r A Welsh Colony In I'atagronla. ! Some- correspond ence laid before Parlia ment gives a curioii9 account of the Welsh settlement on tbe river Chupat, in Patago nia. A party of about one hundred and fif ty Welsh people men, women and children -betook themselves to- this unknown laDd In 1865, under the superintendence of Mr. Jones an independent t minister of Bala, North Wales, and, after many reverses, pri vations, and desertions, and twenty-five new arrivals, about one hundred and fifty still remain, m good health and spirits, aDd mak ing fair progress. They are separated from all mankind except the Patagouian Indians; and their occasional communication and commerce with Buecoa Ayrea having been interrupted by a two years' drought, mak ing the journey impossible, her Majesty's gunboat Cracker was sent lonnd to the month of the Chubat in April to ascertain whether these adventurous people were fctill in the laud of the living and doing well. The visit was most welcomo ; and tut for the commander's being able to spare them a considerable quantity of provisions it might have gone ill with some of them by this time. They had been without any description of groceries for ten months, living chiefly on bread, butter, and milk, and what guanaco aud ostrich meat they could obtain by hun. ing, their fivv f 300) cattle being far too val uable to be used lor food at present. The men have land alotted to them, on which they cultivate wheat and a little barley, and rear cattle and horses, and the woman man age the dairies. The settlement extends for some ten miles along a valley of rich alluvial Boil, only requiring irrigation, which they are giving it as well as they can. A disat troUB flood was followed by the two years' drought ; but, under favorable circumstances, the virgin soil yields thirty-fold of wheat. There is good promise of minerals in the mountainous country from which the Chupat arises. Small vessels can come up the river to the colony, but the bar is difficult, and, in fact, the traffic with New Gulf is chiefly by road or track, of forty miles, traversed by unshod horses. There are many things they have at present to do without. They have no shop or "store," and are very thort of clothing. They have no doctor ; a mechan ic, a self-taught herbalist, has charge of the medicine chest. They have "no lunatics, blind, deaf or dumb uo poor law, uo cur rency except ostrich feathers, no taxation. The colony belongs to the Argentine Confed eration, and in the absence of any represent ative of the National Government, they fleet annually by ballot a few muucipa! ofli cera. They have no prison, and, substan tially, no crime ; the adult male population, or "militia," on one occasion turned cut en masse to enforce settlement of a debt, and this is the only display of force that has been. They are on good terms with the In dians, and traffic with them. They have also occasional commerce with Buenos Ayres (a land j urney of 200 miles, where little or no water is). Bunding thither Indian products, tkiof, estrieh feathers, &c. The climate is very healthy, and the colonists feel sure of fuccess as an agricultural settlement, only needing that great need of a Dew colony communication with the rest of the world. In future, the man-of-war goiog to the Faulk land Islands is to call annually at New Gulf aud present the compliments of the outside world, and make kind inquiries. As Extraordinary Timepiece. A Lon don watchmaker has constructed a gold hunt ing watch which, in addition to being a timekeeper of the utmost precision, with chronometer adjustments, compensation bal ance and cylindrical spring, exhibits ou the dial plate the following different indications: First, the equation of the time ; second, the moon's age : third, the month of the year; fourth, the day of the month,: in ad dition to the hours, minutes and seconds, as an ordinary watch. The mechanism is so contrived that any oue or the whole of the hands may be set forward cr backward at pleasure without deranging the rest. Eve ry moment of this mechauical marvel is laid down in the strictest proportion and based upon calculations of an absolutely scientific character, and the whole is withiu tho com pass of a pocket timekeeper. ' Our readers have all doubtless heard of the frog that "would a wooing go," regard less of his mother's injunctions, but it doesu't follow that they've heard of the last Michi gan frog enactment, and for fear they haven't, we transfer from the tlgin (111.) Gazette the subjoined morsel : In Marine City, Mich., the other day, a young man was walking out with some young