i nint " ; :?5 ji.jjl.'m.' ae ..win. .. LX!-''Hljii.L-'iK-tuj. 9 . 3 -.: 1 5 2 ." . " -v r J I I ' t I ' ' I : t r c . c tl f ii ; ; - ' .. , 1 y i J ;'V'i A mgsit or t::kor. T .in t. M m;in. nn years ngo i t.iii.ed ibe allotted (triii ui' ma. i's existence. ; tioee s-joru years and ten. During tifiy-h ve i ,,f those ypiirs I wan actively cLgegc'd in the j linen trute. 1 successively cccupiu-i tbe po- ; k tion of woikiug-ioia. book-keeper, junior ; partner an 1 1; pit I of llio cstablislniiei.t. int.' tv.-nts ot the 1 i-1 tvM,iy jii.rs s-ttru t'.'!l !K t llC Mrd lltli 'It; U.C .lJtr.i , imh w.- fl;ys .f my hta half a tviittny aj-n, with ail ; H,.?ir labors, sorro ?. smd i ys, areas f-et-h ; i c .l.M...l.t.i.tr in my riOM.ri-t;v:! 1 ht-ir c.f-.irrt'.;ce. ' title, 1 li J r'jti' e ; iiave all goi.o t" : U. re. still i'i.i us (ill ti,- U ly Mlti;t;t..ni.;-; I i tiii.-. rry luippy st:U My siirvuiug children I ;:.l:tits. ! i t ) 1 1.? t'.j ir partner of . my lifo, Iihs !i t )'whii.-!i I nl;'.-.il-' i. ... vvii.h mo the events '. I am pasiIi! through , the closing sci-r:ts of my earthly pilrimae. : Nearly all I ever sw now of theotitt-r world ! i. the waving "t t!ie laurel tre-s from n;y thambr witr!.s and alm-.st all 1 hear is j the distant tt.aind of the engina in tSie wciks ; wli'is tny 1 i to hu? bi-en spent, and wbioii is ! r. .u'ii!iie 1 by youti hatids with as much itj; n'aritj ind Kiicoai as if I had never been ; lorn. 1 alo'i hear at slated ho'ir., antl some- j timea ;ot mim-;iiarv x'anco of (he passing tram on tho rawroa.l in tna va'ley Ltlow, ar..i t.o..cy it resembles my Me. It is seen, it i heaid, it ii Iooketl uj.i.'U fjr a 'oritf period, then it passes away from uur eight and leaves ih trace 'jtiiiiiiJ. Iu my early days the hncn frado was uif- : (f jrepUl)j Won have pionouuced a man of j took possession of bis farm, works and Uwell f.Teiit from that t( the present time, 'tnen the ; . i -rit . ru.w btcme a robber, and. in-. Turned cut of his home by the stern spinning of the yam, and tha weaving of it. , j , n h ,'Vt.metl pecesn-iry, would li .ve j oflicera cf the law. he and his wife went forth urj jji forme 1 in the cottages of U ster. In Ct'Ty dwelling the cheerful sounds of the s iiniiin- nhiel :uj 1 shutt'e were heard. Tiie Markets of the north of Inland we.o where tha brown linen webs were sold to the li:i.u merchant!.. Atnv the spinrotig ami weaving re pcrfoime-1 t'y mnhinery in huge factor -i 'S, and coiiutry maikots are no longer the places where i ui al manufacturers and mer . 'l ints meet to sell and buy their merchan-til-s. In those days, every merchant iu the linen tiadu atteii.'.s 1 the markets of the sur r unding cou-)try to buy h'a goods, and would frequently beabtcnt from home many iii8 in succession. Uoce whi'o commencing a mercantile tour of this kind, with two tnoiis.ind pounds iu my pocket. I stopped all night, by invitation, at thy hfimeof Mr. Robert lhompson, an in- nm iifl riieDti ot mine, who was men au ex tjusive linen bleacher at Wolf (Jlen, some iiiue miles from here. I had often before b;en the guest of litis gentleman, au 1 he and bis family had as often been welcome visitors nt my bouse. About this time it was whis pered tb.it he was financially embarrassed : miii.i vision i:y speculation h been attend v I with heivy los, and be wis believe! to ! destitute of tho means to carry on bis o isindb.s. Shortly after my arrival at his bouse, be to k me to his stable and showed to t i beautiful pair of borss . be had latteiy bought. From thence wo went to loik at a r '-.v and elegant carri.ige which bad been x I 11 to hij rolling st ic'i. I congratulated i in upon the recent purchases and was han ) y to see tuch evidt ucesif wtiikh arid pios ) erity. You reginl this in its trti3 light," bo s ii.l. "No (centleuia.i can afl nd snch things t he bs a man of wealiii. There is not H nobleman in I5oifi.it who has a fiaer turn out than I have." We then retired to a riirata ( flic, where my friend disced to consult me oa s line i matters of business. He then infirmel me! lb it Lis trade was never in so tl miithing a j Cot.di ion as st ths.t time. He bail made moro ' than in all his ruviotis lifo. la a f e .v tlays ! hi wot.l 1 receivo bills of exchange from New York ftr .CIO (m).", the jirocecds of goods he i bad exported some ten months jrevaus. j ,-ln fict," be continued, "l bold these let- ' ters saj iug that the bills w ill be remitted by i I he n- xt packet. I am not iu need e f money tit present, but as I desire to kot-p a govil j Lalanco t ) toy credit in bank, I w.th you -to : jo ornmodate n:e by accepting this bill fjr "I'll o bank wil tiiscoii'it it, audi reihaps next week 1 will return you the j to i iey to moot the pay men t , so t hat you wi 1 1 . the gainer, ai.d not I I) n't yuu see j tli it it viil i.'j !' r juiu o-.vu bcotl:' i I inquire. 1 what was tl.. ualu'e ef th transaction betwceti us that rt-i'.iire J this bill to balance it. II i replied : Tl ere is uo-je ; it is only vi accommoda tion to toe to'pl.'.cj t!.o au.t nut to my credit i ia the bank. Just as soon as I rc-eiva the I bills from New- York I wil! return the money auJ you cau use it in yoiiro.vn business until tna payment liccoiiies due. ' I A bill ef t!.u kind, ef this kind, given mercy to borrow ., , i . , J , on, is cailt I u lute. I never kiicw . . . . , , tiiem t) bo u.