The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 25, 1871, Image 3

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r.iY : :
ibria Ffccmaj
. . hpii r ft omc.
jJ mir irhilom townsman,
L . i,J until June court.
!" ; V mi!-er from Schuylkill
f1' 'r'Vi.y a fall f coal n. a Broad
J J...'. -U'O.
, lift el - t" .
1 , - r,rtl,tnimCS
presented bv
''-...n Come ajrnin.
k,f.r. 'in h propei tv in this place
i.iv. i'T $550.
'v received from ' M M. on
.''T ' ! ..mi its nuhlicHf ion
(T (I M ... I
lVeJ until nexi ct-
oiais and a hat and cap were
-eof I lll)9- Grey, at iviii.m-
rlt ot the 1 1th inst.
1 1.a i,,.l..v hmiur nt hie
, ij Iit n ni'iuliling machine in 1
;,!."'3jj:i iu Johnstown on Tuesday.
'' .' L. .. I.- n A i.f thill TllflflV ll:lVA
1 1 10m Uni'm-'0" t -
. -n ha,rinl if met til til
I g!lj ail r.t ei d ntiw iirc takers.
' ' "mx count il appropriated $1,350
'.coiiiitil jf'.'O. und with that sum
xt.i'm tire etijjiae has just been
'ie i'bilai:elf.hi:t.
: r- v.tili building association.
' !tfi'f;,e Hi st nun to move iu the
jre trio consul uhmii aou uy-
of the kind in Aitonnn
f :"::
I . .i,mI!o:i
F" . j . I unlipii Irin I 1 ri 1 1 1,
'V Lvike:, the only one not reported
., j. last "k, resumed in a verdict
'.," (.'curt adjourned on Friday
A Sensation in Johnstown. Under date of
March 21st a correspond-, nt of the Pittsburgh
Leader furnishes the following: 0
A circular, gotten up by some unknowa par
ty or parties, "going for" a number of the
prominent persona of this place, has been crea
ting a sensation here the last couple of days
It id beaded Cod Fish Aristocracy," and
signed "Night Hawk." and rather rape the
editor of the Tribune and the managers ot the
Assistance fire company quite sereiely over
the knuckles The subject matter of the cir
cular is based upon a notice of the recent fire
nieu's ball here, which appeared in the Trib
une. The said notice went ou to compliment
the fire company, "enpecially upon the gratifv
ing rueasuie of success attending their"-fi'orts
to wrest the healthful pleasures of the dance
lrora the low and Tulgar." The author of the
circular raiher takes exception to this, and in
siuuates that the company at the ball was no t
so overly select as the "Tribune" would make
it, and in fact says "disreputable persons were
in attendance ; and in proof of tiiia assertion
it ia only necessary to refer to a certain charac
ter, a resident of the Fifth ward, and a notori
ous member of the dlmi moidk, on account of
whose presence curtain respectable ladies re
fused to dance." The circulm attacks, iu an
underhand way, several well-known persona
here, and it has created quite a commotion
among our people.
ce vl it Men w as iounu snoiner
w hicli ui eaia red
5,1 ",;rv-eil the line." because he
' sir, on TuCiday layt. The
tlisu I'aa made everybody else
.,, nf Hie ail on the same side now
Vu ct'iirtv 1" n p-O'lucrd an egg the
rl(. It'
, , .-i ert-rv re.-j.ect.
e cen logs, each sixteen feet in
".Ij lotitn'iiiiiig all told 17,2"0 fctt
uAr-A l.fatiiil f tri m lira !
. it. .1 tAil .
ft'(0t'l .tf.'VU 111 VIGJIUCiU UUUUL1
( fi,irv is true.
ir P .i t-".n rlf TTrttl I j f a r a'l urir
t n. 1..:.',
i:3i .vJ :r 'in tne tmce 01 Assistant
jif-erstr fur Blair county and J. E.
- i:. r li 1 1 .
ti e hi uie c jnors 01 ii;e .iuuuui
. Iiittd in his place.
sii'ii to the two young ladies and
1 bjriifvl to Jeath iu the tire in Indiana
t; n-ror-.e J by in lt week, t!ie owner
-.l ies Mr. Ho;,kins, ii 60 badly in
u' t: iile is iie.paired of
lic- fcni G.irtte lias a standing card
hijtti'isiy: "Our job printers at uomk
iit.j! ihc Tc:r except Sunday." On
fi c 't i c ire-utr.e they um a', wyik
,:c ml tlie G.izette ius a very
x f. 0! -ay ii g it.
iev Campliell, brakeamon ;n nur
iS caught un l slightly "sq i- z.-J '
jirs 011 Tiievlav; and a passcn -
-. ,v .1.- . . ,t-
' on VLic sailir vi:tlll ai
:;: :tii a eirsil ir accident t' being
md tiio rtrs ano platturm, but tor
k:ttd mitliout much iijury.
braketnan ou t'ne Pa. R. R.
'Vuif, whose residence was Wil;ji:ritf , fell fioni his train near Fast
i o'clock on Tie?day morning
:j5'y kit'e-1. A similar ac
.;:e tear r&usiLg Lis death about a
JiJ. Iiii remains w ere brought home
Jo-e;.li Coliabine. mail carrier be
r.-..:.:n :Jon nd McAUevy'a Fort, was
.ji W.iim Springs by two men, on
'.: lt;t wek, dragged irom his horse
ti j! alij'.it jixty dollars, tax nioiev
t:. $'.' ot his own, mid also a coin-i.ler
aotaioneT which had bean euirusttd j
i'J -escri: in liatik.
;;er.-o:i wishing t.) buy as go-jd and as
.'lei a farm as there is i:i Caintiria !
in one mile ol ihe railroad at A !
i- '.11 v l.ii.i a mile from church nn.l ;
tL'i buy it too on teims tlitt almost
ecu! rreel, can l:car ol that kiiid ot an '
-r; v by calling at tuis oilice or on 0 e
a:ne fatm, bummerbill township,
is; men go woggirg through the world
;gon. but those who have wagons
X'..r wgoi.ii-g in les time than tiiose
g '.o:ij; wilb.ciut wajroim. If you don't
fl'U tl.lj lU-t "Wait lor the W.irnn'
o'Klitnise what 11. U. S.r.ger, of
Ji , ti3to sy on the subject. His
iu U found iu our adreriismg depart-
Olb Tenth Towx Couxcil. March 1-lth,
134, the following named officers were elected
to gorern Ebcm-Ourg borough : Burgess, M.
D. ilaeehai. ; High Constable, Charles Litzin
ger ; Town Council, John Ivory, Wm. Rainey.
Wm. Davis, David II. Roberts, John Lloyd!
March 15, Moses Csuau was appointed Town
Clerk, William W. Fry ce Treasurer. Rowland
Humphreys Street Commissioner, John Wil
liams, Johnston Moore and James Rhev Street
Regulators, Richtrd Lewis, John Williams
and Johnston Moore Firemen, and Richard
Lew is Superintendent of the Hay Scales. On
motion, u "case for keeping the papers of the
borough" whs ordered to be bought, said cae
to cost $2 50. All obstructions in the streets
and alleys of the borough were ordered to be
remoTed before the firsi day of May, notice of
the edict to be given through the colurnus of
the "Sky." A committee was appointed to
."procure a water trough, to be placed near
James Murray's and in such other place.-t ns
they may think desirable." The bill of the
Street Commissioner for the year was ?58.37 j ,
and that of the Town Clerk $3. 50. April 4,
I :.':;, the tenth Town Council doffed their
civic robes, put on the toggery of private citi
zens, ami laid down to plesnt dreams about
ten o'clock that night, Alleghanian.