ladies, when he found a small frog, and holding itin the palm of his hand brought it near his mouth which he opened wide. The juvenile croaker seeing what appeared to be a place of refuge, gave a jump into the cave. The yruing roan looked very red in the face and the ladies looked down in the mouth, but the frog has never been teen from that day to this. A rural youth of eighteen summers in vested in a banana in the cars on Monday. He carefully removed the peel, and put it on tho seat by bis side ; tbeu he broke the fruit up in small bits, eyeing it anxiously as he did so. When this was done be picked up the peal, shook it in his lap, and finally tbrew the pieces out of the window, remark ing, as ke did so. "That's the first of them prize packages I ever bought, and it's the last, you bet." Tna Gordian Knot was made of the thongs that served as harness to the wagon of Gor dian, a husbaudmau who was afterward King of Tbrygia. Whoever untied this knot, the end of which were not discoverable, the oracle declared should be Emperor of Prus sia. Alexander the Great cut away the knot with a sword until he found the ends of it ; anJ thus, in a military sense at least, this conqueror of the world" interpreted the oraclo. A Gkntlkman who was troubled with bed bugs soaked thti bed with .kerosene and turned in, leaving the light burning. Just as he was dreaming that a regiment of bugs were drawing up a Bet of resolutions, con demning him for using kerosene, he was awakened by a fireman pointing the nozzle of a hose through the window. The house was insured but the man was Dot. T. P. TIER.NET JAMES NULL T AW and COLLECTION OFFICE or TIERNEY&'NULL; 'olonal Kow, Ebfnsbnrc. I'lt. Special attention paid to collections in F.A. SHOJtMAKfcK,.. GEO. A. BERKT. CUOEMAKEK.4 KEBBY, AnoitSEIS.AT.L4ff, March 11. 1P71. EltENSIi URO, PA. fKO. W. O ATM AN & CO., Arrou- neys-at-Law, Itbengbur. Cambria Co.. Pa. Tbe collection of notes ami Mils, wlietliei due or past due, will ret-eive prompt attention. rp U. SCAN LAN, Jt(om?-at-Lw, -- Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. All man ner of iegui businjj artcmttil to promptly and carefully. CoUevWous a specialty. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WAIXEE'S CALTPORNXA. VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their Wonder ful Curativ Effect. g H Q ft iOu C "g THEY ABE KOT A VTLK ! FANCY DRINK. Made of Poor Ram, Whlkey, Proef Spirits and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please tbe taste, called " Tonlca," " Appctlx ers," Kestorers," c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from Ue NaUve Boots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PUK-IFIER and A LIFE GIVING PKI N CI PL a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of too Bystem, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tlie blood to a healthy condition. Ko person can toko these Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. SltiO T.Ulbe given for an Incurable case, provided tbe bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism aid (xout, Dyspepsia, rr Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent aud Intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Uver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most success ful. Bach Diseases are cansed by Vitiated Blood, which Is aenerally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Fain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Choet, Dizziness, Eour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Falpitatlon of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Fain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hnndrcd other painful symptoms, are the offsprings cf Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt IUicura, Blotches, Spots, Fimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car buncles. Ring-Worms, 8cald-Hcad, Sore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratlona cf the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho bkln, of whatever name or nature, are literally dng up and carried out of the system in s short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Impurities bursting through tho eUa in Pimples, Erup tions or Soros ; cleanse It when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in tbe veins ; cleanse It when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pare and the health cf the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, larking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy d nd removed. For full directions, read carefully he circular around each bottle, printed In four loa fuages English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDOKALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, CaL. and 83 and H Commerce Street, New York. p. