tii.-;; iJw tthrmtii H lilMi'lMHitf ilMMlllMlM WfiMtfy tftin I - 3 ' t .1 -:::? - ,1 ' "', ' . IS , 5 'J J :-.s a .-.. . t 1 -. :':5 . 1 r I i J I ir' ' .a S3 Tba Friborg (Svr-.laud) correspondent of the Lmdou Standard, afur describing th recent conflagration hi lhat city, relates tbe following act of braVory aial self-devotion on part cf a woman J "Hitherto I had looted upon the scne. a M as it was. a be:ng simply a case of j. f mnpriv. as I had been tola that the people who lived in the hous.es bad nucceaded in escaping. Suddenly, however from ooe of the front windows, on the thud .dory. I Jcard a crash of glass, and. .ookicg up I iavr a woman's face such a face as 1 never care to see again. It was dreadful in n agonv. Scraamiog to the crowd below. Bhe stemed to fuel that the was too high f 1 1 them to hear, ai d lLa flames, a3 she stood at the window, came licking up;the wall, as though thy felt she was already given up to them. "What she said, or attempted to say. do one ever knew, but the crowd gr.Z'i g up f.oni l)low saw her. and a hoarse roar came from them, which seemed to reach her and give tier some encouragement. Wildly waviu htr arms, she disappeared for a moment, and then reappeared at the window with a little child in her arms. In England a fire-escape would have been reared against the wall of the ho6e. and a fiieraan would have brought down the woman and child not, perhaps, without seme difficulty, but still without any verv great daDger, provided he cotlld have kept out of the way of the flames, which were darting out of the windows of the lower stories j but in Switzerland do such things as f re-eECspes exist. There are willing hands and brave hearts, and that is all. What, then, can be done? Are the people to eee the woman and child roasted to death under their very eys? But they are far below, and the fitry flames are creeping up the wa'ls ami windows, and already the weman has to draw back her burden as the fire comes nearer and Dearer. Far below all access is cut off. The staircases are simply masses of ted hot rtone, where no one could live for a moment. "Wbat cao be done? Just then a tremen flous cheer burst from the crowd below, the reason for which I could cot understand, and I could only continue to look with horrible dread upon the sight, for I knew that unlwss help came within a faw minutes it would cjme too late. "But help did come at last though, to me, from a somewhat unexpected quarter. The house in which were the woman and child was the last of those which had taken lire, aud an adjoining one had an iron balco ny, from which a fireman, seeing the dread ful danger, and cheered up by the crowd, attempted to throw a rope to the woman. Bat it was very difficult for her to catch it. Four times he threw it, and each time he saw it fall past the window, though it was pitiful to see how eagurly she tried to get hold of it. But the fifth time she was suc cessful, and tying the rope tightly round the child's body, she swung it out of the wiudow, and it was slowly but eafely drawn into the aJjinrrtg house. Direcilj she h td done this, the woman disappeared from the window, but almost immediately returned with an other child, and by the same means she sue ceeded in saving her secoud charge. But in caving tire lives of these two children the brave wom.m had got terribly burned. The ilames had been creeping up nearer and near er ti her, and as she stood at the window tying the children a tongue of lire would of teu leap Cp end encircle her, but she never ilinched. Wrapping" the child- she held in her arms tightly in a woolen cloak, so' as to prevent the flames touchiug it, she quietly iore toe li e uotii it had ouce mora gone down, and then she quickly proceeded with her work. But now it seemed too late to Bve the woaiau herself, for fire had reached the store of wood at the top of the house and f iio roof was in flames. Her hands and arms Too were terribly scorched, and we feared she would Dever be able to hold the rope. But as the cord was thrown her the people raised a tremendous cheer, as though to en courage her, and catching it at the first at tempt, she managed to fastei it round her body, and (browing herself out of the win- !ew, the was gradually lowered into ti e K'r et, aud carefully taken to the hospital, here she at preseut lies iu a dangerous con tl:t ion. "There have been a grcf.t many cases of devoted herois n in times past, but 1 know of noue more nob's than this of a simple scr viiht girl, who not only ri:-ked hrr own life, V-it stood such dreadful torture in order to MTd the lives of children under her charge, aud I gl i My give her name. It i Anna Al ii. iz, of Biikeodorf. The Swiss people are a vartn hearted race, and the devoted conduct ef le grr! weres to be fully appreciated by ihem. The whrde press has spoken loudly pr-iise of .the heroism she has sh wn. a:.d already a subscription has been opened for her benefit, as it is feared hr injuries are so severe that she will never agaiu bts able, even if she recovers from them, to gain her own j-iviDg.' CnRiosrTiES or Animal Ljfe. "There r in he no doubt," writes Mr. Darwin, "that