CundiirangoThe New C?.ncer Cure. Early in the present year Mr. Wing, our Minister at LcunJor, transuiittcJ to Washington inloi amlion of the discovery in that couiitry of a ihrub which seeiiRil to possess reat powers for the cure of some of (he most terri'oly vicniz ing, loatlisomc, and fatal diseases to which the human nice is subject, cspi-rially that of cancer. This communication was made in the following; official form: Mr. Wing lo Mr. Fish. Ligation of tih Uite States, ) Quito, Ecuador, Jan'y 5. 1371. Sir : Foi some time yxA I hnve been aware of the recent discovery . t.f a , remedy wLich was dcclated to Lo a fpecific for. tho cure of some if the .most tembie disearer which Bcourge humanity, being will ing, however, to excite hopes liable to the chance cf disappointment, I have refiainsl from bringing it to tho attention of tho de partment hitherto. . - Ilectnt experiments which have been' ex plained to me by credible parties in addition to information concerning certain experi ments act on foot by myself, both in Europe and tho United States, has convinced me that there is, to say the least of it, enough cf reality in the curative properties cf the rem edy to render it incumbent upon me to lay tho matter befure the department, believing, ua I do, that if the department will at onco giv publicity to it, many valuable lives may Le saved, and relief afforded in most painful and distressing cases of ilTIiction. Tho remedy in question is the wood cf a tree called the "cuudurano," existing chief ly in the sonlhcrmoit province of Ecuador (Loja), and its peculiar virtues were dis covered, it is said, by oue of thoeo trivial incidents which evince oftentimes how hum ble are tho means ru-cd by Providence to make known the mysteries of uatuic and the wonders of science. Tho ignorant wife cf a common Indian laborer who had for some time enfierid most foarfully from an internal cancer, concluded finally to administer eternal relief to him by the simple process of mixing poison in his food. The woman, it would seem, acted in porfect good fait a and honesty of purpo.-.e, and without a tinisler or nialcvolcLt design. She wiched really to save her husband from Ins agony ; and, feeling that his care was absolutely impossible, she determined to a l in'uistor a decoctiou of iho wood itself. To her surprise the man at once began to rally, and, as her first attempt had failed, the still continued to dose him with the lotion from day to day in increasing iiuantitk-s. As a rcau'.t the maa entirely recovered, and, the matter becoming public, further testa have established the pow ers of tho wood as a rem edial agency. Only last night I was in formed from the most eminent sources in the land that some of the cures tliocled by it were truly miraculous. I givre the report iu regard to the manner in which these proper ties wore maniU'sted as common minor ha.s it. Its eflicacy in cancerous and venerea! dbeases has been already approve, and judge by analogy that it would likewise prove beucticial in scrofulous and. ulcerous uti'ectious of dilibreiit ty pes. Certainly it itself to tho exper iments of tho learned practitioners of t he United States ; arid if is carativo rju.ilitic.- go no further than to conquer that fearful malady, the cancer, so lung deemed lnpo lessly incurable, and s fraught with anguirh of mind and agony of body, aud certaiu ik-ath hitherto, then truly will it hiiva acccnipihh cd a mofct noble end. The condition of the Island roads and the difficulty of ti asporta tion to the coa.-t will tLr a time interfere with its exportation in large quantities, but the energy of President Mortna wiil eventu ally cpen it ui to the commerce of the world and the relief of the idli-cleu. Ia this con nection I may .add that this month the I'.es idcut of Ecuador will forward to the fStato Department at Washington one tor.lter of tho cundurango for distribu tion. I have thanked him for his courtesy and consideration, and I have every hepe that under the enlightened supervision ot the department medical science may achieve therewith one of its moat valuable victories. Appended, as accompaniment. A, I transmit the simple recipe setting forth the manner in which the article is a. yet applied to u.e. Experiment and experience may soon been ablcd to adopt a nioro powerful and skillful method of application. If tho department sees fit to make tl.ij matter immediately public, it will alf.rd uie genuine piea.-uro to ail both experimental science and sulTering humanity by any mear.s that my location and information u the subject may render practicable. Ht'MsET WlNO. Accompaniment A. JIETHOD CF USING- TilK 'l'LTXIUHAIt(;o.' ' A decoction of the cundurango is made out of a small piece of the wood beaten out flat, aud half c.i cunco of which is boiled iu threo teacupfuls of water. Of this decoction one teacupl'ul mast be taken in the morning and another at night. If the patient has ulcers they should be kept very clean by the use cf aromatic wine or simple ointment, according to the degree cf inflammation. The decoction is only to be ui-ed for fifteen days consecutively. An interval of Cfieen days roust theu elapse, when tho remedy may again ho resumed for the same length of time. Great attention mu.