jn. ices es. mca. nrvrai ies er:ee: K.a:a.rair - - - (Tambria jxccmmu Jvil'uDAY, : : : : : FEU. 3, is72. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. S!ci?i,;pr nd slrichir.p continue hb brisk na ever. T lie roads ire in prime condition. I he hotel of Mr. Mbnn. at Bhiirsville iiictrfction, wai destroyed bj fire one night .lfl neck p.i vitl Reynold-', of Westmorland County, h, ,, ;: himself in his bum on Sunday last. It i, pu-.T osed hi mind bad become unsettled ou , .adject of religion. Mis. Alice Smvih offers for rent her ele p i t birn ai d summer resort one mile this Fide ,.f c'imsoii. A pood chuLce for somebody to umke mor.ev. e think. -Vm. Cumpl ell's house, in I-ruslivnlley t.-t t-li'P.- Ind ii:i county. n consumed by l.rp one nilit rrcently, the family barely esca- mth their lives. -L.oss lienvr uninsured. -The thermometer wjs awny down to seven (.r rr'M i)er'rcr below ui d away vn to twenty .VrM-s.-b vez ro en Thursdav. That kind of tal cr is ht almanac makers call vnruihle. Am o'd ninn mimed Sti ebauj;h. who lived n jo' t l hermit life i" a cabin on the moanta... If,r Smdv Ilidjre. Pdair county, was found ,tCe ily (roz-'ti to deith nr.d his cabin in fishes. !r (Jr. u-id Jlop siw his shadow vester ihiv. 0!.l ol tdiowcd it to Iiim. nnd now for t. ni re weeks of severe weather tbot N. if j.reir d I" P shadows hare any tiling to do wiih it- i.l I'i1 L' ik'1i nmt'er. SmmIi J'.nker. of Altoona, charged wiih ea 2 death of her step child, eiu'li ,,.n in mi!n old, was tried nnd acquitted" in llili.iit e-bi.r-; ii't eek . after having spent l.cnr'v .tvi'n uin''.s in j til. Tho Ai"ti--i iVmocrats hare done a pood Viz it- !-t-cti"f r ori'-frand iible fiiend u U.n t' fri'i'. 0 M. Ilackett, ag Chairman f,l ,. C,i J x-t-iitii e Committee. Calvin V l.e.ui i. ' ; 'J you take him. lH..'n about oitig to press Friday night ' V r e i f the not unexpected tle.ntli of Mr. Kh hani Thomas, mi oh) nd well known citi ve:i I' tl-.N thice. whose pge we presume to h.verx-en upwards of t-ixty vears. He nilnpe that " A ' Shoemaker should s!:it. to his last" is well applied tv our cvrrca p. i.Jei t ' Ami Humbug." hut it fe ns to us t! :.i ( i.i -paier is rot the proper medium thro' nl.i.-li to ventilate the subject. Ilei.ce our si Jem e -For the prfsent we can only invite nfen idi to the advertisement (ir another column) id i lie Clei r tree Male and Fem le Colleiie an itstitution which -we have reason to believe ;s well worthy of a liberal patronape. llote uon. --The Ilatrsburp Tatriot intimates that U. A. McCoy. Ei.q., will bn continued us Chief Clitk in the Surreror General'n c ffii-e under the i cw repinie. (Jlad to heir it. for Bob i J certainly the 'ripht uiuu iu the right place.' boil up bis politics. lpri.i:t ol time t-ipircit our personal ettettion, we have been forced to omit the "Poor House Treasurer's report from Receipts and Expenditures pub'Uhed 'or the first time iu ur paper this week. It wiil appear in its pro per p'ace in our next. The Johnstown Democrat reports t'ie tfeaih at Pottsvillu frum consumption, on Vdneday niorniiiir last. oT Mr A. J. Ilite, a lcrmr citizn of Johnstown. The de.eased was ut) excellent ptinter nnd a worthy end able mn. Peace to his nshes. Our able and effit iet.t Congre9mnn, Uon. Il M St eer, has been appointed hv Speaker l'.Uu.e n member ol the committee to po to Ie Oilem s to inves ia e the troubles in that lity. in p.'aceof lion. S. S Marshall, of Indi tr;i, who ceciined the position. A praml citiliion party is on the fnpis for " lunCa i.ipht i ext. at the Summit Matision li t fe. Si tr.mitville, and all who at'tnd mav ci-y irl t n ti jnyii.ir tlcmselves huirelv. The ir pittor of the Mnnsioi. House. Mr. Jas. A Jiiiier, knows how to render his bar py as big sui. flower. guts s as Ur. I.en umn desires us to return his ear rest Uii.ks to those of his fellow citizens who labored o f.iiihlully :,i.d so succrs-l ul! v in pro rcrvinc his jr petty Irom destruction V,"y fire on Satuidny i.iht la't, ai d hopes that ull nntonp them who own property will nevtr find their premi.-cs in such great jeophrdj, as his was on that ccngii.n. A desire to ei jov good company rather tlan any political w eakuc-s of the knees may 1 m e induced urriei d of the Herald to hanp 1 I 1 is I at at Lolton'b hotel, the democratic 1 f.i quarters, durit g his recent visit to Harris li rj:. I ut nevertheless it cannot be denied th.it !' i '1 e 'in c b it p at least he wm to all intent? ei d J t.rpotea a "Hotton" repi.blican The County Tieasurer'w office has y:st ex f'ieittd a chanpe in the letirement ot Wm. I- i.ti.ii. y tq , 8i d the irniuc iot. ol John Cox. '0,. 1 1 e lormer made an nblipin and faith iu! t fEeer, and the latter in a pentleni iti of lt m i' were t.feless to utter a word of com n et dation. He is known to all men. and not e tt i.w him but to respect him. lioih gentle iten have our best wihes. Our valued fiiend and correspondent "Sol Icto" can't excel us in liberality. He put off forme weik tel'iip our readers about that rnmpnpe" l e was on. and now that he has told it. we have rni eff the publication of it for lotVtr week. We ate not to be outdone for f.e e ronty ; !- mnn in the business, espe cially when generosity U,-,- lcavin out of ti e jnrer what we crn't tet in. We r.ie really plad to chronicle the well ."esiTtd ? remotion of ouraniiable young friend )ohn C. Dickey from the uboidinate position Lt relol'ore held by him, at Crehon, to that ol ticket and tc!rgratli apent at Ilollidayabtirp. Join. ny will do honor to himself and to his new pfition, and we. ire sure he will eventually in his wav to still liipher honors aud greater ( n.olun tits. So mote it be. T he democrats of Altoona have plactd in i.crritiation a powerful ticket headed by a for mer Cauibiian, Wm. Murray. Esq., as hon ttabie, ei ergetic and tiu-tworthy a petitlenian o can be scared up anywhere for the impor tant piBition of Mayor, and made ur for the test ol such le'iable and worthy men as John H Carr for City Treasurer, V m . McCormii k for City Auditor, nnd Win Siimer and .las L-iw-tl er lot School Diiettots The several ward nominations arejqunllv '.raisewortliv.includin curtstfenied fi ieids Thomas MeKiernan and John Hickey for Councilman and A-sessor fcuc-h men deserve aud will tecure a triumph a;it election. Stablk BiRyrD. Ehenshnrg was startled from itt. peacelul reveries on Satuidav evening lft, about six o'clock, by the startling erv ol f.ve.ai d cause of the alarm was soon ascertain i to be the burning of a 1 irge frame stable be "t-uingto ex Sheriff James .Myers, which was Iocne.i in the rear of his residence and in the Try hiisiness centre of our town. The fire of c' Lise attracted a large crowd of people, who "fiato work wiih a heaitv good will to save I'om destruction the a.'j didng properties, since the u.flamab'e nature of the burning build ri" Mi l Hs contents rendered nugatory nil efforts i "m,ci. in in lotaiaestruciioii. I he night be.ni; calm