ili This was tlie ruvme she droned As she rocked in a rickety tlmir, In a whitewashed room wUli a bare deal floor, With papered windows and wide-cracked door, And ceiling as foul 03 the air: "A spoonful of sleeping Bluff For hushing 'em when they crv; There's litila ones more than enough. And if they don't livo they'll die." Four babies tucked in n crib. Two sleep in a chair. Three more crawling the plumki about. Two would be burnt but the fire is out. And still there is a cradle to spare. Some look weary nnd pale, Some look meagre and thin, Some seem hectic and (ever torn; A'l had been better if never born; Their sharp bones sUrc through the skin For their mother's bosom rigs; For its needing softness ulraw; For the loving kisses that dimples rain A bottle, a epoon the mix'urc, and paiu; A shake from a she fiend's claw. Ay, a spoon and a cup on the hob, A. saucepan or gruel gray, A phial on the shelf with its potion grim The little ones' priuers and the'r evening hymn For the little time hero they stay. For often at morn and night. From want of a mother's care Orim Death no ; gentle with bony breast, Hushes them to a happier rest; Their cradle a deal ahell bare. For this is the rhvmo she droned As she rocked in a rickety chair. In a whitewashed room wiih a bare deal floor. With papered windows and wide cracked door, And ceiling tis foul as the air. A epaonful of sleeping stuff For hushing 'cm when they cry; There's liitleonos more thin enough, And if thy don't live they'll die." VACCIXATIOX'S HISTORY. AN ISTEBKSTING EKETCn BT A PHILADEL PHIA PHYSICIAN. To Dr. Edward Jenner, of Berkley, Eug lantl, belong 'the inestimable honor of in troducing, ou the Hth of May, 1 706, the operation of vaccination to the notice of the world, through the means of which, ono of the most loathsome and dreaded of diseases, is materially modified aDd thereby more in fluenced by remedail moans. The knowledge of this Licking was ob tained by this sagacious man, aftor a long residence among the dairies of Gloucester-i-hire. lie had received, from time to time, traditionary accounts of the security afford cd against scuali-pcx by the casual introduc tion into the system cf a disease which was often observed among the cows. This disease was termed by th6 milkers cow-pox. It appeared upon the nipples of the cows in the form of irregular pustules; these pustules frequently degenerated iuto what are recoguizc-d by medical men as phagedenic, or spreading ulcers, and uuless appropriate remedies were used, became ex ceedingly troublesome. From these pustules infection soou spread to the hands of the milkers. The first that appear. upon lecord occurred about twenty-fivo years beforo J;n ner made his first vaccine inoculation. B -n-jamin Inty, a farmer of Djwuby, in the isle of Banbeck, in tho year 1774. inoculated himself, wifa and two sons with the Tirus taken from a cow's udder, suffering with the vaccine disease ; tho small-pox at the time being very prevalent in the vicinity. The affection proved to be successful. Ed. Journal, vol. I. p. 513.J Reasoning from the number of casts that camo under his own observation, and also from the gsneral opin ion of the inhabitants of the c untry, Dr. Jenner became convinced tht by artificial communication from on individual to an other, protection wc uld be afforded. Thus, in a most fortunate moment for posterity, on the 14th of day of May, 1796, this remark able man made his first vaccine inoculation upon a boy named James Phipps. The vi rus was procured from a sore upon the hand of Sarah Neims, a dairy maid, who Lad beeu infected during her occupation. In order to puriua it still furthor to a com pletely satisfac'ory conclusion, a test was made by inoculating the boy the following July 1st, with various matter taken directly from tho pustule. Some months afterwards it was again repeated, but "no sensible effect was produced." After many similar experi ments, Jenner. June. 17yr, ?, J . the v o 'd the result of his investigation. The prophylactic power of the vaccine dis ease, it appears, has boen known in other parts of Europe besides tho dairy counties of England. llumb-ddt relates that it was known in several districts of S mth America. Attempts had been made, although unsuccessfully, to prove that Jenner had received his first idea of vaccination from a native of France, who communicated it to an English physician and by him to Jaoner. Nevertheless, from what ever source he derived the first hint of vac cination, the honor belongs to him alone for its first introduction to general notice. Jenner conceived that cow-pox and small pox were modifications of tho same disease, and that the origin of bolh were to ba found in an infection of the skin of the heels of Lorses ; named grease, that while a disease resembling cow-pox could bo communicated to a humau subject, it failed to afford pro tection, and that it was necessary to pass throuah the system of the cow to obtain pro tection, lie observed that a large number of persons were insusceptible to the disease, and in all those cases they had had the cow pox. At length Jenner resolved to publish the