it" sz2-(fS2L.jE2-iss3a2s.3a:s. ja"jaa.H33"jE2is:3.jGiir ssiasQziJSSjsasiEsiasiEa. 3323- s.siS'riL, Cambria JTwcmmt SlL?KDAYT; : : DECJLC, 1871. local AtD Personal. Hip an(t 9tstR! ana -eer 2o--. -Tueeday. Feu. bth. has been fiiei f-r the ttii Argument court. The scalp is made clean sdJ sweet by apply w- Ball's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ktmswer. new Eutueran anu c-r-w-" ecn to Tohnstovn, Dec. 13, 1871. t" KY. , mnued.and .nay huvo len use,. The thes in JobJ.towu are town clock iu their towers ..... .rirnpt'nni at tllA to and "e ' bui-c - 'v,-, I or in the ercuiicm ot -jui- ntthe tower Ot llJlifior iii M"- .. .,,- or juihi-h omen's Temple. Or t ney may - ,.,,,, e wliale 8'i"",".v. ';..;..! Thi'V will tuduro ct tains aurl,,M1VYijTj..st3of fit least one gener the storms and tea-"" ation- i .f ,-v le toM of an In idMit which hap A Kooditoi J Is tol n or A rfjlro.l(1 urned at Altoona a y - i,lf,i1.j 'vinail- rfrJ n-.. !, larrti it V r. a n awaii catdured " luc . " ' ..w.riii in uai; . man " VV: , ,,7kft This card lie pinned to t He pox" in darkey who aclla pics. This K,0tS"v!-rv ono came near liis pie cart. M1"5 T' i,,tkpy couldn't read, bur he asked the old "'c- '.',..,. ,.wl Iff. wits tidil to t;''J' 'u advertisement of Tho.n? V"s need The will aura t: i;(tr D.iAing lor i.i r.rL-eiarv dour at Ualinan JIi9 " Eastern r icui Lu? ilia ii. I f,.r l.i!nea HIlu (itri'eireJI Ti,. !ei)ih;u i not to bad but what it mi-l.t ba wo.ia, or jet ac pood but what u H,;'ht be better. WomUr il ti bonsi oeii t iiok it SLSiGE-riab work at ilia bt.t! --Ttn tittr aia iJ to hava beou saca iu uie Jicva. tlirea mile of lawn, a law iJii afco. Il nota'uot wiihin the next fifteaii ... , . will urolied tliCiii it itt nu. --Jut a we are lo l"e' lh 4jcath )f ! ill. Jncob!l known cit zen ot Caui- fjri,hio. ii announced. Tbo cmse of I , . ! i . ... A !,n,it T." varu i nut wiali to see any i!ie c.!t eo. ; : . ? .7. 1.7 iT V .Ih- ! Idle rumor., ami we are f'i-ti:i'-' ndsclucvous vray Unit it was "Hot , ;" Siirnlvo wu ktM't in blissful isnoninoe of Me import of his eitfii until tl:c train lcfr, and, wli-t wa still worn;, all lii. pit-s were als, irft i t the 'itlk cart tl-at had the "sinall-pox." The .batinr ""'"k wns iflly rcjr-cfi'.ed here lHt wee!;. Not lc-3 tiianoiie thoUKand piTSons iu'full iiicinlHTsiiip inlnlK'-d thfir pro; leni ties by pkiri'iiis'ovtr the glassy st-a that Jack V roar hud i;riare during the "wrc una' hours." We d liLt- to see the youni; r'oikS t njoy them eelveant sUut-nj;. It Is way and innocent fun. The,'.. Iimi l.ccu vcrr aevt-re freezing here for 18 ! the riiok. and the m-ws from the far west, j f rem Canada, from New York, and indeed from every point or the compass', connrui ine rumors that id Uoreas departed from hmiey leeUlence on his southern tour rather suddenly and nn expcetedlv. One tiiou&and cancl houts, rieaiiy till ladeil Villi Kfain. came to u stand still in Kew VorkStnte. Bad enough. A trip to I'itthuryh and Aliepln?ny city, via Lutrobe. lia.- convinced lis tlmt the reports about the prevalent of bintill-pox at those places were greatly exPii'ijerated. There is nt one-tenth the number oi cases in those places that are reported to exist th-re. We iid not isii to interfere witn mnttero Lelouinif exclusively to tin courts; but we '!.- liijureii ny mist! ana inclined t-.i think that vountf man urrest-n nere on suspicion or lETTn PliOSS IRELASU-Ko. 5. LCorrespondence of Cambria Freeman. tN.Nrs, Ibelasd, Nov. 20, 1871. Tiear tfu: The day after irmilintf my last T went, accompanied by n jreutlenmu well versed In antiquarian lore, to visit 'iiiis i;t:ij (if i.v.NjscAniTn, Of the Tsluml of Wai-. now rnllml S.-if fvv Tal I alid. The 11 rst object that attracts the tourist s ! f J" a be uteps on the island shore. 13 tlie stute j ly Uound Tower, about l.iOfeet hiKh. As thes j Kound Towns, built, hum time immemorial, ; nure puzzled the most learned ahtiquurians as to their object, use, etc., 1 will not attempt to I meddle in so abstruse a subject. Near one of I the ruined churches is St. Senanns bed. It is ! a small, narrow sp.ioe enclosed by a wall: iu ! one corner is a lai e stone, said to be his pillow; nNir the entrance is a Minuted old tree on which i are cut the initials of these; who eonie to u-it tne island. A curious and humorous tradition says that any maiden that ever enters this bed need never expect to become a mother. Near the "bed" i3 an old tombstone oil which is in scribed, in the Irish of the sixth century, "Pray for .Maonach, the Teacher of lnolruadiia." These, 1 was told, were monks who lived here about a century after St. tlenanus. My next I iiKjtury was alter the tomb of the lady whom i Mooru immortalizes in his j ST. crNAM'S AN1 THE I.AtT; I but unfortunately mv euriositv could not be j giatltled. I was lold that the oldest inhabitant I of the place iniyht not see it six times in bis life, as it is seen only at otnu extraordinary low tide. Now for the old legend : ennuua. of I history and sonur, was born near where Kilrush how is, a little before Bt. Patrick came to con I vert the Irish nation. When he stew up his i parents consecrated him to religion. 