The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, December 23, 1871, Image 3

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iasBKi'T ,Tir. -aiv-a-co ixawfi'iKw.Tr'
;r2iCS-52: S3 3S
- - - . . - - -,r 15 ' " f i. -
DEC 23, 1871.
I Tapsr 5Cext VTtun.-Tf you are a ab
j fcriber don't go to the yostofijeo or wait W '
i i.. i.,., v thn E' tieea,
i car. in iu "'b J , ,.
3 ... tn
.!,a if vou are not a subMiiwr ..o- .
you i u b0,f0wie bis
ruur neighbor ior too puij
cop,, fof he won't bare Ujo ; e
to keep tne ioii..j. monftV. al!j w0
. 1 11 M
we want to try wi -- ... ,, .iim.efore
want to do ei-v
.ill .-,t a Pilfcr De-Lt
.itiniLi3 nnt
or en
5,J. wh o-. a. tl.. a.o.1. wo tenJer with .11
our. h. cuinplin.eut. of the season. May
Xs. b .ed Plcrtr remember a.. J ccor
ae iim.1t one about tbeiu. and mav the grand
,su1t b. a Merry and a Happy
Yeurto cue af.d all-joy wiiliuut mcsure,
hsPpiue without alloy. And may ibey who
Ui Lava a clesir record on our boo-i Wiicn
tie i-evr year dawns.
What will Movk Yvilo hiive no dc
i'r to ee the Fkeiman discontinued, or even
tafo it pd i to othen bauds, but unfortu
,.lt willies alone avai!eth nothing. We
hav begged, implored and threatened, and et
. eitel 'llimtr whom we desired Fpecially
tu brio" to their sensee, have turned aUonf tar
uur e'ltrcatios, and hence the propect before
L( n uMitsnt wiitins ' anything but encournj
i Still we are determined not to saj d;e so
ss a glimmer of hope remains, and now
t propose to try our patrons, and especially
1-M.te iu ne.irs.ou the very Dtsi propoiiiion
..l-.iii Sjrd to inake.
A nd here it is : Adt
nerws who i!l pay us f 1.75 before the first of . co'.d has not been so intense here, it isnnid, for
February will be booked lor the next year, ninoieen e:i:s, the day on which Kossuth
cuaaienei' S January '27th; lor two new sub- ! rcachad Ebeuaburg having exceeded it iu iu
f'iieis. or an bid one and a new tine, we will i tensity about six devices.
iP-iJ two copies (one to each) of ourpnper one j --To the c ird of Messrs. Cnsey, Fojnrty L
wr for $3 10; or we will agree to furnish the Co., lio'.cs:ilo liquor dealers, I'ittsburgh, we
'bT.i si'A.vtiLtD Ban nee" one year and the
reaidful chronio, noticed eisownero, in auii
t'uii to our own paper, for $2.25 to single sub
njitern. old or new, cr two copies, one to an
tM and ore to a new subscriber, for $1 OU; or,
in clubs of twenty, half old and half new, we
'romiss to send the Fbki man and the Harris
Urg U'ttKLY Patriot one year for 5U cash
that is $2-5'J for each subscriber all ad
t!:tsjd ECpsmtely, but all to go to the same
witl otlice. This is our pioposition. and we
'ceitainly think it ought to be acceptable to all
Those only, however, who have pa!J or will
paj id full" to the closo of this volume will be
i!ioeJ the advantages offered herein. After
tie first of February two dollars will be
charjed for the Frskuan alone, except to new
lAtcribers, anJ after May 1st "2.2.). and ee
fa. II jou de.-ire that we should continue the
FcriiiAJi you mut show a disposition to aid
urn the way we have mentioned, for we have
rcihiuir but our patronage to depend on. It,
t a fclimne to riint our rnrr on the old tvDe
low in uc, but it is a greater shame for you
lured the Feekman and not nay for it. Both
uf these cauecs for shame will be removed by
iL- pouipt payment of old Fcores and the
aJcpiicn of the pay-in-advance system. Will
it L cOLe ?
a; s and Mlsliaji at '.rtiJ near Horjf.
Christmns ti ers nro iu demand.
Sledding ia excellent; also tha sleighing;
liktwito the sliding; ditto the ekating.
Thursday last was tke shortest day of the
rtiT, nd the coldest of the winter we hope.
The cause of the delay ia the issue of our
paper this week will be found under the obitua
ry Lead.
Oatman's grand drawing of new silver
cuin is tho biggest thing cut. Don't fail to
mure a draw.
Bishop Damenec has ordered a collection
for the Orphans' Aslum in all the Catholic
tltrthes of this diocese on Christmas day.
The Herald learns that a man named Leat
cr Let, residing near Loretto, was so severely
injured iu a well a few days ago that Lo died
soon after.
lliiiLie Moore plead guilty on Thursday
to the larceny of a hilk drtss from Capt. J. II.
Elliott's residence, Pittsburgh, aud waa re
manded for sentence.
?i'!a. C. Bowers, charged with being im
plicated in the Tyrone post ofUce robbery, has
been arrested and committed to jail in Pitts
l argli fo await a h'earing.
Mrs Kager, wife of Philip Rsger, whose
clesih fiorn small por we noticed last week,
bid since died of the earns disease, being the
tliird victim ou Laurel Hill.
"Mother Goose" has been set to music by
Carletou L Co., ITew Yoik, aud the next thing
e axpect to hear it that she has hitched out
a :. brood of feathered eoiigsters
A Ftc of Mr Frank M'Cullough. of Johns
town, aged 1-1 years fell from the roof of tho
C. 1. Co.'s new stable on Tuesday and 6ustain
ad ir.tercttl injuries which are likely to trbvo
Nuts, candies, and everything else to
gladden yourg hearts and gratify young appe
tite! aje, aud old ones too can be found at
Ciruttns choice grocery and variety tiore in
great abundance.
A dark day for Ebenfeburg the day first
"katituted" by the teachers. Since then they
l-vc '.' .oij conoidorabltt light ou the subject,
hewsver, and now w have not only bright
t!ajs but fcoonlight niphts.
Our friend and subscriber, Mr. Henry llel
Icn, had the mitfortuue to break one of his
tires in seme way while orgnged in repairing
tLa tnattir.cry of a a mill in Chest township
Mi TLuisday of la?t week.
IIou. Samuel Henry has our thanks for a
liberal allowance of the most palatable sausage,
part of the product of two fine porkers butch
ered by him a few days ago which together
trought down tho scalc3 to the tuco of 51
As a solution of the question, "What will
novo youf propounded elsewhere, don't let
any of our editorial brethren suggest a dose
of aenna arid salts, or even a small decoction
of castor oil. 'We don't want the "moving"
lon In that way.
1 Le only brick houso in Summitville, the
property of Hr. Henry Hughes, occupied by
two families of tenants, was destroyed by fire
on Thursday afternoon of last wtek. iuvolviag
a loss of soma S 1 ,400, lully insured. Wo did
tot learn the origin of the fire.