and the ro..tR covered with snow, the I reservation of the othtr property in the vicini y was n..t fo difjicult a tak us it would other " he have been; still thete was enough to do ' pevent li e stable of Dr Itrnmon Irom be eonong involved in the ruin and thus staving 'he j mpress of a calamity which tniht other wise in a prea' measure have wipe-i out our blue town. The rapid transit ol water from jetgliborug wells and the freo use of tmm bal s did the work very effectually, however, even telore thr engine was brought into action, klbeit ti c machine did good work when it waa f.01 f n.perly to woik. Mr. Mvers lot n con " f'rble quantity of hav.oats.elc , in addition bis 6 .ip jeg tUa five i,.,llf,re, dollars T"d pobnbly pot make good the dirnage. e or pm of the Dre is involved in mv.ierv, I'.itT'' ll'Cre 6,e'"8 1 rooin l" doubt that "'fin OI,e h"d no business there either f;ie p""T "r carelessly communicate I the of oi ''' crd" "p town and welfare -o ! (!"ze,,. however, wenistthnt we have guilt, , ,'" our niidst who wlliullv be ArdV"-'-' " t'rin'"tl"" of incendiar '"8 ui 11 ' '" wrUer 10 talk ubout get . nr coiBparjT, lweal OrrcpoiKleiice. Johnstown. January 31. 1872. Dear Fbfimas A voi rig man named W. C Wolf, ol this place. h:m just leased air fitted tip a shop at No. Ibtf Frank lin street, where he intends to ea -ry on t-ign ard ornamental paint inc in all its branches. Mr. Wolf is a splenoid artist. Ho formerly worked lor Mr J. G Keller, but id now about to try the world on bib own hook. His work can be seen all about town, but two of the best specimens of the art may be i?eeii at John Dihert A Co g Bank and ut the Savings Bank. W c r.evcr saw the equal of such lettering We are looking out lor ati ot her di-p'ay soon in front of hisowu chop May he always flourish. The witness Burke was held on Saturday in the sum of $.1 t.t'O bail to i.ppear in court against young Gates in the alleged homicide cave. Two of the Gates went his security. '1 hat was clever. One of our literary men has gone to the Dick ens. The last time he was feen he was l ut nin" away with S irholas Nicklehy , Dombey & Soi" nnd a man named David Cnppci field. It is ju t b ib. e that he has got to he End" of his join ney before now. 'I he Turners will have a grand masquerade ball on Mo dry night next, Feb 5 li. The Johnstown Zouaves wilt hate a bill Feb. 22.1 Washington's birtk day. The Hook and Lidder company, we believe, will also have one shortly. This Irom the Tiihnnc : "Mr. A. J. Il iwa possesses n pony which is rrmaikable r.ot only lor its peed, but also lor tin? peculiar change in the color of his hnir at certain seasons of the year. Last fall his coat was a dai k brown, and now he i-j.jiccs in the possession of a motive colored hide very simi! m in co'or to the fashionable oveiconts" A King would eu Dobse that as siifar nonsense! A car load ol oil caught fire near Conemau"h station, or Wondvale. on Sun lay morning j about one o'clock and burned up twentv five freight car and two passenger cars. The en pines in the meantime kpt up an awful whitt ling, i nd the fire bells rang continuously for some hours. The loss is vcrv greit- A team of runaway mules fell over the Cambila Irm Company's coke yard embank ment in this place, one dav l ist week and after turning head over tail teveral times down iho steep precipice, iauded at the bottom w ith one of the tuulesa dead as a door nail. The Com pany of course is the loser. A lad named Luks, son of Dr. E. C Luks. ffll into iin open cellar wav at Mr. (!orge Thomas' store, on Saturday last, und fractured one ol his arm An "oiiplo ianness" has sprung up in our postoffiee, and our very obliging assis-ant post master Alt'. Pelrikcn. has Idt the cilice. We o uot know what the olTu.e will d without him. us he was tho. had and bhoutders, the lody and soul, of it. One could not scare tip a better postmaster than A If I'etiiken nnv w'.iere. and we leel quite sorry that the pos't o'lic o will have to snuggle along niihout him. It takes a man with ahead on him to I e postmaster in Johnstow n, and. to tell the 'rulh. tbeie is considerab'e grumbling nb i;t maiters and things in this bailiwick. Time will uoike develop tneuu. i:OB liov. C ONEMAtGB. Jan 29.1672 Dear Frk.fman I thought you would wish to hear the particulars of a large fire that ti.ok place in our town, on Saturday night last. Consequently, by your permission.! ask a place for it in the columns of jour va uable jitunil. Atlntlfpist six o'clock an eastern bound freight traiu was chitting" some cars laden with Coal at the head of the yard on to a "fid ling," and the train being in two parts, the lotward engine was doing the "shiit'.ng," but bclore it was ready to start, the "pusher.'' obev ing a si-rial intended fi.r a western bound train, parted with the lat.er part of the tiabi and collided with the I'.THaiJ part, bursting two large oil tanks, covering the railroad with the oily fluid The oil however, did not then i.; like. After the tanks were righted and placed on a "siding ' close by, trams agiiu began moving, and at li o'clock a spark from a pass ini' engine set the oil on the track on fire, and in the space of filteen minutes some twentv cars thai were on sidings." three of which were passenger crs. were one mass of fl ime. 1 am happy to state that there w c-e no lives lost, though a young man n imed Lew is Tipton, ol AUooua, n sevciely i juted bv bein" c night between the oil tanks whoa they c d.i" ileJ. I believe no blame Can be attached to any ol 'he employees, as it was one of those accidents that no amount of foresight could prevent. 1 trust our little town mav never ee its l:ke again 1 have i. eotlwr news of importance to chron-. icle ; couetqiie ntly m ill say" lor the present adieu. Yours, Sic, T. E. Stroxgt iW.v, Pa.. Jan. 3d, 1872 Dkr Mac Knowing that you are anxious to furnish your readeis with local items I con eluded to write a few Hi e-, regarding an inter es'ing uffair w hich took place in enr isolated village on the 24th inst. Our new (Catholic) church. Father Canevan pastor, was dedicated on that day by the IU. Rev. Bishop of the di- ocese raitier ilackell. ol the Summit, ecle brated Mass; Fattier Mi-hael.O. S. B , s ing (he Litanies and l'ailuis in a nan: exci.ltenl manner ; Father Chiisty. of your place, preach ed an elegant fernion on iheoccision. panic t:hirly explaining why temples were erected to God and lor w hat purpose. The atten lance was erv l.nce nnd all nresent wern mor .1...., de i-hted w iih Fnther Christy's etV.i t. which cause. 1 a general request lor a lecture !r m the T "Vr I!fv- geiilletnun ; nnd he Viudlv acceied und iv evening last, ileliv ,. , .. r . ".verv laree audience, neat I y lull ot w t om wet e I i or w.. His S'dject was "The Caiho'ic Chinch, the Guardian of the Bible," and ' Are Catholics allowed in rcu i the Bible ?'" The lecture was a grand succei and has created quite a flu'.ter among our citizens, who are now determined to ! investigate facts of such great importance.