Moruison Cdve Rail Road. We f re pleased
to learn that the extension of the tbove named
road from McKee's Gap to Martinsburg, is
now a fixed fact. Chief Engineer Jco. A
Wilson has advertised that proposals for grad
ing the road to Martinsburg will be received
up to the 25th instant. This w ill be welcome
news to the people of Martinsburg and vicinity,
as it will give the farmers and business men of
the Cove an outlet to the wnrld which they
have long felt ttic need of. We had the pleas
ure of taking a iido with engineer Young and
conductor Siroup on Saturday, over the roid
to l'rooke's Mill, to which point it is now com
pleted, nnd from the energetic manner in
which the work has thus fr been pushed, we
mil reasonably expect to ride into Martins
burg behind the iron horse before the autumn
le.ivcs begin to fall. So mote it be. Uolli
daytburg Standard.
Lire. Acc dixt and Fiiie 1 ssvra.nce. Kerr
& Co , Insurance agents, 1316 Tenth Avenue,
Altoona. Pa., oflVr extra inducements to thope
contemplating Fire, Life or Accident lusu
raiife. and being masters of the prolession in
cverv pirticular, are eminently qualified to
suit their patrons. Their experience in the
business extends over a period of fifteen years,
and what may be given as somewhat of a
coincidence, they repicsent fifteen first class
Companies, tmon.' which may be rauked the
London, Liverpool nnd Globe, with a com
bined capital of f lf.OlKl.LOO in go'.d, and other
safe and v;!ub'e Companies Any commu
nications addressed to them will receive prompt
The following official ac ion relative to the
death of Hon. F.vnn Roberts, was taken by
the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria coun
ty on Thursday of last week:
And now, ICth March. 1S71, Ji. L. Johnston,
T.-"l haviusr uiino!in'':d the death of Hon.
Kviin Koberts, formerly an Associate .Judje of
the Court, with remarks suitable t the occa
sion, nnd Geu. James Potts hain- joined
wilh much fcelintr in the expression of the
suiiip of t ill s mournful event, tlifc Court res
ponded in tho same spirit, nnd did order and
direct the Prothonotiiry of Cumbria County to
make entry of these iroceediiijs. nnd order
that the Court adjourn out of respect to the
mpiiiorv of Hon. Kvan Roberts.
JJy the Court. J. K. HIT!', Trotti'v.
'J u tr.' k of a'tf rrntinr? to cross the
Uli! Il.ii k with 1 t-, .n .!...! :.. .
lAiu MniUll 111 iruui
;;g traia
'!! l,.i,:ul;z
t;;j't fS!i'fwj j.
''I V'': o: t'.t- tfiui.
'J killed
was tried t Ltrote
'ist, but uriiortunate
ie;dorabie failure.
tanner in the iirii!h-
instRiitlv, and the wjtfon
, .;.t.u.iMie.i, ttia Horses alo..e 1
Jii.ii.ri troiti the wreck.
U.S. Senator from Ken-
it: t.eniiin ot ii fume jct and sound
tiLcii!es, ai.d whose inline has
-e iatrioiis br iiij liumorous speeches
.""'-'';' '''"l)u:u,.h"n!!d -Peunsylva-'
w ' lorn i:, the buii.liug now
: " u a cru More by Mr. William Bcr
i jm suett, Johnstown, which is
11 u,r tl'c "great commercial cen-
'-I..C b'rayer cf Johnstown aummoned
; ' x !'r'tis the other day to deter
s w.tri.v-rsy between certaiu litigants,
''i t e juicrs, finding that :l,e Hl'ore
l:,u neie "American citizens of Afri
suiiuenly cKetubered that they
.""J0!" n:au "inund the corner, anil
.'-1 .o.i. Forgetting to return in time
" cite, the Justice refreshed their
(lLlt,g of tl1(m tcl) dJl!ara
j Ai eghatiiati's Jolinstowri correspond
' ruruored there, and asserted to
'f'at two iibandoned females living
- 'i.e town of Somerset, recently invei
y ' tou: nieu into the house of one of
;'-'-.f auj alter chloroforming beth of
" 'oimeJ ievolting o.cratioB upon
,1:5 iv;, a butcher knife. One of
:- J iren u reporieJ to have since died
f.Ur 1? i10t expected to live The
la"i'tuiely. but are said O have
. " 9:resifc J iu tho viciuity of Greens-
e. tnS'lle ourj now becouse paid
'yl :eV8 arrived home on Wednesday
siu, a brief v'":-t to Now York.
fpcuperating its health.
-. .' .'"rB it did after ill rolnrn m-ni in
-:;eMfCbrutea,n of waler lhrou-1. two
'-1'.!, T,a,,J t,,e" throw it 1C5 feet
l. lerr,rc,ance folks were al!
.... .C;Ue It took WHt-r c 1,;.
,r'0 rr.., " ...vot, onu
" ttirpw ti
u.aeT ti e wat nut as fist as it suck
i-Vi " e ,ue al' ll,e people that
a in. ;?',0' COUrse tbe machine has be-
r.t;, " , " , r'S us- " called
N'oV f ' ,anJ ai,lu,t cot lea than
''fu'r. .,'. 0 two eiementa neceassay
1 . -'3 lire fLllfl n-ntAn
"l urnr 1 "
'u last- Wm. R. Alliaon,
,;'J11 o'clock 11,., T",-""o uuuu
ip,JB T four . a' u'Slu' he was
.c'J.uUr "iea blackened faces.
1 i4
Bahgainp. bargains at Oattnnn A Co.'s. Bht
gnins of dry trod. burxaina of fancy pooil
luirains of ilics oods. baruains of "roceri'-s,
ii:iigiiins cf notions, lmrgains of cvci'V'.liiri;:,
:it M. I,, (i.ilinaii A Co.'n. It") Hiirh'stroet.
KlH'iisliui jf. Thi-i firm is now dispo-ihiLT of all
its stock Kt retmu-kitbly low prices. Tlie floods
must mid will lie sold now to make room for
! u liig sprinjr stock. Cn'.l and take home a bun
! die of good b;irtr:iins. lo not p-rocrast inate,
1 which mcu :i- do not fool your time and money
nwiiy by buying where you can t get near so
much fur your stumps.
Stinoi!j Hkes. Two It's (H'ltlor and Bluine) a tlsfht tlie otht;r d;iy. On the same day
John J. Murphy sold it larje amount of dry
jroods nnd dress poods. Tlifs w hi 111 suiisliiiiy
weather is brinifinsr the ladies out, and dry
poods fro just likcROiin'thinjr yooil to eat. John
J. Murphy keeps in Johnstown Dibert's cheap
corner, old Mansion Hons"?.
A smilf; is on his face
He has a sun-lit brow ;
And if you want his fronds.
Why no awl buy them now.
The Weather, ir. Don't calculate upon
the weather, it always ehanjros so : ain't g-ot 110
means of tellinjf whether itisroinfr to rain or
snow. I5etter calculate the amount of jour
pile and the nmount of real prime seasonable
troods it ouifht to buy in tho ordinary way. and
then take your money and betake yourself to
tho wonderfully low priced cash store of A. .1.
Chrirty, in Lorctto. and see how kindly you will
be trouted and how cheaply you will bo furnish
ed with us jjood roods as tho market affords.
Cot'RTtNG. If you ure a younjf man nnd are
blessed with g-ood health and ability to "hoe
your own row" don't court favorsof anv one.
or jr?t" suit in the county court either. If you
must ko into tho courtinif business, however,
court gome jrood fjirl and marry her. always
beintr sure to buy the weddinir rinir first, nnd
numerous household articles the
great Jewelry, clock, fancy rood and jreneral
variety mart of C T. Kobcrts, who courts the
custom of tiii friends and fellow citizens.
h. .tow,,. dr.rr:.n
. " :an(ic.,T. 1 i- t-fc m'o me
b,h lL 'iehone of
vt'rrl " - 'uaueil revolver and
"tl Hi Tn.r. 1 . - 1
' procrei
- ltiin .1 . '
. 11 aie. Fro
eil to atloinnt .... ...
m tome cause, how-
rn!arii cause, now-
; &? frightened before
M'J ..
