The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 31, 1871, Image 3

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.. kuia Jrccmon.
Al f. SI,
. r 4 TF.
! r
'Pica -1
- crwton:'V.
. . . x . t- T .l.ficfnn'n
K fUTi:. Lh.'iisburg.
tJi' V , i:' l i:b.-nsburg.
, w ii fi hlkk. i'iensi 'c-.
-fA'Z VVoVv. "Vrm-nmuirh ll..n.tigh.
,unT-J" , M-, -K...M.Jolin.fii.
;.WT j.'- ;;-:.. Washington Tp.
1!:nH-r -V It r.lTTf.i:. AU.-glicny Twp.
U,arraic l"""' ''"
c .U4KSU. l"''t'iis!iiir-. Chairman,
i lf.BfwIihi.-lI.-i.ryT..ppi-r Allegheny
;vS!trick lMMaho,., Hhu-kliok Tmn,-
Cambria Roroilh Thns.
.lira"! W, II i-uil HislKirt
C Kitkpatrkk Carroll-''i-r;,i-ValciitinfT!i.iiia.
t hestlwp.
,''..;. .k chi st Sprints Borough
i !,-4i:iciil township duo. Jmr-
To-!i-!ii; odock kohler.
i !l,inii;'li-M..I. Fre-idhoot. 1st w d.;
,ViiM!al' i:.roli.fli-.. 'i lium, l.ast
'I'-ii-J.-'in !!ui.i'lin. K'x-nsburg
ftt.fMI .'I ' IfllH.ll... ..... - -
v " Kniiikini Uorouirli -V. Adams.
' r.'n n'tiiii -.'''!' Galilean. Jackson
ij7pJ..b:i Kag r. .!!mso-ti -John Jlan
i.:mni: .I'Ki-t'ii Cruii-e. " I ward : John
.... ,1 :u.i : (.einvi- .u. way, 4iii warn.
vrn wanl: -I t i Meloy. t'.th ward.
Kfi'IfTi i i:::sf i-r lownsh.p
4 "v,V'ii!ioiiih. Pi expect Borough K.
"r.i "liifliiaiiJ Township W. Cole. Sum
' ' "f, t ri-Ji i .1 1 - ii ' i Mi '.iriniik. Siimmit-
4. ' W'a.-bingtn Township John II.
f -y.' hit.- T-tihi; A. II. r'iske. Wil-
MiiniVL-ii - Wia. Sk-Ily. Woodvcb? IJiir-
--D.Buriiii'I'l. VoiltT low n.'iiip Abrum
first KeetiDg cf tto Campaign.
IVDmocM'if an-! I'onsoi-vntivecifizens of
... . .i.- ...w! ..ii i i
.frm wtif.iif ili'y HitiT come, art ivspeot-
tir.iiud to tiici t at the COL liT IIOL'E in
fii'lonilnj Evpnlntr next, Sept. 4th.
oiMk. P. to listen to Bb!e n.1 eloquent
ws fn.m Hon. Wm. A. Wah.ack. of
13 i
Ivtt'ii. oor (ui-iliclnte for .State -St'iiator,
: K .M.M'KKR. ot ilutitimrilon. present Con
:r:infp.Ri th's Ilistrirt. I)r. Wm. A Smith,
'"il.-'lthi:.. nil'.l ol hlT .list i riirltiVif..! cth.i b-
ials j
L Lei tin-re be a srrainl turn-out.
bpt unit iiNliajm at nnti uenr ISome.
-Nit frcconipdLies are ts;tc.ed to parade
i lo t!ay.
-Tie annua! Blacklick camp meeting will
:::.ce ..ear Armagh, Indiana county, to-
mo ;
last etrJed the dor davs ami tn.
l.-cij the Both ends came very
I i' IM'tl?:'?.
-A to tear oi l child was almnst inctanMr
.ectfiir liutitii K'lou ti e Other da v bv heinV
jow by a wagon. siot.e of a new Lutlimn rlmr.K
I .SllLierMil was laid with atitinmriata iro.
1 ir -i -:,i.ti.a
1 iiursdav last.
J -.Hrikcman, i.atae to us unknown, had
c.'Urbot.e broken bv beinw knnrWo l 1
iraio in the t'jt.iiel, on Monday week.
inure rt.uDiy rnan plumes himself on
n::X kil!cl eeveiiiv &oveii ru itU.n. Ir ;.t.
L" urea of t cntv srmarp fwt all in .1
Xeil Keogh. and r ot Thos Kcoffh!
it I
i lhe fapers published in that city led us
-Riv. Fui),cr Stack, of VTU
m a verj m'ructive discourse on "Papal
r.ity" in the Catholic chutch in this
won Sunday evciiintr last.
-Tie Leavy rait,3 on laet Friday night
the streams about Johnstown to rise to
tie ;s!it, and the flood wH- M, i.
co!.start fail of rain on Sunday.
I .vn.rvU ,u
poMwave.y extensive sale of horses., lot Of CM.ur.d. anil rtYcr r-...
-tt:tv..,e on Saturday, .Sept. l'uh. Fur- Clristy. of tha Caiho'in
!p.CP, COS niccioratr.l ll.o . .i
r, ""aUon lb priesthood
u, "fc ,J'i-:u ass on i uesday morning
;Onrfrien,lT. Blair Patton, of Altoona,
lv l Tafq,t Ur thftnks ,or an invitation
I . . , iiiuiu ii
rt- i . ""ln" ounaay School
U c a-cll' '!8 Ut. Johto PHrticipatTd
JwrcLed out to music played by a brass
,A mother. daup-htr
I comrc;-e, t. r.u ; . .
tTHrV.v -'.r C.Unty pic"nic tbejother day.
fe of .1 I f -I pHl in Particular and the ba'l-
roi tue tribe in cpnrui
An Ahir.i.u i- i r - .
'een t,. . t uauiy cruanea ue-
t'khi! b,l,IrnPers of a 'rght train on
fj - 'ic. ucmr?.
hfret), " i'an,ed wtn D'h. cmploved on
U-ai? s am 'tt8 rrecip.itated benea'th the
o.h cut offi &ud died from h ff
he arculpl;t ,n a few boa
Silip t mir:..... i ....
("oa tvl r . KV r ccmP10' the tin
ifl v. . Catl,ol,c church at Loretto. and
kb of ii r l ue uas maue a Per"
ie.o r , Vrrrabe,ir o-kerin tin than
Iv0"'""1 L- re hard to scare up.
