The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 04, 1871, Image 3

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    i 5 irGJ3-7":!js:2is3E2is. rs
Cambria ,fmaiL?
.na" RUd nonr "V V
-n"o you been YT1? Wansm3k
Brown's for your Fall Suit 7
dear and sunshiny dF.
any tnn cool for c onw e9tablwhea its
-lheu(S n rherever used. People who
b? 'J :5pcb of the illness of Jndgo
TivTor the Argument Court, which was fixed
nw.'n not be held.
E;httfn horses and carts belonging to
he Merrs. Collins parsed through town on
p piy bund for Mahoning, Jafleroa Go.
No better bread was ever eaten than
F,i7em Star flour produces, and Oatman is
the only dea'er here who eells that brand.
-Our good friend M. V. Meagher has our
ir7ost thanks for valuable assistanco ren--ere,j
ja tLe mailing of our papers last week.
There is to be a shooting match bet ween
the stars a kind of a star engagement on
the niTlit of tbo 13th of this month, if as
tranomers know anythiug about it.
A little fjirl named Weaver, three years
of "?. was burned to death by the upsetting
0falightpd keroseno lamp, at Paradise,
Clearfield county, a few evenings ago.
'Thursday, Nov. "Oth, will bti Tanksgiv
day. At least the President and the
Governor both say bo. and it is to be pre
i-ined that they know how it i9 themselves.
Dr. IX W, Z?igler, surgeon dentist, will
at the Mountain Housa in this place from
51 unlay until Saturday of next week, when
iif will go to Carrolltown and remain a few
Old Sol himself is not a surer pop on
tbe rise than is the Eastern Star flour when
male into bread dough. M. L. Oatman is
the only dealer here who sells this favorite
Several outrageous typographical errors
nrcurrsd in a portion of our edition last week.
Battl tn wo couldn't run the Freeman and
the q' both, and we had to run the
' Good flour, good hams, good brooms
a:d the bent of carbon oil is what E. J. Mills
is rejared to furnish his customers at the
L'jteet cash rates and in either large or small
A Dla'rsville boy named Joseph Gwin
i't was severely scalded on the 20th ult..
a-i! was afterwards attacked with scarlet
f-ver, and between the two Lis death result
ed on the 24 ih.
That t'g Etock cf drugs, medicines, no
frr.s, j';e!ry. etc., which Judge Murray
fct cast to I uy is now ready for ti n in
action and purchase of the jub!rc. Next
e?k we fhall tell all vre know tn ut it.
J !;n Mainhart, of Tyrone, who was ar
rteted CD suspicion rf having been iustrun
tfr.tal in canting the death of his wife some
Vie Ro. was last4 week discharged from
cstoy, there being no evidence against him. .
A ilillvilla borough lad named Collins
hi or.e cf his legs broken a few days ego
b beirg cp.uht in the spokes of a wagon,
:'; !.e was er j - ing a free ride on the coitp
i'.ie I'ole, as boys are in the habit of doing.
A lad named Matbias Bowser fell from
chestnut tree in Unity township, Bedford
rncty, a couple of Sundays ago, and frac
fcred his shoulder and jawbone and injured
!.- Leal severely. Sj much for climbing
t:6 trj Sunday.
His week's TJcrald says a reward of
J!60 will be paid for the recovery of two
: rs" eto'en in Indiana county and the ar
Mt of the thief, and the Indiana papers of
lait week tay that the horses were recovered
Kverl days ago. Which is which 1
If you want to see a full and elegant
ixk of nice goods from which it is the
wrtit matter in the world to make a telec
t:a and get as much for your money as at
kt other t tore, goto V. S. Barker's cheap
brsr and consult his clever clerk.
Oenrj Alibert, of Freeport, Indiana
f:utty, an employee on the Butler branch
t!'at train, fell beneath the cars at Bntler
Janctirn, on Thursday week, and so-thock-fcg'y
injured that he lived only a few min
w. He leavts a wife and two chiidren.
Our friend and s-ubs.crlber, Mr. John
-;rspr, of Jackson township, we are sorry
to wy, was caught between the end of a
y piece of timber and a tree stump, on
'--ay lait week, and very badly crushed
-wrouch so indeed that his recovery was
it the time considered doubtful.
We are pleased to note that our esteem-
friends Mr. Thomas Carland and the two
Mrs. Bowman, of Altoona, have returned
'tm a very pieaant visit of several months
Ration in Ireland. We hope they will long
R.'"-y the good health which now more than
fris being vouchsafed to them.
Tke Juneauta (why not say Juniata ?)
, 'r.Trono bave our thanks for a hand
' y printed complimentary season ticket
c course of lectures to be given under its
K'ptceaat stated intervals during tbe com-
rin'"' f we g0, r'en Brainard, yon
j1 be apt to see us, if you retain your sight
then we won't go. Thanks anyhow.
"a part of our edition last week we au
ocei the aerlous illness of Judge Taylor,
-o aa stricken with paralysis jeMTo id-;-S
Court in Ilollidaysburg on Tuesday. "He
laf"!06 reCf,vere(i sufficiently to be removed
i b? in Huntingdon, which was done
7 special train on Monday evening last, but
ecndition is still critical, with the chancea
pitst bim.
t-Tl1 d,welIinK noC at Shawtown, West
3!r iD CCUDty. waa destroyed by lire on
of ftemoon last, and Mrs. Miles, one
t e occtpants, was burned in a shocking
"Eer anl is not expected to live. The
t'Jw caused and the injuries kflicted on
lt'C'?an fcy the 'gnition of carbon oil,
in which she had been working in front
W tot stove.