-t be given In order to keep tho digestive organs in the best possible condition. With regard to any other counsel, tho general a?pect of the pa tient may servo as guide. In this country (Ecuador) the cundurango has proven itself to be a poweifu! restorative, and must event ually work a complete revolution in the treatment of canterous, venereal, and ulcer ous diseases Da. Casakks. Quito, January 4. 1870. A trua tran.-laticn. Rlmssy Wing. Tho following was also scon afterwards receivod : Mr. IVing to Mr. Fish. Legation ov the Umted States, "1 Quito, Ecuador, Jan. 23, 1X71. J Sia: lleferring to my dispatch No. C I. the contents of which I regard as very imp rtant, I desire to correct a slight error into which I bad fallen, as I learn from Conversations with President Moreua and Minister Leon. An accidental nanner of t!iU discovery of the remarkable qualities of the cundurango, as detailed in the despatch rekrred to, is en tirely correct, with the single exception that the fruit, and not tho leaves, is poisonous, and it was iu tho absence cf ths fruit that the wniuiu used the wood, supposing, as she did, that it must contain tho same destruc tive proierties. From Information plven mo 07 the dietin guished gentlemen mentiin"d above, 1 am more than ever convinced of the meat rlua of the discoveiy, md the necessity for iuim. diate scientific experiments with the wood. E. IIcmset SVing. CL'NI)L"UAN0 MADS: I t iil.IO. Thesa despatches when finally riven to (ho public, in the orthodox oiTioial styh were accompanied by communications from Mr. lucres, Minister of Ecuador Lere, conveying intelligence of the arrival of the promised experimental stock of the cundurango woo.l aud affording gome in formation, of th.i success wliidi Lad t- ,' T,'.i tended its use in his own country. E-ut tLcEO documciits suJIicienll' explain them selves, and are therefore presented hero, in cxlci;o, a3 follows : Department cf Statu Washington, April 7, IX To the Hon. (i cor ye M. Robeson, Secretary , Pin : I transmit copl2s of printed pamphlet containing a note to this department here, Mr. Floret, the Minister of Ecuador here, and despatches from Mr. Wing, the Minis ter of the United States in that republic. These papers relate to a medicament called "cunduiRnp V J recently d:sovered in. that country, which is supposed to be arTcfUceut remedy for career and other di.-c&scs. A sample of the art icle accompanies this lei'er. I will thank you, if there should appear to be no ol j.'ction to that course, to cau;-e it to be administered b the medical staff of the navy."" rind the result 1 1 be communicated to this Department for the i n for rb alien of tho government of Ecuador. I have the honor to bo, sir. your obedient servant. II.m.Tcx Fisu. . Mr. Florcs to Mr. Fih. f Translation. J W a ; ill x r; To N , March 14, 1871. Mr. MisisTEii: 1 have received from my government, in order to efferit to you, a vegetable called 'condurango," which is produced in the province of Loj-. .Ecuador, and to which great medicinal qualities are attributed, as you wiil see by the annexed extract., cpied from No. 425 cf tha cficial journal cf Ecuador. In caso your Excellency m think proper to accept this !;t!k oocring, I take, the lib erty of enclosing the bill cf laden e.f the box which coutsias it, to tho end that you may be pleased, if j'ou see fit, to return it to mo with the necessary xrdcr f r the Custom House at New York, and to take tuca other 31 ensures as you may think proper. I have been s pecially directed by my g';v ernniei t to commtinicate Use result of the analyses and experiments which mr.y be made. I will therefore thank your Excel lency to deign to nfford me, nt far as possi ble, tho means of obeying this order. In the hope that your Excellency will be pleased to give to this maUcr the attention which is demanded, not only by humanity and science, but tho mercantile interests of Ecuador and the United .Staics of America, I hnve the honor to r.iuerate to your Excel lency tho pssuranee of my very Uigli and diLtifiguiehtd consideration, and to subscribe myself your Excellency's very obedient ser vant, A- Frour.3. Br. VAT.KyX'3 CAIJCTTJSirrA VINEG-AB, BITTSES HnnSrecb of Tbonranc1.: Cj 3 2 Beer tpptir.iny to thoir Wonder- c E a c c o ? . X o . - 4 - C Ci a -3 2. x; , 5 J TEST AKS KOT A VTL3 gl FANCY D R i f J K . 