results of his investigations, and prepared a thesis to read before the Itoyal Society, but that hotly advised him not to expose himself by communicating any such nonsense. Noth ing daunted, and in the cause of science, truth and humanity he persevered, amidst the jeers and execrations of his countrymen. Sermons were preached in the churches de liounclng it as taking the power out of God's hand, that lie had sent the scourge among the people, and that it was impious to mod ify it in anywise. Pamphlets and placards were spread among ths people, reciting it as sacrilegious, and in one of these pamphlets it was stated a person who had been inoculated for the cow-pox had horns growing from his head, and that others had died from its effects. Many of the most eminent medical men of the times denounced it as the emanation of an idiot or madman. To such an extent whs the rancor and animosity to which Jenner was expoied. Vaccination, while not an absolute pre ventative, prevents smnll-pox in the majori ty of cases, and when it does not, it materi ally lessens its virulence. It is now prac ticed throughout the civilized world, and al though one of the greatest boons to mankind, it is nevertheless not quite deserving of all tha credit ascribed to it by the immortal Janner. Phila. Star. rjp II O 31 A S CARL A N D, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES 5 QUEENSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ST ATI ON Ell Y AND NOTIONS, FiSI. SALT. Mil HID MEATS. IIACO. FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS, 1323 Eleventh Aveituc, Between 13th and Hth Sts., Altoona. All such poods ns Spices, Brushes, Wood and Willow Ware, Shoe Blacking owl Station ery will be 10M from manufacturer's printed price lists, and all other goods in my line at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Pitts burgh current prices- To dealers 1 present the peculiar advantago of saving them all- freight and drayage, ss they are not required to pay freights from the principal cities and no dray ape charges are made. Dealers may rest as sured that my goods are of the best quality and my prices as moderate as city rates. By doing a fair, upright business, and by promptly nnd satisfactorily filling all orders, I hope to merit the patronage of retail dealers and others in Cambria county and elsewhere. Orders re srcctfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed in all caees. THOMAS OAKLAND. Alioona, July 29. lfeU'J.-tf. WlRMlNlX OLB STAND C0m& wad GOOD GOODS & GREAT BARGAINS FOK TASK READY ASH t HAVTXG become proprietors of the STORE JtOOM mul STOCK OF UOODS recently belonging- to II. . Shoemaker ic Co., and having purehased an additional STOCK OF NEW GOODS IN GltE.1T VARIETY, we are now prepared to supply till the old cus tomers of the lato firm, nn.l us many new ones as will patronize us, with (ioods of all kinds at PRICES FULLY AS LOW as any other merchant in or out of Cambria county. It is our intention to keep our Store constantly stocked with a full and well selected assortment of GOODS, DUFSS GOODS, FAN'CV (JOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOFS, 1 1 ATS. OATS, C I A VVI 1 1 N : . 'Altl'KTS, F III X 1 -ITHI', OJf, CLOTHS, OLKKXSAVAUC. GKO CEUIES, I LOTK, HA COX, 1ISH, SALT, TO UACCO, CIO AltS. find till other ni ticks, lartro or.siuull, ttiat etui lo found in sny store of like oharacter in the county ; and as we intend to sell. excl.i:se?'k:i;b' lor CA8EI Oil COUNTRY PnOL'lCB, and make no bad debts, we feci sure that our 6toek nnl our prices will not only secure but retain for ns a liberal share of p;itroiia;?o. EARLY VISITS FROM ONE AND ALL i ore respectfully solicited, and if we fail to ren- ut-i 1 1 ii u run: Lit ci ion, im u 11 us 1 eu (i l i:c n lllll- lty of our Roods and the prices csked for them, it will certainly be no fault of the new firm at tho old stand of Shoemaker ft Co., Hifrh street. Don't forget to call end we'll not forfeet tojrive you full value for your monov. MYEltS LLOYD. Ebcnsburg-, Jan. 2s, 1971.-tf. TOOD, 3IORRELL & CO., WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Filli MS BOMSSTIC MY BQOBS. DIILU.CRV COCDS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CATS. I ROM AND NAILS-. CARTETS AND OIL CLOTHS, READY-SI AD E CLOTHING. GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with all manner of Wet-tern Prod nee, uch as FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CAR DON OIL, &c., &c. t3f Wholesale and retail orders solicited and promptly filled on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. WOOD. MORRELL k CO. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY ! J. A. SHOEMAKER, JTassfictaST, 1 Vh:ic:i:o tzi Iwdcr to THRESHING MACHINES. HORSE POWERS. WIND MILLS: plows and n.ow toints. SHOVEL PLOWS. CULTIVATORS; HEATING 1 COOKING STOVES OF EVLTtY DESIGN AND FKICE; Church, School and Dinner EELLS, CAST iro.v ntixc, KETTLES. M CAST HOLLOW ME of every Ie'ripiloii, dc, Sc. ALL WORK WARRANTED I ! r7""Speoial attention paid to the repairing of nil kinds of Stoves, l-'arminnr Utensfis, 6cc. All orders promptly at tended to. Old metal, (rrnin, etc.. tjiken i?i t-xi'liiinye for work. Ebensburjr, July 1, l71.