1 laying Home relatives living near Itallaeiiath, now j Dublin, he went to see them before lie would ! forever seclude himselt within monastic walla, i Walking one day alntiK' the beautiful pebbly ! beach where Ivilliney uof sltaul?, he saw lour I men inillinf with all their miht towards the I strand. When they landed they laid niuiih hands on the young Seuanus, and drag-inK hnn j iuto the btiat pulled away axain towurdsaahip lyiny out at sea. It was a lanish pirate ship. and poor iSenanus sotn saw them head to sea and leave behind them the lociy shores of DETERMINED TO COUNTERACT THE 8U0?.TS1UIITE! POUCY OF nESIQXINO AND MALICIOUS PKRSONS. WHO HAVK SOUGHT TO IXJUItR THE TRADE OF i'iULADELPiilA LY CONCOCTING AND CIRCULATING -IX I POST OFFICII BiHllim WE SHALL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FORTUNATE POSITION AND ORGANIZE AN ' -- GREAT HOW . . - t 1 ft r 11 n tr tiPu I' I il ft?i:-!llin'' I . . .r f t.r, I.I ... .1 , .! ..1 in ,i I-".l 1V, M, ji.:6? lnt One of tlisui. named V. lilian. j inboro Chilli, winch nunder occurred abc.nt j ..tjj fiol(1 t,ie vollI1 sJenanus to a rich Nor i. cai.l to have bcii rer Jjnteroulv a'veii years ajjo, is a victim ol this kind. He i , p, ica. Here he had to toil and slave in b. ' ' ,al1 lo v v " does not at ail answer the description of the i fctrJ11!fl. )dIul i:ll away from his belovi d island i 1 ' v i v.-uv - - - c I f 1 1 1 1 1 ' V I'll I'l I 1 1 1 Lr II 1 11 Mll lir'ill I III I I l:r 1 IlllIT l- ii:c iiifatnou. wretch atabbeJ a bona be g iu t ilr. Stafi"r, of 'Vaatinorelaiid tjunir, thiotigh the heart, a few nights o, Si;d ti.e rniiiial waa louuJ dead in the stable s.x" unrt.In,;. Tl.e iiiiuli po s to be verj bad en Ljurel Hill, in Jackson township, some eil.t tfi et ol thia place ilr 'li!ip lia uiJ liiere of lite diaa ou TucsJar aud a iain i.:i:eJ Lte is ie,'ofted to hae l!!eu a :t'.;m to ih aanje uniiad; on Wedticsdar. A Wcftnx lelsnd coiutr uiornr nanied Slat !e:-n eti induced br a coupie oi stiarj'sts 1 time. Vv's are e'-ad to learn that the court house. nt Isbetisburrf is to be bountifully supplied wjth water bv the introduction of one eutire Lane. This Lake may tie used often to modify tbo fiery scintillations of i eiierous lawyers. A tjentlmun, named Kean. wlio has been al sent froi.i JolliiHtown for several years, re turned a few days ap-o; and was surprised to see the Tast improvements which hnve. been made here during that period. He tilings the titv is as large again as it was when he I. -ft. Mr. lirixner. who held the position of stuble boss for the Cambria Iron t'ompany. died of t ramn. or bilious colic, on Wednesday last. He leaves a family of oijfht girls, one son. and a . i t!.,,;.t.,...r t.. i.av 1 (IliOlom himui L' 1 wire, to mourn nis unximeij loss, vtcsjuipu- irli bis fjimilv. who are now left ot.e niiilit wcrk, iJ ll'j he i iSul'!i ii q'jiiirj fer the whereabouts of the k!(r(ij i. He'll lind them, of coore. Dr. lieltorJ. tlie veteran deuliat, will 1 1 at !.: t Ccc in this place cn Chi istmus day t:ii ica .ain ll e entire week. Ii you want to j: am t ioi. rell Tiih s set of new teeth as a CLr.fc' gist, ai.d want lo ga: the beet of w.'ik in '.liii iii.t, be sure to cl! on the Deetor. 11c l ew Asuciate Jadjres. Misri. 1.1 vyd iiu f !ai.ii, iiltrnied their duties wiili be tiii.ii j.' dignity during tho recent -:. it ol oi.r ccu':t court. 1 bey are bodt s.'.t f.ei t entlofuen r.i d are eu.inai.tly tilted loi i be cxaktd Okttiuns thar have been cliasn t. i, alone tt hght their way thiofijrh tin unchatiia- bie WOI id. I Thote who witnessed th performr.nees of tb.e I Female Minstrel!, who Held forth iu this place j last week, tin not 6 peak very favorably of their ' modestv. Their almost nude appearance on ! the stage was l.rnl enough indeed, but no worse I in effect than the pictures that are di. played in police and sporting-papers, winch are seel in discriminately iu every village, town and city in the land. Such displays, whether in person or on paper, ft' all persons wlrr witness them, and especially the risinjr crnerutien. :;u incal culable injury. It Is creditable to our town to saV that not one lady at 'ended the disgusting exhibition alluded to. Tins was a sriris.iin; re proof which may result in much good. The Snppes' House has beeu leased by a ffen- il.inin frmi Philadelphia, named . forgo tl liishop, who is now supplying the entire i.iu:ld inf wiih new furniture, lr will be iiiiown as tho " ni'.iri t Jtiuxc" and is lo-a?ed n Clinton r.obnt, Eq.. Sup't Western Di viijii, I'd. It K.. has notiOed Co. hnp'l Chap ;i;uii ti.At a it t'Xtrx train Irom J idmi'.o w:i , 1. i!i ettvps at ail iutei met ite poii:t, w ill be i'.im a our branch romi on Monday next ler :: e u coinodaiicn oi le.tcLeia end oibiii cji;i- ig In liir lualiti.tti. ; five hundred pillow-case" Oa JJoi da- a fife Tear oli sou oT 11 . ' such as curtains, etc. Tl Yj'tiii Ivellv.ol Alloota. dmnk a n uLion ol new. l.i i i f ou'te liotn a coffee pot stnndii's oil tl i-3T Leurit:. end wns to Li tl i y tiu.cru in tctt death tnfuetl iu a t'nort titre ar- triwrnd. e lr. atieet, not rarlrom tne sue or inuiiiu rosier ; Hoe-e. Tin; public will b pleaded to know ; that ever thing la this hotel, from garret to , if liar, is l.iun lu'ti-. -Mr. Wagstal?. the agent of i the EHaa Howe Medallion Sewing Mut bme. lias , a contract lor making two hu nilred sheets and ' liesi'ics ot ner eew tug. ; lie mattresses are ail ' ihe furniture is new and unique. 