lar annually to each and every inhabitant, from the proceeds of the public lauds, and in consid eration for the losses sustained bv the Revolu tionary war, the war of Jrtl2, und the Mexican war, a well as for the monev spent in the pur chase of Louisiana, Florida, Ac., which money must be spent in the cause of education. This would give to Pennsylvania about three mil lions of dollars annually. Now, why should this be done? 1st. Because tbe original inhabitants of these eoloniesfouirut for or paid for these lands. Hd. Because these lands are given to all the Western States for educational purpodes. 3d. Because the origin al thirteen Stares need the money.- These pro positions are strong. Every body knows that one hundred years ugo there were no Western States-that fifty years ago there were but few: that they ore in the main settled by foreigners who took no part in our struggles for Independ ence, yet who obtaineducational aid rroin thee lands as soon as they arrive and settle. Since the year 1800, teu millions of foreigners arrived in this country, three-fourths of whom settled In the W cstern Slates. I do not argue that they should not be educated, with the aid of the public lands; I only argue that the descend ants of those who fought for freedom, and who spent their treasure for the purchase of terri tory, have at least an equal right to a pro rata share of these lands. It is well known that every Western State receives large educational aid from these lands. Indeed, their chief reve nue arises from land grants for educational purposes. It is also well known that the thir teen original States need aid ; that they are struggling to maintain systems of public in struction, which are laeihcient for want of suf ficient means, and that the educational taxes are enormous in each State. I have not room or time to discuss thisquestion here. It is suf ficient to give the three propositions, and then let retlecting minds elaborate the argument. If in the struggle with the Iudtausand for free dom and iudependence, we did not Justly and honorably earn a title to those lands, we ought not to have them. If we did then we ought to have our share. If other and newer States ob tain aid, then we should obtain aid; and that we need aid is a foregone conclusion. Three millions a year would make a wonder ful change in the Common School system. The machinery of the system is good, but it is inef ficient. We bare State Superintendents, Couu ty Superintendents, Directors, Institutes, &c. What is wnuted is money. At present direc tors lannot obtain enough of teaehers to open schools, not even worthless teachers. No one will teach that cau do better. With the salaries largely increased, ability and taleut can be ob tained without difficulty. With aid from the domain the salaries can be made so without any iucrc-ase of taxation. This is the list thing to be doue to improve our system of education. If this cannot be obtained, then my second proposition is to obtain laud grants 10 teachers, say a quarter of a section to any teacher who shall have taught for ten years, a hslf section to any one who shall have taught twentv vears, and a full ticction to any one who shall have 1ut14.1t iuiij jrmr. iuis WUUIQ ill 11 11 CO tCUCn- ers to remain in that profession at even a low salary, in order to obtain a homestead iu old age. There uie still ouc billion and a quarter acres of land to give away, besides what has been squandered in various wavs. What bet ter thing could be doue with it than give it to foster and advauOe the cause of education? Kob lior. State Sundat School Association. The Pennsylvania Sunday School Association will meet in Pittsburgh on Tuesdav, June 11, and will continue in session throogh the two suc ceeding days. In addition to the necessary busine.