... . '"n'uiuue, me WlOOW woman nlmm
onr.f. .- "7 e np RUPFcted of Uie
C.m, I! was arre8txl at her home
to j"i r: lturday last and brought
"..i .P'a?e-.. w ve heard ofEo
I y'i;uilui8 in lhe cape.
a:thhono the '"St tn h V
a: Altoona, haT?; - ""6fl com-hhisarmonT.-,
, -;.of 8tee dnv..
HTWed ti- .... -e,a 0f last week which
-e pi evented serious consequences.
A VOUfUr rnon A 1 ti
to death bv . r-H r i gUa ,K'a, crus"ed
lria iXJ!L.' C?1 m oc of the Cam-
ire. industrious "ln"cc Jears of
was the main support of Z ?Cler' and
-The United Ii, ?! Tld?wed mother.
ir3 eight miles from Johnstown lf'
township, last week. A great number J j?hnd
townors and others went out to a
n last Sunday, notwithstanding the h.B'ght!
tcs-sant rain hirh rwmr,! d " 5 a"l
A young man named Isaac Evans !! h'
J 'rjured in the mines at East Uonlm'h
r'r Johnstown, on last Friday forenoon lL
is hauled in a spring wagon to his home on
ose Island, Johnstown, where his wounds
"dressed. It is thought that he will re-
-Mammoth potatoes are the rule rather
an the exception this year. Mr. Richard
v's of this place presented us with six Early
lJ'e potatoes the other day which arrePHtel
einaVwhtabf Th6f '"K-'ffBS
pouadl fractlon of onc and a half
UimL L,07d' .of Susquehanna township,
been keeping out ot the way of the
tha,!:"'8 for 6everal months, owing to a
t N ar80u Preferred "gainst him, having
Ww.f 1 tired of the "d go seek"
L elf up!"1 t0 UWn U Frid aud
-A man was rebontly shot dead bv Jtr J
b. ThompBon. of Martha Furnace, Centte
county, wh.lst attempting to break ixto the
alter s store No due as to the na2,e of the
burglar was found about hU person. He hU
an envelope ,n his pocket addressed to Anna
Iiobinsou. Tittsburph. . . . BM
1IUg1,.ofLthe Standard, dined on beef
slaughtered in Texas on A up. 1st and served
up u Holbdaysbnrg last Bund.T. He tlrlt
a? tender, juicy ana sa, orv. A patent re"
erator d.d .he -biz" for the beef, but after ,t fresh so long it , a pi y to th ow
it into a 1 Faugh of that kind. 9
Now is lhe timo to h f . c
cheap. Val lie Luttrioger his a big stock
hand, and w.ll furnish the very be.t quart cans
...large or sma I quantities, at the low price of
one doMar per dozen, or second rate cans a?e
spvt,,,y cents per dozen. So H-eh
... wlu!e yon CAS-fruits and bu, so very ch-.-r.
To-morrow will usher in the mefancho v
days, the -saddest of tho u.r
know any better tune than now for people to
put money m ftheir purses and; repair with,
out delay to . S Barker's cheap cLb , ore
vxhere there w very b!egant Variety of sum
mer goods to be had almost for the a.kin
Aalhewants room for his fall stock and ?8
bound to bargains to all ho wanfthem
A Miss Annie Iirown, who at one time ere
afed a sensat.on In Blair county inconsequence
of supposed to have a living snake in her
stomach, occasionally pro.ruded its head
from her mouth, was in Cumberland recentW.
plaung snake as usual, when a phvsician took
hold of her thront, and putting his hnd in
hor mouth, took out an India rubber imitation
gone Annie'8 occupation is
Jo:.n Dean, Esq , of HomdaTsbt.rg, was
nommated as the Radical candidate for Jud-e
of this J udicial District on Tuesday lat The
conference v. as held at Altoona. and the nom
.nation was made on the third ballot. Geo SJ
Keade. K-q., of this place, .was Mr. Deon's
compet.tor, and some of the political friend
the latter gentleman are so tnm l. put out about
Vr. Harks having to beat Tavlor and Ufan
instead of Taylor and R,-ade. that they threat'
en to go back on I he nomination.
NITiivEXtI,UI?ff?1 & co 's ct coMnr-
.NAlJON.- As will ? seen by advertisement in
our paper to-day, Ihrndcoburh & Co.'s Waiu
inoth Co.nbiimtion of Shows. Circuses and Me
najf cries is tocshibit Iti Johnstown to-morrow
tit Summit villc on Saturday, and in lloiiidavs
burg-on Jlon.lny. Ju regard to the superior t-x-1'i.lltnceof
this stupendous entertainment the
press of this country as well its of Europe bear
the most iiattcrinir testimony, but of the estab
lishment in detail the following from t ho Liv
erpool (EiiR.) Mfrruri Rives a better idea tbau
aiiythiutf we have yet read :
The variety and extent of tho Menageries nnd
Cii-eiiscs owned by Messrs. llandenbiirir i t,'t. .
nnd incorporated in t hisirraml cnravim, can. in
the most liberal sense, be called comprehen
sive. In point of variety they are superior to
any, while in extent they re without an equal
v t-ie tney placed alone before the people.with
out the collateral attractions of a circus a
show ol trained performing animals the prand
etre tsof outside munificence and splendor
we think, in faet are satisfied, that tbev would
prove a iMjwert'ul attraction. The animals and
birds, of which there are nearly three hundred,
are all important ones very lew being" of
kinds with which the public have been long fa
miliar. There are a number which are Positive
ly near to the people of this country. Specta-
vw.o uun u-j nis aniuud inspecting tlie
lnmnrcs of the dens, will And a variety, not a
lot of duplications. Some coticornd have a
great number of specimens we admit, almost
as many as Messrs. Handenburgh & Co. possess
but they are mostly lions, lionesses, leopards.
South American tigers (not Itengals), panthers,
wildcats, monkeys, coons, and foxes. In Messrs
Haudenburgh & Co.'s there are the white cam
els, chetah leopards, the sire, dam and colt
zebra, perfect specimens of the crciiuiae xtriiie,
not quaginis; the Alascan white bear, silver
fJceced lamas, the onlv cmea In Ami.rim ..
vaJ, a new animal, azebu, barbarosna. a strange f
Cl'l :I t II rA u I f o inlli. ..f 1 i;
creature, a royal family of black maned lions,
.arc hiiu .arge ousn Kangaroos, a wombatta,
Alrican ostriches, and other specimens which
are exclusive variety. The ordinary stcks of
lions, leopards, camels, dromedaries, hvenns,
lamas, wolves and elephants, are also choice;
in fact none better have ever been placed on
exhibition. Having on hand such material for
allowing the public to see beasts and birds,
which are, in reality, curiosities. Handeubyrgb
4-Co. can, with perfect propriety, claim to have
the largest and best Menageries and Circuses
upon this Continent.
cir.TT- The Annua! Exhibition of this Soc:cty
(formerly Altoona Park Association), will be
held at the City of Altoona on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursdav, and Fiidav, September
12th. 13ih, I4tb, lath, 1S71. The grounds
are the largest and most complete, and the
driving course equal to the best, in the State.
