JUL Weep is nearly as gicat a puzzle as -vcr it w as. Much has been iliscoveieu coii ouningllie IkxIiIv peculiar ities manifeMeil duiiiip lliis portion of iur existence; 1ji nl! whose opii.ionH are Lest worth listtriin;; to, arfmit that iliey are only on the lhit& 1 old of ihesul j c jet. Why, for instance, enn Fotue men maintain their huiily nvtii'il vigor with so small hii amount ol Hcip as falls to thtir share? Lor! liiouham. utiJ many other great states men and lawyer?, are known to have l.een content with a marvelously small quantity of sleep Fiedetirk the Gieat is said to have allowed himself orly five hours; Join Hunter, five hours; (Jo tier ill Elliot, the hero of Gibraltar, four hou:s ; while Wellington, dui in" the lVn ir.sulat War, had Hill less, How, on the otlur hand, to account for the cormorant sleepers ? De Moivre. the mathematician, could (thju!i it is to hoped he did not) sleep twenty hours out of the twenty f.ur. Q'lin, tho actor, sum-times slept for twenty-four hours at a stretch. Dr. lVi.l, the. metal hj s'ui'.n, ould sj manage, that one potent ii.eal, followed by one Uv and sound sleep, w5uM last him f . r two dajs. Old l'.in t-lept nr. ay his latter days almost cn'iely. In the middle of the last century a youn l-'ienihwoman, at Touloufe, had, for hail a year, fits of lengthened sleep, varin liom three to thiitLtn day each. About the same time, a girl l Newcastle 1:1 T)iie, slept fourteeu weeks without wak inj:, and the wakintr, process occupied three da) s to complete. lit. IManc.ief, of Paris, nn Miens ihc case of a lady who slept for twenty das tojieiher when she was about liehtcen jenrs of age, (;fi when she was about twenty, and had r eaily a whole year's sleep from Kustei Sunday, l8l!2, till March, 18l3; duties this h ng shep which hys icians call hys teiiceunaj she was led with milk and euup, one id her fiont teeth boiny extract ed to obtain :m r.peiiinji in her mouth Stow, in his ''Chronii If," tells us that The 27th of Apt il, IolG, bein Tues daie in leas er wecke, W. I'oxl 'y.potnmk er for the Mint in the Tower ol London, lell asleep, and so continued sleeping, and could not be waked with pricking, cramp ing, or otherwise, till the first day of the next term, which was full fourteen d.tye. niid fifteen nights. The pauses of hi thus sleeping could not he kiiowr.e, tho' the same were diligently searched for by the king's physicians and other learned men ; 3 e.i. tho 1 i 'g himselfe examined 3 c said W. I'oxley, w ho was in all points found at hii waking to be as if he hi d 8 pt ' u one night." Another very notable instance was that of Samuel Chi'ton, of Timbmy, recoiihd in one of the ''Philosophical Transactions of the Ik'oyal Society." In the year 109 I, he slept tor a month, iuul no one could wake him. Later in the same 3 car hi had a lour months s'eep, from April the 9th to August the 7 1 li ; he woke, dressed, went out into the fields where he w rkid its a tauorei j and tuond his companions reaping the coin he had helped to sow the day befote his long nap ; it was not till that moment that he knew of his sleep having exceeded the usual duration of a few bouts. lie went to sleep again on the 1 Tit) of August, and did not wake till the 19'h of Noveiiiln r, not withstanding the pungent applications ol hi IK bore and ralamomac to his nostril., and hheding to the extent of fourteeu ounces. lie woke, asked for btead and cheese, but went 1 fl l sleep again before it could bz brought to him, taking another spell of sleep, which lasted till the end of January. After this it is not rccon'el that he had any more of those strange relaj sea There are instances of sleep so intense ly deep as to deptive the sleeper f all si nse of pain. The records of the lris!ol Infirmary present an extraordinary iilus Iration of this. One cold night a tramp lay down near the warmth of a '.imeki'n and went to sleep. One foot muct have been close to the fire hole of the kiln ; for iuiing the ni.hi the foot and ankle were so completely butned away as to leave nothing but black cinder ai d calcined ash. He did not wake till tho kiln man roused him next moimng, nor did he know what had occurred until he looked down at his charred stump. lie died in the infirmary tt fettn'gjit afterward?. Ahoit Cknts. An article on "The lied Cent" has been published very ex tensively lately, which was inaccurate in many particulate A cofi esp indent ol the Philadelphia I'r-s$ thus vuites on the euhj.