-e 1 exc-i t by nun en tha lankruptcy. I saw the whole trans- money one of t! tva of lankruptcy. I saw the whole trans- action at once. Mr. Thompson was in a great financial diOLultv, ami ho was toj proul t-j confess it. li.s'rcccnt txtiavagauc. iu living was oniy to conceal iris embarrass- inent. If I accepted lh:s b ll, tho evil day awaitiDg him might Le ottpi-ned. biit would nut be prevented. Li tha cud I would ba vcrUin to K.sc ttll the money which u.v sig- ' nature Wo:i!d enable him to procuro. I ihcre- i foragave him a firm ami decided rtf.i.a'. Ail 1 bis pleadings and cntieatics culd not move ' '"-'agine be actually wanted to tteal. I pro n.e, a:,Ue finally gave up i.i.i imoor tun dies Uii-tl1 to conceal Lis guilt as lorg as be lived, to jK:idcr upon some new sc' t.u-' i 1 ilu butore you." I sud. "the secret We then withdrew to tho L-u'e. and seon w1'-1 wilh ln0 but lf 1 ""Vive you I am sat down to supper. Wine was stWward i ut0 " lc:i u lJ w 110,11 1 l:ejsc- 1 wul Pr iniroduced, and some "un untaiu titw," the I ml"e ycU iLls alul '''bing more.' pioduction of a secluded glen ir. the nei-li- j 1 lo,,k UJ fi-r-,ier f-vell, but departed horbtK-d. and which was t-oiltVs ,,f rlld f-m that buu.-.e forever, ami rode to a distant sptction cf any ofiL-er of bis majesty's sir- j vie. The I wo daughters of Mr. Tnompt.oa, j r.d a lady visitor, entertained the company i with most fav.rite airs en tho piano. r?tv- j eral songs were sung, and it was n .t until the , v.atchman, making bis accustomed insiec-; tion outside, lob! tho hour of rttii ing, that 1 I - - - , -i - iiiuht of lroioir lo mv l.tl romii. IU TtKimpsoti comlu ;te,i me to my chamber, and ls'3 was continual. y occupied and perplexed placing acand'e en the table, bade m gutd 'j l,-v t.vo great uudei takings. First , to su3ta u Light, c'oitd the door, and departed dwn ! b s nominal ttandirg ns a tnerchai.t in the i-tuira. : comintrci.il worid ; and, second, to conceal Wtwle I ur.-Jrsseel and txtinguUheJ the ! tta everybo.ly a kno.vledg-i tf bis real cou liib',1 1 eirtl tbed:s!?ntst!uml of the church ditiou. His bills lor heavy amounts were click of Be fast chim-j tbs midnight hour. ! becoming eliK), and be bad no means to pay aad Ibe shout, "I'att twelve!" from fifty i l-"in- Nothing coulJ save him from bank voice?, came laintly f.om the guardians of f ruyXcy but mortgaging bis w bole establi.-h-tbe bight. I slept s nuidly for a fuw hours, j m!l1 fyr its full value. This be accomplished until some dream awaU-ntd a train f ideas w!t1' a banking house, s- curing a loan that lhat aroused me. At Ibis niurneH I heard, b'aced him once more in apparent fcl'tlu ra.o er fancied I heard, the low and cautious' au'J ability to meet b:s payments. Bui his sound of footsteps approaching my door. I ' '-ta was virtually the properly ef others, was wide awake iu an instaut. and slightly ; 1 J feW null's be was as i,eedy as ever, raiting my bead, wailed for a repetition e f i "'j aid him in bis diflicultres be embarked Ibe scund. Nothing, however, breko the SUCC( sivt''j iu various kinds cf business bileuce of the le ur save the ticking of mv nutsid.f speculations, in connection with other watch and the distant balking cf the watih dog. l'i a few moments, however, I diss linttly heard a foeiblo ton ml of bteady pres tuie ou the lock. The door opeued slowly, a ligbt shone into my room fiom the outside, tnvl a man euttred, earryin in bis left band a small lanteru and iu bis right a sbd:t dag-er- I at once recognized the intruder r.s Mr. Thompson, my bo&t. Believing that my f-afcty lay in keeping quiet, I feigned sleep, rartially closing my eyes, jet stiil able to discern the tnovemeuts of my nocturnal vis itor. I "a bim cautiously approach my Vetf and look steadily at uif. 1 could plain ly see in bis face a determination to commit crime. I 'bat fearful moment, when a sin- gl movement might cost me my life-, 1 could not avoid feeling greatly astonished that a iuercLaut of b'yb ataLdiLj tLould bo tdacei in the position I now beheld hirn. Mr. T.. ,.rw.1ir,i,.r st'fitdil that I was asleep, placed ai-;,in 1,,,,,.,.. on t ic lit) r. and K'Otl irota me i i - brea.-t pocket til n;y c at the two thousand p,-,,,,,.., I had .jth me. II. again turned ,jie p;jlt towards me, placed tho money in hjs OV(r pocUtt, grasped tbo dagger, ami c.L.,,t!y withdraw, ioufciog the wUIe steadily j tl).- face. r- a (utir wits theu closed u ri0 Mnc cautious inauLcr witu whicl: it Lad been opened. I now breathed a little more free'y. i iimueiit pf iii in which my life had been placed was for a time removed, but 1 f:i:ed thcie was a p(.s?iliility of (he iol.'otir return- (i. .r r.ibtier I must now c iil him.) tot j l .i k (ir a le on cctnuiission. Ly Hard ttrug-pl-tii!g his crime by t.ikiio; my l:fe. to j i'ui he kep.t his woiks going aLsut preout any exp eture ol tns oee i. l rg sut-nt lioiiis till tiit-s dawn ( f d;iy were j asjtl by nu3 with much anxiety. 1 had piepired myself boldly to se'Zi the villain should lie viit me a sccontl ln. and arouse every in ir.ata in the house, lint he did not return. At length tho light of reUin.ii.' day beatned through tha window, t'nu occ:isional souutl fotn.steps on th-j ontide and tho voices ot j iiiea ii.dicated the approach of reluming ho lor. 'l'hn boll of tbo bleaeo g-eeu rang tha hour of six o'clock, the loud sound of th en gines awoke the echoes of tha glen, and tho , a!lXi,;ljs xii-ht bad iss.'d awav. Hut , ,j18evcllt Wll, a suli"ct of ve astonishment to nis. Ilre was a man c f bi"h social stand ing, of character hilhn to uub'.cmi.-hetl, whom tha whole mercantile community in the r.orth become a mordcrcr. I considered well what was th.! Ve.it course for me to pursua, and, 1. ivii.T i l.