.Tf raan who said his name was Weaver
wurf- ' h6 hxs relatives living in Bellefonte,
In D d in tbo act of hanSinS himself
orc townhip, Weftmoreland county,
jondny week. He was induced to give
U ""P nnd ws taken to Livermore,
re money WM collected for bim and bis
wi St.paW t0 Tyrone. He waa evidently
J- je publish this week the first of a ee
t? fl, tCrB from the 'nd of Poey and
aic'h Eniera,d Tfele. bat tbe late hour at
. i 8 rece"17Cfl (Thursday afternoon)
h tr u from giving it the prominence
fteae 1 nJ Posi,iQ which it deserved.
icd iCr8 are tne production of a master
. aod cannot but provo interesting and
tractive to our readers. '7
IWm r " RodKers. are pleased to tlje Herald, bas determined to re-
1118 tstabliKhment. destroyed by fire a
t'sfr?8 ag0 Mr- R ha" met with many
tan !. ,n,i ia tls time but he baB always
tfc4t if? . to overcotte them, and we feci sure
p. 'tidomitable energy and perseverence
ithb"7 h,m ,afe,y through this one. We
""Bur abnnat success and a speedy rc
Puon of business, and are only sorry that
Utn ,.mnrjity cannot boast of many more
u ll9 bim.
I.ocul Correspondence.
Johkstown, Nov. 2 1871.
Deab Fbefman I take my pen in hand
to let you know that I am not well, and,I
hope these few lines may find you enjoying
the same blessed state of health.
Mr. Conrad Suppes is determined that his
new hotel shall not lack for sanitary regula
tions ; consequently be has caused a largo
subterranean drain to be made from the ho
tel on Cliuton street down Levergood street
to the river, a distance of forty rods or more.
This drain will be a great drain on Mr. S.'a
pocket-book, but will be of incalculable ad
vantage. fatton'i ehop.
Workmen are cow engaged putting the
weather-boarding on tbe large chair shop of
Wm. P. Pattou. It will take over eight
thousand feet of wrought boards to put the
shop through, but the Major is flourishing
like a green bay tree and does not regard
We have not often seen a more cosy bank
ing house than the one that John Dibert &
Co. have moved into, on Main street, No.
240. It is perfectly hew, as clean as a pin,
heated by beaters, "and has very large show
windows and double doors. The doors,
washboards and furniture are beautifully
grained and all one color. The counter and
desks are handsome' articles of furniture.
Hydrant water and gas complete the elegant
arrangements, and we are free to say ii is
the nicest banking houae in Western Penna.
W. I. A.
We feel grateful to W. L. A. for his sym
pathy and words cf consolation, which were
given in kinduess.and feel somewhat abashed
at having been overcome, but the calamity
was so appalling that we couldn't help it
We have a heart that can feel ; so much so
indeed that we have ceased to read the sick
ening details of the late disasters, for they
are too much for flesh to endure. The fruits
of the earth are truly abundant, but to the
poor they are but what the fruits and the
water were to Tantalus.
Now that winter is coming on, let every
one prepare his family for the northern gale,
and when he has done eo let him not neglect
the poor. "lie that giveth to the poor lend
eth to the Lord." There are pocr in every
community, and we are among those who
believe that a man never loses anythiug by
being kind to the poor. Blessings will fol
low. We Shall never forget the story of the
poor newsboy, who, when crushed beneath
the cars early in the morning, said, as ho was
dying, "Mother, I only sold three papers.
You will find the money in my pocket. It
will get you one loaf of bread." These tad
words touched the hearts of tbe by-sUnders
so much that they immediately raised a col
lection and made that mother comfortable,
before the eyes of the litllo newsboy wre
closed in death. The contributors never re
gretted what they had done, and never will.
Mr. A. S. Wagstaff, the agent here for the
celebrated Elias Ilovre Medallion Sewing
Machine, No. J 20 Clinton strett, took us
into Ids office on Saturday, and, being a me
chanic himself, he took his machiue apart
and &howed us how one thread crosses the
other in forming tbo lock 6titch something
wo never understood before. He then open
ed up some other machines, and we were
really astonished at the simplicity of the
Eli .s Howe machina as compared with the
ot hersj. Tlicy wero exceedingly complicated,
w hile his is exceedingly simple, and as strong
as it is simple. Wc took some notes at the
time, but we are not mechanic enough to de
scribe the machine. The feed, the shuttle,
tho press bar, tho knuckle j int. the treadle,
the hinges to open and close and oil the ma
chine, the tension, and indetd every thing,
is so simplified, yet bo strong, and so well
protected from dust, that any person who
tees ouo opened must admire the machine.
The buildings that have lately been put
up in Johustown are cf a better class thau
those formerly erected. The ceilings are
much higher, largo glas3 panes decorate the
windows, and inside shades are put up in
stead of outside shutters. Even houses that
are built for renting purposes are put up in
the most modern style. But then tho land
lord tariffs the tenant.
We have beard no objection made to hold
ing this Institute in Ebensburg. It is a cen
tral locality. But there are objections urged
to the time. Some at least waut it held be
tween the holidays, as they will lose that time
at any rate. As we are not going, we have
nothing to say, but we think the will of the
majority, whatever that may be, should de
cide the matter.
The originator of the item published in
your last about the pear-shaped spot on the
sun did not understand whereof he wrote, or
else the figures bave since got sadly mixed.
There may have been a spot on the sun of
the size mentioned when the item was writ
ten, but it is hardly there now. We object
at any rate : "
1st. To the assortion that 40,000 miles is
equivalent to three-quarters of a minute of
ate ;
2d. To tine assertion that the subtended
angle is Z inches one mile from the eye ;
8d. To smoking a glass to see it at this
late date.
The first assertion is erroneons. Radius
is ninety-five millions miles. Diameter is
one hundred and ninety millions. Circum
ference ia six hundred and thirty millions.
Hence three-quarters of a minute of arc ia
not quite 22,000 miles. And this is too
much, for the earth is now in perihelion, or
the sun is nearest the earth. So much for
en or No. 1.
Statement: As 360 degrees nr 21.C0O
minutes is to one minute, bo is 630.000,000
miles to 29.000 miles. If one roinuto is 29,
000 miles, three-fourths of a minute is 21,
C00 miles.
