cc2 j&m. nas uss. iecs (Eambria jrceman, SATURDAY, : : : Al'KIL 13, LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ffep nn1 JM lnhnpn nt ami iifiir Home. 1 he "Dmiiit'eis" w out Fiidny. T.MOiit ha not a new hose can Utre They wil l fine persoi.s who loaf loiit llie P. O An was nntde lately to burn down "Music HitM ai Litoi.. An nr(f(iu well ia to be bored on the frrr,.n SiiiiiS properly. The tii t brook trout of the season were broi.ght to town mi Monday. Two wumeu in siomer.-et county each re cfi,il Ke birth to triplets. The Labor Keionneis of Blair are talking 0f uoni nnling a county ticket. Vestniirtlanu is excited orer the reported ;civer ol oil in that coiiutT. A jcweirf store in Saliidiurg wa hurglar ul in 'I f tune ol "F400 tb other niht. W ild geet-e, w ilii piiteoiia, anil martins bare put in u ajpeurmice litre Mini here.ibout. Ti.e colored toik ol lloliidit mburg tripped 1: on tti light fantastic heel one night last A child iimeJ N'cholas d;ed fn C!earfild enmity the olliei day from an overdose of lau- Oalilill). Mrd. Madaline Rnver died in Richland tnti(-liip on the 4ili,a:ed 104 ears, 'J u.oinli. Ki d 19 i' 'I he PoMiiWyprturg Stanpabd's new power pi- ln dt rcil, nii the nXl issue ol that jnir i I i-rubitbly be printed by it. '. a bur of minoad iion lell upon the body of .Kil n Hnwtbnine. in tbe rollii g mill, Johns ti n . l s M"i'.. "'d crtuhed it Imdly. A lin e ion nf A. T Jones lell through a lave in tie ie on a mill race below town the titVtr ' i'r " rescued by a companion i A .Vcl'ftvh, ol Hai.tir-gilen county. i mir;! ""k t J our ke O'l-nc into a lighted Inmn I ,: ? i lit: dar Jl exploded ami burned her I t,.:-. ! .A fnn of Josejh Irvin. of M ahmntown, I'i.iiil''!i ii c'iii ly. aped five year, whilst in ,,. ,.tir liut.tini: wi ler-eiet-n. by UiiilaLe eat t ii o !;i (.i el . which caused his de.iih. Tr"tie riil won't receive calls from the ( - after ll p. m. Calla made Dirnki JO, 1 tuner, are allowed to run to nuv hour p. ui . rein ' p in meaning st nrth ithl. lie ilwellii ot John (.'room4, in (mi.'w.i t, was nem ly deMroiied l the on Tues i34 :i! i.riioon ol list week. Much of .he cou urt- i I the hi use wns burned. Li.t-a 1 .t-O'l. "Hon. Jarre M. Smk" m what the li'TnUui" Gaemtk c.uU the pieeni Com m'a ftnerol A at W a!iii'f;tnii. Jim" iKgt.k is the r an e heroes by here at home. TheApiil Lumber ol the I a ktm i' tm . a mniilily maoz!ne eiited by ll e ,-enior cins-t l 2artnicuth Cllrge. hns brn received. A V. Darker, au tbenaburj; bvy, ia one of iii editors. A correspondent in ti e l!rm n wantiour road rrpaiicd, to the end that l.iiiiter may I e enabled to hall" fjn-l load The wenth er and our cotemprmry Loth are aW.cled wiih bn! "fells occasion jl'y. Tbe cot tract (r building the PloomSeld I rarch of ti e Hl:k!a sl urp bi.1 Morrison's I'ove rtiiiirari haa been awaidcd to Col. John A . lemon, of Ilol!id.tT9lurg Wotk will be Vgi n immedin'ely. r.libeth Harrold's cTwre'linp houpe and!it.;, in V"etn:orebind county. Kin rle vrotil by fire one oNy af week. f3')0 in j r-eiit'cVs si.d $30 ) in gold were wiped out of I'irciilatii n bv the fl we lie Si nday Paw mtpo! " our -ena br : "Ii'an v White h a I een the preatest '. Di'ier i." ti e Senate n-ix-d in every thing that erne np micrr'ain whether he mixed Lis dm k or iiot. ' Not with water. On Wednesday of laat wt-ck, JnmM II i r r n. ot W'i'iiioie, w bile aisttnj; in unlonoinp a hop-ht-ad ol aiifrsr Irom the cum at Rmit t'i ftatii!, bud liia 1. It tbissh I rnk-n by the hogs l ead v'lppinp and lallii upon him. --A your man naml Sparra, of G iIIi'zmi, etole a iTeof bis f.ilh r'a nr ney Tlmiadiv; ?ecan'pd: was lollowed to Putiburjih; cp luMil, n t.ey reclaimed, rrt''a! sn escorted l tul 1 rn:e, ai d ti e failed cuil Milled. A valuable vein of (nasil oro h is befn dia fi.errd on the IJedford count f'oor Hoime l.uni. Hod Dunbcrrow, of the Huntingdon J i v ai., i in eoelaci'-a because be hipfens to ' u:i a uiile and upwards ot this seam.'' Ti e TArARi anya that iu cotemtornritg ate t.ow enaed pubiishing ii hist year's l:ems. We h :ve seen eonie of thesp items, a..d frp plad that thnir paternity has hcen t :ed. We nou.dil lika anybody to charge it to us. you know. Mr H. S Oiil, of Burrell township. West riiorelard county, has discovered a piece of iron imbedded in a block o! aolid coal. I: is 'x:?cti leet in length, the thickneas of a Ere joker, and titpcis toward each end Irom itie ccrter. How oid it j;et tliere T liichard L. Divis boa renovel his bot and shoe ni ilinfariuri.-tr establishment to a Cui ding in Oiv rear o; Huntley's et re. where he imi'cs the public to call, leave their mens urea, and become the po-eirs of boots and hoea that will fit well nnd weiir weM. 1 he Aliootia Svs is threntened with a libel uit by li L. lien. F.4 . ile representative in the Legislature from lllair cmi,iT , ani Con iressuiHii rxectatit. Libeling a airmber ot the laat Legislature, it sirikes us, is good. The thing is impossib'e un'ess it ia agreed that ' the greater tho truth," etc T he de-id body of a mannamel Taylor, of M fH:II county, was found on an 1-land in the Siifqi.c hanna rivet, near the Dauphin and Lan-.-str boundary line, one day last week Tt l"t had been missing since the t-'lbh ol January iit. 1 1 i suppod he was robbed and mur iltrd and then thrown into the river. The H ai i nian has found a mutual ' fi'ei d. bill how in thunder that f'ieud got to be ' mutual." ia bevoud our ability to compre betid, riease rxi i iin. and allay any fe irs which may have leon created thu you will be K'io talking a-oul your mutual " reen gos lit g r your " urnlual " great grandfather. We were wrong last' week when we said that llollie I avis had removed his store to the buiiuing of Kichard of the li .use of Tudor, ti'irte doors wed of the Diamond But the' change ia contemplated, and will be effected iu ia few divs. i..llie i now in the Eawt. buyiii" a stock of spring goods Due notice of the jraud ooeniiig will t,e given. A cTrespoixJet.t ol the KArTsiiAX'a Joir i. states that an old man n nne.l Peter Mc I tuld. ajr.-d upw .r 4 ol eishtv vears. died at t lie r-,:,leiice of Mr. K. Cob.urn.'in Karthau lt:i;n .on Wednesday. M ircli 27. and Sv? l.nt t:ie decease l had not eaten any food wha't evir (, r frtT j ,vg pr(,vjua ,0 ,i9 death. No I is stated for this singular conduct on pm of the o'd man. A yotltli tnatl lamed .Tame TTlfn rr i.inor, a couair.'a son ol Prothouotary Hit", kil ed near Green shu r last Tuesdav af emioii. He was sit ing on the cow-catcher " e"5'ne. and just as it entered the tunnel, the tank t.u k ol a locomotive preceding it nroke. A collision ensued, and young llite mat u.ily crushed to death He was about ntT five years of age. Another voting man hirnel Ja. Burk, w!io reidcd near Hemlock "1 alio ai) silting on the cow-catcher at the "ce time, wag seriously injured -kiehard Abraham and wile, of Clearfield -'ed New Yoik citv last week. While aim' j . ' . . . - '.' stroiliiiK about town, thev made il.o 'fl'iainiai,ce of a KOod looking fellow, who '" to show them the sights Agreed I lie trio wnlkeil iwroil. till . t la.t cnie to tho l-'iitl. 11...1 l .ul p, . . o.cnu iioiei, until me looknip e low was amiroached bv an in- b'iuTii' dein,4",l'd pivment of a certain Koi.t i. , . "- '"riuisaie; exciaimeu me "'"KIIIE c If "I have nothine about Oi... . . . i Mr. V. 