- More anou. Fines. St AccuarixR, Jan. 30, 1872 Friend Mac For the benefit, or at least gratification of the many gay aud hanpv young readers of the FRtfcM .N.I desire to inform them that thcro will be a bill at H. Marlett's hotel in this place, on Thursday evening ol i ext week, February 8i'i, when ali who panic ipate may expect a good time, as Hairy knows how to do up things of this kind iu the most eij ivable tnanner. The services of the St. Aug isline suii g band hi:ve been secured lor the occasion, and 1 leel confiJeut that so laras the tntuio is eo-icerned it will also he u p rlect success. Yours, &c , TtcrsicnoRi. Womax Kili-fd at Soith Fork. Shortly after two o'clock yesterday altemon, says tne I'iltsbutgb Dispatch ol Monday last, a terrible affair occurred on the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Seutli P'ork Station, Cinibtii county, in which an aged lady, named Mrs Keek, fell under the wheels of the iear ear ol the wav pas-ener train, which arrived at the Union Depot last evening, and wan instantly killed It appears that the deceased entered the train at Sutnei hill Station, where she resided, for the purpose ol visiting a couple ol sick gr ind chil reii at South Folk, ubout two miles distant. As the train was ab'-ut checking up ut the lat ter station, die left Iter seat and proceeded to the rear platform of ihe car on which the hind brakeman U stationed, and it is supposed that she became bewi'dered, lor f-he jumped trom the platform t the opposite irack rii.d was thrown back violently ihat she was carried und-.r the rear car, which passed over and hor ribly mangled her body Conductor Daniel Kearney, alter the train hfd stopped at the station, saw the bodv I ing on Ihe track about five hundred yards distant, and had it brought to the house of a relative, whom she had in tended visiting. 1 he deceased was sixty five yeais of age. a.id wis the mother of a larire family of grown up chil dren. The accident Ih a most distressing one. bur it is one of the m.iny which are the result of a want of caution on the part ol p 8-engers. It is uppned that the unfortunate woman had an idet that the traiu would not stop at the station at ' ich she want ed to get off. and sprang Iron- h -e.it. whic'i was near ti.o dour, and mane be fa'al leap Siio was not observe I In invi. the puscngera or any ol the officers of the train ui-til reaching the iu.tioa- LETTER X'ROM PITTSBl'RGII, Pitts burg n. Pa., Jan. 30, 1S72. PfrREE!NSome individuals are born r.r..M.:.? m.V.ac'"eve srratriess, nnd others have I! . IM i upon thoiu. Ttie undcisi ntd must be classed m tho latter oatejrorv. Since I !.!r.tCeai"'i1 wr.lll"f 't the FKCtMAK, the- nu r erous t.ut.sciibcrs to your paper have eom incnced ivntinjf n,e, anxiously inquiriujf if my JiV. !'rt-'il?"'deiice to your paper is to be forever ui.-ontinued. borne five thousand letters and telegrams of the above purport have reached rue within the last three or lour weeks, arid I oejrin to reel uncomfortably irreut. Anienuen , "ve to be employed in answering those let J '18 und telegrams, and tlie expenses incidental inereto are simply enormous, amounting to us niiicli us a small national debt. M v usually re nalile appetite hai des-rred me, and the sweet Plcep of iiim wciicc no luiurer liovors about niy eye'lids. and 1 inn involiiiitiuily forced to ex claim wit h kios and potentates, "Cneasy lies the bend that wears a crown!" A thousand times have I recently wished that 1 was au ur chin tvuin a sweet, frisky child; "When they put me in my little tied. And whi.ui not a breaker of anguish, Heaved across my placid bosom." 7t is only when I am sorely vexed that I write gushing, gentle poetry. The fifteen hundred dollars that vou sent me enme to hand safely n few dav ago. i can scarce ly conscienciously think that the five or six let ters that I wrote to the Frkemas were worth that sinn of niouey; but you and your subscri bers think I am entitled to this amount, and even inore, ntnS it becomes my duty to accent tins tribute to genius as yet comparatively un oe eloped and unl.inucri. Tho money was judi ciously expended in postage stumps and tele graph lines m replying to the inquiries from i'.'V '1;l,,:1,ns- 1 smoerclv thank nil (and par ticularly the women and children), for this kind consideration iu my behalf. It conclusi vel v shows an irrepressible disposition to reward merit and put virtue on a solid foundation. 1 ! nm now more forcibly than ever reminded of the truth of the old ami familiar maxim -lie virtuous, and you'll not go up u spout sudden- 1 V.t erhaps this is not the litem! niei.t.in.r or the nphorisni, but J ,n satistietl the point is palpable. If any of your readers wish to read the adage iti nil its original and pristine l.eautv, 1 refer them to what II. (J. knows about fariii Jtig; a lite rary work alike popular with wet nurses, politicians and bootblacks. It may be that the apology I have above pre sented tor not corresponding more re-ulaHv to the Lrcr m, iu is not entirely lucid or apparent to your readers. If you think it is not. please explain editorially why I have been rcuiNs in this matter. ou saw me last some fifteen years ago, and you can more fluently elucidate on this subject than I can myself. Do it in your usual bland and Mircastle maimer. I tim satis fied that you know how to lake (in) vour sub scribers Irom the pathetic appeals yoii make to them lor a prompt liquidation of indebtedness. (You can define the long words in this commu nication by reference to Webster Cnabridgod.) I have read these appeals with eonsiderablu emotion, and if it hud not been that vou and I had had our photogniplistakcn in the"siime pal lery some twenty yt-urs ago. I would have re mitted the forty-two cents justly due vou. Hut 1 knew a movement so mercenary in its ten dencies would have incurred vou'r everlasting displeasure, so I wisely concluded that 1 was not one of the debtors yon alluded to iu your notices to delinquents. Had I enjoyed vour in timate ucqiiaiuta nee. or, on theot her h'uud. had I never seen you, of course I would have re mitted the cash on the first bit imat ion I received ttiat.vou needed money I would not have slept or eaten until the editor had boon paid, had 1 known that 1 was included in his list of debtors. Hut being only a casual aeqaintanec. I conclude the I ridium is sent to me as a "compliment." Taking this view of the matter. I also infer from the same stand-point that the editor would much rather have me remain a sort of fortu itous friend, and get nothing lor his paper, than cultivate my intimacy and receive t e regular subscription price in ntlvanre. This has been my experience with manv other virtuous, hih toned editors and it is fair to presume the edi tor or the freeman is no exception. This mode of doing business, although not partaking to a great extent of Christ inn sociability nnd resig nation. I rather