The second assertion is erroneous. Be
cause, if the divergnnce in one mile, or 63,
300 inches, is Z inches. In 95.000.000 miles
the divergance would be 95,000.000 multi
plied by 3, equal to 356.250,000 inches, or
6,622 miles only. And as radius vector is
now nearly the shortest, owing- to the earth
being in perihelion, tbe angle would have to
be larger, as tbe spot is nearer to tbe eye by
several millions of miles.
The smofeing of a glass to see tb"i3 spot is
useless now. For a spot may be 40.000
miles in diameter one day and the next day
it may be entirely dissolved. Besides, the
sun revolves on Its axis in twenty-five days.
If the spot was near its centre when seen,
in fix davs it would pass to the right hand
to the edge of the sun's disc, and be outof
sight. The sun is nearly 3,000.000 miles in
circumference. One half of this is disc, and
40,000 miW would only be about one thirty-
seventh part of the disc, and could barely
bo seen with the naked eye if it were there.
Let the Teachers' Institute attend to this.
So mote it be.
A bov named Johnston took varioloid at
the Cenford House on rruiay last, anu air,
Benford, the proprietor, had him at onoe re
moved to the fair grounds. Having urss got
tho consent of two of the owners of tbia
Tark. We now understand that other pro
prietors consider this matter in another light,
as calculated to injuro the propperity and
prospects of the Highland Agricultural As
sociation. But we view the movement as
the first step towards the establishment of a
hospital in this place, and as an act worthy
of all praise. Mr. B. sent a nurse along
with the boy, and a wagon load of furniture,
including a stove, a bed, fuel, and other ne
cessaries. He acted promptly, as all land
lords must, and he ought to bave the thanks
of the entire community. In a mixed pop
ulation like ours a hospital may be needed
before Spring. When the disease abates this
small building could be burned, and thus
no injury would result to the fair grounds
We hope all the patients fflicted with that
disease and there are only four yet may
be sent to the same place. We admire the
original thought and prompt action of Mr.
Benford, and trust that there will be no op
position to the measure.
At a railroad to Somerset meeting held on
Saturday it was resolved to complete the
subscriptions by to morrow CThursday) and
go to work surveying and lettiug the" road.
This looks like business.
Oacar Graffo has built a large ten pin al
ley, which adjoins his hotel in Sharpsburg.
The building is about one hundred feet long,
and will be a splendid place for the b'hoys
during the cold and dreary winter.
I sincerely hope you are over the quinsy.
If you dou't soon get rid of that troublesome
disease you should get t'fx-e-nated.
We had some roaches in our house, and
wo posted over to C. T. Frazer and got a
bottle of Logan's Insect Powder, which sent
them scattering in all directions, v If any of
your readers are similarly troubled, let them
go or eend to C. T. Frazer, druggist, Johns
town, and get a 25 cent bottle, and if it does
not cure the roaches, and kill them too. then
my name is not Hob Koy.
Celebration of First Mass. Last Sun
day was a pleasant, and to a great many in
this city, a very interesting day. John .
Staub who had been absent for several years
attending educational and theological insti
tutions, and having received holy orders,
had just returned , and would celebrate Mass
for the first time in St. Joseph's Church of
this city. To his acquaintances, and to
thofea with whom his young life had Leon
spent, this was an interesting occasion, and
they desired to show their joy at his success
and promotion, and their confidence in his
ability and uprightness of life. A beautiful
procession was formed, composed of the pu
pils attending the parochial school connected
with St. Joseph's Church; St. Peter's Be
nevolent Society, headed by Braddock's Brass
Baud, and St. Joseph's and St. Georges
Benevolent Societies, accompanied by the
Silver Cornet Band. These societies were in
full regalia, accompanied with gorgeous ban
ners. They made a very beautiful display.
This procession in a very appropriate man
ner escorted the young llevereud with a
number of Rev. Fathers from the parsonage
to the church, and after Mass had been cc-le-i
brated escorted them back to tbe parsouage
in the same beautiful mauuer. Everything
passed off in a highly creditable and delight
ful way.
The beautiful cdremonips of the day speak
well for all those engaged in them, as well
an for the encouragement it could give to
the talented young priest, who has thus sol
emnly devoted his life to the cause of religion.
We understand that Rev. Staub will be
connected with the Pastoral charge of St;
Augustine's Church at Pittsburgh. Jvhns
totcn Democrat.
Killed by a Log. On Fiiday morning
of last weik Mr. John Kennedy, of Washn
ington township, this county, came to a vi
olent death under the following painful cir
cumstances: With the aid of his son, a lad
of fourteen years, be was endeavoring to
build a log fence, and while assisting a yoke
of ixen to roll a heavy log against a hill,
the weight overpowered Lim.and a crowbar
which he was using at the time struck him
on the leg, prostrating him to the ground
and inflicting a very severe wound, which
doubtless prevented his escape from the log,
which rolled over his body and rested on his
r.eck, producing death almost immediately.
His little boy ran to the house of a neighbor
to give the alarm, and parties at once re
paired to the scene cf the accident, only,
however, to find the lifeless remains of the
unfortunate man in the position we have
stated. Mr. Kennedy was a widower, about
60 years of age, and tbe father of two small
children, a boy and girl, with whom alone
he kept house. He was a quiet, inoffensive
3nd stiictly honest man, and his sudden
and melancholy death is a source of deop
regret to all who knew him. His remains
were interred in the Catholic graveyard at
Wilmore on Sunday.
The lifeless body of a German "tramp,"
with tbe head terribly beaten and lacerated,
was found on tbo pike between Bedford and
Bloody Kun. oa Thursday morning of last
week, and there is no doubt that he was
murdered and then robbed, as his pockets
were cut out and the contents of the bundle
be carried scattered in all directions. The
deed was committed with a pioce of fence
rail. Papers found on tbe body indicated
the name of the murdered man to be W. A.
Weis Several parties have been arrested
on suspicion, but only oue, a negro, is now
in custody awaiting examination. This is
.the second mtrder that has occurred in Bed
ford county within a few days.