-aiu. JOSKSTOWN flip IMF1M. VM. P. PATTON, aianufactxircr mitl Denier In AIJ., kinds of CABINET FUItNITURE Aom. ISO nnd 152 lliilou Stre ct, JOHXSTOWJS', PA. bureaus, Uodsteads, Washstands, Sideboard, riiamber Sets, 1'nrlor Sets, Wardrobes, I look Cases, Lounres, Pane Choirs, Wood Seat Chairs. Kitchen Furniture, Hed Lou n ires. Mattresses, Tete-n-Tetes, Kx tension Tables, 1 liniiiir Tables, Lupbourds. ' Cure for A simple and suc cessful treatment of dipthcria may be found In the use of lemon juice. Oargle the throat freely with it, at the Fame time swallowing a portion, so as to reach all the affected parts. A Frriifh pi.ysician claims that he Eavcd his owi. Lfa with this pleasant remedy. 4c, &c, ic, ic, &c, &.C, Ace, &.c, &c., &c., &c. EVEUV DESORIPTIOX OP SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in excellent style and at low priees. Cabinet and Chairmakers' materials of all kinds fur sale. Furniture delivered at nny point in Johnstown or at Jtailroad Station free of extra chit ore. W)l. 1'. PATTON. Johnstown, Oct. 13, 1870.-tf. TlY & W E L S II , Successors to Gay &. Painter, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, TRODUCE. FISH, SALT, CAR RON OILS, &c.t &c, SC2 Libeutt Stbeet. - PITTSBURGH. JOHN T. LINTON, AUorat-TMw, Johnstown, Vn. Ofliee in building south west corner of Main cihI Franklin st reets, sec - nd story. Flntrancc on Frankiiu street. O it7?$ til FT jr.fJT? 9 4 Ur Mich Tie osly EILliSLS G-TT riCXSiarai' tio CKLtrj'-l jfs rik r. mm an cT Ft Ei Q IN VALUABLE GIFTS! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN I.VJikI REGl'LAIt MONTH I. If ft d i -rr-i j - o To be Crawn Monday, Kov. 27, 1S71. Two Grajicl Capitals of $5,000 each in Greenbacks I Two Prizes $1,0'JUS Five Prizes $500 Ten Prizes $100 w WHOLE NUMBER OF CASH GIFTS. 1,000! Eorco aril Btgjy, with ECror-ET.tod Eartast, rsrti SCI3. Oniind-toni Ro ewood Piano, worth $500! Tin fam:l? ssTTiiT scace:ite3, vtceth $i:deacei Fire Henry Casetl Gold Jtirnfi?:(f Wtitelies nnd 7 Gold Chains, trcrtlt $300 each! Firs C:1! iac-Ieas Hra'ir. Tstfhes. - vcrth each. TSlTtLA'riiS' GC1D EUUTI33 WATCEE3. worth S1C0 each 1 boo Gold and Silver L.t vr Hun t in-.l IVhtche (m nil) irt.rlh from ?:.,0 to ?C0 cr-h. Ln3is' Gold I,oontine Chains, Gent's Gold Vest Cluins, Silver-plated Castors, Solid Silver and lotiMe Plated Table nnd Tea Spoons, Ivory-Handl(-d Dinner Knives, Silver-plated Dinner Forks Silver Vest Chains, Photograph Albums, I.udies' Gold Urenftpins nnd Ear-rings, Cent's Gold Uroutftpins Pliirt Studs & Sleeve IbittonH, Finjfor-ring-s, Gold Pens, (silver-extension.) if. Uriels camber Cifis, G.000. Tickets Lioud to C0.C00. AWKXTS WASTK1) to Sell TIcUc-Ih, to wftom I.ibernl 1'rnuinnn will bejjiven. Sinoi.e Tickets ?!; Six Tickkts t5: Twelve Tickets 10; Twenty-five Tickets 0. Circular!? containinir a full list of prizes, a de scription of the manner of Urawiuw. ud other information in reference to tho Distribution, will be sent to nny one ordering' them. All let ters must bo addressed to I,. I. SIXF. Km SO, fT3 OFFICE, 101 Vr. 5f7l St. EXCl'ItSIOS TICBir.T! y is o C o I Pm o o i o DC CO ii O j o u i: a o - a o 5 c B3 a CD K ca GO LlJ ca c C x c c r- o 1 o 2 O W CO L S ,j - nco2 e 5 00 5 o 1 o -a K3 O GO td JAMES F. JHLLIKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AXH REAL ESTATE AO EXT, IIOLI.IDAYSBURG, VA. Special Attention triven to the collection of chums in B!n ir, Cumbria, Hunting-ton, ltedford. Centre and C)nrtield count it s. l'arties wiwhinpr to purehiise, rent, leiw, stdl or exchange rtal estate will lind it Rteatiy to thejr inierests to call on or nd.lress me. Sa," ( 'oi re.apondence in either English or Ger nirin solicited. l;EKE:it;TF.s-Wm. Mann, Eo., 'esi5rs. Ifor fi'.n, Huh & Co., Gen'l C. ii. T. Collis Pldlndtl phia; Messrs. .J.T. Way & I!ro.. W. M. Gorniley, Esq., II. I!. Swoope, Esij., I'ittsbur-; Hon. John Seott, Huntingdon; Hun. S. S. IShiir, I'ollidavs burpr; Hon. 15. F. Hose, Altoona: D. W. Woods, Esq., Eewistown: Cyrus Elder, Esu., Johnstown; Win. J'. Wilson, Esq., Hellefonte. Ll-Li.-ly. E A L E&TAT E A Ci E NCY GEO. W. O ATM AN &, CO. Ofliee in 'ulonnIe Rair. Sereral parties wish to secure Houses In Eb ensburr nt fair rents. Houses and Iots are for rent on fair terms.' Give us ji description and price of what you liavo for rent. Lot us know what kind of a nouse or House and Lot vou wisOi to secure ns a teiiitnt. Hiiveyou UHALor l-EIiSOXAL 1'HOPER Tl' you wish to sell, or do you wish to buy ? COJXR ASD SEK US AT OXCC! C'.r'Our terms arc reasonable for ail services relative to above matters See "P.e-.vl Estate Gazette." GEO. W. O ATM AN i CO. Ebensburir, Feb. 4, lfc'.l.-tf. F. P. TIEKNT.T JAMES SRI, T AW and COLLECTIONOFFICE OF TIERNEY &. NULL, olonade Row, Ebensburg, !. tT Special attention paid to collections In all parts of the United States. 2-18-'71.