By the giving auy of a scafTold at the
-ohnstown gas works, en Tuesday last, five
carpenters were precipitated to the ground, a
distance of Eome twenty five feet, and all of
them more or les3 iijured, but fortunatelv
neither of them daugorously hurt
Our friend and relative, C. W. Easly. Esq.,
Johnstown, has of late been suffering with a
illgU attack varioloid, but we are ghid to
Tnt-r-fv b,U lBtt08t Liai8elf gain. Major
bttnTan anTa-nVe-aicdy D0 doubt gtened his
burden and will bring about his ultimate cure.
a.--' utn,P, has l,it lLe uAl1 on the head
9 ivVtl He w.uoommence this afternoon at
2 o e.leck the drawing of new silver co'n and
tontmue tbo saine throughout tb0 holidav
during which he avers that he ril! r-ive wv
not Josg than $500 to the buvera nr i,-i:.i
goods. J
The Teachers' Institute closed its sessions
at nOoa on Friday, and iu an hour or two after
special train conveyed nearly all the partici
pants to Cresson on their way to their respect
ive homes. May their instructive and pleasant
intercourse while here be a source of agreeable
contemplation for the next twelvemonth to
Messrs. Zahm & Son have a big stock of
overcoats, heavy clothing, ladies' lurs, winter
drags gooks and other seasonable merchandize
wnich they desire to get rid of at reduced
prioes for the ready cash during holiday week,
or as soon as possible, and buyers may look
for wonderful bargains at their store. Don't
il to call.
It affords us as much pleasure to contra
dict as it did pain to announce the rumored
batiing to death in Kansas of Mr. Henry
Ickes, of Altoona. AVc received our informa
J'on from current rumor and from a parugraph
o that effect in the Bodfoid Gazette, and are
bow gi.d to learn that ilr. I. is alive and in
good health.
We bespeak for our aJyerlisIn? ?
..I -I. -.. . . i'-IMM T Uf. IT '-.
i . .. t riM all to D
nrr the I'd 1 1 ii tl V S .
I t" f. I - v '
eminently drvsng "'Hff ''', ,h
Ai !i
, riil.-e 01 U1C "'"..."
. t-.i. ...!., ."j til liUSIUini in
I. (.. l,llmCS4 Ill l.l. fie .iv i."- ----- -
1 UUtu Je. o note th f.ict tnat tbo tr.uome
o : ,n Thursday morning tood at lb degrcca
Le!owni.d ibi (Saturday) morning at 1 da
crees above zero.
?,'e should ncvor pr:nt a pipor witnout
c.nmtliinr about ii. L. Oatman'a
'Easra Star Flour," which merits aud re
ceives the commendation of everybody who
uses it. For holiday baking it will ba found
particularly choice and satitlactory. t
For reasons sufiiciciitly mauifoat v.e Lave
been unable to make the promised change ia
the Thompson Store advertisement tint' week.
but hope that will deter iio one from visiting
and buving a. lull tock of holiday goods at
that superb ttatabliabinunt iu post office build
Among the many good reasons for buying
good ravins at M. Ij Oatman's are that Christ
mas is coming a::d he is i-eliing the very best of
raisins, prune, cuirauts, canned fruits and
picklej, and everything else delicious, at ex
ceedingly low figures, aud giving everybody a
chance to draw a nice prize in the thape of a
silrer coin.
The atteu'.ion of the editors of the Hftrria
burg Patriot 'n iavited to our announcement
Ii: first column with reference to clubbing with
their weekly edition, ni.d we hope they will
put on thvir wcokly exchange list, for the
purpose of exhibition, aud fuiniah clubs of
trrei:ty at the bame rates as they do clubs of
Sfiv :md upwards.
We fundly trust that the bottom has ben
readied by the thei monitor for this winter at
least. Vhcu it gets down to sixteen decrees
below zero, as it UiJ on Thursdav morninc-
lant, it is full time to put on the brakes. The
lmiic aiieniion oi notei keepers ana others in
terested iu the trnilis. V,'8 have the assurance
of a roost reliable gentlemen that this firm is
prompt, honorable and eminently worthy of
patrons ge, and therefore we feel iio hesitation
in recommending them to all our patrons who
anything in their line
W were agreeably surprised last week on
receiving the Johnbtown Echo in quarto frm,
enlarged to fully double its foimcr proportions,
and presenting an appearuuca alike creditable
to its editor and pleading to ils patrons. Were
it not lor its "borrowed bowels," which we can
never lnarn to like in uuy paper, it would be
altogether lovely. As it is, we certainly wish
it abundant prosperity for the sako of its Letter
half the outside pages.
ilr. F. A. S.oriu, of Allegheny township,
has accepted the agency for the" "Catholic,
Kecord," a mouthy magazine pub'ished ia
Philadelphia at tlie low price of $2 50 per
year, and is row canvassing lor the same.
i ue "ixeconl is a most excellent, intcrehtinrr
and nbly conducted magiiziixe. aud Mr. Storm
should have uo trouble ia securing subscribers
among the members of the several Catholic
congregations he may vi?;t. lie is also cm
powered to collect money and receive sub.-xrip-lious
for the Frekman at our lowest terms, and
wu feel a special interest in Lis abundant suc
cess in that direction.
Tun Popular Like ok Gks. Ltr. TVe have
already noted tho fact that Mr. 2,1. P. Meagher
has Uik;ii the asc-ney for this and other works
published by Messrs. John Murphy & Co.,
Baltimore, uud de-he no- specially tjsav that
this volume, like alt oiheis i?ai:;fl from tliitt
pre it f ubiishing house, is one Of tiie most e'.e
gant and haiidsoinely gotten up wotks we have
ever scea. Wp .ire no apoloiat for tho mis
takou cuurii j.ursued by Ucn. Leo in the late
civil war, but Leiieve him to have been honest
in Li purpose, aud Laving come of noble stock ,
and cf undoubted bravery, moral worth aud
rare Chrisu in Impulse.-, we esteem his biogra
phy worthy of fcCneral perusal. anJ as suoh
commend it to all who admire the mau for his
great per oual virtues and are willing to thiow
the inatule of charity over his political errors.
Siar Sianhd ThoniLr. This favorite family tak'-s ,t.s lJ.oii renders by surin-isf in tiie
iane for January, lsT, Just recei veil. 1 1 is en
Idrifcd to Siiiuo bizo as f. V, .Ledut r, ami u
:ars in an entire nev.- dresfi, eleaiit rie-v hoaii
lnjr; border, type, ttc. It contains unc-hulf uiorc
reiuliiifr than formci-jy, and intrrviitJy improved
in (tvery respec-t. This numbi.-i- cintiiins four
splndil Stories. l'otry, V'it iiml VVilntn, i:i a Kill Shoil, -Money Maker:s ?iu--ror.
