The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 22, 1871, Image 3

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    , . -- . y .n jij
APKIL 22, 1S71.
..,r (V. : '.
1 vt'.' '
.frxTTiErLiis s
,., ora'virfflnarlyror
it( . liVt-Jirl-iilau C-liurc-li.
ilif -
.,-r, p,,sle.r(rfSt..Tohirselniro.l,
if 1VLL',,V ,V'ivr a lecture upon the
CVs&hw- , 1, v.u-tV . lime!). Loretto, on
' vlHl 3'H. 'at Vi o'clock, P. M.
ii-""' ' 1 n
'"Tnd personal.
,rr (M Cim.pon Kau. Poap.
'E'V"r' Monday. Sf- 21.
u'. r! will I1,n "s ,,,Uows :
:i 01 1 i,"r i i -! 11 v e K iM'n b n pjc
rt'li ,;,i'M.ui!iith iMu-i.urs.-h Ex-
5:'5 in'! Southern F..lros East.
: 'w" connecting with Mail Train
. l'iiila'Icli'hhi Express Last.
V' H M . : - I ' vo CrosHon
n X or. .n .1. paiture of l'ittsl
, West.
l M.. ir on (it'l'aiiuit ui x i:i.uuci-
. , . "til M . .3 -1
-uibai near Home.
!,, r' 1).., Hislop of this (Cath-
F"''1 our u'wn 14 Vlfcit tllis
vwpnkM ""ere found under a stono
I., . r t i.e ot hi 1 ' ' . t w net
'"'i fr frml rapetli in the woods between
",fI 1... .: .... ... j . : v i
l"j"e r.ffei'e'l crtHtly.
"ter'J drfcr went giipiiinj; an 1 rliot
'P Canoe l.'rork, other day.
L'tU r'ke weigh! five pounds
r,c Vi(, ficii I'f iii order, nnd to
'te'.ne il'.'.mtli. it' At ho oilier purpose,
f.:' !uiti!l l-e inrariitv invited.
' iwjicntfi) rain wont to uleop on tl.e
tifl'k m O i West morelsnd
,','(. e ('ar l ift week, and a train of cars
, v rut him to piec.
e Lu
i. t
" S
yB (iii!';'!.' was ine an-i nrqunicu iir
iisui'tiier of woman luuccd Mary Ann
.jP ,t Tip in November lust, and
ni)'ici;d :tt tl.e time.
; J'lp.t.vrrian cli;reh on Jfonday
. - ; .t vr :is l! H'crf of n larpo u!:1 iti
;pn;r.( r;:t ce ir'ti;g. at which !lv.
I: I: t:i-i."ii did ' si'f ;ik:n.
:r:.m on ti e eve oi ;c'iiig to press unit
. 1;, W . M..iernsKr aiu: iainuv n ivo rn-
, m K- a iu.c ;ntf-!id tannic up l!ie;r
I..:. ... W t
rt '.If ii:' c r.t ere m u m m u n i . n
A:::i E. D'rkfn'on crl'vered a Iroture rn
f is'
ra t;.
ral ja
'j I 1 1 t ' " in Johnstown on 1 liursddv
rt'. mvi s to de'.iver "Joiii oi Arc,' a Imuie nbout her, i:i Alioona on
fH ill''.
-7ht;c lme bfen cveral frrmt here of
. i J ..r . .1. i :.
i. I lit ti.tvc ncaru im nt".iii'is; ncirj; uu-
Ki- trie t-H'i ex 'PJ'l me f u ri u fri up lire
-.i v, hi d Be g'-CJ'S the frost oughtn't to be
..n.f i tur t!''..
T'ne man ' o too poor to take Ihb
rnicr wi'.l lie in town on WednesditT
it. lie ii.ti.': to l.ring hi family to tl.e
cut. m;d f.v-rc's to be accompariie.l v ifu
bio takes t.'.e j'lrtra but fever p ivs tor
IT:i!:;!r:!:i!ori Clobe ?r.vs tint Feverai
: Live h e rnrtii id tl erl.eurn t
k ! fin fly af.p;ii;g a let, her t fig full of
. r lo :i i art n'.Vn-te 1. It don't eav how
i. - ef ir' ii' u-t be or how ofien tbe applt-
';. be tn v. i .
-)'. I sul &. Co , of WilniTP, nre nrrorg 'J.e
: ii'irfii-'i-rr iii d dtMTvit:;: n;ci'-h.Mi in
.f.'i!!tT. at.d keep a laic cr ti! tided
!.-. Ik t,t j;.." ;), iiiiii ibry-c!! dte:ip
! it fd4 He f-:!d in Johi.atywn. We utk lii'Cral pitronae.
-l:t AlriatiiMii s.ivj the bcj' th'.itz o
:.ii:?:u:e bie.ikfat i h not her nap '1 iiat's
" -i:!'.T'! theory, but wbenbe atte-mt-.U to
it ie l'-rf4 r. i r -f r.i:d ?pe!U '"'nsp"
'. aa "i." I'.ut then, m know, tr.i.itckcs
' ... !.a; :cn w'.' h t! e bct ol ' men 50n:ettma.
A: vr'T nire'iiifr on Tliursday eventr.p
!:.oi.r ioBi; Cot revive to e force the
f , Inch o! late has been ia re hon'-red
r- l.'eaeli than So hence
'' Mr Iloor, lite the cencraiitv of letter
: 9tr
: :.t
- i-
-.:tri, Lave to "tke up hi? pen."
-n.eLitrno! L vn.i Mel arhmd, near J ip
. iiiair CM.nty, a$ set on fire bv a freight
!:p, rn fi:i,e-dav evenii.s- ,f Inst week.
t.:e'y detreyed. was nlo the fiarn
; il Cieiir.n, to which the fire cornmu
i'l ! wo ln". a tiireMhirii? mach ine .and
::. 2 laiHenieM wei
IlCi.rv M ar" . :1 e n-w r r. .r.t Ir.fnr r.f
H-,-e, I.iiiy'a .Stytion, ,r,i. our thanks
r.rvi (.f irit! t a. rr-jn.l eolillon
r 5
'L' C'li l!if:r ' r ..r . .. I .. - . .
"ii 1 urMo eveiiiiig uexi,
" 9 are not 011 tie ii2ht fantaitic toe"
0 ni:v 1 reit r r,,i .. . ... ...m
r , " T ifC; IJ'tW 11 II LUC VJilil
' i.n'. in (.'
out our presence.
e cyt ;!''". lor erecting au engine house
e n,:'t hn;n .. rroiit,,! u n Hli on I hnrsda v
linls whs on Thursday
1-"t taj-r'AJ ti, '
'"f.'ve j.'.'i' ;.r
Wni Tibbot, who is to
e work. The building is
'j X 1 or
p! li v 0. and is to be a frame
co'incii chamber in the rear.
