J J i in mtm I mum II lirBliHIii I iiiibiimIi I il I I I I 1 1 II I III I I i . I III ' W ' I hf;flibrinFrjeiniH. GAL ANDPERSONAL. .rfrcn!,cB--Thre nr? 'Bl . c alio ouclit to U lllive 1 . e of tlio reduced terms jrajj in connection with our j H eight well calculated the soul of a i'Vt concluded to give tliem i Catholic with transports?, viz : The re ception into the curch jeven persons our it. -- ...ittDii 0 .i hire " .. in ni.itb to attend 10 me iua- rT7ext eek, and until the first of A-.; ,rmsiil be two ColUrs per year ("r ,r rti; nn paeh of the ne- :-SiJrnci . 01 - sc.riber8. Th9 pub- "'''f tTe'-K )!1 of Honor" has accordin- ..1 until next week, but wo will D u l.,nimr trace. ad M!snP nl ',S nap Home :" will fiad ' CoLSolatiou" iu our 'i;:tii- Local Correspdence, Summeehill T-wTeh. 14. 1S71. Friiod Mao On last Inlay Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec visited j Bartholomew 'a church, Wilmorc, for the j?e of adminis teiing the sacraments of tism and Confir mation. It is well known f the performance of the duties of his sacred j is ever a source of delight to the heart of heloved Bishop. What, then must have beAho feelings of his paternal heart at witness on this occasion. Will UUU r.eit wi'l be Ash-Wednesday , walk twen r..-r.WuS - ' r ,, ;it oi a-" . . , Johntou Prcibjttnans are about of '.crtrinteiideut of the Johnstown - . , re .-1-3 . . tt Ul US' the pedestrian, is tn wi ' ' in five hours at Jofar II- .V, .-. .!.. if milli Ida s net " . n; f fifteen cars laden with silk and ,i td over me Pennsylvania railroad not ', re. I t cargo was direct from San '-..ue cf our readers interested in the r:i:e Tr!:st'ers" will have to tear "., .oiher week. Want ot the proper re:;Jti'el tLe delay unavoidable. '.' Jvhntowu Democrat ifirms that the -iboiit J'?. Bowser having been in- lis s ni'!' m rfT!'r tow nship is '.fyuudHtion in fact. Glad to heir it. Ci0. O liliU.-OIl, Ol lIHJ lOI16I!If. ..; ci'Wttv, tiaa xotn ma teet so uaii.y .. ....... ; ii trt Ilia Vi A m a fi.i m f u i . .e, P'rtnkliu county, not loa S!i:ce, j.'eireJ tLey win cave to ce ampu'.a - Mil'vU'c fcr.oul teicl:er broke thronp . ecs'ii- Ceteiuaugri river, one cveui tn-'i ani tein ' encumbered with a sha . tr i.etr drowning- His own super ?.;.: :v:d liim, but his escape -.tan !:. A!!c?hanian says that the ho'il 01 V.Miir.l. in Chest si,rin?s. OU ' ' - - . ' .; . ;Le i.ir.tb inrt. Cause, defect: vf -c :.'..tstre ubdt'e 1 before they ba :.tii;af. LvsS, about 5.UU. C u:t. John IT. Reed and his sonlugh. Mii rt-i' ei:ts at Johnstowur't'1 yvj t'l.nnt'crsburg, their olihome, i .;:er:;:i-. -i e cutnmerciaie'rojj 'iin't vt.! i;i.-r ei.se itk such rsrgetic i r.U c.tizers ".if S'.Mes' LuiidiDff in Johiowo, a L:..k ej.!ic. is beinz fi'il up for e.-. Mr. ilouton, of tlilouhton t :: i I e ; t ruM ietor. and le latter : i :. :ni iLto tt:e tianJs ot laruo, '..L'.crp't iiijiise, uiirsvu!e. Y'.t:..t:.'. . arch in this place i. .... ; .L. -.-:n:g ot inuiic, l : rt tWeuijPrday nigh i. ui u ;n lime to at't with the are a itee ing. tab- ast, tut we . IIjvo no the kss aj col '-ei .ft"i'iu occntiosi q'J itter -' i bow a man in tl rivth eistern 1 .i.'.y fchi-t at a:i-iT illi a load '' '.Le ba!i iroui p;h 'onunately ':-;Lsrru!ff..!v br," :a lle!au;uage '": :'ticu:e-i," "noidy was hurt." waa the tes'l'.vt car, playing. ;t".''.'.'-v wto knows A!c!x iluiin, uud f'", be triiiij to larti tli-U he ha f f.'H. i esiOvut of e A!ilniidSavii:gi i.e nude vucait by the ies ;n i.iin i turnier l.frtfiuuu, lion, i'-.er F. 'i'Jr-frI:y i.e vr smilcU upon n man fl its l';ivoi( tbau our IrifcQ- Mul- :.ewrt Lycit-Ji, ot ltiunna, wis ee ' -:"i a'. tLo fir brick works f the Manv.'aciuriug Cotusny, at Lack : ' er e day last ft, by the r.'tvr.a ; H'. ...)!! of a hlaAl. Hi iarp am una t fturlu'ly cut up, and fears wertm t that be could tot recover. is -ivtr. improving. --r es Jocr:9, of Alrront. fre'"it c.n - . i"Oi! Creek Rii'r'ud, while Da s- ;':Uetop of his -min, on ifondav list. :fe i two Of tLa ears lir.il Itm run n-.r "if.'lv ti'i'cil. Jfr. Rndii. wa 1. c!i.- ra t the Summit in this countv. At ' trtnis UveJ there, and both of theiri 'I ' -1 lie Call ( !:c r r;. i cr.nl of tl...l L , ---- (..-..,... V1.u.. hi1..!";!'1 t"J,':? brM5:eJ grutiflcation thf "'' n.e lai't ::;a: I- J.'.lK'iaic who of their own free will-traced the yoke of Iutn who said my yokisweet and my bur deu light. Notwithstanding inclemency of the weather, the churcU'well filled at an early hour. At ten o'cU nigh Mass was cele brated by our worfpastor, Key O. P. Gal lagher. After th"Pel th Ht. Rev. BUhop ascended the pulr''d preached a very edify ing serniou, apprJd'e to the solemnity of the occasion, aiwhich the candidates for baptism recited Z1 their pastor the declara tion of that fail0 which two hundred mil lions of Ohtistiruhscrioe, and received bap tism at the hr f the Bishop. It was "a joyous sight nAnes the devotion of those neophjtee, so' whom are mothers of fami lies; others kw nto womtubood, their white robes'."1111110 f their interior purity ; some were ,ofhope and promise ; and all had cverco;u,lierou obstacles to follow the insDiratiensllieir hearts. In the a!0.011 a 3 o'clock, tlie Bi?hop, after an irict've discourse on the nature and effects of irirmatiou, administered that sac rament ninety-three persons, sixteen of w forn h;!c0ra(-'cii 'he faith since the a j Vfot of her Gallagher to this place. After cVfirru1" the lit. Rev. Prelate addressed a slLrt ba"'Prp,iSve exhortation to the recipi eib, jiJ h waa followed Ur the -Benediction, cer nch the congregation dispeiseJ to their n;e-ceply irrpressei by the scene which ley ttiut Cay itnc-sed ai d wlaich bv letnt :il not soon be forgo: ten. I but htre mai that the Bi.-hop was highly pleaded itb i.th piistor and people for the zeal mani stt'i by them iu repairing and beautifying the urb. Besides the improvements alreadv otedby cie iu former letters, the crand und side a;t:tts Iiave been painted and tilded, bv Jlr. V. C. Volf, an employee of Mr. J. G. Metier, of Johnstown, who understands his business perfectly. In additioa to this, Father Ga'iiagker has caused two beiutiful statues, repit-cnlicg St. Joseph and tha B. V. Mary, and which cost SllU, to be bought aim placed in position ou the side altars. To form sn idea of t'ae amount of work done on the church and pastoral residence it will bo su!Ik-icut to say that $3,b00 have been expended in that direc tion since last spring, and when we take into consideration (be economical management of the pator, (whose capac ty in a business point of view is as efficient as the scene which trans pired on Sunday last prove him to be in min isterial point of view.) the actual value of tne woik is far above that figure. Da Miller, a daughter of Jos. Miller, Esq.. died on Saturday l ist the victim of a lingering pul'uouary disease. The dee'd wa a bright, ?romiing young lady of fot;r eeu years, and i held iu high regard by all who knew lier Ii ber death her paients have sustained an ir re.trble loss, and all our people sympathize will tbiom sincere- " in their bereavement. Jr. Campbell. ti:e contractor for the grading of he new track ou the IV R R. at this place, ha? commenced operations, and the work will do.btless be brought to completion at a very ealy day. The drawing of the buffalo robe, which I ainouiico'J to take pl-tce oa Feb Is' , but wh ch wis unavodably delayed, came off Mr. Jj'iin cLroth's s.ore ye-iierday evening, iu pi e tice of quite a number of persons. '1 lie h'.ky msti was Mr. Wui. Adams, a resident of 'v'ouBiaugU a more fjltunate name than tbt of your correspondent, SoLTrao. Johmstotvx, Tsb 15. 