-ct ; '1 he first cent issued by the United States Government was the Fugio, or "Fianklin Cent," said to have been de Mgued by 15. nj.unin Franklin. This coin, ordered b)' act of Congress July G, 17S7, has on obverse a sun dial, t the left the legend, ' Fugio ;" at the light, "17S7." In exergue, "Mind your business." Keverse, an interlocked chain ij thirteen links, representing the con fed irate States. A circular hand within the ihain with the legend, "United States." In the center of this band, in three lines the motto, "U 0 are one." Ii is ihe size i'f tl e ordinal y cents tincd in iai'cr year The Washington cents of 171)2 were not a regular issue, and there is not a single specimen of these patterns or private issues having the "bust e-'l Washington none side and thirteen links upon the other,' as stated in your arttcla. In 1793 ihe regular issue of cents (coined by the United States Mint in this city) comraenc id, and the first cent bore en e.bverse the head tf LibeMy, with Huwirg locks ; re verse, a chain of jiftctu links, representing the States then conposinc the Union There were at least a baker's dozen of types and varieties of the issue of 1793 After Ihe Ficnch liberty came the ad' lit ion of liberty cap and pole, which in 1793 cave way for tho "Fidel Head ' hair tied behind in a cue This variety continued nnlil 1S07. The classic head, cr classic dame with banded hair, up, peared on tV cents of 1803, and dissap peared in llfh A pctiod of sixly-thte? years has no a- e'.aps d since the fillet l ead cvnt m;ido its appearance, instead of "ihir ty or forty," as given in your article. n Dr. WALKER'S C-1XJFOIUIIA vineg-ar bittees . IIiindred3 of Thoitsanda E.cr t-Ftimonv to t1i-ir Wondcr 11 Cun.iiY,i tiTi-ctB. WHAT ARE THEY? d n t a i i; z: c a if? re? z a pro THr.Y AKK NOT A VILE P 2. 5 r fiNU Y U t( I lii T i' 0; Valocf Poor It 11 1:1 , Wtiiikey, Prcf S-.-trita nud ltcl'Kse I.i.-juors Uoctorcd, tpiccJ end tweot ened 1 12CS3 the taste, called " Tonics,"" J ppotl: crc," ' Ktstorcrs," c, tl.tt lend tl.c t.'ppler on to drunkc&iicES aud rnlu, tut ore a tree Ui;d;clae, niado frcia ti e Native KootE tud IIcrt3 cf Califoriiia, f rvc f'rutii nil Alcohvlic tiitiulams. Tl.cy arc the UIJEAT HI.IOI I'LiJIFlEIi an-J A LIFE G1V1NIJ l'UlNCiri-Earrrect Kuuovutcr and Itvlscritcr ef t:io Kyttcn;, carrying e'J all jjoIcohous ir.alter ur.d rcttorlu t'.:e 11 jed to a litulti y conilitlor. porsoa can to these Ktltcrj accorilirtf to ejec tion ar.d remain long; nnwell. fcilCO v.;".1'jo civeufori-a lncurrdla esse, jrcvliled the to'.s aro uot dettrojed y n:lacrr.l I'.clacn cr other ujcaus, and thu lUi crijuuj vabttd bcjCLdtl-O point cf repair. F:r IuOiiuin:iicry tin J Cliroutc ltliccn:a tism nuil (luct, l)y &!i'Atai r Indices! iou, Il.Iit.11n, lZciiii'.lCKt nd Int eru:it tent l'cvcin DIsiiiM-s if the lllctd, Liver, Ividucyf, unit IiiiidUir, tticso Kilters l.avo beeik n-.ott eucccec fui. teuth 1-itcuscti era cacecd ly Aitzalcil Itlood, T.-!:ich Is Br.eral!y j,roduccd by derastciuci-t ofliis DitroKti vc Ortaus. DVSl'tl'lA Oit INDIGESTION", Heed ache, Fein la the Shoulders, Coughs, Tif-crs cf t'ae Chert, LizzSncsi, fc'unr Err.ctatiocs of t!io Etcrcp.cb, tad tcisto la the Mccih, B:ilous Attac!:3, Ta'pitatlca of tlio Heart, InCan::::at:oa cf the Lin gs, rilnlatho regions of the Kidneys, r.r.d a hrndrcd ttl.cr rainlul eymi.Uu.s,&ro ti.-c cTej rl::;scf Djipt j.sla. Th y l:ivisorr.tJ ti-e S:-Jiar.cli c:.d tlimu'a'.a Co tcr plcl liver and boATels, wi.lc!i render thcra of naoouallcd edeicy ia c!eansiDg the Llocd of all Imi laa'.cs, ad In.pi.1 tins new Kfu aiid vigor to the whole syUcui. I lt SlilN IHSEASEf, Erortioas, Tetter, Sr.lt I tictiu, Ulctclita, Spotf , i'in pics, 1 tt lult s, Eoi'.e, Ccr tcnclts, Eln-VVoi ras, hc::ld-lIci;J, crc Eycs.EryEip clss, It?h, fcurfs, I lscolcratior.3 c f the TLi, Uun:or3 aaJ lisecc3 c f the jjkin, of v. hatcver name or nature, are litcruliy dug up aid caviled cut cf tho system ia a iihort t:mo ly the usu cf these titters. Cne liot'.lo la tuch case w ill convince the t:ctt Incredulous 01 their curative effect. Clcucse tho Vit-atcd Blood Tviicr-cvcr you find lis I:;;purltic3 uurstir.jr throttjh the skin lal'lniplcs. Erup tions er Ceres ; cleanse It vhtn you llr.d it cl-LtrucUd and FlugKlsli lu the vclrs ; cleanse it wl:tn it is foal, end your feelings will toil you vhea. Keep t-c blvcd pure and tho hi tith cf t!ie Eystom will follovi-. PIN", TAl'KacdotUcrWOltJIS, Parting la the tystera of so many thousand:), uro effectually ilestroy "d and n-movod. . For full directions, read carefully E3 ci.cular around each Is. tile, prh.t'jd l-i 1'jL.r li fuagos Englisli, German, French tad SpanibU. J. WALKEIt, Troprlctor. Ii. II. McDON" ALD i CO., pruE-i3t3 nud Gen. At'cnt?. 6aa Frar-citco, CcJ cad S3 aad 1 Corauierco Etrcet, Kcw Y01U. COLD BT ALL rZiVCCISTS A2TO L'HALrr.S. Dr. Crock's WINS or A rt'lm Wy ii.rh I.- ii It-sLCC l.r 10 y.ir-, nri.l ji '.-din Uh.iis .Mi'ls ot fapj. vip.i'.j' r,( curing ii cf tie 7br::.t ari Lziz; pt lofui iiutiiy i't'ii!:M"h.J'lo euros i:icr.t. a lii.il from who are sr.f ti'iKitf from sim hr n!lV' tinns nno v'linlv s. ckni ' ri l;t-f. 