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. A remeiiy which ha bca testec for 10 years, anil pr.-ved in thous nnds of eass, apiible of curing al tise&sss cf ti Tircat and Lacjj; per forming mnv remarkable cures merits a tiial from all who nre suf fering from similar attentions ana vainlv soekins; relief. Will yoi la pejiice prevent yea tcisg ccrol alsol ;Dr. Crook's WINE or Cecgis aai Mis. The Drneists say it cures them all Ar.am. Tlie relief and cure-of it nre marvelous. ErcaakiUs. Kvery sufferer will find relief and cure Threat Aiiacsts renin re onlv a few .loses. tiz risoMcj. Has cnreJ cases pronouneed incurable item, s organ y action on the stomach cures it. Appetiser. It is health-Riving. anJ apetite restoring. Criciry Oreass. Aefionomhem is marked and prompt 12. C-CCZ'S TOTS C? TA3 is rioh in tho medicinal ouahties or Tar, combined with vegetable ingre ilienis of umiouhted value, whieh make it unwur passed, not only for tho complaints enumerated hut it rapii:7 testsres exhausted itrerrth, cleanses th Stomach, relaxes the Liver nd puis them to work, cause the food to digest, and makes pure blood, and begets a vivacity appreciated by both sound and sick. IT you are atliictad in any wav, we know if yoo try the life-giviaj tccie prirperticif f tr. Crook's Wine ot Tar, you will dd your testimony to its great value m correcting anv "iIIh that flesh is heir to." Prepared only by CLI7E2 CSOCZ s CO. Sold by tniggita everywhere. Tzt Scrofula, CcrsfUcus Tamers. Scrofaleu tiseascs cf the Etcs, or Scrofula in any foi m. EhetJtatism, Kseases ef the Liver, Dis eases ef tte fficin, Zrcp'40Bt, rimples. Belli, Tet ter, Ceala Head, Blurs, ail tid Seres, or any tiisease depending on a depraved eon- union in me 1'iomi. laKe dt. eras n-mi- cot. It i.s combined with the Ik-m tonic pr A Ji& lTown, mid is the b reparations of iron 1 lest Altrittir and Mood f 'nrifier made. Pei-i-n mr 1M Try one Hottle. Sold by Druiists. I're pared onlv v CUVI3 C23C5 k CO Saytoa. H i;nnxMunG imm mi wm HAVING recently enlarged our stock . we are now prepared to sell at a great redaction from former prices. Our etock con sists of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's and Allen's Hair Restor atives. Pills, Ointments, Piasters, Liniments, Pain Killers, Citrate Magnesia, Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Pure Flavoring Extracts, Essences, Lemon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Rhubarb, Pure Spices, &c. ; CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. Blank Books, Deeds, Notes and Bonds; Cap, Post, Commercial and all kinds of Note Paper; Envelopes, Peng, Pencils, Arnold's Writing Fluid, Black and Red Ink, Pocket and Pass Books. Magazines, Newspapers, Novels, His tories, Bibles, Iteligious,Prayer and Toy Books, Penknives, Pipes, &c. tW We hare added to our stock & lot of FINE JEWELRY, to which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at lower prices than ever offered in this place. Paper and Cigars sold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON it MURRAY, July 30, 1868. Main Street, Ebensburg. fENTISTIli'. The undersigned, JL graduate of tbe Balti more College of Dental Sur gery, respect fully offers hi? I'KOPKSSIONAI, services to the citizens of Eb ensburg and vicinity, which place he will visit on ine foi rth Mokoat of eacu month, to re main one week. Aus 13. SAM'L BELFORD. D. D. S. DR. H. B.MILLER, Alleona. l'a..- Operative and Mechanical nFNTiQT " fc- I IVFI Office removed to "V irsrinia street the Lutheran church. Persons from Cambria cuuuiy or eitxwnere who get work done by me w .ii .uiuKukui x cu is ui i Aia auci upwaias, have the railroad fare deducted from their h will Us Aix work Jan.21,18C9.-tf. TAilES J. OATMAN, M. J., tenders his professional per vices as Phy sioian and Surgeon to the citizens of Carroll tewn and vicinity. Office in rear of build ing occupied by J. Buck & Co. as a store. Night calls can bo made at his residence, one dxr south of A. Uaug's tin and hardware 8tore- TMay 9, 18C7. poit KALI: Five fine Fun us, with Mills and roiindry. Address owner, ItlCII'U IKBV. ia 1.0U0 Cury Street, Ukhwoud, Virfc'iuia. C o SShWIUAT adf 0 q a V I I m - - - - - fcJ -r -I sss B SI 2 gfh Jkfl sis " I v" "Hit 1 all ?9CW -I? ci "2 oa-g 4 2 S is THE GREAT OAK HALL EMPORIUM! 