1K71. Draa Fi:eman- Now that Judgment of Oastcr has been decreed in th Supreme Court against Our Uistrict Court Judges, and a bill has passed botii Houses of the Legislature e-i- I tP.rit!i:;ig a liranch Court in Johrbtown. w6 :h:i:X the 1 ing assemblage than gathered at the hostelry of that prince of good fellows.Mr. Wm. Forbes, Esq., ou the occasion, can't be scared up in any section of this illimitable kedentrv. Charming young ladies, fair aad lovely, clothed in gorgeous apparel, and all of them in the most lascinating and bewitching mood, were therein all their transcendant loveliness, and each lair and Lappy face betokened a determi nation to enjoy the festivities Friel-y. Every thing, you may bet was according to Coyle, if not Uoyle, even to the Big-ham with a little Grfcen(s). Taken ail together, they were a liope-lul set, and none more so than fritnd ilick(cup)ey and bis esteemed family, young and old, email and tall, w ho were present hi lull force, the pater families himselt looking as happy as a full grown canine quadruped with a supcrabundunce of caudal appendages. lie is the leilow who always gets mixed up in the Co(r)ner. Then loo the manly proportions of our Iriend Billy might have been seen winding their w;y through the mazy dance, attended by a bewitching partner iu the person of a charming Miss whoso surname represents the first Book of the Mew Testament. i ear these latter might have been seen our corpulent Iriend i) , who increases daily in avoirdu pois, if not in grace, and who would have made better time ou tuo light fantastic had it not becu for the good looking lady who engaged bis attention so fully. Daddy Grimes, that good old boul, was likewuo iu the ring, and was as gay as a young Co(o)n-rade iu a poul try yard. A Cochran (perhaps it would be more polite to say a roostbr run) and was made master ot ceremonies. Bon is an excellent dancer and a good cafler, atd hence the honor conferred upon him. He is also a hunkv bov with a ponoerou handle on his face. Allen the gay cavalier, who has an appreciative e-e lor pretty ladies, was theie ia all his glorv, aud did himself much credit in displayini' to ' great advantage his new p:ug ha-t one ot"the 1 most killing of its species. But it would oc cupy two much space to give lull details, and hence it muht suliice to aay that a more socia ble, agreeable or belter behaved party of pleasure seekers never loft our city tn an ex cursion of the kind. All were happy, and none more so than the Apostle Paul's pupil, Timo thy. The supper was a superb one, and full justice was done it by all preseut. T. I. M. Mcs:cai.. Among the thousand and one Pia ios offered to the public, we scarcely kt ow any instrument so 1'uhy uniting all the desira bit- qualities sought lor as the Kuabe Piano It is a matter of soma dilkculty and perplexity to inexperienced persons to select a good iu ktruaieut ot any capacity. We too often rely upon the judgment of our friends in the selec tion of a 1'iano, and are thus frequently disap pointed. The only sure way, iu our opinion, is to go to the best maker. For this reason, we recommend to our readers to purchase Pi anos of Wnliim Knabe & Co.'s manuf acturo. This will relieve tlieiu the vexatious necessity of wasting time in along search. The reputa tion of the Kuabe Pianos is an infallible guar anty of exce.leuce. In the houses of the most accomplished aud wealthy of our citizens, and in our best seminaries and colleges, there mag nificent instruments may be found. JS'or is th s any wonder, lor, in puiity. depth and con stancy bf tore, they are unsurpassed. The gradation of scale is so exquisitely, and, at ihe same time, comprehensively attuned, that they are cap-b! of expressing every emotion of the human heart and soul. Their tone is exqui sitely pure and unique, and so even, sweet and sy in pathetic that it inspires all who listen to it, while at the same time the action is perfectly free, and the keys re.-o.iiid to the touch with such sensitiveness aud intelligence, so to Fpeak, as to make one almost think that the it:M) of the manufactaier lingera iu Lid ?aik. I'TEIIISE DISEASES. By this term we understand those diseases peculiar to females, such as o bstructions, ir regular ilies, cessations, derangements, immod erations, and disorders which are so common, and which exercise such a powerful inflence in the destruction of female health. It is all important that the physician should be able to discriminate closely between these afn.c-.ions, as some of them are directly oppo site in the nature, und each requires a specific treatment different lrom the other, a mistake in which would be dai gcrcus and perhaps fatal. That the urine in these disorders is ef a pe culiar character and quality, every physician iu this way knows, and can at once perceive the difference between these excesses uud de ficiencies. And in treating these complaints especially, he must keep in mind thei-e pathological differ ences, and prescribe such remedies as will check up tlie excessive or restore the dimin ished secretions; remove the morbid conditions, aud rcinvigorate the whole system. The good effuct of this kind of treatment will be observed iu a very short time, and as a general thing the patient recovers entirely in a few weeks. We have had hundreds of these cases where the good effect of our remedies wercJ0tsei vable in a verv few weeks. The dull, lai.guid ex pression of the eyes begin to disappear, the dark-colored circle beueath tbem gradually lessoned, the skin became nioie natural, the compUxion improved, the appetite returned , the etriHgsh increased, the palpitation ceased, the nei vousness wore off, the shortness of breath became less troublesome, the puffed face as no longer observed, and the disposi eiou bcnu:e less irritable and more cheerful, and the general he-ilth entirely restored. Muny of these changes are among the first signs of improvement after coiuuieachig the treatment. Afilicted women, biighten your hopes and try our remedies. Our daily practical observation enable ns to determine the piecisc conditions of the system in every ense, and to prescribe the appropriate remedv- in every disease. Bas OLDSIIUE. 132 Grant street, Pittsburgh. To iU TrIe. I deairfs to call th atten tion of the trade to iny stock of 1-a.ko Fish, bav intf jmado this branch of hubiness a speciality. My stock, at this time, is the largest ever held in this city. 1 ura roiared to furnish delt-rs. promptly, by the dray or oar load, and have made arrangements for shipping by tho car load, at 8peciil rates, from iJetroit, Sandusky, Huron, V ermillioii or Cleveland, and also from Pittsburgh, to any points in Pennsylvania or Ohio, as shippers may wish. I would also call Ihe attention of dealers to my extensive stock und assortment of corn brooms, broom corn and broom material, all of which I can supply at very low rates. James Connok, V holesale (i rocer, " 2-l.