'Will rti la proves 51 C:r;S:i;i C;lix. The I'ruaist'. siy it cures thorn nil Astarci. I rcisot an I cine - of it mo marvc out. ErcLCii'.u;. Kvery stittcrcr uiM find relief and euro Ilrcit i.;'.:;t! rcu:ri! only a few doses. L'iij ilas cured cacs pronounce. I ineiirnt:) Jtrf uo'-utcs and invigorates the sy-tem. iavcr Ccsjlaist. Mosi ctlcctive rt-siilaior ot ti.is orgin i;"rp:jxa. lis hca.'itiv action on -.'ic r.toni:ich cures it. S2-M. U ii lx-.tlth-n vjn ni,. Mfpt.te r-stoiii . wTjiar; Crapi. - '.':,, " 1 i' i niiirkc.l and prompt C;C Z V. H'Z Cr Xi2 is ricli in tiie incdicrii J pi I. tics ot Tin-, ccruleneit with t cctalito iiiar i, cuts of 1111 10. il.tc. t vulue, winch nnikb it uosiir ;nssei, i)"t only fur tho coin plants enumerated but it ra;ii:7 rcr.:rc3 cihi7rtei :tr:;;: cl -anses tlit stoui icti, relaxes tlie l.ncr nuii puis ti. in to wnrk, enu.-es i;ie food to diett, and makes pure blood sn.t bc-cts a v:vnoitj .1, pieeiate-t l,v both snuml anj sick. It vim nr nttt.ctc I in nn v wav, we know if you try tlie lift-zirjj t:ri: r.-;piic'of br. Crook's Wine dI Tar, joti mi'cI your i-i i mony to its a rent value 111 e'irrrcting anv ''ilU t'vn fl. sh i- li" i to." I'icp. red only by CUVE2 CTCCI ft CD. Sold Ly Uruuiftt, evcrvv licre. T:t Ccrc:ti:a, Ccrc.'UcM Tua:rs, S lzzzcj cf the Z-jtz. r k.iiiIh rrfcticu a n any rsn:a, j.::j:ss rf the Liver, lis i:r, :rtp:i;-3 rirtUs. 2:'Zz, lev t::c: the I vt in. k; tcr, Ccs'.i Ut 4-'Mvi eiMi'seiii i.iii.iu.j; on a (l. pravci con- V?i-: '"'"' f l looil. take tr. Crew's C--J4.V.-5'; r.rup cf Ic5 Sect. It is combined T tr n-f 11st ionic preparer ions of iron 'A k:.on, n,, I is thcl.esl Attt-rativo nnrl Mi o.l i ur n. 1 made. Kcia:5 yzt tlicl. I I V OI:c f.ctilc. Sold by Vi U-gl13. rrepnrtd onlv t.y curia C2ICZ 4 :d.. rr, a AVlNCi recently enlarged" our stock we arc now prepared to sell at a creat reduction from former prices. Our toe k con "St of Drugs, Medicine., Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Leon's, Hall's !u, 1 Allen's Hair Ilestor tiyes; I'tils, Ointnients, I'ltisters. Lininicnts, Pain Killers, Cirr.tte Magnesia, lvs Jamaica Gincr, ri-.rc Flavoring' Fstracts, Esei;ces, Lomon Syrup, Soothing Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Wbubarit. I'ure .''pices. Ac"; CIGARS AND TODACCOS, Rlartk I!ook p, lcct!s, Notes and Bonds; Cap, Post. Commercial and all kind of Note Paper; Knvrli.pea, Pens, Pencils, Arnold'o Writing Fluid, P.kuk and Red Ir.k, Pocket and Pass Hocks, Magazines, Newspaper, Novels, His lories, Itil.Ics. lieligicus.I'r.iyerand Toy Dooks, Ppi.ki.ives, Pipes, V.'o have added to our stock a lot of FINK J h'WEI.UY, 10 which we would invite the attention of the Ladies. PliOTOCUAPII ALLUMS at lower prices than ever offered in this pine. Paper and Cigars pold either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON iUUUHAr. . July 30, 1SGH. Maiu Street, Ebenburg. ICN I IS'I IiV. The unJersigncil, si graduate of the Uilii- moro College, of Dental Surfeit-, respect ful !v oilers hi I'i;OFi:ssto.vAL services to the citizens of Eb eiisbm-jT ad vicinitv, hich iilaee he will visit r.n il,A " ir lulu i-io.N r a y 01 each month, tore mam one week. A ul3. SAM'L BELFORD; D. D. S. DR. H. B. MILLER, Operative and Mechanical DENTIST the Lumeran ehrtrch. IVkom from Cambrii county or ehrwhere ulu pet work done bv n e to the amount of Ten Doilarsiunl upward will have tlie railroatl fme deiiucted from their tills All woiiK tvAr.BA.NTi n. Jan. 21, ItCU.-if. JAMES J. OATMAN, M. J)., nu.it:!.- ui jiroiei-sional tervicesas Phy Kiiarj and SurLreon tdtho tewn an vicinity. Office in rear of buil.l n.S occtipieil by J. I511CK & Co. as a store, iirht calls can ho. mmin nt l.i !-.: - ..w ...a riiicijcr. one W Pouth of A. IJaug's tin and hardware store. ri 1 r - .njf v, 100. m3e ln r r r-... . t. 7". . IK:- Hi! lit on, ,.. WrtrrMMto.1 i,f.,., ;l ' WHITTKMOltE, VorcvsteMass. I . 1 Iff " sis c ea Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Imngs, such as Ccmshs, Colds, "Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few nro of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Luncrs. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shown that it does surely and effectually control them. Tho testimony cf our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Ciiekkt Pkctokal. will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The most dangerous affections of tho Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; aud cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation are public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be-' lieved, wero they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is" adequate, on which the public may reiy for full protection. By curing Coujjhs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con vinces tho most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as a protection against tlie early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily mot at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lungs need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. Ai a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Ciiekkt Pectorai is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premature graves, and saved to the love and affection centred on them. It acts speedily and surelv against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sleep. No 0ii3 will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily thev can be cured. , Originally the product of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may be confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures' ai memorable as the greatest it lias ever effected. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. JTA, T,77S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWEH Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. "We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded IiAiit to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes w hite and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruflj and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By it3 use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a- splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Ilaycs, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Soiii by all Druggists, and Vtilert in ifedieintM. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKEHS. As our Renewer in "many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded "Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye," in one 2reparalion; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.U. NATURE'S HA Hi RESTORATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUR-No SU GAR of lead-No litharge- No NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-destroying Drugs used in other Hair Preparations. Transparent anil clear as rrvpt.il. it wilt not soil the iiuoM fabrie, i-rfec-t!y SAFK, CLEAN" anil KI'TICIENT, deslderatutna lo.vu sol'uht FOR AND FlIUND AT LAST ! It restores anil prevents the Hair from be comiiijf (inty, iniparts a soft, plossy ajpeuraneo, retinit es liiiiMlrutf, is cool uiiil--f reshin? to the head, the ks the Hair from fallinir off. unit re- t tores it to a frreut extent when preinaturely lor, prevents Headaehe, cures all humors, ou t'.ineoiiH eruptions, an.lunnatur.il lieat. AS A 1KESSIN; Kilt THE HA lit IX IS THE HESX ARTICLE IX THE MAIiKET. Hit. L SMITH. Patentee. Aver, Mass. Pre pared only by PROCTOIl BKOTHEIiS. Glou eester, Mass. The frenuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for It, w ith the name of theartiele blown in thejrlass. Ask vour Ilruir plst for XATl ItLX 1JAIU liKSTilliATIVU, and take no other. t 'Send two three eent stamps to Titor-rcR ItuoTHKtts fora ''Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contains is worth $000 to any person. - r-r7-For pale by LEMMOX & M UIIHA V. Drug gists, &c., Ebensburg. l'a. Uunc 3, "l.-Iy.J 3LOYD & CO., Ranker J Kbensuuko, Ta. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, and other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Time Leposits. Collections made in all accessible points in tlie United States and a general Hanking business transacted 7 52. LLOIH & CO., Cankkks. Altoosa. Pa. Drafts on the principal cities and Silver and Gold fr sale. Collections made. Money3 received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. an31. --I "I r , - Tin-: GiiEAr Champion Eateii Her man Schneider, now of Los Angeles, Cal , is one of the most remarkable cateis in the wot Id. He was born in the Grand Dutchy of Mermen in 1S30. His father vitis a Gorman and his mother a Greek. At an eaily age his voracious disposition attracted the attention of the college sa vants, and hi? case baiHed the science and skill of ihc most noted of the medical family. His voraciousness seemed to in crease with age. Nuthintz seemed to ap peafe his appetite, and his case was abandoned as hopeless. His first exploit on arriving in New York, some years ago, was to wager that he could eat a whole ham, one pouud of candles, one and a half pounds of biscuit, and drink thirty cups of tea, all iti one day. His adver tisement attracted the attention of Ihe notorious Kit Iiuri.s, who duly installed the remaikable individual as an addition to the noted canine at tract ion of his place. Kit's first elftt on acquiring hrs charge was to undertake a more vigorous system cf training, whereby