'V-Wi Perhaps" be a Ided, turning to V 1 1 II f'!!ll (riv rt. A AAnKu,.L r. A . r,,im. 'le latter handed orer 1 10 in cur f-eaieiitji Uc!veJ a" e,l"'valent in what ap ' nia v iiB T. V1'1- 3ut it wasn't gold indeed. '"ou'sof.7 ,l ,Ht 11 v'l 'liuc ih i ,anJ Mt. Abraham is iww be- 4 b-i orEoodwbuku,m Urg' ea0Uh 10 bUT The heavy raina during the beginning of this week caused a marked riae in the waters of the Sui-quenaiiDii river, and on Monday ntd daily since, larce numbers of raits and greit quantities of round timber have been stalled ' down the river." All the timber cut will doubtless be got to market, where plenty of hineraand good prief-M await it. Thia is" the fiisf floml " th lumbermen have had for over a year, and it will prove a (J..lend to them: for, with all their capital locked ud in sticks at the head of mitigation, far removed Irom mar t ket and buvers. they had about run out of mor.ev. and in the nature of thinsfa would have run out of food and clothirg helore long. On Monday last, on accideut resulting in the death of a man named George Brendleoc curred at Barrows & Havues' log job," in Chest township, this county. The thaws' and rains of the day or two preceding had created a " flood," and a large quantity of round timber was being nut into Cheat creek to run down to market Breudle waa standing on top of a pile or the logs, helpine al the work. Suddenlv. the pile j.arted in twain, throwing liim to the ground, and the logs falling heavil? upon him He waa so learmllv crushed that he lived onlv a short lime He was a resident of l,rt Ma M'.la, Center county, and wa Ced 2- yeara. His remains were t..ken home Tuesday. A libel unit evidentlv has no terrors for the editor of the Johnstowi. Titian. In the last isne of his paper, he presents hia compliments o J udge Flatterv in these worda : V.u con tempi lied a week or two since bringing a suit for libel against us. and en Jeavored to re'ain a lawver to prosecute, but afterward nhand ined the idea. Pray go on. I f we ha ve comm;til any fin of omi'sion, and have not thoroughly ventiiated yonr action in coniiection with the Union Hall lease, we hope von will eire us an opportunity in a court of justice to amend all shortcomings. If you will no, we mtr ttke the opportunity to do so through th-se col umns." That District Court always did cause bid blood. An at.iind.inee of amuemat of a superior ?frt ia in store for Jbenahnre next week. On Tu-sdav evening, the Pro Phnn-lo Olee Cliio'' will give a muical eu'ertainm-nt in the Court House, commeticine at 7 31 o'clock. Thia. oIuH has sung for our ponla be'orw. and wil' donbt'eso be greeted with a fnl' houae. On Fiidav ereninp following, the ' F'orence Dram atic Association" will give a grind theatrical entertainment in the Hitrienic Wigwam, eom mencii g at 7 o'clock. "Solon S'llngle." "To Paris end B ick for Five Pounds." and other comedia will bo pre-en"ed, with the diverie ment of singine. dancing, etc. This is a good troupe, and we hope - may be well pitroiird. Admission to either en'er'ainment, 25 cetit. This (Saturday) evening, the "Jurenile' ag gregation will present ' Rip Van Winkle" at the A casern v rui'ibling. Admisuion. IS cents Of course, the boys wil' receive a benefit The sesor. of the Leg s'a'nre havi .g closed fiim Hanrv. Cainbrin represent itive. bus come home to i'v. He looks well . f bon;li there is ahont him that pecu'iar apoearsnce of gniltv consiourie bgot of a winter's cam jaigningrn them jirity si le at a Republican canital. P,nt. time, we bope, w ill erad:c ite all th:s. and make him spot!ea as be was I ef ire the un'uekv second Tned iv of last O 'tober. We will not now review Sam's pnMnr re-ord as an entirety, toit onlv t ke oeooion to throw two bricks at First, be ou'.'bt to have had Wdliams" dam noeifi 'stly included in the operation of the Fih Law. so that we mihf have been enabled to citch our own black bis and pike as it were, a'id our own h'md and eels; and, -ecoiid, he ought, to hive parsed a till dec'arinj "Visi de" of the Herat and ' Abe ehenv" of the Tiniiiii common Diiicauces Haiti I " Di32'ng one'e own grive." is a emmon enotigh ettTesaion. But we venture to ear tint tiiej ' a literal fact, has seldom beer, accomplished. That, at least onk peron dug his owi grave, is well known tominv persons living here In the dosertel villsge" of Beulah . about the year a yon-g pir! sick ened and died A voting man w is detai'e l to d:g a grave in the B-Milah bnrying gro'ind for the interment of thecorpe The funeral Wis held in due course of time ; but. when the pro c"sion reached ihe bur-, in? ground the mother of the dead girl, for some inexilic ible re son. positively refused to allow th body to bnriel there So aottier grave was d lg thia ti ne in the woorlaon Ibe ai-eof the r ad r innius; troni Sechler's mill to the plank road at Robert Murray's, in Cambria tonhip, l ere the re main- were inferred, and where thuv rep se to this d iy. N ot l'ng after t!ii the young nun before spoken of d.ed, and was buried in the grave which be bi.:ielf had dug for the gir' ! We have br,en furnished with these facts con nected wi h the history of '-the man who dug his own gnre" by one who lived cotetnporo-neon-iy with tho occurrence of the eventj nnr rated. COMMrNICATET. A WORD OF EXPLANATION To anti and a:l of Omre. wh xinccrelii denirc to hrt- ter the CJtntlil inn ami inrrrone the eujniitneittit ani jricileijcs of the H'ot kingmeii of Am-ric-i. Mr. Editor -The Constitution, nitt Turin and Rules nf Order or the I.ttbor Reform I'ntoii of the I'nited States has been sulunittotl to your nttentl in before this, in the hope that yon, as. well hshII others to whom it shall come, w ill give it a most c iref ul and serious conM Iora: ion, as the work has been prepared with no liltlo cure, and, it is believed, wilt fullil its desired objects. The reasons tnr this oraniz. ition will bo inunifeat to any one who has watched the progress, or the Ijibor Reform movement for the lust few years. The int t in-lies of tho monej- and political pow er9 if the country against us, and their lixed R''o';'.1';,i0,; Ht Hny ":"mrd to crtpplu our re- r 'It 1 Lt Ull X t, uv uat IV, - . ... a. The thorough (iricuniutu., our eiieinies. nnd the irrt'Ht lower in,.,1 .. "". owcipliiio of In being- thoroughly tirepared with the "sinews of war." lenders this stru-le of Labor against Capital one in which every possible resource within the reach ol Labor mut be hmusrht to bear In this contest w ith organized hvii rice and tjTanny. ('otisidoring what the producinjir class es of this country ha ve tstake, the rreat in justice now jicrpetrutcd iigHinst them in the hapc of n usury which, no honest thinker can deny. Is equivalent to robbery, and the greater hunNhips in store for them ii: the near future. It behooves them to orjranizrt asone until in such n way as to be securs in their coiiiicils and effi cient in the