The very liberal premiums offered by the Man
agers must command the attention and atten
dance of all purties rearing good stock, or in
terested in agricultural and other inventions.
The following summary of premiums will con
vey au idea of their magnitude:
Thoroughbred horses
ltoadsters. "
Horses for general purposes! .
1 iraf t horses ,
Matched, driving and saddie'horsesi
Jacks n ml mnli.,
.1399 00
. 121 00
. 105
. iio no
,, . . , ui AJ
J horoughbred, native and grade cattle.. 913 00
O l on
cMiccp anu swinf . ....:. 2ot (W
Farm and yard fowls 149 00
Farm implements 150 no
The speed premiums amount to P'J U00. di
vided into seven purses: One of $L'5; ne of
$400; one of 100; ore of ?50; one of $700;
one of ?5(M;; one of fi50 the whole mking
over $6,000 in premiums for the present season!
1 he complete success of former exhibitions
of the Society, and the general satisfaction
given, should guarantee a larger turnout thid
seaeon than heretofore. Entries of blooded
stock and valuuble inventions are being made,
and there will be beauty and diversity to look
Excursion tickets will be issued from all
stations on the main line and branches of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, from Monday until
Friday, good for return trip on Saturday. -
prrpopiEn MiTnDEiTijr Tyrone. Last
week s iisuo of tho Tyrone llerubl lurnisbos the
following particulars of what there is strong
reason to believe was a wilful murder commit
ted in that place only a few days ao :
On Tuesday afternoon last, about 3 o'clock,
Mrs. John Mciubart, of this place, was discover
ed by Mr. S. A. Gibson, in a smoke house in her
husband's yard, suspended by her neck, dead.
Mrs. M. was lastscen on Sunday night, lor some
reason little search had been made for her. On
Monday morning, her room was entered and
Mrs. Ax. found absent, her eight month's old
baby being iu the cradle, according to evidence
ot Aliss Amanda Uiriter, playing. When dis
covered by Air. Gibson, who ia company with
several gentlemen, had been speculating upon
the whereabouts of Mrs. Meinbart, sho was
found banging with a shoemaker knee strap
about her neck, with one end similarly adjust
ed to a stick a few inchesabovft her head, about
a broom bundle. Tbo heel ol one foot was rest
ing upon a stick. The clasp on tho door to the
smoko house, was well on the staple, Bomethln'r
unusual and diibcult to accomplish. ( kro
ner's Jury was summoned consisting of Messrs
Caleb Hurley a. A .LAinith. Amoroso A..H., E
J.rruner, Col. P,ti5t'rt Gulbraith aud Charles
At 3 o'clock, p. m., the Jury rendered the
following verdict;
That Joanna Meinhart eameto her denth by
strangulation at tbo bands of some unknown
Thursday, about noon, John Meinhart went
before Samuel Jones, Esq., and gave himself
up, whereupon the Justice committed him to
prison. Miss Ginter was arrested last evening
Thursday as an accessory, and was conveyed
to Ilollidaysburg. The case has caused much
excitement, but we refrain from remarks,
trusting all good citizens will do the saiuc that
tbo law may take ita bourse.
A Sr.ictrr Mistake. A man living near Kit
tanning Voint, while one day last week en
gaged in grubbing in a new Held, came across
in the ground what he supposed to be a houey
rifJ?st and. supposing he had struck a mine
STOrf,?- wit'lTa3 bu(crtteflti8atnndL-a
Y.ry?.i.UAe b.ee8-. 'lo was however eon-dd-
him to undorstan.i ihl n52u1..??VO
xun au., i"'"itoh: Buaeraent or all facta
about newspapers which an advertiser desires
to kuovr. The subscription nrice is v.ihii..
J750.000 ! Estiaoated value of Fall Stock at W
oi U s. Oak Hall.
BrownJLOWFail prices at Wanaunaker &
The American NEwsPAPERDrRKCTORv rh.
lished by Geo. P. Kowell & Co AdvT'tP-i
Agents, Is'o. 40 Park How, New YA?V. llf.
vox porrti.
Teachers' Kxanilnatian.
Dear Frerman-As. Jora! is very scarce I sfcaH
supply the usual variety by a homily on Teac h
ers Examinations, a subject that ought o be
interest ing just now. We had visit Hat week
Irom our County Suporintenoant- and I a VnZ
?eaVtrsV,1 "mt?& '&,t, PTe
1 neiact that so many teachers fail nt 0Tmi
nat ions is in a great degree owirfg V lack
judgment in preparing Nine teachers out of
ten do not really comprehend the purpose of
tin examination. They think that tbcSuperin-
th, ; Lvov:, nnd hence they crowd the mind With
w h lhe?: ."d". n,,,rrt,U,t lacts- n"(1 tii down
witn the burden they carry. A Snporintenc'unr
?0t "V.T 'hera to find out E i vch
they know, if he di.l, it would take f r y l y,
tn.VwVl"' Va,Um 1,1,8 two ohcts. The Pupcr
Inte idant desires to ns. rtain hmo well tl o
tea.lier knows a given thing nnd hnxowcllhe
ZZl'llX . H.cnco. tiuesVions
n-i V, : "" .uiuer man on irariice
.U.0nH h-r wl. Prepares for an examination:
too often spends his
time inemorlziny defini
tions and rules and nrnc ;.,.- r......i.' r.....J,,l.T
ivestigutimr th rniir ' iT
... T "i,lons'. ruies and formulas. For ex-
. .' ii""'
......... rinrenuant will far moro likelv
ask a teacher wh ,, he must get s i com mo, J
nominator in addition of fraction T han .
f Ii9""',:!';t answer to 1 he v- .is wort h
far more to the SupoTintcndent than an ansver
to the hnr. The one elucidates a 11 Yu-i,,lc Z
other merely gives a rule. The tocher pets a
a common denominator in order to get nil the
tractions to be added changed 10 a unit valut lot
the s,.,r odcr, without changing the vahie of
the f ractions. One cannot add one-half, one
thud and one-fourth together any more than
be can add one hpi xe. one cow and one man to
gether. And an intelligent answer to the eues
tion vim 1 worth much more to the examiner
than an answer to tho question tiov The Su -penntendant
can judge better of the qualifica
tions of the appl.cant, as regards bis general
kuowlougo of the science of arithmetic, and the
teacher who can exobiin tliij .;.. ,-.n ..u;i.:.