rUgs f;el shame as distiuct fium foar, and sorntil.'rig very like modesty when begging too f'e i fr food. A freat deg scorns the hoailmg of a little dog, and this may ba calkd magnanimity. Several observers have sta ted that monkeys certainly disliks being V.uighe.l pt. ami they sometimes invent ima ginary ft" tices. Iu the Z "ological gardens J saw a b.ibuon that a'ways got into a furi nus roge wl.e i its keeper g"t out a letter or book and read it aloud to him, and hia rage was so viidenl that, as I witnessed on one ccaM on, he bit his own leg until the blood Slowed." AH animal fel wonder, and many exhibit curiosity, the latter quality a"rdiog pporl unity f ir hunters, iu many parti of the world, to dcoy the gnioe into their pew--t. The f icu'.ty of iiiiitati u so strongly de v loped in niari. especially in a barbaric state. ;i present in n o.ikeys. A certain hull U ii-r f our acquaintance, when ho w'lus t go nit f the room, jtMips at the handle -f lb- dor and grajs it iu his paws, altho' he cannot him-ed tuin tho handle. Parrots lso reproduea with wonderfal fidelity the tones of ilifTerer.t speakers, and puppies rearid by cats have ..een known to lick their feft xnd wash tt.ir faces, after the manner ef iLeir foster in thers. Attention and memory re also present in the lowest animals, and k is imposs-ible to deny that the dreams of Hogs ami ho: Fes show the presence of imagi ration or that a certain sort of reason i also present. Animals also profi-t by experience, us any mau realizes who sets trapB. The voting are much more easily caught than the old. and the adults gain caution by seeing the fate of those that are caught. Tools also are u.-ed by srne of the higher apes. The rhimpaczee use a stone to crack a nut re remblirig a waltut, and the Abyssinian ba .xms fight trooj s cf another specie-i, and roll down stones in the attack before they C'naMy close in a hand-to hand er counter. The idea of proj eity in coicm-n exists to every dog with a bone, to alt birds with their rests, and notably in the oei of rooks. Nor raB a eeriain 1 ind f language be denied to the brutes. Th'J dog communicates his feel ings by barks of differeut tones, which uo dcubledlv rais in h: fellow dogs ideas simi lar to those passing m his own mind. Lain a woM-aToNt-K.-iti.-o.yto 1 erdo a good thi:-g and the ''slip" te- overdo a CO (ween the ' cup and the lip" i3 so readily fnnnd. A mechanic rt joicing in the name j of Dubois, end resident of the city of Detroit, took to drinking and wai speed ily transformed from a hard-woikinj man into a drunken pot. His pood wife scold ed, entreated, diminished the thickness of his beard without the use of r razor, but could make no change. One niht Dubois urrived home and found that his wife and his coat bad changed places the latter lay on the floor and the former was sus pended from lh hook. Up rushed Du bois to the rescue, took his wife down, and after much labor, brought her to her eenaes. The attempt at suicide complete ly sobered him, and like Obadiah Old buck, he turned over a new leaf. He promised never to drink again, and prob ably would have kept his word if his wife had been able to keep her own counsel Hut she was just smart enough to inform several of her neigbors that the apparent hanging was a put up job, tke rope being tied under her arras. The knowledge of this little practical joke coming to Dubois's ears, he first t trashed the whole family, then performed some extraordinary feats of furniture smashing, and finally left the premises, and has not been seen since. A Chapter on Whisino I Lave al lurs observed, says Josh Dillings, that a whining dog is sore to get liekt in a fight. No cur of well reggerated morals kan resist the temptation to bite a cowardly purp that tries te soeak off with his tail between his legs. The whining bizness man Is just so. Avridge mankind don't put bo koufidens in him. Mo!t people don't like to trade with him, because they are afraid he'll bust up, or think mebbe he's already bus:eJ. The more down a bizness man is the more his customers will let him stay there. A good, ringin bark is wuth more to pat greecbax in a man's pocket than forty-two years of whinin. I oust knowd a poslmas'nr to get turned out of offis an tried to whine himself in again. Ef anybody cud mak that kind of beggin pay, he cud. But hi has been whinin ever since, and every time he duz, menny other dogs take a nip at him. KXCTKSIOX tK'UKTl O tn t j( i Q o sJ I I C3 I Cm tt rj o a C3 c o cr a u a C5 C4 E-t c K5 si c o c o r o cc ZD CO CO if! c v. 7. Z 2 Ul S3 CO Lbi " e 5 "3 (JO a. O if) 7 'JZ O Eh CO o Eh O AUCTIOM! AUCTION! : HAVIXfi been commissioned l.yfiover- nor (ieary to net as .1 I'i'TK tS KF.lt in : and for tlie Uoroujrh of Flietisliur-, I am now prepared to re-ei ve and scVIa Pillio ; miction nil kinds of Goods, Waif?. .Mcr- : cliandiso, c, Hinl also atten.l to tliedutics : if u-l iimecr at all sale of Lands, Tcne- menis. Jaw Sto-k, Household I'urnituro, See., ie., within the limiisol sjiid H.Mouirli. : Tmns mmierute. Inouire at No. Im) Hili : Street. V. O.l 7'J-1-V, : Fbeislmrir, pril 22, lS71.