t i U freeman, Al'im. 20. 1871. ir'U U''" . f,,'1,Vti'lla" c',,urcU- m-tor of St. John's church. rflV:-" , i ivvr a lecture u nni me "",. hiry f 'A Tand personal. pfK ash Cki sson Rah. Road. :V nv. So. 2M, 17, 'il'" f 11 . . fPlB'1"' -tine with nttsourgn r.x- ,.,1,1-iiinir with Mml 'Irani V'.ul. ! hia V.xprcsS East. lTl i ,"r.ii departure of Pittsburgh '1 on departure of Philo.de 1- t. ' , ejpt.Jition in fniiinna coun- -'' ..r atipntioii this week Tlf v". . lf..n. ..nil unmplinilv :i dczei) trout the other lias hein blessed with the V j..s tlils week. Worth a mint '., . jneajunn.!; fully three feet from : IiiuckliL-k township one '7 a-a Pcrr.ocrftt has agiin passed V'.'-.ul' J B. S-arsom, Esq the yr' p.ii;a!;oe, tetiiing. "';f nii;k. ol White township, was rtu. i-1 t - 1..... . & r. 'I Ilii I t i l.Y ui'.3c ..in , nuiaua - lu't 'expected to live. ei'.tertitiiied that tne re i .... .1 irnlr i?ifl if. ia ijn. t"STfj tLitt tee fruit uVu t liurt the ' 13'. T.-q . nf tns Fac'e nas , c!,,..f-i Sei.ai""r.l l'ficjjate to the 1 e Convention ?o far as kuowu - e : : i- here ami has brought . -a! ia:ouiitof odd victuals served -"ts !!k$ii the inverted end of a '.vf ?e'al ! - .,... i ship. Westmoreland county, is ;, li e i.re-icnce of a dog that receni f . f rais in fifteen, miiiutea i ,.;c r:.:s iu ail. ifi ::..ci our political etar.dpc'mt it M us i l-e out of t!te aiad im- 'jk "Kudk. WalVup V machine Jfrre we wouki piva place to it. A;.'hati:an wants the present lion f.cr oUtie new fir engine to resign i y.r a t.f Viva trri llt-ir riit rccui ior j--3 ml, I fnl'.M as a matter ol course. .'ntb Scl.no! t',nve:'.liou ia to be f i . t. '! 1. - . on fni. mo , ni;-p -ii'itil J m.ike it a tfuccbds ..:ri..H -vke i;;. Sauday liiorui: to j i:ri:.k!e of on our f rce:j I'iicciit. Sc'nic three or four ruiies :.ii,..jcvcr, tuere was ne'er a wl.iio j' e in error last week both as to the i.L.-c.r.-t.c i the iimei;io:i8 of rc i.c l.cu5. 'J he contractor is ilr. ..-.I; T.'.t.it and tl.e size of the struc ! ..; (.f :.f vfr? of t ! . o qr.eor, ostensi ri::i,irg rud b-isiiiefs, eucceeiied in ::t !:: -ji-har coutsterffeit hill on one of ::E- ai:d a fifty ceut bogus script on ?. i !e javs ago --t E. il. Keir is to preach his farewell xjiro (Sunday) tvening at the r:sc!:urch in this place, and on Tues w.:.eitn! trobalilv transport his (burn- :i ! .f q ;e:.cC! to New Castle. tc-ir!v unployed in other matters Lrui V no delay, we have found it :.io"ire the letter of Miss Macrsie r "ro!;Rj attentinii lb s wet-k, and :-stiiec!i f reed to delay its publication iCiktneii Wm Shaffer 'hot and kiliod nati.fcJ Jun.tii llsrtiliui;, near Soin- "fri'i Caday of la?t week. Shaffer is It... J 1 .-I 1 i, i L. crciares mat tne snootine was Mrs. H.O. Devine has our thanks for a de'ieioti and liberal supply of ice crenrn f-en1 to our domicil a few evenirs ngo. Mrs. D. ha already commenced the manufacture and supply of this delightful summer luxury to Iter customers, and we trust that she will meet with ger.erous encouragement. She makes an excel lent article mil serves it up in good etjle at her residence adjoining Blair's hotel. The Alleghanian says: A bill has been introduced into the Legislature "to prevent the obstruction of the channel of the Susque hanna or any of ita tributaries in Cambria, In diana and Clearfield counties, above Ander son's tereek." It provides that any person who shall float logs in the aforesaid streams shall. Upon conviction, pav a fiue of not les than $100 or more than $1,000, at the discre tion of the Court. The lumbermen up north are down on it. The house of an old man named llurran, near Bedford, was entered by three burglars on Saturday nijrht last, about 11 o'clock, one of whom held Murran down whil the others threw coals of fire on his legs, thus compelPng him to tell where his money was concealed. They secured 975, tied the old man to the bed, set fire to the house and decamped. He sue cee1ed. however, in releasing himself and put ting out the fire. No arrests have as yet been made. The above facts are condensed from a letter in the Pittsburgh Commercial, but the Bedford Gazette says nothing about it. I'ete McOr.w of cotirfo you know Pete Bt-t a trap near his residence at Cresson one evening several weeks ago, and woke up next morning to find that his trap was missing. A few nigbts ago he set another trap, and, singu lar as it may seem, caught his old trap and two or three inches of leg belonging to some thieving coon who had been peddling the trap about the country for five or six weeks, and finally returned it to the rightful owner in a manner somew hat similar to the chap who is credited with the startling expression, "John, I've brought your sadd'e home !" Teter thinks it must have beca a case of co(o)nsciene w iih his coontdiip, but we rather guess a hungry stomach had the most to do with it. Charley Mc Der mitt, fireman on our Branch train, nude a narrow escape from serious in jury, if not ceath a few days ago. While in the act of w ithdrawing the long poker from the engine furnaco and returning it to the top of the tank, he attempted to avoid s'riking the brake man, who at that moment stepped up on the oppokite side of the encine, and in doing so brought the extreme end of the poker, in con tact with the enclosure at the stock yard in this place, w hich caused the end in his hands to ctriko him on the breast and hurl him from the engine. Ho fortunately fell far enough out to escape the 'wheels, and from thence roll ed into a ditch, receiving injsriej of a trivial character only. if !' d.e accidental disca-ire of a re- hainls. i-T.Fager fed l ead foremot'down tirs'.ui:5 0f a Lou.cfl in Ttrnt, a fc e is not very ? ami sinre then insrffsed with La mi"l.uH of rnh fW'.;i.nt. Her ii juries ate rery pain- ur-dy w,c n(jt a f;r dav ;n tt.e Jh. f'Jft: K;;li:r,d p'air in the lowiands. if of our reuil mtin.ilsit vl,tt W., tl!, tf. ! n. e. !M t.C.l J- ....!. I 1 .. . . i v --'iiu i ueeu moveu 7 , - -l c U'!T Oil I V . , , , -- fliiciauon is tience l"; :'.