-l r i . ! 1 1 lirtnn tlt.it h liipli T i!fsin. j ej u ar()S(, ;U11, t)lt.,seiJ - , V1 th., ti,lk!ing of the breakfast bell i summoried ma down stairs, the family were j assembled in the dining room, and greeted i me coidially. Mr. Thompson seemed slight ly agitated at ti.-st, but recovered bis self pi sscssioti in au instant, and talked in his usual free and easy manner tu all in tl.e j room. A desire to conceal embarrassment j evidently made him more profuse in his con j veisation, so that a close discriner would i have discovered that smethiii' unusual had brokeu the ordinary condition of bis mind, j j horj(J (o be i,ri.Uj.ijt t auj ,at nUi toii. je. When break I ist was over, 1 rcque&letl my j ut, put on my overcoat aveol the ladies. Hiv ing mounted the saddle, Mr. Thompsou walked leisurely beside me to tho giteway, talking with apparent ens; ul! the time. Then he tiieil to put an end In l he con versa- tion bv holtbug out bis hand ami bidding me ! good morning. My oppo:tuuity had now j como. Sai.i 1 : ' Mr. Thompson, that llt.le ) ke of yours ; has boan carr e.l far enough. I hope yeu j ci j -.yetl it. 1 did not meutioti it btfoio, ua I J was anxious to give you as much pie.sme in ! it as I culd pa.;e : but timts is passing. I . niU-t g. back at once Give me back what you h.tve." I beg your pardon," said be I do not understand what jtu aay." I repeated my words, adding in a Crm voice Give me my money !" ' What joke do you refer to, G:eer ?T' be asked. - 1 am Uuabie to coluprt lmuti ei;r mearjiug." I mean Ihose two thcusar.d pounds you took out of my coat pocket dm iug tho night, er rather this morning, w hen you supposed I was asleep. Laasnioed I wae tbi'ti as lully awako as ( an. nov. I sjln you with the dagger and the little lantern. Nothing es caped my notice. It is useltEs to talk any longer ubotil it I want my money at ouce. II -member, however, I still rugud it as a by, Gieer, you amr.zj me," he rrd.ied. "II iva yuu really lost your m -.ney V Tnat won't do, Thompson," 1 rejoined. "Yu'.i are carrying this j ks too far. Give ilo back my money, lor you have it, and you kno'.v it, or abide tin cons, .picnces." "Ciiecr," he replied, "you are tnhei j .king or you are mad. if you have lost )our pmse yt u iiiiht either have le ft it at home, behind you. or droppc! it on liio road coming." Now, Thompson, ' said I.J" we i'l pur'ey no Io:;g..r. It you do n t instant'y i-.-stoie tLto m .ney, Vj'J will be ane.siei lor robbery within tti. loiuu'us. J wi;i be sure to obtain it tin a. Urt, remember, the puo io and a ciuni . i! cot.rt w:.i not p--:!-vo t a j -ki, but a ot hbcrale attempt io s'.ea1, n . ... . it , j . , lie now gretv paie, ana staggereu uacK to e paling lor s.ipp i t. Making a tllc ut- '.euipt to recover bis self-possus.-iou, he tried to f r.c-, a lotitl lair -h from his lips, but thi ; ..:,. .o ., r , i u itfi' t iiiiserably laiio l. II j sta . , , , . . , . at leng h, m t tutitn wonls : ' ' 1 was only in j;st only tyi auiutuit'd oui ' 1 "'.y in j;st only tying to fright- i n 3U". Orur. 1 .u know me too we.! to J 6un,(-!-e 1 to keep your money. I i never meant to .io so. N , no ; rt was t.nly ! a 'ltt e lurm:M amusement. Wait for a j -Saj mg this, be went rapidly to the stable ! J"-1. I'sing ' tit uf my sight. Iu a lew j;: ires he returucl and gave mo back my U1 u"-v- l- ,:,en enlreated me uU U speak cf Ulii irl"!:iti :a. I'eor-lo m'ght miiket town tt cxecuto the buiL-csa. wb:tL had called me from homo. You may have some desire to knosv what bvcame of this man afterwards. Hid char acter which hitheito had bteu deemed fair seemed gradually to take a downward course. Step by step, be sank lower ami lo ver in the ways ol tvil and iniquity. For two years KUtics. II" Found dilfirent pretexts for withholding a moey investment iu these schemes. Tbey were commenced iu tle greedy expectation cf obtaining possession of money belonging toother parties. whi! tho others weie equally bent tipoti fleecing bim out of the wealth of which ha boasted. All these schemes utterly failed. II refused to pay the debts that bad beeu contracted, denying bis liability, Lawsuita ensued, and for years the civil calendar of the assrzes had bis nama cit'iei as iduiutiS or dtfendat t in otv:iai uar.vs. At iciiin iitf Uispu'.eM,- en some fiivotoiia gr un I cr other, every claim made on bim for payment e f a debt. His - I n.Aw...o A . l.....l. I o:. ... 1 real ol jet was to delay, if not entirely ea I cape, the dy of payment. Every merchant I tbo community not only declined doing busmen w itb tuch a Uiau, "but tbuuLeJ Lis ' tocicty. Abandontd by hta foiraer friends, he sougl.t new oues iu ale houes cf lad ref uialitift, anion the dit-bipatcd characters that fre quent such places. When Ida business and work name to a stand still, for want of fuud(, he made one last de-prate (ffort to letrieve his ruined f rlunea. Au old Sbylock negotiated a h"an with him. at usurious ic terest. taking as security a bill of sale upon all his goods chattels, merchnudi.se ainl lur liituio. 11, id fruab'ed him for a short time to pr.t hi niaciiiiiuiy in motion. Ouce n.tie j his bleach tirfe.'i rcsumttl operation. No j sooner were Lis goods finished than t! cy , were shipped to a mercantile houa in Ntw j tnonlt.s. Iut m ttus periotl tia pa.