he could test the ca pacity of the remarkable man's stomach, which was fully accomplished by eating an am unt fabulous to contemplate, and which iti quantity surpassed his former "teatest effoit?. His case finally attract ed the attention of the New York police, by whom he was arrested as a nuisance, and, on being convicted, was sentenced by Judge IJamard to six months' impris onment on Black welt's Island. On his term expiring he uiii.ghd again in Ihe woild ; was in a short time lost sight of, until last week, when he made his ap pearance in a restaurant in New Com mercial street, in Ijos Angeles, where he ate for two hour?, to the disgust of the propiietor, and on n tititig rrofh red Iwen-ly-iivc cents in payment, which the saloon-keeper Lokcd on as only one-lilt h the cost of the material. His greatest etfort was tlie consumption of nearly thir ty four pounds' weight, avoiidupoi, of what was nearly all oleaginous matter, such as pork, fat, train oil, tallow candles, etc. An old lady read an item in ore of the papers the other day desctiLing how a giit.datoi.c btirt in a saw facto-y and ktl'.eil fair nun. Sic ju-t hapj ened to rcmetnb r that there was a small grindstone down iu the cellar, leauing agaiLst the wall. So she went out and g"t an accident insurance pol icy, aid thm. tuiiimonii g ' e s rvaut girl, aud lolling the pie board in fiont of her,' so th.it if the thing exploded her face would uot be injured, she had the stone taken out ia the alley, where twenty Tour buckets tf water wire throwu 011 it, and a stick was stuck in the hole, bearing a placard marked dangerous." She t-ays its a mercy the whole house was not blown tj pieces by the thing before tl-'a. JAMKS R 31ILLIKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW A A'i Jt r.A X. IS TA TU AG I. .VT, HOLLIDAYsm'UG, PA. Special ntteution friven to the collection of claims 1:1 Iilair, Cumbria, Huntingdon, LeUfoid, Centre ami ( lenrtield counties. Purties wishinir to purchase, rent, lease, sell or e.chanfe real cMatc will liml it prrcutly to their interests to call oil or address me. f v." Correspondence in cither Eiifr'.ich or Ger man solicited. Kkkkiikncks W'm. Mann, Esq., Messrs. Mor eno, U11-.I1 & Co.. (ien l C. It. T. 'ojiis, Philadel phia; Mcsm-s.J. T. YVji y & Uro., AV. M. (iorink-y, l'.s.., H. Ii. Swoopc. Esq., Pitt.-bunr; Hon.Jolin Seott, Huntinirilon ; Hon. S. S. Eiair, llollidavs-bui-fr; Hon. IS. F. Itosc, A Itoona ; 1. . WooVls, t-N.. Lewistov. i;: Cyrus I-;ider, Esq., Johnstown; Win. P. Wilson. Ei-, Eeliefonte. ll--ly. 17 i: A L E T A T E A GENC Y -Hop GEO. W. OATMAN 8h CO. Ollire in o!onale Itow. Several rarties wish to secure Houses in Eb ensburr at fair rents. Houses and Lots are for rent on fair terms. Give us a description and price of what you have for rent. Let us know what kind of a House or House and Lot you wish to secure as a tenant. Have yon It HA I. or l'HRSUXAL VUOPKIt Tl you wish to sell, or do you wish to buy ? CIMIK 4XI SKK ITS AT OXCK! -I" Our terms are reasonable for nil services relative to above matters. See -Keal Estate Gazette." G K . V. OATMAN & CO. Ebensburg-, Feb. 4, IsTL-tf. D. M'LAUGIILIN, 1TTORNEY AT LAW, Johnstown, Pa. fl Oflice in the Exchange building, on the Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. Will attend to all Lustiness connect ed with his profession. JOHN 1 LINTON, ITTORNEY AT LAW, Johnsloicn, ra il Office in building on corner of Main and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second Hour. Entrance on Franklin street. Johnstown. Jn. 31. 1867.-tf. CW. EASLY, Attop.ney at Law, Office, No. 10S Franklin street. Johns town, Fa . two doors North f Frazt-i'd Di U Stoie. Will at'end pi-ninptlj to all manner ol legal business that maj be en Int.-ted to him. Q L. PERSHING, Attokney-at- " Law. Johnstown, l'a. Olliec on Friinfe. lin street, up-stairs, over John IJentou's Hardware Store. Jan. 31, 1SG7. A. KOPELIN, - - - . T. W. DICK, Johnstown. Ebensburg. KOl'KLIN & DICK, Attorn kys-at-Law. Ebensburg. Pa. Offre with Wm. Kittcll, Esq., C'olonade How. oct.22.-tf. F. P. TIEKNEY JAMES NUM. JAW and COLLECTION OFFICE TIERNEYF&, MULL, Colountte Itv, EbenmJuirg-. Pa. rvT" Special attention paid to olleetions in all parts of tho United states. fcJ-lS-'U.-tf.l WILLIAM KITTELL, ITTORXEY AT LAW, Ebenshurg, Pa. fl Oflice iu Colonade Row, Centre etrcet. Jan. 31. 1867,-tf. JM. II SECIILEl?. Attouney-at Law, Ebens-burir. Fa. Ofrtce in Thos. Lloyd's new building, one door north of Colo nade Row, Centre street. OEO. M. 1IEADE, AttomeylMw, Ebensburp:, Fa. Otfice in new building recently erected on Centre street, two doors from High street. laug.27. (.EO V. OATMAN & CO., Attor-neys-at-Law, Eliensburtr, Cambria Co., I'a. The collection of notes and bills, whethei due or past due, will receive prompt attention. rP li. SCANLAN, Atlorwy-at-Lnc, ' Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. All man ner of leg-al business uttended to promptly aud carefully. Collections a specialty. 