- -j !i.e -Ceiitral rennsvlva- :tion," which isalars- fir tint tub to stand on. ' ' ' Tl is to he held on th l-ih T i - - ' epicn:rjer ntxt. '''. of Car3 :ifO ami anld ia n to Uiakp r,,r,r.,""l.. r.. eoid n;ce:a:g houe was erected 'ar spii ...l .;,. :. a: pr;nc:;.u! SanJuisrka iu Ih'w ancient if: c l".r Rev. B. If. Kfeh. This gentleman, who has beer, pastor of the J'recbvterim congregation iu this f tace for the lat three years, having accepted a call, us wo have already announced, from his religious brethren to take charge of a church at .New Castle. Lawrence county, is about to depart for his new field of labor. Mr. Kerr is a gentleman of very decided ability and pleasing address, and is gifted with rare conversational powers He enj ys in an emi nent degree the respect and esteem, not only of his own people, but of our citizens generally, who have learned with regret of Ida departure from amongt us. He carriei wi;h him to his bpw home and new p-i.storite their kindest wishes for his good health, as well as for his fir ore usefulness and success in his ministerial calling The following proceedings of his con gregation have been handed to us with a re quest to p.iblish them, a solicitation with which we cheeriully comply: At a nieetinirof the Presbyterian oonfrrogra tion, held Thursday evening-, April atth, Is71, t take into consideration tho riviuest of Kev. It. M. Ktiin, to unite with him in asking- I'resby tfry t.- dissolve the pastoral relation, the fol lowing I'rinmhle and Itesolutions were iinuui ruously udootf-d : Whi":i;f.as. In the providence of God we are called iipn to unite with our pastor in asking the Prf-sbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation now fAist'injf Let ween us as pastor and people ; therefore, Jicfttlrffl, That at tho earnest request of our pastor, Kev. Jl. M. Kekk. we unite with him in akinf the Presbytery of Hlairsville to dissolve tt.e patornl relation uow existing: bet w eon us fj pator and people. Ii-milvfd, That while jrifldinjr to bis enrnest reitist in severing- the pastoral relation, we would heartily commend him to our Christian brethren whei-fcvw, in the providence of (!od. hf may be called upon to labor, and may the livinc blessii'8- ever ret on lus futire labors. On motion, Hon. II. Kinkead waseieeted Com missioner to eiirry the fore-oinjf reijuest to anl prt-sent it at the next laeetin.of the Presbyte ry of Blairsville. JOHN THOMPSON, Presldeur, A. T. Joes, Secretary. Mr, '""ft : --"r.smci Enfold of m;.ti -Xl.y, Wa ii..tintlv killed in ArUn.e ""H'vilArl.,,, I." .. . .-If .''. o-, a iree laiang on ,'.",,'r,s c",!:: g dow u a tree against :.n Mged, when the lodged v,fria ''W" hiui with the shocking ma, in'tHect? One of our ari,J l-rightest female intellect of never saw Arnii Dickenson. "b;1 just like to know what the darn :'j -;-:;. Du tell J :irr . " t,''t'" f"r his ponderous size, :' ', ,";e Indiana Messenger might s'.t'l"e'' '"'eporting that a white juror t American citizen Of Alrican wan t by any manner of '''!.' iii-.p iiiireiore as yvi, -iWt : "l to dispose of. ''iiiTv." ' t!!re cafd moute who trav -U rV euccceded iu relieving eev- its t . ' ru" raiii'inx Jiora a of t C t)r. r.i- . ..if ; ;.d: i Thk First asi thr Bt. We announced last week that Kosston, Springer & Hender son's circus nnd menagerie would exhibit in this place on Wednesday last, and we now an nounce that it has been here and has indeed earned the title of superiority. We are free to say that we were more than plused with the entertainment throughout, au 1 we lure yet to meet the firt persoa Vj atteneded either the afternoon or evening rihihvioti who did notexrress t' eniFclves itlh:ghest de gree gritifiel wit'""the perfort tences. There was nothing alteaipu-d to he done tint was not done in the most artistic und perfect manner, and many of the feats were not only entirely tew. but were of the most wondeafjl and startling chiracter. The performances of the Hedouin Arabs are excellent beyond descrip tion, while the tr.ipcze acts, the p'.flglery trick, equestrian exercises, cannon ball feats and fethcr per form -mces of the several other mem bers of the troupe cannot be excelled, if ap proached, by any arenic artists iD the country The hat tricks of the clowns, gomethiug en tirely new, are the most amusing and redic ulotts "torn fooleries" we have ever witnessed. and cannot fail to pro luce the greatest merri ment. 55ut we cannot spea'i of the performan ces in full detail, but solicit for the grand com bination a liberal patronage wherever it may exhibit, for it is not only first class but en tirely unobjectionable in all its features. v -.'.-' uouari in amount 'l.':p'-R ft re said to be opposed to r!r !" .ncipics, ana coasiuer -4 it , 'c cU abominations. t, k'.' for -V extract from our Altoona ke fj!"rd it possible to make room Catholic friends are mak '. ii-ij 'ret)ar:it'"ns for a grand May ?.tL0 , 10 ;l! e hands of the enterprising . "vc "'e matter in charge it cannot U stli.p-T: fcreat"cces.s, financially, social- f" lt!l"'w! Inan eaTB tnnt we preH ... Dlort;in? with . ;' in th ' If, i ' ''''aitgo we are a farrdlv ... ' ."tie tr-iD ti,. .. . A t;iJfjW9l r V. ccuib turn 1 for . vi ''-'fe," then some of our neich- . .'"e ifaeon. w;n fcave a bad snrll 'fW," min? m"ns wano. Fursthav7 J'rfiih;" .? ou the street corners and n-'our' At"'1 ind'ccnt language towards ' to I ul') were seutencea to l:im.Mcra impnonment in the lock- i . BMi but when their time was 'o'u me down wi,h th tamp ,J!iour "'rP.an imprisonment of seven- uiJr m duraace Tile or vile du- oonr.l6'1 "2Wn Rt th Allegheny ' I . '""a. the Othov nnrntr.n. . rA : 4 i-7.TV r-1. ; "" t'"- ?ttU ei. ,rom getting breakfast 'l.el . e- liereat v ilhs May i 1 ' waxed wroth and "went a t:'-jl fork .and attempted to "'"Tin i 'y '"''e'1 " efforts tiiiyZr ,,wbers he wl be sure to -i Ferved promptly. I nloii Snhlnttli Scliool Convention. The next annual convention of the Cumbria County Sabbath School Association will con ven in Kbrnsbiirjf. in ConjrroR-atioiinl church, onTt'K.