-Ftil tnro such troubles both domestic and financial as stddoni'fai' to the lot of raan. Datb of his daughters died with consumption. Ilirt suits at law nil terminated againut him, and i-xtcu;ionsnpon and seizure of his goods succeeded. Tho groat fire iu New Yoik. on tho loth of December, 1S33. which laid fifty- two acres of the nenest pait ot that nobla city iu ashes, brought desolation ami ruin to many happy homes. (Ja this sloe ot ILb , At. antic the calamity was severely felt. All j the goods tl Thompson, storod there ou com mission, were consumed ; the ceTounug e.'es merits swept sway at once all he had accu mulated to discharge his new liabilities. All his chattel property was seizjd and rsmnved by the iuthles-s nioneysiemJer, and the baiiK a'one into the wuru, witnoci a noma, wiia out a friend, and without a shilling. If a good mau meets with adversity be nV.uially expects tha sympathy, pity and ail of bis fiicndsj lu, instead tf this, be sees nothing but the cold shoulder and hea'S nothing but tcoru and reproach. None a-c s poor as to recognize him. Whin a la! man becomes tcdiut?d from riclies to poverty, ti e woild hails his down fail w'.tlit xu tatiou and tl.e sumin-r biontls ef othtr years often - . ., i i . . I . ...:v openly insult him. II' pm.-eJ at every rico-, Thorn f , ti ami his wife at last f-und an asy lum in the old poor house. There, as au hits, thtv ended their days she within tut h e months, and be at tho end tf ten years F.U.T AS A "lU.Vl-STATIVE OF S.VAI.L TOx. I)-. Ca'l 15 .th, in an article iu .Jauuaiy number of '-(JjoI Health," has the follows iug "'sure preventive" of small-pox : A due preportion of salt, enten regularly every !ay tn connection w.th all sriiclesof alLummt us . food, meat, 11 ur. tt(.t will render tbo body j invulnerable to small-pex, especially if the foiUwing and like articles of di t are added: . '"Good course Hour, containing good am! , undecomposed gluten, not too many rgu. 1 not too much candy or sugir in ary form. particularly in connecttori with the use t.f albuminous food, the occasional ue of act I. fiesh fiuits, onions, or horse radish, mustaid. or something of similar cLarae'er : these being riece.-aary for prrpuly balanced b'o 1 iu tuir state of civilization. Since this rule is in no wnv ir jurius on the o-ie hand, and on the other is, as we j maintain, an ahs !ute preventive, we tbii.k it s.hould cot a'toge'Ler escape the notice ot tl.e reader. In another part of the article be mentions that, the Fiidden, exces.ive use of salt may induce the appearance ef the disease. CnEiiisnne; n Illusion. The last ta'e ef man's unfaithfulness to mau comes fiem S'lma, Ala'oama. C).i the first t f Januai v, i 1 " 1, a syndicate ( f ytamg men was form ti, ! one i f whom, the m st truslwo thy of them jail, was appointed treasurer. Tbey then : signed a temperance pledge arid ngrccd to i jp, oi. tut; u st i;.iy ii t'.ie.i mouin jiy j j each, to be divided at the end i f tie year! j among those members who remained faith id ! I to their obligation. One by or e thy fain'ed j and fell, until at tho expiration of the spec: ; iied time there was oniv one who had not Ijie'thd to the ltpjil ten.ptf.t:on. He rc- j j paired at the hour of n nti ou New Yeai's J i ltv at the orpoiMe i place f rend: zwus to j Irectiv: the il.-l JO wi.ich he la ! st nobly! carne '. Hut the o'h r eleven weie r ot tl e e, so. fu I of n :iy thiist, he fastened to a ncigh i 0l g salo .rr lo t.tke bis fir t nip f r a' t wtlvtm.'hth. II j had p-.rtially swal'o vet! it w len ten of his colleagues entered, and ; revealed to him the horrifying fact that 1 is. I w i ch was twenty minutes too fast. He. too, ; lal falhn. ai:d the vision of a well-filled ! poeket-bt ok vanished. Tl.e eleven then re- paired to the flice cf ti e tie. surer, only to learn that be l ad lost all the money playing draw-ptker with one of the church liusiecs. An tlfjrt is now being made to keep th sor rowful story out of th epapers. Tivij l imes. Weather Wisd u Past and Rkksent. As comparetl w ith many of their piedeces kois in the matter i f snow, the j ast several winters have been lildputs. Ou tbo morn ing of April 22.J, 1801. there was a snow of eighteen inches; on May 11. 1803, one two inches deep ; on March 3 1. 1807. the l?op tst cf the winter; November G. 1807, one of the most violent storms (niue inches deep) that had been k lo a n for many years; on March 20. 1823. snow full to tho depth of fifteen inches, the deepest cf that season j between Clniatmai and New-Years of 1830. it cotr.mence 1 rnowirg on Fiiday at 3 o'clock and continued until Monday morning. The snow on a level was'about forty-two inches deep. That wiuter r.early all tl.e game per ished from cold and starvation. Ou Novem ber 17. 1631. winter set in with a snow fif teen inches, which lacted nntil the February following, the weather continuirg very cold. Or March 10. 19t ?. sno.v to the depth of twenty four inches covered the grouud. Adout a Tig The citizens of Hawkins county, Tenn., are much exercised over a dead pig, abtut which tho lbgo svillo Re porter asks a credulous generation to believe: "Like other pigs, its head was regularly formed, v. itb ti e exception of the ears. Of these it bail three, two coming out naturally and ti e odd irregular one being situated in the centre of the back part of thghead, near its juncture w ith the neck. Its neck wa unusually large. Its ibculders were double. Two fre feet prrj-cted upward from the back ami two were naturally pendent. From the shoulders backward were tbo bod ies of two pigs, having two backbones, which were ranged In a Iilo below and at light angles to the bedics. This unnatural pro duc.iotr was dea l when found and was of the masculine gender." SOMLTHIfO WOKTII KNOWING. It is wortb wbile to know Low to