-sof the meeting, there will headdress es. di-cussiona, convei sat ions and practice ex ercises for ihe direct development ot t he work ing power of our State. E. i'avson I'orter, ot Chicago, the Secretary-of International Sun day school Association, will l present and aid in planning for the most eflh-ient Slate or ganization and work ; and Miss Huttie N. Mor ris, of New York, one of the most competent of normal class teachers', w ill give special in structionsand specimen lessons upon teaching the yonng. All persons who may be appointed by any Snntluy school or Sunday school association, will be admitted on mesentatiou of credentials to that effect. All delegates who, prior to June 4, furnish their uamev to the committee on entertainment will be provided w ith homes address J. II. Baldwin, Esq., chairman ot" committee on entertainment, corner of Grant and Diamond street, Pittsburgh. Parties not so reporting cannot bo as-ured of accommo dation. Delegates arrivimr in l'ittsl.nro-ii -iii report to the committee at the church, sixth avenue, west of Grant street. Delegates who give notice of coming but do not report before noon. June 12, will be considered as waivin" the reservation of entertainment. The PennsylvaniaCentral railroad, with the Philadelphia and Erie, and all the brunches of these roads, will sell round trip tickets to 1 ittsburgn at excursion rates two ccnta per mile. Oilier roads will also furnish tickets at the same or less rates. Tickets for sale from J-riday, June 7, through Wednesday, June 12; good tor return until and upon Tuesdav. Juno IS. To secure these tickets, delegates must ob tain orders from George A. Peltz, State Sun day School Secretary, 1.-41 Filbert street. Phil adelphia. An order for a delegate's ticket will cover tickets for members of his family. Decoration DAT.-Notwithstanding-fTwet and disagreeable weather Thursday. Decoration Day was wed observed. At' 2 o'clock, v. m the !roc:liri(l t'rna,l nt V. ! w here an elegant address was delivered by F P. Tierney, Esq. Lloyd cemetery was lirt vis Ited, the Congregational cemetery next and i!1" r,l,o!icceini terv la.-t. At Llovd cemetery, ltev. T. It. Jones made a brief address in mem ory of the fallen dead : at the Congregational;ry, lteve. Cox ann Vokc ' n, at the lut hone l.rcb. Kov. Christ, eonefuded the exercises by some earnest words in endorse ment of Decoration Day aud its ceremonies The officers of the procession were Chief Mar' Bhal. Edgar Evans: Assistant Marshals. Hart man Berg and T. W. Dick: Captain. William Connell. Subjoined is a list of names i of de ceased soldiers whose graves were decorated : Lf'itd Cemetery. ' Hugh Jones, William K. Roberts, Wm R Humphreys George W. Davis, David H. Evans! Ihonias J. Evans, Griffith T. Evans, Adam Shin afelt, David Powell, jr., John Libby, Edward I. Evans, Lemuel Eyans. David I. Evans, David U u'eyer 168 Kober,s Evan K- vis, Chas George W. 'odd, Edward D. Davis, Milton Roberts, Thomas O. Evans. Catholic Cemeteni. James V. Noon, Thomas D. IJizinger, Andrew J. Litzinger, James M. Edclblute. Terhiblb AcciDENT.-We are under obligations-to nn Antistown correspondent for the following particulars of a shocking aecident which occurred near Bell's Mills on Son rday morning last. Two men named Cassiday, father and son. residing about two miles below Al toona, had been engaged for some little time past in cutting wood for John Bell, Esq "at or near Bell's Mills. They went to their work as usual on Saturday morning, theson proceeding -?i't.Up 8 taUen tree "uile 1 h rather, ashort distance away, began to file a cross-cut saw which he had fixed in a pine log vhich lay on the ground. The old gentlemai? was standing with the saw between hi, legs, when a coin gous hickory tree fell out of root, striking him upon the back, knocking him down, and ford big the teeth of the saw into his left breasU The injuria sustained were fearfu' and nbrTUr instantly fatal. The teeth penetrated t o thl left lung, cutting off the collar bone, and the ribs near their attachment to the breast hone Death ensued in about rive minutes. Miehuei Cassiday. the unfortunate victim of this acci dent, was well advanced in years, and leaves a a family and many friends to mourn ms sudden" taking off. UoUid'tiyxlKra Standard. eu,,utQ,. Thb Late Accident at Lilly's Station -As wo seen to have done