' work i to !,c.
cjt'i'iieiice 1 without delav.
a H Ji.'i.'i!
t' "i'sl ii, Huntingdon county.
3 F-:
"tr.oig of lust week, the barn ol
-.t: 1
'iiiPi'rr ;.h.ti : - 1 :,.!..
. . - t - "nil 11 LVIIiaiLd J, IIILIU
' 'f h,M(,-1. 'wo bead ot cattle, bugy,
; -S "ijron. grain, l-.av. cjeaf, etc., was btini
v ;"!'-' ground, iiivol'ving a lo?8 of $2..r,
,r, ,!,;uM.,!,-e- I'resuraeil to have been
jl ,a'' ''r.f1 iai y .
f.,. ".'.e AaB'ft';.';i ( autiona the farming
it: 'V ;u::in I"'"' right and agency
n ,"'''' W af g,:''1 l" l,e l,,'"1g llleir vo"
t','P n'w in evcrjI pnrta of the cou nty.
.- ..iielan account a couple of weeks
4, ,' tJ motiiod bv which farmers in the
,1 ' U'f:l swindled by men of this ilk,
f -Me ..or friends to be careful about
.If Oi iiT .Ir.r,
v -.4 1? during several ighta of Ute
-.Vi!1'1'" ''" wi,il lhe refulgent light thed
. "-'l'JPct by the Alleghaiiiaa in this
M J. '-'' ""rora borealis has been visiting
' ''c rds are Latin, aurora mean
.,t,oL'ra' anu "orealis mearmig borealis, and
'v i Ti tc,etll0r meaning the northern
CX. eJ always come to see us ia the
rV,fTD !d f'ox- tL wood of which was cora
, 4,1 way. was unearthed by one or
r1Ic. f-9 " aineJ Jones, in a piece of woods in
' ?'lili;P H couple of miles from this
"Vr, . 7 la3t WCk a,ld wa3 found 10
tcj w ,oz"n Lotties of pure bay rum . The
t a ';fP,Jited beside a log and covered
Van! , es" In ,he language of the Al
.H"' uwdiVlieb get there, when,
.'l u. and what for?
Bedford " Mu,len' u- S. Assessor for
fc1Jln '"J and brother of our former
r," an f- - Mullen, Esq., made a nar-
iii . ' "orse tailing back upon lnm
m rd' ipti"s 10 draK a ue
Eeirc'i "rctl!e B'e"p bar,k a creek rear
current l,a, w awolleu and the
tr.,-, ,crrieJ norse and sulky below the
,.,"r. UU'Jinj I I art V.. ,
v-r r.f 11 Ar.. .
ittn : " uoor ntigtinor, Mr. M. L,. Uat
.i.Jj ah 'hat spirit of go-ahead-ativeties
cuij" nil his business ventures, has
'-ctioni. a.,;otnniifision Irom the Governor as
jwLr 111 tljls Plttc' nd in a neat card
it tb"tr''.anfeunces what he is prepared to do
fjf in.!,-1"6' . Mr- Oatman has the capacity
slrR h.mselt t,.rrf tl.A din of
fr"' is'1 'e?' and s l,ctiu"ccr cannot fail to
i! bar CC"r"' Wheu ,"'i-din that role ho
--rit-L0"" J"-0?1. r '"ble nnd competent.
iBPiai. 1 dollltrs av recently been iveted
Eb,, hUr''i' J0U k,:0, what ,1,al J
o0 ti , g ,s1' Aassociatiou, if you know
Nation e,LnJ lhe resuk hjL ,,een the tra
tn r , re live P,ke irm th turbulent
rarf . ""t' to the pelucid
V,,.. 01 dnrn in thia vir-in'-f .!, ;, :.
T., A
it is
tl.':r... .''ore-taid pike will proceed to do
in the in n lncre,9e and multiply,
"i- ed ?"?lllim niateur fishermen are re
Xr.-V ha(ii off a lhe P'ke re under
ifo-tttion of th law
For "he lefiected a large poition of the
',cw restamcnt," in "SoltcroV rommunica
tion hist week, read "he rejected," etc. The
error is chargeable to the compositor who set
the type and failed to correct the "proof."
We deem it almost a waste of words to say
anything commendatory of the marble work
executed bv iJr. James Wilt. ;r., r t-..
. . - ........ , v. UlflVHU,
i wliose card will be found elsewhere. As a
fTvotkcr in mnrble Mr. W. has a taetear.d t:l
i f-r.t possessed by few, and do ob leaves Lis
Iianns wliich is not a credit to his nicchai-ical
Fkill ind a source of pride to his customers.
Many cemeteries in this county contain endur
ing monuments of hi? ekill ai.d all proclaim his
aWility to do work in a superior manner. iy
all means patronize him it needing his services.
O ur merchant friend over the wav,l,Ir r
R. JJaikcr, has made arrangements" to hav
printed and circulated freo o"f charge
his country friends, for the balance of this
year, a pood sized, well Ailed, and certninlv
very ue!ul publication called -'The Farmers'
Monthly," which contains among other things
a larpe nnd neatly displayed advertisement of
his cheap cash store. Those who receive this
welcome monthly visitor should r.ot forget to
repay Mr. liarkcr's kindness by dea'ing with
him, if iley can do as well as clsewhererwhich
we nre sure they can
Thoo who had the pleasure of witnessing
the entertainments given byj the celebrated
Coleman Children, on Monday and Tuesday
CTcnings of this week, were not onlv deli-hted
o. ....! I... .1.. 1 " 0
. ui.u c... -.. lrj 1,15 tiiusicat pel lorm.incos of
those youthful prodigies, and all came away
j satisfied that they had been witnessing entcr
j tainmcuts which have never been equalled in
EbeiiiOurg. These wonderful little girls me
j certainly irresistible in all their roles, but the
j acting of Iiit! Louie is beyond question the
I most pleasing and enjoyable. The parts
i taken by Mr. Coleman himself were also well
Isnstaiied and well r;ceived. V,'e consider
I this troupe worthy of libeial patronage wher -I
ever they may go, and trust that tho'report is
I true that tfcey intend to give several cntertain
j mente at Cresson during the coming summer.
j Tnp. FinsT anp Ekst of Inhibitions Coming.
; Rosstoi., .- priiiger A: Hendtreun's tireat Mas
; todon Menagerie, tiigantic Circus and Colossal
Caravan ami Museum, together with the All
j Hen Aba (Lilian troupe d real ledouin Arab.
will exhibit in this town on Wednesday, April
I iJtuh. for one day only.