work of righting their wnuifrs. Let no one underestimate the frrnvity of the situation or the supreme importance of tho is sues nt stuke. The emancipation of the slave was not so srrand an achievement for humauity, civilization, und tho vitality of our scheme of (rovermnent. as shutl be the emancipution of Labor from the thraldom 'if Capital and our beloved eoiinriy from the rule of wrong, dis honesty and simulated patriotism. The crisis is imminent, the work i herculean, the objects to be attained the most beneficent in our histo ry ; shall we hesitate to use the most vigorous and llieient means at our command in the tu counter ? The L. . I. Is an embodiment of tho foun dation and principles of the N. L. H.. has been approved by the lending spirits of that organi zation, nnd. we doubt not, will be endorsed by all wlin have at heart the good of tho working men or the country. It will not onlyereute a brotherhood or men, but will cement interests, establish a common purpose and furnish tho means to carry on one of the most momentous contests in the political arena ever known in this country. There are nmr about forty Labor Reform T'nionsin Pennsylvania, numbering-from two thousand to twenty-rive hundred members each, and others are rapidly organizing. It is confidently believed that within six months there will be two hundred thousand enrolled under Its banner in t his State alone. We there fore believe you will appreciate the importance of this great work of emancipating American Labor, and that you will give it the best efforts at your command. Hoping that you will give this a place in your columns for t'ie welfare and prosperity of the working people, I remain Yours, ic.,. A Subscriber. TO THE SCHOOt, DIHF.CTOTT9 OF CAMBRIA Co. Urntlcmen: In pursuance r f the forty-third section of the Act of May tb, 1S.V. you are no tified to meet in convention, at the Court House in KlM-naburg, on tbe lirst Tuesday In May. A. I. 172, being the seventh day of tbe month, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and select ritvj rncr. by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary nnd Pcb-ntUlc acquirements and of skill and expe rience in the art of teaching, as County Super intendent, for the three succeeding years; de termine the amount of compensation for tbe pame; and certify the result to the State Su perintendent, at Harrisburg, as required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth sections of Jsaid Act. t. J. Chapman. t Cnvntu Siterintendent of Cambria Co. April 11, 1872. Ice OrtFAM. The ball hns been opened-S. P. McCann has did it. Delicious icecream right along now. lie sure to take the ladies this even ing. Everything nice at MeCanu'sin the way of confectioneries, sweetmeats, canned fruits, aud a general variety of good things. Call I I. OCA I. foil It KJ Io. DEXt'E. Johnstown, April 10, 1S72. Tear Frreman The tr,..ii , .1 ; iar at least as it bas come to my knowledge, is ot very little importance. The proceedings of our Oistiict Court art; reported in tbe Ttilnnie, i xcept the case of the Commonwealth ra. Cclcs tine tchm:i! burg, charged with adultery, who was bound over to next term in couseiiuence ol the jury failing to agree. The S' liailrnad. The engineers are busy on the proposed rail road to tomersi't, and as thev progress nature developes not only a feasible route, but ore, con I and other material to feed the road when it is made. . T7i Menu and the Knrl. Th!s fact loads me to the followlngreMectlons: Just when salt was needed lb Western Pennsyl vania, it was discovered ; just when steamboats and railroads were needed, steam was discov ered. Just when railroads began to extend, tel egraphing was discovered; just vvlmii the pre cious metals were needed, gold was discovered : just when the war broke out, and tallow would have risen tout least live dollars a pound, oil was discovei ed. So it is. There's a Divinitv that t-hapes our ends." How would railroads he managed wilhout telegraph lines? It would be simply impossible, ltailronds began to be built in the United States in lSSti. In istO there were two thousand miles in operation. These lines could scarcely be managed then, but in IS to the telegra ph syst ,n was discovered. Now there are six tv thousand miles in operation all directed in their operations by lightning. Ami ns the population increases and thedeunind for otlier resources becomes pressing, new fields or wealth and material will be developed, and thus toe means that is ordained with the cud will be maJu upparent. A. OifK Hay nrotbors nsked Hoh Ttov the other tlnv if he was hatchety or sick, or '.r be could eat soup yet? li. I, replied enigmatically nnd Oei ph!o oricnlly. liny Urotbers said to go round mi 1 get some ppoons. which 15. It. did. Hay Brothers keep a store nnd tinware establish ment on Washington street, opposite the Union Hall, and they lire r.s clever men ns live. If your readers want anything in the tinware, stove, or eave-spoti big line, rftey should gi to sonietlrmon Washington street, ami nowhere else. Tom A. TTaxrlc. I nm n mnn of near tbree-seoro yrtirs. nnd cherish malice against no otio. I try hi make an honest liv ing. I have written near t wo liu.i drcd letters for your paper within the last four years. During that time I think I expressed no malice against any one. nor did I assail charac ter or reputation. Hut I b-ive finally been as sailed, without cause or provocation, and that, too. by one (or three) whom I have often be friended. I have nourished and brought up children (friends) and they have rebelled against me. I may truthfully exclaim as I pluck the "Tomahawk" from the gaping woun-', l't tn nru'im Never was ii. grate more ungrateful. Tie caught my beard to kiss, but stabbed me to the heart. J udas. Arnold. Ilti rr and Hull were gentlemen compared with 7im A . Itavh. Dan Ion. Mirat und It b nierre were saints com pared with the-fjio of modern assassins (the three O's) who have combined to crush me. Tom .4. Hawk! What an appropriate name! An Indian's weapon a coward's implement a battle-axe that has often been plunged into the hearts of our innocent countrymen in instru ment that lias often been drawn, wreaking with human blood, from the hearts of defenceless men, women and children ! The coward's she-Id thu assassin's defence. Again we exclaim, bow appropriate! We nofd not tell your read ers anything about the Indian's mode of war fare. He a ii iked to the settlements a a friend he ate o the pale face's bread, and then with cowardly ttvilice struck the fatal blow with his concealed tomahawk . I!nt who is 'i'o;n A. T7airl;f No matter who. He may be a tont, or a frank, or a !"i''. but lie certainly is a slanderer. Nay, if he were nil three, eonsoired nnd combined, he would stiil be a slanderer. On- may prompt, another mnv indite, and the third may have it printed, but he is still a slanderer. A no what i a slanderer? A uvin more detectable than Conwiv's bribed legislator, more loathsome than MMton's sin, and for whom a hotter than Dante's hell is pre pared. A thirf ! f-r "Ho who robs me of my good name takes from me that