injustice, though nn intentionally, to Mr, Campbell, engineer of the Construction train, in our report lust week of the railroad accident at Lllly'a, we cheer fully make tbe amende hniwraUc by giving publicity to tbe following letter received from that gentleinaav Portage, May 27, 1872. Mr. H. A. McPike Str: I see in your paper a misstatement in the account of tbo accident on the railroad near Lilly's Station Will you be kind enough to correct it? Yon say I jumped oft my engine when the accident occurred. Such w as not the case. I staved on my engine and went over the bank. Tire en gine turned twice with me on it. My bead and one of my legs were badly cut, but not serU eusly hurt. Whoever reported it to you told what is not true. Truly yours, 4c., . -i- . - . Wm. Ii. Campbell. i-CactiOJ. Every genuine box of Dr. Mc LANE'3 LIVER PILLS bears the signature of FLEMING BROS., anrf their private United I stares stamp. mo ub viner, ino nrket ie fttll of knUfltlep . - - . GO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF ! -Andy Fos ter, of the well known firm of Gfcis & Foster, was in New York and fuiladclphia recently, and as his experience in the purchase of dry goods of the newest patterns, latest styles and best quality is well known w expefttosee a rush of customers to that establishment when this fact becomes-generally known. Gcis r oster have the largest and best selected stock of dry gooda In this citv, but the firm desire toe-all particular attention to the department al lotted to CARPETS. One DOrtiOn Of thoil lurvo ilnri. la rlctvnforl tr I the sale of carpets, and as they bu v an Immense I stock at a time they are necessnrily enabled to l,uJ bc. i cneaper than any other store in tOWn. VfSit Oei .V'a . mmnlh at.irB Oil Clinton street, Johnstown, and examine their J uinoniiu prices ana wc are euro you win pat ronize the flrui. Another Siamese Twins. In . Conemaugh oorougb, about two weeks ago, a child was born w-hich bids fair to prove a greater curiosity than thecelebrated Siamese twins. The infant w e speak ot was born w ith a duplicate part of Itself attached to its bodv above the naval, but while this duplicate part is almost perfect in every other particular it is headless. The lower limbs Rre well formed, as also the body and arhis, but there is only one linger on each hand. The body is turned inwards and only requires a head to make it a well formed child. This in fant is a stout, hearty, fine-looking female, and if it should live will prove a wonderful curiosi ty. Johnstown A'cio. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, lira simple remedy, is anxious to make known to bis Tel low sufferers the means of cure. all who oewre i t, he will gnd a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which thev will find a sure cure for CnnumvtUm,Atlima.Bran chitix.A.r. Parties wishing the prescription will please address ll-ll.-lv.. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. 264 South Third St.. Williainsburgh, N. Y. Was Saoen Sir ? A Idendifer & Coppoek keep dry goods, dress goods, hats, bonnets, artificial flowers, and everything in the line of ladles wear, such as summer shawls, parasols, or um brellas, or sunshades, or what d'ye call 'em? Very obliging young men. Butler included. Call and t.iiy a hundred dollars worth for fifty, nt No. 212 Main street, tinder the Opera House, Johnstown. Don't delay ; time's passing away, and a well dressed lady is the most, handsomest being in creation. 