-tf. 1IIf.ST N T J nARX r.3? PTIOP OF CAM BIU A COX'STW Ifitrh street, (opposite t'niou School House,) West Ward, Kbensburtr, Pa. M. M. O NP1I.I., Proprietor. SnlUs and (Inriicw maile nol ro- paired and all other work in my line executed in the best manner, on the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable rates. IX-LI.-SA T LOYD & CO., ISankkks, J- ETiExsituTtr:, pa. XfT Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Scurities, bought and sold. Interest al lowed on Time Ileposits, Collections made tit all accessible points in the United States, nn 1 a (ffeoeral Hanking business transacted. V7M. M. LLOYD & CO , T I1AXKKR?, ALTOOTA, PA. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections mrt"de. Monies re ceived on deposit, payable on demand without ia teres or upon titr.eVrth interest at fair rates. TAMKS J. OAT3IAX, M. J)., " tenders his professional services as Physi cian and Surfreon to the citizens of Carrolltown and vicinity. Ollice in the rear of J. Puck & Co.'s store, and residence (where nnrht calls can be mde) one door south of A. llaupr's tin and hardware store. May 9, ls71.1 F. P. T1EUNET JAMES F. SLLt LAW and COLLECTION OFFICE -or- TIERNEY cSo NULL, ('lonaile Itow, Ebennhnr;;, Pa. t?TSpe-ial attention paid to collections in all parts of tho United States. 2-lS-'71.-tf.l WM. H.lSErill.KR, T. It. 6C.IM.AX, Lbeiisbur. Carrolltown, SE ECIILEI1 c SCANLAN, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW, ErtF.NSBL'Rf!, Pa. rAd vice given in English and Gcrinau. "TVA N ILL 1 I c L A UGH LI X, A ttorncy ' at-Ltui Johnstown, Pa. Office in the old Exchange buildiiipr, (up-stairs.) corner of Clin ton nd Locust streets. Will nttend to all bus iness connected with his profession.- f. A, SHOF.MAKZn, . . .GEO. A. BERIIT. S" O E M A K E li & 1$ E II II Y . ATTPUXEYS-AT-I.AW, Marcri 11, 18?h EBEXSBUI2G, PA JOHN T. LINTON, AClornyatLuiv, Johnstcwn, Pa. OlTico In buildinfr iwvub west corner of Main and Franklin streets, sec ond story, liti-iwicc on Pra a kl'i street. rY W. DICK, ArionNKV AT Law, Eb- ensburar, Ph. Oflice in Colonade Uow. . All manner of leital business attended tosatia- tact or Uy aad, coUecuoua a syocialty. yo-14.tf . RECEIPTS Sl EXPENDITURES OF CAMBRIA CO., from the 2Ttii day of January, 171, to tut- ICth day of Junuary, 1872, include. jjr. AVI r.I.IAI LINTOX, 1ST1. To halanoe Jn fcancls of Treasurer at last settlement C,C1C 17 To amount of Cwinly Taxes received from Col lectors lor lot I and previous years To amount received on Pool- Tuxes from sain1 To amount Military Tuxes do. do. To amrrtiilt recM on Seated and Un sealed Lands for lfeVland previous yt-urs ; To amount received from Miscellane ous Sources 37,578 72 2,740 4.T tilO 04 282 C5 140 80 11S 12 To amount received on Ucdctnption of Lauds To amount ree'd from sale of County Bonds To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors 2.219 nr To amount of Commissions dOi Qo l,tW 10 Total s,::(55 2 '.Vir.i.iAM Iteceirid. J.n.uaru tUi. P- f rem llun.hxl and Turnti.-Firc Dullai s and UiulttH tenis, f7.,.l25 N). AitiutuilN Iuc Cambria From John Kinney " M. Tn-nliley " C. Schneph " Geo. W. ( at man, balatn-e oi debt ' It. Mc!erinirt, balance of debt and " Evans Si laris Total I' TSTANDING DEITS due from O previous years: pV,t. Win. McDermitt, Washington township. IS) .. Henry Lloyil, Susquehanna township ist;s. William Flattery. Johnstown borough.... ISti'J. ThofniiS Mi l email. Cambria boroujrh . . . . 15. Kest, East Conemaoh borough " 1. Shairer, Siimmei hill township 1S70. L. W. Shank, Adams township John li. Koss. lilaeklick township James Kelly. Cambria borough " A. J. Stoltz, ( 'arrolltown borough " James Iieioier, Chest township " 1). Walters. Ch.--r Sprinu-s luroiirh " Thomas V."f. Cleariii id township. " .Tam'-s I Mck, Coipersdaie borouy h .... " James Lynch, (' mcinaiiirli borough " Samuel Pin in ui'-r. Cro le township " John Xocl. M li n-t. r t n iwhip " Jeor-e Irris. 1 C i . ! ; 1 ind township " M. Itraiiilf. SoiiinnTlii'l township " Geo. J. Schwurderer. Washington twp " ll. Ilonnelly, White township ....... " James Hums, V.b-r township 1?7L jHMies Cost low. Adams township " 'hailes Flick, Alicjrhenv township John Feriruson, lil ickliek township " Iluirh Edwards, Cambria township " James Kellv, ( 'ambria borontrh I). A. Luther Carroll township " L. Schroth. Carrolltown borontrh " Anthony Anna, Che st township " Jacob Warner, Chest Sprfnjrs borough " F. Delozier, Clearfield township " James Masters. Coopersdale borough ' Patrick Murray, Coiicmaojtfi borough. . .. " Jrdm Christatiz. I". ConemadffK liroiigh.. " 1. Straver. Crovle township. " H. ltiblet. Franklin borough " fieorjre Gearhart, (lallitziu township " H. Adams, Jackson township " John Flanairan. Johnstown borough " P. Mealy. Loretto boiou(rh " M. MctJahev, Munster towiishij " P. Hod-rers.'M.'lit ille borough " J. Miller. Kichland township " John Iteider, Summerhiil township " James 'onion. Summit ville borourh " John Manion. Siisciuehaima township " William Ib-adriek. Tiiylor towh..hip " James Itoland, WasningfoTr township " Michael ! yer, W hire township. . " William SU.