-i)AV. inn hayof MAVNtXT.ulSo'clock, to continue in tension (iuriiiR tlii afternoon ami eveninir. All otlieers, tea hers and triends of the Sabbath School are cordially invited to at tend. Jt is earnestly desired t fiat every school in tho county be represented. All schools are requested to proptre a formal report embodyintr the names of tho Superin terniant and Secretary, nwiiibi-r of ottieers, male ar.d female, number of scholars, male ana fe male, mini bet fd library books, papors,ani sucu other information as is deemed in teres! in sr. Any sc hool failing to ne represcntea Dy teie- urateswill please send the above report to the Secretary previous to wie meennjr ol me c on vention. According to a regulation nfioptetl at the lust meeting, each school is repiefctel to ap propriate one day s collection to oetray tne ne cessary expenses of the Convention. Full and ample arrangements will be made for the reception of delegates. Karnest workers in tlic Miinintn icnooi cause will be present. Let us protit thereby. Let us counsel together that the great work of our Iti fieemer iitny prosper in our midst intclung- the spirit of prayer, that we may carry holy tire to our homosnnd our schools. Come, brethren. with a Kpirit of prayer and unity, and an ear nest ror the conn worn:. V. V. WALTERS. Active President. J. It. Caldwell, M. Sec'y, Johnstown, Pa. Local Con espoinlence. Johnsto-wh,, April 25, 1871. Dear Frefman The Steel Wo:ks of the Cambria Iron Company are rapidly approach in completion. Those who never saw Works of this kind should by all means pay these W orks a visit as soon as they go into operation. The maiu building is of brick, about one hun dred feet square and uniquely corniced and covered with slate. It is onlv one story in height, but that story is sixty' feet. In this building are the melting furnaces, cupalos, cranes, converters and moulds. Tho machinery iu this department is all operated by hydraulic ptessure, that is, water is forced through small apertures, in the center of upright metal cob unins, and this constitutes the motive power. The furnaces are located on an elevated plat form. From these the mo'ted metal runs in spouts and empties into the converters, which are huge cj lindrical, cup-shaped vessels that can be turned on pifrots in any direction by hy drostatic pressure. In these converters the hard and soft metals are mixed in a "fused" state, aud a cold blast is then forced through to harden the metal. The converters are then turned upside down and the fluid poured into a huge caldron, or kettle, swung on chaius, aud carried round on a crane to be emptied into the moulds, where it is shaped into blooms and cooled, after which it is again heated and rolled into rails. There is a large wing to the maiu building, where the furnaces, boilers, en gines and blast machinery are located. A huge cylinder is suspended immediately be neath the apex of the roof and is always filled with compressed air, which is used to blast the furnaces and cupalos. To give a full and lucid description of these woiks would require two or three columns of your paper. We did once write a description of the Harrisburg Steel Works, but admit that since then we have f.r gotten the modus operandi. We have stated enough here, however, to excite curiosity iu one of the gre.ttest enterprises that the present generation has wituessed. When these Woiks are in full operation at least five hundred per sons will find constant employ ment, in addition to the four thousand already employed about the Iron Works. On last Thuiaday evt-nit.g an intoxicated woman had drawn a great crowd of bov af'.er her, and as she was staggering home across the railroad track a train came a'ong and struck one of the boys. Win. O'Hryan by name, throw ing htm down under tho cars, fifteen of which passed over him, cutting ofT one leg aud bruising the other so much tl at it had to be amputated, lie was still living at last ac counts, but it is doubtful if he will recover. The boy is about fifteon ye.trs of age. Tho Highland Agricultural Fair opens on to-morrow. The "Echo" says Johnuy Bull will be here on exhibition. That is a "high commission. " Anna Dickenson lectured here last Thurs day cvouing on something. Mr. Hunt an nounced it as "Men's Rights," but Anna said it was "Joan de Arc." Little matter what it was. A new institution in the shape of a Howe Sewing Machine Parlor has just been estab lished m our town, on Qlhiton street, opp isite the liitle stoie of Adam Shair. Mr. A. Wag staff is the agent, and can be fount? almoc-t any time at the room with the red, white, und blue fior.t, and the sign "Howe"'' painted above in blazing capitals. Ilowe'b th.it is Elias Howe's machines are s.iid to be very superior machines, and will execute the strongest and finest sewing woik. Theso machines are sold at the lowest possible price and are all war ranted. N'o. li'0. The Benedictine Sisters ore about to have a new school building put up on the old Foster House lot. The fence ii torn away and work wi,l be commenced immediately. Their school 60 far has been very properjus The members of St. Peter's Benevolent So ciety are to have a grand bull in L'nion Hall on Tuesd.iy, May 2, proximo. Admission one dollar. Tickets can be had at either David Creed's or John J . Murphy s stores. Joseph Meyer is now erecting a spacious new building on Railroad street, near the German Catholic church. We notice a great many new houses springing up iu every direction. Two nymphs de pave who followed a couple of patent medicine vendeis to this place, as provisional consorts, were left at the Island hotel by their paramours one day last week in bad taste. Yet, nevertheless, they followed them to Pittsburgh, and. report says, had the chaps arrcsfe i for seduction. No doubt it is a iair fight, ai d outsiders have no poke ia. Another medicine vender held forth on the Public Square several days and nights of last week, having in bis possession a live seal, which created quite a 6eusation among young Americans. Both the seal and the owner needed a patch on the back ode of the cage. A little n of Mr. James B. McCreight ac cidentally fell beneath the wheels of the Good Will hook and ladder truck, on Monday .while the company w ere passing down Washington street on tho run, and had (.tie of Ins collar bones biokcu and was otherwise ii.j ired very much. A little girl named Williams, whose parent reside in the Fifth Ward, was so shockingly burned yesterday morning, in consequence of her clothes taking fire from the cook st'tve while her mother was upstairs, that she died in a few hours. A mnu named Taylor Hatch . a conductor on the through freight, wag instantly killed at Blairsville Jnterrcction by falling under the cars when in motion. He was running along the top of the cars, and, making a misstep, foil to the track, r itteen cars ran over him. Stephen Quirk, au ore miner, was caught between two cars in one of the ore mines of the C. I. Co. yesterday evening and very severely crushed. Thos Layton, an engineer in the employ of th Caisbria Iron Co., had one of the fingers em his right hand taken off at the first joint, ou Saturday last, by being caught in the cross head of his