5 tr 3 ilao.o of Voor Hum, Wli'skey, Proof spirits nnd Kef 11 00 Liquors doctored, tplccd snjs7cct cued to please tha tiste, celled ' Tonico,"" Appetiz ers," liestorcre," c, that lead tie t:pplcr on to drurdceantsa aad ruin, tat arc a trno Medicine, uiado from the Kative Koots and Ilcrboof Califojtla, frco from nil AlcoUniic Btiu:uIantB. Tbcyaro tho UirEAT BLOOD PUUIFinil r.nd A LIVE OIVINti ritlNCIPLEaperrtet Kenovator and Iavlgorator of t'uo System, caiTjliig; o.T all poisonous matter end restoring the Llood to a Lcaltliy condition. No person can t-'.lio tucse Sitters eccordiDj to ilrco tioa and reira!n locc un-svcll. SIliO t '-lbe given forau lnraratlo car-c, rro-vlilcd the boac-a ara tot dsc-troyed ty lalatral poLioa or otlicr meLiS, atd tio vital orgaM v.t:cd teycuitUii .cliit of reDCir. F.r IcSutniriittorr Cbrcnic IJiicamo. tipia ai:d Uout, Jiy t'Persia, or IndSral icp, iilllous, Iteciltter.t nnd Intermittent 1'overa Dlst'nstucf tue iIoud, i.ivtr, liidueys, and Illadder, tliesc Kittci a fcuve teca raot succctc ful. Kuth liiaechca uro canted ty Vitiated niond, 7hlcl1 Is generally 1'roduced ty deracKcmtnt of tLo Uiwt'.ulvc Ci 'uiis. Jjyt?PEPSIA Oil 1NDIGEPTION, need Mho, I'fcla ia tho Shoulders, Conb3,Tigt:e3 of tii3 C'-.cfit, DlzzlncBS, Eour Eructations of tha Stomnch, Dad taste ia tho Moatli, Eili&as Attack3, ralpitution of tlio Heart, ItiCaimnatlon of tho LaogB, Talu la tho regions of tho Kidneys, atid a hundred other painful 6ya;ptcm8, are the offisprlnga of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and sthuulato tie ter ridllvcr and bowels, which reader them of unequalled cOctcy la clcancinc the blood of all hnpuritlco, and luipnrtiu; new Ufo and vigor to tho -wholo system. l-'OIt Hit IN IISEAfeES, Krnptlons, Tetter, Salt XUieura, Elotclies, Spots, Tln-plcs, jruttulcs, Bella, Ccr bcnclCB, lilng-Vi'onns, Scrdd-IIead, Boro Eyes, Eryb-lp-cla3, Itca, Ecnrlii, Discoloratlons of the Skin, Ilumora and Diaeaiies of the L-kia, of xrhatever name or nature, cro Utcrlly dug up and curried out cf U10 eyatctc In a thort time t7 tho u;.a cf tacbo Citters. Oao tottlo La euch caaca v. Ul couvlace tho inoct luurtuuloua of their curative effect. Cleanse tao Vitiated Kccd -whenever yoa tnd It3 lxpnrit!c3 t-nn-tin thrcurh tte bUIu inrimplcs, Erup tiCES or Sores ; clcanso It vhea yon End it obstructed and sluggish in tha veins ; cleansa it when it id foul, and your foellncrs 15-111 tell you when. Eecp tho bloo! pnro nnd tho heftfth of tho system -arlil follow. PIN, TAPE ar-d other WORKS, lurking in tha tystcm cf so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, rcud carefully ho circular around each bottle, printed la four laa fuages Eanllrh, German, French raid Epanith. J. T7ALKEII. rroprictor. K. n. McCONALD fis CO., PnigtjlfV3 and Gen. Asents, Baa Fiar.cko, Cal und S3 and 31 Cumauca Street, New Tori. f. SOLD B" ALL DHL" G GISTS AND LEALE23. Dr. Crook's A rtin..-(iy whu-h h..s U.n 'tested 1 for 10 yenr-i, and prr-Yi-d in tliouf nnds of, ffip:'i)'e of eurinij at CiiiiKS cf tic tTr.r it tzi t-.zji; 'per-t'-irner ni;iry r-n:irkble curen merits a tiial from nil who aro puf terms from sinnhir afbtions ano vainiv KP.-kin reMef. VTia j- J3 ;r:;;ii: j?oTo:t yes frcn tclij cu::i also! WI1TE or lsny. V i..'::"3'T'-0 I'ruplsta s.iv it cures them rdl .:.r. . H e relict andeuu-of n.arve -can. r--r-'?'eT' satieror w.'ll fied relief nnd euro f --- re.jinre only a few dosee. ?JJ.?.r:3sl:.;-''1:is cured proiumnoed inoiinhle j-.-.u,. u renovMes rnd invigor.-itos tho sytem f:!iX:itp o"-7M,n?le:l,'cUv reu'.at.jr ci this orim I.-Sw-cts.. bsi hoahay o.-t:on on the sromnel) eurpi? it. lH hp,:,,l!:-,v,:r- and nppctite restoring krV' Jcr lZr"i''-JZSV'f'? ' '"rk.-dand prompt t-. -io u-u. CP is rifh in Uio medicinal vies of lar, combined with ep.tat,i in"r) cuenu of undoubted vapje, whi-h r.iako it unur lie.l, not only fr,r tf.e comphantB enumerated but u ri;.i77 rcs'.crcj cxii-.el rtszz'X cUansc-a the ti.-innch, relaxes the Liver an. 1 puis thorn towo'k musu tne food to digest, and in.nitoa pure blood' Bud Leiier a vivacity appreciute-i by both sound and . I-,A"r"!.".rp 3fR:'iivd in rny w:iv, wo know if you try ino &s-c:r.2? te:l; tjejriicj of tir. Crook's Wiue ... ..... jv... n1, j,:r iesi:mn:iv to us preal vnliio in correorinrr 11117 " ilis (hit "rle.-h is he i u." lYcrsred or.iv bv tt,irr- r?-.rr r-i sm k lr;iss;ist everywhere. ik I foun. tUztr-i-.--i. Zir.zra l :h Livor. t: t.?, wtda rai, t.cir as a di Zmt, or any v..j. t; iis .7::. or reroiii a in cu-i.ei:ii!,g on a deprived con i. udie Er. ('' tctieS Crr:r tf 0 iiCCt. It is combined wiiii intj oest tome preparations of iron V' f"-n, and iH the Alterative and CUVHl CSCC24C0., P7ta,Jl I 3 i: -. fv' V . J .. .. , - - I -r-5"-r""-"-r '-' S-s "-'--"ij I u "S1 T' -i-t COMPOUND FL U ! D EXTRACT CATAWBA 1 GKA CoinnuiK ut Vn ts I"Iu;l Kxtrntt Ituu bnrb ml FliiiU Exlrm t t luv. bit tViajit: Juice Fi r TAVi r Compln'oit, J.ivr.'Urc, Bdicus .!.fie fixti, SU k or Arm!J llralchc, C'-tircvrsi, .vr. rttreh ViyrM ie, cottiinlrtj on kictcmj-, iriiu rah; vr ucititriout: tirwys. Tt.cse nils arofliomost ilelfjrlitfully rlrnnnt purirativo. supercoulnar f astor oil, si'lts. novxnf sia, etc. There ism thinir raoro ;iee'i)tal'! to t ho stomach. They jri ve tono, and :;uise neither iiMiiseti nor vripinir pains. They are cnropftse'l ol" lli FiNK.