241 Main Street Johnstown. S. J. HESS & HAVE NOW ON HAND The Largest, Best Made AXD MOST DCRAOLE Stock OF Clolliiiig: v EVER KEPT IX JOIIXSTO n, consisting' chiefly of MEN'S COATS. HEN'S PANTS. MEN'S VESTS: YOUTHS' COATS. YOUTHS' PANTS. YOUTUS' VESTS; BOYS' COATS. BOYS' PANTS. BOYS' VESTS. We hare also constantly in stock a complete assortment of CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c. HfWe are prepared to make to order Cloth- loir of every description on tbe shortest notice. Call at Ao, 241 Slain Street, AND SEE HOW IT IS YOURSELVES! Johnstown, April 22, 1871.-6m. Win. McKniglit, Jr., DIALER lit RAILWAY ENGINEERS' MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES, SOU! AG EXT FOn Eagle Steam Hydraulic Packing, lluntoon Steam Governor, Timrston's Excelsior M-Friction Metal, Costing- 20 per cent, less than other Metals. STANDARD LUBRICATING PLUMBAGO, Galena Lubricating Oils, For Light and Heavy Machinery, - Coal akd Railway Cars! BEND FOR PRICE LISTS. KO. 09 WATER STREET, -i.-3m i PITTSBURGH, PA. EBENSBURG FOUNDRY! J. A. SHOEMAKER, Haxcfictcrtr, tad Wholesale tai still Staler la THRESHING MACHINES. HORSE POWERS, WIND MILLS: PLOWS and PLOW POINTS. SHOVEL PLOW'S. CULTIVATORS; HEATING I COOKING STOVES OF EVERY DESIGN AND PRICE ; Church, School and Dinner BELLS, CAST IROX rLCIXG, KETTLIS. Al CAST HOLLOW MI of every description, Ac., Ac ALL WORK WARRANTED 1 1 HT Special attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of Stoves, Farming Utensils, dec. All orders promptly attended to. Old metal, Srrnin, etc.. taken in exchange for work. Ebensburg-, July 1, ltf71.-3m. LANE BROTHERS, SUCCESSORS TO B. WOLFF, Jb., & CO., Importers and Dealers in At tbe old well known stand. Cor. Liberty & Sixth (late St. Clair) Sts. 1'ITTSIIURGII, FA., Are now receiving a full assortment of Hard ware for the Fall and winter trade. Our recent fire having destroyed all our former stock, we are enabled to offer an ENTIRE NEW LINE of GOODS, fouoht at present pricxs, and which we are prepared to sell at the lowest nowslble rate. Special attention called to our Large Variety of JoiiKe lixtUiicrs' ITarrlicKtre, Carjxnter' and Blackumithit' Tools, jiyricHltuml Imjtlementg, Huuxe Furnishing Good, Taite and Pocket Cutlery, Meat Cutters, Sleiuh Hells, tte. Liberal arrangements made with Peddlers, and parties having orders for goods in our line. Our wholesale Catologue mailed to all Dealers desiring it. Send for one!- aug.l0.-2tn.l WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. II. CIIILDS & CO Hoots aud Shoes AT VERY LOW PRICES, i. , . - . , ' AT H. CBULDS & CO.'S, 133 WOOD STREET, ' PITTSBURGH. ..Ai,?reStocof Nailed TJrogans, for Miner Li Ti1i",,,lco.Men' constantly n band, which weellfrom 10 to 20 cento per pair below the usual market rates. July 27, 1871-3m. TJMRST NATIONAL SADDLE AND . HARIXS 8HOP OF CAMBRIA COUNTY, Ftrtx (opposite Union School House.) est Ward, fcoensburg, Pa.-M. M. O NE1I.L, Proprietor. StuUlles an,l Hart made and re paired and all other work in my lino executed in the bt?st manner, on the BhortMt notioe. and at tbe meet r9VBWe rates. Tf-i2.-tf. BROTHER DO YOU TUIXII IT A SIHT Do you thfnk tt a Sin in the gloaming To sit near a neat fitting dress, With the daintiest of maidens within it. An lilj while fingers to press ? Or softly to lift a stray ringlet, That floats o'er a bosom of snow, Or to peep into eyes that are glancing, From darkly fringed eyelids below ? Or to see just beyond where she's sitting A something you ought to repair; And pass your arm around her and fix it, And then to forget your arm there; Or, just in a fit of abstraction, To tell her there's something you misa, And while she's helping you to hud it, To steal from her mouth a sweet kiss ? And as she's reproving you nhl!y, You draw in your arm rather tight. And tell her you're sorry you did it. If she does not think it quite right, And then in your penitent moment You say that to you it is plain. You ought, as a matter of hi nor, ' To give her tbe kiss back again. Yet bow to do it is a puzzle, For in riewing the matter all o'er, If I gire back the kiss 1 bare stolen, She might say I'd taken one more. O, I'm sadly perplexed aud confounded, I want to be just and polite, Don't you think that it were better to coax he To gire me to kissing the right ? I'm afraid I've committed a blunder, Aud acted somewhere like a duoce : I think 1 must get up my courage, And ask her to wed me at once. I've done it and she has consented Wht a fortunate man I have been 1 And now you may keep your opinion I don't think I have committed a eio. A Wedding In a HJsut house, A Toledo (Ohio) paper tells tbe Btory of a romantic wedding in a lighthouse on Turtle Island. Mrs. Ed son has been the