Children's D-purtri.fCtl Iittltu lK;vut
menf. Farm nnl Varmer, Cook's 'ovner, l.adios'
I', I'en and Scissors, Chip Itisket- and
tho "KoKUo'a Corr-or," a spi.'eial feature f cliis
excellent paper. Cue thousand swlii ib :s,
quacks nnd huuibiiirs wore named uud ox!
lurirff 1S71. The publishers of the "ilaiiuer"
(ilVKantw uml superb "1 ran if Ciiromo" and
their hue au-J tirst-cluss paj?er a whole year
for only 75 cents. Try it. Copies can bo seen
tit thi.-i eillice, or from any nowcirm, or bv serid
inir ti cents to ST AH SPANGLED BAN NEK,
Hinsdale, N. II-
Dolblv DisTRESsiso. Last week we inci
dentally learned of the death of- Maybcrry
V.'right, since which we have learned some of
the particulars. It appears ho was piling logs
ou the bank of the creek aud the los gave
way uhder Lira, he passing down over the bank
with them aud those behind alter hitn, a laige
number of which passed over Lim, crushing
him iu a hon.'b'e. manner.. It appeals there
was ho one present but a small boy, who gave
the alarm to the neighbors, and they upon re
pairing to the cpot found him speechless and
sufTfrriiig great pain. He etpircd in about two
Louis. His wedding day was fixed upon to
molrow, but sad will be that dav to her left
behind. Cleaifield Republican, COth.
H Aiuusiii Kr Patkiot. In another column
will bo found the tinnual prospectus for the
cominjr yenr of the Harrisburir 1'athiot. Tiio
Patkiot is the central orjran of the democracy
of the Slate and is conducted with very decid
ed taleut. The approaching session, of the Lcsr
islaturo willboaniosi important cue aud the
questions likelj' to bo the subject of vliseussiou
before? it will possess more t'nan ordinary inter
fst. To those, til ere "ore, wlio desire a full ami
correct report of itj proceed insrs; the Jiailv
Pathiot will prove a most welcome visitor.
The WKEK.I.V Patkiot wiil appear in a ifi-eatlv
cnlaiKeil ud luucti improved form and wiil
contain ii vast amount of reading matter at the
low price of .00 a year. The democracy of
the State should exteinT fo the PATiiox il fall,
hearty aud generous support.
The PiTTPBUKfiii I'ost. 'f publish else
where the prrtfpi-cti tor ls7iof the I'ittsburifh
Iot. The Post isjifitly prmul nf beinir tiio
oldest democratic dnily paper published in
Western Pennsylvania. It is conducted with
moro ability i';ow than ever before, and it is
no unmeaning- compliment to say, that no dem
ocratic journal in the-State has labored more
faithfully tn the jrcoJ c;uine. or en.iovs to u
Kreater extent th! tuli :mu entire coniid'ence of
the deinocracy. The Post is established on a
tirm basis and it aiFords us great pleasure to
know that it meets with the patronage wlit'-h
its energy and ability so richly eeserve. We
wish it u brijfht prospercjus future.
Poiilation or EbENSHufta In 1810 Ebeni
burg comprised part of Cambria township, the
population of wbieh towuAbip was S'J4. j,,r
population in lc20 and succeeding decades is
shown bv the following fin-urea;
18.10. le4. lt-50. 18f.0. 1S78
171 210 353 C00 I0r 12p).
These fieurea are in accordance with there
cord at the Census cilice in Washi.-igtou.
Ik your horse is lama, sore or galled ycu
should use Johnsen's Anodyne Liniment;' wash
the part wiih castile soap aud warm water rut
dry, with a clean cloth, then apply the Lini
uieut, rub in well with the hand.
Have the readers of the Feeemaw ever used
any of Parson's Purgative Pills ? If not, why
not? They are the best family physic, besides
Leinx the gieatest ahti Llllous remedy there is
in this country.
PwASOHAnr.F nAROArss. You ran buy' Cast
Iron Sled Soles at 3X cents per pound, and the
lx?st city nmdf Sleigh Baskets ut ?i;.." and '.5j,
at lic-moii A; Wayne's Hardware Store, Johns
town, Pa. U'ec. 2.-CL
rnvAKi) of Furtu Thousand hot ties' of Na
tuiie'sIHaik JIkstoh ativm were sold from Jan.
1st to June 1st, which fact tells its own story.
Its so clean, and looks so nice-, the ladies aio
fill delighted v ith it. tocc udveitiruciit.
Ttse reiifln ri' Ii-twlH tit e.
To t'-c Editor of lite Cn:itria Frcnnxn:
I c3!i;-ot claim to !)-
1 1 vt mini i'i
oiitr lo t, i0 honorable fraternity of l:t-ivti who
ere enli;rhttni:i- your r.ioitnuihi viiltc- this
weeK, I t.ikea lively iiit-re.t ia aiij-riunff
thm twieU to elevate the mind ami is calculated
.a, ones iuouf!:ts irom tbe srovciiov
drudgery of every Shy lilt;.
(Mi Mi.nflr.y ft 2 1. f left Jo1mtown te oon
pr.ny wit!, that versatile genius il.jij Ii y" and
other tfcni so u Ik. VC were all in th- ben of
ppirits, itnd liuh ed v.-e eouid not ba otherwise,
tor yuel; a boat (if nparkiinjf, bright-eved ladies
as met t he e o on every side, full of talent, good
humor and witticisms, which st-t all in roars of
laughter I. Our pulling iron horse was not lorir
in reach. ii(f Mineral Point, and reined up soon
after at the Viaduct. You should have wit
nessed tho commotion caused by the iron-luii"--cd
brskeman when ho 'hollored" out "'i-a-duct.".
Some of tho luies nlmost went into
hysteri.-s. others in the-ir fright seemed on tho
point (.Mineral Point) of jumping out through
the car windows, while others again thought
he bud merely shouted "liiirrv up. Doe. I?" an
if cm. inn to some medical gentleman who hud
missed tho train at the 1M- station.. After th-s
little episode we were not long in making Cres
son. wl:;re we parted with that ulwavs courte
ous and everolijjgir.g Conductor, Kriinoily, and
went aboard Conductor Ouart.'s train. Kota
great whiie v.-us employed in steammg round
the vory toi tuous, crooked rosui to I'.hensburg,
vvherti the Jolly crowd soon emerged from the
cars and b-wtiti the laborious ascent neeessary
to reach the town proper. Arriving at the
summit of the hill, too crowd ere long became
sparse, some entering tho Court limme wnne
cithers, made tracks for the well-kept hotels of
Mest-rs. Jbair, Crawford, Fiwter, mid Linton &
Son, and other places for which they hud been
booked for entertainment.
Abou t !.' o'clock, v. t., I strolled fiito the Coif rt
TIocs,., Mhetc I found the talented Professors.
U. M'ruiick, of Johnstown, heed, neck and
heels in two-thirds of an apple. What a srvnll
space in which to hide so le.r'.'e a mind ! The
lesrtied gentle'nan was dernon.-trating the two
thirds of ii -fraction, nnd though n very drj-, ub
et rinse subject, in hU hands it was made interesting-
and at tho eaiiie time simple mid
enough to be understood by n child in the sec
ond reader. This ended, the "Beautiful Snow"
was fang: and played, and thcu ciium adjourn
ment until 7 o'clock.
The evening gciis'on was opened with an ex
haustivi essay ou "Reading-" ty T. J. Cliapmau,
M. A., iho able and cllii ient County Superiji.
tendent. Next fylowed Prif. li. V, . vt.;.o iti a
very humorous ) amusiu; ctlectioii alli-d
"The Ghost," which he rendered so cntertain
i'V that the merited applause of the entire au
dience was elicited. After Mr. C. came Messrs.