-T iN(;!!;MKN"f. Alter ft few clft,yV uo of them, smell an in iiroration of t!m finivo pvsteni tak s l-laee us to appear mirnenlous to tho weak ur.rt enervatert. wliother arisinsr froin impriKieiieo ordiseHe. II. T. I'clniboM'sroni pouml l'luia Kx tract Catwli Crajx? Pilis are not siifrur-coated, from the laer that fi!nr ooatiMt Pills u not dissolve, hut pass th;-ou:ill the stomach without di-solvinjr. 'or;S--:m nt;y do not produce thf desirf-d efier t. Tno CA TAWI1A it H APE PI l.rjiinr rl'a:mt in in :to and odor, do not necessitate their heing- suar coateU. Price Fifty Cents periUox. 1IENKY T . II E L M HOLD VS Jliylily Concentrated Compound ei extract mmm VTiil nolief.lly exterminate from the system Seiof nla. Syphilis, Fever S,.ies, FJce-i-s, Sro 3ves, .-ore Ieirs, Sow Monti;.; tre Ji'-ad, J!ron ciiitis, Skin Lise.i.-e.-. f-altlhe 0111, e.auk..'i'.Jiin vUii.' at tlie Far, Vhite .Swellins.TiMnor';, Can cerous A'.Jei'tions. 'oues, Jciekels, Glandular Swollimrs, Niirht Sw-ats, Kuslt, Tetter, Humors of nil kinds. Chronic Uheumari.-sm, fiysoeppia, nnd all diseases that have beeu cutaLiiislied iu the syttem for yeais. P. in .r prcvared cxyre.-sly for the above com jhii!:ts.irs !!;. .d-inirifj iriic prnpi i t ios are great er than any other preparation of Sar-apariiia. ItJiveS the complexion it clear and healthy dsl'ir. roid restores the patient to a plate of health and purity. For purifying t ho blood, removing ehronic constitutional diwasjs firi.sin.-r from an impure state of the blood, mid the only reliable and eif' etoal rerniMly for the euro f pain- ao.i swellinir of the bones, ulcer ations of the-Throat and Fef?, IJlolehes. H son tho I"ae'. ErysipelaSvand all Scaly Krup tions of the tkm. und iieantif yin.'r the I'om ple.vion. Price, 1.50 per bottle. IIEKRY T. IIELilllOLD'S Concentrated Fiuid Extract GUCiSU. Tiio Great ClurctJc. lias eure.d every cac of DTATtETKS in T. hieh it ha:-; been iven. Irritation ;f tho .'eck of ihe l.laoi'.o!-, iic.-l iMli.Pi;:,:su.;ii of t: .vionoys. Vi t era Li : : o i" t l.e iv i i r i e ys ana Llalvi' ', ticteii! io.i of tile Lrinc. I!s" of the I'ro--traic Oa.iui, toiie ia the dadder. Calculus. ii.tvel. ib u k I:ot Deposit, iaral Mucous or Miiky iii.-eiia.-u-ef--. and lor'eebied and lielieate t'ontitiirh-ii? or" btdh se.H, tsUeii'ted wiili tho loliowitnr KyinpUiins: indipo';itioa to li.xert i:;, J.oss of 1'iiwcr. f.o--of Menioi-, liillleiilfy ot Jtreatii inir, AVeak Nervt-s, Treiiiblir.?. Ilnrrorff iiis inso. V);.-fi;lni.'S.-!, 3ii:meys of Vision. rain in the l!ad. Hot Hand-!, J-'ln? hjnar ,f the lio.1v, Drym-ssof trie jkin. Ki uption of the l aee, 5 . lid t'onnioiianee, I. niversal Lassitude !' tho ilusetilar SyMi-in, Are. I'se-d !..' persons from the aires of eiy ht" cn to 1 wem. y-live, and Iron; ti.:rty-li vt to til ; y-:i vc. ,r in the ueelii'.e or.'ehanire of life; r.Her eoor'ino meiit or labor pan!.-: ; bed-wetting- iu children. HFf.y HOLD'S F.XTIIAer rrCIITT Is Tdnret ie and lE'eod-l'iiriiyinir. and cures All Disease uri -iiiK from Habits of Dissipation nnd fcxecss. r s iind Iinpriidenee in Lifo, Impurities of ti.e Hiood. ;vc, f-ii!ereedinfr Copaiba in nffeetie.iirt for wlneh it is used, mid S pliilitio ali'i etions in these diseases used in connection with lielm bohl's UiifC Wash. In li'flin afiee.tions peeniiar to Ladies the E.v traet Uiieh'.i isnncqntilleil by any other remefiy as in Cidorosis or ltet otion, Irre'jitiai ity. I'ainf nihe-s ir Suppression of t-tistoinary I.vac tiiittons, i'leeraud or Schirrns State "of the I'n l is, Leueori honi or Vt'Htos, S;i riiity. mh1 for ;.ll coiaplaiiit ioci lent to tins -ex, -.v iiel tier aiisinjr from indiseietion or haiiiisef dissipa tion, it is p: eseribed extensii eiy by the must eminent phyKciaiisund luid-.vives for Knfeebled and Dc-lieutc Coosiii uiions, of both .-exes and :i!l ares (atleudul with any of tho ttbovo dio Cltses Ol" tyiupiollia). H. T, Eelrabold's EXTRACT BUGIiU CUUES DISEASES ABIs(NUFaOM Imprudences, Dissipated Habits, &c, in all th. ir stag-s, nt little expon?o, little cr no ehuiiKC in diet, no inoonvt-nienee, and no exoo sure. It euu-ts a Ireipient desire, and jrivv's fdrenKth to Crinate, thewrby removing Ob-strin-iiems. prevfiitinir and curtn'ir Strictures of the Uretha, ullayit: i'ain ai.d Intlainmat :i n. f o fi-equ.-iit in this class of disea.-jcs, and expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands w ho have been the victims of in competent persons, and who bavenaid henvv lecs to be cured in a short time, have found that t iey have been deceived, ajid that the "Poi-.-oii" has, by the use of "powerful a;;trinironts," been dried up in tho system, to break out in a more asri;nivated form. 'perhaps after afarruijre. Cse UKL.:nutX.ira &xti-:ai:t 1,U JUT tor nil nficetions and diseases of the Li-imiryOr-trans. whether existing in the Jlalc or Female, from whatever ciiu.