The management announce for the season
; of lt7l not only the largest but the most nt
( tractive, novel, original and instructive public
; amusement ever Horded in this country. The
j great AM Hen Abdaiiah troupe of genuine
j l'edouin Arabs, or '-Sotis of the Desert" (four
teen in number,) acknowledged V tS I'.irr..
pean and American press as giving the most
Mauling, rare and woiiderful performances of
any -jeop e cn esrth. Their exfraordinarv
feats, both on the ground and in the mid nir.
furrnss both t'escriptioi. and belief.
The vast depnrt tneht of zonlogv is composed
of rire an't curious animals ff Europe, Asia
Afi ica. North and South Ameiica, Australia,
New Holland and Ceylon, including ornothe
l'.gicid pelecions of the best specimens of trop
ical and oriental birds, and embracing t'e
finest collection of trained horses, the smallest
ponies and the best performing lions in the
world. Among the specialties are a herd of
elephants and a drove of camels and dromeda
r:n. A mammoth cnrivan of eighteen mnss:re, it is a etuprndou.j combination, involving
an investment ot half a million of !ol Inrs. em -p!M
ing an ! my of iii-ip!ined men in its -er-vice.
e:n:iloyin a multru le of horses atd a
tiain o! n igon?, deiis :nd cages over a mile
lo;.g for iiH trans;(rtat io!i thrcrph the cot.ntrv.
Tl.eie a grand scenic parade on the
nioiiiing if the exh'bition.
The circus will develop a cavalcade of noble
'eefs. cornprisii.jj Arabian, Jlelgiau, Hunga
rian, Fr.-orli and domestic thorough bred, in
c-.'iinec iMn with the most daring male and fe
male ridti. acrobats, gyintiaa.s, trapeze and
genera! performer?.
CrrXTT Taxation We hear great com
plaint, especially in fiber. i-burg, abut the val
uation jut upon prot city by the A-'p.JS rj of
Cambria county, and also against tho Cotpnis
sioners of the county in the performance of
their duty as a board f revi-ijn 1 1 if asserted
among other thiups that the valuation i ore
third higher than in previous ycirs. Admit
ting this to be true, and we believe it is so in
many ins'anrcs, fees it really increase the
burden of the taxpayers ? Last year the conn
ty ar.d pooi tax was assessed at the rate of
r'r,'BTFFN miiU cn the dollar ; ibij year it is
laid at ten mills, being four mills liss on the
dollar than las: year. So that, notwithstand
ing the iucrrased valuation, the taxpayer will
not only not Lave more taxes to pay, hut in
most instances even less than last year, or
other previous vcrs.
The complaint made by some of our EberiR
bnrg friend that property here i at a stafx!
still, whi'e in moit other portions of the coun
ty property iff advancing iu value, is entitled to
more weight. Still other localities think they
have equal ground ot comp'aint. Yet there is
one thing that should b borne in mind by all,
and that is, tint t'ne officers making the assess
ments are under a solemn oath to r-scj every
property at its actual cash value ; and we ven
ture the assertion ihat there is not a taxp.ner
in Ebeusburg, or e'sewhere in tho county , who
wou'd take lor bis property, iu cash no, not
in gold the valuation placed upon it.
Our ruembor, Mr. Rose, it may Leas well to
8v, is getting a bill pa-sed allowing nn appeal
to the Court from the taxation in the Commis
sioners' office. This is right, and we truat it
will become a law. Indeed, we understand the
Commissioners are iu favor of its passage
Then the taxation can he reviewed and errors,
if tbeie should be any, corrected.
atk. '1 he rumor has been rile lor some time
past that Rev. R. C. Christy, paetor of the
Catholic church of this place, is to be trans
ferred to another fleli of labor, and the proba
bilities are that sucii wi'l prove to be tho crtse.
It is no business of urs to inquire why this
change is to tie made, but we deem it due to
Father Christy to say that he has accomplished
a work in the erection of the beautiful chuich
edifice in this place, and in the establishment
of first class schools under tho care of the Sis
ters of St. Joseph, as well as in many other
wins, which should ever stand as monuments
to his zeal, devotion and indomitable perseve
rence, and which should win for him the kind
ly remembrances and devout prayeri of tho
entire congregation over which he has held
pastoral charge for the pas: five years. The
departure of Father Chrhty -will be sincerely
regretted by the members of his congregation,
with but few exceptions, as well as by nearly
all of his fellow citizens of other creeds,
among whom he has numerous warm friends
and ardent admirers. We can only hope that
his labors elsewhere will meet with equal suc
cess and fully as rcech appreciation, to say the
least, as they have met with bete.
' Wtio is to be his successor has not yet we
presume been fully determined, but we have
heard the name of Rev. J. C. Farren, of Ty
roue mentioned in that connection. Acother
week, however, will prooably unravel the mys
tery. Twenty Yiahs is Bed. It is. a fact that
may not be generally known, even among our
own citizens, that there is in this community
a colored woman named Wilson, now aged
about years, who has not only been confined
to her bed for the last twenty years or upward,
but who has been forced in all that time to
rest iu one position, owing we believe to au
attack of paialysis. Never icce taking her
bed has she been able from hr own volition
to mine from it, and never has she been out of
it except lor very brief periods, and only then
through the ageicy of her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Roberts, witt whom she lives, or some other
person or persons called to her aid. Notwith
standing her severe and protracted aillictioua,
this ola woman is in ttie enjoyment of all other
natural functions and is always iu the best of
spirits, bhe caiue here many years ago with
Mr. Jacoo Turner, to whom she was inden
tured whn only three years of age. Her case
is certainly a remarknbie o-.e, and well wcithy
the attention of medical men and others inter
ested in uch m&ue.-g.
Local Correspondence.
JonNSTOvrN, April 19, 1871.
Dkar Freeman A friend direct from CaliJ
iornia. oroppea in with ns last Saturday and
remained two days, which prevented 119" from
wiiting as early as we nsnallv do. He con
versed thus wise : There are"2.r.O stations on
tho railroad from San Franeisco to Omaha.
The road ns far as Salt Lakecr Ogden station,
is called the Control Pacific R. R. from Og
rien to Omaha it is called the Union Pacific
H. R. There is abundance to eat.,- r.nd palace
cars to sleep in, if one has the money to piv
for it. Cost, of trip about $lf-0. There is a
poor chance for wheat in California on account
of the dry season, 'l he people were eommenc
ing to bum the "tulcs," or rush awnmps, which
rre dry in summer, in order to plant crops.