1mm vivimus vlvamus. The Bio Show. Not Barnnm's ehow; 'but S.J. Hess fc Brother's-big wholesale and retail ready-msdo clothing emporium. Oak Hall, (Oh eal !)nt No. 241. Main street. Johnstown. No Fib at out this show. All real, ti ue, valuable, well sewed, well fittimr garments. Barn u in has pissed awav, but Hess remains, and the firm are still supplying their stock with rare, cheap, fasntonabl" summer stvles, warranted to please. Hessi Brother, mind you, are bound to please. So call at Oak Hall. Dn. Tenbero, of Altoona, has the onlv right in Central Pennsylvania to npp'.v the Fnlsom improvements on artificial teeth, and is not only ready but willing to promise in all cases (no matter how difficult) perfect satisfaction. This Improvement is fully adopted to public speakers, no matter how difficult the case. They will not fall in coughing, laughing, or talking. Ministers and lawyers should feel themselves partieulariv interested. A HAllGAIN! The property of the undersigned In Wilmore, late the property owned by Isaac Wike, Esq.. will be sold at a bar gain. It consfstsof a lot of ground in a good lo cution, with a good two story frame dwelling house, and a good store room attached, a good stable, fruit trees, garden, Ac. Posession given immediately. E. D. Evans, Esq., of Wilmore will show the premises to purchasers; and for terms of sale, apply to R. L. Johnston. Ebensbm g. or to tne sunseritier. A CINE MAG LIRE. June 1, l72.-3t. Pittsburgh fvlarbleized Mantel Works. ET TiL 213 S GJSZLiDO 193 LlBERXT SlREET, PlTTBUHCn-, Pa. Also, RANGES, CRATES. Ao.. and particular atiention paid to FURNACES, Public and Pri vate Buildings. June I.-3m.j CHEAP GOODS GOODS! S2B CHEfP! TTIIE undersiirned would announce to ids pa- trims and the public generally. th:it lid has just received a 1: rji'aml elegant'stock of BOOTS, SHOES, ti A ITERS, SLIPPERS. II AT?. CAPS. Ac : TEAS, COFFEES. SCiJ AKS. SYRI PS. SPICES, SOAPS, &c. : TOBACCO, CIGARS. SNPFFS, PERFUMERIES, NOTIONS, &C. ; OIL, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES. WALL PAPFS, WINDOW BLINDS, Ac ; besides a general varietr of other goods. Call soon and 6ee the bargains I am offering-. JAS. A. MAHER, June 1, 18T2.-3m. - Summit, Pa. 136. THE ONLY CATHOLIC 136. BOOK & PERIODICAL STOBB IN CAMBRIA COtNTY. J"J9 T. MEAGllEK, Wholesaleantl Retail Doo- ler in Standard Catholic Wckiks ot all kind. Pkaveh Books, Bibles, Historical and Contkovehsial Works, Pehiodicals, Pic rrKES, Fhames, Ac, Ac, i:w Franklin Street, Johnstown, Pa. Will sell every article nt;Bal tinioreor Phildelphia prices. A WicraUlucntiit allowed to the Hev. Cleruy, LOrraries, or those, buy inu in laroe. lot. Books bound and Pictures framed at the lowest possible prices. All the Eastern Weekly Papers for sale. 136 Franklin Street, Johnstown. 136. June 1, 1872'-tf. STATEMENT of the Auditors' Settle ment with the Supervisors of Allegheny township, Cambria county : CHARLES FLICK, Si pfrvisor, In account with liegbeuy Tow nship, DR. To am't of Duplicate Work Tax W.17 73 Cash " . l'JS.53-S97JM CR. By Work done by Taxables .-i30 72 " Exonerations 5; 1 ownshlp Onlcrs paid 1. s'j.i W ork done with his own team 1325 " Commission on Ciuth Tux Io.00-t801.75 Balance due Township. 95.51 ANTHONY McCOY, Supervisor, DR. To am't of Duplicate Work Tax.f 537 80 " "cVfSh " ' 150 6-cr8'9 By Work done by Taxables fcmPO Exonerations 5ti.47 " Time, fit! days, at 1-t0 per day, WUK) lownsnip iiraers paid U5.SI7 commission on uasn J ax . -'702.23 Balance due Township. 2;1.79 We. the undersigned, do certify that we have examined the above accounts and find them as above stated. WM. A. B. LITTLE, t.,v. JOHN A. McMCLLIN,) AudltorB Attest Joseph Hoque, Clerk. 5-1.-31. DENTISTRY ! AT REDICFI) IE A TEN ! DR. L. D.HOFFMAN, graduateof Dental Sur gery, respectfully inform the public that he has permanently located in' EBENSBURG, where ho may be found every day of the week. Dit. Hoffman, after having had ample prac tice for the space of seven years, does not hesi tate in affirming that he can give perfect satis faction In every ens relating to the profession. All branches of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry cufefully and scientincaHv performed. Particular attention given to tilling decayed teeth. Also, teeth extracted without pain. For further information concerning prices, etc., call at bi office on High street, opposite the Cambria House, where may be examined sam ples of his work,- which ttc-cd onlu be tteen to be appreciated. T may 25.