-e orijrinntinr, and no mat ter of how loiifr standing, l'rieo, Ono Dollar and l'ifty Coins per Lottie. HENRY T. iiEi.:.:noLD-s iMPROVED ROSE VASH cannot be surpassed as a Face Washund will be found the only specific remedy in every spe cies id Cutaneous Adection. It speedily eradi cates Pimples, Spots, Seorbutio Drvness, Indu rations of the Cutaneous Membrane, &e. ; dii pela Ueduessaud Incipient Iiitlammation, Hives, Itash, Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost, and all purposes for which Salves or Ointments are used; restores the Skin to a state of purity and soilness, ami insures con tinued healthy action of the tissue ol" its ves sels, o:i which depends the ivrrceabie clearness and vivacity of complexion' so much sought and admired. Hut however valuable ;s a rem edy for existing- defects of the skin, 11. X. liehn bold's Uose Wash has lon;r sustained its princi pal claim lo unbounded patronaore, by possess ing qualities which render it a, 'J'oilof Apoend iiL'o of the most supeihitivejand con'-enialchar-aetcr, combining- in an elegant formula those prominent reiuisites, safety and ohicacy the invariable aeeoinpanimetits of itsuso as a Pro server and Itefresher of the Complexion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of Syphilitic Nature, and as an Inject ion f or disca of tho Crinary ( inrans, arising from habits of ditsipu fion.used in connectioiiwith the Extract Duchu, Sarsa.ari!la, and Cutiiwba Crnpu Piils, in such diseases as recommended, cannot be surpassed. I'rice, Oao DoUur per liottlc. Yu and explicit directions accompany tho mo.peines. Evidence of the nun responsible and relia ble character furnished on' Application, with hundred 4 of thousands of living witiiess-s, ami uovards of 0,(nJ unsolU ited cortilieates and recommendatory letters, many of which aro iroin the iib-'hcjit sources, ineiuding eminent Phy.-ieians, Clorirymeti, Sf-itesmen, &e. The proprietor lis never resorted to their public:. t ion in the newspaiKTS ; he does not do this front the fact that his articles rank as Standard Pre parations, und do not need to be rropied up by certificates. H.T. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations Dehvorc-d to nnv address, secure from olcr vation. r.sYAKnsncn I pwako of TV.'KNTV EAltS. Sold by Driijrjrista everywhere. Ad dress letters for iritonnation, in coDlideuee, to Henky T. liKLMiaiLt), Druists nd Chemist. Only Dejiots: II. T. if ulmUild'a Drug1 and Chemical Warehouse, No. Droailvvav. Now York, or to II. T. ilelmbold's Medical 'Denot, 104 South Tenth Street, Phildelphia, i'a. IW"irboW .' Tvhc no oM'jr : ' ' 21. n .irt f (l,.i'iif.')-r- it. t 4 i r cImi; is a luxurTTit-U She ,:la srel! cf thetole:' JLc.manVhohas never courted Las lived in vane. lie has been a Lima man anion" landscn re?, be h.ts been a defT man in tbe bird of band organs and by the f-v.a . . . i ku -D------ ..j ., " ; of murmuring canals. Courtio is like two little sDiiu-is of water tbat start out frcm tin ; it gives the parties a to find out each other's trenitr can'w. 'It u gcod rxer- clan, and is just aj iuuecent p.s five Jiiir.a lambs. ' .o Perhaps it ia bt-et I sbouid stata kctoo good advice to tbo young men who are about to court Tvitli a view to matrimony as it was. ' : In the first place, young men ycu idight to get your system ail right ; then find a young woman who !3 wiilinj to be courted on the square. Tho next thing is to find out how old ehe is, which you can do by askiog her, and she will Ea she is nineteen years, and this you will find will not be far out of the wa. The next is to begin moderate, na orco every nito iu the week for the fust eix months, incrcasin tho dose as the patient . Eesms to require. It ia a fust ' way to court tno girl's mother a little on tbe start, for there is ono thing a womin never dei-risif, and that ia a little good courlin if it if don'? on tbe square. After the Erst year ycu v,-ill begin to like the business. Thcro ia one thing I always advise, and that is not to swop , photographs oftrner than wun3t every 6 daz?, unlets you forget how the gal looks. Ockahionally yon v.-ant to look sorroy and draw in your wind a3 tho you had a pain ; this will Bet tho gal to tcezing you to find out what ails you. Even meetins are a good tldng to tend. It will keep ycur religion in tune, and if your gal happens to be their by accident, she can ask you to go horns with her. Ab a general thing I wouldn't brag on ether girls P.nch when I was courtiu. It might look r.s though you l-.nn tew much. If you court three weeks in this.wa, all thr timc on tbc Fquare, if you don't sa it is tbe sleekest time of your life you can go to the choap t-toro and get measured fur a plug hat at my expense rind pay for it. THE GREAT OAK HALL t'i v, Liii i.'wi j! ifet'i -icS Pi n a u m i XJ1XJL J JLJ. J 241 Main Street Jehnstcwn. 0 th HAVE NOV." OX HAND Tug iareit, hesl Macie EYtli Hi:?T IX J)IN.'jTOiV", co.-islst il.ielly of MEN'S COATS. jJJEN'S TAXTS. 