like. Husiness is business, and if the editorial fraternity can stand it I can. Kditors. as a general thing, are very tenacious of their reputation, and I value my character too highly to ask them to compromise their good names by ae-cepting- money from me in payment of subscription. If 1 have taken an erroneous view of this matter (ail men are lia ble to mistakes) you can draw on meat sight for the forty-two cents nnd I will honor the draft. Hut if 1 must pay for the paper you wiil please consider me as never having made the acquaintance of an editor. Of course this will about balance things. I am tenacious of my reputntion also. uli n I mitxt po for run pnrwf. I must express my gratification at knowing that your delinquent subscribers came up as owe titan to settle in response to your repeated appeals. Now keep them down to the work, nnd I prom ise you my vigorous co-operation. Mvnpologv is now complete. It is disconnected, but when it iseonsidered that during the time I havebeon writing it mail curriers and teh graph boys have been annoying me with the delivery of letters and telegrams, nil or a similar purport, there is no wonder that there in an irregularity in composition. I promise all. if tlicv piv the printer his just dues promptly, that I w ill ,v rite weekly. and th man that says "he always writes v-Mhlu" is bad at heart, and no benefactor of the human race. These are my honest tenti rnents. and now to work. bast Saturday our divorce court did a land office business. Eight applications were heard, the alleged causes being adultery, abuse and desertion. With all thesodiseouragingeircuni slances staring lovers in the face, the matrimo nial mark t is just as firm as ever. it is estimated that between tiftv nnd sixty thousand dollars are expended anniinllv on bil liards in Pittsburgh. Poor washerwomen, how they suffer in consequence, and hiw much mis ery this amount of money would ameliorate. Fifteen hundred pounds of slate fell on n man named A ndrew Taylor, on hist Saturday, while he was at work in a coal piu Of couse he was instantly crushed to death. Thirteen new cases of small-pox last week, but only four deaths. y Michael Maddigan wn found on Inst SatimXv evening in a dying condition in AlleghenyVity. and before lie could be removed to a cfjrtifnrt nble place, life. fled. His injuries wire sus tained from a fall. The deceased bftd been a railroad contractor for years, uaG was well known in this city. Vag. Fd'xsbiro in 18(10-8. The contriburorof local reminiscences to our down town cotem porary. the Herald, furnish the followiii? fr this week's i-sue: In lfi '.r tl ere wee three houses built in libenburg which are now daiid ing, vz; The stone hoiije on II;gh s'reet now owned bv beiri of 11 S. Boon. M D ; the house now occupied by M E. Jones, a a til-r Mioi; and the eastern or bwer nart of the hooe ol Hon. A. A. Barker. The old Court House -..a j i.:, wr also built during that veir. the Court room in the secon.i p , . . low. An unsuccessful effort was made to get the Cotintv Seat removed to Monster, bv a man named Wm. C.ilbraith. A caricature of "Old Billv Galbr iith" with the new Court bouse on hi back anil tho d 1 as-isting him and inqirr iti!' the road to Mnt ster was put. upon a tree near the Conemansh creek, cnnonT a great tleil of merriment to the citizens c f Ebenhurz The first Court held in Fhen-burg was in the Independent chur. h The . I mines' se-t being on a temrorarv platform; and the birpartition ed eff by beech poles fasteee I with wiihes. The J-idges were Hon. John Younc Piedden! Abraham Hildebraii'i and George Roberts. A ' pociates; Sheriff, Thilip No.n The mos rr-mi-ent Altornevs were Sam -el Riddle, of Bedford. James Carbon, of Somerset, and Wm. R Smi'h, of Huntingdon The first cases of Over and Terminer tried in Enens'uira-. was I believe in September. 1808 Jacob Boslev was tried for murder of Job Gray, in Johnstown, (acquited) nnd Mary Beattv for the murder of her child, also from Johnstown. She was acquitted for the murder, but. f mnd guilty of concealing the death of the chid and sentenced to three Tears in the E i-tern rni tentiary. Mr Riddle, the counsel fur Mrs. HeaUy, for making some insulting remarks to the court was fciienoed for 1? mon hs. . A short time afterwards a pamohlet w is published un der the titleof Harry Hemlock, of C'Uienvuieh, supposed to have ben wriMen by Mr Rid. He as a b'.ir'esque on Judges Young nnd Roberts, calling .ludie Young the Scotch Jndjc. and' Judze Roberts the Welshman, giving a des crintin of the proceedincs in ),is own view and endeavoring to make them a9 ridiculous as pos siole. We s'ated three week ngo (hat the mem bers of the Cnngiegiitioiia! church in thi- place hid by voluntary coti'rihotiona reduced the debt on that handsome edifice Irom $2 I7M to the comparatively insiguificitit sum ol ?T7l), ned now we aie pleased to announce that those of our citizens whoso aid was solicited hare, if we may use a gambling phris. not only saw that amount. bn have went fJO.'l 2.") better. AH which wo consider exceeding! y creditable to ail concerned, and note the fact with pleas ure . Charles W. Wriyht was tried in Ilolli lavs bnrjr last week fr the killing of Mr. Botjimin Devine. of Alio.m i. on the niht of 'the 3d of July last, and was found guilty of murder iu the second degree and sea' enced to five tears and six mouths close nd solitary confinement in the Western Penitentiary. Wright is quite a young man. and hi (ate is another terrible warning against the u-eot intox'.cating liquors t,o excee. Will it be heedtd t We feir no'f COUnt'MC'ATION. Johnstown, Jan. S9lb, 1S72. To the Editor nf the ikiinbrUi Freeman: 1'kau Slit It has been remarked by a wise man that he who wrestles with a hog must ex pect to be spattered with filth, whether he is vanquished or not. This maxim I have long known and appreciated: nevertheless, there are occasions w hen it must be disregarded. A man may be attacked in such a way that he is compelled to tiagellnte his hogship, even at the risk of being contaminated by the unclean beast. In this last position 1 find invseir placed wiih V.'M'ect to tho fellow w ho signs himself "M. P. JI . in your last issue, li is lutest off usion over Hows with words, the vilcness of which is only equalled by the luge and malignity or him who penned theln. It has been remarked, that in a discussion he who first loses his temper nnd is lorced. for luck r something better, to hurl opprobriouscplthttsat his opponent, has inva riably got the worst of the argument. " It isuUo worthy of mention here, that the lowest and vilest of vile characters that wallow in the reek ing slums of large cities can outface a respect able gentleman ut calling Vile names and ban dying vulgar epithets, j have no ambition to i'e wi- tbis f liow in his vulgarity, and must therefore beg to be excused from lowering my self to the level upon which his last communi cation places hiin j-eiua iking, however, that while he claims to Re, and probably is, an Irish man, his laft letter lends probability to the surmise that his ancestors were at some lime ennaged in the Ii4.l1 business in liilliugsgute Market, London. THe '""'ished two lines of "Shamus O' Hrien divested of brogue as specimens. They ",e r' beautiful. 