-tf. P)ISSOLUTION of PARTNERS HI P. ' The firm of Zahm & Son will expire by limitation on the firxt dau of June, proximo, af ter which time the Mercantile business will be continued ut the old stand by Geo. CK. Zahm. All persons indebted to the said firm will please call and settle their accounts without delay. Jas. B. Zahm. the retiring member of the Drm. will remain in the Store until the first day of July next, but after that date all unsettled ac counts will be left with other parties for collec tion. . , GEO. C. K. ZAHM, JAS. B. ZAHM. Ebcnsbury, May 20, 1872.-Ctv r ' COAL! COAL! f The Pubpcriber .is now prepared to furnish, in large or small quantities, nil qualities of ANTH RACTTE and BITUMINOUS COAL, at lowest market rates. Coal delivered promptly and free of charge for hauling at any point in Ebensburg or vicinity. Orders feft at the Zahm Stoke will receive due attention. DANIEL II. ZAHM. Ebensburg, May 15. 1872.-tf- HP W. DICK, Attorket-at Law. Eds I ensbunr. Pa. Office in Colonade Row. A 11 manner of legal business atteuacd to satis- i factorily and-collections a specialty., AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE AND TIMES OF BW. jisli,' J'i-; Contains Biographies of Drew, Yanderbilt, Ctould. Tweed, Ac, with a financial history of the country for tbe last three years, and what JrMt knew about "KI.A4 IC 1'UIUAY." Over 500 pages. Price 2. Address -N.ew.York BOOK CO.,14jyassau St.,:New Vork. Sold nlv by Ajrents. , A Eook for Everybody! 10,a00 Per Month. The instantaneous success of this Book is not strange, altbo' it is having unprecedented saj-c THE 1.IFK OF JESI S, THE CHRIST, BY HENRY WARD BEECHER Is a Work which the veading public have horn waiting for with avidity; all sorts aud conditions of men welcome it hcartil v, as a bixi.'r to he read SCHOLARS. THE CLERtiV, THE PRESS, axd the PEOPLE, read it eagerly, enjoy it thor- ougniy, praise 11 sincerely 1 he point lor the Agent to know is that IT SELLS ! ! More Auent wanUd, Intelligent men and wo men may obtain lucrative employment bv tak ing an agency. Full descript ive Circulars liiailed irex'-i ery liberal terms to Canvassers." Apply ! only to J. B. FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, N.Y:: i iiniiiiiieui isr., uosron, mass.; 75 W. Washington St., CHICAGO, 111. rj HEAL' FARMS! FREE HOMES! OK T1IKT.L1NE OF THE lIHOJf l'ACIFIC It AII.IIO AD. j - A LAND GRANT OK 12,000,000 ACRES IS IHE . ' BIST TiSlSTlTa AOT i.1NZ2AL LAKK IS A!iS2i:A. 3,000,C00 Acrcx In Xebraslia ! IS THE GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, THE ' GARDEN OF THE WLjT, -voir fok SAjsi:: m These lands are in the central portion of the t'nited States, on the 41st degree of North Lat itude, the central line of the great Temperate Zone of the American Continent, and for grain growing and stock raising unsurpassed by anv in the L nited States. CHEAPER IN PRICE, more favorable terms given, nnd more convenient to market than can be found else where. Free Homesteads for Actual Settlers. . Tllf BEST LOCATIONS POR COLONIES Soldiers Entitled to a Jlnmrrtcad of ICO Acres Free Passes to ltirtliaser of I,nml. Send for the New Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, - published in English, German, Swedish and Danish, mailed frtti everywhere. Address O. K. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Nkii. IXCOJtl OJtATtD 1SCO. Columbia Fire Insurance Co. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. S. S. Detwi ler, Prcs'i ; H. Wi'son, Vice-Pres't; Herbert Thomas, Treas'r; .1. F. Fi ueautX, Sec'ry ; S. S. Dctwiler, Hiram "Wilson, Robert Crane, Wm. Patton, John B. Bachman . Strick ler, Jacob fc. t trine, .las. bchroedcr. Geo. Bogle. W.G. Case, Amos F. Eves. John Sebr-rtzt-r. II. B. Essick. For Insurance or Agencies, address J. J-'. FJIVJALJ- J:', Hoc-y, Columbia, 1'n. IOWA AND NEBRASKA FOR SALE BY THE mm k MO. RIVER 1 1 CO. .1IILL30.VS Or A CEILS Cn Tea Years' Crctlit, at 6 per ct. Interest. No part of principal due for two years, aud thence only one-ninth yearly till paid in full. i'rudncls will pay Tor laud and improve ments within the limit of this generous otier. t- Better terms were never offered, arc not now, and probably never will lie. 4-ireulttrs giving full particulars are sup plied gratis; any wishitur to-induce others to emigrate with them, or to form a colon v, are iu lieu 111 a.