-3t. No. 355 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Kindt-iY Oheetixgs. John J. Murphy, of the SHERIFF'S SALKS. Hy virtue sundry writs or lVruf. F.rpon., Al. Tc of r.-nf Krpun. and J-lt ri t'ari-ix, isstiud out of the Court ot common t'leas ot Cambria county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in lbusbur, on Jionditjr, th Gtli isty of Mareli nrxi, at o'clock, l". M.. the following- Iteal Kstute, to wit : All the riht, title and interest of JL. G. Try, of. in and to a Lot of Orourt.-l situate in the west ward of Elionsbursr boroujrh, Cambria county, fronting 00 feet on Os'.e street on the north, runrtiiijf buck -tit feet uion- Mary Ann strect,to Triumph street. adjoining f.of No. ion the west; known ou Plan of said lim-ough aa j Lot No. 1, on S'luaro .VT. having ther-:i erected ; a two story Piar.k House, with tiac-d Kifehsoi i utti.rOi rwiw in . I. a i....1inullil- nf It.ltn I I cheap corner, Johnstown, seii'ls greeting and j Jones. JtMo. a Lot if Ground frlintir: itf feet J 1870. YINTER. 1871- I am sow prepare! to flor SUPEftlOll INDUCEMENTS TO CASH FUUCHASERS OF Tii. sbimbm k mm m KITH EB AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Ot r Fiktu Totvx Council The fifth Town Council lor F.bensburg was elected on the 2-Jth diyof Match, tM. The following named ofiicers were chosen : Burgess. Richard Lewi; ! Council, J ames Rl.oy, Jo'jii VYiliiaing, James i M'.rray, Johnston Moore, Michael Brown. I The High Constable w.is John Ivory, and the I Town Constables were John Ivory aud James j Murray. Moses Canan was appointed Town i Cierk; William Davis, Treasurer; Rowland Humphreys, Street Cutnntissioi:ir; Jeremiah j Ivory, Moses Canan, and David Davis, Street i Regulators; David II. Roberts, Silas Mocre, ! aud John Ivory, Firemen. Subsequently, :nt our pood frind Cf 01 the Clu.rrr Tru L. ?r M . , r , - - ' ' . tJ, III e.eiil(..,eri, of tho nomWt cher. f -a .Bi.,ue,:a..,,a lUilroad, the first m :e:V:a. tj atcuct oil" lit to he tiiiried om Mm pipef teace smoked'bv the Ebc-n-bur-'ers aud i Bavid H. Roberts, was a j. pointed Srreet Com JohUtowners. 1 1 our excitable citizens want I missioner. in stead ot KwwuiiU numpiireys. a i:e4 subject lor aKil:..titn let them et t up an ' rt?' eJ HnJ JoLn Lva'8 to'ik the place of aasockiicii. t, ;m..r,,v -a tl.. P., bit.- ;.. David D-tris as a Street Regulator, tlie latter this iaie. There ia oot a borough ia the Statepiathas a more beautiful plot of ground in thnshape of a Public Square. A few thou KHuddollari would fence it and plant it with vei'teeu trees and ornamental shrubbery. A ,t cf water could be thrown up fifty feet by 't:e Auuri! pressure of our unequalled water vorks, a beautiful biMn could be constructed ilii thecentre for a small sum of money ; peb bled wi'ik could be laid at a triUiug cost, arid that squure which is now a nuisance, could be made beautiful and attractive. Let us have the matter-attended to iu time for spring plant ing. Petroleum B. Nasby will lecture here on the 4.h of March next. Barring his politics, ho ia a good lecturer, and as the Jobustowu Library AetcciaiioD is at the head of the matter, we hope lo hear of a good turn out to hear him. Our .agricultural Society is hound to pros per with such men as Mr. M Millan and Col. Bowmai at its head. Their meetings are lire ri, - , --i ,i.,ni , nu. cow "aiu in that -'- t,JU tc whole Tear round. As i'i the cow, 0f course voa wh! .?our"lf." vot, .cldom "i S "e b it play iu u7, CrtJf CU!f" Ra-V of Ir"n& countv, days ago on the railroad. lie - ?C S1f 0r ei!-ht fec iuto the air si. .;r c.et rorn the tra'-1' and badly i:'-el'i' i Was "bout eightv Teari e r, .',it n,!li:-"t". and was the U.e tie " in Meadville. iu the -to r J'. At an eJrl-T afe'e he emi- : Pp.. 1 imiMocary among t!io n j an ...i : . m s ar.i , "'" iu:ni!ter lor about r . , I ,, .- " v.v.U nU3 JU tn .. , cc"e''t health. tr't thf ' .county papers havirc i . iHOIliiin.liy. .l m . ( '-rt,, ' , u"r lnc rorensic el- WJtT. f'ier.d, J48. p. "i i;n Mil'.i- tne ' Cintratted for at Homer n iit't' make n u., ; ; Ml:piop rjpan anT wav tou titi r j L.ur.a will furnish h'ia " e Jitoris " l:ee ! SP -ia er .t. - . j ! - .h ' a U am -uo roaa ' It and fluent. ;E - ' ccrtair Iv a Ir' Daniel J. Morrell has liberally aided an to he Kp':.rn i . r " . tue l utig Men s Christian Association in i to oe oe.icred; for it not onl? ,hij , h ,,, v.- cornetiaie rn.1, . ,. . i -"w -"j - lP aud bis r.,w r-,nn i!r i . i h v beter purpose, nor bung in a richer re ard. J cf reaor -E- lei?;, l,h st atu.day there was like to be a free ... .-"B le ea us to in ki j. .a . - . f u ion jaiaiu street, opoosito reuui ciore. a co'19 of men named Walters, and a man Darrfd Shaffer, and some others, had their cootff, end had eight or ten more men hold ing Jem, so they couldn't pitch in, until the po!i got wind of tho fracas, wheii the fray fcubped. 1 1 is generally believed that there w anot much tight in either party. Tfcey ire not intoxicated and but few men will fjrrt when they are sjbkr. 'e present a few definitions for the pupils olhe schools about to close. They areshort flfl easily memorized. If they are of any li.eSt to any one the public is welcome to tpai. We begin tltis week with l kt noG it aph y. A letter is n symbol of a end; there are twenty-six letters; they are tii'ideujnto vowels and consonants ; atlipthoujr f.s .bo uraon of two vowels; a triphthong is tue linioti of three vowels: letters ft.rui syllables; u syllable is a Hiui;le utterance; one syllable is called a Uouosyilable: two syllables are called ii-yllbf-s; three syllables are eallc-rl r.risylla-bli-s: moV syllables than three are called pc.iy svllui les Jf'very syllable must eon tain a vowel ; syllables Win words; a -word is a sirn of uo idea ; worVarediviued into siiiipie, eoinpound, j rimittve.iiid derivative ; there are also e..n traeted wttds, abtu-eviations and titles; words form hentoices; u sentence ii a complete pt t position ; 4i:tenees tiro simplo and compound ; the Eniflislt laiuruajfe has forty-one Sounds; these are ciHed vocal, subvoeal and aspirate ; a Vocal sound .? tJi open sound ; a subvoeal sound isa broken souail ; an aspirate sound isabreutlj sound; these guilds ure inarkel by titfiires; aeei nt is a strff voice on a particular word ; sounds ure n! divided into a labial, dental; tfiittui-il lineal, palatal, and uar:il sounds; letters rhatstftnd alike are callwd oo;rnates; a silent letter iA'UO that is not sounded. The snow In again fallen about 6ix inches and the sleinng is magnificent The schos herotbouts are already begin ning to clye just at the tinae they should open. 7 Hob Ror. ' ( Altoona Citt, Feb 15, 1671. Feiicsd Iac Tuesday of last week will long be reembered by the votaries of pleas ure and iioccut amu.