-tf.l CW. EASLY, Attorney at Law, Office, No. 108 Franklin street, Johns town, Pa , two doors North of Frazer'a Druy: Store. Will attend promptly to all manner of legal business that may be entru3ted to him. GEO. M. KEADE, AttarncyatLmc, Ebensburg, Ta. Office in new building recently erected on Centre street, two doors laug.27. from High street M. II. SECIILER, Attoknev-at- Law, Ebensbnr?. Pa. Officp in Tho Lloyd's new building, one door north of Colo nade Row,' Centre street, "t" g. A. SnOFMAKER.. OEO. A. PERRY. HE'niiY" S2IIOEMAKE H & ATTOn SIPTK. J T.I IV Mftrch 11, 1S71. rJ EDEXSB UJIG, rA fJEO. W. O ATM AN & CO., Attor- xfts-at-Law, Ebensburp, Cambria Co., Pa. Ine collection of notes andlbills, whethei due or past duo, will receive prompt attention K- SCANLAN, Attornnj-at-Law, Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. All man ner of lejrui business attended to promptly and carefully. Collections a specialty. ry W. DICK, Attorney-at Law, Eb- ensbunr. Pa. OflRco in Colonnde How. All manner of Jeical business attended tosatis fnetorily and collections a t-peeialty. . T S. OGDEN, Jtstice ok thr Peace, " Johnstowu, Pa. ORice on Tron street, be tween the Concmautrh Hridsreand Pa. It. It. De pot. Co lections and all business intrusted to hini will be promptly attended to. L3-11. T)ANIEL RIcLAU(5nr7lN, Attorney U at-Ltiw, Johnstown, Pa. OGice In the old Exehr.iiiro building. (up-stHirs.) corner of Clin ton and IjOcupI streets. Will attend to ail bus iutss louuei-tcd with his prol'csbion. 'Twas on a beauteous summer mm-n, When things wars up and comin, And all among the pumpkin vines The bumblebees were bummin; " I took an early half mile walk, . . , As everbody'd orter Whan in the cOwpath I was met , By Widder Sprigins daughter. Her eyes wera black os printers' ink Ucr cheek3 were rel as fury. And one smak of her luscious Tips Would bribe a judge or jtirv. I bowed : ebe curchevfd ju-t tho way Her nice old rear hd taught her; She gtniled and oh ! my heart wan gone To Widder Sprigins daughter. Says I. "My !er. how do you do?' Savn he, 4,I reckon fipclr;" Savs I, "Of all the gal I know." You look tho most divinely. I matched a kiss. She slapped my face. In f-ictjust as ?he'd ortet : "P.ehaTe vourself ! How dare vou sir?'' Cried Widder Sprigins' daughter. Jst then an old ramragious sVep, Who had been feeling near rir. Squared off, and, like a tci of bricks, He charged upon iny rear, sir ! I fell back in a pond, chock full Of frogs and f.lihy water, .' And then she stood nnd larfed and larfed, That Widder Sprijins daughter. I rather guei3 I crawled out quick, Picked up tny hat and mizzled. For lore's bright torch had wet its wick And in that frogpond fizzled. Well she was married yesterday A Inwrer chap has got her So, I'll fr.raet. if not forgive, The Widder Sprigins' daughter. & CHEAT K2BS8ALBi3SeE8? VINE6-A11 BITTERS o 2 c u h c 2 : Eundreda of Thousands i TJoarteaUraonvtothoirATouilei Jut tutttue tileouj. WHAT ARE THEY? g K u to v. o 'a x i c p a n 5. 0 Su - , ESS 111 - K .Il A i iiUi S.aa t a BiSA s s I Sis YjsK-! s i Mr ik a "O ' V 5 Ayer's Hair.Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its : natural Vitality and Color.: A dressing THEY ARE KOT A TTLE Somktiiinq About Echoes. A good ear cannot distinguish one bound from another unkss there is an interval of one-ninth of a second between the arrival of the two sounds. Sounds must, therefore, succeed each other at an interval of one-ninth of a second in or der to bo heard distinct!. Now, the velo city of sound being eleven hundred and twentj feet a second, in one-ninib of a second the sonud would .travel one hundred and tv.euty-four feet. , Repeated echoes happen when two ohista c!e are placed opposite to one another, as parallel wall?, for example, which utlect the sound successively. At Adcinach, in Bohemia, there :s an echo wliieh repeats seven syllables threa times; at Woodstock, in England, there is one which repeats a sound t-evsnteeu times dur ing the day and twenty times during the night. An echo in the villa Sminetta, near Milan, is said to repeat a sharp 8:unil thirty times audibly. The most coltbrattd echo am ng the ancients was that of the Sletelli, at li-me, which, acceding to tradition, was enpab'e of repeating the first lir.e cf the Iv;eid, containing fifteen syllables, eight times tli'tip.ctly. Dr. Dirch describes an echo al Rosenhealh, Argyleshire, which it is said does not now exist. When eight or teu notes were played upon a trumpet they were returned by this echo upon a key a third lower than the ori ginal notes, and bhcrtly after upon a key btill lower. .Dr. Page describes an echo in Fairfax comity, Virginia, which possesses a similar curious property. This echo gives three distinct reflections, tho second much the mobt distinct. Twenty notes played up on a flute are returned with perfect clearness. But the moat singular pioperty of this echo is that some notes of the scale are not re turned in their places, but are suppli-jd with notes which are either thirds, fifths, or oc taves. There is a surprising echo betweon two barns in Bolvidere, Alleghany county, N. Y. The echo repeats eleven times a word of one, two. or three syllables : it has been heard to repeat thirteen times. By placing one's self in the centre, between the two barns, there w ill be a double echo, one in the direction of each barn, and a mouoiyllab'.e will be ro peafed twenty-two times. A stiiking and beautiful effect of echo is produced in certain localities by the Swisr t" untp.ineers, who contrive to sing their R,uz des Vaches in such tinio that the re fl.'cted notes form aa accompaniment to the air itself. London Items Th5 population of Lon It.a U 3,833,002. This vast multitude is more than the population of New York, Philadelphia,' Brouklyu, Boston, and all the leading American cities takcu together, 777.v 000 dwellings lodge this vat multitude, which consumes annually about 4.480.000 barrels of flour. 