Tide water runs a great way back in the Sac
ramento and St Joaquin rivers. It reaches
Stockton, on the latter river. A new railroad
is being built up the Jt Joaquin river. San
Francisco is doing an immense Pacific, China
and Japan trade. The harbor is chock full of
veasels all the time. He stopped at Montana,
five hundred miles west of Salt Lake, from the
railroad. Here quartz crushing is the order of
the day. Immense mills are running day and
tight, ai d the gob! is gathered from the dust
by the aid of quicksilver, which collects the
fine, invisible particles of gold together, and
repulses all other matter. The route is per
fectly safe for travelers, nnd tho 5b0 mile trip
can be made in four and one half days. The; e
has been a very open winter in Montana, r.nd
not cold, tho thermometer never reaching
more than degrees below zero ! Towns and
settlements are growing tip rapidly all along
the two Pacific roads and through all the fer
tile val'cva ner.r the loute. There is a bianch
south to Denver, Colorado Terri tory, 1 1 0 miles
in length and ot.e to Salt Lake City, south. Lhl
miles In length. Towns nre rapidly spririL'i-ig
up along these branch roads. My friend thinks
that if there weie three roads to California,
one north and one south of the present one.
they would all find business The local trade
increases very rapid'y as towns spring up along
thc-e routes. He thir.ka the rich valleys of the
west will all goon teem with a brisk , thi ivin '
population and that the Indian's days will soou
be played out.
A younj son of John Hamilton, Clurles bv
nnme, residing in the Fifth Ward, made a nar
row escape from very serious inj try at the
Rolling Mill one day last week. He was em
ployed at the rolls, and was j'ist caught a d d
pulled away in time to prevent one of his arms
from being drawn into tho machinery, with
what result, if not pulled away, it is an easy
matter to conjecture.
A chap who had been bonding with Leon
ard Kist, at E.nst ConetBaugh, suddenly de
camped on Sunday morning last, taking with
him a sum of money and several articles of
perso-ial property be'onging to Mr. K. The
thief started west on fjot the railroad,
but was overhauled at w Fiorci.ce and
brought buck, but what was sub 'cquently done
with him I did not understand.
The Fair at St. Mary's Academy list week
was well attended and liberally patronized, as
it certainly deserved to be. It closed for the
present, but will be re-opened on Friday nnd
Saturday evenings cf last week.
The lecture of Rt. Rtv. M lomenec on tho
Ecumenical Council, at the Catholic church i:i
this place, on Wednesday evening of last week ,
attracted a large audience and was in tho high
est degree instructive nnd Were
ii not that I might bo trespassing too much
upon yotir space. I would consider it t'rne well
spent in giving you an outline of the liishop's
admirable discourse.
Mtfiil 5; Strong's Mirror of Ireland, a pan
orama comprising over seventy beautiful paint
ings of the mot fmou town and scei cs in
the Emerald Isle, will be on exhibition at the
Main Street Opera House on the evenings of
the t7th. 2-t!i urd 'J! h inst. No son or
daughter of the ''old sod" should fail to P( e
this magnificent work of art, nor should the
proprietors fail to furnish ' compli men' ur'e"
lor your correspondent, and for yourac'.l" like
wise, if you come down. Rob Rov.
DriiocEATic Coiwtv Committed, A meet
ing of th o above Committee ha vin been called ,
isee under editorial head,) wo herewith pub
lish the names of the gf r.tlcrr.en comprising
that organization, as also the districts from
which thev bail :
It. T. .Tofm'tn! r.a'rll'n f' 1.1.11 ...T A
T i
ams twp.. John F. Stull ; Allegheny twp.. Win.
ituek ; lt!a( klick twp.. Abraham Ma kin : Cum
bria twp.. Win. Uerg; Cumbria Lor., Thomas
Judge; Carroll twp.. M. J.Nagle; Cairolitowa
lior., Francis Flick; Chfst twp., Anseliu Weak
land; Chest Springs bor., Joseph Wcrtncr;
Clearfield twp., J aeob Nagle ; Concilia ngli twp.,
Y 01 lock Kobier ; Conomauirli bor.. Fat rick K ic
ney, lirst ward. Augustus Abler. '' ward; C.m-
Iiers lale. bor.. John Lninison ; Croyletwp., W.
Joyd : Fast Conemaugli bor., Lawrence Fur
loisjr; Ebcnsbiirg bor., ii. F. Vaughn, eat ward,
G e rire (in rley, wck t ward ; Fr-i 11 k liu bor., Wm.
Adams; Gullitiiin twp., John I'ortcr; Jackson
twp., Henry Rajrer ; Johnstown bor., Agustns
J langiis. first ward, James if. Hnford, -d wd.
John Fliinairiin. od ward; J (mat "nan Horner, tih
ward ; H. Mattern. jr.. .rth ward : Jose; Ii Thom
as, lit !i ward; Lore! to bor.. II. T. O'Friel ; Miil
ville bor.. Fatrick Connelly ; Minister twp., A.
Purbin : Prospect bor.. Pavid Cronan: Richl;irid
twp., Wm. Cfde ; Sutntnerhill twp.. Fat. Lynch;
Summitville bor., Peter Poiigherty ; Susnuc
Laniiu twp.. John Suttiin'-rville ; Taylor twp.,
l'on.r Keurns ; Woodvali; bor., Casper W. Easly;
Wilmore bor., Isaac Wike; Washington twp.,
John Hamilton ; White twp., George Wuiters ;
Yoder twp., Abraham Culin.
In Tbopuli!. Before the Burge?s eame two
daiae!s. their blonde, auburn locks floating in i
the air, their gay and tasty eetting we'l
t') their lovely foims. their bright, intelligent i
faces fxed in calm, firm determination. Ono
hailed frorr the oleaginous valleys of West
Virginia and the other from the coal filled hill
of Cambria county. Their minds seemed filled
with sorrow and their heart with pain. They
poured their pitiful talc into tho sympathetic
ears of our worthy chief magistrate nnd asked
the strong artn of law to avenge their wrongs.
With woman's ready faith in the vain and de
ceitful promisei of man, they had left behind
them all sweet associations, and trusting blindly,
and alas! unwi-ely, to the words ot two itinerant
peddlers of a patent eoap, and exhibitors of
Punch and Judy, accompanied thcui to Johns
town with the understanding that here they
should "be no more twain." With man's
proverbial dishonesty, they left the ti u-ting fe
males in the lurch, "urd with their exhibition
started West ; hence the information charging
the peddlers with seduction. Warrants have
been issued and an ofiicer started iu pursuit.
Johnstown Echo.
Octt Foueticfnth Town Council. Tn 1S.1S
Richard Lewis was elected Burgess ; Johnston
Moore, David II. Roberts, John Williams,
James Rhey, and John Davis, Town Council.
The subordinate officers appointed were: Town
Clerk, Ezekial Hughes; Treasurer, William
Roberts; Superin teoden t of Hay Scales, Geo.
J. Rodgcra; Street Commissioner. Thomas
Todd; Street Regulators, Robert Young, R.