-emcnt in this vicinity, s on thafoccasion some twenty five or thirty cuuples tade their debut before the terpsicho rean pubic in the ancient village of "Xcwia ry" a debut which met with the meat happy and auspicious results But how could it be otherwise, for don't a pleasant calm always follow a "Gcst" or a "Storm V At coorse it dos. So when a number of our active, so ciable young working men make up their minds to have a livelv time they invariably have it without much "Gab(e and when they do thev always make il a point to look well to the enjovment of all whom they invite to par ticipate wim them in the festivities. Anuinus tor I wm also having resigned. June 15, IS2'J, a com mittee was appointed to report what repairs are most necessary to be made iu the borough, with the plan of making them, and sn estimate of the expense " June 2., Jeremiah Ivory thought it was not such a nice thing to be a Street Reulitor, so he res'gned, and Dr. R. Voui g w as appointed to fill the vacancy. Sept. 'JO', it waa agreed "by the Burgess aud Council that Reuben French be permitted to exhibit in the borough on the 2d of October next a show of living animals." March IS, 1 :), the filth council dropped the mantle ol local authority, called it a day, and q-iit. : i . . "laysuurs in a rern r.rtm 'i .,t u o-Huuaia intimates ' , y. , ,- i nii common efforts. j lf:,' '0ne hi, "level best" the admi-' 'tou",.,,fto'"ail1 Pr would have ft. : '"Kh Un on th Remit ftf " Ul,!!-. of n. '"K'-'y jeaia stand in the '"-too..' 0IC5sl,-'. et us down as no 4 vJLr anybody else. Kmeli expenenciu ' re- rJicp.,,.,i .. . . . '""' e,nce, - i:m i I'liii tfi A'l ?eir Mr i.1 me'1 '-"'elir.e Taylor, - t , u. . "uer -'n a week ' ro fool '"! tij;n i. i ,j in that condi .1 . . ouring wiiich time the It is claimeil that she 3 ftf rrrn-it lv-o f . I J '-Urn, l t-e' j" initn trie Vi -'ut. , hal,t ia downright bias tie i. uttr"ces as revela 'Ur,; , v!er w"i!d, and savg that lf,:t- ,V djubt ly religious ex- K. l" dliease uud.r which the r'n 10,s cf our horough 1i( E f0lUi,lf: gentlem.n as l,.ZCOan'' a,,d U is f' Chief n e!ect10'13 could r-ave T.' Z : r.v "; cbief ;.r ,fcona.As-,Ktat. i ' lllf . - t'K"U..d- -.V.vd: Second Assistant. "i ('.." "1'iain oF li ..r,;- i . iia;., .. -" UV'. ?-k a"d L.ldder Depart- '-"Se'n.l aV- rt" A-staut, N. I. 1 i-,.; "'"j'larit d to h CCord James Myers H'g to a telegraphic Wn ere They Camk From. We intimated, last week that a couple ol kind frie-uds, proba bly mistaking us for the Presideut the United States, had m.ide us the recipients ef two very acceptable presents. The first of these was a box of prime cigars from our old and valued friend, Capt. James Murray, of the popular book, drug aud general variety firm ol Lem mon &. Murray, who deserves as big a rpuff es the pulling afforded us by his kind considera tion, and would get it too if time and space permitted. As it is, he has our earnest thinks and best wishes for his own prosperity aud tho prosperity of the firm of which he is a m-mber. Tlie other present camo from our big bodied, warm neaiteu anu uni versa i.-j nuanrvu young WE HAD RATHER SELL AT A TOSI TIVI2 LOS -5 NOW Tn an CARRr ovj.n, die i-kksent stock! Therefore, wc will sell the Hallowing goods at cost rather than carry them over another sea son; Silks, Shawls, Velvets, i'dack Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Empic.-s Cloth, Silk Poplins, Black and Col'd French Marinos, Waterproof Cloth, Striped Reppelauts. Ladies' Cloth, White aud Gray Blankets, Fancy and Wite Coverlets, Canton Flannels, Sin eting Muslins, De'aines. Calicos. Ticking, Shirting Flannels, Cassimeres, and Table Linen. Al-o, an im merse stock of Ladies' and Children's Furs, as well as a large stock Ladies Slisses.' and Children's Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and untrimmed to suit customers. Chinchilla Bea ver ai d Velveteen Sucks, Children's Riding Hoods and Infants' Diesses. P. S. We also intcud to c'oso out our im mense stock of Men aud Boys' Winter Clolh iiift. positively at cost, to make room fi-rspriiig purchases- We have on hand over one hun dred Overcoats, two hundred Dress Coats, one hundred Hoys' Suits, live hundred Pants and Vgts. Gloves, Undershirts ' and Drawers, Trunks of every description, from the smallest traveling bag to the largest Saratoga Trunk, as well a3 one' hundred other things usually kept ia first class Clothing E-t.ablishrnent. L. & H. MAYER. Proprietors New York Drv Good. Millinerv. and Chuhii g Hall. 21 -J and 214 'Main street, under the Opera House. Johnstown, Pa. 'How's That fo:i High?" has reached a popular definition at last, and the way is bus been done, is just, this: M. L. Oat man, & Ce. keep a store a cheap cash store; said store is on J::jh street. No. KM; the only thing- hi'i about it is the street; tuit ti.vc-s the ay). Then the hmc is explained by the tact that they have become iocnl agentsor the unsurpassed and un surpassable ilmce ewinif Machine, which will Uo a Kre;;ter variety und better kind of work than any machine dreamed of in the philosophy of women. If you don't know Jlouc it is your self. y to Marr, who presides over the eheuprst dry jroo-ls find froeery uuirt i:i the eo-.inly. and lio'wili eidii;liteu you s.n this interest irii; ttipic. The AZtsa IssutiANf. e Company, according: to its Lite fc.ati-iuetit, has a capital of over six rniiiions of io!i:iis, securely invested for the bt tiefit of its policy holders. This Company has stood for the pust fifty rears at the head of the Pi re Insurance Companies of the country iu the matter of capital, promptness snd relia bility. Alexander Brothers. 1 11'.) P.ieventh Av-! enue, Altoona, are its only authorised agents for this section of the State. They will insure property at lower rates than can be obtained from any other truly l eliable company. Hive them a trial and I.e convinced of this fact ere you insure your property with any other of the many insurance ajrruts. .--D.-liii. Stii.t in thk FiEi.n. Je.hu Poujfherty, t.v.. the veteran tailor ai;d t-lotbier, ia still as well prepared u ever, to iurnisU bin friends sud the public yenecaPy w ith any aud uli articles iu the way of i'.'aJy-ifi'Aiie Ciot'uiutr of the very best quulit- and at the lowest cash rates. His as sortment of wGariuv apparel is ruada of excel lent material and well sewed, and will be sold at rernai kably low prices in order to rnuke room Tor his sp;-iii!f stock. He has also on band a su per!) line of excellent Cloth, from which ho is prepared to make suiu to order, for eit her man or bovs, in tho most f t ylish manner and at the most "moderate rates. .No lit, no pay. st-ll-tl'. coniplinients to all the people far ami near and requests the pleasure of the ir company at the old Mansion House corner, on next Saturday, anil ev ry day of the week, month aad your, Sundays excepted. No urds. except t'e cards on his dry iroods, which tell of enormously low prices. For in.stunee : Muslin at 30 ets. per j d. ; j the east. Triumph calico at 'j cents ; delaines at 12 cents uud up- ! of .ioIui J. Jou.