-lly. Wilmore boroujfh " I), liurthold, Woodvale boroiijrh " James llarns, Yoder township Total - I.IAItII.ITlI.S. Outstanding-Orders in favor of Indi viduals Amount due District Court " Sheritr Balance in favor of County Total 47210 57ii 25 154 f8 f 3:1,472 S. Given c.mieu ocr hand? ftt Ebensburgr, this . T . f , Attest J. A. Kennedy, Clerk. T'r, the undersigned Auditors of Cambria county, do respectfully report that we have care fully examined tho accounts and vouchers of the Receipts aud Expenditures of the said countv from the 27th day of January, A. D. 1871, to the Kith dav of Jnnuarv, A. I). 1872, (both days inc'u sive.land find them to be correct; as is also the foreuroing statement of the Liabilities and Assets of said county. V itness 01:11 hands, at the Commissioners' Ollice at Fbensburtr. this 2Cth dav of January, A. 1). 1872. ANTHONY ANNA, ) ... 4 t JOHX WAGNER, VAuditors. Attest J. ar. Clerk. WM. A. 11. LITTLE, j Wit. novACKKit, Ks-t ShrrlfF, tu account with the District Court of Cambria county for the year 1871 ; cit. 1 ru To amount received from County Trea- surer 2,000 00 To nm't ree'd from Jury Fees. II. Court 4 (XI To aait ree'd from Fines, District Court 58 W Total ?2,9C2 0G Liabilities, S576 2. We, the undersigned Auditors of Cambria county, respectfully report that vro have examined the accounts and vouchers of Receipts and Expenditures of the District Court of Cambria coun ty frtmi the 24th day tit; January, A. D.1871, to the 10th day of January, A. I). 1S72. inclusive, and lind them to lie as above stated ; as is also the statement of the Liabilities of said District Court, Given cndeu ourt hands, at Johustown, the loth day of Januarv, A. D. 1872. ANTHONY ANNA, 1 JOHN WAGNER. V Auditors. Attest J. Nct.t,, Clerks WM.-A.B. LITTLE,! B. NrllEKHITT, Steward, in account bria county : Januarv loth, 1871 To cash f rom John J. Evans for hides. . To cash from G. C. K. Aahm for 2 piRS. To cash from J. J. Evans for hides To cash from Henry Foster fe-r P'jrs.-. .. To cash received for cows To cash received for Order No. 140 To cash received for Order Js"o. 141 .... To cash received for horses To cash received for2piirs To cash received for Order No. 227 To cash frm 11. Kiakead Total .Dn. 10 00 .1 00 100 7 50 110 00 70 00 K) 00 203 25 5 00 100 00 53 09i: January 19th, 1871... By amount due at last settlement By cash paid for weaving linsey By cash paid for fresh lish By cash paid for wall paper for house... By cash paid for sending away paupers. By cash paid fortakinjr man toDixmont By cash paid Wm. Pryce for services By cash pai J. A. Blair for lop chain... By cash paid for'stamps and postage.... By cash paid K. Kittell, butcher By cash paid for urarden seeds By cash paid expressajre on box By cash paid discount in Bank By cash paid expenses visitingr out-door paupers By cash paid A. Kneible's fare to Car rolltown By cash paM exp's to Carrollt'n, 0-.D. P, 44 44 44 44' t(. By cash paid freight By cash paid exp's to St. Augr'ne, O.D.P. By cash paid Express freight .. By cash paid sending paupers to I'hila.. Cr. f 2 50 6 01) 71 1 50 20 00 18 00 2 50 1 50 1 00 150 5 00 40 50 150 50 2 00 1 00 50 150 We, tho undersigned Auditors of Cambria county, respectfully report that we have audited the accounts of B. McDermift, Steward of the Poor and House of Employment, and certify the forturoing statnieat to be correct. Given under our hand, the 2Hth day of January, A. 1). 1872 A-ttoeV J. Nrjix, ClerJtr Treasurer, 171. Hr nr-rniint n.iid Assessors 1,000 10 urtd tnte T5y amount pa HI Constables P.v amount paid County Honds Liy amount paid Commissioners : M. MoXamara W4 001 James K. Neason 070 41 Francis O'Fricl .r,il GO 1- Y 1). MTlelland 110 00 John A. Kennedy 120 00 j 15y amount paid Commissioners' Clerk . " Counsel .i " Court Crier.:...;..:., n . Criminal Prosceut'ns Court House " liistrict Court n Elections i it Vox A; Wildcat Scalps i " " Fuel i Freitrlit n " Jusurancu 1. i Interest on Co. Jlonds inquisitions t. w " Jail and Jailor (VT. II. Honaeker received iift) H.) liv amount paid Jurors (1 ra verse) .4 44 " (Tales) 44 44 '1 Jury Coin'rs & Clerk. 44 44 Janitor 44 44 u Military !..... 44 4i '4 Miscellaneous 44 41 Kew Township Views 579 00 400 00 2,135 41 405 00 10 1,257 :rt 1.0 (Hi 2.! CO 771 05 2'. 20 141 24 6 00 !) 75 3,003 H) 'MS 00 l,rX9 50 2.011 03 511 (IK Ida m 71 34 207 50 1,1" OS S'7 02 10 00 24,o3 oo 1-25 00 14 22 9,750 (Hi 410 12 " am en 07 40 45S A'cw Prison Pliono'pliic ltcporter Postage Poor House Printing Poor House Directors Probates Vroth'v 4t Clerk O. S. Hedemption of Lands 114 51 HefundilifT K s;i C7 ns 102 42 4.ss'.r2.i 2.1WI ' J.-o no oo mi K5 115 6H2 74 34 50 4 .4 Iteiristry 44 44 Stationery 44 44 Schools ,4 44 " Supervisors t4 44 " Itoalsanl Ilridg-cs... 44 44 44 Tipstaves 44 44 " Teachers1 Institute.. ti " AVesfn Penitentiary. 44 i 4 Uec'ds for IJesr. Ollico 44 4. n Krror in Collectors' nccount last settlement lly amount paid Commission on 04,35(1 54 at 3 per cent 204 42 l.avi r.o 2.2411 07 l.iii'.i :vi 7,025 K ! ity ara'i Exonerates allowed Colioct rs " Commissions I5y balance iu Treasurer's hands Total 78,3U5S2 Lintox, late Treasurer, Srrcn Thovxaml, Xiiie utmv . j c " .'er touutj on Jiulgnicnls : $ 70 40 75 7!) l(Hi 23 2 iS Kl 415 52 102 S7 tl.018 70 ' costs.. Collectors of Taxes for the year 1S71 and County Tax. Poor Tax. State Tax. Military Tax. 10 32 24 10 4i :5 24 4: 12 Hi 201 el 17 18 50 27 05 52() 50 31 70 0 50 57 10 23 50 04 35 17 5G !' 