With the approbation of Father Christy,
several young men of the congregation are
now erecting a large hall near the Catholic
church for the purpose of holding therein
such social entertainments as may bedeamcd
innocent and enjoyable, and alao with a view
to leasing it to traveling exhibitions cf an un
objectionable character. The dimensions of
the hall are 75 by 25 feet, and it will be fit
ted up in good style and will be ready for
the purposes it is intended some time this
SbrioL'SLT Injured. Mr. Jacob Z. Nagle,
residing near Loretto Springs, Allegheny
township, waa on Wednesday last thrown
from his horse and afterwards kicked on the
head by the animal, producing Injuries of a
very serious character. Dr. Plank, of the
firm of Lemmon & Plank, of this place, who
was summoned to his aid and dressed bis
wounds, assures us that he is badly injured
aod will bave a very narrow escape if he
survives. -
Thk season for coughs and colds is rapid
ly approaching, and every one should be
prepared to check the first symptoms, as a
cough contracted between now and Christ
mas frequently lasts all winter, There is no
better remedy than tlJoh,7ison's Anodyne
Liniment." For all diseases of the throat
and lungs, it should be used internally and
Messrs. Myers & Lloyd and Messrs. Zihm
& Son have filled their respective stores to
repletioa with all kind of goods for tho fall
and winter trade. Bjth fiims deserve to be
well patronized.
Advice to our Rsadbrs Patronize Wric
amaker & Brown's Oak Hall.
CSAND opening of fall and WINTER dbt goods
The attention of the Ladies is directed to
our iranienfie stock of Millinery Goods, com
prising a grand assortment of French Flowers,
Featlitrs, ItibKns, Silks, Velvets, Ornaments
in endless profusion, and the latest sUles of
Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, which we have
al ways on hand, or we cir.Jsupply anvjjady with
tiimmed Hats or Bonnets at shortest notice and
iu a stjlo which we guarantee will give entire
satisfaction. -We ure now ofl'eriiig special and
cxtraori inary inducements iu Fall and Winter
Dress Goods, Double Warp Alpacas. Poplins,
Velreteens, Waterproof?, Cossimerea, Flaunels,
BlaBketi, Linens, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams,
Hosiery, Gloves, Lacea. Dress Trimmings, aDd
a full variety of Small Wares, Zephyr Worsted
and Germantown Wool, at prices to suit ell.
A magnificent line of Black and Colored
Silks in Glace and Gros Grain, at prices ran"1
ii"g from I to $4.
A now, complete and elegant display of Sin
glo and Double Broche, Paisley and Thibet
Shawls, at from $3 to $50, and hundreds of
Woolen Shawls at very reduced prices. We
have also opened a splendid line of Ladies' and
Children's FANCY FURS, at lowest tricks.
A full and varied assortment of Carpets, Oil
Cloths and Window Shades always on hand.
A1.o, the very choicest of live Geese Feathers.
All of the above and much more can be bought
for the cash at the lowest market rates from
Geis Si Foster,
Nob. 113 and 115 Cliiiton Street,
Johnstown, Pa.
Morb-Vabmints." It appears that tbe
inhabitants of the northern corner of Brady
township have been greatly annoyed, during
the summt r and fall, by members of the
Wolf family, who were in the daily habit of
feasting on mutton. This was very evident
from the number of bheep slaughtered in
that neighborhood. Last week, however,
an old woodbman, Samuel Troy, learning the
walks of Mr. Wolf, laid for him, and having
set some traps, was no little turprised on
looking to them a few days after to find that
he had secured two full grown pesky wolves,
which ho 6oen dispatched, disrobed and
h-calped. and on presenting his certificate to
Treasurer Flegal, drew h'u premium of J24.
Clearfield fiepublican.
Mb. W. D. M'Clelland, the newly elect
ed county commissioner, was swprn in on
Monday last. Tre Board now consists of
Messrs. James E Neason. F. O'Fricl and W.
1). McClelland, all of whom are competent,
efficient and trustworthy gentlemen. The
retiring commissioner, Mr. Maurice McNarn
ara, made an energetic and faithful cfl:cer,
and in his retirement carries with him the
good wishes of all our pc-op'e. The new
board has continued John A. Kennedy, E-q ,
as clerk, which is a deserved tribute to a
woithy servanr, and has appointed Mr. Geo.
Gurley, of this place, as Mercantile Apprais
er, and has also re-appointed John E. Scan
Ian, Esq., as counsel.
Don't permit this delightful weather to
go by without taking all tho little Fnlks and
Lig folks in the family to Spei.ce's Photo
trraph Gallery and getting all their pictures
taken, singly or in groups. Spence is a fi rt,t
c'.ass artist, and can take the very bes-t pic
tures of all kiuds in any kind of weather,
but if you want to see bim do his 'level beFt,J
especially with the children, you ought to
give him a chance this ch'ar, fine weather.
Spence can give peifect satisfaction to all in
his work and bis prices.
.7l-t the Tnrxo ! Economy and comfort has
fit Isist ix.-on combined in tho matter of a Bprinjr
Hod Hottom, and the result may now be soon at
the cabinet wnre establishment of Mr. Koliort
Evans, in this place, lliut KCiitlotnan having
li.u;rht the rl.zht of this county for Jlonn's Pat
ent Wooden yprlnjr lied ISottom, certainly the
most simple, satisfactory and cheapest inven
tion nf t he kind that has yet been introduced
to the public, of which the stronjr testimo
nials in its favor from well known treut Icmen in
l'ittshurf? bear ample proof. Mr. Kvans is
prepared to manufacture, and fit these patent
bottoms to any kind of a bed for five dollars
each, or will sell shop rights on most reasona
ble terms. Everybody should go and see this
now and desirable invention.
John Hickey, I'ndertaker, on Julian street.
Fourth Ward. Altoona, is prepared to supply
Mctalic Hurial Cases of all sizes and patterns,
and en reasonable terms.
Mr." Mickey keeps constantly on hand a large
stock of new and fashionable furniture, and
those who require anything in his lino should
jrivo him a call. Every article sent from his
rooms will be warranted as represented.
Hair and Straw Matrasses manufactured to
order at less than ciT prices.
Cane seat chairs rc-caned and fitted up a3
good a.'? now.'!