Marsdr-ti and Hykes aud the Misaes Shepj-ard
and ivennady, w ho all read very choice selec
tions in a most ploa.'ing manner, lint, sir. I
cannot find words sullieiently laudatory of the
very lofty and highly embellished poem
entitled the "iY.iry Queen," written nnd'neit
road by Prof. MTormiek. Tf,o language was
6o crnate. so classical, so full of oi-ijrinr 1,' beau
tiful nud lofty ideas, that one con hi nrt but be
forced to exclaim in all honesty and truth,
"There stands a gifted poet and a polished, re
fined scholar." I only hope that theZuuthor
w ill oo.'iehida to have it published ao that th"
public cfttj the pleasure of its per:;al ut
lea-it. Next in order v. as flbamn ( I'Jii-ien,"
recited hy Mr. Condon, and sorrv I nm to And
fault with the effort of tills ab'le gentleman,
who, luotead of mnusing tr enierluining the
Iris.i portion of his audience at least, succeed
ed only in annoying if net actually insultbitf
them tjy the imperfect manlier iu which he re
eled this noble poem, thaosh X feel euro no
offence wua intended on hi part. The object
of the Institute ie to elevate and give a polished
tone to society nnd literature, and not to falm lu
mimic, any nationality. No Irishman, no mut
ter if his tongue was r.p thick as a djzcii old
frrmjur, was i-vi r known to pronounce "priest"
'fnirhte," "btreef air.." and so f several
other words which I consider too annovtmr vo
repeat. "Shaiuns" was not .'.auae-i, but' iud''-ed
I must suy he was very c!um-ily ,ih,;.I rrcl by
ii1"" AttSc smging and ph-jing "Coiurabia,
the (,e:u uf the Ocean," the iibt ECii 'u ad
journed. , SECOND DA V.
lucs-.ay s proceedings were inaugurated by
p. deep and nble lcr lure on "GeojriO'hv, ut
line .Maps. &eV' by Mr. M Cormick. after which
a very interesting end instructive ueharo :n
ta.- qat rtion, "Are Public. EiLsbiUous advi.-a-j-c.;
in" was participated ir, Messrs.
-iauk M,;!oy n'n a verv creiitable address) !.!c
Cormick. H.irtt, Hhi rold uud McFeaters taking uihriimtive, and Messrs. Chapman and Cope
the negative. Some very strong and conclu-i-lve
i;r;.-ii;i;e:its were piescnled on botii bides:
Dunnjf the debate ;u exceedingly livelv ami
la' repartee took piece tietween M'essrs.
Cope and M'Jornuck and Miss Young, of Johns
town, i ms ended the forenoon session, tho
adjournment being ut. til Mi v. m.
At the appoint, ti time inth.- afternoon the
eKsioa opened with music, and then foibiwcd
Hi order a tucc on Penman-hip by Mr. I'liil
bppi, Eecf.ii-e en Vyiuutarv Attention I v Mr.
f fcioau, Lecture on Arithmetic bv Mi.liurtt.
It'-port rti Seho-.l Organ. .si u on bv lir. Cope, a
yerj- i-iaboraie and well prt-pareil l,eeti:r on by 31r. John W. Tn.'.x-j U t.f Johns
town. 'I he a came music, and after that a re
cess until 7 o'clock.
Programme of evening's Proceedings : Muaic
and reading of the minutes.. Next followed ai
aldyand carefully prefareJ iMum e-sav on
".Mcn-iv-ichers." by Miss lloseCuinnof Johns
town. The accomplished essavist introduccl
to her vory attentiv e audieuce'a iife-like por
trait of a cro-grained, cranky, crab-aoulcd,
pedagogic dominie of thirty vears ago and con
trasted him with the teacher "of the present day.
Mio tnen argued in a very clear, logical stvle
ttiat the female teachers should be up and stir
ring, us I hey ure sure to be called ou nr no dia-
V)l '':.iy l" 1;lke ln' charge of the "young
ideas," if the "males" "continue to decrease at
toe same ratio as they ".have- for the las', ten
years." At the conclusion of the fair lady's
e-ssay, which was reu l throughout in a dear,
instinct, articulate and sweetly-modulated tone
ct voice, the w hole house was literally "brought
t.own." When the well merited plaudits had
ceased, Mr. Cope recited "The Knight's Toast,"
Miss oung read a selection treating of "Tho
ruotcpsls." Prof. Uurtt lectured on "The Func
tions of the Teacher' Institute," the scholastic
Hercules, MCormick. held forth on thesubjcci
cd "Further Ou, "ami then came music aud song,
"Otf tac Track." ia hint for the geuts to clear
the wuy for the ladies). Next was a selection,
'Memory," read by Miss Hendricks, a recita
tion, "Death or Dishonor," by Mr. Ciripmun. a
recitation, "TiieS'nack in School." bv Mr. Cope,
and "Sheridan's Hide," bv Mr. Marsden, after
which music end song, "What can the matter
be why don't parents visit the schools'" This
ended Tuesday's proceedings, and lam sure I
only echo the .general sentiment when 1 say
that a more a-i eo.ibie or profitable dtv I have
not spent for many years. The densclv packed
Court House was proof positiveof t he t borough
appreciation und lively interest manifested in
the proceedings by ihc peojdo at ianre. As i
esteem the Institute a public bodr, i trust it
wiil not tie considered outef piaco forme to
offer a few suggestions. Select readings aud
recitations are very good and instructive, but
with all due deference I say that one original
treatise on any leading scholastic subject is
worth a score of selections, as it shows Uie men
tal eulibre and intellectual development or the
author. I feel utmost tempted to say that tho
teachers of both sexes ought to lie required to
Hniuially prepare and read some paper on a lit
erary topic. This would develop nnd bring
forth ur.y iatent talent that might be Ivina- dor
mant, for I believe there are hundreds of thou
sands In this world iu the cavity of whose brains
nre concealed rough, unhewn materials, which
need a little mental, practical chiseling to be
made into bright, ehulgent, (flit teiing geni3.
Eest I might be considered too presumptuous,
I wiil not pursue this subject further.
, . .i --r THIHD DAT.
Trograinme of WcMlnesday'CS?ior! : Opened
at 5 a. m. with iniiMc ; l ecture on Grammar by.
M'Cermick; Spelling F.xerctses bv Cope: an
able original essay on "Drawing" by Marsden ;
Lecture "What should be the special branch
taught in common schools 1'" Kurt t f. , music.
1 he afternoon principally occupied by the
School Directors, xhough a discourse ly Mr.
Miller, of Harrisburg, an original essav by Mr.