50 157 44 22 50 IS'.'-t 2 00 o;j :s 71 (d 26 C2 6 50 23 1 1 CO 'J'J 27 47 32 00 377 50 Ni c.5 17 50 1144 34 Vi 57 73 3 00 C 50 9 00 4 33 .H 21 50 24 11 S 00 148 13 (O 23 0 00 o'i Ll 12 C 2 13 50 3 42 4 50 25 0.5 4 00 32 52 IS 04 10 00 18 31 5 00 43 S3 29 00 23 32 0 27 3 00 2 1? 4 50 20 57 5 50 1S3 88 91 57 132 3S 24 SO 33 53 111 10 5H S5 03 20 (17 05 ei; ss h;s ti 327 54 S5S Al 1.2ii5 :i2 y.i'. 43 740 OS 5i m 1,071 70 423 24 574 32 3!5 lit 1,3411 01 ; H' 4S4 H 2i!1l 70 423 i5 55 SO 457 fit 54i 40 4. !2 S5 221 OS 2-.i0 17 5-13 38 r.7i st f57 S4 11 Si irji ss 1,353 00 754 :.- 1.122 25 241 ;.". 213 74 021 CO .$23Jt;ll 1,575 53 518 23 323 48 ASSI7TS. Amount due from Judsriuents. . " " Collectors... Balance iu Treasurer's hands.,. . 1.01S7fi 24.527 2 7,025 t0 Total . . ;j3,472 38 20th day of January, A. D. 1872. JAS. E. NEASO.V. 1 FItANCIS (1FKIEL. V Commissioners. "w. 11. M CLELLAND, ) I lly amount paid Traverse Jurors 334 00 " " " Grand Jurors 15.1 00 " 'r " Constables 53 10 i " " Co'rt Crier & Tipstave 45(H) " " ' Court House (rent)... l,2iHI(KI " " " Itoad & Uridine Views 10 00 " ' " Elections 10 00 " ' " Criminal Prosecnt'ns 101122 " " " Jury Coin'rs & Clerk. 17 20 " " " llalauce dueSheriu" at last settlement 20 20 By amount of Commission on 2,056 12, at 3 per cent 4112 Balance in Sheriff's hands to close 802 SJ Total t2.9C2 06 with the Poor and House ofAEmployment of Cani-i 1 By cash raid for corn meal 1 75 I By cash paid for postage and stamps 1 00 By cash paid for toll to Summit 37 By cash paid for sending away paupers. 6 00 By cash paid for postage and stamps. ... 1 00 By cash paid V. O. box rent for 3 years. . 3 00 By cash paid Expressage 50 January 1st, 1872 Salary for one year..., 600 00 Total tool: PRODUCTS OF FARM 600 bushels Potatoes, 500 dozen Oats, 45 tons Hay, 150 bushels Corn in ears, 200 heads Cabbage, 1 barrel Cucumbers, (pickles,) 3 bushels Tomatoes. STOCK ON FARM 2- head Worlt Horses, 1 Colt, 25 head Cattle, 11 Hogs, 10 Tigs. TTTEXSILS ON FARM I Mowing Machine, 1 Horse Hay Rake, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Thresher. 3 Plows, 2 Harrows, 1 Shovel Plow, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 two horse Spring Wagon, 1 Buggy, I two horse Sled. 1 Sleigh. 1 Loar Sled, 1 Cart and Gears, 4 sets Harness, 1 set Buggy Harness, 1 set Double Light Harness. ARTICLES MADE in Tnw HOUSE 73 Pillow Slips, 50 Sheets, 84 Shirts, 28 Chemises, 20 Bed Ticks, 24 Bolsters, 31 Pillows, 24 Comforters, 86 pairs Men's Socks. 21 pairs Stockings, 20 Dresses. 3 Boys' Suits, 6 Children Dresses, 24 Aprons, 6 Sun Bonnets, 13 skirts. INMATES OF ITOUSE-Number of Tnmntes Jan. 1st, 1871, 46; number received during the vear. fid: inimt.er of ilonths a- nuinln.i- ,na J charged and absconded, 51; number remaining txi 1 in noose jan. 1, j,s, ,.--: ; numuer 01 meals t ur 9 00 I lushed t wayfarers, 2,102. .aivnujiNj. A IN ina, 1 JOHN WAGNER,- Auditors. WM, A- B, LITTLE,- HKINKEAD, Esq , Treasurer, in -leeount w it!i the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment Of Cambria county. bit. 171. Jan. 23, 1872. Balance due by .treasurer Ht last settlement '' w To County Orders drawn J),oou 00 To amount on hand at last settlement.. 1 To bHlanee due Treasurer . ix Total. tojyft 20 CR. 1871. Ttv amount raid on indebtedness prior to 1871 ?1,3S4 52 Bv amount paid on Beef J. Gutwalt... 155 44 . " it. IlU'lt'I S. .. " " " " E. Grithth " " " " Grifiitli & I'rice " " " Blacksmithing Jones & Evans W in. J. Jones. C. Diver " " Prick Wm. Ciillan " " " Constables' Fees " " " Collins John Bloch " " Coal E. .1. Humphreys. " " " " R. It. Thomas " " " Cement A. J. Haws:... " " " Dixiuont Ins'ne Asylum " ' " Drugs, l.einoii & Murray " " " Flour, Sechler A-Sons... " " " E.J. Mills " " " " McFadden & Son " " " C. Houser " " " Fencing, H.J. ("rouse. . 44 " " " 1. Crouse " " " Thos. 1 agan.. " Furniture, John Bloch.. " " " " L.Hoover... " " " Farmer, Charles Kane. . John Kane..... " " Freight " " " Grain, M. Oonnerv " " " James Kane " " " " Thos. Rost iistttl " John Kane " " " Graves, J. C. Horner... John Wagner.. 1'. Bradiev " Groceries,Gilllespie.ZeI ler i Co;..; " Jc-iah Hitc w hiskv ' " " " John Crouse, wholesale liquor nierc't " " " U roceries, J I . Foster, ho tel keeper. . " " Hardware, (i. Hunlley. . " " Hay, .1. A. MeMulKn... " " " John Kane " E. Grilhth : " Interest " Insurance " .lust ices' Fees " " " Lumber, Berg & Sons.. " " A.A. Barkers Son " Lime, Abel Lloyd " MdscM.M.MarpleJtCo. " C.T.Roberts " " M. L. Oatman " Myers i Lloyd... " L. Wehn " T. Liempis.t Co.. " " " " Sluimwav A: Co... " " " " Wood, Marsh, Hayward ic Co. " " Medical Attendance for Out-door Paupers C. LnUs A. YeiiK-U'.v.. D. W. Evaus By amount paid Out-door Paupers Barbara Bart rain William Ford - Bolt &- Kreiger Sarah Myers John Bloch A. Burgratr F. Vowinkle, wliolesale liquor merchant Wm. Mcl'herson 1). Fulton Jacob Wild Cyrus Hart Joseph shoemaker P. II. Berg John Akin