!s ability to impwl instruct ion to others mm
weii as to comprehend tho principle himself.
Not long since we saw a teacher at an examina
tion trying to solve a problem in addition of
1 radons oy fan,'f(ii,m. He was not ft young
teacher eit her, and when we tipped hi" elbow
and told him that couldn't be done, he insisted
that it could, and was not convinced till I men
1 1 .tied (wiim'i! df.nniniiuttum, when he took tho
"V1 ' w tnis p:ither understood the mien for
adding fractions and for cancellation both, but
he did not seem to understand tbe jyrinrini,
ow we any to teachers, do not burden the
mind with manyart and (hftnitum. but think
mveh about consi-a nnd princi),!,. Throw the
text-books away, except for occasional refer
ence, and study a iriven branch just. 4 if vou
were going to mnke a book yourself. You can
nt this way prepare for an examination at the
Mon as well as in the xtudw. You can study
out cause arid effect at your daily avocations
just as well as anywhere else. Going to a Nor
mal School may help, but studying hard at
borne is worth moro than normal instruction
It any teacher answers these three questions
in Geography, the Superintendant can soon
tell whether or not ho understands it nnd can
1 C4 . 1 1 1 1
1 Can you account for the genial climate of
Great Ihitain, that has so high a latitude?
can you ten wny there is little
in a portion of Peru ?
or no ra:r.
J. t an you tell how long n da v is hi r0 degrees
north latitude when it is fourteen hour long
in 40 degrees north latitude?
A thousand answersin local geography would
not be as satisfac tory as these three well an
swered. Superintendents usually ask ques
tions that have in them. Our Superin
tendant most certainly docs. We have exam
ined and been examined by a dozen of County
Superintendants, and never failed yet, and yet
we never prepared for examination by ran
sacking books. We just put the mind to think
ing. That was all.
A teachor who can afc sight diagram anah-ze
and parse the following sentence correctly is
capabloof teaching grammar: "To do good
and to communicate, lcrget not." So also is
that person competent to teach arithmetic who
can tell all the distinctions between common
and tlecmml fractions.
teachers examine and investigate WTiirncx
a r.1 , I ..... , i 1 1 ... . 1 ; 1- . .1 . j-. '
an preparing lor j-all examinations, then let
and they will most likelv kiii ,i n.
thy is always with teachers, and if we have
succeeded in giving a useful hint our purpose
is accomplished. Wo consider th questions
asked by our Superintendant to bo perfectly
fair, and a little attention to first principles
will crown the labors of every applicant with
When a law student Is examined, he is not
examined to see how much he knows, but how
well be knows, and he is not. examined on tho
statutes of Pennsylvania, but on elementary
law. So theteachorshouldnotbeexauiinedoii
text-book questions so much as on the elemeuts
and principles of science. Hon Item
A Jew of '-Observer's'' Observation.
Sin. Freeman It was my wont in davs gone
ly to indu Igo in politicutspeculations in the col
umns of tho AKryhaniaii, but as that sprightly
littio paper is now among the things that were,
and a hybrid concern, half New York ami half
"On tho Wing," has risen from its ashes, I have
concluded to "change the venue," and hencc
lorth will contribute my mite to your columns.
Aud just here let me give it as my opinion that
the ltadical party.and the clever fellowsgener
nlly, have lost a good ed. and got. a very weak
Ed. (or head) by the joumali-tic change noted
above. Todd was racy ; Ed. is nothing, and
very little of that. The productions on the in
side of the hitter's paper are as thin and wishv
washy as the New York quack medicines adver
tised on the outside.
The Hep. ticket, it mav not be out of order to
remark. Is not very satisfactory, and tlie nomi
tion for President Judge, just made, is the bit
terest pill in tbe whole dose. M. It. Wagner.
Esq., a good man, would have been nominated
for the I'srislature had he not been suspected
of tto much friendship for llaiker. Uowman,
on the other hand, was suspected of being for
Grant. So a dwji rcrul member siurgcttod t.'te
name-of Sam. Henry, (he hud so-n Sam.) and
pronounced him Mxtre fitting. The posish of
Alick Sander was that if Hose'8 bark should run
against a ... nfc it would Ik-wrecked. ISesidcs,
the Hems, had a Lloyd on for Judge, and Loj.f
A- Go. in the field on the other side would spoil
the prestijjeof tho natno. Wujrnor and How
rnan, or their friends for them, earnestly pro
tested against this; but it was answered that
tho riirht of protest was in the bank ohlv, and
Sam Henry had it. Thus rhexkni, thev felt their
cause was at a 'HmcoviI, but stood t.hb thave "as
well as could be expected"; however as old
Trezulney said, f hey felt "a little soro."
The balance of tho ten pins were set up with
out any serious trouble almost as easy indeed
as they will be bowled down again by tho De
mocracy next October. They are air mere
make-weights for S. H., and are only a kiud ef
Ilaxtcr's shove for him.
Capt. Win. K. Hughes, who signalized himself
during the late, unpleasantness, aud is under
stood to have participated in tho capture of the, and who sought tho empty honor of
being nominated for Prothonotary, was rudely
thrust aside, and a man who declim'd to 00 a
candidate was forced to accept tho situation.
ltut my sheet is full. Next week I shall refer
to a stupid "On the Wing" production -in tho
Herakl. and demonstrate that it ia, with all its
uucleannoss and stupidity, an "itsue" of Sum's
bank. ObSekvkr.
Tiik success of the Central Insurance Com
pany of Altoona, as shown by the Company's
Statement for July 1st, proves that skill and
ability are the prominent elements of success
in the insurance business. The Centra!, andor
tho efficient management of Messrs. Krr &
Co., is already regarded aa one of tho safest,
and, therefore, one of the very best companies
doing business in 3'ennsvivania. We can con
fidently recommend the Central to those of our
readers who may desire insurances 011 their
properties. Besides being as eafe hs any other
company, the people of this county have tho
chance of knowing, or at least learning tho per
sonal standing of the directors, which ought to
have a great oral to do with deciding in what
company to insure.
Foreign Exchange and Shipping : ero also
ntuorijf the specialties of this reliable firm, and
passage tickets to and from all points in tho
world can bo obtained from them at regular
rales. .