stop bleeding from tbo nose when it becomes excessive. If tbo finder is pressed firmly upon tha little artery ubich -npplits blood to the side of tb face a flee ted. the result is rceomplished. The small arteries, branching up from tha main arteries on each tide of tbt neck, and passing over tbo outside of the jvt- bone, supply the ftico with blo'd. If the nose bleeds from the riht nostril, for example, pass ibe firmer aJt.n the edge of tha right jw till ibo beating cf the artery is felt. Press bard upon it and Ibe bleeding will ceasa. Continue l ha pressure five minutes, until too ruptured vessel in the ncse baa time U jciitrict. Louisville CLroniclc. rjp H 0 M A S C A 11 L A N D, WHOLESALE DEALKtt IN GROCERIES S QUEENSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ii. salt; SUGAR um mm. BACO.X. FLOl'K, FEED AND PROVISIONS, 1323 EicvcnllJ Areiiue, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altcona. All such poods a Spice. Brushes. "Wood .1 TTillow Wure.Shoe Hiacking and Station ery will be sold from manufacturer's printed price lists, and all other good ih my line at rhiladHphia, Baltimore. Citicihnali and Pitts burgh current prices. To dealers 1 present t'ue peculiar advantage of saving ibem all freight ml drsyaL-e, r s they are not recpiired to pay fi eights from th priic:pl cities and no thay- ge cliarges -ore made. Dealers may vest as sured that my goods are of the best qualitr and my prices as moderate as city rates. 11 y doing a fair, upright business, and !t promptly and satisfactorily filling all orders, I hope to rueiit (he patronage ol retail dealers and others in Cambria county and elsewhere. Orders re spectfully solicited ami satisfaction fruar.mteed iu all cases. THOMAS OAKLAND. Ahoooa, July 29. lSCli.-tf. yOOD, JlOlUiELL & CO., WASHINGTON STTiET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in MlLlMMHIt Y GOODS, II A ROW A UK. QUEMNSWARE. BfOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. IKON AND NAIL' CARTETS AND OIL CLOTHS, READ Y-M A D H CLOTH ING, GLASS WARE..YI.LLOW WARE. WOODEN AM) WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together iih all manner of Western I'rodnce, noli as FLOril. BACON, FJLI, SALT, CA IHiON OIL, kc, ,tc. ZT" Who'esale and retail orders solicited and promptly filled on the shortest uoiice and nost reasonable terms WOOD. MORRELL i CO. (itn.r. K. ZA II M JAP. 11. ZA U M DSAI.EHS IX- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDVARE, Q1JEENSYVARF, i' v lo iua uu vr;ijj AND ALL OTHER ARTICLE GENER ALLY KEPT IN A CO I N TRY STORE. WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCE TASKS r- PXCI1A.NGH FOR UOCTS. Stcre on South Side of Main Street, Hbcnstnti gr, Ia. iMiTilpniil WM. P. PATTON, 3raim liiotiirer ami Dealer In CABINET FURNITURE o. 10O oral I 2 lintuii Street, J OU XX TO 1'X, PA . rturenus, l:.-tlsreads, Wiishstan'Is, Fidt'boiir.ts, Chamber Pets, Parkir Sets, Wardrobes, I took Cases, Cane Chairs, Wood Seat hair s. Kitchen Furniture, I!ed Eounges, Mattre-ssos, Tcte-a-Teles. Extension Tublos, JriniriK- Ttible-s, kc, SicT, ic. Sec, ic, ic., &c, ic., it-., ic, &o. EVKItY DESe"rtlIXIN' OF SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in excellent style rind nt low prices. abinet and hnirmukers' materials of all kinos for sale. Furniture di-livereii nt nn.v point in Jtdintitowii unit Jtuiiroad station free or extra e-harjro. WM. P. PATTUX. Johnstown. Oct.'J.I, l?70.-tf. Geis & Foster, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street. JcIiRstorru, Ia. nvite th uttention of buyers to their larjj: antK le-srant stock of FILL 1D MTATEIi GGODS CONSISTING OT DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY GOODS CARPETS, OIL OIL CLOTHS, Ac, AT EVKItY ntlCE! Lioungvs, e opboartis. THIRST NATIONAL SADDLE AND -1 HARNESS SHOP OF OAMI1I5TA CorXTV, HiR-h street, (opposite Union School Honso.) West Ward, Ebensbursr, Pa. M. M. O'Nlill.L, Proprietor. Sml!li s nnd Hume made uc?t re pairetl and nH other work in my line exeeuterl in the best manner. n the shortest notice, and at tho most reasonable rates. ll-li.-tf.i GEO. W. OATMAN J. GALLITZ1N LAKE. n.VTJIAN & LAKE, V ATrOKSEYS AT LAW, EliENSltUKG, PA. I wPrnmpt attention triven to claims of nil kind in Cambria county, and throughout the United States and Canadas. LFcb. 10.-ly.) WM. 11. SEcrit.En. R. 6CANLAN. Curiolltown. LMjensburjf. SKCIILKIi & SCANLAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, EriKNSi:i-to, Pa. tit-Advice given in English and German. "I") AM EL MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney eif-Loor, Johnstown. Pn. Olliee in the old i-'Xcliuiirre Imililinrr. ui-stairs.) cornerof Clin 'u 11ml Locust streets. Wll attend to all bus- iit-sa eonnectett with his profession, r. X. SHOEMAKER GEO. A. BERItT. Q II O K M a K K Ii & V, K U U Y i U ATTORLlS.AT.I,AV, March 11, 1ST1. hlHKXSU UHG, rA . JOHN l LINTON, Attornty-at-Law, Johnstown, Pa. OtTicn in building south west comer of Slain and Franklin streets, scc ontrittory. Entrance on Franklin street. rr W. DICK, ArroitNKV-a r Law. Lb- ensburjr, I'u. Office in Cnlonade How. All manner of l,.al bii!ines ntteioreil tosatis-ttti-toriiy aud coUcctious a specialty. ' 10-bl.if .j 1872. WINTER. 