Ail orders from a distance prompt lv attended
to. rjul.l3.-tf.l
A counts pondest, writing- from Athens, cu
riously contrasts the mixtures to tie found
there of ancient and modern eivilizaiions.
Kail roads spin their trains amid the temples
of three thousand years; steamers dash their
fiwclls upon the l'iieus, and the scream of their
whistles resounds from Athos. I'c-nt.clicus and
Cytheron to Olympus and the heavens beyond
their Kds. Dr. Ayer's world-renowned medi
cines, those consummations of modern science,
are posted on tbo Acropolis, the Parthenon,
the Areopaprus. and the Thesion, while tho
laodest cards of Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's Sarsa
peri'la, Avne Cure and Pills look from the
windows of tho shops in the streets in Athens,
where they are sold. N. V. Sunday Olobe. .
EvF-nvnoDT wants it Frazier's California
Herb Hitters.
Nobodv can tako Fraztr'8'vosretab!e Califor
nia Herb Bitters and remain lonjr unwell.
Pit. Eraziek's vegetable California f lerh Hit
ters will euro nearly all tho diseases that flesh
is heir to.
ARB voir sick? Then read the advertisement
headed, "Millions Bear Testimony," Jtc.
The suecess of Frazier's California Herb Bit
ters is now established beyond a fioubt.
Fold only in bottles Frazier's California
Herb Hitters. lauir.lO.-tr.l
Pahtneusuip. A partnership in the stove
arid tinware business has jusl been formed be
tween Messrs. V.& M. Enttriiijrer, and the new
firm will open a branch establishment in tho
building- recently occupied by M. F. Jacobs, in
Lore t to, about the first of next month, where
afUIUineof 6toves and tinware will bo con
stantly kept, and whore spouting, roofinir, etc.,
will be manufactured to order. Mr. V. Lut
trinsrerwiil continue the business here under
the lirm name after November 1st, and his
brother will have charge in Loretto. In tho
meantime Vallie desires all persons owing- him
to pay .up, as no further grace will bo given
after that date.
Eusinessi. No business man in this commu
nity does business in a more business way than
does Geo. Huntley, who is nlwa3's up to his ryes
in the stove, .hard ware, tinware and notion bus
iness at hie well known business stand on High
street. It is none of our business where you do
vour shopping business, but if you find a man
in that business more worthy of your custom
than George is, we -vill willingly admit that we
don't know what business is. Try Huntley the
dext time business prompts you.
Too lira a. Tmsol-We couldn't afford the
time or space, if we had the disposition, to enu
merate one half the arth-les kept for sale at C.
T. Roberts' elegant clock, watch, jewelry and
notion etore, but we are surest ban anything in
his lino from a penny whistle or a prime cigar
to a magnificent gold watch or a first class sew
ing- machine, can be bought from Cham, just as
easy nsj twice two tnak four. And he never
fails to please all with his goods and prices.
S. J. H ess & BiiOTn Eli, 241 Main street, Johns
town, have been east and have purchased an
immense stock of ready-made Clothing which
they are determined to sell as cheap as similar
goods are sold in the East. See their adver
tisements uoxt week but in the meantime or
at ay other time do not fail to call and exam
ine their new goods. You will find them very
clever men to deal with, and you may bo euro
you will get tho worth of your money.
In every dav experiences people are apt to
put too much faith in 'luck.' It isall very good
to have faith in luck, but it will come sooner
if you seek it by looking steadily arter your
own interest, and you can't do this better than
by purchasing your dry poods,dresa goods, no
tions, groceries, &e., of John J. Murphy,ou the
corner ofMain and Frauklin etrects.
Fins! TiTrtZEl Furs ! L. Cohen keeps them
at No. 227 Main street, Johnstown. All sizes.
Veifs ' W'fftfs Velit! Cohen keeps them att"37
Main street. Coat ! Cotes ! Ctuttes ! Cohen keeps
them at 227 Main street. Pants! l'antz! I'aanta!
Cohen keeps ihem at 227 Main street. SMrte.'
Shurta ! Shurtz ! Cohen keeps them at 227 Mam
street, Johnstown. Call I Caui 1 Cwl j
tetter from Over tbe Se.
Qt:eenstown, Ireland, Oct. IS, 1S71.
Dear Mac Here I am, alive and well, after
my voyage across the "pig- pond." On the
evening of the 2oth September we steamed out
ot New lork. aud in a few hours after found
ourselves on the broad bosom of the deep At
lantic. None, unless those who have experi
enctd it, can have any idea of t he sensation opo
tools as be stands on deck and catches the last
glimpse of tho receding land, while the good
ship ploughs with gsaut strides through the
ocean iurrows; pcrhups to be tossed about on
tempestuous billows before hind is sighted
again. The evening welclt ii.inre in good
spirits some prophesying alut the w cut her
more discussing the probable number that
would be sea-sick others airain arguing, almost
betting, as to the length of the vovage. Hut,
sir, the thud day saw two-thirds of "the pa-eu-gers
prostrated with sea-sickness. Never hav
ing experienced what it is like, I can't say much
about this disease, but judging from thedcuth
like paleness visible on every face, I should
If,'! nt be dreadful. V, hile it lasts I am
told it is the severest of sickness, but when it
U o er people feel better than they did before
the attack. On the firth day nearly all were as
epngntlyaseyer. Judging from the celerity
ot knives, forks and riu.uths of those that were
sick, I certainly must say they lost nothing in
the way of appetite.