which not en riches him, but makes me poor indeed." A murdrrcr ! for "lie takes mv life who takes away tho means by which I Jive." A navard for he utters in one's what he dare not utter in one's presence. An ax i.tsin .' f or ho skulks behind a covert name and strikes ;';? fatal blow. A lieud who. as Dwight says. ults with a Satanic smile over the reputation he has rutiT'd." Some slander without nbv. but this intrrnte's ntrack lias n deep-damning purpose. Ir is to injure my prospects before a convention of men where one or two at least of the trio will be as pirants for ofSoe. The conspiracy of Cataline was not more bold, nor the cunning of Kiche lieu more subtle. Tuia a. Hawk would "Damn with faint praise, provoke with civil leer. And. without sneering, still make others sneer ; Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike, He hint:) a fault, be hesitates dislike." Vet till for the bell-born purpose of Insidiously gaining an undue ascendancy; but, "it" he spirit of hell, or goblin damned, Yet I will speak to him." And now, r-ou A. Hank, what gratification can a young man like you take in destroying the reputation of a man of three-score years, and of bis family too? For, sir, as (1 nil lord Dudley said, "What I forfeit for myself is a trifle, but that s iuh slanders should aff .-ct my posterity wounds met.) the heart." Why dis tort facts, invent lies, circulate slanders that you positively know to be such, to gain a point ? If your education is equal to mine, go upon merit. If not, acknowledge it like a man, nod do not strike in the dark like an assassin. If I have literary claims, is your homeopathic soul too little to permit me to nssert them? You know I am competent; then let me run my chance with the rest. Don't murder me to get me out of your way. There is a judgment day. lon't throw away your honor and barter your soul's solvation lor a paluy ofliee. I have but a few years to live at best, anil a severe heart disease may reduce those years todays. Then let medic in peace. You are young, and if you trust honor und honesty and truthfulness to guide you. you may live a long time and be use ful in your day. Don't let sordid a vauce and vile malice drag you down and niakeyi.v crawl, like a maggot, in your own putridity. If the Darwin theory does mske a monkey of you, try nnd be a respectable monkey at lemt. I too could attack your character. I couid rail yon a lecherous scoundrel, who by "plow ing with mv heifer round out my riddle." Hut I do not desire to make myself a slanderer and cut-throat because ot hers d-. When young I read these brief lines in Virgil, which made a deep impression on me, and which 1 uow com mend to you : ---..,iit- ijto.P,n Avcrni, scd rcvocarc gra- Hoc opus," etc. Which means that it is pnsipr to o-o to hell than I to get hack. I could liit yon hard you are vul i nerable. Hut what.earthlv good would it do me to ridicule you ? Nay, I scorn to do so. If j on nan not maue yourseir so contemptible I would still call you "brother" "friend "' You may continue to blacken my character in a number of letters, from this to the lirst 1 uesflay of May, as you have threatened to do. but for nil these things yon must give a strict account to God, and on jour dying bed you will deeply regret that you ever wielded the slanderer's pen. If wp may judge from thencts of others in their dying moments, vim, unless you speedily repent, will look back" with with ering despair upon the blood-stained past, "When you, to suljihurous and tormenting flames. Must rcuder up yourself." Hon Kor. Scmmerhilt. Twr., April 9, 1S72. Te,nr Frreman On Friday last we witnessed a very melancholy spectacle. It wasthe f uner errl or two children Harry 11. and Ida or Mr. I-;. D. Evans, both of whom fell victims to the "red demon of the nursery," scarlet fever the former on Wednesday and t lie latter on Thurs day morning. The grief-stricken jiarcnts have, as they well deserve, the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their double bereave ment. John F. McGough, or this township, bad the misfortune to lose two fingers of his left hand on Tuesday of last week. He was carrying a large stone on his shoulder, when he slipped on some ice which was concealed from bis obser vation by leaves ami rubbish, in ooosequence of which he had to drop the stone, which came down on his hand, completely severing two of the dig;t nn.i demoralizing another bndly. James Dimond. also oT this township, an em ployee on the local D-eight train. P. H. it., had one of his l-gs broken and sustained other se vere injuries, on Wednesday last, somewhere along the railroad, while engaged in shirting freight. In consequence rf a boa-shead filled with queensware. which he was helping to car ry, falling ujion him. He is a young man, and has been married about a month. A letter from n ladv friend in Allegheny city informs me that W. H. McEnroe, Esq., former ly editor of the Democrat t SentiwK was mar ried in Washington. Pa., on Tuesday of last week, to Miss Sadie Hush, of Noblestown. I think. So our young legal friend has quitted the state of bachelordom and taken unto him self a riV). nlbeit a Uvsh. to cheer bitn on his way through the vicissitudes of life. May neith er ever have cause to (McEn) rue the step they have taken, and mat our friend "Will'' do a rtsiing business in all the transactions of life. So mote it bo. Kain and mud are plentiful just now. Ther mometer indicated summer heat yesterday, The fall crou. notwithstanding tho severity of the wlntor, look well. A great many farmers are complaining of the loss of potatoes by the severe freezing during the winter. The Lutherans are about erecting n flno new church in Wil more. Ditto the Methodists. ' No "sn itsins,'" or"log rollins." or dances, to report at present. How are you Tom A. Hawk? Does your mother know ydu're out ? ' Tom A. Hawk's attack on Hob Uoy In the last Herald is base and slnnderousin the'ertreme and the author or authors of it, if they are susceptible to shame, should hunt a knot holo to crawl into- SoLTEno. j On Mr! Just one month bad Mattie been married to me when-tlto dear little puss came and sat on my kuee. and with cunningest -peepers that ever was seen, whispered, "Hnbble, I must have a cewing Machine." Ot course I con sentedwhat licw husband wouldn't? jr it cost me a thousand, deny her I couldn't. So I asked uiy pet blandly what kind I should briug her, and wisely she suggested a Singer. So straight way I went to Cham. Huberts store, and bought her a Singer and many things more that a w ile needs at. ull times and appreciates well things wnlch C T. Huberts alone keeps and sochcapiv doth sell and that's about all I need for to teli. to consUpsptives. The advertiser; liaving been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by it simple remedy, is anxious to make know n't o his lcllow Sufferers the iiwm lis of ell re 'I,,., II wl:o desire it, hevill send a copy of the prescription i, 1 1 roe or cnarge( witn tue Oireetions lor preparing and using the same, which they will hnd nsu uk t une ror i .'oiimhi ion,. 