Luke und some general remarks from Mr. Chap
man were gone through with previous to tho
adjournment at 4 o'clock. was late in attend
ing tho night session, but reached there id time
to hear a high-iiowing culogium bestowed on
the ancient A nglo-Sa.rons, the. -Noi-humis. and
the English language. Prof. Ilurttof Pittsburgh
being the eulogist. J wiis almost tempted to
take the floor in opposition to .the views ex
pressed by this very learned and earnest edu
cator. I admit his right to hoast of his "noblo"
Anglo-Saxon ancestry nnd to po into extacies
over the charming beauties of the English lan
guage, but I challenge him to show from au
the!ti history a single Instance irf which the
Anglo-Saxons ever introduced civilization Into
p'ny country.' Their. niojto eeems to be "Ctm
quest, pluuder, persecution and the sword."
why did be not inform bis hearers when, how
nnd where the English language was first intro
duced into the world1' . Would he tell us how
old is the English tongue we speak at the pres
ent day? Is he ire that the English was the
firxl language into which ihe. Eible was firgt
translated'!1 I always thought the Latin tonguo
was entitled to that distinction. These que?-,
tions I respectfully submit to the learned Prv
fesuor, fori have iio doubt in his calmer mo
ments he will see that he was led away some
what by a too grout glorification of thesjaxons.
I am "sorry to lie obliged to leave Ebonsburg
on business.ais I wilt be deprived of the great
P I re of attending the Itistitrte to itscloHe.
i'his fact w ill account for my iuability to pur
sue the subject f urthcr.
Tours, (Src, . JJ. P. M".
From Minute. nf the Intitttutc.
TnrnsDAY Moknino, Dec. Zl. Institute met.
at a o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. .Polt
eallej. Minutes read and approved. Music
"Al.j mn." DUiekboard exercise on Pehman
sh.p, by Mr. '.Pbiiliiipi. Co. Supt. announced
names of persons eligible to election ns lnem
bersof Permnnent ('ortitlcate Committee. The
election was held and resulted as follows: Geo.
W.Cope, chairman, Joan it. ilykes. Misses C. A.
Hnrne, K. G. Younir and Hose Cfiiinn. Prof,
lturtt lectured on Iho "Common Sciences."
Alter which ihe quest ion, "Should teachers uso
tex t-books in conduct ing a recitation when th
pupil i ttot pcruiittcd to u,-e thorn ir" was di-
ensc l by JU:-v. McGongh, Marolrn. Cope,
i niilippi, Dqrt, Aie ami l!ai told. Adjourned.
-itut 'inm .S. v 'oh. iu; tit ;:te n'ei :.i ti ...s:,;-!
A!..;.. ..T. ............. - r - . .
ur. Mu.-'ic-
rend, r;;! ca!lee:
H'.Hi- ll'-l -i IJ. .'l..:Ui-S
el 2. Ksp'ty by Jliss EoseO iinn
on "The Tencher's AVo-.k
Leetl'.l.i by Prof.
i.tirt t : continuation of t he sul j
i-'g ii,ii. Chi-s-Jriil iti Mu
t of the nun n-
ip'i:it;oii. l.y
ir. il.irttll l!! Tt.'K- Si'lcctir n va v.l
Mr. Vc Fearers, ernitled. "i.'e a V. oman." Mu
sic "The School iluom." Cbif-s-d: i:i in Gram
mar, by Prof. Train rt. Discussion oi' the ques
tion, W bar are t be j-! omineut defects in nu
hiss books?", by ,Mcs.-rs. Abe and Hunt. .Mr.
Marsden read-a v- iii entitled "Excelsior."
Music "The Mower." Adjourned.
Lrcuing c-V.x-iou. Institute met r.t 7 o'clock;
minutes read, etc. Miss Kate J. Younir rend nn
essay entitled "The Teacher's Ami ilion." Mu
sic "The Sunny Honrs of Chi!dao"d." Mr.
Phillinpi read a selection, "Don't Uu. In Debt."
Miss Householder read a poem rut. tied "Chi
cago." Prof, lb'.rtt k-ct'imlon "The Scientific
Signs of tho Times." . ."".if.ii ".Some Folks Do."
u'r. Ilykcsread an eas-y on Ihe Cultivation of
the .1enaory." l'rof. Davis sang a medb-v com
1'ienciiig ' 'Tir sweet to lie remembered." Air.
l'eekman read a selection entitled "The Sotig
of the Greek P.ard," recited an original fa
ble entitled "The Cat and the .Vowse." A?i-vs
Home read I'.'.Mml .'".fuller." 'dusic "Silently
i'a'.iincr Sr.r.w." Adjourned: -. . .
I-'nuiAv MottMsft, Due. ii:.--l!istitute met at
8 o'clock; mi nu ces read, etc - Ii ii;ie " When
the green leaves come again." u motion of
Mr. Cope that a committee on resolutions lie
appointed, the Co. Supt. -named Messrs. Cope,
Mursd"nr and Miss Householder as said commit
tee. Mr. Ako-delivered a lecture on 'Young
America." Mr. Hykes read a report on tho
question, "Is perfect silence a desirable condi
tion intho school':" Prof. Uurtt lectured en
the seienee of I'hysir.logv. Music : "The Might
with the IlUht." Mr. Cope lectured .on the re
lations of "The Parent and Ihe Teacher." Mr.
Marsden lectured on "Elf m .'n'p.ry Geometry.
Mr. Cope then presented tne following resolu
tions, which were unanimously ad-'pid :
Iiw.W: d. That the thanks of this Institute hr.
tendered to the Pcnnn. It. 15. Co. for the cour
teous treatment we have received from the
otlicers of that corporation.
Ti'i'!red, That the Commissioners of Cambria
county be tendered the thanks of the Institute
for f in nSshi'u.- us the Court itocia I ree of cost. red, 'J hat we tender the hotel-keep"is
and ot her cit izens of Ebrnsburg our thanks for
t heir generosity in red, .icing the price of ltird
ing and for their kiudaess in mink doling toour
necessary wants. -
Hi tvid. That we tender the thanks of the
Institute to Prof. Andrew Eurtt and Kev. O. H.
Miller for the valuable, instructions received
through 1 heir fiddresses. '
io vo.'ir . That'the thanks of this Insiitnte be
tendered Mr. W. I. Davis and Mr. Geo. Mars
don's choir for the excellent music with which
t hey entertained usand enlivened our sessions.
I.'cfulrfd, 'That we favor the passage of a law
increasing the mini-mum school term to. six
mouths, prov-i ling for tho increased expense
by a larger State appropi iation.
H'Hilvcd, Thai we (suggest to directors the
pronricty of furnishing each teacher with a set
of t he text-book? adopted by their district, and
providing ca h school with a reference library,'
consisting of an unabridged dictionary, a ideo
graphical gazetteer, and an encyclopedia. -
i:-:-'lrr J, That as an tissemtil.ige of the teach
ers of Cambria county we hereby acknowledge
our appreciation of tjie. acceptable "manner in
which our County, t uperinleu ienC performs.
hi t:duou3 duties, and trust that no cha!gt
will be made in the incumbent of this responsi
ble cilice at the approaching el cot ion for coun
ty S'jpc-rintetidellt.
'.Vy.i.'ivr.'. That we urge nil Boards of Direct
ors that have not yet ircn their teachers tho
lim? c.ceii pied in nttemlir.ff the sc-sions of this
Institute, to consider this matter favorably and
grant those teachers the time.