420,000 bullocks, 2.975,000 sheep, 49,000 calves, and 01,000 hos-". one market alone supplying annually 7,043, 7l0 head of game. This together-with 6.250, 000 salmon, irrespective of other fish and uVsh, is washed down by 75.600,000 gallons of ale and porter, 3,G0O,C0O gallons of spirits, and 113,750 pipes of wine. To fill its milk and cream jugs 22,750 cows aro kept. To light its streets at night 030,000 gas-lights consume every twenty-four hours 22.270-. 000 cubic foet of gas. lis water system fcupplies 77,080,824 gallons per day, while its sewer system carries off 16. 620,730 cubic feet of refusa. To warm its inhabitants a fleet of 1.800 sail is employed in bringing (irrespective of railroads) annually 6,250, 000 tons of coal. The smoke of this immense quantity of coal is sometimes fco dense as to be plainly seen thirty-six miles from the city. To clothe this multitude it takes 4,160 tail ors. 500,400 boot and shoemakers, nearly 70.000 milliners and dressmakers and 297 600 domestic servants. The streets are 2 900 in number, and if put together would extend about 4,000 miles. The principal ones are traversed by about 1,600 stages and 20,000 cabs (besides private carriages aud carts) employing 50,000 horses. Pkogufbs cf Inventions. Forks were first in Italy toward the end cf the fifteenth century. It was a hundred years before they came into use in Franco, and nearly a hundred more before they had travelled as far northward ns Scotland. Their introduc tion into England was at first ridiculed as a piece of affectation and effeminacy. In one of Beaumont and Fletcher's plays, '-your fork-carving traveller" is spoken of with great contempt, and Ben Johnson, too, j -incd iu the laugh against them. In repeated in- stances the progress of inventions has been thus resiuted by the popular clamor, and opposed by popular violence. The first man who appeared with an umbrella in the streets of London drew down upon himself a pelt ing shower of mud and stones, which was far worse than the tain against which he had spread the new-fangled protector. The old way of making boards was splitting logs with wedges; and clumsy aa the method was, it was do easy matter to persuade the world that there was a better. Saw. mills were first used in Europe in the fifteenth century. . In 1662 a Dutchman built one in England,' but the cry agaiDSt it was so ve hement that he was Eoon obliged to remove it. How to Curb a Cold. Contrary to an ordinary theory, a popular writer gives the following on how to manage a cold ; Eat nothing but a piece of toast, drink freeiy of cold water, walk twice a day until you are in a gentlo perspiration, and go to bed early. II F AN C Y DRINK. Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Hefuso Liquors doctored, Eplcca andewcet aed to please the taste, called" Toulcs,"" AppctU ers," ' BestorcrB," e., that loed tbo tinker ca to drunkenness and rain, but are o true Medicine, maC Xram tic If atlre Ecota and Herbs cf California, free Irani al! Alcoholic HfimiilacJs. They ore tha GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE G1VIKO 1'RIKCIPL.E a perfect Benoyator and InTigorator of ttic Byeum, carrying off til polf onoua mUor and restoring tfce blood to a healthy condition. Ko person con take these Bitters according to direc tion and remain lor.g enweU. 81CO vwUlbc given forea Incurable ease, provided the bocea are not destroyed by mineral poUon or thor means, and Ute vital organ vastcd bejoad tLe point of repair. Farlnflammutcry and Chronic Bbcama. Slum r.od CJout, Dyspepsia, vr Indication, BilioKB, Remittent end Intermittent Fevero Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bitters tave been moet scccte ful. Such DioccneB are ccurcd ty Vilfetad Blood, which is generally produced by deraujreBioct of the Biffcnti ve Orcaos. DYSPEPHIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Fain la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightcesa of tha Cheat, Diszinese, Sour Eructations of tha Ctociach, Cad taete ia tho Month, Billons Attacks, T&lf itstitn cf the Heart. Inflammation of tha Langs, Tain in tl.e regions cf the Kidneys, ar.d a hundred other paired symptoms, are the cfbiprlngs of Pyeptpeio. They ii.Tigorats tho Stomach and btiiaalate the tor pid liver Mid bowels, which render them cf unequalled eOcacy in cleanelns UieMcodof nil in: purities, and imparting new lifo and vigor to the trhole eystem. FOR SKI?; DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, taU rheum. Elotcbeg, Epots, Ilmp'.es, Fmstuies, Bells, Car banolcs, Rirs-Wonca, Beald-Heed, Eore