-K lor an tnev want to distribute. Apply to GEO. S. HARRIS, Im.l Coinm'r, For Iowa Lands at Bi'mlinl-tox, Iowa. Aud for Nebraska Lands, at Lincoln, Neb. PORTABLE SOni FOUtTAlKS SiO, $0O, $75 and $COO. GOOD IJUHABLE, AND CHEAP! SHIPPED HEADY FOIt USE: MANCFACTUHKl BY J. W. CHAPMAN &. CO., Madison, Ind. fSSEND FOR CIRCULAR. GQQQAIMK -THA9& Tjf M ABIV- i'lie 11 est Iialr DicMfi- aud Restorer. millions say "BURSn r'S COCOAIXE." Your Orugrgist lias It. oisiiers' All soldiers who eollstctl tiettrm, MnT 4tli and August th, I.stil, for three years, and never re ceived any bounty, can now obtain the same bv addressing us. Also, all those who failed to apply for the additional bounty of tlOO within che-.liiIinli.mi,,f'1' R F- KNOWN & CO., 110 Smithfleld St., I'ittsburgh, l'a. T H 0 S.Mr FAD D Ef J J R. 4I.5thAie PITTSBURG!!. - fnry or Triumph! over dyspepsia, ver disease, bowel complaints and various febriloand nervous disorders, has immortalized the Seltzer Spa, and these victories are now repeated throughout this hemisphere bv Tar k ant's EFiriSKVESCKNTisELTZEH Apekient. con taining all the elements and producing all the nappy results of the (lrat German Spring. ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. REWARD a For any case of Blind. Bleeding. Itching of locure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Sold by all Druggists. Piles, and nothing else Price, tl.tW. l 4R i o i; v i c; ivr w l i.l Willi.. ei invesiin anv capital. siTnTaiidfeTTnkt per-'orJ.. write for "Mrtienlnr. No tlloli'-y I -qua ed. A. J. Will I E, oitt Pearl St., New i in kl AUKNTS Wnntptl. Agents make more mon ey at work for us than anything else. Busi ness light and permanent. Particulars free, O. SrtfMON 6c Co., hn Art 1iM titers. Fort la nd,.aine. UP PUSOtO., y.T. Prle, ftftQA . U AffAgvndi, Circulars free. $uUJ RARE CHANCE I0H 'AGENTS ! Aj!riit. we will pay yoir 9 IO per week in cash if you will engage wit Ii us atonie. Everything f urnishetl, and expenses paid. Addreai F, A. ELLS & CO., Charlotte, ich. . '. . , GREAT MKIUCAb HOOK of useful knowledge toall. Sent free fr two stamps Address Dr. bu AeAitT8 & Co-, Ciuoiuuuti, O. . -TO mm IED1I Frirrcfpal Omee 101 W. F flh St.. Cincinnati, 0. Tls osly SSLIA8I.S CITT IKTSCTICN ia tU eawtr- IN VALUABLE GIFTS! T BE PISTKIBUTErV IX Xi. 33- SINE'S 3StU SEMI-ASS UAL. ift Efiterprise ! To be d.awn Thnrsilay, J uly,4tri, 1S72. $10,000 IN GOLD! 01VE PRIZE $5,000 IN SILVER! Two Prizes $1,000- Five Prizes $500 Ten Prizes $100 rMiMIS.;: Iwo Fntnilii Carriaacs and Matched Tlorrcg with Silrei-Mfiinted Harm n. worth l."co. Tvo livrv.s JluyyivM, tritl, .Stw-Mounted Hat-noun, irut-f JitiOO Miri. 2 Fine-ionctl Rosewood l'ianss, worth o00each. Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth Hull eacii. 15UO Gold and Silrer Iercr Hunthia Wutihcs, worth from I'M to ") each 1 I-adles Gold leontine and dent's oltl Vent Chains, bVilid and :Double-P!ated Silver Table aud Teaspoons, Photograph Albums, Jewelrv, &C &c, &c. Whole Bister Gif.s. I0,00C. Ti:iet to 50,000. AfJKNTS WAMi: to Sell TirUetn. to Ttliom Liberal 1'reiiiiiims will legii n, Stsf.E TiCKirrs 2: Six Tickets f 10; Twelvb Tilkkts ilo; Twkm v-f: ve Tit KEis 40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference tothe Distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All let ters must be addrc&sed to OKKICE, I.. 1. SINK. Hon Sfi. 101 Hr. 5l St.. ClKCiSNATI, O. mm CONCERT! AT CITY DEE Xj PITTSBDKGH. PA , JULY 4th, 1872. $30,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY! TO JL C;iVS:. Att tY. , 300 IIKAI TU I I, ltHI,l)I (j I.OTN AT OAKDALE STATION. TicketsSl.00. At the conclusion of the Concert, the Mana ger will distribute 2o0 Bru.iiiMi Iots to tho ttcket-boldrs in the usual mnuuer, but Ho.N kitly and Impartially. These Lots;belotig to Mr. f. Gll.LtLAM). of Pittsburgh, Pa., whose title to the same s indis putable, and being sit utited convenient to tlie city, will make excellent and pleasant Ironies for the