. ' lrt. not r, . "Ul1"111 neat a
!,! ,:rRtinr. however, to re-
,r P'.u,,!. "11" n 01 "bout si:)the ;t...,t. r,r
i.!'!0f UUri.bB"n M"l'"S lhe ecripliou
v . c oruj 1,7 v, , "J lu waicu-"
llvebetn s.. in .h;.!.-
" . . 1 lA.V
- Oor.nss Cakf. Taketlu-fyolks of elffht ejrgs,
one cup of white siijriir, one-lialf cup of nwvct
milk, one-half cup of butter, mid one and
three-quarter cups of the best flour, such as
can ulwavs be bought at the lowest cash rates
from K.J'. Mills, dealer in Hour, feed, lumps,
bacon, brooms, etc. to which add a little bak
ing powdor.thcn mix and bake in the usual
way. ami behold the result. For this and all
other baking purposes be sure to use Mills'
Local Currtspoudcuco
Altooxa Citt. March 22, 2871.
Fkiksd Mac The past few Oays have been
exceedingly prolific of accidents, of a more or
less eerious nature, and which I proceed to
chronicle briefly:
John McDevitt, a tinner in the Railroad
Company's employ, while engaged the other
day in Btraighttning a br.r or iron with a ham
mer accidentally missed the iroii and struck
his left thumb very badly demoralizing that
useful appendage to a "full hand."
Our young frieud John Sullivan, machiuist,
also employed by the Company, while assist
ing in hoisting some machinery, a few days
ago. had his right band caught the rigging
and very badly injured.
A boiler maKer named Robinson, another
employe of the P. R. R. Co., while helping to
erect a mammoth riviting machine, had hs
right index finger taken oti'aud another finger
broKen by some sort of mishap, but just how I
failed to learn. Another boiler maker named
Na;le, while at 01 k ou Tuesday in cutting
rivets from an old fire box. was turuck in the
left eye by a piece from one of the riviu.
w hich entered the pupil and entirely destroyed
the feigh of the ey,e.
John Householder, cue of the best cabinet
makers iu the State, was struck with such
force by a piece of timber, which flew from a
circular saw that he was employed at in the
Company's car shop aday or two ago, that a
brass key and penknife were broken in one of
his pockets ana a lead pencil was driven into
his groiu, inflicting a very paiuful woLnd.
A washer- woman at the Logan House, named
Mrs. Hcflner. whiic workiug at a steam clotheB
wringer on Monday last, had one of her hands
caught and drawn between two of the rollers,
elear up to the first j oint, and very baJly crush
ed fingers were the result.
Ou Thursday evening Bartholomew M'Cabc,
an engineer, on the Mountain division, whose
home 13 in Johnstown, stepped from behind
the tool house in the y aid here without noticing
a train tnat was moing enst, and the conse
quence was that he got right iu the way and
was knocked down by the engine, but fortu
nately escaped with only a ulight cut above one
of his eyes. Certainly a narrow escape.
An inf mt daughter of Mr. David Coonsman,
while tempoiarily left aloce, 011 Saturday
morning lat, fell from a rockirg chair and
against the stove, burning her right cheek,
forehead and right hand iu a shocking manner.
Hon. John Morrissey, James Cusck, i'aisy
Devlin, and others of that iik, passed through
our city on Sunday morning last.
A centenarian in the person of an old wo
man named Stackhouse, generally known as
mother Stackhouse, died in this city on Thurs
day last, aged exactly one hundred years, it is
said, having been boru March Kith 177 I- Her
father was a soldier of the Revolution, aud
her husband fought iu lhe war of 1812.
Our new Council and worthy Mayor do not
work as harmoniously together us they might.
There being some men of the Sumner stripe in
the Council may account for it. According to
our city charter the Major has the right to ap
point the Chief of Police, wnile the Council
regulates hia salary. The present Chief of
Police, if we can be said to h ive one at pres
ent, for some reason became buoxious to the
majoiitv of the Council, and the consequence
was they notified the Mayer that the paymeut
of the said Chief's salary wouid cease on and
after date of notification. This action of the
Council raised the ire of the Mayor, aud he
re. ucd to m ike another appointment, where
upjt) the Council 'H.Z7.ard"-ed an appiint
ment of its own. at the last meeting, but up to
this time his Honor has emphatically refused
to recognize tlie man of its choice. Tbe May
or and Council migh. be better employed.
Councilman Kerr represents the dirtiest
sticet in the city a street filled with bancs,
ashes, oykter shelU and other obsti u.-tions iu
The wordy war between the Radical and
Tribune has collapsed, owing to a want ot
ammunition on part of the latter journal. The
victory has by uuauimoua cousent been Bward
ed to the Radical men, aud they aie very ju
bilaut aa a consequence.
Yours, iic, T. I. M.
Johnstown, March 22. Ifc71.
Dear Feii-m a We have remarkably fiae
weather, brought about, no doubt, by lieu.
Wade's visit to Dominica and the prospective
annex.tion ol that warm country. The weath
er is indeed such as is seldom seen in Match
but look out lor a squall between this and the
10ih of May nex; ! Tbe dry warm weather
ban positively dried up all sensa'.ious, aud all
kinds of local news. We are not even fighting
about the bibie down here !
Runvan's Pilgrim I'rogress is played out.
Wen Jell Phillips pronounced his I'hili.ip pic on
Mr. O'CoiiDelt, and has depirted, and ihe town
is without a scene. Rut there is to be a stock
fair 011 the race grounas some time iu AjXil
A. Kopclin is getting his front
The J uhiirtuw n echools closed
new brick ichwolhouse is to be
viile. Our citv will not buy
bridge. The Cambria Iron Co. is filling up to
the old canal basin with the intention of
biir giwg up a number of horses fioni the "flat."
Work hs not yet been resumed on the new
woolen factory iu Woodvale. The streets need
6craping ba lly . Reij. llutler is getting out of
"sorts" with Ids party. The Republican par
ty is wotse than the "Ku KIux," and they are
worse than the devil aud his angels (devils )
The apparatus of ihe new '(Jood Will Hook
and Ladder, Company " has arrived. It can be
seen nt Joe Shoemakei 's. Cost $1.400.
A merica was discov ered by Christopher Col
umbus. The warehouses are fa-it disappear
ing about the old canal basin. There will be
many business removals on tlie 1st of April.
Burglars lurk about town. Schools in the
couutry aie closing with exhibitions. Paris is
convalescing. The woodbine twineth. Ar
rangements are being mailt? tor calico ball,
under the auspices of the Library Association
of this pi ice. Mr. W. L. Akers, who has now
in successful operation a Green House, present
ed us with a beautiful and fragrant hyacinth,
for which he has our thanks. Judge Roberts
and Danil Confer, both of whom diod eo sud
deuly within a few days of each other, were of
the same age (! years. St Patrick's Day
whs not celebrated heie in a public manner,
though there are very many Irishmen about
Johnstown. The roads through tho country
are in a splendid condition. If every other
evidence of the utter worthlessue's of our po
lice force was wanting, the old Gcise house iu
the very centre of town, is a standing monu
ment of their ustleesnesa. About a month
ago Mr. Griso moved out, and now every win
dow has been riddled with stones and smashed
to pieces. What makes the matter look wo:se
is that it is next door to the Presbyterian
church. Rob Rov.
fcanday afternoon
fence p-tinre.1
th's week. A
built in Kern
the Keniviile
Jaw Breakers. About nineteen names of
rivers and lakes in Canada nnd th; names of
tho Heady Made Clothinar at James .1. Murphy's
sitoro, number 1051, Clinton street, Johnstown,
(Jin ibahli de(I ray pants, vest;t, coats and shirts.