Eyes, Eryslp cl,ltch, Ecurfb, Dlsoolorstiona of the Skin, Homers and Diseases of tha bkln, ef whatever name or nature, we Uterally dug up and carried ont of the system In a ehort time by the use of tbeco Bitten. One bottle la juch eases wiU coktIbco tbe coet Incredulous ui. Vsu.It ciuttlTC effect. Clccnse the Vitiated Blood wbenovcr you Had its impurities bursting tLxough the skin ia Pimples, r op tions or Sores ; cloante it wbca you nd It otrtrnctcd and clugglsh la the veins ; cleans 9 it whan it hi foul, and yoor fuolincs will tc'l you when. Keep aha blood pure and the health of tho cystem will follow. FIN, TAPE an other WOHMS, laritoalBflie Cystem of so cieny tliotL&nd, &re elfsctualiy destroy ed and removed. For full directions, road carefully he circular around each bottle, printed in Uur kui jaoges English, Germ an, F re noli and Spanish, J. W"A1XEK, Proprietor. R. H. KcDOK AXD U CO., prufjtats and Gen. Agents, Ban rtancteco, Cul tad S3 and Si Commerce Ctrect, Sow TorS. f -BOLD BT ALT. E HUG GISTS AND PEALEIUX NATURE'S . HAIR RESTORATIVE W StC iaK4 M Contains no LAC SULPHUR-No SU GAR of lead-No lithacge- No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Trpnspnront nr.fl clear as crv?rl. It will not soil tho finpst fat. He perfectly SAKE, CLEAN ami EFFICIENT, desidi-ralurna loxi sought FOH AM) rOUM) AT LAST 1 . It restores nnd prevents the ITair from T.o ecniiiijr ti ruy, impni ts a soft, clossy appearance, removes Pamlruff, i cool hikI refreshing to the head, cheeks the Ilair from failing-otT, and re bturcs it to ft n-reat extent v. hen prematurely lost, prevents Iftjadaclie, cures all humors, ?u taiipoua -ruptions, nnd unnntuml hfHt. A: A JJKESSfNfl- FOH THR HAIK IT 131'HE BEST AKTiCLG IM THE MARKET. Uit. (. SMITH. Patentee, Aver. Mn. Trr pared only by I'UutTolt EKOTHEICS, Glou cester, Maps. The frennine Is put up in a panel bottle, m:td e.xpregsly for it, with the name of tlie article blown in thea-lass. Ask vour Iruir triot for XATVHES 11 Alii ELSTUiiA TI VE, anil take no other. tt'Seiid two three cent Ftampito Vkocter Uuotheks for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." 'i he information it contains la worth i-sjoo to any person. tT-F-or snlc hv LEMKON & Ml'ltRAT. Pruir Kists, &c, Ebeusburjr. I'u. Uunea, 'Tl.-ly. 5?iT" fii?17 RAVING recently enlarged our stock we are now prepared to sell at a creat reduction from former prices. Our stock con sists of Dregs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's auJ Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Plasters, Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess Jamaica Gin per, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb. Pure Spices, k.c ; CIGARS AND 1VBACCOS, P.lnnk Books, Deeds, Notes and P.onds; Cap, Post, CornmcrciaFeid all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Pen?,encils, Arnold'a Writing Fluid, Black and Rel ink, Pocket and Pass Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, Bibles, lieligious.Praycraud Toy Books, Penknives, Pipe-3, &c. We have added to our stock a lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower price than ever offered in this place. Paper and Cigars pold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON & MURRAY, July 30, 1863. Main Street, Ebcnsburg. yi:NHSTK5T. The undersigned, a Ji-f graduate of the Balti more College of Dental Sur gery, respect fully oflers his PROFESSIONAL services to the citizens of Eb- ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit on the folbth Monday of each month, to re main one week. AuS13. SAM'L BELFORD, D. D. S. ' Operative and Mechanical DENTIST Office removed to irginia street, opposite tne Eutneran church. 1 county or elsewhere who gct work done by me m sonars ana upwards, w live the rni mm furon l....i r . 1 . - -vMutiBuirommeirijii WARBANTtP. Jan. 21, lbW.-tf 11 Is. f :r Iff:. 'Twas a Lrd oase that Lynn ! "" L;Pitl v Haven't heard of H, eh ? rt ,i 1 here's a Jew down there ,i!'.','.-."ei:,to-r:s Moie," ',l!iei .I' o.i Who travels Rhout ad burs c'.i t' ..f. ROW MOSO It.. Tt ..1 f .v.. i : . . lit 1 . . r . ' " i imn b i,ri ui mi ii'.rp;, !h Aiid ho lei it with muff u. One day he gct in a Lit cf j . Y"ilh a f-riii.ui ch ip ni, ) ; ; Atl tring to J -.:u;ti A , , Eal L a liusecut cd' el.;-'. L-. lie picked it op from ft' .,. And quickly l;ck i:, ? q r.:,-4 Keeping the bari(!ig! ur ;, j Until it had fairly teik-i ::. Alas for Mo ! 'Tuaj a uc;i ne in nig narte :iitt i..- which is at once agreeable, healthy, "and effectual ,for preserving the hair. It soon restores faded ' - r, 7&JJj:l to its original color, with the nJnit nnd freshness of youth. Thm hair is thickened, falling hair checked, Fur to aud still ,,.o:c , baldaess often, though not always, j Ue founJ h v. mred bv its use. JSothing can restore " i rtere s ro gret i the hair where the follicles re de- ; amo . y. stroyed, or the glands atrophied ana ( As he never b fore ct:; i -V.. f. '.'