ensriue. Kod Hoy. Olr Fifteenth; Tows Council. March 15, 163'J. the followirg named officers were elect ed: Burgess, Johnston Moore; Town Council, John Williams, Alexander Bell, Harrison Kin kead, Ezekiel Hughes, David H. Roberts Hih Constable, Thomas Todd. The follow ine appointments were made: Town Clerk, Ji. L.. Johnston; Tieasurer, Robert Young; Street commissioner, Geo. J. Rodgers; Street Regulators, James Rhey, James Murray, and Charles Jjttztneer: isnteriutenflent oi w eish Scales, Richard Lewis; Firemen, John Scott, M. D. Magehan, and Owen McDonal, Some time after tte organization of the board. Dr. Tounir "left tho country," and William A. Smith was apDointed to fill the vacancy. March 10, 1K40, the High Constable presented a bill (amount not stated) "for removing two dead hogs from the streets. Allowed." And then thev said unto themselves, "Well done. good and faithful servants 1" and marched out into the March winds and said that they and each of them would sooner be right thac Pres ident. Alleghanian. Thr JonysrowN Schools. An examination of teachers lor the Johnstown schools was held on Tuesday last. The class for examination was larce, and the candidates acquitted them selves with great credit. The following named teachers were appointed: Supt., Geo. V. Cope. A.tM., salary $T5 per m'th. Hieh School, Rev. A. C. Johnson.. 70 " Ilifc-h Oratnmnr, Miss A. C Home. mi No. 2, Miss I.ibbio Swank 45 " " No. 3, Mr. Ceorire V. Philiippi 45 " " No. 4. Miss Uose Quinn 45 " " No. 5, Miss Sadie Hunt 40 " " No. fi. Miss Marv K. Gaprebv... 40 " ' No. T, Miss Maria ltmokhanke, 40 " " Ko. P, Miss Hetkie A. Wilson 40 " " No. 0, Miss Mary J. Hughes 35 " " Ko. 10. Miss Bertie Marshall 35 " ' No. 11, Miss Auxie Myers : " " No. 12, Miss Mary Shepherd 15 " No. 11. Miss Hendricks 35 " " No. 14, Miss Lonnva Householder. . 35 " " Mr. Johnson declined to accept his sppoint meut, so the High School is stiil unprovided for. Iienl Ci(atP transfers. Deeds end A&ifflunettta U ft for liecirrd during VU four uttks ending April 'Mt)i, 1S71. J. C. Stineman to Rose narkins, Jan. 18, 1ST, lot ill Crovle township Win. T.'Hol'en to Geo. W. Kuhn, Oct. 11, l.ai".!, 2 acres in White township 40. Wm. liche. adm'r. to M . M. Adams, Nov. 4. 0, 130 acres in Washington township fK). J. C. Stineman to Wm. Thomas, Jan'y 18, 171, lot in Crovle township - .t"M. J. C. SHnemau to John Rourke, lot in Croyle township 150- Geo. MeLane to James Barnes, May 13, Istl'J, lot in Johnstown. ,...t7ii5. ' Henry Seanlan to A. A. Barker, Jan. 4, 1S71, lot in (Wrolltovvn $50. F. A. .Shoemaker to A. A. Barker, March 'SI, l?7l, lot in Kbensburfr 'ou. 1. J. Jones and others.adm's.to Evan J. Evans, April IStii;, lot and imp'ts in F.bonshiirff..tsa5. Evan D. Jones to Kvan J. Evans, March 1", 100 acres in Cambria township tlHXI. John O'Connell to Patrick O'Cennell, Nov. 28, C7 acres and 8o;tf perches in Cambria town ship 1,HW 75. Patrick O'Connell to John O'Connell, March 20, 1801, same tract ?i.00O. Charles Bradley to O. Keese. March 23. 1871, XI acres and in? perches in Cambria tp. .2,1HI'C. I). A. Luther to Jacob C. Luther, April 1. 171, 5 neres and 79 perches in Carroll twp $1.&'M). John H. Lather to I). A. Luther, 140 acres and 84 perches in Carroll township $3,400. Lewis Burjfoon to Win. Mullen. Jan. Id. 1x71, 11 acres andtii perches in Cleaiiield twp. .t313"50. John Stonebuek to B. It. Martin, Sept. , 1S70, one-sixth of one-half of 50 acres iu Washington township "(. I". George to B. B. Martin. Dee. 10, IsTO, H1K ac-res and b7 per's in Suuiinerhill twp. .$4.5'J2'fiO. B. (ie'.irue to B. B. Martin, Dec. 10, 1570, 1-'S acres in Sumnierhiil township t47. N. Horner to Ed. Holsopple, March 1, 1870. l:0 acres and 47 pe rches in Adams township. .?1.7'0. Johnstown Meeh'l Works to Johnstown Mf-. Co., Oct. 30, 1S70. lot in M urrnysville 450. H. Kemerer's Heirs to Johnstown Mf;r. Co., June 31. ISTO, lot nud imp'ts in Franklin .... 500. Levi It. Hunt to John Hileman, Mar. 24, IsOi, lot in Johnstown 475. John Benton to John Ilileniao, April 25, lsfi3, lot in Johnstown 1:.'5. John Hileman to Fred. Kuc-hne, April 1. Wl, lot ami improvements in Johnstown 1.2AJ. He nry Isrown to John and Jeremiah Walter, April H, is",!, 227 acres ami W porches and im provements in Uichhind township ijdO.CKin. Benshotr Heirs to H. I lite, June 21, 1870, 2 lots in Johnstown (40. Executors of B. H. Moryan te Paul P. Keller, Jan. 20, 154, 48 tracts of land in Blair, Cambria and Clenrticld counties f2.i0. P. 1'. Keller to Allegheny R. It. and Coal Co., May 19, ls.",l, 1.113 acres in Cambria co 2,ni0. Same to same, Sept. J, 1854, 45 tracts ef hind in Cambria count v tH.ooo. Win. i'lina to 8. MeKeiizle, March 14, '71, 1.2') feet of ground in Washinjrtf'ii township. . . .tl'Ki. E. Crissinan to Crispin Oorer, April 1, 1S71, 40 acres and 21 perches in Yoder township. H.150. l". Dorer to Ottmar Mnller und others. Mar. 1, 1871 , lot and lmprovem'ts in Jeihnstown . 2.200. Jane Vail to Sam'l Kennedy, Any. 10, ISu'.. lot in Kernvilie. Johnstown .r)00. Adam Hi raver to J no. A. Straver. April 14. 'till 118 acres and 5i perches in Richland twn. ?2.00o. John A. Straver to Geo. Shelter, April 1, ls71, same tract 3.t). H.Stren-.el to A. J. lLiwes, March 27, lr71. 10 acres und 47 perches und imp'ts in Toder.t4,0uo. I!. Watkins to J. Robb, Feb. 27, 1871, lot and improvfciuents in Johnstown oo0. tsri. SPRIS! Mtssrs. MATER. Pkopiuetot:f' of the NEW TURK DIIV GOODS. MILLINERY", AND C LOT II INC. STO H E, have Just opened the following- new and desira ble icods : 2fiO Pieces Light Camcoks. elegant patterns; 250 Suits Ci.OTHiNii. made ia latest fashions; Itso Boys' and Youths' SriTS. in all styles; lOO TiiuNivS, from the smallest to the largest plzes; Suspenders, Shirts. Drawers, Neckties, Bows, S.c. in the largest variety. Also, the most varied invoice of Ladies' Trimmed ami I'wtriinmod Huts and B mnets ; Children's Hats, trliunifil, in cmilfs" variety; Mourning Shawls, Crape Veiis. Cellars, Sun Pmhrtdlas, and Para sols; 40 boxes of now Fruch Flowers; 10tt new Shawls ; Silks an 1 Sut ina in evei,v shade : a lurfro display of Japanese Silk Dress Patterns ; latest styles of Switches, Plaits and Chignons; new styles of Lace Collars, Plaid Sash Ribbons. Sun downs. Ladies' Morocco Satchels; fa) pieces of Summer Poplins, vuarantrrd to uah, and an immense assortment of other new Dress Goods and Trimmings, which need only Le seen to be admired. An