P. Linton, and Michael Downey: Firemen,
James Murray, Owen McDonald, and Alexan
der Bell; Controllers of the Hydraulic Engine,
John Williams and Richard Lewis; Axemen,
D H. Roberts and David Todd; Laddersmen,
Rowland Williams and Michael Downey; High
Constable, Charles Litzinger. This Council
must have had easy work, for it adjourned on
the 29th day of March, 1639, and the record
gives no sign of official labor performed except
a settlement had with the Treasurer. And
then they folded their tents like the Arabs,
locked the door and hung up tho key, aud ti
leutly stole ivway. Alleghauiau.
Reader, yon -will do well to take a sidelong
glance at the quarter column advertisement of
S. J. Hess Co., the renowned custom-deserving
clothing merchants of Johnstown, who
consider themselves competent to clothe all
ci-eation and th? rest of mankind with wearing
apoarel perfect in make, handsome in Myle,
serviceable in texture, and as cheap as the
cheapest in price. This ttrm knows how to
please all tustes and supply ull wauts, and ate
u3 liberal as they are deserving.
The fifty-six signers of the Declaration, or
their descen-iauta, all deal at the cheap C'iotuintf
Store of James J. Murphy, No. 10"J Clinton St.,
Johnstown, where any other man or boy may
be n.:atly litted with pants, coats or vesus. Al
so, shirts of all stripes, neckties and gents' f ur
uishuuj goods. Few men have bad the success
in the clothing line that Mr. Murphy enjoys.
TtuB rnaaon why is, he does the fair thing and
does it all tho time.
Messks. MATER. Fropriktors or the NEW
YORK IMtY li 00 PS. Ml LLf N'EKV,
have just opened tho following new and desira
ble Goods :
2.0 TMeeos T.iottt Calicoes, eleqnnt patterns ;
2So Sui?. Clothing, made in latest fashions ; Hoys' and Youths' SriTS. fn a if stylos ;
lOOTwxKS. from the smallest totti" larg-est; Suspenders, Shirjs. Drawers, Neckties,
Hows, it., in thf largest varietv. Also, the
most varied invoice of Ladies' Trimmed and
rntrlmmed Hats and Honr.ets : Children's Hats,
trimmed, in endless variety ; Mom-nintf Shawls,
CrHpe Veils, Collars. Sim Cnibrellns. und I'lira
sols; 40 boxes of new French Flowers; 1X) new
Shawls ; r-ilks und Satins in every shade : a lartre
display ot Japanese Stik Press i'atteins ; latest
styles of Switches, Plaits nnd Chitrnor.s; new
Ft3'lcs of I.iicr- Collars, l'labl Sash KiM.ous. Sun
downs. Ladies' Morocco Satchels; 50 pieces of
Summer Honlins. nh ed to ict.-i, and nn
immense at-sort mentor other new Press Goods
nnd Trimininjrs. which t-.e-d only lie seen to tie
admired. An examination of oiir prices on the
iiiiove poods will convince nnv one that we sell
tiO jivr iu-;tfer than any other store
In Johnstown. Remember that our lartrr es
tablishment is in tho Opera House. Nop. ii-' r.nd
214 Main street, Johnstown, and remember dsn
thut all orders from neigh borintr towns and
country will ! promptly und sntisfnclori! v at
tended to, and selections us carefully made and
floods furnished just u3 cheap na if the buver
was present iu person. J. fc II. MA 1'EH.
Fii'.p; .NT) L;ff iNsritAsCK Evervbody is
directly interested in Insurance. If you own
real or personttl property it is certainly to your
interest to have it insured. You do liot know
bow- soon tho same may bo destroyed bv lire,
either by accident or the hand of tho incendia
ry. You may feel perfectly safe now. but von
do not know how soon you mav need the- usiist
nnceof the iissuriinco compKiiy ; therefore, it
i'f-uooves you to look weli i: inirmru
if you have your property insured in a frnl.
reliiide company, 3-r.11 need not to btvjrinar
iinidUh'yoiir neighbors for losses incurred by
tire-; on the contrary you can rest eysy nnd be
independent of nny fiicIi obligations.' On the
saiiie principle every man should have his life
insured for the benefit of his family. No man
knows how toon he may bo called from iif;; to
eternity und leave hi fnuiily in destitute cir
cumstance? : but tbi-oo'.'i g-iH.d nnd reliable in
suiitneo companies hi; ban the privilege and can
eusily provide Hjranist nil such contlnem i..-s.
It is wi ll for all persons to carefully coiiidt r
the policy of inmir i,cj Hud then cull upon Kerr
: Co., VMH Tenth Avenue, Altoona. I'a., who
Hi-c atronts for all the most reliable Fire and
Life Insurance Companies in the Cnitc d States.
Foreign I'lchane and Shipping are ulso
amoiiK- ibe special! irs of this reliable tirm. and
imssage tiekots to and from nil points, in the
world can be obtained from them tit regular
TnE JEta Tn.!-i!an e Companv. nceordin?
to its late statement, has a capital of over six
millions r.f dollars, securely invested for tho
bcuetit of its policy holders. This 'output v
h:;s stood f,.r the past fifty rears at the bead of
the Fire 1 nsiirunco Companies of the country
in the mutter of capital, promptness and relia-bilit-.
Alexander brothers, bil!( Eleventh Av
enue. Altoona. are its onlv authorized ii,-ents
for tins section of th.; state. Thev will insure
property at Jower rates than c an be obtained
from any ot her t ruly reliable compnnv. Give
them 11 trial and be convinced of this fact ero
you insuro your property with anv otiier of the
many insurance agents. t'J-ll.-lm.J
PlOl.t-TTON. The world is to dissolve its
partnership with 1 he ot her plane ts in June next,
but I'n! & llrotlu-rof tin-Cheap fiat Parlor,
No. ir.'T Ciin street. Johnstown, will never dis
solve as lonir as ffod hats ar.d cps tun be
bought and sold. Tiiis firm dot s an imuienso
trade in a very useful business. What would
the pcojilr without hats? And who can sup
ply hats and ot her furnishing -roods like L. Co
hen A: F.rothor'r These are (luestious that con
cern every man.
Oris .TiiiiN. Everybody cnlls.Tohn .7. Murrby
our John, beejiuse they all deal with him, buy
his cheat, dry -roods, dress jroods, carpets, tc.,
at the('hea Pibert Corner, l'rankiin ami Main
streets, at opposite p.ngles with the beautiful
Market llou-e. Johnstown. Thd's where John
J. Murphy keeps cheap di y frood. fancv a-ods.
bat, bonnets, artificials up to uat ore's s if. :in'l
other ot cetei-as. 'l'lint's what .loiiu .1. Murpi.v
ii ics -jcIIs cheap and always throws senicthin'ir
into the bargain.