-s warn, accori:i!j; to quality and extent ot the purchase. Give Murphy a plcusunt call. ..I-..:, ., . .ii.'s vesi; ivuun 11 ii i Plan of said liorough as Lot No.3. on Sqm No. 57, having thereon erected a hirire Kra Mj stock consists in part of every variety cf Tin, Slieel-Iron, COPPER AND Bit ASS WAKES, KK.lMUJtn AMI PLAIN SAUCE-PANS. BOILERS, &o , COAL SHOVELS. MINK LAM PS, OIL CANS. IIOUSFFl llNiSHINQ HAKD WABt: OF LVF.RY KIND. n. r. Caisroi.t. is no relation to Carl Sh'.irz. or tli! tieople of Carrolltown, or Charles Carroll, of Carioiltou, one of the immortal slrie'i-s of ' the I eda ration of ludepetiilence, but lie wants j eycrybo.ly to e-ome and see' his immense stock j of dry (roods, dress goods-, notions, groeeries, j mid family furnishinir jroods, at JSo. Zl Main j Street. Johnstown. He wishes to close out his superb assortment, and will almost iriveaway I his dry jjoods and furs. Now is tlie time for jrreat fiai traius, su-h as have in dreamed of iu our philosqdiy. FAt-tRX Paris. Alas ! poor Paris has fallen : Po also i;a e prices at Hess Ac Prother's w hole- J sale and retail Keadv-made Ciothinir Store, .No.,1 .'.'41 Main street, Joiinstown. Pettple crowd to! Hess's evei y day to buy ehcai clothiiiBT, which j is g-oinir like hot cakes tit a huskini;. o.v's the i time to buy wearing apparel cheap, before tiio new tai i:f raises the price of iroods. They tun ! supply the entire county with overcoats, pants, J vests, shirts and all othtr kinds of ineus' and 1 boys' over or under clothing- at reduced prices. ! .1 cdgr Pr.AC-K's I.rnuit. After you have fin ished read in if tlie manitieeat letter oi' J ul-e Itlaek. read this notice, and then trotu James J. Muriiliv's Star ClothiiiLT Store, No. ltht liet u strei t. Johnstow n, and purchase a hlirl: suit of on f!e sfri;et ou the north, adjoining let No. 1 c.n the e.ist. Triumph street ou the soutri.and Lot of defendant ou the wet ; known on the I Plan of said llirouyh as Lot No. '-, in Square 57, i improved. vlf.s... a Lot of Ground fronting Cj ! i eei on esrle street on the north. Lot .o.: on I street en the south, and Lot on tne west : Known on the t juare j a me 1 Stable, now iu the ucL-uoamrt of Joiui J. Jones 1 Taken iu execution an J to bev.-M at the suit of i K. Hoberts. i A :., all the riirht. title and interest of Geo. I.ifzir.sfer, to wir: Of. in and to that certain piece or parcel of La ml lyimr find situate in Al legheny township, Cambria eouaiy, b-iunded and described as follows : Hi g-ituiinj,' at an asli stump, south S9' dea-rees. east with lurnl ;f Peter .1. Little till ire!e-s t.ia post, thence s-i:tii ten dcirrces. west 12 r,t rr Vi-. in nm; th.n... er before beeu j south degree, west perelits. tirm irctr$ afotiir Phiiipbura- iMd to a post. (' a Itosi on line or land ot of V, iiliam Wea!:lar.d. thence north one-ha.lf desrree. east ty! jierches with line of land of ;:i.l w'm. Weakiand to the place of beyinniiii-. containing IM Act s. u eth er with the here-'iitamenis and ap;.u; ; -nances. Taken in eveeittion and to ,f sol 1 at the suit rf Marjrarot Mc.Muiiin and Alexander McMullin, Kxeciitoi-s of .Samuel M Muliin. Alstt. ail the rijfht. title ;;nd interest of A. O. Fry. Ceoi-ire liuerr and William Iloiznep, of. in and to a piece- or pureel of Land sitmite in ,Sus- quei'.anna township. Cambria couatv. aujoitiimr I T T5 . i .. r;i. a nv i laud ,f Jacob johnst u. north, ca-f. .u( h and t Lamp Earners, Vvick and CMdiccvs Pjitn'i Anli.Dnit HEATING and COOKING STOVES, EXCELSIOR COOKIXG S7VVES. NOBLE, TRIUMPH and PARLOR COOK ING STOVES, And any Cooking St'-ve desir.l I will get when ordered at manufacturer's prices. Odd Slove Plates ar.d Giates. &c , fur re pairs, on Land for the Stoves I sell ; others will be ordered when wanted. Particular atttbtion given to Spouting, Valleys and Conductors, all of which will he made out of best matu ruls aad put uj by competent woikuien. clothes, ami a w hite shirt, and a blue biou-e. and drab drawers, and a velvet vest, and a pair of pants, and a nice neck-tie, and self-adjusting- j suspenders, and a useful umbrella, and a tip-top ; trunk, a. id after payiiur fortlieinail on can ; eo j our way rejoicing-, with Murpby'o blessing- 1 IIov,- a ia: II at ? Tla e yon heard how hats s have been h.irie.l headlong from hideous hih 1 prii-es do v.-ii to almost not it in r at ail by the com- petition of Cohen & Hrother, at Cohens' Hat ! Parlor. No. Main street, Johnstown t Cohens j can et it; t l-nl lii.. i'o.icii-i-t.-i 'S tii tn-tii'l (Mhri-ai'i- ors and compel compel common compensation. 1 his firm tuts t. c rust stock in the market, and keep luily biipplied with the very latest styles. Pay tLc-ra a visit NTO.F.l'.Oii:'N J ATII inTIS' SVRC1', nscd in all ea.ses instead of Pills. Li'Som Salts. (.'AsidU ( in., Ac. iliirt.!' Havored. I'leasant to take. Children like it. Price 3 O cents. Whole sale. It. K. Ski.lkiis - Co., 4"j Wood Street. Pitts burirh. Sold bv beaimoii A; Mmray, Kbenbnrir, and by Driiirifiats aad Country Store-keepers i ircnra!ly. Uur.e 10, lsOJ.-ly. i ?I A Ii Jt 5 Ii I) . Ma YEit Sen i.oss'1 a In Chic.-.-ro, 111., on Sunday last. Ilith inst., by P.-v. Aoler. Mr. M. II. Mayor, of Johnstown, to Mias Carrio Schlos uinn, of the former city. i) 1 1: d . Z.uiM.-In this place, on the 15th inst., Edith Frances, infant daughter e f .lames H. and ilut tie A. Zahm. ajred 4 nionthsand 17 days. '"L''-r sin could b!i.rht or sorrow- fade, I) eat li -am with liiend'y care- The (.penir.fr bud to Heaven conveyed. And bade it blossom there."' li K) ILli 1'Uli c.Li. X bf fi.jrci.antj- ' 1 . !, at Leretto. row in the occupancy of Jr. i'eii.v Ii"ck, is oiVered for sale on aeeoin-ntoibiting- tenia. -If not s-! I previous to the ilOlh dav of Murcla ueit, it will then heoliered for ront. P. H. SUlELUci. Lorctto, Feb. 13. lS71.-.!it. F. P. TIUI'.NF.Y JAM1S.MLL. F AW am COLLECT ION OFFICE ERNEY &, NULL, I'olonnds? Hon, i;sej:Hbi rg, Pa. S "!?" Special attention paid to eo! lections in all parts of the United States. H-lS-'TL-tf. T I w I'm, eonrainiti- .s Acres, more or less, iiftvinjj j thereon erect.-i a one and a half story L Kout-e i and a Pi-irik Stable, now in the occupancy of j Thomas ltenino-er; a ste-am Saw Miil and a one , eterj- I'h-ik ilous. now not occupied. Also, a j piece or parcel of Land s!s:iat in SuseuehMiina I townshio. Cambria county, adjoining laud of i Jacob Juhtistn. Doti-iass it Kir.ports. and I others, eontainintr ;VI Acre", more or less, unim jiroved. Taken in exeeution au i to be soli at the suit of F.. 11. C, imp. -l. all the ri;rht. title and interest of Kliza It. Lemon. Adm'jc of K. M. Lemon, dee'd, f , in and to a piee or parcel of Land sirui'to in Washington tn nship. Cat:'l'i-;a court tv, a.iioi.i Iii lands of M. M. Adam.-,, Heirs of Kdw. Don aldson, dee'd. and ot tiers, containing- :V;t A'-rcs. more or le-. haviuu- thereon a Coll! 'Link km! rs to eonie down to I Hoppers, not used ar present, and hav in v there on erected two Jenant Houses, one and a half story each, now in the oceupanty of Joseoh Itoland and John McQuillan. Taken in execu tion and to be sold at the suit ol M. M. Adams, A. Uiirbin r.n l Wm. Caila, ivaZiztz Adams. Cailan i; Co. Also, all the riirht, tiUe r.ni interest of Ben jamin Andrews, of, in and to a piece or parcel of Land situate in Allegheny township. Cum bria county, bounded by Township r...id. ad .ioiniu.u' lands of M. Leavy. dee'd, A. J. Christy, Francis Brothers, and others e ntainiior To Acres, more or les. about il Acres of which are cleared, having thereon erected a two story Lojr House and a Ln- Parn. now in the oi-eu-paiiey of M. K'-Kenrode. Taken in execution anil to be sohl at the suit of Margaret McMul lin and Alex. McM uliiu, lix ecu tors of Samuel MeMtillin. decca-e l. AZt, all the rio-ht, title and i.iter.