1872. I art now prepared to offer SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO CASIi PURCHASERS Or If!' IE. KITH KR AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. My stock consists in part of every yariety of Tin, SIit?ct-Jron, COITER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELLED ant plain SAUCE-PAMS, EOILEKS. &o , COAL SHOVELS, MINE LAMFS, OIL CANS, IIOUSEFURNISIIING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Speai'a Anti-Dint HEATING aUu COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES. NOBLE, TRIUMni and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES. And any Cooking Stove desiroJ I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Stova Plates and Grates, &c, for re pairs, on band for the Stoves I sell ; others will bo ordered when wanted. Particular attention giren to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put Up by competent workmen. Lamp Enrners, Wick and CMianevs "VTIIOLKSAI.E OK KKTAIL. I would call particular attention to the Light House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more libt than any other in use. Also, tLo Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SUGAR KETTLES AND CAULDRONS of all sires constantly ou Land. Special attention given to jobbing in Tin, Copper and SheeMror, at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Merchants' Lists now ready, and w ill be sent oa application by mail or in person II oping to see all my old crtsfr-mers and manv new ones tlds SDrin? I return mv i , , ., , , ' """ J i most sincere tbanks fur the very liberal pa ! tronage I bare already received, and will ! 1 . . . , 1, . entleavor to pleasa ail wbo may call, wbetl er they buy or not. FRANCIS tV. HAY Johnstown. March 7. 18C7. KKaT JiEDl ( TION IN T RICKS TO CASH CUSTOMERS! Tin: i:m:?isiii r.G SE-FliRMSBIA'C STORE. The uudersinetl respectfully infoin s ti e citizens of Ebensburg and the public goner ally that be has made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. Idy stock wi ) consist, in part, cf Cooking, Parlor and Hea ing Stoves, of the most popular kinds ; 77;. icare of every description, of nry own mat -ufacUire ; Hardware of all kind, such :e Locks, Smews, Btitt Hinges, Table Hir ge? , ShkttT Ilirse. Bolts, In n and Nails, Wit -dow Glas?, l'utty, Table Knives and Folk, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety, f-'ehsi rs. Sbt-ars, Razors aid Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Rorii g Machines, Augers, Cbisscls, Planes, Con J passes, Squares, Files, Rr.?p, An tils, Ybc, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Suws, Chains ef all kinds. Shovels, Spades, ?cyt bi e and Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Sleigh Pells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs. Wax BrUtles. Cbdb.s Wiingers, Grind Stones. Patent il(d:is.-es Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Hone Nails, IIor.-eSi.oes. Cast Steel. Rifles. She e Guns, Revtlvers, Pist Is, Cartridges, IV w der. Caps, Lead. &c . Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps antl Tubing; Harness and Sa Jllery Ware of all kind ; II oo'7t and M'itloir Wart in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps. Fish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubrientiiif Oil, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Faints, Varnish es, Turpentine. Alcohol. &c. FAfVULY GROCERIES, such aa Tea, Coffee. Sugars, Medasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pear Barley; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paint, Whitewash, Scrub. Horse. Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove. Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes ; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. frf-IIonce Sjouting minie, pamYd and pui up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. G FO. 11 IL TLEY Ebensburg, Feb, 28. 18G7.-tf- QEOHGE V. YEA G ER, Wholesale and IleCall Dealer In HEATING AND COOK STOVES OT EVBRY DESCRIPTION, TH. COPPER 11 SSIEMi TO Or HIS O'.VN MANUFACTURE, And GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING and all other work in bis line. Virginia Street, near Caroline Street ALTOOSi, IA, The only dealer in the citv having th rrjbt te 11 the ronowneil "BARLEY SHEAF " COOK S I'O VE. the most perfect complete and satisfactory Stove ever 'ntroduced to tbe public . Stock Immense. - Trices Lctv. satisfaction guaranteed. OOK WEEE TO YOUR IISDL EiSTA A ULGS! BOOTS AND SHOES For Men's anil Bryi' Wear. Tbe undersigned respectfully informs his nu merous customers and the public generally that he is prepared to manufacture BOOTS and SHOES of any desired size or qunlriy, from the finest French calfskin boots to the coarsest brogan. in the vtuv blst manner, on the short est notice, and at ns moderate prices as like work cau be obtained anywhere. Those who have worn Loots and Shoes made at.niy establishmr nt reed no aisumnce as to the superior quality of my work. Oibers con easily be convinced of the fact if tbey will only give me a trial. Try and be convinced. t2TRor airing of Boots and Shoe3 attended to promptly and Tn a workmanlike manner. Thankful for past favors I feel confident that my work ami prices will commend me to a con tinuance and increase of tbe same. JOHN D. THOMAS. Ebensburg, April 8, lbC'J, AT NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE r ti U i Contains no LAC SULPHUR-No SU GAR of lead-No litharge No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Trnnsporent hii1 clear ascrvstnl. it will not soil t tic- rinpst fabi io. perfectly SAKI'., CI, KAN ami EFFICIENT, OesitH rutunis noxa EultiUT tOll AMI PtIUMJ AT LAST '. It restores ami revents tlio Hair from le pomiuH: (J rny. imparts a sol 1, plosy a)ipt-i rane-e. remove's lainlruir, is cool ami rt f reshmtr to tli head, elif iks the llnir from faUioji- otr, ami re stores it to a frrt-Ht extent n lien premat urrly lost, prevents Hfnelaetie, euros nil humors, ru taneous eruptions, aiul unnatural In-af. AS A DKKSSINCi KHITHE 1 1 A I K IT 1 Til E LiEsi' ARTICLE I N TH E MA It EET. lit. O. SMITH. Patentee Aver. Mass. Pre pared only by l'KOCTOK I5K iTHEHS. Glou-eesre-r, Mass. The jronuinc is .