James will tell you the names. Call und buy
them. That's the main jwdnt. A stitch in tim
saves nine dollars by buyinjr av Murphy's
cheap store. Spring clothing-ot the latest styles
alroudy ordered.
LeAP by leaf the roses fall, dime by dime the
purse runs dry: one by one our people call at
Vinroc'8 new boot and shoe store, where a larjro
assortment, un excellent variety, and the low
est cash rates, nre the (jreat prominent induce
ments for everybody to pitch in and buy.
Vlnroc's store is in the Cambria House, w here
anything iu the way of foot covcrimy can bo
procured at the most moderate figures.
Uex Wade. How Bon Wade's into Howe Is
"all reported in the papers, but they do not tell
)uw . J. Hess & Brother Wiule Into Heady
made Clothirur nt So. 2il Main street, Johns
town Leopold's old stand. Hess& Brother sell
an awful quantity of the very best kind of
made-up pants, vests, and coat, both winter
and spring: 6tyles. They do a rushing business.
Call, and do liot call in vain.
H. S. M. The njrenry has for that really per
fect and beautiful household necessity the
Howe Sowinji Machine, lias passed Into the
hands of V. s. Barker, who we hope will suc
ceed in doins a rushinpr business with them,
for they are really excellent machines ami
never fail to Rive satisfaction, readies espe
cially should call an-1 see Houe they do their
w ork.
Con en 's Hat Parlor is the place 1
Oh, you oiifjht to see the space
He bus filled with hats and caps,
Kndless in style, and such as chaps
Now-a-duys like to buy and wear;
Such cheap ones too as makes one stare.
Hallo ! I hen, friends, just tc rig-lit there .
Ami buy n shiny hat to wear.
Tne number is just
l'liice. Main street ; town, Johnstown ;
A line that doesn't rhyme so nice.
Remember the place and ask the price.
Let not nil the g-ood barjraiiis jjo
Of hats and caps, benuso you know
Het uriiiiiKr Spring will make you buy,
Aud the better 'twill be the sooner you try.
Tni .IStna Insurance Company-, according
to its late statement, has a capital of over six
millions of dollars, securely invested for the
benefit of its policy holders. This Company
has stiKid for the past fifty years at the head of
the Fire Insuranco Companies of the country
in the mutter of capital, promptness and relia
bility. Alexander Brothers, l:tl! F.leventh Av
enue, Altoona, are. its only authorized agents
for this section of the State. They will insure
property at lower rates than can be obtained
from any other truly reliable company. Give
them a trial and be convinced of this fact ere
you iusure your property with any other of the
many insurance agents. l2-ll.-lm.
An Acrostic
For stoves that arc cheap and tinware that's nice
Remember Frank Hay leads off in the price.
And Frank can bo found on Washington street,
Near Clinton, and with an assortment complete.
Know then this great fact and keep it in mind.
How easy Frank Hay's Depot you can And;
Aud how be keeps spouting and tiuware and
i Yea, and how he sells load after load of house
1 hold articles every day to people who g-o
1 thTei in droves.
Scmuerhill Twp March 21, 1ST1.
Friend yiac The lust issue of your journal
contains a communication from Wilmore sign
ed by Maggie Black. Those who know the lady
in question will not be prepared to admit that
she composed the epistle, for, with all its im
perfections, it is too good to have ever come
from her pen. Those who know nothing of her
capacity, however, might credit her with the
production; yet even they tuav judga correct
ly of her literary abilities by reading the fol
lowing note, which is an exact copy of the first
of a series of notes written and 6ent by Miss
Black to parties in this township. But lest
some should be slow to believe that any person
so grossly ignorant as the writer of those notes
would have the presumption to apply for a
school, or could possiblv be employed by any
school board to teach tlie rising generation at
the expense of the public, 1 enclose herewith
the original of the note published below, hoping
that you will give all who desire to do so, and
especially our worthy Count v Superintendent,
an opportunity to examine the document and
thus realize the great truth, that the common
school system, under the administration of so
many incompetent, ignorant teachers, is an im
position on the people and a disgrace to the na
tion. Children ure not educated by the system,
and I actually know preachers, physicians, and
other professional men, graduates of the pub
lic seboois, who are unable to write a short,
simple letter, without committing the grossest
errors against orthography and good grammer.
But here is the note let it speak for itself :
Wilmore Jan 23. 1ST1
I find it my painful duty to inform
you that your Son M is doing no good in
school is rather keeping up an anuuancm in our
school ho with one or two others are rviucn this
school if they be left alone I have punished him
once with the rod & I do not think I will do so
again for it thn no good I thought it inv duty
to inform you first for if it should continue as
it has of late I would be compelled to report to
the Directors And it is true he is not learninir
for he tt we not study If he was a small Child I
would try other means to have him Studu but
he is now old enough to know his duty and to
do it i he must do it or 1 canuot have him come
to school
1 have written this to you for the good of your
Sun and hope I have given no offciixe ,
Vours with respect
Teacher Maggie Black
This letter clearly shows that tho communica
tion from Wilmore whs not written bv Miss
Bluek. The impression is that "a welf in sheep's
clothing-' couiMsed it, and hud the imprudence
anil bail taste to induce Miss Black to put her
signature to it, thus dragging the fair maiden
into very unenviable notoriety a position
which should be avoided ns much us possible by
every modest member of her sex. Therefore
the author of the communication from Wil
more may yery appropriately be christened Mr.
"Maggie," and when tlie term is hereafter made
ue of the reader will know how to make the
I never thought it a crime, as Mr. "Maggie"
iiiiiuiaies, 10 pray or reaa tne ord of tiod.
My correspondence published in the Freeman
of the 4th inst. shows that the gentleman's as
sertion is incorrect. I was taught to pray as
soon as I came to the use of reason, and, as I
grew in years, the Church.deeply impressed the
importance and necessity of praver upon mv
miud. Although reared on a farm, and still
following the plough, it is safe to ay that I
know as much iibout prayer and the word of
God as Mr. "Maggie" himself.
Mr. "Maggie," however, will bear with mo
when I tell him that Catholics cannot, in con
science, join in the prayers of unbelievers or
read their corrupt version of the Bible. We are
not of those kind that are "rugs upon every
bush and stick to none." We believe in "one
faith, one baptism, one Ood and Father of all,"
and per consequence in only one Church. Thus
convinced, would it not be base and hypocritic
al in the extreme to join in devotional exorcises
with those outside the pale of Truth? Others
may continue on in their inconsistent course,
but as for us we decline to follow in their train.
And just here let me remind Mr. "Miiggie" that
Catholics pray at home and at church, and else
where attend to their duties without interfer
ing with others, which in truth and in spirit
fulfils the precept to pray always ; und if Miss
Black nnd all other enthusiasts" like her would
pursue the same course the peace and harmony
which should exist amongst all people would
not be so often disturbed t.y bitter dissensions.
There should be a time and place for ull things,
and if Miss Black has any leisure time at her
command during school hours, it might not tie
a bad idea to apply it to the task of learning to
spell, und thus acquire an accomplishment iu
which she is very deficient.
Nor is it honest to intimate that I am an Athe
ist because forsooth I would not be willing to
join in Lutheran prayers with Miss Black or
read or listen to her mutilated version ot tho
Scriptures. If this makes me an Atheist, there
ure t hree hundred millions more like me in the
world. But 1 am a Catholic, aud not an Athbist.