-st of Sarah Ann Ferry, ffori'i.-rly Sarah Ann Purtnott.l or. m and to a Lot of Ground situate in V ilmore borough, Cumbria county, front ins-on Locust Street on the ear. Chiiri-'u street on the south, and the Old Portage Rail Houd on trie noi-rh. i sa:d Lot beiiiif irianyiiiar in shape, havinir thereon erected a two story Plank llou-e and a bekeoven, now iu the occupancy of George Perry. Taken in e kciii i. u und tube s;ld ct the suit of William 11. Gardner, F.veeufor of Hannah Lloyd, dee'd. v. ho sun i ve-d G. L. L!ov. Al;. all Cue risffir. titleand interest of Iiavid Ft. Jones, of. in and to two Lois of Ground situ ate in we.-t waird. I'.'.h -nsburx: boi ouirh. Can-.tu ia county, fronting 1:L' feet ou HiL'h street on the liorlh. runi.inir baeic feet, alonir Mary Ann street -n the east, to Lloyd street, aionir i.loy.i strei.-t on the souiii. ad.'oiriinir lot of Pnhaid Tudor on the west, having ther-o:i er . ted a two story Frame House i.nd a Fivnie Sa"r-1". now iu the o.-i Uj aney of iiavi-.l It. .Inne.,. Ta ken iu e.vc-eutioii and to bo soid at the suit. ;' Bichard Bennett. Al4-. a'.l the riht. titio and iatoret or Ilon ry Lckold. of, in and to a pif eor pan el of land sit uiitr iu Bhtckliek township. Cambria county, adjoining- binds of Janu s 1 -unean. Sr.m'l Ihul- uer, iuzaoetn iMrkpatrick, ;.loore ,- rir r, an vrilCI.FSAI.E OR P.r-TAII- I would call particular alter.tii u to tlie Light Iloti.-e Burr.er. with Gla.-s G.ne, for giv'.g mote liaht than uny other in tise. Also, the Paragon Builit, for Crible Oi!. SUGAR KETTLESXND CAULDRONS of al! Bizc-a constant v on baud. Special attention given to Jobbi ng in Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron. at lowest possible rates. Wholesale Merchants' Lists iiotr ready, ar.el will be sent on application ty uu.il ci in person IIoj iliK to see nil my o!l cttHtoruerB and many netv ones this Spting, I rturn my most sincere thanks f.?r the very literal pa trotiae I have already reteivec!, Rnd will endeavor to please ail who n.ay ca'.i, wheth er they buy or not. FRANCIS W. HAY. Johi.tftowE. March 7. 1807. GOOD NEWS! j The undersisrnrd, having reeei ed and o;.ei:td l u sj iei:;.! ass-. rtu.eMt of Fall and Winter Goods, ; coiisMinjr of Clet'is, Cas-iii.er -. Sutinetts, I Tweeds, .b ans. Waleri'ro.f. Iiress Gooils .f all kiln!, such a French Merim s. Alpacas. Lustres, ; jl'-'aiiK s. Ann tl res. Prints. Ac. Ac. Al'o, p u - eivlif" Viirie'y of Shawls. Veils. Gloves. Hosie j ry and Fancy Artii its lor Ladies' v tur, toffcth j e r w it n a cLmice stock of MADE-UP CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. ; Hoots, Shoes and hel-l-crs; a fii'I f:s-s;rtnieiit ot" FIIF.SH C.HO FPilliS: Hardwuri:. ;u- tis j ware. live Studs. Patent Me lii ines. Ac. ; CAH j PI.TS. 0"iL;LO.i'HS. and ail other articles of i t::.-re'r.aiidise ustiuiiy kt pr. in a t ou at ry .store, j All these jroo ls we piede our word to SELL AT VEKY LOWEST i'L'ICES, orhers, ee.ntaininfr ninety-one ii) :u:r-s. more j Bi:d are detcrmir.ed to pive as good bargains as or less, about sn teen il-.i acres of which are ', any dcr.ler in town or count rv7 TV" OTIC K OF IMSSO ' iait:ieisi;ip lierctofor SOLUTION'.-The re- existiiie between the uni'.orsi'-.ie-i. as ':iirner A Little, in the Lumber and Phming- Mill business, has been dissolved by mu r oa! e-o.isent. Tiie business w ill hereafter butonducted by John Wnncr a'.r., who is authorized to settle up the business 0f the late rirm. jKjii V if r;.VL7.', ). C. L11TI.E. Cbc-st SprififtS, Feb. S, i?Tl. t2-lS.-3t.l 'Oil KENT The lame and comfort li area, haviuir thereon erected a sini'li rnnue I House ami a Loir Stable, not now occupied. i Taken in execution aud to be sold it the suit of ; j . .ii.ii.re x son. Altto. all the rihr, title.ind iniei-esf of Nich olas Nasrie. of, iu and to a Lot of Ground situ ate in C.i,-r.iltiwn borough, Cumbria e-tuinty, fron'lciif fii feet on Lst. Mary p streer, and ex-r-ml:iiir back 2.i feet to an ailey, adjoin iujr lt.-t of iiobert Campbell on the- north and an nlk-y on the south, having thereon erected a two story Frame House I'lela Frame Suable, now in the occupancy ef the said Nicholas N'M.e. Trken in oxr cutiou aud to be soli at tho suit of David Brawler. Abo. all the ritrht. (it'sainl inleiost e.f Fran m - at.le .d.t:;sTON Ilocsn known Jf.y oi? McConnt II. of. in and to a piece or p ircei of as "-.', nn),." foru-.ei-ly the rcsi- ir- lan-1 situato in Clearfield townhio, Cambria donee Of Shoemaker, d-c'd. is VS S m02 i count v. adjoining lands of Snr.on Nc-el. ieme- Olte-red for rent. There is also on ' V-t ' iriu Clark, and others, containing t wei:ty-tlve tiie pre-niises and will be lj:r-wl,'rJv:;;;;-J j ciTo acres, more or less, about ten lu m ies of u TttNhMF.vr Ifci'sn, l:5 Acres of j which are cleared, hnvinc- thereon erec ted a All KiuiiTi-Tbis stilduuury sphere of ours, which, according to M illerite proiiheey, va to have been kiK.e-ked into a cocked bat one day last week, still eont imics. to hold its own prct tv well, aud that part of il occupied by the chcao cu.-di store of A.J. Cbri-ty in the bor- j oni of Lorctto, slill continues in the same ohl j jdace. and is as popular a spot for seekers after cne:m Oous oi ait kiiius its any in iiie coniiiy. A jolly chap and a clever one "is Andy, aud lie deserves lots of cu.slomers. Ground, Orchards, ,'c. The Faum adjoining, known as the "Pa vis 3-lneo." and containing ll .1 pi-id, is also otfet vd for rent. Possession will be Kiven on the Knf April. For further in formation upply on the r-!nis's to Mrs. K. S. Afr:.ir, JEa-ccutrf-r. l-.benrbiirvr, Feb. is. l.-tjt- TN THE J Still On It. We are still fighting it out on that, line about Vinroe's ih- bool and shoo store. Well, if he just keeps ou tcllinir people , 1 . .. , 1... 1. .. .. l.i.r i.tn;L- 1.1 I ! Tr- el if .1 Oil i bachelor friend, John B. Hay, of the firm cf I ,.n'i that." he wsrntst.j win custom by Kcllinir Ilav liiothers, dealers in 6toves and tinware, Johnstown, aad consisted of a t.eat wire egg stand, which needs only the c;s to make it serviceable. John is as sure a crop as if his name was Timothy, and if we were a joung lady with a vacant heart (not a hollow one), w wo'il 1 glory iu stuffm;; il with Ilay of that kind, fully assured that it would be no fault of the filluis should we ever bo lelta grass widow. W. 