4 tttm a.iiroit c.'its, Parties wishing the jiresci itJl Ion wiil please address ll-ll.-ly. Hkv. EDWARD A. WILSON, -04 South Third St., Williamtburah, N. Y. TlAltRY MAYER is always there, at No. 21 1, Opera House, Main street, Juhnstow n, selling cheaper aud durable tnude-up clothing for men and boys. Mr. Mayer isan old hand in the busi ness and knows how to buy. lie is also a good judge of goods, and hence keeps the very best stock of goods on bund. Then he sells cheap and that is the main point. What would you want more than good, cheap and durable read v made clothing ? Mr. Mayer also keeps on hand all kinds of gent's furnishing goods, which ho sells us cheap as the chcape&i. L. COHEN can furnish any man who wishes to get iuurriod with a tip-top hat. Do you want to go to Congress, get one of Cohen's hats; or to the Legislature, get of Cohen's bats; or to a Toreign country, get one or Cohen's huts. Do you want to go to work, get, a hat at Cohen's; or a hunting, get one of Cohen's bats. Always go to Cohen! Cause why. he baa the best hats, ca. collars, cuffs and neckties in tbe market ; nay. in the world ! 1 hen be sells cheaper than the hculhcu Chinee, and always a good article. METEOTIK?. Meleorelogy and all such words come from the Mansion House corner, J bus town, whom John J. Murphy makes a perfect Meteoric display of dry good-, dress goods, household goods, und carpets.' Muslins bv the web, ribbons by the boit, lace bv the mile, and fancy goods by the ton. John J. Murphy has tlie knack of selling cheap. He would sell an entire web of clot li at one cent prolit. or more, just as the notion took him, and then he is al ways us bright as a meteor. Sugar iu ours. H ARG ATN'js IV CLOTH INC. We cannot too earnestly in vite the attention of our gentlemen friends to the closing out saie of ready-made clothing anil furnishing goods ut the store late of Jacob Pircher, dee'd. Montgomery St., Holli daysburg. We know the goods to be perfect in make, pleasing in styles, tirm in textures, varied in pnlteins ami I u I iy as chca p in prices as w holesale city rates. These are tacts, and those who want to buv clothing will do well lo be guided by them. Hurraing for all buyers. Tiikkk are a great many wavs to "raise a breeze," but the tn-st way 'to fet along well is to take the most favorable wind and current you can. and then paddle your own canoe, if y.ui want a nice, calm and pleusaot sea at home, buy one of the nice cook stoves sold bv Georite Huntley, High street, Kbensbiii-g. aud furoisli your domicii with some of his nice tin ware and other wares, as well as fresh groceries and sich like ull which he kc-ps in great prolusion und sells at honest prices for the cash. Mind That Now ! before, is about to ad a choice lot of groceri such an assortment E. J. Mills, ns we told you il to liU stock now iji store i s. che;ip. .fresh and sweet. indeed aswid all demands her things nice that there sugar-cured hams, a very rselves ready, for the time meet, and among ot can be bought wil! tn nice lot. So hold you drawcth nigh when v ble all to live hili. t to Mills has adopted. rey little money will cna- 'heap and good is the blot- j Go and see him. This is a heading of a paragraph in a Western paper, recording a suuide: "He blew his bead otT. Rilioiis. poor, and disheartened the gun in his mouth, his toe on the trigger, and up goes his hair." It is a singular fact, but true as it is singular, that not a single person j who ever bought a bill of goo-.sat V. S. Har- ker's Cbeaii Cash Store ever got bilious or be- ! came poor or grew discontented. The uiorul is- buy your gootls at V. S. H.'s. Cautiox. Every genuine box of Drt. Mc LANES LIVER PILLS bears the signal me of FLEMING I1ROS., nnd their private United States Slump. Jj'ff'Take no other." The market is full of imitations. II Y55i:SIAI.. STORM II ALKIXS. Married, on Tuesday last, lilli iuijt.. t St. Jotin's (catholic) church, Altooua. with Nuptial Mass, by Very Rev. .i. Tuigg, Mr. John F. ftorta and Mis G. E. l.'ur kins, both of that city. As Irt wyers are sometimes forced to do in a suit at law, we feel constrained to plead surprise in t hi instance not surprise at the happy union which has taken place between two ot our best and dearest friends -not surp ise at the tact that John has secured a wifeeminently deserv ing ef so good a husband nor j ct surprise at the X-trnordinary generosity which has been manifested by him in our behalf hut surprise that we should be deemed worthy of so muniti cvnt a sum as accompanied ihe above welcome notice. Withoutsuch prompting we could wish them all the happiness that weeded life can be stow, aud to that we need only add the hope that God may bless them abundantly iu ibis world and vouchsafe to both of them an eternity of peace and true happiness iu tho world to come. Tbe Sttrin is bound, and now a '-aim Awaits thee on life's halcyon sea, here every breeze is tilled with balm, And not a sorrow troubles thee. JEolus wafts thy bark along. While Neptune smoothes the billowy way; Nine goddess sisters furnish song. Yet Venus rules with virt uous sway. And as the light wave bears thee on. Oh ! sketch the scene with master bund, Ai.d let the panorama drawn lie light and shade of sea aud land. A happy voyage while you live. V it li daj-s prolonged and skies serene ; Hut, Hathtn, I this warning give : L,iLtle Sttn-iiii! may intervene. "Rut wben the destined port, bovond K1H4 s UKc iiTinnsi'B v, ir.t,.rti . Let love still unto love respond, . Until life's fitful dream is o'er. OSITIAIir. EVANS.- Died, at Wilmnre, on Thursday, April 41 n, Ida, daughter of E. D. and G. Evans, aed 5 years and 5 months. Sorrows, like misfortunes, come not singly. Last week, we noticed the death of a sou of Mr. Kvans; this week, of a daughter. In theirgreat bereavement, the alllioted family have tbe sym pathy of all. EDELHLUTE. Died, in Ebensburg, on Sat urday, tit It instant, Mr. Maxwell Edciblute, iu the oOlh year of his age. The deceased was received into the commu nion of the Catholic Church a few weeks before his death, and gave unmistakable proofs of the ardor of bis fait h nnd a firm hope of a peaccf ul eternity. The funeral cortege to his last earth ly resting-place in the Catholic graveyard here was one of the largest ever witnessed in this vicinity. lie has left a wife and three children. May be rest in peace. A I JTION. Noticp is hereby civen that I have left with Michael Snyder, on the farm of Frederick Snyder and heirs. In Car roll township, a HAY MARE, years old. All persons are cautioned against interfering with said Mare, as sire, is uiv property. April C, UV.-3t. FREDERICK SNYDER. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The iin.ipr signed, nppointed Auditor to distribute the money in the hands of the SherifT nrising from the sale of the real estate of Henry Eck" bold, hereby gives notice that no will attend for that purpose, at his olfice in Ebensburg, on Thurdai, May 10th. li72, at two o'clock p. m., when and where all persons interested mnv at tend. JOHN S. RHEY. Ebensburg, April 13, !S72.