Sti'l I am free to say that Atheism, bad as it is,
is no worse in many particulars than Luther
nnisin. The first pushes its impiety further
than the latter, but, withal, it is unquestioiialvly
more logical. Luilieranism isa sickly, decrepid
human institution in which it is folly to live
and madness to die. How can any man lash
himself into tho belief that he can save his soul
by the aid of a religion called into existence by
an apostate monk?"
Mr. "Maggie's" frequent allusions to "this
land" nre nodoubt intended to convey tlie idea
that his claims upon it are greater than mine.
The very opposite is the fact. But the gentle
min is not posted, perhaps, and it may do 110
harm to refresh his memory with a little histo
ry. "This land" was discovered by u Catholic
and named in honor of a Catholic, and Catho
lics were the first to proclaim liberty of con
science on its shores. And as regards the inde
pendence of this republic, let us seo by compar
ison wlint Catholics and Lutherans have uone
iu that direction. George the Third, who tried
to make us the most abject of slaves, was a Lu
theran. A Lutheran Herman prince scut his
Lutheran Hessians over here in droves to crush,
and stamp out the life of this young republic.
,Kiie different, was it with Catholics, however.
1 'ranee sont us men and means; tho Irish ie
eriited the ranks thinned by llcssiuu bullets,
andAi-.e immortal Washington could truly have
s;iIMhat bo received Catholic aid and sympathy
from all quarters of the world. And yet, not
withstanding all this, the very descendants of
dus'ardly 5 lessians would now invade the sacred
rights of conscience rights for which our cc-rciigiouu-ts
fought, bled and died, as is abun
dantly recorded on the pajjes of American his
tory. "
Miss Black finds an apologist for her obscuri
ty nnd bad spelling in Mr. "Maggie," who puts
in the plea that she wrote to illiterate persons.
This would certainly be mi justification, even if
true, for it is much easier for even the illiterate
to understand a correct than a stupid letter.
Miss Black wrote ns well as she knew how, but
I assure her that those she styles unintelligent
were not slow to detect her deficiencies; und
they nre not now prepared to believe that she
could bring either "ancient or modern lore" in
to requisition, no matter how much she might
try. Moreover, some members of that family
to whom Mr. "Maggie" sneeringly alludes, could
teach him and his protege more about "auoieut
and modern lore" in ten minutes than they ever
learned in their entire lifetime.
My own pedigree has also been handled in the
communication from Wilmore, but on that sub
ject the gentleman, is grossly mistaken. "My
father and mother wore Irish, and 1 am Irish
too," though born in this tow nship. My origin
is purely Milesian, and my ancestors lived in
the "Green Isle" long before the days of St.
Patrick. 1 know as much about the history of
that country as Mr. "Maggie," but have yet to
learn that Catholic Ireland ever put any one to
death for rending the Scriptures. Ou the other
hand, let it be borne in mind that the first reli
gious persecution ever known in Ireland began
in the days of Henry tho Eighth, and who can
te ignorant of the relentless cruelty with which
it has been carried on against Irish Catholics
from that day to the present. This, however,
is a delicate subject, undone that should not
have been Introduced by the Wilmore gent.
The gentleman read something somewhere
about the "dark ages," and as iu tne case of the
"ancient and modern loro" quotation, ha pre
tends to know ull about them. As this com
munication is already longer, however, thau I
intended, I will say nothing now about those
"dark ages," except to ask a plain question or
two. If Liitherun'sm existed before the "dark
ages, why did it permit the ages to become
dark ? It cannot even be urged that they made
an effort to ward off the darkness, for there is
no trace in history of the fact. We have no ev
idence whatever that a Lutheran ever raised
his voice on behalf of Christianity at any time
previous to the so-called 'Mark ages." If they
existed in those days they must be held respon
sible for permitting the ages to become so dark,
and it is shameful for them to blame others for
their own 111 isdoeds. Again, if tho early Chris
tians wore Lutherans, ihe first Catholic must
have originally been a Lutheran, und must
have become ii pervert to Catholicity. After
that he must have converted all tho Lutherans
to the new faith, for history clearly shows that
there was a time when there was not a single
Lutheran in existence, nor even the name of
that sect known ainoug men. Now if the "dark
ages" intervened without tho slightest opposi
tion from the Lutherans, nothing came to pass
tut what that sect richly merited. If any op
position was shown to the "spirit of the age,"
if any pen was used or any voice raised by Lu
therans at that time in defence of Christianity,
tho fact is susceptible of proof, and we would
bo glad to see the evidence. No such proof, how
ever, can be, ns every scholar knows,
and it is therefore fair to conclude that there
were no Lutherans anterior to the "dark ngos,"
a nl as they wore not in existence theu they
must certainly have been introduced since, not
indeed by God, but by man. Such a thing as 11
Lutherau was not heard of during the "dark
nges" either, nnd hence no intelligent man can,
be ignorant of the fact that this sect is not so old
as would te tho man whose name it bears were
be still in tho land of the living.
More anon. Solteuo.
RTOXEROAIVS cathartic STnrp,
nsed in all ease instead of l'irxs, F.ppom Salts,
Castor Oil, Ac. Highly ilavored. rieanntto
take. Children like it. Price SO cents. Whole
Kale, It. E. SkllkksH & Co., 45 Wood Street, Pitts,
burgh. Sold bv Lcuimon & Murray, Ebcnsburg,
nnd by Druggist and Country Store-keeper
' generally. lJun 1H, WO.-ly.
List or J dkoks. Following is tle names of
the grand and traverse jurors drawn on Mon
day last to serve at the June term of court;
grand jurors.
Jones William M.. Ebcnsburg hor.. Foreman.
Black James, Conemauh liorough.
Baker Joseph, Chest township.
Clark James, Cambria borough.
Douglass Washington, Allegheny township.
j-'ouauoe .1 nonius, n UMiuiiuti tuwusoip. 1
Fisher Henry, Johnstown borough.
Fees John, Itiehland township. i
Goughnour David, Conemaugh borough.
Gore John, Johnstown liorough. 1
Gillespie John W., Siimmitviile borough. j
Grey Joseph, Susquehanna township. 1
Hughes Win. It., Carroll township.
K11I111 Jacob, Conemaugh borough. '
Kaylor James J., Allegheny township. '
Krtng Goorge, Croyle township. j
lewis Maurice, Prospect liorough.
Long Joseph, Cambria township. j
Murray James P., Uallitzin township.
O'Xcill Felix, Minister township.
Kililett William, Conemaugh township.
Speedy 1$. F., Johnstown borough.
Sniay Henry, Richland township.
Wagner M. 1).. Chest Springs liorough.
Adams Thomas W.. Allegheny township.
Alwine Joseph. Johnstown borough.
Angus Abram. Taylor township.
Angus Daniel W.. Taylor township.
Biter Philip, Washington township. j
iieriiii 1 1 1 111 in, jonnstown oorougu.
Butler Thoiims, Millville borough.
Berkey George, Adams township.
Belie Luke, Clearfield township.
Burgoon Sebastian, Clearfield township.
Burkart Joseph, Taylor township.
Campbell John, Conemaugh borough.
Cramer Francis, Chest Springs.
Cooper James It., Croyle township.
Caliogan William, Millville borough.
Iimbiii A., Munster township,
Eldridge John, Johnstown borough.
Elder Itichard, Chest township.
Gore Thomas. Johnstown borough.
Gibson, T. B., Gallitzin township.
Gregg A. M., Millville borough.
Gates Isaac, White township.
Goughnour Silas, Franklin borough.
Gore Henry. Cambria borough.
Hunt Cornelius, Jackson township.
Hoover Philip, Jackson township.
Henry Samuel, Ebcnsburg.
Johnston Jacob, Susquehanna township.
Kopclin David, Coiiemaugh borough. William i,.. jonnstown liorough.