1 S. OGDKN, Jl feTICK OK Tt 1 K I'kace, 1 Johnstown, Pa. Office on Tron street, te tween tho Conemauyh Itrid-eand Pa. U.K. De pot. C-o.lcctions and all tiusinesa intrusted to I.im will be promptly attended to. 15-11. r. A. SHOEMAKER Q HOE M A K E 11 ...CEO. A. BERltT. c li E K li Y , ATTOHKEYN-AT.I.A IV, March It, 1S71. EBEXSllL'RG, PA.. rl 11 O M A S C A R E A N D, WnCLCSALE TEALtB IN Groceries s queensware. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, STATIONERY' AND NOTIONS, FISH. SALT. SUGAR (MB MEATS. BACOS, FLOl'Rj FEED AND PROVISIONS, 1323 Clcvenlli Avenue, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altoona. AH fueli poods Spiees, Brushes. Wood and Willow Ware. Shoe Blacking i:ii Station ery will be eoM from manufacturer' piinted price lists, and all oilier tooiU in my line at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Piits burrh curreet prices. To dealers 1 present tt-.e eculiar advantage of saving them all freight aud drayape, they are not requited to pay freights from tlie pnncipal cities and 1,0 ray age ch:irgea are nn le. Dealers may r st as sured that my gKd3 are of the hest quaiilT and my prices as moderate as city rates. By doing a fair, upright business, and by promptly and saiisfjctorily filiii g all orders, 1 hope to merit the patrcn.-i'ps ot retail dealeis and others in Cambria connty- aiid elFcnhere. Orders re spectfully solicited and satisfaction puaranced in all cases. THOMAS OAKLAND. Altoona, July 29, lS;:L-tf. Q.EORGE W. YfiAGEPv, Wholesale and Retail Dealer Iu HEATING AND COOK STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Til, CGPPER m SHEENRQI f All OF HIS O V7 ilAXUFACTUBE, , And GENERAL JOBBER in SPOUTING and all other woik in his line. Virginia Street, near Caroline Streel ALTCOXA, I'A, The onW dealer in the citv havii-g tbe riht to eell tie renowned " JAKLEY SllEAF" COOK S I'OVK. :hc mo-t perfect complete and satisfactory Siove ever 'ntroduced tc tlie public Stock Tmmkxse. - rjtic.ES Low. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. OOD, 3IORRKLL & CO., WASllISGTON STREET, Near Pa. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., Wholesale and Itdcil Dealers in A! DOMESTIC MY HS, SUJLS.IXESIY GOOD?, UAimWARF., QUEFNSWARE.' BOO I S AND SHOES. HATS AND CATS. IKON AND NAILS CARrETS AND OILCLOTHS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. GLASS WARE. YI.LLOVY WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with all manner of Western Produce, such as FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT, CARBON OIL, &.C., 5c. ZzV Wholesale and retail orders solicited and promptly filled on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. WOOD. MORRELL 1 CO. GEO. C.K. ZAHM , ...J AS. B. ZAJJM. ZAHM a SON, DEALERS IK DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, Hats,Caps,Soots, Shoes, A LTD ALL OTHER ARTICLES rsiial!y licpf lu a Country Store. WOOL AND COUNTKY TKODUCE TAKES IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS ! STORE ON MAIN STREET, Next Door to the Post Office, June 10, 1809. EBENSRURG, FA. Tf OOK WELL TO YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES For Me' aiitl Hoys' Wtar, The undersigned respectfully informs liia nu merous customers aud the public penerally that he is prepared to manufacture 1500 I S and SHOES of any desired size or qunlitv. from the finest French calfkin boots to" the coarsest brogan. in theTt uy bkst mannfe, on the short est notice, and at as modtiate prices as like work can be obtained anywhere. Those who have worn Boots and Shoes made at my establishment need no assurance as to the superior quality of my work. Others can easily be convinced of the'fact if thei will onlv give me a trial. Try and be convinced. tSRerairiiiR of Boots and Shoes attended to promptly and in a workmanlike manner. Thankful for past favors I ieel confident that my work and prices will commend me to a cou liauauce and increase of the same. JOHN D. THOMAS. Ebensburp, April 28, 18C9. LORETTOIMARBLE WORKS. PRICES REDUCED! Ant Work Warranted! MONUMENTS, Tomb Stones. Ru-'riV! KEAITfiml TART.R Toixj ma,l ,.r .V ihoHnrat Itulin.. M . l.l.. .....l . . . I . J of workmanship not surpassed "by ...... ...ii ii tt i in t-, . ijivc inc; h call m liefore dtttidinjr upon nurchasinjr or orderlnir work elsewhere. JAMliS WILKINSON' Loretto. April 22, 1371.