5,IKX'3 VESTS : YOUTHS' COATS. YOUTHS' PaXTS. YOUTIiS' VESTS ; BOYS' COATrf. LOYS' TAXT:. LOYS' VESTS. Yo have abo constantly in rtack a complete assortmrnt of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c. r 7- 'w e nro T'repareil to make to or-J'-r Cloth- ! injr ol every oesci iption on the snortest uotivo. Call at So. '2 11 iIain Street, AND SEE JIOW IT IS YOURSELVES ! Johnstown, April tl, iNTl.-i'.m. II O M A S C A 11 L A N 1), WHOLESALE PEALER IN GROCERIES S QUEENSWARE- VOOD AND VILLOW WARE, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, fish. salt, m m mm, FEED AD PROVISIONS, 1323 l!evemh Avenue, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Altoona. All such poods as Spices, Brushes, "Wood and Willow Ware, Shoe Jlack'ms( and Station er v will be sold from muiiufacturer'a printed price lists, and all other rrooij in my line at rhiludelpliia, Ualtiniore, Cincinnati and Pitts burgh current prices. To dealers 1 present the peculiar advantage of saving tliern all freight and drayape, as they are not required to pay freights from the principal cities and no dray age chnrge? are made. Dealers may rest as sured that my goods are of the best quality aud my prices as moderate as city rates. Ky doing a fair, upright business, and by promptly and satisfactorily filling all orders, I hope to merit the patronage of retail dealers and others ."n Cambria county and elsewhere. Orders re spectfully solicited and satisfaction yuaranteed in all cases. THOMAS OAKLAND. Altoona, July 23, lSGJ.-tf. C3N o ifi r- a. o o 1 O KOLLIDAYSEUna SSSIIKiUlY. lXti3.Z3AYSIIiIiCi, PA. under a rock at tbo foot of a mountain, acd j t run down bill side by bUc,-staging, dancirig ' ,?; solicited. and Fpatertn eacb other, eudyin and frotbin, I MaKBxci ' rJiiX and kaKkadin. and hidtlin under tbc bank, 'j t vter jiV-'w.-iy & th-o., w. M. c.ormiey, now full of sbadder, bltaby. they jine and :sa.,'li:ihSvvo.:i lb, Mtbtirir; Hen-Mm then eo slow. " I nm ia favtr of long ccr. I?"": ' 'w uR "JAMES F. MILL1KKN, ATTORNbY-AT;LAW ASD 2ti:AI. J-STATE A LIT, HOLLI DAYSUUIiG, I'A c-iociai attention jriven to the cxillection of '.aims in I!!!iir, O'tnbVfa, HuniiniiW. n, Leoloro, c. pf7,,trc n.l Cbar:ield coontie?. eV' 'rties!!sldiT rr. nnrcha-, r-nt. loasp. Fell ' or wo!i-in -o n-antntj will imd itirre-uiy to i K.'.T-o i.ston: Cyi, F.s.p, Johns' o.v:;; vni.P. Wilson,. LV., i-liofote. n-.-n REAL E T A T E A G i: N C Y - -! OF GEO. V. OtXTMm & CO. OHtt-e in C'olontxle Kow. Poverrtl pnrt i"? wish to secure Hou?os in Eb cnsbmir at f.iir rent. , . , is. i ,ni.i T.ots m e. for rent op fair term''. Give us a description and price of what you ir have for rent. - Tr Let n know what kind of a House or House and Dot vrni wish to seen re as a tenant. Have you HKAKot J'iUl&ijXuli VHVTM- TY you wl:h to sell, or do you wish to buy t C03IK ASO SEE'l'S AT OSCi:! 5. "Our terms are reasonable for all scr . ices rela'.i-.e to above tnatrer. See "itenl Kstate U izette." (il-,n.V.'. OATMAN&tO. Ebeiisburir, Feb. 4, 18Tl.-tf. ENTISTR1". The undcis-gned, a jirnduate of the Dalti- of Dental Sar cerv, respect fully oilers his i i fcrviees to tb.e f )f ff JJ citizens cf Eb- w i-iZ-U.- en?burg and vicinity, which place he will visit on tho foiktu Monday of each mouth, to re main one week. Aug .13. BAM'L BELFORP; D. P. S. DR. H. B. MILLER, ,pT Operative and Mechanical DENTIST O.'lice lemovcd to Virginia street, opposite the Lutheran chinch. Persons from Cambrii county or elsewhere who get work done by me to the amount of Te: Dollars and upwards, will have ti e railroad fare deducted from their Liiis. All vtokk wassasthi. Jan. Ul, iyi!9.-f. "AMES J. OATMAN, 1,1. i., ' tenders his professional services as Phy sician and Nnrfeon totiie citizens of Oarroll tewn and vicinity. Oflicc in rear of build ing occupied hy J. BticK & Co. as a store. NiLt calls can he made at his residence, one door i-oulh of A. llaug's tin and hardware store. May 9, 180". TIT? J. LLOYD, successor to Tl. S. Hrsx, Dealer in finajs, Zlsditims, Paints, tjc. Store on Haiti : treet, opposite th "!j'ans:on L'r,n?o," Ehensburg, Fa. October 17. 18G7.-Cm. IW AY. JAMISON, M. IX, w ' lf.o: et i it, v .:::ibi ;ii i'a.. Trr.ilcrs hi- proTe-s" jiral sci viois to pueh of ti.e eitcus cf tlie above place snd viclidty as m:ty require medical aid. April i.-ly. 17- II. VI.Ar.K, tl. I)., tender Ins 7-v.-(f"--:o:.,'.l services to the :tix. :i3 of I;!-e:':l.-'o tr i-.-i vici'iitv. !'k-e on l!1ir!i street. f.-;loUo l ii :itrc-.-s.tiori;-l cin l eii. ICist Writ. . lirl; i ueiiee ot in: ti. ;t;iin, West Ward, ii-yl-d Jki Ei!E:sbvi;g, Pa. Gold, Silver, Government Loans, atu Other Securities, bought and sold. Interest allowed on Tiroo Leiwits. Collections made in all accesfcihle points in the United Slate;; ana a general Baukiii": nuEines.s y? I n Mjr C. , T . V Hankers, Altoona. V.. Drafts cn the principal cities and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Honeys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, cr upon time, with interest at fair rates. an31. 