A fter music, and slniririg a doxoloe-y. the Tn
Etitute was adjourned by tho County Superintendent-,
otAD orr.xt.vo or fall axd wixte'i det oocta
The attention of the .Ladies is directed to
our immense stock of Millinery Good, com
prising a grand assortment of French Flowera.
Feathers, Itibho.ns. Si'.ks, Velvets. Ornaments
in endless profusion, mil the latert styles of
Trimmed Loimet and Hats, which we have
always on hind, or wc c.tisupply anyjady with
tiimnied Hats or Bonnets at shcriest notice and
in a style which we tuarantee will five entire
satisfaction. We arc mw efferiujr special and
cxtraoroinary itiduccmcnts ia Fall and, Winter
Drees Goods, Double Warp Alpacas, Poplins,
Velveteens, Waterproofs, Ca'slmeres, Flai'nels,
Uliir.kets, I.iiit-ns. Mu-lins, Prints, Ginghsuis,
Hosiery, Gloves, Laces. Dress Trimmin-rs, and
a fail T:itiety of Si: rill Wares. Zephyr Yv'orstcJ
at.d tiermai.toftn Wool, at prices to ftiit all.
. A mHr-niiieent line of Illack and Colored
Sillcs in (.Lice and Gro Grain, at prices rang
iug from a-l to 4.
A new, c( mplete. and tlocant uiaplav of Sin
trie and Deitble Proche, Paisley and Thibet
"shawls, at lroin $3 to $f0, and i-.undieds cf
Woolen Shawls at very rehiced prices. We
hare also opened a splendid line of Ladies' and
Children's FANCY' FURS, at lowest frki-s.
A full and varied assortment of Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Window Shades al-vtys cn hand.
Also, the very choicest of live Geese Feathers.
All of the above and much more cau be bought
for the cash at the lowest, market rates from "
Oe s A Fos-rrn ,
Tos. 113 and 115 Clint ;n Stretjt.
Juhnstewu, Pa.
ion ( hhitap.-Hats, caps and furs at Co
hen's Ch'-ap Hat Parlor. A nice hat is always
an adornni'-nt. A new hat about the holidays
ii n necessity. Vv ho would desecrate Christmas
wills an old hat or n slouch cap? If the money
tiiat is spent lorthe gratification of tiieapfH--tite
was spent at Cohen's Hal Parlor for hr-its,
e-aps, -oll:irs, furs, etc., tho )Coi)le would be
much more fashionab'v drt-ssed on Christinas.
Cohen keeps at So.'-i"i Main street, Johnstow n.
We hope he may sell n thousand hats yet iu ",T,
and one huudred thousand in '72.
TIfs-s&Co.. ?'o. 211 Main street, Johnstown
nre now purchasing another splendid stock of
Heady-Made Clothing for the holidays. They
have now on band the largest assortment of
goods in their iiuu ever opened in Johnstown,
and they will put prices at the very lowest fig
ures. We advise our readers to visit Hcs v'c
Kro.'s great clothing establishment, us they
keep an immense stock of goods constantly oil
hands. Oh! such cheap j crcoiUtj 1 Oh, "yes I
just a going gone !
Tv.ktr v. Go to John J. Murphy's, to John J.
f lurrdiy's Store. Mansion House Corner, and on
the &rt floor, and buy all your dry goods, ti-m-ne'.s,
stockings an l hoods, your carpet - tin. I
hu-e, at. 1 hat. very same place, nnd see the bright
faec-of Murphy&O .,that is Murphy ami clerk,
who aro always, at .work selling dry goods in
line, all goods in tin ir line lower than cost, the
profit is bst ; for Job n J. M proby will seil what
i ou choose, even if he shoufd ioie. So, fare
well ! farewell J
DttEs-s Ttp! for the holidays. Go to James
J. Murphy and dress up. Go to No. JU'.' Clinton
street und diessnp. Go to the Star Clothing
Store end dress up. Dress your boys up for
Christum and New Year. Go to Johnstown
and'enquire for James .1. Murphy's Clothing
Store, and dress up. Spend your money for
g-ood elothes. Dress up I Now" go.
It I T It A 11 Y.
MF.LOY. Died. at the residence r.f his daugh
ter, Mrs. Corky, iu this place ou buudity last,
Pati'.ick Mei.oy, aged (M years.
Mr. Meloy was born in Ire
land, uud emigrated to the United ."s'l-ates in
l'dH. He settled in Elienslmrg about the year
lKiS and resided he-re frotu that time until b;s
tb.-Hth.. He was it shoemaker by trade find
worked steadily at the business unjil the iutir--mitiesof
obi age couipciled him to n 'inqui'h
his labors. Hew.'.sau upiignt. Christian man
a harmless and inoffensive citizen, and enjoy
eJ the i-e.speet ajul gooil will of i he cimiitiiuii it. v.
His patiiHtchal age indicated tlnj 'tempeiiiie
and uaruUled current of bis life in this world,
and his death. .we hope,- was Put the prelude to
a y-lorious,- liever-eiiniiig imfhortHiUy in the
better world, lie lived at peace wit h the world
and died at jxace with bis God, aud no one
who knew him will f r.rbear a wish or : prayer
for his soul's sake. A new made grave in -the
Catholic cemetery in this place contains nil that
wastnortal pi one of the.oldi-st citizens of our
eouiity, end there may they rest until the final
summons shall call them to rehabilitate .the
undying spirit which we trust has beeu vonch
ryifod a merciful judgment at the bai.da of its
omnipotent Creator. . .
McPIKE. Died, in this place, cn Tuesday
morning last, Jons Amikew, infant son of 11.
A. and Annie W. McPike, ugect 2 weeks and b
Just r rider tho snow, in the churchyard cold,
A littie new grave in the earth's gray mould
Has been fashioned, and within ita.emhrace
Is hidden away our darling's eweet face;
No pr.iver was needed ti hallow tiie spot,
Foras "his sout was pure, without blemish or
He has entered the mansions of blissful delight
A not her eweet angel among seraphs so bright;
And there, let us all hope, when death calls us
away,- ,. - ' ;' -
Wc may live with our darling forever and aye.
MACK. Died. In Cambria township, on-Mon-day
eveming, ltth iust., Jacob Mack, aged li'J
DISSOLUTION ! Notice is hareby
given that the copartnership between the
undersigned, under iho firm name of Geo. W.
Oatmuii & Co.. has been this day dissolved by
mutual consent. E - w,- AT
Ebensburg, Dec. 13, ISTl.-St.