.: decayed; but such aa remain can j 0ne lWl;g bj ae , J. ; saved by this application, and stimu- j yllici, niakes tie armni!,,,,, l4-i lated into activity, so that a" new ; Although he can uke -J,; growth of hair is produced. Instead He has to stand ou Li, 1, : ;.. z., of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi- 1 - ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous, j A Chrap Ki::r or 11, y. Its occasional use will prevent the hair b'. U i l- i:.v-.t rmr fnrn?nr crrav or fallinc off. and ! I obive ana suuple n. ,!, : ,,-c "-o os Vi u , rpu i ings. It is cal!e the -;i consequently prevent baldnea3 The Several LaVe ... restoration or vitality glvt-3 .LU . ri.ila.klj.l.ia. hissai ! v. ecalp arrests and prevents the forma- j ja,or xrept for dorrs, v. ;. u tion of dandruff, which is often so un- it is c n.l t'tV.e W sub-:'-: , cleanly and offensive. Free from those j put uj in It- tin e i , r deleterious substances which make : expense an ci.:i; .y 4 some preparations dangerous and inju- i wHs, or s;du8 cf ti.t 1 u. rious to the hair, the Vigor can only j tLe following uLer: benefit but not harm it. If wanted ! , v-' " 1 merely for a HAIR DBESSINO, Stc: ZTr nothing else can be found so desirable, j ehingling laib, oi e ir,e:, t k Containing neither oil nor dye, it does half inches wide, m. I i j- not soil white cambric, and yet lasts , four and six inchci. T: e ar. long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy j tt rials nctutd for tie . - lncfro nnrl o rrrnffnl nprfimii. I the liOUSC. Ou a lt-Vt-i !. ; ! A v tVA .m HVtVlUl ' v - vm Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Coi X'ractical and AnaJytical Cliemist, LOWELL, 3IASS. - i: f.;. .' ' ' ft.;;' i. "' ce ( :z::r-i f ' '... 1 Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor the relief ar.d cure cf all di.-ranjrc-ments m tlie stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild -- ajerienr, ana an t1rs excellent purgative. table, they contain no mt rcurj' or mine ral whatever. Much serious skkness and suffering in prevent ed bv their timelv use; and every family should have them on hand "s" for their protection and relief, when reriuired. j c;n Lon experience has proved Uiem to be the saf- : . CD IfclJ iliCll j !'! l.'ti.l l! :X:i, ported by a few brick- : fay a course of the s x '.u-Si of the form or shaj e :x After thi course is l.ii.i a !-.vel, nail the p:eces t . ? inches lonj cra-.vays ; aiiart, aii arouad tl.e Lu . '. . When tb;3 is d -ue, !ay strips couito f i.. flatways, and ano'her set laths, and so on until t!.- '. the level rf the setvLd :: ... iu&tead i f iix-iLch U ar !., duceJ twe inches in four inch wide l.mrd i.:. : lath of four inches in lei , two inches on tl." n..-: ! t f fur the beaiir est, eurej-t, and best of all the Eilla with which : j '!tt;. 1 he bcarm" U r t.hc t!ie market abounds. By their occasional use, I cither on the brick f 'm me uiooi ih punned, uie cornipiions vi me sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery of life ret-tored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clojrjred and Pltiqrsrish are cleansed by Ayer's I'ills. and fumuiatea into acnon. Ulins uiciieut oiease is chang-ed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computet!. Their e upar coating - i ' - u- f:.::.. , T:...-.:: c: : i - 1. fuur-tLch pn-j-.'Ction of ti.i t:i !:.o'i as a foundation si-1. If j r:;i: -l ,i required in the LvUte t:.vy arc Je tis tame principle, but olIv i-cl.ts :...t nets, aud tied ijto the ttiur c-u ll-:is principle &.B btick-w- rk. After the wood-ws.rk f the wa'I: r.l v titions aro finished, and tie i .t at. J ir.zi fraues In their placer, tic 1,. t:.-e i- ta A. plastered inside and cut. tu, r::h v.. ordinary kind cf j.-l.--tvrir ; ai'. c;:.iii. with a goo3 rough cast, wr.L sharp Sir.Ju! plenty of lime, and, if in .i thtrp sit;:: with fiotue water temcLt in it ma c-tj rnibt bo used. TLe first cat f Ce.r-1 :? makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that thev are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching-, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them as & Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these I'ills rapidly cure : For IkMpVpnisk or Indig-eatton. I.ttls nri. Lanruor and .Loan of .4jpetir, Uicy 6hould be taken moderately to stimulate the stoui ach, and restoi-e its healthy tone and action. For Llrer Complaint and its various symp toms, fSiliou Headache, Mick llrad achr. Jlsaandice or Ciren fiicknen, Ilil loan Colic and -Uiliona fever, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For l)jentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Itlteuniati'ii. Cioat, f3 ravel. Pal iititioii of the Heart. lain in the Mitle, Hack nnd X.oins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to cliange the diseased action of tlie syiftem. M"ith such chang-c those com;daints disappear. For Jtronar and HropsicstI 9welltny, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic nurse. tor Nuppri-ion, a larg-e Aose should be taken, as it produces the desu-ed effect by sym pathy. As a Din tier rill, take one or two rills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and j bis mouth aud k?tp it t bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the i nii jinc h..i i i '- i' system. Uence it is often advantageous where ' , , , &-c, r-J no serious derangement exists. One who feels i o not 'jar ti ncr. i : have never witnessed ' have seen btm apj 'y a r" bis bare feet, ar.d ktep ;! lost its retire?. 