A SntT: Tnrsn. Tho Ladies' Fair in aid of
IheCatholic church here, notwithstanding littio
lias been said about it for a week or two, will
open without fail on Monday evening' next, and
we trust that all firiends of the cause, and es
peeially persons attending Court .luring tho
week, will do all they can to render It a finan
cial success, as we feel sure it will be under the
management of the efticient ladies who will
have it in charge, and whose names have been
announced inthe church, a complete success in
all other particulars. No one ever yet t olt .the
tint of the money thev spent In doing good,
and we are sure that a better cause than this
never appealed for help. . .
Mof)iA. When you go to'Modeba stop at
the Heggio gate, and when you go to Johns
town stop at the Star Clothing Store of James
J. M urphy, No. low Clinton street. Mr. .Murphy
has just received an .immense stock of ready
made clothihg, which he Is opening for the Pall
trade. Thetirst customers a I ways get the choice
of the goods, so you had bettor drop in at Afur
pli3r'a right aWay and get the loveliest and tast
iest and prettiest suits ever you did see. And
then Murphy and his amiable clerk are t he best
of salesmen. Murphy has lots of . trunks um
brellas and furnishing goods for sale.
Mr hair was falling otT, I used two bottlesof
NATrrnis's Hair Kestokativk and it checked it
at once. It is clean, safe and elliciept. If your
druggist has not got it send direct to Prm;tth.
Hiwts,, Gloucester, Mass. See advcrtiseuieut.
IIavb you trie.1 Nature's llAitt Restora'
tive? .ou will bo delighted with it. Clean,
safe, and e.tlU:U-?it. It is driving all the poison
ous compounds out of the yftarket. ItVia ae.
clear aa crystal. See advertisement.
- MacShane at Xiajrnra.
My Dear Henry I too have beent tho Falls
of Niagara: and as the C7,ap-(beg pardon l)-man
ri!L ? N iagara for you and the Herald isuot
always to the point, I think I shall be able to
Ujpe with him or any other M. A. In the matter
of description.
The Falls tire eligibly situated in a wild," ro
mantic neighborhood. They are bounded on
the east by Canada, on the west by the United
states, on the north by the Niagara river, and
011 the south by more Niagara iver. The tall
is liA feet high If you look iroin below, or 164
ieet low if you look from above, or 328 feet if
'; look both ways at once.
"'his .great natural curiosity hnstwo peculiar.
lties. One of these is that it has never been
known to freeze over, and hence the people
thereabouts are compelled to fall beck on other
localities tor their iee. Another strange fea
ture is, that while the water under tbe falls ih a
tit'iluw caldron," itcomcsout below as "cool as
a encumber.
There are good hotels at the Falis. The Inter
nal 101ml and the Cataract, opposite the fall on
the American side; the Cliftou, on the English
Hde; tbo Monteagle, opposite tho Suspcasfou
lindge, nnd several smaller houses in the vil
lage or Niagara, are all excellent In their wav
which is a great way from here. The Spencer
House, where Chapman and Cope domiciled, is
also a first class hotel, and furnishes whisky at
Only 15 cents a drink, which accounts, etc.
i didn t follow Dickens' steps, nor do as he
did. nor did I care what the ofekens he did even
English writers belittleall that is American and
exaggerate all that is English, nnd as a conse
quence there is considerable etf the suds nnd
foam c.f the falls in Dickens' quoted descrip
tion. Goldsmith, after describing the falls,
concludes by saying that "Indians in their ca
noes have bassed over in safety." Now, every
visitor to Niagara knows that no canoo ever
nuilt a t Canoe Place, or any other place, passing
over these falls, would leave enough lumber to-
gc'tner to make a respectable Inciter.
Give- me rather tho description of K hi vara
r ails that Cooper puts into the mouth c.f Lca
thcrstocking when ho speaks of "Nat or' as we
have it up hereaway," and asks Mabel to 'Vazo
on ail that God has done here."
Father Hennepin, a French missionary priest
discovered these Falls in lt;7B. and has tlie honor
thereto attached ; but if he had failed to make
the discovery, the re is 110 qtiestiou nt all in uiy
mind but what they would have been found ere
this, as there is quite an intelligent and enter
prising population in that "neck o' timber."
There is quite a village on the American side
of the Falls, hut on the English side there is on! v
one Street, and that Is Sir Thomas Stre-ct of the
1 rovincial Parliament. Tbe bouse he occupies
is on the bloff nearly opposite the Falls, and
was once occupied by Sam'l Zimmerman, from
"tins neighborhood, t-ho great Oinatiian Kail
ltoad King, who was killed at the celebration of
the completion of his own work, the Grand
Trunk Kail ltoad. Hy the way, I should have
traveled by that road, only for one thing I had
no Grand Trunk.
Tho celebrated "Burning Spring" is near tbe
Street mansion, on the Iwufc of tho river above
theFallSi It Is a spring on the surface of the
ground from which a gas issues that burns like
a e-andio when tire is communicated to it.
A few miles distant in Canada is St. Catha
rine s, greatly celebrated for ils taths for the 1
cure ot various diseases. It is a popular resort
for invalids.
Lundy's Lano Is not. at Niagara, but some
three miles from the Palls ou tbe Canada side.
I visited tiie monument.
The Suspension Bridge, one mile below the !
Fal.s. was constructed by the celebrated
Holding, a German bridge-builder the samo
gentleman who first suggested and carried out j
J be idea of wire ropes, which ropes subsequent
ly supplanted hempen ones on the Old Portage
Hail Koad.
The Devil's Whirlpool, four miles down the
river from Niagara- is only inferior to the Falls
in spectacular graudour. But 1 haven't time
to describe it now. IUacshaxe.
Letter Nebraska,
, . North TXattk, Nfcn., Aug. 0, 1S71.
Dear Mac naving arrived hereabout three
weeks ago and succeeded in locating mvself, I
have concluded to write and give you some
idea of where 1 lim and what manner of country
this is. The town of North Platte is 2110 miles
from Omaha and is the county seat of Lincoln
county. It is very beautifully located on a
slightly elevated plateau between the North
and South Platte rivers, and is being rapidly
built up with beat and tasty dwellings and sub
stantial businesi houses. The town possesses
many valuable and important advantages, nnd
has a population of about 800 which is rapidly
mi-n-iu-ing. j acre is now in operation notels,
clothing, jewelry, hardware, drug, book, furni
ture and grocery stores. There is one newspa
per published hert, tho "Lincoln County Ad
vertiser." Churches and free schools are being
built and supported with great liberality. The
Union I'aeillc Rail Road Company have exten
sive shops here, a roundhouse, blacksmith, ma
chine and repair shops, and a hotel, the latter
costing 40.000. The valley between tho two
rivers at this point is about four and a half
miles wide, nnd every foot of it is susceptible of
the highest degree of cultivation. Good water
can be had by digging from lifteen to twenty
feet, and bj taking the water out of either of
the rivers, an irrigating canal that would sup
ply the entire valley could be built at compar
atively litt le cost. This has Ik-oh and will al
ways contlniio to be an important shipping
point for Texas cattle oh tbe line cf the road,
and extensive cuttle yards and ah u tea have
been biiilt by the Company for this purpose.