1 no earpf-f are all new a:iu cosnj. i ne tiiuuuw : ' curtains, nfghaus, tidies, rugs, mats, etc.: all i t new. i i:e piaster, t t:e pf.,'t.-i , i ai nni, emj I the baths are all new, atd every thing as clean m tig i that he would once more bo free, liefore be J wus many months iu bondage thetocsin of war j was sounded by the savage llolhs. aided by th1; ! barbarous Turks, and opposed to them were l the Mauls, the Spaniards, and other civilized na i tious. Senanus' master entered the lield and took along with bin: his young Irish slave. The ; Turks for a tiitid were victorious and put to ! bight the Christians. They took some prison ers ami among them were Senanus and his : master, whom they locked up in close fortified ' Peeps. Seiniut.s now saw no hopes of esc.'i.e; I but still tiod wutcht-d oer him. Tho Crand i Turk who hel 1 him captive had u fair daugh ! icr, who sbt tned to take pity oil so young- und : handsome a captive. Coinoassiou soon turned to loe, attd the fair Turkes.s told Senanus that i t he would replace him. unknown to her father, on certain condit ions.which were that he would i consent to tly with her to some foreign eoun I try. where; tuwy could live forever happy to i get her. Senanus tried, rs lest he could, in ! broken Turkish to tell her thut young us lie j was Itis heart wa already engaged that his af I lections were centered in u green little spot : hundreds of miles wny, and that he would pre i fer lile-loiig slavery, v. ith all its persecutions, I sooner than break tl.e solemn promise he made I to Him on high. 'Che fair one could not under stand this, and :-tiil persisted In her persuasive ' efforts to make him accept her conditions. ! Ilut t he young captive's heart was steelad to i all such appeal. At length site concluded to i set bin: free, and before they parted he put in j her band a sntail wooden crucifix, as ttteouiy ; token he could leave her to remember him. Some mouths after saw tlie young i eiiie ri6tored to his paients, but not without I experiencing severe and trying hardships. i Finding hintseif now free to act as he pleased, i lie soon retired t.o InniseMiath, where be com 1 menced the erection of a church and mouas ! tery. Among his rules and regulations was 1 thu't no woman should ever set toot on the isl : and. As tho yea-s rolled on Senanus saw the i nionas'ij tirt-'hreii increase in number?, and saw additional churches and monastarics raised naapprofaciasaMe AITjIE -or- WIIICII AVILL CAUSE A GREAT LOSS TO AKT WHO MAKF. rUitCHASE3 WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT CAtT DE SAVED II? BUYING AT THIS immm l I N mm TOPI tot ft ciiiiiieiie ii THE tJRRESZIIlTED CLE1UAXCC OF TEIC EjAROITST ZTOCtL 4 " WW EVER HELD, BEIMC NEARLY A Million Dollars7 Worth of Substantial Clothing Or OEJ5i E3F.3T JMSlTACTfilE, TOZ1 MEf, BOYS, A! C 51 32.231: LS, UMVU!,irrn ?r nnnirviPART op wnicti was personally sfja:cti:d r uv SL'TH nifjU'X"- U 'jliYlill inhli & UlUlni. JIN FOItEIGX MAUKKTS UY MR. WANAMAKF.ll ;1 i t .h.S Si L ii VL I5:Ufil: ri v 9 ii h;pj & iinniirv ikkfork the immense rise in t;0L. and r i i v i uv iinnii v vAt:LfLlSLn & MUhMcan be sold to ready-money buyers at! UiiViUMiliU a l)hUUli I T3. f TTTi rri 4a. trnk A t MM 2:111 bill! j i 1 MmjMmihd km i 0 ' I . i IB B PR 8 hi ll pfr AND i i AT coMdo e wiih our friend la Ins as.'' f'1. " L.iv tor 'bidie The build- ro M i--.n. . v ... .... . r. i.t.iiij t,ere-yeu ent. !mv, ;, nd commodious, and will lie opon- e wish mv. 'i i e tU'ck of iitnti and oilier rood tt.iiics et as a hotel someday ttus ween. e wish -ir. Licit ii L. Oatrnan .xrects to have in .tore I Inttioi.aiui hisestiuiubi-' lady tf rear success m f r iioIiJvs is Uound to urpr:ae and p!ese t'i7ci nurd Iianer.'a'ciHl miner, was caut ht bc turtbeJt. WLtit ull he ia p'Jing to hnra-we j neatli a'ttdl of slate in ore or the C. 1. Co.'s ;,-;tei, to a tai:;tv, but bis custymir rnav ! ininc-s.on Friday morning last, and sustained j ... "11 .1 . - i . ,.ri. of a verv scrioti ' it not latiil eniirL.etei . ' -", . d upon petting all tbev at. I :n ihnl wjt 'nJ''ri ' , 11 ' cl . ,, , , . ( ... ,.i.,. i i his f C..V i - ''I'iieu'tis legs w as rtiooknity c. usiC j aua uts due i l.o.c st kind and at lowest prices 1 7't.,.st fc..v wrely injurcl. ' 1 iiie la. lies w ho bate been puttine off t! f.cii !intin of fur un l ether elegant dress ui.lil the holidays, should not fail i tie t ermau v-uiuonea usu .:-;, "."j- ,'.-- l'lnmaVv- ai r.mgeuierns ior a giaiei tair uun ,s the eouiing holidays. They know now to muke t,;" '"'uji otiuuiu uui iti .u - Buc!j enterprises a tractive ami enjoyatue. . acu is;t t!. pepuiur Tiiotttpaon St re, wheio a . ,v. h.-feecrybody wiii patronize inem. Union icvit utiui passed and at prices unequalled for Hail is to tie the scene of the coming festivities. V!,.tM now on edition it, t.