(it up in a piiiu-1 Lottie, made expressly for it, with the name of the art icit" blown in t he his-s. Ask vour Drinr ist for XATlllK' HAM Ii tlx TO 11 ATIYK and take no ot tier. S-'Send two three cent stamps to I'ltofTEB Jt lit I'M i Kits tor a J reat i.-e on t he- 1 1 nmnn I iui r. U'he information it contains is w orth $.Vju to an 1 to an j person. S t?"For sale by I.EMMOX & .Vl'IlKAY , Prir-r- jfists. ic, Euensljui;,'. l'a tJune3, 'Tl.-ly.j Tr. Creek's WINE E:taV;:Ui:i A i fiiif.ly li.fti l.- i-. ,i o-siet, for in yeiir-, r.n 1 pr 'v-din tliu i.nds ol r-i--s. :in .lilf of fining 1 IU:;s ti tbo Ztszii izi L-i; p-r lonu ut; iniiiiy reiiiiirkaijie t are merits a tint! from -ll who nre suf feriris from sim i:ir nilc-tions nno tMinlv w-fkin..' r bef. VTiU TCI lat -:"ja:i2i 2:12. The Drujists s:ty it curf-s tlirm fill Ay.ixi. Thf rt-litf and t-ure-of it are mnrvt- oils. Er:2:::;:. Every suffe-ror will fin 1 nd,.' ssu cure Tir;iAai:i'.a rvpnre only a few dopes. ""-"3- 1 1 s cured cases pronounced incurable Ec'.7. 1 1 lem.v.ttes and inviiori.ios ihe vtfin. t-iv;r Ccplii3t. JIosi eliective regulator ot II. is orgnn rpe-'-w- n ' heaith-si nm and appetite r.-stounrr. wr.niT CrriBS. A-'iirariii ibem is mat kedand prom pi c:-3 TTS'S 6? is ri.-h in the medium J ,"i,1;t"- ol 'r"r . combined with xf-.-taMe int-e 'iient-i of undoiibrad value, winch make U unsfir t.j,:tiA 11s neaii n; nction on '-'te sf.iii.ifh fiirea , " 'ii. i"i uie t'oru nn: nis coiiimemre.i but rt ripidl? rcst:::s exiir.si :.r::s:i., cl.-ar.ses the :sn mi teli, it-hi-tes tbe Liver jtn i pui.s tliem to work, causes i. is food to disej-t, and innkes pure blood nd beaets a vivacity appreciated by both sound and iek. If oui re fllllicrei in nnvwiiv, e know if you try the li.'s-ri3 tcsi: jrpor.iis'of I-r. Crook s Vote or Tar, jou tv H mu your testimony to Us gre.it ruble in enrrectiinr nnr ".IN th-.t 'tl si. u i , to.- Prepared only by CUTIS C2CC2 4 C5. SoM tv lt'?i;ii even wiici e. Ic: :::;--t-s Zzziz, Z::z:z::z i:z.Zi: -J. tie Zyii. or S ihiuIh u mmv toiin.Ii.cis:.:m. cf tie lir-r r:j. Ji:c: ef.hef.l:2. Irst:::--:. riitlc:. Liili, T;V ttr. - Tui . r -c- r V-r-I ""fsi otitnooij; eu a t:ep,r.te.i eon. U-rf. limon t f tl.e I !r....l. tuke Ir Z i'j C - Ii C;rsp 'J ?:'- Sect. It is comi iii,"d f'J L' ''", 'toot-;.re an.tioiis of iron J&? k:. vii. :.rd is the Lest AUcnitie nnd if I loc,i 1 (l"'"rr rriatle. Z'.iizzz y:rr llzzi. Iryor.elle.ttle. Sold t.i In n--its. I'll paict' oi.!t ; v " cuvn zizzz 4 ci. rart. a i:x i itSKtjr T ui:i o CO CJ DC . o s-1 C3 Lie - O 1 P-e l?5 o !? Z 's-r IMS r-n O 5 CD CO iu CO X ;x:i;r i.i. .viim: i.!x:i AUCTION! AUCTION! HAVING Iieen conimissionetl by finvcr iior (Jeary to net ns .1 f (" u.-;f.'; in ' ami ror the lloroutrh of El-nsburfr. I am ": now preimre-d to re-e-t-i ve 11ml sell at Public ; auction till kinds of (Jonds, Wares. M r t chsi'Klise. Ac, ami also attend to thedutie-s ; of Auctioneer at all sales of Lands, Tene ; incuts Live Stock, House-hold I'nrnituie, : Ac, i;c, wirhin the liii-itsof snid Itm-otirrh. Ttrnm muiUrate. liniuire nt No-. loo Hih : street. M. L. (.-! 7'Ji.l.Y, : Ebensburg, pril X'-', lsri.-tf. LORETTO MARBLE WORKS. PRICES REDUCED! Auel Work IVnrranteil! UONT?MENTf 'MF.STS, Tomb Stones, IU'-lf3r Af and Ta in. e Tors, made of V'J-IX st Italian Marble ami in sty le '-'5 ? itEAt: the fine ef work manshiit not sur rpassed by me a call " 2 afry mainifiicturer. (live me work elsewhere. JAMES WILKINSON. 1I; Loretto, April 22, ISTl.-tf. LOGAN'S MARBLE WORKS! l.tl I'rankllu Street, Jolinlov n. JOIIV IV. I.Oi;4, - 1'roprlefor ONTMEXTS, HEAD ami TOM It STONE.-. COI'XTKit aXD CABINET SLAPS. MAN TELS. &c. manufae-tured of the very best Ital ian and American Marble. lrfee-t satisfac tion in w ork, design nnd price puaranteeil. J sVOrders respect fully solicited and prennpt ly executed. tJohustowu, Nov. 11, 'Tl.-tf.J T USIC ! MUSrC r r Tho "Sisters xi a. of St.-Joseph will be prepared topive epare.1 topive K..y--ii n tbe PIANO hfliX-?3 .r :ON or CAItl-ft&Srrif Lessons on i M ELUDE- NLT ukoan at any ftS time atte-r j-.astep. t-'For terms apply to tne M:rerioress, sis- rer yi. IXoktensk, or to Rev. R. C'hni-jres motlerate. Ebensburgr, April 1, 1S71 tf. C. Chbistt T LOYD & CO., Bankers, "HL. n KliEXXniTRG, pa. 1-57" O old. Silver. Covernment Loans, and other Securities, bnujrht and sold. Iutevcwt al lowed on Time Deposits, Collections matle at all accessible points in the United States, tnd a general Banking business transacted. WM. M. LLOYD & CO , ' BANKERS, ALTOONA, PA. Ijrarts on the principal e itiessnd SiUi r and (old for sale. Collections matle. Monies re ceived on deposit, payable on demand without interest or upon time-with interest ul fair rates. ! I IH c a 6 I BE g H ! fc'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''" l'''Mlw"w'WaaaaaW Mil i ' ! VEGETABLE SICIL! IIAJIl Every year increases tLe :(jiu!;ii;: y (of this valuable Hair 1 rei'arati..i; ; 1 Avhieli is ne to jnerit alone. We c:.ii i assure our oM patrons tliat it is kcj t ; fully up to its liifxli standanl; an.l it is the only reliable and perfected prej' ; aration for rcstoritifr Giiay on Fajoki; II Am to its youthful color, making it soil, lustrous, and s.iiken. The fcuup, i by