We bad on board tho shrewd calculating fi
nancier, the professsional prating politician,
the sanctimonious, methodical, white-ohoktr-ed
little parson in fact wo had theextremcsof
presented11'1 political ofiniou pretty well re-
On the sixth day we saw some of "Mother
Carey s chickens," tho sore forerunners of a
storm, a he same night dark ominous clouds
hung over ux, the sea looked angrv, the captain
gave orders to his men to "trim'' the ship and
to take iu all the sails. The older was not
given too soon, for hurricanc-llko a sweeping,
leveling gale swept over us, threatening to
bury us iu the awful deep. Fear was depicted
oc every countenance. Those whose lips per
haps lor months, or years, did notutiera
prayer, new in the hour of danger appealed to
heaven for aid. It was a trying time, for there
we were, hundreds of miles away from land,
at Vie mercies of wind and waves, not knowing
the moment we would keel over. The next
lnorning dawned with thestorm a littleabuted,
but still tho sk- wore the same scowling,
threatening, defiant aspect. A look through
the window showed us the wild raging god as
he strode the sea in ail his awful, majeaiic, fu
rious grandeur. The mountain billows, as thi y
aurged and foamed aud dashed like tnluhty
war-horses against the very clouds, and then
again came rolling and tumbling back like
huge avelanches, beariag destruction in their
path, were a sight so terrifyingly grand -that
one forgot the danger in the stupendous gran
dour ot the scene. Some time during the af
ternoon the elements calmed considerably, aud
by night our good ship was under full sail
again, cutting through the now settled sea.
Ine eighth day found us a!l chatting about the
lute storm and congratulating ourselves on not
being by this time swallowed up in the shark's
mighty maw.
tin the ninth day every face wore an anxious
look, every eye was strained looking for tome
distant object, every tongue was busy discuss
ing the probable time in which that long wished
for object, l.AM). would appear in view.
The weary, dying traveller on the great Sa
hara desert longs and sighs for a drop of water
to cool his parched Hps the lover looks Jor
ward with feelings of rapturous delight to the
happy momcjT when he Fhall meet the absent
object of his all'eetion the wenrv, senrred sol
dier of a hundred battles longs "for the peace
that will bring iTlm rest but, sir, the feelings
of all put together are only as the flicker of a
gus jet to the noon-day eun compared with the
feelings of a persou ou ship-hoard when he
catches, after a perilous ;voyage of ten days,
th hrst sight oflhind.
On the morning of the tenth day we could
seesLf;i'iy in the dim distance which wc were
told were the Kerry Heads. As the niornimr's
mist cleared away and the sun shone out, we
could see distinctly the green hills of dear old
Ireland. Nearer and nearer we came, till at
hist wo fouud ourselves cutciir.g Qucenstown
After tho usual examination of "perronnl
property," all those who had been booked for
Ireland came ashore. Need I shv that your
correspondent was one of them. When I found
mysrjf i:uct on ftr:ii frum 1 felt as if 1
could 4iy, for here I was, after an absf nee of
many years, coming to visit the- dear land of
my b'rth to sec again the mountains and bills,
the Sircamlets and rills with which all my joy
ous boyhood recollections are so pleasingly as
sociated ; for though an American by adoption,
still I am none the less an Irishman.
For tho present I will not attempt a descrip
tion of Qunenstown. In mv next I will essay
mpn. juiini; i:iy siay in luecouiiiry j win
send you au occasional lettor descriptive of the
different places of interest I propose to visit
ick. Kind regards to all the Johnstown folks.
Yours, dear Mac, truly, EiUONAOi.
Ilend-quarters cf the Clothing Trade W. &
TVs Oak Hall, Cth Market.
II T I E X I A I..
KAfTEIi BERG. Married, on Thursdar, 2oth
Hit., by ilev. A. J. Hartsock, Mr. Geo. Kauku
and Miss Lizzik Berg, daughter of Peter H.
Berg, Esq., of Cambria township.
BCUKHAICT JONES. Married, on thosame
day, by Kev. , Mr. Harrison Ul kKiuut
and Miss Mattie Jokes, all of Jaeksou twp.
MADAN. Died, at the residence of her son-in-law,
G. W. Kirby, AVilmore, on the Hth ult.,
Mrs. MiiiTHl Maha.x. aged 82 years, 4 months
and 2 days. Her remains wero interred at St.
Thomas, Frauklin county, 1'a.
OWENS. Died, in this place, on Thursday
morning last, of croup, Maggie Ei.i.en, daugh
ter of Charles and Eileu Owens, aged 2 years
and 2 mouths.
"iVT O T 1 C E ! An application will be
' made to his Excellency Governor John W.
Geary for the pardon of Louis Hol.ner, con
victed -in tho Oyer and Terminer of C imbria
ro u nt j of murder in the secoud degree, for the
killing of Philip Phalin. Nov. 4.-2t.J
"VTANTKD. One TV.achkk, male or
female, to take charge of a vacant school
in Allegheny township for a term of FOCU
MONTHS. Wages, nor month.
JOSEPH HOG UK, Secretars".
Alleghany Twp., Nov. 4, ls71.-3t.
TEACHERS are wanted to take charge of
the different schools in Carroll township for
tho period of four months. Salary from 2j to
tJt) per month. For further information apply
to -P. J. I) (I MM. Secretary,
N"o-. 4--3t. or, J. W. SI1AUUAUGH.
BEES FOR SALE. The subscriber
' has about SIXTY SCAPS OF BEES which
be wisht'3 to sell on fair terms. Persons desir
ous of purchasing will please call on the prem
ises in Washington township, about two milos
from Hemlock, or address.
JOIii JrATAiiA.V l.
Nov. 4.-t.
Hemlock, Cambria Co., Pa.
Estate of-.TAMF.s M. Riffle, dee'd.
Letters of Administration on tho estate of
James M. It i file, late of Summitville borough,
deceased, having necn granted to the under
signed by the Register of Cambria count-, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate paj'ment, and those having
claims are desired to present them properly
outhenticated for settlement.
WM. II. SKCMLEH, Administrator.
Ebensburg, Nov. 4, 1S71.-0L
Estate of Thomas II. Pouter, deo'd.
Letters of Administration le Ixmin nun on tho
estate of Thomas H. Porter, late of Washington
township, deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned by the Register of Cumbria
countv, all persons indebted to said estate are
notified that payment must le mado without
delay, anil those having claims are requested
to pYesent them properly authenticated for
settlement. H. KINKEA1),
Nov. 4.-0t. Jr7'u'M'Ktr(tr de bonis non.
Estate of Margaret M'Dermitt, doo'd.