Ye Olden Time. One of the great hardships
of th- early settlers of this region was that of
traveling many miles over rugge-1 ami tori ur
ous r.::ds To rind from mill. Nowativbodv crtn
go to M .lis wit h the greatest ease
and when they get there they rait buy the besi
flour, feed, lijcu.'i, Ian:,..;, corn, beans, and oth
er t hings. at prices cheaper than t'-i- ir.'.st of
dtab-rs ak for si; h articles. Of rourse w c
inean K. .1. Mills, whose store is on High street,
near Centre.
Titi:v. rr.d that wrtumill whom it niov con
cern, J :i " r -r '-1 up any liner stucksor jrreater va
rieties in tin1 way of boots, s'ur,. s, l.i -n ry, etc..
than can be four.-! at Vinroe's new- eheap boot
and shoe st .;, Cambria iloui... bni! dii.jf. Mr.
V. has really t'.ie superb assortment ever
displayed lii-re, and we mean what we sav wli' ti
we declare That iu: sells ns cheap as ti:y deab-r
i ! l:ke g-.xi-P -;) any (.f tho larger towns. H
uoscrves a liberal patronage.
Vj ry W.-sr. "I 1 ad 1 itber py n Tittle n o e
nv ney and get a g);d article.'' '1 his i wise,
ti be sure, but Mippe y. u can get the very
best article and not have tj p(y a little tpcr '!
How tVcn? is t'e cu-e ith W una ma
ker Ar I5:t)wu" is "best" 1.3 well
a3 "cheapest "
Tirr. w-ny to "ma!;e both endc met" is to
the butcher to take out the bones, and the way
to save money i in deal exclusively with Geo.
Huntley when you want to buy anythi: g in the
form of Hardware, orocerif-s. farm implements,
tinware, stoves, and sich like, for George per
mits no man 1.1 undersell him, and overylo rlv
knows that stock is varied, plentiful and
first class.
The TMT-rsnrnrjn (P.v.) I.ra'lrr says: '"The
firm of G. P. Rowell - Co. is the larjrcst and best
Advertising Agency in tho Fnitod States, ami
we can cheerfully recommend it to the atten
tion of thosr. who desire to advertise f heir busi
ness sci. ntiririiHit and nusti imtr ;t ; in Mich a
way: that is, to secure the largest amount of
publicity for the least expenditure of money."
used in all cases instead of Pi its, Epi-om Salts,
Castor Ok., &e. Highly flavor.-.l. Pleasant to
.Ike. Children like it . i'rice 5 0 cents. Whole
sale, It. E. Sr.r.r.rus & Co.. 45 Wood street, I'itts
burgh. Sold by Leniinon A: Murray. Kbeiisburg,
r.nd by Pruggist? and Country Store-ker pei s
trcncraily. Juna 1, 1$70.-Jy.
Those of our renders whodosicro their hair
to take the same- color as when young should
use Hall's Vege table Sioil.'au ilair Roncwer.
oni t r a 11 1".
ROPGEUS. Pied, in this borough, on Tues
day last, istli 111st., Mrs. Elizabeth 1 lodgers,
wife of Thomas Rodgeis, Sr., aged about b:i
yea rs
,The voice is now hushed that once guided our
way ;
The form we then pressed is now mingled with
clay ;
But the tones of our mother still sound in our
"lam calling you, children! Oh, can you not
The voice of your mother as you toss on life's
sea ?
For on the bright shore I am waiting for thee!"
BENNETT. Pied, at the residence of his son,
John Rennet r, in Carroll township, ou Monday
last, Richard Rennet t. aged St years.
Mr. Bennett was a native of Wales, emigrated
to this country when lie was. about Iv5 years of
age, and settled on a tract of land three miles
north of this place-, on which he continued to
reskps until a few yars ago. Ho was an ami
cable, kind-hearted man. an upright and hon
est citizen, and enjoyed the confidence and
respect of all who knew Uiin.
The basis r.f Its remedial properties is a vege
table compound.
It will keep the Hair from falling out.
It cleanses the Scalp, and makes the hair soft,
lustrous and silken.
It is a splendid hair dressing.
Ji. P. HA LL & CO., Nashua. N. TI.. Proprietors.
boundless in varioty and exquisite in style,
Just received by E. FA I' L & CO.,
April 15.-. Wilmore, I'a.
Mfs?iis. E PAUL & CO 'S new stock
of Men rntl Roys" SPRING and SUMMER
WEAR cannot be excelled. Call and examine
for voursel ves. Oue door oast of the newt IT. R.
Church, Wilmore, l a. (arr.15.-2t.
CAUTTON! My wife liostc having
f left rav bed and board without just cause
or provocation, this is to caution all persons
against harboring or trustiug her on my ac
count, as I am determined to pay no debts kIic
may contract, uuF'ss compelled to do so oy law.
Carroll Twp., April 22, IS7l.-3t.
241 Main Street, Johnstown.
The Largest, Eest Iilade
AXt 51 O.ST 1)1 MCLC
Stock of Cleflitif
consisting chiefly of
We have also cor.stantly in stock a complete
assortment of
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c.
. tTfYe are prepared to mnke to order Cloth
ing of every description on the shortest notice
t.'all at o. '2 tl 91 alii Slrecl,
Johnstown, April 22, l?TL-em.
Mori: Mcx Waxtcds
rl-iS, 1V(i.VnX AND CHILDREN wanted to
ATi come and get U.eir i lnrei taken by T.
T. Si-knit., Pbctcgraph Artist. Fbensburg, Pa.
Ha ing?secured possession of the I'lcrfhr Gal
l.Kr'.v t.f (i. G.Owens, I would ifspectfully in
f(jrm my former customers ar.d the publicgen
erally tliat I am again prepared to execute all
styles and sizes 01 Pictures. Every attention
given to the takiug oT Children's Pictures. Old
I'ictui es copied and enlargf-d to any size desira
ble. Picture Frames, Albums and Cases for
tale. Thankful lor past favors. 1 would now
iesp?ctfi:lly solicit a renewal and extension of
l no same. Reader, please pay me a visit at the
Picture Gallery on ilijih street, oppo-ite the
Post O iii re. 7. i: .s'iJAC.'.
Fbensburg. April 23. Ir", l.-t f . -1 rtist.
HAVING been commissioned by Gover
nor Geary to act as A I 'CI IOXEKH in
and for the Borough of Ebensburg. I am
now prepared to receive and sp at Public
Auction all kinds of Goods. Wares. Mer
cnandise, Sec. and also attend totheduties
of Auctioneer at uil sales of linds. Tene
ments, Liv Stock, Household Furniture,
Ac., Arc, within the limits of said iioroi.gli.
Ti riitx inoJcri'.te. inquire nt No. 100 High
Street. AI. L. OATMAX,
Ebensburg. April :.-', ISTl.-tf.