1 do not exactly under stand by what process this divesting of brogue j accomplished, but I have been informed that I. P. M. has invented a machine which lie calls his I atent Self-En orienting Brogue Extractor, winch does the work to perfection, line after ""d verse after verse dropping out of it just like linksof sausage from a patent stuffer. "And f,i pur the whole world gave it Into hi there." Very fine, indeed, and if called upon for an objection. I don't know that I could lind one, except that the second and third words sound something like a Frenchman's first effort in English profanity; lor an illustration of which see the closing lines of "The Frenchman and the I lea Powder": Ah. matlame ! sil votis plait, nttendez vous I will this lectio ting expluin to vou : 'V iv IV""1" re gran ! ningnitique ! i hy abuse him? Aha I I show you hoU- tl, ,,se j,im. first, you must wait until vou catch de floa. Den tickie 1 e on de petite lib, vou see. Ami when I e liiigh a ha 1 he ope his throat ; Hen pokedep mdare down oj var: he choke." Now, Mr. Editor, for pity's sake don't send this number of jour paper to any of your I rench subscribers, for candor compels me to m.mit that my knowledge or French is not per fect, mid I might be us unfortunate in it as I have been in my brogue. If some peripatetic 1 ronch peddh-r. engaged in the questionable business ot disposing of traitorous biographies, should take otic use and proceed to hurl column alter column of polyglot, billingsgate itt my heud for the next six weeks, I should be undone indeed. This chaste aud elegant writer classes me with theasseuirie tribe. I presume I oiu-ht not to doubt the correctness of t ids classilk-a-tion. and 1 feci disposed to accept it as correct, lor the gentleman seems so thoroughly familiar with the Buojci-t. that he must be accepted as authority. In fact, jackasses and brogue seem to be his "best hold." Hut he also sa s, in an other place, that I have proved recreant to ti e teachings of my youth." No jackass was ever known to prove "recreant to the teachiie-s of his youth." In truth, your jackass amf the learned gentleman himself are the most com mon and conspicuous examples of consistency - are, in fact, the only "pairo' noble beasts" that never change their minds. There's some uiistt'.ke. Will lie "rise to explain"? lie intimates that rnv curs are Inno-- nrwi if his classification is correct, this is not to bo wondered at. I wish, however, to demonstrate to him that they are as acute as long as useful as ornamental. Some weeks ago I happened into a store 011 Main street, where I saw Mr M P. M. trying to buy a valise he called it a 001Y! I happened afterwards to speak of this remark able pronunciation or the simple word "hag" by one wins according: to his own account, is "the well of English undented." and a few davs afterwards a friend, who was present 011 the occasion referred to, handed me a parody on "Keiser, don't you want to buyadogr ' entitled "Maher, don't you want to buy a boig?" This remarkable poem needs only to be passed thro' the Patent Self-Lubricating Hrogue Extractor to be perfect ; and when this has' been done it w ill he, by all odds, the fiue. t thing in the poe try line that has ever originated iu Johnstown, not even excepting the "Fairy liueci.." It is my intention to recite tins poem in a iiun-.ber of places, but tirst in .Johnstown. As soon iis it han been successfully put through the uiHchihe 1 will announce the time and place, and I will also send Mr. M. P.M. a free ticket. I regret that want nf space prevents tne from giving this gem in full. The following are its openiii" lines: "Maher. don't you want to buy a boi'jj It holds a t; a' ui-ile. And a peek of prnt i7s mrae. And for whiskey it's co.uiyiore. Oh. don't that Imu'i; look hate f laher, don't you want to buy a hoiyT'' And now to M. P. M., I will say in conclusion that, as he longs for notoriety as a lean pup hankers arter new milk. I hope he is satisli. d with notoriety even as the pup is satisfied with milk when his canine maw is distended by a gallon thereof. A word to tho readers of the Freeman and 1 have done. I read "Shamus O'Hrien" in per fectly good faith, believing that ho who leads it well, or tries earnestly to read it well, puvsa high compliment to the Irish character. No thing could possibly have been further from my intention than merely mimicking or easting any slur upon the Irish people. I pronounced the words just as they are pronounced by the best readers in this country. The piece has been read in this town often with the-same pro nunciation as I gave it, and that too before au diences composed largely or Irishmen, and I never before heard au objection made to it. Iu defending myself from the base aud unmanlv attacks which this fellow has made upon me, I have, it is true, used every honorable weapon that I found convenient ; but my blows have been directed against him, and against no one else. Helieving that he has now learned that I cannot be attacked with impunity, and hoping that his experience in this matter mav improve manners towards others iu tho future, I drop the subject. Very truly j ours, J. Fiiank Co.ndon. Some of the young folks of both sexes have in contemplation the giving of a couple of entertainments at the Hygienic W'gwam, on Friday and S.ilurdny evenings ol next week, consisting of p autonomic and mi sic.l performs ances which we feel suie will net 01 lv enter lain but greatly amuse ad who mav be thereto witness them. The hall u d stage have been h ted up i pood stvla. and ever, effort will be male to iiccomm-tii.ttc fi.o M t tend. The adu.iit nice le will ba twen:v five cent ai.d the money realized wiil be devot.d to the chuich fundi James Fisk, Jr.