workingman and m-chaiiic. These Lots are increasing in value daily. A rich tix-foot vein of Bituminous Coal underlies this proper ty. A coal bank is open and iu good working order. This bank, which gives full access lo the coal underneath, will he given awav with the Lot on which it is situated. The coal, val ued at ll.'i, cents per busiiel, is worth S l,fOO. A neat Flame Cot tau-e House is also sit unlet! on this property, and Willi t he out-buirdings, wiil be given away with the Lot on which it rs built. Oaktlale is a well known, thriving and prosiH-r-ons town, a nil at present contaittsan Aeadcmv, Female College, Malt House. Post Ollice. Kx press Oliice, and a large number of handsome dwelling houses, and taken altogether, is a de sirable place lor industrious working men to stt tie. Phkmicms. To'the getter up of a club of thirty, a handsome Silver Wateli will he (riv en. To the getter up ot a club of twentv. Five Tickets will tie gixen. To the getter up of a club of ten. Two Tickets will be given. Tothe getter up of a club of six. One Ticket wiil be given. The following named gentlemen, well known and prominent citizens of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny citits.have permitted us to refer io them. They will vouch for the hoii-tv ami int irrit v of the enterprise: Hon. Jas. Blackmorc. Mayor oi t'lttsi'iirgh, iiiiil l'i esident of the Mechanics' Savings ; Benjamin Singerly, State Print er; R.Mwnson i'liri-etl. Eiiitor and Publisherof Week I v Mirror, Allt-'lteny City, Pa. ; Col. Sam uel Ktlgore, County Treasurer. As t.-rthe litle to said roterty, refer to U.S. Flovd, Attoruev at Law, SJ iJi-imt Stn-et, Pittsburgh. UKUUUU II. MIA WI KI T. tionrral JEmtnifcr. To whom all communications tntit bead'tress- cd. Ceneial Ouice, 2 Tk?rd Ave.. Pittsburg. Persons remitting Monev must send bv Reg istered Letter or P. O, Order. l-May H.-Ot. GEO. C- K, ZAHM .JAS. It. ZABM. DEALBltS I.N DE Y GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSYVARE, DATS, MPS, BOOM, SHOES, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES (JEXEU ALLY KEPT IN A COUNTRY SI ORE. WOOL AND COUNTRY I'UODUCE T A K Kit IN IXCHAVOF. KOR OOOIS. Store on South Side of Main Street, Lbcnsluirg Ia. REMOVAL and FA'LAHGEMENT. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES. TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE Having recently taken possession of the new ly fitted up ami commodious building on High street, two floors east of the Bank and nearlv OPPOsite the Mountain House, the,.. fo better prepared than ever to manufacture nil articles in the TIN, COPPER and Sll EET-I RON WARE line, all of which will be furnished to buyers at the very lowest living prices. j The subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied assortment of Cookiug, Parlor aud Heating Stoves J of the most approved designs. tS?SPOITTIVrj nnil lioniivn i . and warranted pert f'ct in manufacture nnd ma terial. REPAIRING promptly attended to. All work done by 1110 will be done l ilit and on fair terms, and all STOVlv, and WARE soltl hy me can be depended upon as to qualitv and cannot be undersold iu price. A continuance and increase of patronage is respect fullv solici ted, and no effort will be wanting to render en tire satisfaction to all. , VALLTELUTRINGER. Ebcnslmrg, Oct. IS. lS70.-tf. MOW IS "TH EI XirvlEIT. Good Kcllablc At'ents, TO SELL TH K UAV TJ?s'lEIt FEED vaW vv SEVING MACHINE! fn THIS COCNTY. Dost Machine in theWorli?. Rest Selling Machine in Market. I'rice, pK te, 45.t0. rut en warrantee for live j ears. Apply immediately to SMITH & FORRESTER, 3-2.-3m.J 14 NixtH Pitt sbnrftlt. Pa. PXECUTOR NOTICH Notice is berebj- plvert that Letters Testamentary on the estate of Daniel Walter?, late r Chest Springs Injrough. Cambria county, deconsed, have been grauted by flie Registei lo tbo un dersiirned. All persons indebted to Kind estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims nirainst the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH IVALTEHS, Eremta,. Allcsheny 1'wp., May 9. ';::.-til. 1i A. W. EIIWIi & CO , 172 &. 