Dili liiLtilLLyhD ill UUDlN lijiiAUi
IiBMisessse asid UesipproessMe SAILS I
A Million Dollars' Worth of Substantial Clotiiing
OP OUH BI.ST 33.45.'FACTtaE, FGIt ZSOYS, A.:J t"I5rLriKS,
inTHI5ir?n P !) (JV 1 PART OF WHICH WAS rr.r.0N'A LLY SI-LF.CTED f II ? V ? '? ? ?: f? H P. fiTV
WiX 1 Ut 5cP P'JftirV HF.FOUK THhi I MM F.N SE RISK IN WCOL. AND f HUVP.J 1 i; P?) f. pni;U"T
vLliiilJllrilUi a miUUiWCAN le sold to keady-money buyers at uA.uji.hiLii a biluuA
7,'JGI Men's Overcoat?,
0,9-19 Dress (Joa!,
r 51G Ganicks nd CapfB,
5,113 Bueiiicss Coata,
12,311 Htiainc-ss rani.,
1,813 Fine English Sii'ipctl FanH,
C.STo Doestin Fants,
2,519 lilack Colli VciH,
002 Velvet Vests, .
578 Caihtncre Vests,
14,400 Cuss-mere Yi-H?,
.583 DoulnVIJrcaetaJ Short Overcoa's,
523 English Diagonal D. 15. Coats.
. , 78,259 T
FIRST FLOOR (We!) Arranged for Fur
nishirg Go"ia ai d Cents. The Job Lots.
"Lei? than Half 1'rke Lot." Fieco Gjo;5
for Custom Work, which share iu our gen
eral reduction of price.. -
TfinsT Ptore open f rem 7 A. to S v P. M.. r roei.t Saturetars, when open at C.V A. ?f. to 10 T. U.
PKCOND All toodi Exchanged, or Money Uefun-iod. ....
Till lilt A la'.ire ttal of Salesmen and Us litre to tho d:Tercit Depirtmnt, in -.'Pitinj to rccc!T3 C;
FOL'itTll Orders by Telegraph or Lctt&r from any Quarter faithfully uUcu.i-x!, to.
"N J T HO T" F T'
BizbM ana Mzartfes
illlii .tiLitLl 1 Ai lilui
The eld favorite Ilemocratic Weekly, THE
PATKTOT, wiil appear on the
GREATLY ENLARGE! V and chamted from
present quarto to a MAMMOTH ioLtO. lt
will contain more reading matter than any
rlier Weekly published in Pennsylvania.
It will furnish all the Political and General
News of the current week in condensed torm.
It will give an accurate report of the ,-lAlC-KKTS
of New York, -Philadelphia, Ualnraore,
l'lits'oia-g and I'.arrisbur.r- .
It -'l.iterarr 1 upait ment will contain Talcs,
Vsao l ce-tfy, Ac, by the best American aud
Kuropoan waiters. ......
It wilt contain such full and faithful reports
of Coiil i-cssionnl and Legislative proceedings
as will afford its readers a fair understanding
(d tho doings of their public servants. Duriug
the session or the Legislature ir will be of spe
cial iutcrcst and value Kvevcry Pc-imeylvanian-
The great impending struggle for the Presi
I'ency will soon commence. Within one year
from this time the Auierican people will have
det, rmined whether or not the cemralizat io: of
the powers of the government in'.t he bund s of a
corrupt oligarchy, the plundering oi i..0 t.ix thieving oiiicials, the denic! 1 1 c -pud
politiikil" riir'.its to the proscribed citizsusof the
Southern States and the S'-ibstitutioti of. tho w. l
of n pat tv lor tho fundamental fciy: of the land,
shall ceaie or continue. It shall 1 p the earnest
and unliagginK endeavor ol the I AIKIOI to
educate Us t-eadera in the, Indict that tho time
, . v...... n ,...,'t,,.ct pnd determined
etfort must be mane to nricst vbtiil power
froirfthhandof our present ruicrs. it siiou.l,
therefore, io read bv every voter who can be
induced tocastan honest, inteliigenr and patri
ctia bid kit. . To this end it has been determined
toli-c. tho following exceedingly low rates far
One copy,, one year f-.JW
i ine copv, si months !-'
Pour copies, one year, each '..:
Ton topic", one ear, each... J -hj
Tweuty copies, ous-year, each
Fifty copies, and upwards, one year, each. Lou
An extra copy, frt-f , is furnished to the Agent
sending i:i cluhsfif or more. A copy of the
DAILY PATRIOT will be sent, frer, to the
Agent pending in-clubs of Ufti or mori. All
panel's will be separately addressed, but must
go'lo one post-offlce. (eo directions below.)
Chairinei'Jof Democratic County Committees
and othei a interested in the cause of good gov
ernment, are respectfully requested to act as
Agent- for the formation ot Club?, tor the
Published EVEUV itOHNING. Sundays ex
1 UliiiS'llll 1 . lnv I a'.w i. .-, , i-mi ' - -
cepted, is a f.rt clas5 nowapaper, containing
full tefegraphic rejuuts, apecial Wasiiiugt- n
iispatibes, the cuinplwto and ai-ctirate
market reports, full accounts of pr iceed ngior
Congress aud Legislature, spicy eJiton, e:c.
I 1 I I '-LK LJ f V
I KU ) (
11 - ' J
9G0 Yoit'-Iis' Ovrrror.t?,
3 000 Youths'",
3,714 Youths' Vets,
1.S72 Youth 3 Kveryilsy Coaip,
'723 Ch:idrcii'6 Ovorcoat
135 Children's Cart? CVrrcoa!?,'
ISO Cliiidren'a Garrick?,
1.344 Childreti'a Suits.
S.2S2 F.jjb' Fant?,
2,G7G F.oji' .lacketi,
733 IJi? Men's Coats,
1,205 F.ij Men's
9S6 Men's Vebts.
coACimr.N's coa'1 s.
Iteifi vp.i Surr.lus Siock.
Fll-.ST FLOC'ii (Kat; School tud D.-jsj
Suit, and Litt'e' Clothtt.
SFCOND FLOOR Laixcr-fcinJ Goods a.l
H!f Fiico'. Lots.
UFFL'R FLOORS Reserve Stock ct:a Extra
Fitie GooJa.
5t g
ef' " (O s-'
One Copy, ere year, by mail, f . ; Five Copies
do., ; Ten Copies, do., J
Laigc-r Ciubs at. ti.c lit name 1 rates. i'.ipe?s
may be s- pai:u c!y nblrcssed, but t "
taken in one package. ' The money mutt ec
companv the order t i!s-.ire i'.tVittfon.
11 Ki:CTlc)NS. -Additions to Clubs :.-ay be
made at Riivtiase in the vturat ubove Club
rates. Ci.ang.-s in Cinb Li -ts made only n re-
p.iest of pet sons receiving packages, otatiujr
(iate of F.ubsi mtion, edition, po: i-otlic2 and
ttHi. to which it has be;i-previously sent.
lEU.M5.r-Cash ii sdvan.-e. bend IVt-oflioe
i Mo:iey;ord'?r, Itaiik iiratt or Itct ed Letter.
liiils sent by Mail wnl oe at the nsit or tne
c-e--sr:xr FOfi pkospecti's and speci
men COPY. Address
Jianixhuiy, Fa.
iippoiiitcd Auditor by the Conrt cT Coni
moh l'l.fii't Cnmbrh' county to report distri
butbm of the inotiey in the bamisi-r the J-ii'-iilT
arising from the sale ot" tne listen. Unit's real es
tate, in the case of Mahtim -Vaiim: cs. A.
lil MCHitEVs, Ao. Iu. trptoml cr 'J t-rm. Is.l,
Yt n-'til iutii F.r)fUo: notice is hereby given to
all purii'-s interested I will attend, to the
diili s of said appoint ".nil . at my eliice iu V.b
cn;.urg, on Oie;i'ii!. the i d-tii J.i'U'tr?,
at 2 o'clock, v. ii.. vrbc:i and where tin-y
must present trhHr claims or be deburreu from
coming in on sain iund.