-Ie. una nVh t,'Jii!i:r tl:s nioet attractive and dssuab.e. ; po.m on the subject of "Lot e." at L nion i.ow utaiiT poiatees r.ra uiuaiif put l'iiii on tat uraay cTeiuiig imtv. ..oi wC , :.;op;;, unleas it"is H e pit of our stonitch, j got as large an i.udieii e e ,.1l'1';':'ct.I.,."l-'il11 a I ! liee lofy we don't Know, but it mikes '-'.eptot'unVo ibeInJt'itute"' to act i i.i that lir. 1 imotliv Loineieaux's hunoied j as r,.i.('rtf r for the "press generally, but as we j b-Ui it. in bite" towasbtp. must be the! know nothing about the rl'H.iRophy of the j uWr . f all tbt. r,b lii. -i.l . ! birch, we inn take no part in ThtM'crrurmances. i .:. i .'TrZ . ?! . . . r-.l .. I We are lnfonue.l that this "institute vm ne i nuui jou wn at wo..-: mil i vui. ; ..... .... in this count T. e ncp 1 ii-., li-r p.nd director ;u t.-u count j .nt W no informed b? eeutletnen w ho have u k1 1. i; t rptni tunitiei to know the fact,! be present dit b:cie :s t o truth whatever in tl.e infortna ':im icceited by tl.e Htrtbl in iard to ti.o t't j rtvalence t f diptl.eria r.i.d aea'riet feeer a tie vicinity ol Carrolitonn. Tiieie never ies sicktess cf any kind tbre :Ln at the permit limn. Air. iierry Icke, a wei! known tr.J wall c-.-e of Ahet'tta, wr.s lihren To death '"i .'.i.i". ( ne clay lait week. He and his wil " o:, i t;hii to a tot. leatdln at Sedalia. "J. in c t::;.any wi;h four t.ther jeulleiien, he :;t out en a bunliiijj eipeuiliou, and, be:i:g ''''. t. ken by u scitie etcrtn, the entire panr i: fd 'n"h cold. Go rge C! a lea. jr., tlie yourif; man arrested 'u Jul.six'wn ami brought toj.til here o;i tus. f i:cti if livinjr mnrdeted the old colored mun, '- :'b0iO ymiiti, (tome seven yens ao, was ' ii 1 utt Jay uken before the court on a writ 't habests terpui and released on tll.Ubl) bail, !-:!; '. e l l y hin f ather, to appear and answer t il t ext term of court. W l,i;t. iho wife ol Mr. J. II. Moore, our 't:.a! 'fr.ei.d, was decendirijf the celitr ste;'S '1 It: in Aeiue In Altoona. on Saturday night '"'.. 11:8 lighied lamp she carried fell fiom her r'tl aid exploded; Belting fire to seyeral arti ' t)' tear, but foi Innately Mrs. Moore not only . 'C;d with, .ut injury, but '.he fire was ex'.iu-f'- S 'fd eie any damage was done. J uiJt'ij:g- irom our cash receipts for tbe past '! aeeks, court could not hare been la 6es ,L,i; in t'ni place, other indications to the cun '::t Eotniihtnr.'!ir.g. We leceitsd lei than ''' Lundrtd. and should not bays received lets "-ii oi thousand. We gues onr cretiitors !'i (.aye to stand it tboueh, for we can'i coii c' s Low wc ate Roing, to tlo it much longer. e Uuiit Irom the Herald thr.t tbo dwell house ol Mr. James Gill . iu Cliet town- i " '(. as ittll rs all his fuinituie and a lot of j t'i.a, was entirely consuraed by re. duiing amerce oi bimfe'.f and family, on Friday j Mianweek. The oiiin of ti e f:re is not I -' on, tut the loi is put down at $HbO, wLich a.i.ii ceita'iily be Uso low an ct'.irasts. No i;-rii.ce. John D Thomas and Capt. J. K. --te each had a pocker butchered or. Wednes day lat which weighed rcapei tirely 40? and J7 pouiJs. To Uie former pentleraan, or hi "gude wife," we are under obligations for a jard or to of "linked swao'crss." which we .'nnd exceetlingly tlelici.ius. Oar thanks ere also due to Mr. Will. Coimell for a liberal aua p.y ot spi rib. a,.d to Mr. I'hil. Croupe lor a Secerous donation ot excellent eausace pre- eaied on a former oceaiion. " Tbe Johnstown Tribune's Ebensburjt cet rcapondent ia an (T)odd chap indeed and has n (T)odd way ol saving his my. Hear him Luut tbe new officers ol ihe court: "I tion it here as a itmaikable coincidence that tch of the three J udge wears a black euit of Uite clothes, eunnounted by a plu liat of tho l'tt style, though in the mutter ol overclotb b they" are diyeise. Judge Dean has a dark E"f OTerccat, Judge Flanagan a black one. Lile Judge Llojd ruches reckleIy out into U cold with a fancy parti colored shawl oyer U shoulders." "Jiigieuic Wigwam" is the name that kas bestowed upon the large fitae structure 'et:itly erected for lair, exhibition and gecer i amusement purposes near the Catholic -trch ia tlvis place, and tha way tba loung lo''"i have beeu enjoying ibemseives thciein irjt its past week is evidence eufiicient that place bas not been inaptly named. Tbo nir t,ow in progross will continue without in l!a:i!':oii from now uutil after the liolidays, & all visitors thereunto will be welcomed '4 Ede glad, if good treatment, good grub, Sl lua sud a geed liia feceral'j eta e2ect tI,,.... fiii.cro'.s r.ii.ced tin to the cense tr-r m Sabbath last about 4 o'clock. Judging from the fact that one of the bourses whs an o.d one, it must hme contained the rcii.uh.ia of a stnuil p..x vietii'l. a- Tbe sum of 5C0 In tid of the CaiCHgo sufiTer ers !! collected in St. John's Catholic c.iurct:, this place, on last Sunday. The Jolinsf iw u schools will close for the ho lidays ou i'llduy next. 1-JS 'u- Doi.ngx ik Couht. From the aeiexblin? of court on Woaday latt until the adjournment on Wdne?day afterr.ooli. the follow iujj bineis , . .