-This gentleman, lately de ceased, was not tne only New Englander who has succeeded in achieving a reputation. For here is George Huntley, of our own town, for merly u New Englander whose reputation, tho' not co-extensive with the world, is yet well known. Fisk's name was made famous 1 hrouh his connection w ith fraud and fraudulent prac tices; Huntley 'sby reason of his rair and square dealings witii n'l men. We will not attempt to furl her run a pa-a'lcl, but content out-self with saying that M . H.'s speciality is stoves and tin ware, and that his store is on High street. Call on him when you need anything in his Hue. Did you know that he of the Photograph Gallery, our artis'ic Iriend Spcnce. has returned from li e classic shades of Indiana county, and is once more willing and anxious to take ev erybody's picture in the best -tyle of the ari, wi.i.di is just exactly what Spence understands full well how to do. Call soon aud often at his elegant Gallery on H gh meet. Cheap Goons. Spring comes on apace, and soon instead of the howling of the Not th wind, will be zephyrs and the bloom of flowers. This being so, and to the end that his shelves may ha cleaned out for spring goods, V. S. Harker tells us that ne designs from this date forward sell ing his stock of wintergondsnt cost. The stock is very large and choice, and persons of every imrginable taster can pick out therefrom a suit or single garment to please him. Try the ex periment and be convinced. It is not so generally known, perhaps, as it should bo, that as good flour as evt'r was knead ed into bread can be bought at ull times, and bought at the right figures, from E. J. Mills, dealer in flour, feed, tmcon. brooms, lamps, etc. Mr. Mills don't claim to keep a mammoth store or an endless variety of good, but whit! he docs keep may be be depended on as first class, and his prices well, no dealer pretends to seil at lower rates. Go aud see how it is yourself. Watch Oct! The American is said to be the best watch made. We are all glad that this is so, for are we not all patriotic, and is it not to us a source ot pride to be able to point to any special excellence in cither literature, art or science created by a countryman? The Amer ican watch may lie said to be a "national insti tution." It was patented by an American, is tnado by an American company, and is sold by C. T. lloborts. High street, Eocusburrf. li. Conr.w must sell out hi present stock of furs, 110 matter wlni.t the loss may Ire. So we would advise nil who wish to purehaso furs to call at No 227 Main street Johnstown, and obtain furs tit less than half price. E. Cohen is hound to sell out nt any loss, llealso keeps on hand allMiinds of hats and caps, shirts, collars, and gent's f urnishiug goods, which will li sold extremely low, as he is bound to close out all bis preseot stock; in order to prepare for the pring' trade. Written for the Cambria Freeman. KCEAra IX COI UT-Contiuocd. bt non nor, esq. rORGEUY. Ditt. Attorney Court please: I have a case on iianu j A true bill found, w hich wouhl seem to demand our Honors' serious attention. A note was drawn J ust for one hundred dollars, written on print- ' ed blank The extra space uncancelled. The note was passed Through different hands, but when we saw it last It was one hundred ; now fifty has locn ad.'od ly some great scoundrel. Here is the indict ment. JiHlir. The courts. the highest in the land, Havejust decided that 'tis not a forgery To add u fifty in 11 similar hand. If the maker leaves the space a blank ; It must be altered bv some t runk or crark To make a forgery. " You have no ease f Pecause the maker, notice ! 1,'ft a viorc ' At least, the maker i;ays the note, ut three day's grace ! Lir.EU Disf. Attorney- Court please; a bill was found last court Against the Editor of the Huckleberry 77;iin For publishing u libel. Thus the indictment reads : ' Did publish that John Doe and Richard Hoe St tle lioni the treasury some twenty notes, Of twenty dollars each." etc. Liift'. Aitornnj- And the statement 's wholly true. As we can prove from their own admission And from others : ave, 'tis known to vou, lour Honors, that tluv made confession And returned the funds, the thicvi .g crew t Jiuiai The law of libel is the greater if 'tis true The law of libel is w ell known to vou. lJt.fi'x Atturncu And iniibt my client suffer here If wc can make the charge alleged all clear? If law is justice, let it soapicar '. Ji(d! The court is Just, but it can't make the law, Your client can't escape, if there's no Haw In the indictment. Jura Kieurn Verdict yuiJfy.' SELLING LIOUOll TO A MINOR. Df.sf. A itarnr.y Cuttrt pi ease : Here is another bill Which, when I read, my very eyes do fill With tears. A very fiend in'hu'nian shape Sold liquor to a boy; and he shall not escape! Nav, I shall all my public strength exhaust lie lore 1 let this certain case be lo-t. J udi.if- The ji rj-V sworn : now state your case. Ditt. A tim nf 1 he indictment ' tbuswise reads : 'Iid then and there sell liouor ton miner. To wit. one gill of whisky," nnd it needs P.ut to be proved. Ecre are the witnesses. (They at c all sw orn.) "J is proved ! 'Tis proved ! iMjt'it A tinruen Yes, it is proved, none can deny: I'.ut is it irrovnf and. if so. tell me why? A man who digsout coal, or mines our oro Has as much right to drink, as those who swore Against mv client. Nay, he e-hould drink even more ! Jirrf;.-- U-t us see the indictment "n r inrr." All sir. you must be very careful with your bills. J 3 And write, or spell at least, a little finer. The jury is discharged I Defendant is dis charged .' Ablt.irRV. DM. Attorney -Court p. lease: My eyes grow dim. my heart is faint. At so much crime. That one so young, of ten der years. Should tliuxbegullty. All! it starts unbiddv n tears : Judije "'ihut one so young." Is he not mar ried ? If not. my honest friend. I have mv fears That, guilty though lie be, of flagrant crime, lie surely will escape - at least this time ; For you have drawn the indictment wrong. J our charge" made should not be only strong. Hut made correct, according to the law. Iu this indictment you must surely see the Jlawt TO EE COXIISITD. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread ilieaso. Consumption, hy a i 111 pie remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow suttcrers the means of cure. To ail who desire it. he will send a copy of the proscription used, (free of charge ) with the directions toi propnring and using the same, which thev wiil lino a s: iik i i:k for r.,),i,i pt ion, A: si hiua. l!in rliitis.&c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address ll-ll.-ly. Ukv. rriV.-AKT) A. VT IEPOX, 204 South Third Sr., Williumsbui'Kh, x. Y Vant of "quods" has compelled us to cut off 'Itob toy's" poem in the middle this week. Ur; dmtisrmtttjs. HISTORY OF The Great Fires In CHICAGO and the WEST by Dev. E..T. Good speed. !.!., of Chicago. Only comlpctc history. .00 tvo. pages; CO engravings. 7H,:i0 already sold. Price 2.f,0. HUH) agents made in 211 davs. Profits go to sufferers. a'-KMK UAll'l) H.S.OOODSPEEIJ & CO..S7 Park How. N. York. I A LOi:i Ol! AT hit lSGO. Columbia Fire Insurance Co. vi r JL r.iij A.o AUK.Et.TOIt.S S. S Detwilkr, I'res't Til, . .-- PonT. Crave. U m. I'ATTON. J A--. FCUhOEnEB. J. S. St:.ie M. M. Strk klke. If T if .-..- 11 .i 1 i.soN. icc-i'res t IlEun'TTiioMAs, Treas J. F. FRUEAfFK, Scc'y. J. I!. ItACIlMAN. Geo. linfiLK. For Insurance or l-T. 1 flf VliA Vb b A ....it ...1.1 Aee'j. Vt:luml,ia. J'n. A.i: TS mitc.i Agents make more mon ey nr work for us than anything else. Hud ness light and permanent. Particulars free. rrwNSON & c'-' 1'uMishcrt, Port land, Maine. f F7T7M V A TTRSl trm Reward for any case of 1 A iUlii lliiililllJ. "pium hatiit our Ajiti.lote will not cure. No aiii or inconvenience. Sent V," receipt of f:.jo. S. O. A UMSTKONO. M. I., Healing Institute, Ilerrien Springs, Mich. SI HE CI'KE for this distressing complaint is now made known in a Treatise (of 4S octavo pages) nn Foreign and Native Herbal Prepara- i....