Whereas Letters of Administrat lott have bohu
granted by the Register of Cumbria county to
the subscriber on the estate of Margaret Mc
Dermitt, late of Allegheny township, deceased,
notice is hercbv given to all persons indebted
to said estate that payment must be made im
mediately, ami those holding claims against the
same are desired to present them duly proba
ted for settlement. F. O'FHIEL, Adin'r.
Loretto, Nov. 4, iS71.-6t.
Geis & Foster,
- No's. 113 and 115 Ciinton Street.!
Jchnstovra, Ia.
invito tho attention of buyers to thoir largo
and t legant stock of
coxsiSTisa op
Wo have bought more largely,
and therefore mere cheaply,
than ever before.
We have selected EVERY
PIECE of Goods with the ut
most care, and had EVERY
YARD examined, and well
SPONGED before nsking-up.
We have rejected a!i COTTCN
Goods, and have manufuctured
nothing but ALL WOOL.
Wo have studied e!I the New
Styles English, French, and
American and have adopted
only the best, together with
many New Designs originated
by Ourselves.
We have made m3ny Improve
ments in r.taking-up, and have
more confidence than ever in
the superiority cf our Work
manship. We ha"ve labored to suit all
tastes, and have Plain Styles as
well as more Fashionable Cuts,
and every variety of Shado and
We have determined to do a
Larger Trade than ever, and so
hava combined every Ituiuce,
mer.t that can possibly fc of
fered. 3 5--
pviffc St!
ev the iiK;o-.o'i:n
This is an original, interest ioy urid ii-troot-ive
work, f i 11 :i" rsro f un iu:d htiiimr. Ieiii'j- j-n
:k -count of the AfTTIOR'S I'll' 1 l-.SHONA L
LIFE, his wonderful tricks isnd feals. with
laoniialjh; incidents and to! onturos us a Mat'i
eian. Necromancer and Ventriicxjuiet. Illus
trated with
besides the Author's Portrait on tteel, aud nu
merous small cots.
The volume is free from any cbjeothnial le
mutter, tieiiiir hiirh-toiieil ht1 moral in ifschar
ftcter,nnd will if read wini dot intor.'ft hy old
and ynuiijr. It txi ves t he most irraj'hie and t hi dl
injr t'ceounts of the cllccts of his wonderful
feats nd magical tric-ks. cansimr the most uu
coe.trollal'le merriment and lamrti'.or.
Circulars, Terms, ie., with full information,
sent free on ai vlicatioii to
DUFF1KLD A SUM HAD, rolli.-her.
10 -2I.-C111. 711 .-Miisom St., Philadelphia.
T!S Arcli St.i
Middle of the Block,
between 7lh A' Hui
Sis., South Side,
Importer. Manufac
turer and 1 eah r
s in till kinds and
quality of
:TF.iti ri'RS
"Jt-" For 7,a'V.' a tut C.'u'i'-
jt'iL-" 'L-5?- draft Veer.
"-jSSjsTjsSSiV - Having- imported a
""-sj .-...-.Tr. very larsreatid spleti-
"-.'S ' - did assortment of all
the different kiw'.i of Furs from l,r.-t !i:uui in
Ihirope, aiel have had ttiem maiie up ly the
most skil'fii'. workmen, would respect fully in
vito tho roaih. rsof this p;;;er to call and c .vani
llic his very fartro Hiid 'heaut '-''ul assortment of
laticti I'm 9 for i.-i.'i' ' f i'liihlrt u. I ant deter
mined to sell at as hur -'ia.s ax hi other re
spectalJe lU'.i-e in thiseity. Ail I'm n-ii !iat
cd. No mi&reprcsciitntioit f s.
.mux iti:i-:mA.
Oct. 21.-3m. 71S Akch 8ti;kkt, Pit'a.
, . Thr Commm: ucilth uf l'run'j! mnia tothe
-! L.P. SheriS uf Cniiihi i,i Cult:. t,i. itti 'liny:
' ' Whereas ITi'CH A. Jam-on did, on the
3d day of May, A. 1. 1-71, prefer hi pet it ion be
fore'the ourt of ommon PI t as of said coon--tv,
prayinir. for the causes therein f-f forth
that he ml-ltf hedivorod from the bonds of
matrimony entered into with .1 tl.i A A.J AM is x.
We do therefore eommaud you, the said .lr
l.r A. A. .1 a M IS' .v. as e have done before, that
Set ting-aside ail manner of excuses whatsoever,
you lie and appear in your proper peron be
fore our J ti Ijres at Kbcnslmrir, at our 'out t cf
Common Pleas there to be hold on the irNt
!nin.V !' Ieceiiiber nexi, to answer the
petition or libel aforesaid, ami to show cause,
if any you have, why thosuid 1Ii';h A. Jamisoii
should not tie divorced from the Ootids of mat
rimony entered into with you: and trdeteJ
further, that tho same shall Le served by pub
lication according to the provisions of the Act
of assembly in sueh case made and jrovideJ.
Hereof fail not.
Witness tho Hon. ; noitr.F. TAvr.on. President
Jud!?e of our said Court, at Kbeiisburtj, the
seventh day of S'eptii'.ter. A. 1. 1.71.
J. K. Hite, Prothonotary.
Attest W. R. TtONACKKii. Slieri!!.
Sheriff's othce, Lhensbur, Sept.'Jl, Wl.-30.!t.
SI 1 1: H i F FS S A LE Vy virtup of snn.
dry writ of Vcral. Krp"'i an.ft-'f'Tf FrirffT
issued out of the Court of Coronion Pleas of
Cambria county, and to tnedirecK d, there will
be exposed to Public Sale, nt the Court House
in Kloiisbuvr, on Trr.o xY, the 7th day of N'o
vemukk next, at 1 o'clock, p. m., tho following
Hen! list ate, to wit : All the ritrht. title and in
terest of Mary Ienhrodo, of. in ami to a lot of
prround situate in Currolitown boroittrh. Cam
bria county, frontier oa an alley o:i the north,
ndjotnl'ijr lo'sof Il..;ninie Fj-cr. James C. l-'asly
and Francis liuck on the west, lot of l.av. reiue
Schroth on the south, and lot of PL Flip Oiossor
on the east, haviinr thereon erected u two story
plank house, now iu the Occupancy of Mary
Isentirode, Taken in execution anil to he sold
at the suit of John liuck ic Co., tor use of John
K, Scat. Ian et, at.