-tt. A UDITOR'S NOTICE: The under signed, appointed Auditor to distribute the money in the hands of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real estate of Evan Evans and Thomas D. Davis, hereby gives notice that be will attend for that purpose, r.t his office in Ebensburg, on 7itrsdn.v. the 'Uh of Ma), 1S72, nt 2 o'clock. P. m., when and where nil persons interested may attend. JOHNS. RHEY. Ebensburg. April 13, lT2.-4t. IIEKIKF'S SA LE. By virtue of a writ of Al. Vend. Erprm. issned out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to me directed, there, will be exposed to Public Sale, at tbe Court House in Ebensburg, on yiondaii. the2tth dav oT April, at one o'clock p. M., the following Heal Estate to wit : All the right, title, and interest of A- G. Fry. of, n nnd to a lot of ground situate in West Word, Ebensburg borough, Cambria county, fronting on Julian street .r0 feet adjoining lot or Wm. II. Fechler on the north. lot of William Kittell on the south, and extending back fi) feet to lot of A. G. Frv not now occupied. Taken in pximu tion and to be sold at the suit of F. A. Shoema iker. W. B. RONACICER, Sheriff. fciitna unice, tDcnsourg, Apia S, rV 11 E A S U II K II S S A L E J or U VSE4TED LwllS AD LoTS IX Ctnitltl A COI'XTY, a. i. ists. i COX, Treasurer of Cambria County. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in pur suance of the several Acts of Assembly in said l ommonwealth, directing the timeand manner ot selling nseated Ijiiids for Taxes, do hrjxlot yirc iiou-e that the tollowiug described Tracts "r , 'Vetted Lands and Lots of Ground in tho said county ot Cambria, or such parts thereor as may tie necessary to pav arrearages of taxes oue tiiercon for one year or more, w ill be of lered for sale at thu Court Haise in the Tiorovvh o tJ.i,hurU, on tho Secoi-Tt Monday (being the loth day) si JMi.e nest, and continue, by adjournment from day to day. until tho whole be sold n,r such arrearages of taxes aud costs necessarily accruing thereon. UXSJCA TED LANDS. NAMES OP OWNERS OR WARRANTEES. AcS Vet's.' I'car ADAM!) tow ven in Ta.ref. 4TJ 40 Rohei t Kns JsTO & 1S71 S 2fi r Jacob Clement J4 h M Thomas Smith T o- 50 Thomas Smith ?7 24.. 54 Peiin'a R. R. Co fii , ' Henry Rico 24 "-O ."-;l James Cost low.- 7 Vi0 loo Francis Devlin " fl ") 1J7 Henry Harrington ,. , g , UI.ACKI.ICK TOWNSHIP. I'M John Jordan " 11 IW) Andrew DiitT " p 70 ii!!" Jacob Pressinger " u 4:1 80 ',2 1'aul Eebo " 4ft bi Daniel I,oa vv ' U7 John W. Dtiiican " J2 On ') Jus. Duncan's Estate. ' 5 40 li) Samuel Heed & S ilcs " ' 720 5:1!) Lewis I'd wr.rds, jr " " srt 1IX) Samuel Hralli. r " - Lu an lit'wij linrr " 130 John Til ford " ;$ Thomas Stiles. . . 20 Duncan & Rrullier"! " a. Henry H. Campbell.. " ."0 William Davis " ."0 Gabriel Horing " 105 Thomas It. tVil'iams ' bK) A. S. Hathbone. . 5! Daniel A: John Davis. " 100 Stewart A .Stouten .. . " CAM UK I A TOWNSHIP. .11 E.Ahr.tmsA:.I.Heniiett " 114 Thomas 11. Stewart. . " JTiU ' George Reynolds ' 174 John Morgan " lili) John Hrown " bV l-'.vau M. Davis " ltK) Johnston Moore . CAKKOI.f, TOWNSHIP. 103 Thomas Edwards .. . 25 Johu Hoops " 100 Thomas Williams " HH) John Haldwin " 59 Godfrey Twells ' IDS James Hoops " !) John II. Huffman...! ' 240 Ale. Hai r (p art of).. " 2K Alex. Hair ipart of. . I'll KST 'J OWNSII1P. ."If, 110 William Parker ' 4.1' 44 Anthony Simons 4."2 44 Nat'11 Loiighborocgh IfcHi ?.'. 1 iiomas Ketland. . . . . " 4::J 15.1 John Ashlev " VM t;:t Thomas Masters " 87 0 2S John Ketland " VXl m Henry Phillips " f.U tA Charles Pone iJ5 K lieorgel'ole !!. :tri 37 Joseph Pope '". 212 44 Samuel Ruth " liS bJ2 George Gilsoo " 1.50 l.'J2 Henry Seely bit 57 Samuel Peters " :il! 157 Hugh Hoops " :,S2 bW John Pope " 21t 1K James Hoops . 21 HI J4l tJeorge Hoops.. 14 121 Nathan Poster .!. ' lh7 120 lienrvFosteitenrt ofi 72 Joseph Pope (part of) ' 2"0 Andrew Weaver " 4.50 William Gray " 74 Simon Noel , . 4'H 153 Joseph Grav " G50 Ja.Foster& G.Gilson Sauil Butler A; S.Ruth " 42S Thomas Penrose " 2-SI 71 William Parker ' 1-55 l:H Henry Phillips " 15t 1:57 Simon Walker.. 172 Mil John Hoops ".. 4JHl George Swentz ' 1 ... a .. 40 f,S It) (Ni J 6.5 1 35 4 55 4 ,T fl IS 12 15 17 ii :k vj 7 84 4 15 f;!:i 13 7rt ai 5m 7 40 K 75 13 75 IS 25 4 23 10 !l 4 m v us 27 tr 15 21 22 511 Is 00 llf 17 151 42 151 42 L-tl-H 144 73 1:14 hi 90 S5 t'7 sn r.t i5 fit; mi 55 S4 f.5 4J 15 60 W) HI XI l.S 4 75 S7 00 31 f'4 Ifi 10 11.71 Hi 13 lot 40 Hii lit t ; 2:1 iKl Iii2 31 (i6 52 .'J 4 1 127 ti5 4 S 4.1 4i 19 fl) 41 60 41 m 3ti 57 25 1 1 15 00 3 CO 1 m ?2 C5 15 no 34 95 1 S 40 : 70 2S 20 1 50 30 Oil 17 20 17 20 25 00 2 5 CO 1 1 tU 25 22 GO o.) 2 7K . 25 tiO 77 fiO CO (10 10 ; ,'i;i ti2 2s 10 2 m 31 h5 SI 32 2 20 6 10 4 25 4 40 21 IW 20 tr; 25 li 2 20 1 HI 2 id if 40 45 91 3 :w 15 NS 4'i 40 21 ;c 4 S4 2l IM1 20 US 10 12 45 91 17 3 nw 41 1!S0 2 03 20 77 4 m 2000 3 04 0 51 25 Od 13 20 2 04 29 m B5 W 1 73 12 74 12 '.4 12 74 12 74 l i 71 4iH Robert Ewing ' ,17 27! .177 100 Lloyd & Miosh " 7! 1'inney i Harrows.. . " in:: HressJePox blO Frederick Doersch.. " (XI William Butler " CI.KAIlKtEI.O TOWNSHIP. 2mir,t William Barton.... llM Samuel Bethel " 2:sl 154 F..ekial Farmer " ll'i V.'iliiam Tilton ' 25 John Mitchell " 1S8 lA'wisWolf " 25 John Young 2fi0 Abraham Singer 10 Wm. Barton (part of) ' 100 Wm. Barton (oart of) " 21 Patrick Kelly ' K) Patrick Such l0 Mark Maguire ... . ' lrw) Sylvester Mc.Mullcn. " 4' HI James Harris " 43 Francis Cooper. .. . 2"0 Jess; Hoops. . . " 4'i0 Hell & Blair ".. " 4UI .lowph Harris '-5 Mic'l & Henry Cooper ' 1st 60 Jesse Hoops (part of) " l'W James Hoops " 2,., Joseph Cooper ' l'i'.l Calvin & Hanstead. .. " 4-(J S'-:ouel t'alvin " 14 William McMulleii... " COXCMAl'GH TOWNSHIP. P2 Widow Stewifrt 77- Williams & Buck-.. . " 77 James Burk ' 3U0 12C Richard Smith " CUOYI.K TOWNSHIP. 440 Henry West 245 54 l enn a R. R. Co " Lots Nos. "land 4 Au- na Maria Hal n " 11 09 Samuel S. Paul " 15 P. M. i G. Brown . " 150 Anthony Varner " J ACKSON TOWNSHIP. 4a5 John Hublcy - 25 Daniel Goughnoar. .. " 1!' Daniel Levy " 4'..'1 William Morris " 20.1 Isaac Benson " 42 Alexander Hunter. . . " 1st Daniel Farley 1S4 Joseph Ewing SU James Hees 405 135 John Simpson " I'll Samuel Davis ill .tames l1rHt-h'.n ' 2t:l John Wig-ton (part of) lino John Stoner " !l George R. Sharp "i 2:K'.' A. S. Hathbone " f0 Abram (Soughnour... " 125 Samuel Brallier 70 ' Samuel BralMer ' ' 40 Henry Rorabach " OAI.I.ITZIN TOWNSHIP. 4.1 Dr. John T.Christy.." l'.iO Aaron Howen " 100 William McDougal (part of)' 220 Mifflin Hanmitn " 2-tO Solomon Kearny ' 4-Jtl Thomas Gorman " 18 S. C. Baker " Sl'MMKItlULb TOWNSHIP. 2-..0 Jacob Nagle " 220 Hem y Woods " 220 James Daltnn " J220 James Sea right " '57 SO Isaac I ire 11 ran 4111 Wiiliuin Smith, D. D.. " 1J0 Henry t Cornelius "Sellers 120 John Eberman " 31 Edwartl Sensor " St'SlilTKHAfiKA TOWNSniP. 100 "Morgan James " 200 James Thompson " 14i S. W. Fisher " TATWItt TOWNSHIP, 30 Henry Sergent ... WASHlNliTiI TOWMSniP. 1 Thomas Jackson. ... 37M1 AreutSonman .'" 4:K Richard Constantino.4 400 J. R. Mc Far la lie.. 252 Simon Hoop.. 44 , 17 Henry L. Patterson.. 