L. W. Jones Mrs. Sutton M, L. Stephens Mary Marshhorgcr I. Widman John Steinmer..... s Johu Early. John D. Thomas D. Gillis Wehn I'. Maltzie D. Lloyd John Fraifk L. R. Jones J. Gainor.. D. Egir. J. J. Murphv J. M. Stewart I. B. Bowser Bracken & Egan C. Snvdcr S. Alhaugh H. Schneider John llannan 1 lavid Ream John Ryan Fanny Svilson dane Jones R. Sngerson J. A. Harrold M. Ginbergt Kate Barforfl .1 . M. Pranoan John Egar Jo in Kidge E. R. On neiran S. M. D.inglrtss Jamt s I'arren By amount paid for Pork Henry Byrne L. Thomas J. Joues It. Evans L. L. Edwards J. M. Stewart By amount paid for Potatoes Henry Foster D. Gibboney M. Conn cry By amount paid for Pro. luce Mrs. Brady Thomas Rosenslecl P. Farren T. J. Sanders John Arnold II. Bvrne P. O'Neill By am't paid for Pump John Fisher.. By am't paid Repairs-M. Humphreys.. By ain't paid Servants I. . McDermitt 1 McDermitt 0 Tod I By am't .ail for Shoes-G.F. Dihm By am't paid Shofinakirivr-J. D.Thomas By am't paid for Straw J. Walters By aui" paid Saddlery H. A. Mcf'ov M. M. O'Nei'l S. Lenhart Knox 4 Vogel By amount paid Salaries ; Jl. MePernutt G. W. Oatman H. Kinkcad Dr. Leuuaon By am't paid for Printintr and 1'ostage 14 50 101 50 30 50 15 75 8 10 6 25 51 tiO 123 00 14S 43 3 50 450 0 5s 23 lot 70 lO1.) .(. 2r!l 50 81 IO 12 57 I) 12 30 00 54 00 7 5n 73 02 liHI 00 as C2 25 IKI 25 00 70 1 85 70 11 00 2 HI 10:.U 238 CO 12 C4 60 75 8 00 C7 71 4S (tl 3o OO 20 CO OS 51 147(0 2i 10 115 43 :;;i 44 208 20 110 0(1 2 10 35 43 2 i5 111 i; 00 50 70 57 00 30 02 15 00 175 00 5 00 45 75 3 00 35 SI 25 00 4i'-2 70 W 71 .1 (Ml 215 17 S 5 I os 73 15 25 HI 75 71 10 11 .10 11 50 2 no "2 (10 5 H in.'io 2:502 2 OO 11 HI 2 50 25 00 5 24 2 70 0 75 fi 00 9 25 ; 00 31 74 7 Hi o- ?,i 20 ls7 50 4 0 32 75 121 OS 72 (XI 84 70 23 00 S-l 00 30 ( 0 1 00 58 75 50 co i 22 01 1 2 50 20 Nl ::-. co 13 75 20 07 28 S3 21 .- I 25 27 50 70 50 (i0 74 lo 8 .V. IS 45 23 70 11 00 t 00 It) li"'. s 00 21 (id hi 00 70 00 11 8-5 01 00 72 00 72 (0 7; 75 2".i 20 770 41 3.1 40 SO S 5n r, fu 180 00 20 (HI loo 00 250 (HI 0 00 y am t paul tor Jotiaeeo Simmons, McBride & Co 02 00 CunniO,haii. Gleim i Co 02 s7 A. (icarhart 3 tMI By amount paid 1 or Work Johu Kane 13 53 Total. $0,884 20 l-TSTATVniXO IF.IJTS due by the Toor House prior to January, 187 I, viz: 180.1 J.oi; 407. .. 1308 8;o 1870.... fc71.... 501 49 743 05 Xi 37 4(i 05 i:B K 0:!2 18 5,310 00 J?,7I0 5S Wf, the nndersifrncd Auditors of Camlu-iVs c-onnty, respectfully report! that we have audit ed, settled and adjusted the accounts of tho Poor and House of Employment of Camhria county, H. Kinkead, Es-.j., Treasurer thcrenf, and rind the uliove to be a statement of tho same. (Jiven under our' hands at KbensLuig-, this 24th day of January, A. 1). 172. JOHN WAHNKIt. I .,,.., WM. A. is. LITTLE, Auditors. Attest J. 7vi.iwt'krk. LORETTO MARBLE WORKS. PRICES REDUCEO! And Work tVnrrnnlrd ! I ftflii.N iMi-;:T, To Mil Stones, Bir-'iMir r.EAU and Taiii.eTops, made ofvX.'.ji , . 4 Tt..t;.,.. ..1 .1.. ...1 ... ...1.. 4.. 1..., C A...,.:4(l ..l.tl LJ 1T illl.l 111 IIT .d' r. f u-nt'l-mnml' 11, c . , c ....ft 1... . t, ... ....... . . 4 'iir,.-.V4 4 iFZ any manufacturer. Hive me a call In-fore deciding' upon pnrohnsino- or ordering work elsewhere. .1 amk: AM ES WILKINSON. Loretto, April C2, IS l.-tf. LOfJAN'S MMM WORKS ! 131 l'rachlia Street, Johnston n. JOII W. LOIJ4IV, - I'nipi letor. MONUMENTS, HEAT) ami TOMB STONES, rOUNTEK and CAE1NET SLA US, MAN TELS, inc., inaiuifactiircd oT the verv best. Ital ian anl American- Sftirblew. lVvfeet satisfac tion In Work, di-siffn and prioe guaranteed. tv Orders resjiectrully solicited bikI prompt ly executed. J alin.stown, Nov. 11, '71.-U.J r:wrjrrvMTsoN) M. D., I.oretlo, ('miibria Co., ln., Tenders liis proff ssional services to all citizens of the ahovr place and vicinity who mnv at any time need Jiedicul aid. aprJl.-tf.j T J. LLOYD, successor to R. S. Bun n. Dealer iu Diidts, Medicines. Ter fumerics, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions. l'aints,&c. Store on Main street, opposite the "Mansion Uouso, Ebousburi;, l'a. tApril IT, 168. 1 mm r x 5 j Ayr's Hair v igor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for ""f nreserviiitr the OifiSfM''-" to its original gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness oftdn, though not always cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved, by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling o!T, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found eo desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasta long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Clieniists, LOWELL, SLYSS. Ayer's Gheny Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lmgs, such, as Coughs, Colds, "Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Cohsumption. Among the p-ent discoveries of niodcrn science, few arc of mi.!-.