And H'orli WairantdR
Sfl'tXI'MKN'T. Tom r Stones. Ur-!; vff,
IVi itKAC nnd 'i'A ni.i; '!' fs. in:nl of i?-f)i,
the tlncst Itaiian Marble and in ctyi .C;-pl?i
of xv 01 1, p not surpassed Ly Jsj;
any tiisnti tact u rer. Give me a call r-
before utt-idiiig iion purchasing or ordering
work elsewhere. JAMLS WILKINSON.
Loretto, April 21. b-TL-l".
CA MRU I A Mll'XTY.- Pi the natter r.f it.e
tirmicl und ;.? (iccot.o.i of F. A. Shok.makkii.
.l(finiM'i nivr. Ac, if John FitzPATttn-s. ii. 't.
Ami now. to xvit : March 1". 171. on motion
of 1-. -A . Jshoemaker. R. L. George. Esq.. appoint
ed Auditor to report tllstribnti'-n of the money
in his hands, as per said account.
Extract from the Record, Vy ile Covri.
I hereby give not ice that T will sit i.t iny ofT:c
in Ebensburg, on T !' tiny, the 91 h dny of .Ma Y
rie.t, at 2 o'clock, v. M.. to attend to the duties
of said ii-;poiritinsnf, when and where all per
sona interested mav attend if ilieys-e proper.
apr.22.-'(t. R. L. GEORGE, Auditor.
J figncd. having been appointed Aibiii or to
report riisti-ibul i.m of the money in the hands
of the Sheriff arising from the sale of the real
estate of Nicholas Naglis hereby giv s noticO
that he will attend to tbe duties of said appoint
ment, nt his office in Ebensburg, on VVtMStie
cluy, the loth day of Mav, IVWat 2 o'clock, p.
M., when and xvhere nil persons interested must
present their claims or be debarred from com
ing in on said fund.
It. L. GEORGE, Au.liior.
Ebensburg. April -2, lt?7l.-3.
DISSOLUTION Notice 1a lierrhy
gix-en that the co-partnership heretofore
existing bet ween F. P. Saitp and Jas. Wilk
inson iu the Marble manufacturing business
at Loretto. is this day 1 March, 1st. 1871,1 dissolved
by mutual consent. All persons indebted to
said firm are notified to settle Rtid pay up im
mediately, and ull having claims against uswiil
present them for settlement. The IkxiUs will
be Ici't at thw store of F p. Sc.up.
P. S. The Marble bu sir.ess wiil be carried on
in all its various branches by tho undersigned.
All wishing a highly finished job at moderate
prices, will please give me a call.
Loretto, .April 15, lS71.-t.
signed, harin5g lieen appointed Auditor to
report the fnc:, with his opinion cf the same,
in the matter of the Petition cf John P.
and Anna H. Eloeh. (late Anna K. Luther.) bio
wife, touching her legacy, hereby gives notice
thF.t he w ill attend for that purpo-e at his otlice
in Ebensburg. oil 'I' r dy lie ii riy r
May nr xi , at 2 o'clock, P. M ., when and where
all person interested may attend.
Ebensburg, April 13, 1S71.-:1.
i;OITOK'S NOTICE The under-sig-ned,
hnviug- been appointed to hear and
report upon the exceptions tiled to tho flrst and
llnal account of F. A. Shoemaker, Guardian of
Edward Inglert. hereby gives notice that h
will attend for that purpose at his office in El
enstmrg.on V -dned jr ll 3d day ol iXly
nt, at i o'clock, h. m., when and where ail
rersous interested may attend.
john s. nriEr.
Ebensburg, April l.r, lSTl.-at.
signed, having been appointed Auditor to
make- distribution of the money in the hand of
the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real es
tate of P.xvio R. Junks, hereby gives notice
that be will attend for that purpose at his oUSen
in Ebensburg, on 1 uelay, tltc .'id dy of
May next, st 2 o'clock, r. St., when and where
all persons interested may attend.
JoilN S. ItriEY.
Ebensburg, April 15. l$71.-ut.
ESSKS. Iv PAUL CO liv tie
finest stock aud ekeapMt etoreln Wilmore.
Trftwa tat SnvUnUl lpr-l.-t. 1
' tr !
I Tke Monarch cf EiMMlions is Cosing I
at- jrajti-xrvwjsuiica. i'a..
On 1VI:XCSI).Y, APRIL 2il5i, 1S7I,
U K 1: A T
j susTOiiox wm?m !
' 1 . II. "i'rTr- Tlfr 1'.
Colossal Caravan a Mussuml
3oIoiiiix Arabs!
.Tdmiw-ion rj)fU!t
liUdirn uiiirr 10 IVitci
t'v'roors to open one hour previous to ear h
The Management, in aeeordaree w!:h tb
spirit of enterprise which has marle d t !ie con
c. -fit ion and organization of this si u pernio us es
tablishment, annouiice for the s a.-on of 18'..
not only th- bug' -,t but the most attractive!
novel, original and instructive public amuse
ment ever offered in this country-assembling
in one urjpre-cedfnted combinational! the lead
ing Equestrian Artists of America. Great IMt.
nin and Continental Europe, numbering nearlr
one iiuiKirt-'i .liiiiciinu r cii.aie I'erf r.riiicrs. jii-
ciuding the great Ail ucii Abdailah Troupe of
CJcjiuiuc BcGGCLiki ra&5
or "SON'S OF TH E PESFRT." f ourteen in num
ber, acknowledged by tho European snd Amer
ican press a.- gi ir.g the most startling, rare and
wonderful performance of any people on earth.
Tb'-irfextraordiiiary teats, t o'ih on the ground
and in mid air. surpass boin description and be
lief. Nothing but ooeular (Umonstrat ion will
convince ti e incredulous. The
is composed of tl: rare ard cur ous animals of
Europe, Asia. Africa. North and South Ameri
ca. New Holland and Ceylon, including ornitho
logical selections of the best specimen of Tro
pical end ':'iei;trtl ltinis. and embracing the
liut-st collection of Trained Horses, t he smallest
Ponies, and the
in the world. Among the specis'ties p.rt
iMi A
Drove of Comeis and
No organiiat ion .f half tbe nihgnitsnle 1ih
ever been constituted in enj country. It is a
stupendous roinMii-itif-ii. invoiving an imvest
ment c f half a ?ni!ii,it dollars, reouirfng an ar
my of diseipliued men in its se.- it cs. eniploj
ing a multitude of horse-sand a train of wagons,
(lens and cages.
for its transportation through the country.
Everything about this grand nnd rr.ngriificent
exhibition is new and on a scale of splendor un
surpassed, while the talent associated with it
takes a wider range than anv show m the world.