Lambert August, Conemaugh borough. j
McGough James, (of Thop.,1 Summerhill twp.
My or Henry, Johnstown borough.
McGinloy , Millville borough. j
McGough Peter, Washington township.
Nagle valentine. Susquehanna township.
Peelor David. Johnstown borough.
Quirk John, Prospect borough.
Itager Philip, Jackson tow nship.
Smith John A., Johnstown borough,
Shaffer George, Johnstown borough.
Stall, Iteujauiin F-, Susquehannn township.
Skolly Daniel. Summc-i hiil township.
Shoemaker Joseph. Conemaugh borough.
St. Clair Michael. Voder township.
Topper Henry, Adams township.
Trotter Richard, Washington township.
Wilkin John. Washington township.
Adams John D.. Coopei-sdalo borough.
Blickenderfer Elias. Blnckliek township.
Burns John J.. Cle arfield township.
Butler John, Johnstown liorough.
Christy Francis J., Gallitzin township, t
Cmmer Dennis, Clearfield township.
Darby John, Conemaugh township.
F'rancis Itowland. Cambria township.
F'ockler Henry, Johnstown borough.
Fagan Thomas. Ebcnsburg borough.
F'arren Patrick. Cumbria township.
Gates Levi. White township.
Goughnour Israel, Adams township.
Goughnour Jacob S., Conemaugh borough.
Griffin Michael. Millville borough.
Hoover Jacob, Coopersdule liorough.
Hunt Timothy L.. Voder township.
Hutchinson J. Todd, Ebcnsburg borough.
Helfriek Charles, Woodvale borough.
Hite Haphael. Carroll township.
Hopfer John B., Carroll township.
Kane Jiunes. Carroll township.
Lynch Edward. Summerhill township.
Logan John W., Johnstown borough.
Lewis David. Susquehanna township.
Litz John. Johnstown liorough.
Edwards Lewis L., Blaeklick township.
McCuno James, Johnstown borough.
McGlade Edward. Washington township.
Metz Arcwine, Johnstown borough.
Maloy James. Cambria borough.
MoGai-cy G. W.. Johnstown borough.
Noel John C, Washington township.
Orr William. Johnstown borough.
Parks Joseph, East Conemaugh borough.
Paul Jacob !., Adams township.
Porter John. Susquehanna tow nship.
Quinn Pat rick, Conemaugh borough,
ltutledge George. Johnstown borough.
Rowland Amos W., Blaeklick township.
rsager jacKson. .lacKson townsnip.
Slater Josiaa. Conemaugh borough.
Stormer John, Coiiemaugh borough.
Seh roth John. Wilmore borough.
Wetzell David C, Carrolltown liorough.
Weaver Tobias, Richland township.
Weaver Casper, Johnstown borough.
A VALVABLK FARM, situate In Pint; town
ship, Indiana county. Pa., three miles north of
Strongstown. is offered Tor sale on tho most ac
commodating terms. The. FA KM contains 30O
ACKK.N of excellent land. ISO Arm cleared,
under good fence and iu a goi'id state of culti
vation, (10 Acnr.s bc-ing mendow.) the haiuiico
covered with a thick grow th of pine timber
of two KIIAMET! HOCSES. in first
cluss condition, SfTI I S JiS a good FRAME
BANK BARN, 44 SPSyd j $1 bv ft.. Frame
Stable, ic. us gfftaj t3 well as a Water
Saw Mill in I'mc ""------running order.
There are springs of excellent water conveni
ent to both houses, and a splendid APPLE OR
CHARD, comprising tho choicest fruit, on the
premises. There is also a CtjA I, HAXK opened
and in good working order, with a vein of coal
4.'?' feet thick nnd of Hist nite quality.
The above described Farm is situate Smiles
from the lino of the Homer and Chcrrytrce Rail
Road, now partially under contract. "For terms
ma other iiilorimitioii apply en Ihopreimses or
I' Ml l.VKlill.U
HAVING become proprietors of the STORE
ROOM and STOCK OF GOOD3 recently be
longing to H. A. Shoemaker & Co., aud having
purchased an additional
we are now prepared to supply all the old tu
touiersof the lato firm, and r.s inauv new .u-
as will patiouiie us, with Goods of all kinds nt
as any other merchant In r.r mil -f r-o
county. It is cur intention to keep mir StorM
constantly ste- Le d with a full nod w ell selected.
Strongstown. Indiana Co., Pa.
AN ORDINANCE of Loretlo Borough
Hi it enacted aud urdninrd 1u the Jltirycvw and
Town Council of lhe Jnrni!;i of Lorttto. and it i
heixliu ordained and iicu-frd hij mid a 11 tlturilie:
Section 1. That from and after the publica
tion of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to obsi met or in any way
discommode the free use of St. Mary's srreet or
the sidewalks thereto pertaining, in said Bor
ough of Loretto. by depositing thereon lumber,
shingles, wood, boxes, or any other materia) or
substance whatsoever; and any person or per
son so obstructing said street or sidewalks, after
due notice as herein given, shall tie subject to
a linocif five. Dollars for each and every such
Section 2. If any person or persons shall, by
the construction of fences or 111 any other way
whatsoever, obstructor discommode the free
use of any of the Streets or Alleys of siiid Bor
ough, so as to render the same impassable; or
inconvenient as n public highway, he, she or
they so offending shall forfeit and pay a fine of
nt u-Five 1 Miliar for each and every such
offence. And any person or persons who riay
have, previous to the passage; of t his Ordinance,
placed any obstruct ion er obst ructions iu tit her
of said St roots or Alleys, and shall neglect or
refuse to remove the same within twenty davs
after the publication of this irdinanee, he. she
or the y so offending shall be liable to the same
penalty as hereinbefore enacted by this sect ion.
Skition 3. The tines in all cases provided for
by this Ordinance shall be recovered on the in
formation of any citizen or officer of said Bor
ough; and all line so recovered snail beheld
for the use of the Borough.
A. J. CHRISTY, Burgess.
F. I). Saupp, Clerk. 3-i5.-Ct.
Bssiiruiit'iii 01 iiui (, (mils, HRF-i COOPS
I TI'liK oil. ("Icvril-; o u i.vv c ve a o t- .-I,-.
ER! KS, H.OCR. HaVov. Visit's A fr tii.
a '
BACCO. CIGARS, ar.d nil other articles, largo
or small, that can be found in any store of like
character in the county ; nmi as we .rttend to
It CO V XT It V ritdllJl'C.K,
and tnuke no bad debts, we feel sure that our
stock nnd our prices w ill i.ot only secure but
retain for us a liberal share of patronage.
ure respectfully solicited, and if we fnil to ren
tier entire satisfaction, both as regards the qual
ity of our goods and tin: prices tiskcd ?or then:,
it will certainly bo 110 lauit of the new Jinn nt
the old stand of Shoemaker A Co.. High street.
Don't forget to call and we'll not forget to give
you full value for vour money.
Ebcnsburg. Jan. 2?. ISTl.-tf.
AT miVATK sam:.
I. A LOT OF GROrXD in Mooretown. with
good Plank House and Outbuildings. Cellar
under the entire house. Will be sold cLeap and
on easv terin.
:!. "XK LOT or Gltr.T'ND in Moo. ret own, GO
feet front on Main stici t nr.d "iXHcet deep. A
choice selection of l'ruit Trees on this Lot. It
is a most desirable location for building.
3. a Large two mory frame house
tm Lot adjoining the above; finely finished end
v ill: oil conveniences. Good outbuiloings and
an abundance of fruit trees.
Wrd of Elienshurg. Cellar kitchen, well nnd
cistern water. Good outbuilciii gs und cflice on
same Lot. All in good repair. Located on Main
street. Rents for ls0.
in the West Ward, suitable for two families.