-" real vn'i.o to mankind than thi ef fectual remedy f.r all eiieaes of the 1 in c:rt U.. S T-'f and Lung. A vat trial of its virtues, tliroughout thiri and other countries, has rhoivn that it ilrcs surelv n:ul efiectuallv 3 JL; ft control them. The testimony of our l cvt citi rens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Ciiekut 1'rrTor.AL will nod does relieve and cure the r.fTTictinp; disorders ef the Throat r.nd Luu2rs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the I'ulmonnry Orpins yield to its power; and eases of Consump tion cured by this preparation, nre public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection, liv curing Coughs the forerunners cf more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount cf suffering flot to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every familv should keep it on hand as a protection ngain:-t the curly and unperccived attack of Pulmcnary A:!'ectiuns, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need thU defence ; and it is unwi-e to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat aud Chest of childhood, Cheuky I'I-CToual, is invaluable; for, by its timely use. multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, end Saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring s!ee;. INo one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful IJronchitis, when they know bow eaily th"y can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared ia making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may bo confidently re lied up;:i as possessing all the virtues it ha ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever ejected. TRErAKED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., rractical anl Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEltYWUEEK. i::Mti:iij 4J NWa 4-. mJ UvyV. i. SLAVING icccrdly enlarged our stock -3. we arc now prepared to sell at a great reduction from former trices. Our stock con sists of Drugs, Medicine?, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Kestor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plasters. Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess Jamaica (linger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, E-sences, Lemon Syrup, Soothmg !?yrup, !Spi;ed Syrup, lihubarh, Pme Spice, Ac. ; CIGARS AXJ) TO HA CCUS, Blank Books, Iceds, Is'otes and Bonds; Cap, Post. Commercial and all kind? of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pens, .Pencils, Arnold's 'Writing Fluid, Black and Bed Ink, Pocket and Pays Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, P-ibles. Religious. fVavt rand Tot Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c. trWWe have added to our stock a lot ofjr , , , 1 ' , .i ?hE JEWELRY, to which wc would invite ! frm ,ie ac5ie- and thl F! the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOURAPH ALBUMS at lower prices than ever ofTered in this place. Paper and Cigars sold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, Jalv 30, ISSy. Main Street, Ebensbm'tr. KNTISTUr. The undersigned, grad uate of the Balti more Coi'ego of Dental Sur gery, respect fully offers his PROFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb- ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit on the fourth Monday of each month, to re mainone week. Aug. 13. SAM'L P F.T.FORD D. D. S. DR. H. B. MILLER, Altoomi, Fa., Operative and Mechanical DENTIST Office removed to V irginia street, or-posite the Lutheran church. Persons from Cambria county or ekewhere who get work done bv me to the amount of Ten Dolhirsand upwaids." will have the railroad fare deducted from their bills. All wokk wauk antkd. Jan. 21, 1805). -tf. LEMMON & PLANK" , l'lmsai iuj, Pa. tt. ortiee tn rear of T.emmon i Mtmnv's Diujr and Took e, iUxh iriU-'u. yiLLIAAI K1TTKI.L, Attokney. nadc Itow, Centrv sTrewr. Uan,M.-tf. IVormal School Z-xcrciM . , In tl.e Richmond Normal Scl.o.,' j days ao, lesoIl in e!ocuti-..n w,. '.irtitu a'ion." ami various exitj;j 1 ficult enuncittu ti were ciltil and jr f At Ir-. clef 8 ol the cxeitues ti.v; jr .. j called for tucli x.imji:es to ha hat:-. : f I t'u I upi's might know or Lc abl-j t .-. : I The following ere home of the . f ; , ' investigation, and fuinii-h a very g : t lecticn for iractice : j ! "Amids! tho mist and coldest f: tt. ! Wit i b n wrist and fctoi. b y i . .. ; Ho I hi u -ts hi li-ts ag lii sl t:e j , ' ! Ai d sli.l inrists he sees tit; . ' 0 i a 1 1 the I t Vtl r;: c . j . , , . , v, a a v as this saw saws."' "t'p he high hid he Leavs u .. .! ; fcton-.." Crzj Craycf ft cauaht a i . j , : cribs acraie of ciiik'td cral.-, ,v : croft caught j if crazy Cri.yc.-h c ' j a of crkk'.ed crabs, wliOit's I he i.tlt- -i r ,. . ,i ; cr b crazy Crave ft caught V "Thou vvreailni'tt and muzz' d's' -. f.-tched 'X. and imiiso!id'st liun in ti , ' c.tuic Alixicm rnouutair. t.1 IVt u co .. ; , ; in Co to pax-i." "l'eter P 1'M Ji'cke . a f ec k of j i l.e ! : : j ers i peck of pickled peppers Ptut i p'cktd ; if IVtur I'iper picked a peek ef ; . . lei peppers, here's the ( eek of pe;pt is P ter 1' per picked U waft'd'st the ricketyr stiff o t r : 1 mount i n height ciiff-, aud clearly taw '.-t ' t f r -orbM tniKiii ' Win n a twis'er twlstin would tv.i.-t j. a w j, f.-r twisting a twi.-t three t. i-is ..: w 1 iw f, the twist uutwistiijT nijtvii'.; . , twist." "Ilolert R.)w!eT roiled a round toll n t.; a round roll lUdeit II .w!ev r. Hid r I. '. Where roiled the n-uud loll Itj'oeit v relied r und ?" Theophiius Thi.