keeper of the lighthouse since tbe death of ber husband, two years ago, and last week she was married to a young man named Burrow" who bad been employed as ber assistant. The wedding party of invited guests left Toledo on Thursday, and the trip was very pleasant until the party reached the vicinity of the island, when they were struck by a squall, were drench ed with rain and had a rouch time gener ally. Mr. liurrows watched the party from the island, and throwing off bis wedding cloths and donning bis working suit, put off in a boat to tbeir assistance, lie was thrown back by tbe rough sea, and came out of the struggle with skinned nose and bruised face. He madea sec ond attempt, reached the tug, transferred tbe dranched wedding guesrs, two by two, to the island, where they were received by Mis. Edson in a manner at once cordial and earnest. Tbe scene during tbe gale, and while the party was still on the tug, was very exciting. General Sieving' bat went oft at the first puff, umbrellas and parasols were turned wrong side out in a whirl, and the awning broke loose from its fas tening, swept tbe deck, where the cake and wedding delicacies were going to de struction. Some man wtnt to the rescue, however, and his daring was repaid by a vote of thanks from the ladies, who were willing to sacrifice their bonnets rather than that cake. At last Mr. Burrows had all bis guests on shore, and made himself ready for the ceremony. He remarked as an introduc tory that be had been round the world twice, that he had met many women, but be bad never loved until he met the lady soon to be his wife. There under the light, in sight of the scene of ber heroic struggle to save one man who called her wife, Mrs. Edson became Mrs Burrows, and received tbe congratulations of ber friends. After an entertainment, in which the rescued wedding cake and attendant fix tures played an important part, and after family prayer, in which the devine bless ing was asked on the newly-married couple, the guests returned to the city. It Might Have Been. We bear a great deal about this phrase, It might have been." Sentimental youths and love lorn lassies, growling old bachelors, and "picky" old spinsters, all join in this contemptible whine, "It might have been ;" but tbe words have another meaning well worth looking for, too. Instead of mourning over tbe irretrieva ble past, and sighing, "It might have been bttter," we should do a far more sensible thing if we picked up our crumbs, and said. "It might have been worse."' Taking timo through, there isn't more cause for sorrow than joy, and all bitter complaining only brings us so much the more speedily to that place which is the quintescence of everything doleful. It is not very likely that any of us will be called to endure more than good old Job. When earthly blessings were taken from him, he did not raise a great hue and cry, but patiently said, "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord." If ever we are so happy as to get to Heaven, then we may see that much which we call trouble and sorrow now, are really our greatest blessing ; and our utter ruin might have been wrought in soul and body if circumstances had been as we so often blindly wished tbey might have been. Then we shall see that, of all glad words of tongue or pen, the gladdest are these, "It might have been." About Bonnets. Oh, the bonnets of my girlhood the kind I wore to school ; I really thought them pretty I must have been a foot And yet I nsed to think myself on bats a jaunty miss ; perhaps I was, as fashion went but what was that to this ! Oh, the lovely little pancake tbe charming little mat I it makes - my bead so level, and so very, very flat. Oh, a sister's lore is charming, as everybody knows ; and a handsome neighbor's iove is nice that is, I should suppose; and the lore of a true lover is a love that cans not pall but the love of a new bonnet it the dearest love of all. When you make cider select nothing but the soundest turnips, chopping them sled lengths before ertdling them. In boil ing your cider use plenty of ice, and when boiled hang up in tho sun to dry. . Greeley. 1871. SPUING. 