- I r. in common pitas wo uitju't . rvm"th vs. .InirteH A. I'attcrson T.o.nereaux. Sci. Fa. Continued ferred to argtinrcnt list. Same Jams 11' urni. sum ..7, r.,- i..forwltir for f2'd .Ian it Collins vs. Thomas Plunkett. Appeal I Jurv Tor phuntilT the sum oi i. i Yost's Ariministrator vs. Joseph tela i Tlimtu V. illiHins. Summons in dent I nnd for plaintiff iVl. ! McMullin vs. Glass. PmnmoMs ease in slan I tier. Verdict for plaintiff for :-ii0. ieu-in vs. Glass. Summons In slander. i Verdict forfaintilT for l-'aW. i"lat vs. Coiivety. AppoaL. i.laintifr for !1.. up to the praise anil wor.-hip of God. One even ing us Senanus was wa:kin;f along the shore, perhaps re'iiindiu him of the time he was taken oT Irom Kbliucy, he saw enter the Shan non a ship ploughing, her way before the 'Jtroiig v.intrv wind. .Vcaier and nearer it came, t i ii the ship t!mo-t touched tbe monastic shore. Senanus, mindful of his decree t'.iat no woman should ever get a footing tin the island, ad dretSLd those in the ship, saying:: 'Oh I hit-le and leave this sacred ile, I iiiiolv bark, tr.. morning smile, l-'or on" thy deck, though OurU. it be, A feu m ie ii rni 1 see ; For I have sworn this sainted sod Shall ne'er by woman's foot be trod," Latit . t ( : F:;ther. send ntit hence tnr bark. Through wintry winds and billows dark; 1 come with humble heart to shnro Thy morn and evening- prayer." '"lis lady's p' ry r rtehcntia spurned The wind blew fresh, the bark returned. The poor rejected lady n nd her frail bsrk were tossed Rtjotit on tht; 1 oiling wnves f t'le Muni tion. a few days utter, the lifeless form d' n b au'.iful female, t bid iu rich Turkish attire, whs found washed ashore, and clutched in hor cold band was a small wooden erucitix. As soon as Senr.nus saw this, he re cognized it es tne one be had given to the tnir i being who bad ret him lrer. .Not v.i.tlting lo j tieny bit- liftcss remains the rights if septil ; tore, mill still nnximis to keep his vow, he or dered nf-r to ne minc-i at i v wait-r t:iuii, oun fv.rn v.isl'ive certaiutv. a tombstone is yet lo ! be seen at some extraordinary low water tr.-.trk. i Kuough for this time. In my r.cxt I will hat e ! k little more to say r.bout the Isiatd. ss rrell us i about Ivilrush anil my dreary drive to this town, j tlie county seat of Clare county. Would )i!;e : to write more to you at the present silting, but ' mailii: ? time approaches and I must tie up and ; o.l to no post-office. So believe me, deer Mae, ins ever, YjUis, cry truly, KiiPjSAcu. A VISIT AND INSPECTION, WHICH COSTS NOTHING, WILL PHOVE UNQUESTIONABLY TliAT TY of the ARTICLES ARE W0ETH DOUBLE THE PRICES QUOTED. ices.:IF'H0MPS03V,P w MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Containing 7,9G1 Men's OrercoalS, G.949 Dress Coats, 51 G Ganicka sntl Capee, 5,113 Uusuicss Coals, 12.31 1 Hdsineaa l'ants, l.Sl.l Fine English Slriped Tanti, 3,875 Doeskin l'anta, 2.519 Biack Cloih Yestf, 002 Velet Veels, 578 Cashmere Ycs!, 14,406 CaBsimcre Vesif, 5S3 Double-Urcasteil Short Overcoaf, 523 Etiglikh Dironal D. 15. Coals. BOYS1 DEPARTMEiMT MP AN COKTAIKIKQ- 9G0 Youths' Ot-rcfct, 3 0U0 Youths' Tanss, 3,714 Y'outbs' Vests, 1,872 Y'ouflis' Everjtty Coats, 723 Children's Overcoats, 135 Children's Cape Overcoats; ISO Ciiihireti's Gstrricks, 1.344 Cliihhci.'s b'ui'.B. 3.232 Hoys' Pan;, 2.G7G Hoya' .lackeli, 7S2 ig Men's Coa!, 1,205 Trig Men's Pants, 9SG Men's Vcita. -cr- i 4tstS ixli 4. siStsi 78,259 TOTAL. GARMENTS. FIRST FLOOR. (Wet!) Arranged lor Fur- r.i.hing Go;i aid Uots j die Job Loti. "Less than Half 1'iice Lots." Piece Goods for Custom Work, which bhare in our ,cu- t eductttiit of price . SECOND FLOOlt-3 DEPAF.TME5T3 : D 11 ESS PANTS, SECOND DKEtS PANTS, WORKING I'ANTd, JOB LOTS. and John and trans- to argtiTireoi-ii.-i. vs same. Disposed tif m like manner, s A. ltuck, for use of U. G hiss, vs. T. W. . Summons esse i'l assumpsit. ucg- THIR D FLO OR-OVERCOATS, 101' COATS. G AliRICKS. COACHMEN'S COATS. .. FOURTH. F 1 1'TIl ami SIXTH FLOORS Rfnerved Surplus Stock. FIRST FLOOR ( East) School and Dres Suit, and LitCo Lads' Clothes. SECOND FLOOR Larger-:z:J Goods and H.'f Priced Lo's. UPPER FLOORS Reserve Stock tnd Fxlra . Fiae Good. NOTE tTb6 and a.i our Goods are not bought from Wholea'.o Iloutes. but ate of cur own ni.ttiiifacture many of thcta msdo in our own building, uidr cur cern eye and supervision of materials carefully eianiined t!.d sponged, and maJa only lot' our Regular Retail Trade ; tj ibat cugtjtnere can tsse ibsza wuh tbs utaoat couf -'-vt. Mm m p Us m - OF EVERY nnd Jury- Verdict for 2Tktv Sate at Jens Dirt & Co "a Bank, No.'J-iO Main Stkeit, Jou.nst.iWn. We give j below a condensed notice, taken fret the I Johnstown Democrat of this week, of a new and first class s.ifo which Messrs John Dibert I ii Co , LUnkars. bare recently bad pUced m their new Banking cfli-je. We copy this more especially beeausc the junior member of the firm. I Mr. John D. Roberts, is favorably known to ! all our citifcens, having been boin here and having lived in our n dst until within a few j yeati past ; and doubtltM all will be glad to know "that still another of Ebcnsburg's worthy sons has risen to a position of eminence, trust I and prosperity, line aro tbe extracts Irom j the Dttnotrat: I Last W ednesdny was -ulte a stirring day on ! Main street, thin city, ilessrs. John btroert & riPKT Storo open from 7 A.M. to H P. M.. except .catardays, when open at CV A. If. to ID P. if. Sf.i'uMj-All Goods r.ithai'.ged, or Money ttefunded. 