-, i-o, 1 ,. Po n.K Hoow-v Tlio prescription was discovered by him in siict, a providential manner that he cannot conscien sciously ret use to make it known, as it litis cured everybody who has used it for Eits.never having railed 111 a single case. The ingredients mav bo obtained from any druggist. A copy sent free toall applicantsby mail. Address Du. o Phelps Brown, 21 (irand street, Jersey City, J. NEW SEEDS AND PLANTS Nent liy Mail or Ex press. Our Seed and Plant Catalogues for 72, Numbering 175 pages, and containing TVO COLORED PLATES Each worth twice the cost of Catalogues, mail ed to all applicants on receipt of 2.j crnts. PET EH HENl.EHSON & CO. Seedsmen, 35 Cortlandt Street, X. X. fU EH IiYTKKK M ALEAND" FK .V M?iLt': t(t'-EGE.-This popular Institu tion will open for the summer session on the hi st Monday of May, 1872, under the instruction ot h corps of competent teachers, in the College buildings in the pleasant village or Cherrvtree Indiana county, Penna. Course of instruction thorough, vocal and instrumental music inclu ded, (iood boarding furnished at from ,.5t) to ;t..r0 per week. For further inrormatioh apply to cither or the undersigned DIKEOOf.S. Hon. R. H. M'Cormick, , Dr. E. Hrallier. H. li. Kinpnrts, Dr. A. H. Eovtlace. John bason, Cherry tree, Feb. 3, l72.-3in. riNi: vmim and m'.mjii:r SOHT FOR 1II.NT. The well known nnd adiniralily located pro- ywfO-Jtk, perry owned nnd occupied by the fc1,!kls I f A undersigiu'd. situated in Washing- r-ViJ S i -Im ton township. Cambria county, on .xrfri the Turnpike, one mile west of 3E."wSf Cresson, is otfered for rent on reasonable terms. The Farm ami liuildings are in excellent condi tion, the property being In every wav suited to the accommodation of eirv visitors during the ouii.iul-i uiuuius, lor wnicn purpose it i now ,'--"od- Mits. ALICE SMYTH. Cresson, leb. 0, 1ST2.-Ct. I" lCENSE NOTICE The f..Ihmin2 named persons have filed Petitions for Tavern and Eating House Licenses in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cambria county, for the ensuing March Term of Court : Tarern ireiod'H.-ltulser HelfricE, Chest twp., Nicholas I-ambour, Carroll twp. ; Henrv Martz, Mrs. Annie Murphy. Wm. Flynn, Otho Helle, Washington twp.; Jos. Horner. Wilmor? bor.; John It. Ilite. Hlackiick twp.; Edw. L. Hender, John W. Sharbaugh, Carrolltown tiorougli. J. K. 1UTK, Clerk. Clerk Q. S.'s Office, Ebensburg, l'cb. 3, lS7i. n KICK FOU SALE. Gooil 15-ick ran - -be purchased at reasonable rates from the undersigned. JOHN Mclll'LLIN, .-3.-6t.J Near Catholic Church, Ebensburj. jECE!PTS a EXPEND from the 27th day of January, 1&71, to WILLIA3I LINTON, Treasurer, ISTI. To l.nlance in hands of Treasurer at lust settle-mem f To amount ot County Taxes received' f rom Collectors for "if: 1 und prc ious cnrs j To amount received on Poor Taxes from same To amount Military Taxes do. " do. To amount ree'd on Seated t-t:d Un seated Lands lor lt'.l and previous yea rs To amount received from Miscellane ous Sources To amount received on ltedcinptioii of Lands To amount ree'd from sale of County C.C16 17 D7.576 72 I I itc so 11S 12 2e,?57 C2 2.249 C7 i,es.-j 0 Jioiids To amount of Exonerations allowed Collectors To amount ol Commissions do. do. Total. .. .?7V-.G3 M lleeeircd. Jauunrn 2t.i. 172. from Wii.i um lluiiilreii and 1 ivenlij-1- iic Duiiars and Kitj'.itu i.tfoeJ. Amount Due C'.i(nV.it:i From .Tnnn Kmnev " M. Trenkley" " C. Schneph " ic W. o.itman. balance of debt H. to. lermitt, balance of debt and " Evuus t Davis Total o UTSTANDING DEIiTS due from C. previous years : Fi4. lMiM, lsH) in. .Mciiermitr. Washington township Henry Lloyd. Susquehuiiuii township William Flattery. Johnstow n l oroiih Thouias McKeman. Cambria borough It. Kcsf. East Concmaiigh borough D. Sha('er, Suminerhill "tnwrship L. W. Shanli. Adams township , John B. Ross, lilacklick township James Kelly. Cambria borough A. J. Stoltz, Carrolltown borough James Delozier, Chest township D. Walters. Chest Springs borough , Thomas Wilt. Clearlieid township James Dick. Coopersdale borough James Lynch. Conemaiigh borough Samuel I'lummer, Croyle township John No"l. Minister township fieoi ge Orris, Hichiand township M. Era n ill. SuuimerhiU township (ieo. J. Schwarderer. Washington twp I). Donnelly. White township James Iturns. Voder township James Cost low. Adams township. !.!!!!!... Ciiarlos Flick. Allegheny township John Ferguson. P.l -icklick township Hugh Edwards. Canibri.i township James Kelly, Cambria borough D. A. Luther Carroll township L. Schroth. Carrolltown horin!i Anthony Anna. Chest township Jacob Wagner, Chest Springs borough F. Delozier. Clearfield township James Masters, Coopersdale borough Patrick Murray. Conemaiigh borough John Christanz. E. ConcuiMiigh borough... 1. Strayer. Croyle township II. Hiblet. Franklin borough tJeorgo Gearbart, (iallitzin township H. Afl.-ims. Jackson township John Flanagan. Johnstown borough P. Mealy. Loretto borough M. Mctiahcy. Monster township ..!.. P. Hodgers. Millviile lioroiiirh J. Miller. Hichiand township John iicidcr, Siimmerhi'l township James Condon. Summitviito borough .. John Manion. Susquehanna township William Headri-k. Taylor town. .hip . James Ili'and, Washington township Michael M,er. White township Will iam Skellv. Wilmore twirngli 1). liurthold, Woodvnle boroua h James Hums, Voder township 1S70. 1571 Total. I.I AMII.I I II S. Outstanding Orders in favor of Indi viduals t 47; in Amouut due District C.mrt. 57t 25 " Sheriff VA 4S Balance in favor of County 32.254 43 Total. f 33,472 38 Given under our hands at Ebeusburg, this 20th day of January, A. D. 1S72. JAS. K. N ISA SOX. Attest-.!. A. Clerk. w!!, ommissle-ters. E. the undersigned Auditors of Cambria county, do respectfully report that we have oire fully exuinuied the acf innts and vouchers of the Receipts and Expenditures of the said c-i nrv from the 2.th day or January, A. 1). K71. to the P'.th day of January. A. D. is;?. (b,'th davs i'Vc'u si ve.l 1 and find them to be correct : as is also the foregoing statement of the Liabilit-es an l I Assets ot said county. V itkess ouu iiani-s, at the Commissior.eis' Office at Fbi sbuig this "uthdav ot January, A. 1. is.-,. AXTHOXY .XV 1 1 . t -, . - JOHN' WAONrif. '-Auditor". Attest J. Null, Clerk. wm. A. 11. LITTLE, ) ' VV. for the veaV l-l"' s,,cr,,!' iu "urer .r0.VC'.' fr"'n CoUnt Trca- m To am't ree'd' f roin'.iiiry" Fees, ! I". Court 4 (Id ao am tree u irom lines, uisinct Couit 58 CO 1ot&i 2,9-JI08 .InhlllMfic .!,. t'l T ' A ud 1 tors of Camt.n.i count y. respectfully report that we have r tpmined theact.ounUand vou.