44 1(H) A. M. & R. While 44 272 F. (reorge 44 200 I'hilip West 44 ISO I'hilip Collins 44 60 Daniel Henry 44 50 Daniel Murray 44 3761 Cambria Mining Jt Manufacturing Co.. 44 1014 . David Watson.v... ... 44 WHITK TOWNSHIP. 302 Simon Walker 44 4O0 Henry Philits 44 till Lewis Wolf. 4' SO John Martin - 217 John Thompson . . 44 413 153 Robert At kin?. 44 100 Joseph Hutchinson... 44 410 00 Robert Hoggs 410 60 Mary Hrown ....4 41(1 m AndrewSmall. ......... 44 i-ti 153 William Cotes .. 44 2C5 James Wilson 44 102 100 William George 44 2tH) 7 Abraham Wit more-.. . 44 30 - Thomas Ketland 44 47 . Jeremiah Mussot- 44 8 .'Jacob Kring- 44 4.T1 Patrick BorelamJ 100 , John Mver 44 17.H 81 (Jeorge Graft" 44 4 Graff & Malonc 44 25 - ' George Walters... 44 445 ' Alexander Hrown 44 445 . Thomas Hrown...;..." 445 William Harris 4" 445 John Harris 44 44 James Heed 44 3S1 153 Frederick Molvnoux." 7 54 14 . 173 14 20 7tJ 5tt 10 IW 2 18 1f- l!l Si 29 40 2!) 40 2t)57 2H 38 J5 00 I S 85 111 40 12 30F 330 2 40 1!V) 54 32 45 15 7S 24 SO 4 49 13 fM 8 52 20 50 14 JO 1171 1171 1171 44 0 20 50 8 00 20 m 1 7 4 12 s.-r, R2r; 30 2ol 42 1 41 2 M 1IH 41 54 4 I 54 122 75 Per'. IVors. roMixt in. ...1.S70& ls71 Trtrrx. j 2S0S i 56 24 j 3 i5 2 ;3 1 12 02 i WHITE TOWNSHIP Henry Phillips . 2ir, lrn 4.VJ IW li 45 171 108 52iJ fcO 15J "imoii vt nlker 44 Patrick Donahue 44 John Ketland ,4 Thomas Sanborn 44 Henry Phillips.. " Henry Dusb.:...t 44 Thomas Canby. ..4.. . 44 John Crni " Frederick Molynoux. 44 David Jackson 44 Henry Kipple 44 William Harlin 44 Lewis Wolf " Will iit 111 Lambert ' Joseph Bardine.. 44 Jctfcrson Smith 44 James Colderwood. . 44 Thomas Sanborn 44 Simon Walker 44 Henry Phillips.. . . , . , 44 Calvin & Hanslead... Charles McGough 44 von ten TOW.VSHIP. Hershberger Tract . " Heirs if C.lMnisen... 44 t'eorge Shrusi 44 Henry Sutton 44 "5. Gates (HerslibVcr) " John Steel . 44 Jacob Crook 44 C. Funk A T.Vickroy 44 Francis Ievl!n 44 Matbew Newkirk 44 John Wertz 44 William Wertz 44 David Gates 44 Philip Collins V. " Kmanucl Jam-.-s . .. . . 44 IWCJ 0 no CI w 44 to 67 IS 4 WI fi 55 6 50 2 01 In 30 13 s) 5 70 5 70 S4 (r2 Mm 105 4!l 32 Hi) 8 W 221 19 loo Hi-' Itltl :ii KXI 1.50 1(4) WI Ft 370 HI 170 U3 3.52 250 111 400 150 M 2i:o io 2!13 4iO 132 27 3!-i1 aw 41m 100 4.0 12 sn 7 75 4 13 13 52 15,50 15 24 20 5S 9 17 1 sn m 12 02 20 5s 5 10 20 5.' 7 iHJ SEATED LAXDS. nt the same time nod otne.. n-IM ln cr11 the following Seated Hands and I.ots of ( .round j 011 which taxes remain unpaid and which have ' been returned to t he Commissioners agreeably I to the Act of Assembly of April 2u, 1S14: j NAMES OF OWNERS OR WARRANTEES. I A cres. l"C(t-8. 2'a.res. i ADAMS TOWNSHIP. SI Francis Gibbons, Jr. 1W,9 i4 Joseph fry JsO It 1. A C Ii. U ti. K TOWNSHIP. 33 Margaret Brady. . . . 1 vi'.l i- lf70 40 liciiiy Egiiolt 44 I'M William Mct:umbic. 44 44 Mulford & Alter.- 44 44 1J0 Ann Owens .. 44 44 10 Gilpatrick " 111 Conrad Hiifinian 44 44 72 Wm. R. Morgan Est. 44 17S Robert Edwards 44 44 loo JohnX'Jiis.Stoi.eback LS2 Richard Tudor C A 51 Kit 1 A TOWNSHIP. 150 Thomas E. Evans 44 Huurex. USklilA BOI'.ULGH. Let. 1 David Bower 44 44 1 Joseph Builncl 44 44 1 X Catharine Early 44 1 John Fitzpatrick 44 44 1 John Fallen 44 1 William l.vshon 44 44 1 I'm lick Mcliride 44 h Patrick McCaffrey . 44 1 Peter Am-m 44 1 Jacob Lighfuer 44 1 Adam Boulder 44 it Owen Siiiuilcn 4 50 : 5 i0 , 5 f" ! IU 94 ! 13 75 ' 1--J21 V 45 ! 1 8.1 I 10 30 ' S !i3 12 40 H IMI 4 20 1 I 15 ea 1 1 7 30 5 15 V 03 D04 11 45 7 fin 1 3 15 : Jl HI j 2 21 1 2 24 I - 24 j ii M 1 3t9 ! t 02 i 2 to '. 1 1'. F. Eight CAKHllLI, TOWNSHIP. Charles E:ig 44 Klizahct b iiaioes. . . . 44 Jacob Kralzur 44 Lawrence Smith .. .. 44 C H EST TllW.NSHIP. Jacob Leiden 44 Dress & Fox 44 Patrick F'ynn 44 J no. Dougherty's Est 44 Jacob Xagle's Estate 44 V riah Liovd John llipi-h 44 CHEST STRINGS UUKdt'G!!. J. M. Penoock 44 CLKA MFIKI.O TOWNSHIP. A cres. loo 77 .loo ;ii5 60 Hi2 H 22 I ol P0 5 45 4 SO m 1 ta 2 f-O 8 CO 75 1LHJ 2O0 Lo. . Acrcg ll'J 69 67 M 41 ir,9 b7S 50 5o0 215 50 25 Bingham & lloiliday "4 44 Thomas Farrcll 44 44 51 25 : 1 '.7 i 21 10 I 1 A. L. Holiiday A be lliiuiphi -cys. . . . 44 44 George Lity.iuger. . . 44 Felix McGuire 44 44 Heed & Tudor 44 44 Charles Hanstead... 44 44 Thomaii 1'hi terj-on . . 44 44 Timothy Sheeban. . . 44 Lewis Plack 44 Isiwther ic Lloyd i:2 :m V 5 3 51 2 HO 62 .i4 2 73 7.) I 7,j 109 Jos. Tre.vlor's Estate 44 Arthur Wharton ... 44 con km a i t; 11 boho'jc n. John Beam, 1st ward 44 Lots. John Og Ion. 2d Wrd 44 Edw. F.ngler, 44 44 44 Casper Hurley ,2d wd 44 OlNfMALGIi TOWNSHIP. C. B. Ellis " Davpl 1 trner's Est'e ' William Orr 44 44 Jas. S. llrr's EstHtc. 44 44 Cambria Iron Co. .. . 44 Peter Horner 44 King & Shoenbcrger 44 Conrad Suppcs 44 Wm. Wm kins 44 Samuel Carmicbncl. 44 A. Coptlaud 44 CHOYI.E TOWNSHIP. Wm, B. Butler 44 44 Samuel Osier's Est.. 44 4 4 Wm. Ernest Win. Dimond 44 Aiithonv Diinmire.. "4 C. B. Ellis Daniel Murphy 44 John J. Morris 44 Solomon Need 44 T. W. & Pol. Jenkins 44 David Scott 44 Geo. U. Stineman... 44 A. E. Wike 44 Albert Wtison 44 FRANKLIN B'jltl )fC H. Cambria Iron Co. .. . 44 Harrison Snriugor. . 44 Penn'a R. R. Co 44 Win. J. Patterson. . . 44 GAM.lrZIN TOWNSHIP. John & Jas. Haiti. n. 44 Cornelius Gaiiigan.. 44 " Francis MoCabe Solomon Reamy.... 44 44 Ernest W. Voungiri. 44 Abraham Sharra. . .. 44 wen Clark 44 Jacob Fogle 44 John Mel! ugh 44 JACKStlN TOWNSHIP. William Flattery... " J. F. Callahan 44 44 Wm. 11. Story & Co. 8 70 8 42 2 42 I 100 ! 2 SO j S2 11 70 ! u 10 25 (HI 1 00 d0 1 no i! Nl 40 4 BS 2 40 1 40 2 50 1 3 43 '. 141 I 5 : ! Hottsrs. 1 1 1 1 A c res, 1 12 14 80 45--I oO Ac'. 1 1 1 28 1 1 1 3 C2 O 1 15 ISO 1 h 1 1 S5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 j 75 20 Ss 15 U5 1 05 1 05 2 so 2 25 ST 44 I 2 10 1 40 5i 1 Sij 1 42 1 22 47 1 P4 1 5:1 2s 20 200 2 m 2 70 13 50 HI ,12 4 to 4 OO ( iHinmire.) 254 Wm. Jl. Story & Co. 44 (Paul.) 314 Wm. H. Story & Co. 44 r' l.pnis liutimirc 44 frti Jat-oli Kuikiim-r.... . . 2'J0 Ephraim MeKelyj-.I 44 " 1 Daniel Heighurd 44 44 1 John C. Elder " .iohnstown iiomirnn. 1 J. M. Campbell, 3d w'd, lstu 1P70 1 1). Callahan. 4th w'd, " 1 Thos. Butler, 2J w'd, 44 1 Calh. McKeuna. 44 , MUNSTKR TOWNSHIP. 100 Peter Dunn lmj & 1S70 27 Augiistino Glass 25 Alice Riillo , ,y ,M-VII.I. BOROUGH. 1 i C. B. Eilis 1'IIIWPRT DOItOUOH. 1 1 David Williams 44 KICHI.AND TOWNSHIP. 5R Solomon Boycr " 145 Jostpli Lape 4 ItX) John Lovelt 1 Nancy Keigliard " 15 Iucinda Reigiiard. . 44 R0 Sebastian Dull 44 SO George Gossard 44 12 Fred. Krmg 50 Theodore Makiu 44 60 Catharine Noon 44 54 Shank & Milier " 100 Adam Varner PUSVCKHAMNA XUWNPHXP. 400 T'riah Uovd. ...... 44 3K Lloyd A; liipsh " K' Fry, Deui-r & Co..!.' " 50 E. R. Hoilisler.. , " 100 Jasw D. Shaw's Est. . 44 t-MMEUHii.i., Tcrwxsnip. 140 - W illiam Burk .. 372 C. B. Ellis " N5 John Farren'a Et.." 44 10 , Jno.i Barb's George 44 200 Alice Hughes.... .. 44 4a Alice Hughes 44 45 Alice Hughes 72 Alice Hughes " 1(4 Alice Hughes 44 ' 49 Michael Lutz 50 Francis McCounell. :4 .TOO Tatrick McCrossen. :i ii t'i John Manehart t 701 Mears, W bite - Co. ii Mears, AV bile i Co. " 10 Issac W. Pluiuincr. " 31 Kilwar.l Sensor " ti 7 Hannah Wolf " 2C4 Daniel Slicrbine .. ti 57 Wm. A. Skclly 4 Thomas Coiiiy ii S7 Joseph Miller 87 Wm. A. Skclly 211 Patrick McGough.. -(Steam Saw Mi li) Roberta Jones !i TAVI.Oit TOWNSHIP. 