A prominent feat ore is t be GRAND MCSIC
AL REiGA !;:, ir-1 V - the popular and efficient
Pirecfor. . i. smr.
'isa: c;:ts scrxsc imiiaeie
surpasses in brilliancy, beauty, grandeur iinrl
novclty'anything of the kind ever rmompte.1 in
I Ins or any country, led by the Oriental Car cf
Alexandria and followed " by n long retinue (r
Pens. Cages, Chariots. Carriages, elegant ly ca
parisoned Horses, Elephants, Camels and Proin
edaries the
superbly painted in green and gold, and decor
ated with the flags of every n'. ion of the globe;
the entire pageant forming a scene of unap
proachuLla spit cilor.
Altoona, Monday, April 24th ;
Hollidaysburg, Tuesday, April 25th ;
Ebensburg, Wednesday, April 26th ;
Johnstown, - Thursday, April 27th ;
Ligonier, Friday, April 28th I
- A F.xtiitr. of Jcrrmiixh MeGnnvj'r, 'tre'd.
letters Testainrntary to the Estate of Jkiie
Miah M( io.N fiii.K, late of Washiugtou town
ship, Cambria county, having been granted to
the undersigned by the Register of said county,
all persons having claims against the estate of
said decedent, are liei-rby notiiieii to present the
same duly probated for settlement, and those
indebted t hereto are requ ircd to make payment
without unnerrssarv delav.
A N N A It. Mi G( N 5G LE, 1 rreeu'art
JNO. E. SCAN LAN, ) .xeu.or.
April 15, is71.-tt.
i Power STEAM FXGIN'E, with necessary
IIoii.f.iis and all neeoed Fixtures, as also two
other Cvi.inhkii Hoii.kus, besides a Stationary
Stkam Saw Mit.i., all iu good condition, wiil be
soldverv low for c.ish. or cx :,hacgel for either
b'irk or lumber. For further pert icubirs apply
to or address LKWIM PLACK,
April I, 1:l.-r. AltfiTia, m.
S Til 7
An hmtfy ir.f.jrmt lW 1ht
W&siiiugton Hold !
7ih and CLcstnut,
IIhs been refitted ftiiu 1 e Turn i ted
by the utulereigtieJ, and is now
open for quests with loca
tion central and ciiargo
moderate render
ing it n desir.i
blo stojj.i?i
j.laee for
FiDIEIflBER ! Thin Hotel i on
CHESTNUT ST1.EKT, at hm very
liearlof IJuainca, nml hut k few step?
front the iffTrent p'acef of Am:en;sit.
Or l?o?.Tfix Ilf.rrt., IlAr:-.s.p.i-r(;,
tn'. Cnr.CMB! a Ilm;:, Capj: M it.
free lessons to 15. WOLFF, Jn., A CO.,
(Late St. Clair 6treet.)
Importer ar,C Drcftrt in
J!m jiffa mi9J tjT
Have now in Store the latt'eat ar.d tet select 9:1
Ftoek o'Tcrifd. in the City.
Special Iitdsicemeist efTcreet l tr
( untry Trade. tapr.S.-Sw.J
ADtterson h Freyvcgel,
Siicoesiors to R. S. fowler.
Iron Founder sand Mill Furcislisr?,
Grist. Taw Mill and White Lead Msrh'ne-r:
French Rurr. C-'calico & E.s,,p's Mill S.,n j itn
Four A' r.); German Am vior lli-and llolt Ing
Cioth: XV cter Wheels. Smut Mschinvs. it''ling
Mill and liber Machinery. Pulleys. tluiig.iA
and Shafting.
o. 39 TT ilT.ll STRtET,
3-13. IMTTSBl'IKiK, FA. fT-
Comtnis.sir.uei-s of Cambria County are now
prepared to sell to those desiring t sn me, ibe
Iii N 1 S of ;:id cnurit.v, in suiris of Jl'.vi. J:;.t, ai. i
Ss-V H I. These itondsaie issued by autlioritx cf
1 i.e Court, i.f OuriiK r Sessions of Cumbria ( 011 l.
ty. T'T tue purpose t.f ruiso-.g money to I niel
t:;e New County JaU. nnd j.ay iiitenst at 1 ne
rate of six p-r cent, per t, nun. - Said interest
being payable seuii-ai.noaflx and are redeei.i
able at the pleasure if the Conm-iSM. i-.i-rs attor
tlie l 'Ai tny of leo-mler. Iii4, nnd pa
aldcthe 3lli ! uf SiplHnUr. I e i .
1 'ouponsHre attached 'n each itond for tlie eeu.l
anuuai instaiments of interest.
Parties desiring to invest in this bm n will
please call on the Coimnirs.iuners at tbfr i'5":c
in Ebensbnrjf.
Witness our hands this lOt'u dsy of Arri'. A.
1. -.
J A M ES E. N I' A M N , - Com':
Attest J. A. Kinxipt, Clerk. pr !5.-tf.; '
' r 1 f i! k X'r, t- tr.tet-ninrrietl lriTt Jt.'riiT
Sime. n-siding '.u tila.'rsville. Indiana counjv
I'a.. and to Vost. tnter?narrie. w ith ..
M'i'n Ci!c. residing in the State r.f low a. heirs,
ami legal represrnta fives of Jacob Yost, late
of .rroli town -liio, Cambria county, dre'd :
IhUc nolice liiat an Inquest v. iii I f l.el.l at
the late dweitme house of .iai oh Vost. iate .f
CarroM townsliin, Cambria county, f:eceaf d. cir
'I 'iiisuiay. Ibe liti !y ol -M::j next, at oi rt
o'clock, p. m ., f ir the purpose of making parti
tion of the sffil estate of said deceased to sr-d
Rinong his children and le.'al representatives,
if the"s3!i;e iT.n be done without prejudice tvicr
spoiling of the name otherwise to xauie anil
appraise the same : at which time- and place jou
ue reTuested to attend if vou thiirk proper.
W. II. RON AC KKR. Sheriff.
ShcJlfT's Oilier, Ebensburg, Apxil4, 1$7L
USIC! MUSIC!! The ".SiaTr
or St. Joseph -
will be prepared to give
Lessons on the PIANO
M-.r ORGAN at any
time after 1-.aster.
7For terms aprly
to the Jsoperiortss, Mt
ter M. liouT&NSE. or to Rev
Charges moderate.
Ebensburg, April 1. lS71.-tf.
kind of WAGONS kept ."u In. -.tor i.
to order ou siiort notice ami at n.cst reir-
al io prices. Work warranted to a - . .
tU.u, Call! on or addrv.s
r. ri. sin una.
p-HS.-STn. l,iW Si.. J -
, J STAUT TS1I t:i JS2S.
- j l jti .