Tlie town ef North Platte is and will continue
tlie most important point in Western Nebras
ka. Itisl.4s miles east of Sacramento. Its
elevation above the sea is 2;7t! feet.
Lincoln county is the largest and promises to
become one of tho wealthiest, if not the health
iest county in Nebraska. It is exceedingly well
adapted to stock raising. There arc many other
llourishirisr towns on the linn of U. P. It. H.,
among which is the town of Grand Islandj the
county seat of Hall county, which takes its
name from G rand Island iu tho Platte river.
It is l.V) miles we-st of the Missouri rive-r and is
tbo point of the- junction of the Midland Paciric
Railroad from Nebraska City via. Lincoln, the
capital of tiic State. This road is now under
contract and the cars will bo running into tbe
to'.vn by the Inst of this or beginning of next
year. Grand Inland hna a population "of nearly
1,1km which is constantly being augmented by
The seasons in this country are not subjected
to 'very great' extremes of bout or cold. The
summers are usually very Warm, but the win
ters are said to bu exceedingly mild, and wag
ons are used exclusively for hauling, sleds be
ing unknown here. Spring opens e'arly. All
small grains are sown in March, and corn is
planted in April or early in May. Cattlo get
their living en the ranges from the middlo of
April until the first of December and the phrase
"spring poor" for cattle is almost unknown iu
this region.
The old fear of lack of rain in the "Great
American Desert" has been utterly exploded;
Whether or not it istriie, cs tho Indians say,
that the white man brings rains, or whether or
not tho running of tho railroad trains across
thecontlnicnt has broken up old electrical and
climatic influences, certain it is that there has
been an abundance of rain, end a good distri
bution of it as to time, in this country during
tlie past four ye-nrs, or since permanent settle
ment em any scale has been commenced.
Nebraska is almost exclusive ly a prairie State
and has no dense forests or great bodies of tim
ber requiring the toil of a life-tiino to rcmove:in
order to open up a farm.
Yours, ic, R. L. GEORGE, "
John Dickey, Undertaker, on Julian street".
Fourth Ward, Altoona, is prepared to supply
Metalic Burial Cases etf all sizes u ad patlerus,
and on reasonabl terms. ... .
Hair and Straw Matrasses manufactured to
order at less than city prices.
Cane seat 'chairs re-caued and fitted up aa
good as now.
Mr. Illckey keeps constantly on hand a large
stock: of new mid fashionable furniture, and
those who require anything, in his Uno should
give him a call. Every article rfeitt from hia,
rooms will bo warranted as ropresonted.-
All orders fram a distauce promptly attended
to. , LiuUik-tro
F.VERVBOPT yrantd It Frazicr's ' California
Herb. Bitters. ,. .
No'iOPY can fake Frnzicr'gVegetnt'lo Califor
nia Herb Bitters and remain long unwelb
D11. Frazi Kit's vegetable California Herb Tllt
ters w ill cuip nearly all the disciiees. that flesh
is heir to.-
ARB Y0" sjrtK? Then read the advertisement
headed, "Millions Bear Testimony," &c.
, Th r success of Frazicr's California Herb Bit
ters is now established beyond a doubt.
801 J onlyin bottles Fiaasler's 'California
Herb Bitters. . . . : aug.10.-tf .
; - J 'l i . . : . .
Takino it for granted that everybody reads
the Frecwiun. L. Cohen, of the cheap Hat Par
lor, .Nev. S5J7 Main street, Johustowq, selects its
columns to inform every lhdy that ho has just
rocelved the new style silk hHt for the Kail
trade., It is the handsomest of handsomo hats
a tip-top affair; Mrj Cohen hae all kinds of
fasbioimblo bats for sale, lie also keeps all
kinds of gents' furnishing goods, as well aa
trunks, valises, ufcabrllA8, satchels ard such
like. - Air. Cohen is a fair, one-price dealer, and
will give good bargains to cash buyers. -
y The beat conducted, most popnlar aud suc
cessful institution in the United States, for the
thorough, practical education of young and
auiddlo aged men. f"For largo descriptive
circulars, containing full particulates,- address
julJJ7.3m. J, C. SMITH, A. M., Priucipal. -
Tit List or Local . Sewspipers, puMished
by Geo. P. Howell & Co., Advertising Agents,
No. 40 Park How, New York, offer great advan
tages to those advertisers who. wish to attract
custom froth tho rural population among which
the papers circulate. They are furnished free
to any address on receipt of stamp; . .
Great ExpeotatioktJ! Foil trade at Wana
makor s Oak Hall. "
Whs liaSS4
Nos. 534, 536, 538 Market St., Nos. !, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 So. Sixth St.
, . . . and Nos. 525, 527, 529 Miner St.,
:" ' V7ho3o Salesrooms and Storerooms, spread
out, would cover more than Three Acres of around '
making them the Largest and Completest Buildings cf tho kind
in America, if not in the World, are nov
.i - - " - -
FULLY $750,000's WORTH
. All jerfectly New and Fresli in Designs and Materials.
WANAHAKEB & BROWN. . Philadelphia.
OKITliA 11 Y.
MCDONALD. Died, in tliis placc.on Wednes
day, instant, aftera protracted illness and
much sutTcring. Joseimi, youngest, son of Jo
seph and Francis McDonald, aged 8 years and 8
months. .
He was a bright, intelligent boy, hut the ten
der llower of his young lire has withered and
wasted away, just when it gave fair promise of
bursting into full and perfect bloom. "Suffer
little children to come unto mc; for of such is
the Kingdom of Heaven."
MOKRIS. Died, in Johnstown, on theflth in
stant, Georgtb LOO, Infant elatighter Of I). C.
and Annie K. Morris", aged monthsaml 23 days.
dissolution of PAJrrNEPwSiiii'
-" The partnership heretofore existing bc
tween laniel J. Kelly and Simon Sultzbnch, of
Loretto, in the manufacture? of scgars, has been
this day nistim.VEP by mptui, consent. The
books at.d papers-of sabt firm are in the bands
of Daniel J. Kelly, who Is authorized to settle
the accounts of said firm.
Loretto, Ta., Aug. 21, 1371.-8t.