-tle, thencce-srul l li is t e sifter, in sifting a sievc-lul if tiiisilts. ;!; u.-t 1 1 . i e thousand thistles through the thick i ' his tl.u.ub." l'ctcr Pr;ngle, the prickly pear pie'-vr. pivked three peeks of prickly prangl.v .e .r i o n the rang. pear Ir.es ou the t l.-a.-.!.: pia'ii-s." , " "Viliy Vite and vife vent a Toyaqe to V .- ! Vindsor atiil Vest Vickhaui von Vitsvu V. w ' nwlny." i "Bmdy legg' d Biirachio Slustachio W: j koiUucu, the bald l-ist brave Bvtiit. :.i.no of Bag '.ad, lie) pel At.T'.ua;..n- B ue 15 -a'. '. I B.lshaW Of BdlcmiilliitV), t.j lt-t dwu i al on. ruble B imblo ef B.ishaw," I suv Es iu kissing K tte The fact is we all three saw ; I saw K.-au. l.e mw ine, Aud the saw I saw Ksau." A corresi O'.ident of the Albany Si . -Pi i-s g'Ves the f.dhrA'itig ptlsoliai ikett . rr ccuiiiclijii with tho Iiel'.n Jwett u.i.:.r. which agita'ed New Yo: k many e;n ; . Miss ToivrsciiQ, w h 'se c-xt r.ii i t!;iifu y c.nti; in beie fpiton. ;.'!, was the ktcj t-r it ' -: h.u e of i'.l f mi iu which the Lcaut.lui ih,. wa assasrii.ated. Miss TownsenJ, vihcse proper name w . il.'bccca Peaboily, was a i ative i f Cystic: lhiise'.lacr county, bhe was a dat;htcr : l.i.hly tespecttd parents, and was a jcr: ; lady prsstssing remaikable persi nai at!i. c t;ons and a very amiable disposition. Wl. '. n a visit to New York iiie fell, like licit.-. Jeivett, fie m the path of vi i tue, and licar: the mistress of a Motoric us gambler uau i 1 B.ewn, with whom the hved but s. shi: time, however, w heu she opened afttrwar,. 1 er in tori us house. After the trial of K i inson fjr the murder of Miss Jwett. Mi.v Tjwiisend (having accumulated a fertu. .. ' some sixty thousand dollars iu her ntf basinets) teturncd to Cast It-ton, intei.-.i:! j. s jecd the remaiiider of her chiys in ta-e i c"ti,fjrt Uat. alas! fi.r the iuutab;.:-y :' hum in ix; ectations. she was doomed l -a pc.intn ai.t. Alter her anival h-;e . erected the suhstMitial edifice on the 1 ; ' th; left of the Reform church, and wbu i. afterward purchased from her by Il-v. i.. 1'. S iuisun, for a parsonage for that chr.;. . It, presents a tine view from the liver. . . was. for some years after the murder, j ed out, and the geueial obj-ct if ccii.i-- '. by travelers. .After being insta'Ie.l in her r.cw res: ' r. -sh? married Joseph M.-ffjit, a m it-. r c ir ; - . ter aud a young man of unusual ski": .: 1 biu.iress. Mr. Mt lf.it was much ic-jt.;-: in the village. S-n-n after the luariii b.n'ver in New Yoik ctfra'jded her cn' the greater part cf bar ready money, n : 1 er husband became dissipated and tie;; : ; his business, and her earlier ass .ciates ! : l:.g to recognize her made tier me aoyt but an enviable one. At this time she c mcr.c-.il attending the Methodist c hu-c! . : which her foireuts had been exemplary tr, cr iers. At first she w&s not well icreiv). No pew was opened fe.r hc-r, aid no r: would willingly kit beside her. Utst thi gradually wore e S as she began to show sigs of lepentance and reform, and she finalN u-cited herself with the church, alo-.-.t elevet: ycrs since, lived the life of a devoted C.iis tian, respected and beloved by the wl,. s cr mraunity. It was expected that upon he: death bed she wcu'.d make siMr.e leve'ali'.r iu regird to the murder i f Helen Jjwett.l Fhe did not. and if we are 1 1 credit the dy statement of Richard P. llobiusou, the ty: tery ef tint murder ftiil remair.s. TfBrr.NTrxE ix IIsapachk. Dr. Vv.. bnrton Docbie fKditiburuh Medical JV.ri. advocates the use of turpentine iu tht headache to which nervousness aud ical xvonun are subi-ct. '"Tiiere is . Vi-! v -1 " . u-rs over," he says, "another class cf 1 is compor-c sexes, who may be relieved by t u t e ' - I tefer to the frontal headache, which is ::. -t apt to occur after prolonged mental efl'itt. but may likewise be induced by unduly sus tained j hy sical exertion what may be styh i the headache of a fatigued braia. A cup i very strong tea often relieves this form if headache, but this remedy with Dot a le v ;. perilous, for bringing relief from r-n I : ; . it may produce general restlessness, s worst, of all banish s'eep. Turper.'ii doses of twenty or thirty minims, civ intervals of an hcur or two, will not remove the headache, but produce in a derfu! manner that svHhiiig influenc which reference has already been made. Is a deserted shop in PittsfielJ, M ' thete rests oa its block an anvil tint dono duty for more than three hu years. It is as sound tday as it wi 1533. when Kltweed Pomeroy. after wid. for the Stuarts the ponderous horse sIi.t the same style and pattern that his a: tors had made during geueratious 1 r Tudois and Plantageuets. grew weary t.ixes without law, and woik without wag and. anvil in hand, sailed for the utw A deft workman, he throve in the sett: meets, and left his anvil an heh.oom tJ descendants. TilE latet-t neat invention for dis-m the Tcmale form divine, is called a'-supp ing extension bustle." with, c f ccmc J elliptic attacl mrnts. It is a cufciy dull tim es like the present to know tba U a bustle in cue branch cf ltuiuctsatk i .d-e 05