174 Federaf Street, ALLEGHENY, P A. TO mmill Ml EtTAIL EITIi! i AVe aro olfciing decided Bargains In an uail- I rallcd Stock of ! Black Silks, All Prices, , Black and White Stripe Silks, only 11.00 j Anu ricaii Ombre' Stripe Silks, heavy,. .. . 67V Japaucse Silks, J.OO i " " - XX ! " " 75 I " V .- 62 I " " eo ; 1 Case, Japanese, superior quality . style, 46 Japanese Cloth, wMc, v 23 10O Pes. Wool Wash Poplius 12,i 1 Case, Polonaise Cloth. 5-1 wide, all wool, ftJ.W 1 1 " Saxony PlaM, Twilled, 25 I I ' Crauimu Stripes, 23 jl ' Plain Colored Suitings, wide... . . 23 I 1 ' Wilson Cord, 60 J 1 " Poplin Alpaca Suiting, 26-- j 1 " ' " " 87V j 2 " Pacific Perwt'es 26 j 1 " ergc Plaids, Spring Styles 25 il " Mottled Mobnir, Glace Lustre, .. . 75 j 2 " Colored Alpacas, Co to 75 I 5 " Black Alpacas 25 to l.CO DOLLY VARD EN STYLES IN ALL DHKSi GOOD51. Mouruitiic (Joods, Housekeeping Goods, Men's Wear, Buys' Wear.T MiRwIsand Scarfs, t'ascs. New Prints. Sheetings and Shil lings, &c, io. A. . W . 1: II AV I X O O I . 17 3 and 171 Federal Street, ALLKCIILXY. WITIl THE HEW DRAW FEED, I Has jut been received, and is now the Best I i'AMH.Y M ACIilNK in tbe market, ltmakeathe I.uck Slitelt. in Siitiple. Noiseless, i:sily Operatrd, and very effective. We want GOOD SEWINO MACHINE AGENTS iu all unoccupied territo ry, to whom we will give the :ost hbkraL tkiims. The ELLIPTIC is the EASILej'X MA CHINE TO SELL iu the market. HOWARD EATON & CO- CSir.cral Aj?nti, 17 I'llTH avf.xi i:, Feb. 21, 1ST2.-Iy. TI L'fdliUKG it Agents Yanted -PGR THE WL Sewiisg 'Machine. WhercA-cr the FIllinNTE " acblne lias brett Introdiiecd. it has met with the irreatest sce- i cess, it is the only machine making foiirilif- lereiii sinciiesauil lia ing I he Ib-versiMe Feed. The machinery is perfect, and the motions pos itive, it runs light, and rv fupt. and sews coarse or hue fabrics. Tin? Hemraer wiil turn wideor narrow hern;, and fells beautifully. All at fachiiients go with tLe machine. For information apply to or address HECKERT &. McKAIN, So. 8 Six Hi Street. March 2, lS72.-3m. FITTSDCItGlf, -N. Av PCCKET KKIVES.WP Knives and Forks, i SPOONS. SCISSORS, ES, SHOVELS, LOCKS, Hinges, Nails, Files, etc ('Carpenter's, Blacksmith' and! AGRICULTURAL TOOLS f PITT88VBOH, PA VtA Ccr. Liberty t BixtK HUTCHISOIT & CO., Manufacturers' Agents ana Healers fa r i" ni 1 i'if 1 1.1 1 T1 1 1 S I L4 3I I173IIS. Ilorlzontnl nnd VerlienI St emu r.i. ifineH, Iloe, Itelttng, IneUluc niI .tleelinutcRI Knpplies, Corner Wood St. and Second Ave-, PITTSBURGH, I'A. Agents for the If 11 11 toon Steam Governor Knowles' Patent Steam Pump. RI UEli Cut Oft" and Caloric Engines. T'niorr I--'-! Stone Co.'a Emery Wheels. 3m. J AtiENTS Wanted kor tiik Nkw Work OUR CHILDREN: OK How to Make and Keep Tfiem Healthy. Hr Al'lilSTl d K. GARDNER, M. D.. Late Professor in JVeie York Medicnl VolUgs. It treats of Ainu-iiients. E.ltiealion. Physical Developments, Di.-ca-es, Accidents, Marriages. Arc tnipurting a vnst amount of valuable intnr- wVfT!C",,V'i.,it"iVM,",e ,,l'h.H.ipr.ines-and Welfareot theloung. Written iu a pleading style. It is exceedingly interesting, 9 weil as instructive. Em u FamiluKhnidd hare it. and no rarest can fifnrd to f without it. set.d for Circulars giv ing full particulars. DLFFIKI.D ASH MEAD, Publisher. 13-IG.J 71 1 Saiisom street, Philadelphia. DEMMLEU BR0THEES ro. 1'2G Smlllifipld Street, PITTQRIIDHU DA 1111 uliuiiuii, inj Manufacturers cf .a vw Dealers is Cutlery and House Furnishing Goods, Hare constantly on hand a large stock of Orocrs' Tea 1 a Spice Caddies, Ice Cream Free zers. Ice Chests. Water Cooler, Clothes Wri gers, liird Cages, ic,, Ac t?r- Proprietors of the eelebruteo: Palnt UeUid. LOU . April 27.-1 ni.) t. t. f AST.r, late of Robert Woods & Co. T lC. rOOAKTT JAM(,S CASET. P.ASEY, FOG A It T Y & CO.. V WIIOLA.SALB HEALKHK IV r.rnini AM Ul, KtXDS OF D03IESTIC L1QUOK6? AND MiruRTEUH nr Foreign Wines, Gins, Brarriies, &c. i " 9 ! mmmtmmmmm 1 1 IHOI & WOOD DHKme MACHIMRY MSSillLi & OLB RYEWHISXY ieo. 6, lr',l.-3uj. - " -i riirsnirzGiL rA. 9 I j J J 1 ( M Mil ir