Lot 33 feet front on Main stree t nnd 2tM feet
deep. Could t o divide. 1. Rents fur 15o.
Ward, suitable for two families. Lot f'C fee t
front on Main street and hnj feet deep. A desi
rable property.
7. BUILDING LOTS in Westward,'g.
8. PASTURE LOTS, of about 6 acres each, one
mile from town.
i. TIMBER, suitable; for cord wood, on LOTS
of l or S acres c:u h. one mile from town.
in. SIXTY ACRES Hemio.k Tim urn LAND.
Will cut LhMi.ijiin feet lumber. Oue and a lalf
miles from Ebcnsburg.
II. A FARM OF loo ACRES, convenient to
Ebcnsburg; mostly cleared and in good order.
Will be sold separately or with No. Hi.
SAll the above described property w 511 be
sold cheap and on easy tei ins. Those desiring
j to purchase wiil cnll on or address the under
sigued on or belore the 1st day of .Ijiamrr next.
or 1'. A. SliOKUAkER.
Ebcnsburg, Dec. 1, 1ST0 .
At Mater's. 212 and ill Main Street, under
the opera House. Johnstown, Pa.
15th. an entire stoek of
New Dress Goods,
New Clothing,
Spring Hats and Bonnets,
Spring Flowers.
Black Silks. J1.5U to fii.
Colored Silks of every shape, J2 to 4,
A large stock of Ribbons, including
Sash Ribbons of ull colors.
Tlie finest stock of Kid Gloves ever brought
to this market. Piques and Marseilles in en
lirely new and elegant patterns. Also. Striped,
Plaid. Diamond. Figured, and Corded Alpacas
and Poplins in connection with the finest stock
of KEADY-MADECLOTHING everoiferod for
sale in Cumbria county. We nre also happy to j
announce that we have engaged the bct MIL
LIN EUS and SACK MAKERS for this season, I
and ureprepaied to make Bonnets, Hats, and 1
Sacks on the shortest notice. j
Thanking the public for past patronage ar.d
soliciting tbeir'kind favors in the future, we !
remain, respectfully. L. t JI. MA YKlt. j
P. S. We keep constantly on hand the cole- j
lira ted inakesor liufalu and iVct lAan brands 1
of Black Alpacas, from the cheapest made to i
tbe finest Mohair. Johnstowu.JUarch is.
HUFF BURRELL. Married, at Grecnsburg,
Pa., on Thursday, loth inrat the residence ot
the bride's mother, by Rev. P. H. Mowry, of
Springfield. Ohio, assisted by Rev.J.K. Plitt,
Mr. Georoe V. Huff nnd Miss Henrietta H.
Burkeli both of Grecnsburg.
Wholesale mid Ilelall Dmltr In
f.vkxsul'ju;, fa..
Is still Agent for tho renowned .Etna Mow
ing ami Reaping Machine, as also for ihe cele
brated iij'H f Mairer a'l lra,xr. St oner's su
perior Horse i lay Rake, the best in the mar
ket. Proofs ( oiiibined Horse Hay Fork and
Knife, which cannot be beat. Sioncr's Grain
Drills, an article every lunmr should have,
Grain Fanning Mills, ( out niti valors, ( enter
Lever Plow s.v. it h iron or wood beams and han
dles, cast orsteel moiiid-iioai lis antl land-sides:
also, agent for the Blanehavd, horn, the best
churn now in use. ami every one 01" which is
warranted to give lull sat isiaot ion or no sale.
St oves ai'.d ha rd w are of every description eon
stuntly on hand at low figures for c ish. Farm
ers are requested to send iu their orders early
for Moirt rx and llripri?. IJ-.rsr- ,'n.rsiiinl Fork.
Pamphlets containing dcsci lot ions and direc
tions for .ll'iir. i smiri Kmj crs unil (Vii'nw sent
free 011 application, to
ClJiTinr. 11UXTLLY.
Ebenfchurg, March Is;, l.?71.-tui.
The undersigned, having received r.nd opened
a splendid assortment cf
Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting of Cloths. Cn-siiiiort s. Satinett.
Tweeds, Jeans, Waterproof, Ilress Goods of till
kinds, such as French Merinos. A lpa 1. us. Lustres,
Delaines. A mm res. Print. ,Vc Arc. AIo. an
endless v itricty of Shawls. Veils, Gloves. Hosie
ry and Fancy Articles f.r Ladies' wear, togeth
er with a choice stock of
Boots. Shoes nnd Rubbers: a full assortment
of FRESH GEO FRIES: H.-rdware. Gcer-os-w:;re.
Dye Stuffs. Patent Mefiiciiios. Are. ; CAR
1 El S.'OIL LOTUS, ati.l all other nrtielesof
rnereharidis? usui'lly kept in a country store.
All tbeso goods we pledge our word to
SELL at vkky lowest tkices,
and nre determined to give as good bargains as
any denier In town or country.
t-i?""J'hankf ul for past fa vo-, we hope to mer
it a continuance and increase of public patron
age in tb future. P. H. SHIELDS &- SON.
Loretto, Pa.. Nov. 3, ly'.t'.-if.
mmm mmm mmi
JSXii 11 iifito t vi t-t-1- 21 net Boaler In
all ki:;u.s or
Sos. 13 u nuil 15'2 ( Union Street,
Cans CnAinf,
Bed Lot nuks,
M yniOsSKs.
Tei f-a-Tktksi.
Pimm; Ta hi.ks,
CrrnoA i:rs.
ic, ike., ic, etc., it?., in., i-c, Ac, ic, Ac, ic.
Chamber Sets,
Pari. ok Sets,
Book Casks,
OIllTt'AKV. j
CON FEB. Died, suddenly, at his residence in i
East Conemaugh, on Saturday, lltti inst., Air.
Daniel Confer, aged 6a years.
The deceased had for many years been a resi
dent of East Conemaugh, and by his proverbial
uprightness had secured the good will of ull
with whom he became uc-quuinled. He was in
the enjoyment of his usual health up to the
time of retiring to rest or. the night of the 10th,
aud on the morning of the lit It he was found
dead in his bod with his hands crossed upon his
breast, as if wrapped iu deep but natural slum
ber. Mr. Confer was a native of Bedford coun
ty, having been born there iu l.sfti, and was the
eon of a much respected farmer. He was by
trade a clothier, but for the past thirty years
lie has followed thu occupation of inu-keepcr,
aud since liwU has been tlie proprietor of the
Confer House in this borough. He served 111
the capacity of councilman lur several terms,
and in that position, us well ns in all other acts
of his lite, both public und private, the rule of
action aud duty with him w as ever in accord
ance with the divine precept, "As ye wtiuld
that men should do to you, do ye c-xen so to
them." He was a devout member of the Cath
olic church, and how often have we watched
him. that aired man. wending his way, regard
less of all worldly doings, to that aliar before
which his mortal remains were at last borne
by his co-associates, the e.x-counciimeii and cx
burgessof our borough, then and there to have
the last solemn rights of the faith he professed
performed over all that is or to us seems to bo
t he last of man's mort ality. The bereaved fam
ily of our old and true friend, now (rune from
our midst forever, have the heart felt sympathy
of this entire community. Of him and them
(tho deceased aud his stricken family) it may
truly be said,
"The angels have led you in silence away ;
l''ortlicm there are shadows for you there is
day." L. F.
East Conemaugh, March 10. 1S71.
kinds of WAGONS kept on hand or made
to order on short noticennd at tho most reason
able prices. Work w arranted to give Batisfuo
tion, CalU on or address
3-25.-ain. Itailnxid St.,Juluivtown.