examination of our prices on the above goods will convince any one that we sedl 20 p" r rent. -heper than any -other store In Johnstown. Itemember that our large es tablishment is in the Opera House. Nos. 212 and 214 Main street, Johnstown, and remember also that all orders from neighboring- towns and country will be promptly and satisfactorily at tended "to, and selections as carefully made and goods furnished just as cheap as if the buyer was present in person. JL. A II. MAYER. Fiue and Life IssritAxrx. Everybody fs directly interested in Insurance. If you own I real or personal property it is certainly to your interest to have it insured. You do not know how soon the same may be destroyed by tire, either by accident or the bund of the incendia ry. You may feel perfectly safe now. but you elo not know how Sf ion you may need the- ussist anee of the assurance company ; the refore, it behooves you to look well to uonrotrii interest n. I f you have your property insured In a pood, reliable company, you need not jro Iteggln; nimmg your neighbors for losses incurred by fire : on the contrary you can rest easy and be independent of any such obligations. On the same principle every man should have his life insured for the benefit eif his family. No man knows how coo:i he may lie called from life to eternity and leave his family in destitute cir cumstances: but through good and reliable in surance companies he lias the privileere and can easily provide against all such contingencies. It is "well for all persous to carefully consider the policy of in.vr(nre, and then call upon Kerr & Co., l.li'l Tenth Avenue, Altoona. Pa., who M-e agents for nil the most reliable Fire and Lire Insurance Companies in tne i nitca states. Foreign Exchange and Shipping: aro also among the specialties of this reliable tirm, and passage tickets to ami from all points in the world van be obtained from them at regular rates. C. F. D. These initials stand for Chief Fife Director. Tlie dutiesof that otlice are onerous. In the first place he must see thuL the Daunt less" is brought out on parade once a week; second, he must observe that it. is kept in re pair; and third, he shall pay over the wages of the members of the company if nny be duo. These -few bfief remarks" are merely prelim inary to n remark we are going to make. Nanielv that C.T. Roberts sells jewelry-chcap-erthuiiyou can buy it elsewhere in Cumbria county. Literary Xotlces. T6e Little Cohporal for May is an excel lent number, full of pleasing and instructive reading matter for boys and girls, and older people who have yourg hearts. Terms $1.50 a year. Send stamp for specimen number and Premium List to John E. Sliller, Publisher, Chicago, 111. TnF. Catholic Recced-.- This is the title of a new Catholic monthly magazine just estab lished by Messrs Hardy k Mahony, So. 72G Sansom street. Philadelphia, and furnished to subscribers at the really low price of $2 50 per year in vdvance. It is designed as an eclectic rather than ah 6riginal magazine, yet the first (May) number contains, as succeeding numbers will, several original and meritorious contribu tions from writers of acknowledged ability. Its contents comprise religious and general literary topics, which are treated in a manner at once interes'ing and instructive. It is neatly print ed, contains t'4 pages of reading matter, and is well worthy of a place in every Catholic home, to say the least. The May Number or Gopkt. As regalar as clock work are the monthly advents of Ge deys' Ladys' Book, and as welcome as the flowers of Spring are it visits to thousands of happy homes all over the country, for indeed we cannot corceivo how a home could be oth erwise than happy where the lady of the house has literary taste and love for the beautiful si.fiicicntly developed to purchase und peruse soexcellanta magazine as Godey. Enough for the present number to say that it sustains the high character of the work, both as regards l's literary contents and the numerous handsome engravings, fashiou and pattern plates, etc , w hich adorn i:s pages, but no lady should take our word alone for it if she can afford to invest S3. 00 for the pleasure of perusing for an entire year magazine which must ever prove a source of instruction, profit aud pleasure. Tiik PitENOi.otsicAt. JocnxAL for Mat a very superb number contains an array of over tw enty stated articles, besides its ever valurblc miscellany; amon the more interesting sub jrcts maybe mentioned: Edward Harris," the CMliinenr Rhode Island v, oclen manufacturei : "I wouldn't be a Phrenologist" Why not? Suggestions to Public Speakers; Dead or" Alive which? Women vs. Woman's Rights; The Peet their Dress and Care; In the Mammoth Cave without a guide; Charles Sumner; The Utah Gentiles; Why we need Women as Phy sicians; Defective Educational Methods; A Free Pulpit a need of the Times; The Sugar Maple Tiee; The Traveler, a poem, by Olivar Goldsmith, is commenced in this number with new illustrations, specially designed for this Journal. Price 20 cen'.s:" $3 a year. Sent half a year, ox trial, for $1. Address S. R. Wells, 3fc'J Broadway, Nr. Y. Woon's Household Macazixk Most heart ily do we welcome the May number of Wood's Household Hagazir.e. We hardly rreogrvzed it as it entered our office in its new spring dress: but while admirina the color and quality of its clo lies, were delighted to discover that it adorned cur old friend. The improvements which have followed thick and fast in this Magaeine, show the enterf rise and success of its publishers. 