1871. I am now prepared to offer SUPERIOR" INDUCEMENTS TO CASH rCRCUASERS OT tie siht-hi k mm mi. KITHEK AT WHOLESALE Oli KETAIL. My stock consists in part of every variety of Tin, Sheet-Iron, COPPER AND BRASS WARES, ENAMELLED AND PLAIN SAUCE-PAWS, BOILERS. &c , COAL SHOVELS. WINE LAMPS, OIL CANS. HOUSEFURNISHING HARD WARE OF EVERY KIND. Kpeat'i Anti-Dust HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKING STOVES. NOliLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking Stove desired I will get when ordered at manufacturer s prices. Odd Stove Plates and Grates, &c, for re pairs, on baud for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular . attention given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will be made out of best mate rials and put up by competent workmen. Lamp Burners, Wick and Chimneys WHOLESALE OR RKTAIL. I wonld call particular attention to the Lipht House Burner, with Glass Cone, for giving more light than any other in rise. Also, the Paragon Burner, for Crude Oil. SUGAR KETTLESAND CAULDRONS of all sizes constantly on hand. Special attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Merchants Lists now ready, and will be sent on application by mail or in person Iloping to see all my old customers and many new ones this Spring, I return my most sincere thanks for the very liberal pa tronage I hare already received, nnd will endeavor to please all who may call, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAY. Johnstown. March 7. 18C7. iREAT "Reduction in Pkices 1 TO CASH CUSTOMERS! AT THE EREXSDl'RG HOlSE-FURimiHNG STORE. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gc-Der ally that he baa made a great reduction in prices to CASH BUYERS. My stock will consist, in part, of Cooking, Parlor and Heat ing Stores, of the most popular kinds ; 2Yn vcare of every description, of my own man ufacture ; Hardware of all kind, such as Locks, Sciews, Butt Hinges, Table Hinges, Shutter Hinges, Bolts, Iron and Nails, Win dow Glass, Putty, Table Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Meat Cutters, Apple Parers, Pen and Pocket Knives in great variety, Scissors. Shears, Razors and Strops. Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Boring Mactiicea, Augers, Chissels, Tlanes, Com passes, Squares, Files, Rasps, Anvils, Vises, Wrenches, Rip, Panel and Cross-Cut Saws, Chains cf all kinds. Shovels, Spades, Scythes and Snaths, Rakes, Forks, Sleigh Bells, Shoe Lasts, Pegs, Wax Eristles, Clothes Wringers, Grind Stones. Patent Molastes Gates and Measures, Lumber Sticks, Horse Nails, Horse Shoes, Cast Steel. Rifles, Shoe Guns, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Pow der, Caps. Lead, &c, Odd Stove Plates, Grates and Fire Bricks, Well and Cistern Pumps and Tubing; JIarness and Sadllery Ware of all kind ; Woolen and Willow Ware in great variety ; Carbon Oil and Oil Lamps. Pish Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Lubricating Oil, Rosin, Tar, Glassware, Paicts, Varnish es, Turpentine, Alcohol. Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES, such as Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Syr ups, Spices, Dried Peaches, Dried Applesl Fish, Hominy, Crackers, Rice and Pear Barley; Soaps, Candles; TOBACCO and CIGARS; Paint, Whitewash, Scrub, Horse, Shoe, Dusting, Varnish, Stove, Clothes and Tooth Brushes, all kinds and sizes; Bed Cords and Manilla Ropes, and many other articles at the lowest rates for CASH. Q&-Ifauee Spouting made, painVsd and put up at low rates for cash. A liberal discount made to country dealers buying Tinware wholesale. GEO. HUNTLEY Ebensburg, Feb, 23. 1867.-tf. JEMOVAL and ENLARGEMENT. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES. TIN. COPPER & S1EEMR0B WARE. Ila ving- recently taken possession of the new ly lit ted up and commotions building on Hiirh street, two doors wist of the Bank and nnrly opposite the Mountain House, the subscriber is better prepared than ever to manufacture all WAKE line, all of which will be furnished to buyers at the very lowest living: prices. The subscriber-also proposes to keep a full and varied assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves of the most approved designs. tp-SPOUTING and ROOFINO made to order and warranted perfect In manufacture and ma terial. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Ail work done by me will l.o done rieht and on fair terms, and all STOVErf and WAKE sold by me can be depended upon as to quality and cannot be undersold in price. A continuance and increase of patronage is respectfull v solici ted, and no effort will be wantinar to render en tire satisfaction to all. i, . ,o VALLIE LUTRINGER. Ebcnsburgr, Oct. 13, 18T0.