1"U iP.U A iar:e staff of Salesmen and Cabers to the dttTerent Departments, in waiting to rect've Cnstoncera. FOLlitTU Oiacra by Telegraph oc Letter from any Quarter ftithfuiiy attended to. In COZ-JCIjUS IOMi rOR SOLID AND SUBSTANTIAL BARGAIN'S THIS IS AN UNI'REOKDENTKD OrPOIiTUKITY 1 j IT 7ILL TAY TO COilli FROM ANY PAUL" OF TI1K COUNTRY. Oil TO MAKE UP CLUBS IN TOWNS AND VILLAGES, A3 j WCiJEAN TO GIVE SOMEBODY ALL THE GOODS WE HAVE. j WE II AYE II AD THE LARGEST SALES-THE HOUSE IIAS EVER KNOWN. AND TO WIND UP THE SEASON WE CAN ; AFi'JKD TO ALMOST SHUT 0UU EYES TO THE FiUCE 5. ; OAK H A I Mxth and Market Streets, P. Style ! ( fin AXD ITi A1L7IC5T i L i hllad.QlpMzit ...i, n.,,w. lov.;nt?wone. Pumii3M i Co., at their new Painting onn-e, t ei e 1 ecei iitg ca- e in a-iKiip-lt. Jurv find for pb.intiir. a new and imiKinlieent sale, 'i he large derrick i-hri-lina Uusli. of Croyle township, was or hoisting apparatus of the Cambi ix Iron Co., declared u lunatic by the court, and Abyius j known as 'Tncle Sam. was ..rougbt into re MarU was apptdnted trustee of her estate. quisition, and a number ol skilled und strong uu' '""if JIlell tor the purpose of placing the new Kate Our friend Mr. B. J. JIcFeely informs us that at a family patheriinc at the house of Mr. Win. Dawson, in Galhlzin township, one day last Summer there were present fotir ladies, un aunt and three nieces, whose onittd aC3 footed up the xtruoridinarv number of 34 )i yo'trri, di vided as bdlows : Mr. (JiHtgpio, ned 103 ; Margaret Brady, (Sisterof Cfaii y, in leliirion Sister l'"elicita.) syed 6: Mr. Riidgct Miler, aped 115; iXnd "1: . Miry TL. McFcely, (mother i nur iiiinrmaiit i ai'fJ 74. The nuideii name of .11 but one of these Udies was Dawson, and , LA tl.cir retS..rkab e consevity spe.iks wnl for the wi,i,.n rt.o, t.v ..-.ovintr a littl robust conditio" of that branch of the lmcran i her of times in ditTerent ways. It s familv AH the ladies miued are B'.ill living. ly finished and painted, and id lii cv J nlaf substantial and elegant, and is Cm-acii Dedication. The new English Lutheran church at HummerbTU will be dedi cated (D. V.) on Sabbath, Dej. 2 , lel. Ker. J. ll. Dlnmore. of Philadelphia, wi'l nreacb the dedicatory sermon. Revs. Fink, Baker, Snvder, and otheta ore executed to be present. We ask all the fi lends of the church to be present at that time. The people are preparing to entertain all who come. A- J- HAaTsccK, Pastor. On the niht of the 21st of November the post ofiice at Tyrone was entered and robbed. There were four persons etiRag.-d in the affair, three of whom are now iu the j tit at Holiidays burg. A man supposed to be ihe fourth of the pang was arrested by United Suite Detective Thomas Gillespie in t'ittaburgn, ana issen be fore Commissioner M'Candless, who commit ted bim for a hearing. So says the State Journal. We can only this week invite attention to the advertisement elsewhere in regard to "The Popular Life of Gen. R. E. Lee" and the "Me moir of Chief Justice Taney," the agency for which, as well aa all other works isucd by the pub'Uhhitf house named, has been secured by out clever fiiend. M. P. Meagher, who is now canvaeaiDg for the same. SiAOXABbE EARfiAiNS. You' can buy Cast Iron Sled Soles at 3 cents per pound, and the bet city mad Sleigh Caskets at S0.2; and f'V0, at Benton & Wayne's Hardware Store, Johns town. Ta. LDec.2.-Ct.l H all's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer re moves scurf and itupuritls of ail kind from tie :?e!p. in ii'isitiou in Ihe bank. It whs cm el ully baud led and placed where desired. Thissat'e was manufactured in Cincinnati, (.. by Mes.-rs. IIacx'-AI-E &' I'kbX.n, nit'd is tine of the be?t, inaiiufactured in tho most scientific and improved style. We believe it is one of the largest in Western Pennsylvania, and con siderably the largest in this county. It weighs the enormous amount of five ions, or ten thou sand pounds! t is lirfirfiroof and j.s supposed to be iny Inciblo to birrgiars. It has two. sets of double doors and one inner door, the double doors being locked by a combination of letters and the inner door by ligures. Tbe only way to did block id meiai is uy mbination, and little knob it min-- bciTUtif u f- ery pnrtic impregna ble to everj thing but the person who knows the majfic combination of letters and words. . It is made after the latest patents nnd im provements. The burglar-proof poi tion of the sale is composed cf hard and so't steel and boiler iron, secured together in such a way as Ut resist the drill or sledge, while the doors are so eleseiy lifted that to attempt to wedge or to blow powder inlo them would be worse than useless. The safe cost at the manufactory f wenfy-two hundred dollars. The growing business of this banking house needed one ot great capacity, and this one. it is supposed, will Ml the bill. Lvery.person w ho wishes to ex a mine American science and skill should go and see this piece of wonderful mechanism, which for strength and beauty is not excelled anywhere. And nil those Inning money to- deposit, or banking bnsiitess to do, can find no more reli able or