1 he heavy paper is a treat addition's well as its cover, and its ty pgraph ical appearance is unsurpassed. lis contents are unexceptionable, and among its list of coutributers are some of the most noted writers of tha day. We do not under stand how Mr. Wood is able to do s much for so little money nevertheless we are gjad to acknowledge his achievement?. The Maga zine is furnished for the small sum of one dol lar! Specimen copy free. Addieis S. S Woon 4. Co., N'ewburgh, N. Y. Ml A New ITano at rnn Btllows A large and handsomely painted sign across the pavement in front of tte boot and shoemaking establish ment recently occupied by John O. Evans, on Centre street, above High street, informs the wayfarer that Richard L. Davis has succeeded to control of the establishment and is now pre oared to furnish nil who wish to catronize him with boots and shoes made in perfect. style, of tho best material and nt lowest rfttes. ilr. Davis has sn ample stock of the finest French calfskins on hand, as well as all other qualities e.f leather, ar.d can get up boots and shoes on short notice and in a manner of workmanship that will j rove satisfactory both as to service and price. Give Richard a call. LoitETTO. This town is famous by reaon that it was for years the residence of Rev. Dr. Gallitzin. Mr. Gullitzin was a Russian prince, but forsook place and power to engage in tne duties of the ministry on "the bleak summit of the Alleghanies." A. J. Christy lives in Ioret to. on St. Mary's street, ami keeps constantly on hand a great variety of dry goods, notions, frroceries. drugs, and in factt everything usual y kept in a first-class country 6tore. "Look Win. to Yotm Undrsitadinq" Sol omon wiid this or Brigham Young did or somebody else put the words quoted through him. When ho formed the maxim, it must have been done with special reference to V in roe, who keeps the big store opposite the; P. O. Tlie understanding, of e-ourse, means the feet, and Vinroe keeps ail manner of leather con trivances with which to encase the same. Look well to your understanding, and go to Viuroc's for all kinds of covering for tho feet. The Show. Tt wns in town last Wednesday. A large number of persons attencd it. Some went to see the kau-kangaroo and monkeys too. while ethers turned their special attention toward the grand find lofty tumbling depart ment. The "man who don't take? tl.e paper," with elev en children, to say nothing ct'n wife, came to time. The weather was tine the peach blossoms were sweetly odoriferous every thing was lovely--and V. S. Barker keeps the cheapest dry goods iu town. I?KAm:n, you will do well to take a sidelong g'ance at the quarter column advertisement of S. J. Iless & Co., the renowned custom-deserving clothing merchants tif Johnstown, who consider themselves competent, to clothe all creation und the re-st-eif mankind with wearing apparel perfect in make, handsome in style, serviceable in texture, and as cheap as the cheapest in price. This firm knows how to please all tastes and supply all wants, and arc as liberal as they are deserving. The Towx CorxciL. The Council of Ebons burg borough meets in a room above George Huntley's store. The Coune-il is a good Council. The room is a good room. It fs understood that the Council intend forcing the "hog law." Thev are also talking about putting upa build inr." not large as to size but ornate as to ap pearance, as a special tenement for and unto themselves. George Huntley will furnish them with stoves. Do has lots of stoves on hand, and sells theru cheap. Dissoi.rTiOJf. The world 5s to dissolve its partnership with the other planets in June next, but Cohen & Brother of the Cheap Hat Parlor, No. 227 Main street. Johnstown, will never dis solve as long as good hats and caps can be bought and sold. This firm does an immense Iraiieina very useful business. What would the people do without hats? And who can sup ply lints and other furnishing goods like I,. Co hen & Brother? These are questions that con cern every man. VEGETABLE SICILIAN I-IAIK RENEWER. The basis of its remedial properties is a vege table compound. IT WILL HEKTOKE GRAY IIAIU TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the Hair from falling nut. It cleanses the Scalp, and makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. R. P. HALL A: C ., Nashua, N. II., Proprietors. 500 Volumes in nc! Agents Wanted FOR TIE LIMEY OF flffl AI K. Jteing Choice Selectioi: from the llest Pitet.1, Enjfllsli, Scofcc-Ii. Irish nnel American WITH AN I.VTROIIfCTIOS BY Hy WILLIAM CULLES BRYANT, Under vh: critical t-upervision the volume iron compiled. The handsomest and ebmtpest subscription book extant. Over N01 pages, beautifully print ed, choicely illustrated, handsomely bound. A Jibrari of nver 3t0 rui'iims in one ik)7., whose contents, of no ephemeral nature or interest, will never grow old or stale. It can be. and will be, read and re-re ad with pleasure t y old and young, as long as its leaves hold together. "A perfect surprise. Scarcely anything nt nl a favorite, fir at all worthy of a place here, is neglected. It is a book for every household." A". I". Mail. "!le know of no xttnihrr collection in tlie Eng lish ;n(:';ifrf ichirli, in c!Uiiusncss ami felicity of xtl-rtion una nrru nymenl, can at dl compare with it." A". 1. 3'uin-n. Tekms t.itTFtAi.. Selling very rapidly. Send for circular and te-ms to J. B.Voitl A. C O., Ml Pui L. Place, ft. V. Lnpr-SL-It. AT Ot R John. Everybody calls John J. Murphy our John, because they all deal with him, buy his chean dry goods, dress goods, carpets, etc., at the Cheap' Dibert Corner, Franklin and Main streets, at opposite angles with the beautiful Market House, Johnstown. That's where John J. Murphy keeps cheap dry goods, fancy goods, hats, bonnets, artificials up to nature's self, and other et ceteras. That's what John J. Murphy does-sells cheap and always throws something into the bargain. It Ts So. People who advertise only cneo in three months forget that most folks cannot remember anything longer than about seven davs. To advertise daily is the correct thing. But here it is impossible. Once a wek is tho limit to which we tan extend. E.J. Mills would say something to tho public every day if he could, but is obliged to content himse lf with saving once a week that he keeps for sale the best and cheapest flour and feed in Ebensburg: THE fifty-six signers of tho Deed n ration, or the-ir descendants, all de-nlat the cheap t lothlng Store of James J. Murphy. No. 10t Clinton St., Johnstown, where any other man or boy may bo neatly fitted with pants, eonts or vests. Al so, shirts of all stripes, neckties and Brents fur nishing yoods. Fc-w men have had tho success in the clothing line that Mr. Murphy enjoys. Thr reason why is, he does the fair thing and does it all tho time. UEi m & FOSTER'S A COMPLETE STOCK OF AND MILLINERY GOODS! n LiUlli U1M Di "iUlll JJXlllUillH i ilH SILKS! SILKS!! S!LKS!H Black Silks at $1.20 per yard. Grosde Rhine Black Silk at $1.75 " . Plain & Plaided Japanese Silks, $1.20. DRESS I FURXISIIIXG GOODS' Ji 20 Cents J ipanese Clo.'hfor Suit. 118 Cen Is Brown and Mixed Grey PojJin fur Suit.. At o0 Cts BUirkand White RalmoraJ Skir is Jt $ 2'iand ,$I CO Ladies' White Cured " At $1.00 and $2. 