-hei-sof Keceiptsand Expend ir ores of the District Court of tamS.M ,"0,,, ry f rom the 24th day of January. A. D.lsTI. to the llnh day of January. A. I. 172. i cius y,' . , d find them to be as above stated ; as is al so the statement of the Liabilities of said District Court (jIVEN under OUR hands, at Johnstow n, the 1'JLh day or January. A D l7- ANTHONY ANNA, 1 Attest-J. Num., Clerk. LIe, f AuJltfl"- B. icnr.Si!IITTi Stewnrci, inaefcount oria covnty : January 19th. 1S7! To cash from John J. Evans for hides To cash from O. V. K. &alun f.r 2 pi rS' ' To cash from J. J. Evans for hides..."! . .! To cash from Henry Foster for pigs..!!! To cash received for cows ! !!!!! To cash received for Order No. 140......" To cash received Tor Irder No. 141 . To cash received for horses . ! To cash received for 2 pigs. . . . . . . . .. .. . 1 To cash received ror Order No. 227.". To cash from 11. Kiukcud ! ..".". Total -. " .I)n. 10 0 a IHI in mi 7 M liu no 70 (H( so no 2: 3 25 5 (10 lOu 0 ) 52 71 27 -CR. $ 2 50 6 M 75 . 1 50 2d (10 Januart 19th. 1371 By amount due at last settlement Ily cash paid for weaving linsry Py casii paid for fresh lish .". , Iti" cash paid for wall paper for house... Py cash paid for sending away paupers. Hv cash paid for taking man to Dixmont Py cash paid Wm. Pryce for services Py cash paid J. A. ltlair for log chain .. . By cash paid for stamps nml postage By cash paid F. Kittell, butcher . . P.V cash paid for garden seeds By cash paid expressagc on box P" cash paid discount in Bank By cash paid expenses visiting out-door paupers By cash paid A. Kncible's fare to Car rolltown Bv cash paid em's to Carrollt'n, O. D. 1. Bv cash paid freight Bv cash paid exp's to St. Aug'ne, O.D.P. Bv cash paid Express freighr By cash paid sending paupers to Phila.. 18 00 ilk j "J 5(0 4o 50 1 50 50 2 m 1 CO 50 We. the undersigned Auditor of Cambria the accounts or u. .Mcirerinnr, Mewarri or tne foregoing statement to be correct. cViiea unci' Attsst-J. Ncii, Cl.-rk. STORES OF CAMBRIA CO. the loth day of January, 1S72. iut.K:ai c. Cr. IS7I. Tly amount j aid Assess ri.. lly i.ir.i.uut paid Auditots, Coiiiity a'l.a und State Ry tiununt nld Ciinstaf.ief". ". . .... .". lly auioiiiit aid l oiinty Ponds..!!!!..'. Uy amount paid Oitnuibs. oners': M. McNi-niHi-a fdMOOl James E. Ncason i.'.0 Friincl O'Fi iel Cd (cj . AV. II. M t'leli.u.d liow j John A. Kennedy l:."n i :j j Py amount paid Coniiuisioi:eis' CJei k . Counsel " Court Crier... " " " Criminal Piosecufns ' Court House 4 District Couit. . " " Flections " " " Fox & Wildcat Scull s " Fuel ' " Fnight ..'"."."".". " Insurance " " " Interest on Co. pL-nds " " Innuisitions Jail and Jailor (W. IJ. Bonncker received ifiXtO M.) Hy amount paid Jurors (Traverse).. .. (( ini nd) " " (Tales) " " " Jury Coiu'ra & l in k. " Janitor " Military " " ' Miscellaneous " " New Townshio Views l.COC 1 J )T9 . -I 4o (.0 ,1X 41 LU. t O :'(.) 1, ?ii7 ; . 17rt(.i 2. ; a"' I 0 771 if. : t. 111 14 H '.) fo 7. .04;! 1 1 4stll 1, C0t) 00 2. C11 f3 mi u; 10s o 71 :x 207 S) 1,156 OS 17 (2 10(0 2t.rt3f0 JiKO 1 1 v.; r,7.v.i (1 t; 12 ct (I (At t'7 40 4.-S !:i 1!4 1 42 l-i f:;7 r.d 1.-2 42 4.ks'.i :'ti 2.in .n J.s) ( l) to ro t-S tio '.2 74 C4 :o 204 42 i rro r.o 2.2. tf7 j .1 ! '.' ; .o 7.'. 2S id " " New Prison " " " J'hono'phic lSeportc-r " I'ostage " " Poor House " " ' Printing- " " Poor House Directors ' Probates " " 1'roth'y A- Clerk Q. S. " Hedemptlou of Lends " " " ltefunding " 1 legist rv " " ' StHtlonerv .""!' " Schools... " Supervisors... ... " " " " Heads and Uridgcs. .. " " Tipstaves " Teachers' Institute.. " " 4 West'n l'enitentiarv. " " Pec'ds for H g. C;f.ic " " " Error in CoilectoiV account hist setth-ment By amount paid Commission on fOEC-iS .1 at 3 per cent Py am't Fx-oiierat'ns allowed Collcct'i s " Commissions liy balance iu Treasurer's hands Total. r.s,a:5s2 LINTON, late Treasurer. Feven 1 )., t.'yoiiiT, Xine Ccnte, beimj lalance in full in .is I ami at tittlemetit John Cox. Treasurer cmtify JiuImentM : .' !. !! costs .? 70 4.J 7" 7'. p.; -2) 2 ".s KJ 415 52 li.2fc7 .?l.(dS 7ii dlccics of '' axes for ihe 3 ear 1S71 sir.d until Tax, Pnir Tax. State Tax. Military Tax. o fcU 19t.2 24 10 4635 C4 4 12 t-tt 01 CI 63 17 IS 50 27 (5 2 00 9 50 31 78 AM 57 10 23 50 H 35 17 53 fl .V) 157 44 2 ;0 1SI-4 2 00 63 33 71(1 25 62 6 50 23 1? C9S9 27 47 12 m 377 50 t ( 5 17 50 1S!44 6103 .7 73 2 03 e 9 00 4 33 R IH 21 50 24 11 i 11) 9 4S 13 (fl 2.; c 00 &J1 12 62 13 50 3 42 4 TS 25 &5 4 00 1?3 SS tl57 102 38 2 8.1 33 58 111 10 5: . 3 20 ( 7 2K. t-2 H 8 m 327 ii 5.7s rs 1.2:5e2 l.T!) 42 710 M c"i m l.fi71 79 4-i 24 574 3! SV. I'd 1.34101 4-4 11 sr-n 70 423 fi f.- S9 4"7 CI Rt 40 4.222 S." 221 OS 2:10 17 r.n :ts r.71 si 8-'.7 fi 11 m f'24 S3 l.rxra of, 754 35 1.122 25 211 itt 21S 74 921 C9 2 52 10 00 13 04 13 31 42 y$ 23 32 9 27 2 73 20 57 518 23 500 WOO 3 CO 4 50 6 50 323 43 J23.Ci.Cll 1.575 53 Assrrs, Amount due from .tiidgment . " Collectors .. IJalance in Treasurer's hands... l.o. s :,T 24.527 f i 7,'J-'5 to Total.. 133.472 33 account with the District Court of Cambria cobiny "f amount paid Trn vers'e Jurors " " " cm stable's0" t P34 ro l.Vt ( 0 5S ."( 45 l d l,2riitil Ju W U (.' I I'.'US 17 2J 23 20 41 V2 FK2 ,s2 1 " (''rt trier & Tii-siiVe " Court House (rent). . . ., " " Pad & Pridge Views 4 " Flections I " " Criminal Proseeut'ns " Jury Com'rs & : Clerk. , " Balance due Sheriff at last settlement By amount of Commission on t2,0.vi 12, ut 2 per cent Balance iu Sheriff's hands to close.! !.! 1 Total.. T i,Gt2 t i "ith the rcoror.d House of Employment of Care Py cish paid for corn meal. i :." Py cash paid for postage and stamps 1 no lly cash paid for toll to Summit i,1 By cash paid for sending away pa up 'rs. C CJ Bv cash paid for postage and stamps 1 t) Hy onsh paid P. O. box 1 eat for 3 yt a s. . CO Ily cash j. aid Expressage ii January 1st, 1872 Salary tor cno j car.... COO ft) Total J'L-" PRODUCTS OF FARM-flOO bushels Potatoes, 500 dozen Oats. 45 tons Hay, 150 bushels Corn iu ears. 2i)0 heads Cablmge, 1 barrel Cucumbers, (pickles,) 3 bushels Tomatoes. STOCK OX FARM 2 head Work Horses, 1 Colt, 25 Uad Cattle, 11 Hogs, 10 Pijs. FTEXSILS OX FARM 1 Mowirg Machirt. 1 Horse Hay Rake. 1 (.rain Diiil, 1 t hresher. 3 Plows. 2 Harrows, 1 Shovel Plow, 1 twohorsn I Wagon, 1 two horse Spring Watmi, 1 Buggy, 1 two horse Sled. 1 Sleigh. 1 Lot Sied. 1 Cart ind Oenrs. 4 sets Harness. 1 set Butf' Ilarnc-os, 1 set Double Light Harness. ARTICLES MADE in Tnir ITOrsE-7S Pillow Slips, 5 Sheets, hi Shirts, 28 Chemises, ttili.f?--TiLks. 24 Bolsters, 31 Pillows. 24 Comforters, PJ pairs Men's Socks. 21 pairs Stockii.gs. Z Drc--se-, 3 Boys' Suits ti Children's Dresses, 24 Aprous, 9 Sun Bonnets, 13 skirts. INMATES OF IIOrSE NumbCf of Ir xinte Jan. 1st. 1871, 40 ; number received coring tho rear, M: number of deaths, i ;-nun. jer 01s- 1 50 ' -hargel od absconded, 51: number re'ualnir-K' 50 I in House Jan. 1, li72, 52: uutnb;- ct mtuii rur 9 00 nihed to vTf2rers,2.lci. Po. r a Vl lio.iV, or V -,p?rt ' we hnTC "JIeJ , kTi r.PP'oyVt' nnd certify tfco county - . c y. pr January, A. I). 1372. ANTflON'Y ANNA, JOHN WAuS KK. yv-JL A. B. Z2ktL.ll,