1). M-LAUGI1LIN, STTORNKY AT LAW, Johmlow, Pa. il O.'iice i:i the Exchange buildi:-. on t!:e Corner of Clinton and Locust streets up stairs. ill attend to ail butiucLz connect ed with hts profc-srrlon. - . . JOHN 1 LINTON, " TTOP.HV AT LAW, Johns!- vn. Pa. X Ofilcc in building on corner cf Mai a and Franklin street, opposite Mansion House, second lioor. Entrance on Franklia street. Johnstown. Jan. 21. l&07.-tf. (T W. EASLY, ArroitKKV at Law, Oilicc, In'o, nvt Franklin street, Johns town, r , two doora North of Frazer'a Dru Stoie. AViM attend promptly to all nnnncr ol legal business tli n t may be entrusted to him. (5 L. PERSHING, Attorn-hy-at- v' Law, Johnsioic:i,Pa. Oflicc on Frank lin Street, r.pvstairri, over John P.'.ntou'd Hardware Store. Jan. 31 , 1S07. A. KOrET.IS, T. W. EIC Johnstown. E'oensbor. frOi'LLIN & DICK, ATTOUSKY3-AT-Law. Eber.sbnrg. Pa. OiTicc wit, Wm. Kittell, Esq., Coloi.-ade Row. foet.22.-tf. T. I. TirHNEY JAMiiS SCLI. T AW and COLLECTION OFFICE -OF TIERNEY &. MULL, Colonnaie ICv, Ef ijHl.ur. Xi. :rocial attention raid tn fnitwtinnn ;n nli parts of Iho Vnittvi State?. l3-18-'Tl.-tr.l L. GEOKGE, Attoknf.y at Law, r of-nsinirK. i'a. Vfice in room rocontly Itow. All loannorof lal ,un.,as faithfully attendetl tn th collection vi tl lims, .tcf, made a pe-i;ility. . l-4.-tf.l f. a. riiov.m. xn, ; ano. .. J1KPHY C HO K MAKE II & 15 Ij li 1 Y , A'l'ftfltSKY.S-AT.I.AW, March 11, 1ST1. KllEXiyJi UK 1, JOHN FENLON, JTTORUEY AT LAW, Ebensbnrg. Pa. ti Ofiico on High street, adjoininf3c his resi dence Jan 31, 187.-tf. WILLIAM KITTELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Elensburq. rz. li Office in Colonadc P.ow, Centre street. Jr.n. 31. 18G7.-tf. TM. II. .SECIILTJL Attokxev-at- t Law,, Pa. O.Tice in Thoj. Lloyd's new bu'I'llng, one door noi ih of Colo na'.ie Row, Cenirc street. GEO. M. HE ADE, A tiornialLav; Ehensburg-, Pu. Office in new buihlir recently erected en Centre street, two ih.iors from High street. " au.27. TV U. SCAN LAN, Attoi-my-at-Law, A- CarrollttM-n, Canitiria Co., I'a. All in in ner of k-fral ItuMiieM attcn.leil to proinntly'nr.d carefully. Collections a Sei:jalty. . riEO. W. O ATM AN & CO., Arrou-, r.t.onsbur-, Cumbria Co., Pa. The c-oltet-tion ol noles an.t Lills, wlietlici cue or past uue, will receive nttention. T S. OGDEN, Jlstick ok the IV.acr, Johnstown, r-a. OT:eo on Tron trei-l, t.e tweeu the ('oiit nuniah lii i:lm.-and I'a. It. It Do net. Co.k'ctionv iinlull l.-.witii-so intrusts,) to liiiu will bt promptly sitter Jc! to. ta-ll i s . . ! READY-' lv1ADE : rnest Stcck: incst Goods; ievest G''es; ho Best Work- Great3st Ve- iutsrfs! rioty, at t y o a r Easy rules for measurement, ?s ound. prices, &.c, sent frso to cny part i America, and nood fits guaranteed. 2ZiU ami Gilt Street I - - xhc La t 0YS, ; . LXlhef i 1- lr-vrrv virif.TV oi i i!m,!Pt xt ii r . ic i , i o Lr y-r. I I - tl UUII1 Jl UiU IU IU V, uba vi.J i Bbys from 9 to I6, mST , Ea and Children from 5 to 9 vea'rs. a V JTb, ! ' J ET refcrorjee to roi:r' e , usage. In ihh da-X t.o.,-. s. Li I X lment oup made . i prices are as- car E3- s. toni8rjingiy tablisItrnentX fy . lew. THE HEABA Market QUARTERS ana nnnii.TTTT rr.n -nn.. W ff i i 1 1 rj i v i -i : i i ; ; " t:t t i in C.'olhing, 2nd Vv' vve can assvro cuA Ifl V friends from CLit need lock no fur- A hrth2n02kHa! Qur &jz for at!cf3ctcry ix XCbtl-J.-n a c&iisA Work is t , ofthcv2fy r- .. 11 iy t u:s ;iCa t-ii J ) i;i a 71 (Z TT 5700D, IORKELL & CO., .iciii.iv. i viiy.ui, Nn r n r . t . , ear Pa. R. K. Depot, Jonnstown, Alr K CTTlVf'TAV CTnrpn t IVhohsalc and Dealers in tmlM M iifclLbiiil lliU bUOiji, Vin you P;,y tho :h, 1. A. A hi i mt AJ a HARDWARE, Q UEEN8 WA EE, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. IRON AND NAILS CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GLASS WARE. YELLOW WARE. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together wuh 11 war.norof We.-tem Produc", P.tch as FLO IT R, RAfON", FISH SV'-T CARRON OIL, ie., ic. ZSf' Wholesale and retail order? solicited au.i promptly tilled ou tho sbortet uotieo inorii rea?onaOJe terms. tvnnn vnnprTT rr GLO. G.K. ZA1IM.. ....... J AS. U. ZAUAI. j Tliio will show yen don: n;c.w -t .! - i hard or the preacher by havi'i tcr 7a DEALERS IN I l tj V ir I! 1 li iifi 'WM il I i('X 1 tf U U U il i llt'tiUlOa. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, KatG,Craps,Boot3,Shoes, , .rT I he is prepared to inauaLuturc - .- ,. - AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES ! shoes of any desired ?i:-.oor ; j the finest French calfVkr.i tJ5 10 , r; irs;sitS!y Kept Iu a CotlUtry Store, j brogan. ia the Trnr bi:?i man j ct notice, ami at as nioilci.'.:'1 jr.- WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCE j caa b? 'ia5:!cl I 1 hose w'roliivc .vorn 1..-'- -: " ., ' ! at ray eistr.blisl.mcEt need . " ",, ' . ;u .AK.S IN tXCHAKOE FOR GoODS ! j the superior quality of niy v. -t- STORE ON 2LIN STREET, Next Door to the Post Office, June 10, 16C3.