00 Sriny Shawls. At $3 75 Jiroche Siw.ch. At $2.75 Black Thibet Shawls. GOME AID SEE BOW IT IS YOURSELF. Wo Invite every Lady and Gentleman to call and examine our stock of ilks. Velvets, Shawls, Dress Good. Millinery Goods, White ( ifiods. Percales, I'hjucs, Lin ens. Domestic Goods. Ginghams, Muslins and 'alieoes ; Hosie ry. Glove-s. Ribbons, I .nee, Corsets, Notions, and a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Wcguaran- -tee our Goods to be as re presented, and sedl strictly on the One I'rice fntetn. Inspection and comparison of our prices will at once convince every customer that our plan is not only the- fairest and best, but the only method by" which money can he saved. HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS. THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLlMERYgG OODS, XIOAV-ETl!- A J ltI15I50:V.-, at tj;i:y jahy j-izicts. SPRING SHAWLS, $2.00 aud Upward Great Bargains. Also. Black Thibet Shawls, Brnche Shaw ls, Black, White and Scarlet Shetland Shawls. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Infants' EmWicrBd Roles and Waists. Embroidered Edirings and Inscrtibgs, Ijiee Edgings and Inserting, Lace and Linen Pointed Collars. Underwear, Hosiery , G loves. Notions, Jtc, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES! Rosenthal's Patent Self-Fitting A (aerie-w TTosorns. WHITE ASI STRIPE F. K.'S, At Very Low Prices, at Cr.is &L Foster's, 113 and 115 ClintonlStreet, Johnstown. ;y?-Our patrons and the public generally are invited to call and examine our stock. piecls or CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ! New Spring Stock and Styles. AT GEIS & FOSTER'S, Nos. 113 & ir Clinton St. johsstuwx, rA ORPHANS' COURT SALE B virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to the undersigned! directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, on t he premises in Jackson township, on I'liex. .lay liie OH ti !ay ol ly next, at 2 o'clock, P.M., the feillowing dese-ribed lfenl Estate, e.f which 1'eter Bai-or died seizi-d, to wit : A PIECE OK PARCEL OF LAN D situate In tlie township of Jackson, county of Cambria, adjoining lands of George Wchn, Sam'l Albaugh, Fisher Heirs, and others, containing 12 Acres, more or less, about 50 Acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a one-and-a-half story LOG HoL'.sE. This Land will be sold as ono piece or in lots to suit customers. Tcrrnsof mle-One-third e.f the purchase mon ey to be 'paid on coiifinr.ati.in of tho sale, and the residue in twoeijiial annual payments, with interest, to be secured by mortgage and judg ment bonds of the purchaser. MICHAEL Ii. RAGElt, Adm'r. Jackson Twp., April 2x1, l?71.-3t. lXECUTOR S NOTICE. A Estate e,f li'cnAiii) Bennett, dee'el. Letters Testamentary . the estate of Kich'd Bennett, late of Cambria township, dee'd, hav ing been granted to tho undersigned by the Itcirister of Cambria county, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate that tirompt payment must' bo made, and to those uivinir claims aaalnst tho game that they must present their accounts in proper stiape for set tlement. EVAN BENNETT, Executor. Cambria Twp., April 2, lts71.-4t. A DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE, -i- Estate of Michael Dckbin, dee'd. Whereas Letters of Administration on the estate of MichT Durbiu. late of Clearfield town ship, Cambria county, dee'd, have been grant ed to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present, them legally authenticated for set tlement, and those indebted to the same are re quested to make payment without delay. JOHN 11. DOFGLASS, Adm'r. St. Augustine, April 2t, ls71.-4t. STRAY COW. Came to the premises of the subscriber, in Carroll township, Cam bria county, about tho 12th day of April, inst., a LIGHT itEUCOW, wit h a white spot on the right side eif her forehead, white belly, a white spot on each flank, aud white on the end of her tail ; supposed to be about four years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charge and take her away, other wise she will be disposed of according to law. LEONARD FAKABAL'GH. Carroll township, April 2J, ls71.-at.?s CAUTION! My wife Rosk bavin? left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, this is to caution nil persons against harboring or trusting her on my ac count, as I am determined to pay no debts she may contract, unless compelled to do so by law. A IMJUrtTL'S IIOUS. Carroll Twp., April S2, l;L-3t. o X U) H O 3 -a C2 Hi o &2 HI cH3 H! TO WHOM IT M CGM'ERM fYSoRE Ml?' VlSTCD! f r-F.X, WOMEN ANT) CHILDREN wanted to J,YX come and ge t their I'ieiureH taken by T. T. Spknci:, Photograph Artist, Ebensl.urg. Pa. Having secured possession of t he Phti kk Gai, l.niv of G.G.Owens, I would respectfully in form ray former customers and the public gen crally that I am :iirai?i prepared to execute all style's and size? ot Pictures. Every attention give n to the taklngof Children's Pictures. Old Picture ccpicd and enlarired to any size de sira ble. Picture Frames, Albums and Cases for FJe. Thankful for pa-t favor. I would now respectfully solicit a renewal and extension of the same. "Reader, please pay me a visit at the Pieturo Gallery em High street, opposite the Post Oli;ee. T. T. SPEXCF. Ebensburg, April 22. 18Tl.-tf. A rtirt. the: great OAK HALL EMPORIUM! 241 Main Street, Johnstown. AUCTION! AUCTION! HAVING bee n commissioned liv Gover nor Geary to act a. .1 I CTfO.S r.t.r. in end for the Borough eif Ebcnsburg, 1 am now prepared to receive and sell at Public Auction all kinds ef Goods, Wares. M'-r-chandise, in.:., and nlo attend to the duties eif Auctioneer at-all Miles of Lands, Tene ments, Live Stock, IL.schold Furniture, ie., &c, within the limits of said Borough. 'J'trni Mjt!ifc. lmiuire at No. lit) Hih Street. M. L. ltATMAA Ebcnsburg, April 22, li-Tl.-tf. lick ri J "H if 1 3 j "a S. J. HESS k BROTHER II AVE NOW OX HANI) The Largest, Best Made axd aiovr Di tt iiiLi: im r.VKR KLI'T IV JOIIXSTOHS, consisting chiefly of MEN'S COATS. 2.1EVS PANTS. MKN'S TESTS : YOUTHS' COATS. youths' pants. youths' tests: COYS' COATS. DOYS' FA NTS. BOYS' TESTS. We have also constantly In stock a complete assortment ef GRXT'SFIRMSHIXG GOODS, Hats, taps, IrunKS, Valises, &c. IIVo are prepared to make to order Clotb- ing of every description on the- shortest notice. fall nt o. 241 .lXaiiiSU , AND SEE IiOY IT IS YOURSELTES ! Johnstown, April 22, lPTl.