1 yc Malachi Bvrou ii J.i WI 3 00 I 70, 6 GO I 1 3ti I 5 1 7 70 j 5 7t? ! 2 40 18 3 15 1 1P2 ' 4 15! 8 10 1 75 i 1 60 I 5 02 j 28 1 3 14 2 10 3 55 5 5tl C4 81 42 10 j a; m I 2 71 I 7 HI I I 8 75 I "i." s-i ; 437 I 7 HI 2S 00 t 5 25 ' 5 25 1 fi.25 1 7 ilS ' fiy.' ' 1 v4 ! 47 10 . 4 20 71 SO I 4J 11 ; 75 ! 5 6 M ! 10 00 I 2o0 ; 4 20 !: 5 25 j 3 s 3 70 i 10 SO ! 8 43 I 4 53 j 3 55 . jo os ; 1 '' ! 75 3 l:t 3 l'. . 12 S 7 s 24 5S 2 t , 1 75 ' 1 Francis Bone 2 1 Wm. Broderick S. D. & R. Jones... John W. Jones John I.yberger... Ihivid Livingston.. . R. M. b-miin Elwood Matthews.. Walter B. Nutter... James Nugent Hager Widow (of D.! Wm. II. Richards... Patrick Clnrk Joseiih Iti-ook .350 A..1I.L. Yearr. 7o-zti TATLOH TtWKfHlf-rONTlM.l n. 30 JacohS.Goiijjbuour.lty & 1 '3 1 Hol.crt Grady 44 . ? i 1 William Gcis " 1 1 5 Adam Horner " 4 4j 1 Bart Hoy a n 1 Thomas Kit. ney. . . . " j 1 Edward Pcden " 2 'JL 4 .Alfred Helop " fsJ 1 i. William Pen rod " 2:-.. 1 Sarah Hobtrls 44 2 1 1 .A. " 2 .j 1 Mathias Neidrower.. " 2(, 1 James H. Wilson " 1 V yi X Charles Michael " 3b1 WASHINGTON KIWNSHIP. 9 Desert's Heirs " 44 1 11 40 Evan E. Evans " " A ;,J IIS l'aul Iltird s Estate. " " S V0 Wm. R. Hughes " " Oi l 50 John Kin ports " " 7 ' 100 Clarissa Sharp " " '.)b 1 Bridget Draw ley ... " " t 2 t'eorge Gussregan.. " " 151 1 John Murphv ' " 100 Andrew Agcr ' 77 72 David W. k.,x " 4f4 123 Livid W. ',u ? id f. El.xHoseM'iual.lin " 1 H 1 Samuel MGotigii " 1 7-i 10 John Com vie " 4 1 1 Cleme; t I'rbMii's Est " li 27d Edward A. Burk ... " 7 1 V Samuel Thomas .... " 21." H) Thos. ' arks' E-tate. " 141 V I 6 J0I111 Wilts' Heirs... " 1 F.iitis Crtim .-. " 1 "! 1 John Carle 1 James II. Diver 69 William Kittell 1 4J 1 Kenry McKibUn.... " 2 George Mears " 70 1 John Hamev " 85 ?2 George Ti lev " 2 25 40 I.iicv Gardner 1 50 Micli'l Oawt 's Est.. " 41 Jesse Woodcock " O-J 2 James Davis " 14.) WHITK TOWN'SHIF. 1 Albns Gibboney 44 44 145 bM H.fB. Jeffrey? ' 44 12 M m Patrick .Watson. ... 44 " V bi .-0 Minon Noel 7 '." 50 Th s.H .ih n (or Jno.) 44 liH.) 100 Samuel Miliiken 44 2 SO wii.MoiiE noiiou'jn. 1 1 I.nwrciiee Cassidy . . . 44 175 1 Catharine MeG uire. . 44 ;" 1 1 James Wright 44 tH 1.1 Harkins ou's Estate 44 1 ("5 VolH-.H TOWNSHIP. 1 PriiM r.ilmutison... " 1 A8 2 Wtdread BiirgCs 1 35 Win. MeEaugiilin 3 II"; v4. Henry Eash 4- 140 4 John Kunmiin 10 124 Ellis 4 McLnne " 2 4) 1 Mover A; Flick - 4'i 1 John Km-lz. jr 1 (;5 20 Samuel II o er 2 10 12.'i Conrad Wvthe 173 1 1 Herman Hover 2 10 1 1 Martin Docker 44 1 (.ti 1 1 John Myers J 75 1 1 AnthoiiA Snow len. . 140 , Ji iH.V COX, Treasurer. Treasurer's OfTice, March 31, 172. AEWFIRIl IMS OLD STiXD GOOD GOODS & GREAT BARGAINS I'OIt THE ItE AIV CASH I HAVING become pr.iprietors of the STORE R H IM him STO K OF (it a IDS recently be longing to II. A. Shoemaker & o., and having purchased an additional STOCK OF NEW GOODS IX UJtEAT VAJtlinr, ' we are now prepared tostipplvall the old cus tomers of the late tirm. and as manv new ouch as will patronize us, with Goods of all kinds at PR ICES FULLY A3 LOW as any other merchant in or out of Cambria county. It is our intention to keep our Storo constant iy st o-ked with a full and well selected assortment of DRV GooliS, HKKsS GOOIIS, FANCY GOODS. NOTIONS. P.UUTS, Slit ES, HATS. CAPS. ( I. ITHING, CARPETS. FL'RNI Tl RE. OIL I'l.OTIH. OCI'ENSW-ARE. (iKO CERIES, FLOCR, BACON, FISH. SALT. T !!A( Co. CKiAKS. and all other articles, larg or small, that can be found in any store of liko character in the county ; and as we intend to SELL. EXCM'SIVELV lur CASH 4K COfHITItY Pllflbl'CK, and make no bad debts, we feel sure that Our stock and our prices will not onlv secure but retain for us a liberal share of patronage. EARLY VISITS FROM ONE AND ALL are respectfully solicited, and if we rail to ren der ent ire satisfaction, bot h as regards the qual ity of our goods and the prices asked for them, it w ill certainly be no fault of the new tirm at the old stand of Shoemaker A Co., High street. Don't f.irget to cull and we'll not forget totfiva you full value for your un.nev. MYERS Sc LLOYD. Ebensburg, Jan. 2S, lS7L-tf. REMOVAL am ENLARGEMENT. COOKING STOVES, KEATING STOVES. T rep 1 ; 1 J ili. T Hi xtum ii null. Having- recently t.-ken possession of the new ly fitted up and commodious t-uildimr n IDgb street, two doors cast of the Hank and near' opposite the Mountain House, tue subscriber is belter pre) -is ret '.'nin e-i er to intimif.n-t ur- all articles in tho TIN. COPPER and SHEET-IHoN WARE line, all of which will be furiiihed to buyers at the very lowest livir-g juices. I'he subscriber also proposes to keep a full and varied assortment of Cooking-, Parlor ?.nd KeatiDg Etovea of the most approved designs. r-SPOT'TING and HOOFING made to order and warranted pert eel in manufacture and ma terial. REPAIRING promptly uttended to. All work done by me will be dime right and on fair terms, and all STOVES and WARE s.-Id by me tan tie depended upon as to (juality and cannot be undersold in price. A continuation and iner.-nse of patronage is respectfully solici ted, and no effort will be wanting to render en tire satisfaction to all. VA LLIE LCTRIXGER. Ebensburg, Oct. 13, JSM.-tf. OKI). C. K. r. AIIM .JAS. n. ZAHlt, SOKT, DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, DATS, CAPS, COOTS, SHOES. AXD ALL OTHER ARTICLES GENER ALLY KEPT IN A CO I NTRY 31 ORE. WOOL AND COUNTRY PKODUCE TASKS IM IXCBi.VGt FOB GuoiU. Store on South Side cf Main Street, i:bt4itslmi S'a. TKSIIJAni'E KEAL 'ittf VIX FO.? SALE. The undersigned otTer for "nle on very liberal terms three t tacts -f vmIioiI ie J-ind in Hlack'idk township CalIlia touul', Pa. described 11s foilo: Trart . 1 Containing P0.ers. more or Ii-ss. Htont 25 Acres " red hnving tl)ert-m erected a two story f'isnk House. g-M'd in new and verv coriifortubie, a double Log Burn, and ail needed out build ing-s. There im thrivlivg voung orchard ol letl choice friiif tre and ex cellent witter in ubrindmice on the premise. 1 rnrt o. 54 Containing SI Acres, about 7 Acres cleared. The imiro ements bj- a rnp-and-a-half story Plunk House, a Vtr rw Mill in the best of order and without superioi in the country, imd the usual outbuildings. Trarl - a Containing 14 Acres ff ereel lentTimber Hand, with two food taw Mill o.U thereon. I'nimjiroved. CT'i'he above deserihod Traetq drfn each other, and will be sold sertrrc'v of t-5re'l.r. as may suit purchasers. Terms very fiber" and j.iiyiiients easy. For further particulars apply to or address P. H.JON' KS or OLIVER MA KT V. March 23, lS72.-3m. Z Ltieusburg P. O. 17 1 liST X TIONAL SADDLE aNI - HARNESS SHOP OF CAMUHI A COFNTA Hisrh street, (opposite I'n'oti S.-lio.4 Itour.) West Ward, Ebensburi, l'a. .M- M. '"NR,LL. l'roprietor. .SiitWia irihi f'nrci iimrt" iml re paired and another work ir my line eci ute.t in th tiesf manner, 011 the shortest noti.f. ani at the most reasonable rates. f J-K.-ff ? WILUAM KITTELL, Am.R-fT AT-T. w. Pbenshnrg, I'a, Offlc lo folfi- 70