'We :nn I.: i . J -:aaw . . buiuubu irom t-cv k 'UUWlll 1 ., . . lit man .1 . nn vv: "ouuness reach here "1L i Fai,y il'"u"1 ''Hi 3 "quirt on Satardsj next, . reDtre to iy thnt a happier or better Iook- A Hash Stort. The Pittsburgh Leader perpetrates the following toothsome joke at the expense of the "great commercial metropalis"; Out in Johnstown, the other day, one of the inmates of a boarding house was horrified upon finding in his hash a human tooth ! When he disclosed this fearful discovery the boarders held a seeret meeting, during which it was de clared as the solemn convictiou of the assem blage tht the hoarding house mistress had becu guilty of forcing her boarders to practice cannibalism. A committee proceeded at once to a magistrate to have the matter investigated, bo as to ascertain where the wretch procured the dead bodie3 from which she manufactured her bill of fare. While the magistrate was examining the tooth, with hair standing on end, a policeman Stepped up and declared thit the tooth was a false one of his. lie said he lost it the day he kissed the cook up at the boarding house, and she acknowledged that she was making hash at tho time. The land lady says she will make that cook wear a cast iroii muzzle after this when she is at work. DaAKEMAS Killed. A brakeman named James Urady, employed on the Middle Divi sion of the Pennsylvania Railroad, was ki'led in the Yard, at this place, oa yesierdar morn ing, about eleven o'clock. lie had been in the employ of the Railroad Company in the Yard, at llarrisburg, for some time past, but when h met the grim monster Death was ma king his first trip through on the Middle Divi sion. His train, the fourth slock, had beeu made up. and was about to leave for the F.ist, when il is supposed that he fell off the train and was struck by oneof the trucks and thrown between the tracks, breaking his neck and otherwise injuring him kitcrnally. Ilia body was conveyed to tho "ded house," aud the Coroner being notified, summoned a jury and held an inquest, rendering a verdict iu accord ance with the above facts. Sir. Brady was about 30 years of age, and h.ts a wife residing in Harrisburg, to which place his body was subsequently forwarded for interment. Alt. Tribune, 15tu. cheap, it ouclit io eto us iuucu pii as 11 nc ntmsci f told it. The best way. however, is not to bet to hiifh on either of us. but iro to the new store in tin? Cambtia House ami eee what is to be seen in the way; of boots, shoes, gait ers, etc., for yciiugiiiiil old. "The Pight MAx," Ao.-C. T. Koberts has been chosen Chief liirector of the new lire en pine that is to be, but the appointment will not interfere in any way with his chief direc toship of the la rye and fully stocked clock, watch, jewelry, notion and periodical store over which he presides with such grace and dignity. Cham- will run w ith the m icbine, of course, but ho will nevertheless continue to run his line establishment ou the same liberal principles as heretofore. A New Fra. A neighboring county paper talks about the sale of heating stoves ut re duced prices as being a new era in the history of a certain village "down that way; but up h-re such an event is accepted as u matter ol course, although it may be a little on the new ero style- to say that Ger.rge Huntley is run ning o'iit articles of that kind ut u reduction on reduced pricos that savors ve-jy much of giving them awaf. How id the time to buy heatiug stoves. The Altoona correspondent of the Pitts burgh Leadei tells about a German named John KraufT. living near that city, who, on Monday night last, mistook and partook of a bottle of oiiolic acid under the impression that it was medicine, and came very neur "handing in his checks" on the head of it. Medical ai l and the proper antidotes, however, saved him. Bill Vi-.tokd. We understand that one of our citizens received a telegraph dispatch on Fiidav announcing that Gov. Geary has vetoed the bill extending the junsdiciion of the Dis trict Court of th'w couuiy. It is also rumored that the Governor has appoiuted Cyrus Elder, E.-q , President Judge ol said Court. MtLTiS. Polling mills prist mills, saw mills, coffee mills and other mills are pb'ntilulty seat tered over our countv, but ot mercantile Mills we have only one, and he keeps a flour und feed store on High street, und. not only Hells the best Hour ami tee. I at lowest prices, but keeps tho be.st patent lamp that was ever invented. Time -There is a time for nil things, hnt tho time of all times for buying cheap goods at V. ; Uarker's popular cash store is just now, for lie has a tine stock of seasonable gootls which ho wants to exchange for cash, and will give great odds to cash customers iu tho dicker. Give Vallio a call. rsTTtewaro of counterfeits in purchasing H ill's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewe-r. '1 he genuine has a private revenue stamp, throe m ches Ion, with likeneee of Dr. Hali.upon it, ver the cork. OUI'llANS' COURT OF '- CAMl;KIA COFN TV. Notice is hereby giv en that tlie ioliowin Appraisement of certain Personal Property of decedent, selected nitd set apart for the widow of an intestate under the Act of Assembly of 1 HI; ef A pril. 1X.11. has been tiled in the K lister's Oftlce at Lliensbura-, and will be presented to the Orphans' Court for ap proval on VI ertjieselny. Dlh !ay of Mareli next, to wit : The in-, eiiiory r.f the goods ami chattels ap praised and set apart for .lnu Doyle, widow of Jam's Dovle, late of Allegheny township, de ceased -$i(J0. Gt'O. TP. OA TMA .V, CVrt O. C. Clerk's Offiee, iibenaburg, JTeb. 11, iWl. -5r man .if ul for past iavors, we r. ope to mer it a e-oi-.tiniianee and increase of puMic patrou sge in ti c futnro. P. U. sHIi-LDi A SON". Lorctto, l'a.. Nov. 3, ls'.u.-tf. "V one-and-a-half story Loir Hoi;::e, now in the oc cupancy oT Francis M Cornell. Taken in exe cution and to be sold nt suit of John p.: ndlcy. Also, all tlie rerht, titlean i interest of C:tth ftrir.e Nirixil of. in and to a piece or parcel of land Situate iu Carroll tow nship, Cambria on uu ty. adjoining lands of Andrew Youir, John Kirsh. and oihers, eoiitair.in.!- eighty eo ares, more-or less, about -rrs cleared, having thereou e-rected a twostorv 1'latik l!oi:-e:-.nd a j Log Ifcirri. now iu the oecupancy .f John Nitz ; oil and John Nit.ell, jr. Taken in e-xe-eution ' and to be sold at the suit of V-nrv TI pp!e. I Aiso, ail the rur'nt. title ami interest of Jehn i ' Nit.ell. of, ia und to a pi.-ee or parc-l of '.and i I situate iu Carroii township. Cambria eounrv, j i adjolninif lands of John Iir!i. 1-wi Fid-nri'rds. j j and others, eontaininir ll Acres, more or !-;. about l.'O Acres of which are cleared, having j thereon erected a Log Hoiis-j end a l,n-,' IS-irn. J now m t he cteeup.incy of .John N it?.e!l and john t Nitell, jr. Taken in execution aud to heboid at the suit of Jacob I'ib. i A lo, all tlie right, title and interest of David j IPirkhart. of, in aud to a piece or parcel of I .and j siuate in Snsijuehamia township, Cambria county, adjoining- lands or iofendanr. .Mary Ann Cowan. Michael Piatt, and others, contain ing ninety-seven C.Cl m-i'i-s, more or less, about three ioi acres f.f which are eb-arf l. now in th--? mm Fiipi mmi WM. P. PATTON, Mnnufucturci ami Dealer ii ALL KINDS OF CABINET FUEHITUP.E 13 O end I .", 3 Clinton Street, j cuss i o ?r.v, r. . AVE haif;5, Y ocd Stat HAins, KlTiIIKN l rit-MUKE, Pro LoiMirs, Matthews es. Til k-a-1ki ; .s, F.XTfcNSION TArl.SS. LlMSU T.."LE5, I I'liOAKDS. e., 4c. , Ac.. Ac, ic, Ac, &o. iksckii-tio or SCHOOL AND HALL FUHNITURE made to c-rocr in eieeiU-nt style and at fair price. ubinet and bairn. ,s keis' materials o all kinds for sale. I :'uri.i: ore delivered at r.ny p int in Johnstown or ut H-nlro-id Stson lre of e xtra i-haijje. WM. P. 1'AiTGN". Johnstown, ect. 1J, l?70.