-tf . JOHNSTOWN MUM 1PIBI1. WM. P. PATTON, Mannfaotnrer and Dealer In AIX KINDS OF CABINET FURNITURE 150 and 152 Clinton Street, JOHXSTOTTjy, PA. Bureau, - Hedsteads, Waghstands, Sideboards, Chamber Sets, Parlor Sets, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Lonnges, - &c, &c, &c, &c. Cain Chairs, Wood Seat Chairs, . Kitchen Furniture, Red Lounges, Mattresses, Tete-a-Tetes, Extension Tables, Dining: Tables, SC., &C, &C, &C, &C, &c, &0. EVEUV DESCRtPTlov n SCHOOL AND HALL FURNITURE made to order in excellent style and at low prices. Cabinet an I Chulrmake'rs' materials of all kinds tor sale. Furniture delivered at any ?11ilJ.?hnStOWn or at K'Hlroad Station free of extra ehurve. vvt P Pattmv Jouustowu, oct.;i3, laro.-tf. ' ArTUN- A T77S VEGETABLE SICILIAN hair RENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair l-reparauon; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. JJy its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old acre. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilayes, M.D., State Assaver of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR TEE WHISKEES. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists, Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N-U- Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is wiJely knotvn as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has stood the test of years, -with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful curesT many of which are publicly known, of Scrof iLla, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Irruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Klotclies, ISoils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's IFire, ltose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Khetim, Scald Head, Kinjrworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and liier. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female Weakness, Debilily, and Leucorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. .PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEEYWIEEKE. NATUR EE 3 S ITA1R RESTORATIVE Contains no'AC SULPHUR-No SU GAR of lead-No litharge No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from'the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent and clear ns crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric perfectly SAFE, CLEAN and EFFIC1 ENT, desideratunis JX)va sought FOR AND FOCND AT LAST ! It restores aud prevents the TTair from be eonnnjr Gray, imparts a soft, jdossr uppearance. removes Dandruff, is cool and refresh iuir to the head, clucks the Hair from falling- off, and re stores it to a trreat extent when preinaturolv lost, prevents llt-udaehe, cures all humors, cu taneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. AS A AKTICIHx TH EM A MET.1 1S TUE U13ST Dtt. G. SMITH. Patentee, Aver. M:is. Pre pared only byPltOCTOU JHiOTHEItS, Glou cester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of tlie article blown in the fclass. Ask your Druir Kist for NATURE'S 11A1H IlKSTOUAlJv't:, aud tako no other. fcSt?end two three cent stamps to PnocTErt Bbothkks for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." 1 he information, it Contains is worth ."iw) to anv person. J tp-For sale by LEMMON" & MI lilt AV, Drn? gists, Ac., Ebensburg. Pa. iJuue 3, Tt.-ly. 1LOID & CO., Hankers" Kbensbubq, Pa. Gold, Sil ver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Eeposits. Collections made in all accessible points in the United States and a general Banking business transacted WM. LLOYD & CO., Bankers, Altoona, Va. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rate. an31. Thlng lvorih Ei A I.emfdy r.a DSi.1;,IlM s' Having fct-rvcj recently hr ,7 ?EK?-. on lilack wells M., -, J U(,'k;, number of cast-a of .lellri-n, ,1- 'V ttaiit!y being sent f. r t -( -. . "' nir;'s - - A I tlie opportunity ,, t r.e corn nnr -i 1 1 1. . r , , -,..v miucs 1 ,v". . bromide of potassium ai..i '.'i'"c -x. l'bia in tLUtUscase. '' , .. . '"'''?';- : given, I weighed tie .i't5 r'', 'f '. '-1 parr.l the Fo!uti,.ns r.tvsi- f f chloral, tlie streriatVof -, f 1 Bix'y grain to the u;.Cf. lt" "iaV"1''' ' it well di;uff.J J urj...M 'v, '. "tV" 1: tion is cxcet-HVrly i-ri :!;'-'", be treated were divUH ;.. '" c- The first c'as cutnj rL-c i t;' .i" V ' Let-a u.-cd to cousiJcr.Jt"' hints either habitually ,.r J' ' liays to a vvei k after tl, fti,;;r -; be found (im'.n; tin especially for their tl : i :!;., i were inveterate drui,' rv tacked with this cui.!;i,i';:.': ,.j diately alter a l"ii;r dJhn;, of cases iu which it ia l. ,.. ,; dace sleep and appetitf, A. Straus complicat:,,;, jr- ;. Those of this ecor.:i ci treated with hydrutc r,f ;.; dees to tfoduce bii-t , a- .. ; the frhorteat time. 1-1 :; f ixty gTa:ns f hytir:,-, iven, but other cas-V- . r, in to case more. In . patient usually wtiit n four to five Iit.urs. ari'J r. lose of sixty grains way r ...l i- .c . T. niou, ujiiiv or ore i 103, j . j. .. , ' theu go to sleep again, i , 0 the second lirne would pr-.' 