-fim. I be now ( AMBRIA COUNTY BONDS. Commissioners of Cambria County are prepared to sell to those liesiruig the same, the B ). I S of said cniir.tr, in sums of !". 2lKI and fVHt. These Bonds are issued by authority eif i iic uuu oi yu;u ie;r .-essions en e umni ia coun ty, ror tlie purpose of raising money to build the New County Jail, and pay interest nt tho rate of six per cent, per annum said interest being payable scmi-annuall v aud fire redeem able at the pleasure of the Commissioners after tne iiJJU isy ol iH'cemlier. I l -l, and pay able' the 13lii day of Kpnteiiilirr. 1 s ." Coupons lire attached to ea h Bond for the se-mi-iiniiiuil instalments of inte rest. Parlies desiring to invest in this Loan v. !!l please call on the Commissioners at their Oilieo in Ktie-nsbnrg. itncss our hands this 10th day of April. A. D. 1S71. MAURICE McNAMARA, 1 JAMES E. NEASON, VCom'rs. FRANCIS O l- HI Kl, Attest J. A. KtNNKUv, Clerk, (apr.15.-tf.) " Tor sale or re n tT THE nndersi-jned eiffcrs for sale or rent lite STOKi: lt0.-?I on II Kilt street, E.in.s burir, three- door from Centre si reel, l.e-ing on the south side of High street and opposite the Foster House. Saiil Store Room Is a new build ing. 2oxJ0 feet, two stories high, with good cel lar under it. There are two buck rooms, 2OX20, upstairs and down, wt-il finished inside. The building altogether is one- of the best in Ebcns burg for store purposes, and is decidedly the best located business stand in the town. "Pos session will lie given immediately. For further iufeirmation call upon or address it. h. Trron, Feb. 25, ISTl.-tf. Eb nsburg. Pa. TN THE OHIMIANS' COURT OK J CAMBRIA COl'XTY. 7h the mnitrr ef the second finet final acci'ttnt of . A. SnoEM a Kkk, Administrator, lie., of -biux Fitzpatkic k, eler'cL- Ami now. te wit: March 1". Is;i, on motion of F. A. Shoemaker. It. L. George, Esq.. appoint ed Auditor to report distribution of the money in his hands, us per said account. Extract freuu the Ileenrd. lb the Court. I hereby give notice that 1 will sit at my office in Ebcnsburg. on Tuesday, theVth day of MT next, nt 2 o'clock, i. M.. to attend to tne duties of said apptiintmunt, when and where all pe-r-sons interested mav attend if thev see proper. apr.22.-ut. R. L. GEORGE, Auditor. XECIITOirS NOTICE. EV-ife if Jeremiah Mcfloninle, dee'd. Letters Testamentary to the Estate cf Jkre Miah McGoNKil.K, late ef Washingtfin town ship. Cumbria county, having ben granted to the undersigned by the Registerof said county, all persms having claims against the estate of said elec.'dent are hereby notified to j.resent the same duly probated for settlement, and thos indebted thereto are re4Uired tei make payment without unnecessary delav. ANNA B. M. GoMGLE, rx,,ufor, J N i . E. SCAN LAN, J txetutort. April 15, ISTi.-ct. ST. CLOUD HOTEL, JVreli 8treeti nbovc Hevcntlif IIII I.AIi:i.l'II A, IA. ENTIRELY NEW. with ample capacity for 2T.0 guests. Terms, t:l per day. The St. Ci.ovi Is newly and elegantly furnished throughout, and Is open for the reception uf guests, by tho undersigned, who havcsopue-e-essiuily conduct-, edlfor the pat ten years the well-kntwn Moun tain Houe. at Cresson Snrin-s. ;. IP. .". I'LL. IS A liHO., Prop'r. March 4. lo71.-2.'sm. A IIDITOR'S NOTICE. The imder- signed, having been appointed Auditor to report distribution of the money in the hands td the Sheriff arising from the sale of the' real rtnte eif Nicholas Nagle, hereby irives notice t hat he will attend to the duties of said appoint ment, at hisoliioein Ebenslnirg, on Hfdnw ciny, the loth thiy eif Mav, l71.at 2 e'-loek. i. M., when a:id where all persons interested must present their claims or be debarred from com ing iu em said fund. R. L. GEORGE, Auditor. Ebcnsburg, April 22, 13".l.-ot. J AI. USIC! MUSIC!! Tlie "SlsiTKBS LORETTO MARBLE WORKS. PRICES REDUCED! Antl Work M'RrrHiite! I nflONCMENTS, Tomb Stones, Br IV io'.aii and Taiilk Tfis. made of the finest Italian Marble and in style s" of workmaiishio not surpassed by 22H any manufacturer. Give me a ell ,v before deciding upon purchasin- or ordering work elsewhere. JAM Ed WILKINSON. Loretto. April 22, lbTl.-tt. will be prepared to give Lessons on t lio PIANO' i r. i j i i ' r.w.-, Mri .iii-K v i.-'i' oiu; a v ...v- V c iyjJ time after Easter. ( or terms ap to the Siifieriorcss. ; ter M. Houtense, or to Rev. Ii. C. Cnnisrr, Charges moderate. Ebcnsburg, April 1, H71.-tf. JT1 x t: C U T O R ' S N O T I O E . - l'state tif Matiiias DlETniKrn, dee'd. Letters 'l'estnrnentin y having been granted by the Register ef Cambria county to the-undersigned on the estate tif Mat Idas Dietriech, Into of Chest township, dee'd, notice is hereby u i veil to alt persons indebted tnsaid estate to make payment without delajs and those having claims, to present the'm in proper form for sen lenient. JACOIt KlBLEli, Executor. Chest Twp., Aprii S, 1-7I.-Ct. INSTATE ok JOS A. IIKRAN, Dkc'i, A dmi ni.tmtion A'of ice. I-ett rs f Ad ministration on the estate if Joseph A. Crime, late ef Chest Springs borough, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber, lie hereby re quest all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate puyment,arl those' having chi'.-ns will preseut the same duly authenticated for ett!ement. PETER I'RMAN, Adte.tntstrator. Chest Springs, .Matx-h 25, ls!71.-,t. ; M OTICE OK DISSOLljfT()N. Tire J- partnership bt-rctofo-re CTlsffng between tne undersigned et St. Augustine, Cambria ruiinty, was diolvel ly mtttnai ennsenl m Mari-h" 17th, 1S71. and sinci Cat da'e the busi-nes-i ha been and will e-ontiune to be conduct ed by C. Mctiough. A set tltmcnt of tl.e busi ness f'f the late iiria is dosirerl. C. MeGOt'GH, April 15.-3t. It. HORAKT. iT'oratTTcheap a 25 ii r -L Power STEAM ENGINE, with neeess. rr IJon.Kits and all needed 1'irtures, a al tv. other t vlinpeh IsoiI.r.KS. lesidos a Stationary Steam Saw Mu.iali in geiod .nd:tion, will bi sold very low for e-ash, or exchanged for eit'ne-r bark or lumber. For further particulars arply to or sil lre-ss LEWIS FLACK, April 1. ls.L-tf, Altoona, Pa. OtJNTY COMMISSIONER ! The subscriber hereby annent nee tifrnsedf as an aiirant forthe l)emHTaticnoinli!tii.in for tho peisition of County Commissioner, and plclge liimself, if nominufel and elected, to discharge the duties of the uflit honestly and to the iest of his ability. JOHN S. LOMEttEACX. Biaoklick Twp., Anvil ir. lS71.-tc. ESSliS. E S'AUL & CO bave the finest stH-k and chcapost store in Wilniore. Vtfbtmnwtt N;ijiefti .' Lupr-lj.-bt.,! M Si