17 STATE ok JOS. A. 1JHIIAN, Dec'd.
-l-ei Acfniuiisfrnfion JTotice. Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of Joseph A. Urban,
late of Chest Springs borough, dee'd, having
hpen irranted to the subscriber, he hereby re
quests all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate to make immediate payment, und
those having claims will present the same duly
authenticated for settlement.
PETER URBAN, Administrator.
Chest Springs, March aa, ls71.-ot.
J-J DEc'n. Adminfefraf fon Xoticc. Letters of
Administration on tho estate of Michael Mc
Glade, late of Allegheny township, deceased,
having been granted to the undersigned. notu
is hereby given to all persons indebted to said
owtsite tei make linvment without delay, and ail
1 those having claims asuiust the same will pre
sent them in proper shape for settlement.
1 Allegheny Twp., March 25. l71.-4t.
Important c Keal IXtate Oiiner.
HAVING entered into partne-rsMp. the sub
scribers are now prepared to do all kfr.d of
work in their line, such as boring for WATER,
1L. COAL. ORE. and other MINERALS, mak
ing und setting NEW PUMFS and repairing old
ones. We nre also rendy :it till times to bore and
lav PIPES and munu fact ure and put in position
the celebrated KXCELsdOR PUMP, the cheap
est, most durable and satistactory Pump lor
Wells and Cisierns now In use. Tin Pump will
work in a Weil thirty feet deep. We will at all
timi-s keep a supply of these Pumps em hand
and can set them up or furnish tiled on short
notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in quality and
price of work, imd water iii.-ured on any farm
or lot of ground. i 'id s solicited und prompt
ly attended to when length of Pump or kind of
work desired is made known to us. For 1 urther
information call on or address
aWASF.y a FFUJirxFn.
Feb. 2o.-(5m. Carrolltown, Cumbria Co., Pa.
f ICKXSE NOTICE Th following j
J- persons have E'ed their Petitions for Tit v-
em License in theOtliceof lhe Clerk of (Juar-
ter Sessions of ( Kiubriii county, and the same
will be presented to Argument Court on Thurs
day, March noth, :
Tarcm License Henry Cick. SI vx ard. Johns- I
town; Henry F'raz- r. Voder township; Henry j
Fritz, Voder township ; David Faloon.East Con- 1
emaugli: Luther Martin. 31 Ward. Johnsl-iwn ;
George Conrad, Richland township ; J. D. Hani- .
iltoniid Ward. Johnstown ; Andr'-w Haiur. Car
rolltown; John A. Blair, West Ward, Ebons-
burg; M. Lattencr, Cambria township; .lame-, j
Ooiiverv. Loretto borough: Conrad Rabb, "2d
want. and Fred k Krens. .ii 11 waru, jonnsiown;
Auu Da lev, Millville borough.
J. K. H1TF. Clerk.
Clerk's Office, E'.'Ctisburg, March 18, ls71.-3t.
THr nndersi'-rne.i offers for sale or rent his
STOKi: RO.M ou llioli Sli-oot. E'..ens- !
burg, three doors from Ce ntre street, being on j
the south side of lliirh street and opposite; the 1
Foster House, said More ltomu is a new build- 1
ing, 2;?x30 feet, two stories high, w it'n good cel
lar under it. There are two buck rooms, 2nv:Jrt
upstairs and down, well finished inside. The
building altogether is me of tho best in Ebcns
burg for storc purposes, nnd is decidedly the
best locateel business stand in the town. P-sc.-ssicm
will be given immediately. Eor favtfccr
information call upon or address
li. H. TUDOR.
Feb. 23, lS71.-tf. Ebcnsburg. I'a
liiaila to order in excellent stylo and nt fair
prices. Cabinet and materia s or
all kinds for sale. Furniture delivered at any
point in Johof town oral Iti'lrr-ad s-ri'tioii free
ot extra charge. WM. P. i'ATi'ON.
Johiistuwn, Oct. 13, li7l).-tf.
NlU FlH.1l ami fJtn G(f02$.
IT Jir.s bcoti roi.coilctl of Life tliat
- the liidie e f Wilmore and vicinity ure the
fnircst as well as tho most sensible of any lo
cality in the county, which may probably ia
part be; accounte-i lor by ti.e la t, yet gen
erally known, that they buy ail the-ir W i 1 1 1 n w
rv. Irrc itnei E'tsitcv ;ol at tbe EW
sitmr, or r.. imj i.'a to., who nave jut
opened out the Ir.rirest nnd mst complete slock
ever hronjrhl to iimoi e-emsist inir if DRY
Aie, Arc.. -which they sell at Johnstown price
for cah or in exchange for country prodeice.
Call nnd see for youiseives at the Ner
Building, one door East of tbe pew UiaieJ
Brethren church. E. PAUL ii CO.
Wilmore, Nov. 17, lS70.-5in.
LTCS. Now publishing In Monthly Parts,
at 25 cents nch part, Unwit's Livks or the
Saints. Life or mn B V. Max v. and other
publications of n religions unt tevoionul char
acter, any or all of which wilt becloiivei td ouch
month as issued to all BctUseribeissenrfing their
names and addresses to
M. P. MEAGHER. Johnstown. Pa..
i Feb. 2."i.-tf. Atunt er I'ci fact Ynrstn
SALE. The undersigned T.xe ufors of M.
Lfaw, Esq., late of Ixretto Borouglu eiec'd,
offer at private sale, 011 a:cinuio.1ating terms.
in Allegheny towushis. Cambria county, situa
ted on the reiad leading to St. AogMstine no t
obout 11110 mile from Loretto, conttiuiug
Acre, tuHy 4 Acrern being cle-med, trill
fenced, well watered and in n gxwl svire? of cul
tivation, nnd having ; tUst rate loo HtNK
IIaiin thereon erected. The iuiienejr of tho hinil
is covered with obe--!eut, nk, sugar, aud luther
valuable tiinot-v-. For t'-rins an.I either fnfor
UiiitiOR aprdv 10 cither of tfn tiidertiieiiel.
M AEG A RF.T l.EAV Y. Loretto.
AUG. WALTER'S, C-rrolitown,
Fetx, IS.-tf. eUwtitoi'i e M. I.tavv, dec'd.
for sale:.
The sutkscriber offers for Sfilc on fair term
and easy p-.y merits, that most desirable and ci
eellcut FAllM reeootly occupied by liiu, ad
leinitig the liorough f Loretto. containing lid
"Aerea 100 -trre.4 of which are in a good stale
of cultivation and the balance well timbered.
There is a comfortable Houm. a fc'ood liarti. and
au excellent Ort flec ca ttt- premises ; also, an
abuudance or pcnc iiv.Iit. Jt is a desirututc pro
jMTty . beautifully located. in.l ii eon enieiit ta
churches-, whiiols, market, etc. Title indispu
table. For teru'.s and other ioformiiti in apply
. to or tt.Wres.-i --i. WALTfJZiX.
I-'eb. li.-tf. CarniUoWK, Com'w-ij Co., Pa.
A IJUiTOliS NOTICE. The onrler-
t signed, havfrnr been appointed Auditor to
i hear the exceptions to rue .-n-eimn .-..o.
I Snoemuker. dee'd, hereby gives notice that he I J S OG D i' N . .1 USTIOIC OK THK UKaCK,
i willuttei.d to the Out ii s of s lid app-iiiUuient. ; ) . j0hnstowu. Pa. Office on Trot; street. I .
Htthe Court t.oiiss i.m-iuui... -h
I ..... ....- A . ( I v f . 1 nrif, r.' el or r
,, ' C. L. l-EKSUIXG.
Mureh IS, l71.-3t,
tween tho Conemun.-h flr.dgetind Pa. K. H. De-
ot. Co.lecrttons ami all oesmess imiu5ri to
tin w ill be promptly after aw iwr L-II.T