'ie ('''. hallucinations, and takt f ...J ,'." '. How to Core Spam :'sr t. xayiur, ecuor 01 U10 IJ4 Cr-;r- r'X . , . der, who has been si inv,; -x-M ' ' l writes as fallows abut tr.t v..Sy habit : "Xo stam-ntring -: r. tT-f -any difficulty in bingiu,;. T:.er jl is. that by t bserviog t!s m-.i-u-e -f '" music by keepiDg tiai?- the r-Vi' r . V r- 1 ' J -..it e:;; ciaiiou ia easy. -pj.-:y i:,c s a;e ra e -ing or speech, and the si-..e rt-u t wi' f low. Let the frtammeri-r tikeascu" say this one "Loaiicer s-. i-i t:.e anu pronounce 11 ny ?v.:ai keeping time with LU f; V -r letting each syllable occupy th thus. Lie an der s.vam-the :i U pout, aud he will not etanime-'. L-:: pronounce t-lowly, at f;r.-t, then still keeping time ; keeping tip. 0 wiu , ics-tead cf syllables, ani he wiiite izwk to find that, by very little pract;.-?, I- x read without flnmrntTi!::, a:: l Lr'r rapidly as persons ot.hi. tri'r tilk err::. Then practise this in re A:,'z c :i :i. tion until the habit 1 r..kca up. Ptr.- Tr ance and attention is al! that is Lcee r; peifurm a perfect cure." How to Do Up ?i::rt Dcj-xs Wcl:' often heard ladies tsprt.-s a Ctirt I:. by what process the fiue'gl.-sa oberfc: ; new linens, siiirt bi.p..?. etc., if ;rc; t In order to gratify tl.etn v.-e tul j :.i h-1 lowing recipe for tasking g-;rr. .ral;c Take two ounces cf u:n ur.l'c p -vr ier. : -it into a j itcher, cud j . -.i en it a j-'a: boiling water (.iccoruit.2 tj tLe Jr;-tt . strength you desire), ar.d u,i.-u, h.iv'.::i.; ereu it. let it set aa niiti.t la tte n.:ii; pour it carefully from tbe . fss iujcia bottle, cork if, arid keep it i r r-e. A'J blespoonfol of gum water. :rrl ici p: of March that has leen i:cl'. in 1. 1 u 1 manner, will give I.) la:..- 1 printed) a look of Le-.v:;. -? wl.ri :stl.;. else can restore them itf.cr wa;'i::.;. 1;. also good (much diiuteJj t.rtia v.l".uui !in and bob: net. To Keep Tomatoes f r W:tkf.T-i- A correspondent sea ls tie R irdXxl-' er the following: As t'.e te-.-itJs annroachinc T m contribute ess i keeiunsr them fjr winter u.-e th:.t new to scnie of ynur rea I a'e February, sliced and sea? neJ w.: and a little vinegar, that sje" :l every a; a nice tomatoes as nicked fnra the rss Thoc iram nrpmrj;! thiNk' ' I iSS-I 1 tit' j - . r. -V .. cup of salt in a gillon . water, tomatoes, hui n.t nver-ri: -1. !-'AV F;:k if r. T i li"' of th ci.T-ii no Tii j t .-n V v-i mr.-t be k;?! well covered with the briue atii keep till Spring or longer. IIearth and Umf. ?ar. an a'r-"'- itnpregnatcd with the d-.i wth biJ gathered in carpets, and ha? rerna:ae- u. for a considerable length of tb:e isp ; f ly unhealthy. The dust.aftcr le.-g ;' nant for some time, especially iu warn: er presents myriads cf aaitu-dcuia. veut the evil.'the carpets he-u!d feC':?;' often. The trouble cf taking cp. and replacing win i e axp it--"-. the matter of health, aaJ, sec- tcrving the carpet. .-' i JfEKrTN-o Ttx I'ans A C '-';?r"'-';;;.. tbe Rural New Yvilcr say? : Ttli y-'"r' readers to mend their tin p-1 Wliil It is very easily dona and is r-:tKf Vv, 1 ...jr ,11ml 1 fl'IIW II Lr lilt-Ill i. . - l .1 : .i -, i- i at 1' L- tt. ing them away. ta. - . it thoroughly c.ry.aiiJ t-J j to mend that '.-laoe that I have uifJ 'jr outside ; let never have have them years. Kkmedt for IlrsTERTrs - urawa;.;Va' finely Bounded, with a scaJ f lely pounded, with a sa'd r'Jt, nger and salt, spread cpen lr!'s,': -3,:Ti: r, and eaten evsry day, C-Tec "'' plj, V e morning, aud before g 'c3 11 vtic "in tcr the successmllv used in (jernia remedy against hysterica. Two new remf dies for l-nr;"? s e mended : Charcoal, which scv.Ii immediately, and in an h"tu 11 l,-f it. and a tepid bath, ccnta'bi-3 5 le es of sulphate of ircn. il B ror fresh wounds in maa ..B claimed that there is nctlin; to jf. t Bnely pulverized earth, to be n,c! jChi.s leuple of hou's. It is said to act " For fresh wounds in ma3 or C ceu on such wounds n M'T. M'CilI.lN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . T"':f ;"5n; o OQice in the Exchange 1U'""';?-' t ;3 Corner of Clinton and Locust Btairs. Will attend to all business ed with his profession. joiin r. a ' Tl, - . V ITTORNEY AT LAV, :sl: 11 Oflice in building on corner i Franklin street, opposite ins:,: i:tet second floor. . Entrance ou Fra." Johnstown. Jan. Si. lS6".-t 41 V. EASLY, ArroKsn a hsj XJ Office, No. 10S rralinp town, fa., two doors orm v. 3p Store. AVill attend promptlj to an fcis legal business that maj t.e entriij-j- Law, John f f own KTa. "V"' 1 pvi.t L lin street, upstairs, or. -Hardware Store. J33' i ,,r i f