A true medicine, manufactured from pure
juicesor vital principles of Herbs, Hoots, lUirks,
FU.wers, &c, embracing twenty-one secies,
foumligrowingon the golden mountains of Gai
ifornia, parts of South America, and India all
possessing wonderful well-known curative
powers, and are offered to all people, of what
ever kingdom, land, nation, name, or color, as
tiic b.-st tiiedic-lnal preparation ever discoveifef
for the cure of ,.-. '
Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Liver Complaint,
General Debility, DiarrhoJa, Dysentery, Flux,
Cramp, Biliousness. Headache. Cholera, Cho'era
Morbus, Chills, Fever and Ague, and for the re
lief and euro of -Aliections of the Bladder and
Kidneys, Psins tin . the Back and Loins, and
Lruptive Diseases, such m Scrofula, Tumors.
Pimples, &c, arising from Impurity of the
blool. .,.-
taTTor sale by all Druggists. au.lO.-ly.l
: yAVINO been commissioned by Gover-
JTi nor (Jeary to act as t fUTMSUKH in
and ffr theUorougli-f Klr.sburg. lam
now prepared to rcceivciuid sU at "Public
: uotion all kinds ef GoimLs, V ares. Mi r-
ehandise, and also attend to the duties
of uctionccr at all sales of Lands. Tene
; ments. Live Sto-k, Household Furniture,
Arc., Vc, withiu the limits of said Borough.
: Trrmx mitderate. Inquire at No. PK) lligh
: Street. . M. I.. DATMIA',
Lbensburg, pril 22, ISTl.-tf.
Z1 AUTION ! All persons are hereby
' autioncd against interfering in'any way
with the following .lex'ribenl property bought
by rue at private sale from any father. Francis
Hoover: 3 Buy Murffl, J Stroking i'olt, 1 Cow,
4 Spring Calve-s, 35 Hoirs; 2 sets Harness.. Plow,
Harrow, Windmill, '2 (irain Cradl.Ti, a lot Hakes
and Forks, 2 Sc-ytboS) 20o dozen Wheat,. 100 Az.
Oats, 3 tons Hay, lot of Corn and Potatoes in
tho ground! 6scaps Bees; Cook Stove, 10 Plate
Stoves llureaui Honk-Case and Deskt, 3 Beds and
Bedding, 1 largo Wash Boiler. I have paid for
the above articles and havoTCft them with my
father," the said Francis" Hoover, during my
pleasure. ANDRKW J. 1IOOVKH. ,
Clearfield Twp., Aug. 4, lS71.-T.t.
17 Fifth Avexce, riTTsBt-RtJii,
Oood. reliahlft men, ef experietice and ap
proved standing, are inviteMl to make applica
tion to us to act as asrents for our mae-hiiMv. Tho
Elliptic has-some of tbe test selling points of
any machine in thetnarkot, aw we are willing
to pay good men a hirge commission.
All information, circulars and samples, will
be furnished, on application to
8-17.4t IIowakd Eaton & CO:, Gcn'Z Aa'ts.
i i--f -
;: tVAKriEXlVft PltEXT
WASH1S In COLD'or WAHM, hard er soft
water, saves time and labor, end makes clothes
beautifully white and cfean. It washeout oil,
grease and stains, and ispnarnnteed not to. in
jure tho Cne-st fabrics. NO BOILING Is re
quired. It. U excellent .for tne skin, nad is the
BESTSOAPJ.V USE-forall hoiMehobf pirpos.
Manufactured by Heed & Johnston, Pittsburgh,
aud sold by grocers generally. aug.17.-4t.
O TRAY ' 1 1 E I FFEH ! r-jCame to t he
-'-.premrspS- of - the wibserrerfh''BiaeMick
township, Cambria county, al.out tho 1st June
last, a one year old BRINDLK HEIFFEH. with
portions ot head and belly white ; no ear marks.
The owner ia hereby notified to come forward,
prove property, pay charge and take her away;
otherwise sho will be disposed of according to
Blacklick TwpM Augg4, ls7I.-3t. , . , .
. PretiInc. Pli-sielnn. , ,
' " ' 1 ..... . s . lBKNsariirt, PA.
fW Office In rear of Lemmon, Sc Murray's
Draff and Book Store, High atraat. ljuun-m-
TO Til R
Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution
of Peiuisj lvauia.
Tic it TtertilreA- Tiff the Senate and Hmlw of Ucp-TCSi-iitatirctof
the Cotntnomrralth f Vcnr.Hiflrania
in Gnicidl AtFcmhl) met. That the f.illowing
amendment of the Conftftution of this Com
monwealth be proposed to the people for their
adoption or rejection, pursuant t tho provi
sions of tho tehth article thereof, to Wit:
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Ar
ticle of the Constitution, and insert in lieu
thereof the following: .
"A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the
qualified electors of the State, at such times
and for sue-h term of service ii3 shall be rre-'
scribe-d by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno
Domini oiie thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified for publication pursu
ant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, I
Harrisburg, .1 uiy nth, 1S71. )' j20.te.
o K
? o
o J. S
e ii"
c 5
. U'2
:j.3h.)ix uisn.i.a
Cominissioners of Cambria County are now
prepare-,! to s ll to those desiring the same, the
BONDS of said county, in sums of $100. 2(K and
.-.)0. T!icse Bonds arc issuNi bv authority of
t he Court. Of yni.rte r Sest-ions of Cambria coun
ty, for the purpose of raising moncv to Iniibl
the New County JaU, and pay interest at the
rate of six per cent, per annum said in crest
being payable semi-annually and are redeem
able at the pleasureof the Commissioners after
the 13tl !? of December, 1 H 74, and pay
able the 1 3lh r .eit-:n1er. lfasi.
Coupons are attache! to each Bond for tlie 6enli
annual instalments of interest.
1'artie's ck .si ring te. invest in this Toan will
please call em the Commissioners at their Office
in Kbensburg.
Witness our hands this 10th dlT of -April, A.
D. IS71.
. JAM KS E. N K A S. N, -Crim'rs.
Kit NCIS O' Fill FIj. S
Attest J. A.Kesxkdv, Cle-rk. (apr.15.-tf.)
SALE. Tlie undersigned Executors ef M.
Lkavy, Esq., late of Loretto Boreuigh. l-c'd,
offer at private sale, on accommedating terms,
in Allegheny township, Cambria e-onntv, situa
ted on the road letuling to St. Augustine and
oliout one milo f rem Lf)re:tto, containing t 1
Acre, fully 4U Acres being cleared, well
fenced, well watered aud iu a good state ef cul
tivation, and havin;? a first l-ate Ixxi Bnk
Bakn therenm erected. The balance e.f the land
is e-eive red with cJie-stuut, eak, sugar, and other
valuable timber. For terms and other infor
mation apply to clthe-r of the tindersis-ned.