-tf. " iiuis. any manufacturer. (Jtve mo a VTUSIC! MUSIC!! The "StsxF.Rs will be prepared to pri ve I.son on the 11 A NO MFUiDEOX orCAftl NET tMCOAN at any time after Kaster. l'or terms apply? to thenperioress. Sis- ' tor M. ItOKTENSK. fir xj CliarKcg moderate. C. Christy, Ebcnsburtr, April 1, 1371 tf. J u OPENEDll i Cheap! Cheaper I Cheapest! i I j n.itted to hi.s :t.ni.-,'.ixe:-t. -u i'.."r,?, Kos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street, JOILVSTOW', IA. A FULL LINE CF BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, MOURNING GOODS, AND OTHER DRESS GOODS Sli;!;';'' I ...1 l A 1 t '"". Eihlracing the Latest Novelties. Ttlack nnd Fancy Colored Dress Silk: I'laiii, Striped and J'ancy Japanese Silks; 'lain. 1'laid aiKl Striped Japanese Cloth ; I'laiii and J'ancy (irenadin- ; Ami'i-k-.tn l'oplins, all colors extra harjn'ns 1,mwiis. "liMitKt-s Hi'l IVrc-a'"" l'laiu and Striped Ihamwaj s. A FULL LINE CF WHITE GOCD3, STIUrKU and FIGURED P. K's, A COMPLETE STtCK OF HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, CASSIiriRZS,' JEAXS, a LI.E. rOR BOIS' SL'ITS. Also, a complete variety of As well as a fin assortment o TAHASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS, Hosiery, CI oicm, oreti, etc., at rvi:- t.ojv ri:icr:s, AT GEIS & FOSTER'S, 113 and 115 Clinton Street, Johnstown. Have just opened this week an elfgant and c'iolce stock of ?V1ILL!NERYG O O D S, KO. x s:ts, III TS, Illi:sloiis aud Laces, KOXNET AND HAT CKAPE, OF JVLL COLORS. joZ& PIECES OF CAEPETS! CARPETS! We have opened and now- offer for pale a most elepaiit assortment of prinj C'a; ijcia. Brusselj Carpets. Three I'hj Cat pets. Ingrain Carpets, Rag, Cottage 3f Hemp CarjHts Mailings and Rugs. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all widths, styles and qualities 1-4, 5-4, 6-4, S-4. We In vite every lady to call and examine our Stock of Roods. The choicest and finest Ftook of millinery Broods and dry goods, in town, on exhibitiou AT Gr.is Sl Fustch's, Nos. 113 and 115 Clinton Street. Jolinsf oven, I'a. CasJi Sal. s Low Prices Small Profdi ! EST SSL. on Q. O T O II N aI A L I P II A N T , J Wholesale'ind ReUit De ler i i! Fresh fish, Oysters. VesetaWes. Fruits, k IVo, O.l .flarket Street, .7 O 7.VA TO ir.V, I'A. X-Zl'SlIFh nt . o inc. per lb. .... .... . r,, IF1.T 1 IJ, or i--. apie-s or four for 1.00. F.xtra No. 2 Mackerel, per Ltd., at $14 00 J-xtra No. 2 Mackerel, per half Ltd., at.." ' r, 7", I-xtra u.i Mackerel, er quarter, ut.. .'.'.'.S.-.Z Hi "a Mrtl'k r I. I''r kit. at... ..-.(io X ller. etc.. which lie receives dait v. T Z7 " ,il ils,t F.K-nstiuix. Carrolltown aiid LxVt.t?',ij!?.w,,.ck durifcr season. ar ni l. fill ifjilin nil L inilo F ' . ... ; AUCTION! AUCTION! HAVIXfJ tiecn commissioned l)V Onver nor Geary to act as A rrriuX KHJt in : and for the Itoroujfh of Kbensbur"-. 1 am : now prepnr.-.! to receive ami sell at I'liblic : AlIKJi'.,n 11 kinds of (Joods, Wares, .!er- eharTdise, Arc., and also attend To thedutics : of Auctioiiror nt all sales of Ijinds, Tene' : inoiils, Live Stock, Household Furniture, : Are., Arc, within the limitsof said Horoinrh. : i'r,"1 modrrtUe. Inouire at Xt. Jtxi Hiirh b,,rVot- , . J - A TyiAx : l-.bensburg, April lS71.-tf. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. Klllc. Double niiil Single liarrrl. Shnt fVuru, J.Vtvrfcfi-ji, Immitiiteon. Sporting GnniK Hitlo llarrels. Iicks, Mount ings. Gun Materials. .V-. Send for a FrU-e I isf Address .1. H..HHIXSTO.N, Vrr.it HYem (Yinl Tli.rfcj. . I7 Smithtield Street. Pittsburgh. W. N. It. Army Carbines, Rities and Kevol rers tinuurht or traded for. rittebunfri. June 17, lsTt.-Cia. W w J Eh GQ F o g EH : & i -t-ttsj i On tlia ilul'.c.-t .f - biune tcnii'ji 1,1 vs t and mishapB at the 111 ., and one tf Ihun tV.d a ' 1 1. . t ..,..1 . 'o .l . mat ciiutu us as tit in" rv: ... I l-'ii.Iay afternoun tl.e I,:!,;,' : prti-ided over the iutere.-t,., i t' I had rccasin to r;s in.;';, ; I pentlenirn fur lavii.g a v. iV j tiun. In f.jct, i t ti brevity v.'., tliat it cotiI!u't pass fjr -i ,,.. II; ...... lil-IILIJ IBIUl ,lj 11-jv.l. r, ....... .v.. , ,,ls ii,,,,tts ., racc, but said notlin- i, nolo'v" .a. horiie. " ' ?-- irir.M rnni.i.L-p . F 1 :. r Jlcnday mcrtjin is r,!?.V3 a day at tchool, at d ti e i.lca . f ",'7'' liver a (!eclaniati..ri t n tl.at ci.'re- e in, unMipported ami tn.ac.-.r.M: ' Other wrttchei morta's. was ul i a 5 a coi. tern i.-!at ion as wou'.-i le c,,''lt rertj l; n c f an inviiatl.n; A f, rl,.,-T.' HitL Monday can.e tl.e cirrxr.a-,-' -J ately aftrr the optnirg exeri-it..' f r":' l.appy wretch to take LU t-i.ice 'r, X.T'' firm and say Lis piece. Tie v i;' rran, uitb w horn w arj .v'.;; i'"y vi.-"' wasn't a rea' first-rate, to fetudy, neiiLtr was Ltt a riV,' notliii!?. lazy, t-Lifiit-s. v..rfi"jj;. V.f'"': at selx ol. Si r can ;v! l ' ; boy be was. lie walked n. t . .' ! tie never got tnruiig!i -x it: LIT I oay. ! He made a utile lov.