liberal banking house to transact busi ness with, nor lind safer or better investments than this firm are agents for. Give them a Call. nv We notice by the llefald that Dr. A. P. I'ields' charges m one dollar for each Tint in town, and one dollar per mile lor riding. We supposed from what we had beard that his rates were considerable higher, and we freely acknowledge- that his charges are moderate considering tho amount of labor performed.' The Doctor ha3 a idea practice aud bas been renai kably successful iu the treatment of his numerous patients. CE13 & FOSTER. GKAMD OrCNI.tO or FALL AND WISTtB. D87 GOODS AND DRKtf UOODS. The attention of the Ladies U directed to our iuimriiee stock of Millinery Goods, com prising a grand assortment of Frouch Flowers, Feathers, Rib'ions. Silks, Velvets, Ornaments in endless jrolu-ion. an 1 the latent styles of Trimmed Bonnet and Hats, which we have always on hand, or we c.ui'bupply any lady with tiiunned Huts or Bonnets at shortest notice and in a tj!o which we uniantee will "We entire satisfaction. We are now offering special and extraorolnary inducements hi Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Double Warp Alpacas. Poplins. Velveteens. Waterproofs. Oasfdincres, Flannels, Bhiakeiw, Linens, Muslins, Prints. Ginghams. Hosiery, Gloves, Lace. Hre."8 Tri minings, aud n full variety of Sr.rill Wares, Zephyr Worsted und Germaiitown Wool, at prices to suit sll. A m.ipnifjcent line of IJ'.nck and Colored Silks in Glace and Gros Grain, at prices rang ing lioni J I to $1. A new, er ftiplete and clerant display of Sin cle and Dcuble Brodhe, Paisley and Thibet Shawls, at from Ji.'t to JMl, and hundreds of Woole:i Shawls at very reduced prices. We hayo also opened a splendid line of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS, at low fsr raitKS. A full anil railed assortment ol" Carpets. Oil Cloths and Window Similes always on hand Also, the very choicest of live Geese Feather. All of the above and much more can be bought lor the cash at the lowest, tnaiket rates from Giste k F'ostsu, . Eos. 113 and 115 Clinton Stieet, Johnstown, Fa. Ut. dr. is b'er thd days of your childhood, and how glad ou tiien were when Cbrk'tmas caute arouul aui brought Tfi h it tova, vra tinea's and tho many other i;ood things pert a ning thereto. As vou felt then do nil you c.m to make the youth ol to-day feel i.o.V, and il you have no children or favorite of your own whom to rrake peryision in the way of Christmas Silts, you cart easily find plenty of little ones i:. reiidv circumstances who will appreciate your kindness. We may add that the means of making; Younp America supremely happy can be found in endletS variety at C. T. Rob ens' great emporium, where eerybody should go for their Christmas presents, large cranial!, valuablo cf othcrwisa. WAsntn and WniNOEu. Mr. I'd. Mann, cf St. Augustine, has obtained the right to manu facture and sell Hi the townships of Clearfield, Allegheny, Minister, Cambria. IJIacklick, C r loll and Chest, and the boroughs of Fbensburg, Lorotto, Chest Sirings and t arrdltown, a very valuable and needful machine called the Prac tical Masher and Wringer. (Knox's Patent.) and one which we believe wiil accomplish all that is chdmed for it. We have not the spat e to speak of this great household blessing in de tail, but as Mr. Mann is now canvassing I'.itulis-tri--;r: no doubt ull ill have an cpporlui'y to see r.n 1 judge of its merits, lie is prepared to show bv practical demonstration that it will accomplish wonders its a clothes cieanser and save labor and money to every housekeeper, and the machine lool.s as if it was equal to ihe emergency. It Is cheaper too, considering That it is botti a washer and wringer, than any bim ilar machines in the market. mcKKva FfTit;iTrRE wai:f.uooms. John Ilicliey, Cndertaker, on Juiiiiii street, fourth Ward, Altoona. i prepared to. supply Jfelalie Uuria! Cases of all bizus aud pa'.tcrus, atid on reasonable terms. Mr. Illckev keep-i contnnfly on a large stoirk of new nnd fashionable furniture, and those who require nnything Pi his line should give bim a call. Kvery article st;nt from bis rooms will be wRi-n'oied as rcpre3ented. llairf.nd Straw Matrasses manufactured to order at less than city prices. ,. Cane seat chairs re-caned and nttca up as good ns new. . Ail orders from rt distance promptly attended to. Liul.l3.-tr.l yI5!Tl'.4n Y. WATERS. F'ied. hi this place, on Saturday ni.. ruing last. M.uiy, thir.i daughter of 1". J. and Margaret Waters, aged 15 aud 9 tsoiS. Weej iit.t for those Who rit.k within the i-rms rf death Ere yet the ehiiiinf winter I realli Of sorrow o'er them blows: Pot weep lor tiiem who here reirrain, The mournful heritors of pa'n. Ooect tone J to se eaeii liright ,1oy fade Au! mark grief's melancholy shade Flung o'er hope's fairest rose. OPR. Died, in Johnstown, Nov. -"'.il. of fonv let lever, IlAi'iir., daughter of Wiiliaui nnd Harriet Orr, aged 1 years, o nionlhsand 1 days. -or- JffllPAS&EB BEAUTY a:id err Jain! j nt i n '7 ii b w.y i t. ii. casey, late of Robert Woods i Co. JAMES CASK V T. C. roCAl'.TV. (1 A H i: Y, F () ti A K T Y & CO.. J v. noi.nsAi.E nEAi-EP.