-tf. EVE RE TIIE MEMORY OF I'MEXDS DEPARTED ! r.rr.r..r. liLOSTtAPS, Y ASHS1ANDS, Sill UUO Aims. IIAMUKK Sl-JS, I' A 11 l.OH Sr.T.S, XV AKOl:tI5ES, B J'.JK -VSE, L L".v ;v:-. i-o., Ac, Ac, Ac, A EVLTtV TAi IIAR1 F FARM M CA R nRFTTn FOR SALE. . .. , ... m oeenpanev of David Purkhftrt. Taken in ?se- lr.e sunsenoer oners lor si.ie on iair teriur. (.,ltil)n Hn.t to be sold at the suit of Jehu J. Krise. M. i. Also, all the right, title anl interest of Jarr-s Burk, of. in and to a piece or parcel of land sit uate in Summer!, i!l township. Cambria county, roi.ioining lands of James Mee-eotrh, Christion Sinav, and others, containing twelve (1:b acre, more or iss, e!.-.irei. Taken in execution and to bo sold at tiie suit, of Jeremiah Mttiioiiile. H . JiOXAt hCF.li. Sf.rfif. ShcrifT's Office, Lbcnsburtf, l eb. 10, LS71.-2-13. nnd easy payments, t Int inosi tle.-irable and ex eelleut h'AHM reeentlv oecui-ied bv him, r.d joining the Worougli ef Loret lo, o lUtaining 14G cre liKJ.-ltTM of w hich ar3 in a good stuto of cultivation antl tlie balance well t imbercd. There is a comfortable tJixic. a good li trn, and an e-.eeilent Oixhayd on the premises; also, au abr.ndauce of pure irattr. It is a desirable pro perty, bi-iiutif ullv loeate!,und is convenient to churches, schools, market, etc. Title indispu table. For terms and other information apply to ol-address A. WALTtSi'S, Feb. ltf.-tf. Carrolitmcn, CcmbrUt Co., Pa. "V ALU ABLE IiEAIa ESTATE FOR SALK. The undersigned F..xecutor3 of M. Lf.avv, lS'i-, late of Loret to Horough, dee'd, olfer at private sale, on accommodating terms, A FINS TRACT OF LAND in Allegheny township. Cambria county, situa ted on" the road leading to St. Augustine ami obout one mile from Lorctto, containing 7 1 Acre-, fullv l Avrr being cleared, well fenced, well watered and in a gool state of cul tivation, uud having a first rate Log Hank Harn thereon erected. The balance of the land is covered with chestnut, oak, sugar, and other valuable timber. For terms and other infor mation apply to either of the undersiirned. MA KG Alt FT I.F.A V Y, Lorctto, AUG. WALTKKS, Carrolltown, Feb. 18.-lf. Executor M. Leavn, effc'J. SSKiNEEVS SALE OF REAL ES- TATK.-There will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in Kbensburg, on Wedui'Milny, tlo l.V f March ui'xl. at J; o'clock, r. m., the followinir described Heal Fstate, to wit: o. I A PIECK OR PARCEL- OF LAND sit uate in Susipjeiianna township, Cambria coun tv, adjoining lands of Francis bearer, and oth ers, contaiiniug Uss HrxuuKU and Iwentv O.nk AcrtKt? and Fovutekn Pehches, about Sixty Aches cleared, having thereon erected a tw o story Dwelling House, a llauk Jiarn, and a Water Saw Mill. . . , . tiThe Farm of 95 Acre-, and the Water Raw Mill, with 2 Acre, will bo offered to purchasers separately and together. No 2 PIECE OR PAUCLLOK LAND sit uate in the Township aforesaid, adjoining lands or Charles Wealiliend. and others, containing Skvesty-Two Acres and One IIi ndkeu anu Eleven PtiicuES, about Tcilo csof which are cleare-d. . it , Tcrtns nf Sate unc-na;r ine iinn-mise money to be paid on delivery of Deed, and the balance in one year, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortffage of the purchasers. JOH1V A. 15LAIK. Feb. 15.-I?t. . Asti'jnte vf Jacob Lxiiher. II. rLANK, M. D., tenders Jus li prefe-swional service's to the eiti7.ens of Ebensburg and vicinity. Ofitec en High street, otiposito the new Congregational church. East Ward. Night colls can bo made at the late rsi 4no of Dr. R. . Bumi, Wo Ward. trnylS-l A I'jnGlSTF.irS KOTICB ! XwSm is hereby given that the following Accounts have been passed and tile-d in the Register's Of tlee nt Ebrtisbnrg, mid will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court of Cambria county for -on:irm-ation and allow ance, on VI riliu'MlK)'. tlc SlU tiny ' 3iarcl next, to wit : The account of Philip Scheft'g. Guardian of Jos. A. Yahner, Catharine" Vahnerand Philip J, yiihner. ininor chiidren of Mic h'l Yahner. tlrc'd. Theseeomi aud linal nceotmt of Paul Yahner, Administrator of Michaed Yahner. dee'd. The tirst and Dual aeeotinr of Kiehard W. ;if tinrs. Administralir of William Gittings, late of 'ambria township, tle--easel. The tirst ami final account of John Flick, Ad miuistrutor f-f all and sincular the goods and chatteN. rights and credits which were of Mary liuck, of Carrollrown. The first and final account of Mary Murray and James C. Murray. Executors eif Michael Murray, late of Can-oil tow nship. deceased. The first and partial account of James Yost and Augustine Yost, Administrators of Jacob Yost, deceased. Tho account of Abraham Plain. Administra tor of Angelnie Johnston, late of the JJorouj;h of Johnstown, deceased. The account of Jacob R. Stull.'o'ne of the Ex ecutors of Joseph Lose, late of liiehland town ship, deceased. The first and final account of F. A. Shoema ker, Guardian of Edward lnirlert. The first account of Frnncis Hoover. Guard ian of Mary Eckaril, a luinor chil l of David Ec kard, deceased. The ee-cond and final account f V. A. Shoe maker, tdtninistrator cum fY.-ifiirnf tiir.ro of John Pitzpatriek, late of Suaiuierhill town ship, decoaw.il. The second nnd final account of .Diguetin Critver. .1 dministrator ot Henry Lloyd, late of Ssiusiuehituna township, eeceaed. ;;'. OATMA X. Iteaittcr. Iiegister's Oilice, Lfcensburir. Feb. 11, loTL-lt. i MONUMENTS, TOMBSTCNES, &c. Tli sutscriher still cenfiiiues lo inannfBeture of the best material and in ihe most workmanlike raanrer, at the Loretto Marblo Works, all kin.l 'of MONUMENTS AND T0MU STONKS. as well as TA II LE and HIT UK A U TOPS, etui all other work, in l is Jir.e. None but the Lest American ai..l Iiul.an Marldo used, ant! perfect sa'.isfactioE guaranteed l all c.ise-.s nt prices as low as like work -cari be obtained in the titles or i Isewiiere. Call and see speciinei.8 aiui jtalpe for yonrselrea as to the merits cheapres-s of mv work. JAMKS WILKINSON. Loretto. M'.rch 12. lSoS.ly. Oie A LARGE LOT OF TWO HORSE SHORT ivn t AND cn hand and for sale by GE0KGE HUNTLEY, Ebensburg, In. TVro'riCK OF DISSOLUTION. The J- partnership heretofore existing Tetwceil the uHlei-sis-neJ in the lititchorlng beisirie-ss at St. Angusiine. Carr.l-iiu county, has this day been dissolved by mutual cousent. Theo.ks tmtf Hecdunts of the firm hiive been letr in the hands of E. It. Duricg-im, Esq., for settlement, anl those indcl'ted are hereby notilied that urompt paycaeuts must be n.a.le if t hoy wish to save cos s. iUVili KVAX, JOHN MONTGOMERY. St. Augustine, Feb. 4, 71. 2 ll.-St.l 7&TQTICE TO LAND OWNKl. Having procured a hi eel list of all warrantee iiaiucs, dates of w iirrmti, atid of th payment of the j atchase tnojie r and tbecamea of" the t ersotts p'.viiie the same, with com plete draft made Iron the otlicial records s.how ir. the locatioa of each tract f laud, I an ptepaitid to procure patesiU fiotii the Land Of fice lor the miner of toi-rt tested !rds, under tr.u Act of Asse-a.Ll.v or tiie0ih of iUr. 1SG4. and the supplement theieto, as reti-iitcd by t!i recent order of the Surveyor flei-evnl. GEO. ?j. UEADK. EbeHaaburfc'.fcfars-li 24. lt-70 -tf. ; riVAY W. O ATM AN & CO.. Arroii- i V-" neys-AT-Law, Ebensburg-. Cambria Co J"a. The collection of uoteu and bills, wbether ! rlue or past due, will receive pT0W attCEOtfa, (1