IV, Ii. nnXACKETi, FhrriT.
Sheriff '3 Office, Lbensburg-, Oct. 21, lS l.-ot.
A UDTTO R S N OTI C E ! Joh n F.
Barnes r?. raniel Reed nn l Sarah Herd.
Common I'lea of Cambria Count:, Ao. Li5, iVpf.
Term, If. I. Ci. Va.
Ano now, Sept. 9. 171, on motion of Johns
ton vVr S.-atilan, W. Horace Ko.-o, Fso-, appoint
ed Auditor to report distribution of money in
the hit nls of the Sheriff ariinsr fr .nt thesaloof
defendant's real estate. From Ihe Itceord.
Uy the Court. J. 1C. IUte. Proth y. Lt..s.
Notieo is hereby pdven that the itndorf-i.rr.ed
will sit for the purpose of the above wppoint
inent. nt his oiiicin the ISorouh of Johnstown,
on I"iil.v tJiJ"SI of " vcinlsor ne-vt, nt
1 o'clock, r. M.. when and w here all patUca in
terested may cttend if they peo pnqier.
M:. 1JOHACE AOii:, Aiulitor.
Johnstortn, Oct. 21, l?7t.-4t.
Male Teacher is wanted to tako chanro of
the Loretto District School for (ho term of six
months. Salary to bo rctjidated according1 to
the qualification of tho Te&ehc-r. For further
information apply fj
' J. E. SHIELDS, Cccrotary.
m m m mm
I fcy
Cur Stock is even more
varied, and cur Price even
lower, than ever before.
Cur Ciothir.g wi!l more than
sustain it3 reputation of being
the roc&t Reliable and Durable
in tha msrfcet.
Gur Ciis.torr.c-rs will to In no
danger of having "CcttonStfr"
paS.TeJ Off on them.
Cur Fa'.J Ciothing has a Styl
ishness and Genteel Appear
ance which cannot fall to
attract am: pleaso all Gentle
men cf good taste.
Cv!r present Stock will be
less liable than any other to
any c? the mishaps which some
times befu'i othsr Heady-Made
Ci;r Stock is cure to contain
what v.-iil suit all classes and
conditions of Men and Coys,
both as to Goods and Prices.
Our Customers, o!d and raw,
will to delighted with our
preparations for the present
FfiJI and Winter Trade.
5s i S n
v .
.Mil rsV.V? , m I
i;.ll !tM.V TJCIillT!
3 T3
5 -Z
(A '
r- 3
o x
: i J. .vit.i.x:i
f-L T' Wii ijAM Pfssr.J r.. dee'd.
L.'-ttors of Adu: inis: t a; i n ou t'ee itst f
Wiiliam Kiisseil. Lite of Wii-hin-rton township,
deceased, ha in;r been urufited to the st; bscriber
by the l!.-is-t'-r of Cau.i i ia county, uii person:?
iii'lebted to said are le-reby tintiiicd
paymenr mii?-t be mai'.e without il( lay, nmi ti
(host? hohiiii- claims against the s:?n? noth e is
jriven to pr"M-t t tin ir re--pci ! ; ve accvunta July
authenticated fur -et t 'm'-nt.
J. S. KIF.L, Administrator.
Sonman, Oct. 14. 1.-71.- !;.
- Kstate of Ci' "tiSTl A X Sm AV. d
I.ctters of Aduiini-tration c u the a'
tate, Fit tinted in Summerhill tev. ibip, C
bria county, having been granted to the on
siri;eil ly toe Hejri.-ier ltt reoi. ali pctx-us ,
ii'r claims the siuee nr? i--iieste
nresent them iriTor! v i1 v: t jien t v uted
d tr
tlcmcnt. and tliose 1: .1 are e.otiiied that
I'avnient must be made without del.iv.
ANN S.MAY. Admiotsti-atrix,
Suinmcrhill Twp., Oct. -'(, l:-Tl.-t.
tcc-Jcrs Iiis profcpsi; services as Phy
sioian. and Surpcon tj tl.'e citizens of Carrc-II-tewn
and vicibity. OKce in rear of Luill
ir.g occupied by J. I'ncfc V Co. s a ttorc.
Night caIIs enn ba made at lii.t re.-uk-Eee, ono
djcr south of A. Ilatis's tin and hardware
store. I May 9, 1SC7.
iLOl'O & CO., Hauliers,
j . Ekekssckq, Ta;
Gold, Silver, Government Lo.tns, aud
other tSrcui iiics, bought and s Id. Interest
allowed on Time T'e j o.-!ts. Collections raada
in all accesiiMr points in the United States
ard a general P-mlting bj:.DCF3 trsnenctcdi
j. LLOYD, sue; ocsor to Ti. -g
Bunk, Dealer in Drills, JHeJicines,
Fainfs, fyc. Store, on Min street, opj osito
tho "Mr.nsion House." El-?::sburg, l'a.
October 17. 18o7.-Gm.
rrnt-tifcliss lfcviici.-ii.
Fui:.N-!!t Rf3, r.t.
C?TOfTlc in renr of I..--rnruon i- Jlurray's
Di utf aud Book Store, lihjh.fcirout. lj"-m.J
V V Iorctlo, CBiiibrln 'o.. Sa.,
Tenders his prof c?si tin t services to all c i'i:v'n
of the above place ami vicinity w ho may at any
sUtnd ia need of Medical rod. apr.::l.-tf.j
TV W.DICK, ArrouNtY at-Laav. Eb-
J- enshurtr, Yn. Office iu Colonade Kow.
All manner ot lesrnl Dusinesi bov '"
' fa-?torily and colleotions a pci.iu'ty. tiii.i:.j