-, arj jeed: j "Flo, trumpet;! c.iii!:. , w.ir Ho, lictui ! clear li.'- i And ererb-jdy recn'z-1 1 ! the "lia'.tle f L;.le l: , Liidy settled i.tni.-elf f r a tea! ? '. fur was there ever a 1 uy w 1, lenstli" t:i tl.e "lajs t f ai They Lad a g .! lUt' i) 1 i f t , good and u-A, real awful t il" L v tLougli. lie spun along ui.L tie tifV r!ythm of tLe j-f-:n in . C.'.l;- way, but WItil ii Jtts, holdiiijj the leys i:i rat.t Le stiuck tl.e tenth vu:k : lI r-se the fri !.:,;; i-,..r;,:, , Over the i'ui-eiau ;., :,!:; " At.vl the boys C't rea..y . r tl.e f-r;. deliberate, ea'tfu'ly c r.i z ; ,t' CoDtitiOed. the liai.-Is f ;: L- c;, ;; Vt. and the Djrr.iniu' 1 f-ja-. t . i. ' hcur fjr the tir.-t ie: !; ! into, but the buys the r -.vue r, t t I who the tj-e-iktr ch;.:.tti the : i the tightee nth vtr.-e: l'ut fiercer ;ri.".v thr- f '.t;;. Around Valerius' .. i : For Titus di-si'z..d :- And Auits : y t;... L .1 This uiust Live le li t. v-: r- chinoo, but it wa r i ; listen to, fur D.ack Au-'.- r v .-.j. j pretty soon low. I'.ttt the J ri -.--r--; ar xi lUs-ly at the c!x k, a -1 tie;.-- "lanced aixion.-iy ; t in swept Lis ttcrn !a!..-e suppress any . n;j t n..-. A .- r" - r. But the buys surpectt i i : they li.-tencd i:Lrtd ul 1 art., the toy who had t -c h rt a cdly droned on with the tt:.! "Now. hearken. ( '-.A'i ' ; Spring on thv 'm rM-'.- t A lid ride as t he i i - I ! i A-; Were all upon ti.y travk." So Caius CA'Sus v. j" li . :f at ii.it dangerous pace wi.it.li A'.: us I' had rt-coOtmetidetl, the r1. !irj f..i him throuli the j urr,ey. ur.t'.l: " from the sent';: the ..!;:; IltK-e to a inisriiiy -vx I: It cr;ii in in t en:: '. 1 i - r : n : -: : -! Who kept the l-nd.-e . Hermitjius brt:g':it t:te '2"--n ver- with him, and he a!.-j ir- L;:! ' first glimmerings (.fa tr.'ly ; ;?. tlta time "the cheering r-.-se a c swell" the grin began t t a:, ' .i: scti3ol room. The tluit.- ' r t'.e ! : tion was past, and tl e : i - eroached on. The "I1 :;. . i " more uneasy and anxi i:s. u. : ! Le the speaker at the -i ). j-taazi. s i ! there was mucli HK:re t ; C ' or two," was the nn !..-t then." And he went . n. dead, the bravett Turyi' gray horse had made a h.-n cnluni for his ohj--ctive t with It C2 names weie Jt-a re: 'j- "' U..r:-.:" m 1 V i-i .. run u::- .s, nvre '- i. a f,- 13 councilmen were made iii:occ:rrt ej.u Duke de Castor and his h :. .r S.r i -j h ul been assired to duty a? c f -" mantJers in the R man uTr-y. a'-fT:;' thing went will lor an ur cr.s3!;' wben as t!ie speaker sun t-ut, v..:a minthed vier : "Hail to the invar A--yluii .' Hail to tin- liii-ti'i's -t'1 ' n Hail to the !' th.-.i 1 wr;--! r a'- And the s'..i.M tliat fed fre-.a " :: ' ' the IVincipa!, with oa- h sz r. z at the clock, cried o'.; "Tim- n l'J ; ' :r 'ft- lamation ready at the um! i n p i.'rf,1 And tlien the b v who had "t 0 ?r,i piece." but had impr.v.-d i is - TP rn between Fridav night and M l.y n: went down to his seat win flowing with a serene :-f ing how thin"! in nature a t.-'ii. : :n f Iamation tended to cq : ' ' ' Teoria (.'.') Ihcieir. 2 i?.2 GOOD GOODS &l GREAT BAH!? THE IlKADV '--" HAVING tiecoino proeri. '.i -lttH)M and ST:t ; i !- '"C" ; . lonvrin-r to H. A. Sliocin.iU' r " iTnr.6 piirctiaseit nn additional nC STOCK OF SMEW COO J. oj;j:a i i a i: ' ' ' :l '.at A 1 liBVFIRMIX.l.OLi!Sn .W. . : . . - . . . mr, . .Vfll.l.l., im-ii;iii II IU 1'! . ....U'1 HU. I .r i xi-. o .-rt .. 3 .. ..ii t .i ' " i:li . ... .i .-i.-. iiint-it'. or iniir inr 1 iki i , . . . . ; .. i-:t:i ; .t . ... - liillll 1 III I I Il l' III 11 . Ull'in . i i".r. no i nii will t.. .... .. iti, i. in iN 1(1 iDDlrce rri ii i V as any other merchant in or "" '' '. -i r-1'T ctdinty. It is our intention t',h'' constantly sto-.-ked witli a full ""; (,' assortment of IllfV IMtoliS. I'"1..'. .1; 1 KANC'V GIMtltS. NOTIIIN-- 1 1 ! N'' I ( A TS. 'A TS. I. IT 1 1 1 X ( : . A ' ; . ' . , : . (, h' Tl HE, OIL FLOTIIS. ill I-.: . , ' ,T. ' Kit IKS. FLOI'll. ISArOX. HAfCO, t'ltiA HS. and all e!ti. r: or smalt, that can tie found " :inl character in tho count v : a"'l :iS v i:tt' r,t"' J . .'t ' - i i K 1)11 COlSTllY flit"" ' .... and make no bad debts, wc f'f' ...ie'"1 feel 8tock imtl our prices will "et ' retain for us a liberal share ot 1 EARLY VISITS FROM ONE rf" are rcspectrullv solicited, aim 11 " ' ; der entire satisi'action. liotli s . j ity Of our i-nmls uml tlie lu iee- ;i-r.r it will ccrtainlv be no lauil el I ho glt c,. H ..V Cliu.tnu L .r A' ( o llon't f.,r,r,.t I,. ..'..!! iuul w e'll lint for; ret i' you full value for your money- , . i o"P- I l-.bs Ebensburg-, Jan. 2?, lrTl.-tf. . .11 W. if t nil n. 31- . .3 .V .l I'll. Tenders liist professioi.al services to citizens of H.c above place an.l a;"; ieiiuirc medical aid. ilri i -in if