its use, becomes white and clean, j It removes all eruptions and dandrutij j and, by-its tonic properties, prevents the hair lio'iii falling out, a it fctimu ; lates ami nourishes the huir-trlandf. Iy its use, the hair grows thicker and 1 stronger. In baldness, it restores the j capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except : in extreme old acre. It is the most I economical Hair Duessixg ever used, ' as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Slav : Assayer of 3Iassaclmsetts, pays, "Tl.: i constituents are pure, and carefully select eel for excellent quality; and 1 ' consider it the Iest 1'kepakaiiox for its intended purposes." Sold by all Vrugjists, nul Dealers t'.i Medic inn. Pries Ono Doller. Bucking'ham's Dye FOE, THE WniSKEBS. As our IJcnewer ia many cases re ipnires too long a time, ami too much care, to restore gray or laded Whisk ers, we have prepared this tlye, in oru) ln partition; which will quickly an I eilcctuiilly accomplish this result, lb is easily applied, ami produces a col r which will neither rub nor wash oft'. Soltl by all Druggists Cents. Manufactured by R. P. 1'rice Filly HALL & CO. K A.SiirjA, IJ.ll. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,. For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, "Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Aranr.! the fre.it discoveries of moder 1 science, few ere el" more real value to tnankiud than this er lectual reme.ly for u l di-eaces of the Thro..: and Luiiir5. A v;.-: trial of its virtues, throughout tins n:. 1 other countries, has shown that it does surelv and eflecruallv control thorn. Tbe testimony of our lest citi zens, f all classes, establishes the fact, thut C'iiEi:f.T Pr.croitAL will and does relieve and cure the af:bct:::g disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The ino?t dangerous nllectious of the Pulmonary Organs yield to it? power; and cases of Consump tion, cure 1 by this preparation, are public ly known, so "remarkable as hardly to be be-" lreved, were tlic-y not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it i adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the" forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount cf suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and co:i Tinces the most sceptical. Every familv shov.l keep it on hand as a protection n gainst tbe ear' find unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affccti'-:".. which are ea-i!y m.-t at first, but which bcf s incurable, ami too often fatal, if neglected. Tc lier In nis necl thU defence; and it is unwise t be without it- As a safeguard to children. i the di-tresitig di-eases which beset the lhr. .:: and Chest of c'.iiltih'jo 1, C'iielly I'ictoiiat i invaluable ; fov, by iu timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature grave?, r.i i saved to the l.ve and affection centred on the:-.:. It acts speedily and surely ngair.it ordinary cu' :-, securing sound and heakh-re-torinz sleep. . 0'ie will sutler troublesome Intltienza and pah. ful Hroiichitis, when they know how- ea;. they can be cured. Originally the product of loner, laborious, nr. 1 successful chemical investigation. 1.0 cost cr t d is spared in m iking every bottle ia the utm. - sible pcrlectron. It mav be conndertlv r e- 1 u;ton as possessing all the virtues it has eve: exhibited. and ca;iab!e of producing cures r. meuiorai as the greatest it has ever effected. FRErABED ET Dr. J. C. AYER h CO., Lowell, Mass e Practical and Analytical Chcmim. SOLD BY ALL. IucaGIST9 EYEnYWIIEII--- LiE;ir: HAYINO iccenlly enlarged our slock we are now prepared to sell at n creat reduction from former iriccs. O-iretotV con- j s st of Drugs, Medicines, 1 erfuniery, I a ney ; Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Kes!or j atives. l'ills, Ointments, Piasters, Li:. hat-tits, j Tain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess .l:in:dci i (linger. Pure Flavoring Extracts, E-set -tes, ! Lemon Syrnp, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syr .: , I Rhubarb. Pure Spices, ic. ; I ClOARS A XI) TOBACCOS. Pdnnk Rooks, Deeds, Notes and Bonds; C..; ! I'ost. Commercial and all kinds of Note Put:; ! Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Arnold's "Vr::.: ,; ! Fluid, Black nnd Red Ink, Pocket and !' -s i Books, Magazine?, Newspapers, Novt'-. i 1 " i tones. Bibles, Religious, Prayer and Tt-y r' . j Penknives, Pipes, Ac. . I C' Ye have added to our Ftc.k a'"1 fl ' FIN E J EWELRY, to which we wtu'.i iuv.-e tbe attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered in this place. Raper and Cigars sold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON i MURRAY, July ?0, lSGt. Main Street, Ebensburg. ENTLSTIiY. TLe undcrsisncd, a grad uale ot the Balti more College of Dental Sur gery, respect fully offers bis j PROFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity, which place be will visit on the fourth Mondat of each month, to re main one week. Au l3. SAM'L BELFORD, D. D. S. DR. H.B.MILLER, Altoona. Fa., Operative and Mechanical DENTIST Office removed to V irginia street, opposite the Lutheran church. Persons from Cambrii county or ehewhere who get work done by na to the amount of Ten Dollars and upwards, wid have the railroad fare oeducted from their bill? All wouk wauantkp. Jan. 21, lM9.-if. T EilJION & PLANK 1 J Praclislus: lb.Ti hTielnn. r.ltHNSBI KO, t fSrOtTlce in rear of Lemmon V, Murray Drug and Book Store, lliifh street. ljulc-i"j WILLIAM K ITT ELL, Attokjiki- AT- nadc Row- nan .sw.-M-i m ii