1m". t w. are ticirs vtbt-n fire kcu rough cast must be f. r". between the beards. Tl and makes t he building at the eaves cf the r- s. widening, gradually, a boards, and tLe ci rnice : rough cast, in the onliu. A Q'JEIH Ca8. 'i'K Again. Tito Dctoa alter correct!!" s rr.e rounds abmu Nathan L . known as the -Cai olit.s to tay : Ho car., h r tbracile coals, stir up rf usee with iron ULtil it is cu K'.V :" f Ci r-.v tt.i K tolerably welt, often finds that a dose of the.-e Eills makes hmi feel decidedly better, fi-om their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PKfcrAHED BT Tfr. .7". C. ATER CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. JL. FOB SALE BY ALL DBUGGISTS EVEBTWILEBE. 'S Er. Creek's WINE OF isoa. h hu bOi-d tcst we have seen hin eta:: We remeuabLr, a f.!v was mixing !in:e m r tl ? at work lie !hi: i; town, be ran ! - it was l)tirz i-!-'-' A remedy win for 10 ypar. and pr :-i in Ihotm atids or c.ises, oanati'e of enrini; al tiy.Mcs ef tij Tirtit at! Ls;; per nients a tnl from nil who are suf- liewithdrew it i:t t ferine from sim.lir urTtirvns ano 1 The lime burned ' it aiulv seeking relief. TO vol Is i . -i . 3'oung men got -t-is f.-r t:.i e tv wcirlj 05 Cc'.is. Th siy it cures them all Ai.-. 1 tie relief and cure- of it are marvelous. -v,... - , uu cure j ni add a woger with i he could sit ou a i ! minutes. The stove v. a-: was all aj:low with re took his seat, and sctu i 'v. ten minutes of the tin;-,i' ' pouring a l:ttle c al o ! him from his positton ; burned Lim severely, i negro, and no cue yet ! explain his dealings w.t t'..? .f !. ta-- eured eases pronounced incurable ts:i.f. It reaovnics ami inrigoratea the svtem f-r:T;"raL"rM,wl regulator ot this orsnv -j-,-t- ' .e.ii.uT wuoa on ine stom.ic-h enren i it. pi.wjw.jr. ii is naun-givmiandai.p"titer'.torinff I Hicirjr sst-Ae?.onoij i them is mnrkedand prompt ' .1.rj,77,'"r,T"E'a rich in the medicimU qualities or Tar, comb;ned with vegetable inure , i f "nlo"ht; hioh make it . S CSIiCw fr h ,nPWB 'numerated 6;omcti. relaxes ti.e L,vrT.5 Tr'.. " ticao m V, fj- , J . r 'Z . Z. 'l'Z tu"-" aiest, an.J makes pure blood i'kXr .. IZ i,y l,Prec''i '.v both sound and trr t'hi 1-"?, "tfl;' fnv way, we know ifyoo o7Tar P?fi "m 'fCIenl0 of. ' Crook's Wme oi iar, jou aa your testimony to its trrat tZ a corrrQL M,,,a nesh Vnt?, to. Frpard ocl, by tLIV22 CSOCS a 00 Sold bv Drugjjist.i everywhere. y i:f t 'J.-:.. ' ' ' R i. i "'': .rTc: ,-7- .....u,; .H oepmed eon. Y&i'jk'-rl O"lo.n'liw Mood, taka Ir. Croei,i Cca. A-!' with theilB7,T,Tr. l.T j i u,r W!" A;urative and Itlood l-urifi-r made. Ceaass ytzx Uzo Trvonehottle. Sold by OrugsittT Prepared only hv J. a'"'- CUTla CE0CS CO., ttnea. a JtTILLIONS HEAR TESTIMONY TO XIIEIK WONDERFUL CURATIVE EFFECTS. CALIFORiMl HERB BITTERS A truo modioine. manufactured from pure l' o 0r VitiU I-"ideor Hi-rbs, Hoots, llArks, ri. ' ft,-i-reimr twenty-one spoiios, found jrrowinp on the -srolden mountains of Cal irornia. parts of South America, and India all possessing wonderful well-known eumrlve powers, and are offi-red to all people, of what ever kingdom, land, nation, name, or-olor, as t ne best medic inal proiiaratlon ever discovered lor the cure of DYSPEPSIA, Loss of Appetite, Incliirestion. Liver Complaint, (icneral Debility, Diiirrhiea. Dysentery. Vlux, Cramp, Itilionsiioss. lloadarbo. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Chills, Fever and Ajrue, and for the re lief and cure of Affections of tho Hladdor and Kidneys, Tains in tho Hack and Loins, and l.ruptivo Diseases, such as Scrofula, Tumors, riiiipUs, &c, arising- from Impurity of the CiTor sale hy all Druggists. fau jO.-ly. . ..!" t! rri ?...r.l- f v S." - 1 rc lsiox. i no duimu - 1 1 r ' V, 1 at i. . w rJ-:- :-u;ti Ivor' 1 sr ; - . r . of the 29th uit., a host i.vr. Clinton left that city f r 'I ough test of her capal.h: The plan upon which -one of the many sul:r '-; for the $100,000 ottered l: best method of cairjii-iT ' canals with expedition a i The plan upon whib t: t constructed originated to said to have been si a '!.'' "'; The required engine, of j horse power, was niado tn ported to Buffalo, wl.ete 3 boat was built to receive n capitalists in different pa:' ing iutsrested in the f x'; ! !: ol cf propulsion is by a down a lare wheel at t;n -; and then alons;the bottuv. ci t..c. boit intended to be t.?wcd. :,r . . I r T T. U i ' The new boat, when Dolled by a screw. She l-iS r;' CUL1 , mJ LVSIAU III f 1 turning around. The dtf -:' ,J boats nf thia kind at intervi- A r l i i. li.vttS 5,;i-" ui iu caiiai, cacu iui".- - . ia-ie. It IS fl3'"' the one described will be rbf ,s t i an i'--. . i .1 e t t- 123.1 .1 tC i i. tJ 1 '".ii Artnn nAt) f I. VAVllV IS;fJ . ... ."i speed not less man inre r p,jf:i;'1J , with the consumption, beiwoer. y Troy, of but ten or a down !- v.e ci.t m iroy iriai ni" " . , . ' inl1-' six miles long and one iuu. If you sister foil into a well be you rescue her ? Because you cv brother aud ast her too.