- EBENSDURG, PA. Q- a y & w 1: L S II , Successors to tiay &, Pniuter, VrilOLES AI.E Grocers and Commission Merchants, a:d dcalkus in FLOUR, PRODUCE. YKU, SALT, CAli- LON OILS, &c. 202 Lteertt Strkkt. - P1TTSDURCJII. WHOLESALE VVkV. tr I luatiou Ws&ajsilLv3l ivt..js.-tt. l. j fcyntAXOE PiiEt-KrcTp..: r -TT ton (I'cnnpylv.mia) rj. !.',,'.,"""'' following Vtory'of l ' ! of th? I'itlr.ion ,"'- .-.'.. ' - :' ' ','Vii:m j-,., ;..:,:; nl rcTi oi th? niVrry lowing tl'O Ciil5.ror,l.r.. ?, j rt'.Ued to ibelin of tW2 death angel laid bi.i b-n.' ,1 havoc' Hi wi . - . .,' been in this country x .J-t . i O'i the mortiiirr of the ' I" i.;-. r..1 ' 1 t.":n t ! : "P.? ( VO "l rs. I apparently brooding over i.! ;).' : j aroused fr.-rri Wis reveiiu v ;.; P,v' inghira that his liinr.rr wa? r.-C ...... u. A..:, ;.. - -. rung. He started tj. his Cc-n j-V" upon her for a monier.t vitu a temlernes And sioninn r. - . tu: i , "If I should not come back r-!'--. . you bo ia such a hurry gottin a". , ; The wife aaswered "Nn,"' 0'; r "- " that iif he was poin at ail it 'o Lf was cron?." lie l.hcd I out eaying a word, and a;;o: ki-;;-. i wife, kifscd his f;.ur litil-j c'.i':.'-,- were sitting r.iying cn 'L2 C. - :- ! When he had trot aiout hY;v j his horae, lie returned aa,-:ti, -.: ; I lils wife and ch'l-Iron one : , great fervency. His wif - .'. I was tho victim of thrv 1 "v and as lie turned avray i-Le v.-a- . entreat hi:n not to go to work :! '? bended any danger. Hut hn -.r ' age and pressirig necessities c-f Lhc'-' -overcame her intention, and !.? ! 50. She stood in tha door zz v. I l'im on the vny to tho fdd ri;. '.v 1 at a point where he tarn.-i vi: sight, lie turned and a w;-;::'. -; toward his home ar.f! littb enc;, r.ri s ! ing his wife, waved with Lisj.-,;, i adiou. Ho parted with Lis Lv. j , i forever.' The SnoK-Cr.Ai ' lowing is from ChaTdvr;. of Dogs": I "An Engiis'i t:fT:c.-r, v-i.o v;y- in I' in 1315, mentions tha caso o: a longing to a f-lios-black, who !.;';.. : tomer? to It's master, 'il i- it r -i very ingenious and Ec:;rcoiyhj:;;r . ! The olftcar. having o-.:c:i-';..i. ta c j of the brigdes over the Sin', j. which had been previr.,-.:!? a ; dirtied by r, pooile uj': i.i.'vir; r:-; ; thcni. lie, in cor.s; 'j v. w : 1 man v.dio was fla:i o: and bal the::: c!o.-tr.cJ. T.-.:?n.--cuutSlanee having cce irr.-1 ; on?2, his curicsiiy wr. cx:i:,:, r i j watched tha dog. l? ?tv I 'rz :.'!' self in tliJ i-v.l tf ti.e :iur. a..:' watched for a por?cn v. U i w--ii r-i'- I boot?, ag'unt whir', hi corriv:i : i himself." I'iudi;;:: iha: ii- s' :- i ! was the owner oi" ;h-3 doer, i.? t:ir..l i wit'i the nrtiiice : ar.daf:cr s ii.tioi.- (ion, he confe?5e.-'. ihot I. '-.I tv-::: i Jog the trick in ord.T : pr.-.-urer.:.-'. -:r i for himself. Tho i f.:-.:or, i:: ' : ! struck by the dou'a s.ipaci'v. i him and went to Ii v:ani. !: I him tied up in Lon io l .-:::'.."' ::: -! then released him. XL -2 ;l"-j r-, j with him a day or two. t'r. r.v j his escape. A fortnight r.:v:.vr:; : found with his former tz-Mir. ;. r-. I in his old trade ot dirtying g::.----! boots on the bridge."' T . ...... T .-.-.-.. t " v- r , I 1 . T ! Mkhiivo. Whet, the rr-:-'"- iin.; rtMt i nu.'t ! nnd p: down m tr.o n iho f toppers. That's what-', iff" n i When a him U nivc c.i: ;' '- !- Pa., j ONVr thc whol, loon j but be Ftiro io phty it r-.i !!-y ,:VA whether it's that toon or ?-r- e it: " r 1 ; 3 cin,: puli thsna them ail i:?. i i innd to yvM out r.::a ;::. Play the intorhods .-.V-.r.:t ' as the toon. The ier! j-h i part of the rr.?wr, r::-I shc-u' 1 lonf.c?t. Play front t!;ft interlooJs into th: without l.-ttii'i: th-.-ia hn.w who:i begins." Thi? will t?:v:h t?";a.?; their bixnesc. A h.vny? '-"f n fistcr or slower th-vi the t:- i- keep it frcni Icing ihc cr.r.:-? TP f!i.-i nroir!rr rriv1? C tit . Vtr: ; and ' . j T, . c- r. I Doorin tbo sermon 20 cV. t . - r.niT riiTn hnolr m iinc. tor 11:0 ! jircacti': listenin to him at wonnt. I oox w li Ij l to ; boots ad For Mm' and liryc' V- The undersitrned res;-eo:t-.i:i nterous customers autl the pt; 1 easily be cuiivin-.'C ol i-1-1 " - .. give me a trial, i ry a..u ..c - - ; . L.. svnv ? .-f iw:t- and " . ..v . 1 . r' !:- to promptly and m a wcrkir.ati.. ; . , Thankful tor past favors 1 "" j''i-.- r my work and pricts wi'.l . cyn.:'11'1" and iucrea3C of t'a' --ir.'4';,,.. if JOHN" -" Ebcnshur-, April 2S, -T, rALITALLE REAL ITATK S AT.H. T'k un'lorfi-HH I r-.. r I.EWV, fc-r-q.. tit It of 1.TI!" ' '. v oiler at private sale, on na,i'i!-n-,'l-j- s Tp AFIMETRACTOF- in' In Al!ercnv K.wiiriiip. ".m:t ted on the iVtfd K-H.i'll.r '' r'--'V,,; .;: fntim 1 :UVT':'- ' Acrca, tuliy 40 Acrrt b n-- , .: !'.'iie-(l. wi ll watero.l au'l 1 ..-.: !' ' ; tivation, and tiavin.' ' ' ' . Btiis thereon rs- rtt-1. 1 ' - , iti f-i.veretl wit il vhi -unit. :i:.. -- r :" val-mMe timln-r. K.r t-"""- J- o: t:n i: i k :' i.i.-x v ;.i:vi.i-? v.-.-1 , ill pii 1 iv; i i it 1 I t i r in i TT