. - .. .GEO. V.'. OATMAX, Au?itor.
Ebcncbjr-:, ev. l.Tl.-Jt.
ii- appointed Auditor ty the Court of Cora-
l-l....-..? ,.....,1...;., ... :,t-t. I.-, ..-.riiift ,ti;:fll-
i i' "a "i , .i ii, ... j.. ....... .. ,
bution of ihe mmiov in the hands of the isi-cna
arising from the sale of the reid estate ot tne
defendants, in the cas. cf ifMNiin, Ha
iiri;n C. t'.. P.icrrAno Jom-. jr., rf.i.. No.
'. Septcmler 'Perm, 3-71. l-i. I hereby
notifv allpi-rsnns that I wiil attend to the du
ties of i-iid appoint mrnt, at my c'rice in Lt;ens
burg, on iV''tM. .7,utlunyll. l-l.r.t .: o'clock.
I-. M. when a:,'i win-re they must present their
claims or be debarred from conripg in on said
fund. GEO. V.'. OATMAN, Auditor.
I. hen's M: rg. I'cc. Ir71.-'U.
i-N 4th Deccmbcb, 1-71. iV.'iii 'ii fi-r lr.coiixj
r!i.iito f'i :tn?lt:ru-l!:ill ,-:wii-.utr.
Aii now, Monday, I-'ec. 4. 1J7L read, r.n l it
appearing upm pei usal and exctiiinat ;-n tiiai
the ol'.'f-cis nnd conditions within tct forth and
eontaitied lawful and not iiijuri.ntB to the
community, it is directed that the writing be
filed in the oHk-o of the l'rot honotary, and that
notice le inserted in One i-evspHp'-'r in the
county for three weeks, h-e'tin? forth that !!'
no su'fic ient reason bo shown to tiie contrary
at the noxt term, the sumo shall be gract.-c!.
Fi f fV Court. J. K. MITE.'y.
Prothy'e Ollicc, Kbcnsbisiv, lxo. -1 li.;71.-or.
STKAY STEE1L Cam? to the prem
ises cf the pithicrltwr. In CbeM township,
about the middle of Uotob-i r hist, a white and
red pot ted STEER, supposed to be a
al.uli old u- theiealKiut.. Tho owner n f.-iiu-sted
to come forward, j-ri.e pn-j-erty. p.iv
c(iiirgc?and tske bint awitj', otherwise bo y:ii
be disposed of according to law.
Chest Twp., Dee. Si, LsTl.-3t.
L nual election rf a P.oard of TWFiVF DT
REC .''''' for the Mu' Fr.itr tit.i :'irt fn -u-rdi:
' ('.mi ,(-,! (' f.e i.r.i iil i'nt.'r.fij, will l;n held
ut the otlico of said Cep:iny, in Encnslnirg. on
Tufrid. ii. Jin. ffi, l7-, between the hours of 1.J
A. ii. aud 1 v. M. E. J. LLOVDt.yct''y.
-1 2
u . i a
N0TZ- t?7"T hc?i ji,J a:i o;:r Gocili ars
tot bought fro ra WLolcialc Ik'HW, but are
of cur OT7ti muH'.I.icturc m itiy of thcra miule
in ct-r own bui'.J.Ei', ui-dsr car omnjeyc and
Jt-pcrviaion of materials cate fully csMCiltjei
a:,d spor. :?'!, anl ir.iiiS ci.It for our Rcvlar
Retail Tr;tJe ; so that cu-aimers can ti.i.9 the a
with the cisost cot-filiu-.B.
? ?' - ' " 7
APtt All
Nos. 113 antt 1!5 Clinton' Street.
JiilmsIoYi n, Ia.
Invite tho attention of bryrr-. to tlit-lr targe
coKgifTrsa ot
at evi:?:t rmrr. x
tnrc.i S,,:if'i of Onid.'in Cviu; iy. 1 el.iioii lor
Charter of Incorporation.
And now, to wit : Dee.. 4, Kl. rr::d. and the
Court having p.erused and exrmiued the with
in, ami finding its ob"e-ts. articles ui d condi
tions tu be law f ij cud not injiirious to thu coiii-.
inur.ity. it is di: vi tc t that the be hied -in ti.e
Cit e of the PiT-.ifro notary v.f .the X'on-:- and
1 1 -i-t n..tii-e be inserted in o'.;e news'i-r of.
tiie county for three weeks, setting f:.rt!: tbe
within a'iieutio;i lor Charter, and. ir im siini-i-ii
-nt i -eat.jn be s--ov. e. to t he tuatrsrv m ir ne
Tore i!h- n;-t day if i.e.v t u i in, the tame trull
be planted. JJu Hit dmts .
.. R. rifTR, Protl irrturv.
I rotiiy'e Odice, Ebent-buiv. Dec. j, l.-71.-at.'
- Estate of Rr;i:e.cT Fakkeu, cl.cM.
Idters of Adininistration .n the est.e ct
i'uti.LT Vai:i;:.iu l.-.te of CarrM tow ii.-i ips
deceased, hav ing ticen granted to thr H4ib
figned by the Eegister of Cambria conn-j . nil
persons indebted t i said estate are rc;.ie.c-U d t
inake immediatw payment, and t!-.!.-.; i ai ing
clai.ns imo les. red to promt the- . ere: erl.y
autiieaticatci for setth-ment. '
Carrel Twp., Dec. l-U.-S;.
"'AUTION. i-AFi persons arc licrcby
cautioned aa!:"iS.f rurch.'siiig or olherwl?.
Itit-rfiuf witu the foiioviag perser.r.l pic -erty,
owned l y me, and left In the bands of
John S: ov ns of Abe henj- township, ( .uiitn ia
cocr.ty, vi;:2i.iy Mares and Harness. 1 egen., t Cb'ck, a Sleds, C Stoves, 1 I!iu, ao, 2
Tablet, 1 Stand, 1 Spinning Wheel.
Caliluln Twp., D. S, la71.-.-
C ACTION AH perpona nre hereby
rati! ic.ucd airtin-t f iirchasiugeroiherwi-e
negotiating for a Not o f.r I dated Nov. '-v',
ls'i I. gi cn by me iu fa or of Je-freys Uowiui.u,
as! have l'x-eived n. value for said Nine, and
am uelei mined not to pay the :ri "lobs i -o-u-peileil
to do so bv l.iw. l.'ilt"ltT C1LLIX.
Dlaoklielv Twp., Deo, fi. ISTl.-St.
o j. wait: us, ju
n A has removed to t ae office reeonflj im-. i
rlcd by Dr, K. H. Plank, on the et Mdd it
(Vt'. pr street, op-fs-tt C?!oad IVow.
at-Law, EbuiisMi.Y, I'a. ;d'uv in C l-
caic T.jw, Cyu'n-v atiett. J:in.2A-t4.'
I i irf . i v-v