AUG. WALTERS. Carrolltown,
Feb. 13.-tf.. - Ercculvn of M. -Leurj, dee'd.
" The subscriber offers for saloon fair tcrma
and easy payments, that nioe-t eb-sii-able and ex
cellent I- A till recently occupied by him, ad
joining thl- Borough of loretto, containing I Itt
Acre 100 trrr.i e.f which are in a goed state
cf cultivation and the Lh lance well rtmbe-reel.
There is a comfortable Ilouxe, a good lfarru and
an excellent Orchard on tbe premises; also, an
abundance of pure water. It is a desirable pre
pertv, beautifully Ideated, and is Convenient M
churches, schools, market, ce. Title indispu
table. For terms and cther inrormatlon apply
tooraddn-ss A. WALTKUS,
Fvb. H.-tf. Carrolltou-n, Cambria Co., Pa
EO. M. UEADE, Attorneyilwt
. El.ensburp, Pa. Office in new building
recently ejected on Centre atreet. two doors
from lligh street. aug.27.
J323 CIcvtiiil. Avcuiie.
Between 13th and 14th Sts,, Altcona,
All such -oo.!s n Apices, Frus!,ei "vrood
and p illow .Vare.Shoe Blocking aiul Station
ery will be sold from ""manuraciiirer's printed
P-V-f 1,is.1,1-.""rliVl. !her onU in e t
1 l.dade.rhia. Cincinnati and Pitts
burph current prices. To dealers 1 rreent the
peculiar advantage of saving them all ireieht
and dravape. ft they are not required to py
tre.ghts from the principal cities and no dray
ape charges are m.He. Dealers may rest as
sured that my goods are of the best q.ialitr and
my prices as moderate as city rates. By doin
a fair, upright business and bv promptly and
s:itisf..ctorily filling all orders. I hope to'merit
tl.e patrohage of retail dealers and others in
Cambria county and elsewhere. Orders re
spectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed
in all cases. TIh',MAS OAKLAND.
T-Ahoona. July 23. ISb-l.-tf.
Wholesale aud Hctall Dealer In
and all other woik in his line.
Virginia Street, near Caroline Street
The only denier in he city having the right ti
sell the renowned "BARLEY SHEAF"
COOK S roVE, the most perfect
complete and satisfactory
. Stove ever uilroduced
to the public
Stock Immense. - Frices Low,
zahM tb
Usually Etcpl In a Coltntry Sfore,
Next Door t& the Post Ofrice,
June 10, 1669.
A Book of 125 cloely nrtntcel paes: lately i -sued,
contains a list of the best Amerie-an Ad
vertising Medium, giving tiie names, circula
tions, and full particulars concerning tlie load
ing Daily and Weekly I'olitical and Famiiv
Newspapers, together with all those having
large e irculations. publiihed iu the interest e.r
Religion, Agriculture, Literature, &e. Eveiy
Adve-rtiser, and every person wbocontcmplat. s
bee-ominir such, will lind this book of great
value. JliLiie-d free to any address on receipt cf
25 cents. 4KO. t. te O V KLL c Co., Fil- -lishei-s,
Ne. 40 Park Row, New York.
The Pittsburgh (l'a.) Leader, in its issue f
May 1S70, says : "The firm of G. I' Howell i
Co.. which iss ie th'o intcrefing and valnrb.e
book, is the largest nnd best Advertising Airor--cy
in the I'nitcd States, and we can cheerf ully
r-coruu; nd it to the attention of those whe
sirc to advertise their business KCicntlfieall v
and MysteiMalically in such a wav: thar i'
so as to se-e-ure the largest amount of public:! v
for the least expeneliture of money."
A J It EA T, .VS TA Ti: A O EJfT,
Special attention given to the collection of
claims iu Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, Bedford
Centre and t 'leavtle-ld counties.
Parties wishing to purchase, rent, lease. ell
or excliange real estate will find it greatly tv
their inte-rests to -ull en or adeiresi mo.
tiS""X'orresptindeiice in either Lnglish or Her
man selicite-el. KS w m. Mann, iso., Messrs. Jl
gan. Bush - Co., (Jen l C. H. T. Collis. rhi::
l.nia; Messrs. J. T. Way & Tint.. W. M. Konnh.v,
J-cott, Huntingdon ; Hon. S. Biair, Hollt-'a -
burg; Hon. B.F. Rose, ltoona; D. W, vh1.
Ksej., Iwwte.wn: Cyrus Flder, Fq., Johns! .wnj
" m-I - ilson. Es(1., BcIIcfonte. II-12.-1 v
i: A L E & T A T E A R E N r. V-
Oilice iaa nlonnel How.
Several parties wish to secure Houses in Lb
ensburg at fair rents.
House s and Lots are for rent on fair tefin
l.ivi' us a description and price of what y..;
have for rent. J
U-t us know what kind of a Ifenist; or JIcu -a-and
Lot yoU Wjsh to secure as a tenant.
Have iu iK.l L or l-KKsOSA L '.'OPf
IX J e.u wish to sell, or tlu oil wish lo buv ?
iOur terms are reasonable for all scr ic. -,
relative to above matters. See "Real it -Gazette."
. UlSi. W. O TMN & to.
wKbeusburg, Feb. 4, lb71.-tf;
lliaes, Deuble an el Singl Itarril.
Slut Gun, Ttewlvers, Ammunition:
Sporting Goexls, Hide Barrets; Lot-kft; Me-unt-ings.
Gun Materials. &. Se nd for a Price i.i.-t,
eld ress .1. H.JOHN STOS. tVrmt H'rtmi 0i t
Works. 17 9 Sniithtiedd Stiter, Pittsburgh, l'a.
N. Tl. rmy turbines, Hi ties and Kt x!
Vers bought or traded for.
Pittsburgh. June 17, lSTt.-erri.
- -J KfJte o Joseph BfCK, fr'..
Whereas I-tte-rs Testamentary on the l4-- t i
of Jeseph Buck, bite Of Alle-irhcny t wn.v- d-r c!,
bare be-en granted to the undersigned, all i--r-i
sons indebted to said decedent are rctuestc-t tv
make immediate payment, and thve bavu ir
clatms or demands against the said estate are
desircel to present the same property authcati:
cate'd for settlement. JoHS BUCK,
Carrolltown, Aug. 17, lSTl.-tt. Executor,
TH J. LLOYD, eureessor to R. S.
Bukx, Dealer in Drvgs, Medirin,
Painls, Ifc Store on Main street, opj
tho "Mansion House," EWusburs, J'4
OctrLcr 17. 18G7.-Cm.