-? is mmm s old rye miy. AMV At.t. KINns. OF ANU I Ml "OPT MIS Foreign Wines, Gins, Brandies, c: "o. UI5 S. Dec. 13. ll.-3m. berly Street, PITTSBURGH, T-IJ TO CONSUMPTIVES-. V)W HKABV, in ot.e ' octavo, (price in Morece Up'. for tho holidays. Go to James J. Murphy and dress up. lio to No. 109 Clinton street and d toss up. io to tlie Star Clothing Store noil dress up. Dress your boys up for Christmas and New "Vear. lio to Johnstown and enquire for James J. Murphy's Clothing Store, and dress up. Spend your mosey fer cl'.'lhvs. X're;i Now go; Bio and little can find just what they want for Christmas presents at Huntley's cheap hardware, tinware, stove and general variety depot, be the article a washing machine, a set cr single articles of silver plated wue, or any thing e!?e of that kind for wife mother, daugh ter or sister, or a lip lop sUd, an elegant pir of skates, or a nice penknife, or such like, for the good little boys, or bad ones either. Hun tley has a full stock and knovra no competition in "tho matter of low prices. The advertiser, having been permanently r.,i,-r.l of i!i:it dreml disease. Consumption, ny a simple remedy.' r anious to make a fellow suilerers tun means ot cure. .i.Mi; ir. Iiewi.l send a copy of the used, ifreeol charge) witit tne .mrecuons ior preparing and using the same, which they w iil linn a si"Ki;' vrSPfo'r ('inxiiitiiititiiL-4sthma.Enm-chitia, Ac. 'Parties wishing: the prescription v. ill please address . 11-11.-1 v. Rftv. EDWARD A. WI LSON, 2Gi South Third St., Wiiliamsburgh, N. . For Ciihistsias. Hals, caps nnd fursat Co hen's Cheap Hat Parlor. A nice bat is always an adornment. A new bat about the holidays ia neees-itv. V, ho would desecrate Christ mas with an old lint or a slouch cap? 1 f the money that is spent for tire gratification of the appe tite was spent at Cohen's Hat Parlor for hats, caps, collars, furs, etc., the people would be much more fashionably dressed tn Christmas. Cohen keeps at No. -Main street, Johnstown. We hope he may soil n thousand hats yet iu ,1, nnd ono hundred thousand in '72. Hess&Co., NO. 41 Main street, Johnstown are now purchasing another splendid stock of Ready-Made Clothing for tbo bolldays. They have now on band the largest assortment of goods in their line ever opened in Johnstown, and tbev will pnt prices at the v.ry lowest Inj ures. We advise our readers to visit Hess Bro.'s great clothing establishment as they keep an immense stock of goods eon. antly on nili. Oi! sich ciisap overcoats Ish, yes I juat a ffoiu-j-tf jue ! t"e7ini2 be uj pJ.Yet lo t'u?.itribcr vohiii-e. l),nii- (pnec in Morocco olotli nev-ued. black ami gtdd. Library style, marbled edg es, J,&0; Half Morocco, 4 ;) knTku wi.o I A Popular Life cf Gen. Robert E. Lee, ; prescription ! JtV 3I1SS KMJLY V. MA2(j?7. Wl Dedicated by permission trv Mrs. FFE. Embel lished with " Original ln ii.ns vy Irot . Vour, Illustrating the Princi pal Scenes in Li Life. "One Kiieh example is worth more- to rHrtb Than the slanted triumphs of ten thousand Ciesars." This work is issued in an elegant and attract tve volume, to which a very low price isaflixed, so as to place it within the reach of the Soldiers whom he commanded aud the people by whom he was loved and honored. I fr Efi it i ici i'rid wanted in all parts ot the country to poil the above and other Im portant Works. iVr Exclusive terrirorv given. Adrress, JOHN MCltPUV & CO.. Publishers, Bui ti more. I1?"' Preparing for Ilitrly Publication. Embel lished witn a Fine Portrait of the CbH f J ustico, on Steel, in one volume, octavo, printed on fiuo paper .und bound in Morocco cloth levelled, price j ; I abrury style, marbled cdcs, ?ti ; Half Moroeeo, . ; . Frtmi C2iS2ris to lift. COME WITH Y01R MUX Viemoirof Roger BrcoSte Taney, LL.D. XHOHIPSOH rhief Justice of the Supreme Court of IheUni- Pome I-Adies suffer dreadiully with tho head--..,Vt thl causes thfir Itnir to faue. a- I ri.,i i;i.tfti attve is a ttur C h'e .ebVaud will ie- ' . p -f I V'H'U i ---- - color rt bianebe l. I you ct ...i !, .1.. . advertisement. I well ! Poftrt. Go to John J. Murphy's, to John J. Murphr'a Store, Mansion House Cot utr, and on the first tloor. and Ikv aJT your dry god, tbm- iM-is, f-tocKings and hoods, your cartets and i lite, at that very snrne place, nnd see the faeeorM;irphy&Co.,tha i " ....t -.ho -fxJ -' .., jriuy and clerk, . .. hi work selling dry goods In ..o. nil gtiods in their line lower than est. the profit is lost ; for John J. Murphy will m ll v. liat moe, i vcn ir ne stiouM loe, ?o. tare- Chi ted States, lty Sami ei. Tvuu, I.L.. It. Tliis Wok v.:rTT boot Extraordinary Interest ! and Permanent Vnluo to the Historian. ihi J Lawyer, the Statesman, and Every Intelligent i Uea-rer. A portion of the proiits ill i-t f or Hit) j benefit of the family of Chief Ji!t:ee Tau' Addres3, J. MtnraY Co., fun"--more. " " . .-i. lialti- ... i . MEAGHEU, Agent for Cumbria County. -ne - w. I fare well J JAMISON, M. D r.oret to, C-nvrlr ."., -, Tenders his professional soryieee to ail oU-ti- i 1 of ii-.c above rlaco anil yTetr'ty w no m am-f . lnjt sse l Vesical -ri-4 AND gi:t 1EX CIS JZLZL 3J3Z TfsJ9 rexmre LT LTjlI I L ,7 e,' f : . . ' A- ": ! "V.' ih of Ail Graces Gf HIT! i Wilt V f TO TH2- w - j - - i.